603 Immigration Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 5167 words
  • Icon Clock 23 min read

Immigration essay topics provide a vast field of study, ranging from individual narratives to national policies. These topics can encompass the historical context of immigration, the driving forces behind it, or the sociopolitical implications that it brings to both origin and destination countries. More personal themes can explore the experiences, challenges, and adaptations of immigrants in their new homes. Legal viewpoints can scrutinize immigration laws, their effectiveness, and possible reforms. Additionally, the economic aspects of immigration, such as its impact on labor markets or national economies, offer rich areas for investigation. In turn, some topics, like the role of immigration in cultural diversity or its contribution to globalization, can also be explored. As a result, immigration essay topics open up many hot perspectives, each with the potential to reveal fresh insights into this complex, globally relevant issue.

Best Immigration Essay Topics

  • Influences of Immigration on the American Economy
  • Globalization’s Impacts on Modern Migration
  • Refugees: A Perspective into Their Struggles and Triumphs
  • Migrants and the Cultural Diversity They Bring
  • Changing Immigration Laws: A Historical Analysis
  • The Dream Act: Consequences and Opportunities
  • Immigration Policies: A Comparative Study Between the U.S. and Canada
  • Family Reunification: The Hidden Side of Immigration
  • Implications of Brexit on the U.K.’s Immigration Scenario
  • Effects of Immigration on the Labor Market
  • Nativism and Immigration: Unfolding the Relationship
  • Economic Refugee Crisis: Causes and Solutions
  • Paths to Citizenship: Exploring the Difficult Journey
  • Detention Centers: A Look Into Their Living Conditions
  • Transnationalism: The Evolution of Diaspora Communities
  • Border Walls: Assessing Their Real Impact
  • The Influence of Immigrants on Popular Culture
  • Unauthorized Immigration: Addressing the Moral Dilemmas
  • Language Acquisition Among Immigrants: Challenges and Strategies
  • The Role of Immigration in Technology Innovation
  • Asylum Seekers: Evaluating International Policies
  • Skilled Immigrants: Their Contributions to Host Countries
  • Immigration Enforcement: Analyzing the Militarization of Borders
  • Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism: The Immigrant Dilemma
  • Roles of NGOs in Helping Refugees Settle
  • Sanctuary Cities: Their Role in Immigrant Protection
  • Remittances and Their Influence on Immigrant Homelands
  • Child Immigrants: Addressing Their Unique Challenges
  • Immigration and National Security: Balancing Act
  • Immigrants in Politics: Representation and Influence
  • The Refugee Convention: An Assessment of Its Efficiency

Immigration Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Immigration Essay Topics

  • Impacts of Immigrants on the Healthcare System
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Driving Force of the Economy
  • Migration Theories: A Critical Examination
  • Immigration in Literature: Reflection of Social Issues
  • Second-Generation Immigrants: Identity Crisis and Integration
  • Aging Immigrant Population: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Human Rights
  • Immigration Reforms: Lessons From the Past
  • Diversity Visa Lottery: Pros and Cons
  • Expatriates: Exploring the Reverse Immigration Trend
  • Female Immigrants: Unraveling Their Unique Experiences
  • Immigration Debates: Analyzing Media Representation
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Crime Rates
  • Roles of Trade Agreements in Facilitating Immigration
  • Immigration and Urbanization: Interconnected Phenomena
  • Mass Migration Events: A Study of Causes
  • Discrimination against Immigrants: Unveiling the Reality
  • Brain Drain vs. Brain Gain: Analyzing Immigration Patterns
  • Immigration Policy and the Tech Industry: A Symbiotic Relationship?
  • Health Disparities Among Immigrant Communities: A Deep Dive
  • The Phenomenon of Aging Out: A Challenge for Young Immigrants
  • H-1B Visa Controversy: Impact on Immigrants and Industries
  • Analyzing the Concept of Dual Citizenship in Immigration
  • Undocumented Students: Obstacles to Higher Education
  • Impact of Immigration on Population Aging
  • The Psychology of Displacement: Coping Mechanisms Among Immigrants
  • Refugee Resettlement Programs: A Global Overview
  • Public Opinion on Immigration: Shaping Policy and Politics
  • The Role of Education in Immigrant Integration
  • Deportation Dilemmas: Family Separation and Its Aftermath
  • Refugee Camps: A Detailed Study of Life and Survival
  • Immigration Narratives in Cinema: A Reflection of Society

Interesting Immigration Essay Topics

  • Examining the Plight of Stateless Individuals
  • Migration Due to Environmental Disasters: A Rising Trend
  • Policies to Encourage Immigrant Entrepreneurship
  • Religious Persecution as a Cause for Immigration
  • Societal Impacts of Forced Migration: A Closer Look
  • Immigration and the Housing Market: A Complex Interaction
  • Role of International Organizations in Immigration Control
  • Immigration Law and Human Trafficking: An Unseen Connection
  • Colonialism and Its Effect on Modern Immigration Patterns
  • Challenges of Assimilation for LGBTQ+ Immigrants
  • The School Experience of Children From Immigrant Families
  • Assessing the “Melting Pot” Metaphor in the Context of Immigration
  • The Impact of Immigration on Host Country’s Politics
  • The Process and Implications of Deportation: A Thorough Investigation
  • Nationalism and Its Influence on Immigration Policies
  • Employment Rights of Immigrants: Safeguarding Dignity and Livelihood
  • The Evolution of Sanctuary Policies Across the Globe
  • Migration and Food: The Culinary Influence of Immigrants
  • Policies Shaping the Future of International Student Immigration
  • Indigenous Migrations: History, Causes, and Current Trends
  • Impact of Immigration on the Global Demographic Structure
  • Evaluating Immigration’s Roles in Sports Development
  • Social Networks and Their Influence on Immigration
  • The Economics of Illegal Immigration: Costs and Benefits
  • Political Asylum: Case Studies and Policy Evaluation
  • The “Model Minority” Stereotype: Its Impact on Immigrant Communities
  • Understanding Immigration Through the Lens of Social Work
  • The Connection Between Immigration and the Growth of Mega Cities
  • The Role of Art in Reflecting the Immigrant Experience
  • Immigration’s Roles in Fostering International Diplomacy
  • Examining the Intersection of Immigration and Gender Inequality
  • Migration and Social Mobility: Unveiling the Connection
  • The Effect of Immigration on the Spread of Global Languages
  • Displacement Due to War: Consequences and Recovery

Argumentative Essay Topics on Immigration

  • Immigration Policy’s Influence on Foreign Direct Investment
  • Mental Health Issues Among Immigrant Populations: A Silent Crisis
  • Integration Policies: Effectiveness in Promoting Immigrant Inclusion
  • Climate Migrants: Addressing the Emerging Challenge
  • Immigration’s Influence on Fashion Trends: A Historical View
  • The Complex Relationship Between Migration and Terrorism
  • Effects of Digitalization on Immigration Processes
  • Migrants’ Remittance: Impact on Developing Economies
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Public Health Policies
  • Exploring the Phenomenon of White-Collar Immigration
  • The Role of Immigration in Shaping the Music Industry
  • Immigration and Aging: A Critical Examination of Retirement Patterns
  • The Implications of AI and Robotics on Future Immigration
  • Immigration in Post-Colonial Literature: A Critical Analysis
  • Immigration’s Roles in Increasing Diversity in Higher Education
  • Case Study: Effects of the Syrian Refugee Crisis
  • Immigration’s Impacts on Multilingualism in the U.S.
  • The Link Between Immigration and Urban Growth: A Study
  • Immigration’s Influence on Stand-Up Comedy: A Unique Perspective
  • International Students and Post-Graduate Immigration: A Comparative Study
  • Understanding the Role of Transnational Families in Immigration
  • Migrant Domestic Workers: Exploring Rights and Exploitations
  • The Interplay Between Immigration and Foreign Aid Policies
  • Integration Models: The Pros and Cons for Immigrant Inclusion

Persuasive Essay Topics on Immigration

  • The Paradox of Immigration in Populist Politics
  • Migration as a Response to Political Instability: Case Studies
  • The Impact of Immigration on Sporting Events and International Competitions
  • Immigration and the Emergence of Global Cities: An Investigation
  • The Influence of Migration on the Global Art Scene
  • Intersectionality in Migration: The Complexity of Multiple Identities
  • Immigration and the Rise of Ethnic Enclaves: A Study
  • Immigration’s Impacts on the Diversity of Religious Practices
  • Demystifying the Concept of Chain Migration
  • Impact of Immigration on National Identity: A Comparative Study
  • Immigration’s Roles in Broadening the Spectrum of Human Rights
  • The Connection Between Immigration and Changes in Dietary Habits
  • The Influence of Immigration on Election Outcomes
  • Exploring the Benefits of Temporary Migration Programs
  • Immigration’s Roles in the Growth of Film Industries Around the World
  • The Influence of Immigration on Labor Union Strategies
  • Immigration in Comic Books: Depictions and Influences
  • Immigration’s Impacts on the Adoption of Green Technologies
  • The Role of Immigration in the Expansion of Global Trade
  • Immigration and the Shaping of Modern Architecture
  • Impacts of Immigration on Educational Policies and Practices
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Food Insecurity
  • Migration Due to Industrialization: A Historical Examination
  • Return Migration: Exploring the Phenomenon of Circular Immigration
  • Evaluating the Role of Media in Shaping Immigration Perceptions
  • Xenophobia and Its Impact on Immigration Policies

Immigration Topics to Research

  • Cultural Adaptation Challenges Faced by Immigrants
  • The Role of Migrant Labor in the Agricultural Sector
  • Influence of Immigration on Language Evolution and Dialect Formation
  • Intersection of Immigration and Racial Profiling: A Social Analysis
  • Impacts of Immigrants on Innovation in Science and Technology
  • Displaced Communities: The Underrepresented Side of Immigration
  • The Future of Immigration in an AI-Driven World
  • Influences of Immigration on Culinary Traditions and Food Fusion
  • International Relations and Its Impact on Immigration Policies
  • Study on the Relationship Between Immigration and Economic Inequality
  • Immigration and Civil Liberties: A Controversial Discussion
  • Internal Displacement: The Lesser Known Side of Immigration
  • Cybersecurity Risks and Their Implications on Immigration
  • Migration the Phenomenon of Climate Refugees
  • Effects of Political Unrest on International Migration Trends
  • Immigration’s Role in Propelling the Space Industry
  • The Impact of Immigration on Traditional and Folk Arts
  • Integration of Immigrants in Sports: A Sociological Study
  • Analyzing Immigration’s Influence on Global Cuisine
  • The Connection Between Immigration and Global Education Trends
  • Migration and Its Impact on Global Biodiversity Conservation
  • Unraveling the Role of Immigration in Digital Media Evolution

Immigration Opinion Essay Topics

  • Brain Circulation: A New Perspective on Skilled Migration
  • The Influence of Immigration on Comic Art and Graphic Novels
  • Evaluating the Impact of Immigration on Sustainable Development Goals
  • Roles of Immigrants in Reviving Dying Languages: A Case Study
  • Examining the Role of Immigration in Global Sporting Leagues
  • Cultural and Economic Implications of Rural to Urban Migration
  • Migration and Its Impact on Traditional Crafting and Artisan Skills
  • Impact of Immigration on Intercultural Communication: A Study
  • Migration and Its Effects on the Evolution of Dance Styles
  • Unaccompanied Minors: An Untold Tale of Immigration
  • The Role of Immigration in Shaping Television Content
  • Immigration’s Influence on Modern Design and Aesthetic Trends
  • The Impact of Immigration on National Literacy Rates
  • Roles of Immigration in the Development of E-Sports
  • Understanding the Concept of Digital Diaspora in Modern Immigration
  • Immigration: Uncovering the Stories of Olympic Athletes
  • Children Left Behind: The Forgotten Victims of Migration
  • Immigration and Its Influence on Pop Culture Phenomena
  • The Impact of Immigration on Local Real Estate Markets
  • The Nexus Between Migration and Climate Change Policies

Legal Immigration Essay Topics

  • The Role of Legal Immigration in Filling Skill Gaps in the Workforce
  • Strengthening Legal Immigration Pathways for Highly Skilled Professionals
  • Protecting the Rights of Legal Immigrants in the Criminal Justice System
  • Streamlining Legal Immigration Processes for Efficiency and Transparency
  • Contributions of Legal Immigrants to Cultural Diversity
  • Legal Immigration and Its Impact on Social Integration
  • Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Considerations in Legal Immigration
  • Investing in Language and Civic Education for Successful Legal Immigration
  • Addressing Healthcare Access for Legal Immigrants
  • The Importance of Legal Immigration in Maintaining a Vibrant Demographic Balance
  • Legal Immigration Policies and Environmental Sustainability
  • Protecting Legal Immigrants from Discrimination and Exploitation
  • Legal Immigration and the Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Integrating Legal Immigrants Into the Education System for Long-Term Success
  • Legal Immigration and the Preservation of Human Rights
  • Supporting Legal Immigrants in Accessing Housing and Social Services
  • Legal Immigration and Its Role in Strengthening Diplomatic Relations
  • Ensuring Legal Immigration Opportunities for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Legal Immigration and Its Impact on Public Health Systems
  • Enhancing Legal Immigration Pathways for Agricultural Workers
  • Benefits of Legal Immigration for Aging Populations

Illegal Immigration Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Undocumented Migration
  • Understanding the Socio-Cultural Effects of Illegal Immigration
  • Evaluating the Challenges Faced by Immigrants in a Hostile Environment
  • Investigating the Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern Border
  • Examining the Role of Human Trafficking in Illegal Immigration
  • Discussing the Pros and Cons of Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants
  • Unveiling the Implications of Sanctuary Cities on Immigration Policy
  • Dissecting the Link Between Drug Trafficking and Illegal Immigration
  • The Impact of Deportation Policies on Immigrant Families
  • Addressing the Education Gap among Undocumented Students
  • Analyzing the Healthcare Burden of Undocumented Immigrants
  • Uncovering the Psychological Toll of Living in the Shadows as an Undocumented Immigrant
  • The Role of Smuggling Networks in Facilitating Illegal Immigration
  • Examining the Connection between Border Security and Human Rights
  • Exploring the Impacts of Illegal Immigration on Job Opportunities for Citizens
  • Investigating the Impact of Illegal Immigration on Social Welfare Programs
  • Analyzing the Contributions of Undocumented Immigrants to the Economy
  • The Role of Public Perception in Shaping Immigration Policies
  • Addressing the Need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
  • Examining the Influence of Global Migration Patterns on Illegal Immigration
  • Analyzing the Role of Immigration Enforcement Agencies in Controlling Illegal Migration
  • Implications of Family Separation Policies on Undocumented Immigrants

Economic Impact of Immigration Essay Topics

  • Immigration and Entrepreneurship: A Catalyst for Economic Development
  • Exploring the Economic Integration of Immigrants
  • Immigration and Income Inequality: Examining the Relationship
  • Economic Implications of Skilled Immigration
  • Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on Housing Markets
  • Immigration and the Redistribution of Wealth: An Economic Perspective
  • The Effect of Immigration on Trade and Investment Patterns
  • Assessing the Economic Consequences of Immigration Policies in Developing Countries
  • Economic Contributions of High-Skilled Immigrants
  • Immigration and Technological Innovation: A Case Study
  • Economic Effects of Refugee Resettlement Programs
  • Immigration and the Welfare State: Balancing Costs and Benefits
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration on Native-Born Workers
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Job Creation
  • Immigration and Economic Development: Lessons From Global Case Studies
  • Economic Effects of Immigration on Education and Human Capital
  • Assessing the Role of Immigrant Remittances in Economic Growth
  • Immigration and Regional Economic Disparities: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration Policies on Foreign Direct Investment
  • Immigration and Economic Resilience: Lessons From Economic Crises
  • The Role of Immigration in Addressing Population Aging and Labor Shortages
  • Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Analyzing the Effects on Different Sectors

Environmental Migration Topics

  • Environmental Disasters and Forced Relocation
  • The Socioeconomic Effects of Climate Migration
  • Urban Planning for Climate-Induced Migration
  • Indigenous Communities and Environmental Displacement
  • Water Scarcity and Migration in Arid Regions
  • Green Infrastructure and Resilient Migration Routes
  • Environmental Refugees: Legal and Humanitarian Challenges
  • Land Degradation and Its Role in Population Displacement
  • Climate Change and Cross-Border Migration
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Programs
  • Gender Dimensions of Environmental Migration
  • The Role of Education in Climate-Induced Migration
  • Conservation Policies and Their Impact on Local Communities
  • Migration and the Loss of Biodiversity
  • Droughts and Migration in Semi-Arid Regions
  • Climate Refugees: Economic Opportunities and Challenges
  • Environmental Migration and Cultural Identity
  • Climate Justice and the Rights of Displaced People
  • Sustainable Development and Migration Planning
  • Ecosystem Resilience and Migration Patterns
  • Impacts of Deforestation on Indigenous Migration

Historical Perspectives on Immigration Essay Topics

  • The Bracero Program: Labor Migration from Mexico to the United States
  • Angel Island: Chinese Immigration and Confinement in the Pacific
  • Irish Potato Famine: Catalyst for Irish Emigration Waves
  • Dust Bowl Migration: Environmental Factors and Internal Displacement
  • Immigration Act of 1924: Restricting Migration From Eastern Europe
  • Refugee Crisis: Analyzing Global Responses to Displaced People
  • Indentured Servitude: Early Forms of Immigration Labor Systems
  • Operation Wetback: U.S. Government’s Response to Undocumented Migration
  • Trail of Tears: Forced Relocation of Native American Tribes
  • Guest Worker Program: Temporary Migration Policies and Implications
  • Holocaust and Refugee Immigration: Rescuing Lives From Genocide
  • Mariel Boatlift: Cuban Immigration and Political Refugee Crisis
  • Great Migration: African American Movement From South to North
  • Contrasting Experiences: Ellis Island vs. Angel Island Immigration
  • Vietnamese Boat People: Refugee Crisis and Resettlement Challenges
  • World War II’s Impact on Global Migration Patterns
  • Underground Railroad: Escaping Slavery and Freedom Seeking
  • Refugee Act of 1980: Reforms in U.S. Policy on Displaced Persons
  • India’s Partition: Migration and Communal Violence
  • Dust Bowl Exodus: Environmental Factors and Internal Displacement
  • Impacts of Colonization on Indigenous Populations and Migration
  • Australian Stolen Generations: Forced Assimilation and Relocation
  • Europe’s Refugee Crisis: Evaluating the European Union’s Response

Immigration and Crime Essay Topics

  • The Influence of Immigration on Hate Crime Incidents
  • Exploring the Nexus Between Immigration and Gang Violence
  • Terrorism and Immigration: An Examination of the Relationship
  • Detention Centers and Criminal Activities: The Impact of Immigration
  • Identity Theft and Immigration: Unraveling the Patterns
  • The Relationship Between Immigration and Juvenile Delinquency
  • Money Laundering and Immigration: A Comprehensive Study
  • Immigration and Domestic Violence: Analyzing the Correlation
  • Intellectual Property Crimes: Exploring the Role of Immigration
  • Weapons Offenses and Immigration: Evaluating the Connection
  • Fraudulent Activities and Immigration: Unveiling the Trends
  • Environmental Crimes: The Hidden Side of Immigration
  • Immigration and Cybersecurity Breaches: Assessing the Threats
  • Exploring the Influence of Immigration on Drug Trafficking
  • Uncovering the Link Between Immigration and White-Collar Fraud
  • Smuggling and Immigration: Understanding the Complex Relationship
  • Corruption and Immigration: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis
  • Hate Crime Legislation: The Impact of Immigration Policies
  • Insider Trading and Immigration: A Multifaceted Nexus
  • Public Safety and Law Enforcement: The Implications of Immigration
  • Immigration and Policing Strategies: Examining the Effectiveness

Immigration and Human Rights Essay Topics

  • The Effect of Border Controls on Family Separation and Human Rights
  • Enhancing Access to Education and Healthcare for Migrants: A Human Rights Perspective
  • The Intersection of Immigration and Gender Equality: Empowering Women and LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Refugees and the Right to Dignity: A Global Responsibility
  • Labor Migration and the Right to Work: Overcoming Barriers and Ensuring Fairness
  • Protecting the Rights of Undocumented Migrants: Balancing Security and Humanity
  • Climate Change and Forced Displacement: Environmental Factors and Human Rights
  • Immigration and Racial Discrimination: Challenging Prejudice and Ensuring Equality
  • International Law and the Protection of Migrant Rights
  • Alternatives to Immigration Detention: Ensuring Human Rights Compliance
  • Addressing Xenophobia and Hate Crimes Against Migrants
  • The Right to Seek Asylum: International Obligations and Domestic Realities
  • Immigration Policies and the Right to Privacy: Balancing Security and Individual Liberties
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Ownership in the Context of Migration
  • Immigration, Nationalism, and the Preservation of Human Rights
  • Protecting the Rights of Migrant Children: Ending Detention and Ensuring Well-Being
  • Labor Exploitation in the Context of Migration: Ensuring Fair Working Conditions
  • Deportation Procedures and Human Rights: Examining Due Process and Protection Against Torture
  • Media Influence on Public Perception of Immigration and Human Rights
  • Economic Migration and Brain Drain: Challenges for Developing Nations and Human Rights
  • Immigration and Climate Justice: Addressing Displacement and Vulnerability
  • The Role of Education in Fostering Understanding and Empathy in Migration Contexts
  • Immigration, Health, and the Right to Healthcare for All

Immigration and Social Justice Essay Topics

  • Challenging Discrimination: Protecting LGBTQ+ Immigrants’ Social Justice
  • Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being of Immigrants through Social Justice
  • Environmental Justice and Its Connection to Immigration Policies
  • Humanitarian Crisis: Exploring the Social Justice Response to Refugee Immigration
  • Strengthening Social Bonds: Building Bridges Between Immigrant and Native Communities
  • Restorative Justice Approaches for Immigrants Facing Social Inequality
  • Racial Profiling and Its Impact on Social Justice for Immigrants
  • Empowering Undocumented Immigrants: A Path to Social Justice
  • Promoting Fair Wages and Workers’ Rights for Immigrants in Pursuit of Social Justice
  • Family Separation at the Border: Ethical Considerations and Social Justice
  • Integrating Immigrants: Fostering Social Justice Through Cultural Exchange
  • Collaborative Advocacy: Grassroots Movements for Immigration and Social Justice
  • Indigenous Rights and Immigration: Upholding Social Justice Principles
  • Balancing National Security and Social Justice in Immigration Policies
  • Intersectional Approaches to Social Justice in Refugee and Asylum Seeker Policies
  • Addressing Health Disparities among Immigrants Through Social Justice
  • Citizenship and Social Justice: Rethinking Access and Inclusion
  • Ethical Responsibilities of Immigration Enforcement in Social Justice Contexts
  • Countering Xenophobia: Promoting Social Justice for Immigrant Communities
  • Restoring Voting Rights: Fostering Political Social Justice for Immigrants

Immigration Essay Topics for Exam

  • Exploring the Effects of Immigration on Healthcare Systems
  • Evaluating the Economic Contributions of Skilled Migrants
  • Ethical Considerations in Border Control and Migration Enforcement
  • Analyzing the Impacts of Migration on Housing Markets
  • The Influence of Immigration on Political Landscapes
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovation among Migrants
  • Assessing the Effects of Migration on Cultural Traditions
  • The Importance of Integration and Language Acquisition for Migrants
  • Exploring the Impact of Migration on Environmental Sustainability
  • Examining the Role of Migration in Aging Societies
  • Challenges of Detention and Deportation in Migration Policies
  • Analyzing the Effects of Migration on Public Infrastructure
  • The Role of Migration in Addressing Demographic Challenges
  • Investigating the Impacts of Migration on Public Health
  • Promoting Human Rights in Migration Policies
  • Assessing Integration Programs for Migrant Communities
  • The Influence of Migration on Gender Dynamics
  • Exploring the Implications of Migration on National Security
  • Addressing the Psychological Effects of Migration on Individuals
  • The Role of Migration in Enhancing Global Diplomacy
  • Examining the Impacts of Migration on Rural Areas
  • Ensuring Fair and Just Migration Systems

Immigration Essay Topics: Job and Education

  • Leveraging Immigrant Entrepreneurs for Job Creation
  • Bridging the Skills Gap: Immigration and Vocational Training
  • Socioeconomic Benefits of Attracting Highly Educated Migrants
  • Protecting Immigrant Workers’ Rights and Ensuring Fair Employment
  • Ensuring Equal Educational Access for Migrant Children
  • Integrating Immigrants Into Higher Education Institutions
  • Cultivating Cross-Cultural Competence in the Workforce Through Migration
  • Challenges and Opportunities of International Student Migration
  • Supporting Immigrant Women in Job Placement and Career Advancement
  • Immigration Policies and Their Impact on Educational Institutions
  • Recognizing Foreign Qualifications for Employment
  • Immigration’s Roles in Promoting Innovation and Technological Advancement
  • Creating Pathways for Migrant Professionals in Emerging Industries
  • Promoting Global Competitiveness Through Migration and Education
  • Empowering Migrant Workers Through Continuing Education
  • Breaking Down Barriers: Promoting Inclusive Education for Migrant Communities
  • Migration and the Changing Work Landscape: Adaptation and Reskilling
  • Education’s Role in Facilitating Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion
  • Addressing Brain Drain: Strategies for Retaining Skilled Migrants
  • The Economic Impact of Migrant Students on Higher Education Institutions
  • Building Stronger Communities Through Workforce Integration

Immigration in the U.S. Topics

  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Migration Policies
  • Assimilation and Integration of Noncitizens in American Society
  • Ensuring Fair and Just Immigration Laws and Guidelines
  • Family-Based Migration and Reunification Policies
  • Immigration and National Security: Striking a Balance
  • Refugee Resettlement and Humanitarian Migration Programs
  • Supporting Education and Skill Development for Migrant Youth
  • Migration and Entrepreneurship: Fostering Innovation
  • Providing Healthcare Access for Immigrant Populations
  • Protecting the Rights and Well-Being of Migrant Workers
  • Migration and Cultural Contributions to American Society
  • Addressing Immigration Backlogs and Processing Delays
  • Border Control Strategies to Combat Irregular Migration
  • Immigrant Integration Programs: Effective Models and Best Practices
  • The Role of Migrants in Strengthening U.S. Communities
  • Supporting Legal Migration Pathways for Highly Skilled Individuals
  • Balancing Migration Enforcement With Due Process Rights
  • Migration and Climate Change: Adapting Policies for the Future
  • Migration and Public Safety: Collaborative Strategies
  • The Impact of Migration Policies on Local Economies
  • Protecting the Rights of Migrant Children and Families
  • Migration and Voting Rights: Ensuring Inclusion and Representation
  • Addressing Language Barriers and Promoting Linguistic Access
  • Enhancing Refugee Screening and Vetting Procedures

Immigration Policies and Reform Essay Topics

  • Empowering Undocumented Immigrants: Pathways to Legalization
  • Balancing National Security and Humanitarian Concerns in Immigration
  • Strengthening Family Reunification Policies: A Human Rights Perspective
  • Reducing Brain Drain: Encouraging Skilled Immigrants to Stay
  • Addressing the Social Integration of Immigrant Communities
  • Modernizing the Visa System: Streamlining Immigration Procedures
  • Protecting Immigrant Workers’ Rights in the Labor Market
  • Combating Human Trafficking through Immigration Policy Reform
  • Investing in Education for Immigrant Children: Breaking Barriers
  • Managing the Economic Impact of Immigration on Local Communities
  • Bridging the Gap: Improving Access to Healthcare for Immigrants
  • Building Stronger Ties: Promoting Cultural Exchange Programs
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship Among Immigrants: Economic Opportunities
  • Reimagining Detention Centers: Humanitarian Approaches to Immigration
  • Implementing Fair and Transparent Asylum Policies
  • Enhancing Language Acquisition Programs for New Immigrants
  • Promoting Diversity in the Workforce Through Immigration Policies
  • Supporting Immigrant Students: Access to Higher Education
  • Strengthening Collaboration Between Immigration and Law Enforcement
  • Promoting Civic Engagement and Political Participation Among Immigrants
  • Addressing the Challenges of Illegal Immigration: Policy Solutions
  • Protecting the Rights of LGBTQ+ Immigrants: Inclusivity Matters

Immigration Speech Topics

  • The Role of Immigrants in Global Peacekeeping Efforts
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Evolution of Modern Jazz Music
  • Immigration: A Driving Force Behind Language Diversity and Change
  • Evolution of Children’s Literature: Influence of Immigration
  • The Relationship Between Globalization and Seasonal Migration
  • Examining Immigration’s Influence on Fashion Industry Innovations
  • Immigration’s Roles in the Diversification of School Curricula
  • Migration and Its Impact on the Cosmetics Industry
  • The Consequences of Immigration for Aging Populations in Developed Nations
  • Immigration and Its Influence on Professional Wrestling
  • The Influence of Immigration on Public Transportation Infrastructure
  • Immigration’s Impact on the Availability and Demand for Affordable Housing
  • Transformation of Stand-Up Comedy Through the Lens of Immigration
  • Influences of Immigration on Traditional and Digital Animation
  • The Impact of Immigration on the Evolution of Podcasting
  • Immigration: Driving the Growth of the Fitness Industry
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Development of Smart Cities
  • The Role of Immigration in Fueling the Demand for Renewable Energy
  • Unveiling the Contribution of Immigrants in the World of Ballet
  • Effects of Immigration on Modern Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Immigration’s Influence on the Evolution of Modern Art Movements
  • Impacts of Immigration on the Innovation and Growth of the Aviation Industry

Immigration Thesis Topics

  • Evaluating the Influence of Immigration on the Popularity of Online Streaming Platforms
  • The Effect of Immigration on Cross-Cultural Management Practices
  • Unraveling the Impact of Immigration on Jazz and Blues Music
  • Immigration’s Influence on the Progression of Modern Sculpture Art
  • Immigration and Its Influence on International Academic Exchanges
  • Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on the World of Contemporary Dance
  • Immigration and Its Impact on E-Commerce Trends and Businesses
  • The Influence of Immigration on the Global Pharmaceutical Industry
  • The Role of Immigration in Advancing Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Migration and Its Effect on the Evolution of Science Fiction Literature
  • How Does Immigration Shape Global Perspectives in Academic Research?
  • The Impact of Immigration on the Globalization of Healthcare Services
  • Exploring Immigration’s Influence on Independent Film Movements
  • Immigration and Its Role in the Evolution of Mobile Technology
  • The Influence of Immigration on the Modernization of Traditional Crafts
  • Examining the Impact of Immigration on the Evolution of Social Media Platforms
  • Migration’s Role in the Development and Spread of Slang Languages
  • Influence of Immigration on the Advent of Contemporary Music Genres
  • Impacts of Immigration on Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Immigration and Its Influence on the Globalization of Comedy
  • Migration and Its Impact on the Popularity of Yoga and Mindfulness Practices
  • Examining the Role of Immigration in the Evolution of Virtual Learning
  • Unraveling Immigration’s Influence on the Transformation of Print Media

International Immigration Essay Topics

  • Assessing the Influence of Immigration on National Identity
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Through International Migration
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime Rates
  • Importance of Humanitarian Aid for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Guest Worker Programs in Global Labor Markets
  • Evaluating the Role of Language Acquisition in Immigrant Integration
  • Ethics of Detention and Family Separation in Immigration
  • Examining Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Nations
  • Challenges Faced by Undocumented Immigrants in Accessing Healthcare
  • Enhancing Social Cohesion in Diverse Societies: Lessons From Successful Models
  • Exploring Psychological Effects of Immigration on Individuals and Families
  • Roles of Immigration in Shaping Political Landscapes
  • Economic Impact of Skilled Migration on Host Countries
  • Integration of Immigrants into Educational Systems: Strategies and Best Practices
  • Analyzing the Role of Remittances in Global Economic Development
  • Understanding Push and Pull Factors of International Migration
  • Implications of Climate Change on Immigration Patterns
  • Intersectionality of Gender and Migration
  • Examining the Role of Diaspora Communities in Transnational Development
  • Influence of Immigration on Social Welfare Systems
  • Promoting Refugee Rights and Protection in International Law

Personal Immigration Topics

  • Family Reunification for Migrants
  • Refugee Resettlement and Its Effect on Individuals
  • Entrepreneurship as a Path in Immigration
  • Educational Opportunities for Migrants
  • Access to Healthcare for Immigrants
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Immigration Experience
  • The Process of Naturalization for Newcomers
  • Advocacy for Immigrant Rights
  • Socioeconomic Mobility in the Context of Immigration
  • Dual Citizenship and the Immigration Journey
  • Balancing Assimilation and Cultural Preservation in Migration
  • Humanitarian Aid and its Impact on Personal Immigration
  • Contributions of Immigrants to Society
  • Social Networks and Support Systems for Newcomers
  • Political Participation and Engagement of Immigrants
  • Skilled Worker Programs and Employment Immigration
  • Immigration Policies: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Exploring Transnational Identities in the Immigration Experience
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Job Creation
  • Addressing Discrimination and Xenophobia in Migration
  • Mental Health Support for Immigrants
  • Housing and Settlement Considerations for Newcomers

Pros and Cons of Immigration: Essay Ideas

  • Health Services: The Pros and Cons of Immigration on Healthcare Systems
  • Security Concerns: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigration Policies for National Security
  • Global Perspectives: Pros and Cons of International Migration on Diplomatic Relations
  • Brain Drain: Benefits and Drawbacks of Skilled Immigration on Developing Nations
  • Family Reunification: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Immigration for Families
  • Environmental Impact: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Natural Resources and Sustainability
  • Labor Force: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigrant Workers on Industries
  • Social Welfare: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigration on Government Assistance Programs
  • Entrepreneurship: The Pros and Cons of Immigrant Business Owners in the Economy
  • Urbanization: Positive and Negative Effects of Immigration on Cities and Infrastructure
  • Cultural Exchange: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigrants’ Influence on Art and Literature
  • Political Landscape: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Voter Demographics and Political Shifts
  • Technological Innovation: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigrant Contributions to Science and Technology
  • Aging Population: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Immigration for Elderly Care
  • Social Services: Pros and Cons of Providing Support to Immigrants in Host Countries
  • Brain Gain: Advantages and Disadvantages of Attracting Highly Skilled Immigrants
  • Border Control: The Pros and Cons of Immigration Enforcement Strategies
  • Social Cohesion: Benefits and Drawbacks of Immigration on Community Relations
  • Remittances: Positive and Negative Effects of Immigrants’ Financial Contributions to Home Countries
  • Housing Market: Pros and Cons of Immigration on Affordable Housing Availability
  • Humanitarian Considerations: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welcoming Refugees

Refugee and Asylum Seeker Essay Topics

  • The Significance of Cultural Exchange Initiatives for Refugee Integration
  • Understanding the Legal Frameworks for Asylum Seeker Rights
  • Promoting Mental Health Services for Traumatized Displaced Individuals
  • Examining the Impacts of Climate Change on Forced Migration Patterns
  • The Role of Technology in Facilitating Refugee Assistance and Communication
  • Assessing the Implications of Detention Policies for Asylum Seekers
  • Understanding the Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Refugees and Displaced Persons
  • Analyzing the Impact of Refugee Policies on Global Displacement Trends
  • Evaluating the Health Disparities Experienced by Displaced Communities
  • The Importance of Family Reunification for Refugee Integration
  • Exploring the Role of Community Sponsorship Programs for Forced Migrants
  • Assessing the Implications of Border Control Measures on Asylum Seekers
  • Focusing on the Cultural Preservation Efforts of Refugee Communities
  • Investigating the Role of Religion in Providing Support to Displaced Persons
  • Addressing the Impact of Refugee Resettlement Initiatives on Host Communities
  • The Significance of Language Acquisition for Refugee Integration
  • Exploring the Challenges Faced by Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers
  • Evaluating the Role of Refugee Entrepreneurs in Host Country Economies
  • Assessing the Implications of Xenophobia on Refugee Integration
  • Understanding the Role of Volunteerism in Supporting Forced Migrant Settlement
  • Explaining the Mental Health Consequences of Indefinite Asylum Processing
  • The Significance of Gender Equality in Refugee Protection and Assistance

Worldwide Immigration Topics

  • Refugee Crisis and Humanitarian Migrations
  • Brain Drain and Skilled Emigration
  • Family Reunification Policies and Migration
  • Immigration Detention Practices
  • Cultural Diversity and Global Migration
  • Human Trafficking and International Migration
  • Language Acquisition in Immigrant Communities
  • Employment Opportunities for Global Migrants
  • Immigration and National Security Measures
  • Education Systems and Immigrant Students
  • Healthcare Access for Migrant Populations
  • Climate Change-Induced Migration
  • Social Welfare Systems and Immigrants
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Innovations
  • Dual Citizenship and Transnational Migrants
  • Urbanization and the Global Migration Phenomenon
  • Labor Market Implications of Immigration
  • Assimilation vs. Multicultural Policies
  • Public Opinion on Immigration
  • Globalization and the Migration Patterns
  • Border Control and Immigration Measures

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100+ Immigration Essay Topics


Table of Contents

Immigration Essay Topics: A Dive into Complex Narratives

Immigration is one of those topics that never seems to fade from the limelight. It’s deeply intertwined with global politics, economies, and the very fabric of societies. It stirs debates, shapes elections, and plays a vital role in determining the future of nations. Naturally, this makes it a popular subject for essays. But what exactly is an immigration essay? And how do you choose a topic that’s both relevant and engaging?

What is an Immigration Essay?

An immigration essay is a piece of writing that delves into various aspects of immigration. It can address the causes and effects, delve into historical events, or discuss policies and their implications. Whether it’s about the hardships faced by immigrants, the cultural implications of migration, or the politics surrounding border controls, the aim is to shed light on a perspective, argue a point, or simply inform the reader.

Choosing Your Immigration Essay Topic: A Quick Guide

Choosing a topic for your immigration essay should be both purposeful and engaging. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Know Your Objective: Are you aiming to inform, persuade, or narrate a personal experience? The objective will guide your topic choice.
  • Research Current Events: Immigration topics in the news will be more relevant and engaging for readers.
  • Think Globally: Immigration isn’t just a U.S. issue. Explore narratives from different parts of the world.
  • Diversify Perspectives: Consider viewpoints from immigrants, policymakers, and local communities affected by immigration.

Immigration Essay Topics Lists

Historical perspectives.

  • The role of immigration in the building of America.
  • Immigration patterns following major world events: A study of post-WWI Europe.
  • The impact of the Berlin Wall on East-to-West German immigration.

Policy and Politics

  • Comparing immigration policies: U.S. vs. Canada.
  • The implications of the EU’s open borders on member nations.
  • Analyzing the effects of the U.S.’ DACA policy.

Economic Implications

  • The role of immigrant labor in the U.S. economy.
  • Do immigrants really “steal” jobs?
  • The impact of immigration on global economies.

Social and Cultural Effects

  • Immigrant contributions to global cultural diversity.
  • The challenges of cultural assimilation for immigrants.
  • The effect of immigration on native population dynamics.

Personal Narratives

  • A personal journey: Escaping war-torn Syria.
  • Dreams and aspirations: Stories of immigrants in search of a better life.
  • Facing prejudice: The life of an immigrant in a xenophobic society.

Controversies and Challenges

  • The ethical debate surrounding child separation at borders.
  • Immigration and its ties to human trafficking.
  • Are refugee camps a solution or a problem?

Future Prospects

  • The future of immigration in a post-COVID world.
  • Climate change and its implications for global migration patterns.
  • The role of technology in reshaping immigration experiences.

Historical Contexts

  • The influence of the Ellis Island era on American culture.
  • How the Gold Rush impacted Chinese immigration to the U.S.
  • Italian migration in the 20th century: Causes and effects.

Policies and Legal Frameworks

  • The evolution of U.S. immigration policies since the 1900s.
  • A comparative analysis of immigration laws in Australia and New Zealand.
  • The consequences of the U.K.’s immigration policies post-Brexit.

Economic Impacts

  • How skilled immigrants boost innovation in host countries.
  • The role of immigrant entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley’s success.
  • Immigration and its correlation with urban gentrification.

Social Dimensions

  • The social dynamics of immigrant enclaves in major cities.
  • Language barriers faced by immigrants and their impact on integration.
  • The influence of immigrant cultures on popular world cuisines.

Migration Patterns

  • South-to-North migration in the 21st century.
  • The influence of political upheavals on regional migration patterns.
  • Climate migrants: The next big wave?

Education and Opportunities

  • Access to higher education for immigrants: Barriers and openings.
  • The influence of foreign student migration on global education trends.
  • Success stories of immigrants in the STEM fields.

Health and Well-being

  • Access to healthcare for undocumented immigrants.
  • The mental health challenges faced by refugee children.
  • The effects of long-term detention on immigrant families.

Refugee Crisis

  • The ongoing Syrian refugee crisis: Causes, effects, and solutions.
  • European countries’ varied responses to the refugee influx.
  • The role of international organizations in managing refugee crises.

Security Concerns

  • Immigration and its perceived links to terrorism: A critical analysis.
  • The ethics and effectiveness of border walls.
  • Balancing national security with human rights in immigration controls.

Integration and Identity

  • The process of cultural assimilation vs. cultural preservation among immigrants.
  • Dual identities: The lives of second-generation immigrants.
  • How immigration shapes national identity in multicultural societies.

Future and Speculations

  • The potential impacts of AI and automation on global migration trends.
  • Space migration: A distant dream or impending reality?
  • Predicting the future of global migration in an era of climate change.

Challenges and Barriers

  • The hurdles faced by LGBTQ+ refugees and immigrants.
  • The role of media in shaping perceptions about immigrants.
  • Navigating through the bureaucracy: The complex path to citizenship.

Personal Tales and Narratives

  • Life as an undocumented youth in the U.S.
  • The diaspora experience: Living between two worlds.
  • From rags to riches: Iconic success stories of immigrants around the world.

Human Rights and Ethics

  • Exploring the ethics of deporting parents of citizen children.
  • The right to seek asylum: Is it being eroded in modern times?
  • Evaluating the human rights practices in detention centers worldwide.

Literature and Art

  • Portrayal of immigrants in modern literature.
  • The impact of the immigrant experience on global cinema.
  • Immigrant voices: A study of Pulitzer-winning works by immigrant authors.

Politics and Power Plays

  • How immigration policies can sway elections.
  • The role of immigration rhetoric in populist movements.
  • Political agendas and their influence on immigrant scapegoating.

Environmental Factors

  • Analyzing the link between global warming and migration.
  • The plight of Pacific Islander climate refugees.
  • Predicting the major environmental migration routes of the future.

Technology and Migration

  • The impact of the digital age on the immigrant experience.
  • How technology is reshaping borders and immigration enforcement.
  • Virtual diasporas: Online communities and their role in immigrant networking.

Labor and Workforce

  • The relationship between global corporations and migrant labor.
  • Immigration’s role in fulfilling skill shortages in developed nations.
  • The pros and cons of temporary worker programs.

Cultural Phenomena

  • The rise of fusion cuisines: An outcome of global migration.
  • Immigrant influences in global music trends.
  • How major festivals around the world celebrate immigrant histories.

Gender and Family

  • The unique challenges faced by immigrant women in patriarchal societies.
  • Family separation: The long-term impacts on children.
  • Transnational families and maintaining connections across borders.

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Useful References:

  • The Migration Data Portal
  • Pew Research Center’s Immigration Reports
  • The UN’s Refugee Agency Resources
  • Migration Policy Institute Publications

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Immigration - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Immigration refers to the movement of individuals from one country to another, often in search of better opportunities or to escape adversities. Essays on immigration could delve into the various causes of immigration, its impact on host and origin countries, and the policies governing immigration. Additionally, discussions might extend to the experiences of immigrants, and the global debates surrounding immigration and asylum. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Immigration you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


The Effects of Illegal Immigration

Introduction Immigrants from all over look to the United States' as a possible new home in hopes at a chance at a better life. The United States is seen as a chance for economic prosperity and as an escape from a life of many disappointments and fears, so many immigrants will do whatever it takes to get themselves and their families here, even if it does include breaking the law. The United States' population includes approximately 43.7 million immigrants, which […]

Cons of Illegal Immigration

Millions of immigrants come to the United States. Illegal immigration has been an ongoing issue for many years. They may come here for a better life, job opportunities, better life, and many more reasons. These undocumented immigrants leave everything they have at home to come here. They risk a lot. They come for the better for themselves and their families. These immigrants come here for a purpose whether financial issues or the better. Many come for better education and job […]

Prejudice Towards Illegal Immigrants

Thesis: The Illegal immigrant are sometimes judged as harmful people who come to America and destroy this country. However, most of them are very hardworking people looking for a better life to support their families. Illegal immigrants come to the United States to keep their families safety Immigrants contribute to the United States workforce About 90 percent of undocumented immigrants in the nation work 2. If employers can keep wages down by hiring illegal immigrants, then these savings are presumably […]

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Illegal Immigration and its Effects on Society

Illegal immigration is a growing problem in the United States which causes many issues for citizens, such as job loss and higher taxes. It is undoubtedly an issue that needs to be addressed[1]. Illegal immigration leads to the drug trade in the United States and takes away many jobs from legal citizens[2]. Welfare is also something to consider when discussing illegal immigrants, considering that they can't legally be paid, so they are granted welfare, which also costs taxpayers more money[3]. […]

Illegal Immigration: Search of a Good Life

Illegal immigration to the United States is thriving due to the support of people needing to find a better life for themselves and families. The movement of immigration can be a positive impact on the politics and culture and economy wise. Yes it is more people coming into our country, but not all of its bad as everyone thinks it is. People of immigration bring new perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the communities. Immigrants start businesses, also earn income, and […]

Illegal Immigrants Deserve Civil Rights

Citizenship in the United States comes with a very significant and powerful advantage; civil rights. Under these rights, your freedom is protected from several infringements by the government. Many individuals are entitled to these rights, such as those born in the United States, while many individuals may not be granted all of these rights, such as illegal immigrants. There is a huge controversial debate surrounding illegal immigrants and whether they should have civil rights and liberties, and this debate is […]

What are the Effects of Illegal Immigration?

The United States of America is facing many challenges in regards to illegal immigration. By draining public funds, creating unfair competition for jobs (thereby lowering wages and working conditions), and by imposing unwanted strains on services designed to provide assistance to Americans, illegal immigration causes harm to legal residents. We are one of the only countries in the world where, in your stay, you retain many benefits, and are taken care of while you're here. Countless amount of people believe […]

Immigration Reform

Immigration reforms have been very controversial in United States of America. Way back in 1965, the United States made a law on issues of immigration which was aimed at allowing immigrants into United States. It was, however, stated that immigrants with possible skills to bring United States economy more benefits would be highly considered. With time even so, more immigrants began to come to United States with family chains being the main issue of concern. Once an individual is able […]

Illegal Immigrants: Huge Controversial in the United States

Year after year, numerous news stories emerge about illegal immigrants. The first prominent case involved two illegal immigrants who were arrested for speeding by two sheriff's deputies. The deputies ended up severely beating them, even though the arrested individuals were unarmed. ("Who does not like Immigrants?", n.d.) Many people empathized with them, while others showed no sympathy due to their illegal entry into the U.S. ("Who does not like Immigrants?", n.d.) This marked the beginning of escalating tensions. A significant […]

Managing Illegal Immigration to the United States

Basically, the goal to protect the country and its people has not changed and still lives on within the modern policies. As in the late 1800s, almost any given foreigner has the ability to become a legal resident, or a person (who lawfully lives in a country, state, etc.) of the United States. However, the process by which an individual can become a legal resident is much more complicated than it has been in years prior. In order to become […]

Illegal Immigration: Economy’s Boost

Many of us know that America is known as a great country because of its diversity. The cause of this diversity is the fact that America allowed immigrants to move to this country from their home countries which had an influence on our economy. However, not everyone in America is a legal immigrant. In October 1996, there were about five million illegal immigrants living in the United States, and the population of those immigrants was growing by about two hundred […]

Illegal Immigrant Population of the United States

As of 2018, according to FactCheck.org there are 12.5 million illegal immigrants living in the US. Immigration is not bad for a country if the country can support the people. Diversity lets us experience different cultures and be more open to different views. However, the problem with immigration is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a tough problem because finding the right solution for it can be so hard. Dealing with immigration is hard because you want to help the people […]

Illegal Immigration and President Donald Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy

Illegal immigration, according to the Unites States of America is defined as when people who are foreigners and or immigrants try to enter the United States without the proper documentation needed to enter. During the summer of 2018, illegal immigration reached an all-time high due to President Donald Trump's zero tolerance policy. This crisis and the collapse of the border policy caused the Trump Administration to be very frustrated because this was an issue that was not going to be […]

Analyzing the Definition of Illegal Immigration and how Immigration has Affected American Value

Values The focus of our group for this project is illegal immigration and how it has shaped the mindset of people in America today. Our research question following the topic is, "To what extent has immigration affected American values and how do people define immigration?" For the purpose of this paper, this definition will serve as a guideline: Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Embedded in this definition is the questionable interpretation of […]

Immigration Policy of Donald Trump

On the 17th January 2017, at a campaign rally in Miami, President Donald Trump stated that A Trump administration will stop illegal immigration, deport all criminal aliens, and save American lives (poltifact.com). The president and his administration will do actions to keep the US clear and safe. Trump tried to deport about 11 million undocumented immigrants (Wessler). This is just so cruel to destroy people live by sending them back to totally strange country, to separate their family, and to […]

American Population and Illegal Immigration

America has always been known as the country who invites those less fortunate in, but at what cost? At what point will there be an end? There have been millions of people coming to the United States every year, fleeing from war torn countries and poverty, and the United States lets them in. They are supposed to be the country of freedom, but at a certain point it will need to stop. That point is now, the U.S. can no […]

Massive Influx of Illegal Immigrants in USA

There have been a large number of illegal immigrants entering the United States for many years. For the last few years in particular, there has been a massive influx of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border. Illegal immigration needs to be stopped because it places a huge burden on the economy od the United States. One reason is the illegal immigrants receive many free benefits. Another reason is the illegal immigrants work practices are causing wages in certain areas to […]

Termination of Racism and American Perception of Immigration Today

Robert F. Kennedy is deemed as an unusual rebel of the sorts. Kennedy came from a wealthy, politically oriented family and was strongly influenced by the administrative occupations held by his father Joe and brother Jack. Kennedy worked as the attorney general and senator for New York. He had a vast empathy for minorities. While running for President Kennedy was popular among the public as he perceived all people as human beings and had a family-man aura. Unfortunately, Kennedy's life […]

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Illegal immigration has been occurring for many centuries and continues to take place today. When people cross the border without being authorized, this can lead to grave danger. There have been many incidents with illegal immigrants who were involved in identity theft and identity loans. Most importantly, it violates the IRCA (1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act). Although, illegal immigration might be beneficial to people crossing the border; it should not be tolerated at all. In this essay, I will […]

Is Illegal Immigration Good for our Country?

Illegal immigration is good because some immigrants are trying to give their children a better future than will have in the country that they came from. Some are immigrants might drug traffic. For example, mexico drug dealers bring drugs to the United States and sell them for possibly money, coke, ammo, or marijuana. Some other Immigrants who don't drug traffic to the United States of America are here to give them and their children a opportunity to succeed in their […]

Does Illegal Immigration Impact Texas?

How Illegal Immigration Impacts Texas Vincent M Messana Geography 1303 Lone Star College - Tomball Abstract This paper explores the impact of illegal immigration in the great state of Texas, the main topics will focus on the effects on the economy, why illegal immigrants come here/ why not come legally, are the illegal immigrants bringing crime, how are illegal immigrants affecting Texas culture how are there so many illegal immigrants still living in Texas and what is being done to […]

Are Immigrants Good for the Americans?

Illegal immigration is not beneficial to our country and we should not protect it. Legal immigration is alright but we should focus more on enforcing our laws rather than offer blanket forgiveness to those who have broken them. People coming to our country bring many issues along with them. While they are in search of better opportunities in this country, most of them come here illegally even though we have a system that they can apply for and enter legally. […]

Illegal Immigration and Crime

The United States border is always a topic when the subject is the illegal entry ( entering into a country ) in the United States. Some people defend that building a wall will reduce the criminal activities in the country, while others defend that to stop illegal entry, ( entering into a country) could lapse the United States economy (the process of people making, selling, and buying things). To state that whether criminal activities increases by illegal ( entering into […]

A Look into our Natio’s Criminal Justice System and Immigration Laws

Abstract This paper will take a look at how the criminal justice system, race, and immigration all relate to each other, and the outcomes of each, with examples from the films 13th and Documented. It will analyze mass incarceration within the criminal justice system and discuss why there are so many people locked up, and some locked up for crimes they did not even commit. It will then elaborate on race in the criminal justice system, and talk about the […]

International and U.S Helping IIlegal Immigration

The International and U.S aid are agencies that help out civilian foreign aid especially those countries who are considered 3rd world countries. Which have less than a 1st world country has, such as more job opportunities, money, education and overall less crime. The overall issue for 3rd world countries is that the crime rate is very high as well as the homicide rate. And as of now it is increasing. The U.S aid is part of the government, and helps […]

Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

Human trafficking comes in many different forms such as sex trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sex exploitation is based on the interaction between a trafficker selling an individual, victim being smuggled to customers for sexual services. Labor trafficking includes situations of debt bondage, forced labor, and involuntary child labor. Labor trafficking uses violence, threats, lies, and other forms of coercion to force people to work against their will in which most cases have no knowledge on the activities […]

Biggest Problem in the United States of America is Illegal Immigrants

One of the biggest problems that is being discussed in the United States of America is illegal immigrants. An illegal immigrant is someone who lives or works in another country when they do not have the legal right to do so, this is according to the Cambridge dictionary. Now you made wonder why someone would just want to get up and leave their country to just work and live? Or why is this such a big issue in the United […]

Positive Effects of Immigration

In the past few years, the topic of immigration has been a cause for much conversation and debate. While many people have discussed the morals of immigration, many have also assessed how exactly immigration affects the United States at both smaller and larger levels. Currently, there is much debate among scholars, politicians, economists and citizens regarding immigration and the economic effects that arise from it. Immigration has been discussed at great lengths for the past few years, and based off […]

Benefits of Immigration Essay

Combined picture of five years Syrian boy Omran injured during the airstrike in Aleppo and unbreathing body, faced down of three years old Alan Kurdi founded drowned in Mediterranean sea become a symbol of emigrant crisis1. This artwork of Syrian artist Rehman Siddiq very spectacularly and emotionally illustrated dilemma of every immigrant - stay or run. Immigration crisis become a social phenomenon that keep spreading all over the world. From mass media we can hear basically about two main streams […]

Mexican Immigration

At the wake of 1930, the Great Depression hit the United States hard. There was a serious job crisis as well as food shortages that affected the Mexican immigrants as well as all American dwellers. During this time, most of the Mexican immigrants and the Mexicans Americans were subjected to additional threats and hostility as the American migrants believed the Mexicans were taking their jobs (Gratton & Merchant, 2013). The American government came up strongly with deportation threats and they […]

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How To Write an Essay About Immigration

Understanding the intricacies of immigration.

Writing an essay on how to write an essay about immigration requires a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of immigration itself. Immigration is a complex topic, encompassing legal, economic, cultural, and humanitarian aspects. It's essential to recognize that essays about immigration should address its diverse implications – from the challenges faced by immigrants to the impacts on host countries. This foundational understanding is crucial for guiding the exploration of how to approach various narratives, policies, and theories related to immigration. Consider including aspects such as the reasons behind immigration, the experiences of immigrants, the policies of different countries, and the societal reactions to immigration.

Structuring the Immigration Essay

The structure of your essay about writing an essay on immigration is key. Start with a compelling introduction that highlights the importance of accurately and empathetically discussing immigration. The thesis statement here should reflect the purpose of your guidance – whether to inform, argue, or analyze different aspects of immigration. The body of your essay should then be divided into coherent sections, each focusing on a key aspect of writing about immigration. Discuss how to construct an argument, the importance of using reliable data and sources, and the need for presenting a balanced view that considers both the challenges and contributions of immigrants. Ensure each part of the essay seamlessly connects to create a cohesive guide.

Addressing Challenges and Offering Strategies

In this part of the essay, focus on the challenges writers may face when crafting an essay on immigration and propose strategies to overcome these. One major challenge is the politicization of immigration, requiring a careful and unbiased approach. Another is the sensitivity of the topic, as it often involves vulnerable populations. Offer advice on maintaining objectivity while being empathetic, and stress the importance of cultural sensitivity. Suggest methods for thorough research and analysis, emphasizing the need to understand immigration laws and policies, as well as the socio-economic factors involved. Discuss the importance of acknowledging diverse perspectives and experiences in the essay to provide a comprehensive view of immigration.

Concluding with Purpose

The conclusion of your essay should do more than summarize the main points about writing an essay on immigration. It's an opportunity to reflect on the importance of understanding and discussing immigration in a responsible and informed manner. Emphasize the role of such essays in shaping public opinion and policy. Encourage writers to approach the topic of immigration with a commitment to fairness, accuracy, and empathy. A strong conclusion will not only wrap up your essay effectively but also inspire and guide future writers to approach the topic of immigration with the depth and respect it deserves.

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111 Immigration Reform Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Immigration reform is a hotly debated topic in today's political landscape. With the ongoing discussions on border security, DACA, and the pathway to citizenship, there are a plethora of angles to approach the issue from. If you're looking for inspiration for your next immigration reform essay, here are 111 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The Impact of Immigration on the Economy
  • The Role of Immigrants in the Labor Force
  • The Effects of Immigration on Wages
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Small Businesses
  • The Cost of Illegal Immigration
  • The Economic Impact of DACA Recipients
  • The Role of Immigrants in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • The Impact of Immigration on Social Services
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Social Security
  • The Impact of Immigration on Housing Markets
  • The Effects of Immigration on Income Inequality
  • The Impact of Immigration on Rural Communities
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Urban Economies
  • The Role of Immigrants in Healthcare
  • The Impact of Immigration on Education
  • The Benefits of Immigration for the Arts and Culture
  • The Role of Immigrants in Community Development
  • The Impact of Immigration on Crime Rates
  • The Benefits of Immigration for National Security
  • The Role of Immigrants in Military Service
  • The Impact of Immigration on Demographic Trends
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Aging Populations
  • The Role of Immigrants in Family Reunification
  • The Impact of Immigration on Language Diversity
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Multiculturalism
  • The Role of Immigrants in Political Participation
  • The Impact of Immigration on Voting Patterns
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Civic Engagement
  • The Role of Immigrants in Social Movements
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Rights
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Refugee Resettlement
  • The Role of Immigrants in Environmental Conservation
  • The Impact of Immigration on Climate Change
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Sustainable Development
  • The Role of Immigrants in Disaster Relief
  • The Impact of Immigration on Global Health
  • The Benefits of Immigration for International Development
  • The Role of Immigrants in Diplomacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on International Relations
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Global Security
  • The Role of Immigrants in Humanitarian Assistance
  • The Impact of Immigration on Conflict Resolution
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Peacebuilding
  • The Role of Immigrants in Refugee Protection
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Trafficking
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Anti-Trafficking Efforts
  • The Role of Immigrants in Gender Equality
  • The Impact of Immigration on Women's Rights
  • The Benefits of Immigration for LGBTQ+ Rights
  • The Role of Immigrants in Disability Rights
  • The Impact of Immigration on Indigenous Rights
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Minority Rights
  • The Role of Immigrants in Religious Freedom
  • The Impact of Immigration on Freedom of Speech
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Civil Liberties
  • The Role of Immigrants in Equal Justice
  • The Impact of Immigration on Criminal Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Prison Reform
  • The Role of Immigrants in Legal Aid
  • The Impact of Immigration on Access to Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Rule of Law
  • The Role of Immigrants in Human Rights Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Social Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Racial Justice
  • The Role of Immigrants in Gender Justice
  • The Impact of Immigration on LGBTQ+ Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Disability Justice
  • The Role of Immigrants in Environmental Justice
  • The Impact of Immigration on Climate Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Sustainable Development Goals
  • The Role of Immigrants in Global Justice
  • The Impact of Immigration on International Justice
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Peace and Security
  • The Role of Immigrants in Conflict Prevention
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Rights Protection
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Humanitarian Assistance
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Trafficking Prevention
  • The Role of Immigrants in Gender Equality Promotion
  • The Impact of Immigration on Women's Rights Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for LGBTQ+ Rights Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Disability Rights Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Indigenous Rights Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Minority Rights Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Religious Freedom Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Freedom of Speech Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Civil Liberties Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Equal Justice Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Criminal Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Prison Reform Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Legal Aid Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Access to Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Rule of Law Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Social Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Racial Justice Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Gender Justice Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on LGBTQ+ Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Disability Justice Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Environmental Justice Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Climate Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Sustainable Development Goals Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Global Justice Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on International Justice Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Peace and Security Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Conflict Prevention Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Rights Protection Advocacy
  • The Benefits of Immigration for Humanitarian Assistance Advocacy
  • The Role of Immigrants in Refugee Protection Advocacy
  • The Impact of Immigration on Human Trafficking Prevention Advocacy

These are just a few examples of the many topics you can explore in your immigration reform essay. Whether you're interested in the economic, social, political, or human rights aspects of immigration, there is a wealth of information to delve into. So, pick a topic that resonates with you and start researching and writing!

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130 Immigration Essay topics

Whether it’s for a political science class, a history class, or a course on civics and government, writing an immigration-themed essay will most likely be an assignment required to complete the course.

Immigration is not only one of the most controversial issues in the United States; immigration is also a perennial concern that has been a part of all societies throughout time.

Because of the importance of the topic and the potential for controversy, writing an immigration essay can be a daunting task. However, by following a few simple steps, you can produce a high-quality essay on immigration that will help you get the grade you need to pass your class.

How to Write an Immigration Essay?

Writing an essay on immigration is much like writing an essay on any other topic. In addition to a well-thought-out topic and thesis statement, the essay should have a strong body and conclusion.

To improve your grade on an immigration essay, you need to create a thesis statement specific to the subject of the paper and present a viewpoint with supporting details from credible sources. A well-constructed argument will help you with this task.

Once you have your thesis statement, the body of your essay should consist of an organized positioning on relevant issues with supporting details, including specific examples.

Finally, to create a well-written conclusion that is relevant and clearly linked to the thesis statement, it’s important to restate your position on the issue. This is also a great time to reiterate your support for the argument you have made throughout the essay.

If you follow these simple steps, you will be able to write an essay on immigration that is guaranteed to get you the grade you need to pass your class and move on to more important topics.

What Type of Immigration Essay Should I Write?

Depending on the class and the given writing prompt, a student can use a number of essay styles to craft an immigration essay.

Narrative Immigration Essay

If you are an immigrant or a child of parents who immigrated to a new country, you could choose to write a narrative essay about your experience.

A narrative essay is meant to tell a story. So be sure to include plenty of personal examples in the writing, such as why your parents chose to leave their home country, what it was like living in a foreign land, or how you found out you were coming to the United States.

This type of writing is usually free-form and uses the first-person perspective, making it more personal.

Descriptive Essay on Immigration

Another option for an immigration essay is to write a descriptive essay. A descriptive essay can be used to describe anything. In the case of an immigration essay, you could focus on describing what it’s like living in a country that is constantly changing because of new immigrants.

You could also describe how the arrival of new immigrants has affected your life or the life of someone you know. This type of essay could also describe the process of immigrating to a new country, from the paperwork and interviews to the day-to-day struggles of living in a new place.

Persuasive Immigration Essay

A persuasive essay is meant to convince the reader to agree with your viewpoint on a certain issue. For example, in the case of an immigration essay, you could try to convince the reader that immigrants are not actually the problem that they are made out to be or that stricter immigration laws will only make things worse.

You could also argue for more open borders or providing amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Whichever side of the argument you choose, be sure to back up your points with credible sources.

Research Paper on Immigration

If you are asked to write a research paper on immigration, your task will be more difficult. In addition to writing a strong thesis statement and argument, you will also need to do extensive research to find credible sources to support your claims.

A research paper on immigration can cover a variety of topics, from the history of immigration in the United States to the effects that immigration has on the economy. Whatever topic you choose, be sure to stay focused on the main issue and make sure your arguments are well-supported.

No matter what type of essay you are writing, be sure to follow the basic essay structure: introduction, body, and conclusion. And if your immigration essay is research-oriented, be sure to back up your claims with strong supporting evidence.

Just because immigration can be a sensitive subject for many doesn’t mean that students should face challenges creating one. With a bit of planning and a strong understanding of the different types of essays, any student can write an immigration essay that is clear and concise.

120 Immigration Essay Topics

To help students struggling with finding the right topic to discuss in their essays, the following is a list of 120 immigration essay topics perfect for any education level.

Immigration Essay Topics About Immigrant Life

  • The challenges immigrants face when learning a new language
  • How to preserve home country culture when you have immigrated to a new place
  • The importance of family when immigrants are far from home
  • What it’s like to be an immigrant in the current political climate
  • The difference between first-generation and second-generation immigrants
  • How do refugees experience adjustment in a new country?
  • What role does religion play in the lives of immigrants?
  • What is the emotional impact of immigration on children?
  • What are the benefits of cultural diversity in a community?
  • How has your family been affected by immigration?

Immigration Essay Topics About the American Experience

  • The history of immigration in America
  • How immigrants have shaped American culture
  • What it means to be an American citizen
  • What rights do immigrants have in America?
  • How immigration has affected the U.S. economy
  • What are the pros and cons of immigration quotas?
  • How to fix the current immigration system
  • Whether or not immigrants should learn English before immigrating to America
  • Why America needs more immigrants now than ever before
  • The importance of national identity in today’s political climate

Immigration Essay Topics About Laws & Regulations

  • What is the process for immigrating to another country?
  • How do different countries regulate immigration?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of stricter immigration laws?
  • How does the current refugee crisis impact immigration laws?
  • What is the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?
  • How do international treaties impact immigration law?
  • What role do human rights play in immigration policy?
  • Should immigrants be deported for minor crimes?
  • What are the pros and cons of sanctuary cities?
  • Does stricter immigration enforcement reduce crime rates?
  • How can one country’s legal immigration system affect another country’s economy?
  • What are the pros and cons of DACA?

Immigration Essay Topics About Children

  • How are children affected by their parent’s immigration status?
  • What happens when a family is divided by immigration law?
  • How does being the child of an immigrant affect your life in America?
  • What are some common challenges that children of immigrants face in school?
  • Are children who immigrated at a young age fully accepted into the new culture they live in?
  • What are the benefits of being a bilingual child?
  • Do immigration policies place too much stress on immigrant families?
  • How do immigration laws impact the children of undocumented immigrants?
  • What challenges do transnational families face?

Immigration Essay Topics About History

  • When was immigration the foundation of American culture?
  • How has immigration reform changed over the years?
  • What caused immigrants to be viewed differently in today’s modern society?
  • What is the difference between the work immigrants did in the past and modern times?
  • Was immigration necessary to the building of the U.S.?
  • What are some early examples of immigrant activism?
  • How did Ellis Island change the process of immigration?
  • The impact of 9/11 on American immigration policy
  • Are there differences between how immigrants were viewed in the past vs. now?
  • What immigrant populations from the past are now considered to be American?
  • What are some common stereotypes of immigrants during different periods in American history?
  • How did WWII impact immigration policy & the perception of immigrants in America?
  • How does current immigration law compare to past laws?
  • Why do Americans view immigration as an essential part of American society?
  • Why has illegal immigration become more prevalent over the years?

Immigration Essay Topics About Immigration Procedures

  • What is the hardest part of the immigration process for most immigrants?
  • Is the current immigration process biased towards high-income immigrants?
  • What are the hidden costs associated with immigration?
  • What are some tips for completing the immigration process?
  • What are the most common reasons people are denied immigration?
  • How can an immigrant prepare for their interview with USCIS?
  • How can an attorney help with the immigration process?
  • What is a naturalization ceremony?
  • What is the difference between a green card and a visa?
  • What are the benefits of U.S. citizenship?
  • How does changing immigration laws affect immigrants who are coming to America today?
  • How can an immigrant protect their family members still living in their home country?
  • Which countries offer refugees incentives for immigrating?
  • What is the difference between refugee resettlement and asylum status?
  • What is the process for applying for asylum in the United States?

Immigration Essay Topics About Economics

  • How do immigrants impact the economy of their new country?
  • What are the common ways that immigrants contribute to the economy?
  • How does immigration impact job markets?
  • Do undocumented immigrants pay taxes?
  • What are some of the challenges faced by undocumented workers in America?
  • Is there a way for an immigrant to legalize their status without paying tax penalties?
  • Do some immigrants have more economic value than others?
  • Which immigrants are most sought after by countries for their skills?
  • What is the impact of immigration on wage levels?
  • Can immigrants be detrimental to the economy of their new country?
  • How does illegal immigration impact the economy?
  • Are there any benefits to allowing more immigrants into a country?

Immigration Essay Topics About Social Justice

  • Why should we be sympathetic to the plight of immigrants?
  • What are some of the dangers faced by immigrants fleeing their homes?
  • How does the media portray immigrants?
  • What threats do immigrants face if sent back to their home country?
  • Should immigrants from war-torn or impoverished nations be prioritized before those from weather western countries?
  • What is the difference between voluntary and forced immigration?
  • How does illegal immigration affect people in the country who were born in America?
  • How should immigrants be treated in public school systems?
  • How does an increase in immigration levels impact social services for citizens residing within a nation’s borders?
  • Are immigrants entitled to equal education, health care, and other social services?
  • What are the benefits of immigrants integrating into their new society?
  • How do increasingly high levels of immigration impact social rights for citizens?
  • Is discrimination against immigrants easier to justify than discrimination against citizens?
  • What is xenophobia, & how has it impacted American history or culture?

Immigration Essay Topics About the Future of Immigration

  • What is the likely impact of increasing immigration levels on the future?
  • What challenges will America face in the future due to increasing immigration levels?
  • Can the United States sustain its current level of immigration?
  • What is the ideal number of immigrants for the United States to admit each year?
  • How do we ensure that all immigrants are given an opportunity to assimilate?
  • How can the American economy adjust to accommodate increasing immigration levels?
  • How can politics encourage higher rates of integration among immigrants?

Immigration Essay Topics About Law Enforcement

  • How should law enforcement agencies treat immigrants who are suspected of criminal activity?
  • Are current controversies surrounding immigration a way to cover the real issue of criminal activity?
  • How have law enforcement agencies’ attitudes towards immigration created an unsafe environment for immigrants?
  • What are some misconceptions about the relationship between immigration and crime rates?
  • Why do some people propose or support immigrant detention camps, like America’s former Japanese internment camps during World War II?
  • Can detention centers be effective at deporting illegal immigrants?
  • What is the role of local law enforcement in enforcing immigration laws?

Immigration Essay Topics About Personal Experiences

  • The day I immigrated to a new country
  • My journey to becoming a U.S. citizen
  • What it was like when my family and I immigrated to America
  • The process of applying for a green card
  • What it feels like to be in limbo between two worlds
  • The challenges of being an undocumented immigrant in America
  • A time when I felt discriminated against because of my race or ethnicity
  • The first time I ever interacted with someone different from me
  • A time when I felt scared or uncomfortable because of my immigrant status
  • What it feels like to be welcomed into a new country
  • How has America’s immigration policy affected my life?
  • What would have happened if my family and I had never immigrated to America?
  • Do you think America should give dreamers a path to citizenship?
  • When did you decide that you wanted to move to America?
  • Why do immigrants leave their friends and family behind in other countries?
  • What does being American mean to me?
  • How has your understanding of the American Dream changed over time?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is considering immigrating to America?
  • What are some things you wish people knew about the immigrant experience?

These 130 immigration essay topics are perfect for college or high school students who are looking to write about immigration. Be sure to research when necessary and always double-check your work for spelling, sentence structure, and grammar errors.

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240 Immigration Essay Topics

Immigration is a permanent move to a foreign country. It takes place all over the globe, including the United States. It played an important role in history, and it continues to influence society today.

This article offers a variety of immigration essay topics. They are suitable for college-level works, as well as middle and high school papers.

But first, take a look at our custom writing company . If your task seems overwhelming, we can write an immigration essay for you!

🔝 Top 10 Immigration Topics to Write About

  • ✍️ How to Choose a Topic

❓ Top 10 Immigration Research Questions

  • ✈️ Legal Immigration
  • 🗺️ Illegal Immigration
  • 🗽 Immigration in the U.S.
  • 🌐 Worldwide Immigration
  • 🧳 Personal Immigration
  • 🌎 Environmental Migration
  • 🎓 Job and Education
  • ⚖️ Immigration Pros and Cons

🔍 References

  • The harm of immigration policies
  • Push and pull factors of immigration
  • Immigration as an escape from poverty
  • Reproductive health of women immigrants
  • Racism in the American housing market
  • Mexican economy and the immigration rate
  • Immigration increase vs. welfare decrease
  • Challenges of immigrant assimilation in the US
  • The cause of discrimination towards immigrants
  • Immigration detention effects on mental health

✍️ How to Choose an Immigration Topic

The subject of immigration is broad. You can explore it from many points of view. Focus on economics, sociology, or the legal system. Here are a few things to remember as you chose the essay title:

  • Use verified up-to-date information. As simple as it seems, it’s essential.
  • Do not judge. We cannot know the life story of every immigrant and what they went through.

You may try to approach the subject from the political viewpoint. Or, try to stand in the shoes of someone looking for a better life.

Legal immigrants vs Illegal immigrants.

Below you will find many great questions and topics on immigration. Choose the one you like best, and get down to writing!

  • Do expats boost innovations?
  • Is terrorism related to immigration?
  • How does migration influence culture?
  • What is seasonal labor immigration?
  • Can immigration reduce global poverty?
  • What is the economic effect of refugees?
  • How does immigration affect social capital?
  • How do immigration control measures vary?
  • Is Third World immigration a threat to the US?
  • Why do immigration laws differ among the states?

✈️ Legal Immigration Essay Topics

  • Pros and cons of sanctuary cities
  • Modern immigration policy in the UK
  • ICE’s policy under Obama vs. Trump
  • The process of naturalization in the US
  • The importance of the DACA program
  • Should the TPS program be permanent?
  • Health concerns of illegal immigration
  • The effect of immigration on international students
  • The difference between an asylum and refugee status
  • The Second Industrial Revolution’s impact on immigration
  • The role of visas in the modern world.
  • Does federal immigration law ensure safety for the U.S. citizens?
  • Changes in immigration policies following 9/11.
  • What will happen if the U.S. declares open borders for all countries?
  • How is multiculturalism a good thing?
  • How much time does it take to complete immigration documents?
  • What rights do immigrants have in the U.S.?
  • Does congress limit the number of immigrant visas?
  • What are the main functions of immigration?
  • Why does the U.S. refuse to accept Syrian refugees?
  • The majority of immigrants seek to receive the U.S. citizenship.
  • Fake marriage for the sake of legal immigration.
  • How can immigrants ensure a legal status for their children?
  • Why do people applying for U.S. citizenship have to live in America for five years?
  • What’s the difference between naturalization and citizenship?
  • Is it fair that children can have citizenship by being born in the U.S.
  • What does the government look for in a person before granting them legal status?
  • Ways to pass the test for naturalization for a person with disabilities.
  • How can children become the U.S. citizens through their parents?
  • What are the physical presence requirements for naturalization?
  • Steps necessary to prepare for a naturalization test.
  • How to reapply for citizenship.
  • What is a naturalization ceremony?
  • Can a person become a citizen through military service?
  • Do all visas allow legal immigration?

The immigration process should be legal. There is an “Immigration Law” in the U.S. that provides legitimate ways to become an American citizen. In this section, you will find ideas for your research paper or informative essay on legal immigration.

🗺️ Illegal Immigration Essay Topics

According to Washington State Department of Social and Health Services , the main difference between legal and illegal immigration lies in documentation. That’s why illegal immigrants are also called undocumented. The following list can provide an idea for a topic sentence or a thesis statement in a persuasive essay.

  • Can there be any valid excuse for immigrating illegally?
  • Do undocumented aliens harm the U.S.?
  • The overstaying legal migration period is common for illegal immigration.
  • What is more valuable for the government: paperwork or people?
  • Which countries do most undocumented immigrants come from?
  • Human trafficking is a tragedy that feeds illegal immigration.
  • Settled undocumented immigrants should still get punished.
  • The presence of undocumented immigrants indicates corruption.
  • Do illegal immigrants affect the local economy of southern states?
  • Does illegal immigration bring American society out of balance?
  • The presence of undocumented aliens affects crime rates.
  • The issues associated with illegal immigration in America.
  • What organizations support illegal immigration?
  • Children of immigrants bear the consequences of their parents’ actions.
  • Should undocumented immigrants be provided legal help?
  • The term “illegal immigrant” must be rejected as offensive.
  • Does the problem of illegal immigration feed the issue of racism?
  • Undocumented immigrants deserve to be treated with respect.
  • The term “illegal immigrant” stirs up racial fear in the U.S.
  • Does the phrase “No human is illegal” have any truth to it?
  • Is illegal immigration a threat to hosts and immigrants?
  • Are undocumented aliens treated with hostility by the government?
  • Can illegal immigration for personal reasons be justified?
  • Should we consider the absence of proper documentation an offense?
  • Do the lives of illegal immigrants matter in America?
  • Can an undocumented immigrant be considered an American?
  • Does the “Drop the I-word” campaign provide valid arguments?
  • Is there anything good about illegal immigration?
  • Immigration detention brings more harm than good.
  • Should the “catch and release” policy function in the U.S.?
  • Should a person take a chance to obtain a legal status by entering the country illegally?
  • Will the construction of a wall resolve the issue of illegal immigration?
  • If America is the land of opportunities , why doesn’t it accept undocumented aliens?
  • Does illegal immigration promote terrorism?
  • Should the U.S. government introduce specific policies for elderly immigrants?

Why some American immigrants are undocumented?

🗽 Immigration in the U.S. Topics

Millions of people worldwide want to get a taste of the American Dream. After many decades, America is shaped by the immigrant presence. Think about the cultural components and history of immigration in the U.S. This list may provide you with ideas for thesis topics.

  • Should immigrants be allowed to vote?
  • Can aliens who received U.S. citizenship be called Americans?
  • Should Americans be concerned about the “green card lottery?”
  • Mexican immigration as a political controversy.
  • Difference between citizenship and a green card.
  • The immigrants are fulfilling the labor market demand in the U.S.
  • Professional psychologists must cooperate with immigrants.
  • Children born to undocumented aliens should receive U.S. citizenship.
  • Should there be a mandatory English language test for all immigrants?
  • Should resident aliens use international driver licenses in the U.S.?
  • Does the U.S. immigration policy need reform?
  • From a historical perspective, could the U.S. survive as a country without immigrants?
  • Immigration is at the core of American history.
  • What were the reasons for the migration wave in the 1960s?
  • Homeland security and immigration policy in the U.S.
  • How did the 18th-century Chinese emigration influence America?
  • The U.S. language policy regarding immigration.
  • The 9/11 tragedy changed the way Americans view foreigners.
  • Should children of illegal aliens be denied U.S. citizenship?
  • How does immigration change life in bigger cities in the U.S.?
  • Benefits of the DREAM act.
  • Do legal aliens affect the American education system?
  • Can a child raised by immigrants in the U.S. be called an American?
  • Do Americans move to other countries?
  • Immigrants come to the U.S. for religious purposes.

🌐 Worldwide Immigration Topics

History proves that people have always been moving around. Sometimes they immigrate because “the grass is greener on the other side.” But some have to flee their countries as refugees. The U.S and the European Union are receiving large numbers of immigrants. Here are some topic ideas for a paper on immigration worldwide.

  • Was border control possible before the invention of visas?
  • Syrian children refugees in Canada and ethics of care.
  • What benefits does a country receive by granting someone asylum status?
  • Can asylees feel safe in their host country?
  • What is the difference between the words “immigrant” and “refugee?”
  • Refugees need psychological assistance to overcome stress.
  • Most refugees hope to come back to their home countries.
  • What attitude locals usually have towards emigrants?
  • There is a substantial prejudice against immigrants and refugees.
  • Should the government invest in education for displaced people?
  • The refugee crisis is a growing global issue.
  • Assimilation policy as a form of aborigenal control in Australia.
  • Wars have been one of the primary reasons for migration throughout history.
  • How did 9/11 affect international traveling and global immigration?
  • What happens to people who are rejected by the border control service?
  • The impact of globalization on immigration control.
  • Does Europe benefit or suffer from immigrants?
  • The effects high numbers of refugees have on the European economy.
  • Does the tourism industry in Europe suffer from the refugee presence?
  • Effect of immigration on European history.
  • Influence of globalization citizenship in the EU.
  • What are the benefits of the asylum status in Europe?
  • The effect of the Cold War on global immigration.
  • Do most of the refugees in Europe want to receive EU citizenship?
  • Does immigration rate vary amongst men and women?

Resident aliens vs Nonresident aliens.

🧳 Personal Immigration Topics

There is a person behind each number on immigration statistics. You may be wondering why somebody would want to leave home. Immigration is a serious step that forever changes one’s life. If you would like to look at the heart of immigration, this section is for you.

  • Should immigration be perceived as an act of courage?
  • Can the elderly have a better retirement in other countries?
  • Religious persecution as a reason for moving.
  • People often immigrate to provide a better life for their children.
  • Racial persecution is a valid reason for moving abroad.
  • The decision to relocate should have a solid reason behind it.
  • Refugee families suffer enormous emotional pressure.
  • Health problems are a sufficient reason for immigration.
  • Immigration as a way to provide for one’s family is a noble act.
  • Parent’s love for their children can motivate them to move abroad.
  • Immigrant children and the governmental responsibility.
  • People shouldn’t judge the financial instability of refugees.
  • Disagreement with the country’s politics can push citizens to move.
  • Are certain personality types more likely to immigrate?
  • The lack of a sustainable education system in a home country pushes young people to move abroad.
  • For some, the only hope for a good life is in immigration.
  • Relocation for romantic reasons is common in the modern world.
  • Experiences of Lithuanian and Chinese immigrants in America.
  • Can relational complications drive people out of their native countries?
  • An urge to be free from oppression leads to immigration.
  • Loss of a family member can force a person to move abroad.
  • Some choose immigration as a way to escape financial responsibility.
  • Because of the internet, some people identify with foreign cultures.
  • Immigration is a way to change one’s life.
  • Athletes choose to relocate to have better conditions for training.

🌎 Environmental Migration Topics

You can define migration as the movement from one place to another. It can happen within or outside country borders. Migration isn’t always permanent. Nature is full of surprises, and sometimes natural disasters occur. Some people don’t have other options but to migrate. This section includes a variety of topics on environmental migration.

  • Climate change is a significant reason for migration.
  • Should environmental migrants receive a refugee status?
  • Countries with significant environmental problems should encourage immigration.
  • How many people choose to migrate due to ecological issues?
  • Should the border control require documentation from environmental refugees?
  • For how long environmental migrants are allowed to stay in the host country?
  • Do climate refugees receive support from their host countries?
  • Describe the Haitian migration following the 2010 earthquake.
  • Migration after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 .
  • Chinese citizens migrate due to floods .
  • Do Americans move to different states because of ecological issues?
  • Documented cases of mass environmental migration throughout history.
  • The role of sea-level rise in climate migration.
  • How polluted oceans affect human population movement.
  • What are the main factors of environmental migration?
  • Does the global warming influence migration levels?
  • Is the number of climate refugees likely to increase in the future?
  • How often do environmental migrants become legal immigrants?
  • How can those who have lost their possessions afford to move abroad?
  • Which countries receive the most climate migrants?
  • Is the status of “environmental refugee” legitimate?
  • Do environmental migrants consider going back to their home countries?
  • Which organizations provide help to climate migrants worldwide?
  • From which countries do people flee the most due to ecological reasons?
  • People migrate due to the lack of clean water .

Environmental Migration Topics.

🎓 Immigration Essay Topics: Job and Education

Not all countries have a reliable education system. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide jobs for everyone. Immigration gives people a chance to pursue a better career path. The following list can inspire your immigration thesis topic.

  • Should international students be encouraged to return after graduation?
  • Can online job opportunities decrease immigration rates?
  • High-quality education in the U.S. attracts immigrants.
  • What steps must one take to receive a work visa?
  • Religious missionaries should receive governmental support.
  • How often do people move to a different country for educational reasons?
  • Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges.
  • How do institutions check the language abilities of international students ?
  • Do all U.S. institutions receive international students?
  • What does it take to receive a student visa?
  • Cross-cultural management and work abroad.
  • Can immigrants find jobs without knowing the local language?
  • What are the primary countries people immigrating to for occupational purposes?
  • Which countries people are most likely to leave to receive a better education?
  • Is America the land of opportunities for immigrants?
  • Is it economically sufficient for the U.S. to receive workers from other countries?
  • Why are international students willing to pay a high price for education in the U.S.?
  • The industrial revolution caused a wave of immigration.
  • Some people move to less developed countries to help with their development.
  • Poverty often pushes people to move abroad.
  • Immigrants from developing countries aren’t picky when it comes to jobs.
  • Do immigrants regret moving to the U.S. if they’re faced with discrimination?
  • What’s the average age of international students that are coming to the U.S.?
  • Health of expatriates often worsens due to the nature of their jobs.
  • Examples from history of people seeking education abroad.

Difference between to immigrate and to emigrate.

⚖️ Pros and Cons of Immigration: Essay Ideas

There are two sides to the immigration: positive and negative. Think about the economy, food, art, sociology, and politics. Decide what are the benefits and downsides of immigration. The following list of topic ideas on migration will help you with this task.

  • International employees fill the gaps in the workforce.
  • Foreigners bring a unique perspective that can benefit the host country.
  • Some expatriates possess rare skills that can be useful.
  • Cuisine of immigrants often becomes popular in the host country.
  • International students add numbers to struggling institutions.
  • Talented immigrants find themselves useful in a host country.
  • Foreigners improve international trade and business.
  • International employees are often enthusiastic about their job position.
  • Foreigners have an unusual view on life.
  • Immigration brings cultural diversity to the host country.
  • Foreign presence pushes host countries towards ethnic inclusiveness.
  • Immigrants are more willing to take less prestigious jobs.
  • People from abroad bring their mentality everywhere they go.
  • Children of immigrants can have better opportunities in life.
  • The money earned by foreigners in the host country is spent in their home countries.
  • Immigration is a channel for the drug industry.
  • Immigration gives hope for a brighter future.
  • In some cases, aliens take job opportunities from the locals.
  • Immigrants tend to increase the crime rate of the hosting country.
  • Home countries of immigrants suffer from “brain drain.”
  • Foreigners are subject to racial intolerance.
  • Immigration causes overcrowding.
  • The language barrier creates social complications.
  • Immigration takes away the attention of the government.
  • Resident aliens might suffer from strained relationships with locals.

We hope this article helped you to choose the topic for your essay. In conclusion, we want to wish you good luck with your assignment!

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  • Population Reference Bureau: Trends in Migration to the U.S.
  • Myths and Facts about Immigrants and Immigration: Anti Defamation League
  • Resident Alien Definition: Investopedia
  • Nonresident Aliens: Internal Revenue Service
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  • Citizenship Through Naturalization: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • A Dozen Facts about Immigration: Brookings.edu
  • Environmental Displacement and Migration: Environmental Law Institute
  • Immigration: ProCon.org
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32+ Argumentative Essays Topics on Immigration with Prompts [+ Essay Outline]

Dr. wilson mn.

  • August 1, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Nursing

There are a lot of immigration issues that people are passionate about. If you care about the immigration and want to make a difference, then you should consider writing an argumentative essay on one of these topics. Here are some ideas on Argumentative Essays Topics on Immigration to get you started:

What You'll Learn

Interesting Topics On Migration

  • Different Perspectives on Immigration Reform Essay Prompt: Over the past few years, people have moved to the United States for various reasons. Some have moved to the United States to reunite with their families, work, or look for safety.
  • Arguments on Why Immigration Should be Stopped Essay Prompt: Immigration can be defined as the movement of an individual from one’s country of origin to set up new and permanent residence in another country. Immigration has been a pertinent issue in most countries, especially the United States.
  • Effects of Immigration Essay Prompt: Immigration is moving from one place to another in order to live and work in that place. The history of immigration dates back to thousands of years ago when the first Africans arrived in Egypt.
  • How does racism impact the way we view Immigration? Essay Prompt: In recent years, views of immigration in the United States have shifted with many Americans perceiving immigrants as a source of national prosperity, rather than an eminent burden. (Interesting Topics on Migration)
  • Immigration, Essay Prompt: Consider any issues such as how to deal with illegal immigrants, how to encourage new, productive immigrants, cost of illegal immigrants.

As you continue,  thestudycorp.com  has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us . Select a Argumentative Essays Topics on Immigration and we will write the essau for you.

Argumentative Essay Ideas On Immigration with Prompts

  • What Role Should The State Of Texas Play In The Immigration Policy
  • No One Is Safe.’ How Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Splitting Families Apart Essay Prompt: In the past, people who immigrated to the US illegally and had criminal records were some of the most targeted, but now the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can pick up family members and separate them from their families.
  • The economic impact of Immigration on the US economy Essay Prompt: Immigration has a significant impact on the United States economy. Immigration has enhanced economic development and has small to no effects on employment and wages for native-born workers.
  • Describe Immigration Laws And Potential Illegal Immigrants
  • Essay Prompt: You explore your position on the topic of immigration laws. Select an immigration law for this Discussion and consider whether or not that law is justifiable.
  • The bad impact of Immigration on the U.S. economy. Essay Essay Prompt: Immigration is a hotly debated topic in the United States, especially in political circles. Over the years, millions of people have immigrated to the United States from all parts of the world and it has become a melting pot of cultures. (Interesting Topics on Migration)
  • Impact of Immigration on American Cities Essay Prompt: The issue of immigration is a sensitive national topic in the United States. The topic’s sensitivity is fueled by several misconceptions about immigration and its impact on the United States. (Argumentative Essay Ideas On Immigration)
  • Research Assignment on Enforcement of Immigration Laws Essay Prompt: Explain at least one challenge related to enforcing the laws at the state level. Provide an insight you had about the effectiveness of enforcement of laws. A Research Project On Migration.

Further read on Creative Synthesis Essay Topics & Ideas in 2022

If you care about immigration and want to make a difference, then you should consider writing an argumentative essay on one of these topics . Here are some ideas on Argumentative Essays Topics on Immigration to get you started:

Immigration Research Paper Topics

  • Immigration is Good to America: Immigration Makes Americans Less Isolated Globally Essay Prompt: Incorporate analysis of the reading and somebody’s personal experience to make a clear and precise argumentative essay on immigration.
  • Republican Party Restrictions on Immigration Law Essay Essay Prompt: The US president Donald Trump is from the Republican Party with the decision made following the policies of the party. Republican Party has a strong stand on restrictions on immigrants which have caused unrest to blacks and minority groups in the US.
  • Discuss one specific issue position from either the Democratic or Republican parties’ platforms, indicating whether you agree or disagree.
  • Why The United States Should Adopt An Open Immigration Policy Essay Prompt: Two Viewpoints explaining why Immigration Must Be Restricted to Protect American Americans Against Terrorists and why the United States Should Adopt an Open Immigration Policy.
  • Liberal Critique And Reform Of Immigration Policy Essay Prompt: Immigration reforms have remained fundamental similar to civil rights and desegregation throughout the history of the united states (US). In the past centuries, immigration reforms have been greatly influenced by the civil rights movement. As noted, the civil rights movement was about winning full and…
  • Immigration, Pluralism, and Amalgamation Essay Prompt: The world has significantly transformed into a global village mainly due to technological advancement that has made almost every part of the world accessible. Consequently, migration has become a common aspect of modern life. These changes have prompted different countries to establish immigration policies…
  • Essay Prompt: In the current interconnected world, global migration has turned out to be a reality that affects approximately all countries across the world. With advanced modern means of transport, people find it easier, cheaper and more convenient to move from one nation to another searching for employment.
  • How to Strengthen America’s National Security
  • Essay Prompt: Enhancing border control and enforcement of immigration laws are the two primary ideas that can effectively manage the problem of illegal immigration in the US. (Interesting Topics on Migration)
  • Immigration Policy Impact on Economic, Security & Humanitarian Policy Essay Prompt: The current immigration policy has a far-reaching impact on humanitarian, security, and economic aspects. For instance, Migrant Protection Protocols by former President Trump prevents the imprisonment of asylum seekers, especially women and children, until the hearing of their case.
  • Should American Citizenship be a Birthright? Research Paper Essay Prompt: The belief that everybody born in American soil becomes subject to the jurisdiction, hence citizens of the United States was included in the Constitution in 1868, in the 14th amendment.

These are just a few examples of Argumentative Essays Topics on Immigration. If you can find a topic that is relevant to your audience and that you are passionate about, you will be well on your way to writing a great argumentative essay.

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Top 25 Topics For A Persuasive Essay About Illegal Immigration

Illegal migration or the movement of people across national borders without any proper document, is considered as a serious crime by many countries. Today there are lot of illegal immigrants in most of the countries, even rich countries like USA. The belief of the migrants that they can get better living standard in another country increases the amount of illegal migrants today.

Persuasive essay on illegal immigration

Persuasive essay is a piece of writing which try to convince the reader about any of the author’s idea. Every persuasive essay will try to justify the author’s idea by presenting specific evidence supporting it. Proper researching and reliable CS homework help is very important when writing persuasive essay. Illegal immigration being a hot topics with a lot to talk on is a perfect topic for a persuasive essay. Here are the best 25 topics you can consider for a persuasive essay on illegal immigration

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  • The increase in illegal immigration is due to poverty.
  • The strict rules against illegal immigration is sometimes irrelevant.
  • Slavery is associated with illegal immigration.
  • Prostitution is associated with illegal immigration.
  • Illegal immigration can promote terrorism.
  • Illegally immigrated kids should be given citizenship.
  • Border rules in countries like USA is irrelevant.
  • The death of illegal immigrants is increasing.
  • The only way to stop illegal immigration is to make changes in rules.
  • Rehabilitation facilities should be given to old illegal immigrants.
  • Proper border security can stop illegal immigrations.
  • Refugees should be considered legal rather than illegal immigrants.
  • Access to public system should be given to kids of illegal migrants.
  • A system should be developed to send back illegal immigrants.
  • The cost of immigration should be reduced in order to reduce illegal immigrations.
  • Document checking should be made strict for employees.
  • Companies should possess all important immigration documents of their employees.
  • There should be special council to take decision on illegal immigration cases.
  • Civil wars are the main reason for increased illegal immigrations.
  • Government or the UN should provide enough facilities for citizens of countries facing war’s to stop them from choosing to immigrate illegally.
  • Illegal immigration is high in rich countries.
  • Illegal immigrants may cause danger to their life.
  • There are people stuck as illegal migrants as someone cheats them.
  • All people born on national territory should be given citizenship.
  • Refugees escaped from war or repression should not be considered an illegal migrant.
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50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

50 Persuasive Essay Topics to Help You Ace Your Next Assignment

5-minute read

  • 19th January 2023

Welcome to your ultimate guide to persuasive essay topics! 

In this post, we’ll provide a list of 50 persuasive essay topics to help you get started on your next assignment. 

We’ll also include some tips for writing a persuasive essay to help you craft a strong and effective argument. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, these persuasive essay topics are sure to inspire and challenge you.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essays are a type of argumentative essay that encourage the reader to accept a particular point of view or take a specific action.

They typically open with a question, followed by a series of arguments intended to persuade the reader to take the same side as the author.

In a persuasive essay, the author will usually appeal to the readers’ emotions in order to prove that their opinion is the correct one. But this doesn’t mean that persuasive essays ignore evidence , facts, and figures; an effective persuasive essay makes use of a combination of logical argument and emotive language to sway the audience.

A persuasive essay can cover just about anything from pop culture to politics. With that in mind, we’ve put together this list of 50 persuasive essay topics to inspire your next assignment!

Top 50 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should the government censor the internet?
  • Should the government regulate the sale of violent video games?
  • Should self-driving cars be banned?
  • Is facial recognition software unethical?
  • Should mental health apps collect users’ personal data?
  • Should children under 13 have cell phones?
  • Should internet access be treated as a human right?
  • Should all paperwork be digitized?

Science and the Environment

  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • Should genetically modified organisms be labeled?
  • Should we clone human beings?
  • Should animal testing be allowed?
  • Should the government fund space exploration?
  • Should the government regulate the use of pesticides in farming?
  • Should the government regulate the use of antibiotics in livestock?
  • Should the government fine people who drive gas-powered vehicles?
  • Should climate change be declared a national emergency?

Crime and Politics

  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should all American citizens have to serve a year of community service?
  • Should the US voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Should the government adopt a tougher immigration policy?
  • Should the government cut its military spending?
  • Should the government introduce a national living wage?
  • Should politicians be banned from social media?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?

Health and Fitness

  • Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  • Should the government ban the use of certain chemicals in cosmetics?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the gender of their unborn child?
  • Should physical exercise be mandatory at work?
  • Should employees have to disclose health conditions to their employers?
  • Should fast food commercials be banned?
  • Should herbal medicines be better regulated?
  • Should regular mental health checkups be mandatory?
  • Should schools offer fast food options like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  • Should students be required to wear uniforms?
  • Should the government provide free college education?
  • Should schools offer comprehensive sex education?
  • Are high school students given too much homework?
  • Should humanities and arts subjects receive more funding?
  • Should military recruiters be allowed on school grounds?
  • Is the school day too long?
  • Should every US citizen be required to learn another language?

Lifestyle and Culture

Find this useful.

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  • Should the drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • Should the use of tobacco be banned?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should all museums and art galleries be free?
  • Should kids be encouraged to read more?
  • Should public spaces provide unisex bathrooms?
  • Is pet ownership a human right?
  • Should extreme sports be banned?

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to start writing your persuasive essay. Here are our tips:

Choose a Side

When you’ve picked the question you’re going to address in your essay, you also need to choose one side – or answer – that you’re going to write in favor of.

It helps if you’re passionate about the topic, as this will enable you to write from an emotional perspective.

Do Your Research

In order to write persuasively , you need to understand the topic you’re writing about. 

Make sure you know the details of your subject matter, and can provide facts and figures to back up your appeal to your readers’ emotions.

You should also read up about different points of view on the topic, so that you can bring them up in the form of counterarguments and rebuttals .

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When you’re writing your essay, think about who it is you’re trying to persuade. The way you speak to a student, for example, will be different to how you address a parent.

Consider what your potential audience will value, and how you can reach them on an emotional level. 

Outline Your Essay

Now you’ve got all the information you need, it’s time to plan and write your essay.

You should break it down into the follow sections:

  • An introduction, which sets up the question you’re going to answer and what side of the argument you are aiming to persuade the reader of.
  • The body of the essay, with a paragraph for each of the points you want to make.
  • A conclusion, where you summarize your points and main arguments.

Get It Proofread

As with any essay, your finished persuasive essay will need proofreading to make sure it’s the best it can be.

Our academic proofreading team here at Proofed can help with that. You can even get your first 500 words proofread for free !

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Illegal Immigration — Illegal Immigration Persuasive Speech


Illegal Immigration Persuasive Speech

  • Categories: Illegal Immigration

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Words: 723 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 723 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, definition of illegal immigration, argument for stricter immigration policies, argument for a compassionate approach, addressing human rights, considering the larger context, why should we care.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Illegal immigration is a topic that has been widely debated for decades. It refers to the act of entering a country without proper authorization or overstaying a visa. Illegal immigration is a significant issue, and it affects [...]

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Alba, D. (2019). Trump's Border Wall: A Reality Check. Journal of International Affairs, 72(2), 119-125.Boushey, H., Hersh, A., & John, J. (2020). Who Bears the Economic Costs of the Trump Border Wall? Center for American [...]

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immigrants persuasive essay topics

Top 257 Good Persuasive Essay Topics [Tips & Prompts]

immigrants persuasive essay topics

What if your teacher assigned you to write an essay about anything you like? It would excite you at first. You’d consider endless opportunities to express yourself and show your writing skills…

…But then, you start looking for a good persuasive essay idea, and nothing seems to stand out.

Don’t worry:

We have a list of good persuasive essay topics for you! IvyPanda’s team compiled these great ideas that you can explore in detail. Use them for academic writing or public speaking—they would sound convincing either way. And don’t forget to check out our tips on composing a perfect persuasive essay.

Let’s get started and see if you like anything!

  • ✋ What Is a Good Topic?
  • 📌 Top-12 Topics
  • 🎉 Funny Essay Topics
  • 🎈 For Elementary Students
  • 👩‍🏫‍ For Middle & High School
  • 🎓 For College
  • 🦉 For Higher English
  • 🏈 Sports Topics
  • 🩺 Health Topics
  • 📲 Social Media Topics
  • 🎹 Music Topics
  • 💖 Love & Family Topics
  • ✔ 60 More Topics
  • ‍‍💁‍♀️ 6 Tips on Writing
  • 📜 5 Writing Prompts

✋ What is a Good Persuasive Topic?

We can start by understanding what some good persuasive topics ideas are. A lot of people think that persuasive writing is the same thing as the argumentative one. They cannot be more wrong.

Argumentative one is a type of writing that presents arguments without trying to convince anyone. Moreover, it shows both sides of a dispute. There are numerous beautiful essay examples that demonstrate it.

Persuasive writing is a piece of academic writing, which attempts to persuade that the presented viewpoint is more legitimate than any other. The word “persuade” derives from the Latin word “persuadere,” which means “to convince.” This type of essay doesn’t only describe a situation. It takes a stand and delivers a point.

A persuasive essay presents arguments about one aspect of the issue.

You can use a good persuasive essay topic for both writing and speech preparation. Public speaking can become a lot more engaging when you have a convincing title. Here you can find one that can serve as an exceptional speech idea.

A persuasive topic is good if:

  • It serves the purpose. You should be able to develop the topic. Check if there is room for discussion and analysis. For that, make sure there are plenty of primary and secondary sources available. It’s a good idea to check it out before picking your topic.
  • It’s engaging for you. Remember that it’s you who will have to write your essay. So, pick something that genuinely interests you. Make sure you will be able to write about it with ease.
  • It’s relevant to your readers. Always keep in mind the people who will read your paper. Who is your target audience? Pick a topic that resonates with your audience. Choose something that matters to them.
  • It’s unique. One of the best things you can do when coming up with ideas is to stay original and fresh. Of course, it’s quite challenging to find a completely unique topic. However, even if it is more or less common, attempt to find an unusual perspective on the issue.

The persuasive topic that was repeated over and over again cannot be convincing.

📌 Top-12 Good Persuasive Essay Ideas

  • Is the Internet safe for young kids?
  • Should we abolish zoos?
  • Can animal testing be ethical?
  • Is euthanasia a human right?
  • Do public libraries need more funding?
  • Is green energy reliable?
  • Can we remain anonymous online?
  • Is gender a social construct?
  • How can debt be relieved for college students?
  • Is there a point to political debates?
  • Did the 2020 pandemic change the world?
  • What is better – high school or middle school?

🎉 Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing about something funny and entertaining is always more pleasant. Not only it puts you in a good mood, but also it helps you to train your sense of humor and stay creative. For your audience, it is even more exciting to read something fun.

This list of funny persuasive essay topics ideas will help you to start your essay. Or it can assist with brainstorming and generating your unique funny ideas.

  • Girls do not like gossiping more than boys do. It is a widespread belief, but do you think it depends on gender? Or is it a stereotype that we keep perpetuating? If you ask any man if he gossips, the answer will most probably be negative. However, it is not valid. Men gossip as well. The difference is that they don’t consider their conversations as gossiping.
  • Why should people eat less junk food? There are so many good reasons why people should eat less junk food. You can start with listing health benefits, the financial aspects of it. Add data about the inability to check sanitary norms and allergy restrictions. It is a straightforward and exciting topic to write about.
  • Everyone should know how to cook.
  • Why do smokers have more acquaintances?
  • Why parents should stop lying about Santa Claus .
  • People should live together before getting married.

Living together prior to getting hitched has increased since the 1960s in the USA.

  • The color of your hair does not affect your IQ. There is a common stereotype that your hair color can somehow determine your IQ. This stereotype has been reinforced by Hollywood movies, magazines, and even by some ordinary people. Can it be true? Find some good scientific explanation for the position you hold.
  • Why is social media great for you?
  • Regular exercise can help you be happy .
  • Netflix can help you grow as an individual.
  • Why should homework not be given to kids?
  • Overprotection can make your child fail in life . Every parent should allow kids to make mistakes. Unfortunately, that is how we learn. Without this valuable experience, we cannot succeed as adults. We will not be able to make crucial decisions because we will be so afraid of failure. Parents should be able to teach their kids that failure is normal because it is a part of life.
  • Physical attractiveness can help you succeed .

😊 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

When you are trying to find a persuasive essay topic, it may not work for you. The task is either too simple or way too hard. This list is arranged based on your academic level. Hopefully, it will help you to navigate and find the topic for a persuasive essay.

🎈 Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students

Being able to persuade others is a vital skill. To do that, we need to learn how to express our thoughts and ideas logically and coherently. Your sentences and words should be straight to the point.

These skills should be trained even at elementary school. This list can help you to come up with the topic for the next elementary school essay.

By the age of eleven, kids should know how to explain their perspective and persuade.

  • School uniform is a good idea . If you disagree with this statement, you can easily change it to be what you agree with. There are plenty of reasons why a school uniform is a great idea. First, it teaches kids to obey authority. They will wear uniforms for the rest of their life no matter what professional path they will use. Second of all, it helps to balance economic differences between kids. Some parents cannot afford expensive clothing, while others can.
  • School breaks should be longer.
  • Watching TV is good for you.
  • Why there should be no homework .
  • Eating vegetables is good for your health .
  • Why every child should be allowed to have a pet . Having a pet lets you experience what it is to be an adult. It teaches you responsibility. If you have a pet, you can share the lessons you have learned.
  • Summer and Winter are the best seasons.
  • Kids should be allowed to play computer games.
  • I should be able to go to bed when I want to.
  • Kids should be able to vote.
  • My parents should pay me for doing chores.
  • Why having a piggy bank can help you in life. Financial education should start at a very early age. Kids should be able to understand the value of money and what it means to save. If you have a piggy bank, you can share what benefits it has for you.
  • Students should be able to give grades to teachers.
  • Should we get paid for good grades?
  • Having a big family has more benefits than disadvantages.
  • Cats are better than dogs.
  • Students should be allowed to pick their teachers.
  • Using a cell phone at school should be allowed .
  • Why learning another language is good for you. Do you like traveling? Or watching movies and cartoons? Learning another language can help you to do so while using a foreign language. It also provides you with a competitive edge and an advantage in the future.
  • Everyone should have a hobby.

‍👩‍🏫 Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle & High School

Middle and high school is a place where you can learn and train the essential life skills. There is learning how to count, write, and communicate with others. Besides all of this, you can learn how to be convincing and persuasive. Essay writing is a great way to do that.

So, if you can choose your essay topic, try to go for a persuasive essay topic.

In the US, middle school often includes 6th grade, 7th, and 8th grade. High school usually starts in grade 9 and finishes on the 12th one.

  • Smoking is bad for you .
  • The school day should start later in the day.
  • Households should be obliged to recycle .
  • Books should be replaced with tablets. Books are the things of the past. Having to carry heavy books is not necessary anymore. A tablet can contain hundreds of books. It is also better for the environment and forest preservation. If you agree with this statement, choose this persuasive essay topic.
  • The Internet is the best invention of the 20th century . Pretty much everyone will agree with you. A modern world would be so much more difficult without the Internet. It elevates communication to another level and provides information. Some people disagree with these statements. They think that the Internet is not the best invention of the 20th century.
  • Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.
  • Why city life is better than country life.
  • The Internet should be free for everyone. It is a critical component of modern life. Such things as applying for taxes, looking for a job, working are impossible nowadays without access to the Internet. Even applying to university, or for scholarships to support your studies cannot be done without it. Consequently, it should be free.
  • Should tattoos be illegal?
  • Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.
  • Eating chocolate is healthy .
  • Animal dissection is inhumane.
  • Cities should have a free bike-sharing.
  • Video games promote violence . Video games are sometimes connected to violent actions. Kids who play video games are more likely to engage in intense activity. Elaborate on this view or argue against it.
  • Social Media is bad for your self-image.
  • Who do you consider your hero, and why?
  • Texting while driving should be illegal.
  • Why zoos should be banned . Lots of individuals love going to zoos. However, look at it from an ethical perspective. You will see why zoos should be forbidden for a large number of reasons. In this essay, you can give your personal opinion. For example, tell your reader why keeping animals in cages is inhumane.

Zoos do not allow animals to demonstrate their natural behavior.

  • Gender divided schools are bad for kids.
  • The benefits of having younger siblings.

🎓 Persuasive Essay Ideas for College

Choosing a persuasive essay idea for the college level is a real challenge. We’ve already done the hardest part for you and created a list of interesting topics. See if anything looks persuasive enough for your next paper or a public talk.

  • How should Americans solve the gun violence issue in the United States?
  • One policy that should be implemented in the educational sector.
  • Why should public universities have free tuition?
  • The death penalty is an ineffective way to prosecute .
  • Hunting is not an ethical hobby. Many people believe that it is not a decent hobby because it makes animals suffer. Sometimes an animal can survive the shot but later on experience a prolonged and painful death. Find arguments that support this point of view. You can think that there is nothing wrong with hunting. Then highlight that love for animals and this hobby are not two mutually exclusive concepts.
  • Vegetarianism does not save animals.
  • Mcdonalds should not be an official sponsor of any sporting event.
  • The world should have free borders.
  • Abstract art is not art.
  • Online learning is best for students and teachers .
  • The importance of equal representation of genders and races in the police.
  • Capital punishment should be abolished .
  • Churches should be required to pay taxes. This debate continues for decades. A lot of people believe that churches should be stripped of their tax-exempt charity status. One of the reasons is that the Catholic Church is the wealthiest organization in the world.
  • Teachers should be paid more .
  • Americans should speak more languages.
  • Beauty contests are bad for teenage girls’ self-image. This type of competition degrades women to mere sexual objects. Those who are not able to participate in such contests end up being affected as well. They feel that they are not good enough. Explore some other arguments about why beauty contests are not good for teenagers.
  • Standardized tests should be banned.
  • Why should there be only one currency in the world?
  • Pets should be allowed to join children at school.
  • Why cyberbullying should become a crime .

🦉 Persuasive Essay Topics for Higher English

College students majoring in English can use one of these topics for their essays. Writing a persuasive speech or paper starts with picking the right idea.

Check out this great list of creative and unusual topics for essay writing. Our ideas can help you to deliver an outstanding result that will pleasantly surprise your readers.

  • The question of authority is the focus of The Giver by Lois Lowry.
  • Why abortions should be allowed.

The issue of abortions is a prevalent debate in the United States.

  • People should be charged for racial slurs.
  • Guns should not be allowed on College Campuses .
  • Elementary schools should focus on teaching how to type, not handwrite.
  • Security cameras at a workplace are an invasion of privacy .
  • College football should be banned. It is just too dangerous.
  • Parents should never lie to their kids. In this essay, you can explain what happens to kids when their parents lie to them. Later in life, it may create a colossal distrust. You can also talk about common lies parents tell their kids such as Santa, dead pet, or swallowing chewing gum.
  • Illegal immigration benefits the American economy .
  • Do we live in the society predicted by Ray Bradberry in Fahrenheit 451?
  • Should priests be allowed to get married?
  • Does the government have a right to choose what it censors?
  • How the current tax system overburdens middle-class citizens.
  • Religious beliefs do not define a person.
  • Being egoistic should be encouraged. Being selfish is usually seen as a negative trait. However, psychologists believe that being selfish can make you a better individual. Find arguments that support this point of view. You can claim that being selfish can help you stay healthy or even have better relationships. There are many good arguments you can make that will persuade your readers.
  • Sexual desire does not define human behavior.
  • Equal rights between men and women are impossible to attain. Elaborate on the topic expressing this or the opposing view. Provide both arguments and counterarguments, striving to convince your reader.
  • Women are better at collaborating and executing than men.
  • There is a danger in being neutral.
  • Should all residents receive free health care?

🎈 Great Persuasive Essay Topics according to Theme

We organized our topics thematically as well. It could help you to search for the right one as you may have to write a persuasive essay for a specific class.

Maybe you have a passion for music, or sports, or a healthy lifestyle. Then, you can go to a theme you like the most. Select a good persuasive essay topic that works.

🏈 Persuasive Essay Topics about Sports

Who does not like sports? Okay, maybe some individuals do not enjoy it. However, most students choose not to write essays about it.

Do you know why?

Mainly because it is hard to find the topic. It is especially problematic when you want to find a good one. This list will give you some fresh persuasive essay ideas.

  • Don’t generalize college athletes . There is a common belief that all college athletes are not very smart. In this essay, you should provide reasoning on why this statement is wrong.

Numerous athletes study hard and are very intelligent.

  • Cheerleading should also be regarded as a sport.
  • Only women should be allowed to train female teams.
  • Universities should stop spending so much money on sports programs . This essay topic is another debate in American society. A lot of people believe that spending this amount of money on sports does not make sense. We could redirect this money to academics and financial support for students in need. The best schools in the USA do not have large sports programs, explain why.
  • Not every sportsperson can be a good coach.
  • Every college athlete should get insurance .
  • Women should be allowed to compete against men.
  • An issue of homophobia in sports.
  • Cheerleaders should wear different costumes because the current ones are sexist.
  • Why parents should let their kids play extreme sports . Think about why parents should allow their children to participate in such activities. First, you can write about why kids want to do extreme sports. Second, you can elaborate on why parents do not want to let that. You will be surprised at what you might find.
  • Fame is the main factor in getting a sports-related career.
  • College athletes should get paid as much as the professional ones .
  • Chess should become an Olympic sport.
  • Sports help with managing depression and anxiety.
  • Michael Jordan is the most successful athlete of all time .

🩺 Persuasive Health Topics

This particular section has some ideas of the persuasive essay topics about health. Each section has about five titles.

Let’s see what health topics you can use:

Medical Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Everyone should have a right to euthanasia .
  • The importance of talking to kids about sex .
  • Healthcare should be free. First and foremost, free healthcare can save millions of lives. So, it creates a foundation for a right and just society. Some of the poorest people cannot afford to pay their medical bills. It creates even more inequality in society.
  • Talking about childhood cancer is essential to fight it.
  • Why marijuana should not be legalized . There is a popular belief that marijuana is not dangerous. However, some scientists disagree with this statement. In this essay, you can persuade your readers not to support the legalization of the drug. Or you can do the opposite. Convince them that it is not harmful and can be beneficial for your health.

Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Healthy Lifestyle

  • Your eating habits affect your personality.
  • Seven harmful effects of junk food .
  • The vegetarian diet is the healthiest one.
  • Unhealthy foods taste so good because it’s a manipulation. This topic is a funny one, but many people probably had the same type of questions. Why do unhealthy foods taste so good? Not only it pleases our taste buds, but it also triggers brain chemicals to start reacting.
  • Poor nutrition and life expectancy connection.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Mental Health

  • Misuse of ADHD medication among college students.
  • Stigma and discrimination affect gay men’s mental health.
  • Does playing music during pregnancy increase a baby’s IQ?
  • Playing with Barbie dolls can later manifest in eating disorders . Girls who played with Barbie dolls are convinced that their bodies are not perfect. They feel as if they need to diet. An impossible ideal of Barbie creates a disturbance in body image. Society needs to see that playing with skinny dolls does not cause eating disorders. It increases the risks of having low self-esteem. This essay can provide a fresh look at something as innocent as playing with a doll.
  • The stigma associated with mental illness has to be eliminated.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Depression

  • The connection between perfectionism and anxiety.
  • Teenage Depression is more common than you think . Some individuals believe that teenagers nowadays have very unrealistic expectations. They claim the media and Social Media continuously promote a message about “feeling good.” Many people do not teach their kids vital skills on how to manage their lives under pressure. Find some data that can show how regular the issue is. Prove your point with facts and opinions from trustworthy sources.
  • Every school should have a mechanism to help students with mental health issues.
  • Recognizing the symptoms, signs, and risk factors of OCD is important .
  • The reasons why everyone should have a psychologist. There are plenty of reasons why everyone should see a therapist. An essay can discuss some of them and maybe convince people to start therapy.

A US study supports the view about the dual effects of social media in the workplace.

📲 Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics

Social Media has a considerable impact on the world we live in. Therefore, in the past years, essay topics about it became increasingly popular.

A Social Media persuasive topic should be intriguing, controversial, and relatable.

  • The negative effects of Social Media .
  • What makes a successful Social Media marketing plan. Some many different tricks and tips help to make a successful social media marketing plan. However, stick to the essential ones. What you are trying to do and what you want to achieve should be the focus. In the world of marketing, it is called S.M.A.R.T. goals.
  • The importance of attention getter in writing an Instagram post.
  • Don’t forget to live your life, not only to document it for Social Media.
  • Teenagers spend too much time on Social Media . In the modern world, almost everyone has a device. People spend a lot of time looking at the screen. Teenagers spend even more. Explain whether it is a problem or how it can be changed. What are the dangers of spending too much time on Social Media?
  • A specific purpose of Social Media.
  • The positive effects of Social Media.
  • Social Media addiction among older people . You might be surprised, but social media addiction exists even among older people. First, talk about what is considered social media addiction. Then talk about how it can be changed. Why should it be changed?
  • The reasons why Twitter is popular among celebrities.
  • Social Media opened new possibilities for business.
  • The world cannot survive without Social Media.
  • Social Media promotes cyberbullying.
  • Social Media strengthens relationships between people . Despite a lot of negative effects, one thing remains clear: social media helps people to stay in touch. The world we live in today became much smaller because of social media.
  • Social Media and Networking Sites are a great help in your professional development.
  • Social Media is a social problem.
  • Social Comparison caused by Social Media is something we cannot avoid.
  • Social Media Influencers are not celebrities.
  • The Internet heavily affects News .
  • Social Media should not be allowed in the workplace.

A US study supports the view about the dual effects of social media in the workplace.

🎹 Persuasive Topics on Music

Everyone loves music—both listening to it and reading about it. Imagine how pleasantly surprised your peers will be if you choose a persuasive essay topic on it. Choose an artist or a genre and get creative.

  • Hard Rock music is the music of violence.
  • Rap music is not music—it’s poetry. A lot of people believe that rap isn’t music but poetry. Do you agree? If you do, then this topic is excellent for you. Look at the history of rap music. You will find some great arguments that support this view. What was the purpose of the first songs?
  • Some people have an addiction to music.
  • Depressive songs can be triggering for people with mental issues. Sad music usually goes hand-in-hand with depression. If you aren’t feeling well, it is quite reasonable if you choose sad music. However, researchers say that sad music can worsen your condition, so you should be careful. There are a lot of great experiments that demonstrate this idea and prove this point. Your essay can be quite helpful for those battling with their emotions and feelings.
  • Music does not always have a positive effect.
  • Kids should not listen to death metal.
  • Hip hop dancing is a mainstream American culture now.
  • Why music talent shows are so popular in America .
  • Kids who listen to hip hop music are more rebellious than the rest. Rap music is heavily scrutinized. Kids who listen to rap and hip-hop may be more rebellious than others. It can happen since that such music often advocates violence and rebellion.
  • The Negative view of women in hip hop music videos is outdated.
  • The similarities between ballet and hip hop .
  • The music can influence our behavior .
  • The positive aspects of playing a musical instrument.
  • Classical music and intelligence.
  • The music reflects society and its authenticity.
  • The positive effects of Mozart’s music on babies. There are so many advantages when it comes to listening to classical music. That’s why many parents in the United States start playing classical music to kids at a very early age.

Mozart’s music won't make your children intelligent.

  • Blacks express themselves through music for centuries.
  • Even plants grow better with classical music.
  • Jazz is an extinct music genre.
  • Reasons why most people do not like country music.

💖 Persuasive Essay Topics about Love & Family

All we need is love. It is a very famous song, and it is so true. Here’s a list of topics about love and family for you to be able to get inspired.

  • Love is more than a set of chemical reactions. What is love? A lot of writers, scientists, philosophers, artists tried to answer this question. According to science, love is no more than a set of chemical reactions in the brain. Can it be true? You can argue that love is more sophisticated than any chemical reaction. Finding arguments that support this viewpoint should not be complicated. Or take the opposite stand.
  • Everyone needs love.
  • Why men do not understand women.
  • It is not a good idea to live together before marriage.
  • Hitting kids should be a crime. Children cannot make a connection between their actions and physical. Therefore, any form of aggression to children should become illegal. The only thing they feel is pain, so kids should not be physically punished. You can talk about the short-term and long-term effects of childhood traumas caused by caregivers.
  • Every parent should talk to kids about sex.
  • Why can people be happy only if they have love in their life?
  • Love is the only way we can fight racism.
  • Why parents should not drink and smoke in front of their children.
  • Are marriage bonds are more reliable than any other relationship?
  • The concept of love is different from culture to culture .
  • The love between Romeo and Juliet was not mature.
  • A love of a woman is different .
  • Looking beyond imperfections is essential for success in marriage.
  • Sacrifice is an element in family life. To build a happy family, we may need to learn the quality of sacrifice. In your essay, you can talk about why it may be necessary. What does it help to achieve? You can include your life examples and show the benefits of sacrifice.

There are plenty of negative effects of self-sacrifice in family life.

  • The changing landscape of love and marriage .
  • Love and marriage are incompatible .
  • Can parents leave their kids at home alone before 13 years old?
  • Teenagers should have more free time.

✔ 60 More Persuasive Essay Topics

In this section, you can find 60 more persuasive essay topics.

1. Persuasive Essay Topics: UK

Choosing a good persuasive essay topic can be difficult. For UK students and students interested in UK culture, finding this section can be such a relief. These ten topics were waiting for you:

  • Why Are UK Universities Better than the ones in the USA’s ones? It is a very subjective idea. Though it has a place to exist. If you think that UK universities are better, develop this idea into a persuasive essay.
  • Why are UK musicians so famous in America?
  • Brexit will help the UK to prosper.
  • Why some believe that Shakespeare didn’t write his plays . You have probably heard this point of view before. However, you do not have to agree with it. You could find good arguments to demonstrate this common belief. Explain your position and why people think this way.
  • Scotland’s version of UK history is different.
  • The UN and International Peace .
  • British and English are not synonyms.
  • The history of the Northern Ireland crisis.
  • Difficult relationships between the United Kingdom and the EU.

2. Persuasive Essay Topics: Philippines

  • The effects of globalization on poverty in The Philippines.
  • Death penalty laws in The Philippines are cruel.
  • Critical issues in the Philippines should be resolved immediately.
  • Benefits of a nationwide smoking ban in the Philippines.
  • The quality of education in the Philippines should be higher.

3. Persuasive Essay Topics: Canada

  • The impact of immigration on the geography of Canada is exceptional. Did you know that Canada receives more than 200.000 immigrants per year? Discuss how it affects economic geography in Canada. Where do most immigrants decide to reside? What happens to the job market?

The Canadian government decided to significantly increase the number of permanent residents to Canada.

  • Canadian immigration is marked with a history of discrimination.
  • Democratic racism in Canada is apparent.
  • Canada is in denial about the issue of gender inequality .
  • The most famous Canadian women and their achievements are underappreciated.

4. Persuasive Essay Topics: Social Science

  • There is a connection between mental illness and aging.
  • There are effects of violent movies on psychology. Absolutely everything that people see and watch affects their psychology. It affects us in one way or the other. Unfortunately, nowadays, violence is one of the most common forms of entertainment. This essay can persuade people to watch less violent movies.
  • We have to deal with the social issues of families in poverty .
  • Technology positively impacts society.
  • There are negative consequences of individualism .

5. LGBT+ Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Social problems in relation to the LGBT population is still an issue.
  • LGBT labor and employment discrimination issues . Unfortunately, the LGBT community still faces discrimination. Besides showing the state of affairs, try to change your reader’s attitude. Make them see it as a social issue.
  • The effects of cyberbullying on the LGBT community are significant.
  • There is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender discrimination in the Hispanic community.
  • The causes of homosexual discrimination in American society .

6. Emotional Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The importance of the use of ethos, pathos, logos in essay writing.
  • The reasons why we should protect the environment.
  • Should older people be allowed to drive?
  • Is access to the internet a human right?
  • The American dream is no longer attainable.

7. Deep Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Should graffiti be considered a form of art?
  • Stereotypes of American citizens .
  • Why the debate over free education for all students should be over.
  • Why is it important to teach Shakespeare in school?
  • Art and music therapy should be covered by health insurance.

8. Harry Potter: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Does the sorting hat know more than humans?
  • Is there a deeper meaning in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone?
  • A theme of love and betrayal in J.K.Rowling’s books is prominent. A lot of critics believe that Harry Potter is not about magic but love. It is a recurring theme in the whole series.

In Harry Potter, there is love between friends, parents, partners.

  • Hogwarts: a home away from home.
  • We should discuss the symbolism of deathly hallows more.

9. Fashion: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Eco-friendly clothing is the next type of fashion.
  • Why is a style more important than fashion?
  • What does your choice of dress tell about you?
  • Fashion photography is a form of art, as well.
  • What are the concepts of beauty in the fashion industry?

10. Domestic Violence: Persuasive Essay Topics

  • We have to take into account a cross-cultural perspective on domestic abuse. Different cultures approach domestic violence with varying levels of tolerance. In multicultural families, it can be a challenging problem to address. In your essay, you should try to explain why, in some places, people tolerate domestic violence. Elaborate on why, in other areas, it is forbidden.
  • Domestic violence against women is a prominent problem.
  • Domestic abuse against men exists too. Not everyone understands, but domestic violence against men is an issue. However, people discuss it less commonly, and men do not like to share their experiences. Why? They prefer to maintain their sharp facade. However, domestic abuse is damaging to everyone.
  • There is significant emotional abuse in low-income families.
  • Child abuse is still a problem .

11. Persuasive Agriculture Topics

  • How urban agriculture affects the economy .
  • The agricultural effects on wild animals.
  • Should GMO organisms in farming be allowed?
  • The issue of agricultural modernization in third world countries .
  • Organic farming should be the only type of farming.

👩‍🏫 6 Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is one of the most common types of academic writing. You, as a student, will be required to master it. The goal is to present a distinct opinion on a topic and illustrate it with arguments and evidence. Hopefully, by the end of this section, you will be able to write a good persuasive essay.

To write a perfect persuasive essay, you have to practice.

As you already can guess from the name, in the essay, you have to is to persuade (convince) others. Attempts to make people feel and think a certain way. To be able to do that, you need to have a good grasp of logos, pathos, and ethos.

Even heard of it?

A Greek philosopher Aristotle discovered this theory. A good speech that can convince others depends on three elements, which are:

  • Logos refers to the part responsible for logical persuasion;
  • Pathos refers to the part responsible for emotional appeal;
  • Ethos refers to the extent readers are willing to trust the writer.

You need to be passionate about the persuasive topic.

So, you should determine and implement logos, pathos, and ethos in your essay. You might not be able to use the third one, though. It deals with your social status and reputation.

Now let’s understand what makes a persuasive essay so great:

  • Your distinctive position supported by both arguments and counterarguments.
  • A compelling style that influences your reader.
  • An adequate organization that ensures the natural progression of your argumentation.

📜 5 Persuasive Writing Prompts

In this section, we will give you some good ideas for using both logos and pathos. It is essential to remember about these components if you are writing a persuasive essay. These five persuasive writing prompts will help you to start:

  • Immigrants are not a threat to American society. This is such a familiar debate. Some politicians and regular people see immigrants as a threat to American society. Present several facts that argue against the idea. Elaborate on the increase in human capital, innovation, science. Appeal to the fact that America is a country that was built by immigrants.
  • The immoral aspect of eating animals. Have you ever heard about the Animal Rights movement? It exists, and it states that causing suffering to animals is immoral. You can argue for or against it. You can say that humans were created to eat meat. Or claim that the Bible says we should be vegetarians. There are many logos and pathos arguments that you can make if you decide to choose this topic.
  • Having a lot of friends is impossible. A lot of times, people confuse who is their friend and who is their acquaintance. In this essay, try to find a good definition of who you would call a friend. Friendship requires a lot of time and effort. Is it possible to maintain a lot of friendship relationships?
  • Sexual orientation is determined in childhood. A lot of people believe that sexual orientation is determined later in life. However, most LGBTQ+ persons state that it is not valid. They say that their sexual orientation became evident to them even when they were kids. You can develop this argument and include some personal stories of people you know.
  • Capital punishment is a crime. In this essay, you can give your opinion about capital punishment. Choose the position you genuinely believe in and support it with evidence. One thing is clear; capital punishment is a susceptible subject. No matter what view you have, you will most probably meet some opposition. Stick to logical arguments and try not to appeal too much to pathos.

Truman Capote argued against capital punishment.

Thank you for reading this article! Do not hesitate to share our persuasive essay topics with your friends and fellow students. And leave a comment below—we’d be happy to learn your opinion.

🔗 References

  • 100 Persuasive Essay Topics: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • Writing Resources: Writing Center Handouts, Hamilton College
  • Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques: Brian Clark, Copyblogger
  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay, Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Malcolm Gladwell, MasterClass
  • Persuasive Essay, Examples and Definition of Persuasive Essay: Literary Devices, Definition and Examples of literary Items
  • Persuasive Essay Outline: HCC Learning Web
  • How To Write A Persuasive Essay: Writing Guides, Ultius
  • Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Melissa Burns, The College Puzzle
  • Tips for Organizing an Argumentative Essay: Judith L. Beumer Writing Center
  • Counterargument: Gordon Harvey (adapted from The Academic Essay: A Brief Anatomy), for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • 60 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics: K12 Reader
  • 434 Good Persuasive Topics for Speech or Essay: My Speech Class
  • How to Write Persuasive Essays: Matrix Education
  • 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Writtent
  • A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Purdue University
  • Topic Ideas Generator: Online Research Library Questia
  • English Grammar, Grammar Rules and Tips: Grammarist, English Grammar, Usage, and Style Blog
  • How Do I Cite Sources: Plagiarism.org
  • Writing Essays: Learning Development, Plymouth University
  • Citation Style and Reference Formats: C. Rodkin, Association for Computing Machinery
  • Effective Writing Grammar Rules: Grammar Book
  • The Basics of Essay Writing: UNSW Current Students
  • Share via Facebook
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  • Share via email

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Really amazing article. It’s really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

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President Biden speaks in a suit, with microphones near him.

He Still Thought He Could Win: Inside Biden’s Decision to Drop Out

People close to President Biden say he believes he could have won a second term. But he came to realize that the fight would rip apart the Democratic Party that he had served his whole life.

President Biden exited the 2024 race on a weekend in late July, keeping his deliberations within a tight circle. Credit... Eric Lee/The New York Times

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Michael D. Shear

By Michael D. Shear Katie Rogers and Adam Entous

Reporting from Washington

  • Aug. 15, 2024

In the end, he was alone.

Confined to a spare bedroom in his vacation home and fighting off bouts of coughing from Covid, President Biden was exhausted when he turned in for the night on Saturday, July 20. Whether he slept soundly or fitfully or not at all, people close to him said he took the long hours by himself to mull over the historic decision he was about to make.

He had just been through a brutal two days in Rehoboth Beach, Del., as he huddled with his wife, Jill Biden, and his closest aides, who rotated from a screened-in porch to a sitting area off the dining room.

Steve Ricchetti, the president’s eyes and ears on Capitol Hill, and Mike Donilon, his chief strategist, had shared internal polling with the president that Saturday that mirrored what Americans had been seeing for weeks: Mr. Biden was falling behind, nationally and in key battleground states.

There was still a path to victory, they advised him, but the fight would be ugly. The president would be pitted against his donors, half of his party in Congress and Democratic voters who had concluded that he was too old to win.

For more than three weeks, Mr. Biden had insisted he would stay in the race. Only the “ Lord Almighty ,” he said, could get him to drop out.

But by that Saturday evening, something had shifted.

It was not just about the polls, people close to Mr. Biden say. Despite everything, Mr. Biden believed he could still claim the Democratic nomination and beat former President Donald J. Trump. Aides say that he still believes that.

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