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What is a contingency plan? A guide to contingency planning

Julia Martins contributor headshot

A business contingency plan is a backup strategy for your team or organization. It lays out how you’ll respond if unforeseen events knock your plans off track—like how you’ll pivot if you lose a key client, or what you’ll do if your software service goes down for more than three hours. Get step-by-step instructions to create an effective contingency plan, so if the unexpected happens, your team can spring into action and get things back on track.

No one wants Plan A to fail—but having a strong plan B in place is the best way to be prepared for any situation. With a solid backup plan, you can effectively respond to unforeseen events effectively and get back on track as quickly as possible. 

A contingency plan is a proactive strategy to help you address negative developments and ensure business continuity. In this article, learn how to create a contingency plan for unexpected events and build recovery strategies to ensure your business remains healthy.

What is contingency planning?

What is a contingency plan .

A contingency plan is a strategy for how your organization will respond to important or business-critical events that knock your original plans off track. Executed correctly, a business contingency plan can mitigate risk and help you get back to business as usual—as quickly as possible. 

You might be familiar with contingency plans to respond to natural disasters—businesses and governments typically create contingency plans for disaster recovery after floods, earthquakes, or tornadoes. 

But contingency plans are just as important for business risks. For example, you might create a contingency plan outlining what you will do if your primary competitors merge or how you’ll pivot if you lose a key client. You could even create a contingency plan for smaller occurrences that would have a big impact—like your software service going down for more than three hours.

Contingency planning vs risk management

Project risk management is the process of identifying, monitoring, and addressing project-level risks. Apply project risk management at the beginning of the project planning process to prepare for any risks that might come up. To do so, create a risk register to identify and monitor potential project risks. If a risk does happen, you can use your risk register to proactively target that risk and resolve it as quickly as possible. 

A contingency plan is similar to a project risk management plan or a crisis management plan because it also helps you identify and resolve risks. However, a business contingency plan should cover risks that span multiple projects or even risks that could affect multiple departments. To create a contingency plan, identify and prepare for large, business-level risks.

Contingency planning vs crisis management

Contingency planning is a proactive approach that prepares organizations for potential emergencies by implementing pre-planned risk mitigation strategies. It involves identifying threats and crafting strategies in advance. 

Crisis management , on the other hand, is reactive, focusing on immediate response and damage control when a crisis occurs. While contingency planning sets the stage for effective handling of emergencies, crisis management involves real-time decision-making and project management during an actual crisis. Both are important for organizations and businesses to maintain their stability and resilience.

Contingency plan examples

There are a variety of reasons you’d want to set up a contingency plan. Rather than building one contingency plan, you should build one plan for each type of large-scale risk or disaster that might strike. 

Business contingency plan

A business contingency plan is a specialized strategy that organizations develop to respond to particular, unforeseen events that threaten to disrupt regular operations. It's kind of like a business continuity plan, but there's one key difference. 

While business continuity plans aim to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the entire business during a crisis, a business contingency plan zeroes in on procedures and solutions for specific critical incidents, such as data breaches, supply chain interruptions, or key staff unavailability. 

A business contingency plan could include:

Strategies to ensure minimal operational disruption during crises, such as unexpected market shifts, regulatory compliance changes, or severe staff shortages.

Partnerships with external agencies that can provide support in scenarios like environmental hazards or public health emergencies.

A comprehensive communication strategy with internal and external stakeholders to provide clear, timely information flow during crises like brand reputation threats or legal challenges.

Environmental contingency plan

While severe earthquakes aren’t particularly common, being unprepared when “the big one” strikes could prove to be catastrophic. This is why governments and businesses in regions prone to earthquakes create preparedness initiatives and contingency plans.

A government contingency plan for an earthquake could include things like: 

The names and information of the people designated to handle certain tasks in advance to ensure the emergency response is quick and concise

Ways to educate the public on how to respond when an earthquake hits

A timeline for emergency responders.

Technology contingency plan

If your business is particularly data-heavy, for example, ensuring the safety and cybersecurity of your information systems is critical. Whether a power surge damages your servers or a hacker attempts to infiltrate your network, you’ll want to have an emergency response in place.

A business’s contingency plan for a data breach could involve: 

Steps to take and key team members to notify in order to get data adequately secured once more

The names and information of stakeholders to contact to discuss the impact of the data breach and the plan to protect their investment

A timeline to document what is being done to address the breach and what will need to be done to prevent data breaches in the future

Supply chain contingency plan

Businesses that are integral parts of the supply chain, such as manufacturing entities, retail companies, and logistics providers, need an effective supply chain contingency plan to continue functioning smoothly under unforeseen circumstances.

These plans hedge against supply chain disruptions caused by events like natural disasters or technological outages and help organizations reduce downtime and ensure real-time operational capabilities. 

A supply chain contingency plan could include:

Secure critical data and systems while promptly notifying key team members, such as IT staff and management, for immediate action.

A predetermined list of essential stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, investors, and authorities, should be contacted to inform them about the disruption and steps being taken.

A detailed timeline is essential for documenting the immediate response and outlining long-term strategies to prevent future disruptions in the supply chain.

Pandemic contingency plan

In the face of a global health crisis, a pandemic contingency plan is vital for organizations in healthcare, retail, and manufacturing. This plan focuses on mitigation strategies to minimize operational disruptions and ensure the safety of employees while maintaining business continuity. 

A pandemic response plan could include:

A comprehensive health and safety protocol for employees, which integrates regular health screenings, detailed risk analysis, and emergency medical support as key components.

Flexible work arrangements and protocols for remote operations and digital communication.

A list of key personnel and communication channels for immediate response and coordination.

Regularly reviewing and adapting the pandemic contingency plan as part of an ongoing disaster recovery plan to address evolving challenges and lessons learned.

How to create a contingency plan

You can create a contingency plan at various levels of your organization. For example, if you're a team lead, you could create a contingency plan for your team or department. Alternatively, company executives should create business contingency plans for situations that could impact the entire organization. 

As you create your contingency plan, make sure you evaluate the likelihood and severity of each risk. Then, once you’ve created your plan—or plans—get it approved by your manager or department head. That way, if a negative event does occur, your team can leap to action and quickly resolve the risk without having to wait for approvals.

1. Make a list of risks

Before you can resolve risks, you first need to identify them. Start by making a list of any and all risks that might impact your company. Remember: there are different levels of contingency planning—you could be planning at the business, department, or program level. Make sure your contingency plans are aligned with the scope and magnitude of the risks you’re responsible for addressing. 

A contingency plan is a large-scale effort, so hold a brainstorming session with relevant stakeholders to identify and discuss potential risks. If you aren’t sure who should be included in your brainstorming session, create a stakeholder analysis map to identify who should be involved.

2. Weigh risks based on severity and likelihood

You don’t need to create a contingency plan for every risk you lay out. Once you outline risks and potential threats, work with your stakeholders to identify the potential impact of each risk. 

Evaluate each risk based on two metrics: the severity of the impact if the risk were to happen and the likelihood of the risk occurring. During the risk assessment phase, assign each risk a severity and likelihood—we recommend using high, medium, and low. 

3. Identify important risks

Once you’ve assigned severity and likelihood to each risk, it’s up to you and your stakeholders to decide which risks are most important to address. For example, you should definitely create a contingency plan for a risk that’s high likelihood and high severity, whereas you probably don’t need to create a contingency plan for a risk that’s low likelihood and low severity. 

You and your stakeholders should decide where to draw the line.

4. Conduct a business impact analysis

A business impact analysis (BIA) is a deep dive into your operations to identify exactly which systems keep your operations ticking. A BIA will help you predict what impact a specific risk could have on your business and, in turn, the response you and your team should take if that risk were to occur. 

Understanding the severity and likelihood of each risk will help you determine exactly how you will need to proceed to minimize the impact of the threat to your business. 

For example, what are you going to do about risks that have low severity but high likelihood? What about risks that are high in severity, but relatively low in likelihood? 

Determining exactly what makes your business tick will help you create a contingency plan for every risk, no matter the likelihood or severity.  

[inline illustration] Business impact analysis for a contingency plan (example)

5. Create contingency plans for the biggest risks

Create a contingency plan for each risk you’ve identified as important. As part of that contingency plan, describe the risk and brainstorm what your team will do if the risk comes to pass. Each plan should include all of the steps you need to take to return to business as usual.

Your contingency plan should include information about:

The triggers that will set this plan into motion

The immediate response

Who should be involved and informed?

Key responsibilities, including a RACI chart if necessary

The timeline of your response (i.e. immediate things to do vs. longer-term things to do)

[inline illustration] 5 steps to include in your contingency plan (infographic)

For example, let’s say you’ve identified a potential staff shortage as a likely and severe risk. This would significantly impact normal operations, so you want to create a contingency plan to prepare for it. Each person on your team has a very particular skill set, and it would be difficult to manage team responsibilities if more than one person left at the same time. Your contingency plan might include who can cover certain projects or processes while you hire a backfill, or how to improve team documentation to prevent siloed skillsets. 

6. Get approval for contingency plans

Make sure relevant company leaders know about the plan and agree with your course of action. This is especially relevant if you’re creating team- or department-level plans. By creating a contingency plan, you’re empowering your team to respond quickly to a risk, but you want to make sure that course of action is the right one. Plus, pre-approval will allow you to set the plan in motion with confidence—knowing you’re on the right track—and without having to ask for approvals beforehand.

7. Share your contingency plans

Once you’ve created your contingency plans, share them with the right people. Make sure everyone knows what you’ll do, so if and when the time comes, you can act as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Keep your contingency plans in a central source of truth so everyone can easily access them if necessary.

Creating a project in a work management platform is a great way of distributing the plan and ensuring everyone has a step-by-step guide for how to enact it.

8. Monitor contingency plans

Review your contingency plan frequently to make sure it’s still accurate. Take into account new risks or new opportunities, like new hires or a changing business landscape. If a new executive leader joins the team, make sure to surface the contingency plan for their review as well. 

9. Create new contingency plans (if necessary)

It’s great if you’ve created contingency plans for all the risks you found, but make sure you’re constantly monitoring for new risks. If you discover a new risk, and it has a high enough severity or likelihood, create a new contingency plan for that risk. Likewise, you may look back on your plans and realize that some of the scenarios you once worried about aren’t likely to happen or, if they do, they won’t impact your team as much.

Common contingency planning pitfalls—and how to avoid them

A contingency plan is a powerful tool to help you get back to normal business functions quickly. To ensure your contingency planning process is as smooth as possible, watch out for common pitfalls, like: 

Lack of buy-in

It takes a lot of work to create a contingency plan, so before you get started, ensure you have support from executive stakeholders. As you create your plan, continuously check in with your sponsors to ensure you’ve addressed key risks and that your action plan is solid. By doing so, you can ensure your stakeholders see your contingency plan as something they can get behind.

Bias against “Plan B” thinking

Some company cultures don’t like to think of Plan B—they like to throw everything they have at Plan A and hope it works. But thinking this way can actually expose your team to more risks than if you proactively create a Plan B.

Think of it like checking the weather before going sailing so you don’t accidentally get caught in a storm. Nine times out of ten, a clear sunny day won’t suddenly turn stormy, but it’s always better to be prepared. Creating a contingency plan can help you ensure that, if a negative event does occur, your company will be ready to face it and bounce back as quickly as possible. 

One-and-done contingency plans

It takes a lot of work to put a contingency plan together. Sometimes when you’ve finished, it can be tempting to consider it a job well done and forget about it. But make sure you schedule regular reminders (maybe once or twice a year) to review and update your contingency plan if necessary. If new risks pop up, or if your business operations change, updating your contingency plan can ensure you have the best response to negative events.  

[inline illustration] The easiest ways to prevent contingency plan pitfalls (infographic)

You’ve created a contingency plan—now what?

A contingency plan can be a lot of work to create, but if you ever need to use it, you’ll be glad you made one. In addition to creating a strong contingency plan, make sure you keep your plan up-to-date.

Being proactive can help you mitigate risks before they happen—so make sure to communicate your contingency plan to the team members who will be responsible for carrying them out if a risk does happen. Don’t leave your contingency plan in a document to collect dust—after creating it, you should use it if need be!

Once you’ve created the plan, make sure you store it in a central location that everyone can access, like a work management platform . If it does come time to use one of your contingency plans, storing them in a centrally accessible location can help your team quickly turn plans into action.

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contingency plan for business plan

The Easy Guide to Creating a Business Contingency Plan

Updated on: 2 November 2022

How to avoid disasters? Be prepared for them. 

When things are going well, you often forget to plan for the bad times. But when disaster strikes, you could lose everything in a heartbeat.

An earthquake can bring your whole shop to the ground, your biggest client can choose your competitor over you, your system suddenly can crash making you lose important data etc. There are endless possibilities of disasters if you really think about it. 

That’s why lack of a plan can be a disaster of its own. 

Let’s see why you need a business contingency plan and how to create one in a few simple steps.  

What is a Business Contingency Plan? 

But first, let’s define what a contingency plan is. 

A contingency plan is a proactive strategy that describes the course of actions or steps the management and staff of an organization need to take in response to an event that could happen in the future. It plays a significant role in business continuity , risk management and disaster recovery. 

It helps you stay prepared for unforeseen events and minimize their impact. It also outlines a plan for carrying out the normal business operations after the event has occurred.  

It’s also known in names such as plan B, backup plan, and disaster recovery plan. In case your primary plan doesn’t work, it’s time to execute the plan B.

Benefits of a Contingency Plan 

Without a contingency plan you’re opening yourself to unnecessary risks. Here are some important benefits of a contingency plan that you cannot look away from. 

  • Helps react quickly to negative events. As a contingency plan lists the actions that need to be taken, everyone can focus on what to do without wasting time panicking.
  • Having a contingency plan in place allows you to minimize damage that could happen from a disaster and minimize the loss of production. For example if you have emergency generators set up, even during a blackout, your team can work seamlessly. 

How to Make a Contingency Plan 

An effective contingency plan is based on good research and brainstorming. Here are the steps you need to follow in a contingency planning process. 

Step 1: List down the key risks

Identify the major events that could have a negative impact on the course of your business and on the key resources, such as employees, machines, IT systems etc. 

Involve other team heads, subject experts, and even outsiders like business consultants to get a deeper understanding of things that may cause problems and jeopardize the direction.

Use a mind map to organize and categorize the information you gather from the brainstorming session with the staff. You can easily share this with everyone in the organization to get their input as well.

Mind Map for Risk Identification

Step 2: Prioritize the Risks Based on Their Impact 

Once you have created a list of all the possible risks that could occur in different areas of your business, start prioritizing them based on the threat they pose. 

The risk impact probability chart is a handy tool you can use here. It helps you evaluate and prioritize risks based on the severity of their impact and the probability of them occurring.

Risk Probability and Impact Matrix

Step 3: Create Contingency Plans for Each Event

In this step you’ll create separate plans that outline the actions you need to take in case the risks you identified earlier occur. 

Consider what needs to be done in order to resume normal operations after the impact of  the event. 

Here you’ll need to clarify employee responsibilities, timelines that highlight when things should be done and completed after the event, restoring and communications processes and the steps you need to have taken in advance to prevent losses when the event has taken place (i.e. insurance coverage). 

You can use a visual format here to highlight the course of actions. It would be easier for everyone to comprehend.

Business Contingency Plan Example

Step 4: Share and Maintain the Plan 

Once you have completed the contingency plans , make sure that they are quickly accessible to all employees and stakeholders. 

Review your contingency plans from time to time and update them as needed. And it’s a best practice to inform your employees of the changes as well, as it may include updates to their roles and responsibilities.  

What’s Your Take on Contingency Plans?

That is how you make a detailed contingency plan. List down the major incidents that could harm your business operations, prioritize them based on their impact and probability, create an action plan explaining what you should do in case they occur, and review and update them frequently. 

What is the contingency planning process at your organization? Let us know in the comments section below.

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What Is Contingency Planning? [+ Examples]

Flori Needle

Published: January 13, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown, more than ever, the importance of being prepared with a contingency plan for the unexpected, especially when it comes to business continuity.

business professional creating a business contingency plan

While some unexpected interruptions can be due to situations outside of your control, some issues arise that may be caused by internal errors. Unexpected problems can also be positive, like a sudden influx of interest in a new product.

Download Now: Free Contingency Plan Template

Regardless of the scenario, it's essential to prepare for everything, and contingency planning helps you do so. This post will explain what contingency planning is, outline the steps you can follow to create your own plan, and give examples that you can use for inspiration.

  • Contingency Planning
  • Business Contingency Plan
  • Making a Contingency Plan
  • Contingency Plan Timeline
  • Contingency Plan Example

Contingency Plan Definition

What is a contingency plan? Simply put, a contingency plan is an action plan designed to help organizations respond to a potential future incident. Think of it as a backup plan, or plan B to guide organizations through a worst-case scenario.

Contingency plans are helpful for all types of organizations, from businesses to non-profits, to government organizations. While these scenarios may never come to fruition, it’s important to have a plan in place so that your team isn’t panicking or scrambling to deal with an unfavorable event at the last minute.

What is contingency planning?

Contingency planning is a proactive process of creating a strategy to help you prepare for any scenario that can affect your business, regardless of the likelihood of its occurrence.

These plans shouldn't focus solely on situations that may harm your business. For example, you may experience a significant increase in revenue during a specific period due to changes in market behavior. This is a good scenario, but you will still need to adapt your operations to scale and appropriately meet the new demands of your growing audience.

Contingency Planning vs. Crisis Management

Contingency planning is also different from crisis management , as it is not a reaction to something that has already happened but more so a plan for if and when something may happen. However, a contingency plan can help you with crisis management when issues arise.

Contingency Planning vs. Risk Management

Risk management is the identification, mitigation, and assessment of potential risks that may affect your organization. This process helps an organization prevent losses before they occur and aids in assessing whether or not certain risks are worth taking. Contingency planning can be a component of risk management since that process helps organizations survive these potential risks.

To ensure your business is prepared for everything, it's crucial to understand how to create a contingency plan.

What is a business contingency plan?

A business contingency plan is a strategy that outlines the steps your business’ teams will take in the event of a crisis occurring. It is essentially the backup plan that goes into action when the worst-case scenario occurs. The goal of your contingency plan is to help your business stay up and running after an issue arises.

Business Continuity Plan vs. Contingency Plan

Although their names vary by few letters, business continuity and contingency plans are different concepts. Continuity is the ability of your business to continue functioning after an incident that has disrupted operations occurs. A contingency plan is an action plan that goes into place if an incident were to happen.

Contingency plans can significantly impact whether your business can achieve continuity. Being able to react and take action during a crisis can dictate whether or not your business can emerge from the other side and continue normal business operations.

You can think of it like this: your continuity plans contain five sections: program administration, governance, business impact analysis, strategies and requirements, and training and testing. If your business also uses contingency plans, it could be part of the strategies and requirements section, which dictates how your business will respond to a crisis if it occurs.

Contingency Planning: How to Make a Business Contingency Plan

Creating a contingency plan is responding to the question of "What if?"

What if your storefront floods? Or what if your supplier goes out of business? The responses to the what-ifs are contingency plans. These scenarios aren't necessarily going to happen, but if there is a possibility that they'll affect your business, you're prepared if they do.

Below we'll discuss the steps that go into contingency planning.

Contingency Planning in 7 Steps

1. identify critical business functions..

This first step is the most important aspect of your planning, as it sets the tone for why your plans need to exist in the first place.

During this phase, identify all critical areas essential to keeping your business up and running every day. As these operations are imperative to success, you need to have plans to ensure that these operations continue, regardless of whatever scenarios arise.

You can think of it like this: these critical areas keep your business up and running on a day-to-day basis. Other areas are important, but these are the main functions that keep you afloat. Given this, you want to be prepared for anything and everything that may happen that can affect the critical areas, whether positive or negative. Contingency planning is exactly that.

Identifying these areas helps you move on to the next step as you begin brainstorming possible scenarios that can impact them.

2. Conduct a scenario assessment.

Once you've identified the critical operations of your business, you'll want to conduct a scenario assessment to identify situations that will affect these functions and put stress on your day-to-day operations.

For example, if your business operates out of a storefront, keeping your storefront up and running is a critical area of your business's success. Maybe you launch a new product that attracts more interest than you thought, and you need to deal with higher in-store traffic and a lack of products to satisfy the market. While it is a positive situation that will draw in more revenue, it can still have negative repercussions for your business if you don't deal with it when it happens.

You can think of this stage as similar to a risk assessment, but the possibilities are positive and negative. It may be helpful to meet with people who work in these critical areas and understand what they think may cause interruptions to their job duties and barriers to their success. Ask them how they feel situations will impact them and how they would deal with each scenario.

If you come up with a long list of threats, you can prioritize them based on their likelihood of occurring and how significant their impact would be on your business.

3. Create contingency plans for each scenario.

During this phase, you'll create contingency plans. Begin with the highest priority "threats," or those most likely to occur and most likely to cause significant stress to your business.

Outline the scenarios, people to inform, and the roles and responsibilities involved parties will have when they respond. We'll go over an example below, but a helpful template to follow can be:

  • Outlining the scenario,
  • Determine the probability of it occurring,
  • Explain how you'll prepare ahead of time,
  • Detail what the response will be if and when it happens.

Once you've created your plans, distribute them to key stakeholders in each scenario, so everyone understands what they are responsible for and can prepare ahead of time.

4. Get your plan approved.

Once you’ve come up with a desired plan of action, it’s time to get approval from stakeholders and management. If you’re creating both department-level and company-wide plans, this is especially important. Your plan won’t be a success unless there is buy-in from key members of your team and management. Once all parties agree that the course of action described in the contingency plan works for everyone, you can move forward with confidence.

5. Share the plan with your team.

Once your plan is approved, it’s time to distribute it. Putting it in a shared folder accessible to everyone creates transparency and makes it readily available if the time comes.

Make sure the parties involved know what they’re responsible for in the plan, that way you can execute the plan seamlessly should the worst-case scenario occur.

6. Test your plans.

As with all plans, it's essential to continuously test (more on that in the next section) and update them over time. As businesses scale and change, your business needs will likely change, and specific scenarios will no longer have as significant of an impact. There may also be new scenarios to plan for that you hadn't anticipated or thought of when you were a smaller operation.

It can be helpful to create a timeline that you'll use to spend dedicated periods reviewing your plans, testing them, and communicating with the necessary stakeholders about any changes you've made to the plans.

7. Update your plan as needed.

Consider your contingency plan a work in progress. You’ll need to adapt it as new risks arise and to ensure it still makes sense for your business needs. Whenever a new manager or executive joins the team, be sure to share it with them as needed so they know what (if anything) is expected of them.

Contingency Planning Timeline

As planning is always an involved process, you may be wondering how much time you should devote to each step. Let's discuss a timeline below.

Week One: Identify Key Operations

Give yourself about a week to identify the operational areas essential for business function. You likely already know what these areas are, but you want to do enough research to identify them all.

Weeks Two & Three: Brainstorm Scenarios

Take two to three weeks to brainstorm the scenarios you're going to create plans for. Spend as much time as possible speaking to the necessary stakeholders to understand their ideas about the scenarios and how they'd like them dealt with. You'll want to conduct probability assessments and market research to understand if your competitors have ever dealt with something similar. You want to make sure you have all the necessary information before drafting your plan, so this step should be the longest.

Week Four: Draft Plan

Give yourself a week to draft your plans. The first two steps should give you all the information you need, so the third step is simply fine-tuning your research and creating the final plan. You can also share what you've created with your stakeholders and iterate on what you have based on their feedback.

The final step to creating your plan, maintaining and testing, is a continuous effort. As mentioned above, your business will likely be impacted by different things at different times, so it's always important to review plans and ensure they still relate to your needs. For example, maybe you plan to do quarterly reviews and training so new hires, and existing employees, are all on the same page.

Contingency Planning Example

business contingency plan steps

It may be helpful to have an example of a contingency plan, so we'll go over one below. The examples are of a positive and negative situation, so you can get a sense of how a plan applies to both.

Contingency plan example

Contingency Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, your contingency plan may get off to a rocky start. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when creating one of your own.

Not securing executive buy-in first.

Before you can get your team or department onboard, you must get buy-in from the executive team. Otherwise, you risk creating a doomed plan from the start.

Get their feedback on potential risks and other factors that may impact guidelines in the plan. Having executive support from the start ensures the plan put forth is approved and also can motivate those at the department level to buy-in as well.

Failure to cover multiple scenarios.

When assessing potential risks and scenarios, it’s important not to cut corners or slack. Scenario planning is key to your contingency plan’s success. All potential risks should be taken into account. You can rank them by likelihood, but you should by no means leave less likely events out. Otherwise, you leave yourself vulnerable should the event happen.

Think about how many businesses were affected by supply chain issues during the pandemic. Most probably never predicted such a catastrophe, but the ones that had a plan in place for such an obstacle were better prepared.

Set it and forget it.

It’s really easy to get comfortable once your contingency plan is in place — after all, if you did your due diligence from the start, you’re ready to tackle any obstacle thrown your way.

Unfortunately, it’s not a one-and-done process. A contingency plan should be looked at as a living document and updated as needed. Your business needs will change over time and so will its obstacles and risks.

Create Business Contingency Plan

All in all, contingency plans help you prepare for a host of what-if scenarios, whether they happen or not. As you never want to be caught in a challenging situation, being prepared is the best thing you can do to ensure your business continues to succeed, regardless of whatever happens along the way.

As the saying goes, better safe than sorry .

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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How To Create a Business Contingency Plan for the Unexpected

A business contingency plan is a strategy for how your company will respond quickly to disruptive events so it can keep operating.

blue wavy lines: business contingency plan

A plan for the unplannable. It sounds like an oxymoron, but that’s the concept behind a business contingency plan: Preparing for potential risks to your company to ensure as much business continuity as possible, even when the unexpected happens.

Every business faces upheaval, disruption, and unanticipated setbacks, some more surprising or serious than others. No matter the scope of these potential events, you can take steps to protect your company. Here’s what to know about a business contingency plan and how to develop a successful playbook—even if you hope never to use it. 

What is a business contingency plan?

A business contingency plan (or business continuity plan ) is a strategy for how your company will respond quickly to disruptive events and keep operating. A comprehensive plan lays out the steps management, employees, and other stakeholders would take in multiple scenarios to help minimize the impact on day-to-day operations and quickly recover. Minor unexpected events might include a technical failure that leads to a website outage for several hours or an illness sweeping through your customer service team and leaving it shorthanded.

Contingency plan vs. risk management

Contingency planning is related to risk management , though they differ in several important ways. A business contingency plan provides for a tactical response to a specific disruption, and it’s focused on ensuring business continuity while helping the company recover as quickly as possible. By contrast, risk management is a broader and ongoing process: brainstorming all the possible risks to your company, assessing the likelihood of each one, and implementing strategies to reduce or manage the risks. 

Contingency plan examples

Planning for natural disasters is an example of a contingency plan. Say some of your employees are based in the Midwest, and a tornado touches down where three of your workers are based. The same might hold true if a hurricane strikes the Florida coast, where your business has a large office. A designated staffer contacts those affected and confirms they’re safe, but they can’t return to their duties until roads are passable, the power outage ends and Internet service is restored. Management then reassigns any critical operations like order fulfillment to other staffers, who have been trained and prepared for these tasks to ensure business continuity.

5 steps for creating a contingency plan

  • Assemble the planning team and brainstorm key risks
  • Perform a business impact analysis (BIA)
  • Develop response and recovery strategies
  • Test the plans and train staffers
  • Regularly review new risks and update plans as needed

Here’s a step-by-step guide for developing a contingency plan:

1. Assemble the planning team and brainstorm key risks 

The contingency planning process should include not only management but key personnel: leaders from IT, procurement, human resources, sales, or any other relevant teams. Company-wide representation is an important aspect of any brainstorming session for identifying possible threats because these workers understand details of the organization’s operations and the biggest risks. An open dialogue about business risks is a good way to start to create contingency plans both comprehensive and successful.

2. Perform a business impact analysis (BIA)

Analyzing your business’s normal operations can help you identify the most significant potential threats across the entire organization. Which business functions and systems are most critical? What’s the potential financial, operational, or reputational impact of each specific risk? What’s the worst-case scenario for each aspect of the company’s operations? How could that cascade to other parts of the business? Answering these hypotheticals will help you prioritize and begin shaping mitigation plans.

3. Develop response and recovery strategies

You can now develop a mitigation plan and recovery strategies for each of the scenarios you’ve identified so far. The process will vary depending on the crisis you’re facing, but it could include establishing emergency response procedures, data backup, alternate supplier options, remote work arrangements, natural disaster recovery, and supply-chain crisis management. This process can include designating who’s in charge of crisis communications after an unfavorable event.

4. Test the plans and train staffers

Conduct plan testing through simulation exercises to assess your contingency plan’s strengths and weaknesses and to determine if there is any need for changes, or even a backup plan or Plan B. If the plan is revised, inform key staff and train them in the new protocols. This could include natural disaster and fire drills, mandatory employee training on cybersecurity best practices and crisis response, or cross-training some staffers to perform other duties if needed. 

5. Regularly review new risks and update plans as needed

Because risks evolve, revisit and revise your plan to be better prepared to avoid disasters. Periodically reviewing new risks is an essential step in plan maintenance and includes implementing lessons from internal or external incidents, adjusting for changes in staff and operations, and considering new technology or tools. 

6 types of contingency plans

  • Information systems
  • Crisis communications
  • Health/pandemic
  • Supply chain

Contingency plans are unique to each business, but there are several major types of contingency plans, including:

1. Information systems

This is a primary plan for many companies because most organizations depend on computers, data storage, and the internet for daily operations. Risks include system outages, cyberattacks, and data breaches. The contingency plan may cover data backups and recovery, system redundancies, and hacking response procedures.

2. Disasters

These plans often address both smaller-scale disasters and major so-called act-of-God events. Lower-impact possible risks might include incidents like a burst pipe that renders the main office unusable for several days, while high-impact potential risks may be a major natural disaster like a hurricane that destroys an office or ruins warehouse inventory. Mitigation strategies may involve ensuring worker safety, restoring information technology (IT) systems, shifting staffers or critical business functions to other sites, and other steps to get business back to normal as quickly as possible.

3. Financial 

This part of the contingency plan addresses financial events that may be internal to the company or macro external factors. Risks include inevitable periodic economic downturns, which can hurt customer spending power and demand for your products. Other risks may be internal and potentially more damaging, like employee theft of funds or inventory. Each results in financial loss for the company. Contingency plans might include maintaining a minimum cash reserve, tapping a bank line of credit to improve your cash position, or boosting sales with strategies like new revenue streams or adjusted pricing.

4. Crisis communications 

This portion revolves around clear internal and external communication in times of crisis. Risks include a lack of internal alignment on messaging, confusion among employees about the company’s response or their part in it, and negative external attention or press coverage that harms your brand or reputation. This plan should include processes for clear communication channels to staffers and external stakeholders, training and briefing of designated spokespeople, and establishing a chain of command to manage messaging and keep important parties up to date on the crisis as it evolves.

5. Health/pandemic

The sudden spread of COVID-19 spurred most companies to develop plans for managing a pandemic or other health crisis. Measures could include employee safety protocols, rules for entering the workplace, communication with stakeholders, and shoring up remote-work support and technology.

6. Supply chain 

Your company’s ability to produce products and services may depend on access to materials or suppliers. If so, risks include disruptions like raw materials shortages, supplier failures, and trade restrictions. Mitigation plans may involve securing backup suppliers, tracking logistics challenges in the market, and maintaining an emergency supply of inventory or materials.

Business contingency plans FAQ

Why does a business need a contingency plan.

Every business faces upheaval, disruption and unexpected setbacks. Preparing for these events with a contingency plan can help the entire team work together to stay calm, execute the plan, and ensure as much business continuity as possible.

What’s the difference between contingency planning and crisis management?

These concepts are related but not the same. Contingency planning is about a proactive strategy: developing a plan for coping with potential disruptions or crises in the future. Crisis management, by contrast, is reactive and in the moment: the actions taken in response to an event, which often includes implementing steps in the contingency plan, if one exists.

How do I avoid contingency planning pitfalls?

Businesses can take a few steps to avoid pitfalls in contingency planning: involve key stakeholders inside and outside the business to develop the plan; prioritize risks based on likelihood and impact on the business; test the plan and revise it as needed; conduct periodic, comprehensive risk assessments; and train employees and make the lines of communication clear in case of crisis.

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Why Having a Contingency Plan Is So Important — and How to Develop an Effective One Let's discuss the importance of contingency planning, what a comprehensive contingency plan should include and how to implement one effectively.

By Greg Davis Edited by Chelsea Brown Apr 27, 2023

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In today's ever-changing business environment, business owners, entrepreneurs and franchise owners need to be prepared for the unexpected. Contingency planning is a critical component of business growth, enabling organizations to minimize disruptions and recover quickly from unforeseen events.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of contingency planning, the key elements of a comprehensive plan and how to implement a contingency plan effectively. By taking proactive steps to prepare for potential challenges, businesses can build resilience and ensure continued growth and success.

Related: 4 Ways to Prepare Now so Your Business Survives the Unexpected Later

Why contingency planning matters

Disruptions can come in many forms, from natural disasters to cybersecurity breaches, equipment failures or even changes in the competitive landscape. Without proper planning, these events can have a devastating impact on a business's operations, finances and reputation. Contingency planning helps businesses minimize the impact of disruptions, maintain operational continuity and recover more quickly from setbacks. This resilience is crucial for business growth, as it enables organizations to adapt to changing conditions and capitalize on new opportunities.

Elements of a comprehensive contingency plan

Developing an effective contingency plan involves several key steps:

Step 1: Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities

The first step in creating a contingency plan is to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities that could impact your business. This includes both internal and external factors, such as natural disasters , equipment or network failures, supply chain disruptions, cybersecurity breaches, changes in the landscape or the loss of key personnel. By identifying potential threats, businesses can better understand their exposure and develop targeted strategies to address these risks.

Step 2: Develop response strategies

Once potential risks have been identified, businesses should develop response strategies to mitigate the impact of these events. This may involve developing alternative suppliers, establishing backup systems or processes or implementing new security measures. Response strategies should be tailored to the specific risks faced by the business and should take into account factors such as the likelihood of the event occurring, the potential impact on operations and the resources required to implement the strategy.

Step 3: Establish a communication plan

In the event of a disruption, clear communication is essential to ensure that all stakeholders, including employees, customers and suppliers, are aware of the situation and know what steps are being taken to address the issue. A comprehensive communication plan should outline how the information will be shared, who will be responsible for providing updates and what channels will be used to communicate with different stakeholders.

Step 4: Train employees and build awareness

For a contingency plan to be effective, employees need to be aware of the potential risks facing the business and understand their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disruption. This may involve training employees in new processes or procedures, providing guidance on emergency response protocols or conducting regular drills to ensure that all team members are prepared to act quickly and effectively in the event of a crisis.

Step 5: Review and update the plan regularly

As the business environment continues to evolve, it is essential that contingency plans are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the company's operations, industry dynamics or the broader economic landscape. This may involve conducting periodic risk assessments, updating response strategies or refining communication protocols to ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective.

Related: 5 Reasons Why You Should Create an Emergency Response Program for Your Business

Implementing a contingency plan

With a comprehensive contingency plan in place, businesses can take steps to minimize the impact of disruptions and maintain operational continuity . Key steps in the implementation process include:

Developing an action plan

An action plan should outline the specific steps that will be taken to address each identified risk, including timelines, resources and responsibilities. This plan should be clear, concise and easily accessible to all team members, ensuring that everyone understands their role in the event of a disruption .

Allocating resources

Contingency planning may require the allocation of resources, such as budget, personnel or equipment, to implement response strategies effectively. Businesses should prioritize resources based on the likelihood and potential impact of each identified risk, ensuring that the most critical vulnerabilities are addressed first.

Testing and refining the plan

Once the plan has been developed, it is essential to test its effectiveness through simulation exercises, drills or other means. This will help identify any weaknesses or gaps in the plan and enable the business to refine its strategies accordingly. Regular testing also helps ensure that employees are familiar with the plan and prepared to act in the event of a disruption.

Monitoring the environment and adapting

Contingency planning is an ongoing process that requires businesses to monitor changes in their operating environment and adapt their strategies accordingly. This may involve updating the plan to address new risks, adjusting response strategies in light of changing circumstances, or reallocating resources as needed. By staying attuned to the evolving business landscape, organizations can remain agile and resilient in the face of uncertainty .

Contingency planning is a critical component of business growth, enabling organizations to navigate the unexpected and maintain operational continuity in the face of disruptions. By identifying potential risks, developing targeted response strategies and implementing a comprehensive plan, businesses can build resilience and drive continued success. As the business environment continues to evolve, contingency planning will remain a vital tool for business owners, entrepreneurs and franchise owners seeking to capitalize on new opportunities and protect their organizations from unforeseen challenges .

Related: How to Create a Disaster Plan for Your Business

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Mastering Contingency Planning: Expert Strategies, Proven Best Practices, and Testing Techniques for Optimal Results

By Joe Weller | May 9, 2023

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Successful organizations must understand potential risks and have contingency plans in place to address them. We’ve assembled expert tips on effective contingency planning and offer practical insights on how to test those contingency plans.

Included on this page, you’ll find the benefits of contingency planning , steps to take to create a contingency plan, examples of contingency plans , and information on a range of exercises your team can do to test its contingency plans.

What Is a Contingency Plan?

A contingency plan is a proactive strategy that outlines the actions a person or entity will take in response to a potential future event. Businesses often develop contingency plans to prepare for risks and mitigate their impact on the business.

What Is Business Contingency Planning?

Business contingency planning is work an organization does to determine how it responds to future events that might affect the business. The goal is to prepare an organization to respond to negative events and mitigate their impact on the business.

A business contingency plan is a written document that outlines an organization’s contingency planning efforts. It typically includes a comprehensive assessment of possible risks to the business and corresponding measures the organization has planned to mitigate these risks, such as legal and budget contingency.

Why Is a Business Contingency Plan Important?

A business contingency plan is crucial for any organization, as it helps them respond quickly and effectively to negative events. With a solid contingency plan in place, companies can minimize damages and continue to thrive even amid challenges.

While an organization might develop a contingency plan for risks to individual projects or general risks to the enterprise as a whole, business contingency plans refer specifically to general risks to the enterprise. This document details all of the most important risks that a business or organization faces.

In recent years, the importance of business contingency plans has increased significantly. With the rise of climate change, natural disasters have become more frequent and disruptive, underscoring the need for organizations to have effective contingency plans. In addition, the ever-growing threat of cybercrime has further highlighted the importance of contingency planning, as businesses increasingly rely on technology to operate.

Luis Contreras

“Before, you might have said, ‘What are the odds of a 100-year flood?’” says Luis Contreras, President and Principal Consultant for AzTech International , a California consultancy that helps organizations manage large, complex projects. “Well, they are happening more often now. ‘What are the odds of a cyber incident?’ Well, they're happening more often.”

Erika Andresen

Many organizations take steps in their risk management programs to try to completely eliminate certain risks. However, it’s almost impossible for any organization to completely eliminate the chance of a risk happening, says Erika Andresen,  a business continuity and resilience expert, author, and founder of EaaS Consulting . Business contingency planning is important, she says, “because your risk management will fail at a certain point.”

The Benefits of a Contingency Plan

Contingency plans offer several benefits to organizations. They enable organizations to respond promptly and effectively to unexpected events, minimize damages, and facilitate a quick recovery. With a contingency plan in place, organizations can take proactive measures to mitigate risks.

Here are some of the primary benefits of having a contingency plan in place:

  • Improves Event Responsiveness: By having a clear plan in place, there is no confusion and individuals know how to react without blindly searching for direction. This enables the organization to take swift and effective action, minimizing response times and ensuring continuity of operations.

Andrew Lokenauth

  • Facilitates Quick Recovery: Organizations with good contingency plans bounce back quickly from negative events. For example, a severe storm or power outage might have a huge effect on a state or metropolitan area, but businesses that have backup generators and other contingency plans can often resume operations quickly. “It's resilience — it's how your company stays a company,” Andresen says. “That's how the company is able to grow and thrive. You've figured out that you're going to have a risk that is going to impact your operations. And then you worked and took the extra step to put in policies and procedures to get yourself back up and running with minimal disruption.”
  • Decentralizes and Disseminates Important Information: Business contingency planning forces organization leaders to gather people to assess the organization’s potential response to various events. This work necessitates the sharing of important information about the company and its operations, resulting in more people knowing how to assist in the company’s response. Accessible, decentralized information is invaluable in a crisis event or when top leaders in a company suddenly leave.“If you have a company with one or two top leaders, then it makes it even more important,” says Lokenauth. “If one person has all the knowledge, when something happens to that one person, how does the company function?”
  • Gives the Company Confidence in Its Operations: When you create effective contingency plans, you boost the confidence of everyone in the company. You instill a sense of trust that the company will respond well in an emergency. Moreover, you enhance confidence in the company’s overall preparedness, foresight, and integrity.

What Does a Contingency Plan Cover?

A contingency plan covers the important risks the organization is monitoring and any possible triggers to those risks. It also outlines the specific actions organization staff will take to respond to them.

A contingency plan often includes the following components:

  • Triggering Events: Identify the events that can make a risk event more likely to happen, such as weather patterns or market conditions.
  • Response Details: Outline specific actions the organization will take in response to a risk event, including preventive measures and mitigation strategies.
  • Organizational Responsibilities: Detail the roles and responsibilities of key personnel within the organization, such as the crisis management team and first responders. This might include a RACI chart that outlines who is responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed about specific response actions.
  • Key Contacts: Include contact information for key people or organizations that will be involved in the response efforts, such as emergency services, suppliers, and customers.
  • Outside Experts: Identify outside experts or consultants the organization might need to engage for help when responding to the risk event, such as legal advisors, public relations firms, or technical specialists.
  • Response Timeline: Include a timeline that details when certain responses need to happen, such as when to activate the crisis management team, notify stakeholders, or implement recovery measures.

Learn more about important components and how to write an effective contingency plan in this all-inclusive guide to writing contingency plans.

How to Develop a Contingency Plan

Developing a contingency plan begins with identifying and assessing potential risks. Next, teams outline an appropriate response to each risk, including specific actions that need to be taken and who will be responsible for executing those actions.

Steps in Business Contingency Planning

To develop an effective contingency plan, businesses need to follow some critical steps. The process starts with identifying and assessing potential risks and creating a response plan. Teams should then be trained on the plan and continually monitor potential risks.

These are the important steps to creating an effective contingency plan:

  • Identify and Assess Risks: Identify potential risks that could have the most significant impact on your organization. This assessment might involve conducting a business risk analysis to evaluate potential threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences. Learn more about this step in the contingency planning process in this comprehensive guide to risk mitigation .
  • Identify Resources: Identify what resources your organization already has that can help with contingency responses. This might include people, tools, or services that can be used to respond quickly to an unexpected event. Gather and coordinate those resources.
  • Create Contingency Plans: Create a contingency plan for each risk that your organization has identified as critical. This plan should outline specific actions that need to be taken, who will be responsible for those actions, and a timeline for executing the plan.
  • Seek Input and Secure Approvals: Get input from stakeholders and people within your organization on your draft contingency plans. Once you’ve gathered feedback, finalize plans and get approval from the organization’s leaders.
  • Share Your Plans: Communicate your contingency plans to all relevant stakeholders within your organization. This includes making sure that everyone understands what the plans are, what their role is in executing the plans, and any necessary training or resources required to implement them.
  • Perform Training Exercises: Train all relevant staff members on the contingency plans, and make sure they understand their roles in executing them. To test the effectiveness of the plans, perform exercises or drills that simulate potential risk events.
  • Monitor Risks and Contingency Plans: ​​Regularly review and assess business risks to ensure that your contingency plans remain effective and relevant. Evaluate whether the current plan provides the best response to potential risks and consider making updates or modifications as necessary.
  • Create New or Adjusted Contingency Plans as Needed: If your monitoring indicates that your contingency plans require adjustments, take action and promptly update them.

Business Contingency Planning Grid Template

Sample Business Contingency Planning Grid Template

Download a Sample Business Contingency Planning Grid Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word

Download a Business Contingency Planning Grid Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word

Download this business contingency planning grid template to assist your team in identifying potential risks to consider in your organization’s business contingency planning. This template provides a comprehensive list of broad risk categories and specific risks within those categories. By using this tool, you can evaluate which risks are relevant to your organization and develop appropriate contingency plans.

Contingency Planning for IT

Contingency planning in IT follows the same basic steps as other organizations. However, it often begins with a contingency planning policy statement , which outlines an organization’s broad approach to contingency planning.

What to Include in a Contingency Planning Policy Statement

A contingency planning policy statement is a document that outlines how an organization will perform contingency planning. It includes details on objectives, roles and responsibilities, resource and training requirements, testing schedules, and data backup and storage plans.

A contingency planning policy statement should include the following components:

  • Objectives: Describe the organization's overall contingency planning objectives — for example, what types of risks the organization is preparing to address and how the organization's contingency planning efforts align with its overall business goals.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Outline the specific roles and responsibilities for performing contingency planning within the organization. This should include both high-level positions and specific individuals who will be responsible for carrying out different components of the plan.
  • Organizational Functions and Departments: Identify which organizational functions and departments will be responsible for performing contingency planning. This helps ensure that all relevant areas of the organization are involved in the planning process.
  • Resource Requirements: Determine the resources needed to support contingency planning efforts, including funding, personnel, equipment, and other necessary resources.
  • Employee Training Requirements: Develop a plan for training employees on their roles and responsibilities in the event of a contingency situation. This might include both general training on contingency planning concepts and specific training on the organization's specific plan.
  • Schedules of Exercises and Tests: Establish a schedule for conducting exercises and tests of contingency plans to ensure that they are effective.
  • Procedures for Maintaining and Updating: Develop procedures for maintaining and updating contingency plans over time, including regular reviews and updates to reflect changes in the organization's risk landscape or other relevant factors.
  • Data Backup and Storage: Determine how the organization will back up and store all electronic data to ensure that critical information is not lost in the event of a contingency situation.

A Contingency Plan Model for IT

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has created SP 800-34, a popular contingency plan guide for IT. The guide outlines the steps and considerations that organizations should take when developing, implementing, and maintaining an effective contingency plan.

The SP 800-34 guide covers the entire contingency planning process, from risk assessment to plan testing and maintenance. It is widely used as a reference by government agencies, private organizations, and security professionals.

IT Preventive Controls

Any organization’s IT contingency plan should include preventive controls. These are measures an organization can take to prevent interruptions to information services or technology.

 Here are some basic IT preventive controls recommended by the NIST for federal information systems:

  • Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS): To provide short-term backup power to all components, appropriate for the size of your system.
  • Fuel-powered generators: To provide power over the longer term.
  • Air-conditioning systems: Establish adequate capacity to prevent failure of components that malfunction when overheated.
  • Fire and smoke detectors: Install in appropriate locations.
  • Fire suppression systems: Install to minimize potential damages.
  • Water sensors: Place in the ceiling and floor of rooms where computer equipment is located.
  • Containers for backup media and vital non-digital records: Ensure they are heat resistant and waterproof.
  • Master system shutdown switch: Make available for emergencies.
  • Off-site storage areas: Use them for backup media, system documentation, and important non-digital records.
  • Technical security controls: This includes management of cryptographic keys.
  • Frequent scheduled backups of data: This includes information on where the backups are stored, onsite and offsite.

Examples of Contingency Plans

Contingency plan examples can help your team understand what to consider in creating a plan and the important components to include.

You can learn more about contingency planning and download blank and example contingency plans.

Business Contingency Planning Best Practices

To improve your organization’s business contingency planning, experts recommend following a number of best practices, such as performing an effective risk assessment, training employees on the plan, and conducting exercises to test the plan.

These are some best practices to follow for effective business contingency planning:

  • Perform Good Risk Assessment and Analysis: Your team should identify the most critical risks through a thorough risk assessment. This includes analyzing the potential impact of each risk and determining which risks require a comprehensive contingency response.
  • Ensure All Team Members Are Aware of Contingency Plans: Contingency plans will not be effective if the employees in your organization are not aware or have only a vague understanding of them. Incorporate contingency planning into employee training and orientation programs, and communicate regular reminders and updates on the plans through team meetings, newsletters, and other internal communication channels.
  • Train Staff and Conduct Regular Drills: Your organization should train all employees responsible for specific tasks in the plan. Conducting exercises or drills where employees simulate a risk event scenario can help teams identify potential gaps or issues in the plan and improve its effectiveness. Many organizations will complete a business continuity or contingency plan, then “put it on a shelf and say, ‘OK, I did it.’ No, you didn’t,” says Andresen. “You haven't done it. You don’t know what’s in it. You don’t have the muscle memory for what the procedures are. When the disaster happens, you don’t want to be saying, ‘Hold on, let me flip through the pages.’ That's another integral part to business continuity planning or contingency planning: to train the plan and exercise the plan. That’s how you figure out if the plan works.”
  • Continually Review Plans and Make Necessary Adjustments: Drills and exercises are crucial to contingency planning, as they allow organizations to identify which contingency are ineffective and need to be revised. It is essential to modify plans when necessary, whether due to changing risks or other factors. After conducting a drill on a contingency plan, Andresen advises, “Go back and relook at the plan and say, ‘OK, we did this well. This didn't work. This needs to be improved.’” By doing so, teams can ensure that their contingency plans actually work. “This is why this needs to be revisited continuously so that the plan is not just a heavy paperweight,” says Andresen. “Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back that you've accomplished making the plan — actually do something with it.”

Types of Exercises to Test Your Contingency Plan

Conducting a variety of drills and exercises for contingency plans is essential for organizations that want to be prepared for any potential risks. The following chart outlines different types of exercises that can test and improve your contingency plans.

These are simple events that inform team members of an organization’s contingency plans. To help team members become familiar with emergency response in general and understand their responsibilities  in the contingency plan. Contingency plan experts and panel discussions are used to provide information during presentations. Presenter or presenters, often internal to the organization.
These drills require team members to meet in a classroom setting to discuss their roles during an emergency, using hypothetical scenarios. To help team members understand potential issues and problems that may arise during an actual event. A facilitator presents hypothetical scenarios, and team members apply their knowledge and skills to problem-solve in real time. An experienced facilitator – internal or external – and a conference room to conduct the exercise.
These drills test a contingency plan by having team members simulate performing their duties that are part of the plan. To test the functionality of  various components and procedures within the contingency plan in order to identify areas that need improvement. Exercise observers evaluate behavior and performance, and improvements  are made to the plan. A facilitator, increased planning, some location and other resources to create a more realistic simulation.
These drills are designed to mimic a real event as closely as possible, with participants in the field where a real event might happen. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the contingency plan and uncover any potential complications or problems with equipment and  resources during a real event. Full-scale exercises mimic actual damage that could occur, use actual resources, and may include the participation of other organizations and government agencies. Significantly more resources and staff time to arrange and participate in a real-world simulation. In some cases, you will need to plan for participation from external groups and agencies.

Common Contingency Planning Pitfalls to Avoid

To achieve effective contingency planning, it is important to be aware of common challenges and pitfalls. One such challenge: organizations not allocating sufficient resources to planning and executing responses that are part of the plans.

These are some of the most common challenges and pitfalls to avoid:

  • Lack of Resources Devoted to Contingency Planning and Actions: To create effective contingency plans, organizations must allocate staff time and resources for both planning and response. This includes significant resources to execute the actions required in response to a risk event. Neglecting these necessary resources can result in ineffective contingency plans and costly responses to risks.
  • Lack of Buy-in From Organizational Leaders: Lack of buy-in from organizational leaders often results in a lack of resources. Leaders who don’t value contingency planning might not provide the necessary funding, time, or attention to ensure the plans are effective. This can result in plans that are incomplete, inadequate, or not tested or updated regularly. “Every level of employee is going to look at leadership and see if they take this seriously,” Andresen says. “Is this some simple extra duty? If leadership is saying, ‘No, this is really important, and this is why this is important,’ they get the employees behind that. Then the employees are going to take it seriously.”
  • Bias Against Plan B Thinking: Contingency planning assumes that at some point, an organization’s mission is going to fail. Unfortunately, some organizational leaders have a bias against this, as they perceive it as thinking about a Plan B. However, these leaders must work to understand that having contingency plans is vital for the organization’s future and doesn’t reflect a lack of confidence in Plan A.
  • One-and-Done Contingency Plans: According to Andresen, organizations often develop contingency plans because they are deemed useful or someone within the organization encourages their development. However, these contingency plans are often completed, then disregarded. In order for contingency plans to be effective, organizations must share them widely, train their employees on them, and continuously adapt them to changing circumstances.

Effective vs. Ineffective Contingency Planning Example

The table below demonstrates the varying outcomes between a well-considered contingency plan and one that is less so. The consequences of these differing results can be significant for both the organization and the community.

Resource and Environment at Risk: An oil production facility has above-ground oil flowlines that run for 7,000 feet. The facility is located half a mile west of a major creek and six miles north of a river. The creek flows into the river, which flows into a town of 150,000 people located 12 miles away.

Contingency Plan Purpose: Detect and mitigate any significant oil leak from the facility's flowlines, with the goal of minimizing environmental damage. The plan places a special emphasis on preventing oil from reaching the nearby creek or river.

Effective Contingency Plan Components Result Ineffective Contingency Plan Components Result
Staff conducts line pressure and component checks every 12 hours to identify significant line leaks. A major leak occurs in a flowline, leading to an automatic shutdown of the affected line. The changed pressure and other issues are detected within 4 hours of the leak, and response efforts begin at that point. Line pressure and other components are checked by staff every 24 hours, but might not be sufficient to detect significant line leaks in a timely manner. A rupture and leak from a single flowline are detected 8 hours after the leak begins, when the automatic line shutdown and significant amounts of oil spilled are noticed by others at the facility. Response begins at that point.
Plant ensures that every employee shift has a minimum of three trained personnel for spill response. Trained employees take immediate action per the plan, including shutting down flowlines and notifying the plant's emergency response coordinator and other leaders. Only a few of employees are trained on spill response and might not be available on every shift. No trained employees are working the night shift when the leak is detected. Employees respond to the leak as quickly as possible but are delayed by communication among each other and with off-duty employees, leading to a 45-minute delay in the full shutdown of flowlines. It takes 75 minutes to reach the plant’s emergency response coordinator and other plant leaders.
Plant maintains equipment and materials to construct temporary trenches and mounds to stop leaked oil from moving toward the creek or river. Within an hour of detecting the spill, crews start building trenches and mounds to contain the oil and prevent it from spreading beyond the plant area. Contingency plan does not include any construction of trenches or mounds to limit oil movement toward the creek or river. Significant quantities of leaked oil move outside the plant on its east side and toward the creek a mile away.
Contingency plan mandates the deployment of floating booms across the creek downstream from the spill, and regular inspection of access points every three months for boom deployment. Crews stand ready to deploy booms if needed, and initiate the process if any oil moves past the trenches and mounds.
Contingency plan calls for deployment of floating booms across the width of the creek downstream from the spill, but access points to the creek are not periodically inspected.
As the leaked oil moves toward and into the creek, crews discover that construction work on a bridge near the creek is limiting their access to deploy booms. They can only partially deploy booms in the creek. Plant and government officials later determine that about 100,000 gallons of oil moved down the creek and later into the river.

Business Contingency Plan vs. Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan and a business contingency plan share some similarities, but a business continuity plan primarily focuses on how an organization can continue operations during an emergency, whereas a contingency plan addresses a broader range of risks.

  • Business Continuity Plan: A business continuity plan outlines the steps an organization will take to maintain normal operations following a major and disruptive event, such as an earthquake, fire, or major data breach.
  • Business Contingency Plan: A business contingency plan covers a broader range of risks that an organization might face and outlines how the organization plans to respond. These risks can include potential major disruptions or events that might not directly affect operations but still require an effective response.

Business Contingency Plan vs. Project Risk Management Plan

Business contingency plans and project risk management plans both identify potential risks and determine ways to respond to them. The former focuses on risks to the entire organization, while the latter focuses on risks to a particular project.

In a project risk management plan , teams identify and assess possible risks to a specific project. It then determines how project leaders can respond to, eliminate, or mitigate those risks.

A business contingency plan identifies potential threats to an organization's ability to continue operating. It assesses risks that could temporarily or permanently halt operations, and then outlines plans to mitigate or eliminate those risks.

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Illustration with collage of pictograms of face profile, leaf, cloud

Businesses need a plan to get back on track when a disaster interrupts daily operations. Contingency plans, also known as “business continuity plans,” “emergency response plans” and “disaster recovery plans” help organizations recover after a disruption.  

Whether they’re preparing for a global outbreak of a deadly virus, crisis management around a data breach or the loss of an important client, contingency plans help organizations bounce back after a negative event.

Companies create many kinds of recovery strategies for everything, from the merger of key competitors to the insolvency of the bank that processes its employee payroll. In India, the government was busy designing a contingency plan as a drier-than-expected monsoon season approached.¹ Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, a large bank was preparing a plan b in case a host of new sanctions were levied as the result of a recent geopolitical development.²

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Here are five steps companies use to create effective business contingency plans.

The contingency planning process begins with a risk assessment to gauge the potential impact of each risk. Typically, business leaders and employees conduct risk analysis.

Team members begin with a brainstorming session where they discuss potential risks, courses of action and the company’s overall preparedness. During this stage, it’s important to be clear about the scope of the project and invite all relevant stakeholders to give input. Companies don’t need to create a risk management plan for every threat they face, just the ones deemed highly likely and with the potential to interrupt business operations.

Effective business impact analysis (BIA) is critical to understanding different business functions and how they will react to unexpected events. For example, while a shortage in micro-processors might be devastating to a part of a business that deals with the manufacture of gaming consoles, it likely has little to no impact on the same company’s HR department.

To assess the urgency of creating an action plan for this specific threat, the company would need to know how much of its revenue was being generated from the part of the business threatened by the microprocessor shortage. If gaming consoles are a high percentage of their revenue, they will put a strong plan in place soon.

A well-developed BIA helps stakeholders assess risk and better understand which parts of their business are most critical to daily operations.

After identifying the risks their company faces, determining the likelihood and severity of each risk and conducting a BIA, business leaders can follow a simple, three-step process to build their backup plan.

Identify the triggers that set their plan into action: For example, if a hurricane is approaching, at what point does the approaching storm trigger the contingency plan? When it’s 50 miles away or a 100? They must make clear decisions so the teams they put in charge of execution know when to start their work.

Design an appropriate response: The threat the business prepared for arrives. Teams must know exactly what’s expected of them so the company can recover quickly. Compile clear, accessible instructions, protocols that are easy to follow and a way for everyone to communicate with each other.

Delegate responsibility clearly and fairly: Like any other initiative, contingency planning requires effective project management to succeed. In the case of an existential threat such as a natural disaster, everyone involved in helping the company recover must know their role and be properly trained to perform it.

For example, in the case of a fire, it wouldn’t be fair to expect employees untrained in firefighting to pick up a hose. However, with the right training, they might conduct headcounts or go floor-to-floor to ensure that other employees have evacuated.

One way to improve workflow among teams when designing a plan is to create a RACI chart . RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed and is a widely used process to help teams and individuals delegate responsibility and react to crises in real time.

While it can be hard to justify the importance of putting financial resources into something that might never happen, these past few years have taught us the value of good contingency planning. Think of all the supply chain problems, critical shortages of personal protective equipment and financial havoc wreaked by the pandemic. What would have been different if organizations had had effective contingency plans in place?

Cost and uncertainty are significant barriers when convincing business leaders of the importance of making an investment in contingency planning. Since all costs for contingency plans are estimated—there’s no way of knowing precisely how events will disrupt a business—decision-makers are understandably hesitant.

Different industries have different ways of approaching this problem. In the construction industry, it’s common to set aside 10% of the overall budget of a project for contingencies. Other industries use different methods.

One popular method estimates risks according to a percentage of how likely they are to occur. By this method, if there’s a 25% risk of an event occurring that will result in USD 200,000 in recovery costs, the company must set aside 25%—or USD 50,000—to be in compliance with their contingency plan.

Markets and industries are constantly shifting, so the reality that a contingency plan faces when it is triggered might be different than the one it was created for. For example, after the 9/11 terror attacks, many of the contingency plans that the US government had in place were suddenly irrelevant because they had been prepared decades before.

To avoid a similar disconnect between plans and threats, businesses need to constantly test and reassess the plans they’ve made. For example, IBM’s guidelines mandate that plans should be tested at least once annually and improved upon as necessary. If new risks are discovered and their severity and likelihood is deemed high enough, the old plans might be scrapped altogether.

When businesses are hit with an unexpected disruption, a strong contingency plan gives much-needed structure to the recovery process. Disruptive events cause chaos and decision-makers and employees are often left scrambling to understand what is happening and how best to respond to it. Having a strong plan to turn to can help restore confidence and show the way forward.

Here are a few benefits business leaders who create strong contingency plans can expect:

Businesses that create strong plans recover faster from a disruptive event than businesses that don’t. When a negative event occurs, the faster the business recovers and gets back to business-as-usual, the lower the risk to the company, its customers and its employees.

A good contingency plan minimizes the damage to a company—both reputational and financial. For example, while a data breach will undoubtedly damage a bank’s reputation, as well as its bottom line, how the bank responds will play a critical role in whether its customers decide to continue doing business with it.

Many organizations use a strong contingency plan to show employees and customers that they take preparation seriously. By planning for a wide range of potentially damaging events, business leaders can show investors, customers and workers that they’ve taken the necessary steps to minimize risk.

Many plans focus on natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or fires. Others deal with data breaches, unexpected network downtime or the loss of a key employee such as a CEO or founder. Here are a few examples of contingency plan templates that deal with broadly different scenarios across a range of industries.

Severity and likelihood of risk: The manufacturers have been following the news in a region where they source specific airplane parts and have deemed the likelihood of disruption there “high.” They initially conduct a search for another supplier but quickly learn that it takes months—even years—to find one. Since the part is necessary for the construction of all their airplanes, they label the severity of this disruption “high” as well.

Trigger: Suppliers make the manufacturer aware that they will soon run out of the needed part due to a disruptive geo-political event in its country of origin.

Response: The manufacturer begins the search for a new supplier of the much-needed part in a more stable country.

Severity and likelihood of risk: The managers of a bank know of a vulnerability in their app that they are working to fix. If the app is hacked and their information systems are compromised, they are likely to lose vital customer data. They rate the likelihood of this event as “high” since, as a financial institution, they are a desirable target.

They also know from watching their competitors face similar situations that the potential for disruption to their business in an event like this is great. They rate the severity of this risk as “high” as well.

Trigger: IT makes the bank’s managers aware that the bank’s app has been hacked and their customers’ data is no longer secure.

Response: The app is immediately shut down and customers are notified that their data has been compromised. They are made aware of the steps that the bank is taking to ensure that they have access to their money and that their personal information is not available to anyone on the dark web. An on-call team of specially trained security experts come in to restore the bank's systems and secure customer information.

Severity and likelihood of risk: The plant’s managers know that severe flooding might spread un-treated water into the city’s streets and public waterways. Both the severity of this risk and its likelihood given the impending storm are deemed “high. ”

Trigger: The hurricane’s path turns toward the city and approaches to less than 100 miles away with wind speeds higher than the threshold rated “safe.” The plant’s contingency plan is put into action.

Response: All necessary workers are recalled to the plant 24/7 and measures are taken to treat as much of the water as possible before the hurricane arrives. According to their plan, whatever is left over will be pumped into holding tanks that are designed to withstand a hurricane. When windspeeds rise to a certain velocity, the plant itself is shut down and all workers evacuated.

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Learn more about the process of disaster recovery planning and Disaster-Recovery-as-a-Service.

Discover how global supply chains responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and are developing better ways to balance efficiency and resilience.

See how businesses are leveraging AI and other emerging technologies to maintain business continuity amid disruption and uncertainty.

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1  “ El Nino contingency plan being readied for farmers and output ” (link resides outside ibm.com), Elara Securities Pvt Ltd., 27 April 2023.

2  “ HKMA has prepared contingency plans in case of severe sanctions ” (link resides outside ibm.com), UBS Global Research and Evidence Lab, 5 May 2022.

business contingency plan

An overview of business contingency plans

Reading time: about 3 min

Natural disasters, data hacking, theft—your organization has likely prepared for major catastrophes.

Less significant events can also be majorly disruptive—say your biggest customer suddenly switching to a competitor or your entire sales staff getting food poisoning at their annual retreat.

Many circumstances have the potential to disrupt, or worse, shut down your business. A business contingency plan can save the day. Follow the steps below to develop a business contingency plan that will help you stay prepared for the worst.

What is a contingency plan?

A contingency plan is a roadmap created by management to help an organization respond to an event that may or may not happen in the future—whether it’s a large-scale event like a natural disaster or a small-scale roadblock like employee theft.

The purpose of a business contingency plan is to maintain business continuity during and after a disruptive event. A contingency plan can also help organizations recover from disasters, manage risk, avoid negative publicity, and handle employee injuries.

By developing a contingency plan, your business can react faster to unexpected events. The faster your organization is able to get back up and running, the less impact you'll see on profits and revenue.

How to write a contingency plan

There are many factors to consider when building a contingency plan. These four steps are a good place to start preparing for the unexpected.

1. Identify the risks

Before you can prepare for a disaster, you need to understand what types of disasters you’re preparing for. Think about all the possible risks to your organization, including natural disasters, sudden changes to revenue or personnel, or security threats.

2. Prioritize the risks

Make sure you spend your time and resources preparing for events that have a high chance of occurring as you write and develop your contingency plan. For example, you may have listed earthquakes as a possible risk. However, if your area doesn't experience many earthquakes, you wouldn’t want to spend all your time preparing for this event. If your area is prone to flooding, you should spend more of your resources preparing for floods.

To determine which risks are more likely to occur, use a risk impact scale . This will help you to estimate the likelihood that an event will occur and determine where to focus your efforts.

risk impact scale

3. Develop contingency plans

Once you’ve created a prioritized list, it’s time to put together a plan to mitigate those risks. As you write a contingency plan, it should include visuals or a step-by-step guide that outlines what to do once the event has happened and how to keep your business running. Include a list of everyone, both inside and outside of the organization, who needs to be contacted should the event occur, along with up-to-date contact information.

You can also create a list of ways to minimize the risk of these events now and start acting on it. 

4. Maintain the plan

Maintenance of your contingency plan is arguably the most important part of the process because it’s where the work happens to ensure you’re always ready.

Review your plan frequently. Personnel, operational, and technological changes can make the plan inefficient, which means you may need to make some changes.  

You’ll want to communicate the plan to everyone who could potentially be affected and clearly define what everyone's roles and responsibilities will be during a time of crisis. 

Buniness contingency plan example

To help you prepare for the unexpected, get started with these business contingency plan examples below. 

business contingency plan example

Ready to get started? Business contingency plans help you prepare your organization to handle anything unexpected. Give your employees a realistic plan for how they should handle any problem that arises. 

risk management process

Learn the 5 steps to an effective risk management process.

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Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit lucidchart.com.

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Project Management

What is a contingency plan & how to develop one.

Vivian Tejeda

ClickUp Contributor

July 13, 2023

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In business, the only constant is inconsistency. 

Whether it’s natural disasters, cybersecurity breaches, or supply chain disruptions, unexpected events can strike at any time. And this isn’t simply alarmist talk—obviously, business risks can pop up anywhere, but you can avoid so much with a general backup plan.  

It’s why developing a contingency plan is essential for every organization. However, it takes knowing what to include, how to create proactive measures, and how to have this plan ready at any time so you maintain normal operations.

And that’s where this guide comes in. 💪

Let’s walk through the process of contingency planning to help your team navigate unforeseen challenges with confidence. Here’s how to start safeguarding your business against the unpredictable.

What is a Contingency Plan?

Benefits of having a contingency plan, how to create a business contingency plan: a step-by-step guide, elements of a contingency plan, contingency plan examples, get your team prepared with a contingency plan.

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A contingency plan is a proactive strategy designed to help businesses prepare for potential risks and disruptions. It outlines the necessary steps to lower potential damage, ensure your business operations continue, and that an organization can recover from its biggest risks or unexpected adverse situations.

Business contingency plans understand the key risks that could derail an entire project or business continuity. Typically, contingency planning relies on business impact analysis to determine the biggest risks and potential setbacks . This allows companies to proactively create a backup option from an original plan.

From weather-related disasters to data breaches, contingency planning makes all the difference when the unexpected occurs. There are plenty of reasons to create contingency plans—for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons.

Here are some of the benefits of contingency planning you might not realize:

1. It keeps damage and losses in check

Having a solid contingency plan means you’re ready to tackle whatever curveballs life throws at your business. And the best part? It minimizes the impact these surprises can have on your business. For example, it could be financial, operational, or reputational risk management to keep damage and losses to a minimum.

With detailed contingency plans in place, you set yourself up to stay strong, no matter what.

2. It allows companies to keep business as usual—even when it’s not

A lot of businesses operate on the model that everything runs perfectly—minus a few hiccups here and there. But how do organizations plan around unpredictable disasters from weather or other emergencies that could break your supply chain?

You could panic—or have some relief knowing the contingency plans you created have a detailed backup plan to maintain business continuity—so everything remains running smoothly. Contingency planning allows you to adapt to whatever comes your way and keep serving your customers with minimal interruption.

Now that’s what you call stability.

3. It helps businesses bounce back in no time

Let’s be real—the faster you recover from an unexpected event, the better. Your contingency planning process helps you identify what you need to do to get back on track ASAP.

The result? You save time and resources and avoid any extra headaches that might come from a prolonged disruption—including losing that customer base you’ve worked so hard to grow. 

4. It makes it easier to win over customers and keep them

Here’s the thing—your customers and key stakeholders want to know you’ve got their backs. When you’ve got a business contingency plan at the ready, you show customers you’re serious about maintaining top-notch service and reliability. 

It’s a rock-solid way to build trust, foster customer loyalty, and show that your business operates no matter the situation—so you can focus solely on what matters most.

Ready to build your own contingency plans? Follow these seven steps to ensure your business is prepared for the unexpected. 

1. Assemble a contingency planning team

Gather a diverse group of employees and stakeholders who understand your business and provide valuable insights into potential risks and solutions. 

This team should include representatives from different departments and levels of responsibility, ensuring a well-rounded perspective. Remember, a diverse team spots potential blind spots better and brings creative problem-solving ideas to the table.

2. Leave no stone unturned

Identify possible disruptions—natural disasters, cybersecurity breaches, personnel issues, or other hazards—and assess their potential impact on your business. Take a deep dive into your operations and consider both internal and external threats. 

Consult with your team and external experts if needed, and create a comprehensive list of risks that could affect your business continuity.

3. Tackle the biggest fish first

Rank the identified risks according to their potential consequences and the likelihood of them actually happening. Focus on high-impact, high-probability events for your contingency plan.

This prioritization process will help you allocate resources effectively and ensure you’re tackling the most critical threats first. Remember, it’s essential to strike a balance between addressing immediate threats and preparing for longer-term risks.

4. Plan for action—not a reaction

For each risk, create a detailed plan outlining the steps your business will take to mitigate the threat and minimize its impact. These response strategies should be clear, actionable, and tailored to the specific risk at hand . 

clickup contingency plan template

Better yet, don’t start from scratch. ClickUp provides a done-for-you contingency template that you can fill in and share with your whole team. As you continue to flesh out your contingency plan, consider both short-term and long-term solutions, and make sure your plan is flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. The more specific your action plans , the better prepared your team will be.

5. Establish communication and keep the lines open

Determine how the information will be shared and establish guidelines for coordinating response efforts among team members and stakeholders. This might involve setting up dedicated communication channels, designating points of contact, or implementing a centralized reporting system. 

It might even be worth adding it to your onboarding process for employees. The goal is to ensure that everyone involved in executing the contingency plan is on the same page.

6. Train employees and raise awareness

Educate your employees about the risks you’ve identified and make sure they’re familiar with the contingency plan. Conduct regular training sessions and drills to keep everyone prepared. 

Make sure your team understands their role in the plan and is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to execute their responsibilities. Who is doing what? What are the expectations?

An informed and well-trained team is your strongest asset in navigating unexpected challenges.

7. Regularly review and update the contingency plan: Stay ahead of the curve

Stay proactive by periodically reviewing your contingency plan and making necessary updates based on changes in your business environment, new risks, or lessons learned from past incidents . 

Schedule routine check-ins to reassess potential risks, evaluate the effectiveness of your response strategies, and make any necessary adjustments. A contingency plan is a living document—keep it fresh and relevant to stay prepared for whatever comes your way.

Creating comprehensive contingency plans takes several crucial elements—think of them as the building blocks for a solid foundation of preparedness. Let’s explore each of these components in detail:

Risk assessment and identification: Know your threats

First things first, you need to dive deep into your business processes and identify potential threats that could disrupt your operations. 

Consider everything from natural occurring disasters and cyberattacks to personnel changes and to issues with supply chains. Once you’ve compiled a list of risks, assess their potential impact on your business to determine the severity of each threat.

Risk management is all about knowing the likelihood of anything and everything that could pause your operations. Here are some common reasons for developing contingency plans :

  • Natural disaster recovery (e.g., floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes)
  • Pandemics or widespread health crises
  • Supply chain disruptions or shortages
  • Cybersecurity breaches or data theft
  • Technological failures or system outages
  • Regulatory changes or legal issues
  • Economic downturns or market fluctuations
  • Competitor actions or industry shifts
  • Workplace accidents or safety incidents
  • Acts of terrorism or civil unrest
  • Damage to facilities or equipment (e.g., fires, vandalism)
  • Intellectual property disputes or theft
  • Loss of major clients or contracts
  • Reputation-damaging events (e.g., product recalls, public relations crises)
  • Environmental hazards or accidents (e.g., chemical spills, pollution incidents)

Risk Assessment Whiteboard Template by ClickUp

Try the ClickUp Risk Assessment Whiteboard Template to collaboratively plan around all of the potential issues that could harm your operations. A visual whiteboard allows everyone to participate and clearly see the risks and strategies to address them in one space. Now, your contingency plan will look better than ever.

Prioritization of risks: Focus on what matters most

Not all risks are created equal. To make the most of your contingency planning efforts, prioritize risks based on their likelihood as well as what their consequences could be. 

Focus on addressing high-impact, high-probability events first, then work your way down the list to make sure you’re tackling the most critical threats head-on to have a solid Plan B.

ClickUp Prioritization Matrix Template

The ClickUp Prioritization Matrix Template aids in prioritizing tasks and projects based on their impact on users and the effort required to implement them. It’s a useful tool for assessing operational workflows and improvements, with prioritization made easy using the 3×3 matrix.

Response strategies and action plans: Be proactive—not reactive

For each identified risk, develop a clear and actionable plan outlining the steps your business will take to minimize the threat and its impact. 

Remember, it’s essential to be proactive rather than reactive—having well-defined response strategies in place will help you act swiftly and decisively when faced with unexpected challenges.

Using the Cybersecurity Action Plan Template by ClickUp to create an organized and detailed cybersecurity implementation plan

For IT teams, contingency plans must include how you’ll address any cybersecurity threats. The ClickUp Cybersecurity Action Plan Template helps IT departments add crucial details to a contingency plan.

Communication and coordination: Keep everyone in the loop

Here’s an important note to keep in mind: A contingency plan is only effective if everyone involved knows about it and understands their role. 

Outline how information will be shared during an emergency, and establish protocols for coordinating efforts among team members and stakeholders. For example, HR software with clear communication and seamless coordination features can be vital for a successful response to any crisis.

ClickUp Communication Plan Template

If you need help setting up your internal or external communication process during a crisis, the ClickUp Communication Plan Template is a must. This template provides simple steps to build an effective communication plan with easily customizable sections throughout the Doc so your contingency plan is as thorough as possible.

Training and awareness: Empower your team

Educate your employees about potential risks and the contingency plan itself. 

Run regular training sessions and drills to make sure everyone is familiar with their responsibilities and prepared to act when the time comes. An informed and well-trained team is your strongest asset when navigating unexpected challenges.

ClickUp Process and Procedures Template

Get a head-start with the ClickUp Company Process and Procedures Template to easily document and organize your contingency planning guide for the organization. This template will give you the bones of a solid plan to get employee buy-in and knowledge of what to specifically do if circumstances change.

Plan maintenance and updates: Keep it fresh and relevant

Lastly, don’t let your contingency plan collect dust. Regularly review and revise it as needed to make sure it remains up-to-date and aligned with your current business environment. 

Schedule periodic check-ins to assess potential risks, evaluate the effectiveness of your response strategies, and make any necessary adjustments. A contingency plan is a living document—keep it fresh and relevant to stay prepared for whatever comes your way. 🚀

clickup business continuity plan template

Don’t make planning any more difficult than it has to—use the ClickUp Business Continuity Plan Template and rest assured you’ve included everything. Add reassessment plans to go back and edit contingency plans based on new threats or risk you could encounter and review each year.

Toyota’s Swift Response to the 2011 Tsunami

In 2011 a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, causing widespread destruction and significantly impacting businesses across the country. Toyota, a global leader in the automotive industry, was no exception. Supply chains suffered massive disruptions due to damaged infrastructure and affected suppliers.

However, Toyota’s business contingency plan played a crucial role in minimizing the impact of the disaster on the company. They already discovered the possible risks associated with natural disasters and put measures in place to address them with a solid backup plan.

The company’s business continuity planning played a huge role in quickly bouncing back. Here are some of the best examples of their plan: 

Shifting production to alternative locations

Toyota’s “plan B” included an emergency response process to shift production to other facilities. When the tsunami struck, Toyota quickly relocated some manufacturing operations to unaffected plants, both within Japan and overseas.

These types of proactive measures helped maintain production levels and ensured that the company could continue to meet customer demands during the crisis.

Tapping into alternative suppliers

The event also affected many suppliers that Toyota relied on for parts and materials. To minimize the impact on supply chains, the company leveraged its extensive network of global suppliers, turning to alternative sources to procure the necessary components. 

This diversification strategy allowed Toyota to maintain its production schedules and minimize late deliveries of customer vehicles. 

Implementing recovery efforts

In the aftermath of the crisis, Toyota swiftly mobilized its resources to support recovery efforts. They worked closely with affected suppliers to help them restore their operations, provided financial assistance, and shared their expertise in disaster recovery. 

By getting ahead of “what ifs”, Toyota demonstrated the power of effective contingency planning in the event of a major disaster.

Remember, a good offense is the best defense. That’s why contingency planning pushes you to be proactive in managing risks . By identifying potential threats and addressing them before they escalate—and keeping your plan updated—you’ll always be ready to respond effectively. It’s like having a secret weapon in your back pocket.

Whether you use one of ClickUp’s templates or create something from scratch, a contingency plan is about so much more than just preparing for the unexpected. It’s about minimizing damage, ensuring business continuity, bouncing back quickly, building trust, and being proactive.

Use ClickUp as your central space for communication, planning, and organizing essential documents. Additionally, you can rely on Whiteboards to collaboratively organize your response plans.

When you put it all together with ClickUp, you’ve got a recipe for a resilient, agile, and successful organization that takes on anything life throws its way. Give ClickUp a try today for free !

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A Contingency Planning Guide: How to Future‑proof Your Business

Learn about business contingency plans and why it makes sense to create one now.

We have probably all been in situations where things have not gone as expected. Although no one wants carefully laid plans to go awry, having a Plan B ensures that you’ll be able to weather most unforeseen events. Being prepared for alternative action is especially crucial in a business context where the unexpected can happen at any time.

What is contingency planning?

A contingency plan is a clearly defined course of action that can help any organization deal with potential business risks, ensure business continuity, and then resume normal business operations as quickly as possible.

Why is it important to create contingency plans?

An unfavorable event is generally unlikely to take place. However, as a business owner, having a contingency plan for different scenarios can give you peace of mind that an emergency response is set in place if things do go wrong. With this kind of backup plan, disaster recovery will be a much smoother process, and normal operations can quickly resume.

For example, no one can accurately predict when natural disasters will strike or when global events like the Coronavirus pandemic are going to hit. In the case of the latter, nearly every business faced hardship, regardless of its size or industry, but companies that had contingency plans were able to get back on their feet sooner.

Other than providing guidance during external unexpected events, a contingency plan should also extend to possible internal events, such as data breaches, staffing shortages, software downtime, or declining business relationships.

A contingency plan doesn’t just have to cover a negative event. Ideally, you should also have an action plan in place for growth or improvement situations—for example, if there is a sudden surge in customer requests or you identify a special market opportunity.

What differentiates a contingency plan from other types of risk planning?

Business continuity plan.

A business continuity plan is a temporary solution that ensures your business is able to continue functioning even after operations have been disrupted. For example, if you are suddenly unable to access your office space, a business continuity plan would be to invest in software that would allow your employees to work from home until new premises can be secured.

Alternatively, a contingency plan triggers a course of action in response to a specific incident. For example, a contingency plan for the loss of a huge client would be different from one dealing with an information systems crash.

Disaster recovery plan

While a contingency plan is a proactive strategy, a disaster recovery plan is a reactive one and should be part of any contingency policy to return your company operations back to normal. It can include recovery strategies, such as continued data access and IT infrastructure, so your company operates near the level it did before the disaster took place.

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are both narrower in scope than a contingency plan. It deals mainly with operational matters in your organization so that you can recover from a disaster as quickly as possible.

Crisis management plan

Like disaster recovery, a crisis management plan is more focused on real-time response following a crisis, compared to the preventive planning needed for a contingency plan. A quick note on how to differentiate disasters from crises—a disaster comes about suddenly, whereas a crisis develops over time (be it quickly or slowly).

It is impossible to be prepared for every eventuality despite your best attempts to make the most thorough recovery strategies. The events that occur might not fit neatly into your contingency plan. In these situations, the only way out is to swiftly modify the contingency plan.

When companies need to think on their feet and adapt to unexpected scenarios, this is where crisis management—the overarching management of emergencies—comes into play.

Risk management plan

Risks are always present in the business world. A risk management plan is similar to a contingency plan because it is also proactive in nature. However, with risk management, you have an action plan to prevent potential crises from taking place, while also reducing the impact of these crises should they happen.

A contingency plan only kicks in either once a certain negative event becomes inevitable or there are enough warning signs to trigger a contingency response.

Pitfalls to avoid when creating your business contingency plan

Not budgeting for your business contingency plan.

A contingency plan has to include a contingency fund, which sets aside a certain amount of resources (e.g., money, people, time) to cover unanticipated costs. It’s a good idea to decide this amount with your team or other stakeholders beforehand to prevent future disputes.

Resist the temptation to cut these funds even in times of a budget crunch. If something does go wrong, you will need to explain to management what happened to your contingency plan.

Not having enough support

Although contingency planning sounds like a good idea, not everyone will agree that it’s necessary. Before you start doing anything, find out how open-minded the stakeholders at your company are. If you cannot identify enough executives who think it’s important, don’t waste your time and effort to create one.

Not updating contingency plans

Contingency plans need to be updated regularly to account for new risks, changes in government policies, and shake-ups in organizational structure. In short, they need to remain current and evergreen. Schedule reminders a couple of times each year to review the existing plan and make changes if necessary.

Your contingency planning process in 10 steps

Step 1: create a contingency planning policy statement.

A contingency plan policy statement is a formal document that outlines the contingency objectives for your organization, such as getting back to normal operations by a certain time. A policy statement also expresses the authority and gives the guidance necessary for stakeholders to create a contingency plan.

Essentially, this should answer the questions “what is contingency planning?” “how should I go about doing this?” and “what can stakeholders expect from a contingency plan?”

Step 2: Carry out a business impact analysis

A business impact analysis (BIA) is used to determine the potential impact, both operational and financial, of a disruptive event in your organization. By doing so, you will be able to recognize the systems, components, and processes that are vital to your business functions, and therefore identify your recovery priorities in the event of an emergency.

Step 3: Conduct a full risk assessment

Every organization has its unique set of potential risks, which can be identified with a risk assessment. Having implemented a BIA, you will now know what your business-critical operations are. To get even more ideas, schedule a brainstorming session with your executive team and/or other stakeholders.

After this, you then need to identify the threats that could harm each of these operations—for example, a technical glitch or a change in business regulations. Once all this data has been collected, put it in a risk register—a risk chart that enables you to track your risks and any information you need to know about them.

Step 4: Classify the key risks to your business

Once you have all your potential risks, it’s time to evaluate how they might impact your organization. Ask yourself the following key questions:

  • What is the likelihood that these risks will happen?
  • How would these risks impact your business?
  • What is the level of severity for each risk?

One way to rank risks is to use a qualitative risk assessment , which orders each risk according to its probability of taking place as well as its potential impact. Another common method is the quantitative risk assessment , which estimates how much each risk might cost your business and ranks the results from most to least costly.

Step 5: Draft contingency plans for prioritized risks

You’ll now start to create a contingency plan for the highest priority risks to your organization, namely those that are most likely to occur and cause the most damage. Outline the actual actions needed to confront a disaster and include preventive controls that can reduce the effects of disruptions.

An example of a modern, detrimental event for most companies would be an information systems breach. Preventive controls for this situation would be to invest in a good-quality antivirus software, make sure your software is regularly updated, create strong passwords, and have files backed up on-premises.

As for the actual plan, these contingency strategies and procedures are usually tailored to the system’s security impact level and recovery requirements.

Step 6: Get buy in from stakeholders

After creating a first draft of your contingency plan, it’s time to get stakeholder approval. Given that contingency plans usually involve employees and management across your company, it will be extremely difficult to implement them without adequate support. Getting approval well in advance also means that plans can be put into action right after an incident occurs.

Step 7: Distribute your contingency plans and make them easily accessible for your entire organization

Contingency plans are usually department-wide or company-wide. By putting them in a shared public folder with a clear document name, you are ensuring that everyone will have easy access to them in case of an emergency.

Step 8: Train your employees

Having laid all the groundwork, you can move on to the execution stage. It’s essential that the parties who have roles in your contingency plan know what their responsibilities are in each risk scenario. Once everyone has been appropriately trained, each of them will be prepared to act quickly in the event of an emergency.

Training should also be given to new employees so they know what contingency planning is, what it entails, and what they might have to prepare to do in the future.

Step 9: Put your contingency plans to the test

In the event of a real disaster, would your contingency plans be effective? There is only one way to find out—and that is through plan testing. Set aside time to run through the procedures for each contingency plan as if each emergency scenario were really taking place.

Not only will this validate the recovery capabilities of each plan, but it will also show if there are any deficiencies or gaps, which can then be improved upon.

Step 10: Continually review and revise your contingency plans

Smart managers know that it is not enough to just create a contingency plan. Plan maintenance is more difficult, and it takes more effort—but that’s what makes it all the more critical. Risk management is an ongoing process, and you need to keep your plan up-to-date when risks or business requirements change.

Ensure your business continuity first, thank us later

Comprehensive contingency planning will make sure that you are prepared to deal with all the risks that come with running a business. Be it natural disasters, workplace accidents, financial instability, malware—these are only the tip of the iceberg of things that can go wrong. But, with a tested contingency plan, you can effectively prepare for whatever may come your way.

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5 Steps to Create a Contingency Plan for Your Business

Posted may 4, 2022 by sabrina parsons.

contingency plan for business plan

Any business that survived the pandemic had to adjust, readjust, and rethink their business as they dealt with shutdowns, supply chain issues, and ever-changing customer behavior. At the time, it could be seen as crisis or recovery planning . However, intentionally or not, these businesses were proactively creating contingency plans.

What is a business contingency plan?

A business contingency plan is an established strategy or backup plan designed to help organizations respond to possible future events. This contingency planning process encourages you to consider business and financial strategies for potential risks well in advance. It’s basically a lean business plan that takes into account unexpected scenarios that could affect your business. 

Doing so ensures that you aren’t caught off guard. Instead, when a negative event occurs, you can jump right into successfully navigating your business. A contingency plan can even address larger potential issues such as a natural disaster, a global pandemic, or a major security breach. 

Your contingency plan will want to address and cover:

Financial scenarios

Financial “what if” scenarios are based on the contingency you are planning for. The important part is to include your projected Profit and Loss statements as well as your Cash Flow Forecast. Adjust these financial statements around a potential issue to better understand what course of action you’ll need to take.

Are there increased costs of goods and services or do you need to change your pricing? Should you add a fuel surcharge if the contingency involves higher gas prices? 

Strategy adjustments

Understanding the financial effects is the first step. Next, you’ll need to address how you will adjust your business and marketing strategy to navigate the contingency, you are planning for. This is when you go from risk management to creating a plan that helps your business thrive rather than recover.

What changes will you need to make to your staffing, advertising, and marketing budgets? Will you need to change how you sell, market, and support your products and services to address the adverse events? 

Why is a contingency plan necessary?

By putting together a contingency plan and addressing risks to your business, you will be prepared and able to best address those risks when and if they happen. The last few years have taught all small business owners that we have no idea what is ahead. That the best possible way to plan for the future is to be ready for anything. 

A contingency plan for your business will help you step through the what-if scenarios that you might encounter. To start putting together solid plans that will help you overcome risks, fast-track disaster recovery, and even ensure there’s business continuity in place. 

What if gas prices double, and your run a delivery business? A contingency plan could help you model the financial scenario, make sure you have the right access to credit lines to pay for the increased costs, and plan for the right gas surcharge to add to your customer deliveries. 

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How to create a contingency plan for your business

Writing a contingency plan doesn’t have to be a huge or stressful ordeal. All you are doing is taking your lean business plan, and making some adjustments to the strategy and the strategic forecast to plan for uncertainty. Here’s a step-by-step guide to write your own contingency plan.

1. Identify and list the risks

In the past few years, all business owners have experienced risks they never saw coming. Trying to account for everything can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Rather than anticipating anything that could happen to your business, focus on the next few years. 

Start with a comprehensive list, putting everything down that could possibly happen to your business in the next 12-24 months. Loss of an employee, a dip in sales, equipment failure, rising shipping costs, insurance increases, etc. Depending on your business, it may also be beneficial to consider larger unforeseen risks such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and economic downturns.

We can all look back at the beginning of the pandemic and learn from the events. Use that knowledge to think about potential future risks and build your list.  

2. Prioritize key risks

Now that you have all those frightening potentials listed, it’s time to prioritize. You need to think about your key risks. The ones that are most likely to happen or will cause the greatest hardship to your business. Realistically you should prioritize no more than 3-5 key risks. 

Remember, you can always use these initial contingency plans to help you explore additional risks. More than likely, several risks will have similar effects on your business functions. It’s much easier to adapt your contingency plans once you have them rather than starting fresh every single time. 

3. Outline contingency plans for each risk

Now that you’ve done the prep work, it’s time to jump into developing your plan. Take your prioritized list and focus on building contingency plans that outline how you and your business will tackle each risk. Here is what you should include in your contingency plan:

Financial forecasts for each risk

To truly understand how a specific risk impacts your business operations, you’ll need a full financial forecast . This will account for what the risk will do to your revenue, expenses, or both. Having a clear picture of your potential financial situation will help you answer questions such as:

  • Will you have enough cash to address the risk? 
  • How does the risk affect your ability to collect cash, and pay your bills?
  • Are there any obvious costs that you can minimize or cut? 
  • Do you need to consider expanding a credit line or applying for a loan?

Don’t worry about creating these forecasts from scratch. Instead, start with your current financial forecasts, make a copy, and adjust projections based on what you expect to happen. Be sure to take note of what adjustments you make. This will make it far easier to update your forecast scenarios whenever you bring in more recent real-world performance data for your business. 

Looking for a better solution? Learn how you can save more time and ensure greater accuracy when adjusting to actual performance using LivePlan .  

The one-page plan

With your forecasts in place, you can begin to define the actions you will take. Keep things simple and easy to follow by creating a one-page strategic plan for each risk. In it, you’ll address how the effects of each risk will impact your operations, sales, marketing, milestones, and even funding needs. This will help you answer questions such as:

  • What strategies in marketing and sales have to be changed or adjusted? 
  • Do you have to hire new people? 
  • Do you need to reduce costs and expenses to survive the risk? 
  • What are the roles and responsibilities required to address the risk?

Document your 12-24 month road map and the key changes you need to implement to keep your business healthy. Keep it lean and actionable to ensure that you and your team will actually be able to use it when the time comes. The LivePlan Pitch page is a perfect place to outline your one-page strategy. 

4. Connect them to your overall business plan

You’ve considered the risks. You have contingency plans in place that include financial forecast scenarios and a one-page action plan. It’s now time to connect your contingency plans to your overall business strategy and business plan. 

Ideally, you should have a simple, lean business plan that is helping guide your business over the next 12-36 months. If not, take 30-minutes to develop one based on your current expectations for your business. This will make it far easier to update and use when facing the risks you’ve identified.

Take this business contingency plan example for instance. If your unexpected event is about a financial risk (such as a dip in sales), connect that contingency plan with your financial plan as a potential fork in the road. You can easily do this same exercise with the two to three more contingency plans you have already built out. 

The end goal is to make this quick and painless so that you can spend less time planning and more time acting when a crisis you’ve planned for occurs. 

Think of it like attachments for a tractor. Where you have all of the right buckets and tools to get your yard in tip-top shape. You’re prepared to jump right in and take on everything from mowing and digging to laying down new gravel. All you need to do is add the right attachments ahead of time. That’s exactly how you want your contingency plans to function with your current plan. 

5. Share, review and revise

Once you have integrated the contingency plans into your overall business plan, it’s time to get your team on board. You want to be sure that they understand the ins and outs of your business plan, and how each contingency should be executed when the time comes. 

So how do you get your team on board? Try these three simple steps:

  • Share the plan with the contingency plans integrated into the appropriate places. 
  • Invite team members to a meeting where you can present the business plan, the potential unexpected events your business might have to face, and the contingency plans that outline how you navigate around them. 
  • Set the expectation with the team for regular, monthly review meetings. This is where you can review business health, compare actual results to the planned results and assess the need to implement a contingency plan.

You can check out our guide on how to conduct a monthly plan review meeting for a more thorough explanation of how to set up this process. 

Preparation is everything

The hard work is done. You have thought about potential hurdles your business might face and you have a plan. Your team is engaged and you now have a regular review schedule in place to keep your business on track. 

All you have to do now is implement your lean business plan, watch for obstacles, and be ready to use your contingency plans if needed. Don’t worry, your regular review meetings will help you track your actual results against your plan and will give you an opportunity to revise your plan if need be.  Check out how LivePlan can help simplify this process and help you make better business decisions in any scenario.

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Sabrina Parsons

Sabrina Parsons

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What Is a Business Contingency Plan?

Small Business Contingency Plans Explained

vitapix / Getty Images

A business contingency plan is a course of action that will be taken if an unexpected event occurs that could disrupt the business. It's a backup plan that ensures the business can continue to operate despite an adverse event.

A business contingency plan is a “plan B” or blueprint for how to keep your business running in the event of a natural disaster, major technical issue, or other unforeseen disruption. A contingency plan identifies potential risks to your business and outlines steps your management team and employees can take if confronted with one of those risks. It helps protect the health and safety of your workers after an event has occurred, while also minimizing business interruptions that can result in financial losses. A well-thought-out plan can mean the difference between staying in business and shutting down.

  • Alternate term : Continuity plan

Do You Need a Business Contingency Plan?

Every business should have a contingency plan so it can resume its operations as soon as possible after a disruptive event occurs. 

A plan will save you time and money since you've already decided what resources you need and actions to take to keep your business going. It can also alleviate some of the stress you're likely to feel when disaster strikes. 

Rather than fretting about what you should do, you can simply follow the steps you've laid out ahead of time.

How to Create a Business Contingency Plan

The first step in creating a contingency plan is to determine what risks are most likely to impact your business and the functions they will impact. Think about how your business normally operates and the types of events that could disrupt its major activities. Your risks depend on the nature of your business and your geographical location. For instance, hurricanes and earthquakes are risks in some areas but not others. Here are examples of events that could cause disruptions:

  • Physical damage by fire, windstorm, or other peril to a building that your business occupies
  • Damage to machinery or breakdown of equipment
  • An extended utility outage (electricity, water, gas, or telecommunications)
  • Resignation or extended absence of key employees
  • Damage to your computer system or a data breach
  • Interruption of your supply chain
  • Blocked access to your business location

Some of these events could also have legal implications. For example, all 50 states, along with D.C. and U.S. territories, have laws requiring businesses to notify individuals whose personally identifiable information has been stolen or released in a data breach.

Run an Impact Analysis

The next step is to conduct a business impact analysis so you can predict the potential outcomes of a disruption of one of your business functions or processes. An analysis can help you estimate the operational and financial impacts of a disruption. It can also help you gather the information you will need to develop recovery strategies. Here are examples of the potential operational and financial impact from the disruption of business functions and processes:

  • Lost or delayed sales or income
  • Increased expenses, such as overtime, outsourcing, and expediting costs
  • Regulatory fines
  • Contractual penalties or loss of contractual bonuses
  • Customer dissatisfaction or defection
  • Delay of new business plans  

When estimating the impact of events, be sure to consider timing and duration. 

A hurricane, structure fire, or data breach may have a greater effect on your income or costs if it occurs during your busy season than when business is normally slow. Likewise, a disruption that lasts for a day will have less impact than one that extends for a week or a month.

You can use the results of your impact analysis to rank your risks in order of priority. Risks with the greatest potential impact should be listed first.

One of the easiest ways to write a contingency plan is to use a template, which is provided by several state and local websites including, for example, the one for Cambridge, Massachusetts .

Plan for Continuity

Once you've analyzed your risks and estimated their impacts, you can begin writing your contingency plan. You'll need a plan for each of the risks you've identified. For example, suppose your manufacturing business is highly dependent on a grinding machine. If the machine became inoperable due to physical damage or a malfunction, your business might have to shut down temporarily. You draft a contingency plan outlining steps you will follow if your machine becomes unusable. Your plan, in turn, might include contact information for two companies that rent machines similar to yours.

When writing your contingency plan, be sure to identify specific people who will need to take action. For instance, suppose your firm employs a highly-skilled salesperson named Susan, who generates 50% of your firm's sales. If Susan left your firm or was unable to work for an extended period, your sales would plummet. You know a retired salesperson (Jim) who could step in for Susan temporarily. However, before you include Jim in your plan, you should explain the roles and responsibilities you'd expect him to fulfill and obtain his consent.

Once you've completed your contingency plan, be sure to share it with your managers and staff who will be responsible for implementing it. Ask them for their feedback, as they may think of a potential risk or impact you didn't consider.

Contingency Plan Example

Here's an example of how a company might use a contingency plan.

Tom owns Tasty Treats, a manufacturer of frozen prepared meals. The firm generates 60% of its revenue from sales of frozen pizza, all of which is made at a central location. Tom worries that his business could be severely impacted if a catastrophe occurs at the pizza manufacturing facility and he's forced to shut it down. Tom thinks his biggest risks are fire, windstorm, equipment breakdown, and an extended power outage, and that all have a high probability of occurring. He drafts a detailed contingency plan. Here are the highlights.

Fire Lost sales, lost customers, increased expenses Install sprinkler system. 

Identify temporary alternate locations.
Report incident to insurer. If site isn't usable within 3 days, move to alternate location. 
Windstorm  Lost sales, lost customers, increased expenses Make building more wind resistant. 

Identify temporary alternate locations. 
Report incident to insurer. If site isn't usable within 3 days, move to alternate location. 
Equipment Breakdown  Lost sales, lost customers, increased expenses Buy .

Identify resources to repair, replace or rent equipment. 
Immediately contact repair shop. Rent equipment if repairs will take longer than 3 days. 
Power Outage Lost sales, lost customers Buy . 

Buy generator.
Operate with generator if outage lasts longer than 24 hours. 

Ready.gov. " Business Impact Analysis ." Accessed Jan. 28, 2021. 

National Conference of State Legislatures. " Security Breach Notification Laws ." Accessed Jan. 28, 2021. 

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How to Develop a Business Contingency Plan

Mark Roy Long

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Our Small Business Expert

Plan A in the business world is essentially the same for every company on any given day: Keep doing what works well to increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

Unexpected business disruptions such as natural disasters, technology failures, and even the COVID-19 pandemic, however, are inevitable. That’s why a business contingency plan -- your Plan B -- is essential to minimize the impact of these events on day-to-day operations.

Overview: What is a contingency plan?

A business contingency plan identifies a variety of catastrophic events that could occur and formulates responses to mitigate their effects.

These situations, as with the examples above, are typically beyond your control, so the best you can do is determine your optimal course of action when time is of the essence to protect your business.

The business contingency plan is much like project risk management but on a larger scale. Instead of anticipating and managing risk at the team or department level, the business contingency plan is applicable across large swaths, if not all, of your company.

What to consider when developing a contingency plan

Input from all levels within your organization, everyone from senior-level executives to front-line workers, is critical when developing a business contingency plan as part of your change management efforts.

In addition, because extreme events are inevitable without being predictable, how quickly you recover from these situations will be one of your key business metrics.

You also need to keep the three considerations below in mind to shape an effective business contingency plan.

1. Financial solvency

When a crisis happens, the number one priority is the continued operation of the company, which ultimately boils down to cash flow and solvency. This requires thinking proactively about your cash reserves, liquid assets, and bottom-line numbers to keep the lights on and doors open.

2. Customer loyalty

After making sure your company can survive the financial impact of a catastrophic event, the next issue is customer loyalty. While everyone knows the unexpected can and will happen, your customers demand that you respond quickly and transparently.

Anything less than that can lead to a damaged reputation and customer defection to your competitors.

3. Negative and positive events

Being ready to deal with negative events like a natural disaster is a common contingency plan example, but you also need to be prepared when unexpected good fortune comes your way.

If a marketing initiative goes viral and leads to a spike in orders, which could strain your supply chain and production capabilities, you must have a plan for that too.

How to write a contingency plan

As part of your business development efforts, contingency planning is also a form of gap analysis. You will not only be identifying potential threats and their relative likelihood, but you’ll also be determining how prepared you are now versus where you need to be to ensure operations continue with the minimum amount of interruption.

Step 1: List potential threats

The first step in compiling the information necessary to flesh out a contingency plan template is to identify all the potential threats your company faces. In general, these can be broken out into three categories: natural disasters, human-caused events, and technology failures.

Tips for listing potential threats:

To determine the maximum number of potential threats, you’ll need to cast a wide net by soliciting input from multiple departments and personnel within your organization as well as other stakeholders. In addition, business consultants, who have a perspective beyond that of the company itself, can offer valuable insights.

  • Collect quantitative and qualitative information: Surveys will generate quantitative information such as statistics about perceived potential threats, while one-on-one interviews employing open-ended questions will provide more subjective, qualitative information.
  • Use a visual threat chart: Organizing potential threats visually by way of diagrams or mind maps will also aid the subsequent contingency planning steps beyond the use of text or lists alone.

A sample visual threat chart broken out by event category, origin of event, and specific event.

A visual threat chart will help categorize the different types of crises that could impact business operations. Image source: Author

Step 2: Prioritize potential threats

Once you’ve identified all potential threats, everything from a power outage to the eruption of a volcano to a cyberattack, you’ll need to prioritize each threat based on its general likelihood. After all, if you’re located on a coastline, flooding will be more likely than the dust storm that might be a routine occurrence in an arid region.

Tips for prioritizing potential threats:

You’ll want to use a uniform "instrument" -- that is, a consistent method -- to analyze the potential impact of different disasters based on the information you collected in step one. Otherwise, you could end up with an ever-moving target that will make your resource allocation less effective.

  • Calculate risk in multiple areas: “Risk” is a broad term, so when it comes to calculating the relative threat from different events, break the impact out into categories including physical resources, human resources, company reputation, and legal/regulatory liabilities.
  • Use a threat matrix: Much like a prioritization matrix, a threat matrix will help you visualize which potential events deserve more attention by calculating whether the threat’s impact is high or low and if it is more or less likely to occur.

Potential threats are plotted on an x-y axis where x is high or low probability and y is high or low seriousness.

A threat matrix allows you to plot multiple threats to determine which ones warrant higher priority. Image source: Author

Step 3: Formulate threat responses

Now you are ready to lay out your responses to various threats. Critical elements to determine your standard operating procedure for each scenario include personnel responsibilities, equipment, cost, offsite contacts and service providers, and recovery timeline.

Tips for formulating threat responses:

Your threat responses must be detailed enough to provide clear guidance during a crisis. At the same time, they cannot be so granular that they don’t allow the flexibility necessary to respond quickly as chaotic events unfold.

  • Test each response plan: Most contingency plans fail due to inadequate testing. Just as you need fire drills so everyone knows how to get out of a building, each plan needs regularly scheduled dry runs to time how long it takes, identify any weaknesses, and revise as necessary.
  • Identify proactive measures: After determining what needs to be done to resume operations after an unexpected event, work backward to see what you can do before it occurs. If you’re worried about losing power, for example, consider adding backup generators or using a more robust data backup protocol to prevent unnecessary losses.

Step 4: Communicate the contingency plan

Once each contingency plan has been tested and approved, it must be easily available to all employees and stakeholders. After all, it won’t do any good gathering dust in a three-ring binder on the top shelf in a locked storeroom.

Tips for communicating the contingency plan:

As with other planning documents, including financial, strategic, and succession, your contingency plans are living documents, not museum pieces, and must be treated as such.

  • Perform regular reviews: By scheduling periodic reviews on at least an annual basis, employee knowledge of procedures will be reinforced. In addition, they can provide input for ongoing updates.
  • Use online/mobile applications: In addition to having hard copy plans, make this information available online and through mobile applications. That way, people can respond appropriately even if they are offsite or are at a remote business location.

Common pitfalls to avoid when creating a contingency plan

Successful contingency planning deals with the same issues as all other project planning: avoiding silos, updating results, and disseminating information.

1. Lack of input

Contingency planning cannot be left to one department or, even more problematically, to one person due to the scope of processes, money, and personnel involved in recovery efforts.

You should use a cross-functional team to obtain actionable input from a variety of organizational perspectives.

2. Lack of current information

In addition, your contingency management plan is not a static document because it presents your best options and responses at a single point in time.

As your business evolves, personnel change and different resources and capabilities become available, you’ll need to regularly revisit the contingency planning process to reflect these changes.

3. Lack of communication

The best contingency planning in the world won’t do you any good if nobody knows about this key piece of business intelligence or how to access it in the middle of an emergency.

Make sure everyone knows how to find this information, their respective roles to play, and how to reach and remain in contact with other members of your disaster response teams.

Start on your business contingency plan today

Strictly speaking, developing your business contingency strategy is not a front-line, day-to-day operations activity. At the same time, a lack of planning for the worst things that could happen threatens the very existence of your company.

That’s why you need to maximize your efforts and be as efficient as possible by using, for example, the best project management software to work both smart and hard.

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What Is Contingency Planning? Creating a Contingency Plan


Table of Contents

What is contingency planning, what is a contingency plan, contingency plan example, how to create a contingency plan, business contingency plans, project contingency plans.

Contingency plans are used by smart managers who are aware that there are always risks that can sideline any project or business. Without having a contingency plan in place, your organization won’t be well prepared for risk management .

The term contingency planning refers to the process of preparing a plan to respond to any risks or unexpected events that might affect an organization. Contingency planning starts with a thorough risk assessment to identify any risks and then develop a contingency plan to resolve them or at least mitigate their negative impact.

Contingency planning takes many shapes as it’s used for helping businesses and projects across industries. Even governments use contingency plans to prepare for disaster recovery or economic disruption, such as those caused by natural disasters.

A contingency plan is an action plan that’s meant to help organizations mitigate the negative effects of risks. In simple terms, a contingency plan is an action plan that organizations should execute when things don’t go as expected.

contingency plan for business plan

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Action Plan Template

Use this free Action Plan Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

Now that we’ve briefly defined what contingency planning is, let’s take a look at a contingency plan example involving a manufacturing project.

Let’s imagine a business that’s planning to manufacture a batch of products for an important client. Both parties have signed a contract that requires the manufacturer to deliver the products at a certain date or there may be negative consequences as stated on the purchase agreement. To avoid this, the business leaders of this manufacturing company start building a contingency plan.

To keep this project contingency plan example simple, let’s focus on three key risks this company should prepare for.

  • Supply chain shortages: The supply chain is one of the most important business processes for this manufacturing company. Therefore, one of the most impactful risks is a raw material shortage which may occur if their main supplier is unable to deliver the materials they need on time. To prepare a contingency action for this risk, the business owners decide to reach out to other suppliers and place standing purchase orders which give them the opportunity to ask for a certain quantity of materials at some point in the future. If the risk of a supply chain shortage occurs, they’ll have multiple sources of raw materials available in case their main supplier can’t keep up with their demand levels.
  • Machinery breakdown: Another risk that might halt production is the malfunction of machinery. To prepare for this, business leaders hire extra maintenance personnel and order spare parts for their production line machinery as part of their contingency plan. If the risk of machinery breakdown becomes a reality, the organization will have the labor and resources that are needed to mitigate it.
  • The team is not meeting the schedule: If the manufacturing team members are failing to meet their goals on time for whatever reason, the manufacturing business will need to allocate more resources such as extra labor and equipment to complete the work faster. However, this contingency action will generate additional costs and reduce the profitability of the project.

ProjectManager has everything you need to build contingency plans to ensure your organization can respond effectively to risks. Use multiple planning tools such as Gantt charts, kanban boards and project calendars to assign work to your team and collaborate in real time. Plus, dashboards and reports let you track progress, costs and timelines. Get started today for free.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Like a project plan , a contingency plan requires a great deal of research and brainstorming. And like any good plan, there are steps to take to make sure you’re doing it right.

1. Identify Key Business Processes and Resources

To create an effective contingency plan you should first identify what are the key processes and resources that allow your organization to reach its business goals. This will help you understand what risks could be the most impactful to your organization. Research your company and list its crucial processes such as supply chain management or production planning as well as key resources, such as teams, tools, facilities, etc., then prioritize that list from most important to least important.

2. Identify the Risks

Now, identify all the risks that might affect your organization based on the processes and resources you’ve previously identified. Figure out where you’re vulnerable by brainstorming with employees, executives and stakeholders to get a full picture of what events could compromise your key business processes and resources; hire an outside consultant, if necessary. Once you’ve identified all the risks, you should use a risk log to track them later.

3. Analyze Risks Using a Risk Matrix

Once you’ve identified all the risks that might affect your processes and resources, you’ll need to establish the likelihood and level of impact for each of those risks by using a risk assessment matrix . This allows you to determine which risks should be prioritized.

4. Think About Risk Mitigation Strategies

Now, write a risk mitigation strategy for each risk that you identified in the above steps. Start with the risks that have a higher probability and higher impact, as those are the most critical to your business. As time permits you can create a plan for everything on your list.

5. Draft a Contingency Plan

Contingency plans should be simple and easy to understand for the different members of your audience, such as employees, executives and any other internal stakeholder. The main goal of a contingency plan is to ensure your team members know how to proceed if project risks occur so they can resume normal business operations.

6. Share the Plan

When you’ve written the contingency plan and it’s been approved, the next step is to ensure everyone in the organization has a copy. A contingency plan, no matter how thorough, isn’t effective if it hasn’t been properly communicated .

7. Revisit the Plan

A contingency plan isn’t chiseled in stone. It must be revisited, revised and maintained to reflect changes to the organization. As new employees, technologies and resources enter the picture, the contingency plan must be updated to handle them.

Contingency Plan Template

We’ve created an action plan template for Excel to help you as you go through the contingency planning process. With this template, you can list down tasks, resources, costs, due dates among other important details of your contingency plan.

contingency plan for business plan

A business contingency plan is an action plan that is used to respond to future events that might or might not affect a company in the future. In most cases, a contingency plan is devised to respond to a negative event that can tarnish a company’s reputation or even its business continuity. However, there are positive contingency plans, such as what to do if the organization receives an unexpected sum of money or other project resources .

The contingency plan is a proactive strategy, different from a risk response plan , which is more of a reaction to a risk event. A business contingency plan is set up to account for those disruptive events, so you’re prepared if and when they arrive.

While any organization is going to plan for its product or service to work successfully in the marketplace, that marketplace is anything but stable. That’s why every company needs a business contingency plan to be ready for both positive and negative risk management.

In project management, contingency planning is often part of risk management. Any project manager knows that a project plan is only an outline. Sometimes, unexpected changes and risks cause projects to extend beyond those lines. The more a manager can prepare for those risks, the more effective his project will be.

But risk management isn’t the same as contingency planning. Risk management is a project management knowledge area that consists of a set of tools and techniques that are used by project managers to create a risk management plan.

A risk management plan is a comprehensive document that covers everything about identifying, assessing, avoiding and mitigating risks.

On the other hand, a contingency plan is about developing risk management strategies to take when an actual issue occurs, similar to a risk response plan. Creating a contingency plan in project management can be as simple as asking, “What if…?” and then outlining the steps to your plan as you answer that question.

Using ProjectManager to Create a Contingency Plan

ProjectManager has the project planning and risk management tools you need to make a reliable contingency plan that can quickly be executed in a dire situation.

Use Task Lists to Outline the Elements

Use our task list feature to outline all the elements of a contingency plan. Since a contingency plan likely wouldn’t have any hard deadlines at first, this is a good way to list all the necessary tasks and resources. You can add comments and files to each task, so everyone will know what to do when the time comes.

Task list in ProjectManager

Reference Dashboards to Monitor the Contingency Plan

Our dashboard gives you a bird’s eye view of all of the critical project metrics. It displays live data so you’re getting a real-time look at how your project is progressing. This live information can help you spot issues and resolve them to make sure that your contingency plan is a success. Which, given that it’s your plan B, is tantamount.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows six key metrics on a project

If you’re planning a project, include a contingency plan, and if you’re working on a contingency plan then have the right tools to get it done right. ProjectManager is online project management software that helps you create a shareable contingency plan, and then, if you need to, execute it, track its progress and make certain to resolve whatever problems it’s addressing. You can do this all in real time! What are you waiting for? Check out ProjectManager with this free 30-day trial today!

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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A practical guide to creating a contingency plan

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The vast majority of failed projects and bankrupt companies had a plan and followed it. So why do these projects and companies end up failing?

Unexpected things happen that companies don’t plan for, and many fail to adapt in time.

The key: having a sound contingency plan. A contingency plan is all about expecting the unexpected and preparing to deal with worst-case scenarios ahead of time. This article will cover why you need a contingency plan, and walk you through step-by-step instructions for creating one. We’ll also provide a contingency planning template you can implement and use on monday.com immediately.

What is a contingency plan?

A contingency plan is a predefined set of actions that you will implement in response to specific future events that put your project or business at risk.

A simple example of a contingency plan is to back up all your website data. That way, if your website gets hacked, it will be easy to restore the data after regaining access and changing passwords.

Without that backup, the team might have to recreate the entire website from memory or build a website from scratch . That’s a significant expense and can mean several extra days (or weeks!) of downtime.

A contingency plan is about managing and lowering risk and setting yourself up for speedy disaster recovery.

What are the two types of contingencies in project management?

monday.com makes budget contingency planning visual

There are two types of contingencies that you should plan for: budget contingency & schedule contingency.

  • Budget contingency is an additional amount of money that you allocate to your budget, so you can cover extra costs that might come up as the project progresses. If you don’t have a contingency budget, you might run into an unexpected cost that could send you over budget and risk the profit margin of your project.
  • Schedule contingency is an additional amount of time that you bake into your project schedule, to allow for any unexpected delays or hiccups in your project progress. Without schedule contingency, you risk running over your project deadlines and disappointing stakeholders.

Contingency plan examples

Here are a few examples of how contingency planning could help save the day, no matter what happens:

Project contingency plan

Imagine that a key team member unexpectedly leaves the project. If you were contingency planning for this scenario, you might outline the following steps you could follow if you lost a key project team member:

  • Identify who will take over the tasks of the departing team member, and what tasks still need doing
  • Assess if any additional resources will be needed (such as an additional part-time project member from another team)
  • Provide training sessions for other team members to ensure they can step in effectively
  • Notify any stakeholders about the change and how it will be managed to minimize disruption and offer reassurance.

Business continuity plan

How about if a natural disaster disrupted operations at your primary office location? Could your business cope? With a continuity plan in place, you’ll turn things around quickly:

  • Make sure all your employees have access to the necessary tools and systems so that they can work remotely if necessary
  • Regularly back up all essential data to the cloud, and have a data recovery plan in place, in the event of loss of the hardware in your primary office
  • Identify backup office space or plan for remote work options if the primary location becomes inaccessible
  • Define communication channels that you’ll use in the event of a major disruption so that you can reach your employees to provide updates and instructions on how to proceed

Supply chain contingency plan

Do all your logistics depend on a few key suppliers? Then you should have a supply chain contingency plan in place, in case of unexpected production or shipping delays.

  • Have more than one supplier for critical components, so this becomes less of a business risk.
  • Maintain a buffer stock of your essential components, so that production won’t be held up by supplier delays
  • Find a shipping company that offers expedited shipping options in case you have an urgent need
  • Update your supplier contract to include penalties for delays and a procedure for resolving any disputes

Why contingency planning is important

contingency planning is easier with monday.com boards

Murphy’s Law specifies that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. And any experienced project planner knows how true that is! Contingency planning can make or break your business:

It helps mitigate risk.

Contingency planning helps to identify potential risks and get ahead of them with a proactive plan. That way, even when things go wrong, you can minimize the disruption to operations and reduce your financial losses.

It makes your business more resilient.

Having a contingency plan in place enables you to respond to the unforeseen more effectively, adapt to changing conditions, and recover from setbacks more efficiently.

It keeps you compliant.

In many industries, contingency planning is mandated by regulatory requirements, so you’ll need these plans in place to avoid penalties and maintain good legal standing.

It increases customer trust.

Customers trust businesses that handle disruptions effectively. The ability to respond quickly and effectively when things go wrong will help build your reputation for great customer service.

Looking for a tool to make contingency planning easier? With monday.com, you can store all your contingency plans in a central location, communicate changes with stakeholders, and create automated workflows in response to unexpected events.

What are the characteristics of a good contingency plan?

Your contingency plan should include the following components:

List of risks

Begin by making a thorough identification of potential risks that could realistically occur. Depending on what kind of contingency plan you’re putting together, these could be all the risks that could impact your business, or the risks that could delay or disrupt a specific project or product.

For example, in terms of business-level contingency planning, you could list out:

  • Natural disasters
  • Technological failures
  • Economic downturns
  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Sudden market changes

Response options

Your plan should then outline various responses that you could choose between, for each risk you’ve identified. These might be:

  • Actions to mitigate the risk
  • Ways to transfer the risk to another party (e.g. by buying insurance)
  • Ways to accept and manage the risk

Plan of action

For each risk and response option, you should then add in a plan of action, including:

  • Steps to take
  • Who is responsible for each step
  • Any resources you’ll need
  • Any need to coordinate with other stakeholders or third parties

Communication management protocols

You’ll also want to make sure that you have a plan in place to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, including:

  • Who needs to be notified
  • The channels you’ll use for communication
  • How often you’ll send out updates
  • Any useful templates to use for messages

Trigger points

Decide in advance when you’ll activate a specific contingency response. For instance, you might have a particular threshold beyond which you’ll move to a contingency plan — such as the severity level of a natural disaster. You should also define who has the authority to make these decisions, and how the decision will be made (by committee or by chain of command, for instance.)

Testing and review

To keep your plan up to date, you should schedule regular tests and reviews. For instance, for a natural disaster contingency plan, you might want to run a drill once a year, to practice your response procedures and make sure that everything works as it should.

How to create a contingency plan

Let’s cover the basic contingency planning process and detail how to get yours up and running.

1. Map out essential processes.

What processes are essential to your business and safely delivering your product or service to customers?

If you’re a manufacturing company that ships directly to consumers, a simplified process list might look something like this:

  • Getting raw materials from suppliers
  • Manufacturing process
  • Freight and shipping
  • Packaging and warehousing
  • Last-mile delivery

Looking at this list, you can see how vulnerable it is to natural disasters or even minor human errors.

Create an overview of every crucial process in your organization.

2. Create a list of risks for each process.

Once the process list is created, consider what might disrupt business continuity.

What can go wrong with each of these critical processes?

Let’s look at an example of what could go wrong with “last-mile delivery” …

  • The driver can deliver single or multiple packages to the wrong address.
  • The package can be damaged during delivery.
  • The package could get lost at a distribution center.
  • A truck full of packages could be involved in an accident.
  • A flood could cripple the road system in a specific area.
  • The driver could get delayed because a moose wants to lick salt splatter off the car (seriously, it’s a thing ).

And that’s only a preliminary list. Once you start thinking about it, you’ll realize how many things you rely on to avoid going wrong, even for fundamental processes.

Every business process is vulnerable to some sort of emergency or human error and requires a solid risk management process .

3. Evaluate the potential impact and likelihood of each risk.

Once the risks are identified, it’s essential to determine how they could impact your business.

Are they likely to happen? How large will the impact on your business if they do occur?

Most companies use “qualitative risk assessment” to do this.

PMI uses the following risk exposure assessment table — also called the probability impact matrix — to evaluate … the probability and impact of potential risks.

Risk impact probability table from PMI

( Image Source )

First, rate the severity of the impact on a scale from 1–100. Then, multiply with a percentage based on how likely it is to occur.

4. Calculate costs and contingency reserves, and identify issues to mitigate.

The quantitative risk assessment approach is less common — but more practical — to assess the potential cost of each risk.

How much would each risk potentially cost your business? To get a better overview, add these 4 columns to the risk register template :

  • Full potential loss from the event
  • Expected loss from the event
  • Cost of response (post-event)
  • Cost of mitigation (pre-event)

Quantitative risk register example in monday UI

This means you can make an educated decision when budgeting contingency reserves into project plans and yearly budgets.

During the risk analysis , estimate the potential costs of the adverse event.

EXAMPLE: if your online store goes down, multiply the average online sales revenue per hour with expected downtime. Make one pessimistic and one realistic estimate.

Your hosting service may also have a flat fee for restoring sites, which would be your response cost. If these costs are unreasonably high and the event is likely, estimate the costs of a mitigation effort. In this case, it could be a firewall and extra procedures, like 2-factor authentication, an important security system , for all employees.

Budget in those costs. An accurate budget is the first part of emergency response and prevention. Without enough cash, your team won’t be able to put any response plans into action.

5. Create a response plan for prioritized events.

Create a response plan for events by exploring the following questions:

  • What can be done ahead of time to minimize any adverse effects on the event? For example, backing up data, carrying extra stock, or having more employees on call.
  • What can be done immediately after the event to minimize the impact? For example, ordering more from a secondary supplier, rerouting another vehicle, or bringing in on-call staff.

The specifics depend on your company’s unique processes and situation.

6. Share the contingency plan.

A contingency plan only works if it’s used when things go wrong—and that means that everyone in your organization knows to reach for the plan in times of trouble. To make sure that happens:

  • Identify who needs to be aware of and involved in contingency planning.
  • Choose appropriate communication methods for each stakeholder group. For instance, department heads may need specific meetings to focus on their section of the plan. Key employees might need a training session.
  • Create the plan in an accessible, centralized location, such as a monday.com board. That way, everyone involved can access the plan, and you can keep it updated at all times.
  • Encourage feedback on the plan, such as running an employee survey to check understanding and seek ideas for changes and improvements.
  • Post reminders and updates on your shared internal communication channels.

7. Monitor and review the contingency plan.

If you want your contingency plans to protect your business, you have to keep them up to date. That means you’ll need to schedule regular reviews of the plan to check that it’s still relevant and aligned with your changing business.

Remember to communicate updates or revisions to all relevant stakeholders, and provide opportunities for additional training if needed.

Manage your contingency planning process with monday.com

Having your business contingency plan on paper is an excellent place to start. But it won’t translate to how your entire company will tackle a crisis.

That’s where monday.com comes in. Our flexible digital workspace gives you everything necessary to ensure everyone follows the contingency plan when they need to.

Use our pre-built contingency plan template to get you started 

Make sure that no employee is left clueless during a crisis. Our contingency plan template has everything you need to start the planning process.

With our pre-built template, you can feel confident you’re following best practice contingency planning, so your business will run smoothly even in the case of unexpected events.

Use integrations to notify someone of an event automatically 

use automation to keep stakeholders up to date on your contingency plan

With monday.com’s powerful integrations and automations, you can respond to unfavorable events more quickly.

For example, you can immediately create and assign a work item whenever a customer submits a bug report.

This approach helps avoid another potential problem: customer service failing to report bug reports to your development team.

Monitor project status at all times in dashboards to avoid bottlenecks and domino effects.

manage your contingency planning with monday.com dashboards

The best time to start acting is before a catastrophic event that puts your entire project or business at risk.

To do that, your management team needs a clear understanding of the project’s status at all times.

Use the 30,000-foot view every manager needs to avoid predictable project delays and failures and check that project controls are working properly.

Contingency plans are a must-have.

When starting a project or business, most people plan according to the status quo. Unfortunately, that’s a best-case scenario and not helpful in the real world.

A contingency plan helps you prepare for worst-case scenarios and keep your project afloat, should anything go wrong.

  • Project risk management

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contingency plan for business plan

4 Steps to Creating a Business Contingency Plan

contingency plan for business plan

When audiences think of Back to the Future, they remember Michael J. Fox’s performance. Yet, Fox – and his iconic "life preserver" vest– wasn’t the first choice for Marty McFly.

Universal Studios actually filmed another actor as the main character for several weeks. When that didn’t feel right they switched to Plan B: Fox. The rest is history.

Having a Plan B, otherwise known as a contingency plan, makes continuity possible. Whether it’s for a movie cast or a natural disaster, having a contingency plan in your back pocket allows for quick shifts and flexibility when potential setbacks or issues arise.

A Deeper Dive: What Is a Business Contingency Plan?

A business contingency plan, or Plan B, is a backup plan you can use if there’s a disruption in your company’s operations. Because of COVID-19, our minds tend to jump to worldwide disasters, but Joe Spector, Founder and CEO of Dutch , warns that more common risks are issues like “data breaches, loss of staff or customers, or declining business relationships.”

And it’s because these issues are so common that they are often overlooked as needing a contingency plan. But disruptions, transitions, and adaptability take time and money, and having a plan in place will help mitigate any potential upsets so your business can continue to run as smoothly as possible.

Shifting From the Traditional Risk Management Approach

To ensure your company is ready for the unexpected, your leadership must adopt a strategic contingency planning process. It makes sense to have backup plans, but did you know that only 12% of business leaders considered their companies prepared for 2020? Because pandemics, natural disasters, and data breaches aren’t predictable, it’s critical to have backup plans in case any major disruption occurs.

Leaders are in unique positions to challenge traditional approaches and implement tools and practices that take a modern look at risk assessment and risk management. Mark Shinkman, Vice President of Gartner’s Risk and Audit Division, attributes the absence of COVID-19 contingency plans to antiquated methods. He explains, “This lack of confidence shows that many organizations approach risk management in an outdated and ineffective manner."

These outdated and ineffective practices involve department leaders assessing risks and creating contingency plans unique to their teams. However, this siloed approach fails to look at departmental risks that could impact the company as a whole. As a result, companies are ill-prepared to address crises that spread into other departments.


Traditional contingency planning favors department-level risk management, which can negatively impact the company.

Traditional Risk Management Implications

Most risks can impact your entire organization. If your departments work together, you can more easily understand these risks and develop a proactive plan. However, the traditional, siloed model will leave teams scrambling.

For example, unexpected turnover, furlough, and leave all affect staffing levels, which in turn influence a department’s ability to deliver on goals. If you don’t have a contingency or succession plan in place, other departments besides your People team may be affected.

This particular siloed planning process could result in:

  • Disgruntled customers and lower renewal rates. Fewer personnel on the Customer Success teams translates to longer ticket times and phone queues, which could affect customer retention down the road.
  • Extended timelines and frustrated customers. A shortage of software developers could significantly affect your ability to release features, fixes, and enhancements promised to customers and stakeholders. When promised fixes aren’t delivered, Customer Success representatives often take the brunt of customer complaints.

Looking at risks from a holistic view eliminates the traditional risk management tunnel vision. As a leader, you can make this happen. Encourage your departments to collaborate with others in the company so they can see the overlap in crises. With this high-level view, your departments will be better equipped to keep your company running in the event of a crisis.

To create a successful, aligned contingency plan, it’s important to analyze your potential risks, plan responses, and manage recovery efforts when crises occur.

1. Assess Potential Risks to Your Company

Contingency planning starts by acknowledging the risks that your company faces. After all, you can’t create a backup plan if you don’t know what you’re trying to overcome.

Invite department heads, team leads, and/or employees to anonymously participate in a risk assessment. Have respondents identify risks they believe are important and encourage participants to include both internal and external sources. Next, have them rate those risks on their likelihood and severity. Include a rating scale of one to 10, with one being low likelihood/low impact and 10 being high likelihood/high impact. It may be important to provide examples of each ranking to better calibrate results.

Once responses are in, gather leadership and additional department heads or team leads to review the responses and ratings. Use a risk assessment matrix or scatter plot to visualize the severity of each risk.

matrix and scatter plot for contingency planning

These visualizations can help your team identify urgent risks and determine an appropriate course of action.

Prioritize your results by reviewing the following:

  • High impact and high likelihood: To ensure business continuity, your team should create a contingency plan immediately.
  • High impact and low likelihood OR low impact and high likelihood: Contingency planning is useful but not urgent. Don’t prepare for these risks until you’re done planning for threats with high impact and high likelihood ratings.
  • Low impact and low likelihood: Normal business operations are less likely to be impacted by these risks. While a contingency plan may not be necessary at this time, you should monitor these risks for potential impact and probability changes.

2. Consider Business Continuity Options and Their Implications

As you move forward with creating your contingency plan, consider how a particular course of action will target your crises and impact your workforce and company.

Acknowledging the trickle-down effect these risks—and your response to them—will have across your company, while being transparent in your collaboration practices, empowers your leaders to figure out how to respond on the department level. Furthermore, collaborating on crisis responses also provides your department leaders with an opportunity to voice concerns and share how each crisis would impact their teams.

Business Contingency Plan Template

For a business contingency plan example, let’s say that a few of your team members live in tornado country. It’s very possible that a natural disaster could affect them and their workflow, resulting in disrupted communication between team members and customers.

The customizable business plan template below can guide your team through problem solving your potential scenarios and responses.

image of Contingency Plan-Template

Download your editable contingency plan template here .

3. Create and Practice Your Contingency Planning Guide

After collaborating with teammates and assessing potential risks, it’s now time to solidify your contingency plans.

As you compile your plans, make sure to include the steps your teams took to assess the risk, the various scenarios you drafted (even ones you may not have selected), and recommendations for how often leadership should review the plan.

You can go into as much detail as your team feels is necessary. Some companies might draw up a minimalist table view to make triggers and actions visible, while other companies may rely on thorough documentation to capture all aspects of their contingency plan.

How much detail you put into a guide will also depend on the factors in play. A data breach, for example, would involve specific team members and stakeholders with specific recovery strategies outlined. But a natural disaster that takes out the main office would involve a number of stakeholders and a broader plan to manage resources. Your approach will ultimately reflect the needs of your company and the complexity of the risk.

An additional (but equally important) component of your contingency planning guide is communicating it to and training your employees through mock simulations. Spector advises that your people should not only know their specific roles and responsibilities when the plan goes into effect, but also if and when adjustments are made “in accordance to changes in organizational processes and technologies.”

4. Revisit Your Contingency Plans

It’s important to revisit and refresh your contingency plans not only when processes and technologies change, like Spector mentioned, but also when positions are backfilled and roles and responsibilities shift.

You may also find that your team struggles to enact the plan. Shinkman warns that some people “tend to deal with emerging risks by just assuming they will go away and instead focus their attention on what is most important today.” But when those seemingly small problems aren’t addressed, they can quickly become larger, more serious issues down the road.

To successfully revisit your plans, cycle back through the above steps with your team to identify the best course of action. If you need to reassess a threat that wasn’t high risk before but has since become urgent, enlist your leadership team to talk through where the risk falls now. Then, proceed to create a new contingency plan or revise your existing one.

A Documented Contingency Plan = A Proactive Approach

Although you don’t want to be fear-driven, remember that disruptions can happen at any time. It’s therefore important to have a plan – any plan – in place.

You might opt for a stable enough plan that’s ready to go at a moment’s notice. You may choose to invest more time in making your contingency plan iron-clad. That’s the beauty of revisiting and refreshing your plans: risks and responses constantly change, and you have the ability to shift and further solidify your reactions.

One part of contingency planning is having a solid headcount planning strategy. Ready to ease its complexity?

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Contingency Plan Examples

40 detailed contingency plan examples (& free templates).

Good strategies always involve a contingency plan in case the original plan backfires. In some cases, the original plan may not be as successful as you expect which is why you need a contingency plan example to achieve the same goal . We have heard the term “Plan B” before and this in its simplest way, is a contingency plan.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Contingency Plan Examples
  • 2 What is a contingency plan?
  • 3 Contingency Plan Templates
  • 4 When to use a contingency plan?
  • 5 Using a contingency plan example in risk project management
  • 6 Business Contingency Plan Templates
  • 7 Steps in contingency planning
  • 8 Creating your contingency plan
  • 9 Contingency Plan Samples
  • 10 The challenges that may come with contingency planning

Free contingency plan template 01

What is a contingency plan?

The steps taken by an organization when an unexpected situation or event occurs is a contingency plan. A contingency plan example may be positive like when there’s an unexpected surplus in the cash flow. But more often than not, the contingency planning process mostly refers to negative events.

The events which might have a bearing on the organization’s financial health, reputation or on its ability to continue with business operations. Such events may include natural disasters, fire, network failure, and a data breach, to name a few.

Having a contingency plan template helps you make sure that there’s always a continuity in the business. Most of the bigger business organizations have sets of business contingency plan templates for various potential threats. These undergo extensive research and the resulting appropriate responses get subjected to full practice even before the crisis occurs.

You can consider a contingency plan as a proactive approach as compared to crisis management, which is more of a reactive approach. Having a contingency plan ensures that you’re always prepared for any eventuality. Conversely, a plan for crisis management enables you to control the response after the eventuality occurs.

Contingency Plan Templates

Free contingency plan template 10

When to use a contingency plan?

Also, keep in mind that the design of a contingency plan template is only for risks that can you can identify and not for unknown or unidentified risks. This is for the simple reason that you cannot make a plan if you don’t know the risk.

It’s also worth noting that contingency plans don’t only exist in anticipation should things go wrong but you can also create one to make the most of strategic opportunities.

For instance, you have come to know of a new type of software for training that’s about to get released soon. Should this occur during the project, you can create a contingency plan on how to include this into the training stage of your project .

Using a contingency plan example in risk project management

As mentioned earlier, a contingency plan example responds to a negative event that might affect or tarnish the reputation of an organization or its financial standing. In business, however, a business contingency plan template isn’t always negative. There are cases of positive contingency plans too.

Also, keep in mind that the contingency planning process is a proactive strategy, unlike crisis management which is a reaction to something that has happened. A contingency plan accounts for any disruptive events to ensure that the company is always prepared if and when such events should occur.

Contingency plans are usually part of the risk management department and project managers should know that the plan is simply an outline. However, there are times when the project may extend beyond this. This means that the manager can be more prepared to make changes in the plan if he deems it would be more effective.

Risk management isn’t the same as the contingency planning process. Risk management is more about establishing, assessing, mitigating, avoiding, sharing, transferring, and accepting risks, whereas a contingency plan focuses on developing steps for when a risk occurs. But they share a common aspect. They both describe the steps to take in such an occurrence.

In its simplest form, a contingency plan definition is what you should do when an unexpected event takes place. Simpler still is “What if….?”, then creating an outline of the steps that answer this question.

Business Contingency Plan Templates

Free contingency plan template 20

Steps in contingency planning

Project management always involves several entry points for risks that you have to consider for a contingency plan example. Here are some risk factors that you should take into account for a contingency plan template:

  • The physical aspect where losses can happen caused by damage to facilities, equipment or information because of natural disasters or an accident.
  • Technical issues may be a risk factor too, where the system stops functioning as needed for the delivery of the project as scheduled and within the budget.
  • Human resources can be another risk too as teams may leave projects, get sick or get terminated.
  • In a much larger scale, risk factors beyond the project manager’s control are social and political changes. As an example, you can work with a contract which can drastically change depending on who’s in control. Nothing remains stable with risk factors. Communities can even protest against projects and bring them to a halt.
  • There are also liability issues where there are potential threats in the form of compensation plans and legal actions.

Here are the basic steps in the contingency planning process:

  • Make it a point to know which resources can you use in the event of an emergency and in which part of the contingency plan you can apply these resources.
  • Identify important dates that, if you miss, might negatively affect the plan. For instance, getting approval from committees which rarely meet.
  • Know your plan. Check its weaknesses and strengths. Identify slack which you may find.
  • Check for any points in the plan where you can apply alternative routes and evaluate each scenario to make your plan more flexible.
  • Use your knowledge and experience in discerning patterns in the ebb and flow of the activities in your project to make it more efficient.

Creating your contingency plan

You need a lot of planning and research when creating a contingency plan example. But planning ahead, with each plan makes things easier for you. When creating one for your company, follow these steps:

  • Identify your resources and prioritize them Do research throughout the organization so you can identify then prioritize the integral resources in your organization.
  • Identify the most significant risks You need to identify any potential threats to the researched resources. If you need to, meet with executives, and employees to get more a holistic picture of how events can affect your resources. To be more precise, bring with you a consultant or a specialist in the identification of risks.
  • Draft a contingency plan template Although you may come up with plans for each of the risks individually, it’s recommended to begin with the threats you consider high priority. This refers to the ones which have a high likelihood of occurring and would have the most significant impacts. As time goes by, you may start working toward coming up with plans for the lower-priority risks. When drafting plans for identified risks, start asking yourself about the steps to take so that the organization can go back to normal operations. Take into account factors like employee activity, communications, timelines , and staff responsibilities. Based on these, you can then make a plan for each of the risks.
  • Share the plans Make sure that all employees and stakeholders have access to each plan as soon as you’ve completed them and had them approved. You may want to consider using a mobile application for this very important step. This could make the contingency plan together with similar documents directly available to all of the employees through their mobile service. This method also ensures that every employee has easy access to the updated plans for when the need arises.
  • Maintain the plans As the organization undergoes changes, make sure that you reflect such changes in your business contingency plan template. There’s also a need to rehearse the plan with stakeholders regularly so that the key players know their roles and responsibilities.

Contingency Plan Samples

Free contingency plan template 30

The challenges that may come with contingency planning

Managers will always get confronted with challenges that they should consider before and while creating contingency plans. These challenges include:

  • Only focusing on “Plan A” By nature, people only want to work on a single solution. This may be the reason why a contingency plan doesn’t get the proper attention it deserves. They all hope “Plan A” succeeds and they think that focusing too much on “Plan B” might potentially be damage their success. As managers, they should stress how important a contingency plan is as it serves as your safeguard to help facilitate success instead of obstructing it. This means that the contingency plan should never get shelved. Instead, you must make it readily accessible.
  • A small probability of using the plan Because of the small probability that you will ever use the contingency plan, many believe there’s no urgency in creating one. That means the plan could find itself at the very bottom of the company’s list of tasks if anyone will create it at all. There is a need for this plan for any project, even if the company has to invest a little more in it. When you decide to create a comprehensive contingency plan, you will feel the pay off when you end up needing it.

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As the situation in Ukraine evolves, businesses should be mindful of potential risks to their people, assets, operations, or supply chains in the region and globally. Marsh, as part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies, has created a page with information, tools, and resources related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  Please visit the page  for the latest information.

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August 9, 2024

Securing success: your comprehensive guide to business continuity plans

Build a strong business continuity plan to protect against business disruptions with the help of this step-by-step guide.

  • What a business continuity plan is

Steps to plan for the future of your company

  • Business continuity plans vs natural disaster recovery plans

What are the consequences of a company lacking a contingency plan that addresses incidents that disrupt operations? The major loss of profits and reputational standing are two examples. Negative results like these force businesses to put countless hours toward rebuilding.

Let’s look at how organizations can avoid these impactful outcomes by creating a strong business continuity plan.

What is a business continuity plan?

A business continuity plan is a comprehensive strategy designed to ensure an organization can continue its essential operations during and after a significant disruption. The goal is to minimize downtime, protect assets, and quickly return to normal operations.

According to PwC, 96% of business leaders stated their organizations experienced disruption in the past two years. Also, 76% said their most serious disruption had a medium to high impact on business operations. 

A successful plan should assess all risks, including weather events and cyberattacks. Once a company identifies these vulnerabilities, the plan should also:

  • Determine how these risks can impact key business processes.
  • Implement safeguards and processes to prevent the risks.
  • Develop and exercise recovery procedures to ensure they’re effective.
  • Regularly review the plan to make sure it’s up to date.

Why is a business continuity plan important for organizations?

Enhanced risk management.

Business continuity is a big part of risk management. It enables teams to develop recovery procedures and strategies to mitigate the risks and ensure continuity.

The main goal of risk management is to identify, assess, and manage potential risk. Business continuity planning focuses on proactive actions that help ensure resiliency.

Increased customer confidence

Business continuity increases customer confidence by demonstrating that an organization can handle disruptions and continue delivering products or services without significant interruption.

As a result, customers feel more secure and confident in their ongoing relationship with the organization, knowing their business will be met even in adverse situations.

Regulatory compliance

In today’s business landscape, there are countless rules and regulations. A business continuity plan can help account for regulatory obligations. A business continuity plan starts with a realistic assessment of potential risks.

Companies can use these plans to mitigate these risks, track requirements to meet regulatory compliance during and after a disaster and help teams avoid fines and penalties.

Improved decision-making

Pre-established plans empower business leaders to act fast during a disruption. This proactively minimizes confusion for team members. It also ensures a coordinated response across the organization.

Stakeholders look to business leaders to take charge when situations occur. Investors, lenders, and other individuals need to know a business can manage risks and uncertainties. A business continuity plan shows that a leader will protect the stakeholders’ investments.

Profit protection

Yes, developing and implementing a business continuity plan requires an initial investment. However, creating this plan can ultimately result in significant cost savings. Businesses save money over time by mitigating the financial losses associated with operational disruption.

Additionally, it provides aid for expenses related to rebuilding operations. Rather than having no documentation or plan for consistency, workers can save time and energy by following the steps outlined. While this doesn’t keep employers from spending money, it gives businesses a jumping-off point.

A strong business continuity plan analyzes all the risks affecting a company’s normal operations. Possible incidents include natural disasters, civil unrest, political violence, and cyberattacks. With this plan, employers can:

  • Create safeguards to lower the risk of these threats.
  • Exercise action plans to ensure they work.
  • Review the determined business process to ensure its effectiveness.

Follow these steps to create a plan:

1. Build a team

Most teams don’t have a designated business continuity specialist. These professionals are responsible for specific tasks within the business continuity framework. They focus on:

  • Analyzing potential risk.
  • Developing a continuity plan
  • Implementing the continuity plan.
  • Training staff members.
  • Updating plans as business needs and environments change.

Employers can create a continuity team instead of hiring one person to handle the tasks. This group spearheads the review process and manages the disruption if an incident arises. The business continuity team also ensures the plan is consistent across all business units and updated regularly.

2. Assess risks

To reduce problems and plan for the future, businesses must understand their risks. Start the planning process by listing every potential threat to operations. Assess the probability and impact of each threat.  This planning should be a team effort. Address every threat, including:

  • Civil unrest 
  • Cyberattacks
  • Domestic and global political violence
  • Natural disasters
  • Power outages
  • System failures

3. Perform a business impact analysis

Employers must identify and prioritize key business processes, resources, and dependencies should there be a business disruption. These observations can help teams assign recovery time objectives and make decisions about recovery priorities and strategies.

4. Plan for recovery

Every business has different recovery requirements. Business leaders must develop strategies to respond to risk events and recover critical functions within their recovery time objectives identified during the risk assessment and business impact analysis.

Creating a recovery strategy includes brainstorming solutions that can create consistency.

5. Train team members

Offering training and exercises can help prepare an organization for potential business disruptions. Performing trial runs can make recovery easier during a disruption. This preparation can help identify any missing aspects and possible improvements.

6. Review regularly

It’s vital to update the organization’s continuity plan regularly. The continuity team should make necessary adjustments as staff members change and emerging risks arise. Learning from past mistakes and trial runs can make business continuity management impactful.

Business continuity plan vs disaster recovery plan: What’s the difference?

While these two plan types are similar, one can’t replace the other. Disaster recovery plans focus on technology and information technology infrastructure, while business continuity plans examine the operational recovery of key business processes, resources, and dependencies.

Both support critical business functions and incident management, especially for companies that struggle with technology downtimes and related costs. IT professionals generally lead disaster recovery planning by creating plans to recover from unexpected technology disruptions. The prioritized IT resources identified during the business impact analysis will help guide disaster recovery planning.

How we help you craft a plan

 A business continuity plan can help ensure your team prepares for what’s next. Marsh McLennan Agency's risk management specialists can help you create a proactive plan to address potential disruptive incidents.

Partnering with our team offers your business:

  • Analytics to support better decision-making.
  • Deep carrier relationships to leverage resources.
  • Integrated employee health and safety to strengthen client culture.
  • Strategic relationships with clients, carriers, and vendors.
  • Crisis management specialists and services.
  • Business interruption valuation services by seasoned forensic accountants.
  • Supply chain mapping site-level assessments.

Ready to elevate your business’s incident preparation and improve resiliency and risk management?

Reach out to a specialist today to learn more.

Reach out to a specialist today.

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Tips to help your new business thrive through recession.

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Justin Goodbread CFP®, CEPA, CVGA, at WealthSource Partners, LLC, is a financial educator, wealth manager, author and speaker.

Starting a business is never simple, but starting one during an economic downturn can be especially difficult. With many challenges compounding the typical struggles business owners face, a recession may cause would-be entrepreneurs to hold off on starting a business. However, there are still opportunities to build a successful business, even in tough economic times.

The Challenges Of Getting Your Business Off The Ground During A Recession

Launching a business during a recession comes with several unique challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of available funding. Banks and other lenders are often hesitant to provide loans during a recession , as they are more likely to see defaults and bankruptcies.

Another challenge is the cautious spending habits of consumers. During a recession, many people are less inclined to spend money. This can make it difficult for businesses to generate revenue. This especially rings true for luxury or nonessential goods and services, as consumers prioritize necessities over discretionary purchases.

Despite these challenges, there are many examples of businesses that were founded during recessions and went on to become successful .

Strategies For Preparing Your Business To Succeed During A Recession

So, how can you increase your chances of success when starting a business during a recession? Here are a few key strategies to consider:

Create A Contingency Plan

Your contingency plan should detail the steps you'll take if your business can't generate the revenue you anticipated. It should also outline strategies for cutting costs, reducing overhead and conserving cash.

Cut Unnecessary Costs

You always want to avoid unnecessary costs. But this is an absolute necessity during a recession. This could mean implementing a hiring freeze, negotiating with suppliers or finding more efficient ways to operate your business. During the most recent downturn, my company chose to reevaluate its systems and processes to become hyper-efficient. By cutting costs, you can improve your profit margins to better withstand the challenges of a recession.

Diversify Your Revenue Streams

Diversifying your revenue streams is another important strategy for preparing your business to succeed during a recession. This means offering a scope of products or services that appeal to many segments or industries.

Although there are many ways of diversifying your revenue, our company began developing new services to offer to our clients. Likewise, we expanded our market reach by partnering with advisors in markets across the country.

By having multiple sources of revenue, you can be better suited to withstand changes in consumer behavior.

Focus On Providing Value

During hard economic times, consumers are more likely to be value-conscious. This means you need to focus on creating value. You could do this through discounts and promotions, or simply by ensuring that your products or services are high-quality and meet customer needs.

Leverage Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for businesses during a recession. Through automation, you can reduce overhead and improve operational efficiency. For example, several years ago, David's Bridal switched to an automated messaging platform and saw a 30% reduction in call center operating costs.

Getting Business Financing During A Recession

Although it may be harder to secure financing during a recession, it isn't impossible. Let's explore a few options.

Explore Government Programs

During a recession, governments may offer funding programs or other incentives to help stimulate the economy. There could be government programs available to small businesses in your area.

Look For Alternative Financing Options

Traditional banks may be hesitant to provide loans during a recession, but there are alternative financing options available. These include peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding, among other options. If you're willing to share equity in your business, there are even more options such as private equity lending or mezzanine financing. Just be sure to research each option and consider how it could impact your business.

Build Relationships With Investors

Building relationships with potential investors can be a powerful way to secure financing during a recession. I often attend networking events and have made great connections with investors. If you have networking events in your community, I encourage you to participate.

Wrapping Up

By understanding the challenges of a recession, preparing your new business to succeed and exploring alternative financing options, you can increase your chances of success. Remember: There are plenty of successful businesses that were founded and grown during tough economic times.

You can't win at business if you're just sitting on the porch. So do your due diligence, then pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

Justin Goodbread

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Risk Management and Mitigation Through S&OP

Sales and operations planning, presenter

Understanding S&OP in Risk Management

Risk management and mitigation play a crucial role in Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). In this blog post, we will delve into how S&OP can effectively identify and address risks.

Let’s explore the S&OP and the risk management strategies to mitigate potential disruptions and maximize operational efficiency.

What is Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)?

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) is a strategic and structured process for companies to align business goals with forecasted demand through an effective allocation of operational resources. This involves cross-functional collaboration to come up with an accurate demand forecast and, thus, balance the appropriate supply to meet customer needs. 

Implementing S&OP for Effective Risk Management

As noted in the article “ Key Capabilities of S&OP for your Supply Chain ”, an efficient S&OP process helps to increase corporate profitability through the strategic use of the company’s resources.

The S&OP process helps teams mitigate risks by:

  • Aligning sales and operations teams
  • Provides structure for data-driven decision making
  • Preparing with scenario planning and simulation
  • Applying continuous monitoring and adjustment

Thus, putting in place a holistic and structured S&OP plan ensures transparency across the organization and alignment with the overall business goals. This way, it grants the ability to manage risk in a timely manner to stay ahead of the competition and overcome uncertainties.

Risk management not only is a key capability of S&OP, but it is also a key benefit , granting companies the ability to identify and approach possible risks in time to secure their business.

Risk Identification and Mitigation Through S&OP

First things first: There’s no risk to manage if it hasn’t been identified. You need to be able to “name” the risks in your supply chain as these can impact the overall performance of your business.

Risks may appear differently in supply chain planning versus financial planning . In supply chain planning, risks frequently come from the accuracy of underlying assumptions – like whether the forecasted demand is accurate or whether production will hit the expected levels with the plant running without unscheduled downtime.

On the other hand, in financial planning risks are from a different nature. They may result from currency fluctuations, cash flow shortages, or challenging customer payment terms, among others.

Let’s be more specific and define the different types of risk you can identify and tackle through S&OP. 

Key Risks Addressed by S&OP

Supply chain risks.

These might range from disruptions in suppliers or transportation failures to geopolitical circumstances that impact your business. Having a robust and well-established S&OP process helps you to identify and resolve these risks.

The same happens with inventory capacity. S&OP balances the supply and the demand accurately and in real time to prevent excess inventory or stockouts. This results in the reduction of the risk of lost sales or holding costs.

Demand risks

These come with changes in the market – customer preferences and market trends –  that could impact demand. Many products are seasonal which can impact the demand for finished goods and the supply of raw materials.

S&OP and specifically “scenario planning” play a crucial role in anticipating these changes and adjusting production plans accordingly.

Operational risks

These kinds of risks can arise from capacity utilization or process efficiency. By aligning production capacity with the forecasted demand and synching operations across departments, S&OP helps to reduce the risk of overburdening resources or underutilizing capacity. It also minimizes bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the production.

Financial risks

As part of the S&OP process, budgeting and financial planning ensure the right allocation of resources to minimize cost overruns. It also aligns sales and operations to meet sales targets and maintain steady revenue streams. Manufacturers always want to take on new business, but many times the process of determining if the new business will be profitable is not performed.

S&OP Best Practices for Effective Risk Management 

Assessing risk severity and impact.

A key step in risk management is assessing the possible resulting “harm”. Missed orders provide a good example of the possible severe impact of failing to meet the expectations of the S&OP plan. When the organization and stakeholders involved in the process don’t follow the supply chain plan and implement it efficiently, orders for critical customers can be late or incomplete.

The impact can be huge: It could result in both a loss of business and a harm to the corporation’s reputation. Also, your company’s competition can get a chance to “get their foot in the door” by having their product qualified as a suitable replacement to your product given the risks associated with yours. Missed orders can squander years of sales and technical development work.

Revenue streams are also a target. If the finance department was counting on the revenue stream from the lost business, they will then not be able to meet their revenue forecasts.

Other consequences of a breakdown in the planning process include, among others, elevated labor costs coming from unscheduled overtime and increased shipping costs for expedited shipments.

Leveraging Likelihood of Events

An essential part of any risk management process is to leverage the likelihood of events. All team members involved in the planning process should distinguish between events that we can control versus events that are not under our control.

  • Controllable events: These include planning for manufacturing shutdowns, accurately capturing customer demand and launching a sale or promotional event to drive up customer demand.
  • Uncontrollable events: We can find, among others, natural disasters –such as the wildfires in Canada this year putting at risk the production of petroleum; component shortages – like the one the Electronics industry has faced since COVID and that is just starting to see the light; and labor strikes.

Your team needs to put in place a process that facilitates discussion among all key stakeholders. By following this process, you should come up with a list of the likelihood of controlled and uncontrolled events that can impact your supply chain.

Using Scenario and Contingency Planning to develop a Risk Mitigation Plan

A great tool that S&OP uses to evaluate the impact of unanticipated disruptions to your plan is “What if” scenario planning . By leveraging different scenarios, your team can draft different strategies to approach each situation. They can then use the results of this contingency planning to develop the appropriate mitigation plan for each possible scenario.

A mitigation plan is nothing more than a set of actionable strategies designed to solve unlikely events to mitigate the negative impact in your business. For example: If one supplier is based in a place where a natural disaster or an industrial accident that curtails their normal production rates occurs, qualifying multiple raw material suppliers provides companies with alternatives to avoid losing business. 

Driving Business Resilience Through S&OP and Effective Risk Management

Implementing a robust S&OP process in your company will not only streamline operations but it will provide you with the right framework for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in your supply chain and, in the end, your business.

QAD S&OP software supports and enhances your S&OP process to help you align sales and operations, anticipate changes in customer demand, manage risk effectively and boost growth.

As Pierre Monchal, ADM‘s (NEOVIA) Corporate Supply Chain Director explains : “Properly anticipating our customers’ requirements has become strategic so that our entire supply chain — from purchasing through to distribution via the production plants — could be ready to meet those needs.” 

“We have, therefore, gradually moved to a genuine culture of anticipating and adapting to the market, calling for improved demand forecasts and better fine-tuned preparation of operations,” he says.

Want to Know More About Sales and Operations Planning?

Check out other valuable resources:

  • S&OP: A 7-Step Business Process
  • Embracing Risk-based Thinking: A Practical Guide to Risk Management  
  • QAD Announces the Next Release of Digital Supply Chain Planning (DSCP)
  • Extending Sales and Operations Planning Throughout the Supply Chain


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    contingency plan for business plan

  5. 40 Detailed Contingency Plan Examples (& Free Templates) ᐅ

    contingency plan for business plan

  6. What is a Business Contingency Plan

    contingency plan for business plan


  1. Contingency plan examples: A step-by-step guide to help your business

    When business operations are disrupted by a negative event, good contingency planning gives an organization's response structure and discipline. During a crisis, decision-makers and employees often feel overwhelmed by the pile-up of events beyond their control, and having a thorough backup plan helps reestablish confidence and return ...

  2. What Is A Contingency Plan & How Do You Create One?

    Here's how to create a contingency plan in seven steps: Step 1. Create a Policy Statement. A policy statement is the outline of the authorization that exists to develop a contingency plan. This ...

  3. Use a Contingency Plan to Protect Your Business [2024] • Asana

    A contingency plan is similar to a project risk management plan or a crisis management plan because it also helps you identify and resolve risks. However, a business contingency plan should cover risks that span multiple projects or even risks that could affect multiple departments. To create a contingency plan, identify and prepare for large ...

  4. What is a Business Contingency Plan

    Business Contingency Plan (Click on the template to edit it online) Step 4: Share and Maintain the Plan . Once you have completed the contingency plans, make sure that they are quickly accessible to all employees and stakeholders. Review your contingency plans from time to time and update them as needed. And it's a best practice to inform ...

  5. What Is a Business Contingency Plan and How to Create One

    A business contingency plan is used to identify any potential business risks and clearly identifies what steps need to be taken by staff if one of those risks ever becomes a reality. A business continuity plan sounds similar in name and like a business contingency plan, aims to mitigate risks to the company. Business continuity plans outline a ...

  6. What Is Contingency Planning? [+ Examples]

    Contingency Planning in 7 Steps. 1. Identify critical business functions. This first step is the most important aspect of your planning, as it sets the tone for why your plans need to exist in the first place. During this phase, identify all critical areas essential to keeping your business up and running every day.

  7. How To Create a Business Contingency Plan for the Unexpected

    A business contingency plan (or business continuity plan) is a strategy for how your company will respond quickly to disruptive events and keep operating. A comprehensive plan lays out the steps management, employees, and other stakeholders would take in multiple scenarios to help minimize the impact on day-to-day operations and quickly recover

  8. How to Create and Implement an Effective Contingency Plan

    Developing an effective contingency plan involves several key steps: Step 1: Identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. The first step in creating a contingency plan is to identify potential ...

  9. Contingency Planning Essentials

    Business contingency planning is work an organization does to determine how it responds to future events that might affect the business. The goal is to prepare an organization to respond to negative events and mitigate their impact on the business. A business contingency plan is a written document that outlines an organization's contingency planning efforts.

  10. What is a Contingency Plan?

    Contingency plans, also known as "business continuity plans," "emergency response plans" and "disaster recovery plans" help organizations recover after a disruption. Whether they're preparing for a global outbreak of a deadly virus, crisis management around a data breach or the loss of an important client, contingency plans help ...

  11. An Overview of Business Contingency Plans

    A contingency plan can also help organizations recover from disasters, manage risk, avoid negative publicity, and handle employee injuries. By developing a contingency plan, your business can react faster to unexpected events. The faster your organization is able to get back up and running, the less impact you'll see on profits and revenue.

  12. Contingency Plan Basics: Vital Steps for Contingency Planning

    A solid contingency plan can be developed for standard system disruptions or worst-case scenarios. For most businesses, a good plan can mean the difference between success and failure, so it's important to always have one in place. Read on to learn the importance of contingency planning.

  13. What Is A Business Contingency Plan & How To Create One

    A business contingency plan is a course of action that your organization would take if an unexpected event or situation occurs. Sometimes a contingency can be positive—such as a surprise influx of money—but most often the term refers to a negative event that affects an organization's reputation, financial health or ability to stay in ...

  14. What is a Contingency Plan & How to Develop One?

    A contingency plan is a proactive strategy designed to help businesses prepare for potential risks and disruptions. It outlines the necessary steps to lower potential damage, ensure your business operations continue, and that an organization can recover from its biggest risks or unexpected adverse situations.

  15. Contingency Planning Guide

    Step 1: Create a contingency planning policy statement. A contingency plan policy statement is a formal document that outlines the contingency objectives for your organization, such as getting back to normal operations by a certain time. A policy statement also expresses the authority and gives the guidance necessary for stakeholders to create ...

  16. 5 Steps to Create a Contingency Plan for Your Business

    A business contingency plan is an established strategy or backup plan designed to help organizations respond to possible future events. This contingency planning process encourages you to consider business and financial strategies for potential risks well in advance. It's basically a lean business plan that takes into account unexpected ...

  17. What Is a Business Contingency Plan?

    A business contingency plan is a "plan B" or blueprint for how to keep your business running in the event of a natural disaster, major technical issue, or other unforeseen disruption. A contingency plan identifies potential risks to your business and outlines steps your management team and employees can take if confronted with one of those ...

  18. How to Develop a Business Contingency Plan

    Step 1: List potential threats. The first step in compiling the information necessary to flesh out a contingency plan template is to identify all the potential threats your company faces. In ...

  19. What Is Contingency Planning? Creating a Contingency Plan

    A business contingency plan is an action plan that is used to respond to future events that might or might not affect a company in the future. In most cases, a contingency plan is devised to respond to a negative event that can tarnish a company's reputation or even its business continuity. However, there are positive contingency plans, such ...

  20. How To Create A Good Contingency Plan

    6. Share the contingency plan. A contingency plan only works if it's used when things go wrong—and that means that everyone in your organization knows to reach for the plan in times of trouble. To make sure that happens: Identify who needs to be aware of and involved in contingency planning.

  21. How To Write A Contingency Plan For Your Small Business

    To create a business contingency plan for your small business, follow these steps: Identify all the risks with your small business. These include risks related to hardware failure, suppliers going out of business, and core staff leaving the company. Prioritize the risks based on their impact on your small business, Determine the impacts these ...

  22. 4 Steps to Creating a Business Contingency Plan

    A business contingency plan, or Plan B, is a backup plan you can use if there's a disruption in your company's operations. Because of COVID-19, our minds tend to jump to worldwide disasters, but Joe Spector, Founder and CEO of Dutch , warns that more common risks are issues like "data breaches, loss of staff or customers, or declining ...

  23. 40 Detailed Contingency Plan Examples (& Free Templates)

    In business, however, a business contingency plan template isn't always negative. There are cases of positive contingency plans too. Also, keep in mind that the contingency planning process is a proactive strategy, unlike crisis management which is a reaction to something that has happened. A contingency plan accounts for any disruptive ...

  24. What is a Contingency Plan (and How Can You Make One?)

    A project contingency plan is an established, pragmatic set of actions that your team will follow if a predetermined risk materializes and makes your initial plan impossible. For example, your software development team is updating a website for a retail company. In the middle of the project, your lead full-stack developer accepts a position ...

  25. How to build a business continuity plan

    How we help you craft a plan A business continuity plan can help ensure your team prepares for what's next. Marsh McLennan Agency's risk management specialists can help you create a proactive plan to address potential disruptive incidents. Partnering with our team offers your business: Analytics to support better decision-making.

  26. Tips To Help Your New Business Thrive Through Recession

    Create A Contingency Plan Your contingency plan should detail the steps you'll take if your business can't generate the revenue you anticipated. It should also outline strategies for cutting costs ...

  27. Risk Management and Mitigation Through S&OP

    Using Scenario and Contingency Planning to develop a Risk Mitigation Plan. A great tool that S&OP uses to evaluate the impact of unanticipated disruptions to your plan is "What if" scenario planning. By leveraging different scenarios, your team can draft different strategies to approach each situation.