awareness raising

Fertile soils contribute to food security, good yields for farmers and economic development for the countries

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Fertile soils are able to produce healthy food with all the necessary nutrients for a healthy person

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Soil fertility is the ability of a soil to sustain plant growth, by providing essential plant nutrients and favorable chemical, physical, and biological characteristics as a habitat for plant growth

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Inappropriate soil fertility management can lead to adverse risks in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and contamination of soils and waterways

Soil fertility.

Soil fertility is the ability of a soil to sustain plant growth by providing essential plant nutrients and favorable chemical, physical, and biological characteristics as a habitat for plant growth. Plant nutrients include the macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Micronutrients are essentially boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Fertilizers are chemical or natural substance or material that is used to provide nutrients to plants, usually via application to the soil, but also to foliage or through water in rice systems, fertigation or hydroponics or aquaculture operations. Nutrient sources include chemical and mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, such as livestock manures and composts, and sources of recycled nutrients.

The impacts of soil fertility are reflected in most of the Sustainable Development Goals, as they contain economic, social and environmental aspects . The main function provided by a fertile soil is the provision of food, which is very important considering FAO’s Zero hunger objective . A fertile soil also provides essential nutrients for plant growth, to produce healthy food with all the necessary nutrients needed for human health. Moreover, fertility has an impact on activities with an economic impact and is therefore related to economic growth and the fight against poverty . Finally, good management of soil fertility can help reduce soil, water and air pollution, regulate water resources availability, support a diverse and active biotic community, increase vegetation cover and allows for carbon neutral footprint.

Soil fertility is crucial for agricultural productivity and therefore for food security. It can be maintained or increased through several management practices. Farmers can improve soil fertility and soil health by optimizing soil nutrient management in terms of maximizing net returns, minimizing the soil nutrients depletion, and minimizing nutrient losses or negative impacts on the environment. Governments should promote sustainable agricultural practices, technologies and management in order to improve soil fertility and nutrient management as a whole, such as Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) and Sustainable Soil Management (SSM). The International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers promotes practices including nutrient recycling, and agronomic and land management to improve soil health; it recommends regulation related to the sale, distribution and labelling of fertilizer products, wherever appropriate. It also promotes capacity development and education programmes for all stakeholders involved in the fertilizer value chain, and encourages developed countries to assist others in developing infrastructures and capacity to manage fertilizers throughout their life cycle.

Latest stories

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Soils4Nutrition project implementation

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture is a food-based approach to agricultural development that puts nutritionally rich foods, dietary diversity, and food fortification at the heart of overcoming malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies.

gsoc17 Implementation

Innovation in understanding soils

Soil: it grows the food that nourishes us, provides us with space we live on and even helps protect and control our climate. But unfortunately, soils are under pressure.

Available tools


Technical guidelines on soils for nutrition

Sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive

These technical guidelines outline the role that soil health plays in the nutritional quality of food and provide soil management recommendations to increase the supply of micronutrients to the food chain.

Fertlizers' Code

Fertilizers' Code implementation

Fertilizers' use and management

The Code promotes nutrient recycling, agronomic and land management to improve soil health; recommends regulation related to the sale, distribution and labelling of fertilizers.

Soil Doctors

Global Soil Doctors programme

A Farmer-to-farmer training initiative

The programme provides champion farmers with trainings, educational material and soil testing kits to build capacity on soil science and promote sustainable soil management.


Farmers' Compost Handbook

A practical guide to composting

Composting reduces pollution, reuses organic waste, reduces the cost of fertilizers and agricultural production inputs and especially returns to soil the nutrients taken to produce food.

Programmes and projects

SSM for Africa

Capacity Development on Sustainable Soil Fertility Management

The Government of China supports sustainable soil fertility management

The objective is to strengthen national capacities on soil fertility management, including appropriate fertilization and laboratory analysis of soils and fertilizers, to improve food security through increased agricultural productivity.

German project

Soil4Nutrition agriculture

The Government of Germany supports the “Soils for Nutrition” project

The scope of the project is the implementation of sustainable soil management practices to improve the nutritional quality of locally-produced food and address micronutrient deficiencies in plants and people.

Pilot project Malawi

Economic evaluation of soil and nutrient loss in Malawi

FAO/GSP-UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment initiative

The project analysed the economic impact of both soil and soil nutrient loss in Malawi with new data on erosion and nutrients loss collected through field surveys, merged with detailed climatic data and socio-economic information.

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Discover the International Network on Fertilizer Analysis (INFA)!

The International Network on Fertilizer Analysis (INFA ) was established in December 2020 to build and strengthen the capacity of laboratories in fertilizer analysis laboratories and improve quality standards.  INFA operates under the  Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) . It was set up in response to requests from GLOSOLAN members and partners to harmonize fertilizer analysis methods, and in relation to the implementation of the  International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers  [Read more ]

Global Symposium on Soil Fertility

Global Symposium on Soil Fertility

International science-policy meeting to be held at FAO headquarters from 26-29 July.

Webinar Fertilizers Code

Webinar on the Fertilizers' Code implementation

Tools and practices explained in a virtual meeting with the experts.


Technical workshops on nutrition-sensitive agriculture

Sustainable soil management meetings planned for May 2021

Science and Innovation Forum

Science and Innovation Forum

World Food Forum 2022 | Innovations in soil and plant nutrient management | 20 October 2022, FAO headquarters

Communication material

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Where food begins

Healthy soils not only are the foundation for food, fuel, fibre and medical products, but they are also playing a key role in the carbon cycle, storing and filtering water, and improving resilience to floods and droughts.

French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:  Hungarian | German

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Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition

Science-policy meeting organized by FAO, Global Soil Partnership and the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils. It will be held on 26-29 July 2022 in a virtual format.

Available in: EN | FR | ES | AR | RU | ZH

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Photo contest #Soils4Nutrition

Photo contest organized in the framework of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition.

Available in: English

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Soils and nutrients

Soils form, store, transform, and recycle the nutrients we all need to survive.

Download the English card here

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Healthy soils grows 95% of our food

The planet survives only thanks to a few cm of healthy soil that grows 95% of our food.

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Soil fertility is...

Soil fertility is the ability to sustain plant growth by providing essential plant nutrients and favorable chemical, physical and biological characteristics.

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Healthy soils and the nutrient cycle

Healthy soils are the basis to produce sufficient, safe and nutritious food. When the natural nutrient cycle is not optimized, fertilizers need to be added to soils.

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Healthy soils and their supply of chemical elements

There are 92 naturally occurring chemical elements. Eighteen are essential to plants and 15 of them are supplied by soils.

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The challenge of nutrient balance

A judicious use and management of fertilizers is essential to soil health and food security. 

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Hidden hunger

Hidden hunger affects over 2 billion people worldwide.

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The Fertilizer Code

The Fertilizer Code addresses the judicious use and management of fertilizers to prevent their underuse, misuse and overuse. 

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Six actions to prevent and reverse nutrient imbalances

Six actions to prevent and reverse nutrient imbalances: 1) Use fertilizers judiciously; 2) Promote nutrient measuring and mapping; 3) Enhance technical support to farmers; 4) Promote crop diversification and pulses; 5) Promote long-term sustainable soil management practices; and 6) Use adequately micronutrients.

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Bring back nutrients to soils

Soils are reservoir of valuable and renewable elements.

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Six actions for farmers to fight nutrient imbalance

Six actions for farmers to fight nutrient imbalance: 1) Assess nutrients need in plants and soils; 2) Maintain a balanced soil pH and include crop rotation; 3) Promote nutrient recycling; 4) Avoid soil compaction and reduce tillage; 5) Protect soil biodiversity and enhance extension services; 6) Control fertilizers quality.

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Soils and the SDGs

To what extent are soils related to the Sustainable Development Goals? Discover more.

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The 10th anniversary of the Global Soil Partnership

Celebrate with us the important achievements of the past decade of action!

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Soil,  an essential ingredient to healthy food and nutrition

Our soils are by nature linked to the micronutrient content of our food production. The poster shows how to reverse the increasing trend of nutrient depleted soil by adopting sustainable soil management practices.

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Other languages:  Turkish  | German | Georgian | Italian

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Posters and postcards

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Featured Soil Doctors publications

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Featured Malawi publications

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Selected publications

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Protocol for the assessment of Sustainable Soil Management

Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture

Soil and pulses: Symbiosis for life

Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management

Status of the World's Soil Resources

World Soil Charter

GSP website

Soils Portal

World Soil Day  

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Soil Fertility: Factors Affecting Soil Fertility, and Biodiversity Responsible for Soil Fertility

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Nutrient enriched soil is termed as “fertile”. A fertile soil maybe natural or inherent and it can be acquired by artificial fertilizers or manures. Fertility of soil can be affected by physical, chemical or biological factors ultimately having an impact on plant growth. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur as well as carbon etc. are not taken up by plants as it is but they have to be converted into their standard forms with help of microbes and nutrient cycling. Effective management of soil nutrients is essential as it forms the basis of human existence. Fertilization supplements the soil with additional nutrients and improves soil quality, yield and profits. Soil animals play a vital part in soil structure creation by producing channels and pores, concentrating tiny soil particles into aggregates, and fragmenting and mixing organic substances throughout the soil. A positive relation between biodiversity of plants and soil fertility is observed. This relation varies according to habitats, and biotic and abiotic factors. Soil fertility is crucial for agricultural productivity sustainability. Effective soil management is implemented to ensure high productivity for economic viability and maintenance of soil fertility.

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Historical background of soil fertility management 6 Table1. Changes in tropical soil fertility management paradigms over the past five decades 9 1.2 Principles of soil fertility management and plant nutrition 9 1.3 Soil fertility and soil productivity 10 1.4 Policies for Effective Plant Nutrition 11 CHAPTER 2: SOIL FERTILITY AND FOOD PRODUCTION 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.1. Soils as a Basis for Food Production 14 2.2 Role of Soil Fertility in Food Production 15 2.3 Soil Fertility Degradation and Food Production 15 How can we mitigate soil degradation? 17 2.4 Management Techniques for Sustainable Food Production 18 2.4.1 Managing soil nutrients 19 2.4.2 Managing soil physical conditions 20 2.4.3 Soil Moisture/water management 20 2.4.4 Plant nutrient balance 21 2.4.5 Amendments for soil fertility maintenance 22 COMMON TYPES OF SOIL AMENDMENTS 22

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Improving Soil Fertility

Soil fertility is the ability of soil to sustain plant growth and optimize crop yield. This can be enhanced through organic and inorganic fertilizers to the soil. Nuclear techniques provide data that enhances soil fertility and crop production while minimizing the environmental impact.

Advancing food security and environmental sustainability in farming systems requires an integrated soil fertility management approach that maximizes crop production while minimizing the mining of soil nutrient reserves and the degradation of the physical and chemical properties of soil that can lead to land degradation, including soil erosion. Such soil fertility management practices include the use of fertilizers, organic inputs, crop rotation with legumes and the use of improved germplasm, combined with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local conditions.

The Joint FAO/IAEA Division assists Member States in developing and adopting nuclear-based technologies for improving soil fertility practices, thereby supporting the intensification of crop production and the preservation of natural resources.

Different approaches to efficiently manage soil fertility

An integrated soil fertility management aims at maximizing the efficiency of the agronomic use of nutrients and improving crop productivity. This can be achieved through the use of grain legumes, which enhance soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation, and the application of chemical fertilizers.

Whether grown as pulses for grain, as green manure, as pastures or as the tree components of agro-forestry systems, a key value of leguminous crops lies in their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, which helps reduce the use of commercial nitrogen fertilizer and enhances soil fertility. Nitrogen-fixing legumes are the basis for sustainable farming systems that incorporate integrated nutrient management. Use of nitrogen-15 lends understanding of the dynamics and interactions between various pools in agricultural systems, including nitrogen fixation by legumes and utilization of soil and fertilizer nitrogen by crops, both in sole and mixed cropping systems.

Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic matter to the soil, which leads to improved soil structure and promotes a healthy, fertile soil; by using green manure or growing legumes to fix nitrogen from the air through the process of biological nitrogen fixation; by micro-dose fertilizer applications, to replenish losses through plant uptake and other processes; and by minimizing losses through leaching below the crop rooting zone by improved water and nutrient application.

The contribution of nuclear and isotopic techniques

The isotopes of nitrogen-15 and phosphorous-32 are used to trace the movements of labelled nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers in soils, crops and water, providing quantitative data on the efficiency of use, movement, residual effects and transformation of these fertilizers. Such information is valuable in the design of improved fertilizer application strategies. The nitrogen-15 isotopic technique is also used to quantify the amount of nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere through biological nitrogen fixation by leguminous crops.

The carbon-13 isotope signature helps quantify crop residue incorporation for soil stabilization and fertility enhancement. This technique can also assess the effects of conservation measures, such as crop residue incorporation on soil moisture and soil quality. This information allows the identification of the origin and relative contribution of different types of crops to soil organic matter.

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The Oxford Handbook of Agricultural History

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The Oxford Handbook of Agricultural History

2 Soil Fertility

Laurie E. Drinkwater is Professor in the School of Integrative Plant Science-Horticulture Section at Cornell University. Her research program aims to reverse soil degradation trends and restore soil health and ecological integrity in agroecosystems. She has authored numerous articles on agroecology, biogeochemistry, and nutrient management including Nutrients in Agriculture: Rethinking the Management Paradigm .

  • Published: 21 March 2024
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This chapter considers how soil fertility management systems have evolved during the most recent era, beginning with the transition to the Green Revolution, industrial agriculture, and continuing to the present day when the sustainability of food production systems is viewed as a grand challenge facing humanity. The evolution of soil fertility research and practice is discussed in terms of implications for the challenges farmers face in managing soil resources sustainably while maintaining crop yields and conserving natural resources and biodiversity. The overarching frameworks guiding synthetic fertilizer management, soil health, and ecological nutrient management are discussed, as well as the barriers farmers face in adopting innovative management systems that would increase sustainability and human well-being.

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A plum orchid planted in dry soil as a result of drought.

The Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion, and How to Prevent It

  • restoration
  • agriculture
  • food security

Soil erosion is agriculture’s enemy: a major environmental threat to sustainability and productivity with knock-on effects on the climate crisis and food security.  

This is particularly true for places with the highest risk of erosion , such as watersheds in Indonesia, India, the Philippines and more. In these areas, protecting against soil erosion through sustainable land management can solve a multitude of problems.

Here’s a deeper look at the causes and solutions to soil erosion:

Why Is Soil Erosion Such a Big Problem?

Soil is a natural resource that may look robust and endless, but is in fact the fragile product of thousands of years of formation. Topsoil, which lies closest to the surface of the land, contains essential nutrients for crops. It is this layer of soil that is endangered by wind and water erosion. Soil erosion decreases soil fertility, which can negatively affect crop yields. It also sends soil-laden water downstream, which can create heavy layers of sediment that prevent streams and rivers from flowing smoothly and can eventually lead to flooding. Once soil erosion occurs, it is more likely to happen again.

This is a global problem. Soil is eroding more quickly than it is being formed, causing land to become unsuitable for agriculture – a particularly serious concern in a world where the population is expected to top 9 billion by midcentury. Smarter land management is a necessity.

How Does Soil Erosion Affect Climate Change?

Erosion degrades land, which means it can support fewer plants that can take in climate-warming carbon dioxide. Soils themselves could potentially sequester enough greenhouse gases in a year to equal about 5% of all annual human-made GHG emissions. Better land management can help keep soils intact so they can grow more carbon-sucking vegetation. This is already happening in China, where the Grain-for-Green project in the Yellow River basin conserved soil and water and reduced carbon emissions.     

On the flip side, unchecked climate change can worsen erosion. A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that when cultivated without conservation practices, soil is currently eroding up to 100 times quicker than it’s forming.  The risk of erosion will become even higher in the future due to emissions-driven temperature changes, with resulting decreases in agricultural production, land value and human health.

What Are the Impacts of Soil Erosion?

We’re already seeing the risks of soil erosion play out around the world. Jakarta’s deadly floods earlier this year are a prime example. Eroded sediments from further upstream clogged Jakarta’s rivers and canals, causing them to overflow. Similar erosion-related floods have occurred in many other countries, such as Colombia , India , the Philippines and Democratic Republic of the Congo .

Soil erosion is not only an environmental issue; it also causes huge losses to the economy. One  study  estimated global economic losses from soil erosion to be around $8 billion, due to reduced soil fertility, decreased crop yields and increased water usage. In Java, Indonesia, soil erosion is responsible for a 2% loss in total agricultural GDP , taking into account the losses farmers face directly and the losses others face downstream. Another study showed that soil erosion in Sleman, a district located in Java, costs 17% of an average farmer’s net income per hectare of agricultural land.

The U.S. agricultural sector loses about $44 billion per year from erosion. This value includes lost productivity, along with sedimentation and water pollution. Lost farm income is estimated at $100 million per year. Soil erosion also costs European countries $1.38 billion in annual agricultural productivity losses and $171 million in lost GDP (about 1% of total GDP). South Asia loses $10 billion annually thanks to soil erosion.

What Solutions Exist to Prevent Soil Erosion?

1. use soil-friendly agricultural practices.

Terraced farming needs to be implemented to make hillside agriculture manageable. Terraces prevent erosion and allow more water to flow to crops. In addition, hillside farm fields need full crop cover to help keep the soil in place. This can be accomplished by intercropping, which means growing two crops together in the same field, such as planting rows of maize or soybean between rows of oil palm trees. For smallholders, agroforestry systems where a diverse set of crops, including trees, are grown together can be effective. Access to manure improves the organic matter of the soil, which inhibits erosion. Finally, alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted crops improves soil structure and reduces erosion at the same time.

2. Offer Incentives for Land Management

Although the science of sustainable land management has been gaining support, the socio-economic context often makes implementation difficult. Sustainable land practices need to be financially viable for farmers. Anti-erosion measures have a median cost of $500 per hectare , a considerable investment for a farmer. Governments and banks must help farmers get access to credit and support in implementing erosion prevention. This is not only a good deal for the farmer, but for the whole community. The cost of erosion prevention is far lower than the price of land restoration and rehabilitation, which one source estimated to be around $1,500–$2,000 per hectare . Another source found it could reach $15,221 per hectare.

3. Prevention AND Rehabilitation

The key to managing and reducing soil erosion is to rehabilitate already-damaged land , stop further degradation and put erosion-preventative measures at the core of land management policy. In this way, we can help prevent hunger and mitigate the climate crisis.

To learn more about WRI's work restoring eroded soils, click here .

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National Forage & Grasslands Curriculum

  • Description
  • Core Group of Developers
  • Regional Advisors Group
  • Topic Experts Group of Developers
  • Lesson Template
  • Instructor Materials: Assessments: Prerequisite Test
  • Production Process
  • Learner Survey
  • Prerequisite Test
  • Testing Rationale
  • Writing Evaluation
  • Pretest - Introduction
  • Instructional Objectives
  • Define forages and differentiate between forage types.
  • Explain how forages have been and are essential to civilization.
  • Summarize the history of forages.
  • Define grassland agriculture. Discuss a typical grassland ecosystem.
  • Define sustainable agriculture and discuss how forages are a key component.
  • List several grassland organizations and describe their role in promoting forages and grassland agriculture.
  • Pretest - World Grasslands
  • Define and describe the natural grasslands of the world.
  • Locate and describe the tropical grasslands and their forages.
  • Locate and describe the temperate grasslands and their forages.
  • Important issues affecting grasslands and their forages.
  • Pretest - U.S. Grasslands
  • Describe the role of forages in the history of the US.
  • Describe the current role of forages in US agriculture.
  • Discuss regional forage production.
  • Discuss forages from a livestock perspective.
  • Discuss the environmental benefits of forages.
  • Discuss the possible future role of forages in the US.
  • Pretest - Grasses
  • Grasses are very common but very important.
  • Differentiate warm-season from cool-season grasses.
  • Summarize the distinctive physical characteristics of grasses
  • Describe the utilization of grass in forage-livestock systems.
  • Describe how knowledge of grass regrowth is beneficial to forage managers.
  • Provide specific information about the common grasses used as forage
  • Pretest - Legumes
  • Legumes are a valuable part of forage production.
  • Differentiate warm-season from cool-season legumes.
  • Summarize the distinctive physical characteristics of legumes.
  • Define the utilization of legumes in forage-livestock systems.
  • Provide specific information about the common legumes used as forage.
  • Pretest - Plant Identification
  • Explain the reasons why forage plant identification is important.
  • Describe the major differences between the plant families used as forages.
  • Provide the vocabulary needed to identify grasses.
  • Provide the basic vocabulary for identifying legumes.
  • Identify common species of forage.
  • Provide practice in identifying common forages.
  • Pretest - Forage Selection
  • The selection of a forage plant is crucial.
  • Determine limitations to forage selection.
  • Forage selection requires an understanding of species and cultivars.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of selecting mixtures.
  • A model for forage selection
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pasture establishment
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pasture renovation.
  • Discuss the steps in seedbed preparation.
  • Discuss the considerations of seed quality.
  • Discuss the methods and timing of seeding.
  • Discuss the purpose and wise utilization of companion crops.
  • Define the term weed.
  • Explain why producers and the public should be concerned about weeds.
  • Describe several ways in which weeds cause forage crop and animal production losses.
  • Describe methods in determining quality
  • List several poisonous plants found on croplands, pasturelands, rangelands, and forests.
  • Describe the five general categories of weed control methods.
  • Describe the concept of Integrated Pest Management and how it applies to weed control.
  • Distinguish between selective and non-selective herbicides and give an example of each.
  • Describe how weeds are categorized by life cycle and how this is correlated with specific control methods.
  • Describe conditions that tend to favor weed problems in pastures and describe how to alleviate these conditions.
  • Describe several common weed control practices in alfalfa production.
  • List printed and electronic sources of weed control information.
  • List local, regional, and national sources of weed control information.
  • Discuss the basics of grass growth.
  • Describe the impact of defoliation on grass plants.
  • Discuss how grasses regrow.
  • Discuss how livestock interaction impacts grass growth.
  • Discuss grass growth in mixed stands.
  • Discuss the practical applications of regrowth mechanisms.

Discuss the importance of soil fertility and the appropriate use of fertilization.

  • Define and discuss the nitrogen cycle.
  • Discuss the major elements needed for good soil fertility and plant growth.
  • Define and discuss micronutrients.
  • Discuss the uses and methods of liming.
  • Discuss fertilizer management for mixed stands.
  • Define biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and explain its importance.
  • Describe the benefits of BNF in economic and environmental terms.
  • Estimate the amount of BNF that is contributed by various crops.
  • List and discuss factors that affect the quantity of nitrogen fixed.
  • Describe the processes of infection and nodulation in forage legumes.
  • Describe the process of inoculation in the production of forage legumes.
  • Discuss the role of grazing in a pasture-livestock system.
  • List and discuss the types of grazing.
  • Compare and contrast the different types of grazing.
  • Discuss the livestock dynamics on pastures and grazing.
  • Discuss the utilization of a yearly grazing calendar.
  • Discuss the purpose for mechanically harvested forages.
  • List the characteristics of good hay and the steps needed to make it.
  • Determine the characteristics of good silage and the steps in producing it.
  • Discuss the potential dangers in mechanically harvesting and storing forages.
  • Compare and contrast the types of storage and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  • Describe the importance of irrigation in producing forages.
  • Describe major types of irrigation systems in US forage production.
  • List and discuss factors that affect irrigation efficiency.
  • Describe basic principles of scheduling irrigation for efficient use of water resources.
  • Describe potential problems that may arise from the use of irrigation in forages.
  • Define forage quality and management decisions that increase forage quality.
  • Describe important factors that determine hay and silage quality.
  • Discuss components of forage
  • Define and discuss antiquality factors affecting animal health
  • Discuss the need for and progress towards standards in national forage testing
  • Discuss the history of forage breeding in the United States
  • Discuss the philosophy of why new plant cultivars are needed
  • Discuss the objectives of forage plant breeding
  • Discuss the process of creating a new cultivar
  • Discuss the steps in maintaining and producing new cultivars
  • Compare and contrast plant breeding in the US and Europe
  • Define a livestock system and their importance
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Most of the time, the average person treats the soil "like dirt". A wise farmer/rancher will care for the soil because he knows that man is dependent on the top 6 inches (15.2 centimeters) of soil. In the plant-animal-soil continuum, soil is often neglected because it does not indicate stress in an obvious way. Animals and plants show physical symptoms but the soil must be looked at more carefully to monitor good health.

Soil that is rich in nutrients is fertile. The expectation of growing plants as food for livestock must include the reality that plants will take nutrients out of the soil. Replacing nutrients is the basic goal of fertilization. Improper fertilization in the past has caused controversy, but the basic premise of fertilization is to replenish the soil.

Soils feed the plants which in turn feed the animals that feed us. Including soil in this important chain will help guarantee its success. Soil provides the support or foundation for plants and most of the nutrients. Soil is accumulated decomposing plant and animal matter with aging parent material. As the soil components break down, elements are released and become available to plants as nutrients. However, naturally this process takes a long time and the soil will only be a result of the parent material, climate, those living organisms once living there, topography, and time. So what is made available to a plant at a certain time may not be exactly what a growing plant needs. Fertilization is supplementing the existing soil with additional, needed nutrients. Fertilizing wisely increases yield, quality (nitrogen content and digestibility), and profits.

There are three basic ways to replenish the nutrients removed from the soil. One way is to recycle nutrients, mainly by way of animal waste. This is a crucial method when discussing pastures. Another way to replenish soils is to obtain and apply fertilizer. And the third way is through microbial action such as nitrogen fixation. Forage-livestock producers should understand and utilize all three for maximum fertility with minimum cost and environmental damage.

Fertilization is an important issue because it is needed in order to produce enough food for the increasing population from the decreasing cultivated land, but too much or inappropriate use can be detrimental to the environment. Part of the debates about fertilizers discuss "man-made" or "chemical" fertilizers as compared to "organic farming". There are many misconceptions about all three terms. This module will look at the various aspects of fertilization so a broader understanding will lead to better fertilization and results.

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Phosphorus deficiency

Soil scientists that focus on soil fertility are interested in managing nutrients to improve crop production. They focus on using commercial fertilizers, manures, waste products, and composts to add nutrients and organic matter to the soil. Sometime they also add chemicals that change the pH to a more optimum level for nutrient availability to plants. Soil fertility experts must also be careful to ensure that practices are environmentally sustainable. Inappropriate management of nutrients can lead to contamination of lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.  In addition, adding amendments to the soil is expensive and cuts into the profitability of farming operations, not to mention that toxic levels of nutrients can be as bad as or worse than too little nutrients for the plants.

Nutrient Deficiencies

soil pH and plants

There are 17 essential plant nutrients, three come from air and water (carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen) and 14 come from the soil.  The table below describes the essential and beneficial elements obtained from the soil.  Macronutrients are needed in high quantity, micronutrients are needed in small amounts, and beneficial elements are essential or beneficial to some plants, but not all.











Protein and enzyme component

General yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, often older leaves affected first.




Membranes, energy, DNA

Difficult to visualize until severe. Dwarfed or stunted plants. Older leaves turn dark green or reddish-purple.




Osmotic balance

Older leaves may wilt or look burned. Yellowing between veins begins at the base of leaf and goes inward from the leaf edges.




Cell structure

Fruit/flower and new leaves are distorted or irregular. When severe, leaves will be necrotic near the base. Leaves can be cupped downward.

Occurs more often at low pH.




Chlorophyll, enzyme activation

Older leaves will turn yellow and brown around the edge of the leaf leaving a green center. May appear puckered.

Occurs more often at low pH.




Protein and enzyme component

Yellowing leaves starts with younger leaves.







Fe , Fe

Enzyme function, required for chlorophyll production

Yellowing between veins that start with younger leaves. Occurs more often at high pH.




Enzyme component

Yellowing between veins that start with younger leaves. Pattern is not as distinct as with Fe deficiency, may appear in patches or freckled.  Occurs more often at high pH.




Enzyme component

Yellowing between veins of younger leaves.  Terminal leaves may be rosette. Occurs more often at high pH.




Cell wall

Terminal buds die.  Light general yellowing. B requirements are very plant specific.




Enzyme function

Dark green stunted leaves.  Curled leaves often bend downwards.  Sometimes wilted with light overall yellowing of leaves. Occurs more often at high pH.




Enzyme function

Yellowing of older leaves and light green rest of the plant. It usually appears as N deficiency due to role in nitrate assimilation and in legumes in N-fixing bacteria.  Occurs more often at low pH.




Osmotic balance, plant compounds

Almost never deficient.  Abnormally shaped leaves; Yellowing and wilting of young leaves.




Enzyme component

Almost never deficient.






increased pest and pathogen resistance, drought resistance, heavy metal tolerance, higher quality and yield of crop




Required for N-fixation by bacteria associated with legumes




Required for photosynthesis in C4 and CAM species adapted to warm climates

Soil Test Interpretations

Plant analysis sampling

There are many factors to consider when producing a crop or growing a garden.  How much fertilizer to apply and when to apply it are some of the decisions that must be made.  These decisions depend on the crop to be grown, the soil type, and the environmental conditions under which it is grown.  Soil testing laboratories associated with universities have conducted years of field and greenhouse research with various crops and soils to determine how a particular crop responds to soil test levels of plant nutrients.  Most laboratories use a rating scale that includes “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, and “Very High” to describe the soil test level of a particular nutrient for a particular crop in a particular soil type.  When a nutrient level is low or very low level, a fertilizer containing that nutrient is usually recommended.  Once a soil test rating reaches “High” or “Very High”, then the grower can save money by not applying any more of that nutrient. By not applying when soil test levels are high and by creating rating scales that are specific to general soil types, the environment can be protected from excessive nutrients. 

Nutrient Management

nutrient response curve

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  • Soil Fertility Replenishment Nutrients

Soil Fertility: Replenishment Of Nutrients

What is soil fertility.

“Soil fertility refers to the ability of the soil to sustain plant growth.”

Fertile soil results in high yield and better quality of plants. Fertile soil is rich in fundamental elements and minerals, has good aeration, water holding capacity, and good texture.

Let us have a look at what is soil fertility and how can it be replenished.

Soil Fertility: Replenishment Of Nutrients

Factors Affecting Soil Fertility

The following factors affect the soil fertility:

Mineral Composition

The mineral composition of the soil helps to predict the ability of the soil to retain plant nutrients. Application of proper fertilizers and manures helps in enhancing the quality of the soil.

Soil pH helps in maintaining the nutrient availability of the soil. A pH range between 5.5-7 is optimum for soil fertility.

Soil Texture

The minerals of different sizes are responsible for maintaining the structure of the soil. Clayey soil can retain more nutrients and hence acts as a nutrient reservoir.

Organic Matter

Organic matter is a source of nitrogen and phosphorus. These can be mineralized and made available to the plants.

Also Read:  Biofertilizers

Nutrient Replenishment

Nutrients can be replenished in the following ways:

Adding Manures and Fertilizers

Fertilizers such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are added to the soil to make it fertile. These are also added to the potted plants in gardens to enhance plant growth. NPK and urea are the most common fertilizers required by the soil. Urea adds nitrogen to the soil. Whereas, NPK adds nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to the soil.

Leguminous Crops

Leguminous plants contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria such as Rhizobium in the root nodules. These bacteria trap atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to the plants in the form of nitrogen compounds. The remaining nitrogen compounds are mixed with the soil to increase its fertility.

Also Read:  Rhizobium

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Soil Fertility

An introduction to soil fertility.

Just like humans, crops also require nutrients. Fertile soil contains all of the major nutrients required for basic plant nutrition (For example, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), as well as other nutrients required in smaller amounts (For example, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, nickel).

This article gives insight into what is fertile soil and its importance, the types of fertile soil, the principles of soil fertility and what are the various majors that can be taken to increase soil fertility.

Soil fertility can be defined as the ability of the soil to provide an atmosphere that is in favour of plant growth . It refers to the soil's ability to support plant growth and maximise crop yield. This can be improved by applying organic and inorganic fertilisers to the soil. Nuclear techniques provide information that improves soil fertility and crop production while reducing environmental impact.

This includes providing the plant with the essential nutrients and a suitable chemical, a physical and biological environment that enhances and promotes the growth of a plant. Fertile soil will typically have some organic matter that improves soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient retention, as well as a pH between 6 and 7. Unfortunately, many soils lack adequate levels of all essential plant nutrients or soil conditions are unfavourable for plant uptake of certain nutrients.

Soil fertility and plant nutrition focus on the management of essential elements that are necessary for plant growth. Soil fertility directly affects the quality as well as the quantity of the crop production affecting how it can be further used for human uses. A single element is also considered essential if it is required for plant metabolism and the completion of the plant’s life cycle.

There are 17 elements that meet these criteria and are divided into macro and micronutrients . This, along with the composition of the plant, forms the biology and fertility of soils.

Types of Soil Fertility

Inherent or Natural Fertility:

The soil that naturally contains some nutrients and is considered fertile is known as inherent fertility. Some of the nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are considered essential for the normal growth and yield of the crop. These are naturally present in naturally fertile soil. The inherent fertility has a limiting factor from which fertility is not decreased.

Acquired Fertility:

When the fertility of the soil is developed through external agents like manures and fertilisers, tillage, irrigation etc., it is known as acquired fertility. It has been found that the yield does not increase after a point by the application of an additional quantity of fertilisers. Thus, this becomes the limiting factor of acquired fertility.

Soil Fertility and Fertilisers

Fertilisers are mixtures of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds that promote plant growth. Fertilizers that provide all three elements are frequently referred to as NPK fertilisers, after the chemical symbols for these three elements. Inappropriate or excessive fertilisation can be harmful to the ecosystem , but it is necessary to produce adequate food for the growing population . Overuse or repeated use of fertilisers can result in an ultimate decrease in soil fertility along with acidification of the soil.

It will gradually decrease the amount of organic matter, humus and beneficial organisms in the soil which will lead to inhibiting plant development, altering soil pH, increasing pests and even releasing greenhouse gases. Fertilisers are not meant for continuous or constant use as they can result in the overall infertility of the soil in the long term. This kind of soil will not be safe to use in future for any kind of crop production.

Importance of Soil Fertility

Soil starts the chain of the food cycle wherein it feeds the plant which ultimately feeds us. They are the primary organisms of the food chain. With the improvement of soil, there will be a gradual increase in the quality of plant and crop production as well. Some of the essential aspects of soil fertility are described below:

Soil provides direct nutrition and a foundation for plants . It is considered the most important factor in determining plant growth.

Soil is a result of the accumulation of decomposing plant and animal matter with the ageing parent material. As this soil breaks down, these elements are released in the form of nutrients that are directly available to the growing plant.

How to Increase Soil Fertility?

There are a few ways in which one can increase soil fertility or replenish the nutrients removed from the soil. Some of these are discussed below:

Recycling Nutrients: This can be done by the use of plant and animal waste.

Use of fertilisers.

Through Microbial Action: This includes the use of nitrogen fixation which can be achieved through the use of grain legumes that initiates biological nitrogen fixation. This can also be done by other methods like fertilisers, green manures, etc.

Incorporating Cover Crops: Using cover crops can add organic matter to the soil improving soil fertility and making it healthy for plant production.

In this article, we have studied about natural and acquired fertility of the soil and how we can improve the soil by adding compost and rotating crops every year. A fertile soil's primary function is to provide food, which is critical in light of the FAO's Zero Hunger goal. A fertile soil also provides essential nutrients for plant growth, resulting in healthy food that contains all of the nutrients required for human health. Fertile soil is typically found in river valleys or areas where glaciers deposited minerals during the last Ice Age. Mountains are usually less fertile than valleys and plains.

FAQs on Soil Fertility

1. What is leaching and how does it affect soil fertility?

Leaching is a process due to which the soil loses its water-soluble nutrients and colloids from the top layer. This might happen due to rain or irrigation. Due to this process, these nutrients are carried downward (eluviated) and are generally redeposited (illuviated) in a lower layer of the soil resulting in an open top layer and a dense, compact lower layer.

One of the elements that are a vital nutrient for plant growth is boron. Leaching can affect water soluble boron and cause deficiencies in the crops. A deficiency of boron from the crops can result in diseases with visual symptoms of misshapen, thick, brittle, small leaves.

2. How important is the chapter Increasing soil fertility from CBSE’s point of view?

The chapter on increasing soil fertility is considered one of the most important chapters from an examination point of view. It has to be covered thoroughly while remembering the major points. The chapter covers topics that involve factors affecting soil fertility and how to improve it, the macro and micronutrients involved in plant growth and production. It also talks about topics like fertilisers and how it affects soil fertility. 

3. When should one fertilise their plants?

Fertiliser is most effective when applied to plants during their active growth cycle. For deciduous species, this is when the plant begins to leaf out, flower, or put on new growth after emerging from the dormant winter stage. The best time of year to fertilise most plants is in the spring. Vegetable gardeners can use a quick-release fertiliser once a month or a slow-release fertiliser once a season to fertilise their garden beds. Some gardeners prefer to feed their flowers and plants once every one to two weeks with a portion of liquid-soluble plant food.


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Nickel and soil fertility: review of benefits to environment and food security.

essay on soil fertility

1. Introduction

2. the role of ni in soil fertility and the plant-rhizosphere environment, 3. transport and accumulation of ni in plants, 4. nickel and biotic stress in plants, 5. advancement in ni delivery to plants and future research, 6. discussion, 7. conclusions, author contributions, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

DeficiencyRelated MacronutrientCropDamage to CropRef
Bitter pitCaapplelower fruit value, decreased fruit shelf life[ ]
Blossom end rotCatomato (Solanum lycopersicum), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum), eggplant (Solanum melongena)loss of fruit due to tissue damage[ ]
Diminished seed viabilityN/Aall seed-bearing plantspoor seed development[ ]
Mouse-earurea-Npecan, hazelnuturea toxicity damage to leaf[ ]
Model CropFungal DiseasesApplication
(Estimated kg ha )
CherryLeaf spot (Alternaria
0.12550–60% less leaf spot[ ]
DaylilyDaylily rust (Puccinia hemerocallidis)N/A, 200 mg L 90% reduction[ ]
Fusarium wilt (F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae and F. oxysporum f. sp.
N/A, nickel nanoparticles 100 ppm30–60% growth inhibition[ ]
PecanPecan scab (Fusicladium effusum G. Winter)0.05–0.1reduces leaf lesions by 50%[ ]
SoybeanAsian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)0.075lowers severity by 35%[ ]
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Share and Cite

Rabinovich, A.; Di, R.; Lindert, S.; Heckman, J. Nickel and Soil Fertility: Review of Benefits to Environment and Food Security. Environments 2024 , 11 , 177.

Rabinovich A, Di R, Lindert S, Heckman J. Nickel and Soil Fertility: Review of Benefits to Environment and Food Security. Environments . 2024; 11(8):177.

Rabinovich, Alon, Rong Di, Sean Lindert, and Joseph Heckman. 2024. "Nickel and Soil Fertility: Review of Benefits to Environment and Food Security" Environments 11, no. 8: 177.

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Environmental Drivers of Soil Organic Carbon in the Australian Rangelands

24 Pages Posted: 22 Aug 2024

Mingxi Zhang

Curtin University

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is vital for maintaining healthy ecosystems and providing various benefits beyond climate change mitigation. These benefits include supporting biodiversity and improving nutrient cycling, fertility and soil structure. This study aims to investigate the environmental drivers of SOC content across the vast Australian rangelands at different spatial scales. We describe the state of SOC as a function of a large set of soil and environmental variables, representing factors that represent soil mineralogy, climate, vegetation, topography, and soil microbial diversity. We used a quantitative hierarchical framework over three distinct climate zones to gain a systematic understanding of the controls of SOC variability at a macro, regional and local scale. Over the macro-scale of the rangelands, we find that climate is the dominant control of SOC in the Australian rangelands and influences SOC both directly and indirectly through its effects on vegetation growth. At the regional scale, the distribution of SOC is largely determined by regional controls such as soil texture and mineralogy and microbial diversity, vegetation cover and type and plant species richness, and local terrain features. At a local transect scale, SOC variability is affected by vegetation type and biomass, terrain attributes (terrain wetness index, plan curvature and erosion), soil mineralogy and microbial diversity. At these local scales, where plant carbon inputs are not limited by climate, vegetation type is the most significant driver. Where plant carbon inputs are limited by climate, SOC is controlled by vegetation biomass and type and soil mineralogy. Vegetation with shallow roots and limited soil development, contributes minimal carbon to the subsoil, whereas deep-rooted vegetation, less limited by climate, sequesters significant carbon. Our results provide insights into the drivers of SOC content in Australian rangelands and could serve to develop strategies for long-term SOC sequestration and restoration.

Keywords: Soil organic carbon, Environmental drivers, Spatial scales, Soil depth, Rangelands

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Mingxi Zhang (Contact Author)

Curtin university ( email ).

Kent Street Bentley Perth, WA 6102 Australia

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