Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1

In this chapter of Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 , we first provided of an introduction of what is online supply and inventory is and importance in a business, followed by the different ways and approaches of conducting an inventory.

Here’s the outline of Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1

Online supply and inventory system thesis documentation chapter 1 : project context.

Change is way of life for people in today’s society to cope up successfully with the changing world we must recognize that change. From simplicity to complexity, and from laborious tasks ton an easy click of the mouse.

All these were brought about by the advent of the modern technology, specifically with the invention and advancement of computers. Nowadays, high technology such as computers and other media are now in demand.

They learned to explore and discover something new and tried to solve questions that pump up. Most of the establishments and institutions are using computer programs for business transactions.

Basically as long as people have been around, information technology has been around also because there were always ways of communicating through technology available at that point in time. Companies are now making their systems computerized because using a computerized system will help the company minimize the time and efforts consumed by using manual system.

The current system is still manual that’s why problems occur they lose some of their records, overstock/understock of products, some of their customers delayed in paying their debt, it’s hard for them to monitor their deliveries and also supplies.

The slow process of releasing receipt to the customers is caused by the manual writing of the cashier in calculating the payment of the customer. That’s why proponent proposed the system that will help them in their business.

Agri-Trading Supply and Inventory Management System with SMS notification maintain information about activities within firms that ensure the Supply and Inventory and delivery products of customers. There are times when the information of their client is written in paper, which has a tendency to be lost accidentally in some instances.

Business owners always have problem when it comes in their supply and inventory and to those who does not pay their debt on time that’s why proponents decided to proposed this kind of system to ease of work, and they don’t have to use their manual anymore. They don’t need to waste their time on making reports and inventory because these system provides printable reports.

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Purpose and Description

This system can help the company to avoid overstocking/understocking of products. This system provides a printed receipt as a proof that a particular customer paid his/her payment. Through this system Agri-Trading provide a better quality of service.

The whole study is about how supply and inventory management system promotes fast and reliable information for quicker work.

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : General Objectives

The general objectives of the study is to develop a system for Agri-Trading Supply and Inventory Management System with SMS Notification that provides easier and faster access of every transaction.

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Specific Objectives

2. To improve the accuracy of input it will help the user to avoid mistakes regarding the data that they will give to the clients.

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Scope and Limitation of the Study

The system will cover inputting, searching, updating, printing record, payments, point of sales inventory, deliveries and SMS notification, generates reports and it is easy for them to view the daily sales and also they can manage their employees and supply.

This system has capability to do fast and easy inventory of all the products inside the storage room by looking only in a computer data give by the system. The system has a capability to secure and retrieve a password of admin/user if he/she forgot their pin code.

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Significance of the Study

It is easy for the cashier to process any transactions to the customers where in everything is provided by the system.

3. Delivery Man

The future researchers can also use this study as their sample study guide for their future researches that is also related to their system analysis and design project.

7. Researchers

Online Supply and Inventory System Thesis Documentation Chapter 1 : Definition of Terms

4. Sales – The exchange of a commodity for money. In this study, it refers to the act of selling a product or service in Agri-Trading which involves the cashier and the customer during transactions.

7. System – A collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. In this study, it refers to the supply and inventory of sales in Agri-Ttrading.

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Thesis: Vasectomy: Goals, Practices, and Effects

Editor's note:

Cole Nichols defended his Barrett Honors College thesis entitled, "Vasectomy: Goals, Practices, and Effects" in Spring 2023 in front of committee members Jane Maienschein and Dina Ziganshina.

Vasectomy is one of few widely available methods of contraception for people with male reproductive systems aside from condoms, abstinence, and the withdrawal method, and it is the only one of those options that can be permanent (Amory 2016). The procedure’s prominence has led me to investigate the history of vasectomy and particularly the evolution in vasectomy technique over time. Since its introduction in the late nineteenth century, the procedure has had a variety of impacts on many people across the world. In this research project, I have sought to analyze what the technical evolution of vasectomy reveals about the changing priorities of the medical systems that use it. In particular, I point to ways the eugenics movement’s attempts to control individual reproduction have led to both vasectomy’s efficacy and its restrictiveness.

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Inventory System Chapter 2 Review or Related Literature

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This chapter discusses the related literature and studies which are related to the proposed study.  It consists of review about the related concepts such as Information System, Management information System and Inventory System that may help the researcher develop and understand more their proposed study.

Information System

Shelly, Cashman, and Rosenblatt (2006) defined information system as a system that combines information technology, people, and data to support business needs. According to them, an information system has five key components, which are the hardware and software used, data, the processes performed, and the people involved. Everything in the physical layer of the information system is called hardware. Hardware includes servers, workstations, networks, telecommunication equipments, fiber-optic cables, handheld computers, scanners, digital capture devices, and other technology-based infrastructures.

Programs that control and manage the hardware components and produce the desired information or results are called software. Software can manage a single workstation or global network with thousands of clients. Examples of system software include the operating system, security software, device drivers, and utility programs. Data are raw materials in which are transformed into useful information. Information systems can extract specific information in various locations, such as tables, where data is stored (Shelly, et al., 2006). The building blocks of the information system are the processes. Shelly, et al. (2006) described process as the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve specific results. Information systems are created to provide valuable information to users.

Management Information System

MIS or Management Information Systems “generate information for monitoring

performance and maintaining coordination.” (Key System Applications in the Organization, n.d.) This means that the administration of the company (at any level, meaning top management or middle management) monitors the information coming in and going out from the office through the use of a management information system. Since the company has several branches around, their MIS must give the management (even if an officer isn’t on the main office) the ability to view information flow on all outlets.(

  Inventory System

The following statements given are related to our study about the inventory system which is found very useful for the proponents in making the system.

“It is nearly impossible to overemphasize the importance of keeping inventory levels under control,” Ronald Pachura wrote in an article for IIE Solutions. “Whether the problems incurred are caused by carrying too little or too much inventory, manufacturers need to become aware that inventory control is not just a materials management or warehouse department issue. The purchasing, receiving, engineering, manufacturing, and accounting departments all contribute to the accuracy of the inventory methods and records.” It is little wonder that business experts commonly cite inventory management as a vital element that can spell the difference between success and failure in today’s keenly competitive business world. Writing in Production and Inventory Management Journal, Godwin Udo described telecommunications technology as a critical organizational asset that can help a company realize important competitive gains in the area of inventory management. (

System Monitoring and Maintenance

In order to effectively manage a large scale IT infrastructure environment it is prudent to have standard processes and procedures to deploy servers, and to develop a proactive, end-to-end monitoring system to support the ongoing management and availability of the customer IT infrastructure, including operating systems, databases, and servers, across distributed and host environments.

The infrastructure solutions offer a comprehensive solution that includes monitoring all infrastructure needed to support a customer business need from the infrastructure command center, allowing customers to eliminate most of the ‘day-to-day’ struggles associated with managing a server infrastructure.

Infrastructure’s goal is to always work towards establishing a monitoring system that fully utilizes both the monitoring and technical support roles of staff, providing a more thoroughly developed solution.


Monitoring System

According to Leithwood, Aitken and Jantzi (2001), a monitoring system is defined as a concise description of what should be (objectives) and a process to determine what is (procedural and status report). It is further explained that it is framework within which to select or define, Interpret and use wide arrays of indicators.

On a similar grounds, Fitz Gibbon (1996) cites that monitoring is way of examining quality or performance, largely by the use of indicator focused on outcomes. However by monitoring, it shall generally mean the use of performance indicator not only regularly collected but also being reported back to the units responsible. This definition often uses concepts such as performance, outcomes and feedback.

Greaney and Kellaghan (1996) also consider monitoring as systematic and regular procedures for the repeated collection and interpretation of assessment data of important aspects of the subject understudy.

Inventory Management

In any business or organization, all functions are interlinked and connected to each other and are often overlapping. Inventory management is a very important function that determines the health of the supply chain as well as the impacts the financial health of the balance sheet. Every organization constantly strives to maintain optimum inventory to be able to meet its requirements and avoid over or under inventory that can impact the financial figures.

Inventory is always dynamic. Inventory management requires constant and careful evaluation of external and internal factors and control through planning and review. ( )

Automated Management System

Automated management systems help competitive companies streamline their business systems. Automated software can eradicate many tedious and time-consuming business tasks, making business management more effective. Advantages of an appropriately selected and correctly used automated management system include control over processes, clearer visibility of operations, supply chain streamlining, and more efficient information storage and recall. Such systems also can help a business increase efficiency, keep staff accountable, increase customer service, and bring greater value to the business.

The dashboard viewing capabilities of most automated systems can help management quickly obtain a clear picture of operations by allowing instant access to quality management information, personnel updates and informational statistics.

Often in competitive industries knowledge is power, and access to information databases and libraries can help provide this power. Management information systems provide immediate access to historical and real-time data to help increase effective management. Programs are composed of hardware and automated software and have the capacity to compare data from all necessary departments. They usually are designed to archive, backup, and manage all files and documents as well.


  Technical Background

City Engineering Office has three divisions which include Architectural Planning, Survey, Estimates and Programming division, Construction division and Motor pool and Equipment Maintenance division.

Motor pool and Equipment Maintenance Division is in-charge of receiving job requests from the department heads and barangay captains. Its job is to make sure vehicles are well maintained in order to keep the flow of transactions well-going.  It is also responsible in storing spare parts needed for the maintenance of the equipment. It has twenty three employees and one storekeeper for equipment inventory and other system.

Motor pool inventory of spare parts is done manually. It uses an inventory sheet wherein all spare parts being withdrawn are listed. All items are in one sheet that made it difficult to trace on how much particular spare part left.

That conflict is a hassle to the work of the storekeeper and other employees especially when they need a particular spare part and it is out of stock, because of the unmanaged monitoring.

Motor Pool Automated Management System could be the solution to that conflict. This provides a well-monitoring of the spare part, so in times of need, it is well-assured that the spare part is available. This could benefit not only the storekeeper but also the employees of motor pool for it lessens time consumption in tracing the available parts and it tracks low stock of spare parts. This improves the performance of Motor pool and Equipment Maintenance division in total.

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