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Marines often serve in a variety of special capacities, whether protecting our Nation’s embassies abroad, recruiting the next generation of United States Marines, or even serving the United States Special Operations Command as a MARSOC Raider. These duties are earned by Marines who have proven their exceptional ability to fight and win in the primary Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) .

Every Marine takes on a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for which he or she is optimally trained, but beyond these roles are the opportunities to take on special duty assignments. Many of these advanced opportunities are called “B” Billets, a designation separate from a Marine’s primary MOS. Explore these critical but atypical roles in the Corps.

Recruiting duty is a vital assignment in the Marine Corps, as it puts Marines in the position of ensuring the standards of our Corps remain high. Those Marines selected for recruiting duty carry the essential duty of screening, selecting, and preparing the next generation of Marines for the physical and mental rigors of recruit training.

Those Marines selected to serve on Drill Instructor Duty carry the essential responsibility of directly shaping the future of the Marine Corps, providing guidance, discipline, and direction for future Marines.

“These recruits are entrusted to my care. I will train them to the best of my ability. I will develop them into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Marines, thoroughly indoctrinated in love of Corps and country. I will demand of them, and demonstrate by my own example, the highest standards of personal conduct, morality and professional skill."
—Excerpt from Drill Instructor's Creed

The Marine Corps is the only military service that is entrusted with the responsibility of providing security for U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world. Marines selected for these special duty assignments will have the opportunity to serve at embassies and consulates located in various countries around the globe.

Security Force duty is among the most challenging the Corps offers, and Marines who take on this opportunity must be highly-trained in advanced security procedures. Our Nation places special trusts in these Marines, as they are assigned the responsibility of maintaining a worldwide presence, guarding and protecting key naval assets and special strategic weapons.


Ready to stand on the frontline of any battle, the Marine Raiders of MARSOC are built up in their Corps ethos, warfighting philosophy and values and represent the Marine Corps contribution to the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Two of the prominent roles within the Marine Raider community include Critical Skills Operators, who support the full spectrum of special operations on a global scale, and Special Operations Capability Specialists, who provide combat support expertise in intelligence, fire support, communications, EOD, and canine operations.

Gain direct access to a Marine Recruiter who has fought alongside Marines and is prepared to show you how to become one.

One doesn't consider an endeavor of this magnitude without having questions. Here are some of the most common.


It takes many different roles to win our Nation’s collective fight. These are the many ways in which optimally trained Marines take part in a common moral cause.

This is the organizational structure that ensures remain ready to fight and win for our Nation all over the globe.

Reserve Marines are ready to supplement Marine active-duty forces when called upon, providing our Nation with a balanced, prepared force to win its battles.



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"it's your career take control of it before someone else does.".

special mandatory assignment

Special Duty Assignments

Performing Special Duty assignments is not only career enhancing, but also gives self-satisfaction while serving Soldiers. The following PDF explains some of the Special Duty assignments available for Soldiers.


**Special assignments include special management command and joint, HQDA, and HRC assignments that have special missions and require personnel with specific qualifications. Soldiers assigned to these positions will be stabilized for a period of 36 months. However, HRC may reassign Soldiers with less than 36 months in accordance with paragraph 3– 8 a (10). This section establishes policies for assignments to the following agencies:

a.  International and OCONUS Joint headquarters, U.S. military missions, military assistance advisory groups, Joint U.S. military advisory groups, and similar activities. b.  The U.S. Central Command. c.  Headquarters, Department of the Army and HRC. d.  The U.S. Disciplinary Barracks. e.  The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command. f.  Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and field activities. g.  Defense Courier Service. h.  The U.S. Criminal Investigation Command. i.  The U.S. Transportation Command. j.  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). k.  The U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, U.S. Army War College, and U.S. Army Officer Candidate School. l.  Joint communications support element. m.  U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC).

**All personnel actions pertaining to nominative assignments are processed by HRC (AHRC–EPD). The normal tour of duty for these assignments is 3 to 4 years, unless otherwise specified by the individual agency. Soldiers assigned to these agencies are contact replacements requested by the appropriate agency approximately 9 to 12 months in advance of the incumbent’s scheduled rotation date. Stringent screening processes exist to ensure that only the most highly qualified Soldiers are selected for nominative posi- tions at the following agencies:

a.  Office, Secretary of Defense. b.  Joint Staff. c.  Defense Commissary Agency. d.  Defense Finance and Accounting Service.  e.  Defense Information Systems Agency. f.  Defense Nuclear Agency. g.  Defense Logistics Agency. h.  Defense Intelligence Agency. i.  Defense Mapping Agency. j.  On-Site Inspection Agency. k.  Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. l.  U.S. Delegation NATO Military Committee. m.  Immediate Offices-Office, Secretary of the Army. n.  Office, Army Chief of Staff. o.  Military Personnel Exchange Program (AR 614–10). p.  Offices of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army.

**Special Operations Forces (SOF) assignments require Soldiers able to excel in the performance of their duties in highly complex and dynamic environments throughout the full spectrum of modern warfare and peacetime missions. The nature of SOF missions requires a high state of readiness, therefore, Soldiers will be assigned on a priority basis. Stringent screen- ing processes exist to ensure that only the highest quality Soldiers are accepted and assigned. Soldiers who desire to apply for duty or assignment may do so without regard to current assignment. Only fully qualified Soldiers will be accepted for duty in the following assignments:

a.  Special Forces positions. b.  Civil Affairs positions. c.  Psychological operations positions. d.  U.S. Army Special Operations Command Operational Support and/or Force Sustainment positions.  e.  75th Ranger Regiment positions. f.  Special mission units’ positions. g.  160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment positions. h.  U.S. Special Operations Command positions.

Reference for above can be found in: AR 614-200

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Special Assignments

Special assignments shall be based upon operational needs and must be approved by the Chief of Police or designee. DEFINITION

A “special assignment” is defined as a provisional assignment for an employee to fulfill an operational need. The special assignment may be located within the element or in another element other than where the employee is officially assigned. A special assignment differs from a temporary assignment in that the duties required of an employee on special assignment are within the employee’s official position classification and the assignment does not require additional compensation. ESTABLISHING AN INTERELEMENT SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT

A. The element receiving the employee on special assignment shall initiate and submit a request to the respective assistant chief, via the chain of command, for review and approval.

B. The request shall include the following:

1. A justification for the special assignment;

2. A description of the duties to be performed; and

3. The length of time for the special assignment.

C. Upon agreement between the element commanders, the employee may be placed temporarily on special assignment, pending the final approval of the respective assistant chiefs.

D. The respective assistant chiefs shall review the circumstances and make the determination to authorize a special assignment. ESTABLISHING AN INTRAELEMENT SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT

The element commander shall have the authority to establish and approve special assignments within the element.


A. A special assignment shall not exceed one year.

B. The Chief of Police may extend or terminate a special assignment at any time.


The element receiving the special assignment employee shall be responsible for supervising the employee and complying with this policy.


A. The element commander shall submit a written report documenting all interelement special assignments to the Human Resources Division (HRD). This report shall be submitted to the HRD by January 15 and July 15 of each year.

B. The report shall contain the following information:

1. A list of the interelement special assignments.

2. A statement of purpose for each special assignment;

3. An evaluation of the initial problem or condition that required the implementation of the special assignment; and

4. A recommendation in order to ascertain whether the special assignment is still necessary.

C. The HRD shall create a master report for the Chief of Police by February 5 and August 5 of each year.


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  1. Fresh Start Initiative Guidance to Guaranty Agencies (GAs)

    Borrowers who defaulted on or after March 13, 2020, and before the cessation of the pandemic payment pause, are still subject to special mandatory assignment in accordance with GEN 21-03. Borrowers who default after the pandemic payment pause will not be eligible for the Fresh Start initiative and will be subject to collections in accordance ...

  2. PDF Special Duty Assignment Category (SPECAT) Guide

    and EQUAL-Plus positions does not provide the unit with assignment authority or direct it to be manned at 100%. AFPC is the only authorized assignment authority for SMSgt and below IAW DAFI 36-2110. 5.2. The SPECAT entries are those special duties and positions that meet the criteria in DAFI 36-2110 and this PSD Guide and approved by AFPC/DP3AM.


    of assignment, utilizing the appropriate AEA code. AR 614-200, 6-5. The Technical Escort Training Program Chemical Operations Specialist assigned to CONUS based Weapons of Mass Destruction Program and the Technical Escort Program must have 48 months TOS remaining upon assignment and will be stabilized for a period not to exceed 48 months TOS.

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    Assignment and Special Duty Pays, page 32 Entitlement provisions • 9 - 1, page 32 Required documentation • 9 - 2, page 32 Payment • 9 - 3, page 33 Quadrennial special pay review • 9 - 4, page 33 Quadrennial special pay review board • 9 - 5, page 34 Assignment incentive pay • 9 - 6, page 34 Special duty assignment pay ...

  6. PDF Volume 7A, Chapter 8

    1.1 Purpose. Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) is awarded to Service members for the performance of duty in an assignment, location, or unit designated, where the assigned duties are determined to be extremely demanding, involving an unusual degree of responsibility or difficulty, or requiring special qualifications.


    3. Have completed any special schooling or on-the-job training (OJT) required for the special duty assignment/specialty [Note: OJT has to be at least as long as the school's course of instruction and must result in the member being fully qualifiedfor the assignment/specialty]; 4.

  8. Special Duties & Other Assignments

    Every Marine takes on a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for which he or she is optimally trained, but beyond these roles are the opportunities to take on special duty assignments. Many of these advanced opportunities are called "B" Billets, a designation separate from a Marine's primary MOS. Explore these critical but atypical roles ...

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  10. Special Duty Assignments

    Only fully qualified Soldiers will be accepted for duty in the following assignments: a. Special Forces positions. b. Civil Affairs positions. c. Psychological operations positions. d. U.S. Army Special Operations Command Operational Support and/or Force Sustainment positions. e. 75th Ranger Regiment positions.

  11. PDF By Order of The Department of The Air Force Secretary of The Air ...

    TOTAL FORCE ASSIGNMENTS COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering. RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication. OPR: AF/A1P Certified by: SAF/MR

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    • An Army Officer Supplementary Review is required for Rating Chains that do not include an Army Officer • Future Operational and Broadening Assignment Recommendations - use DA PAM 600-3 (PAM 600-4 for AMEDD) - listed by job titles, separated by commas, no narratives • Support form is mandatory for WO1-COL

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    Assignment (law) Assignment[ a] is a legal term used in the context of the laws of contract and of property. In both instances, assignment is the process whereby a person, the assignor, transfers rights or benefits to another, the assignee. [ 1] An assignment may not transfer a duty, burden or detriment without the express agreement of the ...

  14. IPPS-A Update: PCS Updates, Assignment Errors and Solutions, HR Pro

    Adjusting the assignment start date instead of using the in-transit grid will cause the absence request to be out of sync with the assignment, and makes the in-transit grid unusable. You must manually adjust the absence requests before arriving the Soldier. Assignment Errors and Solutions Early Report.

  15. New special-duty assignment process under way

    RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Enlisted assignments division officials at the Air Force Personnel Center here unveiled a new assignment process to account for many special-duty jobs now being coded as maximum tour assignments in the continental United States. The new process, starting in mid-April, is called the CONUS Mandatory Mover ...

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    usasoc soldiers assigned to special mission units are authorized sd-2, sd-3, sd-4, sd-5, or sd-6, based on position requirement. air traffic controll ers (primary mos 15q) are authorized sd-2, based on key positions of assignment. 9. the army authorizes payment of sdap for the following special duty assignments with modifications:

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    Once "regular" mandatory assignments resume, the Department will again exercise its discretion in 34 CFR 682.409(c)(6) to permit assignment of loans to the Department without the documentation that is typically required. If the GA has received a claim on a loan from the lender and has paid the claim but has not yet submitted the request for ...

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    FBI special agents have a mandatory retirement age of 57. In order to achieve the required 20 years of service for retirement, special agents must enter on ... BFTC and assignment to their first field offices, new special agents will be paid at the GL-10 pay level, plus the locality pay that applies to their first ...

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    To check your eligibility for a special assignment, review the Military Assignments and Authorized Absences manual (Article 1.E.2, and specific programs listed). Each program will release an announcement and information sheet to their specific portal page (CAC required) which highlights eligibility requirements, application procedures, and ...

  21. Mandatory Special Assignments Sample Clauses

    Sample Clauses. Mandatory Special Assignments. Employees will be paid for 16 mandatory special assignments at the overtime rate for not less than two (2) hours. 18 Section 4. Required Meetings or Conferences - Employees required to attend 19 conferences or meetings after their regularly scheduled working hours will be paid at 20 their regular ...

  22. Special Assignments

    A "special assignment" is defined as a. provisional assignment for an employee. to fulfill an operational need. The. special assignment may be located within. the element or in another element other. than where the employee is officially assigned. A special assignment differs from a temporary.

  23. PDF Special Duty Assignment Pay SOP

    Special Duty Assignment Pay SOP. For links outside of this document right click, select "Copy link location", paste into address bar of browser. Role Link's: ... Specialist, or other senior designated pay/personnel service representative properly authorized will be required to audit NSIPS transactions and

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    The INARNG is accepting applications for the following vacancy (Traditional): Unit and UIC: HHT, 1-152 Cavalry Location: 2909 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150 Position # 03005019 MOS: E11Z Preferred Qualities / Qualifications (if applicable): n/a Special Considerations (if applicable): n/a Who may apply: Any E7/E8 on the current INARNG State First Sergeant Best Qualified (BQ) list. Any ...