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Word Counter

— Count words, check grammar and improve your writing. Learn more

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Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level.

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How many pages is 300 words.

How many pages is 300 words? The answer is close to two-thirds of a page single spaced, and around one and one-third of a page double spaced.

How Many Pages is 750 Words?

A word count of 750 words will equal about 1.5 pages single spaced or 3 pages double spaced.

How Many Pages is 1200 Words?

How many pages is 1200 words? Just a little under 2.5 pages single spaced, and almost 5 pages double spaced.

How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

How many pages is 1000 words? 2 pages single spaced, and 4 pages double spaced.

About Word Counter

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Get started by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content from elsewhere. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

You can also use Word Counter to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). If your text is longer than 360 characters the counter will show you the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages instead; useful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations and other long-form content.

What is Word Counter?

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool that can help you quickly and accurately count the number of words in your text. Suppose you're a student working on a paper, a writer crafting a novel, or a professional preparing a presentation. In that case, we can help ensure you stay within your word limit and keep your text understandable to the audience you are focusing on. You will see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them.

WordCounter has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to paste your text and instantly calculates the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, reading time, reading level, and any other metric to help you achieve your goals. Understanding the text word count holds significance. As a case in point, an author must meet a specific word range for an article, report, story, book, or any writing piece.

In addition to basic word counting, it offers advanced features such as keyword density analysis, readability scores like Reading Level , and the ability to compare texts side-by-side. These tools can help you improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing and ensure you are communicating your ideas clearly and concisely.

Disclaimer: We try to make our tools as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

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Word Counter

Start typing to get a list of keywords that are most used

What is Word Counter?

A word counter is a tool that helps you count the number of words and characters in a document. The online tool also works as a sentence counter and calculates the number of sentences, phrases, and paragraphs in a copy as well. It also works as a character counter tool giving you the total number of characters, including punctuation marks, numbers, symbols, etc. So doing it helps you stay within the character limit of your content. Character count is different from letter count, and one of its most important use cases is for SEO purposes. No matter if you're a digital marketer or a social media manager, it comes in handy when you're writing a page title, a meta description, or any social media post.

For those concerned about the reading time or speaking time for the text you're working on, the tool will also offer you that. Other count statistics related to your content (like average sentence length or average post display length) can be easily calculated based on what it shows. It is also capable of calculating the frequency of a particular word in a document in real-time. For example, the frequency of the word 'word' in this document is 7.22%.

Online Word Counter vs. Word Processors

The job of online word counter tools is similar to that of a word processor. However, word processors are great for writing your articles but do not provide adequate measures to optimize your writing. Word counter has a word frequency counter that helps you measure your article's primary keywords and how to use them better. It also has a sentence counter that lets you understand whether your piece has the correct number of sentences for its length.

For example, if a 1000-word article doesn't have many sentences, the reading can be very complicated and challenging for the audience to understand.

Word Count in Word and Office Suite

The word count offered by Word and Office Suite counts the number of words in your document. It also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters. This essay word counter offered by Word checks the document thoroughly and gives you the number of characters with and without spaces as well. You can check the number of words in your essay on the status bar of your document.

However, the status bar shows the number of words in the entire document. To check the number of words in some lines or paragraphs, you can select them and check the status bar. If you click on the status bar, you will also get information about the lines, paragraphs, and characters.

Word Count in PDF Document

Unlike Word or Office Suite, a PDF document doesn't display the number of words in the status bar. It also doesn't have a menu that lets you see the word count in the PDF files. Therefore, one of the options is to convert the file into a Rich Text Format (RTF) and then count its words.

Another option is to upload the file onto an online word count calculator and calculate the number of words in the document.

Word Count in Google Docs

Google Docs also doesn't have a status bar that shows the number of words in the Google documents. However, you can click on the Tools tab in the Menu bar, under which you will find the word count option. It also allows you to choose the option to show word count all the time while you're writing your article. Unlike the word count checker tool, Google Docs only counts the number of pages, words, characters, and characters without spaces in the document. It doesn't tell you other count metrics like word frequency or the number of sentences.

How to Use the Word Count Tool - Step by Step Guide

The word count tool is an easy online helper that helps you check the number of words in your document and the frequency of specific keywords in them. Here's how you can use the Word Count Tool online to improve your writing productivity.

Open the webpage of the online word count tool.

The page has a text input box to start typing your essay or paste the text from a document on your computer.

Once you have pasted the content or have typed it up in the input box, the count box will display word count, char count, and other count metrics. There is no need to click any count button; the count feature works automatically as you type in or paste your text in the input box. It also has an auto-save feature.

You will also get a short analysis of content consisting of the frequency of all the words in your document. This is useful when you write content for SEO. You will also be able to check the number of sentences and paragraphs or the average reading time of your text.

Finally, you can export the list of the words in .txt or.csv format.

The Word Counter is a helpful tool to make your documents ready to be put up online. Not only do they help you stay under your word limit, but they also help you find the right keywords for your document and use them wisely.

What Is Meant by Word Count?

The term word count means the number of words contained within a document or passage of text. Checking your word count can ensure your text reaches or stays within a certain limit.

There are lots of reasons why a word count may be required for a passage of text, including readability and reliability reasons. Different word counts may be set depending on the audience of the text, its purpose, or both.

For example, a word count for a college essay may be set at 10,000 words to ensure the text contains significant research and is considered a reliable, in-depth paper. Whereas a journalist may have a 1,000-word count target to ensure the text is a short, easy-to-read summary for their target audience.

Professionals, students, authors, journalists, or anyone that needs to write a passage of text will usually find it important to know the word count.

What Is the Word Counter Tool?

The Word Counter Tool is an online website that tells you the word count of a passage of text. The tool instantly counts the number of words and shows you the results. It can be used to make sure your text is of a certain length.

The Word Counter Tool can be used on a computer, laptop, or mobile device.

How Does the Word Counter Work?

The Word Counter Tool works by calculating the total number of words contained within a passage of text in real time.

It will count the words as you write, or it will show you the total number of words within text that you have copied and pasted into the box.

Using the tool, you can check the following information:

  • Unique word count
  • Character count (with and without spaces)
  • Sentence count
  • Paragraph count
  • Reading time

The Word Counter Tool is especially helpful if you are working on a mobile device and need to quickly check your word count.

How to Use the Word Counter

It's easy to check your word count using the Word Counter.

To use the tool, simply:

  • Start typing or copy and paste your text into the box
  • Check your word count

Word Counter

Sentences count, characters count, what is word counter.

Our word counter is a free online tool for effortlessly tallying the word count, character count, and sentence count of any piece of text. Whether you're crafting an essay, drafting an email, or composing a social media post. Paste or type your text into the provided field , and our word counter will instantly generate detailed statistics.

How do I use the word counter?

Using the word counter is easy. Begin by typing or pasting your text into the input field above on this page. Below the input field, you will find three statistics displaying the word count, character count, and sentence count of your text.

How are words counted?

To calculate the number of words within a piece of text, we split the text by spaces and then count each individual word . Our calculation ignores spelling mistakes, grammar, and double spaces.

For example, the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" comprises of 9 words in total.

How are characters counted?

Characters are counted by totalling the number of letters, punctuation marks, and spaces within the text. E.g., "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" has 43 characters altogether.

An additional count for characters without spaces is provided. E.g., "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is 35 characters without spaces in total.

How are sentences counted?

A sentence is any string of text that is separated by either a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark . We treat back-to-back punctuation as a single sentence (e.g., "?!" or "!." is only one sentence).

For example, the sentence "Hello John! How is the weather today?" would count as two sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this word counter free to use.

Yes, our word counter is 100% free to use . We believe everyone should have access to great word tools and, therefore, will not charge for a simple word counter.

Is this tool suitable for academic or professional use?

Absolutely! Our word checker is suitable for various writing tasks , including academic essays, professional documents, translation work, and casual writing.

It can also be used for checking if a piece of text is within the limit for social media networks’ maximum post lengths such as Facebook or X (formerly Twitter).

Can I use the word counter on any device?

Yes. The word counter is accessible on any device , from desktops to tablets and mobiles. You will need an internet connection to initially load the page.

Do we store inputted text?

No. We understand that you may want to use our word counter for checking personal and private pieces of text. Therefore, we do not store any input text entered into our word counter.

Whilst we do not store the text you input on this page, we do collect standard analytical events on this page, such as page views and interactions, in line with our privacy policy .

Is there a limit on the maximum length I can enter?

No, we set no hard limit on the maximum length of your input. However, please allow the tool additional computational time for larger pieces of text.

Word Counter

The Word Counter tool allows you to quickly and accurately count the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in your text. This tool is perfect for writers, students, and professionals who need to meet specific word count requirements for essays, reports, articles, or any other written content. The process is straightforward, providing detailed statistics about your text to help you stay on track.

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Efficient word counter: track your text's length & enhance writing quality.

Need to nail the perfect word count for your essay, blog post, or tweet? A word counter is the swift solution to your writing challenges. This indispensable tool not only provides immediate word and character counts but also helps refine your content for clarity and impact, essential whether you’re meeting strict character limits on Twitter or aiming for SEO-friendly article lengths.

Key Takeaways

Word counters are more than just a tally; they guide pacing, content optimization, and SEO, ideal for a variety of writing contexts like academic essays, social media, and blog posts.

Word count affects readability and user engagement; long-form blog posts are favored, and for social media, fitting key messages within platform-specific limits is crucial.

Beyond word count, editing for efficiency, avoiding redundancy, and enhancing writing style are key to impactful writing; auxiliary tools like plagiarism checkers and proofreading software further refine content quality.

Unlocking the Power of Word Count

Illustration of a word count tool with a magnifying glass analyzing text

Word count is the heartbeat of your content, dictating its length and scope. It’s not just about hitting a target; it’s about pacing your narrative, balancing detail with brevity, and making every word count. Whether you’re a researcher stretching your thesis to meet a minimum word count or a student trying to squeeze your thoughts into an essay limit, word count can be a tricky balancing act.

But what if we told you there’s a secret weapon to help you tackle this challenge? Enter the word counter tool, a digital ally that provides vital metrics like word and character count, readability, and keyword suggestions. From setting daily writing goals to aligning your content with community or competitive standards, these tools can be your roadmap to successful writing.

So, the next time you’re aiming for that sweet spot of about 500 words per page, let a free online word counter guide you, or try using a free word counter for a quick and easy solution.

The Essentials of Word Counting

So, what exactly does an online word counter tool do? It’s simple yet super powerful. At its core, it tallies the total number of:

characters with or without spaces

in your text.

And the best part? These tools are designed for ease of use. You can either type directly into the tool or copy-paste your text from word processors or online platforms like Microsoft Word or Google Documents. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always ready to count words and characters for you!

Beyond Just Counting Words

But wait, there’s more to word counters than just counting words and characters. These tools go beyond the basics, offering a wealth of insights to enhance your writing. For instance, they can provide measures such as words per sentence, syllables per word, and letters per word. In comparison to other word counters, some may even offer additional features to further improve your writing skills.

Some advanced word counter tools even offer features like readability scores and tone of voice assessments to gauge text quality. Imagine knowing the exact number of sentences in your text or having a comprehensive breakdown of your word, paragraph, sentence, and character counts at your fingertips. Yes, that’s the power of a robust word counter tool!

Crafting Perfect Social Media Posts with Word Limits

Cartoon depiction of social media icons with word and character limits

In the world of social media, word count plays a crucial role too. Every platform, from Twitter to Google Ads, has specific word and character limits. This means your content needs to be tailored to fit these constraints. But how do you craft a captivating story in just 280 characters or sell a product within a 30-word limit?

That’s where online word counter tools come in. They offer suggestions for optimal content length on different platforms, helping your posts stand out and engage your audience. So, whether you’re a social media specialist refining content for maximum impact or a newbie trying to get your tweets just right, a word counter tool can be your secret weapon.

Character Counts for Precision Writing

We’ve talked about counting words, but what about characters? Characters represent numbers, symbols, and letters that form words, phrases, and sentences. The character count includes all the characters in your text, such as spaces and punctuation. It gives you the total number in the text. In certain contexts, like Twitter, character count is king!

Twitter initially set a 140-character limit, reflecting the SMS limit of 160 characters minus space for commands and usernames. Later, it expanded the limit to 280 characters to allow for more expressive content. But remember:

In tweets, URLs are counted as 23 characters due to links

Attached media don’t count towards the limit

Emojis are generally counted as two characters on Twitter

Keep these quirks in mind when crafting your tweets.

The Role of Word Count in SEO Strategy

Artistic representation of SEO strategy with word count balance

Word count is a critical player in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well. While Google doesn’t consider word count as a direct ranking factor, search engines tend to favor extensive and informative posts. Articles over 1,000 words generally achieve higher rankings, with top-ranking pages often having 2,000 to 2,500 words.

But remember, the focus should always be on producing high-quality content that satisfies the reader’s needs and provides value, rather than just meeting a specific word count. Keyword density is another crucial component of SEO optimization, and online word counter tools can assist in maintaining optimal keyword frequency and providing insights compared to top organic competitors. So, when strategizing for SEO, remember it’s a delicate dance between word count, content quality, and keyword density.

Mastering Microsoft Word's Built-in Tools

Let’s not forget about the good old Microsoft Word, a staple in every writer’s toolkit. It comes with its own handy word count feature, easily accessible on the status bar or via the Menu Bar under Tools > Word Count.

But Microsoft Word offers more than just a word counter. It’s packed with built-in tools that can make your writing process smoother and more efficient. Some of these tools include:

Style templates, which enforce consistent formatting throughout your document

Themes, which can quickly give your document a professional and cohesive visual appearance

The ‘Find and Replace’ function, which streamlines text editing by allowing you to search and substitute words or phrases throughout the entire document with ease.

These features can greatly enhance your writing experience and help you create high-quality documents.

Now, that’s what we call a power-packed tool!

Achieving the Ideal Blog Post Length

So, what’s the ideal length for a blog post? The answer depends on your goal. Recommendations vary from 1,000 to 2,500 words to maximize reader engagement. On average, English-speaking adults read at a pace of 300 words per minute, suggesting blog post lengths of about 2,100 words for optimal engagement.

Long-form content exceeding 1,500 words trends among bloggers due to its many advantages, like increasing reader time on site by 40% and significantly boosting social media interactions. Detailed blog posts encourage readers to explore additional content on your site and provide more opportunities for including hyperlinks, attracting a larger audience.

So, while the ideal blog post length can vary, it’s always a good idea to make your words count!

Adapting to Different Formats & Requirements

The art of mastering word count extends to various writing formats, from novels and screenplays to academic essays. Each format comes with its own genre expectations and requirements, influencing how you adapt your word count.

For extensive documents like novels or screenplays, you can utilize tools like Google Docs’ Word Count feature. A larger word count allows for greater structural complexity and detailed world-building in storytelling, especially in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

And for academic essays, the Essay Structure tool is instrumental in logically organizing your ideas to enhance readability and coherence.

Streamlining Your Writing with Online Word Counters

Creative illustration of a streamlined writing process with an online word counter

In an era where time is of the essence, online word counters like the Word Counter by offer a quick and efficient way to assess text details. These tools provide a snapshot of your content, including:

Sentence count

Paragraph count

Character count

Reading time

Regular use of online word counters can keep your attention focused on daily writing tasks and harness previously successful content as a benchmark for productivity. For academic purposes, efficient word counting is crucial, and the free Word Counter tool provides an accurate and quick solution for adhering to strict writing requirements.

In short, online word counters can be a game-changer for your writing process, contributing to the creation of high-quality text.

Enhancing Readability with Word Count Insights

Word count tools do more than just count words; they enhance readability. These tools evaluate attributes like word length, syllables, and sentences to measure your content’s overall readability. For instance, the Flesch Reading Ease test is a readability measure where higher scores indicate easier readability, and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level test rates readability according to U.S. school grades.

Word counters also provide insights into the readability and tone of voice, offering guidance for refining your content’s impact on readers. So, whether you’re writing a blog post, an academic essay, or a social media caption, enhancing text comprehensibility by breaking up content with headings, bullet points, and lists can help make your words more impactful.

Navigating Google Docs Word Count Features

If you’re a Google Docs user, you’re in luck! Google Docs comes with a built-in word count feature. To access it, simply navigate to the ‘Tools’ menu and click on ‘Word count’. And if you want to continuously view your document’s word count while you’re typing, check the box beside ‘Display word count while typing’ in the word count window. It’s as easy as that!

The Intersection of Word Count and Writing Style

Word count and writing style go hand in hand. Your choice to write in a concise or elaborate style will directly impact your word count, shaping your approach to expressing ideas and describing scenes. Different writing genres set different expectations for word count, compelling authors to adapt their writing style to meet these norms.

Using analysis tools to evaluate unique word count can reveal the need for a greater diversity in word choice to enhance style and counteract monotonous repetition. Moreover, moderating sentence length, averaging between 20 to 25 words, contributes to a readable and engaging writing style.

And remember, expressing points directly without superfluous content can help maintain a potent narrative while reducing overall word count.

Efficient Editing: Trimming Excess Words

Efficient editing is an art, and it often involves trimming excess words. The strategy is to focus on crucial points and cut out non-essential ones, decreasing word count while maintaining the essence of the content. This can involve omitting unnecessary usage of ‘the’, reducing excessive use of ‘that’, and eliminating superfluous adverbs and adjectives.

To streamline your text without losing meaning, try the following:

Replace lengthy phrases with concise alternatives

Use shorter synonyms

Avoid redundant transitional words

Simplify sentence structures

Minimize punctuation use

Lastly, identifying and eliminating duplicate information can effectively decrease word count without sacrificing content quality.

Maximizing Writing Impact Within Word Limits

Maximizing writing impact within word limits might seem like a tough task, but with regular practice, it becomes second nature. The key is to make every word count.

One or two-sentence paragraphs can be highly effective and add impact to your writing, making each word count. So, the next time you’re up against a word limit, remember to make each word deliver a punch!

Utilizing Word Count Tools for Academic Success

For students, word count tools are a lifesaver. They assist in keeping writing within specified word limits, crucial for guidelines set for college and graduate school admissions essays. Maximum word count limitations are commonly imposed on academic assignments, necessitating the use of word count tools to ensure compliance.

Word count tools, such as a word count checker, can even help improve academic writing by suggesting the inclusion of examples to meet required word counts. Plus, with features like the Flesch Kincaid readability test, these tools can measure text readability, offering valuable insights for refining your academic essays.

Word Count Benchmarks for Various Text Types

Different text types come with their own word count benchmarks, and you might wonder how many words are typical for each type. For example:

Contemporary novels typically range from 60,000 to 90,000 words

Dystopian novels can extend from 60,000 to 120,000 words

Memoirs usually fall within the range of 45,000 to 80,000 words

Self-help books vary between 30,000 and 70,000 words.

Recognizing these standard word count ranges for different types of texts is critical for authors to accurately structure their work, from articles to novels. Understanding and applying these word count benchmarks can significantly aid writers in meeting genre expectations and improving writing quality, underlining the importance of word counter tools.

Complementary Tools to the Word Counter

Whimsical illustration of complementary writing tools including a word counter

While word count tools are a must-have for any writer, they’re not the only ones in the toolkit. Several complementary tools can enhance your writing. For instance, tools like Proofreading Online can enhance academic writing by identifying and correcting grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Additional tools that can enhance the overall writing quality include:

Character Counter and Mind Map offered by the Word Count Tool website

Paraphraser, text summarizer, and AI-powered Flow feature provided by

Plagiarism checkers, crucial for maintaining originality and avoiding copyright infringement

So, why not explore these complementary tools and give your writing a boost?

We’ve embarked on an enlightening journey through the world of word count, exploring its essential role in various writing contexts, from blog posts and social media captions to novels and academic essays. We’ve discovered the power of word counter tools, packed with features that not only count words and characters but also enhance readability, maintain SEO strategies, and meet genre expectations. Coupled with complementary tools like grammar checkers and text summarizers, the possibilities for refining your writing are endless. Remember, it’s not just about counting words; it’s about making every word count!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can word count tools enhance my writing.

Word count tools can enhance your writing by providing readability scores, tone of voice assessments, and keyword density insights, helping you maintain word limits, improve readability, and optimize your content for SEO. Try using them to take your writing to the next level!

What word count should I aim for in a blog post?

You should aim for a blog post length of 1,000 to 2,500 words to cater to your audience and meet your content goals. Remember, quality matters more than quantity when it comes to blog posts.

How do I access the word count feature in Google Docs?

You can access the word count feature in Google Docs by going to the 'Tools' menu and selecting 'Word count'. To see the word count while typing, just check the box next to 'Display word count while typing'. Hope this helps!

How can I trim excess words from my writing?

Focus on crucial points, cut out non-essential words, and replace lengthy phrases with concise alternatives to trim excess words from your writing. Simplify sentence structures and eliminate duplicate information for a more streamlined result.

What are some complementary tools to the word counter?

Some complementary tools to the word counter are grammar checkers, plagiarism checkers, and text summarizers. They can help improve the quality and originality of your writing.

INSTANT the Best Word Counter for FREE 234

Welcome to word counter - your ultimate text analysis tool.

Whether you're crafting a blog post, polishing an essay, or refining a website page, word count matters. And that's where our Word Counter tool steps in, ready to guide you toward content perfection.

Check your content count words, characters, sentences, and spaces INSTANTLY . Just you can paste your content into our character counter online FREE tool. Using count characters FREE tool you can change like lower case generator, upper case to lower case, lowercase to uppercase, caps to lowercase, camel case, reverse text generator and more.

Auto copy the converted value

How to Use the Word Counter:

  • Input Text: Paste or type your text into the provided area.
  • No-Need to Click Count: Automatically shows the "Words Count", and our tool will swiftly analyze your text.
  • View Results: Instantly see the total word count displayed on your screen.

Count Your Words with Precision: Your Ultimate Word Counter Tool

Are you struggling to meet word count requirements for your assignments, blog posts, or articles? Look no further! Our Word Counter tool is designed to make your life easier by providing a quick and accurate way to count the number of words in your text.

What is the Word Counter?

The Word Counter is a simple yet powerful tool that helps you analyze the length of your text by counting the number of words it contains. Whether you're a student working on an essay, a writer crafting a blog post, or a professional preparing a report, our Word Counter is here to assist you in meeting those word count goals effortlessly.

Tap Into a Tool That's:

  • Effortlessly Easy: Simply paste your text, and the word count appears instantly. No complex setup or lengthy tutorials required.
  • Unbeatably Accurate: Our tool meticulously analyzes your content, delivering a precise word count you can rely on.
  • Incredibly Versatile: Count words in articles, social media posts, emails, and more—the possibilities are endless.
  • Delightfully Free: Access this essential tool without any fees or restrictions.

Unlock a Wealth of Additional Features:

  • Character Count: Track the precise number of characters, including spaces.
  • Reading Time Estimation: Gauge how long your content will take to read, ensuring it aligns with your audience's expectations.
  • Keyword Density Analysis: Discover the percentage of times a keyword appears within your text, empowering you to optimize for search engines.

Why Use Our Word Counter?

  • Accuracy: Our tool provides precise word counts, ensuring you meet any specified requirements.
  • Efficiency: Save time by avoiding manual counting. Let our Word Counter do the work for you.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various types of content, from essays and articles to social media posts.

How to determine the word and character count in Microsoft Word

To check word count and character count in Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

Word Count:

  • Open your Microsoft Word document.
  • Look for the "Review" tab in the top menu.
  • Within the "Review" tab, you should find a section labeled "Proofing."
  • In this section, there is a button labeled "Word Count." Click on it.
  • A Word Count dialog box will appear, displaying the number of words in your document.

Character Count:

  • To find the character count, you can use the same "Word Count" dialog box.
  • In the Word Count dialog box, there is an option that says "Include textboxes, footnotes, and endnotes." Make sure this option is checked if you want to include those in your character count.
  • The number of characters (with or without spaces) will be displayed in the same dialog box.

Alternatively, you can also find the word and character count at the bottom left corner of the Microsoft Word window. If you right-click on it, you can choose whether you want to see the word count, character count (with spaces), or character count (without spaces).

Counting Characters in Microsoft Excel

  • Open Excel: Begin by launching Microsoft Excel and opening the spreadsheet containing the text you wish to analyze.
  • Select the Cell: Click on the specific cell or range of cells that you want to determine the character count for.
  • Navigate to the Formula Bar: Locate the Formula Bar at the top of the Excel window, where the contents of the selected cell are displayed.
  • View the Result: The selected cell now displays the count of characters present in the specified text.
  • Copy the Formula: For multiple cells, copy the formula by selecting the cell, copying (Ctrl+C), and pasting (Ctrl+V) it into other cells.
  • Utilize AutoFill: Alternatively, employ the AutoFill feature by clicking and dragging the small square at the bottom-right corner of the cell with the formula to fill adjacent cells.

Word Count and Character Count in Google Docs

  • Access Google Docs: Begin by opening Google Docs and navigating to the document for which you want to obtain word and character counts.
  • Highlight the Text: Select the specific text or section of the document that you wish to analyze for word and character counts.
  • Navigate to the Toolbar: Look for the toolbar at the top of the Google Docs window, where you'll find various tools and options.
  • Word Count Feature: Click on the "Tools" option in the toolbar and select "Word count" from the dropdown menu. A small window will appear, displaying the word count for the selected text.
  • Character Count Feature: To obtain the character count, return to the toolbar, click on "Tools," and select "Word count" again. This time, check the box labeled "Include spaces" to view both word and character counts. Click "OK."
  • Review the Counts: The word and character counts for the selected text will now be visible in the Word Count window.

Word Count and Character Count in Apple Pages

  • Launch Apple Pages: Start by opening Apple Pages and accessing the document you want to analyze for word and character counts.
  • Select the Text: Highlight the specific text or section of the document that you intend to examine for word and character counts.
  • Navigate to the Toolbar: Locate the toolbar at the top of the Apple Pages window, where various tools and options are available.
  • Word Count Feature: Click on the "View" option in the toolbar and select "Show Word Count" from the dropdown menu. A small window will appear, displaying the word count for the selected text.
  • Character Count Feature: For character count, return to the toolbar, click on "View," and select "Show Word Count" again. Check the box labeled "Characters" to include character counts in the displayed information. Close the Word Count window.
  • Review the Counts: The word and character counts for the selected text will now be visible at the bottom of the Apple Pages window.

Word Count and Character Count in LibreOffice

  • Open LibreOffice: Begin by launching LibreOffice and accessing the document you want to analyze for word and character counts.
  • Select the Text: Highlight the specific text or section of the document that you wish to examine for word and character counts.
  • Navigate to the Toolbar: Look for the toolbar at the top of the LibreOffice window, where various tools and options are available.
  • Word Count Feature: Click on the "Tools" option in the toolbar and select "Word Count" from the dropdown menu. A Word Count window will appear, displaying the word count for the selected text.
  • Character Count Feature: For character count, within the Word Count window, check the box labeled "Characters" to include character counts in the displayed information. Click "OK" to close the Word Count window.
  • Review the Counts: The word and character counts for the selected text will now be visible in the status bar at the bottom of the LibreOffice window.

Word Count and Character Count in OpenOffice

  • Launch OpenOffice: Start by opening OpenOffice and accessing the document you wish to analyze for word and character counts.
  • Select the Text: Highlight the specific text or section of the document that you want to examine for word and character counts.
  • Navigate to the Toolbar: Look for the toolbar at the top of the OpenOffice window, where various tools and options are available.
  • Word Count Feature: Click on the "Tools" option in the toolbar and select "Word Count" from the dropdown menu. A Word Count window will appear, showing the word count for the selected text.
  • Review the Counts: The word and character counts for the selected text will now be visible in the status bar at the bottom of the OpenOffice window.

Social media posts word counts: character limits and aim for optimal text length

Platform Type of Content Character Limit
Facebook Headline 100
Facebook Summary 250
Facebook Regular Post Up to 63,206
Facebook Comment Up to 8,000
Facebook Messenger Message Up to 20,000
Twitter Headline 50
Twitter Summary 160
Twitter Tweet 280
Twitter Username 15
Twitter Quote Tweet Comment 116
Pinterest Pin Description Up to 500
Pinterest Headline 100
Pinterest Summary 500
Instagram Headline 150
Instagram Summary 150
Instagram Caption Up to 2,200
Instagram Bio Up to 150
YouTube Summary N/A
YouTube Video Title Up to 100
YouTube Video Description Up to 5,000
LinkedIn Headline 120
LinkedIn Summary 2,000
LinkedIn Post Up to 700
LinkedIn Summary Up to 2,000
YouTube Video Description Up to 5,000

How do I use the Word Counter tool?

Is there a limit to the amount of text i can count, does the tool count words only, or does it include characters and spaces as well, can i use this tool to track keyword density, is this tool available in multiple languages, can i use the word counter for different types of content, how fast does the word counter provide results, is there a limit to the length of text the word counter can analyze, can i use the word counter on mobile devices, the word count tools.

  • Character Counter
  • Words Counter
  • Sentence Counter
  • Spacebar Counter
  • Title Case Converter
  • Caps Generator
  • Lower Case Generator
  • Upper case to lower case
  • Lowercase to Uppercase
  • Caps to Lowercase
  • Reverse Text Generator
  • Paragraph Counter
  • Syllable Counter

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Enhance Your Writing By: Word, Sentence, and Character Count Tools at Your Fingertips!

Stay on target with our comprehensive writing toolkit, featuring a word counter , sentence counter , character counter , word density checker , Case Converter and many more.

Everything you need to stay in writing limits

We have lots of tools in our protfolio which helps you in your writing limits

Word counter

Count Words in your text easily.

Charachter counter

Get count of all the characters from your text.

Sentence Counter

Get Count of sentences you have in your text content.

Spacebar Counter

Get Count of spacebar hits for a specific interval of time. Very helpful for Gamers

Word Density checker

See how many times a word is used in a text content

Case Converter

Convert your text case to many other text cases.


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900,000+ users

OVER 83 MILLION checks completed

8 BILLION words counted

Word Counter: Fast and Easy

Enter (by typing directly or using copy paste) your text and find out how many words and characters it contains.

Why would you need an online word counter?

Online word counters are a perfect tool for anyone who needs to keep a count of their words and characters, but doesn’t use Microsoft Word. Imagine writing a piece and having to manually count the words! Not only will it take forever, but there’s a chance you won’t be wholly accurate.

This tool is also a good way to assess your words per minute typing rate. Simply time yourself timing for five minutes. Type into the box on the online word counter. When the time is up, divide your total word count by five, and you have your average words per minute rate.

How is our tool different from the other word counters?

All word counting is made on the go, there is no need to press any "submit" buttons to make the calculation and therefore no time is lost for this procedure. You can type the text and instantly see how many words you got so far. Also, we do not store any information that is typed or pasted in the word counting box.

Whom is this word counting tool for?

  • Bloggers/Content Writers

You could be writing an article for someone else where the word count is important, but even if it’s for your own site, this tool can be fantastic for your SEO. For example, the body of text should be a minimum of 300 words, and the title should be less than 70 characters to rank effectively.

  • Students/Teachers

As a student, you will often be expected to write assignments with specific word counts. Although a bit of leeway is usually given, if you are well off the count either way, you could lose marks. What a waste of you time and effort! Also, you may find it extremely useful to use professional writing help from custom writing services such as Academized that offers one of the best write my essay services you can find on the Web. This will come in hand in case you are required to write a really difficult assignment.

As a lecturer, you can use this tool to ensure your students’ assignments are the correct length.

In many work places, you will be expected to write pieces of certain lengths at times, for example, lawyers, secretaries etc.

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CMS Meaning: Here’s What It Means and How To Use It


We love our acronyms in the English language. They take otherwise lengthy titles and shorten them, making them easier to say and write. Not only are they a huge time saver, but they’re also often

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Your writing, at its best

Compose bold, clear, mistake-free, writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant

Grammar Tips

Allude vs. elude.

The verbs allude and elude are homophones. “To allude” is to hint, suggest, or mention briefly. “To elude” is to escape or slip out of reach.

Bad vs. badly?

Use bad (adj.) to describe nouns and pronouns as “immoral” or “of low quality.” Use badly (adv.) to modify verbs when meaning “to a great degree” or “in a bad manner.”

Labor vs. labour?

Labor and labour are different spellings of the same word. “Labour” is standard for British English, while American English uses “labor.”

Common Questions

We love our acronyms in the English language. They take otherwise lengthy titles and shorten them, making them easier to say and write. Not only are they a huge time saver, but they’re also often quite fun.  However, sometimes, a

Have you ever seen the number 444 in your daily life? If it keeps popping up all around you, it might be a sign from the universe. Still, what does this sign mean, and how can you implement its message

The word oasis is a fairly common word in the English language. It pops up all over the place, from popular books, TV shows, and movies to everyday language and metaphors. Although it isn’t the most common word out there,

Abbreviations For

What is the abbreviation for grams.

Do you want to know the abbreviation for the word “grams” in English? You’re in luck!

Abbreviation for Grams: What is it and how is it used?

Do you want to know the abbreviation for the word “grams” in English? You’re in luck! We have the proper abbreviations for this word in our handy guide.

The Abbreviation for Pages: What Is It and How Is It Used?

Do you want to know how to abbreviate the word pages?  We’ll be taking a look at the meaning of the word and its abbreviations.

Common Phrases

Damn meaning: here’s what it means and how to use it.

Certain words in the English language, especially swear words, often have multiple definitions. The simple, four-letter word “damn” has several definitions used by English speakers all the time. Because there is no one definition of damn, it can sometimes be

The Meaning of Gauge: What It Is and How To Use It

If you’re asked to gauge something, what does it mean? This article will define the meaning of gauge as a noun and a verb and teach you how to use it.

What Does the Cheese Stands Alone Mean?

The cheese stands alone: This common phrase may be familiar from your childhood.

About The Word Counter

The Word Counter is a dynamic online tool used for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Writers leverage it to improve word choice and writing style as well as helping to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. Additionally, to assist with public speaking, our tool will accurately estimate speaking time to help with prep for class presentations, wedding speeches, or anything of the sort. Use The Word Counter by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won't lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later. NOTE: Bookmark this page now for easy future use. Another utility of The Word Counter specifically designed for copywriters and digital marketers is the ability to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). Our tools and suite of offerings is ever evolving. If you see value in a new feature or tool, simply let us know and we will create it! Happy writing!

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  • Word counter

Essay word counter tool

Try Artificial Intelligence and machine learning powered character and word counter online out completely for free! Check how many words in an essay, article, research paper, diploma, or any document in a few clicks!

Delegate your assignment to our experts and they will do the rest.

How online word count tool works

Intuitive and absolutely free word count tool online is here! Count how many words or symbols are there in any text with a simple copy-paste, no-fuss procedure. Here’s how to use our online word counter tool:

  • Tick the checkbox Give your permission to analyze your text by checking the box. No information will be stored on servers or accessed by a third party.
  • Load or type text Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V into the field above so our supercomputer could compute the correct number of words and symbols.
  • Enjoy the results Results of calculation appear right away and get refreshed instantly after any changes in a text.

Why choose our word count checker

This free online word counter checker possesses many benefits. It makes it comfortable, effective, and user-friendly. Here are just some of them:

Unlike other services, we offer instant and real-time updated calculations, which streamlines and significantly improves the quality of user experience. This word counter tool online gives a superb user experience that even a kid can master.

Paste as many texts as you want, no word count limit, no character count limit, no limits at all, forever! Our policy is stiff like steeд - you’ll have an infinite number of checks.

Every check you do is fully free, with no hidden payments or subscriptions. Even no registration is needed. Check one text or a hundred, and you’ll never see us asking for your money!

The final review you get provides all the necessary information in a clear and intuitive form. Essay words and total number of symbols counting or not-counting spaces in-between – get fast assessment with accurate results.

Best essay word counter by StudyBounty

If you are desperate to check how many words you have come up with, we are pleased to offer you our free word counter for essays and virtually every typed document. Our tool was created with students in mind. It targets eliminating key problems of popular word-counting services. It also increases the effectiveness and quality of user experience. You can now check your stats fast and easy, without interrupting your workflow. Even make adjustments to your text on the go.

Students have a lot of things to learn and many texts to write. They often have specific requirements regarding the number of essay words or characters. It is crucial to check word count for essays fast, without losing the train of thought. With this idea in mind, this tool was created. We continue working tirelessly on making your experience smoother, more fluent, and results - more accurate.

Why is it important to count the words in essay?

Every student at least once in their life has encountered a professor with strict requirements regarding a text size. Those regulations are usually represented in the average number of words or characters. In such cases, it is extremely important to accurately count the words in an essay and do it fast. If you don’t want to get a lower grade or disappoint your mentor, you better follow these regulations with the utmost attention. Check how many words are in an essay that you’re about to submit.

Counting your words and characters allows you to meet the requirements. It presents your ideas in a more slick and clean way, without repetitions and redundancies. Keeping your thoughts short and condensed is the cornerstone of a modern education system. Even more - not only the education system but of the whole internet. Social media, discussion websites, blogs - all of them have similar requirements. If you ever decide to upload your thoughts online, you better check how many words in your essay or publication are there. Do you see that counting words is like breathing? You can’t live without it!

Features of our word calculator

It may look simple and clean, but under this friendly shape, there is a very capable instrument. It encapsulates the latest information technologies. It can do much more than just calculate numbers of words. But you, as a user, see only what you need to see. You see those three simple parameters. So, you never know about all processes that are going on in the background. Nothing illegal, we promise!

Everyone who opens our website is met with a refined interface and pleasant animations. But a true spectacle comes later when you calculate word count faster than you could even think! We surely can mention the incredible speed and accuracy of words count as features. It is always better to see it once than to read it ten times.

As it is always, the description of the feature is in the name. Characters with spaces between them - no surprises here. Our tool can define the word count including spaces in any given text without skipping a beat with utmost precision. Every symbol will be seen and counted, none - forgotten or missed. It is like a basic item of a gentleman’s set for anyone working with texts. Very useful for social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, by the way.

Unlike Microsoft Office or LibreOffice, you need to maintain an internet connection to use our word and character count tool. But why do we state it as a feature? It gives so much flexibility to users. So, it significantly widens the range of devices that can be used to check the stats. Laptop, phone, tablet, gaming consoles (weird choice, but possible) - anything goes, no limitations. All you need is the internet, no downloads or painful installations. Easy counting of characters and words - that’s the motto!

Another item on the list does not present anything out of the ordinary. Here, our word counting machine calculates the number of characters without spaces. No need to repeat how fast and accurately it works, right? Did you know that the majority of submission forms, for example for university admission, have a limit based on the number of characters without spaces? Now you know, and have a perfect place to check that number on the go.

That’s where it gets interesting - you can now check grammar. It is now a word counter and grammar check free site. Isn’t that a nice bonus? Unlike other services, you can check the grammar simultaneously with your word or character numbers. It helps to do it with the same level of attention and precision. Every vocable with incorrect spelling is underlined to make it easier for you to notice and correct it. Our vocabulary is one of the largest in the field. So, even the most bizarre vocables will be found.

Count number of words online easily

Like a piece of cake - that’s two times harder than counting the words on our site. We’ve done an amazing job streamlining and simplifying the process for you. Everything obtrusive was eliminated, everything important - emphasized.

Of course, almost every software for text editing has a built in “number of words calculator”. But who wants all that hustle? Who wants to open an app every time, search for the specific tab or press a button combination to see the word count? No one! The world is going for simplification, eliminating all the unnecessary, getting rid of weight.

It is far easier to have a dedicated top-notch website that counts words. A website that is available 24/7 on any device with internet access. Yes, counting locutions is not rocket science. It is always better to have an instrument that specializes in this particular thing.

It is purely the question of comfort, you see? All that burden of manual counting or opening programs on your computer is done. It is forgotten like a bad dream, cast into shadows of history. And you, our dear friend, should drift to the future, leaving the past behind.

How to check word count

Since the dawn of written texts, the problem of holding yourself within the limits only became more imminent. For hundreds of years, writers from all over the globe were struggling to correctly count the number of words or characters while typing. Even when computers were a new thing and numerous satellites were launched into space, no one bothered with creating a tool for counting.

It all changes now, before our eyes, with the launch of our super-duper word counter. No platypus can shatter your desire to find word count, or prevent you from doing so. Still wonder how to count words in an essay when writing? The answer is right under your nose - you are looking at it. Scroll up, click on a checkbox, paste your text (or write it directly in a field), and spectate the magic! Mysterious numbers will appear, refreshing each time you make a change to your text. Easy-peasy!

Words counter tool for any type of text

Limitless - that’s a perfect expression to characterize this tool. Not like it can teleport you anywhere, but into the world of words, syllables, prepositions, and punctuation marks. And numbers, lots and lots of numbers. Count words online right now, any type of text, any size - limitless! Limitless checking in a limited world!

Still wondering “how will I count my words in my essay?” We have an answer once again. Definitely not by manually counting every single locution or character. You’ll make mistakes, lose count, and end up with a number that is unfit for your needs. So it will be wise to count words in text using our free and easy-to-use instrument. Save tons of time and nerves. Furthermore, the possibility to edit the text and see the changes affecting all numbers in real time is perfect for everyone. It helps to try squeezing thoughts and ideas into a compact enclosure. It won’t take more than a few seconds for you to insert a text in the field above. Count all words in a document easily. Do you still remember counting alphabet pasta letters in your spoon each morning before school? Well, now you can count much more!

Online words counter for essays

How many words in my essay? Students can’t sleep without that knowledge. Writing essays is not an easy task, but counting locutions is like a nail in a coffin. Millions of essays are written each day. Most of them end up in a bin because of a wrong number of vocables or characters. A battle between good and evil, free thought and keeping your ideas within limits, pressurizing vocables to fit regulations - it should’ve ended years ago. Reality is stiff, doesn’t like to change that much, and so do universities and schools.

Now you’re left with tens of essays to compose. And one question drilling your head - “How to count how many words do I have in my essay?” As always - we’ve got you. Perfect tool, the most natural and organic instrument. It is available any time of day or night, ready to fulfill your counting needs.

Paper word counter free online

Every teacher gets vietnam flashbacks when hearing about computing terms or research paper words. Monster, fearsome creature, scaring even the toughest men. Millions have fallen, and millions will fall. For too long a paper word count was terrorizing streets, ruining lives and breaking spirits. The time has come to make it easier than breathing. Relieve whole nations from stress, and make those research and term papers great again!

Size regulations are like invisible walls, holding your creativity back, like a bonsai. Big ideas degrade to small meaningless thoughts, forcefully kept within restrictions. No secret, research papers require the ability to formulate ideas in a short form. You should delete every irrelevant vocable or symbol. Maybe Einstein wanted to say more than “energy equals mass times the speed of light squared”. But he was restrained by a number of symbols, who knows? Einstein did it, so you can do it too!

Dissertation word count machine

Word-e-mone, let’s count them all! You can be like Ash and count each vocable in your dissertation without paying a single dime. Do it with our word count tool online free. Virtually every professor in any university came up with restrictions a student can use in his dissertation. And it forces students to concentrate thoughts, to cut ideas so they could fit into that limit.

A dissertation is not a small article, it features tens of sections and thousands of words. So counting them all is a hard task. We are sure, the assistance of a word count scanner will come in handy. And there will be no regrets choosing our service. Upload your work, get your numbers, make some adjustments, and you’re good to go! Your professor will regret putting a limitation!

Text word counter software

Limits, boundaries, restrictions - that’s what universities are all about. There is a constant need to know how many words a text includes. Tons of texts, papers, reports require a specific amount of symbols and locutions to be used. So you have no other choice but to ask yourself: how many words did I write? Enough? Too little? Too much?

Time and time again you do the same thing - you open our website, check a box, insert your writings, and see results. There will never be another way for you to do it fast and easy, without unnecessary complications. Simple website for simple needs. And each time you check, make changes, you’ll elevate the quality of writing and “storytelling”. Do your best for perfecting a writer's craft.

Paragraph word count check

What if you don’t need the statistics for the whole work? Just one paragraph or one chapter, fast measurement, yet detailed. Paragraph word counter online free would help! Any size of paragraphs, the whole section - just paste it and get the number. Our machine will do beep-boop and show all necessary information without skipping a beat!

Irreplaceable instrument for every student or professor works tirelessly for a greater good. Now, the question “how many words in this paragraph” has a clear and direct answer. Again, it is created with students in mind. Our tool is perfect for providing accurate calculations anytime for texts of any size. Word counter calculator is a new word in automation and streamlining the creative writing process. Lightning-fast results, highly precise data (no symbol is ignored or missed), and 24/7 availability - isn’t that what you were looking for all along?

Sentence word counter tool free

After you assess the overall size of your work, it is time to shift your attention to readability. Counting words in a sentence is a great way to increase it. Make your ideas easier to understand. What is better? Two separate sentences covering the same idea? Or a complex one, bearing a general idea in a compact form? Length is important, no matter what they say about it. Bigger is not always better.

Stop worrying yourself and making inaudible questions like “how many words are in this sentence”. Just check it! No need to be a nuclear physicist or programmer - basic computer knowledge is enough. If you can find a “copy” button and a “paste” button - you’ll have absolutely no problems using our sublime tool. Word counter - helping troubled scholars or students in a time of need!

Other tools to ease your life

Having a thesis statement generator at hand is just a beginning. StudyBounty offers you to take a look at a plethora of various tools that can simplify, if not improve altogether, your writing process.

Convert words to pages or vice versa. Perfect if you don’t know how many words one page should have.

Paste your text and get a great conclusion that wraps up all key points in the paper.

Use our assignment planner to manage your time and submit works in time.

FAQ about our word count software

If you still have some uncertainties or precariousness about our word counting software, please browse through these frequently asked questions, and you may find the right answers there.

Do you see a button marked “Register” on our website? No! You don’t need to register to count how many words in an essay or paper there are. We don’t charge any money for word counting, and you don’t need an account, thus you will never see spam in your mail! No registration - no fuss!

Of course! There are no limitations to the size of the text you can paste into the word counter generator whatsoever. Article, diploma, dissertation, report, review, even a book - all of that can be checked in a blink of an eye. Million characters, billion, trillion - you can do that. Do you really have a trillion characters to count? Do you? Really?

Our online word counting tool was developed for students, teachers, researchers - anyone who works with texts. It’s vocables counting, for god’s sake! Anyone can use it! We even tested it on monkeys - no problems noticed! Feel free to use it any time of day and night, no matter what type of text you need to get assessed.

Sure, it does. Our word counter and grammar checker not only counts and calculates but also underlines mistakes in your spelling. It won’t suggest how to fix them but underline faulty ones. But don’t worry if your surname will be underlined. Our program has extensive grammar so literally any world you can think of will be found and checked for spelling errors.

We would very much like to pay you to check the word count on our website, but it isn’t a very good business model, right? No worries, it is utterly free-of-charge, forever. No hidden payments or subscriptions - simple instrument for simple needs of complicated people. Any text, any size - not a single penny will be spent.

Let an expert take care of your essay!

Entrust your assignment to proficient writers and receive TOP-quality paper before the deadline is over.


Free Online Word Counter for Essays

Use our word counter to check how many words are in an essay instantly.

Free Online Word Counter for Essays

How Our Word Count Checker Works

Count words or characters in your essay, paper, or any other academic text in a few clicks. Insert your text and enjoy accurate results – it’s as simple as that!


Tick the box to proceed further – your text won’t be saved in our system.

Enter the text to check how many words or characters it contains.

Have word count calculated automatically and get your result instantly.


Features of Our Word Counter Tool

StudyCrumb’s word counter is loaded with features that you will undoubtedly find pleasant. With the benefits you get, it definitely wins over any word counter tool online.


Our online word counter is an excellent option for everyone who doesn’t like distractions and extra manipulations. Just input your text and it will immediately calculate the words.


There is no need to pay – we offer a free word counter with unlimited checks. You can start using it without registration and run as many checks as required.


Our essay word counter shows the number of words, characters, and symbols without spaces. It’s a one-stop instrument if you need a detailed report.

Need Expert Help

StudyCrumb is a go-to platform helping students with academic writing. Entrust your paper to our professionals and they will take your writing to a totally new level!


Backed by qualified writers, we provide unique academic papers tailored to clients specific needs. Have an expert compose a customized paper from the ground up.


Take your writing to a whole new level with our editing and proofreading services. Our academic proofreaders will polish your text considering the number of words you need.

Why Choose StudyCrumb


Word Counter Online & Character Counter

Our tool goes beyond a simple text word counter. It works like a word character counter and offers multiple options. In case you have a special requirement from your professor, for example, a character limit, this tool will definitely come in handy. Likewise, you may need to find out the amount of characters without spaces. Our high-end instrument will be an all-inclusive solution. Just input the necessary part and calculate the number of symbols in your text.


Word Count Checker

It’s very important to stay on the top of your page word count. Students may think that several slips every here and there won’t cause much harm. But your school may have strict requirements to the acceptable limit for every academic work. While you are expected to write 150 words in an essay introduction, this amount won’t suffice in an introductory part of your research paper. So if you need to know how many words are in an essay or its particular section, use our tool for a quick result.


Character Count Without Spaces

Things get trickier if you need to find out the number of characters without spaces. No worries! With our character calculator at your fingertips this won’t be a problem. Our free character counter can exclude the spaces so you can enjoy accurate results. This is a perfect feature for writers, translators and students who have a very peculiar requirement. Just copy-paste any passage in an online character counter and it will handle everything in seconds.


Character Count Tool

Sometimes, the limit is measured in characters. That’s when you may need a tool that can handle character count online. We’ve got you covered! Our team saw that situation coming and did our best to provide you with this option. You can use our advanced tool to count characters in your document. And if the actual number doesn’t fit in the expected limit, you can easily modify your text in a respective field.

StudyCrumb’s Essay Word Counter: Handy Tool

We have developed this essay word counter to help students count the words and characters in their papers and academic texts. Are you writing an essay and want to make sure that your word count is precise? Or, maybe, you have a research paper or dissertation with a strict character limit requirement? Whatever your case is, our word count checker will be an irreplaceable instrument in your arsenal of writing tools. And the best part about this tool is its simplicity. Finding out how many words is this will no longer be a struggle. What’s more, you can make changes right in the editor field. You don’t have to switch between our tool and your document to meet the right limit. All results of word character count will be displayed instantly.

Count My Words in My Essay for Me!

Before you submit your newly-written paper, we advise you to count the number of words in it! StudyCrumb’s online tool can help you keep track of the number of words in your paper. It will allow you to concentrate on important topics. Now you won’t need to give yourself a headache wondering “how to check word count?” Just use StudyCrumb’s profitable tool that is always useful to keep handy. After all, knowing your word count can help to improve your work.  Hot tip: A nice way to establish a good word count is by determining whether the headings should be counted. And when headings do not count, they can be included in words in direct quotes. The quality of any essay might suffer if it is too long. Instead, aim for brief and catchy headings. And let a tool do all the counting the words for you!

Online Words Counting Generator for Different Types of Writing

Access our tool if you need counting number of words that you've written. It encourages every student to follow their word limit! This can be important for public speaking or speech preparation. Every guru at our speech writing services suggest finding balance especially when it comes to oral presentation. It is helpful if writing for advertising and academic goals is a big deal. Our tool also determines the word count limit. It is useful for writing social media headlines and Google meta descriptions.  Looking at your presentation and think “how many words is this text?” Try to count them to assess the word density. For some papers, it's common to submit up to a thousand words. But many writers end up over the limit or falling short. Knowing that you’re using count words in text for free is a great way to avoid such problems. Any argumentative essay writer will appreciate such a tool. It can become an essential metric for content writers, whether they are college students or professional authors. Calculate word length in many different ways. But keep in mind — our tool will help you determine it best. It's easy to use. So, save your time and avoid any stress. You can reuse it at any time.

Count the Words in My Essays & Papers

When composing essays and other kinds of written work, your first concern can be “how many words are in this essay?” It is important that students meet all requirements. Consequently, they should know how to count essay words accurately. Word count dendends on the depth of your project. That is why you may need professional essay help .  The first thing you should do is check what the instructor has suggested as a word count. An essay might require fewer words depending on the subject. If it turned out shorter than the assigned word count, you may want to focus on providing a high-level overview of the topic, especially if you need to write my dissertation . Longer papers can delve into more details. However, in both cases, it is important to keep an outline to guide your writing process. Next, check how many words in essay you wrote line by line. StudyCrumb’s tool lets you count the words beneath charts, graphs, and photos. Now you can use it instead of thinking “how many words is my paper?”

Why Is It so Important to Count the Words in an Essay Correctly?

Why is it so important for you to “count how many words are in my essay”? Why do you browse different sites? Looking for one to “count my essay words”? There are few answers to these questions. A critical aspect of knowing essay word limit is how you use the words. The time your audience has to read through your essay is limited. Therefore, it's important to organize your thoughts in a clear and concise way. Make a list of the key points and then spend some time on the important topics. Don't forget that StudyCrumb is essentially an academic service where you can buy essay on any subject and have all requirements met. So, using an online tool when you must know how to count how many words in an essay when writing is simply necessary. And StudyCrumb is here to help you out in whatever way you need!

Paragraph Word Count by StudyCrumb's Free Online Words Counting Tool

StudyCrumb's online tool is perfect when you want to know how many words in this paragraph! You don’t have to do anything otherworldly to use the paragraph word counter. All one should do is follow a simple instruction. This word counting program works well for longer text categories such as articles and novels. It works by dividing a text into several parts. This way you won’t have to do this yourself and wonder how many words are here. You can check the length of your text by using an online helpful tool! You can immediately check your characters and page count, as well as run a spelling check or free grammar check . A paragraph or sentence can also be counted! Remember that one can enable or disable the feature of counting spaces. Punctuation marks will be counted automatically.

Counting Words in a Sentence

Have you ever wondered how many words are in this sentence that you just wrote? StudyCrumb’s tool aims to help you just with that. Students can easily check the quality of their writing and the number of words calculator whenever they need it. Our tool can be accessed from any device, such as a computer or smartphone. It can calculate number of words in your sentences and paragraphs. So don’t waste your time! Save this page as your device’s bookmarks and check your texts when your professors demand it! It won’t cost you anything. The text you wrote would look even more beautiful. Having a handy word count scanner is consistently another latest useful feature!

Important Features of Our Word Count Estimator: Find Word Count Easily!

Every calculator for words list has a bunch of quality features. And StudyCrumb’s is not different. How do you get word count of a document with its help? It's quite straightforward. Copy and paste the desired text into a box. That’s it, that’s the total guide. Use our number of words counter online for free to determine how many pages, paragraphs, and sentences you've written. Moreover, you’ll be able to see the approximate time it would take the audience to read your text. Our words counting software provides only accurate results that one can get online. Moreover, it is 100% free! You don’t have to set up a new account, register, or post any credit card number to use our tool. Just paste your text and check its length as many times as you need. If your academic work has space for improvement or it lacks some sections, contact our thesis writing service . 

Writing Word Count With Spaces

Do you need to set up the word counter including spaces? It is one of the features our online words calculator has. Their number will be shown under the status bar below the text you paste in a box. This is a useful feature when you don’t feel like writing more content and can pass the spaces as an additional number of characters. Our word count tool online for free breaks the number of words based on the number of spaces that were used. It adds that number to the overall quantity of words in your paper. Simple math!

Word Count Without Spaces

StudyCrumb’s word calculation without spaces feature is useful. Test it if you wish to calculate word count of a document without any extra spaces. Everything is displayed under your input text box in the result section. Why would one need to check a writing word count without spaces though? It can help determine whether you should add anything to the paper or delete any content from it. After all, in this case, you won’t be able to use the “space number” excuse to nope out of writing more parts of your essay!

The Most Famous Word Counting Machine of All Time

StudyCrumb offers you one of the best word count tools and words to pages converters that can greatly assist you in writing an essay. Our website that counts words can help you with even the toughest assignments. It ensures that your essay is the correct word count. Our website to count words for free will also be useful for anyone who works in writing, academic or otherwise. It could be used to create a wide range of writing projects including in-app messages, meta descriptions, targeted content marketing, and social media threads. If you’re writing your paper, it will remind you that every word serves a purpose. Each one is placed there for a reason. Moreover, it will show you how long it would take for your audience to read your paper. So get checking right now! Be sure to use our plagiarism detector before submitting your composition.

Benefit From Our Online Essay Word Counter

StudyCrumb’s word counter for essay offers a whole pool of benefits. As our document word counter is free, it’s not the only benefit you can appreciate:

  • It’s free and extremely simple to use.
  • Our word calculator processes a large amount of data in a very short time.
  • The tool will save much of your precious time.
  • You can alter your text right in our tool.

Needless to say, while writing in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Google Documents, you can easily see word and character count. But if you are dealing with a pdf file, you should put in some extra effort. Luckily, with our paper word counter, you can solve this issue effortlessly.


Get help from academic experts!

Whether you need to write a paper or have your essay edited, our experts will handle everything quickly and efficiently.

FAQ About Essay Word Counter

Have any unanswered questions about our word frequency counter? Check out the answers below and find a flash answer.

1. Do I need to register to use the word count checker?

No, StudyCrumb’s word count checker can be used without registration. We did our best to make the process as smooth as possible. You can check count values without creating an account.

2. Does your word counter check spelling?

Sure! Our instrument works like a spell checker and word count tool. This way, you can count symbols in your document and detect spelling errors, if there are any. Our tool will underline the areas that need extra attention.

3. Does this character counter include spaces or not?

Our character counter will show the count values both with and without spaces. Once you enter your text, you will get in-depth results where you will see characters including and excluding spaces.

4. Does your word counter tool save my text?

No, StudyCrumb’s word counter tool doesn’t save your text to the database. Your privacy is our top priority. We designed a tool that doesn’t store content you enter.

5. Do spaces count as words in an essay?

Yes, they do. Our word counter for free online will show you the number of words with or without spaces in a result section below the input box. These numbers will be vastly different. It only means that spaces count as words in an essay.

6. How do you find out how many words did I write?

Our tool is powered by an AI. So, it obviously knows how to count words. It divides the entire text by spaces and then counts the resulting pieces which are the words. Then it will show you the number of words it counted in a section below, as well as this number plus the number of spaces found in your text.

7. How do I check my word count on an essay quickly?

Just use our tool if you need to count the words in a document! It has a fast mode with an intuitive interface that delivers only accurate results. It is completely free, which means that you won’t have to suffer through a trial period or set up an account in order to use it.

8. Can you count the words in my document if it’s 50 pages?

When using a words count online, you should take into consideration your text’s font and formatting. For example, a page made of Times New Roman 14 is not the same as Arial 12. That said, our tool can handle a text of >100.000 characters and >15.000 words.


Other Tools You May Like

StudyCrumb offers you more than just a word counter. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free writing tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!


Word counter

Efficiently track and analyze word count for free. See how many words there are, from characters to spaces to paragraphs to pages.

Word counter tool

Free Word Counter Tool

Count words, characters, paragraphes and pages.

Effortlessly optimize your articles, blogs, and posts with our user-friendly tool. Ensure precision, meet SEO requirements, and adapt your writing to diverse platforms. Ideal for writers, SEO consultants, marketers, and students, our Word Counter promotes succinct, clear text and impactful content creation, supporting your journey towards effective communication.

Analyze text volume

  • Quickly count not only total words, but also characters, paragraphs, pages and spaces by simply copying and pasting text into the word counter.
  • Effortlessly analyze the length and volume of any written content with just a few clicks, whether it’s a blog post, essay, article or book.
  • The user-friendly word counting tool enables anyone to measure their content, from students to professional writers and marketers.
  • Paste any text into the word counter to immediately get detailed statistics and analysis on text volume and length.

Copy, paste and go

  • Our word counter operates in real-time, counting words as you type or paste them into text box without extra clicks or steps.
  • There’s no need to manually submit or process the text – the analysis happens on-the-fly.
  • None of the content entered into the word counting tool is ever saved or stored. You can feel secure pasting any written material into our instant word counter, as your privacy is of the utmost importance.
  • The streamlined, hassle-free functionality updates word totals immediately, giving you the data you need the moment you need it.

Why text counter is essential?

Word, character, paragraph, and page counter provides indispensable metrics for anyone working with written content. Our free online word and character counter offers insightful data to optimize and tailor writing. Here’s why it so valuable for key audiences:

Maximizing Value for SEO Specialists & Marketers

  • Quickly analyze keyword density to improve website visibility and search engine rankings.
  • Identify overused keywords and ensure content is not stuffed or spammy.
  • Adapt writing for specific platforms by seeing text length and volume.
  • Optimize meta descriptions and titles for search results pages.
  • Check that blog posts and articles meet best practices for readability.
  • Compare changes between content versions to see impact on metrics.

Streamlining Work for Writers

  • Instantly validate if writing meets specific word count requirements.
  • Maintain consistent article, story, or book lengths across pieces.
  • Analyze writing density, complexity, and flow.
  • Identify areas that need condensing by checking sentence and paragraph length.
  • Compare versions to evaluate how edits influence word volume.
  • Check page counts for publishing requirements.

Providing Academic Support for Students

  • Verify essays and assignments reach minimum word counts.
  • Avoid exceeding maximum word limits which can lead to penalties.
  • Manage time better by seeing words written versus remaining.
  • Improve writing by analyzing areas that are too wordy.
  • Format documents properly with page counts for papers.

Rush Analytics online words counter gives you and more the ability to instantly analyze volumes of writing in detail. By providing key metrics on word and characters count, page numbers, and more, our online tool helps create optimized, effective content tailored for any need.

Optimizing Title Tag and Meta Description Length for SEO

When it comes to title tag length for SEO, there is no absolute limit enforced by Google. Their official guidance is simply to be descriptive yet concise. However, most experts recommend keeping titles under 55-60 characters. These character recommendations originate from how title tags display in search results – maxing out at around 600 pixels on desktop and 620 on mobile. With the average character occupying 10 pixels, titles over 60 characters often get cut off or truncated on result pages. Some speculate that Google only indexes the first 50-60 characters for ranking purposes. But this is unconfirmed, and likely comes from the common display length rather than insights into Google’s ranking algorithms.

Ultimately, while longer titles may contain relevant keywords, going over 60 characters risks losing visibility and click-throughs from search. Users can’t click on what they can’t see. Prioritize scannability. To ensure maximum impact, craft title tags using 50-60 characters. This provides Google’s algorithms with a focused, descriptive signal for relevance, while optimizing visibility across devices. Remember that concision and clarity are key – not keyword stuffing. Adhering to character limits derived from display constraints allows titles to inform users and enhance on-page SEO. For Google’s meta description, the recommended length is between 120-160 characters to optimize display and indexing.

So in summary:

  • 50-60 characters
  • 120-160 characters
  • 10-12 words

Twitter’s tweet character count

Today, Twitter (oh, X, of course) provides freedom of expression with 280 characters .

Here’s what you should consider:

  • The original tweet limit was 140 characters, allowing for brief messages and microblogging.
  • In 2017, Twitter expanded the limit to 280 characters per tweet. This doubled the amount of text that could be shared.
  • The 280 character count includes spaces and punctuation. Media like images and polls do not count against the limit.
  • Reasons for expanding tweets include allowing for more substantive threads, improved engagement, and attracting new users.
  • Despite doubling, 280 characters still promotes brevity and requires concision when tweeting. It prevents overly long or rambling posts.
  • Twitter threads can be used to connect multiple tweets into a longer narrative or thought while maintaining shorter individual tweets.
  • Hashtags, @mentions, URLs shorten the usable character count when tweeting. Creative use of shorthand helps fit more in.
  • Twitter displays full tweets over 140 characters prominently in timelines to optimize visibility.
  • The expanded tweet limit aimed to strike a balance between brevity and expressing more ideas in a tweet.

Overall, the 280 character tweet length encourages expressive but compact posts suited for the rapid, public discussions Twitter facilitates. It shaped the unique syntax of tweeting.

Use our online word counter tool to check all the texts you need, from blog articles to x tweets and social media posting.

More tools to optimize your content

Keyword grouper.

The fastest and most accurate keyword clustering tool on the market. Turn a list of keywords into a ready semantic core in minutes.

  • All languages and locations
  • Unique clustering algorithm

Keyword search volume checker

Get keyword search volume from Google Keyword Planner in any location and language

  • High speed of keyword search volume checking
  • Exact search volume

SERP checker tool

Monitor how the search engine rankings (TOP100) for your keywords are changing – check how new competitors are rising or falling

  • Search engine monitoring
  • Smart segmentation by categories

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Get 7 days free trial access to all tools. No credit card needed!

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Flexible pricing to suit your needs.

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Character Counter

Characters 0 words 0 lines 0, letter density.

essay number counter

Character Counter is a 100% free online character count calculator that's simple to use. Sometimes users prefer simplicity over all of the detailed writing information Word Counter provides, and this is exactly what this tool offers. It displays character count and word count which is often the only information a person needs to know about their writing. Best of all, you receive the needed information at a lightning fast speed.

To find out the word and character count of your writing, simply copy and paste text into the tool or write directly into the text area. Once done, the free online tool will display both counts for the text that's been inserted. This can be useful in many instances, but it can be especially helpful when you are writing for something that has a character minimum or limit.

Character and word limits are quite common these days on the Internet. The one that most people are likely aware of is the 140 character limit for tweets on Twitter, but character limits aren't restricted to Twitter. There are limits for text messages (SMS), Yelp reviews, Facebook posts, Pinterest pins, Reddit titles and comments, eBay titles and descriptions as well as many others. Knowing these limits, as well as being able to see as you approach them, will enable you to better express yourself within the imposed limits.

For students, there are usually limits or minimums for homework assignments. The same is often true for college applications. Abiding by these can have a major impact on how this writing is graded and reviewed, and it shows whether or not you're able to follow basic directions. Character counter can make sure you don't accidentally go over limits or fail to meet minimums that can be detrimental to these assignments.

This information can also be quite helpful for writers. Knowing the number of words and characters can help writers better understand the length of their writing, and work to display the pages of their writing in a specific way. For those who write for magazines and newspapers where there is limited space, knowing these counts can help the writer get the most information into that limited space.

For job seekers, knowing the number of characters of your resume can be essential to get all the information you want onto a single page. You can fool around with different fonts, their sizes and spacing to adjust the number of characters you can fit on a single page, but it's important to know the number you're attempting to fit on the page.

Character Counter isn't only for English. The tool can be helpful for those writing in non-English languages where character count is important. This can be the case for languages Japanese, Korean, Chinese and many others where characters are the basis of the written language. Even for those who aren't writing in English, knowing the character count of the writing is often beneficial to the writing.

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Paragraph Counter

Welcome to our online paragraph counter.

To get started, enter some text into the text box. As you type you will notice the paragraph count being updated in real-time on the top left of your screen.

As an added bonus, we included both the character and word count as well on the top right of the screen.

Next to this button is the Copy Text button. Click this to copy the text within the text box.

How are paragraphs calculated?

Any time you start a new line containing text the paragraph count will be incremented.

Please note that each item in a bulleted list will count as a paragraph.

This is consistent with how Microsoft Word counts paragraphs.

However Google Docs, possibly the biggest alternative to Microsoft Word doesn't even have a paragraph count feature.

What is the ideal paragraph length?

The ideal paragraph length depends on the type of writing.

When to use short paragraphs

For example, if writing a blog article it is best to keep paragraphs short.

Yoast, who created one of the most popular SEO tools for bloggers even penalizes your SEO score if you have a paragraph more than 150 words.

It is common practice among the blogging/SEO community to keep paragraphs short.

Many times the paragraphs will be just one sentence.

Kind of like this.

The idea behind it is that shorter paragraphs allow you to more easily digest the text since you are able to break it up into chunks.

Smaller chunks and lots of headings, make it easier on the brain to scan the text.

Shorter paragraphs take up more room

Another benefit is the fact that it is able to take up more room on the page.

Many students, if given the task of writing a 2-page essay will adjust the font-size, margins, spacing etc. to make it reach the 2-page limit.

In the same way, many bloggers instead of condensing their writing into one block of text, will break it into lots of small paragraphs to make the text appear longer.

The longer the text, the more advertisements can be fit inside it.

Which is why some digital ad companies highly encourage smaller paragraphs.

When to use longer paragraphs

If you are not writing a blog post or article published on the internet it may be best to write slightly longer paragraphs. Academic papers are a great example. Academic papers don't typically have ads, so there is no reason to try to make the text longer to fit more ads in. Also, people involved in academics probably have longer attention spans and don't need their paragraphs broken up in small chunks so they don't lose interest. Whereas a person on the internet might have a shorter attention span and simply want to be able to skim the most important parts quicker and more easily. As you may have noticed, I made this paragraph right here a slightly longer paragraph just so you can compare it to the shorter paragraphs above. As you can tell it is a little harder to skim through it compared to shorter paragraphs.

The previous paragraph you just read was 148 words which was very close to Yoast's 150 word limit for paragraphs. Paragraphs over 150 words are bad for blogs or internet articles but can be perfectly fine and in some cases preferred for academic writing. It just depends on the context.

Why use our paragraph counter over the one in Microsoft Word?

The paragraph count can be important, which is why even Microsoft Word went through the trouble of creating their own paragraph count feature. However, it can be hard to remember which of the many settings you have to click in Word to obtain the paragraph count which is why in many cases it can be easier just to Google search "paragraph counter" and come across a site like ours to copy and paste into.

Not to mention our paragraph counter is pinned to the top of the screen so you can see the paragraph count constantly updating in real-time unlike in Microsoft Word where you have to click through all the settings each time you want a new paragraph count.

Thanks for using our Paragraph Counter!

Now that you have a better understanding of when to use shorter paragraphs vs. when to use longer paragraphs your writing will be drastically improved.

We also hope you enjoyed the paragraph counter at the top of the screen along with the word count and character count.

Thanks for using our tool! If you need a counter with additional features like space count, letter count etc. please feel free to use the main character counter on our home page .

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Word Count Reducer

Have you exceeded your assignment word limit and now wonder how to cut your essay length? Try our word count decreaser! It will shorten your paper while preserving its meaning.

Create a summary of any academic text with this summarizing software! It will generate a synopsis for you in 3 simple steps:

How often do you exceed the word count by more than 10%? How often do you lack the required amount of words? In many cases, writing a text of the exact size is difficult. However, teachers assess your ability to squeeze all required content into a particular volume, especially in admission essays.

Use our handy free online tool – a word decreaser – if you’re clueless about what to cut out from your writing.

  • ✂️ How to Use the Word Decreaser?

✅ Word Cutter: the Benefits

  • 🕰️ When to Use the Tool?
  • ✍️ How to Cut Words?
  • 🤩 Why Choose This Tool?
  • 🔗 References

✂️ Word Count Decreaser Guidelines

When you realize that your text requires reduction, you may follow two paths – edit it on your own or take advantage of modern technology. Our smart word count decreaser will do the job for you! The entire process is automated and lets you submit an essay with an exact word count without losing the important content.

Here’s how you can use the decrease word count tool:

  • Paste your text into the first window;
  • Select the number of sentences you want the summary to have;
  • Choose to see the keywords of the text;
  • Press “Decrease” and review the result.

The best about our tool is that you won’t spend hours editing your writing masterpiece. You can quickly decrease word count online and experiment with several word combinations to find the best match.

Use the “Show keywords” option if necessary.
You don’t need to download unnecessary software.
No longer need to pay or use trial versions.
Enjoy the word cutter designed for educational purposes.

🕰️ Word Cutter – When to Use It?

Let’s discuss the propriety of using the decrease word count generator and explain the cases when you’ll find it useful.

Exceeding the Word Count (Essay, Research Paper, Thesis)

Each academic assignment has a specific word count based on the contents and depth of the research.

  • A standard essay usually ranges from 500 to 2000 words;
  • A research paper is rarely smaller than 2,500-3,000 words;
  • Theses and dissertations have more extended word counts, from 10,000 to 25,000.

So, if you’ve hopelessly run out of the required word count and still need to cover some vital sections, turn to our word count reducer. The tool will cut words from the essay or dissertation to let you meet the word limit. You can stipulate the number of sentences it should contain and highlight the keywords to preserve the core content.

Making a Book Review

A book review is a detailed yet concise analysis of the book’s contents, main plot twists, and characters. Students of humanities departments, especially Literature, often need to make book reviews and reports based on the studied material. But do you have time to read all the books and then write reviews? If not, our word count reducer can help you receive a short, manageable summary in a few seconds. Read it, get the book’s content, and write a review in one go without spending several days on full-size book reading.

Writing an Abstract

You may often need to complete an abstract for an essay, dissertation, or other academic manuscripts , which should not exceed 200-250 words. Producing such a concise summary is often challenging, as your work is large and contains many valuable facts you might want to cover. Our word reducer will do the job for you. Just instruct it on what to focus on, and the tool will generate a brief, informative abstract, keeping the data you need.


Students often have to read, process, and synthesize dozens of scholarly works when writing academic papers, like essays or coursework. The challenge here is to refer to sources in a non-plagiarized way , so you should dedicate enough time and effort to paraphrasing. Though our keyword reducer will not make the summarized content unique (paraphraser will), it will identify the key facts and points for further paraphrasing .

In this section, you’ll find the key advantages of this word reducer.

✍️ How to Reduce Word Count?

Many students ask, “how can I reduce my word count?” This task requires careful editing and content review so the process may take hours. We’ve compiled some handy tips to guide you in this process and hone your word-count-reduction skills.

Try to take a step back and keep only your main idea in mind. You’ll quickly see how many redundant details can be dropped painlessly.
Verb forms are active, dynamic, and expressive. Thus, if you have a phrase like, “she led the battle and won the award by competing with ten people,” think of replacing it with, “she beat ten competitors.”
Synonyms and meaning enhancers are acceptable in literary language, but they can easily be sacrificed when writing a scientific piece.
These parts often contain irrelevant details and repeat the things you say in the body. So, keep these sections down to a minimum.
Prepositions and conjunctions make your text coherent, but sometimes it’s better to split the sentence in two. Just like with the previous sentence in this paragraph – removing “but” will do a favor to it.

🤩 Why Choose This Reduce-Word-Count Generator?

As you can see, reducing the word count can be a tedious task. Our free online tool can do the job for you by speeding up the process of word cutting.

  • You can shorten the text without losing its quality and key information.
  • You stay in complete control of the word reduction process.
  • You can compare the original text’s word/character/sentence count with in the output section.
  • You can see keywords for a quick review of the core content.
  • You are able to copy the result with one click.

What’s more, the tool comes with a detailed, user-friendly interface that will make your experience a breeze. It’s free to use, and you can enjoy it without limitations for any academic challenge.

Updated: May 17th, 2024

📎 References

  • How to Reduce Your Essay Word Count – Word Counter Blog
  • 10 Tips for Cutting Your Word Count – the University of Adelaide
  • Paraphrasing – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University
  • Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper; The Writing Center; UW–Madison
  • Research Paper Structure

Trump Rallied in Battleground Georgia, as Harris Mulled Her V.P. Choice

Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, campaigned in the same Atlanta arena where Kamala Harris held an event this week. She is expected to announce her running mate by Tuesday.

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Donald Trump walks on stage with crowds around him.

Neil Vigdor

At Atlanta rally, Trump says Georgia’s governor is hampering his efforts to win there.

Former President Donald J. Trump suggested without evidence on Saturday that Georgia’s Republican governor was hampering his efforts to win the battleground state in November, a claim that carried echoes of Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn his defeat to President Biden there in 2020.

“In my opinion, they want us to lose,” Mr. Trump said, accusing the state’s governor, Brian Kemp, and its secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, who is also a Republican, of being disloyal and trying to make life difficult for him.

At a rally at the Georgia State University Convocation Center in Atlanta, in a speech that lasted more than 90 minutes and that was peppered with grievances about his loss four years ago, Mr. Trump falsely claimed, “I won this state twice,” referring to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Mr. Trump lost to Mr. Biden by roughly 12,000 votes in Georgia in 2020. Last year, the former president was indicted by an Atlanta grand jury on charges related to his efforts to subvert the results of that election in that state. On Saturday, he complained that he might have avoided legal jeopardy if Mr. Kemp and Mr. Raffensperger had cooperated with his attempts to reverse the 2020 results.

Mr. Trump added that he thought Georgia had slipped under Mr. Kemp’s leadership. “The state has gone to hell,” he said.

Mr. Kemp, who indicated in June that he had not voted for Mr. Trump in the Republican primary this year, said on X that his focus is “on winning this November” and “not engaging in petty personal insults, attacking fellow Republicans, or dwelling on the past.”

“You should do the same, Mr. President, and leave my family out of it,” he said, sharing a social media message that Mr. Trump had posted earlier Saturday in which he jabbed at Mr. Kemp and Mr. Kemp’s wife.

Mr. Raffensperger shared a screenshot of the same post from Mr. Trump and said : “History has taught us this type of message doesn’t sell well here in Georgia, sir.”

Mr. Trump held his rally in Atlanta in the same arena where his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, held a rally earlier in the week. Both candidates filled the complex, which holds 8,000 people, though Mr. Trump, who has long bragged about his ability to draw overflow crowds, questioned whether Ms. Harris’s supporters had in fact come to hear the hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion, who performed at that event.

Mr. Trump recalled that Bruce Springsteen had performed at a rally for Hillary Clinton in 2016 . “I’m not a huge fan,” he said of Mr. Springsteen. “I have a bad trait. I only like people that like me.”

Mr. Trump, who was preceded onstage by his running mate, Senator JD Vance, repeatedly leveled personal attacks against Ms. Harris. He mocked the pronunciation of her first name, insulted her intelligence and communication skills, and called her a “radical left freak.”

“Kamala,” Mr. Trump said, enunciating with derision the syllables of her name. “You know there’s about 19 different ways of saying it. She only likes three.”

The Harris campaign provided a statement on Saturday night from Geoff Duncan, a Republican who was the lieutenant governor of Georgia during the 2020 election, denouncing Mr. Trump.

“Tonight, we heard a particularly unhinged, angry version of the same Donald Trump that Georgia rejected in 2020,” said Mr. Duncan, who has endorsed Ms. Harris.

Mr. Trump, who has been criticized for his past praise of dictators and authoritarian leaders, also suggested that Russia had managed to get the better end of a major prisoner swap with the Biden administration this week, which resulted in the release of the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and the security contractor Paul Whelan.

“I’d like to congratulate Vladimir Putin for having made yet another great deal,” Mr. Trump said of the Russian president.

He added: “Boy, we make some horrible, horrible deals.”

Jonathan Weisman

Jonathan Weisman and Reid J. Epstein

Harris to interview V.P. contenders in final test of chemistry.

Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with top candidates to serve as her vice president on Sunday, closing out her search for a running mate with a test of whether she and her potential new partner click.

At least three leading candidates — Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota and Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania — are scheduled to meet with Ms. Harris on Sunday at her residence at the Naval Observatory, in Washington, according to several people briefed on the plans who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private meetings.

It was unclear whether other potential candidates — including Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — were also on the schedule, or if they had already met with Ms. Harris.

The in-person meeting, described as a “chemistry test,” is a final step in the search, but one that Ms. Harris is expected to put considerable stock in. Aides and associates have said that she often prioritizes personal rapport with her staff and advisers.

Ms. Harris is also searching for a running mate who will help her win. Among the finalists are two popular state leaders from battleground states, Mr. Kelly and Mr. Shapiro, and several politicians with a record of appealing to moderates and voters in Republican areas. Ms. Harris, a California Democrat, has scant experience winning over Republicans.

The assets and liabilities of the three candidates on her schedule on Sunday vary. Mr. Kelly is a swing-state senator with an impressive résumé and moderate positions on immigration that might help neutralize a problematic issue for Democrats. Mr. Shapiro is broadly popular in Pennsylvania, arguably a must-win state. But he has faced criticism from the left, especially from pro-Palestinian activists, over his support for Israel and his handling of college protests over the war in Gaza.

Mr. Walz is a fairly new face, even to most Democrats, but he has recently become a favorite among progressives who relish his folksy takedowns of former President Donald J. Trump on cable news. Minnesota, however, is unlikely to be critical to Ms. Harris’s path to the White House.

Ms. Harris’s search has been unusually accelerated. It began in earnest just two weeks ago, shortly after President Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed her to replace him. The vetting — a deep investigation of the candidates’ personal, financial and political lives — was completed by Covington & Burling, a Washington law firm, on Thursday.

Finalists for the job were briefed by Harris campaign advisers about whatever information was found — or not found — by the firm, according to a person close to one of the finalists. They will be told either Monday night or Tuesday morning whether they were picked.

The Harris campaign has said it will announce its choice before she and her new running mate start a cross-country tour with a rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday.


Donald J. Trump just wrapped up his remarks at a rally in Atlanta, where he repeatedly attacked Vice President Kamala Harris over immigration, crime and inflation in a meandering speech that lasted more than 90 minutes.

At his rally in Georgia, a state he won in 2016 but lost to President Biden in 2020, former President Donald J. Trump is relitigating his defeat in the last election. “I won this state twice,” he falsely claimed. Trump also attacked Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, and its secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, two Republicans who defied his bid to overturn his defeat. He suggested, without evidence, that they were making life difficult for him in the 2024 election. “In my opinion, they want us to lose.”

Ken Bensinger

Ken Bensinger and Jim Rutenberg

Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s husband, acknowledges a long-ago affair.

Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, said on Saturday that he had an extramarital affair during his first marriage, years before he met Ms. Harris.

The acknowledgment, which was released in a statement, came hours after a British tabloid reported that Mr. Emhoff had a previously undisclosed relationship with a teacher who worked at the elementary school his children attended in Culver City, Calif., approximately 15 years ago.

At the time, Mr. Emhoff, an entertainment lawyer, was married to Kerstin Emhoff, a film producer, with whom he had two children. The couple filed for divorce in 2009. Mr. Emhoff met Ms. Harris in 2013, and they married the following year.

“During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions,” Mr. Emhoff said in the statement. “I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.”

The Biden campaign was aware of the affair before it decided to tap Ms. Harris as vice president in 2020, according to a person familiar with the vetting process, who spoke on condition of anonymity. In addition, this person said that Ms. Harris knew of the affair before she married Mr. Emhoff in 2014.

According to an article published by The Daily Mail on Saturday, Mr. Emhoff had the relationship with a woman who at the time worked as a teacher at The Willows Community School, a private school in west Los Angeles.

The woman, who now lives on Long Island, did not respond to messages seeking comment.

In the years since their divorce, Mr. Emhoff and his ex-wife have frequently referred to each other as friends, and they have said they have worked to raise their children with Ms. Harris , whom they call a “co-parent.”

Ms. Emhoff also has lately defended Ms. Harris. After Senator JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, was named the vice-presidential nominee, critics began resurfacing remarks he made in 2021 claiming the country was run by “childless cat ladies,” including Ms. Harris. Ms. Emhoff called the attacks “baseless” and praised the vice president’s role in her family.

The former couple’s two children, now both adults, have also defended the vice president’s role in their upbringing. Ella Emhoff, in a social media post last week, wrote “how can you be ‘childless’ when you have cutie pie kids like Cole and I,” referring to herself and her brother.

In another statement on Saturday, Ms. Emhoff also addressed her husband’s affair, but stopped short of blaming it for their divorce.

“Doug and I decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons, many years ago,” Ms. Emhoff said. “He is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me and I am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family Doug, Kamala and I have built together.”

Mr. Emhoff, who left his law practice when Ms. Harris was elected as President Biden’s vice president, has become an integral and prominent part of Ms. Harris’s political operation. On Friday he co-hosted a fund-raiser on Fire Island for the campaign, along with Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, which the Democratic National Committee said had raised $321,000.

At his rally in Atlanta, Donald J. Trump returned to a favorite preoccupation of his campaign speeches: crowd size. He argued that his Democratic opponents, from Hillary Clinton in 2016 to Vice President Kamala Harris in 2024, needed celebrity headliners to fill arenas. He harkened back to the 2016 election when Bruce Springsteen performed at a rally for Clinton. “I’m not a huge fan,” Trump said of the Boss. He added: “I only like people that like me.”

Vice President Kamala Harris held a rally in this same arena on Tuesday, when roughly 10,000 people attended. The arena is filled again tonight, but Trump has repeatedly complained that officials with the complex would not allow in all of the people who had lined up to attend.

Jonathan Weisman

Abed Ayoub, a Palestinian-rights activist in Michigan, confirmed on Saturday that he was a finalist to be the Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s running mate. Al Jazeera reported that Ayoub, the executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and two other Palestinian-rights activists, were the finalists, suggesting that Stein was determined to make it that much tougher for Vice President Kamala Harris to win battleground Michigan, which has a large Arab American population.

Former President Donald J. Trump, who has been criticized for his past praise of dictators and authoritarian leaders, suggested during his Atlanta rally that Russia got the better end of a major prisoner swap with the Biden administration this week that resulted in the release of the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and the security contractor Paul Whelan. “I’d like to congratulate Vladimir Putin for having made yet another great deal,” Trump said of the Russian president. He added: “Boy, we make some horrible, horrible deals.”

Former President Donald J. Trump is taking the stage at a campaign rally in Atlanta, where he was introduced by his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio.

Shawn McCreesh

Shawn McCreesh

Senator JD Vance of Ohio is speaking here at the Trump rally in Atlanta. He says that when Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats make fun of him for being “weird,” it’s evidence of their elitist, sneering, condescending worldview — of a piece with Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment in 2016 and Barack Obama’s remark in 2008 about “bitter” working-class voters who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.” The crowd gave Vance a thundering reception.

Reid J. Epstein

Gov. Tim Walz, Democrat of Minnesota and a contender to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, has canceled a planned trip to New Hampshire on Sunday, his spokesman, Teddy Tschann, said. “The governor’s schedule has changed,” Tschann said.

Former President Donald J. Trump will soon take the stage here at the Georgia State Convocation Center, the same arena in Atlanta where Kamala Harris held a packed rally on Tuesday. It’s totally filled for Trump, too, but the crowd is overwhelmingly white, except in one spot — the section directly behind the stage that is in full view of the broadcast cameras. Representatives Mike Collins and Marjorie Taylor Greene are here as warm-up acts. “Kamala Harris is like the Stacey Abrams of California,” Collins told the crowd, referring to the voting-rights activist who twice lost the governor's race. “Georgia didn’t want Stacey, and we don’t want Kamala.”

Ahead of his rally in Atlanta on Saturday, former President Donald J. Trump renewed his grievances with two Georgia elected officials, both Republicans, who rejected his bid to overturn his election defeat in the battleground state in 2020. In a social media post, he called on Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, to “do his job,” and he amplified his false claims about election fraud. Trump also attacked the governor, Brian Kemp: “His Crime Rate in Georgia is terrible, his Crime Rate in Atlanta is the worst, and his Economy is average.”

A campaign official for Vice President Kamala Harris accused Donald J. Trump on Saturday of scheming up a Sept. 4 debate on Fox News to avoid a debate scheduled for six days later on ABC News that Trump had committed to before President Biden dropped out of the race. “We’re happy to discuss further debates after the one both campaigns have already agreed to,” Michael Tyler, the Harris campaign’s communications director, said. “Mr. Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace should have no problem with that unless he’s too scared to show up on the 10th.”

Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

As the Harris campaign brings on new top-level aides , it is also hiring staff members in battleground states. In the next two weeks, the campaign will add 150 people to its staff in the blue wall states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and “more than double our staff in Arizona and North Carolina,” according to a memo from Dan Kanninen, the campaign’s battleground states director. The memo says that the campaign currently has more than 1,400 staff members across the swing states.

essay number counter

Neil Vigdor Maggie Haberman and Simon J. Levien

Trump proposes a Fox News debate with Harris on Sept. 4.

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Former President Donald J. Trump declared late on Friday that he was dropping out of an ABC News debate scheduled for Sept. 10 and presented a counterproposal to Vice President Kamala Harris, his presumptive opponent, to face off on Fox News six days earlier.

The change, which Mr. Trump announced on his social media site, Truth Social, raised objections from the Harris campaign and appeared to throw a potential showdown between the rivals into question.

A campaign official for Ms. Harris on Saturday accused Mr. Trump of scheming up the Fox News debate to distract from reneging on his commitment to the ABC debate. Mr. Trump had agreed to that debate in May, before President Biden dropped out of the race and before Mr. Biden’s calamitous performance in a CNN debate on June 27.

“Donald Trump is running scared and trying to back out of the debate he already agreed to and running straight to Fox News to bail him out,” Michael Tyler, the communications director for the Harris campaign, said in a statement. “He needs to stop playing games and show up to the debate he already committed to on Sept 10.”

Mr. Tyler said that the Harris campaign was open to discussing further debates if Mr. Trump honored his commitment to the ABC debate.

“Mr. Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace should have no problem with that unless he’s too scared to show up on the 10th,” he said.

A spokesman for ABC News would not say whether the network would go ahead with its debate and give time only to Ms. Harris. In a post on X on Saturday, Ms. Harris said: “I’ll be there on September 10th, like he agreed to. I hope to see him there.”

A spokesman for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday. Representatives for Fox News did not respond to questions.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly railed against ABC News, which he is suing for defamation, a case that a federal judge in Florida recently allowed to move forward . He has attacked George Stephanopoulos, the host of “This Week” on ABC, who did the first television interview with Mr. Biden after his debate performance. He also turned combative toward Rachel Scott of ABC News during a question-and-answer session on Wednesday at a convention of Black journalists in Chicago.

Mr. Trump has appeared to be struggling to find his footing since Mr. Biden left the race, despite the fact that Democrats had been increasingly calling for such a change since the president’s debate performance.

He has tested out a series of nicknames against Ms. Harris and has made clear he would rather attack her personally and focus the public discussion on her race — Ms. Harris’s father was born in Jamaica and her mother in India — than attempt to tie her to the Biden administration’s record or her own record as a prosecutor in California.

Mr. Trump, who spent nearly 16 months getting nonstop attention since he was first criminally indicted in March 2023, has also struggled to try to inject himself back into the headlines at a moment when Ms. Harris is enjoying a political honeymoon. By canceling the ABC debate, Mr. Trump has put himself back in the news cycle.

According to Mr. Trump’s post on his social media site, the Fox News debate would take place on Sept. 4 at a to-be-determined location in Pennsylvania, one of the most consequential battleground states. The network’s anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum would moderate.

Mr. Trump said on social media that the Fox News debate would have a live audience; the previous debate between him and Mr. Biden was hosted by CNN in an empty venue. Though both campaigns agreed to the format of the first debate, Mr. Trump had bemoaned the lack of a crowd.

He added that the rules would be similar to the CNN debate, though he did not specify which rules. The candidates’ microphones in the June debate were muted when it was not their turn to speak to prevent interruptions.

Mr. Trump also said that he was “totally prepared to accept” Ms. Harris as the Democrats’ new candidate. Since her campaign suddenly took shape after Mr. Biden dropped out of the race about two weeks ago, Mr. Trump has characterized her ascendancy as a “coup” within the Democratic Party. In his debate announcement, the former president complained about the shake-up.

“I spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars, Time, and Effort fighting Joe, and when I won the Debate, they threw a new Candidate into the ring,” Mr. Trump said on his social media site on Friday, adding that he hoped to tie Ms. Harris to Mr. Biden’s policies.

The Sept. 4 date is close to the start of some states’ early voting windows and long after Ms. Harris has clinched the nomination from her party. (The Democratic National Committee said on Friday that she had already won enough delegates in a virtual roll call vote to secure the party’s nomination.)

The first presidential debate between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump had a seismic impact on the race. Mr. Biden gave a halting performance, in contrast to Mr. Trump, who spoke comparatively vigorously while repeatedly advancing falsehoods.

Mr. Biden’s garbled responses supercharged concerns among his Democratic colleagues about his age and health, as well as his ability to beat Mr. Trump in the general election. After several weeks of declining poll numbers and mounting pressure from key allies, Mr. Biden announced on July 21 that he would withdraw from the race.

Since then, Ms. Harris has challenged Mr. Trump to debate her and criticized his reluctance to commit to a date. As recently as Friday morning, in an interview with Fox Business, he was refusing to say whether he would debate Ms. Harris.

After the president dropped out, Ms. Harris said she would be willing to debate in Mr. Biden’s place, but Mr. Trump was noncommittal.

“Well Donald, I do hope you’ll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage,” Ms. Harris said at her rally in Atlanta on Tuesday. “Because as the saying goes, ‘If you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.’”

Shapiro’s college-era criticism of Palestinians draws fresh scrutiny.

Gov. Josh Shapiro, Democrat of Pennsylvania, wrote in his college newspaper three decades ago that Palestinians were “too battle-minded” to achieve a two-state solution in the Middle East, prompting criticism as Vice President Kamala Harris considers him to be her running mate.

Mr. Shapiro, 51, has embraced his Jewish identity and been one of the Democratic Party’s staunchest defenders of Israel at a moment when the party is splintered over the war in Gaza.

But he says his views have evolved since publishing an opinion essay as a college student at the University of Rochester in New York, when he wrote that Palestinians were incapable of establishing their own homeland and making it successful, even with help from Israel and the United States.

“They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own,” he wrote in the essay, published in the Sept. 23, 1993, edition of The Campus Times , the student newspaper. “They will grow tired of fighting amongst themselves and will turn outside against Israel.”

Mr. Shapiro, who was 20 at the time, noted in his essay that he had spent five months studying in Israel and had volunteered in the Israeli Army.

“The only way the ‘peace plan’ will be successful is if the Palestinians do not ruin it,” Mr. Shapiro wrote, adding, “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully.”

During a news conference on Friday at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, the nation’s first historically Black college or university, Mr. Shapiro tried to distance himself from those remarks, which were first reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer .

“Something I wrote when I was 20, is that what you’re talking about?” Mr. Shapiro told a reporter who asked him about it. “I was 20.”

Mr. Shapiro said he had been in favor of a two-state solution, with “Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully side by side” long before the Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7 that started the war in Gaza.

“It is my hope that we can see a day where peace will reign in the Middle East,” he said, “where there will be a two-state solution, where all leaders involved in the conversations will respect the other side and show a willingness to make the hard choices to find peace.”

Mr. Shapiro’s explanation did not satisfy the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which later on Friday called on him to apologize.

“We are deeply disturbed by the racist, anti-Palestinian views that Governor Shapiro expressed in this article,” Ahmet Tekelioglu, the group’s executive director said in a statement. “We are also concerned by his failure to clearly apologize for those hateful comments, especially given how quickly and harshly he has targeted college students protesting the Gaza genocide for their speech.”

In regards to Mr. Shapiro’s having written that he had volunteered in the Israeli army, a spokesman for Mr. Shapiro, Manuel Bonder, said in a statement: “While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery. The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base. At no time was he engaged in any military activities.”

Mr. Shapiro has been one of the most vocal party leaders to condemn the documented rise of antisemitism since the Hamas-led attack on Israel. When he was previously asked if he considered himself a Zionist, he said that he did.

He has also not shied away from criticizing college administrators over their response to campus antisemitism, including at the University of Pennsylvania.

If Ms. Harris chooses Mr. Shapiro to be her running mate, he will become only the second Jewish vice-presidential nominee on a major-party ticket. The first was Joseph I. Lieberman, the former Connecticut senator who died in March . He ran with Al Gore in 2000.

Jon Hurdle and Katie Glueck contributed reporting.

Eduardo Medina

Eduardo Medina

Reporting from Lucama, N.C.

Mark Robinson tries to reframe his strict anti-abortion position in a new ad.

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson of North Carolina, the Republican nominee for governor, released a new ad on Friday that sought to moderate his opposition to abortion, saying that he supports the current state law, which generally bans the procedure after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

His campaign had previously said that he wanted a so-called heartbeat law, which would ban the procedure after about six weeks of pregnancy, when many women have yet to realize they are pregnant.

Mr. Robinson’s softened stance was included in an ad that focused on the story of how his wife, Yolanda Hill Robinson, had an abortion in 1989 — a decision that he said “was like this solid pain between us that we never spoke of.” The couple had previously disclosed the abortion in a Facebook video in 2022.

The ad appeared to be an attempt by Mr. Robinson’s campaign to blunt the criticism he has received for his past comments on the issue and to get ahead of future attacks. One of the first ads released by his Democratic opponent, Josh Stein, the attorney general of North Carolina, featured a compilation of clips showing Mr. Robinson discussing his restrictive views on abortion.

“An abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers,” Mr. Robinson says in one clip. “It’s about killing a child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”

Mr. Stein’s campaign has accused Mr. Robinson of hiding his true intentions to seek a stricter abortion ban if elected, pointing to some of his past comments, such as when he said in February: “We’ve got it down to 12 weeks. The next goal is to get it down to six, and then just keep moving from there.”

Abortion is a central issue in North Carolina’s race for governor, which is expected to be one of the most expensive and consequential elections in the country, and one that could influence the presidential race. Republicans have rarely held the governor’s mansion in Raleigh over the past century, and recent polls show that the race is tight this year. Still, a Democratic presidential candidate has not won the state since Barack Obama in 2008.

The governor’s race also has been viewed as a Rorschach test for the swing state, where the current Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, is term-limited. Will voters go with a moderate Democrat in Mr. Stein, or veer to the right with Mr. Robinson?

With less than 100 days before the election, Mr. Robinson’s ad underscored how some Republicans have taken a more cautious approach when discussing abortion since the repeal of Roe v. Wade, which energized Democrats in the 2022 midterms. Despite the anti-abortion movement’s longtime support for a national ban, Republican former President Donald J. Trump has said that abortion restrictions should be left to the states.

In North Carolina and elsewhere, Democrats have pushed to make abortion rights a focal point, with Mr. Stein repeatedly bringing up Mr. Robinson's comments in stump speeches. Republicans have sought to tie Mr. Stein to President Biden and portray him as an out-of-touch extreme liberal.

Mr. Stein has said he supports a framework for abortion based on Roe v. Wade, which generally allowed the procedure through the point of viability, or roughly between 24 and 26 weeks.

In his ad on Friday, Mr. Robinson specified that he supports the current 12-week ban, which includes exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

“When I’m governor, mothers in need will be supported,” Mr. Robinson said.

Morgan Hopkins, a spokeswoman for Mr. Stein’s campaign, said in a statement that Mr. Robinson “has resorted to running from his record and misleading voters.”

“If North Carolinians want to know where Mark Robinson really stands on abortion, they should listen to every other comment he’s made on the issue before today,” Ms. Hopkins said.

Mr. Robinson, a fiery orator who has been bolstered by the MAGA faction of his base, has drawn criticism in the past for incendiary comments perceived as antisemitic, hateful and conspiratorial.

In recent months, Mr. Robinson has attempted to moderate his tone in public speeches and focused more of his campaign on the economy, though he still discusses cultural issues, such as denouncing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and transgender women in sports.

Noam Scheiber Kate Kelly and Kenneth P. Vogel

Harris’s brother-in-law, Uber’s chief lawyer, is taking a leave to advise her.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s brother-in-law, Tony West, will go on leave as Uber’s chief legal officer later this month to take an unofficial role in her presidential campaign.

Mr. West, a Stanford-trained lawyer and former Justice Department official, has informally advised Ms. Harris throughout her political career and has been by her side frequently since President Biden announced that he would not seek re-election.

The company revealed the change in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday afternoon.

In an email to Uber employees on Friday, Mr. West wrote that while he loved his job at the company, “I have always believed family comes first. So I’ve decided to dedicate myself full-time to supporting my family and my sister-in-law on the campaign trail.” Mr. West is married to Ms. Harris’s sister, Maya.

Beginning Aug. 17, he said, he will work as a “family-member surrogate” for the vice president, sharing the perspective of someone who has long been close to her, but will not have a formal campaign position. He said he intended to return to Uber after the presidential election and stressed that Uber would continue to take no position on the election.

Mr. West was general counsel of PepsiCo before joining Uber in 2017. He served in the Justice Department in the Clinton and Obama administrations and was the department’s third-ranking official from 2012 to 2014.

Some in the labor movement have expressed concerns about Mr. West’s ties to Ms. Harris in light of his role at Uber, which in 2020 helped enact a California ballot measure that exempted its drivers from a state law that would have probably classified them as employees.

As a result of the measure, which was recently upheld by the California Supreme Court, Uber drivers and other gig workers in the state do not benefit from certain legal protections, like state rules governing the minimum wage and overtime. The measure provided some benefits , like a separate wage floor and health care subsidies.


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  1. WordCounter

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  22. Paragraph Counter

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  23. Word Count Decreaser

    The entire process is automated and lets you submit an essay with an exact word count without losing the important content. Here's how you can use the decrease word count tool: Paste your text into the first window; Select the number of sentences you want the summary to have; Choose to see the keywords of the text; Press "Decrease" and ...

  24. Trump Rallied in Battleground Georgia, as Harris Mulled Her V.P. Choice

    Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, campaigned in the same Atlanta arena where Kamala Harris held an event this week. She is expected to announce her running mate by ...