
Apa Itu Assignment: Pengertian, Contoh, dan Task

apa itu assignment

Ketika kita mendengar kata assignment, seringkali kita membayangkan tumpukan tugas yang menunggu untuk diselesaikan. Lalu, apa itu arti sebenarnya dari istilah assignment?

Pada artikel ini, kita akan membahas lebih dalam tentang arti dan makna dari istilah assignment. Mari kita simak penjelasan tentang artinya assignment berikut ini.

Apa Itu Assignment?

Assignment dalam berbagai hal, tujuan assignment secara umum, perbedaan antara assignment dan task.

Secara umum, arti assignment jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah “tugas” atau “penugasan.”

Namun, makna dari kata ini lebih dalam daripada sekadar tugas biasa. Sebuah “assignment” merupakan instruksi atau pekerjaan yang diberikan kepada seseorang untuk menyelesaikan suatu tugas tertentu.

Baca juga:  Pengertian Treasure

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh assingnment dalam berbagai hal yang berbeda.

1. Pendidikan

Dalam dunia pendidikan, “assignment” merujuk kepada tugas yang diberikan oleh guru atau instruktur kepada siswa atau mahasiswa.

Tugas ini bisa berupa penulisan esai, proyek penelitian, atau tugas lain yang dirancang untuk mengukur pemahaman dan kemampuan siswa.

Di lingkungan kerja, “assignment” bisa merujuk kepada tugas atau proyek yang diberikan kepada karyawan atau tim kerja.

Bisa berupa proyek-proyek khusus, tanggung jawab rutin, atau pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan dalam batas waktu tertentu.

Dalam konteks militer, “assignment” mengacu pada penugasan atau tugas khusus yang diberikan kepada personel militer.

Hal ini dapat berupa penugasan tugas di wilayah tertentu atau dalam unit militer tertentu.

4. Keuangan

Dalam dunia keuangan, “assignment” bisa merujuk kepada penyerahan atau pemberian hak kepemilikan atas suatu aset atau hutang kepada pihak lain.

Hal ini terkait dengan pengalihan hak atau tanggung jawab atas sesuatu kepada pihak lain.

Dengan adanya assignment tentu memiliki tujuan tertentu yang ingin dicapai. Berikut ini beberapa di antaranya.

1. Evaluasi Kemampuan dan Pemahaman

Melalui penugasan, seorang pengajar, manajer, atau pemberi tugas dapat menilai kemampuan seseorang untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari atau diberikan.

2. Pengembangan Keterampilan

Dengan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas ini, individu dapat mengasah keterampilan yang relevan untuk pekerjaan atau bidang studi mereka. Ini membantu dalam perkembangan pribadi dan profesional.

3. Pengalokasian Tanggung Jawab

Melalui assignment, seorang manajer, guru, atau pemimpin proyek dapat memastikan bahwa setiap anggota tim atau individu memiliki peran atau fungsi yang jelas dan sesuai dengan keahlian mereka.

4. Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Kinerja

Dengan membandingkan hasil pekerjaan atau pencapaian tugas dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan, seseorang atau organisasi dapat menilai kinerja dan membuat perbaikan jika diperlukan.

5. Pencapaian Tujuan

Melalui penugasan, individu atau tim memiliki arahan konkret untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Assignment membantu dalam mengorganisir tugas-tugas yang harus diselesaikan.

6. Pengalokasian Sumber Daya

Dengan mengidentifikasi siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas apa, organisasi dapat mengelola sumber daya dengan lebih efisien dan efektif.

Secara umum, assignment digunakan untuk tugas yang lebih kompleks, berfokus pada proyek besar, memerlukan waktu lama, dan sering digunakan dalam pendidikan atau pekerjaan yang melibatkan tugas mendalam.

Sementara itu, task digunakan untuk hal-hal yang lebih sederhana, berfokus pada tugas sehari-hari, diselesaikan dalam waktu singkat, dan umumnya terjadi dalam konteks pekerjaan operasional atau kegiatan harian.

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Apa itu Project Brief? Pengertian, Cara Membuat & Contohnya

assignment brief adalah

Muthiatur Rohmah

08 May 2024

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Dalam manajemen proyek, banyak hal yang perlu disiapkan seorang project manager maupun project officer agar proyek berjalan dengan sukses. Salah satunya adalah menyiapkan project brief.

Sebenarnya apa itu project brief ? Project brief adalah deskripsi singkat atau rangkuman mengenai elemen utama suatu proyek, biasanya diberikan oleh project manager kepada pemangku kepentingan proyek.

Lantas apa fungsi project brief ? Project brief digunakan untuk menjelaskan secara singkat mengenai ruang lingkup dan isi proyek kepada stakeholder yang membutuhkan. Project brief membantu stakeholder memahami proyek dengan cara mudah dan praktis.

Penasaran lebih lanjut mengenai apa itu project brief ? Apa saja kegunaan project brief dalam manajemen proyek? Bagaimana contoh project brief yang baik?

Yuk temukan jawaban secara lengkap dan rinci dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut hanya di artikel ini.

Apa itu Project Brief?

Tunggu dulu Sobat MinDi, sebelum kita belajar lebih lanjut mengenai project brief, pertama-tama yuk pahami apa itu project brief melalui pengertian berikut ini.

Menurut Asana, Project brief adalah dokumen yang memberikan deskripsi singkat tentang elemen utama proyek. 

Project brief berfungsi sebagai rangkuman penting untuk pemangku kepentingan proyek dan kolaborator lintas fungsi, dokumen ini juga menyediakan gambaran umum tentang persyaratan proyek secara singkat dan jelas. 

Project brief digunakan untuk memberi informasi singkat dan jelas bagi semua anggota tim, sehingga setiap orang memiliki pemahaman yang jelas dan konsisten tentang tujuan dan lingkup proyek. Nggak bakal ada lagi salah paham antara anggota tim proyek!

Biasanya project brief dibuat pada awal siklus hidup proyek sebagai titik awal untuk pengembangan rencana proyek yang lebih rinci, project brief dibuat untuk memastikan keberhasilan pelaksanaan proyek. 

Berapa panjang project brief dibuat? hal ini bisa bervariasi tergantung pada kompleksitas dan ruang lingkup proyek, bisa hanya satu paragraf hingga satu halaman penuh. Setiap project brief disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik proyek dan tidak ada format atau template yang sama untuk semua jenis proyek.

Apa Kegunaan Project Brief?

Setelah menyimak pengertian project brief , Sobat MinDi mungkin bertanya-tanya mengenai apa kegunaan project brief dalam proyek perusahaan?

Tenang saja, MinDi sudah rangkuman beberapa fungsi project brief yang penting dan perlu Sobat MinDi pahami, berikut ini.

assignment brief adalah

1. Menyediakan Rangkuman Proyek yang Jelas

Project brief memberikan informasi penting tentang proyek dalam format yang ringkas dan mudah dipahami. Project brief membantu semua pihak tetap berada pada tujuan yang sama sejak awal hingga proyek berakhir.

Fungsi ini memastikan bahwa semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk tim proyek, sponsor, dan pihak lain yang terlibat, memiliki pemahaman yang jelas dan seragam tentang apa proyek tersebut, tujuannya, dan hasil yang diharapkan. 

2. Mendefinisikan Tujuan dan Lingkup Proyek

Project brief berisi tujuan dan lingkup proyek secara spesifik, yang membantu dalam menghindari kesalahpahaman dan membatasi perluasan lingkup yang tidak terkontrol ( scope creep) . 

Dengan definisi tujuan dan lingkup yang jelas, project brief membantu memfokuskan sumber daya dan upaya tim pada hal yang penting (prioritas) dalam proyek.

3. Membantu Perencanaan dan Penjadwalan

Project brief memberikan dasar yang cukup untuk memulai perencanaan lebih rinci, seperti estimasi durasi proyek, sumber daya utama yang dibutuhkan, dan tahapan utama proyek.

Perencanaan ini memudahkan manajer proyek dan tim dalam merancang jadwal kerja dan mengalokasikan sumber daya yang tepat.

4.Alat Komunikasi Efektif

Project brief berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan proyek kepada pemangku kepentingan baru yang membutuhkan.

Project brief berguna saat memerlukan pengambilan keputusan secara cepat, biasanya pemimpin hanya memerlukan gambaran besar dari proyek.

Secara keseluruhan, project brief berfungsi sebagai pemberi informasi yang jelas dan cepat mengenai rencana proyek kepada pemimpin dan seluruh stakeholder terkait.

Siapa yang Harus Membuat Project Brief?

Siapa sih yang bertanggung jawab dalam pembuatan project brief ?

Dalam konteks manajemen proyek, pembuatan project brief umumnya adalah tanggung jawab project manager .  

Manajer proyek bertanggung jawab untuk mengumpulkan dan merangkum informasi penting yang berkaitan dengan proyek untuk memastikan bahwa semua pihak yang terlibat memiliki pemahaman yang jelas dan seragam mengenai tujuan, lingkup, dan sasaran proyek. 

Proses pembuatan project brie f selalu melibatkan kolaborasi dengan berbagai stakeholder untuk mengumpulkan pendapat dan informasi yang relevan terkait suatu proyek.

Baca Juga: Project Management: Definisi, Manfaat, Aspek Penting, dan Tahapan

assignment brief adalah

Apa yang Harus ada dalam Project Brief?

Sebenarnya apa saja yang harus ada dalam project brief? Apakah ada elemen-elemen penting yang mendasari project brief?

Tentu, project brief memiliki beberapa elemen penting yang harus ada di dalamnya. Apa saja elemen-elemen project brief ? Yuk simak pembahasannya berikut ini.

Judul dan Latar Belakang Proyek:

Project brief harus judul yang deskriptif serta latar belakang yang memberikan konteks tentang mengapa proyek ini diperlukan. Hal ini mencakup informasi tentang masalah atau peluang yang menyebabkan inisiasi proyek.

Tujuan Proyek:

Project brief menjelaskan apa tujuan utama dari proyek ini. Tujuan harus spesifik dan jelas, memberikan arah yang akan diikuti oleh semua aktivitas proyek.

Sasaran atau Objektif Proyek:

Project brief mendefinisikan sasaran yang lebih spesifik yang mendukung pencapaian tujuan utama. Sasaran ini harus terukur dan dapat dicapai, sering kali dirumuskan dengan kriteria SMART (Spesifik, Terukur, Dapat Dicapai, Relevan, Terikat Waktu).

Lingkup Proyek:

Project brief menjelaskan apa yang akan dan tidak akan dicakup oleh proyek. Ini termasuk tugas utama yang perlu dilakukan, serta batasan-batasan yang telah ditetapkan untuk mencegah perluasan lingkup yang tidak terkontrol.

Stakeholders Proyek:

Project brief harus mengidentifikasi semua pihak yang terlibat atau terpengaruh oleh proyek. Ini termasuk sponsor proyek, pelanggan, anggota tim, dan pihak eksternal lainnya. Untuk setiap stakeholder, jelaskan peran dan tanggung jawab mereka dalam proyek.

Estimasi Anggaran dan Sumber Daya

Project brief biasanya membahas estimasi awal mengenai anggaran yang diperlukan serta sumber daya lainnya seperti tenaga kerja, peralatan, dan teknologi.

Timeline atau Jadwal Proyek:

Dalam project brief biasanya berisi timeline kasar proyek, termasuk tanggal mulai, milestone penting, dan tanggal berakhir yang diharapkan.

Risiko Potensial:

Project brief membantu mengidentifikasi risiko utama yang dapat mempengaruhi proyek dan usulan strategi mitigasi untuk mengatasi risiko tersebut.

Metrik Keberhasilan

Project brief harus berisi kriteria keberhasilan untuk menilai apakah proyek berhasil atau tidak pada akhirnya. Ini bisa termasuk capaian spesifik dalam timeline, anggaran, atau kualitas output.

Elemen-elemen project brief ini membentuk pondasi untuk dokumentasi lebih rinci yang akan dibuat selama perencanaan proyek. Jika Sobat MinDi hendak membuat project brief pastikan untuk mencantumkan elemen-elemen tersebut.

5 Cara Membuat Project Brief dengan Jelas

Setelah memahami secara lengkap mengenai project brief, saatnya Sobat MinDi membuat project brief sendiri dengan jelas dan efisien. Bagaimana langkahnya? Yuk simak cara membuat project brief berikut ini.

assignment brief adalah

1. Tambahkan Konteks yang Relevan

Langkah pertama dalam membuat project brief adalah menyertakan konteks atau informasi latar belakang yang relevan. Konteks ini membantu semua pihak memulai proyek dari dasar yang sama dan memahami kebutuhan proyek.


Sobat MinDi bekerja di perusahaan yang mengembangkan aplikasi game. Project brief bisa dimulai dengan, "Dalam upaya meningkatkan interaksi pengguna, perusahaan kami ingin menambahkan fitur chat video ke aplikasi game kami, yang saat ini hanya mendukung chat teks."

2. Sertakan Tujuan Proyek dan Metrik Keberhasilan

Langkah selanjutnya, setiap project brief harus jelas menguraikan tujuan proyek dan bagaimana keberhasilan akan diukur. Tujuan harus spesifik, terukur, dapat dicapai, relevan, dan terikat waktu (SMART).


"Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah untuk meluncurkan fitur chat video dalam aplikasi game sebelum Q2 berakhir, dengan harapan meningkatkan durasi sesi rata-rata pengguna sebesar 30%. Keberhasilan akan diukur berdasarkan peningkatan engagement pengguna dan feedback positif dalam survei pengguna post-launch."

3. Perjelas Linimasa Proyek

Langkah berikutnya adalah menyertakan timeline spesifik dengan tanggal penting, seperti milestone dan deadline. Timeline ini membantu menjaga semua pihak tetap dalam jalur dan menyadari kapan elemen tertentu dari proyek perlu diselesaikan.

"Proyek ini akan berlangsung dari Januari hingga Mei. Milestones utama termasuk penyelesaian prototipe oleh Maret, fase pengujian pengguna di April, dan peluncuran resmi pada 25 Mei."

4. Soroti Audiens Target

Proses selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan audiens target atau persona pembeli sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa hasil proyek akan memenuhi kebutuhan dan ekspektasi mereka.

"Audiens target untuk fitur chat video adalah para pemain berusia 18-25 tahun, yang aktif dalam komunitas gaming online dan menghargai komunikasi real-time selama bermain."

5. Hubungkan Pemangku Kepentingan Proyek dengan Sumber Daya Lain

Langkah terakhir dalam pembuatan project brief adalah menyertakan referensi ke dokumen atau sumber daya lain yang terkait dengan proyek. Hal ini bisa berupa link ke dokumen rencana proyek, chart proyek, atau dokumen lain yang mendukung.


"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang timeline rinci dan alokasi sumber daya, silakan merujuk ke rencana proyek yang terperinci, yang dapat diakses di [link]. Diskusi lebih lanjut mengenai distribusi tugas dapat ditemukan di chart yang terlampir."

Itulah beberapa cara membuat project brief yang efektif, sehingga dapat memfasilitasi komunikasi dan pemahaman di antara semua pihak yang terlibat.

Tidak hanya itu saja, project brief juga membantu memastikan bahwa proyek berjalan sesuai dengan rencana dan mencapai tujuannya.

Contoh Project Brief

Ingin mengetahui gambaran contoh project brief dengan jelas? Yuk simak pembahasan mengenai contoh project brief yang jelas dan efisien berikut ini, yang dapat Sobat MinDi jadikan inspirasi dalam proyek kamu selanjutnya!

Contoh 1: Project Brief untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile E-Commerce

Judul Proyek: Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile E-Commerce "ShopSmart"

Latar Belakang:

Dengan pertumbuhan signifikan dalam penjualan online, perusahaan kami mengidentifikasi peluang untuk memperluas jangkauan pasar kami melalui aplikasi mobile e-commerce yang akan menyederhanakan proses pembelian bagi pelanggan dan meningkatkan retensi pengguna.

Mengembangkan dan meluncurkan aplikasi e-commerce yang responsif dan user-friendly untuk platform iOS dan Android, yang mendukung transaksi yang aman dan menyediakan pengalaman berbelanja yang personal.

Metrik Keberhasilan:

50.000 unduhan dalam tiga bulan pertama setelah peluncuran.

Peningkatan 30% dalam penjualan online dibandingkan dengan kuartal sebelumnya.

Skor kepuasan pelanggan minimal 4.5 di app stores.

Januari 2024: Kick-off dan fase perencanaan.

Februari - April 2024: Pengembangan dan fase testing.

Mei 2024: Soft launch untuk pengguna beta.

Juni 2024: Peluncuran resmi aplikasi.

Audiens Target:

Pelanggan usia 18-40 tahun yang mengutamakan kemudahan dan kecepatan dalam berbelanja online, serta pengguna yang menghargai rekomendasi produk yang dipersonalisasi.

Sumber Daya Tambahan:

Link ke desain UI/UX, spesifikasi teknis, dan rencana pemasaran tersedia di intranet perusahaan.

Contoh 2: Project Brief untuk Kampanye Pemasaran Digital

Judul Proyek: Kampanye "Green Energy for All"

Seiring dengan meningkatnya kesadaran akan isu lingkungan, perusahaan kami ingin memposisikan diri sebagai pemimpin dalam solusi energi hijau. Kampanye ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan produk baru kami, Solar Panel X, yang ramah lingkungan dan efisien.

Melaksanakan kampanye pemasaran digital yang akan meningkatkan kesadaran dan penjualan produk Solar Panel X, serta mendidik masyarakat tentang manfaat energi hijau.

Mencapai 1 juta tayangan di media sosial.

Menghasilkan 10.000 leads kualifikasi tinggi.

Peningkatan penjualan produk sebesar 25% dalam enam bulan.

Maret 2024: Perencanaan dan pembuatan konten.

April 2024: Peluncuran kampanye di berbagai platform digital.

Mei - Juli 2024: Monitoring dan optimasi kampanye.

Agustus 2024: Evaluasi kampanye dan laporan final.

Rumah tangga dan bisnis kecil di area perkotaan yang tertarik untuk mengurangi jejak karbon dan menghemat biaya energi.

Dokumen terkait seperti brief kreatif, strategi konten, dan jadwal publikasi tersedia pada request dari tim pemasaran.

Baca Juga: 11 Pelatihan & Sertifikasi Project Management Gratis

FAQ Project Brief

Mengapa project brief penting?

Project brief penting karena menyediakan kerangka dasar yang membantu semua pemangku kepentingan memahami visi dan tujuan proyek. Project brief juga membantu dalam mengidentifikasi sumber daya yang diperlukan, mengelola ekspektasi, dan memastikan semua tim dan departemen berada di halaman yang sama sejak awal proyek.

Apa perbedaan project brief dengan project plan?

Project brief adalah dokumen singkat yang memberikan gambaran umum dan fokus dari proyek, sementara project proposal adalah dokumen yang lebih komprehensif yang digunakan untuk memperoleh persetujuan dan pendanaan. 

Project plan adalah panduan rinci yang menguraikan setiap aspek pelaksanaan proyek, termasuk jadwal, sumber daya, dan langkah-langkah untuk mencapai tujuan proyek.

Kapan project brief dibuat?

Project brief biasanya dibuat di awal siklus hidup proyek, sebelum pengembangan rencana proyek yang lebih rinci. Ini membantu menetapkan dasar dan arah sebelum masuk ke dalam perencanaan yang lebih mendalam.

Siapa yang perlu menyetujui project brief?

Project brief harus disetujui oleh sponsor proyek dan pemangku kepentingan utama. Persetujuan ini memastikan bahwa semua pihak memiliki pemahaman yang sama tentang proyek dan setuju dengan cara pendekatannya.

Dapatkah project brief diubah?

Meskipun project brief adalah pernyataan awal dari proyek, ia bisa diubah jika terjadi perubahan signifikan dalam lingkup atau sasaran proyek. Setiap perubahan harus dikomunikasikan dan disetujui oleh semua pemangku kepentingan utama.

Pelajari Project Management secara Lengkap melalui Bootcamp Dibimbing.id

Sobat MinDi, itulah beberapa pembahasan mengenai project brief, mulai dari pengertian hingga contohnya, pemahaman ini penting bagi kamu yang sedang mengelola suatu proyek atau menjadi seorang project manager.

Tertarik mempelajari project brief lebih lanjut? Ingin switch career sebagai project manager ? Sebagai langkah awal kamu dapat mengikuti bootcamp atau pelatihan intensif.

Yuk ikuti bootcamp product and project management dibimbing.id. Bootcamp terbaik dengan pembelajaran inovatif dan intensif. Bootcamp ini didampingi oleh para mentor profesional dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, yang bakal bantu kamu jadi project manager yang sukses.

Belum memiliki pengalaman di bidang product dan project management sama sekali?

Tenang saja, dibimbing.id siap bimbing kamu mulai dari nol, dengan kurikulum terlengkap, update serta beginner friendly . 

Sebanyak 94% alumni bootcamp dibimbing.id telah berhasil mendapatkan kerja sesuai bidang mereka. Nah, jangan khawatir nganggur setelah lulus bootcamp ya, dibimbing.id juga menyediakan j ob connect ke 570+ hiring partner khusus buat Sobat MinDi.

Tunggu apalagi? buruan konsultasi di sini, apapun tujuan karirmu dibimbing.id siap #BimbingSampeJadi karir impianmu.

How to Create a Project Brief (Example Included) - Buka

5 langkah menulis brief proyek yang jelas - Buka

Bootcamp product management

Muthia adalah seorang Content Writer dengan kurang lebih satu tahun pengalaman. Muthia seorang lulusan Sastra Indonesia yang hobi menonton dan menulis. Sebagai SEO Content Writer Dibimbing, Ia telah menulis berbagai konten yang berkaitan dengan Human Resources, Business Intelligence, Web Development, Product Management dan Digital Marketing.

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assignment brief adalah

How to Write a Simple Project Brief: Template & Examples

assignment brief adalah

Your sales team just sold a new project and handed off all the information they have to you on the shared drive. While they put a lot of good stuff in there, it would easily overwhelm your team and stakeholders—and they don’t have that kind of time to spare. 

Now it’s up to you to figure out what needs to be pulled out and shared with your team so they understand the project’s most important parts. By doing this, you’ll get them up to speed quickly and allow them to see how they fit into the project.

The perfect place to put those key highlights? A project brief.

Let’s take a closer look at what a project brief is and how it’s used in project management.

What is a project brief?

A project brief is an easy-to-digest document that outlines the critical components of a project for your team and stakeholders. While a project plan details how a project will get done, a project brief defines the who , what , when , where , and why .

As the project manager, you’ll want to create a project brief right at the start of an engagement before your team gathers for an internal kick-off meeting. The length and format—and even the elements you include—will depend on the size and complexity of your project and client. 

While you might be tempted to include all the good details you uncover from your sales team in your project brief, this isn’t the place for it. The key is to make it approachable enough for your team and stakeholders to understand without leaving any critical information out.

Challenge yourself to keep it to one page so people will actually want to reference it. After all, any info beyond that is up to you to track, not everyone else.

Project brief vs creative brief

Like a project brief, a creative brief is a document that outlines high-level details of a creative project. It focuses on the strategy and design aspects of the project and may include information about target audiences, competitive differentiation, strategic direction, messaging, and more.

If you’re managing a project that involves creative work, you’ll likely create both documents. The project brief will paint the broad strokes of your entire project, while the creative (or strategic) brief provides more specific direction for the creative portion of your project.

Learn how to write a creative brief, and download a free template.

Project brief vs project charter

You might also be wondering about the difference between a project brief and a project charter . Think of your project brief as a high-level summary of the project charter.

A project charter is longer, more formal, and goes into all the extra information you left out of the brief. Its goal is to outline all the project details and secure client approval. While it’s not the official project contract, it often serves as a scope contract between a project manager and their client and is a go-to reference when scope creep happens .

The project brief should align with your project charter but live as an abbreviated, less formal version that seeks to inform vs contract with approvals.

Your project might have both documents or just one. It really depends on what makes sense for your team, process, and project. I personally lean towards fewer documents and pages, but some projects and clients need more formality.

Learn how to create a project charter, and grab a free template.

What’s the purpose of a project brief ?

The project brief can serve many purposes. Here are 3 reasons a project brief is important in project management:

  • It provides information and clarity. Outlining the who, what, when, where, and why of a project gets your team up to speed on the work they’ll soon be involved in. It also clarifies each person’s role in the project and how they can best contribute. 
  • It establishes a common understanding to mitigate risk and confusion. If you’re not doing a project charter, you can use the project brief as a sort of agreement. Review the brief together to confirm your scope, goals, and more—all while addressing any gray areas and red flags. Getting everyone on the same page helps reduce project risk and avoids wasting time in areas outside the project focus.
  • It creates excitement and rallies the teams together. Sharing the project brief in a pre-kick-off meeting allows you to introduce everyone who will be involved in the work and establish a unified vision for the project. This goes a long way towards creating a “We’re all in this together” environment. 

Who’s responsible for writing a project brief?

So who should create the project brief? Well, that depends on how your team is structured.

Ultimately, the project manager should own responsibility for the brief. That being said, your sales team or account manager might start filling out the template with the information they have as part of your sales to production hand-off process.

At the end of the day, though, it’s up to you as the project manager to ensure the brief is fully complete and that your team and stakeholders understand all aspects of it.

Lay a clear path to success with a visual plan that’s easy to understand, and keep everyone in sync with flexible workflows and team collaboration.

assignment brief adalah

What elements should you include in a project brief?

As I noted, what you include in the project brief will depend on your team, client, and project complexity. Here are some common elements that typically make up a project brief:

  • Brief description of the project
  • Overview of the client/organization
  • Project goals and/or success criteria
  • Project team and stakeholders
  • High-level timeline of major project milestones

Let’s walk through the basic steps for creating a project brief.

How to write a project brief with examples

The hardest part about writing a project brief is striking the right balance between information overload and giving team members something they’ll actually read and reference. 

Do your best to keep it short, simple, and accessible, while ensuring the information you include is truly useful. These steps can help you focus on the details that matter most when creating a project brief.

1. Summarize the project and its purpose

Start with a short elevator pitch that outlines what the project is all about. Use this section to explain why the project is happening now and how it will provide value to the organization.

Here’s an example of what the project summary might look like for a website redesign brief:

Project Summary Example: The Museum’s website is on an outdated Drupal platform. They’re looking to move to a modern, secure version for Drupal and implement updated branding that includes a new logo, colors, fonts, and iconography. With this move, they’d also like to include all the user-sourced templates they’ve been digitizing.

2. Outline what the project needs to accomplish 

It’s a whole lot easier to deliver a project win when everyone’s working toward the same goal. Show your team what success looks like by listing the top 3-5 goals the project must accomplish. 

If you can, tie these project goals to business objectives. That way, your team understands how their work will impact the company as a whole.

Project Goal Examples: Create an online solution to allow users to easily search over 100 gantt chart templates. Update the website from D7 to D9 to give content admins access to modern technology. Implement the new branding across the website. Increase conversions overall, including template downloads, newsletter signups, and training course registration.

3. Provide some background about the client

You don’t have to unpack your client’s whole backstory here. Instead explain who the project is for in 2-3 sentences.

Feel free to include any quick facts the team should know about your client’s organization or market as bullet points, like we’ve done in the sample below:

Organization Example: The Gantt Museum contains the world’s largest collection of gantt charts created by project managers from around the world. The organization is funded by engagement—user training, template sales, and in-person visits to the museum. 75% of users only engage with the museum online. The Museum has only existed for 5 years, so the team structure and decision-making process are still in flux.

4. Introduce key players and their project roles

Your project brief is a great place to give everyone a quick rundown of who’s who on the project. I recommend breaking these introductions down into 2 groups:

  • Project team: List each core team member’s name and role, and include an image to help clients put faces with names more easily. Noting percent allocation will give the client a clear picture of how much time each team member has dedicated to this project.
  • Key stakeholders: List the name, title, and project role for each key stakeholder on your project. Be sure to identify the decision-maker and main point of contact for your client if those roles have been decided. Stakeholder photos may be tough to come by, so don’t sweat it if you can’t include them in your project brief.

You can see what these sections might look like in the project brief example highlighted below:

Project brief example with sections for stakeholder and team introductions highlighted

5. List key deliverables with dates

You may not be ready to commit to a full-blown project plan at this stage, but it’s important to sketch out a timeline for major deliverables. Aim for 5-10 items to keep your timeline high-level. 

Many people process images better than text, so I recommend creating a quick, visual timeline in a project management tool like TeamGantt . Simply add key deliverables as milestones on your gantt chart, then throw a screenshot of that timeline into your project brief. 

Before you wrap up this section, be sure to mention any major out-of-scope items and/or project breaks. In our sample project brief, we called out-of-scope items out in a different color so they don’t get overlooked.

Example of the deliverables and timeline section of a sample project brief

6. Include any other important items of note

Finally, add any key notes that can provide clarification or insight about the project. You might outline risks with mitigation strategies , possible phase 2 items, or recent shifts in the marketplace. 

This section of the project brief will likely be a group of random items, and that’s just fine. You just don’t want to lose anything that could spark an important conversation or idea for the project.

Here are a couple of additional notes we included in our sample project brief:

Example of items to note in a project brief: Many stakeholders want to be involved in the project. We need to determine clear roles and communicate those to all users. While new branding is available, it’s not ready yet. Completion is estimated in 1 month.

Project brief example

This sample project brief gives shows you what your final product might look like when all the elements come together.

Project Brief Example for a Sample Web Design Project

Tips to make your project brief more effective

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s review a few ways you can add even more value to your project brief. 

Use a template to save time

Your time is best spent thoughtfully adding content to your project brief—not messing with a tool and fixing formatting. 

Creating a project brief template is an easy way to make your process repeatable. This saves you and your fellow project managers time, while establishing brand consistency across your organization.  

We created a free project brief template to help you get started more quickly. Choose between landscape or portrait format, then make a copy of your own in Google Docs (or download it as a Word document). Simply drop in your logo, and customize the details to fit your project.

  • Project brief template (Landscape format)
  • Project brief template (Portrait format)

Want a project brief that’s visually engaging? Consider using a tool like Miro or Figma to build and brand your project brief. 

Just make sure everyone has access to whatever tool you use and feels comfortable editing in it.

Do the work

Let’s be honest, as project managers, we’re often overloaded with projects and to-dos—especially at the start of a new project. You might be inclined to just fill in the blanks and call it a day. But that’s defeating the point. 

The thing that really brings value to a project brief is the experience and thought you put into it. Consider who the client is, what the project’s about, and what information will help your team get to work with confidence. 

Remember: This document sets a foundation for the project. It’s worth spending time to get this right.

Use all your resources 

As a project manager, you have access to lots of resources—whether it’s the sales team, new client, RFP, project proposal , CRM, etc.

Take time to talk to the right people and dig through all the documentation. Most existing documents will likely be set aside as you and your team start creating new ones, so make sure key info from the past comes forward and gets shared.

Adjust your project brief’s format and contents as needed

Your project brief will likely evolve over time as you incorporate this document in your process. You may start to see that some information isn’t helpful while other important details are missing. 

Revisit the brief’s value every couple of projects to ensure you’re making the most out of its use.

Build a free timeline for your project brief

TeamGantt makes it easy to create a simple timeline for your project brief so everyone knows when to expect major project deliverables.

When you’re ready to draft a comprehensive plan, just pick up where you left off, and schedule all your tasks. You’ll have all the features you need to keep your team in sync and ensure projects finish on time and on budget. 

Try TeamGantt for free today!

About the author: Lynn Winter

Lynn is a freelance Digital Strategist who combines 20+ years of experience in content strategy, user experience, and project management to bring a holistic approach to her work. She has spoken at numerous local and national conferences and hosts an annual conference for Digital Project Managers called Manage Digital ( http://managedigital.io/ ). You can connect with her at lynnwintermn.com .

assignment brief adalah

  • Ikhtisar produk
  • Semua fitur
  • Rilis fitur terbaru
  • Integrasi aplikasi


  • project icon Pengelolaan proyek
  • Tampilan proyek
  • Bidang kustom
  • Pembaruan status
  • goal icon Gol dan pelaporan
  • Dasbor pelaporan
  • workflow icon Alur kerja dan automasi
  • portfolio icon Manajemen sumber daya
  • Perencanaan kapasitas
  • Beban Kerja
  • Pelacakan waktu
  • my-task icon Admin dan keamanan
  • Konsol admin
  • asana-intelligence icon Asana AI


  • list icon Personal
  • premium icon Starter
  • briefcase icon Advanced
  • Manajemen gol
  • Perencanaan organisasi
  • Manajemen kampanye
  • Produksi kreatif
  • Kalender konten
  • Perencanaan strategis pemasaran
  • Perencanaan sumber daya
  • Penerimaan proyek
  • Peluncuran produk
  • Onboarding pegawai
  • Lihat semua penggunaan arrow-right icon
  • Rencana proyek
  • Gol & tujuan tim
  • Kelangsungan tim
  • Agenda rapat
  • Lihat semua templat arrow-right icon
  • Sumber daya manajemen kerja Temukan praktik terbaik, tonton webinar, dapatkan wawasan
  • Stori pelanggan Lihat cara organisasi terbaik dunia mendorong inovasi kerja dengan Asana
  • Pusat Bantuan Dapatkan berbagai kiat, trik, dan saran untuk memanfaatkan Asana secara maksimal
  • Asana Academy Daftarkan diri Anda untuk kursus dan webinar interaktif guna mempelajari Asana
  • Developer Pelajari selengkapnya tentang membuat aplikasi di platform Asana
  • Program komunitas Berinteraksi dan belajar dari pelanggan Asana di seluruh dunia
  • Acara Cari tahu tentang acara mendatang di sekitar Anda
  • Mitra Pelajari selengkapnya tentang program mitra kami
  • Asana untuk badan nirlaba Dapatkan informasi selengkapnya tentang program diskon badan nirlaba kami, lalu daftar.

Bacaan Unggulan

assignment brief adalah

  • Perencanaan proyek |

Panduan lengkap membuat brief kreatif

Headshot kontributor Julia Martins

Seperti tugas lainnya, pekerjaan kreatif membutuhkan rencana yang jelas dan gol terukur sebelum pekerjaan dimulai. Di situlah brief kreatif berperan. Mengembangkan brief kreatif memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan pendekatan proaktif dan menguraikan persyaratan selagi merencanakan pekerjaan kreatif. Di antara elemen-lemen penting lainnya, brief kreatif adalah kesempatan Anda untuk menentukan ruang lingkup, batas waktu, dan hasil akhir khusus untuk bagian kreatif dari proyek.

Secara keseluruhan, brief kreatif membantu semua orang tetap memiliki informasi yang sama, mengurangi keputusasaan atau kebingungan selagi memastikan tidak ada bagian dari proses desain yang terhambat.

Apa itu brief kreatif?

Brief kreatif digunakan untuk menentukan persyaratan kreatif yang relevan, termasuk pesan, audiens, dan menguraikan cara kesuksesan akan diukur. Setelah brief dibuat, rencanakan untuk mengadakan  rapat perdana  guna membahas berbagai konflik atau batasan. Dengan begitu, Anda punya waktu untuk merevisi dan memperbarui brief kreatif sebelum pekerjaan dimulai.

Ingat, brief kreatif tidak dimaksudkan untuk dibuat dan dibiarkan begitu saja. Sebelum pekerjaan dimulai, brief kreatif harus berupa dokumen yang terus berkembang dan dapat berubah karena persyaratan kreatif terus dievaluasi atau diubah. Namun, saat pekerjaan dimulai, brief kreatif harus berupa  rencana yang jelas  dan memiliki gol spesifik yang dapat dijadikan referensi oleh tim desain, konten, dan kreatif selama proses berlangsung, memastikan semua orang selaras dan membuat keputusan yang tepat.

Elemen penting dari brief kreatif terbaik

Anda harus memahami pengertian brief kreatif dan alasan Anda membutuhkannya. Namun, dengan mengetahui elemen-elemen yang dimasukkan ke dalam brief kreatif, Anda akan menghemat banyak waktu dan mengurangi komunikasi berulang dengan tim kreatif. Dengan memberikan informasi yang sesuai dalam brief kreatif di awal, Anda dapat menghindari untuk kembali menangani pertanyaan dan konflik yang sama ke depannya.

Lihatlah "hal-hal yang harus ada" untuk setiap brief kreatif ini. Baik sedang merencanakan kampanye pemasaran, membuat brief kreatif untuk agensi iklan, atau menyiapkan brief kreatif untuk tim internal, sembilan langkah ini akan membantu Anda memperjelas informasi penting yang dibutuhkan untuk kesuksesan tim. Ingatlah bahwa brief mungkin berisi banyak elemen, dan Anda tentu saja dapat menambahkannya karena berhubungan dengan pekerjaan. Namun, kriteria yang disebutkan di bawah ini harus disertakan di hampir setiap brief kreatif.

Judul dan deskripsi

Gol dan tujuan, pesan dan gaya bahasa, aset dan hasil akhir.

Pemangku kepentingan

Proses distribusi

Pertama, beri judul brief kreatif. Berikan deskripsi singkat tentang pekerjaan kreatif sehingga anggota tim mengerti alasan mereka menjadi bagian dari itu. Beri tahu mereka maksud dari pekerjaan kreatif tersebut.

Judul:  Kampanye iklan untuk peluncuran produk baru

Deskripsi:  Dalam rangka persiapan peluncuran produk terbaru Apollo Enterprises, kita akan menyusun serangkaian iklan untuk memperkenalkannya ke pasar.

Mengapa Anda mengerjakan ini? Pada bagian brief kreatif ini, Anda ingin menentukan kebutuhan bisnis spesifik dan hal yang akan dicapai pekerjaan tersebut. Seperti apa kesuksesan untuk kumpulan pekerjaan khusus ini? Saat menentukan gol, pastikan gol itu terukur. Di akhir proyek, Anda harus melihatnya kembali dan mengetahui secara jelas apakah tujuan tercapai.

Gol dan tujuan:  Menjangkau 500.000 pelanggan potensial melalui pencarian berbayar dalam periode satu bulan dan menambahkan 5.000 pelanggan baru ke daftar email kita.

Menguraikan audiens target akan membantu menyesuaikan materi kreatif Anda dengan mereka dengan lebih baik. Carilah wawasan spesifik karena akan menjadi memberi kumpulan informasi yang sangat berharga. Perjelas siapa yang akan menggunakan hasil akhir (video, iklan, dll.). Berusahalah sebaik mungkin untuk menentukan karakteristik orang tersebut dengan menguraikan demografi seperti usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendapatan, status perkawinan, atau tingkat pendidikan.

Perhatikan juga nilai pelanggan Anda, beserta minat, keinginan, dan kebutuhan mereka. Tentukan apakah Anda mencoba menjangkau pelanggan yang sudah ada atau calon pelanggan. Menjawab sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan tentang kemungkinan karakteristik audiens akan membantu Anda dan tim sepanjang prosesnya.

Audiens:  Pria, 30-65, berpenghasilan menengah ke atas, minimal lulusan SMA. Mereka menghargai waktu di luar ruangan, bekerja dengan tangan, alat, dan gadget. Mereka bukan pelanggan Apollo Enterprises saat ini.

Setelah mengetahui audiens, Anda perlu menentukan dengan jelas pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada mereka. Selain itu, ketika target pasar Anda menerima pesan itu, apa yang harus mereka pikirkan, rasakan, inginkan, dan lakukan? Apakah Anda meminta mereka mengambil tindakan?

Jika sudah memiliki pedoman merek, pastikan untuk memasukkannya ke dalam brief kreatif, atau arahkan semua pemangku kepentingan tempat menemukannya. Mengikuti pedoman merek memastikan nada dan gaya bahasa pesan sesuai dengan merek secara keseluruhan, dan membuat pesan tetap konsisten di seluruh inisiatif pemasaran.

Jika belum menetapkan pedoman merek, buatlah bersama anggota tim yang tepat untuk mengumpulkan beberapa informasi tentang nada dan gaya bahasa yang harus diikuti pekerjaan kreatif khusus ini. Anggaplah pesan Anda sebagai orang. Pesan harus memiliki suara (karakteristik) dan gaya (suasana hati atau sikap).

Pesan dan gaya bahasa:  Kita ingin memberdayakan audiens untuk menjadi kreator dan menggunakan produk baru Apollo Enterprises sebagai bagian dari rangkaian alat mereka yang paling berharga. Kita harus mengapresiasi audiens target yang berkarya dengan tangan mereka dan membuat mereka bangga dengan kreasi yang diciptakan.

Karena pekerjaan tim Anda akan menghasilkan beberapa jenis aset kreatif (atau banyak), bagian brief ini harus menjelaskan aset dan hasil akhir tersebut. Misalnya, jika Anda membuat suatu iklan, hasil akhirnya adalah iklan aktual. Pastikan Anda menentukan persyaratan aset seperti dimensi, jumlah versi, dan elemen desain.

Aset dan hasil akhir:  Tiga iklan berbeda, masing-masing dengan tagline dan gambar berbeda (satu versi untuk setiap ukuran berikut: 250x250, 728x90, 120x600).

Pekerjaan kreatif biasanya membutuhkan  kolaborasi tim lintas fungsi. Pemasaran dan desain hampir selalu terlibat, dan sering kali departemen lain juga akan berperan. Ini berarti beberapa individu dari tim yang berbeda bekerja sama untuk mencapai hasil yang sama.

Inilah alasan begitu pentingnya mengidentifikasi semua pemangku kepentingan utama di awal. Setiap anggota tim harus tahu siapa yang terlibat dan apa tanggung jawab mereka. Anda nantinya akan menghemat banyak waktu dalam menjawab pertanyaan jika menambahkan ini ke brief kreatif.

Pemangku kepentingan:

Tim kreatif: Larry (teks iklan), Emma (desain iklan)

Tim pemasaran: Hannah (pemimpin tim), Caleb (pengaturan pemasaran email untuk kampanye), Terry (distribusi iklan)

Tim produk: Zach (Manajer Produk)

Menetapkan anggaran dari awal akan membantu Anda tetap selaras secara finansial dan memandu pengambilan keputusan. Pastikan untuk menetapkan angka aktual dan mengidentifikasi biaya jika memungkinkan. Melakukan beberapa penelitian cepat sebelumnya akan membantu Anda. Adakah cara untuk dapat memangkas sejumlah biaya? Meluangkan waktu untuk membuat kalkulasi sebelum mulai bekerja akan membuat atasan senang!

Anggaran:  Anggaran keseluruhan adalah $8.000, dengan $5.000 untuk belanja iklan, $1.500 untuk desain, dan $1.500 untuk copywriting.

Menetapkan  linimasa untuk pekerjaan  sejak awal akan membuat Anda dan tim tetap sesuai rencana. Tentukan tanggal mulai dan akhir, lalu isi sebanyak mungkin tanggal penting di antaranya. Mengetahui batas waktu yang penting dari awal memberi semua pemangku kepentingan gambaran tentang waktu yang dibutuhkan bagian mereka. Mereka dapat merencanakan dengan tepat dan memberi tahu Anda jika ada konflik. Buatlah tanggal dan batas waktu sespesifik mungkin, dan ingat bahwa penyesuaian mungkin perlu dilakukan saat pekerjaan berprogres.

Rapat Perdana: 5 Mei

Tenggat brief kreatif final: 10 Mei

Tenggat teks iklan: 30 Mei

Tenggat desain iklan: 10 Juni

Tenggat rencana pembelian iklan: 15 Juni

Penayangan iklan: 1 Juli - 31 Juli

Ukur keberhasilan iklan: Sedang berlangsung

Penutupan: 15 Agustus

Mengidentifikasi cara konten media benar-benar menjangkau audiens adalah bagian dari brief kreatif yang tidak bisa dilewati. Semua kerja keras yang Anda lakukan dalam setiap langkah proses kreatif berakhir dengan strategi distribusi yang efektif. Dengan kata lain, bagaimana Anda akan mengomunikasikan pesan? Media sosial, email, postingan blog, dan iklan berbayar hanyalah beberapa cara untuk mendistribusikan media Anda.

Proses distribusi:  Platform Google Adwords untuk menyebarkan iklan.

Contoh brief kreatif yang dibuat dengan baik

Melihat contoh-contoh tampilan brief kreatif terbaik dapat membantu Anda menyusunnya sendiri. Lihatlah contoh luar biasa ini dan perhatikan baik-baik detailnya. Anda dapat melihat bahwa manajer proyek meluangkan waktu dan pikiran untuk mengembangkan brief kreatif ini dan membantu tim bekerja sama dengan lancar.

Gambar contoh cara membuat brief kreatif

Templat brief kreatif

Mulailah dengan templat brief kreatif ini untuk menguraikan gol kampanye, hasil akhir kreatif, tenggat, strategi pemasaran, dan lainnya.

Judul dan deskripsi:

Nama yang jelas dan mudah dikenali pemangku kepentingan serta ringkasan singkat yang menyampaikan maksud brief kreatif Anda.

Gol dan tujuan:

Tentukan metrik kesuksesan untuk brief kreatif Anda.

Siapa yang menjadi target kampanye dan apa nilai, minat, dan kebutuhan mereka? Bagian ini harus mencakup demografi yang relevan.

Pesan dan gaya bahasa:

Gaya apa yang ingin digunakan? Perasaan apa yang Anda harapkan dari audiens ketika mereka melihat aset kreatif?

Aset dan hasil akhir:

Aset dan hasil akhir 1

Aset dan hasil akhir 2

Aset dan hasil akhir 3

Pemangku kepentingan 1

Pemangku kepentingan 2

Pemangku kepentingan 3

Berapa anggaran keseluruhan Anda? Apakah ada perincian spesifik tentang cara menggunakan anggaran?

Tanggal:  Deskripsi

Tanggal: Deskripsi

Proses distribusi:

Tentukan cara Anda menjangkau audiens setelah aset dan hasil akhir siap.

Cara menggunakan brief kreatif saat bekerja dengan agensi

Terkadang, pemangku kepentingan internal bukan satu-satunya pihak yang akan Anda ajak berkolaborasi dalam pekerjaan kreatif. Perusahaan dapat memilih mempekerjakan agensi untuk membantu. Jika Anda harus  bekerja dengan agensi , berikut cara menggunakan brief kreatif untuk memanfaatkan kemitraan secara maksimal.

Gunakan brief kreatif Anda sebagai titik awal

Saat mengirimkan brief kreatif ke kontak agensi, manfaatkan kesempatan tersebut untuk mendiskusikan gol Anda dengan mereka dan memperbaiki brief kreatif jika perlu. Mintalah masukan mereka. Mereka hadir untuk membantu, dan mendapatkan dukungan mereka akan membuat setiap bagian dari keseluruhan proses menjadi lebih mudah. Izinkan mitra agensi untuk mengajarkan Anda apa yang berhasil dan yang tidak.

Buat versi final brief kreatif Anda seefisien mungkin

Semakin banyak informasi berharga yang dimasukkan, semakin sedikit pertanyaan yang akan muncul nanti. Dan, ingat, meskipun agensi adalah mitra Anda, mereka juga bekerja dengan perusahaan lain. Memberi mereka informasi sebanyak mungkin akan membuat Anda dan brief kreatif menonjol (secara positif). Misalnya, Anda ingin menyertakan panduan gaya yang berlaku, rekomendasi gaya bahasa, informasi pesan internal yang relevan, dan pedoman merek apa pun yang harus diingat agensi saat bekerja.

Terbuka terhadap perubahan

Pekerjaan kreatif bergerak cepat. Beberapa pemimpin proyek salah mengira bahwa brief kreatif tidak bisa diubah agar dapat mendukung tim yang bergerak cepat. Pada kenyataannya, ini adalah dokumen dinamis. Sebelum mulai mengeksekusi pekerjaan, brief harus selalu bisa didiskusikan dan diedit.

Buat brief kreatif terbaik Anda

Sudah tenang, 'kan? Semoga, pada akhirnya, mengembangkan brief kreatif sendiri tidak tampak begitu menakutkan dan Anda siap mulai membuat brief berikutnya. Setelah membuat brief kreatif, kelola langkah selanjutnya dalam proses kreatif di alat manajemen kerja, misalnya,  Asana . Alat ini tidak hanya akan membantu Anda tetap terorganisasi, tetapi juga akan membantu menjalankan proyek secara aktual.

Buat brief kreatif yang membuat hidup Anda (dan pemangku kepentingan) lebih mudah agar dapat mengeksekusi pekerjaan kreatif dengan sukses.

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How To Write A High-Impact Executive Summary

By Derek Jansen | January 2018

exec summary is your first impression

In this post, I’ll deconstruct the often-misunderstood executive summary and show you how to develop a high-impact executive summary for your assignment, research report or even your dissertation or thesis.

So, what is an executive summary?

An executive summary (sometimes called an abstract ) is quite simply a summary of summaries. In other words, an executive summary provides a concise summary of each of your assignment or report chapters/sections . More specifically, it should communicate the key points/insights/findings/suggestions from the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Recommendations
  • Implementation (if applicable)
  • Reflection (if applicable)

I’ll discuss which key points from each section need to be addressed a bit later. On a separate note – if you’re writing an executive summary for a dissertation or thesis, all of the concepts described in this post will still apply to you, however, you’ll include an additional paragraph about your methodology, and you’ll likely spend more word count discussing your analysis findings.

The 4 Important Attributes Of An Exec Summary

Before I discuss what goes into the executive summary, let’s quickly look at 4 attributes that make for a strong executive summary:

#1 – It should be able to stand alone.

The executive summary should be able to stand independently as an informative document . In other words, the reader should be able to grasp your broad argument without having to read the full document. Further reading should be purely for attaining more detail. Simply put, the executive summary should be a “Mini-Me” of the assignment.

This independence means that anything you write in the executive summary will need to be re-stated in the body of your assignment. A common mistake that students make is to introduce key points in the executive summary and then not discuss them again in the document – accordingly, the marker must view the main document as missing these key points. Simply put – make sure you discuss key points in both the executive summary and the main body . It will feel repetitive at times – this is normal.

Henley MBA Help

#2 – It should be written for the intelligent layman.

When crafting your executive summary, its useful to keep the intelligent layman front of mind. What I mean by this is that you should write your summary assuming that your reader (i.e. the marker) will be intelligent but won’t be familiar with your topic and/or industry. This means that you should explain any technical concepts, avoid jargon and explain acronyms before using them.

#3 – It should be concise.

Typically, your executive summary should be a one-pager (one and a half pages at worst). To summarise a 3000 – 5000-word document into one page is no easy task, so you’ll need to:

  • Present only the most important information (key insights, recommendations, etc).
  • Write concisely – i.e. with brevity and completeness.

To the first point, I’ll explain what the “most important” information is for each chapter shortly. To the second point (writing concisely), there are various ways to do this, including:

  • Using simple, straightforward language.
  • Using the active voice.
  • Removing bloaty adverbs and adjectives.
  • Reducing prepositional phrases.
  • Avoiding noun strings.

Does this sound like gibberish to you? Don’t worry! The Writing Center at the University of Wisconson-Madison provides a practical guide to writing more concisely, which you can download here.

On a related note, you typically would not include headings, citations or bulleted/numbered lists in your executive summary. These visual components tend to use a lot of space, which comes at a premium, as you know.

#4 – It should be written last.

Given that your executive summary is a summary of summaries, it needs to be written last , only once you’ve identified all your key insights, recommendations and so on. This probably sounds obvious, but many students start writing the summary first (potentially because of its position in the document) and then end up re-writing it multiple times, or they don’t rewrite it and consequently end up with an executive summary which is misaligned with the main document.

Simply put, you should leave this section until everything else is completed. Once your core body content is completed, you should read through the entire document again and create a bullet-point list of all the key points . From this list, you should then craft your executive summary . The approach will also help you identify gaps, contradictions and misalignments in your main document.

Dissertation Coaching

So, what goes into an executive summary?

Right, let’s get into the meat of it and consider what exactly should go into your executive summary. As I’ve mentioned, you need to present only the absolutely key point points from each of your chapters, but what does this mean exactly?

Each chapter will typically take the form of 1 paragraph (with no headings) in your executive summary. So, 5 chapters means 5 paragraphs. Naturally, some will be longer than others (let this be informed by the mark allocation), but assuming one page contains 500 words, you’re aiming for roughly 100 words per paragraph (assuming a 5-paragraph structure). See why conciseness is key!

Now, let’s look at what the key points are for each chapter in the case of a typical MBA assignment or report. In the case of a dissertation or thesis, the paragraph structure would still mimic the chapter structure – you’d just have more chapters, and therefore, more paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

This paragraph should cover the following points:

  • A very brief explanation of the business (what does it do, for whom and where?).
  • Clear identification and explanation of the problem or opportunity that will be the focus of the assignment/report.
  • A clear statement of the purpose of the assignment (i.e. what research questions will you seek to answer?).
  • Brief mention of what data sources were utilised (i.e. secondary research) and any fieldwork undertaken (i.e. primary research ).

In other words, your first paragraph should introduce the business, the problem/opportunity to be addressed, why it’s important, and how you approached your analysis. This paragraph should make it clear to the reader what the assignment is all about at a broad level. Here’s a practical example:

This assignment focuses on ABC Ltd, a XXX business based in XXX, which provides XXX to XXX customers. To date, the firm has relied almost exclusively on XXX marketing channel. Consequently, ABC Ltd has little understanding of consumer segments, wants, and needs. This marketing channel is now under regulatory threat due to XXX.  The core challenge, therefore, is that whilst ABC Ltd seeks to grow its market share, it has little understanding of its market characteristics or competitive set, and its sole marketing channel under regulatory threat. Accordingly, the objective of this assignment is XXX. The assignment draws on survey, interview, and industry data.

Paragraph 2: Analysis and findings

In this paragraph, you should discuss the following:

  • What exactly did you analyse? For example, you might have analysed the macro context (i.e. PESTLE analysis), followed by the meso (i.e. competitor or industry analysis) and then the micro (i.e. internal organisational analysis).
  • What were your key findings in relation to the purpose of the assignment? For example, you may have identified 4 potential causes of a problem and would then state them.

In other words, your second paragraph should concisely explain what you analysed and what your main findings were . An example of this:

Segmentation analysis, consisting of macro, industry and firm-level analyses, revealed a strong segmentation variable in the form of XXX, with distinct needs in each segment. Macro analysis revealed XXX, while industry and firm-level analyses suggested XXX. Subsequently, three potential target segments were established, namely XXX, XXX and XXX.  These were then evaluated using the Directional Policy Matrix, and the results indicated XXX.

From a presentation perspective, you might structure this section as:

  • Analysis 1, findings from analysis 1.
  • Analysis 2, findings from analysis 2.
  • Analysis 3, findings from analysis 3.

Importantly, you should only discuss the findings that are directly linked to the research questions (i.e. the purpose of the assignment) – don’t digress into interesting but less relevant findings. Given that the analysis chapter typically counts for a large proportion of marks, you could viably write 2-3 paragraphs for this. Be guided by the mark allocation.

Lastly, you should ensure that the findings you present here align well with the recommendations you’ll make in the next paragraph. Think about what your recommendations are, and, if necessary, reverse engineer this paragraph to create a strong link and logical flow from analysis to recommendations.

exec summary components

Paragraph 3: Recommendations

With the key findings from your analysis presented in the preceding paragraph, you should now discuss the following:

  • What are your key recommendations?
  • How do these solve the problems you found in your analysis?
  • Were there any further conclusions?

Simply put, this paragraph (or two) should present the main recommendations and justify their use (i.e. explain how they resolve the key issue). As mentioned before, it’s critically important that your recommendations tightly align with (and resolve) the key issues that you identified in the analysis. An example:

Based on the Directional Policy Matrix analysis, it is recommended that the firm target XXX segment, because of XXX. On this basis, a positioning of XXX is proposed, as this aligns with the segment’s key needs. Furthermore, a provisional high-level marketing mix is proposed. The key aspects of the marketing mix include XXX, XXX and XXX, as these align with the firm’s positioning of XXX. By adopting these recommendations, the key issue of XXX will be resolved.

Also, note that (typically) the tone changes from past to present tense when you get to the recommendations section.

Paragraph 4: Implementation

If your assignment brief requires an implementation/project plan-type section, this paragraph will typically include the following points:

  • Time requirements (how long will it take?)
  • People requirements (what skills are needed and where do you find them?)
  • Money requirements (what budget is required?)
  • How will the project or change be managed? (i.e. project management plan)
  • What risks exist and how will these be managed?

Depending on what level of detail is required by your assignment brief, you may need to present more, less or other details in this section. As always, be guided by the assignment brief.

A practical example:

A high-level implementation plan is proposed, including a stakeholder analysis, project plan and business case. Resource requirements are presented, detailing XXX, XXX and XXX requirements. A risk analysis is presented, revealing key risks including XXX, XXX and XXX. Risk management solutions are proposed, including XXX and XXX.  

assignment brief adalah

Paragraph 5: Reflection

As with the implementation chapter, the need for a reflection chapter/section will vary between assignments and universities. If your assignment has this requirement, it’s typically good to cover the following points:

  • What were your key learnings? What were your ah-ha moments?
  • What has changed in the real world as a consequence of these learnings? I.e. how has your actual behaviour and approach to “X” changed, if any?
  • What are the benefits and/or disadvantages of this change, if any?

This section is very personal, and so each person’s reflections will be different. Don’t take the above points as gospel.

Time to test it out.

Once you’ve written up your executive summary and feel confident that it’s in good shape, it’s time to test it out on an unsuspecting intelligent layman. This is a critically important step, since you, as the writer, are simply too close to the work to judge whether it all makes sense to a first-time reader. In fact, you are the least suitable person on the planet!

So, find someone who is not familiar with your assignment topic (and ideally, not familiar with your industry), and ask them to have a read through your executive summary. Friends and family will usually tell you its great, regardless of the quality, so you need to test them on their understanding. Do this by asking them to give the details back to you in their own words. Poke and prod – can they tell you what the key issues and recommendations were (in their own words!). You’ll quickly spot the gaps this way, and be able to flesh out any weak areas.

  Wrapping up.

In this post, I’ve discussed how to write the all too often undercooked executive summary. I’ve discussed some important attributes of a strong executive summary, as well as the contents that typically go into it. To recap on the key points:

The key attributes of a high-impact executive summary:

  • It should be able to stand alone.
  • It should be written for the intelligent layman.
  • It should be concise.
  • It should be written last.

The key contents of a high-impact executive summary:

Each paragraph should cover a chapter from the document. For example, In the case of a typical assignment, it would be something like:

  • Summary of the introduction chapter.
  • Summary of the analysis chapter.
  • Summary of the recommendations and/or conclusions chapter.
  • Depending – summary of the implementation and reflection.

Lastly, don’t forget to test out your executive summary on an unsuspecting layman or two. This is probably the most important step of them all!

If you have any questions or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch here or leave a comment below.

Saane Roa

Thanks so much for your methodical process and explanation of Executive Summary. It is exactly what I was researching for.

Regards Saane

Derek Jansen

It’s a pleasure!

kemba franklyn

This was really helpful with how to structure my assignment.

Peter Neba

Thank you so much for the step by step process. It’s so helpful for beginners like me.

Anna H. Smith

Great! This post is very informative and gives clear guidance on to write an executive summary. Thanks very much for sharing this information, it’s very helpful.

Derek Jansen

Thanks for the feedback, Anna. Best of luck with your writing 🙂


Thank you for the great article, really helped explain what was needed.


Great insight and tips . Thanks


Thank you so much for sharing this. It was exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you for your help

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How to Create a Project Brief (Example Included)


Projects don’t just happen. There’s a lot of work before they’re approved, and once they have been given the go-ahead, there’s even more planning and scheduling needed! How do you communicate that information with stakeholders and the team so they understand the project?

You use a project brief, an important document that outlines what the project is about, to do just that. A project brief lets you convey the main goals of the project so that everyone understands what they’ll be doing.

Read on to learn more about them, and how to make one for yourself.

What Is a Project Brief?

A project brief communicates the reason and approach for a project and the processes that will be used to manage it. It’s not as detailed as a project plan, though it’s up there in importance.

Stakeholders and the project team need a short and concise pitch to explain the project. The project brief is a way to deliver this information in a summary that will outline the objectives of the project, its scope, the main deliverables, milestones and the timeline .

Taking the time to create a thorough project brief helps bring everyone together to better fulfill the mandate of the project. It will also set the stage for a better plan and project schedule. The better your project brief, the better you’ll achieve the goals and objectives of the project.

assignment brief adalah

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Project Brief Template

Use this free Project Brief Template for Word to manage your projects better.

What Is the Purpose of a Project Brief?

The project brief does more than frame the project—it also acts as an effective communication tool. A strong project brief helps stakeholders, teams, designers and anyone involved in the project understand its requirements and goal. It’s a key document at the initiation of a project , in that it brings everyone together to serve a common end.

It is not an exaggeration to say the project brief is the most crucial document to leading a successful project. It is here that you define the scope of the project and open the door to a conversation between all parties involved in getting to the goal most efficiently.

In practical terms, the project brief will make clear what your client’s objectives are, who the target audience or market for the product or service is, and even the key competitors in that space.

Who Creates a Project Brief?

Because it’s such a fundamental document in any project, the project brief is created by the project manager. The project manager is responsible for creating the project plan and schedule, as well as managing resources , so it’s only natural that they are involved in the creation of the project brief as it will guide all those other project components.

However, a project manager doesn’t pull the information contained in the project brief out of their hat. Like producing the project plan and schedule, there are resources a project manager will tap to make sure the document accurately captures the project’s mission.

A screenshot of a gantt chart in ProjectManager

The first and among the most key people to speak to, naturally, are the client and project stakeholders. They are the ones for whom the project exists and can define its goals and objectives.

Once the vision is clear, project managers can refer back to older projects for historical data that can help guide the direction of this new project. Similarly, input from other project managers and project team members who have run similar projects can be very helpful.

While the buck stops with the project manager, a lot of cooks are in this kitchen. The more research and preparation are done before the pencil hits the paper, the better the results, which will set the tone for the entire project that follows.

What Should a Project Brief Include?

The project brief is a bit of an oxymoron. It must describe the whole project thoroughly while at the same time offering only a summary. It’s not so different from an executive summary, in that it acts somewhere between an elevator pitch and the overview of an agenda.

While project briefs can vary in format, most will touch on these topics.

  • Client (contact info, type of business and customer base)
  • Project Definition (background, outcomes, scope)
  • Project Approach (processes and procedures)
  • Project Objective
  • Project Details (target audience, goals, timeline, phase, review, etc.)

Project Brief Example

an example of a project brief

The goals and objects are described, constraints and assumptions are given and the project scope is detailed. You can also add the target audience and who is authorized to deem the project a success and by what criteria.

After that follows more details about executing the project, such as the budget , timeline, duration and milestones.

How to Create a Project Brief

When you write a project brief you have to incorporate the background, the objectives of the project and what will determine if it’s a success. There needs to be an outline of the project’s schedule and target audience.

At its simplest, a project brief can answer those questions and serve its purpose. You can list the sections as bullet points on a one-page document or if it’s a digital link to supporting documentation . There is no one way to create a project brief, but the following is a general guide to how to get started:

Project Overview

Begin by collecting the contact information. It’s a good and easy start. Jot down the client, their contract, a brief about their business and customer base. Having a solid background will inform the rest of your business brief.

Project Objectives

Knowing what your project objectives are is how you get a better understanding of the project at large. Look at what deliverables you have, especially the final one. This is also how you begin to define what a successful project looks like. Use SMART goals, as in being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

Project Timeline

You’ve defined what you have to deliver, now you need to figure out the timeframe in which you have to make those deliverables. This means knowing when you’re going to start and what the project’s timeline is. What you’re undertaking here is the T in SMART, the time-bound part. To further refine the schedule, look at milestones (important dates, like when one phase ends and another begins).

Who’s the Target Audience?

The project brief is more than just what you’re doing and when you’re doing it, you need to outline who you’re doing it for. Without a target audience, you can’t define whether your project is a success or not. You can get it all done on time and within budget and still fail because you didn’t deliver on the quality expectations of your target audience. That means demographics and other profiling to make sure you’re fulfilling that audience’s needs.

Tie It to the Stakeholders & Team

Finally, you want to tie all the pieces to the stakeholders and the team, who are the target audience for the project brief. That means, making it relevant to them by including resources for the project, outlining the budget, even a communication plan and defining the roles and responsibilities. How much more you want to add is up to you, but it should strike a good balance between what’s important and what’s too in the weeds. Remember, you don’t want to obscure your message.

Things to Avoid when Making a Project Brief

There are common mistakes people make when crafting their project brief; let’s take a quick look at those mistakes below.

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

Be on the lookout for pitfalls such as defining too many goals. The project brief needs to be, well, brief and too many goals will not only make it longer but harder to understand.

Confusing Communication

Clarity is key to a successful project brief. If you aren’t clear when defining your target audience, then the project sights will be off from the start. Even if the aim is only a little off, over the course of the project the effect will be cumulative and your final deliverable will be well off the mark.

Lack of Precision

Another thing to avoid is generalizations. Good writing is specific, and a well-written project brief shares the same precision. Avoid jargon and any meaningless filling. Say what you want is a few, well-pointed words that describe what you’re talking about, putting it in focus.

Phoning It In

Finally, don’t be lazy. Put in the work. Do all the research, talk to everyone you need to in order to deliver a strong project brief. This is a foundational document that leads to the project plan, but it’s also a communication tool. If you don’t have a clear project brief, the rest of the project will suffer.

How ProjectManager Enables Successful Projects

ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software that turns a brief into a successful project. With features that can plan, monitor and report on progress and performance, you’ll only need one software to manage all aspects of your project.

All the tasks that lead to deliverables in the project brief need to get done within the timeframe and budget you estimated. To control all these elements, we have an online Gantt chart project view. It organizes your tasks and subtasks, resources and costs.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Task Lists for Easy Execution

Now you have your tasks laid out, but tasks need people to execute them and move your project forward. You can direct your team to use our task lists, which list out your task descriptions and file attachments. Then, they can work together, commenting at the task level with other team members, who are notified by email.

Task list in ProjectManager

Track Projects with Automated Dashboards

You can keep track of their progress with great monitoring features, such as a real-time dashboard that displays task status, costs and other high-level views of the project. Our software calculates task updates and displays them in color-coded charts and graphs, perfect to share at stakeholder meetings to keep them in the loop.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

Deliver your projects on time and on budget

Start planning your projects.


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It is important to understand what an essay question or assignment brief is asking of you. Before you start to research or write, it is worth spending time considering the wording of the question and any learning outcomes that may accompany it. Each assignment will generally have at least three learning outcomes which you must cover if you are to achieve a pass.

Breaking down an assignment question

Before you attempt to answer an assignment question, you need to make sure you understand what it is asking. This includes not only the subject matter, but also the way in which you are required to write. Different questions may ask you to discuss, outline, evaluate… and many more. The task words are a key part of the question.

  • Key Words in Assignment Briefs


Account Account asks you to give reasons for.  An account asks for a detailed description

Make a detailed examination or investigation into something.

Assess Consider in a balanced way the points for and against something
Comment State clearly your opinions on the topic in question.  Support your views with evidence

Look for the similarities and differences. Show the relevance or consequences of these similarities.


Emphasise the differences between two or more things.

Critically evaluate

Weigh arguments for and against something, assessing the strength of the evidence on both sides. Use criteria to guide your assessment of which opinions, theories, models or items are preferable.

Define Give the precise meaning of something.  Show how the distinctions you make are necessary


Give a detailed account

Investigate or examine by argument; give reasons for and against.

Evaluate Make a judgement about the value/importance/worth of something.

Present in depth and investigate fully the implications.


Make plain, interpret, give reasons.

Extent 'To what extent’ – asks you to weigh the evidence for and against something: to state ‘how far’ something is valid.

Use examples, diagrams and so on to explain or make clear.

Interpret Make clear the meaning of something, usually giving your own views also
Justify Show adequate grounds for decisions or conclusions

Give the main features, structure or general principles of a topic omitting minor details.

Review Make a survey of; critically examine the subject.

Specify fully and clearly.


Give a concise account of the main points of the topic.

Trace Follow the development or history of an event or process
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  • Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024 11:24 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.wigan-leigh.ac.uk/Boost_Your_Grades

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How to Write a Project Brief (With Template and Examples)

Updated June 24, 2024 by Xtensio

Simply put, a project brief (project proposal or project plan) is a starting point for any project – whether it’s to plan an internal website update, organize a full-blown client campaign or outline a school project. It’s a key document that outlines the scope, scale, and detailed requirements of the project, helping you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Explore this template .

Xtensio is your team space for beautiful living documents . Create , manage and share business collateral, easily.

How To Write A Project Brief

Table of Contents

Xtensio’s free project brief template and editable examples.

Your starting point to create and share a successful project summary, without any design experience.

Project Brief Template

Project Brief Template

Web Development Project Brief Example Template

Web Development Project Summary

School Study Abroad Project Brief Template

School Study Abroad Project Scope

A step-by-step guide to doing a Pro ject Brief

The length of your project brief is determined by the scope and size of your project. The longer the brief, the more intricate the job. Allow it to come together naturally, adding information as needed. Don’t worry about formatting or adhering to a specific outline; a project summary can and should vary depending on the goal.

The great thing about using Xtensio’s template is that it becomes an editable living document once you save it to your dashboard. Move modules and sections around to make the template fit your project. Collaborate on it with your team members and share the live link with your clients to keep them updated on the project as it evolves – no sending PDFs or constantly updating a web page in the CMS!

1. Company Profile: Who is your client?

Before diving into the details of the project, you should explain who this project is being created for. In other words, who is your client? Be clear and indicate these essentials:

  • What is the client’s company name?
  • What does their product/service focus on?
  • What are the main features of their product/service?
  • What is the company’s mission and vision?
  • What does their brand stand for?
  • Who are their competitors ?

How To Write A Project Brief , Company Profile

2. Project Description: What is the project about?

Give an overview of the project by defining the what and the why .

  • Describe the project in detail. Are you working on a website redesign? Developing a new product? Creating a plan for a school research project?
  • Define who will be in charge of the various procedures for which your team is responsible on this project.
  • What are some of the critical details and requirements the client mentioned?
  • Find out why your client is tackling this project. Understanding what motivated them to get the ball rolling will help you identify potential roadblocks in the project.

How To Write A Project Brief,  Project Description

Quick Tip: Meeting the project requirements plays a large role in measuring the project’s success. Having detailed information about the project and your client’s profile will help the whole team understand their individual expectations in meeting these requirements.

3. Project Objectives: Are they SMART?

It’s not easy to set well-defined objectives in the early stages of a project. But if you manage to do this successfully, it will have a significant positive impact on your team’s productivity. Here’s how you can define your project’s goals:

  • Specific: Who? What? Where? Why? When?
  • Measurable: What are the metrics? Any numbers or percentages to reach?
  • Achievable: Do you have resources and skills to reach the goal you are setting?
  • Realistic: Does it match your organization’s overall goals?
  • Timely: When will you finalize this project?
  • Practice with Xtensio’s guiding  SMART Goals template  to get in the habit of establishing goals that lead to results.

Smart Objectives

4. Target Audience: Who is the user persona?

If you want to reach your goals and complete each milestone efficiently, you will need to create personalized projects and be familiar with the target audience. Before putting too much effort into the bulk of the project, you must learn who your client’s target audience is. What is their demographic? What are their interests and goals? In many cases, clients will provide you with insights on their users.

Company Profile

Bonus: If you are looking for the quickest and most effective way to create a user persona, share it with your team and integrate it into your project brief, take advantage of Xtensio’s Free User Persona Template !

5. Schedule & Budget: When and how much?

One of the most important parts of organizing a project is identifying the final due date and scheduling your team’s efforts to reach specified milestones along the way. You should also establish the budget of the project in detail to avoid any last-minute expenses.

  • What is the expected date (by the client) for this project to be finalized?
  • How do you plan to manage the internal organization? Your team members need to be aware of the project timeline so they can meet the deadlines for their part in the project.
  • What is the overall budget for this project?
  • Are there certain aspects of the project this budget has been set aside for? Clearly outline how this budget will be spent on the project.

Schedule &Amp; Budget

6. Project Scope: What is (not) included?

Every project needs a well-defined scope in order to be successful. Defining what is in the scope for the project should outline the project deliverables, features, tasks, objectives, budget, and due dates. On the other hand, you should also identify tasks, jobs or processes that are out of scope, or not relevant to your team’s work on the project.

  • What tasks/jobs/objectives are in scope? Explain in detail.
  • Are there internal and external deliverables that are expected from the team or the client?
  • Is there an important event date or iterative implementation dates that need to be met?

Out of Scope

  • What deliverables or tasks are not included in the project? If your client says they will provide all creative assets for a web design project, this task would be out of scope for your team’s work on the project.
  • What are some ideas or practices that are out of scope?

 Project Scope

Quick Tip:  Defining the project scope is a very important step for internal planning. Team members should have a clear understanding of what they need to take into consideration and know the details of what they shouldn’t be losing time with.

7. Success Measure: How will you define success?

When your team has finished up all the tasks, and the project is finalized, you’ll want to know if the time and effort you put into the project paid off. Every project needs to have success measurements to evaluate the success of the project and identify processes that can be improved in future projects. Here are some questions to ask while defining “what makes your project successful” :

  • Did you meet the client’s expectations? What feedback did your team receive?
  • Did you meet the deadlines and project milestones? Where do you see room for improving efficiency in your team’s process?
  • Did you go over the budget? Or did you have money left over that could have been spent to improve the functionality or resources used in the project?
  • Most importantly, did you reach the goals you set?

 Success Measure

Update your project brief regularly

Projects are ongoing… and project briefs are documents that regularly need to be updated. You will need to report changes or notify others once a step is completed. The template is adaptable just  like other Xtensio tools , it can and should be repurposed, revisited, and revised to suit your evolving needs. You can always add, delete, and move your modules and sections around with Xtensio’s versatile editor to adapt the project brief as you need it and anyone with the link will see the most recent updates.

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Oxford Brookes University

Assignment briefs

An assignment brief explains the task you are being asked to do for your assessment and how your lecturers would like you to do it. It could be as short as a single essay question, or it could be more detailed, such as a project brief with a number of sections or stages.  

Scroll down for our recommended strategies and resources.  

Get informed

As well as your assignment brief, you may have other documents with useful information for your assignment. Check on Moodle for things like the deadline, format, marking criteria, and any additional guidance that may be in lecture slides. If you have looked, but cannot find something, do ask your lecturer.

Take time to understand everything in the question and exactly what you are being asked to do. If you do not understand a word, look it up. Language learner dictionaries can be useful as they offer longer and clearer definitions of words.

Do initial research

Although understanding the words in your assignment brief is important, usually you won’t fully comprehend the concepts or ideas behind those words without doing some reading first. Don’t worry if you don’t immediately know how to answer your brief; this is normal. List some questions about what you don’t understand and need to find out, and use these to guide your initial reading around the topic. See the resource below for a series of questions to get you started:

Model to generate critical thinking (University of Plymouth)

Keywords and overview

Break the question down and look at keywords but also consider the overall purpose and main issues raised by the question as a whole.

Analysing questions using keywords (UNSW, Australia)

More complex or implied questions (UNSW, Australia)

Answer the question

It may sound obvious, but make sure you are answering the question you have been set, not the question you would prefer to answer. If the brief has a number of tasks or parts, answer all of them. Parts that involve evaluation or analysis are usually longer and worth more marks than parts that ask for description or explanation. Keep the brief in front of you and check it regularly.

Marking criteria

Unless you have been told otherwise, your marking criteria is not usually a guide to the structure of your assignment. Each section of the criteria is not a separate paragraph in your assignment, but qualities that you need to demonstrate throughout. Treat the marking criteria as a checklist at the end not as a plan at the beginning. Also the criteria often tells you what to demonstrate (e.g. critical analysis) but not necessarily how to do it. For the how to do it, look back at the skills and activities you have covered in the rest of the module.

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Desain Brief: Pengertian, Fungsi, Tips, dan Cara Membuatnya

December 1, 2022 3 min read

Desain Brief Pengertian, Fungsi, Tips, dan Cara Membuatnya

Desain brief adalah bagian penting dalam pekerjaan desain grafis . Dokumen ini berisi ringkasan proyek sebagai panduan desainer sekaligus rincian teknis kesepakatan. Di artikel ini, Anda akan belajar cara membuat ringkasan proyek beserta contoh desain brief secara detail hingga ke setiap bagiannya.

Table of Contents

Apa itu Desain Brief?

Desain brief adalah sebuah dokumen berisi detail inti proyek termasuk tujuan, lingkup, strategi, rencana teknis, dan masih banyak lagi. Anda juga bisa mendefinisikannya sebagai ringkasan proyek berisi informasi-informasi paling penting yang akan Anda butuhkan selama proses pengerjaan.

Ringkasan proyek ini akan menjadi pegangan kedua belah pihak dalam melaksanakan isi kesepakatan. Project manager memerlukan ringkasan ini untuk menjelaskan ide design yang harus desainer buat. Di sisi lain, desainer juga memerlukannya untuk mengetahui apa yang project manager inginkan.

Mengapa Perlu Membuat Desain Brief?

Setelah memahami apa itu desain brief , mungkin Anda bertanya-tanya, mengapa dokumen ini begitu penting? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, Anda perlu mengetahui 3 alasan di bawah ini:

1. Menentukan Tujuan yang Hendak Dicapai Bersama

Sebuah karya grafis umumnya tidak hanya memiliki fungsi estetika sebagai hiasan, tetapi juga fungsi praktis menyangkut kegunaan tertentu. Saat Anda menggambar logo, banner , maskot, maupun grafis lainnya, Anda pasti memiliki tujuan utama selain menghasilkan karya yang indah secara visual.

Pada kasus ini, desain brief berfungsi sebagai ‘titik merah dalam peta’ alias tujuan yang hendak Anda capai. Karena proyek Anda melibatkan banyak pihak, tentunya Anda tidak bisa mengarahkan semua orang hanya secara verbal. 

Di sinilah ringkasan proyek mengambil perannya sebagai ‘GPS’ agar desainer tidak salah arah.

2. Mengarahkan Semua Pihak Menuju Goals yang Sama

Miskomunikasi antara project manager dengan desainer bisa berisiko sangat fatal. Dalam melakukan pekerjaannya, seorang desainer tidak hanya berfokus pada sisi visual, tetapi juga sisi bisnis yang harus dicapai. Ada banyak pertimbangan seperti brand tone , karakter, target pasar, dan masih banyak lagi.

Desain brief berfungsi sebagai pengarah desainer dalam mengerjakan proyek grafis. Agar pekerjaan selesai lebih cepat dan sesuai ekspektasi, desainer harus mendapatkan semua informasi berkaitan dengan tujuan dan semua pertimbangan bisnis Anda. Jika tidak, hasil pekerjaan desainer berisiko melenceng dari goals .

3. Agar Bisa Memilih Desainer yang Tepat untuk Proyek Tersebut

Setiap desainer pasti memiliki spesialisasi yang berbeda. Ada desainer yang berfokus pada pembuatan logo bisnis, materi iklan, film animasi, kartun komik, dan lain sebagainya. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan, maka Anda juga harus memilih orang yang tepat untuk mengerjakannya.

Desain brief menjadi senjata Anda sejak proses rekrutmen. Di dalamnya, Anda bisa mencantumkan detail proyek dan kriteria desainer yang Anda butuhkan. Dokumen ini akan menyeleksi kandidat sejak awal sehingga Anda hanya menerima penawaran dari desainer dengan kompetensi yang relevan..

Cara Membuat Desain Brief

Karena fungsinya yang begitu penting, maka Anda harus bisa membuat ringkasan proyek yang layak menjadi acuan semua pihak. Cara membuatnya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Jelaskan Tujuan Anda

Cara membuat desain brief yang pertama adalah menjelaskan tujuan dan objektif Anda. Informasi ini harus Anda taruh di awal dokumen dengan kalimat yang jelas, rinci, dan mudah dipahami. Jika Anda mampu melakukan langkah pertama ini dengan benar, maka langkah-langkah selanjutnya akan lebih terarah.

2. Cantumkan Budget dan Deadline

Cara membuat ringkasan proyek yang kedua adalah mencantumkan budget dan deadline . Konflik antara desainer dengan project owner kerap terjadi akibat miskomunikasi perihal dua poin ini. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mencantumkannya ke dalam ringkasan proyek untuk mencegah miskomunikasi.

3. Tentukan Target Audiens

Cara membuat desain brief yang ketiga adalah menentukan target audiens. Setiap karya grafis pastinya memiliki kelompok audiens tertentu. Jika Anda membuat design untuk keperluan bisnis, maka target audiens Anda adalah calon konsumen. Begitu juga dengan jenis gambar lain, semuanya harus tertulis dengan jelas.

4. Pertegas Batasan Area Kerja

Cara membuat ringkasan proyek yang keempat adalah mempertegas batasan area kerja. Dalam kerja sama proyek, setiap pihak pastinya memiliki hak dan kewajiban masing-masing. Anda harus mempertegas dan menulisnya dengan jelas di dalam ringkasan proyek.

5. Berikan Rincian Rencana Desain

Cara membuat desain brief yang terakhir adalah menjelaskan rencana Anda. Anda tidak bisa meminta seorang desainer untuk menggambar sebuah objek hanya berdasarkan penjelasan verbal. Agar desainer memahami apa yang Anda inginkan, maka Anda harus menjelaskannya secara rinci ke dalam ringkasan proyek.

Contoh Desain Brief

Agar Anda lebih memahami apa itu desain brief , Anda perlu melihat contohnya secara langsung sebagai berikut:

Project Pembuatan Logo PT. Contoh Sample Jaya

Nama Perusahaan: PT. Contoh Sample Jaya

Nama Slogan: Your Best Sample

Tugas Anda: Membuat logo yang mampu merepresentasikan karakter perusahaan sebagai identitas bisnis dan materi pemasaran.

Industri: Teknologi

3 Nilai Utama yang Harus Ditonjolkan:

  • Modern, dinamis, dan fleksibel.
  • Teknologi berkelanjutan.
  • Membawa dampak positif secara luas.

Target Market: Pemilik bisnis dari segala bidang usaha yang ingin bermigrasi ke teknologi digital atau meningkatkan teknologi perusahaannya ke level yang lebih tinggi.

Warna yang (Tidak) Diinginkan: Cokelat, hijau olive , abu-abu gelap, dan warna-warna kaku lainnya.

Tambahan Ide dan Informasi:

Perusahaan kami terdiri dari pekerja teknologi muda yang kreatif, berpikiran terbuka, dan berambisi besar untuk menyelesaikan masalah bisnis klien. Logo harus menonjolkan kesan energik, dinamis, dan identik dengan teknologi tinggi sesuai rincian yang diterangkan dalam dokumen ini.

Dimana Logo Akan Digunakan:

  • Website perusahaan
  • Media publikasi dan pemasaran, digital, maupun cetak
  • Seragam karyawan
  • Surat-menyurat
  • Dan lain sebagainya.

Tips Membuat Desain Brief

Agar bisa membuat ringkasan proyek yang optimal, ada beberapa tips yang bisa Anda ikuti, yaitu:

1. Gunakan Tampilan yang Simple dan Komunikatif

Tips membuat desain brief yang pertama adalah mengatur tampilan agar tampak sederhana dan dapat menyampaikan informasi dengan baik. Pada poin ini, Anda harus mengutamakan fungsi di atas estetika.

2. Manfaatkan Media Pendukung

Tips yang kedua adalah menggunakan media pendukung seperti gambar, tabel, chart , dan lain sebagainya. Alih-alih menyampaikan seluruh informasi dalam bentuk teks, mengemasnya dalam format visual tentunya lebih ringkas dan efektif.

3. Kolaborasi Semua Pihak

Tips membuat desain brief yang ketiga adalah melibatkan semua pihak dalam pembuatannya. Sebelum proyek berjalan, ringkasan proyek harus disetujui oleh semua orang yang terlibat.

Daripada meminta satu pihak untuk membuatnya lalu menunggu pihak lain untuk menyetujuinya, akan lebih cepat jika semua pihak bisa duduk semeja dan merancangnya bersama.

Sudah Siap Membuat Desain Brief untuk Proyek Anda?

Sejauh ini, Anda sudah memahami segala hal tentang ringkasan proyek grafis yang meliputi pengertian, cara membuat, tips, hingga contoh desain brief. Sekarang, siapkah Anda memulai project planning dengan membuat brief pertama Anda?

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  • Marking criteria, assessment briefs and feedback

Guidance for writing assessment briefs

Published on: 10/07/2023 · Last updated on: 03/09/2024

Sources of difficulty

Have you set an assessment, only to be bombarded with queries from students about how to approach the task?  Or, marked work to find that the cohort has missed the point of the assessment?  

Writing a clear assessment brief is a skill that is fraught with challenges and requires practise. Assessments should have elements of difficulty built in that support academics in making valid judgments about the quality of the response – these are legitimate difficulties.   

However, where assessments include or omit information that benefits some groups of students over others, this prevents valid judgements from being made regarding student ability and instead increases awarding gaps and time spent on fruitless feedback. These, often unconscious barriers, are known as illegitimate difficulties. 

Legitimate sources of difficulty

Intentional demands of the assessment question. They allow assessors to make judgements about the quality of a response:

  • Open v closed questions​
  • Abstract v concrete concepts​
  • The number of cognitive processes

Illegitimate sources of difficulty

Unintentional features of an assessment brief that give unfair advantage or disadvantage to some students:

  • ​Inaccessible language​
  • Cultural-specific​ language or examples
  • Irrelevant additional materials

Checking your brief

It is also good practice to consider the ‘bigger picture’ of an assessment from the perspective of a student, especially if several colleagues have collaborated to create a single exam or assessment. Items such as diagrams and images intended to be a support, could instead be a point of confusion.

  • Additional resources (diagrams, images, case studies): do they provide useful support? ​
  • Clarity: are there any superfluous words, negatives, ambiguous terms/words with more than one meaning? ​
  • Presentation of the brief: do the layout, marks available, command terms align with what you would like students to do?​
  • Any intended/unintended clues that students may use to support their response. ​
  • Intended level of difficulty: is the word count or number of reasoning/ processing steps appropriate for the marks and time available? ​
  • Clarity of expectations: is there one clear way of a approaching the task? Would different approaches be acceptable?

Further approaches

Where time and budget allow, employing a ‘scribe’ can be an excellent insight into the effectiveness of an assignment brief.  A scribe’s role is to attempt an assessment before it is set for the majority of students.  They complete the task and provide feedback on the level of difficulty involved- this would usually be someone who has completed the relevant level of the course previously and should be able to complete the task with relative ease.

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  • Effective feedback practice
  • Creating Marking criteria

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Definition of assignment

task , duty , job , chore , stint , assignment mean a piece of work to be done.

task implies work imposed by a person in authority or an employer or by circumstance.

duty implies an obligation to perform or responsibility for performance.

job applies to a piece of work voluntarily performed; it may sometimes suggest difficulty or importance.

chore implies a minor routine activity necessary for maintaining a household or farm.

stint implies a carefully allotted or measured quantity of assigned work or service.

assignment implies a definite limited task assigned by one in authority.

Examples of assignment in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'assignment.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

see assign entry 1

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Phrases Containing assignment

  • self - assignment

Dictionary Entries Near assignment

Cite this entry.

“Assignment.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assignment. Accessed 4 Sep. 2024.

Legal Definition

Legal definition of assignment, more from merriam-webster on assignment.

Nglish: Translation of assignment for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of assignment for Arabic Speakers

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What Is a Design Brief and How to Write It

Learn how to stay aligned and keep your design project on track.

In order for the designer to do the best job they can, first, it's crucial to understand exactly what the design task requires.

This is where the design brief comes in . When done correctly, it becomes a vital communication tool for your design project. Running a project without it usually means relying on phone calls, long email threads, notes, and messages, which inevitably results in chaos. Whether you are a design agency or a company commissioning the design, with a brief, you have a single guiding document for your entire design process.

Let's go into what design briefs are and how to write them.

What is a design brief?

How to write a design brief, what to include in a design brief, design brief template.

A design brief is a document that defines the core details of your upcoming design project , including its goals, scope, and strategy. It needs to define what you, as a designer, need to do, and within what constraints. In many ways, it works like a roadmap or a blueprint, informing design decisions and guiding the overall workflow of your project, from conception to completion.

Most importantly, a well-crafted brief should help you make sure that there is full agreement among the stakeholders on project deliverables, budget, and schedule.

Here's an example of a design brief created in Nuclino , a unified workspace where teams can bring all their knowledge, docs, and projects together in one place. Create an account and start writing your own design briefs:

Design brief example in Nuclino

An example of a logo design brief in Nuclino

Visual collaboration is seamlessly built into Nuclino, allowing you to add an infinite collaborative canvas to any design brief. You can use it to build creative moodboards, brainstorm ideas using sticky notes, create diagrams, and more.

Since most design projects are collaborative and involve multiple stakeholders, carefully consider where you are going to write your design brief . Creating it in a Word document would mean having to deal with emails , bouncing around your team's inboxes, and outdated attachments. Using a document sharing tool that facilitates collaboration, such as Google Docs or Nuclino , could help you ensure everyone always has the latest version of the brief and make it easy to provide their input.

Regardless of the tool you use, the most important task is deciding what content to include. After all, a design brief is only valuable if it captures the correct, relevant, and up-to-date information.

It can take many forms and follow many different templates. Every design project is different, so there’s no fixed formula for the perfect brief. It can be a very formal, long, and detailed document, or it can be a simple and short one-pager. However, there are several essential elements that make a great brief.

Design brief template

Project overview

The project overview section of your brief should provide a clear and concise description of your design project. It should cover the what and why behind your project. For example: "We need a logo design for use online or in print", or "we need a logo animation in the MP4 format to be used in the introduction of our product tutorial videos" or "we are looking for a web design agency to undertake a custom project for our brand and website, delivering wireframes, mockups, interactive prototypes, and production-ready web design assets ."

You can formulate this section by asking yourself or your client the following questions:

What are we building?

What design problem are we trying to solve?

What assets are expected at the completion of the project?

Goals and objectives of the new design

One of the most important steps in planning a design project and writing your design brief is aligning on what you (or your client) want to achieve with the new design.

Make a distinction between goals and objectives . Goals describe the overall purpose of the project, while objectives are concrete measures of success in reaching a goal. The more specific and unambiguous these are in the project brief, the clearer the path will be for your work. Here are some questions that may help get clarity on project goals and objectives:

What would an ideal outcome look like for this project?

Are you redesigning an existing artifact? Why?

Is this the first time you are trying to tackle this design problem?

For example, if your project involves cutting-edge technologies like IoT product engineering , include specific performance metrics or benchmarks that the final design should meet, ensuring a clear standard for success.

Target market or audience

Understanding your audience is the first step in addressing their needs in the best possible way. Take your ideal customer, and build your persona around them. Outline their demographic traits and psychographic characteristics, as well as the problems you want to solve for them through your product.

Who is your ideal customer?

What are their demographics, habits, and goals?

When and how will they be using your product?

Budget and schedule

Understanding the budget and agreeing to a timeline are critical steps in the briefing process. Clarifying these constraints and expectations upfront is necessary for keeping the project on track and avoiding conflicts and scope creep down the road. Both, the schedule and the budget should be realistic and flexible enough to account for potential changes or unexpected obstacles.

Try asking these questions to gather the information you need:

What are the budget constraints on this project? How flexible are they?

What internal deadlines does this project need to align with?

What are the key milestones within the project?

Project deliverables

Aligning on project deliverables is one of the core purposes of the design brief. Even a small misunderstanding can create major problems if not addressed as soon as possible. Here are some questions that may help you clarify which deliverables you would need:

What do you or your client expect to receive at the end of the project?

What file formats should work be supplied in?

What sizes and resolutions are needed?

Other relevant information

Depending on the project, you may need to include additional details in your brief. For example:

Who are the main competitors?

Are there any "do nots"? Any features or creative directions you want to reject upfront?

Who will do the final approval? Who will have the power to approve or reject your work at the end of the project?

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to design briefs. The exact format needs to be defined by your own internal design workflow.

However, having a template that you can use as your starting point for each project you work on can certainly save you a lot of time and ensure you don' miss anything important. Here is a sample template you can use for inspiration when creating your own.

Design brief template

Design brief template in Nuclino

Once you have created your brief, don't forget to keep it up-to-date and make sure to make it easily accessible to all relevant stakeholders. It's important to remember that it's never fully finished until the project is complete – instead, it continuously evolves as part of the design process. You may need to revise it several times over the course of the project, for example, when you get new input from your clients or your team.

If you are using a tool like Nuclino , you can collaboratively edit your brief in real time and comment on specific sections. The document can be easily shared with external stakeholders using a shared link . Finished deliverables – files, images, Figma designs , and so on – can be embedded or uploaded directly into the brief, making it easy to manage your entire design project within a single document.

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Collaborate in real time or asynchronously and spend less time in meetings.

Manage and document your projects in one place without losing context.

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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Winning Policy Brief

by Lydia Stowe, FiscalNote

Policy briefs help your stakeholders understand complex information related to policy in a simple way. Read our step-by-step guide on writing policy briefs.


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While creating policy briefs is a big part of the public and government affairs role, it’s not often talked about. According to our 2021 State of Public Affairs Industry Report , 40 percent of government relations professionals say briefing is a monthly task, with 35 percent on a weekly schedule and 11 percent daily. This means a major component of your workweek is spent crafting and developing messaging and metrics for other people.  

Government affairs professionals need to write effective policy briefs to keep legislatures and their teams informed on issues that matter to their organization. We’re here to demystify the art of writing a policy brief and make the process simpler and less time-consuming. 

ROI Calculator

What is a Policy Brief, Really?

A policy brief is a concise summary of an issue that includes the policy options to solve a problem and recommendations on the best option. Policy briefs are typically written for organization leaders, policymakers, and others who are responsible for creating and influencing policy. Policy briefs are about a timely, relevant issue or an evergreen issue to your organization.

Policy briefs are just that — brief — with a typical one containing around 700 words on a single page. The briefs are usually designed in an aesthetically pleasing way, sometimes with an image or graphic.

How to Structure a Policy Brief

A policy brief template can help structure your brief and make sure you fit all the relevant information onto one page. Here are the key elements to include in any policy brief.

  • Executive summary
  • Description of the problem
  • Overview of research
  • Current and proposed policies
  • Policy recommendations
  • Appendices and sources

Your policy brief title should be short and to the point, while also being catchy and attention-grabbing enough to ensure it is read. Keep the title relevant without adding too much information that makes it clunky. Your stakeholder may decide whether to read the brief based solely on the title, so make sure yours is accurate, descriptive, and engaging.

In addition to the title of your brief, you should also add subheaders to make the brief skimmable and break up the text. You don’t want your policy brief to be one long chunk of text, or it will be harder to read and grasp the main points you’re making. Just like your main title, your subheads should be short, catchy, and descriptive.


An executive summary is a brief synopsis of the main points of the policy brief, including the conclusions and recommendations. This summary should draw potential readers in and make them intrigued enough to want to read the whole report.

Bear in mind that the executive summary should contain sufficient information to stand on its own if your policymaker or executive doesn’t have time to read the whole brief. That’s why the summary should be comprehensive enough to provide readers with an overview of the issue, options, and recommendations — all in a few sentences (typically 100-200 words).

The Ultimate Policy Brief Template

Ace your next policy brief with this fully customizable template, designed with expert input and industry insights.


A policy brief should include a clear description of the issue or problem you want policymakers to address. Describe the causes of the problem, its effects, and why it matters. In addition to understanding what the problem is, a good policy brief sheds light on why it is important and needs to be addressed urgently.

Based on your audience, you may not want to describe the problem in the most basic way if what you are saying is commonly known to your audience. “Assess how much the audience already knows at the start,” recommends Bruce Mehlman of Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas. “Don’t waste everyone’s time with known basics.”


This is the section of your policy brief where you get to explain the reasons behind your policy recommendations and show the research and data behind them. Explain what research has been conducted, how data was collected and by whom, and other background information that establishes the credibility of your research. This should be kept to one to two sentences.

Assess how much the audience already knows at the start. Don't waste everyone's time with known basics. Bruce Mehlman


Describe the current policies in place to address this issue, and why they are insufficient and new policies are necessary. When creating a state policy brief, Joshua Habursky, head of government relations at the Premium Cigar Association, recommends drawing comparisons and contrasts with other states. “If your brief is to California policymakers, describe what they did in Nevada,” he says. “If California and New York are originating it, it’s going to come to the other 48 states in some way, shape, or form.”

Then, describe the proposed policies succinctly. After this section of the policy brief, there should be no doubt about current legislation around this topic or what is being proposed.


Finally, it’s time to make your policy recommendations. Use the research and data presented early in the policy brief to draw a connection to your policy recommendations and why they make sense. While your policy recommendations will undoubtedly use persuasive language, keep them rooted in facts.

The biggest mistake people make when writing a policy brief is making it too biased, Habursky says. “A policy brief should be very explanatory, not a persuasive piece,” he emphasized.

Keep your recommendations short and to the point. Creating “narrow and achievable asks with a short, concise agenda” can make all the difference, according to John Loyer, CEO of Loyer Consulting. Less is more when it comes to captivating your audience and making sure that they are following along.

assignment brief adalah


Since you want the main text to be succinct and easy to read quickly, adding appendices to your policy brief can be a great place to present more detailed data, research, and other information. Add relevant information that supports the policy brief in your appendices.

Last but not least, provide references to no more than five sources where your readers can get more information on the topic, including the web addresses to the publications.

7 Tips for Writing an Effective Policy Brief

Want to learn how to write a policy brief like a pro ? Follow these seven tips to ensure your policy briefs are polished and professional.


“Personalize your presentation for specific audiences,” Mehlman says. “Rural Republicans and urban Democrats bring different priorities, as do CEOs and heads of government relations.”

Before creating your policy brief, understand your audience. The more you know about the people who will be reading your brief, the more you can customize it for them.

“The first question to ask is, who is the audience?” Habursky says. He writes policy briefs for board members, external stakeholders, and Hill staff, and tailoring his message to fit the audience is critical. “You get the most bang for your buck if you draft the policy brief and have the mindset that it’s going to go to multiple audience types from the very beginning,” he says.

At the start, you may not know much about your audience, so take the time to get a feel for their attention span and preferences. “There is a degree of trial and error in the beginning,” Habursky says. “Then you’ll be able to tailor it based on their needs.”


When you describe the problem, include a few sentences discussing the urgency. Why is this something your reader should pay attention to, and why now? What are the potential ramifications of inaction on this issue? Policymakers have many issues to consider and address, so make it clear why now is the time to act on this particular issue, and why it can’t wait. Back up your claims with solid facts, not emotion-driven rhetoric.

person writing notes next to a laptop


Don’t assume your audience will already have all the background information on this issue. Summarize any relevant background that will put the issue into context and ensure your reader quickly has a grasp of the history and full scope of the issue. You can also use your appendices and sources section to provide more background information so you don’t disrupt the flow of the main text.


Backing up your argument with statistics is a non-negotiable for a policy briefing. Choose stats that pack a punch, and consider presenting them in a visual way that stands out. Don’t bog down your brief with too many numbers, though. Select the statistics that most support your recommendations and have the greatest impact.


When you spend every day neck-deep in an issue, it can be hard to condense it into just one page. But the more succinct and focused your briefing, the better chance it has of being read. Hone in on your main issue and the key message you need to convey.

“When we first started, we felt like every policy paper we wrote had to cover everything we knew about the topic. They were really long and really dense,” says Karen Pearl, president and CEO of God’s Love We Deliver, a New York organization that provides meals to people who are too sick to shop or cook. “We have over time learned to quickly get to the point and to make the papers more digestible. Now they’re much shorter.” The organization comes up with three to four key message points for each brief. They also include a strong visual and a longer, more detailed report that includes citations and more extensive research on the topic.

We have over time learned to quickly get to the point and to make the papers more digestible. Karen Pearl , CEO God's Love We Deliver


Molly Polen, senior director of communications and public relations at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, always strives for her organization’s briefs to tell readers how scientific information relates to healthcare. She crafts the message to be in easy-to-understand language, not jargon. “What we do is so simple,” she says. “It’s connecting all the pieces to say what the end result will be, how it will be meaningful.”

Keep your message simple and easy to understand, and consider how the terms you use will be received by someone outside your industry (think lawmakers, activists, journalists). Throwing around jargon and complicated acronyms can confuse your reader, muddle the message, and make it difficult to make a connection with your audience. If possible, ask someone outside your industry to give your brief a once-over and flag unfamiliar terms that may need explanation or simplification.


Eye-catching, engaging visuals can illustrate your point and back up your data in an appealing way. Just make sure your visuals are well thought out and align with your message. “Ensure your visuals match your narrative and narrative matches your visuals,” Mehlman says. “Cognitive dissonance undermines persuasion.”

If you’re short on space and trying to keep the brief to one page, Habursky recommends just describing a chart or in a sentence or two of text, then linking to a webpage where the visual aids can be viewed.

assignment brief adalah

Write and Present Better Policy Briefs with FiscalNote

With all the policy briefs and issues to manage in a given week, it’s important to stay organized and have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips. FiscalNote has all the tools you need to stay up to date on policy and better research issues that matter to your organization.

With FiscalNote, users can create policy reports with visualizations, regulatory data, and global legislation and visualization. Users can pick and choose different modules to include in the report, such as basic information, policy maps, data visualizations (charts and graphs showing bill and regulation data), legislative and regulatory tables, and more.

FiscalNote provides access to the most innovative tools in digital advocacy management as you create policy briefs that make a difference. Our comprehensive approach to managing advocacy and policy issues can help you promote action, manage risk, assess your impact, and drive results.

State of Government Affairs

Related Resources

How to brief like a pro, getting data right in your annual advocacy report.

by FiscalNote Team, FiscalNote

How Germany and Brazil are Shaping the Green Hydrogen Market

by Lucas Machado and Rahul Kamath, FiscalNote Professional Services

Related Topics

  • Global or Geopolitical Risk
  • Global Risk
  • Government Affairs
  • Legislative Tracking & Policy Monitoring
  • Policy Analysis & Insights
  • Regulations
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Supply Chain
  • Thought Leadership

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