cover letter khmer

របៀបសរសេរប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប ( CV ) និងលិខិតសុំចូលបម្រើការងារ ( Cover Letter ) ស្របតាមស្តង់ដារទីភ្នាក់ងារជាតិមុខរបរ និងការងារ

ប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប ( CV ) គឺជាសំណុំឯកសារផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ដែលគូសបញ្ជាក់អំពីកម្រិត និងប្រវត្តិការងារ ជាពិសេសអំពីសក្តានុពលការងាររបស់លោកអ្នកដល់និយោជក និងជាឱកាសផ្តល់ចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ដល់និយោជកកោះហៅធ្វើការសម្ភាសន៍។ ដើម្បីដាក់ពាក្យចូលធ្វើការងារ ជានិច្ចកាលអ្នកដាក់ពាក្យត្រូវមាន ប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប និង លិខិតសុំចូលបម្រើការងារ ( Cover Letter )។

ដកស្រង់ពីឯកសាររបស់ទីភ្នាក់ងារជាតិមុខរបរ និងការងារ ( ក្រោមការឧបត្ថម្ភដោយ អង្គការពលកម្មអន្តជាតិ )

cover letter khmer

  • បញ្ជីការងារ
  • ដំបូន្មានអាជីព
  • សំបុត្រនិងអ៊ីម៉ែល
  • សទ្ទានុក្រម
  • ជួលការអនុវត្តល្អបំផុត
  • អាជីពគ្រប់គ្រង
  • ការគ្រប់គ្រងបុគ្គលិក
  • ច្បាប់ការងារ
  • ការងារកងទ័ពអាកាស
  • ការងារសមុទ្រ
  • ការងាររបស់កងទ័ព
  • ចូលរួមជាមួយយោធា
  • ច្បាប់និងច្បាប់
  • ទម្រង់មូលដ្ឋាន
  • សង្គ្រាមនិងការដាក់ពង្រាយ
  • ជម្រើសអាជីព
  • ជំនាញនិងការបណ្តុះបណ្តាល
  • ព័ត៌មានជំនួយនៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ
  • ការ​វាយ​តម្លៃ​ដោយ​ខ្លួន​ឯង
  • សម្ភាសន៍សំណួរនិងចម្លើយ
  • ព័ត៌មានជំនួយសម្ភាសន៍
  • សំណួរអំពីអ្នក
  • សំភាសន៍សំលៀកបំពាក់
  • ប្រភេទសម្ភាសន៍
  • ផែនការសកម្មភាពលក់
  • អាជីពលក់រាយ

គំរូ CV និង Cover Letter គំរូ

  • by Alison Doyle

ឧទាហរណ៍ Resguard បន្ត

ខាងក្រោមនេះគឺជា ប្រវត្តិរូប សម្រាប់ឋានៈ lifeguard នៅរដូវក្តៅមួយ។ ចាប់តាំងពីអ្នកស្វែងរកការងារធ្វើគឺជាសិស្សដែលមានបទពិសោធន៍ការងារតិចតួចគាត់បានបញ្ចូលបទពិសោធន៏ស្ម័គ្រចិត្តនិងតំណែងដឹកនាំនៅក្នុងកីឡាវិទ្យាល័យនិងសកម្មភាពក្រៅកម្មវិធី។


Reece Reagan 225 Eastman Street មីឌេលថេលថោន, ញូវយ៉ក 07748 ផ្ទះ: 732-252-0255 កោសិកា: 123-555-6876 [email protected] ការអប់រំ វិទ្យាល័យឡុងវូដ មីឌេលថេលែន (NJ) ថ្ងៃទី 20 ខែឧសភា មធ្យមបម្រុងទូទៅ: 3,67 ផ្តល់កិត្តិយសដល់ឆមាសនីមួយៗ បទពិសោធន៏ដែលទាក់ទង សមាជិកជាន់ខ្ពស់ អនុវិទ្យាល័យ Honors Longwood, មីឌេលតុន, អិនជ។ ជ ខែមករា 20XX-present - រៀបចំការរៀនសូត្រពីរខ្ទង់ជាមួយសមាជិកនៃមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលពលរដ្ឋជាន់ខ្ពស់ក្នុងតំបន់ - លក់ទំនិញដុតទៅឱ្យមហាវិទ្យាល័យនិងសិស្សនិស្សិតសម្រាប់ការរៃអង្គាសប្រាក់ប្រចាំឆ្នាំរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន Honors Society អ្នកស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត កម្មវិធី East Middletown នៅក្រៅស្រុក Middletown, NJ ធ្លាក់ 20XX-បច្ចុប្បន្ន - រៀបចំនិងណែនាំសកម្មភាពប្រចាំសប្តាហ៍និងគ្រឿងសិប្បកម្មសម្រាប់កុមារអាយុ 8-12 ឆ្នាំ - រៀបចំសកម្មភាពកីឡារួមមានការប្រកួតកីឡាបាល់បោះនិងបាល់ទន់សំរាប់កុមារអាយុ 8-15 ឆ្នាំ - សូមជំរាបសួរមាតាបិតានៅចុងបញ្ចប់នៃរាល់ថ្ងៃពិភាក្សាអំពីអាកប្បកិរិយានិងសមិទ្ធិផលរបស់កុមារ ប្រធានក្រុម ក្រុមហែលទឹកប៉ូលីសវិទ្យាល័យឡុងហុកក្រុមម៉ីលឡេដថេនរដ្ឋញូវជឺ និទាឃរដូវ 20XX-present - ដឹកនាំភាពកក់ក្តៅ - និងការអនុវត្តល្បែងក្នុងកំឡុងពេល tryouts ប្រចាំឆ្នាំ - រៀបចំគ្លីនិកប្រចាំខែសំរាប់អ្នកលេងដើម្បីលើកកំពស់ជំនាញជាក់លាក់ បទពិសោធផ្សេងទៀត - អ្នកលេង Saxophone, សាលារៀនល្វែងវិទ្យាល័យ Longwood, ការដួលរលំ 20XX-Present - Teammate, ក្រុមហ៊ុន Lacrosse វិទ្យាល័យ Longwood, និទាឃរដូវ 20XX-Spring 20XX វិញ្ញាបនប័ត្រ - វិញ្ញាបនបត្រ Lifeguard របស់កាកបាទក្រហមអាមេរិចខែធ្នូ 20XX - វិញ្ញាបនបត្រសង្គ្រោះជាលើកដំបូង, 20XX កញ្ញា - CPR ជាមួយនឹងវិញ្ញាបនបត្រ AED, 20XX កញ្ញា


នេះជាឧទាហរណ៍មួយនៃលិខិតគម្របអ៊ីម៉ែលសម្រាប់ការងាររដូវក្តៅជាជីវិត។ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាដើម្បីបញ្ចូលព័ត៌មានទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់អ្នកនៅក្នុងហត្ថលេខារបស់អ្នកដូច្នេះវាជាការងាយស្រួលសម្រាប់និយោជកក្នុងការទាក់ទងជាមួយអ្នកដើម្បីកំណត់ពេលវេលាសំភាសន៍។

មុខវិជ្ជា: តំណែងរក្សាជីវិត - រីសេរីហ្គាន សូមគោរពលោកស្រីរេដលី, សូមទទួលយកពាក្យសុំមានចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់ខ្ញុំសម្រាប់ឋានៈការពារជីវិតនៅពហុកីឡដ្ឋានមីឌេតថោនថោន។ នៅពេលខ្ញុំអានការពិពណ៌នាអំពីទីតាំងនៅ ខ្ញុំដឹងថាខ្ញុំជាបេក្ខជនដ៏ល្អម្នាក់សម្រាប់តំណែងនេះ។ អ្នកបញ្ជាក់ពីការងារដែលអ្នកត្រូវការអ្នកថែរក្សាជីវិតដែលមានបទពិសោធន៍ធ្វើការជាមួយកុមារ។ អស់រយៈពេលជិត 3 ឆ្នាំមកហើយខ្ញុំបានស្ម័គ្រចិត្តនៅកម្មវិធីក្រោយសាលារៀននៅ East Middletown ។ នៅក្នុងទីតាំងនេះខ្ញុំមានបទពិសោធន៍ធ្វើការជាមួយកុមារដែលមានអាយុពី 5 ទៅ 15 ឆ្នាំ។ ខ្ញុំបានរៀបចំនិងដឹកនាំសកម្មភាពសិល្បៈនិងសិប្បកម្មរៀបចំការប្រកួតកីឡានិងជួយកុមារបំពេញការងាររបស់ពួកគេ។ ខ្ញុំជាមេដឹកនាំនិងជាមិត្តភក្តិដល់កុមារទាំងនេះ។ បទពិសោធនេះនឹងធ្វើឱ្យខ្ញុំក្លាយជាអ្នកបង្រៀនហែលទឹកដ៏រឹងមាំសម្រាប់កុមារនៅអាងហែលទឹក។ អ្នកក៏បញ្ជាក់ផងដែរថាទីតាំងរក្សាជីវិតត្រូវការបទពិសោធន៍ហែលទឹកទូលំទូលាយ។ ខ្ញុំបានលេងនៅលើទឹករបស់ប៉ូលីក្នុងសាលារបស់ខ្ញុំអស់រយៈពេលបួនឆ្នាំហើយត្រូវបានតំឡើងឋានៈជាប្រធានក្រុមនៅឆ្នាំនេះ។ ជារឿយៗខ្ញុំតែងតែដឹកនាំគ្លីនិកដើម្បីលើកកំពស់ជំនាញហែលទឹករបស់មិត្តរួមក្រុមរបស់ខ្ញុំ។ នេះជាការហ្វឹកហាត់ដ៏ល្អសំរាប់ក្លាយជាអ្នកបង្រៀនហែលទឹក។ ខ្ញុំក៏ទទួលបានវិញ្ញាបនបត្រសង្គ្រោះជីវិតកាកបាទក្រហមកម្ពុជាដូច្នេះខ្ញុំក៏យល់ដឹងអំពីនីតិវិធីសុវត្ថិភាពបច្ចុប្បន្ន។ ខ្ញុំពិតជាងប់ងល់អំពីការបង្រៀនកូន ៗ អំពីបច្ចេកទេសហែលទឹកសមស្របនិងការរក្សាឱ្យអាងហែលទឹកមានសុវត្ថិភាពសំរាប់សាធារណជន។ ខ្ញុំបានភ្ជាប់ប្រវត្តិរូបរបស់ខ្ញុំហើយនឹងហៅនៅសប្តាហ៍ក្រោយដើម្បីឱ្យដឹងថាតើយើងអាចរៀបចំពេលវេលាដើម្បីពិភាក្សាគ្នាជាមួយគ្នាបានដែរឬទេ។ សូមអរគុណខ្លាំងណាស់សម្រាប់ពេលវេលានិងការពិចារណា។ ដោយស្មោះត្រង់, Reece Reagan 225 Eastman Street មីឌេលថេលថោន, ញូវយ៉ក 07748 ផ្ទះ: 732-252-0255 កោសិកា: 123-555-6876 អ៊ីមែល: [email protected]

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គំរូ Cover Letter ជាភាសាខ្មែរ

ពេលដាក់ពាក្យចូលធ្វើការតាមស្ថាប័នឯកជន គេតម្រូវឲ្យមាន CV និង Cover Letter។ ទាំងពីររបស់នេះត្រូវសរសេរជាភាសាអង់គ្លេស។

ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំយល់ថា ខ្មែរមាន CV និង Cover Letter ជាភាសាខ្មែរក៏មិនជាទាស់ខុសអី្វដែរ ទើបខ្ញុំធ្វើ និងបកប្រែ CV និង Cover Letter ជាភាសាខ្មែរទៅ។ គ្រាន់តែ CV ខ្ញុំដឹងថាជាភាសាខ្មែរហៅថា ប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេប តែ Cover Letter ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងទេ ហើយខ្ញុំក៏រកពាក្យមកដាក់មិនទាន់ត្រូវដែរ ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំសុំប្រើពាក្យ Cover Letter ដដែល គ្រាន់តែថែមថា ជាភាសាខ្មែរ ។

ទោះយ៉ាងណា ក៏ Cover Letter ជាភាសាខ្មែរមួយនេះ មិនទាន់មានការទទួលស្គាល់ និងទទួលយកឲ្យប្រើប្រាស់ឡើយ ដូច្នេះសូមលោកអ្នកមេត្តាយកទៅប្រើប្រាស់តាមការគួរ៕

Cover Letter in Khmer language

In Cambodia, CV and Cover Letter are written in English. But I don’t think it is wrong if we have Khmer CV and Cover Letter, so I created CV and translated Cover Letter into Khmer language.

However, Khmer Cover Letter doesn’t get recognized or accepted to use in the society yet. I just like to share what I made – especially I like to suggest new ideas to Cambodian people.

អាសយដ្ឋាន (ខ្លួនអ្នក)

អាសយដ្ឋាន (ក្រុមហ៊ុន)


នាងខ្ញុំ (ខ្ញុំបាទ) មានចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍នឹងមុខតំណែងជាអ្នកសរសេរព័ត៌មាន ក្នុងក្រុមហ៊ុនរបស់លោកឬលោកស្រី។

នាងខ្ញុំមានចំណេះដឹង និងបទពិសោធផ្នែកសរសេរ រួមទាំងបកប្រែសម្រួលផងដែរ។ នាងខ្ញុំមានសមត្ថភាពសរសេរអត្ថបទដែលធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកអានងាយយល់ និងមិនបាត់បង់អត្ថន័យដើម។ នាងខ្ញុំក៏មានសមត្ថភាពផងដែរក្នុងការរៀបចំ និងសម្រួលប្រវែងអត្ថបទឲ្យត្រឹមត្រូវទៅតាមការកំណត់ និងតម្រូវការ។ មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ នាងខ្ញុំមានការទទួលខុសត្រូវ និងការប្តេជ្ញាខ្ពស់ក្នុងការបញ្ចប់ការងារតាមពេលកំណត់។

នាងខ្ញុំមានបំណងចូលរួមជាមួយលោកឬលោកស្រី ដើមី្បបង្កើតនូវសំណេរដែលមានគុណភាព និងគុណតម្លៃសម្រាប់អ្នកអានរបស់លោកឬលោកស្រី។

នាងខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថា លោកឬលោកស្រីនឹងអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យនាងខ្ញុំបានជួបជាមួយលោកឬលោកស្រីដោយផ្ទាល់។



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11 Cover Letter Templates to Perfect Your Next Job Application

No one seems to agree on cover letters. How much time do you need to spend perfecting them? Do hiring managers even read them? Is it better to just send in your resume and call it a day?

I’m not in HR, but I’ve been approached by applicants who wondered whether their cover letter would actually be read. My answer is one not many of them wanted to hear: “sometimes.” Sometimes it will be read. Other times, you can get away with just sending in your resume — like when you network your way into applying for a position.

The truth is, you can’t really predict on a case-by-case basis — and you’re better safe than sorry. For the most part, having a cover letter will give you an upper hand in ways your resume doesn’t. It allows you to show off your writing skills, provide details that you couldn’t fit on your resume, demonstrate your passion, and show your willingness to put in as much time and effort as possible.

Seems fairly basic, right? Cover letters can hold different levels of importance to an employer depending on the industry you’re in and the job you’re applying for. If you do plan to write a cover letter, keep in mind there are certain qualities it should have that are not included in the definition above.

What to Include in a Cover Letter

So, what should you include? We’ll let the 11 templates below this list do most of the talking. No matter which one you download, pay attention to the following elements — all of which should shine through in the letter you send to your future manager.

1. Contact Information

Cover letters shouldn’t just carry your contact information, but also that of the company to which you’re applying. Contact info includes your phone number, email address, and any social media accounts you’re willing to share and receive connections to.

Home addresses aren’t required, but they can be a helpful reassurance to the employer that you already live nearby and would have no trouble coming into the office.

Avoid offering phone numbers, email addresses, or actual addresses that belong to your current employer. Using your personal Gmail address over your work email, for example, ensures your correspondence with recruiters remains separate from all of your current work communication.

2. A Personal Address Line

For as often as you see “to whom it may concern” at the top of cover letters today, do your best to avoid writing this exhausted line.

Address lines that specify a person or company grab your reader’s attention much more quickly, and show the employer that you’ve taken the time to tailor your application letter to them. Don’t have the name of the hiring manager? “Employers at [company name]” will do just fine.

A “hook” is a clever introduction that “hooks” your reader into wanting to learn more. Think about yourself as a job candidate — what makes you unique? What about your career might a recruiter be intrigued by that you can package into an interesting first sentence?

4. Why You’re Qualified

It’s a no-brainer that you should summarize your professional experience in your cover letter. However, today’s best applications describe why this experience qualifies the applicant for the job they’re applying for. For example, don’t just state that you spent three years writing for a company blog. Explain that this type of work lends itself to managing your new potential employer’s content calendar every week.

5. General Knowledge of the Business

Grammatical errors could mean your application is thrown in the trash, but that’s not the only thing that could get your letter tossed aside. Using a generic “one-size-fits-all” cover letter — especially if you forget to change the name of the company — will also hurt your chances of landing an interview.

So, if you take the time to write a cover letter, take the time to comment on the business itself. Why are you applying to this company? What about their business stuck out to you as a professional?

Now, let’s take a look at an example cover letter, what makes it effective, along with 11 templates you can download or draw inspiration from.

Cover Letter Example

Cover letter example.

Image Source

The example above illustrates how to write a marketing cover letter using the elements we listed.

Besides the contact information and the address line, the first few paragraphs explain why the candidate is qualified for the position. This example uses specific data to show why they would be a good fit.

Additionally, in the second to last paragraph, the candidate discusses why they’re interested in the specific company, demonstrating general knowledge of the business.

By combining all the elements to a cover letter, this is a great example to use for inspiration.

11 Free Cover Letter Templates for Your Next Job Application

Template 1: basic.

The example above is a basic (but great) cover letter. The numbered sections are explained in more detail below.

The level of formality your header has will depend on the company to which you apply. If you’re applying to a formal business, it’s important to use a formal header to open your cover letter, like in the sample above. Put your address, the date, and the company’s address. But if you’re applying to a company that isn’t as formal, you don’t need to include yours and the company’s addresses. You can still include the date, though.

2. Greeting

Using “To Whom It May Concern” is okay, but you may want to take the time to research the name of the recruiter or hiring manager online. If you do your research and aren’t confident you found the right name, then you should definitely use the generic greeting — but if you are sure, then it shows you put in the effort to find their name and it will catch the recruiter’s eye.

If you have the recruiter’s name, do you greet them by their full name, or by their courtesy title (i.e. Mr., Ms., or Mrs.)? Similar to the header, it depends on the company’s level of formality. If you’re applying to a corporate business, you may want to consider using “Mr. Snaper” instead of “Jon Snaper.” If you’re applying to a start-up or a business with a more casual culture, you can use “Jon Snaper,” as shown in the example.

3. Introduction

Your opening paragraph should, in 1-3 sentences, state why you’re excited to apply and what makes you the perfect candidate. Get right to the point, and don’t worry about explaining where you found the posting or who you know at the company. This isn’t a place to go into detail about why you’re a great candidate — that’s for the second paragraph. Here, simply list a few key reasons in one sentence to set up the rest of your letter. Keep in mind that the recruiter may cross-reference your cover letter with your resume, so make sure the two sync up.

4. Paragraph 2: Why You’re a Great Fit for the Job

Next, sell yourself and your experience by choosing one or two concrete examples that show why you’re a great fit for the position. What did you do at a previous company that gave you relevant experience? Which projects have you worked on that would benefit the new company? How will your prior experience help this company grow? Stay humble in your explanation of credentials while still showing that you would be an asset to the team. Use this paragraph to show you’re genuinely excited and interested in the position.

5. Third Paragraph: Why the Company Is a Great Fit for You

While it’s certainly important you’re a good fit for the job, it’s also important that the company is a good fit for you. “A cover letter typically describes why you’re great for a company — but how will you benefit from getting hired?” asks Emily MacIntyre , a Team Development Manager at HubSpot. “We want to know why our company appeals to you, and how it will be a mutually beneficial working relationship.”

In the third paragraph, show you’re serious about growing and developing your career at this new company. What impresses and excites you about the company? Is there something that you feel strongly about that aligns with the company’s goals? For example, the candidate in the sample letter used this space to show his personal commitment to environmental causes aligns with the company’s green initiatives.

6. Strong Closer and Signature

Don’t get lazy in the final few sentences of your cover letter — it’s important to finish strong. Be straightforward about your interest and enthusiasm about the new position, and tell them you’re available to talk about the opportunity at any time. Be sure to include your phone number and email address. At this point, the ball is (rightly) in the recruiter’s court to decide how to follow up.

Last but certainly not least, thank them for their time and consideration. Use a formal sign-off like “Best,” “All the best,” or “Sincerely,” and finish by typing out your full name. You don’t need to sign it with a pen.

Template 2: Data-Driven Marketing Cover Letter

Get it here..

Data-driven marketing cover letter template

When applying to a data-driven position, it might be tempting to inject your cover letter with, well, the data to describe what you’ve done for other employers. But in an application letter — particularly for the marketing industry — how you convey this data is just as important as the data itself.

The cover letter template above, which we created here at HubSpot, can help you present the data that’s most important to you as a candidate such that it’ll matter to your future employer.

Notice the three bullet points near the center of the letter above, preceded by the statement: “… I’ve developed a strategy that has helped the company achieve …” This setup is important, because while you can add as many statistics as you want to this template, your data points should describe how your current/former business benefited from your work, rather than how you, yourself, benefited.

Template 3: Straight-to-the-Point Cover Letter

Straight-to-the-point cover letter template

Harvard Business Review contributor David Silverman hailed the above cover letter example as “The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received.” For context, Silverman believes there are only a handful of times when writing a cover letter is actually necessary:

  • When you know the name of the hiring manager.
  • When you know something about what the job requires.
  • When you’ve been referred to the job personally.

Under those three circumstances, a straight-to-the-point cover letter like the one above could be your best bet. Because it’s so concise, however, make a point to add your own letterhead above the message itself. It might be easy for a recruiter to sift through a short and sweet cover letter like the one above, but it’s just as easy for it to get lost in the shuffle of their application list without a unique design or format.

Template 4: Referral Cover Letter

Referral cover letter template.

Just because a friend or colleague recommended you for a job doesn’t mean the company is all set to hire you. Therefore, the cover letter template above is written specifically for referrals. We made this one here at HubSpot. Download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

As you can see in the picture above, the first paragraph of the cover letter is dedicated entirely to acknowledging the circumstances of your applying: You know someone who works there — no harm in that. But there might be harm in not mentioning it to the hiring manager. Telling the reader about your connection at the company shows you’re aware and confident of the actions you take to get the opportunities you’re interested it.

Ultimately, it’s better than the recruiter hearing about your employee connection from somebody else.

As for the rest of the cover letter, treat your message the same way you would if you had applied with no connection from within. Your skills and successes are no less important because of your internal referral.

Template 5: Photo Letterhead Cover Letter

Photo letterhead cover letter by Microsoft Office

The cover letter template above was designed by Microsoft Office, and as comprehensive as it looks, it’s completely free to download and modify.

As it looks right now, this cover letter contains about half photo, half text. Feel free to shrink (and change) the image to give yourself more room to tell your story. Of course, a nice washed-out image that expresses who you are can be part of that story …

Template 6: Digital Creative Cover Letter

Creative cover letter template.

This sixth template is perfect for the applicant who wants to emphasize the many different digital channels he or she is on. The header bar also allows this template to go well with a resume of the same format.

As you personalize this letter with your own experience, make note of the social networks and industry software included in this template. You’ll see along the top that LinkedIn, email, and personal website are all available for you to fill with your own information.

The bullet points in the above template also allow you to highlight your most important skills or accomplishments for the hiring manager.

Template 7: Marketing Manager Cover Letter

Marketing-specific cover letter template

Our seventh cover letter comes from This cover letter, shown above, is focused specifically on a marketing role.

Notice how the writer includes references to important marketing metrics and terminology. If you’re applying to a data-driven role, you might not want to fill the page with a story of your experience in paragraph form, like Template 1 does at the beginning of this article. Instead, consider highlighting three (or four, or five) of your successes that you believe the hiring manager would resonate most with, in bulleted form.

As a marketing professional, breaking up your letter with bulleted details like the ones above shows a respect for the hiring manager’s limited time — a mentality that all marketers must understand when communicating with a brand’s audience.

Template 8: Career Day Follow-Up Cover Letter

Career day follow-up cover letter template

This is a unique kind of cover letter from Princeton University.

CareerBuilder, Monster, and Indeed might take the lion’s share of your job searches online, but still some employment opportunities come out of a trade show, job fair, or similar networking event. For those occurrences, you have the follow-up cover letter template above.

This cover letter has everything you need to help an employer recall a conversation you had with him/her at a career fair. As you can see in the second paragraph, the letter is particularly useful to people who are about to graduate college.

Template 9: Logo and Watermarked Cover Letter

Logo and watermarked cover letter template by Microsoft Office

Here’s another cover letter template from Microsoft Office. This one has a light touch of color in the design just above the letterhead, but make no mistake — the template caters to any professional looking to make a good first impression on their future employer.

Don’t let the logo space on the top-right of the page confuse you. This can be the logo of the company to which you’re applying — to quickly get the attention of the recruiter — or your own logo. Perhaps you freelance on the side or simply like branding yourself. This cover letter template is meant for customization.

Template 10: Business Cover Letter

Business cover letter template.

The cover letter template above is perfect for entry- and mid-level marketers who want to show a little extra professionalism in their opening note to a potential employer.

The multi-colored header (you can change the color if you wish) shows just the right amount of creativity and can go quite well with a resume of the same style. If you don’t have enough experience to fill the entire page, don’t worry. Feel free to write to a length you think is representative of who you are and what the hiring manager wants to see.

No matter how long your final cover letter is, the above template is your opportunity to show your attention to detail — from your contact information in the top header, to the personalized address line where you can include the name of the hiring manager. Like we said, “to whom it may concern” is pretty outdated, anyway.

Template 11: Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry level cover letter template.

The cover letter template above, written by HubSpot, is specifically designed for entry-level applicants.

When you only have a few years experience, it’s important to display how you gained your skills and what you learned from your education or internships. Additionally, it’s important to mention why you want to work at the company you’re applying to.

No matter your experience, the template above will help you decide what skills you want to highlight and flesh out in your cover letter.

You can download it here (it comes with four other cover letter templates , too).

Writing a cover letter is easier said than done. Don’t hesitate to spend a lot of time writing and editing it. Or, ask a friend or family member to read it over and give you feedback. If the recruiter does end up reading it, you’ll be thankful you did.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Source: hubspot marketing


Before constructing your job application, contact the person who is listed in the job ad to obtain as much information on the role as possible. If relevant, take a look at the company's website and use the information in your communications where it is relevant. This will show prospective employers you have a genuine interest and it can be a definite advantage for you. You will also be better equipped to target your job application towards the position you are applying for.

It's important to include all your contact information on your CVs so employers can easily get in touch with you.

Personal details: Full name, Sex, Nationality, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Marital Status, Current Home Address, phone number and personal email (don’t use your work email).

List the qualification achieved from school/university: start date – end date clearly.

List your Job title, Company name, Start date – end date and list your key responsibilities.

List your own skills on personality, communication, computer knowledge and foreign languages and so on.

List all Training Course, Seminar or workshop that you have joined and already achieved the certificates.

List your interests during free time or other habit activities.

List down at least two or three referees whom you know clearly and are able to detail your employment history as well as describe well your ability.

Also, we have created CVs template for you using the basic if you have never worked before.

Cover Letter plays an important role in improving your ability to compete for jobs. Its sole purpose is to encourage the reviewer to read your resume. The letter should concentrate on the position, demonstrating how your skills and abilities qualify you for the job.

You should always research the company and use this information to display your enthusiasm and understanding for the job being advertised.

- Always personalize your cover letter with every resume you send.

- In the first paragraph your objective is to get the reader's attention. Get right to the point and tell them why you are applying.

- Highlight how your experience matches the job requirements.

- Be concise and keep the letter short.

- Encourage the recruiter/employer to read your resume by referring to it.

- Detail what you have to offer in this position.

- Draw links to previous experience relevant to this position.

- Let the reviewer know when you will be available for an interview.

- Make it easy for them to contact you by supplying your phone number and email address in the cover letter.

- Demonstrate any research you have made on the company.

- Address your letter to the right person. Do not use Sir/Madam. If you don't know who to address the letter to - find out!

- Also, we have created for you using the basic CVs template if you have never worked before.

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How to Write a CV + Download Templates

cover letter khmer


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    In addition, the cover letter not only tell the recruiters about your experience and q... When submitting CV, you need to attach with an effective cover letter. In addition, the cover letter not ...

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    This Cover Letter template recommend... In this video, you will learn how to write a successful Cover Letter, which is commonly used and applicable in Cambodia. This Cover Letter template recommend...

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  4. My Cover Letter and CV To Comin Khmere

    My Cover Letter and Cv to Comin Khmere - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The applicant is applying for an engineer position advertised by Comin Khmere. He has a university degree in building and industrial construction from Vietnam and has worked as a site engineer in Cambodia. He has skills in AutoCAD, engineering software, and ...

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  6. How To Write A CV in Khmer and English PDF

    How to write a CV in Khmer and English.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.

  7. គំរូ CV និង Cover Letter គំរូ


  8. គំរូ Cover Letter ជាភាសាខ្មែរ

    Cover Letter in Khmer language. In Cambodia, CV and Cover Letter are written in English. But I don't think it is wrong if we have Khmer CV and Cover Letter, so I created CV and translated Cover Letter into Khmer language. However, Khmer Cover Letter doesn't get recognized or accepted to use in the society yet. I just like to share what I ...

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    1. Header. The level of formality your header has will depend on the company to which you apply. If you're applying to a formal business, it's important to use a formal header to open your cover letter, like in the sample above. Put your address, the date, and the company's address.


    Cover Letter plays an important role in improving your ability to compete for jobs. Its sole purpose is to encourage the reviewer to read your resume. The letter should concentrate on the position, demonstrating how your skills and abilities qualify you for the job. You should always research the company and use this information to display your ...

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    produced by Chakriya PHOUall rights reservedPDF download

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter + Download Templates

    Some may forget to send to one institution but write the name of another institution. Paragraph 4. To summarize the expressing of excitement words that we want this job. The last concluding words. Yours Sincerely, Yours Truly, Best Regards, [Your Name] [Method of communication such as Telephone number or email] We have already seen what a Cover ...

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  19. Khmer-EngineeringJob

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    1. Choose a resume format. For most job seekers, a hybrid resume format, which puts equal emphasis on skills and work experience, is the best choice. 2. List down the information in chronological order. The information in the curriculum vitae should have the following order: headlines, personal information, education background, work ...

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  22. cover letter in Khmer

    A letter or written communication that serves to introduce an accompanying document; especially, a letter that introduces a résumé or curriculum vitae. + Add translation Add cover letter English-Khmer dictionary

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