what are types of presentation software

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Starting September 12, 2024, Zapier customers will no longer be able to access Zapier services from a sanctioned country. We understand this may be inconvenient and appreciate your understanding as we navigate these regulatory requirements.

what are types of presentation software

  • Presentation Design

The 10 Best Presentation Software for 2023: Complete Guide

A person searching in a computer for the best presentation software tools list

There are literally hundreds of presentation software tools in the market today and keeping track is getting increasingly hard. Most of them have been optimized for a specific purpose or type of user from a wide range of possibilities, and it's very likely that THE ideal tool for you is actually one that you've never heard of.

We've created this best presentation software list to shed some light and to give you a comprehensive presentation software list to ensure you make the right call in the platform you select. This article is the result of several weeks of research and review of 50+ presentation tools currently available on the web.

What is a presentation software?

A presentation software is defined as an application built to display information in the form of a slide show. Any presentation tool must have three fundamental functions:

  • ‍ A text editor: to input the contents of the presentation.
  • ‍ An import function: to insert and manipulate images and other content.
  • ‍A slide-show or presenter mode: that displays the content in a nice, formatted way, sometimes synced in real time with the presenter across devices.

Slide shows often consist of a combination of text, video, images and charts. Their primary function is displaying clear, readable and summarized data to an audience.

Most presentations are shared and presented on a larger screen or through a digital projector. In rare occasions, slide presentations are printed out as a replacement for text documents, but this is a really inefficient way to review data, that Garr Reynolds calls ‘ PresDocs ’ (Garr Reynolds is the author of Presentation Zen, one of the most important go-to reference for successful presentations).

Related Read: What Makes Up the Best Presentation Templates?

What makes a good presentation tool?

The functions and results of presentation programs have evolved significantly in the past decades, since the original launch of ‘Presenter’ (the PowerPoint predecessor) in 1984. In 1987 PowerPoint 1.0 was released for the Macintosh and it started a revolution in the way we prepare and consume content in meetings.

For the purposes of this article we are going to classify all presentation tools using 3 variables that we consider extremely important:

Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This rating looks at the learning curve, or time required to learn to use the platform. An easy to use interface is fundamentally important to ensure that users feel confortable working with the platform and doesn’t require complex training to take advantage of its features. This also accounts for the average time it takes to build a presentation.

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The ability to customize a presentation to the smallest details. This varies depending on the number of advanced features in the platform, like the ability to set different transitions to each slide, the ability to add customized elements or to design/code the final outcome of the slides to the last font size and color code.

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This indicator looks at the outcome of a finished presentation, assuming the user is an average person with basic design skills and intermediate knowledge on the tool itself.

Best PowerPoint Alternatives (Death by Power Point)

As we mentioned before, PowerPoint is the most used presentation builder in the market today. It is distributed by Microsoft as part of their Office Suite, which is estimated to have over 500 million users worldwide. Microsoft has also revealed that approximately 35 Million presentations are delivered every single day, that’s a staggering 400 presentations per second.

Cartoon man death because powerpoint not bing in the list of best presentation software tools

But still, PowerPoint’s popularity has decreased significantly in the past few years. Their boring presentation templates, the large learning curve and complexity as well as the terrible slides many users end up making have started the Death to PowerPoint movement.

What presentation software is better than PowerPoint?

For this section, we summarize the top PowerPoint alternatives and examples, that is, presentation tools that work in a fairly similar manner and that provide similar (but significantly better) results. If you are an avid PowerPoint user, then migrating to these platforms should be rather easy for you.

Best 10 presentation software alternative list for 2023

(Updated December 2022)

  • Keynote presentation
  • Google Slides


Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

SLIDEBEAN RESENTATION SOFTWARE is first in the list of best presentation software tools

Slidebean is an online presentation tool that uses artificial intelligence to design beautiful slides. Simply add content blocks to your presentation without worrying about formatting. Slidebean’s AI finds the best possible design for every element on your slide. This level of automation allows you to create a professional looking presentation in a fraction of the time it normally takes on PowerPoint.

When comparing it to PowerPoint, Slidebean’s interface is much easier to learn and work with, and it lets you create fantastic looking presentations really fast. The platform is web based and allows you to export to both PowerPoint and PDF format. It also lets you track viewer interactions and activity from people you share your slides with!

Slidebean also has a unique advantage which is a rich gallery of presentation outline templates. These are pre-filled decks that work for numerous purposes, like business proposals, classroom decks, thesis presentations and even startup pitch decks : all you need to do is import them and fill in your content.

You can sign up free for Slidebean here


2- apple keynote.

Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ - OK

Customization: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - Fantastic!

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

APPLE KEYNOTE is second in the list of best presentation software tools

Keynote is what PowerPoint should have been all along. Apple's version of the popular presentation tool has improved significantly in the last few years, and has recently included a cloud version that works on any browser on any computer (as long as you have at least one Apple device).

Keynote is basically an improved PowerPoint, it offers the same approach to creating slides, but offers nice and clean customizable templates, a simple interface and great details like smart guides.

The biggest issue with Keynote is the long learning process that it requires. Similar to Microsoft's tool, you'll need to sit down for a few hours to learn to use the platform, and another larger set of hours to make a professional presentation.

More info about Apple Keynote is available here

Final result: ★ ★ ★ - OK

Visme is a web based platform for building presentations. Their familiar interface is similar to PowerPoint, but they have successfully simplified a complex UI to a nicer and more understandable navigation. Still, you'll need to spend a few hours to get a good grasp of where all the customization options can be found.

VISME is third in the list of best presentation software tools

The platform offers an interesting (but certainly limited) gallery of images, but they succeed at delivering beautiful infographic elements (which they call ‘Charts and Graphs’) that you can use to add some color and make your slides much more dynamic.

You can read more about them here . ‍


Customization: ★ ★ - Passable

GOOGLE SLIDES is fourth in the list of best presentation software tools

Google's version of PowerPoint is hosted as part of the Google Apps suite, that you can access from Google Drive or from Google Apps for Work. Sadly, their presentation builder feels like a limited version of PowerPoint, with less features, limited fonts and very little customization options.

Still, Google's platform is available for free, has a lot of integrations and probably one of the best online collaboration systems out there. Checking it out is easy, just visit your Google Drive.

You can find a more detailed review here .


Ease of use: ★ ★ - Passable

Customization: ★ ★ ★ - OK

FLOWVELLA is fifth in the listo of best presentation software tools

Flowvella is available on the Mac App Store as a desktop application. It provides a simple interface (certainly cleaner than Microsoft PowerPoint and somewhat similar to Apple Keynote) and some very nice design templates, which set good grounds so you can start building a nice looking set of slides on top of them. This is by far their biggest strength! If you want to start from scratch, however, you might feel a little lost creating something that looks good.

We found, however, that the oversimplified interface makes some basic options hard to find, like changing the color of a shape. Also, while running as a desktop app it still requires an Internet connection to download some elements, which can lead to a slower performance than a 100% desktop tool.

Update: We also read recently that they launched a tvOS app for the new AppleTV, making them, as far as we know, the first presentation tool to leverage the new platform.

You can find more details here .

Customization: ★ ★ ★ -

Pitch is sixth in the list of best presentation software tools

Pitch offers an innovative solution for fast-paced teams looking to quickly create effective, stylish presentations. With a combination of productivity features and design elements, Pitch makes it easy to get professional results—quickly

You can find more information about them here .

Final result: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good!

CANVA is seventh on the list of best presentation software tools

The premise of Canva is an ‘amazingly easy graphic design software'. It lets you create anything from print design to banners and presentations. They provide an easy to use interface with a huge selection of pre-built designs that you can modify to your liking.

These pre-built elements let you quickly draft a nice presentation even if you have no design skills, but it does require you to drag and drop and arrange the content of your slide, which can become time consuming.

Canva has been gaining significant popularity in the last few years, especially after they hired Guy Kawasaki as a Chief Evangelist. Their platform is beautiful, you can find more about them here .


Ease of use: ★ ★ ★ ★ - Very Good

HAIKU DECK is eighth in the list of best presentation software tools

Haiku Deck launched as an iPad app in 2011. They made a big bet towards mobile productivity and came up with a solid iPad application that allowed you to create slides in less time than the then-only alternative of Keynote for iOS.

Haiku Deck has a nice set of custom templates that you can use as a guideline for your slides, and their content input system is clear and easy to learn.

Still, we believe their approach that focused on mobile devices could only take them so far and they've since been working on a web version of their platform that works for any computer. As we mentioned, the personal computer continues to be a much more efficient productivity platform.

Slides is ninth on the list of best presentation software tools

'Slides' is a nice website that lets you create and share presentations online. Formerly slides(dot)io and slid(dot)es, they finally settled for slides(dot)com. This startup was founded by Hakim El Hattab and Owen Bossola in Stockholm, Sweden, and it makes use of the reveal.js framework that we mentioned above.

Slides has a nice web interface that encourages you to create a nice and clean presentations, however, it still depends on the user’s ability to manipulate the elements and arrange them in a nice style. Still, their pre-defined formats and their grid system help guide you to a better result.

The platform also allows for custom HTML and CSS coding, which lets experienced users with coding skills, customize their templates even further.

Some more info about them here .

Ease of use: ★ - Bad

PREZI is tenth on the list of best presentation software tools

Prezi has been around for years and they have had a huge head start compared to any other online presentation tool out there. Their unique zoom styling makes it immediately obvious to the audience that they are looking at a Prezi deck.

Prezi has the advantage of allowing you to create really stunning interactive presentations if you know how to leverage their zoomable, infinite canvas. However, this can become a double edge sword if users overuse the feature and come up with a presentation that is literally capable of making people dizzy.

Still, Prezi's biggest weakness is on its ease of use. There's a long learning curve towards dominating their interface and even if you do, you need to be a designer to make a great presentation on the platform.

This is a huge company that is not going away anytime soon. With 50+ million users, they have proven the world wants and needs a PowerPoint alternative, and we have huge respect for them for doing so.

More information about them here .

Which one to pick?

In the world of presentation software, there's a big bunch to pick from. It's kind of like a crowded market with lots of options. And guess what? The best one for you might not even be on your radar.

Our list is here to help you out. We've put together this bunch of presentation software choices after digging into over 50 of them on the internet. We're here to give you the scoop on what's out there, so you can pick the one that suits you best.

Now, remember, presentation software is like your helper to make cool slideshows. These slideshows could be for showing stuff to people, like at school or work. These helpers, or software, should be good at a few things: putting words and pictures on slides, making things look nice, and showing your stuff in a cool way on a screen.

The options we've found have different things they're good at. Some use fancy computer thinking (AI) to make your slides look great without you doing much. Others let you customize your slides a lot, which is nice if you want them to look exactly like you want. And finally, how your slides look when you're done is super important too.

Picking the right presentation tool is a bit like picking the best tool for a job. You wouldn't use a hammer to write a story, right? So, whether you want something easy, something that lets you be creative, or something that gives you good results, our list has got you covered. Your choice will help you make cool presentations that people will remember. Our recommendation is to give Slidebean a try, but is up to you to consider the options. So, pick smart and happy presenting.

Try Slidebean

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The 11 Best Presentation Software to Use in 2024

best presentation software to use in 2024, presentation software list

The ability to effectively share ideas, illustrate a concept, and convince an audience is invaluable whether you’re a student or a C-level executive. These days, the presentation software you use to create presentations is just as important as your public-speaking skills.

On top of that, most companies have transitioned to remote work recently due to the current coronavirus situation, and now need to share their stories online through a virtual conference room with their distributed teams and external audience members.

That’s why we’ve come up with a list of some of the best presentation software available right now, so you can choose a compatible and innovative presentation maker that includes the best presentation tools to suit your specific needs.

Choose the best presentation software by weighing the pros and cons

You’ll see some of the most popular presentation apps: from free to paid subscription platforms, and slideshow applications to full-blown visual design presentation software with interactive features and more.

Each presentation software has its pros and cons, so it’s up to you to figure out which suits your needs best; consider the software learning curve, whether your company is made up of Mac users or Windows users and the software compatibility, if you need an enterprise account or free account, etc.

Let’s dive in!

1. Piktochart

presentation software piktochart, best presentation software

Piktochart is a presentation software that can create a variety of design visuals, from infographics to social media stories.

An area in which Piktochart shines is crafting unique presentations. 

On Piktochart, users can choose from a wide range of professionally-designed presentation templates .

These custom templates include everything from monthly marketing reports to employee onboarding templates.

This broad selection of customizable templates is especially useful for those who don’t have much design experience or know-how but need to create a visually stunning unique presentation in a pinch. 

Piktochart’s presentation maker also makes it easy to edit presentations and include design elements such as lists, timelines, comparisons, graphs, and different types of charts through drag-and-drop tools.

You can even make visual maps and interactive charts to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation. 

And if your company uses a Piktochart TEAM plan , you can enjoy the platform’s ability to store brand assets , color schemes, and bespoke templates. Here, replicating company-branded visuals is a breeze. 

Piktochart comes with a free version but with certain limitations. Active visuals are capped at five per month and published visuals have a Piktochart watermark.

If you want features such as team template collaboration, project sharing, and annotated commenting, you’ll have to get a Team account. To sum it up:

  • Lots of professionally-designed templates 
  • Good for both design professionals and non-professionals 
  • Easy to store brand assets and bespoke templates for future presentations
  • Access presentation tools from anywhere via a web browser
  • Free presentation app version available
  • Might take some getting used to if you’re used to PowerPoint presentations

2. Microsoft PowerPoint

microsoft powerpoint, powerpoint presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is often the first presentation software that comes to mind.

Once considered the “O.G.” and best presentation software available, it is still widely used and has a familiar interface—which means most users are comfortable with it. 

This presentation app has everything you need to create a presentation: from animated transitions for interactive presentations to pre-installed fonts and graphic elements.

Users can also upload their own fonts, graphics, and images into their finished presentation.

Lastly, it’s available as part of the Microsoft Office software package; and you can work on your presentations via the web and mobile devices, for offline viewing as well as online. 

However, PowerPoint is no longer considered the best presentation software, as it has very few templates to choose from, and these tend to fall quite flat compared to modern apps and software.

It’s easy to fall back into boring slideshow PowerPoint files if you don’t know what you’re doing.

And because most people use PowerPoint, you’re likely using the same template as the next guy. 

As standalone presentation software, PowerPoint is pricey at US$139.99—and accessible through only one device unless you upgrade your package.

And while PowerPoint is primarily a slideshow application and presentation maker, its strengths are limited to this category. 

So if you’re looking for the best presentation software, and bang for your buck for a robust presentation tool, you might want to look elsewhere. 

  • Market leader in slideshow applications to create slides
  • Widely used and familiar interface for the presentation process
  • Reliable and usable on most devices as well as being a desktop app
  • Flat templates
  • Limitations with its standalone-presentation software price

3. Google Slides

google slides, presentation software example

Google Slides is a slideshow application that is very similar to PowerPoint.  But there are three main differences: it’s fully online (while also allowing for offline viewing), collaborative, and free. 

The great thing about Google Slides (besides the fact that it’s completely free for anyone with a Google account) is that you can log on via your browser or through its official app. 

You can access all Google Slides presentations from any device (mobile, tablet, and desktop), and share them with other people so you can collaborate in real-time. 

Google Drive allows all your presentations to live on the cloud, accessible to all marketing and sales teams, with unparalleled ease of use.

And there’s no need to worry about disruptions as all changes are saved as they happen, as long as you have an active internet connection. 

Additionally, anyone familiar with PowerPoint will be comfortable using Google’s iteration and likely be delighted by Google Drive and the slide library available. 

It’s also a lot simpler, so even those new to presentation-making will find it easy to navigate. 

However, some might find Google Slides too simple as it lacks the wealth of features available on PowerPoint. 

These include embedding videos from sources other than YouTube, plus adding audio tracks and sound effects, limiting the ability to create unique interactive presentations. 

Some users also encounter issues with downloading and exporting to different formats, including PowerPoint. 

Some slides may even turn out completely different from the original version. 

All in all, Google Slides is a great option for those who are looking for a free application and only need to create simple presentations. 

  • The free plan supports professional presentations
  • Web-based and collaborative to create presentations
  • Simple and familiar interface for an online presentation software
  • Too simple for advanced presentation making
  • Difficult to export to other formats
  • Limited templates and customization options for interactive content

keynote, keynote presentations

You could say Keynote is Apple’s version of PowerPoint. It’s also a slideshow application—but in typical Apple fashion, it comes with a sleek, minimalist interface and is considered one of the best presentation apps on the market. 

There are 30 different themes to choose from, which serve as templates for those who need a quick fix. And it can do most of what PowerPoint can. 

Keynote’s main perk is that it’s part of the Apple ecosystem. 

That means it has built-in iCloud and Apple Watch support so users can control their presentation from their mobile device or even their wrists with just a click. 

This presentation app comes pre-installed on most Mac devices. Otherwise, you can purchase it from the Apple store for just US$9.99 for mobile and US$19.99 for OS X. 

The big downside is that Keynote is exclusive to Mac OS. 

Non-Apple users can create, upload, and sync their own Keynote presentations through their iCloud Drive, but this presentation app is only truly helpful only for those who use multiple Apple devices. 

And if you’re used to working on PowerPoint, you might find Keynote a bit confusing in the beginning, especially when editing presentations. 

  • Sleek, minimalist interface 
  • Free with most Apple devices
  • No access for PC and Android devices except through iCloud

5. SlideDog

Sliding away from straightforward slideshow applications and other presentation apps, SlideDog is a web-based multimedia presentation tool that lets users combine different types of media to create and edit presentations. 

This includes everything from PowerPoint decks to videos and even PDFs that can all be played side by side without any awkward transitions. 

It’s also extremely easy to customize a SlideDog presentation. 

You just need to upload the files into the SlideDog web browser application, and then drag and drop them according to the order in which you want them to play. 

You can control your presentations and playlists from another device, and audience members can view your slideshow on their devices by clicking a link. 

SlideDog has a free presentation app version that provides all of the basic features. 

However, live sharing and premium support are only available with a Pro account that costs US$99 per year, and not via the free version alone.

While SlideDog is technically considered presentation software, you can’t actually create presentations on it. 

You can simply stitch together different pre-made presentations in various formats into what is essentially a playlist. 

Lastly, SlideDog supports only Windows devices, so Apple and Linux users can’t use it. 

  • Supports a lot of different media
  • Provides live-sharing
  • More dynamic compared to the usual slideshow presentation
  • Only collates media; doesn’t create them

6. Haiku Deck 

haiku deck, presentation software example

Ever come across presentations with size-eight fonts and blocks of indecipherable paragraphs on each slide? 

You can avoid such an unfortunate scenario with Haiku Deck. 

HaikuDeck is a web and mobile application that favors images over text. 

It works by limiting the number of words users can put on each slide, and allowing them to search for images on their platform related to the slide’s main idea. 

This makes it ideal for those who want to simplify their thoughts and let the images do all the talking. 

Users have over 40 million royalty-free photos to choose from, plus dozens of simple slide layouts on the platform itself. 

While this certainly simplifies the process of creating a visually rich presentation, it can be limiting for those who need to include more information into their slides. 

It’s a great option for someone giving a TED Talk, for example.

But for others who need to pass on more facts and figures, having a built-in word limit might be too restrictive.  

  • Simple and easy to use 
  • Access to millions of royalty-free stock images
  • May be too simple for some
  • No Android support
  • Limited features

7. Prezi Business

prezi business, business presentation software

Among the other presentation software on this list, Prezi Business might be one of the most unique presentation tools. 

Rather than offering a regular slideshow format, Prezi looks more like a 3D interactive mind map where viewers jump dynamically from one idea to the next. 

You can zoom in on one “slide” and then zoom out for the next. 

Prezi has over 100 templates to choose from and comes with a very simple interface and a drag-and-drop style of editing. 

It’s compatible with both Mac and PC desktops as well as smartphones. 

It’s also similar to a regular PowerPoint deck in that you can jump back and forth from one “slide” to the next. 

And like SlideDog, you can send viewers the link to the presentation as you’re presenting. 

Also, up to 10 people can work on a Prezi presentation at the same time, one of its main selling points. 

This is great for collaboration, but having so many hands-on deck at once can get messy. 

  • Dynamic and immersive presentations
  • Highly visual
  • Easy to use
  • May not be appropriate for all types of presentations

screenshot of ludus presentation software

In a world of slides and presentations, standing out is the key. Ludus brings the flair of graphic design into the world of presentations.

At its core, Ludus is the bridge between presentation tools and design software. It enables users to infuse their slides with the kind of design elements you’d typically find in advanced design platforms.

Not only can you import assets from design giants like Adobe, but its seamless integration with tools like Unsplash and Giphy makes sourcing visuals a breeze.

It’s a fairly affordable tool for all its features compared to the other paid options in this list, as users pay 12.49 euros monthly (if billed annually).

However, while Ludus’ robust design capabilities can elevate the look of your presentation, those unfamiliar with design tools might find there’s a learning curve.

  • Merges presentation creation with advanced design tools.
  • Seamless integration with popular design platforms and visual databases.
  • Offers a unique edge in presentation aesthetics.
  • Might be a tad overwhelming for non-designers
  • Can have a steeper learning curve for those used to more straightforward platforms

9. Slidebean

screenshot of slidebean presentation software

Crafting a compelling presentation demands not only compelling content but also a design that can captivate your audience. Enter Slidebean.

Slidebean offers an intelligent design solution, using AI to transform raw content into professionally styled presentations. This platform streamlines the design process, allowing you to focus on the message rather than fretting over aesthetics.

The basic plan is free and allows you to create a presentation. But if you want to share or download your presentations, as well as unlock the full suite of features, you’ll need to sign up for the All-Access plan priced at $199 per year.

While it provides a quick and efficient method to produce polished slides, it also offers features for sharing, collaboration, and viewer analytics, adding an edge to your presentation strategy.

However, for professionals who prioritize granular design control, the automated design might feel limiting at times.

  • AI-driven design ensures visually appealing presentations.
  • Features for collaboration and viewer insights.
  • Efficient design process reduces time and effort.
  • Might not offer the detailed design customization some users desire.
  • Automated choices may not always align with specific branding or style preferences.

10. ClearSlide

screenshot of clearslide presentation software

Having great visuals to drive your point home can be the difference between getting a sale across the line or customers walking away. ClearSlide stands out in this area as a presentation tool for businesses laser-focused on boosting their sales and marketing game.

At its core, ClearSlide is all about leveling up business presentations. Whether you’re marketing a new product or tracking client engagement, it’s got tools that cater to every need.

Whether it’s a PowerPoint, a PDF, or something from Google Drive or Dropbox, ClearSlide makes it simple to upload and work with these files.

The unique edge? ClearSlide’s virtual meeting space pops open with just a click. It’s all about seamless, professional presentations without the hassle.

Beyond just slides, the platform dives deep into metrics and analytics, ensuring every presentation is backed by data-driven insights. And the tool is available for $35 per month, which isn’t too pricey for medium-sized businesses.

However, its complexity isn’t for everyone. For some, the variety of features might seem a tad overwhelming, and its focus on metrics might be a bit much for those just wanting a basic presentation tool.

  • Seamless virtual meetings and presentations
  • Integrates with popular platforms
  • Offers insightful analytics for sales and marketing
  • Might feel complex for some users
  • Limited transition and design effects
  • Mobile experience could be better

screenshot of vyond presentation software

Stepping into the world of animation, Vyond, once known as GoAnimate, allows users to turn their narratives into professional animated videos. For those looking to elevate their content without diving deep into animation complexities, Vyond can be the go-to tool.

This platform is more than just drag-and-drop animations. It integrates AI capabilities with Vyond Go, which transforms text prompts into rough-cut videos.

Fancy a quick draft for your upcoming project? This AI assistant is up for the task. And if perfection is your game, take it to Vyond Studio, filled with an array of characters, templates, and backgrounds.

The Essential Plan at $25 per month is suitable for individuals on a budget. However, if you want to export videos at 1080p and above, have collaboration tools, or different export options, you’ll need to sign up for the Professional Plan at $92 per month.

As robust as the tool is, there are still some kinks to iron out. AI voiceovers might still need some tweaks, and detailed color customizations can be a bit tricky, but the tool’s strengths, especially for businesses, are undeniable.

  • Hassle-free video creation for beginners to experts
  • Generous library of pre-made assets
  • AI-powered video and script creation with Vyond Go
  • AI voiceovers might feel a bit robotic
  • Some customization limitations for specific props and scenes

The best presentation software is…

 …completely up to you! 

When it comes to presentation software, the world is your oyster. 

Each of these tools either has a free or trial version for you to check out, so you don’t have to commit just yet. 

When it’s time to choose, consider the following aspects to find the right presentation software for you: 

  • Ease of use. Is it easy for you to understand or will it require lots of training before you can start creating presentations? 
  • Accessibility. Can you access your presentation software from any device or are you limited to carrying your laptop to every presentation? 
  • Real-time collaboration. Can multiple people work on the same project or do you have to keep downloading and emailing drafts? 
  • Create design tools. Can you create presentations with dynamic design elements or are you stuck with the same kind of slide each time? 
  • Template availability. Is this tool only accessible to a design professional or can anyone create stunning presentations through pre-designed and updated templates? 
Piktochart , for example, would be a fantastic presentation software choice among the long list of PowerPoint alternatives for teams looking for a variety of eye-catching designs without requiring much technical know-how. Meanwhile, Microsoft PowerPoint might be the best presentation software for those who are just looking to play it safe. 

Hopefully, this best presentation software list sheds some light on the tools at your disposal. Choose wisely! 


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The Ultimate Guide to Presentation Software

The Ultimate Guide to Presentation Software

Presentation software is a technology that helps users create and deliver visual presentations. These programs allow users to create slideshows, which can include text, images, videos, and animations, and can be displayed at a meeting or conference or shared online.

In today's fast-paced business environment, effective communication is essential for success. Presentation software enables businesses to showcase their ideas and products in an engaging and visually appealing way, which can help to capture the attention of potential clients or investors. It also allows businesses to convey information in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for audiences to understand and remember key points.

As we move towards the future of work, the use of presentation software is likely to become even more important for businesses. With the rise of remote work and virtual meetings, it's vital for businesses to be able to present their ideas and products digitally. Additionally, as competition continues to increase across industries, businesses need to find new ways to stand out and make an impact. Presentation software can help them achieve this by creating dynamic and memorable visual presentations that leave a lasting impression on their audience.

Because of its ever growing importance, we’re seeing more and more presentation software companies popping up. So, where do you start in choosing the right software for your business needs? 

Consider this your ultimate guide to the different types of presentation softwares . 

Traditional presentation software

Traditional software refers to computer applications or programs that are typically used to create and deliver visual presentations. These programs are designed to allow users to create slideshows containing text, images, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. Some examples of traditional presentation software include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote.

These software programs often feature a linear structure where one slide follows another in a predetermined order. The user can customize each slide with their desired content and then present them live or share them digitally.

While traditional presentation software has been widely used for many years and remains popular, there are alternative options available that offer more advanced features and customization options.

Web-based or SaaS presentation software

Web-based or SaaS (Software as a Service) presentation software refers to programs that are accessed through a web browser and do not need to be installed on a user's device. These programs are hosted on the cloud and can be accessed from any internet-connected device.

Web-based or SaaS presentation software typically offers more flexibility and convenience than traditional presentation software like PowerPoint. They often include a wide range of customizable templates, as well as interactive features such as animations, videos, and audio. They also allow for easy collaboration between team members, as changes and updates can be made in real-time and accessed from any device.

Some popular examples of web-based or SaaS presentation software include Visme, Canva, and Beautiful.ai. These programs have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ease of use, accessibility, and collaborative features, making them a preferred choice for many businesses and individuals.

Examples of SaaS presentation software

Visme’s PowerPoint-alternative presentation software helps users design slide decks, infographics, interactive charts and other visual content. The easy-to-use cloud-based tool allows users to move elements around the workspace, and new content can be added by dragging and dropping it into place. Visme users can build presentations from scratch by starting with a blank canvas, or they can customize a variety of templates. The presentation software also features a collection of thousands of icons, images and data visualizations, and users can even choose to boost engagement by adding elements like video, audio and GIF files.

  • Canva Presentations

Canva offers much more than an alternative to PowerPoint. Users can rely on the visual design platform to create social media graphics, posters, invitations, business cards and all sorts of other documents along with presentations. Canva features thousands of professional templates, images and other content elements, as well as features to help teams collaborate with ease. The software tool’s drag-and-drop interface makes it simple for non-designers to customize templates and even edit photos with little experience.

  • Beautiful.ai

We’re biased, but our presentation software is one of the best to help you work faster and smarter. By choosing advanced presentation software like Beautiful.ai, users are handing over the bulk of the design work to artificial intelligence. With powerful features like DesignerBot and Smart Slides, Beautiful.ai automates a lot of the presentation design process for you so you can create something brilliant in half the time. The design guardrails ensure teams stay on-brand , while allowing them to collaborate in the same deck at the same time.  

AI presentation software

AI presentation software is a type of presentation software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to help users create and design presentations. AI presentation software typically includes features such as automated design suggestions, layout recommendations and image recognition to streamline the presentation creation process.

Many AI presentation softwares will leverage generative AI to create fully customizable slides and decks from a text single prompt making the design process ridiculously fast. Other capabilities include image generation baked into the software, and content assistance to rewrite or adjust text. 

Examples of AI presentation software include Beautiful.ai, Tome, and Slidesgo. These programs use AI technology to automate and streamline the presentation creation process, making it faster and more efficient for users to develop engaging and visually appealing presentations.

Examples of AI presentation software

With the recent buzz around AI, you’ve likely heard of Tome. Tome is a presentation app that generates your presentation for you with the help of AI. Simply type in a prompt and get a basic presentation to work with, edit, and customize in return. Tome also offers a few select templates for users to choose from if they don’t want to enter a prompt, which acts as a good jumping off point to get the bones of a presentation. While Tome leans heavily on technology and AI, users will still need some design skills to customize their decks once it’s generated. 

Slidesgo is a Spanish-based company that provides high-quality presentation templates for individuals and businesses. The company offers a wide variety of templates, including business plans, marketing presentations, and educational materials. Slidesgo's templates are available for both Google Slides and PowerPoint, and can be easily customized to suit the user's needs. The company is known for its modern and creative designs, which help users create engaging and visually appealing presentations. 

Beautiful.ai’s new DesignerBot makes it easier than ever for non-designers to create a new presentation from scratch, regardless of the content. Users can opt to create a new deck with DesignerBot by entering a short description (or prompt) based on what they need. Teams have the liberty to add as many keywords as they see fit to generate a fully built, totally customized presentation draft populated with appropriate text, layouts, photos, icons and design. Then, our powerful Smart Slides technology can be used to quickly edit slides by adding or removing content and automatically adapting, resizing and laying out the slides, all while maintaining corporate brand guidelines. With Beautiful.ai, businesses can generate entire decks in one click while Smart Slides and Team controls work together to preserve the integrity of the brand. It’s truly an automated zero-to-finish experience.

Video presentation software

Video presentation software is a type of software that allows users to create and deliver video presentations. These presentations can include a combination of video footage, images, text, and audio. Video presentation software typically includes features such as editing tools, visual effects, and transitions to help users create engaging and professional-looking presentations.

Examples of video presentation software include Powtoon and Lumen5. These programs allow users to record or import videos and then edit them with a variety of tools and effects. Video presentation software also enables users to add voice overs, music, and sound effects to their presentations.

Video presentation software is often used for business presentations, educational materials, and marketing campaigns. The use of video presentations has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of remote work and virtual events, as well as the growing trend of online video content consumption. Video presentation software provides an effective way for users to communicate their ideas and messages in an engaging and dynamic way.

Examples of video presentation software

Powtoon— a British company that got their name by combining “PowerPoint” and “cartoon”— launched in 2012 as a more animated approach to otherwise stale presentations. They offer a wide variety of visual communication features like videos, doodles, presentations, animations, and screen recordings. However they’re most known for their ability to turn slides into video animations in an effort to make them more engaging and interactive for audiences. 

Lumen5 is a Canadian-based technology company that provides an AI-powered video creation platform for businesses and individuals. The platform allows users to easily create engaging video content from articles, blog posts, or other written content without requiring any previous experience or special training. Lumen5's platform uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automatically generate video content, including images, animations, and text overlays. 

Nonlinear presentation software

A nonlinear presentation is a type of presentation where the viewer can navigate the content in a non-sequential order, rather than proceeding from one slide to the next in a linear fashion. In a nonlinear presentation, the content is organized using hyperlinks or other interactive elements that allow the viewer to jump back and forth between different parts of the presentation, depending on their interests and needs.

Nonlinear presentations are often used when presenting complex or interconnected information, or when the audience may have varying levels of interest or expertise in different areas. They can be created using specialized software, such as Prezi, or by manually creating hyperlinks within traditional presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.

Nonlinear presentations can be more engaging and interactive than traditional linear presentations, as they allow the viewer to take control of their own learning experience and explore the content in a way that suits them best. They can be particularly effective for educational and training purposes, as well as for sales and marketing presentations.

Examples of traditional presentation software

Prezi’s presentation software is a true alternative to PowerPoint. Rather than design standard slide decks, Prezi users create animated, non-sequential presentations that highlight topics and uncover subtopics with an engaging zoom feature. The PowerPoint-alternative software is an enticing alternative for creating visual presentations, but it’s probably better suited for experienced presentation designers thanks to its unique design. Still, Prezi is a perfect choice for presenters seeking a more creative way to capture an audience's attention.

Comparisons and considerations

Key differences between presentation software types.

The key differences between presentation software types are accessibility and technology. While most businesses are well versed in Microsoft and Google, other web-based (SaaS) softwares offer newer technologies and more flexible features. Each platform comes with its own pros and cons, and will vary based on the use case of the business.

Factors to consider when choosing presentation software

When choosing the right presentation software for your business, you first have to define what your goal is. Is it collaboration for your teams, design guardrails, leveraging AI to work faster, or accessibility and the ability to work in the cloud? Do you prefer linear or non-sequential presentations? What is your budget? These all play a major role in deciding which solution is the best fit for your workflow.

For more on presentation softwares, check out our recommendations for the top 2023 PowerPoint alternatives .

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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15 Best Presentation Software for 2021

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By Bilyana Nikolaeva

in Insights

4 years ago

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The Best Presentation Software for 2021

On average a presentation takes up to 20 minutes and experts say we make an impression within the first 30 seconds. That is why it’s important to “dress” our great product/idea with an equally exciting design. Most often, presentations are cooked up by non-designers, which creates a specific need – for powerful presentation software, which can help communicate a message beautifully, effectively, and to suit any user’s skill level. We hand-picked 15 of the best presentation software for 2021 , which will help you create presentations online, share them, while shining in your best light. In the meanwhile, check out some useful ideas tips to spice up your presentations .

A web-based presentation tool, which means you can access your presentations wherever you are, with an internet connection. It is known for its animations, cartoons, and infographics, which help the user to create more interactive presentations and explainer-style videos.

Example by Focusky

Best Features:  Very interactive; you can create a unique to your story by combining different “frames” (slides); create your own animations within the presentation Price:  Free, but heavily subscription-based Learning curve:  Very intuitive, nicely organized by categories, but it would require some time to learn the animation controls Available for:  Online Perfect for: Marketing and education

To summarize, this presentation tool is best for marketers and education, where the creator can get the most out of the cool animation and cartoons available. In the last years, there is an increased interest in Powtoon and RenderForest and we expect that more and more people will use them in 2021. No surprise – if you look at our article about Graphic Design Trends in 2022 , everything is moving towards animation, cool 3D-s, cartoons, and illustrations – and these are all things that this software can offer for your presentation.

Prezi is an online presentation software, which resembles a mind map. In comparison, PowerPoint offers a linear way of presenting, whereas Prezi allows you to better show relationships between different elements of your presentation, show details, zoom in and zoom out and show an overall view of your topic. Compared to PowerPoint is more interactive, but with fewer functionalities and a choice of templates.

Example by PreziBase

Best Features:  Interactive presentations and interesting transitions, zoom in/out details Price:  The very basic features are free, but most of the interesting ones are paid, starting from $3/month and reaching up to $59/month. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  it requires learning and going through a lot of menus and functionalities, similar to PowerPoint Available for:  Online / Limited use for iOS and Android (only viewing, not creating and editing) Perfect for: teachers, businesses, more experienced designers, and specific presentations needs, but not recommended for newbies

Prezi is best in showing relationships between different parts of your presentations. There are some challenges in editing, and viewing across devices and its best features are paid for. We recommend it for quick, mind-map-like presentations without the need for ultra-special design.

3. RenderForest Presentation Maker

RenderForest is an online presentation tool, which is famous for its explainer style and whiteboard animations. The presentation templates often offer various motion/video backgrounds, which helps to grab your audience’s attention. Currently, the company is working on releasing its Graphic Design Software, which will allow users to create printables and beautiful designs for social media. This shows that RenderForest’s team knows the market well and does its best to cater to its needs!

what are types of presentation software

Example by Renderforest

Best Features:  Video holders with text on shapes, cool transitions Price:  There is a free version, the paid ones start at $20.34 per user/month Learning curve:  Relatively easy to use, the simple interface helps the user Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  Education and business

Although not one of the cheapest solutions, it allows you to create engaging and interactive presentations with lots of cool animations. That makes RenderForest a great choice for more educational and marketing explainer-type videos/presentations.

4. Mentimeter

Mentimeter is a very interesting online presentation software. It allows your audience to engage with your presentation in real-time and you can create polls, ask questions, which are then displayed to your presentation. The answers from the audience remain anonymous so people are even more encouraged to participate.

Example by Mentimeter

Best Features:  Launch live, interactive polls, surveys, quizzes and create things like word clouds in real-time Price:  It has a free version, but the paid plans offer most of the attractive features – the basic plan costs $9.99 per user/month and the more advanced plan is $24.99 per user/month Learning curve:  Easy to use; might need to explain to a less tech-savvy audience how to connect to your presentation Available for:  Online / Android / iOS Perfect for:  Educators, speakers, business and competitions

An excellent choice for educators, speakers, and businesses who want to engage the audience in real-time and display the results immediately. Clean, simple designs, that help you focus on the content.

5. Libre Office Impress

Libre Office is free presentation software, an open-source alternative to PowerPoint. As you can expect from a free product, it offers only the main features of its “big brother”, but it’s a good solution for people used to Microsoft’s productivity suite. The interface is very similar to PowerPoint, which again makes it comfortable to use for a certain audience. Users who need collaboration on presentations, clean interface, and more creative design solutions should steer away from this free presentation software because it will simply not cover their needs.

what are types of presentation software

Example by Theodoros Bousios

Best Features:  Free, compatible with older versions (Windows XP for example) Price:  Free Learning curve:  It will take some time to go through all the options and to get familiar with the interface; Available for:  Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS. Perfect for:  people who want to use a free product and people with older operation systems

To summarize, Libre is free, compatible with older versions, it can cover your basic needs for a presentation, but the options are too many and available templates too little.

6. Zoho Show

Zoho Show is also an online presentation software, which has a very friendly user interface and great collaboration features. There are many functionalities, which help you create a beautiful design, but require some time and design knowledge to get it right. The premade templates are limited and this presentation software needs an internet connection to be able to edit and present.

what are types of presentation software

Image by Zoho

Best Features:  Live broadcasting a presentation with live chat and commenting Price:  Zoho Show is free for personal use. For business users, Zoho Show is included in the Zoho Docs enterprise pricing packages – €5 or €8 per user/month Learning curve: Available for:  Online / Android / iOS Perfect for:  non-profits, start-ups, personal use, teachers

To summarize, Zoho offers great collaboration features, but you need a connection to edit and present. It is suitable for quick, non-pretentious presentations, where you need some kind of collaboration.

7. ClearSlide Presenter

ClearSlide is a sales engagement platform, including an online presentation tool. Another online tool – SlideRocket, was acquired by ClearSlide and one of the differences is that ClearSlide is more costly and targeted at larger businesses. It’s a great platform for very specific needs – collaborating between sales and marketing teams, to achieve the company’s goals. It’s clear even by the interface:

what are types of presentation software

Image by ClearSlide

Best Features: Analytics for costumers’ engagement, video conferencing, screen sharing Price:  They offer a free trial and you can see more about the payment plans here. Learning curve:  Clear and simple interface, but it requires some time to get used to the tools Available for:  Online Perfect for: Sales/business, managers (for coaching); not suitable for newbies, teachers, students

To summarize, ClearSide is perfect for presenting sales pitch , graphics, collaborate in larger teams. It is somehow restrictive for a non-designer because the templates are specific.

8. Piktochart

Piktochart allows you to make infographics, presentations, and printables quickly. Primarily known for its easy customizable infographics, Piktochart also has simple presentation templates and the company is constantly trying to update its library.

Example by Piktochart Knowledge Base

Best Features:  Turning data-heavy content into simple visuals; nice transitions between slides Price:  There is a free version and a paid one, starting at $29 per user/month. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  It requires time to get used to the options available and to navigate through Available for:  Online Perfect for:  Designers, teachers; it does not offer collaboration options, which might be needed by teams, students, etc.

Compared to other online presentation software is a bit costly and we could still ask a bit more from the presentation templates. We’d recommend it to someone who often uses infographics and wants to use a single platform to combine the infographics with a presentation. But why not check our free infographics as well?

Slides is online presentation software, initially aimed at developers and covering their presentation needs. Thus said, it does not offer offline editing, but you can present offline, after exporting your presentation.

Best Features:  It allows you to use your phone as a remote control; Live Present Mode allows you to control what your audience sees; drop in code, iframes, and SVGs with ease. Price:  Free, with paid plans starting at $7.00/month and $14-$18/month for pro and team packages. They offer a free trial. Learning curve:  friendly interface, but too many functions and options, which might overwhelm the average user and beginner Available for: Online Perfect for:  developers, designers, a little bit too specific for newbies

To summarize, it’s a very cool tool, giving you complete design freedom, but that is also why we do not recommend it to teachers, non-designers, or marketers. Developers and design gurus will love it.

Canva is a web-based solution that started with a mission – to make beautiful designed content available to everyone. The whole platform is organized so that a person without any prior design knowledge can easily create graphs, images, and presentations to impress. Although it is not the best tool for data visualization, it scores high in any other category. Needless to say, it has become a popular choice amongst non-designers.

Image by Iconfinder

Best Features:  Plenty of beautiful templates to choose from and Canva school has plenty of tutorials and tips for free. It offers more free functionalities compared to other competitors. Price:  Free, the offer different subscription plans, starting at $9.95 per user/month Learning curve:  Very easy to use, most of the actions can be performed by drag-and-drop Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  newbies, marketers (who need a unified look across all their social media), non-profits, and teachers

Canva is becoming one of the most popular tools amongst non-designers for creating beautiful unified content. You can create entire presentations, flyers, and other materials with a single drag and drop.

11. Slidebean

Slidebean is the go-to online presentation software for last-minute projects, that look original and professional. Slidebean offers clean and easy-to-use templates and keeps track of your audience’s engagement.

Source Slidebean

Best Features:  It allows you to arrange your content with the help of AI, which saves time creating a beautiful layout. You just pick a template, upload content, and let the AI offer you a nice layout. Premade animations, effects, and alignments are automatically applied to your content and create a cohesive look. Price:  Free, paid versions starting from $8/month Learning curve:  very easy to use since everything is made to fit the premade templates Available for:  Windows / Mac / Android / iOS Perfect for:  financial, academic, pitch, marketing, sales; everything quick with a clear structure

To summarize, if you are in a hurry, Slidebean will offer several layouts for your slides and speed up the process of creation. The platform targets primarily sales, marketing, and financial fields, and the available templates reflect that.

12. Google Slides

Google Slides is part of the G Suite business application. Its popularity has increased in the last years since it’s a web-based platform, allowing you to store, edit, and share your presentation, without the need of installing presentation software on your computer. All you need is a Google account and you are good to go.

Image by G Suite Updates blog

Best Features:  It’s free for personal use, and offers great paid features for business – for example, seamless collaboration and commenting on a presentation, converting other presentations to Google Slides. Some other great features are the wide variety of fonts available (GoogleFonts, not need installing), easy embedding, plus it’s super intuitive and easy to use! Price:   It’s free for individual use. For business use, the price starts at $5/user/month and plans of $10 and $25/user/month, for unlimited cloud storage and extra features Learning curve:  Simple interface, but it will require some time to pick up. Similar to PowerPoint, only a bit lighter. Available for:  Windows / Mac / Online Perfect for:  businesses, freelancers, who need a user-friendly app with elementary features; great for collaborating teams, not so perfect for complex designs and tools, required by big enterprises

Perfect for personal use, well synchronized across different devices, similar to PowerPoint. Maybe you are a teacher and you like GoogleSlides because it is free and easy to use? Well, we’ve gathered some awesome FREE GoogleSlides and PowerPoint templates , specially made for education needs.

If you need something along the lines of PowerPoint but need the option for collaboration – a paid plan for GoogleSlides is your go-to choice.

13. Keynote

Keynote is an Apple product, very similar to Google Slides. All you need to do is create an iCloud account (similar to a Google account) and start using Keynote from there. Running Keynote on Windows also requires an internet connection and a modern browser. The latest version can also import and export PowerPoint formats if needed. All this sends Keynote higher in the list regarding the accessibility and shareability of this presentation software.

what are types of presentation software

Image by Envato tuts+

Best Features:  Simplicity of design, great drag and drop functions, polished transitions and animations, easy image editing/cropping; works great with multimedia; design templates with better aesthetic than an average slide deck; Price:  Free for macOS and iOS Learning curve:  Pretty easy to use for Mac users, a bit of learning curve for users, having experience with other software. Available for:  Mac / Windows / Online Perfect for:  businesses, marketers, people with not much of a design experience

Bottom line, if you are a Mac user, you love the sleek design and you are looking for cool aesthetics – Keynote is simple to use and free, why not use it?

14. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a web and mobile-based media creation application, which helps you create social graphics, short videos, and web pages. What is immediately noticeable is the clean, crisp, simple, and modern designs, which focus you on the content. If you are looking for a funky, ornate design – Adobe Spark is not the right pick for you.

Example by Cikeys

Best Features:  Beautiful templates, user-friendly interface, step-by-step creation, you can add audio to your slides (narrating) Price:  There is a free version, the paid on starts at $9.79. The best templates, as with the competitors, are paid. They do not offer a free trial. Learning curve:  Easy to use Available for:  Online / iOS / Android Perfect for:  quick presentations, teachers, basic presentations without jamming them with too much cool stuff.

Adobe Spark eliminates the cluster of design options and leads you step-by-step in creating elegant, simple presentations. Ideal for basic presentations, not the best for sales and marketing.

15. PowerPoint

PowerPoint certainly is a “classic” – it’s has been the most popular tool for creating presentations so far. What first started as a component of the Microsoft Office suite, now has improved shareability and accessibility. It can be used on the web (as part of Office on the web), works with Android, and iOS, and there is a Mobile app, as well as presentation software for mac.

Example by Abris DC

Best Features:  Many people are familiar with the software, a wide variety of templates; improved accessibility across platforms; extensive tools and options Price: If you want to enjoy the full features of PowerPoint, you’ll need to subscribe to Microsoft 365 – they have payment plans for personal or business use. The price for personal use starts at $5.99/month or $59.99/year, and business plans start at $12.50 per user/month with an annual commitment. You can find more information here . The mobile applications are completely free to use, of course with some limitations. You can compare the available features across different platforms  here. Learning curve: Due to the variety of options and the complexity of the menus, it might take some time to master all of its features. Something that could take a lot of time is editing the text, arranging the visuals, and picking the right transitions – overall, is time-consuming. Still, the interface remained easy to navigate over time and if you trust your design sense, you can achieve satisfying results. Available for: Windows / Mac / Online Perfect for: business, medical, accounting and students; creating concise presentations; but not so suitable for teachers, educators, start-ups and marketers who want to create more interactive and story-based presentations.

To this date, PowerPoint is keeping the lead as the most popular tool for creating presentations. Some of the downsides are that sometimes it can be time-consuming to come up with a good design and PP doesn’t offer collaboration tools and compared to other platforms. But we have a solution for at least one of your problems – we’ve selected 31 Modern PowerPoint templates to set the right tone for your presentation. 

We made a quick summary for you…

Ok, not that we’ve looked at the 15 best presentation software for 2021, we decided to go one step further and compare them by price and popularity. Let’s have a look first at the new-comers:

what are types of presentation software

As you can see, the leaders from the uprising platforms are Canva and Mentimeter, with relatively low prices and with huge success amongst users . Powtoon, Piktochart, and Renderforest are a bit costly , but they are popular since they offer a lot of animation and interactive elements. Hey, but maybe some of the other tools are right for you? We encourage you to go on their websites, contact their support team, and see what they have to offer.

Then, let’s see how the veterans are ranking:

what are types of presentation software

It’s no surprise that PowerPoint and Google Slides are at the top – people are used to their products, have familiar interfaces, and offer a lot of functionalities at a good price. Although, for quick, unpretentious results, their competitors are a very attractive solution.

Final words

We can conclude that there are many useful tools to help you create beautiful presentations. Some of them are well-known and have been here for a while, while others are uprising… No matter the case, we notice a trend for presentation tools catering not only to the designers’ needs but also to the newbies, marketers, and teachers. That way, enabling everyone to create stunning presentations in no time and share them easily.

We hope this presentation software list shed some light on different options out there and that we helped you evaluate quickly what would work for your situation best.

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Bilyana Nikolaeva

Bilyana is an inspiring content writer and illustrator at GraphicMama with years of experience in art and design. When she’s not busy writing for the blog, you will usually see her working hard on new illustrations and graphic resources.

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Best Presentation Software

What is presentation software.

Presentation software allows users to create interactive, slide-based presentations that help to tell a story or convey a message. These presentations are built on generic or custom templates that provide themes for the slide decks. Each presentation page can include images, embedded videos, dynamic transitions, or other animations for entertainment purposes. These products help to display information in a visual way and are often used by companies to aid in sales pitches and marketing campaigns, or for educational purposes, among other uses. Presentation software products are often included as part of an office suite and are used in place of older visual aids, including pamphlets, posters, or slides. These presentations can be made more interactive when used in conjunction with audience response systems and video conferencing tools .

To qualify for inclusion in the Presentation category, a product must:

Best Presentation Software At A Glance

  • All Segments (179)
  • Small Business (50)
  • Mid Market (39)
  • Enterprise (31)
  • English (57)
  • Spanish (32)
  • French (30)
  • German (25)
  • Italian (23)
  • Portuguese (23)
  • Japanese (20)
  • Chinese (Simplified) (19)
  • Korean (15)
  • Russian (15)
  • Arabic (13)
  • Polish (12)
  • Turkish (11)
  • Chinese (Traditional) (9)
  • Swedish (8)
  • Vietnamese (8)
  • Finnish (7)
  • Hungarian (7)
  • Indonesian (7)
  • Norwegian (7)
  • Ukrainian (7)
  • Bulgarian (5)
  • Catalan (5)
  • Latvian (5)
  • Lithuanian (5)
  • Romanian (5)
  • Slovenian (5)
  • Estonian (4)
  • Croatian (4)
  • Azerbaijani (3)
  • Armenian (3)
  • Icelandic (3)
  • Afrikaans (2)
  • Bosnian (2)
  • Kannada (2)
  • Georgian (2)
  • Punjabi (2)
  • Serbian (2)
  • Turkmen (2)
  • Maltese (2)
  • Amharic (1)
  • Bengali (1)
  • Persian (1)
  • Scottish Gaelic (1)
  • Galician (1)
  • Gujarati (1)
  • Javanese (1)
  • Marathi (1)
  • Mongolian (1)
  • Sanskrit (1)
  • Sinhala (1)
  • Albanian (1)
  • Deals  | Available (1)
  • Pricing Available (49)
  • G2 Score Information Checkmark
  • Satisfaction
  • Overview Expand/Collapse Overview

Google Workspace brings email, chat, files, meetings and your favorite apps into a people-first experience powered by Google AI so that you can safely connect, create and collaborate.

  • Education Management
  • Information Technology and Services
  • 47% Small-Business
  • 34% Mid-Market
  • Google Workspace is a platform that provides various business tools such as docs, spreadsheets, slides, and more, used by organizations in their daily operations.
  • Users frequently mention the ease of use, the seamless integration of various tools like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Docs, and the convenience of having all necessary applications in one place.
  • Reviewers noted issues such as occasional slow loading times, synchronization problems, and the necessity of a stable internet connection for effective use.
  • Pros and Cons Expand/Collapse Pros and Cons
  • User Satisfaction Expand/Collapse User Satisfaction
  • Seller Details Expand/Collapse Seller Details

Build the story, present with conviction, and move forward faster.

  • Software Engineer
  • Higher Education
  • 35% Enterprise
  • 35% Small-Business

what are types of presentation software

Synthesia is the world's first AI Video Generation Platform - in a browser. Did you know that you retain 95% of a video’s message, compared to 10% if reading it in text?💡 Companies of all sizes are

  • Computer Software
  • 72% Small-Business
  • 16% Mid-Market
  • Synthesia is a platform for creating AI characters on video, which can be used as standalone videos or embedded into other materials such as eLearning.
  • Users like the simplicity and intuitive nature of the platform, with many praising its ability to improve communication and create a variety of content.
  • Reviewers mentioned challenges with collaboration and pronunciation correction, as well as limitations in automated translations for non-Enterprise plans.

Launch and grow your business with Microsoft 365. Do more, faster, with intelligent tools to create, send, share, and store professional, branded documents with your customers and team - securely in t

  • 36% Mid-Market
  • Microsoft 365 is a suite of office applications and services designed for business communication, document management, and project management in a hybrid work environment.
  • Reviewers like the seamless integration of Microsoft 365 with various applications, its robust security features, and the convenience of accessing essential productivity tools from anywhere.
  • Users reported issues with the complex licensing structure, high subscription cost, occasional syncing issues, and the overwhelming number of feature updates and added tools.

Mentimeter is the audience engagement platform. Easy-to-use, interactive, and innovative; presenting has never been less stressful and more effortless! Create unique and dynamic presentations that wil

  • 38% Small-Business
  • 33% Mid-Market

Simplified is the one app to create, collaborate, and scale your marketing. Design, write marketing copy, create videos, collaborate, and publish to socials—all in the same place. Built for speed and

  • Writing and Editing
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • 94% Small-Business
  • 3% Mid-Market
  • Simplified is a platform that offers tools for graphic design, social media management, and content creation, including AI-powered features like text generation and design tools.
  • Reviewers frequently mention the user-friendly interface, the range of features offered, and the efficiency of the AI-powered tools in streamlining content creation and marketing processes.
  • Users mentioned limitations in customization options, occasional glitches with AI tools, and the pricing model as potential drawbacks, particularly for smaller businesses or freelancers needing advanced functionality.

VEED is the all-in-one platform for businesses that want to scale video production. Customers across 200+ countries in marketing, sales, L&D, and social media are creating video 30x faster than e

  • Health, Wellness and Fitness
  • 88% Small-Business
  • 9% Mid-Market
  • Veed is a video editing tool designed for creating and editing social media content, with features such as automatic subtitling, audio cleaning, and AI-generated speaking avatars.
  • Reviewers appreciate Veed's user-friendly interface, its time-saving automatic subtitling feature, and the ability to easily split and slow down videos for precise editing.
  • Users reported occasional bugs with larger or heavily edited videos, a desire for more music options in the library, and limitations in the automated translation feature.

How do you 100X you content? RELAYTO is the #1 Interactive Experience platform that transforms your static content (PDFs, MP4s, images) into engaging interactive experiences, enabling viewers to choos

  • Executive Assistant
  • 60% Small-Business
  • 24% Mid-Market
  • Relayto is a tool designed to convert design files into interactive products, including presentations, with additional features such as AI ChatBot and a range of templates.
  • Reviewers appreciate the user-friendly interface, the ease of creating interactive content, the range of templates, and the AI features that enhance the presentation creation process.
  • Reviewers mentioned the initial learning curve for first-time users, the lack of certain editing features, and difficulties with embedding certain types of files.

Canva Enterprise is a subscription offering designed to empower large organizations to easily create, collaborate, and publish high-impact visual content at scale with a secure platform designed for e

  • 98% Enterprise
  • 1% Small-Business
  • Canva is an online graphic design tool that allows users to create graphics with features like templates, layouts, drag-and-drop editing, and free stock photos.
  • Reviewers like the user-friendly nature of Canva, its wide range of templates and options, and its accessibility for individuals without a design background.
  • Users reported that Canva can be expensive, particularly for the premium edition, and it can be challenging to switch from Canva to other design applications.

Keynote for Mac makes it simple to create and deliver beautiful presentations. Updated for OS X El Capitan, Keynote employs powerful tools and dazzling effects that bring your ideas to life. You can w

  • Project Manager
  • 55% Small-Business
  • 23% Enterprise

Vyond is the effortless, all-in-one AI video creation platform for business. Vyond provides everything needed to communicate better, including an AI-powered instant video maker (Vyond Go) and a full

  • Instructional Designer
  • Senior Instructional Designer
  • Financial Services
  • 50% Enterprise
  • 28% Small-Business

Prezi is a suite of online content design and visual communication tools that helps to foster deeper understanding and connection between people — even when they're working or learning remotely. The

  • 40% Small-Business
  • 31% Mid-Market
  • What G2 Users Think Expand/Collapse What G2 Users Think
  • Reviewers really appreciate how Prezi helps them captivate their audience and keep them engaged during presentations.
  • Reviewers find Prezi easy to use, especially when customizing the templates.
  • Users appreciate the variety of templates to choose from.

iSpring Suite is a comprehensive authoring tool that allows you to create professional eLearning content, including courses, quizzes, video tutorials, role-play simulations, SCORM-compliant e-books, a

  • 49% Small-Business
  • 30% Mid-Market
  • iSpring Suite is a software that operates through PowerPoint, offering features such as an extensive library of resources and text to speech functionality for creating in-house trainings and e-learning modules.
  • Reviewers like the intuitive and user-friendly interface of iSpring Suite, its seamless integration with PowerPoint, the ability to create diverse quiz types, and the excellent customer support.
  • Users reported issues such as the software making their computer run slower, difficulties with licensing and activation, and a lack of design flexibility within some elements, particularly the interactive exercises.

Visme makes it easy and affordable for anyone to create impactful, original, interactive experiences. Visme's all-in-one platform allows non-design professionals to transform the way they create, shar

  • Marketing Manager
  • 68% Small-Business
  • 25% Mid-Market
  • Reviewers appreciate the quick and excellent customer service of Visme.
  • Reviewers regularly use Visme’s impressive and ready-to-use catalog of templates to add a professional design to presentations, visuals, documents, etc.
  • Reviewers appreciate Visme’s graphic design features to create stunning infographics.

At HeyGen, we help you grow your business through the magic of visual storytelling. Creating professional-quality videos can be daunting, but HeyGen makes it easy for everyone—no camera or specialized

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Entertainment
  • 86% Small-Business
  • 10% Mid-Market
  • HeyGen is an application that allows users to create realistic and engaging avatars for video content.
  • Reviewers frequently mention the user-friendly interface, the quality of the avatars, the ability to create videos in various languages, and the near-perfect lip syncing and translation.
  • Users mentioned that the app can be slow at times, it is time-consuming to record the video correctly, there are limitations on the processing aspect, and the available voices can sound a little too exaggerated.


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G2 Grid® for Presentation

Presentation topics, why use presentation software, who uses presentation software, presentation software features, potential issues with presentation software, software and services related to presentation software, learn more about presentation software.

No matter your industry, professional presentations can be an ace-in-the-hole maneuver for communicating important ideas or aligning teams around company vision or initiatives. A handful of well-designed slides goes a long way, and the right presentation tool can make it easy for even the least tech-savvy individuals to create presentations.

These tools replace the old-fashioned method of drawing bullet points and supplemental images on whiteboards or poster boards, and can help hammer home the main points of a public speech to the desired audience. After walking through a presentation in front of a group, you can also share the completed files as helpful resources to specific departments or the entire organization. Some of the best presentations have a life that extends far beyond the intended meeting.

Key Benefits of Presentation Software

  • Communicate information in an organized, digestible way
  • Engage listeners of presentations visually as well as aurally
  • Provide your slide deck as a post-presentation resource
  • Convert more listeners to leads through interest

Whether delivering a keynote address or a book report, the impact of visual aids cannot be overstated. We are an increasingly graphics-oriented species: Online posts that involve images are 650% more effective than text-only content, according to one study. Presentation apps and desktop tools empower professionals of all backgrounds to create eye-catching, easy-to-follow supplements that can keep an audience engaged when important information is being communicated.

These apps can also replace notecards as personal guides during meetings, training sessions, or company announcements. With the helpful templates, graphics, and other features, users can make presentation tools an invaluable asset for uniting teams and effectively mastering complex subjects. Long after the public presentation, slides designed on your presentation program can be saved on a file storage platform or content management system to be accessed and shared by the teams who can benefit from the contained information. You may continually draw value from a quality slideshow presentation or video presentation as a form of training for new hires. In this way, presentation software tools can double as eLearning solutions when used to their full potential.

Our research team has discussed the dos and don’ts of engaging presentations and other presentation software tips in blogs on G2 Crowd. Owning a great software solution doesn’t guarantee great presentations, and they won’t do all the work for you. But when used properly and delivered confidently, these products can be indispensable mediums of communication, regardless of the user’s industry.

Like many of the best apps, presentation solutions can be used by a wide spectrum of users. A good business presentation is useful at a restaurant staff meeting just as it is in an enterprise context. The marriage of graphics and informative content is a universal language that does not discriminate to one industry or another. Nearly anyone can craft a basic presentation with many of the tools in this category, and create a memorable experience for their staff and/or clients. As skills progress or situations demand, these same tools can be used for advanced and multi-layered presentations.

With that said, there are some individuals who may find a more consistent or impactful use from presentation software.

Department managers or c-level execs — A well-made presentation can add authority to and maximize comprehension of major announcements or important team/company meetings. Rather than simply talking with your staff, leveraging quality slides can drive the main points home for the intended viewers.

Sales representatives — Presentation software can create a stronger relationship between sales reps and prospective or current clients, adding depth to conversations and answering clients’ questions in great detail. There is no telling how many closed deals and renewals around the world are due in part to well-executed presentations.

HR/training teams — In the modern workplace, projects such as employee handbooks, organizational updates, and new hire education are often completed or assisted by presentation technology. A free presentation for internal use can be endlessly valuable in company alignment and culture-building.

Creative departments — For those hired to create, there are constant opportunities to go above and beyond when sharing and explaining new ideas. The features within a presentation software package can help graphic designers , UX architects , and other creative teams shine a light on exciting projects using colorful slides filled with multimedia and approachable explanations.

Teachers and students — Presentation software has one of the largest overlaps between professional and academic practicality. Teachers and professors, particularly in higher education, can make digital presentations an integral component of lesson plans. In today’s classroom, many create presentation-based environments in place of lectures with scribbled chalkboard notes. Additionally, students are often encouraged to take advantage of these solutions for presenting projects to the class; in some cases, the use of this software is mandatory.

The growing selection of presentation software builds off the model created by early torchbearers, as far back as the late 1980s. Today’s offerings include updated versions of some tenured platforms and fresh, boundary-pushing releases from forward-thinking developers. Across these varying products, you will find a handful of common, practical features to help create masterful slides—in addition to some platform-specific tools that can elevate your professional presentation to its peak.

Some common features include:

Templates and themes — One of the core values in the presentation software space is a low learning curve, at least for simple projects, and the best example of that is presentation templates. Even free presentation software or the free version of some paid products may include this feature, which provides various pre-built outlines for both individual slides and entire presentations. Templates can incorporate suggested layouts, color schemes, fonts, and object placements that can be modified as necessary by the user, and used as starting points off which to insert personal content.

Text and image effects — Cropping and resizing are just the tip of the iceberg for the content and media elements you utilize in your project. When you create a presentation, you will have a multitude of effects at your disposal to bring each slide to life, such as shadows and shading. The toolbox within the average presentation software shares qualities of those found in desktop publishing and drawing software ; learning one gives you an immediate advantage in the other.

Transitions — A good presentation is more than a series of slides—it’s a complete expression of an idea or a concept. To help tie the different ingredients together and keep a rapt audience, these platforms usually offer transitions that ease each slide into the next. Some are more vivid or showy than others, but even the basic transition effects can hold the finished product together and prevent an understandably jarring reaction when the presenter leaps from page to page.

With these features alone, you can take advantage of these powerful apps to design a noteworthy in-house or online presentation. That said, complete tool sets within these platforms will lend themselves to endless edits and additions on the way to richer presentations. You can take presentations to the next level by pasting in videos pieced together with video editing software ; you may also find certain video editing features included depending on the product. On a similar note, you can import files created with 3D design , photo editing , and audio editing software to spice up a presentation where desired.

As robust and practical as these tools are, presentation software should not become a replacement for actual understanding of the topics being communicated within a completed presentation. It can be all too easy for this to occur, with the presenter using the platform as a crutch during important meetings with either fellow employees or external clients. These pitfalls can quickly rise to the surface in the event that a slideshow app lags or crashes, or a similar technical mishap occurs, leaving the speaker without visual assistance. When using presentation software, consider utilizing handwritten notes as well, and make a concerted effort to internalize the subject matter well beforehand.

Many of the best presentations are group efforts, and may require input from a number of users. Depending on the product, this could involve continual discussions on team collaboration , video conferencing , or email software , as the presentation tool might allow for only one user at a time. If real-time collaboration is essential to you, consider business content management software for a more interactive experience in fleshing out concepts or visuals to be used in presentations.

Though presentation management tools offer some ground-level features for media editing, your presentation could greatly benefit from touching up relevant multimedia—or creating it altogether—with a different product. As previously mentioned, consider video editing , photo editing , or another authoring and publishing software to produce audio/visual building blocks of truly memorable presentations.

If you’re looking for help with individual components or an entire presentation, consider a local creative services provider , such as a graphic design agency . In some cases, the expertise and artful eye of these companies can bring your presentation ideas to life or at least point you in the right direction, eliminating the stress of going at it alone.

  • Alternatives 🔥

Top 11 Types of Presentation Software in 2024

Leah Nguyen • 12 September, 2024 • 13 min read

There are hundreds of presentation software options available on the market today, and we know it’s hard to venture outside the comforts of PowerPoint. What if the software you’re immigrating to suddenly crashes? What if it does not live up to your expectations?

Luckily, we’ve taken care of all the tedious tasks for you (which means testing over a dozen types of presentation software on the way).

Here are some types of presentation software that might be helpful so you can give them a try.

No matter what presentation tool you want, you'll find your presentation platform soulmate here!

AhaSlides (from $4.95)
ZohoShow, Haiku Deck
AhaSlides, Powtoon
Best-known nonlinear presentation softwarePrezi

Table of Contents

What is a presentation software.

  • Interactive Software
  • Non-Linear Software
  • Visual Software
  • Simple Software
  • Video Software

Comparison Table

Frequently asked questions.

what are types of presentation software

Presentation software is any digital platform that helps elaborate and illustrate the presenter’s points through a sequence of visuals like graphics, texts, audio, or videos.

Each bit of presentation software is unique in its way, but all usually share three similar features:

  • A slideshow system to show each idea consecutively.
  • Slide customisation includes organising different clusters of texts, inserting images, choosing backgrounds or adding animation to the slides.
  • A sharing option for the presenter to share the presentation with their colleagues.

Slide makers give you various unique features, and we’ve classified them into the five types of presentation software below. Let’s dive in!

🎊 Tips: Make your PowerPoint interactive to get better engagement from the audience.

Interactive Presentation Software

An interactive presentation has elements the audience can interact with, such as polls, quizzes, word clouds, etc. It turns a passive, one-way experience into an authentic conversation with everyone involved. 

  • 64% of people believe that a flexible presentation with two-way interaction is more engaging than a linear presentation ( Duarte ).
  • 68% of people believe interactive presentations are more memorable ( Duarte ).

Ready to boost audience engagement in your presentations? Here are a couple of interactive presentation software options for you to try for free.

#1 - AhaSlides

We’ve all attended at least one ultra-awkward presentation where we’ve secretly thought to ourselves - anywhere but this .

Where are the buzzing sounds of enthusiastic discussions, the “Ooh” and “Aah”, and the laughter from the audience to dissolve this awkwardness? 

That’s where having a free interactive presentation tool such as AhaSlides comes in handy. It engages the crowd with its free, feature-rich and action-packed content. You can add polls, fun quizzes , word clouds >, and Q&A sessions to hype up your audience and have them interact with you directly.

  • A library of pre-made templates that’s ready to use to save you time and effort.
  • Quick and easy AI slide generator to make slides in an instant.
  • AhaSlides integrates with PowerPoint/Zoom/Microsoft Teams so you don't need to switch multiple software to present.
  • The customer service is super responsive.
  • Since it's web-based, the internet plays a crucial factor (test it out always!)
  • You can not use AhaSlides offline.

💰 Pricing : 

  • AhaSlides is a free interactive presentation software that lets you access almost all of its features.
  • Essential plan: from $7.95/month (monthly/annually), host up to 50 live participants.
  • Plus plan: from $10.95/month (monthly/annually), host up to 200 live participants.
  • Pro plan: from $15.95/month (monthly/annually), host up to 10,000 live participants.
  • Education plans and bulk purchases are available with better price offerings.

✌️ Ease of use : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

👤 Perfect for : 

  • Educators, trainers, and public speakers.
  • Small and large businesses.
  • Individuals who want to host quizzes but find software with annual plans too much.

#2 - Mentimeter

Mentimeter is another interactive presentation software that lets you connect with the audience and eliminates awkward silences through a bundle of polls, quizzes, or open-ended questions in real time.

  • Best Mentimeter Alternatives | Top 7 Choices in 2024 for Businesses and Educators

a screenshot of Mentimeter - one of interactive apps for presentations

  • It’s easy to get started right away.
  • A handful of question types can be used in any scenario.
  • They only let you pay annually (a bit on the pricier side).
  • The free version is limited.
  • Mentimeter is free but doesn't have priority support or supporting presentations imported from elsewhere.
  • Pro plan: $11.99/month (pay annually).
  • Pro plan: $24.99/month (pay annually).
  • The education plan is available.

#3 - Crowdpurr

When it comes to interactive presentation apps, you can try Crowdpurr - an interactive presentations software.

  • Many types of questions, such as multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended.
  • Can host up to 5,000 participants per experience, making it suitable for large events.
  • Some users may find the initial setup and customisation options slightly complex.
  • The higher-tier plans can become costly for very large events or organizations with frequent usage.
  • Basic Plan: Free (limited features)
  • Classroom Plan: $49.99/month or $299.94/year
  • Seminar Plan: $149.99/month or $899.94/year
  • Conference Plan: $249.99/month or $1,499.94/year
  • Convention Plan: Custom pricing.

✌️ Ease of Use: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

👤 Perfect for:

  • Event organisers, marketers, and educators.

Non-Linear Presentation Software

A non-linear presentation is one in which you don’t present the slides in a strict order. Instead, you can jump into any chosen fall within the deck.

This type of presentation software allows the presenter more freedom to cater content relevant to their audience and let their presentation flow naturally. Therefore, the best-known nonlinear presentation software is:


Organising and visualising content has never been easier with RELAYTO , a document experience platform that transforms your presentation into an immersing interactive website.

Get started by importing your supporting content (text, images, videos, audio). RELAYTO will piece everything together to form a complete presentation website for your purposes, whether a pitch or a marketing proposal. 

what are types of presentation software

✅ Pros : 

  • Its analytics feature, which analyses viewers’ clicks and interactions, provides real-time feedback on which content is engaging to the audience.
  • You don’t have to create your presentation from scratch since you can upload existing presentations in PDF/PowerPoint format and the software will do the work for you.
  • The embedded videos have length restrictions.
  • You’ll be on a waitlist if you want to try RELAYTO’s free plan.
  • It’s pricey for occasional uses.
  • RELAYTO is free with a limit of 5 experiences.
  • Solo plan: $80/user/month (pay annually).
  • Lite Team plan: $120/user/month (revenue annually).
  • Pro Team plan: $200/user/month (revenue annually).

✌️ Ease of use : ⭐⭐⭐

  • Small and medium businesses.

Widely known for its mind map structure, Prezi lets you work with an infinite canvas. You can alleviate the boredom of traditional presentations by panning between topics, zooming in on details, and pulling back to reveal context. 

This mechanism helps the audience see the whole picture you’re referring to instead of going through each angle individually, which improves their understanding of the overall topic.

  • Fluid animation and eye-catching presentation design.
  • Can import PowerPoint presentations.
  • Creative and diverse template library.
  • It takes time to do creative projects.
  • The platform sometimes freezes when you’re editing online.
  • It can make your audience dizzy with its constant back-and-forth movements.
  • Prezi is free with a limit of 5 projects.
  • Plus plan: $12/month.
  • Premium plan: $16/month.
  • Small to large businesses.

🎊 Learn more: Top 5+ Prezi Alternatives

Visual Presentation Software

The visual presentation focuses on wowing the audience with aesthetically pleasing designs that look like they came straight from a professional designer’s hard drive.

Here are some pieces of visual presentation software that will bring your presentation up a notch. Get them on the screen, and nobody will have a clue if it’s been designed by an adept professional unless you tell them😉.

#6 - Slides 

Slides is an interesting open-source presentation tool that allows great customisation assets for coders and developers. Its simple, drag-and-drop UI also helps people with no design knowledge to create presentations effortlessly.

Not only is a software interactive presentation, Slides can also format complex math equations so they appear correctly on the presentation

  • The fully open-source format allows rich customisation options using CSS.
  • The Live Present Mode lets you control what viewers see on different devices.
  • Allows you to display advanced math formulas (super helpful for math teachers).
  • Limited templates can be a hassle if you want to create a quick presentation.
  • If you’re on the free plan, you won’t be able to customise much or download the slides to see them offline.
  • The website’s layout makes it hard to keep track of drops. 
  • Slides is free with five presentations and a 250MB storage limit.
  • Lite plan: $5/month (pay annually).
  • Pro plan: $10/month (revenue annually).
  • Team plan: $20/month (revenue annually).

✌️ Ease of use : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • Developers with HTML, CSS and JavaScript knowledge.

If Sketch and Keynote had a baby in the cloud, it would be Ludus (at least, that’s what the website claims). If you are familiar with the designer environment, then Ludus’s versatile functions will get you hooked. Edit and add any kind of content, collaborate with your colleagues and more; the possibilities are endless.

a screenshot of Ludus presentation software

  • It can integrate with many design assets from tools such as Figma or Adobe XD.
  • The slides can be edited simultaneously with other people.
  • You can copy and paste anything to your slides, like a YouTube video or tabular data from Google Sheets, and it will automatically transform it into a beautiful chart.
  • We encountered a lot of bugs, such as an error that occurred when trying to undo or the presentation’s inability to save, which resulted in some work losses.
  • Ludus has a learning curve that takes time to get to the top of if you’re not a pro at designing things.
  • You can try Ludus for free for 30 days.
  • Ludus personal (1 to 15 people): $14.99.
  • Ludus enterprise (over 16 people): Undisclosed.
  • Ludus education: $4/month (pay annually).

#8 - Beautiful.ai

Beautiful.ai is one of the prime examples of presentation software with both the look and the functionality. Worrying that your slides would look mediocre will no longer be a problem because the tool will automatically apply the rule of design to organise your content in a captivating way.

what are types of presentation software

  • Clean and modern design templates let you show the presentation to your audience in minutes.
  • You can use Beautiful.ai templates on PowerPoint with the Beautiful.ai add-in .
  • It doesn’t display well on mobile devices.
  • It has very limited features on the trial plan.
  • Beautiful.ai doesn’t have a free plan; however, it lets you try the Pro and Team plan for 14 days.
  • For individuals: $12/month (pay annually).
  • For teams: $40/month (pay annually).
  • Startup founders are going for a pitch.
  • Business teams with constrained time.

Simplistic Presentation Software

There’s beauty in simplicity, and that’s why many people crave presentation software that’s simple, intuitive and goes straight to the point. 

For these bits of simple presentation software, you don’t have to be tech-savvy or have guidelines to make a great presentation instantly. Check them out below👇

#9 - Zoho Show

Zoho Show is a mix between PowerPoint's look-a-like and Google Slides' live chat and commenting. 

Besides that, Zoho Show has the most extensive list of cross-app integrations. You can add the presentation to your Apple and Android devices, insert illustrations from Humaaans , vector icons from Feather , and more.

what are types of presentation software

  • Varied professional templates​​ for different industries.
  • The live broadcast feature lets you present on the go.
  • Zoho Show’s add-on market makes inserting various media types into your slides easily.
  • You may experience the software’s crashing issue if your internet connection is unstable.
  • Not many templates are available for the education segment.
  • Zoho Show is free.
  • Non-profit organisations.

#10 - Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck minimises your effort in creating presentations with its simple and neat-looking slide decks. If you don’t want flashy animations and would rather just get straight to the point, this is it!

how haiku deck presentation software looks like

  • Available on the website and the iOS ecosystem.
  • Enormous template library to choose from.
  • Features are easy to use, even for first-timers.
  • The free version doesn’t offer much. You can’t add audio or videos unless you pay for their plan. 
  • If you want a fully customisable presentation, Haiku Deck isn’t the one for you.
  • Haiku Deck offers a free plan but only allows you to create one presentation, which isn’t downloadable.
  • Pro plan: $9.99/month (pay annually).
  • Premium plan: $29.99/month (revenue annually).

Video Presentation Software

Video presentations are what you get when you want to make your presentation game more dynamic. They still involve slides but revolve very much around animation, which happens between images, text and other graphics. 

Videos offer more advantages than traditional presentations. People will digest the information more efficiently in a video format than when they’re reading text. Plus, you can distribute your videos anytime, anywhere.

#11 - Powtoon

Powtoon makes it easy to create a video presentation without prior video editing knowledge. Editing in Powtoon feels like editing a traditional presentation with a slide deck and other elements. There are dozens of animated objects, shapes and props you can bring in to enhance your message.

The interface of Powtoon looks like a PowerPoint presentation, which is easy for users to navigate

  • Downloadable in multiple formats: MP4, PowerPoint, GIF, etc.
  • Various templates and animation effects to make a quick video.
  • You’ll need to subscribe to a paid plan to download the presentation as an MP4 file without the Powtoon trademark.
  • It’s time-consuming to create a video.
  • Powtoon offers a free plan with minimal functions.
  • Pro plan: $20/month (pay annually).
  • Pro+ plan: $60/month (revenue annually).
  • Agency plan: $100/month (revenue annually).

#12 - VideoScribe

Explaining the theory and abstract concepts to your customers, colleagues, or students can be tricky, but VideoScribe will help lift that burden. 

VideoScribe is a video editing application supporting whiteboard-style animations and presentations. You can place objects, insert text, and even create your own objects to put in the software’s whiteboard canvas, and it will generate hand-drawn style animations for you to use in your presentations.

  • The drag-and-drop function is easy to get acquainted with, especially for beginners.
  • You can use personal handwriting and drawings besides those available in the icon library.
  • Multiple export options: MP4, GIF, MOV, PNG, and more.
  • Some won't show up if you have too many elements in the frame.
  • There are not enough available quality SVG images.
  • VideoScribe offers a 7-day free trial.
  • Monthly plan: $17.50/month.
  • Annual plan: $96/year.

Exhausted - yep, there are a lot of tools out there! Check out the tables below for a quick comparison of what might be best for you.

Best Value for Money

✅ AhaSlidesSlides
• The free plan offers unlimited use of almost all functions.
• The paid plan starts from $7.95.
• Unlimited AI requests.
• The free plan has restricted use of functions.
• The paid plan starts from $5.
• 50 AI requests/month.

Most intuitive and easy to use

Zoho ShowHaiku Deck

Best for education use

✅ AhaSlidesPowtoon
• Education plan available.
• Interactive classroom activities like quizzes, , , and .
• Pick a name randomly with , and gather feedback easily with .
• Various education templates to pick and use.
• Education plan available.
• Fun animation and cartoon characters to keep the students hooked visually.

Best for professional business

• Oriented towards marketing, sales & communication professionals to create rich experiences for their customers.
• Detailed analytics on the customer journey.
• Consolidate different kinds of content into one presentation.
• Interactive activities such as polls and feedback are available.

Best for creative use

• Can upload your hand-drawn images to illustrate further the points made in the presentation or vector graphics and PNGs for greater customisation.• Great customisation for people who know HTML and CSS.
• Can import different design assets from Adobe XD, Typekit and more.

AhaSlides - Your best app for interactive presentation

What is a non-linear presentation software?

Non-linear presentations allow you to navigate through the material without following a strict order, as presenters can jump over slides depending on what information is most relevant in different situations

Examples of presentation software?

Microsoft Powerpoint, Keynotes, AhaSlides, Mentimeter, Zoho Show, REPLAYTO…

Which is the best presentation software?

AhaSlides if you want presentation, survey, and quiz functions all in one tool, Visme if you want an all-rounder static presentation, and Prezi if you want a unique non-linear presentation style. There are many tools to try, so consider your budget and priorities.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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7 Golden Benefits of Presentation Software in 2024

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13+ Best Presentation Software to Bid Farewell to PowerPoint

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Renderforest Staff

07 Dec 2023

11 min read  

13+ Best Presentation Software to Bid Farewell to PowerPoint

Attention, all presenters, innovators, and knowledge sharers! Brace yourselves, because the era of boring and forgettable presentations is officially over. 

We all know that presentations are the beating heart of every business, work endeavor, and educational pursuit. And let’s face it, captivating your audience is an art form that can make or break your success.

Plain slides filled with text and bullet points will no longer do the job! To grab your audience’s attention, you need to shake things up a little.  

Luckily, we’ve done the legwork and compiled the ultimate list of the best presentation software in one place to help you make creative and captivating presentations.

No more dull slides. No more snooze-fest presentations.

By the time you’ll have finished reading this article, you’ll have discovered: 

  • The 13 best video presentation software  to upgrade your presentations – their advantages and disadvantages. 
  • How does each software compare to PowerPoint, and what are their unique features? 
  • How to use each software to convert your ideas into strong narratives and keep your audience hooked. 

Consider these presentation software gems as your trusty sidekicks, ready to transform your ideas into captivating narratives that will leave your audience begging for more.

So buckle up and join us as we explore each presentation software individually, unveiling the best presentation software for your unique needs. Let’s dive right in!

The Finest Online Presentation Tools to Try Now!

Imagine you have an important project coming up, and you need to create a cool presentation to share your ideas with others within a short amount of time. Instead of just plain slides, you can make your presentation awesome by using some really impressive online presentation tools – tools you may not have heard of before. 

These tools make it easy to add pictures and videos and make your slides look super interesting as they take your regular presentation and turn it into something that will make everyone go, “Wow!” 

So, let’s check out some of the best presentation software you can try right now to make your presentations stand out!

1. Renderforest

You can use Renderforest’s slideshow video maker online and completely free of charge to create videos, branding, presentations, and graphics. 

If you upgrade to the lite version, you can enjoy an early-stage growth boost plan for promotional and explainer videos, powerful presentations, and graphics.

Now, if you choose to have the Pro plan, you can make use of advanced growth tools, the highest quality videos, outstanding designs, and a professional website.

For much larger projects, the Business plan gives you advanced-level solutions for teams and businesses to deliver high-end results for your campaigns.

The presentation software goes beyond the ordinary by providing you with a treasure trove of ready-made presentation templates that cater to every occasion, from personal projects to business endeavors. With just a few clicks, you can unlock a realm of visually stunning designs that are guaranteed to captivate your audience from the very first slide.

Extended Template Library

Whether you’re seeking to dazzle clients, engage students, or simply impress your peers, Renderforest has your back with an extensive library of slideshow video templates . From mesmerizing 3D animations to sleek corporate slideshows and whiteboard animations, the possibilities are limitless.


Pre-Made Color Palettes

Give yourself a break from doing all the work of finding the perfect font and color palette for your presentation. Renderforest provides you with a large selection of ready-to-use, pre-designed sets that give your presentation a modern and professional look. 

Pre-made color palettes for presentation software

All color palettes align with the main design principles, so you can rest assured that your presentation is aligned. 

Go to the left-side editor in your presentation template, open the color and font sections and click on your favorite mix.

GIFs, Stickers, Icons, and So Much More

Renderforest presentations are like a magic toolbox for making your presentations extra awesome. With it, you can do way more than just stick to regular pictures and words. 

One of the best presentation software out there, Renderforest lets you sprinkle some fun into your slides by adding GIFs, which are short, moving pictures that can make your points pop! Not just that, you can throw in stickers and icons to make things more lively and interesting. 

GIFs, stickers, and more for presentation software

All of these elements help you show your ideas without even saying a word. 

Renderforest gives you all these tools to help you turn your presentation into a masterpiece that everyone will remember!

Premium Images

With Renderforest, you can access a treasure trove of amazing pictures through a royalty-free premium stock images library.

These are high-quality images that you can use in your presentations without worrying about any copyright stuff. It’s like having a secret stash of amazing pictures at your fingertips.

But here’s the exciting part – you can also bring pictures to the party! So, if you have some awesome photos you took on a family trip or nice shots you found on the internet. You can toss them into your presentation as well.

Ultimately, you have your gallery of pictures that makes your presentation uniquely yours. With Renderforest, you’re not just limited to what it provides – you can mix and match to create a presentation that tells your story in your style!

CTA banner unleash your business presentation potential

Prezi is offered in three different subscription tiers, including access to all three main parts of the suite – Prezi Video, Prezi Design, and Prezi Present.

Prezi’s Standard plan costs just $5 per month, the Plus plan costs $15 per month, and the Premium plan costs $19 per month.

The presentation software is built from the ground up to remove as many of the traditional limitations imposed by web applications as possible and enable users to create stunning, rich presentations with minimal effort and design skills.

It doesn’t take long to get used to how Prezi works and where everything is located, including some of the more advanced features of the application.

Its price is quite attractive compared to most of its competition, too, making Prezi a great offer for you in general!

General Overview

Prezi is a feature-rich online presentation suite that aims to enable anyone to create stunning presentations, including those without any in-depth knowledge of design and related practices.

It comes with various advanced tools that can help you do pretty much anything you want with your presentation, and it doesn’t take a lot of time to get used to how everything works.

It’s important to note that Prezi does have some minor flaws in its UI, but those are mostly limited to features that aren’t used that often to begin with.

Canva - PowerPoint alternative

There are three main tiers to Canva subscriptions. You can use it completely free to design anything, on your own or in collaboration with others, and you can choose from 250,000+ templates.

However, there are a lot of wonderful templates that are labeled as premium, as well as the option to integrate your own Brand Kit, which can only be accessed when you upgrade to the Pro plan at $12.99 USD/month.

Canva for Teams includes all the features of Canva Pro but also allows large teams to collaborate easily and efficiently together, and it is priced at $29.99 USD/month. 

The key selling point of Canva is how easy it is to use, even for people with no design background. It offers a range of design options, from social media posts to presentations, all in one place.

You can create professional-looking presentations at the tip of your fingers, especially with the newly released Magic Media™ apps that use AI to help you create consistent imagery.

Instead of wasting precious time scrolling through image libraries,you can try some of the AI image generator apps in the Canva Apps Marketplace. Simply type what you’d like to see, and watch it come to life.

Canva works as a web-based tool, so you don’t have to download it. It offers many ready-to-use templates and design elements like fonts, images, and illustrations.

You can either start from scratch or use these templates to create various designs, including social media graphics, presentations, flyers, and more. It also allows for collaboration, enabling multiple people to work on a project simultaneously.

Once you sign up, you can create designs by selecting a template or starting from scratch. You can then customize your design using the drag-and-drop editor, where you can easily add and adjust text, images, shapes, and other elements.

So, whether you’re one of the many small business owners, marketers, bloggers, or creative freelancers—Canva has something for everyone!

4. Google Slides

Google Slides - PowerPoint alternative

There are free trials available. For Personal and Free Business Starter plans, it is priced at $6 USD/month per user, for Business Standard, it is priced at $12 USD/month per user, while for Business Plus, it is priced at $18 USD/month.

Enterprises can contact Google to find out about pricing details for their needs.

Google Slides is very handy if many slideshows are required for certain projects. The presentation software acts as an easier alternative to PowerPoint because you don’t need to download anything in order to use Slides.

It’s as easy as going online and opening the program, while with PowerPoint, you need to download the program to start using it.

Google Slides is a cloud-based office suite that helps create, edit, and collaborate on presentations. It has features like themes and fonts, embedded videos, animations, and transitions.

The presentation software lets users create personalized presentations using ready-to-use templates with custom fonts and styles, color schemes, animations, transitions, and background images. If you’re a larget team, you can also upload files from Google Drive or Dropbox.

5. Microsoft Sway

Microsoft Sway - PowerPoint alternative

Microsoft Sway is free to use for anyone with a Microsoft Account (Hotmail, Live, or Outlook.com).

This presentation tool dynamically adapts online to any screen and can be shared or co-edited with a URL.

It is best for people who are too occupied with work to spend time creating presentations, as it literally helps produce interactive reports, newsletters, presentations, and other personal stories in a matter of minutes, thanks to the help of AI.

Sway helps create presentations and other documentation in minutes by adding photos, videos, and other multimedia.

It’s connected to the Microsoft account, so the users can easily add files from OneDrive, or turn their Word or OneNote documents into a dynamic Sway.

6. Beautiful.ai

Beautiful.ai - PowerPoint alternative

The Pro plan is for individuals and is priced at $12 USD/month. The Team plan is for team collaborations and starts at $40 USD/month, while the Enterprise plan boasts advanced security, support and control and require you to contact the sales team to get a quote.

Beautiful.ai saves you time and provides everything necessary for making great presentations.

You can use the right colors, font, and logo every time with its foolproof features, and when you sign up, the presentation software unlocks millions of modern images and icons that reflect your own brand guidelines. What else could you ask for?

With the Team Plan, you can also control your brand from one account and scale productivity across all departments of your organization.

Beautiful.ai is an AI presentation maker you can use to visualize your ideas easily. It offers 50+ beautifully designed customizable templates that are enhanced with presentation design best practices to keep your projects professional and clean. Besides, you can find and add stock images and icons from the image library.

7. Keynote (for Mac users)

Keynote - PowerPoint alternative

The software comes free with most Apple devices.

This interactive business presentation software allows you to create engaging and dynamic slides, add charts and graphs to them, edit photos, and add effects to sharpen your project.

Now, you can remove backgrounds from supported images a lot more easily. You can even remove live videos or adjust them accordingly.

The software also lets you know when people join, edit, or comment on your collaborative presentations and lets you get in touch with your team using Messages and FaceTime.

Apple Keynote is the most successful competitor of PowerPoint among other Mac free presentation software solutions.

Access your presentations either online with iCloud, with a mobile app, or download a desktop version for Mac.

8. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck - PowerPoint alternative

The Edu plan starts at $5 USD/month, Pro at $10 USD/month, and the Volume plan is at $100 USD/month.

Haiku Deck helps you focus on one idea at a time, letting you choose a powerful image from a library of 40M+ royalty-free photos and applying consistent formatting across your presentation in just one click.

All presentations you create with this software are hosted online and allow for easy audio narration recording and the ability to save as videos or export to PowerPoint/Keynote format for offline viewing and editing.

Haiku Deck is labeled as the “Instagram for pitch decks” by Mashable, for a good reason!

Even if you’re not a designer, the software helps you deliver presentations that connect with your listeners, spice up your social media feed, illustrate your blog, promote your product, inspire a movement, and more. It is centered around the best practices that presentation experts are after.

You can quickly design slides that don’t look like PowerPoint, and you can find related pictures to your keywords.

You can even view what other designs people have done on the same topic and use it as inspiration for your own presentation.

Recommended Reading

  • 40+ Ready-to-Use Instagram Templates to Set Your Own Trends!
  • Lights, Camera, Renderforest! Animation Movie Maker 101 Guide

9. Slidebean

Slidebean - PowerPoint alternative

The Slidebean All-Access Advanced plan for founders starts at $149 USD/year, and this includes features such as pitch deck templates, unlimited fundraising kit, sharing and exporting decks, and tracking presentation views.

There is also the Slidebean Incorporation plan at $649 USD/year, which includes everything in the All-Access Advanced plan but allows businesses to incorporate their company in the US.

Slidebean offers everything you need for a successful creation process – images, icons, fonts, to name a few.

It is very easy to use and has beautiful graphic design elements. Even if you’re not a graphic designer, Slidebean makes your presentations look great.

It also helps you create pitch decks. Through its advanced analytics section, individuals can see which investors viewed their decks and how long they viewed each slide or whether the investor finished the deck, which is very helpful information to have on hand.

Slidebean is an easy-to-use and simple presentation software that provides professional templates to present your ideas with simple styling features.

Its target market includes startups, marketers, and small and medium-sized businesses that are trying to get their powerful ideas across to professional thinkers.

Streamline the process with the help of integrated automation features. Choose the templates depending on your field to simplify the creation even more. You can see insights into how users interact with the slides.

Visme - PowerPoint alternative

Visme is an all-in-one online presentation maker that offers custom, high-quality templates. Pick a template and customize it according to your needs, or create a presentation from scratch.

The tool offers 50+ charts and other data visualization tools, 120+ custom fonts, stock images, and vector icons. You can add website links, emails, and pop-ups. When your presentation is ready, share it online, embed it on your website, or download it.

11. SlideDog

SlideDog - PowerPoint alternative

There are 3 plans available. The first is $19/month per 2 seats, billed monthly, and you can cancel anytime. You also have a yearly plan at $99/month (1st year) per 2 seats, $79 2nd year with a 20% renewal discount. The last option is a lifetime purchase of $299 per 2 seats, where you only pay once and can access it forever.

SlideDog is a presentation software that lets its users create playlists from presentation files and easily switch between them.

The features include real-time sharing, interactive elements, and remote control with various devices to streamline the presentation process.

12. Zoho Show

Zoho Show - PowerPoint alternative

Zoho Show is completely free for individuals, while larger teams and organizations are billed $2.70 USD/month.

The tool can be used by those who need to tell a story, such as educators, authors, and business owners, helping them create and publish presentations with stunning visuals in a short period.

Choose from a variety of integrated themes designed to fit all kinds of needs. Make your slides more interactive by adding transitions and animation, using charts, tables, images, videos, and more.

Zoho Show is a dedicated online presentation tool, simplistic and easily customizable. From creating and collaborating to broadcasting and publishing, you will surely find solutions to your every need.

The tool is also available on mobile devices. To access your presentations remotely on your smartphone, simply download the app and log in.

It also lets you import your existing PPTX, PPT, ODP, PPSX, and PPS files and edit them without any formatting issues.

Gamma - PowerPoint alternative

Gamma offers three pricing plans. Upon signing up, you get 400 credits to test the Free plan with various features and create a few documents.

The Plus plan starts at $8/month, and you get to gain access to additional features like PDF export.

The Pro plan starts at $16/month, and you receive unlimited AI creation and advanced AI models.

Gamma takes just one prompt and a bit of refining to produce a beautiful presentation.

It uses the chatbot to improve existing slides, and you can incorporate live websites and applications into your presentations. It’s a great way to demonstrate your ideas in real time.

This is an opportunity to monitor how your creations perform and if they have the ability to engage your audience.

Gamma is an AI-powered tool that lets you create impressive and engaging presentations for anyone.

Besides creating your presentations, it also offers a great editing experience where you can improve your work simply by interacting with an AI chatbot.

Ludus - PowerPoint alternative

There is a free trial available. The Personal plan for teams of up to 15 people starts at $14.99 USD/month, and the Enterprise plan for teams of 16 people and over requires you to contact Ludus directly for a quote.

Other than being incredibly easy to use, this tool is very intuitive, and presentations can be customized as you play around with unique fonts, drawings, code, interesting transitions, and much more.

Ludus combines creativity with simplicity. Ludus is more than a presentation tool; it is also a tool for communicating, collaborating, learning, and playing.

The presentation software has many features that designers are already familiar with. You can create anything without limitations, from fonts and graphics to blending modes.

It also allows you to integrate with Unsplash, GIPHY, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., so you can add anything you want.

Ludus is a tool that allows you to create presentations with unlimited creative possibilities.

This presentation software will solve your problems regarding sharing, compatibility, collaboration, creativity, and more.

It is recommended for everyone to use, especially for creatives and designers. Everyone can use it, too, but it has a bit of a learning curve that is worth the time if you want to use it properly.

This app might be the solution to the problems that our presentation tools have nowadays. It is not restrictive, so you can let your imagination run wild and express your creativity.

This presentation tool is affordable, especially for big teams. With remote work on the rise, Ludus is a great presentation assistant to have nearby.

Still Looking for the Best Presentation Software?

And there you have it. The 13+ best presentation software that you should bear in mind if you’re thinking of trying something a little bit different to the software you’re used to hearing about all the time – PowerPoint.

Each software has its benefits, but if you’re aiming for presentation software that offers a blend of creativity, versatility, and user-friendly features, Renderforest stands out as your go-to choice.

With a vast library of templates and the ability to add GIFs, stickers, icons, and even your own images, Renderforest empowers users to create visually stunning and uniquely personalized presentations.

Renderforest also provides different pricing plans, including a free option, making it accessible regardless of your need and budget.

So, stop wasting hours of your life trying to create your presentations manually and with predictable designs, and start taking your presentations to the next level with Renderforest, your ultimate presentation companion that goes beyond the ordinary!

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24 Best Presentation Software Tools

By: Michael Alexis | Updated: April 17, 2024

You found our list of presentation software tools.

Presentation software allows users to create, edit, and display slideshows or presentations. For example, PowerPoint, Prezi, and Google Slides are all types of presentation software. The purpose of these tools is to help workers share ideas and information in a visually engaging way. These tools are also known as “presentation software for work” and “business presentation software.”

These presentation software are similar to team building PowerPoint topics , team meeting ideas , and all hands meeting ideas .

This list includes:

  • presentation software for work
  • top presentation software
  • animated presentation software
  • best software for presentations
  • business presentation software
  • cloud-based presentation software

Let’s get to it!

List of presentation software tools

From PowerPoint to Slidecamp, here is our list of the best software for office presentations.

1. PowerPoint

PowerPoint, developed by Microsoft, is the industry standard for presentation software. Folks love the platform’s easy-to-use interface. PowerPoint allows users to create visually appealing presentations by adding text, images, videos, and graphs. With various templates and customization options, PowerPoint encourages effective communication. Plus, this software’s compatibility with other Microsoft products makes for an efficient workflow.

Learn more about PowerPoint .

Prezi is an animated presentation software known for its dynamic approach. Unlike typical slide-based tools, Prezi lets you create interactive presentations. This format makes presentations more engaging for your audience. The zooming and panning effects help highlight important points and connections between ideas. Additionally, Prezi is cloud-based, making collaboration and sharing presentations easy. The site’s flexibility and visual impact make it a valuable tool for creating memorable presentations.

Learn more about Prezi .

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3. Google Slides

Google Slides is a popular presentation software developed by Google. The cloud-based platform allows for collaborative work. Multiple users can edit and comment in real time. This tool supports multimedia content, simplifies sharing, and offers professional templates. Notably, Google Slides is fully integratable with other Google applications like Docs and Sheets. Slides is a comprehensive cloud-based presentation software for many businesses.

Learn more about Google Slides .

Keynote is Apple’s answer to PowerPoint, known for its elegant interface and beautiful templates. Keynote offers several tools for easily making presentations. Unique features set Keynote apart, such as “Magic Move” for smooth transitions and the ability to work offline. Suitable for both beginners and design experts, Keynote is exclusive to Apple devices.

Learn more about Keynote .

5. Zoho Show

Zoho Show helps users make attractive slideshows easily. The program has a simple interface and various templates to express ideas. Presenters become dynamic with features like slide transitions, animations, and adding multimedia. Zoho Show stands out for its teamwork features, letting multiple users work on a presentation together. This collaboration makes editing smoother and more efficient. Overall, Zoho Show is a great tool for making professional presentations with ease.

Learn more about Zoho Show .

Visme blends convenience and professionalism to create great presentations. Ideal for students, teachers, and business professionals, the site offers several customizable presentation templates. Users can add interactivity, analyze data, collaborate in real time, and share or download presentations. Visme’s interface makes creation easy. This program is an excellent choice for those looking for quality, flexibility, and user-friendly design tools.

Learn more about Visme .

Canva offers an easy-to-use interface, making it a favorite among presentation software for work. This site’s library of templates, images, and icons provides endless customization options. Beyond its basic free version, Canva also offers premium features for a subscription cost. Despite its expansive offerings, it maintains a user-friendly interface.

Learn more about Canva .

Emaze is an impressive business presentation software suite that is ideal for professionals and students alike. The program’s varied features set it apart, such as 3D slides, video backgrounds, and analytic tools. Emaze supports multiple formats for importing presentations, making it a versatile choice. With a large library of templates and a user-friendly interface, creating engaging presentations becomes easy. Moreover, you can share projects with teams in real time, fostering collaboration.

Learn more about Emaze .

9. Slidedog

Slidedog is an advanced presentation tool developed for seamless slide shows. The site integrates resources from various formats like PDF, Prezi, images, or even web pages. This feature makes Slidedog a one-stop solution for presenters. Workers will love the program’s user-friendly interface and dual-screen functionality. With this feature, the presenter can see both the current and upcoming slides. Slidedog elevates every presentation, ensuring an engaging and professional delivery.

Learn more about Slidedog .

10. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck allows you to showcase your ideas in a creative and visually appealing way. Employees can easily make engaging presentations with a simple user interface and high-quality images. The software offers various templates and themes for customization. Furthermore, Haiku Deck includes built-in tools for adding text, charts, and graphs, making it versatile for professionals in any field. In summary, Haiku Deck simplifies the process of making impactful and interesting presentations.

Learn more about Haiku Deck .

11. Animaker

Animaker helps users create captivating and dynamic presentations. The site’s user-friendly interface and wide template selection allow teams to easily bring their ideas to life. Animaker offers the necessary tools and features to engage your audience. You can benefit from animated characters, text effects, customized transitions, and audio integration. This software offers several possibilities for creating visually stunning presentations. With Animaker, you can elevate your presentations and make a lasting impact on your viewers.

Learn more about Animaker .

12. Renderforest

Renderforest helps with storytelling in presentations. Advanced design tools encourage users’ creativity. The site simplifies complex data into simple visuals, making your presentations more engaging. Tailored templates suit various industry needs. Also, Renderforest provides branding opportunities, allowing you to incorporate logos promoting business identity. This site is among the best software for presentations.

Learn more about Renderforest .

13. PowToon

PowToon helps users create captivating and animated presentations. This interface is user friendly, and it has a large collection of templates, animations, and characters. With PowToon, designing visually appealing presentations is simple. PowToon offers various features to enhance your content. This software allows you to engage your audience with customizable slide transitions to interactive elements. PowToon can take your presentations to new heights!

Learn more about PowToon .

14. Genially

Genially helps teams create interactive and captivating presentations. The site offers a wide range of templates and design tools, making it easy to customize your work. Genially turns ordinary presentations into engaging visuals. Further, the program supports collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same project at once. Notably, Genially has embedded analytics, providing valuable feedback on viewer engagement.

Learn more about Genially .

15. Pitcherific

Pitcherific is a presentation software that helps you polish your public speaking skills. The site offers templates for different types of pitches. You can customize each presentation according to your requirements. The interface is user friendly and provides real-time feedback on your performance. Additionally, the program offers tips and suggestions to improve your presentation. Pitcherific is an essential tool for preparing effective pitches.

Learn more about Pitcherific .

Ludus is a unique cloud-based presentation software. This professional and innovative toolset lets you incorporate design elements from popular tools like Sketch and Illustrator. With the ability to add media from YouTube and Vimeo, Ludus lets users create engaging presentations. Slides are highly customizable and perfect for design-savvy teams.

Learn more about Ludus .

17. Slidecamp

Slidecamp is among the top presentation software that helps teams create beautiful presentations. The program’s interface and templates make it simple for individuals to design professional presentations. Users can add text, images, charts, and videos to their slides. Additionally, the software offers collaboration features that allow multiple team members to work on a presentation at once. Slidecamp provides the tools to engage your audience and deliver an unforgettable presentation.

Learn more about Slidecamp .

18. Beautiful.AI

Beautiful.AI is a presentation software that helps you make stylish slideshows easily. The program has several features to make your presentations look great. With Beautiful.AI, you can choose from different templates and themes to give your slides a professional look. The site also helps you arrange your content neatly. You can add pictures, charts, and icons to make your points clear and engaging. Plus, the site is easy to use, even if you are not a design expert. With Beautiful.AI, you can create impressive presentations without a lot of hassle.

Learn more about Beautiful.AI .

19. Focusky

Focusky is a presentation software that helps users create dynamic presentations. The site features zooming and panning effects to keep viewers engaged. With Focusky, users can add text, images, videos, and animations to their slides. These features create visually appealing presentations. The software offers a variety of templates and themes to choose from. Plus, firms can enjoy customization options for fonts, colors, and backgrounds. Focusky also allows users to present their slides online or offline, making it convenient for sharing and collaborating with others.

Learn more about Focusky .

20. FlowVella

FlowVella is a software designed to create interactive presentations. In addition, these presentations work seamlessly across different devices. With FlowVella, users can add multimedia elements such as images, videos, and audio to their slides. These effects create engaging presentations. The software offers features such as touch navigation, embedded links, and interactive hotspots. FlowVella also provides analytics tracking to monitor presentation effectiveness.

Learn more about FlowVella .

23. LibreOffice Impress

LibreOffice Impress is a free and open-source presentation software. This program is included in the LibreOffice suite. With LibreOffice Impress, users can create slideshows with text, images, charts, graphs, and multimedia elements. The program offers a range of features for designing and formatting slides. Folks will enjoy using slide transitions, animations, and drawing tools. LibreOffice Impress also supports compatibility with Microsoft PowerPoint files. This feature makes it easy to collaborate with users of other presentation software.

Learn more about LibreOffice Impress .

24. Decktopus

Decktopus is an AI-powered presentation software. Users can create professional-looking presentations quickly and easily. With Decktopus, folks can choose from a variety of smart slide templates tailored to their presentation topic and style. The software offers content suggestions, design guidance, and customizable layouts. These features streamline the presentation creation process. Decktopus also provides real-time collaboration and sharing features. Teams can easily work together on presentations.

Learn more about Decktopus .

List of workplace presentation tips

Making engaging presentations helps convey information and keep viewers entertained.

Here are some tips for designing effective slideshows:

1. Start with a Strong Title Slide

A visually appealing title slide can capture your audience’s attention from the beginning. You can include the title of your presentation, the presenter’s name, and any relevant imagery or branding elements. The design can stay clean and professional.

2. Use Consistent Design Elements

Using the same fonts, colors, and formatting for all slides can maintain consistency. This step creates a cohesive and professional look that helps your audience focus on the content of your presentation.

3. Limit Text and Bullet Points

It is important to avoid overcrowding slides with too much text or bullet points. Instead, use short phrases or keywords to effectively share your message. Text can be brief, and you can use visuals such as images, charts, and diagrams to complement your points.

4. Ensure Readability

Audience members should be able to read text, images, and other elements from a distance. Be sure to use legible fonts and font sizes. A good place to start is 30 pt. for body text and 44 pt. for headings. Contrast between text and background colors is also important.

5. Review and Revise

Before finalizing your slideshow, review each slide carefully for clarity, accuracy, and consistency. To ensure your presentation flows well, edit and revise as needed. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues or peers for additional insights and suggestions.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right presentation software can help you share information effectively. Each tool has unique features that cater to different needs. Selecting a tool that fits your requirements and comfort level is essential. The best tool is one that helps you present your ideas clearly and impressively.

Next, check out our posts on presentation tips , team building TED talks , virtual lunch and learn ideas , and annual company meeting ideas .

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FAQ: Presentation software

Here are frequently asked questions about presentation software.

What should you consider when choosing a presentation software?

When choosing a presentation software, several factors can affect your experience.

Here are a few features to consider:

  • ease of use
  • customization options
  • collaboration features
  • compatibility with other devices or platforms
  • pricing plans

By taking these features into consideration, you will easily find the right program for your presentations.

How do you create interactive presentations using online tools?

Creating interactive presentations involves elements like hyperlinks, quizzes, or polls into your slides. Some tools also offer features like live audience participation or analytics.

Is there any mobile-friendly presentation software?

Several presentation programs have mobile availability. Examples include Google Slides and Keynote, which have mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices.

What are some free alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint?

Google Slides is a great free alternative to PowerPoint, as it offers similar functions at no cost.

What is the best presentation software for work?

Some of the top presentation software programs include Prezi, Haiku Deck, and Decktopus.

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Author: Michael Alexis

CEO at teambuilding.com. I write about my experience working with and leading remote teams since 2010.

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8 Best Presentation Software in 2024

Have you ever had to do any type of public speaking? Ever had to host an event or webinar ? Have you ever had to present a product? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you know how important it is to have the best presentation tools possible.

No matter what type of slideshow or what industry you need to create it for, the presentation software on this list will help get you through the process.

You may be familiar with some of the older presentation tools out there. That being said, the new generation of software gives you access to an entirely new suite of tools and features.

These allow you to create and collaborate more efficiently and effectively than ever before. With tools that help keep the audience’s attention, as well as a more streamlined experience, the best presentation software available today will help take your exhibitions to an entirely new level.

What is Presentation Software?

Simply put, presentation software is an application that is designed to display relevant and important information in the form of a slideshow. While there are a lot of different interactive presentation software platforms available today, all of them must have three important features:

  • A Well-Built Text Editor
  • Import Functionality
  • Slideshow or Presenter Mode

Since most, if not all, slideshows are a combination of text, video, images, and charts, every presentation tool must be able to display clear, readable, and summarized data to an audience.

When done properly, this captures the attention of the audience and keeps them engaged properly for the duration of the presentation.

Presentation software can be a desktop or cloud-based application. Both are still very popular, and the type of application you prefer to work with will more than likely be based on personal preference.

Best Presentation Software

1. slidebean.

Slidebean presentation software

Starting off this list of the best presentation software is a platform called Slidebean. It provides a very easy-to-use, intuitive interface with a solid amount of templates and customizable content blocks .

There is a free plan that will allow you to at least see how the software works. However, in order to get full functionality, including the ability to export, you will need to upgrade.

Perhaps the most interesting and unique feature of Slidebean is the fact that it uses AI (artificial intelligence) to help you create and build the best possible slide layouts and configurations.

The editing of the content blocks is somewhat limited, but because there are so many different blocks that you can customize, the platform really sets itself apart from some of the others.

You basically add content blocks to your presentation and Slidebean takes care of all the formatting for you. This saves you time and ensures your presentation will be perfectly formatted.


Right up there with Slidebean, and one of the most complete presentation software platforms anywhere, is Visme. Making presentations for any audience or niche can be simple and fun when you use this platform.

It provides a ton of content, all of which is highly customizable and can be moved, updated, or fixed almost any way you want.

Yes, Visme provides users with an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate and pleasant to work with. There are also a ton of templates available.

Visme actually excels as a presentation software platform because of its ability to help you create highly visual content.

Infographics, reports, and interactive charts can all be easily created and managed. More importantly, they are very customizable so you can create content that is visually stunning and will keep the attention of any audience you are presenting to.

As stated above, the interface is very easy to use. It presents users with a custom sidebar that houses all graphics and data tools. You can easily search for anything you need here. When you find it, use the drag and drop editor to build and create the best slideshow presentations imaginable.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides presentation software

Google Slides makes our list because not only does the platform allows you to create beautiful, interactive presentations, but it also allows for amazing and easy collaboration.

This platform is actually centered in and around the Google Workspace family of apps.

This presentation platform works as part of the rest of Google. This means you actually build and create inside your browser. If you have ever worked with PowerPoint, then you will have a pretty good idea of how Google Slides works and operates.

The app excels not for the amazing tools and features you get access to (there are plenty), but because it was designed around the thought of collaboration. The platform makes it very easy for users to collaborate together and create presentations.

It also has something called a Q&A tool. This built-in tool allows you to make your presentation more interactive. You simply turn the option on, and it adds a banner with a link to the top of your presentation. Visitors can use this link to ask questions and interact.


Another one of the best presentation software platforms out there today is Prezi. This platform is quite a bit different from the others on this list. It actually allows you to create and present slideshow presentations in a much different way.

The alternative layout and presentation idea behind Prezi is that you have the ability to create an animated, non-sequenced, flow of topics and sub-topics. All of these animations and topics only show when you zoom in and, until then, remain hidden to the audience.

Prezi has a little bit tougher of a user interface to get used to, and the learning curve is a little bit steeper than other presentation tools on this list.

That being said, it does provide a very unique option for creative use that no other presentation software platform on this list can provide.

Ludus slideshow presentation software

Ludus is arguably the best-looking presentation tool available today. The platform provides users a clean black screen to edit on. Furthermore, the number of integrations and importing capabilities allow you to create and build almost any type of content you can imagine.

Photography, .svg , code builds, video, you name it, you can probably pull it off with Ludus. The platform is very easy to use and gives users the ability to build and design using a set of keyboard shortcuts.

Once you learn them, then you can create beautiful presentations pretty rapidly.

One thing Ludus doesn’t have that some of the other presentation software platforms on this list provide is templates. You have to start the build from scratch.

That being said, it gives you a lot of creative freedom and also gives you the ability to create something called “Smart Blocks.” These are blocks that you can build and store in a library to use and customize over and over.

Canva presentation software

The idea behind Canva is to offer very easy-to-use services across the board. Whether it is design, presentations, or otherwise, Canva offers a massive template library with thousands of elements built in.

The interface is very easy to use and you are provided with a drag and drop layout that allows you to design and create anything you want. You will not need any sort of coding knowledge to create slideshow presentations using Canva.

The one drawback of the platform is that editing the slides and templates can be time-consuming. However, it is still worth a look, as Canva gives you access to a very large library and lots of features for free.

Powtoon presentation software for video

Powtoon makes this list because if you need to create a professional video presentation and you don’t know where to start, they provide everything you need and more to get the job done.

You can customize and edit every aspect of a slide. But when you play it back, Powtoon presents it in a way that is a video presentation with animations moving throughout.

The idea is to create an animated video explainer presentation that keeps audiences involved and interested. The Powtoon platform configures all the layouts and timing automatically.

Also, one of the more unique and interesting features Powtoon provides is the ability to orient your video .

What this means for you is that you are able to choose horizontal orientation, which would work best for a normal presentation. Or, you can choose vertical orientation, which would work best for mobile presentations.

You will even have the ability to choose a square orientation, which works perfectly for social media .

8. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck

Rounding out our list of the best presentation software platforms is Haiku Deck. Originally launched as an app for iPad in 2011, Haiku Deck has now transformed into a fully functioning presentation software platform.

It provides users with a ton of great tools and features.

The interface is very intuitive (which as we know is important), and it also provides users with a lot of nice templates to build from. Even if you choose not to use one of the templates to build, they have a system that makes content input clear and easy to learn.

Their app is still very good, so you have that option with them as well. Give them a peek as part of your presentation software rundown.

What Makes the Best Interactive Presentation Software?

Presentation software has really evolved over the last couple of decades. From initial simplicity to advance software that offers tons of tools and features, these systems will continue to evolve.

That being said, in my opinion, there are three main aspects that make up the best interactive presentation software.

Ease of Use

As is the case with most anything, people want to know how easy it is to use, navigate, and understand. If the software platform has an intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy on the eyes, then chances are it is going to be very popular.

People don’t want a platform that will require extensive training to use. They want a platform that everyone can use and manage with relative ease.

Combine this with the amount of time it takes to create a presentation, and you have a much lower learning curve that a lot of users will hop on.


Right behind ease of use is customization. The ability to customize a presentation even down to the smallest detail carries a lot of weight.

Of course, customization options will vary based on the platform. Some will allow you to customize slides and other graphic info, while others may take it further and allow you to customize elements, font size, and even the code.

Make sure the presentation software you end up choosing has a lot of customization options, as this will open up a lot of design avenues for you to explore.

Final Product Results

The final result is the most important aspect of the entire presentation. If you use a platform that gives you good features but a poor final result, then you are only hurting yourself in the long run.

What you are looking for is a smooth, clean, professional final result. You want to be able to accomplish this without a lot of technical skills.

Other important questions to consider when trying to finalize your presentation software choice include:

  • Overall pricing and budget?
  • What is the program geared toward?
  • Are there templates?
  • Is there an extensive graphic library?
  • Can you embed content and gifs?
  • Are you able to add music?
  • Can elements be animated?
  • Is it desktop or cloud-based?
  • Can presentations be viewed offline?
  • How easy is collaboration?
  • How easy is it to share the presentation?
  • Are there analytics and custom reports?
  • How is the security?

Remember, presentation software has come a very long way. The best slideshow software for your company may not necessarily be the best one for another. This is why it is important to take your time and try out a few different ones available.

Not only will this help you break your choice down and make it easier, but it will allow you to experience different platforms and figure out which one works best for your situation.

You can’t go wrong with any of the presentation software platforms on the list above. They all have the tools and features necessary to build and create fantastic slideshow presentations.

Enjoy your search!

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Best Presentation Software Based on In-Depth Reviews

  • 200+ Hours of research
  • 25 Sources used
  • 19 Companies vetted
  • 4 Features reviewed
  • 6 Top Picks

what are types of presentation software

  • Assess your visual presentation needs
  • Focus on software with multiple design elements
  • Go for software that will visually complement your narrative
  • How we analyzed the best Presentation Software Providers
  • Our Top Picks: Presentation Software Reviews

As our work lives gradually migrate to virtual spaces-with Zoom meetings and video conference calls now becoming the daily norm- we’ve had to spruce up how we communicate, educate, and transmit ideas. Part of reshaping how we communicate involves getting creative about how we can convey ideas and messages with the same enthusiasm as before. Presentation software has everything to do with this. It’s no longer just a visual aid but an integral part of how we virtually communicate our stories and ideas. 

PowerPoint has long reigned supreme in the world of presentation software, and for good reason. PowerPoint is simple and easy to use, and it’s got a host of features that make it convenient for students and professionals looking to share their ideas. Over the past years, however, innovative presentation platforms have emerged that have enriched the way we can present information by offering video creation and animation development tools. 

Presentation software is also increasingly moving towards AI use to create your decks, so that you spend as little time as possible creating visually stunning and informative decks. This software has re-shaped traditional presentation formats and styles, and have widened the range of ways we can use images, text, and video. Point being, presentation software has evolved a lot over the past years. There’s no longer any excuse why your lecture or business proposal decks should look like they’re stuck in the past. With the right presentation software and free image database , you can make your ideas look as stunning as they are.

  • PowerPoint review

PowerPoint Presentation Software

Classic Deck Presentations 

Compatibility : Web-based and desktop-installed app

Design Library : Around 40 different themes with multiple color variations

Free Version : Yes (web-based)

Mobile App : Yes

screenshot microsoft powerpoint

Screenshot microsoft.com, August 2020.

Microsoft’s PowerPoint (PP) needs no introduction. The software is arguably the most well known and ubiquitous of all presentation software on the market. Though it may seem like old news next to all the young and innovative competitors it has had in the past years, PP is still king when it comes to simplicity, ease of use, and reliability. 

PP is now available to use through the web, meaning you can create, edit, share, and present your slides wherever you are and on any device with a supporting app. This ease and mobility put it ahead of many software companies that still lack mobile apps. 

Microsoft has also added AI Design to PP, which works by identifying the most important elements of your images and generating potential theme options that work best with your content. Additionally, PP includes animation features, where you can create animated explainer videos using gifs, as well as animate 3D objects. PP also has a feature called Zoom where, much like in Prezi, you can jump to and from specific sections and portions of your presentation as you present, so that your deck doesn’t have to be strictly linear. Like all other software on this list, you can insert online videos into your presentation in PP for Microsoft 365 or PP 2019 and onwards, but you must be connected to the internet for it to play properly. 

PowerPoint is only available for purchase with Microsoft 365, which includes PP, Word, Excel, and other Microsoft Office programs, plus continuous updates to the Microsoft ecosystem ($69.99/ per year) or with Office Home, which includes all of the above but does not include access to latest updates or cloud storage (one-time payment of $149.99). AI Designer and advanced customer support tools are only included in Microsoft 365. 

  • Prezi review

Prezi Presentation Software

Best for Dynamic Presentations

Design Library :  Hundreds of designer templates offered by Prezi, millions of reusable presentations from other users; more than 500,000 images and 80,000 icons

Free Version : Yes

Mobile App : Yes, but not for editing (only viewing and presenting) 

screenshot of prezi landing page

Screenshot prezi.com, August 2020.

Next to PowerPoint, Prezi is probably the most well-known presentation software out there. Its spatial format, which allows the presenter and audience to move from idea to idea in a dynamic way, makes it stand out from most presentation software currently available. 

The creative possibilities are endless with Prezi, as they offer millions of usable Prezi presentations to all users. Although there is a bit of a learning curve (especially if you decide to start a presentation from scratch), Prezi offers dozens of video tutorials on Youtube and plenty of  online articles that can help steer you in the right direction. You can also collaborate on a project with up to 10 users, adding comments and feedback as you edit.  

One of the best things about Prezi is that it offers several design and video features not included in other software. For example, you can record videos using a template and fonts to make your presentation more engaging and dynamic. You can also make stunning infographics to complement your presentations with Prezi Design. Finally, the Prezi viewer mobile app will allow you to view your presentation from your phone and use your mobile device as a remote control clicker to manage your deck as you present it.

Prezi offers Free, Standard ($5/mo), Plus ($15/mo), and Premium (for business professionals) plans. They also offer a special plan for students and educators that includes everything on the Plus plan for a reduced price (at $3/ mo). 

  • Google Slides review

Google Slides Presentation Software

Best Fully Free Software

Compatibility : Web-based 

Design Library : 25 templates, but hundreds more available in external sites

Free Version : GoogleSlides is completely free

screenshot google slides

Screenshot google.com, August 2020.

GoogleSlides is probably the most effective and useful free presentation software out there. Not only is this the most useful software for casual presenters who don’t want to spend money on tools they’ll likely never use, but Slide’s portability and shareability make it a great option for students and team members alike. 

Slides is perfect for those who want to make simple, but modern looking presentations in a brief amount of time. Its format is simple and easy to use, mimicking that of Power Point’s. Google also offers articles providing tips on how to better your experience. Its Slide’s mobile app is also great for editing and reviewing content before the start of your presentation. Although its template library may not be as robust as other software, external website libraries such as Slidesgo , offer hundreds of free downloadable templates. You can also easily integrate media such as videos and audio to your Slides presentation. Finally, unlike other paying presentation software, Slides lets you export your final presentation into PowerPoint, PDF, and JPEG formats, so you can download your presentation and present it wherever you are, internet available or not. 

  • Slidebean review

Slidebean Presentation Software

Best For AI Use

Compatibility : Web-based, but offers offline viewing 

Design Library : Dozens of pre-made templates available for five different categories (Businesses, Academics, Sales, PR, and Marketing) 

Mobile App : No 

Screenshot slidebean.com, August 2020.

Slidebean is a web-based software that works through AI so you can build a modern and professional-looking presentation in minutes. Signing up is easy and Slidebean offers a brief tutorial on how to work the system before you begin. With Slidebean, you don’t have to spend hours trying out colors and template formats, to see what works. Slidebean encourages you to focus on your text and ideas, and the AI software will do all the formatting and color coordination for you. If you don’t like the options generated for you, the AI will keep mixing and matching until you find something that works. You can choose from one of the hundreds of pre-made templates or create a custom theme. You can invite collaborators on both private and shareable decks. For premium members, you can also track your viewers behavior while they look at your content. One downside is that you can’t upload existing PowerPoint (PPT) presentations to edit. Paying users can, however, download your presentation into HTML and PPT, so you can view it offline, although this could affect certain design elements in your presentation 

Slidebean has a Free, Starter ($8/mo billed annually), and Premium ($19/mo billed annually) version with different privacy and collabo-sharing settings, as well as design library access settings and access. They also have a Founder’s Edition plan, aimed at entrepreneurs and startups which provides everything on the Premium plan plus design tune-up, proofreading, and direct access to Slidebean’s founders.

  • Genially review

Genially Presentation Software

Best for Students and Educators

Design Library : Hundreds of templates for categories including Corporate and Education 

Screenshot genially.com, August 2020.

Genially’s interactive focus on presentations, as well as their considerably reduced prices for educators makes it particularly appealing to students and teachers alike. Genially has several different animation tools and templates. They offer templates for video presentations, interactive games and quizzes, infographics, and interactive image layouts where you can make any image interactive and glean from it a wealth of information, among others. 

With paid versions, you also have the opportunity to import PowerPoint presentations and edit them using Genially features. On the support side, Genially offers articles on how to get started with your software, as well as provide a wide range of YouTube tutorials to help you navigate your presentation maker. 

  • Powtoon review

Powtoon Presentation Software

Best for Video Presentations

Design Library : Hundreds of pre-made video templates in categories that include Education, Marketing, Product and Engineering, Learning and Development, and Digital Management 

Mobile App : Yes, but not for editing

screenshot powtoon

Screenshot powtoon.com, August 2020.

PowToon is a video creation software that will allow you to completely break the mold when it comes to visual presentations.  With PowToon, you get hundreds of pre-made video templates you can manipulate and use to transmit your own ideas, so no advanced knowledge of video editing is needed. PowToon offers pre-designed animation, customizable characters, royalty-free images and soundtracks, and a drag and drop interface so that both beginners and pros alike can take advantage of the software. Of course, you can also create a video from scratch. Powtoon offers a Help Center database with dozens of articles regarding the video editing process. Pro members also get 24/7 priority support as well as the right to download their videos into MP4 format. Both free and paid versions allow users to export videos to different social media channels or content websites.

PowToon currently offers a Free, Pro ($19/mo), Pro+ ($39/mo), and Agency ($99/mo) plan. There are also special prices for students ($ 4/mo and access to Pro content), and teachers ($10/mo unlimited access to all content).

what are types of presentation software

  • More insight into our methodology

Good presentation software should cover all your basic needs, but it should also offer features that make your presentation stand out from the rest. 

We evaluated multiple companies in the visual presentation field, and tested them to gauge how easy they were to use and how comprehensive the library they offered was. 

We gave preference to companies that offer alternative modes of presentation such as video, animation, and design tools so that your slide deck is more than just a set of static words and images. All our picks also have free versions so you can test them out and decide if upgrading to fancier features is worth it for you. 

Presentation software can include many features, but we focused specifically on the following: 

Design library  - The design library is one of the most important elements of any software. They include templates and color schemes. Some companies offer hundreds of different premade templates you can edit and make your own. They'll also split templates into useful categories such as business, marketing and sales, and education.  

  • AI features - Over the last few years, several companies have moved towards including artificial intelligence features in their software, making it even easier for users to create their own presentations. AI-based software will usually work so that you can focus on getting your ideas on text while the program takes care of formatting the rest. 
  • Collabo-sharing features - Collaboration tools make it so that multiple people can edit your document, whether in real-time or not. Sharing tools allow you to upload your work on different platforms, as well as export the presentation in formats that don’t require an internet connection. 
  • Media integration  - In this digital age, presentations should include text, images, videos, and/or GIFs. Good presentation software will integrate different media in a seamless and coherent way so your presentation will be engaging but also run smoothly. The companies we chose provide different graphic, animation, and video capabilities so that you can craft modern and engaging content.

Presentation software can range from zero to a couple of hundred dollars a year, since most of the paid ones offer subscription plans. Although companies may have several different tiers, they often include special education and business plans that may reduce the cost considerably.  All our companies have at least a free version, and several have free trial versions for premium subscription plans.

  • Compatibility

Compatibility is everything when it comes to presentation software. Even though most software is now offered through web-based apps, this may not necessarily mean it’s the most convenient for everyone. Exporting your presentations to PDF or PowerPoint may be necessary in order to present in places with poor or no internet connection. Not all companies do this, however, so it’s important to keep this in mind before signing up for any one plan. We looked at companies that have both offline and online options.

  • Ease of Use/Educational Material

Some companies have a steeper learning curve than others, but these usually include more advanced graphic design features—such as video editing and animation creation. Regardless of the difficulty, companies should provide users with as much helpful information on different topics as they can. Some companies provide databases with plenty of helpful articles. Others provide video tutorials on how to navigate specific areas of the software. We paid attention to how much of this educational support companies provide to make the process as easy as possible for the user.

  • Helpful information about Presentation Software

Assessing your Presentation Needs

Before picking any one presentation software, it might be a good idea to consider what you're looking to get from it. If you’re a casual or infrequent presenter, chances are that free software will be enough to address your needs. On the other hand, if you’re a frequent presenter tackling several audiences or topics, you probably want software that provides more creative and functional leeway, along with practical analytical tools that will help you improve your presentations in the long run. 

Assessing what you need presentation software for is key in helping you decide whether you should go for a free option, or invest in a pricier but more robust software. Are you an educator? An entrepreneur? Part of company leadership?  Are you working as a graphic designer for a marketing or creative company?  For example, as a burgeoning entrepreneur, you’ll likely want software that offers a vast number of pitch and business presentation templates. If you’re part of a team at work or school, you’ll likely need software that allows you to easily share and collaborate on presentations. Meanwhile, educators and business professionals who need to constantly churn out presentations will likely appreciate AI-based software that takes care of formatting their multiple decks so that they can focus on the information at hand. Moreover, some presentation software will be tailored for specific industries, and will include a wide range of templates and layouts catering to that professional niche, as well as analytic reports on audience engagement and participation. 

The good news is that many presentation software companies now cater to different audiences and lines of work, so that it doesn’t matter if you’re a student or the CEO of a small but growing business, you’ll likely find the templates and collaboration features you need. Nonetheless, how many features you’ll be able to access on your software usually depends on whether you’re a paying user or if you opt for a free version. 

Free vs Paid Software

Many companies offer free versions of their software, so that you don’t need to pay a cent to enjoy unique creative features. However, free versions can be limited— you’ll generally have access to only a few templates, or a set number of projects per month, and won’t be able to enjoy all the available formatting tools that paying users get. 

Free versions can also limit your privacy options. For example, they will allow you to use many of the software’s features, but require you to make your presentation publicly available to anyone on the web. This is likely not an ideal option for anyone who needs to present sensitive or confidential information meant to remain in-house. 

Additionally, using free versions could mean that you’re only able to view and present your information online and through the software company’s platform. Exporting and downloading your presentations is usually restricted to paying users, which could be a problem for those that wish to download and store their work on their computer and/or a USB device. 

It’s important to note that fully free, or open-source, software, such as Google Slides, will often provide a host of features that are not dependent on pay. However, free software won’t be able to provide as wide a diversity of templates and formatting options. They might also lack the power to properly handle different types of media in a single deck, causing your presentation to lag or slow down. Still, for infrequent presenters, open-source software is an excellent and free alternative to make simple and quick presentations. 

Tips for Great Presentations 

It’s easy to get carried away with pumping your decks full of information and unnecessary graphics. However, presentation software shouldn’t eclipse what you have to say with distracting animations and excessive text. Instead, it should complement your ideas and allow you to convey your message in a cogent and powerful way. 

Picking software is just the first step in crafting a fantastic presentation. After that, the fun begins. We talked to our in-house senior graphic designer, Jose “Yuyu” Velez, to determine what goes into making an effective and stellar presentation.

Tip #1 Pick presentation tools that offer versatility and creative leeway 

There are very basic things I should be able to do with presentation software such as import images, export to different formats, add gifs or other video media, etc. Adding transitions is always a plus, as well as having an icon library. Ideally, I should also be able to share a presentation seamlessly with others so that they [collaborators] can edit.

Tip #2 Keep your designs clean and simple

I've always found that keeping the layout as simple as possible helps to avoid the viewer from becoming distracted when presenting. This simplicity translates to a lot of things, like the use of color sparingly, 2-3 bullets per slide (flushed left with images or videos on the right so that it's natural to the viewer), and the use of animation only when necessary.

For example, a simple slide would be a white or very light-colored background, 2-3 bullets on the left, and a contextual image to the right that helps compliment the bullet points.

Tip #3 Keep it fun and eye-catching  

I've found that animation always helps keep the viewer engaged with a presentation, especially the use of gifs to drive the message home.

  Tip #4 Aim for an engaging, but coherent presentation

I've seen a lot of excellent presentations that use humor, gifs, and other types of animations that really kept me engaged. But when you take it home with you and try to watch it alone on your computer most of it doesn't make sense. To avoid this you can do one of the following:

Make sure that the presentation makes sense with or without you presenting it.

Make 2 versions, one to be presented live and the other as a more complete take-home version.

Tip #5: Be mindful about how you use design elements 

Keep text to a minimum : 2 to 3 bullet points should be more than enough on each slide. More than that might be too much for the viewer to process.

Synthesize your information : Most speakers get a 15 to 30 min window for a presentation. I recommend trying to have a max of 1 slide per minute. You should be able to simplify all the information without the need for 100+ slides.

Use color sparingly : Keep the background either very light with black text or very dark with light text. Any other color should be used as an accent to highlight a detail on screen. Too much color can be distracting.

Use videos and animations strategically : Too many videos or animations can slow down the presentation or make the file way too heavy. They should be placed purposefully and sparingly, same as with the colors. Think of them as secret weapons that help to break up the content on the slides so that you have a chance to give the viewer's brain a rest from listening to you while also reading bullet points.

Make people laugh! : Nobody wants to be bored and everyone can use a laugh. Throwing in a joke can help hold your viewers’ attention. This can especially be accomplished with the use of the right gif. Just make sure the joke is in line with what you're presenting.

  • What To Watch Out For With Presentation Software

Picture it, it's zero hour and you’re about to show your bosses that business proposal you’ve been working on for weeks. Your slides are minimalistic and captivating. You’ve got stunning images to drive your point home. And to top it all off, you’ve included a video that captures all your important points in a condensed and appealing way. You plug in your USB stick where you’ve saved your presentation and...a nightmare occurs. Your image and video links are all broken, and the presentation you’ve worked on for weeks is nothing more than a pile of text. Worst of all you can’t make any adjustments because your software is strictly desktop version and you’re miles away from home. The culprit? Compatibility issues.

Software can be desktop installed, web-based, or both. Desktop-installed software allows you to download the editing and presenting tools you need straight to your laptop or desktop computer, without an internet connection. In the last couple of years, presentation software has migrated to web- or cloud-based software, meaning you do all your creating, editing, and presenting through the company’s platform. This is especially great if you want to work on your presentation from multiple devices, such as your tablet or smartphone. The downside to this is that you almost always need an internet connection to work on your presentation, and this may not always be readily available to you. 

It’s important that when you finally settle on a company that fits your design needs, you also check software compatibility. Most presentation software in the market is web-based, meaning you can run it on any computer or device as long as you have a working internet connection. Although this is great for portability and shareability purposes, it may be a problem if you need to present somewhere with poor internet. 

Most of these web-based companies will allow you to export your presentation into PDF, HTML, and sometimes even PPT presentations, so you should always check this feature is included in the plans you opt to choose. However, these features are oftentimes only included in the software’s paid versions. Downloading your presentations into these formats can also sometimes affect elements in your presentation. For example, embedded YouTube videos won’t work without an internet connection, and some templates that are exclusive to a company may not be available if you download them into a PowerPoint format. 

Some software companies like Prezi and PowerPoint, though, will have installable desktop options so that you can create, edit, and present your presentation hassle-free in the event that there’s no internet connection.

  • FAQs about Presentation Software

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Who uses presentation software.

  • Our Presentation Software Review Summed Up
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7 Types of Presentations You Should Be Using Right Now [Including Templates]

7 Types of Presentations You Should Be Using Right Now [Including Templates]

Written by: Olujinmi Oluwatoni

7 Types of Presentations You Should Be Using Right Now [Including Templates]

Presentations are no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have skill for professionals.

Whether you're pitching to clients, providing updates to your team, or submitting management proposals, presentations are a necessity.

In fact, 70% of employed Americans admit that presentation skills are critical for career success.

However, specific presentation scenarios require a different approach to effectively communicate unique ideas. To create an excellent presentation, you need to choose the presentation type suitable for the specific context, audience and purpose of the presentation.

In this article, we will discuss the 7 types of presentations you should be using now to drive your point home effectively, depending on your goal, audience and context. We've also included 12 amazing presentation templates you can customize in minutes.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below.

what are types of presentation software

Table of Contents

Benefits of using different types of presentations, what are the different types of presentations, 12 presentation templates you can use right now.

  • Using different types of presentations helps you to adapt to different settings, improves audience interest and response, enhances the quality of presentations and increases the likelihood of recognition and promotion.
  • The different types of presentations include; Educational, Instructional, Motivational, Persuasive and Problem-solution presentations. You can also create presentations to show progress or sell a product or service.
  • With the help of Visme's presentation software and customizable template collection, you can easily create different types of professional presentations.

Understanding the different types of presentations and using them in the right situations will set you up for success.

Here are some benefits of using different types of presentations.

You Can Adapt to Different Settings

The type of presentation you use in an educational or academic setting is not the same one you'd use if you were trying to sell a product or pitch to an investor. Being able to effectively create a presentation for a specific setting can be beneficial in different professional settings.

Improves Your Audience's Interest and Response

Understanding who your audience is can guide you in picking the appropriate presentation type. Once you get this right, you'll be able to grab the attention of your audience from the onset and get a better response at the end of your presentation.

Improves the Quality of Your Presentations

Knowing what type of presentation to use for a specific audience and setting really improves your presentation and communication. With this, you're able to constantly deliver excellent presentations, get recognized and even get promoted!

If you want to know more about how to deliver excellent presentations, check out this guide that talks about it in detail!

Projecting the outcome of your presentation can help you choose what type to prepare.

For example, at the end of your presentation, do you want your audience to be more inspired? More informed? Or equipped with knowledge on what to do next?

Having clear objectives will guide you in deciding what type of presentation to use.

Let’s dive straight into the seven different types of presentations.


As the name implies, the purpose of an educational presentation is to ‘educate or inform’ people about a topic.

Usually, this type of presentation is used in settings where your audience is unaware or relatively new to the topic being discussed. Thus, your goal is to enlighten your audience and increase their understanding of the topic. Questions such as “What is”, “How to” and “Why is” are answered in detail.

The educational presentation type combines a lot of definitions, data analysis, or more analytical projections to break down complex topics to a specific audience. So a lot of tables, charts and graphs are used where necessary.

Take a look at this example below:

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To effectively educate your audience, this educational presentation template has a good mixture of these elements:

  • Definitions
  • Differences
  • Quotes from industry professionals
  • Statistics and reliable data
  • Charts, tables and more!

While preparing your educational presentation, remember that there may be a lot of questions or discussions at the end. Since you’re introducing a relatively new topic, your audience may need further clarification at some point, so ensure you create room to accommodate them.

Nevertheless, educational presentations are usually delivered over a long period of time and can be found mostly during training, workshops, academic environments and more.

Use this type of presentation if you’re reporting research findings, educating employees on new policies or processes, or teaching customers how to use or maximize your product.

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  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
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The instructional type of presentation is very similar to the educational presentation. Both presentation types address “how to” questions. However, the purpose of the instructional presentation is to communicate precise directions.

Unlike an educational presentation that gives the audience free will to apply the new information learned, instructional presentations focus on passing step-by-step instructions that the audience is required to follow.

For example, in the instructional presentation template below, more emphasis is placed on how marketers or salespeople should write a perfect call-to-action (CTA).

what are types of presentation software

What makes this presentation template stand out is the use of multiple examples to drive the points across. That way, you’re not just teaching your audience how to do something. You’re also showing them with examples and visual aids.

This type of presentation can come in handy when teaching a new skill or giving direction to your team on how to go about completing a task. At the end of the instructional presentation, your audience should feel confident and equipped with enough knowledge to perform the task.

Keep in mind that visual aids, relevant examples and scenarios can help boost the understanding of your audience. Be sure to incorporate this into your instructional presentation.

Use the instructional presentation type when you’re teaching a step-by-step process or answering a “how to” question with specific guidelines or commands.


The motivational presentation type is a popular type of presentation usually seen during Ted talks, conferences, or even networking events.

The goal is to inspire your audience to see things clearer and take action based on a renewed mindset.

Motivational presentations usually incorporate storytelling and humor to pique the interest of their audience and gain their trust till the end. This type of presentation thrives in a more relaxed setting and doesn't necessarily need to run for a long time.

At the end of your motivational presentation, your audience should be inspired or convinced to make a change to how they usually approach a situation.

Your goal is not to force them to take action in a certain way but to guide them through a series of concepts that will propel them to make a personal decision to change.

An important thing to note when preparing this presentation is the need to foster an emotional connection with your audience from the onset.

So don't be scared to use personal anecdotes or draw from personal experiences.

Take a look at this Tedtalk by Shankar Vedantam which has garnered over 2 million views since it was published last year. Shankar began his presentation with a personal story that immediately drew the interest of his audience.

One thing we can learn from Shankar’s approach is the principle of less text, more visuals.

He delivered his presentation in an engaging manner that appealed to the emotions of his audience. The excellence of Shankar's presentation got him a standing ovation at the end of the speech. Take a cue from Shankar's presentation and make your motivational presentations more visually and emotionally appealing.

You can tweak any of our presentation templates for different purposes. Here’s an example of a great multipurpose template:

what are types of presentation software

If you’re looking to influence the thoughts, actions, or decisions of a group of people, persuasive presentations work.

You can utilize this persuasive style if you want your audience to embrace a new point of view and take action in that regard. But the solution you’re offering won’t just be based on hearsay. You should introduce data, facts, statistics and more to inspire conviction and confidence in your audience.

Salespeople use persuasive presentations to communicate their client’s pain-point and to present their solution as the best fit. These presentations answer the questions “why” and “what’s the best way out.”

This women empowerment presentation template fits perfectly in this category. It explains the true meaning of women's empowerment and showcases the background and history.

what are types of presentation software

It then shows principles backing up their cause from a recognized organization. Lastly, it answers questions like “Why is women's empowerment important”? And “how can I empower women”?

In your presentation, you can convince your audience to prioritize the education and empowerment of women globally by addressing these questions.

To convince your audience to take action, it's important to position your solution as the superior option and highlight its advantages.


Unlike the persuasive presentation, where you are trying to convince your audience of the best solution, the problem-solution presentation is slightly different. It discusses various solutions that may benefit your audience and back them up with suggestions.

The main purpose of this type of presentation is to facilitate the decision-making process.

While presenting, you may comprehensively discuss the problem, the cause, the negative impacts and more. You’ll then list the various solutions that will serve your audience and expand on each one to aid better decision-making.

The solutions must be backed up by research or relevant data, including a pros and cons list. Try to project an overall angle on each solution in order to equip your audience with adequate information.

This type of presentation can be used in workplace settings where employees or managers present various solutions to challenges that may sprout occasionally. Thus, the company's leadership has ample information and options to make the best move for the company.

Let’s consider this problem-solution presentation template below:

what are types of presentation software

This presentation begins by exploring the problem the audience faces: finding a home. It lists all the various pain points home buyers or renters have, building a connection with the audience.

After discussing the problem, two options or solutions are presented to the audience. However, there’s a recommendation so the audience can make a well-informed decision.

Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

  • Spend less time on presentations and more time strategizing
  • Ensure your brand looks and feels visually consistent across all your organization's documents
  • Impress clients and stakeholders with boardroom ready presentations

Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

The progress presentation delivers updates or progress on a task, project, or goal to a specific audience.

This presentation type aims to enlighten your audience and bring them up to date with the processes that have taken place on a given project. It combines a report, discussion and future projections into the presentation and is usually delivered during a task or project.

The progress presentation can include the current status of the project , important metrics, the problems and how they were addressed and the agenda for completion.

You can also discuss if any deadlines need to be extended or goals need to be refined. The benefit of the progress presentation is that everyone involved in your project can get acquainted with your progress and offer help or solutions along the way.

A great example of this presentation type is the shareholder presentation template.

what are types of presentation software

This progress presentation template updates the company’s shareholders on their current assets, yearly performance revenues and key performance indicators.

This way, shareholders can see the improvement from past years and the current effort the company has made so far to increase its revenue and assets.

Shareholders regain confidence in the company and those who need further clarification are given the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.

Your progress presentation should always include an overview of the project, task, or company you are sharing progress on.

Don't assume everyone knows what you have been doing. So take your time to explain the concept behind the project before you show your audience your progress.

Selling a Product or Service

If you think you need a separate type of presentation to sell your product or service, you’re absolutely right. And here it is!

You can use this type of presentation if you are trying to sell a new product or gather customer feedback about your product or service. It takes a deep dive into what your product or service is, why it was created, a step-by-step process on how to use it and how your product serves your audience.

What makes this type of presentation stand out is the active demonstration involved in the presentation. You could have live props of your product, including various scenarios where your product is used and demonstrate how your product is utilized in those instances.

If you don't have live props, you can include pictures, videos and other demonstrative material so that your audience can relate and picture themselves using your product, which boosts sales.

It’s best to go all out when you’re using this type of presentation because if you don’t viciously promote your product or service, who will? Utilize body language and gestures when presenting in order to keep the attention of your audience.

This quick recipe product presentation template perfectly fits into this type of presentation.

what are types of presentation software

It first presents a problem that the audience can resonate with and goes on to showcase an ideal client or persona for the product. By giving your ideal customer a name and a face and describing their pain point, your audience can easily relate to them and adopt your solution.

This presentation template gives a step-by-step guide on how to use the product and answers some frequently asked questions in the presentations.

Include a review of your product's features and benefits, with a good CTA after your presentation. This will increase the response rate and prompt your audience to enquire more or purchase your product.

Here are 12 professionally designed presentation templates you can customize right away!

But first, let’s hear what one of our customers has to say about Visme:

I love to present concise information (i.e. sweet and easy) both for PC and mobile devices. Therefore, Visme is great and the learning curve was very manageable. Templates are inspiring. Once in a while I browse through them and use bits and pieces from good looking templates”

Wolfgang H.| Adjunct Professor

Let’s get to the templates.

1 Effective Study Techniques Presentation Template

Expose new study techniques to your students using this stunning presentation template.

This template falls under the educational presentation category. This is because it gives the audience detailed information about concepts that are relevant to them.

The use of high-quality vector icons and vibrant colors makes the presentation slides visually appealing. Remember, your students are learning something new and complex for the first time. Try to make your educational presentation fun, simple and easy to understand.

what are types of presentation software

2 Product Training Interactive Presentation Template

Here we have another educational presentation template that answers a “How to” question.

Use this template to educate your customers on how to effectively use your product, app, tool, or platform to solve their business needs.

This presentation template is fun and engaging because it includes interactive features in its design. You can create an interactive presentation that stands out with popup icons, clickable links and more!

Instead of scheduling meetings, you can instantly produce presentations with Visme's presentation studio and let your audience see them whenever they choose. This can save time for remote teams by lowering the number of hours needed for meetings.

3 Onboarding Presentation Template

This onboarding presentation template is the perfect way to inform your new hires of the key personnel and processes in your company while also instructing them on the first things they need to focus on.

The simple design portrays a calm and inviting layout. This template also creates room to include pictures and visual aids which will boost your employee’s understanding.

This instructional presentation template provides a simple list of important documents that your new employee needs to submit to you, informs them on the office hybrid setup and gives clear instructions on daily reporting times.

This is a perfect instructional presentation template you can customize for your onboarding presentation right away!

what are types of presentation software

4 Instagram Sponsorship Interactive Presentation Template

Who said presentations had to be serious all the time? Host your live training or webinar with this lively instructional presentation template!

This template utilizes colors and pictures that resonate with the intended audience. If you want to customize this template to suit your brand or workshop, you can utilize Visme’s huge library of high-resolution photos and videos.

With a step-by-step process, you can teach your audience exactly how to get sponsored on social media, the best posting times and even the optimal number of hashtags to use in each post.

At the end of your presentation, your audience will leave your workshop with confidence and knowledge to achieve their sponsorship goal.

what are types of presentation software

5 Luxury Safari Presentation Template

If you’re looking to create awareness regarding a cause and inspire others to participate, this is a great presentation template to use.

This template highlights various wildlife, adventures and memorable experiences waiting to happen. It utilizes more photos than words, giving you the opportunity to present from your heart and connect with your audience.

At the end of your presentation, your audience will be motivated to take action toward sustaining wildlife and being an active part of it.

Every great motivational presentation ends with a clear CTA. Do this to ensure you’re guiding your audience to the right places after they’ve been motivated to drive a cause.

what are types of presentation software

6 Charity Presentation Template

Use this template to convince your audience of the importance of their generosity to their immediate community. Show them how giving benefits them the most and present channels where they can give.

what are types of presentation software

If you can’t find the perfect picture that supports your cause, you can check out Visme’s AI graphics generator and have specialized graphics generated for your presentation.

7 Home Appliance Presentation Template

Display your product as the best solution for your client's needs with this home appliance presentation template.

Begin your presentation by exposing the hidden pain points of your customer and how it is impacting their day-to-day living. Back up your findings with research or statistics to help them see the danger of continuing with their problem.

Your customers should know you really care about their pain and want to offer a solution that’ll be of great help to them.

what are types of presentation software

With this template, you can present strong points for your product and even include a tutorial or demonstration video in the presentation! Showcase all the benefits of your product and even offer an incentive or discount to persuade people to buy your product!

8 SEO Tool Product Presentation Template

This interactive and engaging presentation template is perfect if you want to persuade potential customers to use your tool or app to solve their SEO or tech needs.

This presentation template doesn't just state the problem but poses it in question form. It presents statistics that inform the customers of what they’re really missing out on.

Engaging with your customers in this manner simplifies the process of persuading them to utilize your app since they feel like they are making the decisions independently.

what are types of presentation software

Need to be on the move and still meet your presentation deadline? Not to worry, with Visme’s app, you can always create your presentations and collaborate with your team members on the go.`

There are also various ways you can connect with your customers when discussing their pain points and offering solutions. You can check out this guide that shares 29 killer presentation tips to remember for your next presentation.

9 Affordable Housing Non-Profit Presentation Template

Discuss the different solutions that aid affordable housing with this professionally designed presentation template.

This template begins with a problem statement. Here, you can outline your vision or problem statement that guides you to offer various solutions or partner with various organizations for the same cause.

Expand on each solution by presenting stats, quotes from recognized authorities and benefits of each one.

what are types of presentation software

10 Business Development Presentation Template

Showcase your company as the best solution for your client’s needs with this stunning business development presentation template. This template has a clean layout that makes information easy to read and understand.

Highlight your company’s strength, team and history to create a connection with your clients and gain their confidence.

This template also displays the specific services your company offers along with the pricing system. This helps them to make more informed decisions. You can also recommend the best price based on your customer’s needs and budget.

what are types of presentation software

Allow team members to share feedback and make comments on your presentations using Visme’s collaboration feature, ensuring that everyone is on page.

We highly recommend Visme for creating your presentations. However, if you’re still unsure, you can take a look at this article which compares some of the best presentation software .

11 Cryptocurrency Presentation Template

If you own an investment institution or a cryptocurrency firm, then you can use this presentation template to bring your team or clients on board with the current industry rates and trends.

You can update your clients on the following

  • Current market cap
  • New cryptocurrencies that have entered the market, as well as
  • Promising growth trends and projections.

what are types of presentation software

Easily project big data with various charts, graphs and tables in your presentation with Visme’s data visualization tool for better assimilation by your clients.

An image of Visme's data visualization

12 Lifestyle Product Presentation Template

Effectively sell your lifestyle products or services to potential customers using this amazing product presentation template.

Your goal here should be to highlight the best features of your product and the numerous advantages.

This template does justice to that by first engaging the audience in a series of questions that make them aware of a problem. It then talks about the current solution the customer is using but highlights shortcomings.

Ensure to give room for any queries that may arise during or after your presentation and also include a clear CTA that will guide your customers to where and how they can purchase your product.

what are types of presentation software

Use Visme for All Your Presentation Needs

Choosing the right type of presentation will not only help you retain your audience's attention but also drive your point home effectively.

We are confident that with the knowledge you've gained from this guide, you'll be able to deliver your next presentation with ease and success.

If you are ready to start creating amazing presentations and engaging documents, Visme has everything you need.

Visme's presentation software makes it easy for anyone to design and customize presentations, even without graphic design experience. Apart from creating presentations, Visme also provides numerous solutions for project management, sales, marketing, training, HR and more.

Sign up for your Visme account and start creating excellent presentations and visual content today.

Create stunning presentations with Visme

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About the Author

Olujinmi is a Content writer for Visme who creates human-first SEO content. She loves helping businesses smash their ROI goals with strategic content development and optimization. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her composing songs.

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CrankWheel is a screen sharing software designed to help sales teams connect with prospects and share screen to view presentations in real-time. Links can be shared via email or SMS and clients can join from any device, including mobile, without downloadin... Read more about CrankWheel

( 66 reviews )


RELAYTO is the #1 Interactive Experience platform that transforms your static content (PDFs, MP4s, images, blogs) into engaging interactive experiences, enabling viewers to choose their own path and self-educate. With RELAYTO, you can create an unlimited... Read more about Relayto

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Kuula is a cloud-based solution designed to help businesses in the hospitality, education, architecture, real estate and other industries create, launch, edit and share 360-degree virtual tours. The platform is compliant with General Data Protection Regula... Read more about Kuula

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Easelly is a graphic design solution that enables educational institutions, individuals and businesses to display processes, reports, announcements, projects and other information using visual forms, charts and infographics. It includes group sharing funct... Read more about Easelly

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Vyond is the effortless, all-in-one AI video creation platform for business. Vyond provides everything needed to communicate better, including an AI-powered instant video maker (Vyond Go) and a full-featured video editor (Vyond Studio). Better — and faster... Read more about Vyond

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Collabora Online

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EasyWorship is a windows-based church presentation software that helps create and share worship service, including sermon slides and song lyrics. It lets staff members preview videos, customize UI, live stream, and utilize multiple camera angles. EasyWor... Read more about EasyWorship

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Designing a stunning document was never this easy! DocHipo is a free graphic design tool that meets all your document designing needs. From presentations to posters to infographics to flyers to social posts, DocHipo offers tons of professionally designed t... Read more about DocHipo

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Digital Samba

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JigSpace is a 3D knowledge-sharing platform. It is the easiest way to create, visualize, and present ideas in 3D. JigSpaces mission is to be the knowledge platform for the metaverse, empowering anyone to create and share ideas, information, or knowledge i... Read more about JigSpace

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Livestorm enables powerful, yet pain-free video engagements at scale. Our end-to-end video engagement platform enables organizations to create professional video engagements that can be easily managed in one place. Livestorm is a browser-based platform th... Read more about Livestorm

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Sales Enablement mobile application making your sales force efficient in sales appointments. A pioneer in this market, our expertise is recognized by the largest French and international companies, which recognize better performance by equipping salespeopl... Read more about Okalys


Crescendo is a sales enablement platform that helps field teams accelerate sales conversations with targeted, actionable content. The platform enables managers to directly accesses content on corporate Sharepoint, Google Drive, Salesforce.com, Box.com and ... Read more about Crescendo


Keynote is a presentation solution that helps users design, edit and manage multimedia presentations via a unified portal. The program allows users to add charts, edit pictures, and integrate cinematic effects into presentations. Keynote includes customi... Read more about Keynote

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Macabacus is an enterprise-grade, productivity tool for Excel modeling and pitch deck creation. The software helps finance and banking professionals perform data analysis and create presentations. The platform enables managers to standardize documents and ... Read more about Macabacus

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Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint





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Your Guide to Top Presentation , June 2023

Software Advice uses reviews from real software users to highlight the top-rated Presentation products in North America.

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“Usability” includes user ratings for Functionality and Ease of Use.

“Customer Satisfaction” includes user ratings for Customer Support, Likelihood to Recommend and Value for Money.

Reviews analysis period: The reviews analysis period spans two years and ends the 15th of the month prior to publication.

This detailed guide will help you find and buy the right presentation software for you and your business.

Presentation software helps business professionals create and conduct slide show presentations. It comes with tools to present information in an engaging format, using text, images, audio, video, and graphs. Businesses and professional organizations use presentation software to educate, inform, persuade, and motivate both internal and external audiences. This demonstrates professionalism and communicates the intended message clearly and concisely.

This guide explains the features and benefits of presentation software to help you find the best solution for your business.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What is presentation software?

Common features of presentation software, what type of buyer are you, benefits and potential issues, key consideration for presentation software, market trends to understand.

Presentation software is used to create slides to display information in the form of a slide show to increase its impact for the audience. Product tools such as templates, media libraries, and text editors make it easy to create presentations, add or modify information, and utilize it for engagement throughout various media channels.

Most presentation software products offer similar features to create and display slide shows. The following are typical components of presentation software:

Use animations to control when each slide element appears and to direct the audience's attention to important areas. Add movement to slides by animating text, images, and objects. Transitions define the automatic progression of one slide to the next, making it easy to distinguish between slides and keep the audience engaged.

Access digital content such as images, videos, icons, graphics, and files to create engaging and informative presentations.

Make presentations more engaging by embedding audio and video elements.

Create templates with customizable layouts, colors, fonts, effects, and background styles. Save templates for future use and repurpose formatting as needed for different audiences, new information, and more.

Edit content and share the presentation with audiences without being connected to a network or internet connection.

Provide a channel for team members to share media files, edit or review content, and work together collaboratively with information in real time.

Locate and filter items using identifying components such as names, keywords, descriptions, tags, and metadata.

Presentation software helps individuals, professionals, and organizations create and conduct presentations. Choosing the right solution starts with identifying the products and features that best fit your needs.

Single users

Freelancers and other users who work independently typically only need the basic functions of a presentation software tool, such as the media library, customizable templates, and animations and transitions.

Dispersed teams

Teams featuring remote workers, telecommuters, and freelancers tend to choose presentation software that includes real-time collaboration features. Screen sharing, chat, and comment features make it easy to work collaboratively, even if team members are in different locations.

Small businesses

Companies with fewer than 100 employees and no design department benefit from presentation software that is customizable and includes a content-rich media library. Most products offer tiered pricing levels, allowing companies to add additional features as their needs change.

Midsize businesses

Companies that have between 100 and 1,000 employees have a steady customer base and large product portfolio. They should select presentation solutions that optimize presentations with media-rich digital content and customizable templates. Collaboration tools and offline functionality allows teams to work together without being connected to a network.


Companies with over 1,000 employees should look for presentation software that includes additional features, such as analytics, real-time audience questions and answers, and advanced animations.

Presentation software blends the power of words and images to help companies express themselves in a creative and concise manner. Consider the primary benefits, suitability, and cost of software options before committing to a product.

Slide show presentations increase audience engagement: Well-crafted presentations demonstrate professionalism and communicate the intended message clearly and concisely.  Images provide a visual support to what you are communicating, while bullet points and charts present information in a clear and logical manner.

Presentation software promotes team member collaboration: Remote work is a growing trend, and collaboration tools make it easy to share presentations with numerous participants, regardless of their location. Team members can contribute using comment, edit, and review features, allowing for real-time communication and development of collaborative ideas.

Here is one thing to keep in mind as you evaluate presentation software:

Pricing may vary based on the types of supported features and customizations: Many presentation tools have free versions of their software, with increasing price points, based on the number and complexity of included options. Select a solution that supports a broad range of forms, and compare the cost and features of a software solution to business requirements to decide between paid and free presentation software.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is streamlining slide design and production time: Presentation tools driven by AI make it easy to prepare a polished, effective presentation in a limited time. These design tools can learn a user's requirements, apply design rules, and build impactful presentation slides.

Immersive technologies fuel audience engagement: Virtual reality (VR) technology allows the audience to interact with other individuals and life-like objects in a customized visual environment. This immersive storytelling technique leads to greater audience engagement and enhanced content retention. Putting on a VR headset and being “teleported” into the presentation may eventually replace the use of video presentation software.

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Best free presentation software of 2024

Find an alternative to PowerPoint

A person doing a presentation on a whiteboard.

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The best free presentation software makes it simple and easy to create professional presentations without a Microsoft subscription.

While PowerPoint is the market leader when it comes to presentation software, some people may be unwilling to subscribe to a Microsoft 365 subscription, especially if they don't expect to need to use it very often.

However, there are plenty of great alternatives to PowerPoint available for free that you can use. While these won't have the same advanced features as PowerPoint, they still offer a very competent platform to design most any presentation that you need.

To help you choose, we've listed below the best free presentation software currently available.

Add images to your presentations using the best free photo editor .

Google Apps

Google Workspace : Collaboration + productivity apps There are many different presentation software packages but Google Workspace formerly known as G Suite remains the original cloud office software and one of the best business office suites, offering a huge range of features and functionality that rivals can't match, especially when it comes to presentation software. Try it free for 14 days .

The best free presentation software of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Best free presentation software overall

Website screenshot for Prezi.

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

Reasons to avoid.

Prezi turns the traditional approach to presentations on its head. Instead of creating slide after slide, this presentation software gives you a single giant canvas. You can add blocks of text or images, or even create miniature slides. During your presentation, you can seamlessly fly around the canvas and zoom in to look at individual chunks of content.

For how complex Prezi seems, it’s impressively simple to use the platform. The only major divergence from Microsoft PowerPoint is that you need to add animated paths from one part of the canvas to another. The tools for this are fairly straightforward, especially if you’ve ever used an animation or video editing software.

Of course, this type of presentation structure isn’t always ideal. Prezi makes it hard to visualize structured data like financials, which can make it difficult to use in business applications. Some viewers also might not appreciate the fly-around animation style that’s inherent to the presentation software.

Read our full Prezi review .

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Best free presentation software for functionality

Website screenshot for LibreOffice.

2. LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office, and it includes a Powerpoint equivalent called Impress with nearly all of the same functionality. The only big difference you’ll find between the two slideshow creation tools is the LibreOffice lacks some modern features like built-in collaboration and integration with Microsoft OneDrive.

However, Impress does have a few advantages of its own. The software can import files from Keynote, the default presentation software on Mac computers. Plus, there are hundreds of free templates that you can download for free. Even better, there’s no limit on what fonts you can use with Impress, so it’s easy to change the look of your presentation from what Powerpoint typically allows.

On the whole, LibreOffice Impress is about as close as it gets to simply replicating Microsoft Powerpoint for free.

Read our full LibreOffice review .

Best free presentation software for collaboration

Website screenshot for Google Slides.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides is part of Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), and it does a nice job of matching a number of PowerPoint’s capabilities. This free presentation software supports embedding videos, creating diagrams, and adding animations to your slides. While the selection of templates is somewhat limited, you can easily import hundreds of additional templates for free or create your own.

Even better, Google Slides supports the collaboration tools users have come to expect from Google. Multiple people can work on a slideshow simultaneously, and there’s a built-in group chat so you can keep track of what everyone is doing. It’s also nice that you can play your presentation in presenter mode, which allows you to preview how it will look to your audience and rehearse timing.

The only downside to Google Slides is that bloated slideshows can experience some loading delays. Also beware that while you can move between Slides and Powerpoint, the conversion often messes with the layout of your slides.

Read our full Google Slides review .

Best free presentation software for speed

Website screenshot for Canva.

Canva is perfect for making speedy presentations right in your web browser. This software offers a handful of free layouts to help you get your slideshow started, and it’s easy to customize the templates to fit your needs. There isn’t a huge variety of content elements to add to your presentation, but Canva makes up for this with a searchable library of more than 1 million images you can use.

Your Canva presentations live online, which makes it extremely easy to collaborate. You can invite colleagues to edit your slideshow (although simultaneous editing is not supported) or seamlessly share your finished presentation. However, beware that Canva can’t import presentations from Microsoft Powerpoint or export finished work to a Powerpoint-editable format.

Read our full Canva review .

Best free presentation software for user interface

Website screenshot for WPS Office.

5. WPS Office Free

WPS Office Free is a Microsoft Office look-alike that fully support PowerPoint files without any layout issues during import. The WPS Presentation tool has all of the same capabilities of PowerPoint, including tons of animations, slide transitions, content effects, and video embedding. The selection of included presentation templates is also very impressive for a free software.

One of the best things about this presentation software is that the user interface will feel incredibly familiar if you’re coming from Microsoft. All of the tools are displayed in a top ribbon, with your slides shown on the left side of the screen for easy navigation. It’s simple to display your presentation right from WPS Presentation, which means there’s no unexpected troubleshooting when it’s time to show off your work.

There’s not much to dislike about WPS Presentation. However, keep in mind that the software is supported by ads. Some users find the ads annoying, but they’re not overly in the way.

Read our full WPS Office Free review .

We've also featured the best free office software .

Best free presentation software FAQs

Which alternative to powerpoint is best for you.

When deciding which alternative to PowerPoint to download and use, first consider what your actual needs are, as sometimes free platforms may only provide basic options, so if you need to use advanced tools you may find a paid platform is much more worthwhile. Additionally, free and budget software options can sometimes prove limited when it comes to the variety of tools available, while higher-end software can really cater for every need, so do ensure you have a good idea of which features you think you may require.

How we test the best free presentation software

To test for the best free presentation software we first set up an account with the relevant software platform, whether as a download or as an online service. We then tested the service to see how the software could be used for different purposes and in different situations. The aim was to push each software platform to see how useful its basic tools were and also how easy it was to get to grips with any more advanced tools.

Read how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .  

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Michael Graw is a freelance journalist and photographer based in Bellingham, Washington. His interests span a wide range from business technology to finance to creative media, with a focus on new technology and emerging trends. Michael's work has been published in TechRadar, Tom's Guide, Business Insider, Fast Company, Salon, and Harvard Business Review. 

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what are types of presentation software

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Blog Beginner Guides 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Written by: Krystle Wong Aug 11, 2023

Types of Presentation

From persuasive pitches that influence opinions to instructional demonstrations that teach skills, the different types of presentations serve a unique purpose, tailored to specific objectives and audiences.

Presentations that are tailored to its objectives and audiences are more engaging and memorable. They capture attention, maintain interest and leave a lasting impression. 

Don’t worry if you’re no designer —  Whether you need data-driven visuals, persuasive graphics or engaging design elements, Venngage can empower you to craft presentations that stand out and effectively convey your message.

Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, extensive presentation template library and customizable design options make it a valuable tool for creating slides that align with your specific goals and target audience. 

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8 Different types of presentations every presenter must know

How do i choose the right type of presentation for my topic or audience, types of presentation faq, 5 steps to create a presentation with venngage .

what are types of presentation software

When it comes to presentations, versatility is the name of the game. Having a variety of presentation styles up your sleeve can make a world of difference in keeping your audience engaged. Here are 8 essential presentation types that every presenter should be well-acquainted with:

1. Informative presentation

Ever sat through a presentation that left you feeling enlightened? That’s the power of an informative presentation. 

This presentation style is all about sharing knowledge and shedding light on a particular topic. Whether you’re diving into the depths of quantum physics or explaining the intricacies of the latest social media trends, informative presentations aim to increase the audience’s understanding.

When delivering an informative presentation, simplify complex topics with clear visuals and relatable examples. Organize your content logically, starting with the basics and gradually delving deeper and always remember to keep jargon to a minimum and encourage questions for clarity.

Academic presentations and research presentations are great examples of informative presentations. An effective academic presentation involves having clear structure, credible evidence, engaging delivery and supporting visuals. Provide context to emphasize the topic’s significance, practice to perfect timing, and be ready to address anticipated questions. 

what are types of presentation software

2. Persuasive presentation

If you’ve ever been swayed by a passionate speaker armed with compelling arguments, you’ve experienced a persuasive presentation . 

This type of presentation is like a verbal tug-of-war, aiming to convince the audience to see things from a specific perspective. Expect to encounter solid evidence, logical reasoning and a dash of emotional appeal.

With persuasive presentations, it’s important to know your audience inside out and tailor your message to their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling narrative with a strong opening, a solid argument and a memorable closing. Additionally, use visuals strategically to enhance your points.

Examples of persuasive presentations include presentations for environmental conservations, policy change, social issues and more. Here are some engaging presentation templates you can use to get started with: 

what are types of presentation software

3. Demonstration or how-to presentation

A Demonstration or How-To Presentation is a type of presentation where the speaker showcases a process, technique, or procedure step by step, providing the audience with clear instructions on how to replicate the demonstrated action. 

A demonstrative presentation is particularly useful when teaching practical skills or showing how something is done in a hands-on manner.

These presentations are commonly used in various settings, including educational workshops, training sessions, cooking classes, DIY tutorials, technology demonstrations and more. Designing creative slides for your how-to presentations can heighten engagement and foster better information retention. 

Speakers can also consider breaking down the process into manageable steps, using visual aids, props and sometimes even live demonstrations to illustrate each step. The key is to provide clear and concise instructions, engage the audience with interactive elements and address any questions that may arise during the presentation.

what are types of presentation software

4. Training or instructional presentation

Training presentations are geared towards imparting practical skills, procedures or concepts — think of this as the more focused cousin of the demonstration presentation. 

Whether you’re teaching a group of new employees the ins and outs of a software or enlightening budding chefs on the art of soufflé-making, training presentations are all about turning novices into experts.

To maximize the impact of your training or instructional presentation, break down complex concepts into digestible segments. Consider using real-life examples to illustrate each point and create a connection. 

You can also create an interactive presentation by incorporating elements like quizzes or group activities to reinforce understanding.

what are types of presentation software

5. Sales presentation

Sales presentations are one of the many types of business presentations and the bread and butter of businesses looking to woo potential clients or customers. With a sprinkle of charm and a dash of persuasion, these presentations showcase products, services or ideas with one end goal in mind: sealing the deal.

A successful sales presentation often has key characteristics such as a clear value proposition, strong storytelling, confidence and a compelling call to action. Hence, when presenting to your clients or stakeholders, focus on benefits rather than just features. 

Anticipate and address potential objections before they arise and use storytelling to showcase how your offering solves a specific problem for your audience. Utilizing visual aids is also a great way to make your points stand out and stay memorable.

A sales presentation can be used to promote service offerings, product launches or even consultancy proposals that outline the expertise and industry experience of a business. Here are some template examples you can use for your next sales presentation:

what are types of presentation software

6. Pitch presentation

Pitch presentations are your ticket to garnering the interest and support of potential investors, partners or stakeholders. Think of your pitch deck as your chance to paint a vivid picture of your business idea or proposal and secure the resources you need to bring it to life. 

Business presentations aside, individuals can also create a portfolio presentation to showcase their skills, experience and achievements to potential clients, employers or investors. 

Craft a concise and compelling narrative. Clearly define the problem your idea solves and how it stands out in the market. Anticipate questions and practice your answers. Project confidence and passion for your idea.

what are types of presentation software

7. Motivational or inspirational presentation

Feeling the need for a morale boost? That’s where motivational presentations step in. These talks are designed to uplift and inspire, often featuring personal anecdotes, heartwarming stories and a generous serving of encouragement.

Form a connection with your audience by sharing personal stories that resonate with your message. Use a storytelling style with relatable anecdotes and powerful metaphors to create an emotional connection. Keep the energy high and wrap up your inspirational presentations with a clear call to action.

Inspirational talks and leadership presentations aside, a motivational or inspirational presentation can also be a simple presentation aimed at boosting confidence, a motivational speech focused on embracing change and more.

what are types of presentation software

8. Status or progress report presentation

Projects and businesses are like living organisms, constantly evolving and changing. Status or progress report presentations keep everyone in the loop by providing updates on achievements, challenges and future plans. It’s like a GPS for your team, ensuring everyone stays on track.

Be transparent about achievements, challenges and future plans. Utilize infographics, charts and diagrams to present your data visually and simplify information. By visually representing data, it becomes easier to identify trends, make predictions and strategize based on evidence.

what are types of presentation software

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of presentation methods and how to use them, you’re on the right track to creating a good presentation that can boost your confidence and enhance your presentation skills . 

Selecting the most suitable presentation style is akin to choosing the right outfit for an occasion – it greatly influences how your message is perceived. Here’s a more detailed guide to help you make that crucial decision:

1. Define your objectives

Begin by clarifying your presentation’s goals. Are you aiming to educate, persuade, motivate, train or perhaps sell a concept? Your objectives will guide you to the most suitable presentation type. 

For instance, if you’re aiming to inform, an informative presentation would be a natural fit. On the other hand, a persuasive presentation suits the goal of swaying opinions.

2. Know your audience

Regardless if you’re giving an in-person or a virtual presentation — delve into the characteristics of your audience. Consider factors like their expertise level, familiarity with the topic, interests and expectations. 

If your audience consists of professionals in your field, a more technical presentation might be suitable. However, if your audience is diverse and includes newcomers, an approachable and engaging style might work better.

what are types of presentation software

3. Analyze your content

Reflect on the content you intend to present. Is it data-heavy, rich in personal stories or focused on practical skills? Different presentation styles serve different content types. 

For data-driven content, an informative or instructional presentation might work best. For emotional stories, a motivational presentation could be a compelling choice.

4. Consider time constraints

Evaluate the time you have at your disposal. If your presentation needs to be concise due to time limitations, opt for a presentation style that allows you to convey your key points effectively within the available timeframe. A pitch presentation, for example, often requires delivering impactful information within a short span.

5. Leverage visuals

Visual aids are powerful tools in presentations. Consider whether your content would benefit from visual representation. If your PowerPoint presentations involve step-by-step instructions or demonstrations, a how-to presentation with clear visuals would be advantageous. Conversely, if your content is more conceptual, a motivational presentation could rely more on spoken words.

what are types of presentation software

6. Align with the setting

Take the presentation environment into account. Are you presenting in a formal business setting, a casual workshop or a conference? Your setting can influence the level of formality and interactivity in your presentation. For instance, a demonstration presentation might be ideal for a hands-on workshop, while a persuasive presentation is great for conferences.

7. Gauge audience interaction

Determine the level of audience engagement you want. Interactive presentations work well for training sessions, workshops and small group settings, while informative or persuasive presentations might be more one-sided.

8. Flexibility

Stay open to adjusting your presentation style on the fly. Sometimes, unexpected factors might require a change of presentation style. Be prepared to adjust on the spot if audience engagement or reactions indicate that a different approach would be more effective.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the best type of presentation may vary depending on the specific situation and your unique communication goals. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the most effective presentation type to successfully engage and communicate with your audience.

To save time, use a presentation software or check out these presentation design and presentation background guides to create a presentation that stands out.    

what are types of presentation software

What are some effective ways to begin and end a presentation?

Capture your audience’s attention from the start of your presentation by using a surprising statistic, a compelling story or a thought-provoking question related to your topic. 

To conclude your presentation , summarize your main points, reinforce your key message and leave a lasting impression with a powerful call to action or a memorable quote that resonates with your presentation’s theme.

How can I make my presentation more engaging and interactive?

To create an engaging and interactive presentation for your audience, incorporate visual elements such as images, graphs and videos to illustrate your points visually. Share relatable anecdotes or real-life examples to create a connection with your audience. 

You can also integrate interactive elements like live polls, open-ended questions or small group discussions to encourage participation and keep your audience actively engaged throughout your presentation.

Which types of presentations require special markings

Some presentation types require special markings such as how sales presentations require persuasive techniques like emphasizing benefits, addressing objections and using compelling visuals to showcase products or services. 

Demonstrations and how-to presentations on the other hand require clear markings for each step, ensuring the audience can follow along seamlessly. 

That aside, pitch presentations require highlighting unique selling points, market potential and the competitive edge of your idea, making it stand out to potential investors or partners.

Need some inspiration on how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience? Here are 120+ presentation ideas to help you get started. 

Creating a stunning and impactful presentation with Venngage is a breeze. Whether you’re crafting a business pitch, a training presentation or any other type of presentation, follow these five steps to create a professional presentation that stands out:

  • Sign up and log in to Venngage to access the editor.
  • Choose a presentation template that matches your topic or style.
  • Customize content, colors, fonts, and background to personalize your presentation.
  • Add images, icons, and charts to enhancevisual style and clarity.
  • Save, export, and share your presentation as PDF or PNG files, or use Venngage’s Presentation Mode for online showcasing.

In the realm of presentations, understanding the different types of presentation formats is like having a versatile set of tools that empower you to craft compelling narratives for every occasion.

Remember, the key to a successful presentation lies not only in the content you deliver but also in the way you connect with your audience. Whether you’re informing, persuading or entertaining, tailoring your approach to the specific type of presentation you’re delivering can make all the difference.

Presentations are a powerful tool, and with practice and dedication (and a little help from Venngage), you’ll find yourself becoming a presentation pro in no time. Now, let’s get started and customize your next presentation!

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Different Types of Presentation Software & Use Cases

Historically, presentation software has been pretty straightforward. People used apps like PowerPoint in the office or the classroom to provide slide-based reinforcements to their speech, lecture, or business presentation.

But over time, technology became more and more capable, enabling more intricate uses for presentation software. New software companies and developers joined the fray, some targeting highly specific use cases or offering new levels of professional features .

As more and more professional users saw the benefits outside the office, the market expanded and the variety of softwares continued to grow with it.

Fast forward to today – presentation softwares are everywhere, from your smartwatch to massive billboards in Times Square, to smart screens in restaurants.

In this post, we’ll walk through the most common types or use cases for presentation software in the modern era — and show you why many of them benefit from a tool that surpasses what PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides can do.

what are types of presentation software

What Are the Most Common Use Cases or Types of Presentation Software?

There are hundreds of use cases: anyone who needs to manually display visuals will likely use a presentation software. We’ve narrowed our list down to five of the most common and significant use cases, which we’ll outline below.

One quick note: we’re defining presentation software as any software solution (whether a cloud-based presentation solution or a desktop app) that can be used as a tool for creating slide presentations and can use those slides to enhance the live presentation itself. All worthwhile presentation apps will include slide templates and have the ability to drag and drop content and share presentations with others.

what are types of presentation software

This is where the presentation software game started, and it’s an absolutely massive market. It’s standard for office spaces to have a presentation solution in the boardroom, with PowerPoint being very well-known in this space for a reason.

Most office scenarios involve shooting a presentation up on a projector, or sharing one over a video conferencing meeting. So a presentation mode is ideal, but it tends to be a simple setup, with a single screen for the audience, and one for the presenter’s notes. Nothing complex for inputs or outputs.

This is also why office-style tools rarely support multiple outputs, they’re not needed when it’s a single screen in the board room.

The office market is saturated with free and low-cost options, and most businesses are already paying for Microsoft 365 , which includes PowerPoint. These tools are generally sufficient for the meeting room, and work okay in a Zoom call. But as office AV setups expanded, these tools didn’t grow with them, became limited, and are progressively being replaced by better options. For instance, Google Slides and it’s Google Suite integration are a significant attractant, which Microsoft hasn’t been able to compete with.

Houses of Worship

what are types of presentation software

Religious institutions are one of the largest non-business markets for presentation software, and one that was never considered when building software for the board room.

Houses of worship have unique needs that simply don’t exist in the typical business or in business presentations. There’s also significant variety in the House of Worship sector, from small gatherings of 20 people to multisite megachurches streaming presenting across campuses.

Most Houses of Worship use presentation software to project song lyrics for the congregation to, passages of Scripture, live video from remote speakers, announcement videos, and images to accompany the sermon. Since Covid, even in smaller churches it’s become more common to live stream to congregants at home, or add extra screens in-house to overflow rooms or nurseries.

For larger ministries, sending different visual feeds to different screens or areas of the facility is now a staple in design. These ministries need presentation tools that allow for high levels of customization, and support multiple outputs in multiple formats.

A common scenario for many larger houses of worship could be something like:

  • A main presentation feed for the auditorium or sanctuary.
  • Image magnification (IMAG) of the speaker for the audience.
  • A secondary “main” feed for other locations and live stream that includes video of the stage or speaker
  • A lobby feed that rotates Announcements or the live video of the service.
  • A stage screen with presentation notes, clocks, and other information.
  • Various behind-the-scenes views for the production crew or worship team.

There are also specific features needed in Houses of Worship, like access to lyrics for quick import, multiple versions of Scripture for easy access, copyright information with songs, and automation options if the band is using tracks.

Live Events

what are types of presentation software

Live events share many of the complexities as Houses of Worship – church services are a kind of live event, after all.

In live event environments, reliability is a higher priority. You only have one shot with any given audience, and you can’t have a show failing due to underpowered or unreliable software.

You’re also often dealing with higher level, pro-grade hardware in live event venues, and traveling shows may have to adapt to different hardware combinations in every new location. Solutions here need to support SDI and NDI as well as the more common HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, and possibly old-school VGA.

Visuals for live events tend to be professionally produced, relying on graphic designers rather than DIY content. So the right presentation solutions for live events are those that support every conceivable media type, including professional formats.

Last, presentations at live events are often extremely visually heavy, relying on video and animated content much more extensively. Both hardware and software must be robust enough to handle everything that’s needed—without screen tearing, visual artifacts, and with minimal latency.

Live Production & Broadcasting

what are types of presentation software

Live production and broadcast environments are some of the most strenuous and high-stakes of all. They take the “gotta get it right” nature of live events and turn up the pressure even higher.

Users are looking for features around video production as well as a slide deck. The visual content needs to look good, there might be requirements around HDR, 4K, or higher numbers of audio channels than just stereo playback, and they need presentation tools that can output multiple formats for audiences.

Of all the categories we’ve considered thus far, production and broadcasting teams need professional tools way beyond what’s used in the office. They need solutions that can broadcast main content simultaneously with lower thirds, overlays, chyrons, bugs, while powering multiple screens for the audience. Having redundant presentation machines is often a requirement, and needs expert Support that specializes in the software and uses it in the field.

Alpha/linear keying, variety of outputs, variety of formats, and various layers of upstream and downstream keys are all needed for a broadcast environment. Even if it’s the simplest use case, of a speaker with a slide deck of images, you’ll still need a software that plays nicely with your broadcast gear.

stage design with stage tv

Academics & Education

The field of education has its own set of presentation needs . Of the categories included here, the education market is the most similar to the office/business market, but there are still plenty of distinctives worth noting.

In this environment, users create much of their own content, and need easy-to-use tools with easy-to-learn interfaces. They want to be able to do a lot with their presentations but don’t want to be overwhelmed with too many choices.

Academic customers may also be looking for tools that offer free and paid plans, especially if the free tier allows students to use the tool without cost, or paid plans with support for faculty. Prezi is one example: teachers may need paid plans (and business customers certainly will), but the free tier is enough to get students creating.

Academic environments also tend to gravitate toward visually rich, engaging templates and content, with less charts and more media content. Fair Use laws are generally favorable towards showing copyrighted videos in classrooms, so you need a software that you can load a full 90 minute movie into, with the ability to play, pause, and skip around in it.

Office-oriented tools can come up short here, and it’s increasingly common to see presentation spaces like auditoriums and large lecture halls, using higher powered software like ProPresenter. This allows them to throw in any presentation assets, be they video, audio, slides, images, or full-length videos and have a high degree of control over what’s shown. As recording lectures is increasingly a thing, the ability to send content both to the projector and the recording is becoming more valuable too.

Wrapping Up

what are types of presentation software

We hope this guide to the different types of presentation software has helped you learn what’s out there and what would be best for your needs. And if you’re looking for more capabilities than you can get from your typical office presentation product, then consider ProPresenter.

Across all the use cases we covered, ProPresenter can handle every advanced feature or function we mentioned — and plenty more.

But you don’t just have to take our word for it. You can see for yourself! Download the trial now to see how ProPresenter can transform your presentations.

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    A main presentation feed for the auditorium or sanctuary. Image magnification (IMAG) of the speaker for the audience. A secondary "main" feed for other locations and live stream that includes video of the stage or speaker. A lobby feed that rotates Announcements or the live video of the service. A stage screen with presentation notes ...