Matlab Tutorial

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MATLAB - Variables

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  • MATLAB - Variable Names
  • MATLAB - Dates and Time
  • MATLAB - Numbers
  • MATLAB - Random Numbers
  • MATLAB - Strings and Characters
  • MATLAB - Text Formatting
  • MATLAB - Timetables
  • MATLAB - M-Files
  • MATLAB - Colon Notation
  • MATLAB - Data Import
  • MATLAB - Data Output
  • MATLAB - Normalize Data
  • MATLAB - Predefined Variables
  • MATLAB Decision Making
  • MATLAB - Decisions
  • MATLAB - If Statement
  • MATLAB - If…Else Statement
  • MATLAB - Nest If Statememt
  • MATLAB - Switch Statement
  • MATLAB - Nested Switch
  • MATLAB Loops
  • MATLAB - Loops
  • MATLAB - For Loop
  • MATLAB - While Loop
  • MATLAB - Nested Loops
  • MATLAB - Break Statement
  • MATLAB - Continue Statement
  • MATLAB - End Statement
  • MATLAB Arrays
  • MATLAB - Arrays
  • MATLAB - Subarrays
  • MATLAB - Vectors
  • MATLAB - Transpose Operator
  • MATLAB - Array Addressing
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  • MATLAB - Array Division
  • MATLAB - Array Functions
  • MATLAB Functions
  • MATLAB - Functions
  • MATLAB - Function Arguments
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  • MATLAB - Nested Functions
  • MATLAB - Return Statement
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  • MATLAB - Local Functions
  • MATLAB - Global Variables
  • MATLAB - Function Handles
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  • MATLAB - Plotting Error Bars
  • MATLAB - Plot a 3D Contour
  • MATLAB - Polar Plots
  • MATLAB - Scatter Plots
  • MATLAB - Plot Expression or Function
  • MATLAB - Draw Rectangle
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In MATLAB environment, every variable is an array or matrix.

You can assign variables in a simple way. For example,

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −

It creates a 1-by-1 matrix named x and stores the value 3 in its element. Let us check another example,

Please note that −

Once a variable is entered into the system, you can refer to it later.

Variables must have values before they are used.

When an expression returns a result that is not assigned to any variable, the system assigns it to a variable named ans, which can be used later.

For example,

You can use this variable ans −

Let's look at another example −

Multiple Assignments

You can have multiple assignments on the same line. For example,

I have forgotten the Variables!

The who command displays all the variable names you have used.

The whos command displays little more about the variables −

  • Variables currently in memory
  • Type of each variables
  • Memory allocated to each variable
  • Whether they are complex variables or not

The clear command deletes all (or the specified) variable(s) from the memory.

Long Assignments

Long assignments can be extended to another line by using an ellipses (...). For example,

The format Command

By default, MATLAB displays numbers with four decimal place values. This is known as short format .

However, if you want more precision, you need to use the format command.

The format long command displays 16 digits after decimal.

For example −

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result−

Another example,

The format bank command rounds numbers to two decimal places. For example,

MATLAB displays large numbers using exponential notation.

The format short e command allows displaying in exponential form with four decimal places plus the exponent.

The format long e command allows displaying in exponential form with four decimal places plus the exponent. For example,

The format rat command gives the closest rational expression resulting from a calculation. For example,

Creating Vectors

A vector is a one-dimensional array of numbers. MATLAB allows creating two types of vectors −

  • Row vectors
  • Column vectors

Row vectors are created by enclosing the set of elements in square brackets, using space or comma to delimit the elements.

Column vectors are created by enclosing the set of elements in square brackets, using semicolon(;) to delimit the elements.

Creating Matrices

A matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers.

In MATLAB, a matrix is created by entering each row as a sequence of space or comma separated elements, and end of a row is demarcated by a semicolon. For example, let us create a 3-by-3 matrix as −

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Introduction to matlab programming.

Often, a result of some calculation is needed for later use, or perhaps a complicated expression can be examined more carefully if done in parts. Both can be done by the use of “variables”. Variables hold whatever result you put in them by the use of the equal sign ( = ):

  • x=1 creates a variable called “x” and stores the value “1” in it. If one then types “x” in an expression , MATLAB® will use the value stored in “x”, i.e., “1”.
  • Similarly one can define variables to hold anything that MATLAB can calculate.
  • You can easily overwrite a variable with a new assignment: x=2 now the variable x “contains” the value “2”.
  • One can use x as part of an expression: x^2+x-cos(x)
  • Or to create a new variable: y= x^2+7
  • A variable can be a vector (or matrix): A= [1 2 3 4]
  • One can change just a part of A : A(3)= 0

In this last example, we are getting ahead of ourselves by referring to an element of a vector. We will touch on that more later.

Note that you can “hide” important MATLAB functions and constants by defining a variable with the same name: pi=3 will give interesting results later (to remove clear pi ). This is usually not a good idea, so take care before using a nice name like sum , exp , or det , as these are all built-in functions. You can check if a variable is already in use by using the which command:

tells us that pi is a built-in function, while

tells us that Pi is unused. The difference is in the capitalization. MATLAB-defined functions will always use lower-case names (even if the helpfile will show these as all CAPITAL), which implies that you can always avoid collision by capitalizing the fiirst letter of your variable and functions names.

  • Let x=1 and y=2 . Exchange the values of these two variables without specif­ically using ‘1’ or ‘2’ i.e., the exchange should work regardless of the values held by the variables. Hint: You can invent a new variable. Another Hint: Imagine you have misplaced your kids’ breakfast and now Tom’s Cornflakes are in Sally’s bowl and Sally’s CocoPuffs are in Tom’s bowl. You have already poured the milk, how can you fix the problem without throwing away and starting over?
  • Repeat some of the previous exercises using variables.


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How to Assign Multiple Variables in MATLAB in One Line


How to Assign Multiple Variables at Once in MATLAB

MATLAB is a powerful programming language for engineers and scientists. It’s known for its fast, efficient, and easy-to-use syntax. One of the things that makes MATLAB so popular is its ability to assign multiple variables at once. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially when you’re working with large datasets.

In this article, we’ll show you how to assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB. We’ll also provide some examples to help you understand the process. So if you’re ready to learn how to assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB, keep reading!

Variable 1 Variable 2 Assignment Operator
x y `=>`
a b `==`
c d `===`

In MATLAB, you can assign multiple variables to the same value at once using the following syntax:

var1 = var2 = var3 = … = value

This is a very convenient way to assign the same value to multiple variables, and it can save you time and typing.

Syntax for assigning multiple variables at once

The syntax for assigning multiple variables at once in MATLAB is as follows:

Where `var1`, `var2`, `var3`, etc. are the variables to be assigned, and `value` is the value to be assigned to the variables.

For example, the following code assigns the value `10` to the variables `x`, `y`, and `z`:

x = y = z = 10;

Benefits of assigning multiple variables at once

There are several benefits to assigning multiple variables at once in MATLAB.

  • It can save you time and typing. If you have multiple variables that you need to assign the same value to, you can do so with a single line of code instead of three.
  • It can make your code more readable and easier to understand. When you assign multiple variables at once, it is clear that the variables are all being assigned the same value. This can help to prevent errors and make it easier to debug your code.
  • It can be used to create arrays. When you assign multiple variables to the same value, you are essentially creating an array. This can be useful for storing data or performing calculations.

Examples of assigning multiple variables at once

The following are some examples of assigning multiple variables at once in MATLAB:

  • To assign the value `10` to the variables `x`, `y`, and `z`, you would use the following code:
  • To assign the values `1`, `2`, and `3` to the variables `a`, `b`, and `c`, you would use the following code:

a = b = c = [1, 2, 3];

  • To assign the values of the vector `v` to the variables `x`, `y`, and `z`, you would use the following code:

x = y = z = v;

Assigning multiple variables at once in MATLAB can be a very convenient way to save time and typing, and it can also make your code more readable and easier to understand. There are many different ways to assign multiple variables at once, and the best way to do it will depend on your specific needs.

3. Limitations of assigning multiple variables at once

There are some limitations to assigning multiple variables at once in MATLAB.

  • You cannot assign different values to the variables. For example, if you try to assign the value `10` to the variable `x` and the value `20` to the variable `y`, MATLAB will throw an error.
  • You cannot assign variables of different types. For example, you cannot assign the value `10` to the variable `x`, which is a numeric variable, and the string `”Hello”` to the variable `y`, which is a character variable.

These limitations are in place to prevent errors and to ensure that your code is readable and understandable.

4. Examples of assigning multiple variables at once

d = e = f = {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’};

In the first example, we are assigning the value `10` to the three variables `x`, `y`, and `z`. In the second example, we are assigning the vector `[1, 2, 3]` to the three variables `a`, `b`, and `c`. In the third example, we are assigning the cell array `{‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}` to the three variables `d`, `e`, and `f`.

These are just a few examples of how you can assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB. For more information, please refer to the MATLAB documentation.

In this tutorial, you learned how to assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB. You learned about the limitations of assigning multiple variables at once, and you saw some examples of how you can use this technique in your own code.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thank you for reading!

Q: How do I assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB?

A: There are a few ways to assign multiple variables at once in MATLAB.

  • Using the comma operator: You can use the comma operator (,) to separate multiple variable names on the right-hand side of an assignment statement. For example, the following code will assign the values 1, 2, and 3 to the variables `a`, `b`, and `c`, respectively:

a, b, c = 1, 2, 3;

  • Using the cell array: You can also use a cell array to assign multiple values to multiple variables. A cell array is a special type of array that can hold multiple data types, including strings, numbers, and other arrays. To create a cell array, you can use the `cell()` function. For example, the following code will create a cell array that contains the values 1, 2, and 3:

v = cell(3); v{1} = 1; v{2} = 2; v{3} = 3;

Once you have created a cell array, you can assign it to multiple variables using the `==` operator. For example, the following code will assign the values in the cell array `v` to the variables `a`, `b`, and `c`, respectively:

a = v{1}; b = v{2}; c = v{3};

  • Using the `assign()` function: You can also use the `assign()` function to assign multiple values to multiple variables. The `assign()` function takes two arguments: the first argument is a cell array of variable names, and the second argument is a cell array of values. For example, the following code will assign the values in the cell array `v` to the variables `a`, `b`, and `c`, respectively:

assign({‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}, v);

Q: What are the advantages of assigning multiple variables at once?

A: There are a few advantages to assigning multiple variables at once.

  • It can be more concise and efficient than assigning variables one at a time.
  • It can reduce the chance of making a mistake when assigning variables.
  • It can make your code more readable and easier to understand.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to assigning multiple variables at once?

A: There are no significant disadvantages to assigning multiple variables at once. However, you should be aware of the following potential issues:

  • If you are not careful, you could accidentally assign the wrong value to a variable.
  • If you are using a cell array to assign multiple values to multiple variables, you need to make sure that the cell array has the same number of elements as the number of variables you are assigning values to.

Q: What are some common mistakes people make when assigning multiple variables at once?

A: Some common mistakes people make when assigning multiple variables at once include:

  • Accidentally assigning the wrong value to a variable.
  • Forgetting to use the comma operator (,) to separate multiple variable names on the right-hand side of an assignment statement.
  • Using a cell array with the wrong number of elements.

Q: How can I avoid making mistakes when assigning multiple variables at once?

A: To avoid making mistakes when assigning multiple variables at once, you can follow these tips:

  • Be careful when typing in the values of the variables. Make sure that you are not accidentally typing in the wrong value.
  • Use the comma operator (,) to separate multiple variable names on the right-hand side of an assignment statement. This will help you to avoid accidentally assigning the same value to multiple variables.

We hope that this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

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Marcus Greenwood

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MATLAB – Variables

Prerequisite: Getting Started with MATLAB

A variable in simple terms is a storage place that has some memory allocated to it. Basically, a variable used to store some form of data. Different types of variables require different amounts of memory and have some specific set of operations that can be applied to them. The Matlab workspace store all the variables that you create or use during a session. 

Creating Variables

To create a variable enter the name of the variable in the command window, followed by an = operator, and then assign it some values .




variable assignment matlab


  • If you don’t put ‘;’ after the variable name, Matlab will display its content after hitting enter.
  • If you don’t give any name to your variable by default Matlab name it with an answer.
  • By default, Matlab treats all variables as matrices if you write just 1 it will store it as 1×1 matrix.

To display the content of the Matlab variable you just need to type the name of the variable, and it will show its content on Command-Line:



variable assignment matlab

Multiple Assignments of Variables

We can also define the multiple variables in a single line using “;” operator.

variable assignment matlab

Who command

Who lists in alphabetical order the names of all variables in the currently active workspace. To use this command variables should be present in the active workspace and memory allocated to each variable is necessary.


variable assignment matlab

Assigning Vectors to variables

A vector is a one-dimensional array of numbers. Matlab allows you two types of vector: 

  • Column Vector.

Row Vectors are created by enclosing numbers in square brackets separating with either space or comma.

variable assignment matlab

Column Vectors are created by enclosing numbers in square brackets, separating each number with ;(semicolon).

variable assignment matlab

Assigning Matrices to variables

A Matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers. In Matlab, matrices are created by enclosing numbers in a square bracket write each row of numbers with space or comma separate and after each row put a semicolon. The below code will create a 3×3 matrix:

variable assignment matlab

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Define persistent variable


persistent var1 ... varN declares variables var1 ... varN as persistent. Persistent variables are local to the function in which they are declared, yet their values are retained in memory between calls to the function. Code at the MATLAB ® command line and in other functions cannot change persistent variables.

When MATLAB first encounters a particular persistent statement, it initializes the persistent variable to an empty matrix ( [] ).

MATLAB clears persistent variables when you clear or modify a function that is in memory. To keep a function in memory, use mlock .

collapse all

Count Calls to Function

Create the function myFun in your current working folder. Each time you call the function, the value of n increases.

At the command prompt, call myFun three times.

Clear myFun and call it another two times. Clearing the function also clears the persistent variable.

Log Data at Specified Time Interval

Write a function that logs data if at least three seconds have passed since the last log entry. Define logTime as a persistent variable that stores the last time logData wrote to the file.

In a file in your current working folder, define the logData function.

At the command prompt, call logData in a loop. The loop has 10 iterations, and each iteration takes approximately 1 second. Therefore, MATLAB writes 4 values to myLog.txt (at approximately 0, 3, 6, and 9 seconds).

Call the logData function again to append another value.

Clear the logData function to reinitialize the persistent variable. Call the logData function again. This time, the function overwrites myLog.txt instead of appending a value.

Persistent variables are similar to global variables because MATLAB creates permanent storage for both. They differ from global variables because persistent variables are known only to the function that declares them. Therefore, code at the MATLAB command line or other functions cannot change persistent variables.

Since MATLAB initializes a persistent variable to an empty matrix ( [] ), typically functions check to see if a persistent variable is empty, and, if so, initialize it. function myFun() persistent n if isempty(n) n = 0; end n = n+1; end

The declaration of a variable as persistent must precede any other references to the variable, including input or output arguments. For example, the persistent declarations in the following functions are invalid. function myfunA(x) persistent x end function myfunB x = 0; persistent x end

To clear a persistent variable, use clear with the name of the function that declares the variable. For example, clear myFun .

Extended Capabilities

C/c++ code generation generate c and c++ code using matlab® coder™..

Usage notes and limitations:

Persistent variables in the generated code do not share values with MATLAB.

Every generated MEX function has its own copy of persistent data. Each invocation of a particular MEX function reuses values from prior invocations.

In a Simulink ® model, each MATLAB Function (Simulink) block contains its own copy of persistent data. If a MATLAB function that contains a persistent variable is called from two different blocks, the model has two persistent variables. Also, each run of the simulation creates a new copy of the persistent data.

In the MATLAB code intended for code generation, a persistent variable p must be assigned before p is used. The only exception is a check using isempty(p) that can be performed before assignment. You can use this check to make sure that p is assigned before it is used in your MATLAB code.

If the parent function declares a persistent variable, the function must assign the variable before it calls a nested function that uses the persistent variable.

Persistent variables cannot be renamed in generated code. See Reuse the Same Variable with Different Properties (MATLAB Coder) .

The body of a parfor (MATLAB Coder) -loop cannot contain a persistent variable declaration.

The generated code does not enforce order of evaluation in expressions. For most expressions, the order of evaluation is not significant. However, for expressions with side effects, the generated code can produce the side effects in different order from the original MATLAB code. Expressions that produce side effects include those that modify persistent variables. See Differences Between Generated Code and MATLAB Code (MATLAB Coder) .

A handle object that a persistent variable refers to must be a singleton object. See Handle Object Limitations for Code Generation (MATLAB Coder) .

The code generator computes class initial values at class loading time before code generation. If you use persistent variables in MATLAB class property initialization, the value of the persistent variable that is computed when the class loads belongs to MATLAB. It is not the value that is used at code generation time.

In particular, if you use (MATLAB Coder) in a MATLAB class property initialization,'MATLAB') returns true .

See MATLAB Classes Definition for Code Generation (MATLAB Coder) .

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

global | clear | mislocked | mlock | munlock | isempty

MATLAB Command

You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command:

Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

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Matlab conditional assignment [duplicate]

I'm looking for Matlab equivalent of c# condition ? true-expression : false-expression conditional assignment. The most I know of is a = 5>2 , which is true\false assignment, but is there any one line conditional assignment for if condition a=1;else a=2; end ?

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  • 1 Awfully close to being a duplicate of this: if-statement in matlab You may find some of the answers there helpful. –  gnovice Commented Jun 20, 2011 at 14:56

3 Answers 3

For numeric arrays, there is another solution --

works wonderfully in parallel for vectors or large arrays - each item in A gets assigned depending on the corresponding condition. The same line works for:

  • condition is scalar, arrays X and Y are equal in size
  • condition is an array of any size, X and Y are scalars
  • condition and X and Y are all arrays of the same size

Doesn't work gracefully with NaN s. Beware! If an element of X is nan , or an element of Y is nan, then you'll get a NaN in A , irrespective of the condition.

Really Useful corollary:

you can use bsxfun where COND and X / Y have different sizes.

works for example where COND and X / Y are vectors of different lengths.

Sanjay Manohar's user avatar

One line conditional assignment:

This is an example of logical indexing, a > 5 is a logical (i.e. Boolean or binary) matrix/array the same size as a with a 1 where ever the expression was true. The left side of the above assignment refers to all the positions in a where a>5 has a 1 . can do pretty much anything you'd expect with such logical arrays.

reve_etrange's user avatar

  • 2 is it possible to put in an else? - to assign something in both cases? Like: a (b&c) = 1 : 0; –  skofgar Commented Aug 17, 2012 at 8:58
  • 1 @skofgar The only way to that is with two lines: a(b&c) = 1; and a(b~=c) = 0; or a(xor(b,c)) = 0 . –  reve_etrange Commented Aug 21, 2012 at 19:58
  • Wait, I'm stupid. What is the value of b after b = a > 5; ? –  425nesp Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 21:43
  • An array of logical (boolean) values, with each element holding the output of the conditional for the corresponding element in a . Think of it as a binary 'mask' over a indicating where a contains a value greater than 5. Updated with a little comment. –  reve_etrange Commented Feb 20, 2015 at 2:47
  • What does it say? Assign 2 to a if condition is true, else do nothing? –  lolelo Commented Jul 3, 2020 at 15:35

Matlab does not have a ternary operator. You though easily write a function that will do such thing for you:

Phonon's user avatar

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variable assignment matlab


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