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College Application Essay Format Rules

admission essay pdf

The college application essay has become the most important part of applying to college. In this article, we will go over the  best college essay format for getting into top schools, including how to structure the elements of a college admissions essay: margins, font, paragraphs, spacing, headers, and organization. 

We will focus on commonly asked questions about the best college essay structure. Finally, we will go over essay formatting tips and examples.

Table of Contents

  • General college essay formatting rules
  • How to format a college admissions essay
  • Sections of a college admissions essay
  • College application essay format examples

General College Essay Format Rules

Before talking about how to format your college admission essays, we need to talk about general college essay formatting rules.

Pay attention to word count

It has been well-established that the most important rule of college application essays is to  not go over the specific Application Essay word limit .  The word limit for the Common Application essay is typically 500-650 words.

Not only may it be impossible to go over the word count (in the case of the  Common Application essay , which uses text fields), but admissions officers often use software that will throw out any essay that breaks this rule. Following directions is a key indicator of being a successful student. 

Refocusing on the essay prompt and eliminating unnecessary adverbs, filler words, and prepositional phrases will help improve your essay.

On the other hand, it is advisable to use almost every available word. The college essay application field is very competitive, so leaving extra words on the table puts you at a disadvantage. Include an example or anecdote near the end of your essay to meet the total word count.

Do not write a wall of text: use paragraphs

Here is a brutal truth:  College admissions counselors only read the application essays that help them make a decision .  Otherwise, they will not read the essay at all. The problem is that you do not know whether the rest of your application (transcripts, academic record, awards, etc.) will be competitive enough to get you accepted.

A very simple writing rule for your application essay (and for essay editing of any type) is to  make your writing readable by adding line breaks and separate paragraphs.

Line breaks do not count toward word count, so they are a very easy way to organize your essay structure, ideas, and topics. Remember, college counselors, if you’re lucky, will spend 30 sec to 1 minute reading your essay. Give them every opportunity to understand your writing.

Do not include an essay title 

Unless specifically required, do not use a title for your personal statement or essay. This is a waste of your word limit and is redundant since the essay prompt itself serves as the title.

Never use overly casual, colloquial, or text message-based formatting like this: 

THIS IS A REALLY IMPORTANT POINT!. #collegeapplication #collegeessay.

Under no circumstances should you use emojis, all caps, symbols, hashtags, or slang in a college essay. Although technology, texting, and social media are continuing to transform how we use modern language (what a great topic for a college application essay!), admissions officers will view the use of these casual formatting elements as immature and inappropriate for such an important document.

How To Format A College Application Essay

There are many  tips for writing college admissions essays . How you upload your college application essay depends on whether you will be cutting and pasting your essay into a text box in an online application form or attaching a formatted document.

Save and upload your college essay in the proper format

Check the application instructions if you’re not sure what you need to do. Currently, the Common Application requires you to copy and paste your essay into a text box.

There are three main formats when it comes to submitting your college essay or personal statement:

If submitting your application essay in a text box

For the Common Application, there is no need to attach a document since there is a dedicated input field. You still want to write your essay in a word processor or Google doc. Just make sure once you copy-paste your essay into the text box that your line breaks (paragraphs), indents, and formatting is retained. 

  • Formatting like  bold , underline, and  italics  are often lost when copy-pasting into a text box.
  • Double-check that you are under the word limit.  Word counts may be different within the text box .
  • Make sure that paragraphs and spacing are maintained;  text input fields often undo indents and double-spacing .
  • If possible, make sure the font is standardized.  Text input boxes usually allow just one font . 

If submitting your application essay as a document

When attaching a document, you must do more than just double-check the format of your admissions essay. You need to be proactive and make sure the structure is logical and will be attractive to readers.

Microsoft Word (.DOC) format

If you are submitting your application essay as a file upload, then you will likely submit a .doc or .docx file. The downside is that MS Word files are editable, and there are sometimes conflicts between different MS Word versions (2010 vs 2016 vs Office365). The upside is that Word can be opened by almost any text program.

This is a safe choice if maintaining the  visual  elements of your essay is important. Saving your essay as a PDF prevents any formatting issues that come with Microsoft Word, since older versions are sometimes incompatible with the newer formatting. 

Although PDF viewing programs are commonly available, many older readers and Internet users (who will be your admissions officers) may not be ready to view PDFs.

  • Use 1-inch margins . This is the default setting for Microsoft Word. However, students from Asia using programs like Hangul Word Processor will need to double-check.
  • Use a standard serif font.  These include Times New Roman, Courier, and Garamond. A serif font adds professionalism to your essay.
  • Use standard 12-font size. 
  • Use 1.5- or double-spacing.  Your application essay should be readable. Double spaces are not an issue as the essay should already fit on one page.
  • Add a Header  with your First Name, Last Name, university, and other required information.
  • Clearly   separate your paragraphs.  By default, just press ‘ENTER’ twice.

Sections Of A College Admissions Essay

University admissions protocols usually allow you to choose the format and style of your writing. Despite this, the general format of “Introduction-Body-Conclusion” is the most common structure. This is a common format you can use and adjust to your specific writing style.

College Application Essay Introduction

Typically, your first paragraph should introduce you or the topic that you will discuss. You must have a killer opener if you want the admissions committees to pay attention. 

Essays that use rhetorical tools, factual statements, dialog, etc. are encouraged. There is room to be creative since many application essays specifically focus on past learning experiences.

College Application Essay Body

Clearly answering the essay prompt is the most important part of the essay body. Keep reading over the prompt and making sure everything in the body supports it. 

Since personal statement essays are designed to show you are as a person and student, the essay body is also where you talk about your experiences and identity.

Make sure you include the following life experiences and how they relate to the essay prompt. Be sure to double-check that they relate back to the essay prompt. A college admissions essay is NOT an autobiography:

Personal challenges

  • How did you overcome them?
  • How or how much do past challenges define your current outlook or worldview? 
  • What did you learn about yourself when you failed?

Personal achievements and successes

  • What people helped you along the way?
  • What did you learn about the nature of success

Lessons learned

  • In general, did your experiences inform your choice of university or major?

Personal beliefs

  • Politics, philosophy, and religion may be included here, but be careful when discussing sensitive personal or political topics. 
  • Academic goals
  • Personal goals
  • Professional goals
  • How will attending the university help you achieve these goals?

College Application Essay Conclusion

The conclusion section is a call to action directly aimed at the admissions officers. You must demonstrate why you are a great fit for the university, which means you should refer to specific programs, majors, or professors that guided or inspired you. 

In this “why this school” part of the essay, you can also explain why the university is a great fit for  your  goals. Be straightforward and truthful, but express your interest in the school boldly.

common app essay format, essay sections 1

College Application Essay Format Examples

Here are several formatting examples of successful college admission essays, along with comments from the essay editor.

Note: Actual sample essays edited by  Wordvice professional editors .  Personal info has been redacted for privacy. This is not a college essay template.

College Admission Essay Example 1

This essay asks the student to write about how normal life experiences can have huge effects on personal growth:

Common App Essay Prompt: Thoughtful Rides

The Florida turnpike is a very redundant and plain expressway; we do not have the scenic luxury of mountains, forests, or even deserts stretching endlessly into the distance. Instead, we are blessed with repetitive fields of grazing cows and countless billboards advertising local businesses. I have been subjected to these monotonous views three times a week, driving two hours every other day to Sunrise and back to my house in Miami, Florida—all to practice for my competitive soccer team in hopes of receiving a scholarship to play soccer at the next level. 

The Introduction sets up a clear, visceral memory and communicates a key extracurricular activity. 

When I first began these mini road trips, I would jam out to my country playlist and sing along with my favorite artists, and the trek would seem relatively short. However, after listening to “Beautiful Crazy” by Luke Combs for the 48th time in a week, the song became as repetitive as the landscape I was driving through. Changing genres did not help much either; everything I played seemed to morph into the same brain-numbing sound.  Eventually, I decided to do what many peers in my generation fail to do: turn off the distractions, enjoy the silence, and immerse myself in my own thoughts. In the end, this seemingly simple decision led to a lot of personal growth and tranquility in my life. 

The first part of the Body connects the student’s past experience with the essay prompt: personal growth and challenging assumptions.

Although I did not fully realize it at the time, these rides were the perfect opportunity to reflect on myself and the people around me. I quickly began noticing the different personalities surrounding me in the flow of traffic, and this simple act of noticing reminded me that I was not the only human on this planet that mattered. I was just as unimportant as the woman sitting in the car next to mine. Conversely, I also came to appreciate how a gesture as simple as letting another driver merge into your lane can impact a stranger’s day. Maybe the other driver is late for a work interview or rushing to the hospital because their newborn is running a high fever and by allowing them to advance in the row of cars, you made their day just a little less stressful. I realized that if I could improve someone else’s day from my car,  I could definitely be a kinder person and take other people’s situations into consideration—because you never know if someone is having one of the worst days of their lives and their interaction with you could provide the motivation they need to keep going on . 

This part uses two examples to support the writer’s answer to the essay prompt. It ends the paragraph with a clear statement.

Realizing I was not the only being in the universe that mattered was not the only insight I attained during these drives. Over and over, I asked myself why I had chosen to change soccer clubs, leaving Pinecrest, the team I had played on for 8 years with my best friends and that was only a 10-minute drive from my house, to play for a completely unfamiliar team that required significantly more travel.  Eventually, I came to understand that I truly enjoy challenging myself and pushing past complacency . One of my main goals in life is to play and experience college soccer—that, and to eventually pursue a career as a doctor. Ultimately, leaving my comfort zone in Pinecrest, where mediocrity was celebrated, to join a team in Sunrise, where championships were expected and college offers were abundant, was a very positive decision in my life. 

This part clearly tells how the experience shaped the writer as a person. The student’s personality can be directly attributed to this memory. It also importantly states personal and academic goals.

Even if I do not end up playing college soccer, I know now that I will never back down from any challenge in my life; I am committed to pushing myself past my comfort zone. These car rides have given me insight into how strong I truly am and how much impact I can have on other people’s lives. 

The Conclusion restates the overall lesson learned.

College Admission Essay Example 2

The next essay asks the reader to use leadership roles or extracurricular activities and describe the experience, contribution, and what the student learned about themselves.

As I release the air from the blood-pressure monitor’s valve, I carefully track the gauge, listening for the faint “lub-dub” of  Winnie’s heart. Checking off the “hypertensive” box on his medical chart when reading 150/95, I then escort Winnie to the blood sugar station. This was the typical procedure of a volunteer at the UConn Migrant Farm Worker Clinic. Our traveling medical clinic operated at night, visiting various Connecticut farms to provide healthcare for migrant workers. Filling out charts, taking blood pressure, and recording BMI were all standard procedures, but the relationships I built with farmers such as Winnie impacted me the most.

This Introduction is very impactful. It highlights the student’s professional expertise as a healthcare worker and her impact on marginalized communities. It also is written in the present tense to add impact.

While the clinic was canceled this year due to COVID-19, I still wanted to do something for them. During a PPE-drive meeting this July, Winnie recounted his family history. I noticed his eyebrows furrow with anxiety as he spoke about his family’s safety in Tierra Blanca, Mexico. I realized that Winnie lacked substantial information about his hometown, and fear-mongering headlines did nothing to assuage his fears. After days of searching, I discovered that his hometown, Guanajuato, reported fewer cases of COVID-19 in comparison with surrounding towns. I then created a color-coded map of his town, showing rates across the different districts. Winnie’s eyes softened, marveling at the map I made for him this August. I didn’t need to explain what he saw: Guanajuato, his home state, was pale yellow, the color I chose to mark the lowest level of cases. By making this map, I didn’t intend to give him new hope; I wanted to show him where hope was.

The student continues to tell the powerful story of one of her patients. This humbles and empowers the student, motivating her in the next paragraph.

This interaction fueled my commitment to search for hope in my journey of becoming a public health official. Working in public health policy, I hope to tackle complex world problems, such as economic and social barriers to healthcare and find creative methods of improving outcomes in queer and Latinx communities. I want to study the present and potential future intervention strategies in minority communities for addressing language barriers to information including language on posters and gendered language, and for instituting social and support services for community youth. These stepping stones will hopefully prepare me for conducting professional research for the Medical Organization for Latino Advancement. I aspire to be an active proponent of healthcare access and equity for marginalized groups, including queer communities. I first learned about the importance of recognizing minority identities in healthcare through my bisexual sister, Sophie, and her nonbinary friend, Gilligan. During discussions with her friends, I realized the importance of validating diverse gender expressions in all facets of my life.

Here, the past experience is directly connected to future academic and professional goals, which themselves are motivated by a desire to increase access among communities as well as personal family experiences. This is a strong case for why personal identity is so important.

My experiences with Winnie and my sister have empowered me to be creative, thoughtful, and brave while challenging the assumptions currently embedded in the “visual vocabulary” of both the art and science fields. I envision myself deconstructing hegemonic ideas of masculinity and femininity and surmounting the limitations of traditional perceptions of male and female bodies as it relates to existing healthcare practices. Through these subtle changes, I aim to make a large impact.

The Conclusion positions the student as an impactful leader and visionary. This is a powerful case for the admissions board to consider.

If you want to read more college admissions essay examples, check out our articles about  successful college personal statements  and the  2021-2022 Common App prompts and example essays .

Wordvice offers a full suite of proofreading and editing services . If you are a student applying to college and are having trouble with the best college admissions essay format, check out our application essay editing services  (including personal statement editing ) and find out  how much online proofreading costs . 

Finally, don’t forget to receive common app essay editing and professional admissions editing for any other admissions documents for college, university, and post-doctoral programs.

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College Essay Format & Structure | Example Outlines

Published on September 24, 2021 by Meredith Testa . Revised on May 31, 2023.

There are no set rules for how to structure a college application essay, but you should carefully plan and outline to make sure your essay flows smoothly and logically.

Typical structural choices include

  • a series of vignettes with a common theme
  • a single story that demonstrates your positive qualities

Table of contents

Formatting your essay, outlining the essay, structures that work: two example outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

You should keep the formatting as simple as possible. Admissions officers need to work very quickly, so fancy formatting, unnecessary flourishes, and unique fonts will come off as more distracting than individual. Keep in mind that, if you’re pasting your essay into a text box, formatting like italics may not transfer.

Your essay will be easier for admissions officers to read if it is 1.5- or double-spaced. If you choose to attach a file, ensure that it is a PDF.

You don’t need a title for your essay, but you can include one, especially if you think it will add something important.

Most importantly, ensure that you stick to the word count. Most successful essays are 500–600 words. Because you’re limited in length, make sure that you write concisely . Say everything that you need to express to get your point across, but don’t use more words than necessary, and don’t repeat yourself.

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Once you’ve finished brainstorming topics but before you start writing, think about your writing’s trajectory: how you’ll start the essay , develop it, and end it .

Do you want to organize it chronologically? Would you prefer to make a “sandwich” structure by introducing a topic or idea, moving away from it, and then coming back to it at the end? There’s a variety of options (and a pair of strong examples below), but make sure you consider how you’d like to structure the essay before you start writing.

Although you should organize your thoughts in an outline, you don’t have to stick to it strictly. Once you begin writing, you may find that the structure you’d originally chosen doesn’t quite work. In that case, it’s fine to try something else. Multiple drafts of the same essay are key to a good final product.

Whatever structure you choose, it should be clear and easy to follow, and it should be feasible to keep it within the  word count . Never write in a way that could confuse the reader. Remember, your audience will not be reading your essay closely!

Vignettes with a common theme

The vignette structure discusses several experiences that may seem unrelated, but the author weaves them together and unites them with a common theme.

For example, a student could write an essay exploring various instances of their ability to make the best of bad situations. A rough outline for that essay might look like this:

  • In a rehearsal for a school play when a lighting fixture malfunctioned and the set caught fire, I helped extinguish it.
  • To help the situation, I improvised fixes for the set and talked with the director about adding lines referencing the “disaster.”
  • I didn’t get into my first-choice high school, but I became class president at the school where I ended up.
  • When I had ACL surgery, I used the downtime to work on my upper body strength and challenged my friends to pull-up contests.
  • How these qualities will serve me in college and in my career

Single story that demonstrates traits

The narrative structure focuses on a single overarching story that shows many aspects of a student’s character.

Some such essays focus on a relatively short event that the author details moment by moment, while others discuss the story of a longer journey, one that may cover months or years.

For example, a student might discuss trying out for a sports team as a middle schooler, high school freshman, and high school senior, using each of those instances to describe an aspect of their personality. A rough outline for that essay might look like this:

  • Confident, there to have fun
  • Very passionate and in love with the sport
  • Little sister was born that day, so I had to go alone with a friend’s parents
  • Learned to be independent and less self-centered
  • Realized that as much as I love gymnastics, there are more important things
  • Gave up first homecoming of high school, had to quit other activities, lost countless hours with friends
  • I had to repeat level 9 and didn’t progress quickly
  • I had a terrible beam routine at one competition the previous year and still had a mental block
  • I got stuck on some skills, and it took over a year to learn them
  • Passion from age 7, perspective from age 11, diligence from age 15

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

There are no set rules for how to structure a college application essay , but these are two common structures that work:

  • A montage structure, a series of vignettes with a common theme.
  • A narrative structure, a single story that shows your personal growth or how you overcame a challenge.

Avoid the five-paragraph essay structure that you learned in high school.

Your college essay’s format should be as simple as possible:

  • Use a standard, readable font
  • Use 1.5 or double spacing
  • If attaching a file, save it as a PDF
  • Stick to the word count
  • Avoid unusual formatting and unnecessary decorative touches

You don’t need a title for your college admissions essay , but you can include one if you think it adds something important.

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Testa, M. (2023, May 31). College Essay Format & Structure | Example Outlines. Scribbr. Retrieved August 20, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/format-outline-structure/

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Student story: admissions essay about a past mistake, how to write a college application essay, tips for writing an effective application essay, sample college essay 1 with feedback, sample college essay 2 with feedback.

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How to Format A College Essay: 15 Expert Tips

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College Essays


When you're applying to college, even small decisions can feel high-stakes. This is especially true for the college essay, which often feels like the most personal part of the application. You may agonize over your college application essay format: the font, the margins, even the file format. Or maybe you're agonizing over how to organize your thoughts overall. Should you use a narrative structure? Five paragraphs?

In this comprehensive guide, we'll go over the ins and outs of how to format a college essay on both the micro and macro levels. We'll discuss minor formatting issues like headings and fonts, then discuss broad formatting concerns like whether or not to use a five-paragraph essay, and if you should use a college essay template.

How to Format a College Essay: Font, Margins, Etc.

Some of your formatting concerns will depend on whether you will be cutting and pasting your essay into a text box on an online application form or attaching a formatted document. If you aren't sure which you'll need to do, check the application instructions. Note that the Common Application does currently require you to copy and paste your essay into a text box.

Most schools also allow you to send in a paper application, which theoretically gives you increased control over your essay formatting. However, I generally don't advise sending in a paper application (unless you have no other option) for a couple of reasons:

Most schools state that they prefer to receive online applications. While it typically won't affect your chances of admission, it is wise to comply with institutional preferences in the college application process where possible. It tends to make the whole process go much more smoothly.

Paper applications can get lost in the mail. Certainly there can also be problems with online applications, but you'll be aware of the problem much sooner than if your paper application gets diverted somehow and then mailed back to you. By contrast, online applications let you be confident that your materials were received.

Regardless of how you will end up submitting your essay, you should draft it in a word processor. This will help you keep track of word count, let you use spell check, and so on.

Next, I'll go over some of the concerns you might have about the correct college essay application format, whether you're copying and pasting into a text box or attaching a document, plus a few tips that apply either way.


If You'll Be Copy-and-Pasting Into a Text Box:

First, check that your whole essay transferred over and wasn't cut off!

Word counts can get messed up by wonky formatting or be counted differently in the text box, so be aware that you may need to make slight adjustments there.

When you copy and paste, you may lose formatting like bold or italics. Sometimes bold and italics also just won't work in the text box, so you may be better off just not using them.

Your paragraph spacing may get messed up when you copy and paste your essay over. So make sure that all of your paragraphs are clearly delineated, either through tabs or through a skipped line if tabbing doesn't work.

Font will probably be standardized, but if it's not, choose a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial (you'll probably have limited options anyways) and a normal size (12 pt).

If You're Attaching a Document:

Use one-inch margins all around. This is standard and easy to read.

While single-spaced essays are usually acceptable, your essay will be easier to read if it's 1.5 or double-spaced.

Clearly delineate your paragraphs. A single tab at the beginning is fine.

Use a font that's easy to read, like Times, Arial, Calibri, Cambria, etc. Avoid fonts like Papyrus and Curlz. And use 12 pt font.

You may want to include a college essay heading with a page number and your application ID. Don't include your name unless it's specifically requested.

Oftentimes, you'll need to submit your college essay in a specific file format. The application may only accept certain versions of Word files (i.e. only .doc and not .docx), .rtf or .pdf files. So just be sure that you are saving your file in an accepted format before you upload it! I recommend .pdf files whenever possible, because they are uneditable and always look the same.

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Formatting Guidelines That Apply No Matter How You End Up Submitting the Essay:

Unless it's specifically requested, you don't need a title. It will just eat into your word count.

Avoid cutesy, overly colloquial formatting choices like ALL CAPS or ~unnecessary symbols~ or, heaven forbid, emoji and #hashtags. Your college essay should be professional, and anything too cutesy or casual will come off as immature.


Mmm, delicious essay...I mean sandwich.

Why College Essay Templates Are a Bad Idea

You might see college essay templates online that offer guidelines on how to structure your essay and what to say in each paragraph. I strongly advise against using a template. It will make your essay sound canned and bland—two of the worst things a college essay can be. It's much better to think about what you want to say, and then talk through how to best structure it with someone else and/or make your own practice outlines before you sit down to write.

You can also find tons of successful sample essays online. Looking at these to get an idea of different styles and topics is fine, but again, I don't advise closely patterning your essay after a sample essay. You will do the best if your essay really reflects your own original voice and the experiences that are most meaningful to you.

College Application Essay Format: Key Takeaways

There are two levels of formatting you might be worried about: the micro (fonts, headings, margins, etc) and the macro (the overall structure of your essay).

Tips for the micro level of your college application essay format:

  • Always draft your essay in a word processing software, even if you'll be copy-and-pasting it over into a text box.
  • If you are copy-and-pasting it into a text box, make sure your formatting transfers properly, your paragraphs are clearly delineated, and your essay isn't cut off.
  • If you are attaching a document, make sure your font is easily readable, your margins are standard 1-inch, your essay is 1.5 or double-spaced, and your file format is compatible with the application specs.
  • There's no need for a title unless otherwise specified—it will just eat into your word count.

Tips for the macro level of your college application essay format :

  • There is no super-secret college essay format that will guarantee success.
  • In terms of structure, it's most important that you have an introduction that makes it clear where you're going and a conclusion that wraps up with a main point. For the middle of your essay, you have lots of freedom, just so long as it flows logically!
  • I advise against using an essay template, as it will make your essay sound stilted and unoriginal.


Plus, if you use a college essay template, how will you get rid of these medieval weirdos?

What's Next?

Still feeling lost? Check out our total guide to the personal statement , or see our step-by-step guide to writing the perfect essay .

If you're not sure where to start, consider these tips for attention-grabbing first sentences to college essays!

And be sure to avoid these 10 college essay mistakes .

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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College essay essentials : a step-by-step guide to writing a successful college admission essay

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College Essay

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Most universities screen their potential students during admissions. In this academic process, candidates are not only expected to send their application for ms , answer entrance examinations and show up during scheduled interviews. Upcoming college students may also be asked to write a college essay as a part of their initial requirements.

Writing a college essay is a way for students to present themselves or even their ideas in a unique manner. There are different forms and types of college essays which depend on the regulations followed by the school where you would like to be accepted for enrollment. Before you start writing your college essay, you may want to view the essay examples  that we have listed for you, so you can have more idea on what to put in the college essay that you will create.

College Essay Outline Template

College Essay Outline Template

  • Google Docs

Size: 91.5 KB

College Narrative Essay Template

College Narrative Essay Template

Size: 30.5 KB

Research Paper For College Essay Template

Research Paper For College Essay Template

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Narrative Essay Outline For College Template

Narrative Essay Outline For College Template

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College Admission Essay Example


Size: 50 KB

Law School College Essay Sample


Size: 137 KB

Reminders When Writing a College Essay

A college essay can help your bid for enrollment be realized. There are universities that only accept a specific number of students per school year, and your college essay might just be that document which can help you be noticed by your school of choice. Before you even start writing the content of your college essay, there are some essay writing basic guide that you should always keep in mind. As an applicant, you need to ensure that you are aware of the following:

  • It is very important for you to read and follow college essay writing  instructions.  Some applicants tend to be overwhelmed by the admission processes of universities. There are also some who think that they are fit candidates and are sure to get a spot for enrollment. These instances can lead to rush decisions like writing a college essay right away without reading the instructions that are created by the academic institution. Creating a great college essay can lose its purpose if the content of what you have written is not what the university is asking for.
  • The content of your college essay should be different from that in your application form . A lot of college essays ask candidates to share something about themselves. A common mistake that candidates do is that they repeat basic information about them which are already found in the application form. You have to utilize and maximize the usage of all the documents that you will submit. As much as possible, veer away from repeating the items that you have already stated in the other documents that you have created.
  • College essays are different, may it be in terms of topics or structures. Different universities have different ways on how they would like candidates to write a college essay. This will depend on the information that they want to know or the specific kind of candidates that they are looking for. Just because you have already written a college essay for one university does not mean that it can also apply on your next applications.

College Application Essay Example


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Sample College Essay Example


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Tips in Creating the Content of Your College Essay

If you want to create a college essay that works, you need to give importance on the content that you will provide the admissions officer of your target university with. Here are some tips that you may follow when creating the content of your college essay:

  • Always be organized. Your college essay is a reflection of who you are. Maintain organization when presenting yourself so that your discussion can easily be followed by the person who will review your college essay.
  • It will be best if you will brainstorm and thoroughly think of what you will put in the college essay. Not everything that comes to your mind first is helpful for your application. You have to make sure that the information that you will share in your college essay can help you be accepted for enrollment.
  • Create an outline of your desired content. We suggest you to use an outline or a draft that can initially show you the flow of your essay. If you have this tool on hand, you can easily improve specific parts of the essay before finally writing the college essay that you will submit.
  • Write an engaging introduction. With the number of applicants that send their applications each year, it is essential for you to get the attention of the university that you want to be enrolled in. A catchy and appealing introduction can help you engage the people who will review your college essay. If strongly created, the way you start your essay can make your college essay stand out from the others.
  • Provide reasons on why you are one of the best candidates for admissions. When writing a college essay, think of how the school can benefit from you. It is not always about what you can get from the school. You need to present yourself as an asset or an added value so the university can be more convinced to accept you as a student.
  • Know what matters to you and how you would like to be perceived.  If you will keep the content of your college essay both personal and professional, academic institutions can have a perception that you can balance things accordingly which is a sign of great attitude and ethics. Always state information from your own point of view and relay the message in a formal manner.
  • Make the content of your college essay precise, concise and direct to the point. Your college essay should contain information that are relevant to the instruction given to you. If you will include details that can directly hit the needs of the school, then you can easily get the approval that you need to be accepted for enrollment.

Printable College Essay Samples


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Simple College Essay Example


Size: 56 KB

Good College Essay Example


Size: 95 KB

What Not to Do When Writing a College Essay

Aside from the things that you should always keep in mind, there are also some items that you should not do when creating the content of your college essay. Being knowledgeable of the pitfalls of college essay writing can help you come up with a more impressive essay. Listed below are a few  common essay mistakes that you need to avoid when writing your college essay.

  • Creating a lengthy essay without substance. There are college essays with strict word count requirements. In this case, try to hit the minimum words required and ensure that the essay that you will write is packed with relevant information and helpful details. The length of your essay is not what universities look for. More than the words that you can put in your essay, your writing style, and substance are those that are being generally rated.
  • Trying to impress the school too much. Presenting yourself in an outstanding manner is far different from providing too much information that can already be considered as a form of boasting. Know when to stop when listing down your achievements and/or credentials.
  • Using jargon and words that are not commonly used in the field of academics.   As much as possible, write a college essay using simple words. You can easily relay your message if your choice of words are understandable.
  • Pretending to be someone who you are not. Do not lie when writing a college essay. Remember that you will be subjected with a background check before the university finally gives you the signal for enrollment. Always be yourself.

Sample College Admission Essay Example

Sample College Admission Essay

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Sample College Essay Example in PDF


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Personal College Admissions Essay Example


Size: 374 KB

How to Use College Essay Samples

If writing a college essay is unfamiliar territory, then using samples and templates as references can help you a lot. Here are some ways on how you can maximize the usage of college essay samples:

  • Refer to college essay samples but do not copy their content. As discussed above, there are different kinds of college essays. The samples available online may not always be fit for the essay that you are required to write. Referring to college essay samples should only give you an idea of what to write and not what to plagiarize.
  • Look at the structures of different college essay samples. Once you are already familiar with different kinds of content structures and formats, then it will be easier for you to create a college essay from scratch. The content of your college essay can also be more highlighted and given focus with if you can use a structure that is organized and comprehensive.
  • Find inspiration from the best college essay samples. The greatest thing about reviewing college essay samples is that you can get a lot of inspiration on how to create a college essay in different ways. This inspiration can help you be a better writer which can positively affect the kind of college essay that you can come up with.

Do not underestimate the benefits of having a well-formatted and informative college essay. This document may only be a sheet of paper or a digital document but it can greatly affect your college admissions application.

May it be a last minute essay writing or a planned and prepared college essay creation, make sure that you can make the most out of using a college essay by always remembering the guidelines and tips that we have shared with you.


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Write a College Essay about a project or work you are particularly proud of and why.

Describe in a College Essay a travel experience that changed your perspective on the world.

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DHS Implements Keeping Families Together

WASHINGTON —The Department of Homeland Security today announced a  Federal Register notice to implement Keeping Families Together, a process for certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens. This is part of an effort to promote the unity and stability of families, increase the economic prosperity of American communities, strengthen diplomatic relationships with partner countries in the region, reduce strain on limited U.S. government resources, and further national security, public safety, and border security objectives.

“Too often, noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens – many of them mothers and fathers – live with uncertainty due to undue barriers in our immigration system.” said Ur M. Jaddou, Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. “This process to keep U.S. families together will remove these undue barriers for those who would otherwise qualify to live and work lawfully in the U.S., while also creating greater efficiencies in the immigration system, conducting effective screening and vetting, and focusing on noncitizens who contribute to and have longstanding connections within American communities across the country.”

USCIS will immediately begin accepting requests from eligible individuals for this process on Aug. 19, 2024. Individuals must file  Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens , online after creating a myUSCIS account. The filing fee is $580. Fee waiver requests for Form I-131F will not be accepted.

In order to be eligible for consideration, noncitizen spouses of U.S. citizens must:

  • Be present in the United States without admission or parole;
  • Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2014, through the date of filing your request;
  • Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024;
  • Have no disqualifying criminal history and otherwise not deemed to be a threat to public safety, national security, or border security; and
  • Submit biometrics and undergo required background checks and national security and public safety vetting.

Noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens must:

  • Have been under the age of 21 and unmarried on June 17, 2024;
  • Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2024, through the date of filing your request;
  • Have a noncitizen parent who entered into a legally valid marriage with a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024, and before their 18th birthday;

USCIS is committed to program integrity and protection against fraud. Using existing training and practices to identify fraudulent evidence, USCIS will be reviewing submitted evidence supporting the existence of a legally valid marriage. In its consideration of the Form I-131F, USCIS will employ rigorous procedures to detect potential fraud concerns, ensuring that potentially fraudulent marriages will not serve as the basis for a grant of adjustment of status following access to this process.

DHS estimates that 500,000 noncitizen spouses and 50,000 noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens may meet these eligibility criteria. If granted parole, these noncitizen spouses and noncitizen stepchildren of U.S. citizens, if otherwise eligible, could apply for lawful permanent residence without leaving the country.

Keeping Families Together is consistent with longstanding, congressionally supported policies, including a similar process for family members of certain U.S. military personnel and veterans.

USCIS has published additional information on eligibility criteria, the application process, examples of the types of evidence noncitizens must submit to establish eligibility; how to create an online account and file Form I-131F online; and how to avoid scams in this process. You can find more information on the  Keeping Families Together page.

For more information on USCIS and its programs, please visit  uscis.gov  or follow us on   X (formerly Twitter) Instagram , YouTube , Facebook , and LinkedIn .

  • Employment News Paper This Week

HURL Recruitment 2024 for Manager and other Posts: Salary Upto Rs. 220000, Check eligibility

Hurl recruitment 2024: the hindustan urvarak & rasayan limited (hurl) has released notification for recruitment of engineer, manager, senior manager and other posts in employment news august (17-23) 2024.  check notification pdf, eligibility, age limit, selection process, and other details here..

Manish Kumar

HURL Recruitment 2024 Notification

Hurl 2024 important date.

Last date for submission of application August 31, 2024
Cut-off date for calculating Age & Experience June 30, 2024

HURL 2024 Eligibility Criteria


Designation Pay Scale Approx CTC as per Pay scale
Additional Chief Manager  90000-240000 33.50 LPA
Sr. Manager   80000-220000 29.78 LPA
Manager  70000-200000 26.06 LPA
Officer/Engineer  40000-140000 13.92 LPA

How To Apply For HURL Manager 2024

  • Step 1: Visit to the official website https://jobs.hurl.net.in/
  • Step 2: Click on the link HURL recruitment 2024 on the homepage.
  • Step 3: Provide the required details.
  • Step 4: Submit the application form.
  • Step 5: Submit the required documents.
  • Step 6: Please keep the printout of the same for future reference.

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  15. 27 Outstanding College Essay Examples From Top Universities 2024

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  23. PDF Utah Valley University Respiratory Therapy Program Application Information

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  24. DHS Implements Keeping Families Together

    USCIS has published additional information on eligibility criteria, the application process, examples of the types of evidence noncitizens must submit to establish eligibility; how to create an online account and file Form I-131F online; and how to avoid scams in this process. You can find more information on the Keeping Families Together page.

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