Centerville Noon Optimist

2023 Essay Contest Winners Read Their Essays

Erin dickerson’s prayer.

Today our Jewish brothers and sisters are celebrating Purim, honoring the courage, bravery, and heroic acts of Queen Esther.  Lord, help us to be more like Esther; to speak truth to power, to fight against injustice, and to work together to make a positive difference in the world around us.

Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to take part in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Erin Laurito announced that the flyers are ready for the Got Talent Contest. The live Got Talent Contest will be held at Centerville High School on May 3 rd , 2023. The video entries are due April 6 th , 2023.
  • Bill Stone announced that the CNO lunch speaker on March 14, 2023, will be the current President of Optimist International , Bob McFadyen, and his wife Penny McFadyen. The following week’s speaker will be Optimist International Foundation Executive Director, Craig Boring.
  • Jesse Gaither announced that the next CNO 2.0 Event will be on March 15, 2023, at 5:30 PM at Loose Ends Brewery. Instead of a guest speaker this month, we will socialize and enjoy the March Madness Tournament games. At 7 PM the venue will have a trivia contest and all are welcome to join.
  • Kelly Stone announced that The JOI convention took place last weekend. About 65 students participated. They did “Get to Know You Activities,” a service project, had a leadership speaker and training. A group spent the night Friday at the church and fun was had by all! The convention resumed Saturday morning. JOI Ohio District Elections took place for the upcoming new board member positions starting October 1 st , 2023. The good news was our own Sammy Touhey from Centerville High School was elected to be the Ohio District Governor Elect for 2023-2024! They are planning to attend the Optimist International JOI convention in July 2023.
  • Beth Duncan announced that Alter High School student, Sarah Theewis, has asked CNO to support her bake sale at The Greene on March 25, 2023 to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. See

Social Events

Wine and Beer Tasting at the home of Patrick and Diane Arehart, 3/25/2023 at 6 PM, get details and sign up here.

2023 Essay Contest

Kristen Marks is the chair of the Essay Contest. The following are her remarks:

The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective and helps in developing their skills in written expression. This year’s theme for the 2022-23 contest was “Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the Optimism in You?”

I was enthusiastic about this theme as I reflect on the mentors and special people in my life that have taught me appreciation, gratitude, and optimism, and it was wonderful to read about this theme from the perspective of our youth.

I want to thank this year’s judges, Mary Stahley, Mary Murphy, Evelyn Griffin, and Megan Dalton. The time they put into reading the nine essays is much appreciated!

Today, I am happy to say that you all will get to hear the top three writers read their essays! The first, second, and third place winners of the contest have joined us today, as well as some of their special guests.

This year, we had nine entries for the local contest. The first-place winner of the local contest has moved on to the district competition.

Thank you once again to these young writers and your guests. I hope you continue to express yourself through writing and or speaking and we wish you a wonderful 2023!

Andon LaFreniere, Junior, Centerville High School, 3 rd Place

Andon is currently working on a 7-week fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He also stays busy with Lacrosse and his favorite hobby, which is skateboarding.

Excerpts from his essay follow:

My father inspires me every day.

In 2021 my father purchased a business, and he was willing to take the risks and make it a success.

The stress of managing fifty plus employees is challenging. He didn’t give up and he finds solutions to issues.

Since he has an optimistic attitude, the debt that he took on for the business does not get him down.

His willingness to go into the unknown is inspiring.

Optimism will get you through challenges in life.

Perseverance and a positive attitude will get you through anything.

Maeve Wattercutter, Junior, Centerville High School, 2 nd Place

Maeve competes in speech and debate and is also a volunteer catechist for kindergarteners at her parish. She loves to read and travel in her spare time.

Excerpts from her essay follow:

The first twenty minutes of school called advisory was so quiet, everyone spent the time staring at their phones.

My friend fostered my optimism. She stopped the silence in advisory.

Mondays are now exciting. I get to learn about my friends’ weekend and to tell them mine.

My friend refuses to let her disabilities define her.

When I was first diagnosed with dyslexia, I didn’t want to try at school since it was so hard. I did some research and found that several famous people including Albert Einstein and Steven Spielberg had dyslexia. It showed that I could still learn and be successful.

I decided dyslexia wasn’t going to get me down.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.

Change is accomplished through kindness.

My friend inspires me and my advisory. We now interact and play games instead of staring at our phones in silence.

Maddie Jecker, Senior, Alter High School, 1 st Place

Maddie is the head captain of the Lancerettes Dance Team and member of the gymnastics and track teams, as well. Outside of school Maddie dances with Miami Valley Dance Company. She is also an active member of Key Club, French Club and is president of the Dare 2 Care club. 

One day in third grade the hands on the clock seemed to stop moving. I couldn’t wait to go to the doctor’s office. I went with my parents to find out if my mother was going to have the baby sister I always wanted so I could play dolls with her. I found out I was having a brother.

My little brother Carson is a bundle of joy and excitement. He always wants to play. Usually, he wants to bike to the creek to look for snakes and frogs.

He wakes me up to play. If I say, “Give me five minutes,” he goes back to his room and sets a timer for five minutes.

When I’m feeling stress, he makes me happy.

My brother dreams about being a professional athlete and keeps dreaming.

The person I look up to is my “little” brother that I actually look down to. I know that one day he will be taller than me.

My “little” brother is my everyday hero. He is always there and a part of my everyday life.

Welcome Guests

Jean MunyurangaboMike Bevis
Jerry SprayDon Kelley, Larry Lynde, and Bill Williams
Kole GrossnickleKate Trangenstein
Mary MurphyKristen Marks
Troy SingerMike Bevis
Lee KoveleskiMichael Koveleski
Kathy IsraelPaul Stull
Jim TinnellPaul Stull

New Member Readings and Inductions

Melissa DeeterMike Bevis3rd Reading
Stephanie LlacunaMike BevisInduction

Happy Bucks

Kelly StoneBob Duffy made her laugh by not knowing what the medallion he was wearing was for.
Larry LyndeTruly appreciated the dissing Chris McAlpine did of Sergeant Scott Langer.
Debe DockinsFor Stephanie Llacuna who rocked our Valentine Name That Tune! Debe said she gave her a little box of candy for getting almost every song AND she sang them well, too!
Debe DockinsAndon LaFreniere getting 3rd place in the Essay Contest.
Debe DockinsMaeve Wattercutter getting 2nd Place in the Essay Contest. Her sister Quinn in 2016 won the Award of Distinction in the Dottie Yeck Good Life Award Writing Contest. Good writing sisters!
Debe DockinsMaddie Jecker getting 1st Place Place in the  Essay Contest. Won the 2017 Dottie Yeck Good Life Award as a 7th grader. 
Gary Anderson$5 for all the well wishes for his wife Geri’s open heart surgery that went well. She is at home recovering.
Debby MooreHer son has been promoted to Chief in the Coast Guard. He has been in the Coast Guard for 17 years.
Beth DuncanMike Yoder wearing a dress shirt and tie instead of uniform.

Sergeants at Arms

Chris McAlpineObviously he wants to be fined every week. He disparages Sergeants Cameron Langer and Scott Langer every week.
Bob DuffyWearing a medallion to the meeting.
Mike BremWearing his Sheriff’s uniform in an obvious statement of shameless self promotion.
Kelly Stone$2, Bill Stone said we need to get the donations up for the club.

Membership Anniversaries

Barbara SantoMarch 9, 199924
Bob GlavinMarch 12, 199330
Morgan SchiffhauerMarch 12

CNO Donations – 2013 through February 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No time for Thank You Notes this week due to Essay Contest.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here


2023 Essay Contest Winner

Read Gianna's winning essay here:

"Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings out the Optimist in You?"

Optimist Club of Van Wert

2023-24 Essay Contest

The annual Optimist International essay contest is open to Van Wert County students under the age of 19 as of October 1, 2023, who are not enrolled as a degree seeking student of a post-secondary institution. There is no minimum age.

The topic is “Optimism: How It Connects Us.” Local winners receive medallions, along with cash awards of $300 (first place), $200 (second place) and $100 (third place). The Club winner’s essay advances to the district contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. Plus, the Ohio District of Optimist International also awards a $1,000 scholarship.

Completed applications and essays will be picked up from local schools on February 16 and home school/individual entries must be mailed or dropped off to the address on the application by 4:00 p.m. on Feb. 16.

Download Application

optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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Malibu High junior Chloe Loquet wins first place, earns right to compete for $2,500 scholarship

Staff Report

The Optimist Club of Malibu just concluded the 2023-2024 Optimist International Essay Scholarship Competition with an Awards Ceremony on Thursday, Feb. 29. Eight students from Malibu High School entered the competition by submitting essays on the official topic “Optimism: How it Connects Us.” The Optimist International Essay Contest is divided into two levels of competition: Club (preliminary contest) and District (scholarship competition). The winner of the local club contest, in this case the Optimist Club of Malibu, advances to the District Scholarship Competition.

Optimist Club of Malibu 2024

The essays were judged by a panel of three judges who were not acquainted with the contestants. The judges were:

Joshua Corrigan , screenwriter who graduated from MHS and earned his degree in dramatic writing from the NYU Tisch School of the Arts.

Theresa M. Flynn , professor of teaching of composition and director of the Writing Center at Pepperdine University 

Maire Mullins , professor of English and holds Blanche E. Seaver Chair of English Literature at Pepperdine University.

The top three scorers are all juniors at MHS:

Chloe Loquet  – 1st Place ($300 cash prize)

Payton Pollack  – 2nd Place ($200 cash prize)

Kylie Epstein  – 3rd Place ($100 cash prize)

Chloe Loquet, as the first-place winner, earned the right to compete at the District level for a $2,500 college scholarship.  

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optimist essay contest 2023 winners

Bixby Optimist Club

Essay contest.

optimist essay contest 2023 winners

The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. In addition to developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship!

2023-2024 Topic: Optimism: How It Connects Us

It’s that time of year again! The 2023-2024 Optimist International Scholarship Essay Contest is open to all students under 19 years of age as of October 1, 2023!

This year’s topic is “ Optimism: How It Connects Us “. You can download the contest application with a complete set of rules below. All entries must be received in pdf form by January 15, 2024 . Just so you know – only the essay and application will be due at that time. We will contact the winner to confirm proof of age. PLEASE encourage entrants to check and double-check that they have FOLLOWED ALL RULES lined out on the application! All essays will be run through plagiarism and AI detection programs before determining winners.

The Bixby Optimist Club’s first through third-place contestants will receive $100, $75, and $50 prizes, respectively. The first-place winner will progress to the district contest, where a $2500 scholarship will be awarded for the winning essay.

Bixby students have made us VERY proud with District and Regional winners ($5000 scholarship!) in the last few years. Please encourage your students, kids, neighbors’ kids, family, and EVERYBODY you know who is eligible to enter.

All rules are included in the application available at the link below.

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optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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Bixby Optimist Club 12 W Dawes Ave Bixby, OK 74008

© 2024 bixby optimist club | all rights reserved part of optimist international.


Friend of Youth


Essay Contest

The contest is divided into two levels of competition:

1. The preliminary Club contest, where the winner from each local contest advances to the District level, and

Essay high res

Could You Use a $2500 Scholarship?

Topic for the 2023-24 school year is: “Optimism: How it Connects Us”

Eligibility: Open to all students under the age of 19 as of Oct 1, 2023 (and not enrolled as a degree-seeking student of a post-secondary institution)

Residence: Student must reside in the State of Michigan – Lower Peninsula

Language: The essay must be written in English

How to Enter: Students write and submit an essay on their interpretation of this year’s official topic, “Optimism: How it Connects Us”.

This scholarship contest is comprised of 2 levels: A preliminary round, which is conducted by local Optimist clubs across the state (entry deadline is generally Jan 31, 2024). The winner from each local club advances to the District level, where scholarships are awarded annually in May. The overall winner receives a $2,500 scholarship, Second Place earns $1,500 and Third Place earns $1,000.

A list of participating clubs will be posted in early December. Students: submit your essay packet to the one in your community. If there is not an Optimist Club where you live, submit your essay packet to the one nearest to you. Duplicate entries will not be accepted and are grounds for disqualification.

Most Clubs only accept submissions during the months of December and January. It is your responsibility to verify the deadline with the respective chairperson. Student submissions will not be accepted after the Club-level contests have closed.

Optimist Clubs or parents wanting more information can use the form below or please e-mail the Michigan District Essay Chair at [email protected] .

Club-Level Winner’s Submission Deadline: The deadline for Clubs to submit their winning essay to the District Chair is February 28, 2024. Please refer to your Club Packet or contact the District Chair for more information.

Application for 2023-2024 Optimist International Essay Contest

2023 – 2024 local clubs participating in essay contest, no entries match your request..

2022-23 Essay Contest Winner

2022-23 Essay Contest Winner

1st place, and a $2,500 scholarship:Brooke Lewis, age 16 from Zealand High SchoolHolland Optimist Club   "Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the Optimism in You?" Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Good leaders inspire people to have confidence in their leader....

Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2021-22 Essay Scholarship Contest!

Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2021-22 Essay Scholarship Contest!

Michigan District Optimists proudly announce the results of the 2021-22 Essay Scholarship Contest!1st Place and winner of the $2,500 scholarship: Grace Brege, age 18,Alpena High SchoolOptimist Club of Alpine 2nd Place: Claire Johnson, age 16,Ogemaw Heights High...

Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2020-21 Essay Scholarship Contest!

Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2020-21 Essay Scholarship Contest!

Michigan District Optimists proudly announces the results of the 2020-21 Essay Scholarship Contest!1st Place and winner of the $2,500 scholarship: Bowei Li, age 16,Okemos High SchoolRoyal Oak Optimist Club 2nd Place: Lucy Cheatham, age 16,Portage Central High...

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Encinitas Advocate News | Optimist Club announces winners of essay contest

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Rami Kabakibi

Copyright of Rami Kabakibi

Rami Kabakibi

Tess Pollack

Copyright of Tess Pollack

Tess Pollack

Sienna McMorran

Copyright of Sienna McMorran

Sienna McMorran

Rami Kabakibi<br/><br/>


A panel of three judges evaluated the local students’ essays using strict Optimist International rules to determine the winners. First, second, and third place winners will receive cash prizes, medallions, and certificates for their accomplishments.

First place went to Rami Kabakibi, a student at Torrey Pines High School. Rami will be awarded a check for $250, gold medallion, and certificate. Rami’s essay advanced to the District contest for a chance at even greater prizes, including a college scholarship.

Second place went to Tess Pollack, a student at Paul Ecke Central Elementary School. Tess will be awarded a check for $150, silver medallion, and certificate.

Third place went to Sienna McMorran, a student at Paul Ecke Central Elementary School. Sienna will be awarded a check for $100, bronze medallion, and certificate.

“These students all did a wonderful job of articulating this year’s theme among some tough competition. They expressed themselves well through the essay and deserve the honors they received,” Essay Contest Chairperson Janis LaVigne said in a news release. These Essay Contest winners have been invited to read their essays at the club’s evening Zoom meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday March 21. The meeting is open to the public and can be joined using the following Zoom link: .

The Optimist Club of Del Mar – Solana Beach, CA has been participating in the Optimist Essay Contest for many years and has been active in the community since 1981. Other programs and service projects that the club is involved with include the Optimist Oratorical Contest, Miracle League of San Diego, Junior Optimist Clubs, Scouts, Children’s Challenge Awards, Casa de Amistad, Ronald McDonald House, Rady Children’s Hospital, Community Resource Center, and High School Scholarship programs. For more information about the Del Mar-Solana Beach Optimist Club and the community programs it supports contact Club President Joe Kellejian at [email protected] or Club Secretary Jim Parrotte at [email protected].

Optimist International is one of the world’s largest service club organizations with 60,000 adult and youth members in 2,000 clubs in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and throughout the world. Carrying the mission statement “By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.” Optimists conduct positive service projects that reach more than six million young people each year. To learn more about the Optimist International organization, call (314) 371-6000 or visit the organization’s website at

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Scholarship Opportunities

optimist essay contest 2023 winners

Essay Contest

  2023 -2024 Optimist International Essay Contest Topic:

              Optimism: How It Connects Us”  

Focusing on this year's topic, participants have an opportunity to write about their opinions regarding the world in which they live. Their approach can encompass their personal experience, the experience of their country, or a more historical perspective. In addition to developing the skills for written expression, participants have the opportunity to win a college scholarship.  The Bay City Noon Optimist Club participates in this program for students in our communities, under the age of 19 as of October 1, 2023.  The scholarships awarded from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club are as follows: First Place:  $500, Second Place:  $250, Third Place:  $100. The Club’s first-place winner will advance to the District level contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The Michigan District Essay  scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundation, and the Jan Oord Endowment

Deadline  For Entry: Closed

Oratorical Contest

   2023-2024 Optimist International Oratorical Contest Topic:  

          “How to Change the World with Optimism”  

Since its start in 1928, the Optimist Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program sponsored by Optimist International. The contest is designed for youth to gain experience in public speaking and provide them with the opportunity to compete for a college scholarship.   The Bay City Noon Optimist Club participates in this program for students in our communities, under the age of 19 as of October 1, 2023.   Students have an opportunity to win a $500 scholarship for first place, $250 scholarship for second, and $100 scholarship for third place at the club level. First place winner advances to the next level of competition where the winner has the opportunity to advance to the Michigan District competition and compete for an additional $2500 for First Place, $1500 for Second Place, and $1000 for Third Place.  The District Winner then has the chance to compete for an additional $20,000 in college scholarships.  The Michigan District Oratorical Scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundation and the Karen and   Dana Monville Endowment.


Deadline For Entry: Closed

2023-2024 Scholarship Winners

Oratorical contest winners.

  1st Place: Anika Pai, Big Rapids Middle School

    Anika has won a $500 educational scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  and will now advance to the next level of competition where the winner will  advance to the Michigan District competition to compete for a  $2500 scholarship.  Winner of the Michigan District level will have the chance to compete for an additional $20,000 in scholarships 

2nd Place: Ariana Morse, Bay City Central High School 

      Ariana has won a $250 educational scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  and will now advance to the next level, where the winner will then advance to the Michigan District competition to compete for a  $2500 scholarship.  Winner of the Michigan District level will have the chance to compete for an additional $20,000 in scholarships.

3rd Place: Zoe Steger

      Zoe has won a $100 Educational Scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club

Essay Contest Winners

1st Place: Ariana Morse, Bay City Central High School

     Ariana   has won an educational $500 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club and will now advance to the Michigan District Contest to compete for a $2500 Educational Scholarship

2nd Place:  Olivia Fedak, Pinconning High School

     Olivia has won an educational $250 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

3rd Place:   Geena Gauthier,  Pinconning  High school

     Geena has won an educational $100 3rd place scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club

2022-2023 Scholarship Winners

1st Place: Brady McGee, Garber High School

     Brady has won a $500 educational scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

2nd Place:  Anika Pai, Riverview Elementary School 

      Anika has won a $250 educational scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club 

3rd Place: Cameron Callahan, Garber High School

      Morgan has won a $100 Educational Scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club

1st Place: Shea Walli, Western High School

     Shea   has won an educational $500 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

2nd Place:  Cadon Wiesman, Pinconning High School

     Cadon has won an educational $250 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

3rd Place:   Jesse Dubay,  Pinconning  High school

     Jesse has won an educational $100 3rd place scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club

2021-2022 Scholarship Winners

1st Place:  Andrew Steger , Midland High School

     Andrew   has won a $500 educational scholarship      from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

2nd Place:  Zoe Steger ,   North East Middle School  

      Zoe has won a $250 educational scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club.  

3rd Place: Morgan Hussey , Midland High School

 1st Place:  Alexia Malusi,   Western High School

     Alexia   has won an educational $500 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Clu b

2nd Place:  Emma Gregorczyk, Pinconning High

     Emma has won an educational $250 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

3rd Place:   Layla Somerfield,  Garber High school

     Layla has won an educational $100 3rd place scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club

2020-2021 Scholarship Winners

  1st Place:  Andrew Steger, Midland High School

     Andrew has won a educational, $500 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club.  

 2nd Place:  Zoe Steger ,   Adams Elementary

       Zoe has won an educational, $250 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

1st Place:  Ethan Shorkey , Bay City Central High

       Ethan   has won an educational,  $500 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club.  

2nd Place:  Joshua Dybas , Pinconning High School

     Joshua   has won an educational,  $250 scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club  

  3rd Place:  Brooklyn Cocier , Pinconning High School

      Brooklyn   has won the $100 3rd place scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club. 

2019-2020 Scholarship Winners

Oratorical contest winner.

1st Place:  Marisa Carroll, Bay City Western High 

     Marisa has won a $500  Educational Scholarship, from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club Oratorical Contest

2nd Place:  Makayla Wilcox, Bay City Western High

     Makayla has won a $250 Educational Scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club Oratorical Contest

Essay Contest Winner

1st Place: Braden O'Brian,  Pinconning High School

     Braden has won a  $500 Educational Scholarship from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club Oratorical Contest

2nd Place: Megan McLaren, Pinconning High School

       Megan has won a $250 Educational Scholarship, from the Bay City Noon Optimist Club Essay Contest.

Copyright © 2018 Bay City Noon Optimist - All Rights Reserved.   


Website by Dana


Each year the Optimist Club of Arlington sponsors an Essay Contest for Arlington high school students.

A topic on optimism is selected by Optimist International and is administered worldwide. The Contestants use the topic to develop an 800-word composition. The top three essay contestants receive a monetary award from $1,000 to $1,500 and are presented awards at a Club luncheon. The club’s winner goes to a District-wide contest.

The Essay Contest is competitive with 20-70 entrants from Yorktown, Washington Liberty, Wakefield, HB Woodlawn and Bishop O’Connell high schools. However, the program is open to all Arlington high-school-age residents.

2023-2024 School Year

Topic for the 2023-2024 school year is:   “Optimism: How It Connects Us”  

Who :  The contest is open to contestants under the age of 19 as of October 1st of the current Optimist International contest year (October 1 – September 30) and who have not yet completed secondary school or its equivalent, including CEGEP students in Québec, Canada. There is no minimum age. Students must enter in the District in which they reside. U.S. students attending school on military installations outside the U.S. are eligible to enter in their last home of record. How To Enter:   Interested students must contact their local Optimist Club. They need to submit an essay on the pre-assigned topic.  The Essay Contest planning pages are intended for use by Optimist Clubs in organizing and conducting a contest in their Club. They contain no information on entering the contest and are of no use to students wishing to enter the contest. Students must contact their local Optimist Club. When:

The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. In additional to developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship! Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The District-level scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundations.

Optimist International AL-MS District



“How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success”

2024-25 Contestant Application Form

The Official Application Form

2024-25 Club Planning Guide

Planning Guide for Your Club Chair.

2024-25 District Planning Guide

Planning Guide for the District Chair

2024-25 District Essay Entry Form

Form Required to Forward Club Winner to the District. (Also on page 12 of planning guide)

News Release Examples

Example News Releases for Before and After Your Contest

Certificate Examples

Example Certificates for Club and District Level Contests

optimist essay contest 2023 winners

Fayette County student wins $5,000 grand prize in essay contest

The annual essay contest’s 15 regional student winners, which were announced earlier this...

BECKLEY, W.Va. (WVVA) - A student from Fayette County is the winner of an essay contest, and won the $5,000 grand prize during a special recognition ceremony in Charleston. The announcement was made in a press release from the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office.

Emma Stover, a first grader at New River Primary, was one of 15 regional winners and was randomly selected as the grand prize winner. In her essay, Stover wrote about her dream of becoming a teacher when she grows up.

This is the 17th year for the ‘When I Grow Up’ essay contest, and 3,315 West Virginia students submitted essays this year. Essays from three age groups were judged in each of the five geographic regions. The age groups were Grade K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.

Each regional winner gets $500 to be invested into a SMART529 account, and an additional $4,500 was awarded to Stover for winning the grand prize. The school of each regional winner will also get $500 in cash to support school programs.

Kindergarten through fifth grade teachers also had the chance to compete in the teacher portion of the essay contest. The winning teacher for 2024 received a $2,500 cash prize.

The teacher winner for this year was Mrs. Saida Chaieb, a Kindergarten Teacher at Spring Hill Elementary School in Cabell County.

You can find a full list of the winners below:

All winners were recognized at a ceremony in Charleston.

Copyright 2024 WVVA. All rights reserved.

optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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optimist essay contest 2023 winners

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  • Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

North Florida District - Optimist International

Bringing out the Best in Youth, Our Communities & Ourselves!

2022-2023 Essay Contest – Club Planning Guide

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  • Last Updated August 16, 2023

2022-2023 Essay Contest - Club Planning Guide

Optimist International Essay Contest

Topic for the 2022-2023 school year is:   "Who is an Everyday Hero that Brings Out the Optimism in You?” Who: Youth under the age of 19 as of October 1 of the current Optimist International contest year (October 1 – September 30) and who have not yet completed secondary school or its equivalent, including CEGEP students in Québec, Canada.  There is no minimum age.

How To Enter:  Interested students must contact their local Optimist Club. They need to submit an essay on the pre-assigned topic. To find out a contact, please e-mail the Programs Department at  [email protected] .

The Essay Contest planning pages are intended for use by Optimist Clubs in organizing and conducting a contest in their Club. They contain no information on entering the contest and are of no use to students wishing to enter the contest. Students must contact their local Optimist Club.

Clubs and Districts

  • The deadline for Clubs to submit their winning essay to the District Chair is February 28, 2023. The deadline for Districts to submit their winner’s information to Optimist International is April 15, 2023. Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The District-level scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundations.

The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. In additional to developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college scholarship!

Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The District-level scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundations.

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Latah County Human Rights Task Force

Strengthening the bonds of community to embrace diversity and reject bigotry..

Latah County Human Rights Task Force

2024 Art and Essay Contest Winners

2023-2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Art & Essay Contest –

Latah County Human Rights Task Force Theme: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND OUR LIBRARIES        


Grades 1-3 Art Topic: Draw a picture about a book that has taught you something important.

Cordelia Haley – Megan Cueller’s 2 nd grade class- Lena Whitmore.     

            After listening to her teacher read books about Martin Luther King, Jr., Cordelia drew a picture of two people, one holding up a sign that says “Justice,” the other holding up a sign that says, “We Want Jobs.”                                                                                         

Cece Rose Ristene – Peggy Quesnell’s [K’nell] 2 nd grade class – St. Mary’s.                                          Cece read a book about a dog who helps other animals. It taught her that being a friend is fun and that being nice is important.

Eduarda Gurge – Jessica Jones’ 3 rd grade art class – Moscow Charter.                          Eduarda drew “The Great Kapak Tree” with animals in its branches and a rainbow on top. Eduarda learned about the rain forest.

Grades 4-5 Art Topic: Create a drawing or poster celebrating an aspect of the library that you value most.

Quinten Rowley – Jessica Jones’ 4 th grade art class – Moscow Charter.                        Quinten drew a boy enjoying the Latah County Library because it offers “So Many Choices!”

Haylee Cohee – Jessica Jones’ 5 th grade art class – Moscow Charter.                                        Hayley drew “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” and shelves of books. She included quotes like “When in doubt, go to the library” by J.K. Rowling and “The library is a wilderness of books” by Henry David Thoreau.


Grades 1-3: Essay Topic: Write a paragraph about a book from your school or public library that taught you something important .

Cordelia Haley – Megan Cuellar’s 2 nd grade class – Lena Whitmore “What I learned from books about Martin Luther King. Stand up for what you believe no matter what. Don’t fight with fists, fight with words. No matter what time it is, there’s always work to do!”

Leo Johnson – Sophia Curet’s 3 rd grade class -St. Mary’s Elementary “In the story “Being Frank” by Donna Earnhardt I learned that you should always tell the truth but say it nicely. In this story Frank says the truth but he says it in an unkind way. His grandpa shows him how to tell the truth in a nice way. I really enjoyed this book because it’s a really fun story and it teaches you a good lesson.”

Grades 4-5 Essay Topic: Write a three paragraph thank-you letter to your school or public library discussing an aspect of the library that you value most .

Fern Newlan – Shannon Nierman’s 4 th grade class – St Mary’s

“People who have libraries sometimes overlook the information they provide…. Here are a few things that libraries provide: books, computers and most importantly knowledge. I’m going to thank the people who write the books.” Among others, she thanks author Barbra O’Conner who “relates to the real world. She shows us that not everything is perfect, but you might find you were supposed to be here all along.”

Catherine Apt – Wes Bascom’s 4 th grade class – McDonald Elementary

“At a young age, Storytime encouraged my interest in reading and helped develop my creativity. It allowed me to be more open minded about different ideas and pushed me to be a creative thinker.” “I have discovered new books by browsing, which has allowed me to find some of my new favorite books. Thank you for having such a fun variety of materials and activities for me to experience throughout my childhood.”

Amy Zhou – Kathryn Bonzo’s 4 th grade class – Moscow Charter School

“Libraries want humans and our civilization to have openness for all to be educated and also give us freedom to read, write, and listen which is essential to our democracy.” “The thing I value most about the library is the huge selection of books. I love reading and the library has books for me to read. Thank you for being a generous provider.

Naya Lee – Jordyn Rauer’s 5 th grade class – Lena Whitmore

“My favorite subject is reading, so our school library is very important to me. I love that all students have a wide selection of books to choose from, so that they can all find something that they love.” “I am so glad to have our librarian, Mrs. Marone and her library so that all the kids in our school can have free and easy access to wonderful books.”

Emily Scout Heward – Kate Roll’s 5 th grade class– Lena Whitmore

“I’m little but I’m old enough to know that our library is AWESOME, BEAUTFUL, WONDERFUL, CREATIVE, CALMING and so much more. If we don’t have libraries, we might not have books! When I’m 80 I want to be able to visit our library and show many more generations this wonderful creation.”

FACT TIME! Did you know that the library of congress is the largest library in the world! They have 167 million items on 838 miles of bookshelves!!”

Grades 6-8 Essay Topic: Write a five-paragraph essay explaining why freedom of expression is important to your library and to our democracy.

Nora Algarni – Tiffany Scripter’s 7 th grade English class – Moscow Middle School

“If a student reads a book, they might get an opinion on something that could change the future. A book could change a whole generation, and it could change the whole world. So, limiting students from the access of information is not the best option. Let teenagers explore the libraries and have their opinion and thoughts… This is why freedom of expression should be important everywhere because everyone should express themselves and share their opinions with the world.”

Lillian Camin – Tiffany Scripter’s 7 th grade English class – Moscow Middle School –

“Freedom of expression can be very important to both school and public libraries as well. According to the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, all library resources have to be provided and given to establish interests, and to give enlightenment and information to everyone.” “ I believe that freedom of expression is important for democracies. I think this because of the sharing of ideas and open opinions that help democracies run. One of these reasons is that we have to gain opinions to make decisions and we have to make decisions if we want to govern ourselves.”

Grades 9-12 Essay Topic: Research the current debate over the freedom of expression in school and public libraries. Write a report on this debate, then draw your own conclusions.

Morgan Apt – Rachel Lyons’ Junior Advanced Placement class – Moscow High School –” I believe that the removal of books and censorship in public libraries is drastic and unnecessary. Allowing children to have access to information that is not age appropriate is not ideal. However, violating people’s rights to access material containing any type of perspective or idea is too extreme a measure to prevent children from exposure to harmful information. Additionally, the government could use the removal of inappropriate books to their advantage, disposing not only of books that could be damaging to children, but books that don’t align with certain personal or political beliefs. …. Freedom of expression is heavily valued in a democracy, and literature is a prime example of where differing perspectives and viewpoints are shared…. as allowed under the First Amendment. “


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  6. Bui wins Optimist Club essay contest

    optimist essay contest 2023 winners


  1. 2023 Essay Contest Winners Read Their Essays

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  2. 2023 Essay Contest Winner

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  3. Essay Contest Winners

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  4. Optimist International

    Optimist International Essay Contest Topic for the 2024-2025 school year is: "How Optimism Has Paved My Road to Success" Who: The contest is open to contestants under the age of 19 as of October 1st of the current Optimist International contest year (October 1 - September 30) and who have not yet completed secondary school or its equivalent, including CEGEP students in Québec, Canada.

  5. Optimist International Essay Contest

    Topic for the 2023-2024 school year is: "Optimism: How it connects us". ... 2025. The deadline for Districts to submit their winner's information to Optimist International is April 15, 2025. Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. ... The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International ...

  6. PDF Topic: "Optimism: How It Connects Us"

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  7. 2023-24 Essay Contest

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  9. Essay Contest

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  10. Essay

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  12. Essay Contest

    The Essay Contest is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live. ... Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The topic for the 2023-2024 school year is: "Optimism: How it Connects Us" The ...

  13. PDF Optimism: How It Connects Us

    District Essay Guide 2023-2024 3 3 Official Rules Each contestant must be given a copy of the rules and must complete the entry form. The rules contain information about the contest, judging and awards. Section I - General Rules 1. The Optimist International Essay Contest is divided into two levels of competition: Club and District. 2.

  14. Scholarship Opportunities

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  15. 2023-2024 Essay Contest

    The deadline for Clubs to submit their winning essay to the District Chair is February 28, 2024. The deadline for Districts to submit their winner's information to Optimist International is April 15, 2023. Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship. The District-level scholarships are funded by ...

  16. Essay Contest

    Optimist International Essay Contest The topic for the 2023-2024 school year is: ... with subject line "Optimist Essay Contest- [student full name]" Download Application The Glen Lake Club Prize First Place: $250 + Medallion Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship! Optimist Club of Glen Lake.

  17. Essay Contest

    A topic on optimism is selected by Optimist International and is administered worldwide. The Contestants use the topic to develop an 800-word composition. The top three essay contestants receive a monetary award from $1,000 to $1,500 and are presented awards at a Club luncheon. The club's winner goes to a District-wide contest.

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  25. 2022-2023 Essay Contest

    Clubs and Districts. The deadline for Clubs to submit their winning essay to the District Chair is February 28, 2023. The deadline for Districts to submit their winner's information to Optimist International is April 15, 2023. Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship.

  26. 2024 Art and Essay Contest Winners

    2024 Art and Essay Contest Winners. 2023-2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Art & Essay Contest -. Latah County Human Rights Task Force. Theme: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND OUR LIBRARIES. ART WINNERS. Grades 1-3 Art Topic: Draw a picture about a book that has taught you something important. Cordelia Haley - Megan Cueller's 2 nd grade class- Lena ...