being independent person essay

The Importance Of Being Independent

The ability to be independent is something that not everyone possesses. You need to be independent in order to survive in the world. Learning to support yourself is fundamental for any success you ever hope to achieve.

At the end of the day, you only have yourself to fall back on, so it is exceedingly important to be able to handle things on your own. It is all about being secure with who you are and what you believe in. It is extremely empowering knowing that you are in control of your own life and your own choices. It is much more beneficial to listen to the voice inside yourself rather than the berating opinions of others.

being independent person essay

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

We rely on others far more than it is necessary. People put their happiness in the hands of a significant other, thinking this will bring them fulfillment. This is a fatal error too many people make these days.

Do you always want to feel dependent on someone else? Of course not. Not only are you limiting yourself, you are more than likely becoming a burden to this person. We need to learn how to make decisions on our own. I understand asking your friends their opinion on a fashion decision, but do we really need to consult others on every minimal decision we have to make? Think of things that are in your best interest and choose that option.

“It is the big choices we make that set our direction. It is the smallest choices we make that get us to the destination.”

For some reason, people think it is weird to go see a movie alone. You can't talk to the person you go with anyway, so why not go by yourself? There are so many activities that can become more enjoyable by taking part in them alone. Wandering around the city you live in can clear your mind of all the clutter it has been carrying around.

People are unable to be independent for a variety of reasons, with fear at the forefront: the fear of being alone, the fear of rejection and the fear of the future. As we get older, we need to learn how to make the best decisions that allow us to live our lives the way we want to. Developing into an autonomous person can be one of the most worthwhile outcomes we can strive for ourselves.

Having the ability to be happy regardless of being in a relationship is an amazing attribute. People continue to wallow in detrimental relationships because they are scared of being on their own. Instead, they should relish in it and spend this time focusing on making themselves better people.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing."

There is no reason to base your life decisions on relationships with people. All relationships end at some point or another, it's reality. There is nothing you can do to change or affect that. The only thing you can do is change your perception of relationships. Instead of expecting them to make you happy by being in your life and providing enjoyment, appreciate the time spent and enjoyment since you know it will be gone.

being independent person essay

Make decisions by and for yourself, whatever they may be. Don't ask for advice, do what you want and learn from your own mistakes. Many people are afraid to think for themselves because that involves taking responsibility for their own lives. This is just one way people become dependent. We are born alone and we die alone, so we each have to take responsibility for our lives at every step along the way.

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IELTS Essay: Becoming Independent 

This model essay is about the issue of whether people in society today are more dependent on each other than the past or more independent. 

It was recently in the test. It's quite a tricky question to answer because deciding what amounts to being either 'dependent' or 'independent' is very subjective. 

Take a look at the question:

Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

How should I answer it?

This is a 'discuss two opinions' type essay, or what some call a discussion essay.

You have to make sure you discuss both sides of the argument, not just one. So you need to discuss these two things:

  • Why people are more dependent on each other
  • Why people are more independent

Independence Essay

Being dependent on others means that you require other people in some way to support you. Being independent means you are self-sufficient and don't rely on others. 

And you must also of course give your opinion. One easy way to do that in this type of essay is to make one of the two points your opinion as well. 

You can have a separate paragraph if you want discussing your opinion but you have to then come up with more ideas or you could end up repeating yourself in the last paragraph. 

What about ideas?

Just try and come up with two examples of ways in which people these days depend on others, and two that show people are independent. 

Remember you are not marked on how good your ideas are (though they must answer the question of course) but how well you present and explain them. 

These are the ideas brainstormed for this essay:

Dependent on others for:

  • Positive self-image
  • Support in our busy lives

Independent because

  • Families live apart
  • People want privacy 

Becoming Independent Essay Sample Answer

Now take a look at a model answer.

Notice how each opinion is clearly expressed in a separate body paragraph, and the writers opinion is also the second body paragraph.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

It has always been the case that in certain ways our lives are intertwined with the lives of others. However, in the modern era, some people believe that dependency between people has increased, whereas others believe that people have grown to be more independent. 

One reason that people think we are more dependent on each other is because of our reliance on others to provide a positive image of ourselves. People are bombarded these days with pictures of beautiful models and people who seem to have perfect lives. Many people therefore feel the need to go on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, in order to post pictures and they need others to get as many ‘likes’ as possible.  In addition to this, because of the hectic and busy lives some families lead, it is argued they are dependent on others to support them, such as with grandparents helping to take care of their grandchildren because the parents don't have time. 

However, despite this, overall I believe that people are generally more independent. This can be seen in the way that so many people live away from their families and lead their own lives. For example, families used to live nearby to each other, but nowadays people often reside in different cities to their parents and siblings or in other countries, seeing each other only rarely in some cases. Not only this, people prefer more privacy than in the past and do not require help from others, seen in the way that neighbours these days often do not know each other or interact at all.

In conclusion, although in certain ways people are more dependent, it is generally the case that people now live more independent lives. Only over time will it be revealed as to whether this is a positive or negative development for society.  

(305 Words)

Becoming Independent

So that is the best way to answer a question like that. 

You must make sure that you clearly discuss each opinion so it's best to just discuss each one within a separate body paragraph. 

It is a difficult question but don't spend too long thinking of the best ideas as the key is in the way you present and organise them.

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Essay on Independence And Individuality

Students are often asked to write an essay on Independence And Individuality in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Independence And Individuality

Understanding independence.

Independence means making choices for yourself without others telling you what to do. Like a bird flying alone, it’s about being free to live your life. When you pick your clothes or decide on a game to play, that’s you being independent. It’s important because it helps you grow and learn to trust yourself.

What is Individuality?

The power of being you.

When you mix independence with individuality, you become strong and confident. You’re like a superhero with your own powers. By choosing your path and being true to yourself, you can achieve great things. Remember, being independent and individual is about celebrating who you are.

250 Words Essay on Independence And Individuality

What is independence.

Independence means being able to do things on your own, without needing help from others. It’s like when you learn to tie your shoes by yourself. You feel proud and capable because you don’t have to wait for someone to do it for you. Being independent is important because it helps you grow and make your own choices.

Why Independence Is Important

Being independent helps you become stronger. You learn to solve problems, like figuring out a difficult homework question on your own. It also gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do, whether it’s picking a game to play or deciding what to eat for lunch.

Why Individuality Matters

Your individuality lets you express who you are. It could be through the clothes you wear, the music you enjoy, or the way you decorate your room. When you share your own ideas and style, you make the world more interesting.

Bringing Them Together

Independence and individuality go hand in hand. When you’re independent, you can make choices that reflect your individuality. Both are keys to being happy with who you are and living a life that’s true to yourself. Remember, being different is good, and being able to stand on your own makes you strong.

500 Words Essay on Independence And Individuality

Independence means being able to make choices for yourself and do things without needing help from others. It is like when you learn to tie your shoes by yourself or make a sandwich without anyone’s help. For grown-ups, it means they can make bigger decisions, like where to work or live, without asking for permission or waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.

Understanding Individuality

Individuality is what makes you unique from everyone else. It is the special mix of qualities, likes, and dislikes that makes you, well, you! Just like no two snowflakes are the same, no two people are exactly alike. Your individuality is like your personal fingerprint on the world—it shows who you are and what you stand for.

Independence Helps Individuality Grow

When you have independence, you have the freedom to express your individuality. Imagine you want to paint your room. If you can decide the color without anyone else choosing for you, that choice shows a bit of who you are. When people are free to make their own choices, they can show their true colors, like artists painting on a big, blank canvas.

The Balance Between Getting Help and Being Independent

It’s important to remember that even though independence is good, asking for help is okay too. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and it doesn’t mean you’re not independent. It’s like when you’re learning to ride a bike. At first, you might need training wheels or someone to hold on, but eventually, you learn to ride on your own. Getting help is part of the journey to doing things by yourself.

Why Individuality is Important

Your individuality is important because it is all about what makes you special. It’s like having your own superpower that nobody else has. When you are true to yourself and show your unique qualities, you add something special to the world that wasn’t there before. It’s like adding a new color to a painting that makes it even more beautiful.

How to Respect Others’ Independence and Individuality

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Learning Mind

9 Signs of a Truly Independent Person: Are You One?

  • Post author: Sherrie Hurd, A.A.
  • Post published: June 20, 2019
  • Reading time: 7 mins read
  • Post category: Personal Development / Personality

Being an independent person doesn’t come from living an easy life. The trials of life make you stronger .

I get angry sometimes when things go wrong. I sometimes lose hope when past hardships repeat themselves over and over. But I think this happens because there is yet something we’re meant to learn. I also think these trials can make prosperous. This means, no matter how hard it gets, I know I can be an independent person.

How strong and independent are you?

Being an independent and strong person comes with a price sometimes. We build walls when experiencing hurt after hurt. The callouses that form over pain and abuse can also leave us a bit insensitive to the feelings of others.

However, that’s not how we all work, or how we should strive to be. Some of us become independent without losing the ability to open up. That’s the focus of our strength.

Anyway, here are signs that you could be an independent type of person. Or maybe someone you know has these traits.

1. you can live alone.

Being independent means you can live alone . You don’t need the help of others to survive, and you always find a way to stay financially stable .

You also have no need for occupying the same spaces with other people, unless of course, you want to. You’re so good with yourself that living alone is actually preferable at times.

2. You’re a future planner

While many people say “live in the moment” , an independent and solid person will always plan for times to come . They see the big picture and not the temporary high of present fun and companionship.

I will say it’s good to enjoy each day, but it’s also important to save for the future. Independent people are perfectionists at planning for the future.

3. Saying ‘no’ isn’t hard

For some, saying no is difficult, especially if they are afraid of hurting the people close to them. For dependent people, saying yes, and going along with things is easier than mustering the strength to decline.

People of an independent nature can easily say no  and not even give an explanation for their answer. They are bold and present an attitude that says, “I’m saying no just because I want to.” . Do you see?

4. It’s hard to ask for help

Asking for help isn’t hard for some, but for independent and stubborn people, they hate charity. To independent individuals, asking for help means weakness.

Being weak cannot be a part of their plans, for present or for the future. To them, it may even be a sign that they cannot make it on their own if they ask for help .

5. You have few friends

When you’re independent, you have fewer friends than most people . Truth be told, this is because you spend time with people expecting nothing in return.

Now, I don’t know how true this is for everybody, but many of those with many friends often expect favors and help. Since you’re independent, you only see friends as companions. Choosing your friends in this manner helps you realize who you truly appreciate and love.

6. You have an unshakable self-worth

When you’ve become an independent person, you won’t have to get validation from other people. No matter how many insults they use, you will still know who you really are. You will see your value, your beauty, and your loyalty, and nothing can change this.

Of course, there may be times when you’re shaken momentarily, but you bounce back. This helps you see the one who insults you for who they really are. You will know this independent individual by their resilience in the face of adversity.

7. You go out alone

Most of the time, you will go out alone. You love to shop for things alone because you can go and leave as you please . You even like to eat at restaurants alone sometimes.

Being alone in public feels good to you, and it doesn’t leave you empty. You don’t have to socialize with friends out on the town, but you can still have a conversation with people who are already there. It’s an interesting trait.

8. You can lead

When independent, you can take the lead and get difficult things done . You will notice both men and women taking charge of difficult situations, and this usually means they are pretty independent of others.

Sometimes men are intimidated by women who take charge, but unfortunately, this is because they are usually the dependent sort. Strong men aren’t intimidated, they rather help strong women succeed. This can be seen the other way around too but in a slightly different aspect.

9. You’re financially independent

Yes, we already know the independent sort are people who live alone , and they are also those who refuse help. Well, if, for some reason, an independent person just happens to owe money, say for car payments or other financed things, they will most certainly be on time and try to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

They hate owing people anything. It feels like independence is being taken away when you have to borrow money against something.

Being truly independent

There’s a reason people act the way they do. Some are born independent while others grow into these strong individuals because of past trauma or life-long hardship. They’ve learned their own value and potential . An independent person is one of the most exemplary types of human beings to ever exist, and I attain to become more like this as I grow.

Are you an independent one? Do you strive to become more independent? If so, you must take heed if you wish to become more independent that you don’t lose your ability to feel emotions .

If you’re not careful, you can build walls while building your confidence and strength. Here again, as with many other aspects of life, I think balance is the key. So, go forth and conquer.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

being independent person essay

I am an independent person most of them are write This is 100% true.

WOW u r an ARTIST… Very beautifully written… thx for complimenting us.

I’m not sure anyone is truly independent. This may need much more clarification. Independent of people? Things? If I want to say I’m independent because I don’t want to owe money to others, I’m still dependent on some source for my money. Unless I live on a desert island with no one else, I can’t say that I am an independent person; and even on a desert island, I must depend on the island to stay afloat. And knowing the reality of this fact helps keep us connected to life, emotions, and others in some way. I just think this kind of typecasting has the potential for disappointment and a false sense of self and life.

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  • Jul 2, 2021

The Importance of Being Independent

being independent person essay

Not everyone possesses the ability to be independent. And, in some cases, being too independent can lead to isolation. However, this is learning to be self-reliant is incredibly important in today’s fast-paced world. And, it comes with the following benefits as well.

1. Boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.

When you’re independent you have enough trust in your skills and capabilities to handle any situation. As a result, this builds up your self-esteem. And, eventually, you’ll have a more positive outlook on life.

2. Reduces stress and promotes happiness.

Susan B. Anthony once said, “Independence is happiness.” And, there’s a lot of truth to that sentiment.

“When we’re emotionally independent and have gained some confidence, we know that we can better manage our emotions and problem solve,” writes Fariha Newaz, LCPC, CADC. “When we don’t have to wait for someone else to solve our problem for us, it decreases our own stress .”

Life is already stressful enough, but “waiting for someone else to make a decision at times or to validate our choice can add additional stress,” she adds. “The better we are at addressing our own stresses can empower us, and being empowered gives us back that control. The more we can focus on the things we can control, the better we can handle our stress!”

3. Improves decision-making.

We make thousands of decisions each day. Sometimes it’s beneficial to take your time and collect all the relevant information before rushing to judgment. But, when decision-making becomes a chore, this can cause you to make a poor and rushed decision. For example, being indecisive about lunch could lead you to grab fast food instead of a healthy, more nutritious lunch.

Additionally, when it’s difficult to make decisions, this can hold you back from pursuing what makes you happy. As an example, you might skip going to the gym or getting a haircut because you don’t want to upset others.

4. Allows you to help others.

Being independent gives you the ability to care for yourself -- either emotionally, physically, or financially. As a result, you’re in a better situation to asset others. In turn, this increases happiness, promotes a sense of belonging, gives you a sense of purpose, and increases your life satisfaction.

5. Lets your experience inner peace.

You’re not being selfish when your independent. Instead, you’re more concerned about your wants and needs, as well as those you hold near and dear. That means you aren’t stressing over the unnecessary and what you can not control. And, this will lead to more inner peace and tranquility.

6. Ensures that you make yourself a priority.

Putting yourself first shouldn’t have negative connotations. After all, self-care is vital if you want to avoid burnout and relieve stress. Most importantly, it gives you time to reboot, figure out problems, and practice gratitude .

7. You can achieve whatever you want.

“By the time that you have figured out that how being independent has helped you, you can then go further than you thought possible,” says Newaz. “It opens up so many opportunities.”

“Instead of asking why something won’t work, you are in a mind space that tells you all the reasons why something could work,” adds Newaz. “It opens you up to new people, new places, new adventures, more creativity, more freedom…I could go on.”

“But because you have already tackled the better decision making, reduced stress, and that confidence, you know you can do anything which means you will go for more of what you want! This is how you grow, by challenging yourself to go for those things that might have made you uncomfortable and accomplishing it.”

How can you be stronger and more independent?

If you’re struggling with your independence, here are some ideas to help you become stronger and more independent;

Stay motivated by writing to-do lists and tracking your progress.

Get active through hobbies and physical activities.

Don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your opinion.

Replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk .

Do things by yourself, whether if that’s going to the movies alone to taking an online course.

Most importantly, start small. Each day do something for yourself, even if it scares you a little. For instance, go grab a coffee on your own or go for a 30-minute hike. You can use these as building blocks to develop your independence.

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College Essay: Becoming Independent

Sky Yang

My parents hardly ever agreed with one another. Growing up in a house with four  children caused many complications for us. As children, we wanted to do many different things. Some of us wanted to play sports, while some of us wanted to go exploring, but all of it cost money, and we didn’t have much. We barely went out, and when we did, our parents wouldn’t buy anything for us. We had very little money, so not spending it on unnecessary things like toys, games, candy and even clothes was crucial. All of our clothes were passed down from a sibling, whether it was used or ripped. With little money, and no ability to buy things other than  food, we didn’t have much.

We struggled financially. There were too many bills that couldn’t be paid. Every day another one would come in the mail, saying that our bills were overdue and needed to be paid immediately. There were times when our water was turned off and we had no electricity. One of our cars was even taken away. 

None of my siblings had gone to college because it was too expensive. They didn’t have a job, either, and they couldn’t even drive — they weren’t allowed to. My mom even insisted on going as far as sitting by the road and begging for money. 

My parents then began to talk about getting a divorce. As a 10-year-old, I wasn’t mentally prepared for what was going to be said. My head was somewhere else at that point, wondering if what my parents said was going to happen; they couldn’t be serious. How could one of my parents leave me? Will they still love me? Do they love me? Do they love us? These many thoughts ran through my head.

In a few years, we went from owning a home to having to rent a house. We were lucky to even find a house with four rooms that could be rented, using the little amount of money saved in our accounts for college. My parents didn’t want to take the money, but to make ends meet, taking money from our accounts was the only option.

In my parents’ mind, we could not live on the streets. They left their homeland to find a better life for themselves and for their children. They escaped mass killings and multiple bombings, so they knew enduring a situation like this would not be the end of the world. They wanted their children to grow up strong, and live a good and happy life in the land of opportunities. They wanted their children to experience things that they never had the chance to. They didn’t care about what people would think of them if they saw a whole family of seven on the streets; they just wanted their children to live a happy life. 

A few years later, things began to cool down. I thought I was able to relax and not have to worry about my parents. I soon came to realize that this was not the case. My mom  disappeared for a while. We later found out that my mom was planning for a divorce and was looking for her own place. It was a shock to everyone. My older siblings were furious and upset, saying things like, “Mom left us,” and, “Mom left dad for someone else.” My hands began to form fists; all my muscles began to tense up; my eyes began to fill up with tears, overwhelmed with sadness. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I couldn’t process anything. I couldn’t think straight. I was brought back to my 10-year-old self, with the only thing clear on my mind being, “Why?”

My dad and mom then agreed to have a meeting with the family. We all talked together to clear things up. After accepting that my had mom left, when I saw her again I was filled with rage. Rage that was not able to last long, and soon became a smile and tears going down my face. Hearing that although she did leave us, and didn’t tell us anything, she will always be our mom, she will always love us and will always be here for us. It was complicated and difficult for both of them, but my parents made it work. My parents finally agreed with one another for once. Knowing that made me have hope in both of them. That they could leave the past, filled with sadness and madness, and learn how to move on.

Although my parents worked something out, they were still divorced. As a child, I always took the school bus to school. If I missed the bus, I had to take the city bus on my own. I had to miss many of my school activities. I even had to take time off from school to take care of my younger brother so my older siblings could continue with their education. I had to sacrifice part of my childhood and my education so that my parents would not need to worry.

The divorce caused me to have to grow up quickly. I had to find a stable job for a 15-year-old, learn how to drive a car, pay for my things and help pay for bills – things a normal 15-year-old would not have to do. It was hard and scary, but I was prepared. I was ready for the obstacles that were awaiting me. Such a crushing event that would usually bring people down really brought me up, and pushed me to persevere and believe that I was capable of so much if I put my mind to it. Despite being just 15, I was able to balance two jobs. With the money I earned, I became self-sufficient. I became independent. 

I was working every day to make ends meet, making sure I was on time for work and always worked until the end of the day. On top of all of my new responsibilities, I still had school, so managing my time was a priority. I had to turn in assignments on time and keep my grades up, as well. When I received my paycheck, I helped pay the bills, while also providing for myself. That made me more independent,  learning how to manage my money and not rely on others.

All the struggle I’ve gone through has given me so many new opportunities. It has put me in a position to be comfortable taking new risks, and to learn more about myself and the world around me. It has shown me that it’s never too late to live a happier life, how this is a chance to better understand my parents as individuals, and how this event caused me to become more empathetic.

being independent person essay

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IELTS Essay: Are Individuals More Dependent or Independent

07/29/2021 05:59 PM

Discuss Both Views

This essay type asks you have to discuss both sides of the question and give your opinion. You can use Paragraph 1 for one side + your opinion and Paragraph 2 for the other side + your opinion . Don't forget to support your opinion with examples.

Ideas (For both sides)

In this essay, you need to address both sides of the question. This means that you need to have some good ideas about why are people more dependent on each-other or are more independent in our society. You should ask yourself first:

  • What does it mean to be dependent on others?
  • What are the reasons for people to become dependent?
  • What does it mean to be independent from others?
  • How does one become independent in our society?

Independent or Not:

Before we write people who are independent or dependent to each other, it is a good idea to know some of their qualities. You should learn a few ideas about:

  • What are the qualities of independent  people?
  • What are the qualities of dependent people?

The infographic to the right shows a few of the qualities for both. Try to learn some of them.

Ideas for Writing:

More independent:.

High-Tech Education

These days young individuals have instant access to high quality education, not only from top institutions like universities, but further online. This means that, they don't have to rely on their relatives or close people to solve a problem for them, and instead, they can just check it themselves online in a video guide . This makes young adults more confident and independent .

International Experience

Many young individuals these days have the opportunity to either do an exchange program in another city or abroad. This was something almost unthinkable for their parents in the past. This means that those individuals gather valuable international experience and knowledge, which further makes them better at problem solving and critical thinking . 

More Dependent:

Home Past 30

These days, it is very common for young adults to live in the same home with their parents even in their 30-ties. There are many reasons for this happening, like the ever-increasing housing cost , and the inability for those young individuals to afford moving out, however part of the reason is also over-reliance on their parents and inability to separate .

Overprotected Kids

There are many parents these days who overprotect and spoil their kids heavily, by never refusing them or by solving every single tiny problem for them. This leads to those kids becoming young adults and even adults without any experience of hardship and problem solving . Because of this reason, those young individuals stay over-dependent on their family members and close friend circle, and cannot face life confidently .

being independent person essay

Example Essay:

"Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent."

  • Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Society all around the globe has been heavily impacted by technological change and globalization . One of the more profound questions as a result of this development has been if we are becoming more  knowledgeable and self-reliant or oppositely dependent on people for help. Although I'm willing to support that we are indeed becoming more self-sufficient , there is evidence for the opposite trend at the same time, and I will address both with this essay.


technological change - change in our lives caused by technology

globalization - the connecting of the world with each other, in order to work together, learn from each other and grow the economy

knowledgeable  - someone who has a lot of knowledge, well-read or well educated person

self-reliant - independent, a person who can do things on his own

indeed - really, for sure, positively

self-sufficient - someone who can live on his own

trend - something happening, developing in a positive or negative direction

to address something - to talk about something, to discuss something

Linking Phrases / Sentence Beginners:

Society all around the globe has been heavily impacted by...

One of the more profound questions as a result of this development has been _________, or oppositely...

Although I'm willing to support that __________, there is evidence for the _________.

Paragraph 1

Initially, it is worth pointing out some reasons why some believe people are becoming more dependent on each other. As a clear example, there is an increasing trend of young individuals who stay and live with their parents even after their thirties. This happening is oftentimes accredited to the millennial generation and the generations further, and is explained with those generations being lazy and unwilling to separate from their nest . This whole thesis is a misconception, as it does not look beyond the scope of those young individuals remaining home. The main reason why this situation is happening in the first place  is failed government economic policies that have created an insanely overvalued housing market , and has pushed many young individuals out of the housing market altogether . Consequently, this does not mean that young people are unwilling to become independent, but rather that they are financially unable to. This example clearly demonstrates how an idea can be misunderstood and then can  mischaracterize  a group of people wrongly .

a trend - a development, a positive or negative progress in something

The Millennial Generation   - this is the generation of people who were born in the years between 1980 and 2000.

unwilling to  - don't want to, refuses to do something

*IDIOM* - to separate from the nest - to leave the comfort of your home, to leave the family and become independent

economic policies - the laws and regulations government creates to support the development of a country

insane - crazy, unrealistic, unbelievable

overvalued - too expensive, unrealistically expensive

housing market - the whole industry of buying and selling apartments and houses for people

altogether - as a whole, fully

financially unable to _________ - not having enough money or high enough income to do something 

to misunderstand - to not understand clearly a problem or a situation

to mischaracterize -  to give wrong qualities to something or someone

Initially, it is worth pointing out ...

As a clear example, there is ...

This happening is oftentimes accredited to ...

This whole thesis is a misconception, as it does not look beyond the scope of ...

The main reason why ________ in the first place is ...

Consequently, this does not mean that  __________, but rather that ...

This example clearly demonstrates how ...

Paragraph 2

Contrary  to the previous idea, is that young individuals are becoming more and more capable and self-reliant . The facts are in favor for this argument, as younger people are more educated and have access to more information than ever before . When we look at the word "independent", we think of people able to support themselves , have the ability to live on their own and free from some sort of control and manipulation . Young individuals represent all of these characteristics to the point . With the help of technology and media , young people have the whole world for the taking . They are able to read through tons of data and information and critically shape society for the better through expression of thought , debate and discussion . It is the young generations who have started the surge in innovation and development in the 21-st century and we are just in the beginning. Because of these reasons, it is more reasonable to believe that the newer generations are more independent and competent than any.

to be capable  - to be intelligent and able to deal with everything on your own

to be self-reliant  - to rely on yourself and to believe in yourself

to have access to  - to be able to get something easily

more _______ than ever before - to have something available and easy to get and more than in the past (things like information, freedom, knowledge etc.)

to support yourself - to take care of yourself, financially and related to daily life

to live on your own - to live without anyone else helping you, separated from family

manipulation - control over someone's thoughts, control of someone's thinking

to represent - to show, to be an example of

characteristics - qualities, personality traits

*IDIOM* - to the point - perfectly, 100%, fully

media - everything we use for information (social media, TV, radio, video streaming etc.)

*IDIOM* - to have the whole world for the taking - the (world) is fully open for a person to take advantage of

tons of   - huge amount of, a lot of 

to critically shape society - to change society and the world around us, by using critical thinking and logic

expression of thought - logically thinking and expressing ideas

a debate - discussion about a topic between two or more sides and points of view

discussion - a conversation or a talk about a topic between people

surge in ________ - a quick development in something

innovation - creation of new technologies and ideas to improve the world

the 21-st century - the century after the year 2000

to be competent - to be able to do things professionally without mistakes and questions

Contrary to the previous idea, is that ...

The facts are in favor for this argument, as ...

When we look at ...

Because of these reasons, it is more reasonable to believe that ...

When it comes to this discussion, looking in abstract, it is easy to see both trends happening simultaneously . Although there are certain problems that make individuals seem dependent and unable to deal on their own , there is no doubt that the younger millennial generation is more confident and more knowledgeable than ever before . This leads to the conclusion that in fact they are independent and able to progress society in a positive direction .

*The essay is written from the point of view of " young people ". You could write it from many different points of view like speaking about - kids, adults, working adults, or even the elderly. I believe there is more to be said about the young generation these days, and so the essay focuses on that.

simultaneously   - at the same time (when two or more things happen at the same time)

to seem _______ - to look like (at first), something looks like before serious examination

to deal on your own - to manage with life independently

knowledgeable - full of information, wise, intelligent

to progress society - to move people and society, to improve them in a way

a positive direction - improving in a good positive way, making life better for all

When it comes to this discussion, looking in abstract, it is easy to see both ...

Although there are certain problems that _________, there is no doubt that ...

This leads to the conclusion that in fact ...


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