Home » Pros and Cons » 16 Television Advertising Advantages and Disadvantages

16 Television Advertising Advantages and Disadvantages

With over 1,500 commercial television stations broadcasting in the United States, with countless more broadcasting around the world, TV advertising is a fast and effective way for your message to be heard.

Television advertising offers an average reach of 85% for adults across all age demographics. With that kind of influence, the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing option cannot be ignored.

Over the years, the format of television advertising has experienced some dramatic shifts. In the 1950s, companies were using single-sponsor TV programs in the U.S. to promote their message. It wasn’t until the 1960s that commercial breaks became a standard part of the television watching experience.

Since then, the average time dedicated per hour for commercials on TV has risen from 9 minutes to 19 minutes. Even with streaming, on-demand, and other television watching options that are available to consumers today, the structure of the commercial break remains the same.

The only difference? Streaming services and some TV stations have incorporated timers to let consumers know when their show will return. That timer increases the chances for brand exposure during the commercial break.

Here are the key points to consider if you’re thinking about a TV advertising campaign.

List of the Advantages of Television Advertising

1. it is a medium which offers immediate trust to consumers..

According to regular surveys published by Nielsen, over 60% consumers in the United States say they trust television advertising when they see it. The highest percentages are found in the most lucrative groups, such as Millennials, where 2 out of 3 people say they trust TV adds. In comparison, just 48% of the people in the 65+ age demographic say that they trust television ads.

2. There is a strong penetration into targeted demographic households.

In the United States, only 2% of households say that they don’t own at least one television. The average home today owns at least two TVs. 3 out of 5 households report that the purchase cable television packages, while another 30% say they use an alternative method to watch TV, like using a satellite. With the right indoor antenna, free television is still a possibility as well. You also have TVs in bars, restaurants, doctor’s offices, local stores, and more. With that much exposure, you have a lot of potential.

3. People watch a lot of television today.

The percentage of people who say they watch TV regularly is very high. About 90% of adults in the U.S. watch television, with the average person viewing 25 hours per week. People in the coveted 35 to 49 age demographic watch about 29 hours per week, while Baby Boomers (who control about 70% of the discretionary spending in the U.S.) watch almost 50 hours of TV each week. Purchasing advertisements gets your message right in front of those who would be interested in your commercial.

4. It is an opportunity to tap into a captive audience.

The cost for television advertising during the Super Bowl is higher because the audience for the broadcast is captivated. People might be multitasking, but they will also stop to watch a commercial when a message which is valuable to them airs. That is why television advertising is such a powerful medium. Even when the data suggests that people are not watching, they are still in the vicinity of their TV. They’ll return to hear something that is interesting.

5. There are multiple ways to broadcast your message.

Unlike most advertising mediums, TV allows you to broadcast a message with two options instead of one. You have access to visual and sound influences that encourage people to see and hear your message. That combination makes it easier for people to remember the message presented to them, which increases the likelihood that your advertising will create a conversion for you at some point.

6. Unlike with streaming services, you get your cake and eat it too.

Let’s say that you want your television advertisement to be seen during a specific program. If you purchase that commercial for an NBC program in the United States, then you can expect a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) of $35 or more. Now let’s say you want to advertise on Hulu, which is partially owned by NBC, during the same show. Guess what? You can’t do it. With the online platform you can only purchase demographics. You can purchase shows and demographics still when you’re working with TV.

7. Cord cutters aren’t watching much television anyway.

There is a lot of concern in the TV world about cord cutting, but from an advertising standpoint, companies shouldn’t be worried. Most of the households which decide to cut the cord weren’t watching much TV in the first place. Compared to the hours spend watching programming for regular TV viewers, cord cutters watch 100 minutes of streaming TV per week on their tablet and 60 minutes per week on their smartphone. You’ll still reach your engaged demographics when you purchase a television advertising spot.

8. You are able to create a personality that matches your brand message.

Think about the memorable TV advertisements that you’ve seen over the past 30 years. What comes to mind? Is it the Taco Bell Chihuahua? The various GEICO commercials that always seem to make you laugh? Maybe it is the AFLAC duck. Good commercials can make a big impact, even if they haven’t been seen for awhile – and they don’t need to be funny to create a big impression. The 9-11 tribute advertisement filmed by Budweiser, when their trademark Clydesdales went through Smalltown America and across the Brooklyn Bridge to dip their heads in respect to the NYC skyline and it still makes people cry almost a generation later. That is why the power of this advertising medium cannot be ignored. If your ad is memorable, then it won’t be forgotten at all.

List of the Disadvantages of Television Advertising

1. there is no guarantee that the advertising will be viewed..

Although people watch a lot of television these days, they also have lots of options when there is a break in their show. 8% of viewers in the 55+ age demographic say that they change the channel when commercials come on the TV. There are on-demand and streaming services which allow consumers to skip commercials altogether. Even though just 2% of Millennials say they change the channel when commercials come on, 38% say that they use their smartphone during commercials until their show comes back on.

2. People can become numb to brand messages.

When people are exposed to television commercials repetitively, then the effectiveness of the message is reduced. Time limits the exposure of the message as well, especially for consumers who watch television in a linear fashion. In the 18 to 24 age demographics, a 7% drop in linear TV occurred in just one year (from 2015 to 2016). Since 2011, young adults are watching 40% less television.

3. There are limited community influences to consider.

At the local level, television advertising is most receptive when it airs during local news broadcasts or during local programming. That also means up to 30% of the local population may not be watching TV at that moment. You’re also going to pay more for these spots because they are such an effective advertising tool, even though there is no guarantee that anyone in your targeted demographics will actually see the spot. This risk is often why companies will think twice before investing into this type of marketing campaign.

4. Television advertising isn’t cheap.

In 2016, the cost of a 30-second spot on local television, during local programming or an assigned local spot during daytime or prime time viewing, ranged from $200 to $1,500. That price isn’t for the entire campaign. It is for that one advertisement to view that one time. If your company broadcast an advertisement at the national level, the average cost for a 30-second spot was $123,000. If you wanted to advertise during the Super Bowl, your placement cost might exceed $4 million some years.

5. The costs of television go beyond the air time.

For television advertising to be effective, companies must pay for the production aspects of the content first. To produce a TV ad, you might be forced to hire a script writer if no one internally can do the work. You might need to hire a spokesperson and actors to be in your spot. Film editors are required to put together the various takes which are filmed. Then you might need to work with an advertising agency to get this talent put together before you get started. Even if your local TV station has internal production capabilities, it may cost several thousand dollars to just get started.

6. It requires repetition to be effective.

Although some television advertising efforts are effective immediately with consumers, most ads require repetition to be effective. That means your 30-second spot costs must become a recurring expense. If you can source a $200 spot, then you have something which is reasonably affordable. Even at $1,500, just 10 spots will incur a cost of $15,000 without a guaranteed return.

7. Television advertising is difficult to change.

Once you have your television ad filmed and airing on local stations or national broadcasts, you will find it difficult to make any changes to it. If you run rotating discounts or have a special offer, different advertising options might provide better results. To change a television ad, you must either edit it again, film new segments, or start the process over from scratch. Just one audio hiccup can be enough to cause future customers to think that your product doesn’t offer what you promise.

8. Even with proper research, reaching your core demographics is uncertain.

Let’s say you know for a fact that people in your targeted demographic, the 18-49 age group, always watch a specific show each night. You decide to put your advertising dollars into a TV spot that runs during the critical time slot. Guess what? You still don’t know if people saw the ad. Phones ring. People need to use the restroom. The family might be having a political debate. They might be cooking dinner during the commercial break. There are so many different factors which can affect viewership that there is always the possibility you could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on this marketing effort to receive minimal results.

These television advertising advantages and disadvantages are essential to think about as personal viewing preferences change. By the end of 2018, over 33 million people are expected to “cut the cord” for their cable or satellite television. Figures released by eMarketer suggest that viewership in 2018 declined by 3.8%, which is steeper than the 3.4% decline experienced in 2017. With streaming options expanding, TV viewership might continue to take a hit. That is why each key point here must be carefully examined to determine if this medium is right for you.

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Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life Sample Essay

Courtney Miller

Updated On Aug 02, 2024


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The article provides guidance on writing an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay, 'Advertisements are becoming more common in everyday life'. It includes Band 8 and Band 9 sample essays, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of advertising.

advantages of television advertising essay

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Achieving proficiency in IELTS Writing Task 2 for questions like, ‘Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers as it assesses the ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

In this task, you will be presented with an IELTS Advantages/Disadvantages essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion like 'Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life', and you are asked to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of that particular issue. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS Writing practice tests that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score on the exam.

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is this a positive or negative development?

Advertising is gaining more popularity in the marketing of products or services. While advertisements are considered to be advantageous, they can have numerous negative influences.

It is unquestionable that there are several benefits of advertising. By dint o f the large-scale expansion of advertising in almost every kind of mass media and nearly all hoardings , this sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities . In other words, it provides occupations for artists, painters or copywriters in designing and preparing logos, contents or ideas for advertisements. Another advantage is that advertising may enable the messages involved in products and services to reach potential customers , followed by an increase in sales for businesses. Additionally, only thanks to advertisements, can customers be kept informed about newly-launched products . Therefore, they have more choices to make about their beloved products, contributing to the enhancement of their comforts and standard of living.

However, advertising could cause several disadvantages for customers. No sooner might companies or business exaggerate or even distort the facts related to their products for commercial purposes than the customers can experience feelings of confusion about these items, making them have troubles selecting the products to their taste. Furthermore, the facts show that the more advertising expenses increase, the higher the product price is. The reason can be that the selling price of the advertised items covers the high cost of advertisements . As a result, the advertised products can cost more than they should. Finally, when customers cannot resist the temptation of products which are advertised beyond customers’ expectations , there is every likelihood of them purchasing products which may be unnecessary. This trend could be seen as a waste of money.

In conclusion, based on the aforementioned explanations, individuals may gain both considerable benefits and drawbacks through the growing prevalence of advertisements.

Today, as is rightly said by many, is a world of marketing and endorsements. In the competitive world that we have today, advertisements and commercials are a must. This essay shall advocate the development and constructive impact of advertising.

Early-stage or mid-age startups, organizations and companies, the more we see, the more we observe the encompassing pervasion of businesses these days. One niche has typically umpteen business models. With the rising era of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and digital nomads, the vigour and strife amongst businesses have only been exacerbated. Therefore, advertisements are of greatest essence keeping in view the current times, thereby, resulting in the increasing usage of various adver

tising channels, be it, pamphlets, hoardings, flyers, newspaper commercials, or the entire digital marketing rigmarole. The more the marketing, the more is the awareness.

Many people might not even be acknowledged to the new product line a company launches or a new product that paves its way in the market. In such a scenario, making them aware is the only perspective initially thought of. Moreover, making a new customer be a stalwart, remarketing branding and endorsing are what businesses primarily and obviously look for. During today’s time when options are many, in the pursuit of customers, a recognition of a brand evanescing is not uncalled for, reminding them of one’s existence, in such a case, is majorly solicited.

Some may argue that advertising tactics today have been misguiding, well, that’s not the case amongst those who are prudential and wakeful of the multiple sources available.

Conclusively, it could be stated that advertisement has been progressive development, and not only should it be treated as an option to ponder upon, but also considered as one of the key constituents of a business model and the relevant campaign.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of TV Advertising

Andy Dixon

10 minutes read

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Even though people have altered the way they watch television, TV advertising is still the most persuasive form of advertising.

More than any other marketing tactic, TV can reach a large and diverse audience. In the modern digital world, the growth of streaming services and on demand content has some questioning the performance of TV advertising.

However, as viewers continue to go digital, television advertising remains a critical part of any current marketing strategy.

This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of TV advertising to offer valuable insights for those looking for effective ways to advertise.

  • Advantages of TV Advertising

advantages of television advertising essay

We already know the standard format of the TV ad break dating back to when we were kids. Perhaps, you used this time between your favorite shows to rummage in the kitchen for a snack.

The TV ad has always been an expected part of the experience because it’s incredibly effective at affecting consumer behaviors.

As such, television commercials are simply a part of the entertainment culture. And with a long history of advertising, we’ve seen great ones and not-so-great ones.

Whether they make audiences laugh, or offer a sense of surprise, television ads leave an impact on the viewer. A lasting impression can lead to further engagement, such as searching online to find out more about your brand.

Here are some of the main reasons why TV advertising works:

Audience Reach & Engagement

TV advertising lets you reach specific demographics and geographic areas to ensure the right audience is messaged. Plus, ad-supported streaming services reward viewers for watching the commercial, so they can continue to watch TV afterward.

As more people consume TV programs than read print, it can reach more households on the big screen. While you can easily flip past an advertisement in a magazine, TV commercials retain a captive audience going into the break.

Viewers Visualize Your Brand

Since nearly every family has a television, it is easy for a brand to reach a big audience at once.

Going bigger and situating your brand between local news broadcasts showcases its relevance to the community. And, with the right frequency TV audiences resonate with your message for significant impact.

TV & Digital Go Hand-in-Hand

Chances are, viewers are using multiple devices while they watch TV . But this doesn’t mean that they are disengaged with the content.

While advertisers try to capture the audience’s attention, TV advertising can be a crucial medium when they watch their favorite TV shows. After the ad, these viewers can quickly search on mobile devices for more information.  

It’s why B2B businesses continue to venture into this advertising space.

High Credibility

Unlike other channels, a single TV ad will end up reaching a larger audience. And since consumers usually trust television more than other media, the investment is justified.

Consumers also see TV ads more than any other media. This is why it leads to higher performance, while also building confidence in your brand.

Though some viewers complain about the television commercial, research shows that many people actually choose to watch them and enjoy them . They understand the exchange they’re making to get the programming they want for free.

Big Opportunity for Smaller-Sized Brands

TV advertising is a big opportunity for small brands because it allows them to reach a wide audience with a single ad.

Additionally, local TV ads can be highly targeted and can help small brands compete with larger, established companies.

With the right strategy and creative execution, TV advertising can be a cost-effective way for small brands to get their message in front of a large, engaged audience.

  • Disadvantages of TV Advertising

advantages of television advertising essay

With the rise of streaming services and other forms of video content, traditional TV viewership is declining, which can limit the reach and effectiveness of TV ads.

Another disadvantage is that television advertisements can be skipped or ignored by simply changing the channel.

It can also be difficult to measure the impact of TV advertising on sales or other key performance indicators, which can make it challenging to determine the ROI of a TV ad campaign.

Overall, while TV advertising can be a powerful tool for some businesses, it is important to carefully weigh the potential drawbacks against the benefits before deciding to invest.

TV advertising can be expensive, especially during prime time slots or popular events. This can make it difficult for small businesses with limited budgets to compete with larger brands.

CTV (Connected TV) advertising can offer several cost advantages compared to traditional TV advertising, opening up the landscape for smaller-sized brands.

CTV generates cost-effective campaigns because advertisers can target specific audiences and avoid spending money on viewers who are unlikely to be interested in their product or service.

Boiling down a hyper-targeted approach optimizes the budget and maximizes the return on investment (ROI).

Monitoring Results

B2B advertising aims to develop leads, increase website traffic, or encourage consumers to take action, but traditional TV doesn't offer a direct way for businesses to measure and track these responses accurately.

CTV provides detailed performance metrics , allowing advertisers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns accurately. 

With these insights, advertisers can make data-driven decisions, optimize their strategies, and allocate their budget to the most successful channels or campaigns.

Skipping Ads

TV viewers are usually channel surfing during commercial breaks, switching to other channels, or engaging in other activities. This behavior can cause advertisements to reduce their effectiveness.

Unlike cable or satellite television, ad-supported streaming services offer a reduced cost in exchange for watching advertisements. As a result, streaming viewers are more likely to engage with the ads since it comes with more content.

Content-Based Ad Buying

Content-centric advertising revolves around trying to display advertisements based on the content that is being displayed on a television. 

For example, a content-centric advertising approach might involve ad placements for fitness equipment on a sports program dedicated to 20 to 55-year-old males.

While this approach has some benefits, it also has its limitations. Instead, using an audience-centric approach focuses on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience. 

By gathering and implementing data, advertisers can create personalized and relevant ad experiences that resonate with individual viewers. Target audience customization increases the chances of conversion, as ads are tailored to specific audience segments.

Maintaining Engagement

In an increasingly digital world, viewers have more options for consuming media, and people are no longer solely reliant on traditional TV for entertainment.

Instead, leveraging data for audience targeting reaches the exact audience at the ideal time and on the right device.

CTV ads can be seamlessly integrated into the viewing experience , either through ad placements within streaming content or native ad formats that blend with the user interface. 

This integration makes the ads feel less intrusive and more organic, improving engagement as viewers perceive them as part of the overall content.


  • TV Remains the Most Effective Advertising Medium

CTV Device

The rise of TV streaming and programmatic ad buying has changed TV advertising planning dramatically. For additional perspective, here are the latest trends in cord-cutting :

In 2023, 95.1 million people will cut the cord , making up 35.9% of the US population

CTV will make up more than half of the time spent on digital video , and more time than mobile and desktop video combined

By 2026, Over 80 million US households will not have traditional television subscriptions

Given the shift in TV viewing habits, marketers must adapt their strategies to capture the attention of consumers where they spend the majority of their time.

As streaming audiences continue to grow, it is time to shift the focus from traditional cable viewers to the vast opportunities presented by streaming platforms. Here are other compelling reasons to embrace audiences streaming TV:

Last year, we saw for the first time ever, streaming services capture more viewers than cable or broadcast TV, according to data from Nielsen .

What’s more, consumers prefer ad-supported streaming options. A Deloitte survey found that 65% of respondents were comfortable watching ads to eliminate or reduce subscription costs. And, when given the opportunity, they prefer an ad-supported option for watching video content.


With the digital capabilities of CTV advertising, campaigns adapt to changing viewer behavior and consumption patterns to ensure that advertisers remain relevant and accessible to their target audience.

In addition, CTV advertising seamlessly integrates with digital advertising strategies, to create cohesive cross-channel campaigns. 

CTV ads can work with other digital channels such as display, social media, and video advertising, for a holistic and synchronized approach to reach their target audience at different touchpoints.

Trust & Influence

The longstanding presence of traditional TV has been a part of viewers’ lives for decades. And viewers often associate ads shown during their favorite shows as credible and relevant, enhancing trust in the brand.

TV adverts for streaming audiences capitalize on this familiarity. By adding the precise targeting of CTV, viewers will see ads that are relevant to their needs and preferences. 

Furthermore, CTV platforms feature premium content from established TV networks, production studios, and streaming services — transferring credibility from traditional TV to digital.

Is your CTV campaign reaching its full potential? Download the Complete Guide to CTV Retargeting to get the most out of your investment.

  • Why Your Brand Needs TV Advertising

Advertisers should embrace streaming TV advertising to effectively reach and engage with their target audience in a highly personalized and measurable manner.

TV advertising offers the opportunity to amplify brand messaging to a wider audience, and streaming platforms offer ways to narrow target audiences. 

Brands can amplify their messaging, creating a more significant impact on brand visibility among streaming audiences with the following:

Targeted advertising capabilities

Enhanced measurement and reporting

Growing ad-supported streaming options



Brand control

  • Same TV Advertising Impact, On Streaming Audiences

As advertising budgets increasingly migrate from traditional platforms to streaming TV and smart devices, the future of advertising lies in OTT ( Over-The-Top ) and CTV ( Connected TV ).

Leveraging our extensive experience and expertise, we ensure that your brand reaches the right audience at the perfect moment and through the optimal channels.

Take action now and get in touch with us to explore the possibilities of harnessing the power of OTT and CTV advertising for your media strategy.

advantages of television advertising essay

Andy Dixon is a seasoned Content Writing Specialist at Strategus, renowned for his expertise in creating engaging and impactful digital content. With over a decade of experience in content creation, Andy has honed his skills in a variety of niches, ranging from technology and marketing to education.

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Strategus is a managed services connected TV(CTV) advertising agency with over 60,000+ campaigns delivered. Find out how our experts can extend your team and drive the result that matter most.

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Advantages & Limitations of Television as an Advertising Medium

For power and attention, it's tough to top the many advantages of television advertising. No other advertising medium combines sight and sound and has such a grand impact. But television advertising has disadvantages, too, including a glaring disadvantage: Cost. TV ads are expensive to produce and expensive to run. Weighing the strengths and weaknesses of TV advertising will help you decide if it's right for you.

advantages of television advertising essay

Advantages of Television Advertising

Grabs attention. Imagine taking your product personally into millions of homes all over the country to show them why it's better, faster, stronger, higher or longer-lasting, and even demonstrating it right in front of them. One of the biggest advantages of TV ads is the ability to call out to your potential customers right where they are. It's akin to tapping them on the shoulder and saying, "Hey, come look at this!"


Article continues below this ad

Combines sight and sound. With print advertising, you try to use compelling headlines and graphics to get people to read about your product. You can only hope they read the whole ad, look at the artwork and tie the two together to understand the message you want them to receive. Radio has the advantage of voice and sound effects, but no visuals. You're counting on them to envision your product as you want them to see it. TV ads are intrusive, capable of interrupting whatever else a viewer might be doing to watch and listen to your pitch.

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Fosters emotion and empathy. Good TV ads are more than walking, talking messages. You determine how you want your audience to react. Smile. Laugh. Cry. Take action. You're putting on a skit or short play of sorts for their benefit. You can make it lighthearted or even humorous, thought-provoking or heartbreaking. You can try to do that with print, but you can't control how the words are read, with the proper emphasis and pauses for emotion. You can put the emotion into radio, but without the visual effect it's just not as powerful.

Reaches a wide, targeted audience. One of the big advantages of television advertising is the huge audience you can reach instantaneously. TV ads can be targeted to specific audiences surprisingly well, too. To reach stay-at-home or work-from-home parents, buy daytime spots. To reach a Hispanic market, you could buy air time on a Spanish-speaking network. For products that appeal to full-time workers, advertise in the evening. Toy and cereal manufacturers have known about targeting since TV began and they advertised during Saturday morning cartoons. Parents didn't always appreciate it, but the ads worked.

Weaknesses of Television Advertising

It's a big production. Even a 30-second ad or the 10- and 15-second clips of recent years, require a lot of effort. You have to hire a script writer or an ad agency, actors and a director. Rehearsing, shooting and retakes take an entire day or more. Even if you've hired an agency or producer to do these tasks for you, it's still wise for you to be at the shoot to see the action and to see how your products are being presented. Most importantly, you can interject, if things aren't going as you'd planned. It's time-consuming and stressful, but better that than to be surprised by a finished product you don't like.

Costs can be prohibitive. There's a reason national chains advertise on TV but your local boutique doesn't: Money. For all of its advantages, advertising on television is very expensive. Producing an ad is a huge expense. Buying air time to run your ad is another budget-buster. Cutting corners on production can be disastrous, producing an inferior ad that people will then associate with your product.

Frequency is essential. Just like print ads, TV ads need to run numerous times before they are remembered by an audience. That's costly with print, and even more so with TV. But if you're going to advertise on TV, it's not worth your time and money, if you can't afford to run the ad multiple times. The more your target audience sees your ad, the more they feel they know you and can trust you.

Changes are difficult and costly. Need to make a change to your ad? It's not as easy as editing your print ad. Most times, a TV ad will need to be shot again, or at least that part of it will need to be re-shot, and it's difficult to pick up action in the middle of an ad and to come away with the same feel of the ad as the first time.

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Barbara Bean-Mellinger is an award-winning writer in the Washington, DC area. She writes nationally for newspapers, magazines and websites on topics including careers, education, women, marketing, advertising and more. She holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh.

What Is Television Advertising? – Importance, Types, Examples

television advertising

Televisions have been a staple in an average home for decades now. People use them for entertainment, news, and even as an educational tool. But another common use for television is advertising . Advertisers have long used television commercials to sell their products or services to consumers.

These ads can take many different forms, but they all have one goal: to persuade viewers to buy what they are selling.

This is television advertising and it’s an important part of the marketing mix for many companies.

What Is Television Advertising?

Television advertising refers to the process of creating and airing commercials on television with the aim to promote a product or service.

TV advertising is one of the most common and effective ways to reach consumers. This is because it offers a wide reach, frequency, and impact.

While OTTs and digital content are now competing for attention with the TV industry, TVs are still the dominant medium for advertising .

In fact, an average person spends around 4 hours watching TV each day. This provides advertisers with many opportunities to get their message in front of potential customers.

How TV Advertising Works

Television advertising works by interrupting the programming that viewers are trying to watch.

Most commercials are between 15 to 60 seconds, which means they can be quite intrusive as multiple ads are typically aired during a single TV show.

While this may seem like a negative aspect for television users, it’s actually one of the things that help TV channels make money.

There are many different ways to create a television commercial. Advertisers can produce their own ads or work with an advertising agency and production house to develop the creative.

Once the commercial is created, it needs to be scheduled on a TV channel. This is typically done through an advertising agency or media buying firm.

The cost of airing a commercial on TV can vary widely depending on the time of day, day of the week, ad length, show’s rating and the channel that it airs on.

Characteristics Of Television Advertising

TV ads typically have some or all of the following characteristics:

  • They are highly creative and attention-grabbing: Television commercials are designed to be entertaining and memorable so that they stick in the viewer’s mind.
  • They use sight, sound, and motion : TV ads rely on multiple senses to reach viewers. This is why they often include music, visuals, and special effects.
  • They are backed by marketing objective: Every TV ad is created with a specific marketing objective in mind, whether it’s to increase brand awareness or generate sales .
  • They deliver a message in a short amount of time: Television commercials get only a few seconds to deliver their message. Hence, they make sure to get their point across quickly and effectively.

Types Of TV Advertising

Television advertising comes in many different forms, including:

  • Television Commercials (TVC): TVCs are the most common type of television ad. They typically last between 15 and 60 seconds and air during commercial breaks.
  • Product Placement: Product placement is when a product or service is featured prominently in a TV show or movie. This can be done organically as part of the story (e.g. a character using an iPhone) or through explicit placement like when a product is shown in close up or used in a key scene.
  • Brand Integration: Brand integration is when a brand becomes part of the fabric of a TV show. That is, when the entire script revolves around a particular brand or has its offering as a special prize (e.g. Fear Factor where contestants win a Ford truck).
  • Infomercials: Infomercials are lengthy TV ads that usually air late at night or on weekends. They typically last for 30 minutes or more and include a call to action, such as a phone number or website URL.
  • Overlay: Overlays are short, 10-second ads that appear over the bottom of the screen during a TV show. They are typically used to promote upcoming programs or products during live events.

Examples Of Television Advertising

TV advertising takes many different forms, from traditional commercials to modern-day product placement. Here are some examples of television advertising:

Traditional Commercial Examples

Old spice: the man your man could smell like.

Old Spice is a popular men’s grooming brand that is known for its humorous commercials. The company has produced a number of memorable TV ads, including “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.”

This commercial features a man who is confident, attractive, and successful. He is shown doing a variety of things that are meant to appeal to men, such as riding a horse and playing basketball. The commercial ends with the tagline , “Old Spice. The man your man could smell like.”

Nike: Just Do It

Nike is a famous athletic wear brand that is known for its motivational commercials. The company to promote its tagline, “Just Do It”, released a commercial featuring an 80-year-old man telling about how he runs 17 miles every morning.

Product Placement Examples

Mcdonald’s: rick and morty.

Rick and Morty is an adult animated show that has a number of fast-food product placements. McDonald’s was one of the brands featured in the show, and the placement did become the talk of the town .

Brand Integration Examples

Chevrolet: transformers.

The Transformers movies are known for their product placement, and Chevrolet was one of the brands featured in the films. The company’s cars were prominently featured throughout the movies and even played a role in the plot.

Advantages Of Television Advertising

Television advertising has its advantages over other marketing channels. Here are some of them:

  • Mass Medium: TV reaches a large audience quickly and effectively. This makes it ideal for advertisers who want to reach as many people as possible.
  • Appeal To Everyone: Television is one such advertising medium that doesn’t require the audience to be literate. It can be consumed by people of all age groups and literacy levels.
  • Persuasive: TV advertising is very effective at persuasion, thanks to its use of sight, sound, and motion.
  • Creates An Emotional Connection: TV commercials often rely on emotions to drive their message home. This can be done through music, visuals, and even stories.
  • Measurable: The effects of TV advertising can be measured through surveys, brand awareness studies, and sales data. This helps advertisers determine whether or not their campaigns are successful.
  • Attention-Grabbing: TV commercials are designed to grab the viewer’s attention and hold it for the duration of the ad. This is done through creative visuals, music, and special effects.
  • Trustworthy: TV advertising is seen as more trustworthy than other marketing channels, such as online ads. This is because TV commercials inherit the trust that viewers have in the channel itself.
  • Medium To Develop Brand Personality: TV is an important medium for developing a brand personality as it allows advertisers to show rather than tell their audience what the brand is all about.

Disadvantages Of Television Advertising

Television advertising also has some disadvantages that marketers should be aware of:

  • Expensive: TV advertising is one of the most expensive marketing channels available. This is because it requires a lot of money to produce a high-quality commercial and air it on TV.
  • Not Targeted: TV advertising reaches a large audience, but it’s not very targeted. This means that advertisers will end up paying to reach people who are not interested in their product or service.
  • Limited Creative Freedom: The limited time available for TV commercials means that there is only so much that can be done creatively. This can be a challenge for advertisers who want to stand out from the crowd.
  • Not Interactive: TV advertising is a one-way medium, which means that it’s not very interactive. This can make it difficult to engage with the audience and get them to take action.
  • Requires Repetition To Be Effective: TV advertising is not very effective unless it’s repeated multiple times. This can be expensive and time-consuming for advertisers.
  • Less Flexible: It’s both expensive and time-intensive to make edits to a TV commercial once it has been produced. This means that advertisers have to be sure of their creative before it goes on air.
  • Declined In Recent Years: The popularity of TV has declined in recent years, as more and more people are cutting the cord. This means that there are fewer people available to view TV commercials.

Future Of TV Advertising

TVs are getting smarter, and so is TV advertising. Advertisers are now using data to target their ads more effectively and to personalise them for each viewer. This means that we can expect to see more relevant, targeted, and interactive TV commercials in the future.

However, the traditional TVCs are losing their battle against mobile advertising. The growth of digital video platforms, such as YouTube and Netflix, has made it easier for people to watch what they want, when they want. This means that TV advertising is no longer the only way to reach people through video.

But, on the brighter side, TV advertising is still an important part of the marketing mix, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think about our article on  television advertising  in the comments section.

Aashish Pahwa

A startup consultant, digital marketer, traveller, and philomath. Aashish has worked with over 20 startups and successfully helped them ideate, raise money, and succeed. When not working, he can be found hiking, camping, and stargazing.

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Advertising on Television: Everything You Need to Know About the TV Medium

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Wondering if advertising on television is the right fit for your brand? Explore the advantages and disadvantages and learn how to make effective TV ads.

Find out where and how to build a successful TV ad campaign

Advertising on television is one of the most popular ways to spread a brand’s message, but don’t let its ubiquity fool you: There are more ways to reach households on the home’s central screen now than ever before. Finding the right fit, whether via big-budget campaigns splashed across linear TV schedules or carefully crafted ads purpose-built to drive conversion on CTV, could make a massive difference to your success with TV commercials.

Here’s everything you need to know about advertising on television to get started, and where to learn even more.

Big Advantages of Advertising on Television

Adding TV to your media mix is a critical step for any brand that wants access to a broad, deep, and engaged audience pool. Building persuasive TV commercials has become something of an art form since the first one aired during a baseball game in 1941, and the medium has become far more potent and varied since then — especially with connected TV advertising spend projected to reach $40.9 billion by 2027.

Here are three major advantages TV commercials have over other types of advertising:

Wider reach: The national audience for television is huge, and it remains the primary mode of entertainment for a large majority of adults in the U.S. Nearly half of U.S. households have linear TV subscriptions, while more than nine in 10 of them are reachable via connected TV advertising.

Dialed-in demographics: Traditional demographic details for linear TV networks give advertisers a good idea of who their message may reach. Over-the-top (OTT) advertising goes a step further with performance marketing tools and viewer insight that allows hyper-specific targeting, even down to viewers’ ZIP codes.

Better brand awareness: Our research indicates that 46% of viewers say TV ads are the most memorable type of advertising they encounter — and they have a “halo effect” that uplifts other forms of advertising, making them a vital part of your overall media mix.

These benefits and more make advertising on television one of the best approaches for any brand looking to expand its audience. If you’d like to learn more about what makes connected TV advertising a particularly potent tool, download our free guide, The CTV Advertising Playbook .

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Find even more reasons to make TV commercials part of your marketing strategy in our full article, " 5 Advantages of Advertising on Television. "

The Basics of Cable TV Advertising

While cable TV advertising has traditionally been one of the most potent means of sharing your brand, challengers in the CTV space are presenting new and potentially more cost-effective options. Still, crafting and placing the right cable TV commercials could be a worthwhile investment for your brand.

Cable TV ads are generally broken down into two categories:

Spot advertisements, which are typically cheaper and region-specific, and air on any channel the cable provider offers.

Network advertisements, which are more expensive but can target customers around the country, and are negotiated with individual channels.

Cable TV advertising is relatively inexpensive compared to broadcast advertising — compare the cost of a Sunday Night Football ad which could easily eclipse $800,000 to cable spots that can be as cheap as $5 to $500 . But we’ll get into more specifics on the cost of advertising on television, however you choose to do it, in a moment.

Learn more in our full guide, “ Cable TV Advertising: Benefits, Costs, Comparisons, and More. ”

The Cost of TV Advertising

Given the increasing prominence of OTT and connected TV advertising, marketers looking into advertising on television should be well-acquainted with their costs compared to traditional linear TV. Here’s what you need to know to make the price of placing TV commercials a well-justified expense for your brand.

Linear TV’s greatest strength is its massive reach, with an unparalleled capacity to deliver ads to audiences around the US across a range of demographics. OTT and CTV’s greatest strength is their power to target ads in a much more precise and cost-effective manner. OTT and CTV ads can also be used to extend the reach of linear TV campaigns, as well as search and social advertising.

Advertisers laid out nearly $67 billion on TV advertising in 2022 , with the median price for AdAge-tracked shows coming in just north of $80,000. In 2019, cable TV upfront advertising came to an average cost per mille (CPM) of $19.45 , while network TV upfront advertising that year had a CPM of $36 . Meanwhile, OTT and CTV advertising spending reached just under $27 billion in 2022 , with the average CPM for CTV ranging from $35 to $65.

Get a broader look at potential expenses in our article, “ TV Advertising Cost: Unpacking Linear, CTV, and OTT Pricing. ”

Benefits and Drawbacks of Local TV Advertising

While the term “TV commercials” often brings to mind the sort of splashy, expensive advertisements you might see during major sporting events, focusing your efforts on local TV may yield more cost-effective results for your brand. Here are some of the pros and cons of advertising on television locally:

Pros of Local TV Advertising

  • Wide local reach: Depending on your chosen area, local linear TV ads may still provide a huge number of potential exposures. For instance, advertising in San Francisco will be more expensive than other regions, but it will still put your ad in front of millions while costing less than a national ad.
  • More precise targeting: Demographic data tied to local station viewership will make it easier to find more relevant audiences for your brand, rather than the broad metrics available at the national linear level.
  • Affordability: Running a 30-second ad on a national network could easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, whereas a medium-sized local market may have a CPM of $15 to $25 .

Cons of Local TV Advertising

Lack of flexibility: The terms of a TV advertising campaign are typically set as soon as it begins, with little room for optimization or course correction. If any major changes are required mid-campaign, your brand may be in for a major headache.

Unclear attribution: It can be difficult to track a customer from a local TV ad to purchase, which makes measuring campaign success more of a challenge than in some other mediums.

Suboptimal metrics: While it’s easier to find definitive performance metrics for local TV than on national TV, they are still not as detailed or instantaneous as in CTV and OTT video.

Find more benefits, drawbacks, and other key information to consider in “ Local TV Advertising: The Complete Guide. ”

How to Compare TV and Radio Advertising

The first radio advertisement aired more than a century ago for real estate development in New York City . Since then, radio has stood as a stalwart of advertising in the US, persisting even after the emergence of television as Americans continued to tune in during commutes, road trips, and more. Now evolving consumer behaviors mean the boundaries behind those formerly well-defined domains are blurrier than ever before.

While TV ads can capture audiences with attention-grabbing effects and instantly recognizable celebrities, radio ads only have listeners’ senses of hearing to target. That said, the digital age means consumers are likely to experience either type of ad while multitasking on their phones or other personal devices. Keeping ads simple yet creative is one way to help cut through the noise, whether audio or visual.

Building radio into your media mix is an important avenue for diversification, especially since the common run-of-schedule method of ad placements means you can save costs at the expense of controlling exactly when your ad will play. Production costs are an even greater point of differentiation, with radio advertisements generally being much cheaper and faster to create than TV ads of similar quality.

Complete your research with our guide, “ TV vs. Radio Advertising: A Comparison for the Digital Age .”

The Growing Role of Addressable TV

Rather than standing as its own means of watching television like linear TV or CTV, addressable TV is a powerful advertising methodology that can be used in conjunction with OTT viewing. It’s based on the principle that not everyone watching the same show will have the same interests, and it uses targeting capabilities and viewer data that is inaccessible on linear TV to serve better-tailored advertisements.

But how do you know if addressable TV campaigns are successful? Here are three key performance indicators to keep in mind:

Reach and frequency: Reaching a higher number of unique viewers is one of the most fundamental goals for ad campaigns — however, the next point is what makes it truly valuable.

Conversion rate: The percentage of viewers who, having seen the ad, take the desired action (making a purchase, signing up for a free trial, and so on) within a particular period.

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS): By dividing the revenue generated from the ad campaign by the total ad spend, you can determine how much of an impact your TV commercials made on your bottom line.

Learn more about how to make the most of this ad methodology in our primer, “ What Is Addressable TV?”

How TV Measurement Works

The most valuable spots for advertising on television typically go alongside the most popular programs, since they stand the best chance of getting a brand’s message in front of the most people possible. But how do we know which TV programs are the most popular? That’s where TV measurement comes in.

One of the pioneers in the field of TV measurement was Nielsen, which initially sent viewer diaries and special screen-capturing devices called Audimeters to a representative sample of U.S. households. While Nielsen’s methods have evolved to keep up with the times, the company has recently suffered some blows to its reputation as the last word in linear TV measurement.

One of the most promising modern methods of TV measurement is automatic content recognition (ACR), which tracks what viewers are watching, then transmits that data to TV and set-top box manufacturers. When implemented with consumer privacy in mind , ACR can be an unparalleled measurement source of data for advertisers and broadcasters alike.

Get the full introduction in “ TV Measurement: Past, Present, and Future. ”

Power Up Your TV Advertising Plans

It’s clear that connected TV advertising is an unmatched destination for brands that want to reach wider audiences and the most engaged viewers possible. But not all means of CTV advertising are equally effective.

By partnering with tvScientific, you’ll unlock access to the only CTV platform that was purpose-built for performance marketers. Our outcome-based CTV advertising solution will help you increase reach, lift, and ROAS by targeting the right audience at the right time, then hone the value of your campaigns with best-in-class analytics that measure the true performance of your ads. Request a demo today to see what we can do for your brand.

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The advantages and the disadvantages of the advertisement on TV

Nowadays advertisement plays a important role on TV in developed market economies. Despite the benefits of such information, many people are critical of the role of TV advertising. This essay discusses the advantages and the challenges that advertisement may create.

The first we need know what advertisement is. Advertisement is a form of propaganda to the introduction of information about products , services , companies and ideas to influence buying habits of consumers. The following are some of the advantages of advertisement:

First of all, it has a major role in marketing information. it is an element of communication, ubiquitous, used repeatedly, serves with clear purpose which viewers do not have to pay. Bringing those who have products and services to sell into contact with those who want to buy. Secondly, the advertising industry is a significant source of employment. it helps the unemployed can find work easily and fast. it helps them improve their life. Thirdly, it has many benefits morality and culture. Many charitable organizations, including those organized religious which use advertisement to communicate the message of health and education. Advertising may contribute to the advancement of society by raising, inspiring people and motivating them to act in ways that benefit themselves and society.

Besides advertisement's advantages, there are many disadvantages. Following is several problems: Firstly, it is a kind of biased information. due to a sale, it almost represents the beautiful face and good item. Next, it makes the viewer feel irritating because of interrupt programs , distract attention , spoil our enjoyment. Finally, it encourages people to buy more than what they need. It makes people spend a lot of money.

Summary, advertisement is a double-blade knife. we do not deny the benefits of advertising. but we need to be careful when buying products on advertising information.

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plays a important role plays an important role

it helps the unemployed can find work easily and fast. it helps the unemployed who can find work easily and fast.

it has many benefits morality and culture. it has many benefits on morality and culture.

Many charitable organizations, including those organized religious which use advertisement to communicate the message of health and education. Description: what is the verb for this sentence? can you re-write this sentence?

because of interrupt programs , distract attention , spoil our enjoyment. because they interrupt programs , distract attentions , and spoil our enjoyment.

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Effectiveness and Efficiency of TV's Brand-Building Power: A Historical Review

Why the persuasion rating point (prp) is a more accurate metric than the grp.

This article examines the effectiveness of television advertising and changes in television-audience response in the United States since the 1980s. It concludes that television remains one of the most effective platforms for advertising, despite the rise of digital media and new technological developments. On a single, quality exposure basis, television advertising continues to be highly effective, although the rate of delivery of advertising selling power per gross rating point (GRP) has declined, but the decline is mitigated by the increasing number of households in the United States. Television advertising remains effective despite the potential increase in distracted viewing, but advertisers need to manage the quality of their messages and the media weight of their advertising more carefully than in the past. The persuasion rating point (PRP) offers an accurate measure of that effectiveness.


Television still has the power to move markets and remains an extraordinarily efficient medium for reaching large audiences at a time when other media are increasing in cost even as they reach smaller audiences.

Television's ability to influence consumers is not independent of the effectiveness and the persuasiveness of the message.

Prudent advertisers optimize the efficiency of television as an advertising medium by placing weight against the most persuasive message executions.

The breadth of media alternatives available to advertisers today makes optimization of message persuasiveness more important than ever.


Radical changes continue to shape the media landscape. Although much recent research has been conducted on the effectiveness of new media platforms, less attention has been given to that media-plan staple—television advertising. A common question in media planning revolves around whether television is as effective in 2017 as it was in the 1980s or whether its role has diminished to the point of being nonviable. Even if television remains an effective advertising medium, there are questions about how television compares with the many other media-platform alternatives available today.

This article answers those questions. From the 1980s through the 2010s, the delivery of television-advertising sales effectiveness on the basis of a single quality exposure has been measured consistently by numerous organizations ( Stewart and Kamins, 2003 ). This measurement provides a unique quantification of the effectiveness of television advertising over several decades. Additionally, consistent and repeated studies of the rate of delivery of a television commercial's sales effectiveness per gross rating point (GRP) have been conducted over this same time period. Finally, a market-mix modeling analysis of more than 7,500 campaigns provides further perspective on the strength and efficacy of television advertising for continuous branding activities relative to other media channels.

This research demonstrates that the 30-second television-advertisement format, when delivered via a quality exposure, is as effective today as in the 1980s. It also, however, shows that approximately 25 percent more gross rating points now are needed to deliver the same brand-building power in market, which implies that television-channel proliferation, time-shifting technology, and simultaneous digital-media consumption are having an impact on the advertising-viewing experience. This decline is mitigated, however, by a 45 percent increase in the number of households in the United States over the same time period.

This research confirms several key principles of brand building, with corresponding marketing-process implications. There is a need for a conceptual shift, from managing advertising solely on the basis of exposure rates to taking into account also the brand-preference-shifting power of the advertising units themselves—that is, a shift from gross rating points to persuasion rating points.

Beginning in early 2016, the Advertising Research Foundation released a series of papers and presentations on the results of its “How Advertising Works, Today” initiative ( Snyder, 2016 ; Stipp, 2016 ). Included in these papers was a broad-based meta-analysis that drew on the results of more than 5,000 campaigns to establish “ground truths” of today's advertising environment, which were compared with those examined in the original Advertising Works study ( Lodish, 1991 ). The conclusions in the 2016 analyses regarding the traditional media platforms of television, print, and radio advertising were surprising to many. Rather than recommending that greater percentages of media spend be moved to the newer digital platforms, the analyses encouraged marketers to “spend smart by adding back traditional media to [their] digital investment to maximize ROI” ( Snyder, 2016 , p. 27).

These research findings suggest that for a generalized campaign, the optimal media spending mix generally is close to a 75 percent traditional and 25 percent digital media mix. Television advertising was cited as particularly valuable because of its strong synergies with digital media. These results are consistent with earlier studies of the effectiveness of television advertising in the digital era. The results of 388 case studies suggest that advertising is as effective as it ever has been, even in the face of new digital media ( Rubinson, 2009 ).

These are provocative findings and recommendations in light of the many claims that traditional media are dead or at least dying ( Lee, 2012 ). They raise the question of what can account for this strong showing for traditional media, especially television. Television historically has been recognized as one of the most powerful advertising media. This has been demonstrated empirically through advertising strength, test market, scanner sales change, and single-source and market-mix modeling analyses. Of special concern has been a potential for decreased attention to television advertisements driven by the proliferation of channels to surf; time-shifting and advertisement-skipping technology; and the simultaneous use of laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Little has been published that provides perspective through a direct comparison of television's recent effectiveness with previous decades, however.

In 2016, the Marketing Accountability Standards Board launched a new phase of its Brand Valuation & Investment Project, with a goal to document the major drivers of brand preference ( Findley, 2017 ). As a part of this initiative, Marketing Accountability Standards Board members MSW Research and Nielsen Research provided historic and contemporary data that allow a direct comparison that addresses three major questions:

RQ1: Do television advertisements on a single-exposure basis still evoke the same level of sales effectiveness among consumers as in the past?

RQ2: Is this sales impact delivered in market at the same rate per gross rating point as in the past?

RQ3: How does television advertising compare with other media in the number of exposures needed to be effective?


Answering the first two questions required identification of a television-advertising sales-effectiveness metric whose sensitivity and calibration have been maintained consistently over the years. MSW Research has been using a behavioral, sales-validated brand-preference approach in pre- and posttesting since the 1960s. This measure—CCPersuasion™—captures the shift in brand preference (or choice) for the advertised brand among a competitive set of products as the result of a single, quality advertisement exposure in a natural program context. A quality exposure is an exposure that is sufficient to have an impact on the viewer, in contrast to any opportunity for exposure or incidental exposure. In media scheduling, the former is measured by effective reach, whereas the latter is referred to only as “reach” ( Naples, 1979 ).

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Evidence of CCPersuasion™ Validity

On its own, the change in in-lab brand preference that forms the basis of the CCPersuasion measure has been shown to explain more than half the variance in share changes within a quarter (and 65 percent when media weight placed behind the advertisement is taken into account) and thus demonstrates both magnitude and probabilistic validity ( Hanssens, 2016 ). A comparison of the CCPersuasion (change in brand preference) versus actual changes in market share when the tested advertising was run in market is provided (See Table 1 ). The table also provides a distribution of changes in market share associated with observed CCPersuasion scores.

CCPersuasion provides a yardstick by which the sales effectiveness of the television-advertising format itself can be examined. The CCPersuasion measure is both conceptually and operationally simple. It is operationalized as a change in choice behavior following exposure to advertising for a particular brand.

Consumers who purchase products in the relevant category are presented with pictures of product packages or logos of products in the category prior to exposure to any advertising and are asked to select the brand that they would like to receive as a reward for participating in the research. These consumers then view television programming in which advertising is embedded. After being asked a variety of questions about the television programming, participants in the research again are presented with pictures of packaging and logos and are asked to select a preferred brand for another product giveaway.

The number of individuals who switch to the brand whose advertising they saw during the television programming is a raw measure of the persuasive power of the advertising. This raw measure of persuasion may be adjusted to account for known characteristics of the product category and brand, such as market share, and ambient switching rates within the category. An earlier book provided a more detailed discussion of this measure, including a detailed discussion of its reliability and validity ( Stewart and Furse, 1986 ).

In addition to the measure of persuasion, the methodology also provides a category-switching metric that quantifies brand loyalty across all competitive brands in the category. A decline in category switching means that consumers are less apt to change their preferred brands, whereas a rise means that they are more apt to change preferred brands. This switching metric was used as a further comparison point for the brand-preference trend to understand whether any change was television specific or caused by category dynamics that affect all forms of advertising.

The MSW Research analytic database consists of more than 23,000 advertisement measurements for different media types, brands, categories, and countries. Because these data were collected organically over time, a subset was drawn limiting the cases to 30-second television advertisements collected in the United States for typical categories with brands advertising throughout 1980–2014. This reduced the possibility of skews caused by changes in relative representation, as in the growth of direct-to-consumer advertising by pharmaceutical brands starting in the late 1990s.

The resulting dataset consists of 2,076 distinct television advertisements for 258 brands competing in 104 categories. Average category switching and changes in brand-preference levels then were grouped into four time periods chosen to match later parts of the research. The 104 product categories represented a broad range of consumer packaged goods, durable products, quick-service restaurants, pharmaceuticals, and consumer services.

The category-switching data reveal that, over time, consumers have become less apt to switch brands in the categories examined. On the basis of this finding, it would be expected that television advertising would have become correspondingly less able to switch consumers. This proved not to be the case, however.

Despite a decline in the rate of switching within categories, the advertisement-caused changes in brand preference have remained consistent across the decades (See Figure 1 ). The implication is that the deteriorating category dynamics have been counterbalanced by other factors, and on a single, quality-exposure basis as measured in the lab, the television-advertising format remains a dependable format for driving brand preference. Identifying the factors that have allowed the 30-second television format to remain effective is beyond the scope of this research.

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Average Change in Brand Preference for 30-Second Television Ads and Category Switching Over Time

One hypothesis is that the advent of digital-video production and animation technology has made it possible for agencies to produce more creative television advertisements cost-effectively. There is ample evidence that more creative advertising, at least as defined by a more compelling and persuasive message, is a key factor in advertising effectiveness ( Harvey, 2016 ; Poggi, Poltrack, and Wood, 2017 ; Stewart and Furse, 1986 ; Stewart and Koslow, 1989 ). Another hypothesis is that the growing use of science-based advertising and message-testing systems has helped cull relatively underperforming advertisements.

Researchers also can use these brand-preference change levels for advertisements to quantify the rate of delivery (per gross rating point) of sales effectiveness by taking reads before and after the advertising airs. An advertisement's CCPersuasion level can be tested prior to launch, for example, and then at subsequent times thereafter, when varying amounts of media weight have been placed behind it. As the advertisement delivers its selling power in market, it “wears out,” and its ability to generate brand-preference shifts declines, as shown by lower persuasion results. The advertisement's ability to affect further sales consequentially also faces diminishing returns.

The largest share increase occurs during the first four-week period an advertisement is on air, when its power of persuasion is strongest (See Figure 2 ). Smaller share increases occur in subsequent four-week periods as the advertisement continues to air and the persuasion levels fall. For those cases in which the advertisement was aired longer with subsequently more media weight placed behind it, small share decreases were observed toward the end of the run. These declines in share change include two related factors: fewer people to switch to the brand as the airing progresses (because prior airing already had switched preferences), and the effects of competitors' marketing and advertising activity switching preferences back to their brands. These findings not only support the concept of wearout but also explain why leaving worndown advertisements on air is not helpful in growing—or maintaining—market share.

Correspondence of Share Change and Ad Power Left from Wearout

Source: Masterson, 1999

It should be noted that the practical implication of this is that accounting for advertising wearout when creating and scheduling advertising is desirable. The reason an advertisement wears out is that its sales-building power has been delivered to market. The more an advertisement wears out, the greater is the share-change impact already made in market, and the more important it becomes to refresh the message.

The finding that wearout in advertising power can be predicted by the number of gross rating points placed behind the advertisement was first published in 1987 in the Journal of Advertising Research ( JAR ; Blair, 1987 ), with a replication study published a decade later ( Blair and Rabuck, 1998 ). In 2000, the study was one of 18 selected by JAR 's editorial review board as a classic—an article that has with-stood the test of time ( Advertising Research Foundation, 2000 ).

It is interesting that between the original and replication studies, a difference was noted in the number of gross rating points needed to wear out an advertisement to a given percentage of its original level of sales effectiveness. The implication is that in the intervening 10 years between the studies, the delivery of selling power per gross rating point diminished. Said another way, greater media weight was required to produce the same change in brand preference. This was a time of great growth in cable television and a resulting channel proliferation, which empowered viewers to switch to other stations during commercial breaks. Between 1980 and 1999, the percentage of U.S. households with cable television grew from 22.6 percent to 68.0 percent ( TVHistory, 2018 ).

Predicted vs. Actual Advertising Power Left

Source: MSW Research CCPersuasion Scores and Nielsen Research Gross Rating Points

This analysis recently was extended through 2014 ( MSW•ARS Research, 2017 ). As shown (See Figure 3 ), the ability of gross rating points to predict actual post-airing power left remains strong (correlations range from .81 to .91 across the time periods). As also shown (See Figure 4 ), however, the rate of wearout has changed. A trend toward a slower rate of delivery of selling power per gross rating point has continued over time. If one quantifies this result, it now takes approximately 25 percent more gross rating points than it did in the 1980s to deliver a television advertisement with half the power.

This should not be construed to mean that television advertising overall has become a less-effective or less-efficient advertising platform. This is because the number of households in the United States has increased by roughly 45 percent over the decades, from 80.8 million in the 1980 census to 115.5 million in the 2010 census ( Statista, 2017 ). Each rating point now represents more households, thereby effectively mitigating the decline in absolute terms.

Television Wearout Rate Over Time

Although much media attention has been paid to the increase in households without a television, in 2018, 95.9 percent of all U.S. households had one or more televisions receiving traditional television signals. This was down from a high of 98.9 percent ( Lynch, 2018 ). The average television household has 2.3 television sets. The average household watched seven hours and 50 minutes of television each day in 2017, down from a peak of eight hours and 55 minutes in 2009–2010. The hours of viewing in 2017 were substantially higher than the hours during the four decades of the 1960s to the 1990s ( Madrigal, 2018 ).

Although it is not possible on the basis of the above analysis to assign a cause to this change in rate, the outcomes are consistent with the hypotheses of decreased attention to television advertisements previously mentioned. They also are consistent with a shift to a frequency of exposure beyond that which is optimal for television, which is a concern given the increased fragmentation arising from channel proliferation.

Every media platform has its own strengths and challenges, however. Although the interruptive nature of television advertising may make it more susceptible to divided attention with other media, it also provides television with one of the most immersive visual and audio experiences. Television also remains a powerful tool for building brands over the long term. In contrast, the cost of digital advertising may be lower, but it often must compete for attention with the content in which it is embedded. Additionally, the costs of digital advertising are increasing far faster than the cost of television advertising, even as the size of the audiences it delivers declines ( Fahey, 2017 ).

Effective Frequency by Media Types

To understand how these strengths and challenges affect the number of exposures needed, Nielsen Research conducted an effective-frequency analysis. This analysis was based on market-mix modeling results for 7,775 digital, radio, and television campaigns (See Figure 5 ). The market-mix modeling results were used to calculate each campaign's optimal number of average times to be shown to consumers to achieve sustained maximum sales effectiveness. A histogram then was created showing the percentage of campaigns for each media type—television, radio, and digital—that fell in each effective frequency range ( Tsvetkov, 2017 ). Although the percentage of television campaigns with an effective frequency of 1 was lower than for the other two platforms, it quickly made up for that deficit with a higher percentage of campaigns with an effective frequency of 2. The conclusion from this is that all examined media types can be effective within the range of average frequencies typically deployed for them.


Four important insights emerge from this research:

On a single, quality exposure basis, the television-advertisement format is as effective now as it was in the 1980s. It is just more difficult to obtain that quality exposure in today's media environment.

The rate of delivery of advertisement-selling power per gross rating point has slowed over the decades. It now takes approximately 25 percent more gross rating points to deliver the same power to market as it did in the 1980s. This decline coincides with audience technology changes, such as the proliferation of channels, time shifting, and multiple-device usage.

More than mitigating this decline, the number of U.S. households has increased by 45 percent over the same period of time, whereas the number of hours households spend viewing television remains above what it was in the 1960s to 1990s.

Despite a potential increase in distracted viewing, television advertising still maintains an effective-frequency profile that is comparable to other media channels, including digital.

This research further highlights several previously identified business practices in the use of television advertising to build brands ( Findley, 2017 ). Television remains an effective media platform, and television advertising should continue to be used to maintain and grow market share. By focusing attention on the development stage, brands can improve advertisement quality to such a degree as to more than compensate for the decline in the rate of advertisement-selling power delivery per gross rating point.

Although a focus on message quality always has been critical to advertising success, today's media environment makes message quality even more important because it leverages media expenditures. Maintaining media weight levels at sufficient rates to enable a continuous presence simultaneously ensures that an appropriate minimum frequency is achieved. Trafficking gross rating points behind advertisements on the basis of their persuasive strength manages the diminishing returns from wearout and maximizes sales power delivered in market.

These results imply that the keys to television-advertising success remain the same as in the past: actively managing both the quality (individual execution sales effectiveness) and the quantity (media weight and flighting concentration) simultaneously to ensure that advertising plans meet business objectives. Combining media weight and advertising quality into a metric for managing plans was first discussed more than 25 years ago in an article published by the Advertising Research Foundation, “Moving beyond GRPs to PRPs: Another Major Challenge for the 21st Century” ( Blair, 1993 ). A persuasion rating point is simply a gross rating point weighted by a measure of persuasion ( Batra, Myers, and Aaker, 2006 , p. 513). It is a simple matter to use the wearout relationship to combine mathematically the delivery of an advertisement's preference-changing power with gross rating points, thus creating persuasion rating points.

The relationship between persuasion rating points and marketing-mix modeling outcomes for 231 campaigns is shown (See Figure 6 ; MSW•ARS Research, 2016 ). The strength of this relationship demonstrates that measuring the preference-building power of advertising and then managing that advertising (and its subsequent wearout) using the persuasion rating point paradigm will assist advertisers in optimizing their advertising investments and more accurately forecasting marketing impact.

Case Study on the Use of Persuasion Rating Points

StarKist Predictions vs. Actuals

Traditionally Planned Gross Rating Points versus Persuasion-Rating-Point-Optimized Gross Rating Points

This is not just a theoretical supposition; it has been demonstrated through multiple case studies. One published example comes from StarKist tuna ( Shepard, 2003 ). StarKist faced the daunting task of releasing a radical new product form, tuna in a pouch, in an 80-year stable category. To be successful, the advertising not only needed to establish this new line extension but also needed to grow the brand overall. To achieve these goals, the brand team employed a rigorous advertising-testing program using lab-measured changes in brand preference to choose the most effective advertising executions. By combining this with planned gross rating points to create persuasion rating points, StarKist forecasted in-market response to within one-tenth of a share point for both the new form and the total line (See Figure 7 ).

The accuracy of these predictions led management to approve an unplanned second wave of advertising when additional wearout analysis indicated the advertisements could build sales further. Barry Shepard, then StarKist's vice president of marketing, summarized the benefit of this additional wave in this way: The results from the initial advertising quarter yielded an ROI of 76 percent, an enormous improvement over the break-even ROI we had expected for the quarter using a traditional approach. Incorporating the costs and incremental profits involved with the unplanned—or second—flight, we were up to 368 percent return on our TV advertising activity ( Shepard, 2003 ).

In another example of the power of persuasion rating points, a major food company used brand preference to determine the optimal number of gross rating points to place behind each advertisement as it was sent to air ( Blair, 2006 ). The goal was to “implement systems for allocating TV media weight based on the unique value of each ad in the portfolio, only for as long as they are working” (p. 9). The study covered all television advertisements for four brands over 12 months. The optimal number of gross rating points for each advertisement given the pool for shifting that length was determined from persuasion rating points and compared with planned gross rating points from the company's traditional approach. An example optimization scenario for one brand is shown (See Table 2 ).

After 12 months, the marketer used market-mix modeling to compare the average quarterly return achieved with the optimal plan versus what would have been achieved with the traditional approach. The optimal approach resulted in a calculated increase of $12.9 million. To provide a conservative estimate, the marketer calculated the expected improvement from shifting only 50 percent of the indicative gross rating points. Even this conservative implementation would have resulted in a 21 percent improvement in return versus the traditional approach (See Figure 8 ).

Increase in Advertising Return with Partial GRP Optimization

Persuasion rating points also hold tremendous potential to address the emerging issue of cross-platform optimization. Television, radio, print, and digital platforms all have different communication strengths and weaknesses as well as synergies with the others. Brand preference accurately measures the brand-building power of executions from each of these. As cross-media gross rating points become more readily available, persuasion rating points will be calculable for a brand's entire media portfolio. This ultimately will elevate the discussion from “which platforms to use” to the more important topic of consistently producing and executing profitable advertising activity across all platforms.

Although not quite as vigorous as in its heyday, television still has the power to move markets. It remains an extraordinarily efficient medium for reaching large audiences at a time when other media are increasing in cost even as they reach smaller audiences. Television's ability to influence consumers is not independent of the effectiveness and the persuasiveness of the message, however. Prudent advertisers thus will optimize the efficiency of television as an advertising medium by placing weight against the most persuasive message executions. Although this always has been good practice, the breadth of media alternatives available to advertisers today makes optimization of message persuasiveness even more important than in the past. It also means that devoting more attention to and resources for the creation and testing of alternative messages is a wise management practice.


F rank F indley is executive director of the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) where he represents the U.S. in the creation of international (ISO) marketing standards. His previous work at ARS group, comScore, and MSW Research resulted in improvements to copytest, tracking, media, and competitive intelligence systems. He is a coinventor of the patented Outlook media planner. Findley's research has appeared in publications including Quirk's , and the book Accountable Marketing (Routledge, 2016) and has been presented at ARF, AMA, ANA, IIR, and CASRO conferences.

K elly J ohnson is vice president research for Disney Advertising Sales. Johnson and her team are responsible for delivering best-in-class audience insights, marketplace thought leadership, and innovative research solutions to grow revenue. She played a key role in ESPN's groundbreaking cross-media research initiatives, including Project Blueprint, and worked with Nielsen to develop out-of-home television measurement. Johnson is Grand Winner of the 2011 ARF Great Mind Award in the Rising Star category, and her work has been published in the Journal of Advertising Research .

D ouglas C rang is senior director of research at MSW Research. He provides analytics and data support to address both client-specific and industry-wide research issues pertaining to advertising creative pretesting and development as well as brand health tracking. His responsibilities also include preparing industry white papers, new product development, and authoring blogs covering a wide variety of research topics. Crang has more than 25 years of experience in the marketing research industry.

D avid W. S tewart is President's Professor of Marketing and Business Law at Loyola Marymount University and a founding director and chair of MASB. He previously served as a tenured faculty member and in administrative roles at Vanderbilt University, the University of Southern California, and the University of California Riverside. Stewart is past editor of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing . He has published more than 300 papers and twenty books, including Accountable Marketing (Routledge, 2016) and Financial Dimensions of Marketing Decisions (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).

  • Received May 8, 2018.
  • Received (in revised form) May 2, 2019.
  • Accepted August 20, 2019.
  • Copyright© 2020 ARF. All rights reserved.
  • Advertising Research Foundation
  • Myers J. G. ,
  • Aaker D. A.
  • Blair M. H.
  • Blair M. H. ,
  • Rabuck M. J.
  • Stewart D. W. ,
  • Gugel C. T.
  • Hanssens D. M.
  • Lodish L. M.
  • Lynch J. L.
  • Madrigal A. C.
  • Masterson P.
  • MSW•ARS Research
  • Naples M. J.
  • Poltrack D. F. ,
  • Rubinson J.
  • Furse D. H.
  • Tsvetkov T.

Vol 64 Issue 3

Journal of Advertising Research: 64 (3)

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IELTS Essay: Advertising

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IELTS Essay: Advertising

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of advertising from the real IELTS exam.

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Some feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and businesses, while others think they are negative.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

As advertising becomes increasingly invasive, there has been an increase in debates concerning its effects. In my opinion, advertising is on the whole a negative due to its impact on the average individual, though it is clearly beneficial for businesses.

It is hard to argue against the positive boon that advertising has brought to a variety of industries. In the 1950s and 60s, the growth of American advertising in particular ushered in an age of rampant commercial opportunity. Corporations ranging from automoblie manufacturers to airlines to soft drink companies took advantage of the emerging medium of television to reach wider audiences. By appealing to basic human psychology, they were able to tap into a nearly limitless market that eventually expanded globally and is now supported by ruthlessly efficient and profitable online marketing methods.

Nonetheless, advertising mainly serves to distract and entice. The purpose of advertisements is not simply to inform. Consumers can find information about products from a number of sources of their own volition. Advertising attracts individuals and creates new desires that distract from healthier modes of living. For example, the average person would be better served by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. However, ubiquitous advertisements for fast food make this difficult, in some cases impossible, to achieve. Generalised across a range of consumer products, it is clear that people are being drawn unhealthily towards their worst impulses.

In conclusion, the benefits of advertising for the business world do not outweigh its psychological impact on the average citizen. A world without advertising is not feasible but it is still possible to limit one’s exposure.

1. As advertising becomes increasingly invasive, there has been an increase in debates concerning its effects. 2. In my opinion, advertising is on the whole a negative due to its impact on the average individual, though it is clearly beneficial for businesses.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. It is hard to argue against the positive boon that advertising has brought to a variety of industries. 2. In the 1950s and 60s, the growth of American advertising in particular ushered in an age of rampant commercial opportunity. 3. Corporations ranging from automoblie manufacturers to airlines to soft drink companies took advantage of the emerging medium of television to reach wider audiences. 4. By appealing to basic human psychology, they were able to tap into a nearly limitless market that eventually expanded globally and is now supported by ruthlessly efficient and profitable online marketing methods.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific detail as fully as possible.
  • Continue to develop it and don’t change to a new idea.

1. Nonetheless, advertising mainly serves to distract and entice. 2. The purpose of advertisements is not simply to inform. 3. Consumers can find information about products from a number of sources of their own volition. 4. Advertising attracts individuals and creates new desires that distract from healthier modes of living. 5. For example, the average person would be better served by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. 6. However, ubiquitous advertisements for fast food make this difficult, in some cases impossible, to achieve. 7. Generalised across a range of consumer products, it is clear that people are being drawn unhealthily towards their worst impulses.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Continue with your explanation if you need to.
  • Start developing your idea.
  • Use a specific example.
  • Develop the example.

1. In conclusion, the benefits of advertising for the business world do not outweigh its psychological impact on the average citizen. 2. A world without advertising is not feasible but it is still possible to limit one’s exposure.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

As advertising becomes increasingly invasive , there has been an increase in debates concerning its effects. In my opinion, advertising is on the whole a negative due to its impact on the average individual , though it is clearly beneficial for businesses.

It is hard to argue against the positive boon that advertising has brought to a variety of industries . In the 1950s and 60s, the growth of American advertising in particular ushered in an age of rampant commercial opportunity . Corporations ranging from automoblie manufacturers to airlines to soft drink companies took advantage of the emerging medium of television to reach wider audiences . By appealing to basic human psychology , they were able to tap into a nearly limitless market that eventually expanded globally and is now supported by ruthlessly efficient and profitable online marketing methods.

Nonetheless , advertising mainly serves to distract and entice . The purpose of advertisements is not simply to inform . Consumers can find information about products from a number of sources of their own volition . Advertising attracts individuals and creates new desires that distract from healthier modes of living . For example, the average person would be better served by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly . However , ubiquitous advertisements for fast food make this difficult, in some cases impossible , to achieve . Generalised across a range of consumer products, it is clear that people are being drawn unhealthily towards their worst impulses .

In conclusion, the benefits of advertising for the business world do not outweigh its psychological impact on the average citizen. A world without advertising is not feasible but it is still possible to limit one’s exposure .

increasingly invasive more and more personal

debates concerning controversy around

on the whole in general

average individual normal person

clearly beneficial definitely good for

hard to argue against difficult to disagree with

boon good for

variety of industries many types of

ushered in an age of rampant commercial opportunity started an era of more business

ranging from including

manufacturers makers

took advantage exploited

emerging medium new type

reach wider audiences find more people

appealing attractive

basic human psychology how people think

tap into exploit

nearly limitless market unlimited potential

eventually expanded globally after a while became international

supported by ruthlessly efficient backed up by useful

profitable making money

nonetheless regardless

distract take attention from

entice pull in

inform give information about

of their own volition their own choice

attracts entices

healthier modes of living ways of being healthy

better served is better for

regularly usually

ubiquitous common

in some cases impossible sometimes can’t be

achieve accomplish

generalised applies to lots of

drawn unhealthily towards their worst impulses enticed to do bad things

business world industry

outweigh stronger than

psychological impact effect on one’s mind

not feasible impossible

limit extent

exposure open to


ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ɪnˈveɪsɪv   dɪˈbeɪts kənˈsɜːnɪŋ   ɒn ðə həʊl   ˈævərɪʤ ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl   ˈklɪəli ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl   hɑːd tuː ˈɑːgjuː əˈgɛnst   buːn   vəˈraɪəti ɒv ˈɪndəstriz   ˈʌʃəd ɪn ən eɪʤ ɒv ˈræmpənt kəˈmɜːʃəl ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti   ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm   ˌmænjʊˈfækʧərəz   tʊk ədˈvɑːntɪʤ   ɪˈmɜːʤɪŋ ˈmiːdiəm   riːʧ ˈwaɪdər ˈɔːdiənsɪz   əˈpiːlɪŋ   ˈbeɪsɪk ˈhjuːmən saɪˈkɒləʤi   tæp ˈɪntuː   ˈnɪəli ˈlɪmɪtlɪs ˈmɑːkɪt   ɪˈvɛnʧəli ɪksˈpændɪd ˈgləʊbəli   səˈpɔːtɪd baɪ ˈruːθlɪsli ɪˈfɪʃənt   ˈprɒfɪtəbl   ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs   dɪsˈtrækt   ɪnˈtaɪs   ɪnˈfɔːm   ɒv ðeər əʊn vəʊˈlɪʃən   əˈtrækts   ˈhɛlθɪə məʊdz ɒv ˈlɪvɪŋ   ˈbɛtə sɜːvd   ˈrɛgjʊləli   ju(ː)ˈbɪkwɪtəs   ɪn sʌm ˈkeɪsɪz ɪmˈpɒsəbl   əˈʧiːv   ˈʤɛnərəlaɪzd   drɔːn ʌnˈhɛlθɪli təˈwɔːdz ðeə wɜːst ˈɪmpʌlsɪz   ˈbɪznɪs wɜːld   aʊtˈweɪ   ˌsaɪkəˈlɒʤɪkəl ˈɪmpækt   nɒt ˈfiːzəbl   ˈlɪmɪt   ɪksˈpəʊʒə  

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

As advertising becomes i_____________________e , there has been an increase in d____________________g its effects. In my opinion, advertising is o_________________e a negative due to its impact on the a_________________l , though it is c_________________l for businesses.

It is h__________________t the positive b____n that advertising has brought to a v___________________s . In the 1950s and 60s, the growth of American advertising in particular u__________________________________________________y . Corporations r_________________m automoblie m________________s to airlines to soft drink companies t______________e of the e_________________m of television to r____________________s . By a_____________g to b__________________________y , they were able to t__________o a n______________________t that e_______________________y and is now s_________________________________t and p____________e online marketing methods.

N_____________s , advertising mainly serves to d_________t and e_______e . The purpose of advertisements is not simply to i_______ urces o______________________n . Advertising a________s individuals and creates new desires that distract from h_________________________g . For example, the average person would be b_______________d by eating a healthy diet and exercising r_________y . However , u_____________s advertisements for fast food make this difficult, i____________________________e , to a_________e . G______________d across a range of consumer products, it is clear that people are being d____________________________________________________s .

In conclusion, the benefits of advertising for the b_____________d do not o_________h its p_____________________t on the average citizen. A world without advertising is n______________e but it is still possible to l________t one’s e___________e .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • What is beauty for you? 
  • Do you think the media influences our idea of beauty? 
  • Do you think advertisements portrayal of beauty is correct? 
  • How has people’s idea of beauty changed over the last few decades?
  • Do you think beauty only relates to a person’s appearance? 

Writing Practice

Practice with the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay IELTS Cambridge 15: Advertising & Paying Attention (IELTS Cambridge 15)

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Essay on Television for Students and Children

500+ words essay on television.

Television is one of the most popular devices that are used for entertainment all over the world. It has become quite common nowadays and almost every household has one television set at their place. In the beginning, we see how it was referred to as the ‘idiot box.’ This was mostly so because back in those days, it was all about entertainment. It did not have that many informative channels as it does now.

Essay on Television

Moreover, with this invention, the craze attracted many people to spend all their time watching TV. People started considering it harmful as it attracted the kids the most. In other words, kids spent most of their time watching television and not studying. However, as times passed, the channels of television changed. More and more channels were broadcasted with different specialties. Thus, it gave us knowledge too along with entertainment.

Benefits of Watching Television

The invention of television gave us various benefits. It was helpful in providing the common man with a cheap mode of entertainment. As they are very affordable, everyone can now own television and get access to entertainment.

In addition, it keeps us updated on the latest happenings of the world. It is now possible to get news from the other corner of the world. Similarly, television also offers educational programs that enhance our knowledge about science and wildlife and more.

Moreover, television also motivates individuals to develop skills. They also have various programs showing speeches of motivational speakers. This pushes people to do better. You can also say that television widens the exposure we get. It increases our knowledge about several sports, national events and more.

While television comes with a lot of benefits, it also has a negative side. Television is corrupting the mind of the youth and we will further discuss how.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

How Television is    Harming the Youth

advantages of television advertising essay

Additionally, it also makes people addict. People get addicted to their TV’s and avoid social interaction. This impacts their social life as they spend their time in their rooms all alone. This addiction also makes them vulnerable and they take their programs too seriously.

The most dangerous of all is the fake information that circulates on news channels and more. Many media channels are now only promoting the propaganda of the governments and misinforming citizens. This makes causes a lot of division within the otherwise peaceful community of our country.

Thus, it is extremely important to keep the TV watching in check. Parents must limit the time of their children watching TV and encouraging them to indulge in outdoor games. As for the parents, we should not believe everything on the TV to be true. We must be the better judge of the situation and act wisely without any influence.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How does television benefit people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Television offers people a cheap source of entertainment. It saves them from boredom and helps them get information and knowledge about worldly affairs.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the negative side of television?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Television has a negative side to it because it harms people’s health when watched in excess. Moreover, it is the easiest platform to spread fake news and create misunderstandings between communities and destroy the peace and harmony of the country.”} }] }

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October 17, 2018

Ielts writing task 2: 'power of advertising' essay.

Somebody asked me whether I had a sample answer for the question below, which comes from Cambridge IELTS book 6. I realised I had an old essay that I wrote with some students, so I'm sharing that with you today.

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that want to sell us their products. To some extent I agree that advertising has an impact on sales, but I would also argue that we do need most of the goods that we buy.

Advertisements can certainly tempt people to buy products that they might not otherwise want. A good example could be the mobile phone. Every year people can be seen queuing to buy the latest models, even when they already have a perfectly good phone that does not need replacing. Perhaps it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kinds of decisions; we want to stay up to date with the latest fashions or own the newest high-status device. The high sales of the iPhone seem to support this idea.

On the other hand, I believe that most people do not buy products because of the advertising alone. There are other good reasons why we make these choices, and there must be some kind of need before a person makes a purchase. New versions of products almost always have improved features that buyers may want. A new car, for example, may have greatly improved safety features, or it may be more economical to run, or it may pollute less. A new phone may allow the user to communicate more quickly or effectively, thus enhancing their quality of life.

In conclusion, while advertising obviously influences our buying behaviour, I do not agree that people make decisions that go against their real needs.

(261 words)

Note: I wrote this essay with my students during a lesson using the students' ideas. I haven't checked it properly, so maybe we can analyse it together. It might not be perfect!


It is true that we are being more frequently aimed by advertisement to buy electronics devices nowadays. I partially agree with the idea that advertising plays an important role in sales, but I do believe most consumers buy gadgets according to their really needs and financial status.

Advertising can boost the sales for several reasons. Firstly, Advertising makes the products much easier and faster to be accessed by the people across the world. For example, Apple launches new products to the world by airing the live show, and doing advertisement on TV globally. Customers can be notified immediately by this way. Secondly, many celebrities will be invited to advertise the goods by using their influential to target their fans. This will be no doubt for increasing the sales.

However, most people consider to buy products when they need, and also rely on their income rather than being manipulated by the various advertisement. You can't simply persuade customers to buy something which they don't need. Many consumers are very sensible in spending their money. Also, people look after something according to their financial capability as well.For instance, It is very unlikely for a low-income person to buy a luxury car such as Benz.

In conclusion, advertising can motive some people to go shopping, but it seems to me that more people make reasonable decisions in buying items.

Posted by: paul | October 17, 2018 at 14:32

1) we are being more frequently aimed [-> targeted ] by advertisement [better: advertising/advertisement s ]

2) to their real ly needs

3) doing advertisement -> placing advertisements

4) ... by in this way.

5) using their influential-> influence

6) This will be no doubt for increasing the sales. -> This will no doubt increase sales

7) However, most people consider buying products when they need them ,

8) ... manipulated by the various advertisement s .

9) NO short forms in your essay: can't -> cannot : don't -> do not

10) ...people look after something according to their financial capability as well. -> people look for items within their budget range.

11) advertising can motive -> motivate

Posted by: Oleg | October 17, 2018 at 16:21

Dear simon my name is meet.I doesn't get any idea whenever i start to write any eassy so what should i do for it

Posted by: Meet | October 18, 2018 at 05:47

thank Simon for posting this.

one of recent essay topic that reported by some people.

many people getting married and taking child at their thirties rather than at a younger do you think it's a positive or negative development?

I tried to brainstorm some ideas. I think my ideas are a few or not enough for this topic could you please help me? or could anyone please help me?

positive: - spend the time to learn about life in their twenties. -enjoy their life - they will have an experience and then they will teach their children well negative: they become in old ages while their children are in young ages which means their thoughts and ideas different, they may not become friends and chat because of that.

Posted by: saro | October 18, 2018 at 06:33

I just tried to write in a different way. Please evaluate and provide your valuable suggestions.

Nowadays, it is certainly true that advertisements have a significant influence on some people’s mind to make them to buy certain highly advertised consumer products out of temptation or marketing influence and not because they have actual need of it. Whereas it is true that this scenario is common these days, I would argue that it is not always the case.

To begin with, advertisings definitely attract people to make purchases of currently famous products without its actual use. The reason for this is that they might get greatly influenced by the celebrity marketing the particular product, or presentation of new features or benefits of popular products in such a way that it creates the false need in buyer’s mind to get the product to satisfy it without a thought on its actual need. For instance, advert of Samsung smart television, featuring Bollywood Superstar explaining improvised features and realizing the feeling of happiness after having it, lure some customers to compulsory buy a new TV, although they already have properly functioning TVs with the necessary features at their homes. Nevertheless, I believe that this is not always the case and there are instances where many people made purchases simply because they actually need those products for their use in day to day lives. To illustrate, some people choose to buy a latest model of a car, although they already have a car of old model, because they might feel that it is important to have updated safety features in their car, and the car they are using does not have sufficient space or lacking important new feature like auto-gear system, which they need to drive smoothly in the traffic areas. In such an instance of true personal need, advertisings have the least impact on one’s decision to buy new products.

In conclusion, I believe that while advertisings have the major role in sales of demanding consumer products, many people prefer to invest their money only on those products which are really important to them.

Posted by: Vishaal | October 18, 2018 at 08:44

Introduction: Nowadays, it is certainly true that advertisements have a significant influence on some people’s mind to make them to buy certain highly advertised consumer products out of temptation or marketing influence and not because they have actual need of it. Whereas it is true that this scenario is common these days, I would argue that it is not always the case.

Posted by: Vishaal | October 18, 2018 at 11:40

Body Paragraph 1: To begin with, advertisings definitely attract people to make purchases of currently famous products without its actual use. The reason for this is that they might get greatly influenced by the celebrity marketing the particular product, or presentation of new features or benefits of popular products in such a way that it creates the false need in buyer’s mind to get the product to satisfy it without a thought on its actual need. For instance, advert of Samsung smart television, featuring Bollywood Superstar explaining improvised features and realizing the feeling of happiness after having it, lure some customers to compulsory buy a new TV, although they already have properly functioning TVs with the necessary features at their homes.

Body Paragraph 2: Nevertheless, I believe that this is not always the case and there are instances where many people made purchases simply because they actually need those products for their use in day to day lives. To illustrate, some people choose to buy a latest model of a car, although they already have a car of old model, because they might feel that it is important to have updated safety features in their car, and the car they are using does not have sufficient space or lacking important new feature like auto-gear system, which they need to drive smoothly in the traffic areas. In such an instance of true personal need, advertisings have the least impact on one’s decision to buy new products.

Posted by: Vishaal | October 18, 2018 at 11:41

These days, there is no denying that we are living in an era of consumerism. It seems that humans have unlimited desires. Consequently, we work hard and then buy many popular consumer goods. However, some people cast doubt whether humans really have so many needs. They realise that the culprit is capitalism and advertising triggering people's huge desires. Personally, I completely agree with them.

First of all, at present, instead of human nature, it is capitalism which makes us greedy to try to meet all the potential needs humans would have. Governments and interest groups are making use of capitalism to make people work hard so that the quick pace of life would be useful to keep a so-called stable society which is beneficial for the vested interests. For instance, when it comes to the booming housing market in many countries, the question is, while it is really no need to own a property due to the limited life expectancy of human beings, why are people still so anxious to buy a property? In my opinion, The answer is that the housing market is a useful tool for governments to control citizens and meanwhile indirectly force people to work hard for developing the economy.

Apart from capitalism, advertising is the direct reason to cause people to frequently buy popular consumer goods which they do not need. Because the goal of advertising is to motivate people's desires to purchase. Hence, it is common for the content of an advertisement to appear to be exaggerated and misleading. For instance, an advert for a sports drink will convince you that the product is the perfect solution to improve power and cope with fatigue. However, of course, it will not remind you to think that as an ordinary person, whether you really need these two benefits in life, let alone giving you a warning about the potential issue of addiction

To conclude, while it is true that the market of popular consumer goods is booming because of the high sales, instead of the real needs of humans, capitalism and advertising are the key factors behind this prosperity.

Posted by: he li | October 18, 2018 at 17:32

1) Simon: "task 2 introductions should be short and direct". "Keep your introduction short. Main body paragraphs are more important."


Posted by: Mona | October 18, 2018 at 18:10

1) At 353 words, I would question whether you would be able to write this much in the exam. Try cutting it to under 300.

2) See first comment to Vishaal above.

3) -> ... is the direct reason why people frequently buy ....

4) "Because ... purchase.": this is not a sentence. It is a subordinate clause. It needs to be joined onto main clause.

5) It is best to avoid "you" in formal writing.

6) "the market for popular consumer goods"

Posted by: Mona | October 18, 2018 at 18:34

Hi everybody!

I have 2 questions;

1. Can we use advertisement and advert (BrE) in one piece of writing?

2. When we use 2 exemples, would it be a good idea to use “for example” to introduce one and “for instance” for the other, for the sake of “wide range of vocabulary”?

Posted by: Ajji | October 19, 2018 at 09:39

Forget the second question! I already know what Simon would say!

These are just linking words that help us produce a coherent piece of writing. We should focus on Topic Vocabulary instead.

Posted by: Ajji | October 19, 2018 at 09:47

"Advert" is marked informal in some dictionaries:

Posted by: Oleg | October 19, 2018 at 10:34

Hello Simon, I would like to thank you for this blog.IT has been a great help and was the reason I got 7.5 for the IELTS exam general version.I wlso got 9 reading, 8 speaking, 6.5 and 6 for writing.i believe it was due to that I had some trouble getting to sleep the night before otherwise I could do better.However, it seems that you have an ambitious student over here and I want to get an 8 in the writting, I think I can get a 7 at my current state. Any special advice for me?

I can not stress enough how much I appreciate this blog and I have been sending the link to all the english students I know. Thank you,

Posted by: Yazeed | October 20, 2018 at 05:29

One element in your preparation would be to review the types of error that Arabic speakers often make. See here:

Other possible issues:

a) Run-on sentences are acceptable in Arabic, but not in English.

b) Common concepts like “ thesis,” “ Topic sentence,” and “ no new ideas in the conclusion,” are all very foreign to Arabic essay. The circular structure in the English essay is contrasted with a very linear one in Arabic where the conclusion has to bring something new!

These have all been covered by Simon at some stage over the years.

Generally, the writing result comes out about one half to a whole band below the reading.

Posted by: Oleg | October 20, 2018 at 07:27

Dear colleages, IELTS TASK 2 writing test today, Cairo-egypt. Men's sport is given more attention than women's sport. Reasons ? Disadvantages ?

Posted by: Sharie | October 20, 2018 at 11:40

Task 1 wad about the process of collecting rain water ( water collected from rooftops of house ,, filtered , chemically treated, then back to home for human use.

Posted by: Sharie | October 20, 2018 at 11:42

Hello I need some techniques to score high in reading such 7+ I have just 6 days for test

Posted by: Siddhartha sharma | October 20, 2018 at 19:10

In today's world, people purchase lots of stuff and contribution of advertising to this process is undebatable. It is a fact that advertising is useful for people to reach some products to which otherwise impossible, howewer, i think that promoting stuffs via different ways forces people to spend much money far beyond theier actual needs. We have lots of needs for all aspects of life from a pair of socks to a car. When it comes to buying the things we need , lots of options come up. At this step we need reliable information about similar items. Adveertising material like video footages or brochures may help to solve this problem. They sometimes provide comperative information about relevant objects.For these couple of reasons ,it definitely make our life easier in some ways. Howewer,it may lead us to expend beyond our real requirements. Advertising is a professional deem aimed for just force the people to buy relevant item no matter wahat situation. It is able to manipulate the drive of consuming in a negative way. Repetetive stimuli during all part of our daily time -on train station or on movie breaks- may effect our consuming behaviour. As far as I know from my close network, lots of them bought expensive smartphones beyond their budget despite they usually use it for just making a phone call. Once one of them buys it, he talks about product and praise that constantly, close friends of him get it despite they don't actually need to. To summarize , buying something is an essential act for us. Advertising is useful to reach features need to be known about an item. Howewer, it could forces people to buy some stuff they don't actually need to

Posted by: Sadık | October 21, 2018 at 20:15

1) "lots of": this is marked colloquial/informal. Do NOT use it in writing. See here:

Instead use "much" or "many" depending on whether the noun is singular or plural.

2) Again, "stuff" is informal.

BTW "thing" or "things" are also best avoided in your essay as it suggests that your vocabulary is limited.

3) and the contribution of advertising ... is undebatable. [ Really? Is it not just a symptom of excessive wealth? ]

4) Simon generally writes a shorter introduction.

5) -> ...otherwise impossible. However, I think .. [ note punctuation ]

6) "Usage manuals advise that couple be used only as a noun and not as a determiner in formal writing." That is do NOT use "a couple of" in the sense of "two" in your Task 2 essay.

7) "it definitely make" [ grammar ]

8) "a ... deem": as a noun "deem" is extremely rare and does not fit the context.

9) It would be more usual to use the phrase "consumer behaviour" or "consumption".

10) " despite they don't actually need to." [ "despite" is a preposition -> despite not needing to. ]

11) "Howewer, it could forces " [ spelling and grammar ]

12) "to reach features which/that need to be known": missing relative pronoun

Posted by: Bogdan | October 21, 2018 at 21:28

Here is my essay, welcome all feedbacks ^^

There is a statement that nowadays the high sale of popular consumer goods represents for the effectiveness of the advertising campaign rather than the actual needs of the society. I share the same point of view.

There is no doubt that people make the decision based on what they heard or see on the Internet, especially when they can get access to it 24/24. An advertising agency or smart client will also obviously choose appropriate influencers and social media channels to reach their target audiences which triggers the customer’s desire to buy things they don't need. For example, they want to buy the product to look like their idol or satisfy their craving on a fashionable look. As well as being influenced by social media and influencers, customers also easily get distracted by misleading information from the Internet. Because of the lack of detail strict rule about advertising in Vietnam, brands can spread their advertising campaign’s message freely without any confirmation from experts which makes the consumer buy products because of advertising’s fact not for the ingredient of products. Finally, the brand can also apply other tactics such as promotion code or sale strategy to encourage users to buy brand's products instead of products that customers truly need.

To sum up, the influence of advertising is undeniable. Customer’s needs are only an illusion of the mind which can be trigger easily by a creative advertising campaign.

Posted by: Khanh | October 23, 2018 at 09:35

1) "feedback" is marked as uncountable in the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries, and so is not normally pluralized. [Admittedly, it does appear in the plural in some published books, but I would avoid the plural in an IELTS essay]

-> all feedback would be welcome/I would welcome some feedback*+feedback%2Csome+feedback%2Cfeedbacks_NOUN&year_start=1900&year_end=2008&corpus=15&smoothing=3&share=&direct_url=t2%3B%2C%2A%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%2Cs0%3B%3Bthe%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bof%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bnegative%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Band%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bpositive%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Ba%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bwith%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3BThe%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bfor%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B%3Bprovide%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Csome%20feedback%3B%2Cc0%3B.t1%3B%2Cfeedbacks_NOUN%3B%2Cc0

2) "nowadays" suggests that the situation in the past was different. Is this the intended nuance?

3) "There is a statement that": this comes across as a little awkward. Why not just start with "In my view,...." ?



-> In my view, the high sales of popular consumer goods are largely due to the effectiveness of advertising (campaigns) rather than the actual needs of society. [That is, society in general. "The" society begs the question: which society is being referred to?]

Posted by: cara | October 23, 2018 at 21:49

6) Is that just one body paragraph?

7) Do not use short forms in writing (don't).

8) "the decision": referencing not quite clear enough -> their purchasing decisions/ their shopping decisions

9) "There is no doubt that people make the decision based on what they heard or see on the Internet, especially when they can get access to it 24/24." ->24/7 [though a more formal phrase such as 'at any time' would be more suitable for IELTS] [ Which 'people' are you referring to? There are still many people without Internet on this planet. Be wary of over-generalizing: it will disbar the essay from Band 8 for task achievement. ]

10) "Because of the lack of detail strict rule" : not coherent. What is meant? Because there is no strict rule requiring full details ... ?

11) "because of advertising’s fact not for the ingredient of products." Not coherent -> based on advertising flummery and puffery rather than considering the specifications

12) -> promotion code s or sale s strategie s

13) "which can be trigger": grammar !

Posted by: cara | October 23, 2018 at 22:07

I really appreciate your feedback for my easy @Cara. I will take note of these errors for my next essay.

However, I just want to clarify some points above:

3/ There is a statement that... => So shouldn't I use this kind of sentence at all for my easy or is it just for this particular context?

10 -11/ Here is my revised sentence:

Because there are legislative gaps in Vietnam advertising industry, brands can spread their advertising campaign’s message freely without any confirmation from experts which makes the consumer buys products based on advertising flummery and puffery rather than considering the specifications.

Posted by: khanh | October 24, 2018 at 09:02

Introduction – -2 sentences -The 1st sentence agrees that the prevalence of advertising -The 2nd sentence shows disagreement by saying most goods we buy are what we really need.

Body paragraph 1 - Agree by detailing the prevalence of advertising -5 sentences, with conjunctions including “even when” & “ ; ”. No fancy conjunctions are used. -topic, example, explain, closing with restating the example mentioned to support the explanation

Body paragraph 2 – Disagree by detailing we buy what we really need -5 sentences, with conjunctions including “and” & “or”. “ ,thus V-ing” is also used to connect a clauses and a gerund phrase. No fancy big conjunctions. -topic ( 2 sentences, MUST BE some kind of NEED ), explain, example 1, example 2,

Conclusion – Restating part disagreement again.\ -1 sentence -“while, …, I do no agree”

Posted by: YS | October 24, 2018 at 09:54

The above is my analysis of the structure. It has 13 sentences with agreeing partly. Please advise on the analysis. Do i understand it correctly? Thank you.

Posted by: YS | October 24, 2018 at 09:56

Re (3) this phrase does not seem to be used as an equivalent to "some people say that" at the beginning of an essay.

Simon often starts with "It is true that".

Bear in mind that first paragraph only needs to introduce the topic and make your position clear.

Re 10-11): some relevant vocabulary is here:

The term "puffery" was used in an early legal case in the UK in relation to a claim of false advertising.

Posted by: Oleg | October 24, 2018 at 10:02

at first glance, i thought the question means this:

Does good sales figure of goods means it has great adverts or that the product is really good?

but obviously this is quite different from your essay....... could you let me know if/where i got the meanings wrong?

Posted by: Paul | October 28, 2018 at 03:55

Nowadays, the advancement in advertisement has reached to a great extent and many people believe that commercial these days, are controlling our lives and manipulating us into buying things which we don’t require. However advertising have the advantage of providing important aspects of information on products so that people don’t have to experiment with the different and unique things launched.

It is generally seen that advertising agencies tempt general population by glamourizing variety of products which are not of vital value. One good example would be mobile phones. The ever flourishing tech industry is blossoming just because of the fact that whenever they launched a new product, they sound it like the world most unbelievable product which ultimately forces the buyer to shop for the latest model in order to keep the status among people.

On the other hand, commercials have helped us in getting the useful items for us. For instance, if a person wants specific options while purchasing a mobile phone then the information through advertising on billboards, brochures or TV breaks are readily available. This enables people to buy required product instead of getting the wrong item.

In conclusion, in many aspects, commercials are source of excessive shopping in today`s age, however I believe that it has positive points for consumers at large.

Posted by: sarah | October 28, 2018 at 16:27

1) 216 words would incur a penalty for short length.



Your introduction seems unnecessarily long: the main body paragraphs need more material/development/examples ...

4) "However" is an adverb, and would start a new sentence: either: "... shopping in today`s age. However I believe that... " OR "... shopping in today`s age. I believe, however, that "

Posted by: zsófi | October 29, 2018 at 06:16

Nowadays, it is true that the advertising channels has become a commercial business model instead of the way focus on broadcasting many new products to people. Although there are will undoubtedly say that advertising impact vitally on sales, but I also argue that many people has several reasons for decision-making of buying or not. With the advances in technology and technological breakthrough, I support the idea that advertising which might be proven to one of the most fundamental sections in market. Firstly, the power of advertising making people can easily be swayed by advertisement, facillitate to buy goods impulsively because of attractive videos as well as satisfying they curious about new products has appeared on social networking sites. Many of those even if do not know what are the use but want to buy goods via advertising at all costs. Secondly, the amount of famous brands gets celebrity endorsement for enhancing their image products, which enables to many people especially teenager want to buy this because they have a hobbie is that collect any things involves their idol images. Some student pupils even skipping classes in their school to follow advertising on Facebook or Instagram for updating all latest things have their idol pictures. In spite of the above arguments, I still believe that many conventional consumer has changed to smart consumers in each decision on markets beside the power of advertising. There is evidence to clarify this is some people are likely to be thorough thinking in many sides from origin of this good to features or adapted technology on this. In addition, many customers tend to put environmentally friendly and recycle possibility on the top in which choose any goods to buy. Generally, they prefer machines use alternative fuels or adapted solar, wind or water powers than goods release carbon footprint as well as disturbing the ecological balance. For example, Tesla is the electric auto brand, in 2017 is the time Tesla was lauching a first model electric automobile but within two days after it became a global appeal as well as full of people making a reservation. In conclusion, I convinced that smart consumers will increase in the short term and the awareness of people will be affect in the advertising that currently dominate the markets.

Posted by: Bob | November 01, 2018 at 14:43

Vocabulary increasingly surrounded by advertising

has an impact on sales

tempt people to buy products

to stay up to date with the latest fashions

high-status device

improved features

enhancing their quality of life

go against their real needs

Posted by: Murad | November 30, 2018 at 08:09

In my opinion, quick and effective communication is not related with new model phone. Thus,the latest apps on new phones may allow the users may enhance their quality of life.

Posted by: Murad | November 30, 2018 at 08:16

Dear Simon, I wonder if I can use theory to explain in the task. I don't know if it is necessary because it might be too complex and hard to describe the situation clearly within such few words. Do you think I should use it? Since I major in communication and have some theoretical basis. Here is a task 2 I wrote about this topic. Maybe you could give me some suggestions? Do you think my task is too abstract, and should I avoid using theory? Plus some other suggestions, please? Thank you!!!

Some people argue that advertisements manipulate the commodity trend and induce people to purchase unnecessary goods. While advertising can indeed promote commodity, I believe it is consumers’ real needs that matter.

Advertising plays a vital role in sales promotion. Firstly, advertisements can be found almost everywhere such as on TV, billboard and television. The easy access to advertisements draws people’s attention to certain goods and allow consumers to memorize them subconsciously. These goods are more likely to be picked out comparing to other ones because people tend to choose things they are familiar with. Secondly, celebrity endorsements are common in advertising, which adds to the credibility in goods, thus in turn tempts purchasing behaviors of these goods. Thirdly, advertising likes to exaggerate goods’ benefits and persuade consumers to pay for them.

However, the purchasing decision lies in consumers’ real needs. For example, if a customer lacks this item at home, or if an item tackles a customer’s problem. The Elaboration Likelihood Theory (ELM) can explain it. In ELM, two routes (the peripheral route and the central route) are presented in a person’s cognitive process. Superficial terms such as advertisements, simple pictures and terms need no thorough considerations go into the peripheral route, which is not likely to change people’s behaviors directly. Whereas terms touch common interests of the people, such as a problem/need beforehand, go into the central route where more consideration needed. Purchasing behaviors are mostly based on the central route experience.

In conclusion, I would agree that the real needs behind behaviors result in the popularity of certain goods.

Posted by: Ran | March 06, 2019 at 16:57

Dear Simon, My name is Rachel, this is the first time I have posted my essay on your page, I really appreciate if you give me feed back about my essay and I will realise my mistakes. Here is my essay In highly industrialized era, advertising campaigns have been expanded around the whole world. Some people argue that the multitude of merchandise has been the crucial media helping with selling products even if it is not in real needs of society where the products are daily consumed. This essay will discuss why each of advertisements is hugely powerful but why those are not strong enough to reflect productivity of goods into customers’ eyes in reality of consumers’ demand. In fact, the majority of popular products are well-known since those have been widely publicized and also attracted customers’ attention. Almost people create and develop every single form of advertisement so that it can be appropriate to everyone and come up with better results. As an illustration, many TV channels in Vietnam have been introducing the variety of latest goods to customers in order that they can catch what they want by phoning and ordering no matter they need it or not. Therefore, ranges of common merchandise can easily approach each customer basing on the technological developments. On the contrary, some advertisement cannot produce wonderful revenue and even cause negative failure when mentioning goods and reflecting worse outcomes into customers’ vision. In order words, once customers have believed that advertisement is not reliable, they can decide to not view it though they love those. For example, teenagers in Vietnam have been tricked by unreliable advertisements and they conclude that one is not as high-quality as advertised versions and this can damage the process of selling goods. Thereby, advertisement not only can reflect a downside of the products but also can lead to the loss of reputation of products. In conclusion, although advertisements could lead to good effects, there is no guarantee that bad aspects of products are not arisen, however. This essay discussed why advertisements are so powerful and but why it did not possess enough power to maximize the products. As far as I’m concerned, despite its drawback, it is still absolutely necessary to advertise merchandise to the public. Thanks.

Posted by: Rachel | April 15, 2019 at 12:13

Dear Simon I need your help with that. Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting quality.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Thanks in advance!

Posted by: Sarvarbek | June 07, 2019 at 11:44

I need your help with something that relate to writing task 2; Can I write with "partly agree" on any question that has been asking in writing task 2??

Posted by: Vishnu | June 08, 2019 at 09:30

Hello, this is Quang - I'd like to contribute my essay and hope to receive feedback from Simon and everyone.

It is true that intriguing promotion campaigns have not only triggered consumer demand but also created an obsession with spending on sought-after products. While I accept that this is a major reason, I believe there are other factors affecting customer's decision rather than advertising alone.

On the one hand, advertising is a major reason for high sales of popular consumer goods. An effective promotion is a scientific result of a long-term market research which explores customer's needs for a particular product. It takes a holistic view of customer personas into consideration such as demographics, interests, behaviors, etc… when designing a communication plan to reach customers. Furthermore, with the technological advances, brands find it easier to connect with consumers through digital platforms such as Facebook and Google. They can identify potential customers via their digital footprints and offer a personalized promotions for each individual customers. Hence, consumers wind up purchasing more than they need because of those compelling messages.

On the other hand, consumer lifestyle is also a factor apart from advertising. In some emerging markets, people climb up the society ladders so quickly that their earnings grow even faster than the inflation rate. The surplus income increases the purchase power, which results in excessive consumption of good. Besides, the "me too" phenomenon has an influence on adult's lifestyle greatly. They tend to follow the crowd purchasing geeks which are not really in their needs due to a psychological dependence to being a successful person. This leads to a fear of missing out, which in turn causes excessive purchasing of goods.

In conclusion, It is certainly true that advertising can be the major factor for the high sales of consumer goods, but this is by no means the sole reason for the excessive purchase of consumers.

Posted by: Quang | June 30, 2019 at 06:41

Hello guys, here is my work, thank you Simon for your lesson.

Some say that most commodities nowadays are successfully sold because of their advertising power instead of being the things that are really needed by their consumers. Regarding the phenomenon of iPhone in the U.S., I would say that I partly agree with this statement. Athough a product might be mostly bought not because of their consumers need, the main cause can be mostly the social dimension that is attached to the commodity rather than its advertising program.

iPhone has been the most popular cellphone product in the U.S. because of its function as a social passport for the teenagers in the country. Those who own iPhone are usually considered to be trendy individuals and hence tend to be welcomed in any social group they wish to join. in this case, its product advertising which is popularly known nowadays in the form of Apple executives' live stage presentation can hence be said to play a rather less influential role in driving young people across the country to buy an iPhone.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon that people tend to buy things which they do not really use in their daily life can be reflected well through such social trend. As teenagers keep updating their iPhone for the sake of their social status, they get used to replacing their phone with a new one in a very short time. By such habit, their previous phones then left unused at home even though they have not experienced any malfunctions whatsoever.

In conclusion, although a commodity can be mostly bought not because of its essential function, the reason can be mostly its role as being a social symbol instead of its advertising programs.

Posted by: SuwandiK | August 10, 2019 at 20:42

Q# Some people believe that advertising has a strong effect on a person’s decision-making process. Others feel that it has little or no real impact. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

The media is a powerful medium for widespread information. It is often argued that ads change individual thoughts, which leads to a significant impact on planning. However, opponents consider it is tiny and next to impossible factor. In this essay, I am going to shed some light from this question from both points of view and extend my support to the latter opinion. To begin with, people argue that advertisements have an impactful tool which affects a thinking process. TV commercials and other mediums are playing a vital role for influencing consumers towards company’s brand because manufacturers aim to sell their products in large volumes as earn huge margins and become a market leader just because of a fully planned media campaign. One good illustration is mobile phone organizations which advertise and attract a large number of customers to buy a cell. Thus, such tactics inspire audiences which usually compile to alter a verdict. On the other hand, it is possible to make opposing is often argued that the media publicity does not attract or some times appeals rarely. Indeed, launching a new product can promote through electric or print media, but it does not mean that it will persuade users, and he/she will make a decision to purchase without any need. Certainly, consumers are intelligent enough to make a rational verdict. For stance, the plethora of commercials are seen on the screens daily at prime times but very fewer get attention; normally, people just watch and forget. Then, the customers do not get involved in products due to the advertisement. To conclude, both the arguments have their justifications. On balance, however, I tend to believe that in recent times, the media campaigns have unbelievable power because it directs people’s mind and enforces to influence them.

Posted by: Rashid Baig | August 15, 2019 at 19:52

Hello Simon, I am uploading my essay for the sake of assessment. Please evaluate and advice.

Posted by: Rashid Baig | August 15, 2019 at 19:55

I am not sure that most essay did not concentrate on the "popular consumer goods" which mentioned in the question.

I think in the second body paragraph, answer should illustrate why the product can be popular without ads.

Posted by: Leyi | October 13, 2019 at 09:39

Please help me to correct my passage. Your help will encourage me alots to keep my dream.

In the mordern

Posted by: Tina Tran | March 07, 2020 at 15:22

In the mordern life, purchasing more goods is the main goal of almost producers which is done by alots of tool. It is generally believed that the increasing product sale is a result of effective advertisment not mentioning to actual needs. Personally, i am in favor of this opinion as many advertising’s merits. There is no doubt that many advertisement tempts customers and influences to their decision as purchasing any goods. It means that impulsive buyers are easier attracted by well-known actors, celebrities or though - pravoking messages of product shown in advertisments. A good case in point is the Moon cake’s advertising on the Autumn festival which having visually appealling and touched message , along with celebrities appearance , customers are simply tempted to buy it without any actual needs or really like this. Another point that should also be considered is that product’s popularity and what it represents for will effect to the increasing trend in the amount of sales. In other words, consumers tend to purchase latest or high status goods and they consider them as a evidence for their high standard living condition while no actual more need than old one . We can see Iphone as an example. In conlusion , i would like to restate my opinion that advertiments gave a lot of influences in the change of product sales with alots of merits. But it also show the imbalance in the market which will make trouble for producers if not taking more potential steps.

Posted by: Tina tran | March 07, 2020 at 15:49

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  • Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of Television

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

500+ words essay on advantages and disadvantages of television.

In today’s world, communication is a crucial aspect of life. Technological advancements made communication more accessible and cheaper. Among all the communication devices such as smartphones, radios, and emails, television is the prominent and common medium for communication. We get to see television in every household. It is an integral part of our society that significantly impacts our social, educational, and cultural life. It reaches a mass audience and provides information about the daily happenings in the world. Furthermore, it is a common source of entertainment among family members.

John Logie Baird invented the television in the 1920s. The word “tele” means distance, and “vision” means to see, which means to watch it from a distance. When television was invented, it showed only pictures of low resolution. But, later on, televisions were modified with the latest technologies. Televisions that we purchase today come with multiple features. We can connect our phone, laptop, tab, and internet access various online apps, HD/UHD quality pictures, 4k-8k resolutions, etc.

We can also watch various educational channels on television. It also keeps us updated by providing news about the world through different news channels. Along with information, it also entertains us with movies, serials, dramas, reality shows, music channels, yoga channels, etc.

So, having a television at home seems to be a great advantage, but the disadvantages are also threatening. The time it consumes from our day-to-day life is more. You can see people going out of routine or postponing schedules if they become addicted to watching television.

Here, in the essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of watching television.

Advantages of Television

Television comes with enormous advantages. The most important is it gives us information about current affairs and events across the globe. This information is broadcasted through various news channels, which helps us to keep ourselves updated about recent happenings. It also shares information about multiple programmes or facilities launched by the government. The government also take the help of news channels to communicate with the mass.

We can watch daily soaps, reality shows, music channels, movies, etc. We can also watch food channels and try out recipes at home. During the morning time, if you switch on the television, you will get to watch telemarketing ads. Specific channels broadcast only ads for multiple products, and people can also buy them.

Children can watch various cartoons on the television. Some cartoons teach children about moral values and lessons. It also keeps us informed about the economic condition and the stock market. We also get to watch various fashion shows and keep updated about the latest trends on television.

Earlier, television was costly, but now it comes at an affordable price with multiple features. Now, we get the option to subscribe to our favourite channels and only need to pay for those channels. Educational programmes are also available on television. We can also watch live cricket shows and cheer for our country. Television also telecasts interviews of various political leaders, celebrities, influencers, famous personalities, etc. We can also gain knowledge by watching various quiz programmes.

Television provides opportunities to spend time with our family and friends. We can enjoy watching a movie together. Various channels telecast comedy shows that help us keep positivity in our lives. We also watch movies in different regional languages like Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, etc. It helps us connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Nowadays, we can also play games on the television and watch agricultural programmes specially designed for the farmers. It promotes national integration.

Disadvantages of Television

There are advantages of watching television, but it also comes with disadvantages. Watching too much TV affects our mental and physical health. When we watch television continuously, it affects our eyes and makes us lazy. Even there are some programmes which are not suitable for kids. We even compromise our sleep to watch TV. Children lose their concentration on their studies by watching too much television. Children prefer to watch TV over reading books to spend their leisure time.

Conclusion of Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Television

There are advantages and disadvantages of television. If television is helpful, it is harmful too. One should not watch television excessively.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of TV: A Comprehensive Analysis

Television has become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we consume information and entertainment. As with any technological innovation, TV brings with it a range of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will delve into 10 key advantages and disadvantages of TV, providing real-life examples to illustrate their impact. So, let’s embark on this insightful journey of exploring the pros and cons of television.

Advantages of TV:

1. entertainment at your fingertips.

Example: Imagine coming home after a long day at work and unwinding by watching your favorite sitcom, sharing a good laugh with the characters and forgetting about your worries.

2. Educational Content and Information

Example: Science documentaries on TV enable viewers to explore the wonders of the universe, learn about breakthrough scientific discoveries, and grasp complex concepts through engaging visuals.

3. Current News and Updates

Television news channels keep us up to date with the latest happenings around the world. From political developments to economic trends, TV news provides a convenient and accessible platform for staying informed.

Example: In times of crisis or natural disasters, television serves as a vital source of real-time news updates, helping people make informed decisions and stay safe.

4. Advertising and Marketing Opportunities

Television serves as a powerful advertising medium, allowing businesses to showcase their products or services to a wide audience. With visually appealing and persuasive commercials, companies can effectively reach potential customers.

Example: A new smartphone model advertisement on TV can grab the attention of viewers, showcasing its innovative features and encouraging them to consider purchasing it.

5. Cultural and Social Awareness

TV programs often reflect different cultures, traditions, and societal issues, fostering understanding and empathy among viewers. They expose us to diverse perspectives, helping us appreciate the richness and variety of the world we live in.

Example: Watching a documentary about a remote tribe’s customs and traditions can broaden one’s cultural awareness and promote cross-cultural understanding.

6. Access to Live Events

Television provides the opportunity to experience live events from the comfort of our homes. Whether it’s a live concert, sports match, or important cultural event, TV allows us to be part of the action in real time.

Example: Watching the Olympics on TV enables viewers to witness incredible athletic achievements, national pride, and inspiring moments of triumph.

7. Language Learning and Exposure

TV programs in different languages offer a valuable resource for language learning and exposure . Through language-specific channels and subtitled content, viewers can improve their language skills and expand their cultural horizons.

Example: Watching foreign language TV shows can enhance language fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, making the learning process more engaging and interactive.

8. Social Bonding and Shared Experiences

TV shows and events often become topics of conversation, fostering social bonding and shared experiences among friends, family, and coworkers. Discussing favorite TV programs can create connections and build relationships.

Example: Participating in a discussion at work about the latest episode of a popular TV series can help colleagues find common ground and strengthen workplace camaraderie.

9. Platform for Creativity and Talent Showcasing

Television platforms provide a stage for showcasing creativity and talent across various domains. Talent shows, reality competitions, and talent hunt programs offer aspiring artists and performers a chance to be discovered and recognized.

Example: A talented singer participating in a TV singing competition can gain exposure, attract a fan base, and potentially launch a successful music career.

10. Enhanced Visual Experience

Okay we have covered the 10 advantages of TV, now let’s talk about its disadvantages.

Disadvantages of TV:

1. sedentary lifestyle and health risks.

Excessive TV viewing can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and eye strain. Spending long hours sitting in front of the TV screen can hamper physical activity.

Example: Instead of engaging in outdoor activities or exercise, an individual might spend several hours watching TV, leading to a lack of physical fitness and potential health issues.

2. Influence on Behavior and Values

Television has a profound influence on viewers’ behavior and values, particularly among children and adolescents . Exposure to violence, inappropriate content, and misleading information can shape attitudes and impact social interactions.

Example: Research suggests that children who are exposed to violent content on TV may exhibit aggressive behavior and have a distorted understanding of real-life consequences.

3. Time Consumption and Productivity Loss

Example: Instead of studying or working on personal projects, someone who spends several hours binge-watching TV series may experience a decline in academic or professional performance.

4. Unhealthy Content and Media Manipulation

TV programs sometimes portray unhealthy lifestyles, unrealistic beauty standards, and excessive consumerism. Moreover, media manipulation techniques such as sensationalism and biased reporting can distort viewers’ perception of reality.

5. Impacts on Social Interaction and Relationships

Excessive TV viewing can lead to reduced face-to-face social interaction, impacting the quality of relationships and interpersonal communication. It may contribute to feelings of isolation and detachment from real-life experiences.

6. Financial Costs and Consumerism

Owning and maintaining a television, cable/satellite subscriptions, and streaming services can incur financial costs. Moreover, TV commercials often promote consumerism , encouraging viewers to spend money on products they may not necessarily need.

Example: Constant exposure to enticing commercials can lead to impulsive buying behavior, financial strain, and unnecessary accumulation of material possessions.

7. Limited Control over Content

8. distractions and procrastination.

TV can easily become a source of distraction, diverting attention from important tasks or responsibilities. It may contribute to procrastination and hinder productivity in academic, professional, or personal pursuits.

9. Stereotyping and Media Bias

Example: News programs that sensationalize certain events or focus on specific narratives can shape viewers’ perceptions, leading to misconceptions and limited understanding of complex issues.

10. Environmental Impact

Example: The increasing demand for new TVs and outdated models being discarded can result in environmental degradation and harm to ecosystems if not managed properly.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TV: Conclusion

Television undoubtedly offers numerous advantages, such as entertainment, educational content, and information dissemination. However, it is crucial to recognize and navigate its disadvantages, including health risks, negative influence on behavior, and potential time wastage. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of TV, we can make informed choices and strike a balance between its benefits and the need for moderation in our consumption habits.

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Essay Curve

Essay Curve

Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television

Short Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television

Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television: Television has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing entertainment, news, and information at the touch of a button. However, like any technology, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, we will explore the various benefits of television, such as its ability to educate and inform, as well as the drawbacks, such as its potential negative impact on mental health and social interactions. Let’s delve deeper into the world of television and its impact on society.

Table of Contents

Advantage And Disadvantage of Television Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start by introducing the topic of your essay, which is the advantages and disadvantages of television. Mention that television is a popular form of entertainment and information source in today’s society.

2. Advantages of Television: – Entertainment: Television provides a wide range of entertainment options, including movies, TV shows, sports, and news programs. – Education: Television can be a valuable educational tool, with programs that teach about history, science, and other subjects. – Information: Television provides up-to-date information on current events, weather, and other important news. – Relaxation: Watching television can be a relaxing way to unwind after a long day.

3. Disadvantages of Television: – Health issues: Excessive television watching can lead to health problems such as obesity, eye strain, and sleep disturbances. – Negative influence: Television can have a negative influence on viewers, especially children, by promoting violence, materialism, and unrealistic body images. – Time-wasting: Watching too much television can be a waste of time, preventing people from engaging in more productive activities. – Addiction: Some people become addicted to television, spending hours in front of the screen and neglecting other aspects of their lives.

4. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay and reiterate the importance of balancing the advantages and disadvantages of television. Mention that while television can be a valuable source of entertainment and information, it is important to use it in moderation and be aware of its potential negative effects.

5. Writing tips: – Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively. – Provide examples and evidence to support your arguments. – Structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. – Proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors before submitting it. – Consider the perspectives of different audiences, such as parents, educators, and policymakers, when discussing the advantages and disadvantages of television.

Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television in 10 Lines – Examples

Advantages of Television: 1. Provides entertainment and relaxation for viewers. 2. Offers a wide variety of programming options for different interests. 3. Keeps people informed about current events and news. 4. Can be educational, with documentaries and informative programs. 5. Helps to bring families together for shared viewing experiences. 6. Can be a source of inspiration and creativity through movies and shows. 7. Provides a platform for advertising and promoting products and services. 8. Offers a way to escape from reality and immerse oneself in a different world. 9. Can be a source of comfort and companionship for those who live alone. 10. Can serve as a tool for social change and raising awareness about important issues.

Disadvantages of Television: 1. Can be a time-waster, leading to decreased productivity and lack of physical activity. 2. Can promote unhealthy habits, such as excessive screen time and poor eating habits. 3. Can perpetuate stereotypes and unrealistic expectations through portrayals of certain groups. 4. Can desensitize viewers to violence and negative behaviors through graphic content. 5. Can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and health problems like obesity. 6. Can be addictive, leading to dependency on television for entertainment. 7. Can create a disconnect from reality and real-life interactions. 8. Can be a source of misinformation and biased reporting in news programs. 9. Can contribute to social isolation and loneliness, especially if used excessively. 10. Can be a distraction from more meaningful activities and relationships.

Sample Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television in 100-180 Words

Television is a powerful medium that provides entertainment, information, and education to millions of people around the world. One of the main advantages of television is its ability to bring people together and create a sense of community. It allows us to stay informed about current events, watch our favorite shows, and learn new things from documentaries and educational programs.

However, television also has its disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks is the negative impact it can have on our health. Excessive television watching has been linked to obesity, poor eyesight, and a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, the content shown on television can sometimes be inappropriate or harmful, especially for young children.

In conclusion, while television has its benefits, it is important to use it in moderation and be mindful of the content we are consuming. By being selective about what we watch and how much time we spend in front of the screen, we can enjoy the advantages of television while minimizing its disadvantages.

Short Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television in 200-500 Words

Television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, with millions of people tuning in to watch their favorite shows and movies every day. While television has many advantages, such as providing entertainment and information, it also has its disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of television is that it provides a source of entertainment for people of all ages. There are countless channels and shows to choose from, catering to a wide range of interests and preferences. Whether you enjoy watching sports, news, reality TV, or dramas, there is something for everyone on television. This can help people relax and unwind after a long day, and can also bring families together as they watch their favorite shows together.

Television is also a valuable source of information. News channels provide up-to-date information on current events, allowing viewers to stay informed about what is happening in the world. Educational programs can also help viewers learn new things and expand their knowledge on a variety of topics. This can be especially beneficial for children, as educational shows can help them learn about history, science, and other subjects in a fun and engaging way.

However, television also has its disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks of television is that it can be a time-consuming and addictive form of entertainment. Many people spend hours in front of the TV every day, which can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and health problems such as obesity and eye strain. Additionally, excessive television watching can also have a negative impact on social relationships, as people may spend less time interacting with others in person.

Another disadvantage of television is the impact it can have on mental health. Some studies have shown that excessive television watching can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. This is often due to the unrealistic portrayals of life and relationships on TV, which can create unrealistic expectations and feelings of inadequacy in viewers.

In conclusion, television has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can provide entertainment and information, it can also be a time-consuming and addictive form of entertainment that can have negative effects on mental and physical health. It is important for viewers to strike a balance and limit their television watching to ensure that they are getting the most out of this form of entertainment while also taking care of their overall well-being.

Essay on Advantage And Disadvantage of Television in 1000-1500 Words

Television is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world today. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with news, information, and entertainment. However, like any other technology, television also has its advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of television.

Advantages of Television:

1. Information and Education: One of the biggest advantages of television is that it provides us with a wealth of information and education. Television programs cover a wide range of topics, from news and current events to science and history. Educational programs on television can help children learn new things and improve their knowledge in various subjects.

2. Entertainment: Television is a great source of entertainment for people of all ages. There are countless channels and programs to choose from, ranging from sitcoms and dramas to reality shows and documentaries. Television can help us relax and unwind after a long day, providing us with a much-needed escape from the stresses of everyday life.

3. Communication: Television plays a crucial role in communication, bringing people together and fostering a sense of community. News programs keep us informed about important events happening around the world, while talk shows and interviews allow us to hear different perspectives and engage in meaningful discussions.

4. Advertising: Television is a powerful medium for advertising products and services. Companies can reach a large audience through television commercials, promoting their brand and increasing sales. Television advertising can help businesses attract new customers and build brand awareness.

5. Cultural Exchange: Television allows us to learn about different cultures and traditions from around the world. Through documentaries and travel shows, we can explore new places and gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures. Television can help promote tolerance and understanding among people of different backgrounds.

Disadvantages of Television:

1. Time Wasting: One of the biggest disadvantages of television is that it can be a major time-waster. Many people spend hours in front of the TV, watching mindless programs that offer little educational or informational value. Excessive television watching can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and contribute to health problems such as obesity and poor eyesight.

2. Negative Influence: Television can have a negative influence on viewers, especially children. Violent and inappropriate content on television can desensitize viewers to violence and lead to aggressive behavior. In addition, unrealistic portrayals of beauty and body image on television can contribute to low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction among viewers.

3. Addiction: Television addiction is a real problem for many people, who find it difficult to turn off the TV and engage in other activities. Excessive television watching can interfere with work, school, and relationships, leading to social isolation and other negative consequences. It is important to set limits on television viewing and prioritize other activities in life.

4. Distraction: Television can be a major distraction, preventing people from focusing on important tasks and responsibilities. Many people find it difficult to concentrate on work or study when the TV is on in the background, leading to decreased productivity and performance. It is important to create a distraction-free environment when working or studying.

5. Health Risks: Excessive television watching can have negative effects on physical and mental health. Prolonged sitting in front of the TV can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. In addition, excessive exposure to bright screens can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns. It is important to take breaks from television watching and engage in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, television has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can provide us with information, education, and entertainment, it can also be a major time-waster and have negative effects on our health and well-being. It is important to use television in moderation and be mindful of the content we consume. By being selective about what we watch and setting limits on television viewing, we can enjoy the benefits of television while minimizing its drawbacks.

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Essay on Television Impact

Students are often asked to write an essay on Television Impact in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Television Impact

Effects of television.

Television has become an integral part of modern life. It has the power to inform, entertain, and even educate. While television can be a positive force in our lives, it can also have negative consequences.

Positive Impacts

One of the positive impacts of television is that it can keep us informed about current events. News programs, documentaries, and talk shows can provide us with information about what is happening in the world around us. Television can also be a source of entertainment. Comedies, dramas, and reality shows can provide us with a way to relax and escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Negative Impacts

However, television can also have negative consequences. One of the biggest concerns is that television can lead to obesity and other health problems. Studies have shown that people who watch a lot of television are more likely to be overweight or obese. Television can also be addictive. People who spend a lot of time watching television may find it difficult to tear themselves away from the screen, even when they know they should be doing something else.

In conclusion, television can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives. It is important to be aware of both the benefits and the risks of television so that we can make informed choices about how we use it.

250 Words Essay on Television Impact

Television impact on entertainment, television impact on education.

Television can also be used as a tool for education. There are many educational channels that offer programs on various subjects, such as science, history, and math. These programs can be a great way for children to learn new things and supplement their schoolwork.

Television Impact on Health and Fitness

Television can promote health-related information and encourage people to live healthy lives. Television programs can provide tips on healthy eating, exercising, and managing stress. Some channels are dedicated to fitness and health, offering a variety of workout programs and healthy recipes.

Television Impact on Social and Political Views

Television can influence people’s social and political views. The way in which news and current events are presented can shape public opinion. Documentaries and talk shows can also influence how people think about different social and political issues.

Television is a powerful medium that has a significant impact on society. It can educate, entertain, and inform. It can also influence people’s social and political views. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the positive and negative effects of television and to use it wisely.

500 Words Essay on Television Impact

Television: its impact on society.

Television is a powerful medium of communication that has permeated almost every household. However, the effects of television on society are still a subject of debate. While it offers educational and entertainment benefits, the potential negative impacts are undeniable.

Positive Effects of Television

Entertainment and Relaxation: Television provides a source of entertainment and relaxation after a long day or during leisure time. It offers a wide variety of shows, including comedies, dramas, reality shows, and sports, that cater to diverse tastes. Watching television can help alleviate stress and provide a sense of escapism.

News and Information: Television keeps people informed about current events and allows them to stay connected with the world. News programs and documentaries provide information on political, economic, and social issues, enabling viewers to form opinions and engage in discussions.

Negative Effects of Television

Unrealistic Portrayals: The media can often portray unrealistic standards of beauty, body image, and lifestyle, which can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and eating disorders. Exposure to violence and negative content can also desensitize viewers and contribute to aggressive behavior.

Advertising: Television commercials bombard viewers with messages that promote consumerism and materialism. While advertising can provide information about products and services, it can also manipulate consumers into making impulsive purchases and create a sense of dissatisfaction with what they have.

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