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What is the Doctoral College?

The University of Edinburgh Doctoral College is a coordinating structure for all postgraduate researchers, supervisors and relevant staff at the university, designed to enhance and support the postgraduate student experience. 

For information and resources for research staff, please see the Research Staff Pages:

A Town Hall Event for all Postgraduate Researchers is running on the 5th June 2024 - Find out more here -

PhD stories

Our extraordinary PhD students come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. In this collection of short videos, some of them share their experiences -   PhD Stories

Vision and strategy


The purpose of the Doctoral College, our vision, strategic objectives and our commitment to the improvement of postgraduate research cultures

People and structure


About the Doctoral College leadership and management structure, and the wider Doctoral College team.

Personal and professional development and training

Information about professional, careers and personal development training and opportunities for  UoE   PGR  students.

Researcher Representation and Community

Information on student representation and community

Support for PGR supervision

Information and guidance for staff who supervise research students.

Doctoral training centres

Information on funded PhD training programmes and support for directors and administrators of these programmes.

Essential information for postgraduate researchers

Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students (PDF)

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - PGR pages

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine - PGR pages

College of Science and Engineering  (EASE log in required)

Information for prospective postgraduate research students

New student pages

Postgraduate study degree finder

This article was published on 2023-12-07

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PhD Opportunities

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Prof Halim Kusumaatmaja

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Energy Systems Institute for Energy Systems Themes

Infrastructure and Environment, Multiscale Thermofluids Institute for Infrastructure and Environment Themes, Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids Themes

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Prof Halim Kusumaatmaja

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edinburgh university phd programs

PhD Study with Edinburgh Neuroscience

Edinburgh Neuroscience currently has about 250 PhD students working on a wide variety of neuroscience-related projects that cover health and disease across the life course, from early development to old age. Our PhD students are an integral part of our dynamic neuroscience community and we are keen to recruit motivated and collaborative students.  There are a variety of PhD opportunities, advertised throughout the year and, in addition to the numerous individual PhD projects offered via our research centres, we have two PhD programmes.

EdNeuro.PhD is our PhD portal

To find out more about studying for a PhD with Edinburgh Neuroscience, currently available funded studentships and how to apply, please visit our dedicated PhD portal  EdNeuro.PhD

Visit EdNeuro.PhD for all our PhD training information

Our PhD Programmes

SPRINT-MND/MS PhD Programme . Led by Edinburgh Neuroscience, Scottish PhD Research & Innovation Network Traineeships in MND/MS’ is a PhD programme in partnership with the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow and St Andrews and promotes research into all aspects of motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis.

Wellcome Trust 4 year PhD in translational Neuroscience . Our flagship PhD programme  ‘Translational Neuroscience: Lifecourse influences on human brain health’ is a ‘ training to translate ’ programme for non -clinical students that addresses a current global need by focussing on the advancement of knowledge, expertise and skills in clinical translation, drawing on unique Edinburgh research strengths in diseases across the life-course to achieve this goal.

School of Social and Political Science

Phd politics, introduction.

Applications for September 2024 entry are now closed.  We expect to open applications for 2025 entry in October. 

We warmly invite candidates to apply for a PhD in Politics

We are delighted that you are interested in doctoral research in our programme. We would like to highlight what's special about doctoral education in Politics (and/or) International Relations - or PIR - at the University of Edinburgh.

Approximately 60 members of PIR academic staff enjoy international reputations for their research and have won numerous teaching, research and advising awards. Their scholarship covers a diverse range of research areas on Scotland, Europe, and the world, and is published in highly-rated journals and books.

The department has a strong tradition of advising, informing and debating policy with key decision-makers at Scottish, UK, European and international levels, and has a notable concentration of political theorists.

Our Politics and International Relations department at the University of Edinburgh is one of the leading centres of research excellence in the UK, ranked in the top 10 in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). We are one of only three Politics and International Relations departments in the UK to achieve 100% 4* (the top ranking) for research environment. Amongst UK universities, we placed 7th in the 2022 QS World University Ranking by subject.

Our stimulating intellectual community

We have a large, vibrant, diverse, and international community of postgraduate students. We direct active research institutes, including:

  • Europa Institute
  • Centre on Constitutional Change
  • Centre for Science, Knowledge and Policy (SKAPE)
  • Centre for Security Research (CeSeR)
  • Centre for Ethics and Critical Thought (CRITIQUE)

PhD research in Politics and International Relations at Edinburgh is located in the School of Social and Political Science. The School benefits from the broader University of Edinburgh community of world-class researchers. A flourishing programme of events, seminars, and research groups complements our postgraduate courses and doctoral supervision.

Our dedication to students

We are deeply committed to our students at all levels and offer individualized supervision, mentoring, and support at all stages of the doctoral programme. Many postgraduate students work closely with staff on research and themselves publish independent papers. The department warmly welcomes the participation by our postgraduate community in our research, our working groups and centres and in the daily life of the department.

Our students are further supported by a range of courses, workshops, and professional development opportunities sponsored by the School of Social and Political Science and the Institute for Academic Development:

  • Institute for Academic Development

The degree is based on three to four years of full-time research. Each student follows an individual training programme designed with their supervisor and the Postgraduate Adviser. This programme is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

In the first year, students acquire a wide range of research skills and formulate their research question and related design, under the guidance of their supervisors. At the end of their course of study students submit a thesis and are examined in an oral examination (viva voce) by two examiners (usually one internal to the University, the other external).

The thesis is a long piece of research on a topic of particular interest to the student and makes an original contribution to the field of politics and international relations.

Research training

All new research students follow a programme of research training, drawn from the MSc by Research courses coordinated by the School of Social and Political Science and Politics and International Relations-specific training.

The programme equips students with professional training to a high standard. After graduating you can expect to be a strong candidate for careers in a wide variety of contexts, including academia, the media, the private sector and a diverse array of public services. Nearly everyone needs good researchers!

Politics and International Relations helps you gain a range of transferable skills above and beyond those required by their specific projects, such as:

  • organising seminars and conferences
  • learning how to apply for research jobs in and out of academia
  • learning how to deliver professional seminar presentations 

Postgraduate researchers also have access to the University and College-wide programme of training in transferable skills and other aspects of professional development, such as specialist careers advice.

PhD students in Politics and International Relations are allocated a supervisor and a co-supervisor, who will advise on the entirety of the research process, from reading and assembling ideas, to fieldwork, analysing empirical or theoretical materials, writing up chapters, completing the thesis, to the viva which rounds off the process. 

Although the first supervisor is based in Politics and International Relations, the second one may be from another discipline in the School or the wider University. This decision depends wholly on your topic and the availability of supervisors.

There is a regular progress review, discuss ideas, review progress and provide help and support where necessary. The Postgraduate Advisor in Politics and International Relations is also available to provide advice. The supervisors and the Postgraduate Advisor facilitate a supportive framework and promote an active and sustaining research culture for our PhD students.

You are encouraged to contact staff with similar interests to yours and discuss ideas prior to application.


Politics and International Relations postgraduate researchers significantly contribute to the academic community, productivity and acclaim of Edinburgh. Our PhD students are involved in a range of initiatives within the University and beyond, including government and non-profit programmes.

Evidence of the quality and dedication of our students is clear from the awards they receive.  Here are a few examples:

  • Judith Sijstermans – UACES & James Madison Charitable Trust Scholarship for fieldwork
  • Lukas Slothuus – ESRC Studentship
  • Francesco Bertoldi – ESRC Studenship
  • Louis Fletcher – Robert L. Platzman Fellowship from the University of Chicago library for archival work
  • Kathy Dodworth – Inaugural BISA African Affairs Postgraduate Paper Prize
  • Sayra Van Den Berg – ESRC Studentship
  • Alexandra Remond – ESRC Studentship
  • Tom Charman – ESRC Studentship
  • Kathy Dodworth – ESRC Studentship
  • Cera Murtagh – ESRC Studentship
  • Coree Brown – Principals Career Development Scholarship; Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship

Recent publications

Past and current cohorts of postgraduates in Politics and International Relations have actively sought to publish their innovative research drawn from PhD studies, related work, and collaboration with other academics and organisations.

Some examples of published writing include:  

  • Yue Liu (2017) “UK’s participation in the One Belt & One Road Initiative” (Ying Guo Bu Gan Que Xi Yi Dai Yi Lu), World Vision Journal, 2017 NO.22.
  • Yue Liu (2017) “The fourth election of Merkel: It is not the God’s preference” (Mo Ke Er Neng Si Lian Ren Bing Fei Shang Di Pian Ai), , 26 September 2017.  
  • Victor Gigleux (2016) Explaining the diversity of small states’ foreign policies through role theory, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 1:1, 27-45. 
  • Francesco Bertoldi (2016), Change beneath the surface: the 2016 Northern Ireland Assembly election, Regional&Federal Studies
  • Murtagh, C. (2016) ‘Civic Mobilization in Divided Societies and the Perils of Political Engagement: Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Protest and Plenum Movement,’ Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 22(2), 149-171.

Conference papers and presentations

A number of our PhD students attend workshops and conferences at universities and other events.

Examples of conference papers include:

  • Francesco Bertoldi (2017), Segregated Narratives: Communal Separation and Political Campaigning in Northern Ireland, presented at the PSA Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow .
  • Yazmin Morlet Corti (2017) “Data protection a mixed public policy model in Mexico".  AMIC Conference  "Communication and democratic crisis in Mexico".  Guanajuato, Mexico.
  • Lukas Slothuss (2017), ' Disobedience Reinforcing the Status Quo? A Critique of Dominant Accounts of Civil Disobedience , Empire, Capital, and Transnational Resistance: Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics 12th Annual Conference, University of Brighton.
  • Jeremy Armon (2016), "Ethiopian Political Economy: Current Features, Possible Futures", presentation delivered at the Royal College of Defence Studies, London.
  • Ritumbra Manuvie (2016) "Politics of Disaster and Mobility in Assam' paper presented at the 9th International Geographical Union Conference, New Delhi.
  • Jeremy Armon (2016) "Can political settlements analysis help us better understand change in Africa?", Africa Working Group Workshop, University of Birmingham.

Many of our postgraduate researchers also undertake a number of professional and voluntary positions outwith the University. 

Examples include:

  • Lukas Slothuus – A member of the Research School on Peace and Conflict at PRIO, Oslo.
  • Anthony Salamone – Local Organising Committee Member, Council for European Studies – 24th International Conference of Europeanists (Glasgow 2017)
  • Cera Murtagh – Research Assistant to Professor Fiona Mackay, Gender Politics, University of Edinburgh.
  • Anthony Salamone – Lead Educator, Towards Brexit? The UK's EU Referendum (University of Edinburgh free online course), May-June 2016
  • Sayra Van Den Berg – Member of the Research School on Peace and Conflict, Peace Research Institute, Oslo
  • Francesco Bertoldi – European Relations Policy Support Officer, Scottish Government
  • Jeremy Armon – Senior Governance Adviser, UK Department for International Development
  • Ritumbra Manuvie – Visiting Scholar, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, India.

Applying for this PhD

  • Identify potential supervisors suited to your research interests
  • Write a draft research proposal
  • Contact the Postgraduate Advisor with your research proposal and list of potential supervisors
  • Once discussed with the Postgraduate Advisor, formally submit your application on EUCLID

Postgraduate Advisor

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School of Mathematics

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How to apply for a PhD

PhD Student Applications

PhD Applications

The postgraduate research degree offered at the School of Mathematics is the PhD.  The PhD programme is three years in length with an additional year to write up and submit your thesis should it be needed. However, please note if you are offered a fully funded place, you will receive four years of funding (stipend and all fees). The students admitted typically have an MSc degree, or 1 st  class honours degree (or its international equivalent). From the start of their studies, they are assigned a main supervisor with whom they work closely throughout their degree programme and a second supervisor who provides additional help and pastoral support. Applications are invited for PhD studies for September each year. Occasionally students are admitted at other times of the year by special arrangement.  To request the possibility of admission at another time of the year, please  email  the Graduate School with further details of your request. 

All applications received by  22 January 2024 will receive full consideration for funding.  Later applications will be considered until all positions are filled.

If you are applying for EDCS or the China Scholarship, please ensure you check the relevant application deadline. These scholarships do require a separate application.  The deadline for EDCS applications is 19 February 2024.

We accept applications from students who have secured external funding at all times of the year - Please make this clear on your application, and if you are in contact with a potential supervisor.

How to Apply

Step 1: meet our entry requirements.

Our minimum entry requirements are a 1 st  class Honours degree (or its international equivalent) OR a 2:1 Honours degree (or its international equivalent) plus a Masters degree (or its international equivalent) in a relevant subject. Typically, candidates have a good understanding of the field they propose to study, and some research experience.

Students applying for a research degree should identify their research interests and determine in which  research group  they wish to carry out their work. They are encouraged to contact staff members prior to their application in order to identify possible research projects and supervisors. However, it is not essential for you to have secured a supervisor before submitting your application. You can note proposed supervisor(s) on your appliction form.

Non-UK candidates may be required to provide a evidence of proficiency in the English language. For full details on English language requirements, please see this page . Applicants must have one of the following qualifications as evidence of their English language ability:

an undergraduate or masters degree, that was taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country as defined by UK Visas and Immigration ( UKVI list of majority English speaking countries ) 

  • IELTS Academic: total 6.5 with at least 6.0 in each component
  • TOEFL-iBT : total 92 with at least 20 in each section
  • PTE(A) : total 61 with at least 56 in each of the Communicative Skills scores
  • CAE and CPE : total 176 with at least 169 in each paper
  • Trinity ISE : ISE II with distinctions in all four components

Degrees taught and assessed in English must be no more than 3.5 years old at the date of the beginning of your degree programme. English language test certificates must be no more than 2 years old at the beginning of your degree programme, or 3.5 years for CAE & CPE.

Step 2: Apply online

Make an online application to the appropriate PhD programme(s) (see below) . You will be asked to upload documents at the start of the application process. 

The documentation that we require you to upload to your application is:

  • Interim or final transcript(s)  - (depending on what stage you are at in your studies) of your Undergraduate Degree, and Masters Degree, if applicable.
  • Final degree certificate(s) - for your Undergraduate Degree, and Masters Degree, if applicable.
  • Two academic references to be provided directly by referees. Enter their names and email addresses in the required areas, and an automated email will be forwarded to them requesting a reference upload. We will not accept references uploaded by applicants.
  • A CV - You can upload this in the place of a research proposal, which is not required for your application.
  • English Language Test Certificate (where applicable) - please see here . 

Where you are asked for your project proposal, you may ignore that request, the School of Mathematics does not require a research proposal . Although the EUCLID application system will request that you upload one, you can just ignore this request. The reason that you will be asked for one is that the system applies to all Schools throughout the University and some Schools do require a research proposal. In the place of a research proposal, please upload an up to date CV. There is no need to upload any certificates for the degree you are currently studying (if you have not been issued one) - instead, official interim transcripts will be required.

Official translations of any documents not in written English are required. 

On the application form, where it asks for funding information - please enter 'School of Mathematics'. Each application will automatically be considered for one of our scholarships. Please indicate any other potential source of funding you have, have applied for or are intending to apply for (see Step 3).  If you have secured external funding, please provide evidence of the funding along with your application.

Step 3: Funding

Please review and apply for all applicable sources of funding noted on the What funding is available for your PhD  page.

Please apply via the research pages below:

  • Algebra PhD
  • Analysis PhD
  • Applied and Computational Mathematics PhD
  • Geometry and Topology PhD
  • Mathematical Physics PhD
  • Optimization and Operational Research PhD
  • Probability & Stochastic Analysis PhD
  • Statistics PhD
  • Mathematics Education

Best universities in the UK for medicine degrees 2024

Find the best universities in the uk for medicine using  times higher education ’s world university rankings 2024 data.

Medicine class

Top 10 universities for medicine in UK 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities for medicine in the UK

UK medicine rank 2023 WUR medicine rank 2023 University City/Town
1 1 Oxford
2 2 Cambridge
3 4 London
4 8 London
5 10 London
6 21 Edinburgh
7 49 Glasgow
8 50 Manchester
9 =54 Bristol
10 66 Birmingham

The UK is known for its National Health Service (NHS ), one of the world’s largest publicly funded healthcare systems. Many of the country’s public hospitals have close ties with medical schools.


Step into your future: attend our events

In the UK, medicine degrees are available at an undergraduate level, usually through a five- or six-year programme. These programmes allow students to gain a broad knowledge of medicine and include work placements and practical sessions. Students can then specialise through further study. 

Medical students in the UK are expected to have high grades in chemistry and biology, but requirements vary between universities. UK Consortium universities offering medicine degrees require students to take the  University Clinical Aptitude Test  (UCAT); and other top universities require students to take the  BioMedical Admissions Test  (BMAT). International students are also required to take one of these tests when applying to a UK university. 

These are the best universities in the UK for medical degrees, according to the  Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024 .

Best universities for medical degrees in the world Best universities for medicine degrees in Canada Best universities in Australia for medicine degrees Best universities in the United States for medicine degrees 

5.  King’s College London

King’s College offers a five-year medicine MBBS, a graduate programme and a sport and exercise medical sciences BSc. All the courses focus on practical learning. 

The medical course is divided into three stages. 

King’s College London  has partnerships with some of London’s largest hospitals: Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ hospitals. There are two main campuses – Guy’s and Denmark Hill – which house the faculty of life sciences and medicine; the Dental Institute and Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences; and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.

If an optional intercalated degree is chosen, students can extend their five-year course to a six-year course.

The course is divided into three stages. Stage one offers foundation skills in biomedical and population sciences, as well as the skills for clinical practice. Stage two studies the human life cycle and pathological processes, focusing on patient care in clinical settings. Stage three is geared towards specialising and developing skills for the workplace. During this stage, students can choose to study abroad, extending their global knowledge of medicine.

UCL , like many other universities across the UK, offers a six-year undergraduate medicine course. 

Students undertake tutorials and clinical experience at the Royal Free and Whittington Hospitals in London. 

The first two years of the BSc medicine course include learning the fundamentals of clinical science. In the third and fourth years, students begin to learn clinical skills. The final two years are spent preparing for practice and specialising.

The university began offering medical courses in 1834, and since then, six alumni have been awarded the Nobel Prize for work in auto-immune disease, adrenaline and the immune system.

What can you do with a medical degree? What can you do with a dentistry degree? What can you do with a nursing degree?

3.  Imperial College London

Imperial College London  offers two undergraduate courses: BSc medicine and BSc medical biosciences.

Imperial’s Faculty of Medicine is one of the largest in Europe, with campuses across London, as well as numerous partnerships with hospitals and clinics around the UK.

The six-year BSc medicine course combines case-based learning and exposure to patient care as well as lectures and tutorials. The course helps students to develop skills in research techniques, which is helpful for those wishing to go into clinical academic medicine.

The school takes a three-phase approach. Phase one focuses on the foundations of health, disease and clinical practice, and includes the opportunity to undertake clinical research projects. Phase two offers module content learning on top of a research project. The final phase is where students use all the skills they have learned in real-life settings.

Imperial College also offers master’s programmes and scholarships for those who have completed their undergraduate medicine studies and wish to further their skills in the field.

Imperial has contributed significantly to the advances of medicine through research projects on bowel cancer, pandemic solutions and hay fever.

2.  University of Cambridge

The  University of Cambridge  offers two medicine courses: standard and graduate. 

Cambridge requires students to take the BMAT before their application will be accepted.

The  University of Cambridge ’s medical school students can access medicine and medicine-related courses in the school of clinical medicine, the faculty of biology, and the department of physiology, development and neuroscience.

The undergraduate course combines theoretical and practical work in outpatient clinics, GP surgeries and hospitals. 

Graduate and PhD programmes are designed for students looking to pursue a career in academic medicine.

Medicine courses at the  University of Cambridge  date back to 1540.

1.  University of Oxford

The  University of Oxford  has been  Times Higher Education ’s top-ranked university for medicine for the past 12 years. 

Students looking to study medicine at Oxford must take the BMAT in order to be accepted.

The  University of Oxford  offers a standard medicine course, which gives students a comprehensive knowledge of medical science as well as the skills to adapt this knowledge in a clinical environment.

The first three years are the pre-clinical stage, studying towards a BA honours in medical sciences. The final three years make up the clinical stage, where students work alongside doctors to put their skills into practice. All students on this course also undertake a research project, which encourages them to delve into the scientific research of medicine and develop laboratory skills.

A four-year graduate course for medical studies is also offered.

Notable alumni from the medical school include neurologist and Olympian Sir Roger Bannister, who is known for his research into responses of the nervous system.

Students at the  University of Oxford  have access to more than 400 clubs and societies.

Top UK universities for medicine 2024

Click each institution to view its full  World University Rankings 2024  results

UK medicine rank 2024  Medicine rank 2024  University City/town
1  1  Oxford
2  3  Cambridge
3  4  London
4  7  London
5  13  London
6  23  Edinburgh
7  49  Manchester
8  53  Glasgow
9  59  Bristol
10  68  London
11  =74  Birmingham
12  77  Nottingham
13  93  Newcastle
=14  101–125  Leicester
=14  101–125  Liverpool
=14  101–125  Sheffield
=14  101–125  Southampton
=14  101–125  York
=19  126–150  Exeter
=19  126–150  Leeds
=19  126–150  Belfast
=19  126–150  Warwick
=23  151–175  Cardiff
=23  151–175  London
=25  176–200  Aberdeen
=25  176–200  Bath
=25  176–200  Dundee
=25  176–200  Lancaster
=29  201–250  London
=29  201–250  Strathclyde
=31  251–300  East Anglia
=31  251–300  St Andrews
=31  251–300  Guildford
=34  301–400  Birmingham
=34  301–400  Bournemouth
=34  301–400  Brighton
=34  301–400  Norwich
=34  301–400  Keele
=34  301–400  Liverpool
=34  301–400  London
=34  301–400  Swansea
=34  301–400  Ulster
=43  401–500  Birmingham
=43  401–500  London
=43  401–500  Edinburgh
=43  401–500  Essex
=43  401–500  Glasgow
=43  401–500  Greenwich
=43  401–500  Hatfield
=43  401–500  Hull
=43  401–500  Lincoln
=43  401–500  London
=43  401–500  Portsmouth
=43  401–500  Stirling
=43  401–500  Bristol
=56  501–600  Bangor
=56  501–600  London
=56  501–600  Leeds
=56  501–600  Manchester
=56  501–600  Northumbria
=56  501–600  Oxford
=56  501–600  Plymouth
=56  501–600  Sheffield
=64  601–800  Bradford
=64  601–800  Brighton
=64  601–800  Cardiff
=64  601–800  Preston
=64  601–800  Coventry
=64  601–800  Leicester
=64  601–800  Derby
=64  601–800  Ormskirk
=64  601–800  Huddersfield
=64  601–800  London
=64  601–800  Nationwide
=64  601–800  Salford
=64  601–800  Newport
=64  601–800  Paisley
=64  601–800  Wolverhampton
=79  801–1000  Kent
=79  801–1000  Chester
=79  801–1000  Sunderland
=79  801–1000  Teesside

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Ph.D. Program Degree Requirements

All courses are offered in-person on campus in Seattle at the University of Washington. Ph.D. students are expected to be in residence in Seattle while taking or teaching classes. Students with financial support from the university must take a full credit load.

Ph.D. students have the choice to get a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management degree upon successful completion of the first two years of coursework, qualifying exam, and major area paper.

Before starting at the Evans School, incoming students must have prior graduate coursework in calculus and participate in our week-long math camp.

The Ph.D. degree requirements include:  

Core Courses

  • Advanced microeconomics for policy analysis
  • Organizations, management, and theory
  • Perspectives on institutions
  • Public policy processes
  • Public policy analysis
  • Professional development seminar
  • Research design
  • Statistics (2)

Required Electives

  • Qualitative and quantitative methods (2)  
  • Structural inequality (1)  
  • Area of specialization (3)  

Other Requirements

  • Qualifying exams taken in the summer after first year of the program.
  • Major area paper
  • Teaching assistantship


  • General exam to propose dissertation
  • Dissertation work
  • Final exam to defend dissertation  

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .

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Scholarships and Student Funding

Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

The University will offer PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research at the University in the 2024-2025 academic session.

In order to attract the best and brightest PhD students, the University seeks to offer not only unparalleled research facilities and superb supervision, but also to provide development opportunities which will support our research students as they progress beyond their PhD, through an exciting scholarship scheme.

The University of Edinburgh has been working for some time to embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in its activities and to widen participation (WP) for students from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds . The Doctoral College is committed to embedding EDI in all of its policies and processes, and by widening access to postgraduate study to traditionally underrepresented groups, including BAME students and those from the most deprived communities in Scotland and the rest of the world. The Doctoral College wishes to attract the greatest diversity of applications to this scheme and will ensure that recruitment processes are robust and unbiased.

Each scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend of £ 18,622p.a.  Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for between three and four years as agreed by the School/Deanery (or pro-rata for part time).

** For the Business School only : Four year EDCS funding is only available for applicants to the 4 year integrated PhD programmes. Applicants on 3 year PhD programmes are eligible for 3.5 years of EDCS funding but the award holder would be funded by the Business School for an additional 6 months.***


The awards are open to UK and overseas students applying to start their first year of study for an on-campus research degree in 2024-2025.

Applicants must have already applied for admission to a full-time or part-time on campus PhD research programme of study at the University. We encourage applicants who wish to apply for this scholarship to make contact with their academic school regarding any admission deadlines.

Please check the Entry Requirements for your proposed programme of study for details of other acceptable English language qualifications. 

You may apply for the scholarship prior to obtaining the necessary English language test results but the results should be uploaded as soon as possible.

These awards cannot be held concurrently with fully-funded scholarships but can be held with partially-funded scholarships and will be reduced pro-rata.

Applicants must be of outstanding academic merit and research potential. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent.

Other factors such as financial status, nationality and the proposed field of study are not taken into account.

The University will not generally consider candidates who have already obtained a PhD, or formal equivalent, as a result of direct research training.

Undertake a package of training and development which will help them to develop the necessary skills required to meet their career choices and offer them a breadth of development opportunities in areas such as teaching, public engagement, entrepreneurship, data science, and research.

Terms and Conditions

edinburgh university phd programs

Applications are no closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

edinburgh university phd programs

Applications deadlines will vary by School/Deanery and will be linked to the application deadline for programmes.

Further information about each school can be found by clicking on the specific school link below table.

School Number of Scholarships Available 3 1/2  Year Tenure 4 Year Tenure Closing Date
1 No Yes
1 No Yes
  1 Yes Yes
   3 No Yes

1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
  1 No Yes
   1 Yes No
1 No Yes
  3 Yes No
1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
  1 No Yes
1 Yes No
  1 Yes No
1 No Yes
1 No Yes
  1 Yes No
1 Yes No
3 No Yes
1 No Yes
1 Yes No

Selection Procedure

The University will use the information you provide on your scholarship application form together with the information contained in the supporting documentation (reference and academic transcript) which you submitted as part of your application for admission to administer and assess your scholarship application and to select successful applicants.

Shortlisted candidates should expect to be invited to attend an interview which will take place either in person or by telephone.


All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the relevant school.   For further information, please contact the school directly.

PhD in Financial Technology

Building on our established PhD in Management programme, we have developed an innovative new doctoral programme in the field of Financial Technology.

PhD in Financial Technology allows students to pursue their own research topic in the area of Financial Technology or apply for specific industry projects, where students will be able to address complex industrial challenges to gain real-world experience.

This programme aims to prepare students for a diverse array of careers in finance. Approximately 50% of students who pursue the industry pathway, can expect to build on the networking opportunities available to them from studying at the international partners' premises during their study and move into a permanent career in that company, or the industry after graduation.

PhD in Financial Technology at a glance

  • Study over three years full-time or six years part-time, with an additional 'writing-up' year available to all.
  • Develop advanced techniques and in-depth knowledge in the field of Financial Technology.
  • Study an independent research topic or participate in fully funded opportunities working with leading industry partners.
  • For those on the industry pathway, study both at the University of Edinburgh campus and at an industrial partner's location, with guidance from academic colleagues and industry specialists at all times.
  • We encourage our students to aim higher, presenting papers at prestigious conferences and submitting articles for publication.
  • Access to a wide range of professional and personal development opportunities during your studies.
  • While we invite students from around the globe to join our community, we don't offer this programme online or by distance learning.

Entry requirements

Find out our academic, English language, and application requirements for the PhD in Financial Technology.

Programme overview

View the learning outcomes and a typical training course schedule for a first-year student.

Fees and living expenses

When budgeting please consider associated administration fees and expenses as well as our funding support.

Ready to apply?

Review our application checklist and make your application to the PhD in Financial Technology.

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  1. PhD Research Scholarship for UK/EU Students at University of Edinburgh

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  2. Studying At The University Of Edinburgh: Courses Rankings And More

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  3. Fully Funded! Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships for PhD students

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  4. 2024 PhD Studentships in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the

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  5. University of Edinburgh PhD Scholarship 2023 Application Update

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  6. PhD Scholarships 2024 at University of Edinburgh

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  1. PhDs

    PhD projects and studentships are defined pieces of research that an organisation wishes to explore. A research council may have provided funding for the project to ensure its successful outcome, although not all defined PhD projects have funding associated with them. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland ...

  2. Research programmes

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  3. PhD programmes

    Explore the diverse and interdisciplinary PhD programmes offered by the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh. Learn how to apply, fund and study in a supportive research community with world-class facilities and reputation.

  4. PhD

    Our doctoral programmes As part of a world-renowned University, triple accredited (AMBA, AACSB, and EQUIS) and ranked 5 th in the UK for research power (Times Higher Education, 2022) within Business and Management, our Business School provides a highly dynamic and supportive research environment for our large and diverse graduate community.Our world-class research programmes offer:

  5. PhD with Integrated Study in Finance

    PhD with Integrated Study in Finance at a glance. Study over four years full time, with an additional 'writing-up' year available to all. During your first year, undertake 180 credits of taught courses designed to train you in the theory and methods necessary to conduct high-quality research.

  6. Study for a PhD

    Our PhD students usually study here in the University of Edinburgh, where they benefit from the research community, expert networks, training and activities that are an integral part of a PhD. It is occasionally appropriate to study remotely, for example, to make use of research facilities that are uniquely available at a different location.

  7. Research Degrees (PhD)

    The School of Mathematics welcomes applications to our Visitors Programme from research students who are registered at another university. MAC-MIGS CDT MAC-MIGS is a prestigious EPSRC-funded PhD programme in Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation, run jointly by Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt universities, as part of the Maxwell Institute ...

  8. PhD with Integrated Study in Management

    PhD with Integrated Study in Management at a glance. Study over four years full-time, with an additional 'writing-up' year available to all. During your first year, undertake 180 of taught courses designed to train you in the theory and methods necessary to conduct high-quality research. As part of a collaborative academic community, we support ...

  9. Doctoral College

    What is the Doctoral College? The University of Edinburgh Doctoral College is a coordinating structure for all postgraduate researchers, supervisors and relevant staff at the university, designed to enhance and support the postgraduate student experience. For information and resources for research staff, please see the Research Staff Pages ...

  10. PhD by Distance

    The entry requirements for the PhD by Distance are the same as for the School's on-campus PhD programmes. In addition, applicants to the PhD by Distance will also be required to complete a PhD by Distance Applicant Admission Form and Study Plan. PhD by distance applicant admission form and study plan (2022-2023) (65.56 KB / DOCX) Applicants ...

  11. PhD Opportunities

    PhD Title. Research Institute. Research Theme. Principal Supervisor. 4D printed composite morphing structures. Infrastructure and Environment. Institute for Infrastructure and Environment Themes. Dr Francisca Martinez-Hergueta. Adaptive and smart structures for operational variability and life extension.

  12. PhD Study with Edinburgh Neuroscience

    Edinburgh Neuroscience currently has about 250 PhD students working on a wide variety of neuroscience-related projects that cover health and disease across the life course, from early development to old age. Our PhD students are an integral part of our dynamic neuroscience community and we are keen to recruit motivated and collaborative students. There are a variety of PhD opportunities ...

  13. Education PhD

    Topics. Moray House School of Education and Sport staff provide supervision on a wide range of topics within the fields of: teacher education. pedagogy, curriculum and schooling. outdoor education. social justice and inclusive education. comparative education and international development. childhood and youth studies.

  14. Politics

    PhD research in Politics and International Relations at Edinburgh is located in the School of Social and Political Science. The School benefits from the broader University of Edinburgh community of world-class researchers. A flourishing programme of events, seminars, and research groups complements our postgraduate courses and doctoral supervision.

  15. How to apply for a PhD

    PhD Student Applications . PhD Applications. The postgraduate research degree offered at the School of Mathematics is the PhD. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is ...

  16. University of Edinburgh PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    After the Single Use project PhD Studentship: Eliminating single-use plastics in Scottish healthcare. University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Science. The University of Edinburgh is offering a 3.5 year funded studentship to pursue a PhD. The PhD awardee will carry out a Scotland-based case study as part of the international After ...

  17. The University of Edinburgh

    The University is at the heart of the city of Edinburgh. Regularly voted one of the most desirable places to live in the world, Edinburgh is large enough to offer something for everyone but small enough to feel like home. It is a modern, sophisticated and beautiful European city, with a diverse multicultural community and is ranked 2nd best ...

  18. Professional doctorates

    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a "Recognised body" which has been granted degree awarding powers.

  19. Dentistry PhD

    Dentistry PhD Dentistry PhD. Opportunities for both full-time and part-time research. In Edinburgh Dental Institute we have opportunities for both full-time and part-time research. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, ...

  20. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Edinburgh

    Design of Superconducting Electric Machines for Zero Emission Transport. University of Edinburgh School of Engineering. The Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering, at the University of Edinburgh, is inviting applications for the following fully-funded PhD project, expected to commence on 1st September 2024.

  21. Best universities in the UK for medicine degrees 2024

    Find the best universities in the UK for medicine using Times Higher Education's World University Rankings 2024 data. ... University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh: 7: 49: University of Glasgow: Glasgow: 8: 50: University of Manchester: Manchester: ... King's College offers a five-year medicine MBBS, a graduate programme and a sport and exercise ...

  22. Postgraduate study

    We pay students to take part in a range of research activities to help us work out how best to improve our services. Register your details if you would like to take part. Find out more about studying a Postgraduate Taught, Research or online degree at The University of Edinburgh.

  23. Assistant Director of Admissions in Glen Cove, NY for Webb Institute

    plans to recruit and select future Webb students as supported by the student aid program. Join a dedicated, close-knit, hands-on team and make a big impact on the future of a premier engineering college. The position reports to the Director of Admissions and Student Affairs. Principal Responsibilities: Admissions Process:

  24. Ph.D. Program Degree Requirements

    Students with financial support from the university must take a full credit load. Ph.D. students have the choice to get a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management degree upon successful completion of the first two years of coursework, qualifying exam, and major area paper.

  25. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

    The University will offer PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research at the University in the 2024-2025 academic session. ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT ...

  26. PhD in Financial Technology

    PhD in Financial Technology allows students to pursue their own research topic in the area of Financial Technology or apply for specific industry projects, where students will be able to address complex industrial challenges to gain real-world experience. This programme aims to prepare students for a diverse array of careers in finance ...