Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Change will not be effected, say some others, unless individual actions raise the necessary awareness.

While a reader can see the connection between the sentences above, it’s not immediately clear that the second sentence is providing a counterargument to the first. In the example below, key “old information” is repeated in the second sentence to help readers quickly see the connection. This makes the sequence of ideas easier to follow.  

Sentence pair #2: Effective Transition

Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Other experts argue that individual actions are key to raising the awareness necessary to effect change.

You can use this same technique to create clear transitions between paragraphs. Here’s an example:

Some experts argue that focusing on individual actions to combat climate change takes the focus away from the collective action required to keep carbon levels from rising. Other experts argue that individual actions are key to raising the awareness necessary to effect change. According to Annie Lowery, individual actions are important to making social change because when individuals take action, they can change values, which can lead to more people becoming invested in fighting climate change. She writes, “Researchers believe that these kinds of household-led trends can help avert climate catastrophe, even if government and corporate actions are far more important” (Lowery).

So, what’s an individual household supposed to do?

The repetition of the word “household” in the new paragraph helps readers see the connection between what has come before (a discussion of whether household actions matter) and what is about to come (a proposal for what types of actions households can take to combat climate change).

Sometimes, transitional words can help readers see how ideas are connected. But it’s not enough to just include a “therefore,” “moreover,” “also,” or “in addition.” You should choose these words carefully to show your readers what kind of connection you are making between your ideas.

To decide which transitional word to use, start by identifying the relationship between your ideas. For example, you might be

  • making a comparison or showing a contrast Transitional words that compare and contrast include also, in the same way, similarly, in contrast, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand. But before you signal comparison, ask these questions: Do your readers need another example of the same thing? Is there a new nuance in this next point that distinguishes it from the previous example? For those relationships between ideas, you might try this type of transition: While x may appear the same, it actually raises a new question in a slightly different way. 
  • expressing agreement or disagreement When you are making an argument, you need to signal to readers where you stand in relation to other scholars and critics. You may agree with another person’s claim, you may want to concede some part of the argument even if you don’t agree with everything, or you may disagree. Transitional words that signal agreement, concession, and disagreement include however, nevertheless, actually, still, despite, admittedly, still, on the contrary, nonetheless .
  • showing cause and effect Transitional phrases that show cause and effect include therefore, hence, consequently, thus, so. Before you choose one of these words, make sure that what you are about to illustrate is really a causal link. Novice writers tend to add therefore and hence when they aren’t sure how to transition; you should reserve these words for when they accurately signal the progression of your ideas.
  • explaining or elaborating Transitions can signal to readers that you are going to expand on a point that you have just made or explain something further. Transitional words that signal explanation or elaboration include in other words, for example, for instance, in particular, that is, to illustrate, moreover .
  • drawing conclusions You can use transitions to signal to readers that you are moving from the body of your argument to your conclusions. Before you use transitional words to signal conclusions, consider whether you can write a stronger conclusion by creating a transition that shows the relationship between your ideas rather than by flagging the paragraph simply as a conclusion. Transitional words that signal a conclusion include in conclusion , as a result, ultimately, overall— but strong conclusions do not necessarily have to include those phrases.

If you’re not sure which transitional words to use—or whether to use one at all—see if you can explain the connection between your paragraphs or sentence either out loud or in the margins of your draft.

For example, if you write a paragraph in which you summarize physician Atul Gawande’s argument about the value of incremental care, and then you move on to a paragraph that challenges those ideas, you might write down something like this next to the first paragraph: “In this paragraph I summarize Gawande’s main claim.” Then, next to the second paragraph, you might write, “In this paragraph I present a challenge to Gawande’s main claim.” Now that you have identified the relationship between those two paragraphs, you can choose the most effective transition between them. Since the second paragraph in this example challenges the ideas in the first, you might begin with something like “but,” or “however,” to signal that shift for your readers.  

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


What this handout is about.

In this crazy, mixed-up world of ours, transitions glue our ideas and our essays together. This handout will introduce you to some useful transitional expressions and help you employ them effectively.

The function and importance of transitions

In both academic writing and professional writing, your goal is to convey information clearly and concisely, if not to convert the reader to your way of thinking. Transitions help you to achieve these goals by establishing logical connections between sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your papers. In other words, transitions tell readers what to do with the information you present to them. Whether single words, quick phrases, or full sentences, they function as signs that tell readers how to think about, organize, and react to old and new ideas as they read through what you have written.

Transitions signal relationships between ideas—relationships such as: “Another example coming up—stay alert!” or “Here’s an exception to my previous statement” or “Although this idea appears to be true, here’s the real story.” Basically, transitions provide the reader with directions for how to piece together your ideas into a logically coherent argument. Transitions are not just verbal decorations that embellish your paper by making it sound or read better. They are words with particular meanings that tell the reader to think and react in a particular way to your ideas. In providing the reader with these important cues, transitions help readers understand the logic of how your ideas fit together.

Signs that you might need to work on your transitions

How can you tell whether you need to work on your transitions? Here are some possible clues:

  • Your instructor has written comments like “choppy,” “jumpy,” “abrupt,” “flow,” “need signposts,” or “how is this related?” on your papers.
  • Your readers (instructors, friends, or classmates) tell you that they had trouble following your organization or train of thought.
  • You tend to write the way you think—and your brain often jumps from one idea to another pretty quickly.
  • You wrote your paper in several discrete “chunks” and then pasted them together.
  • You are working on a group paper; the draft you are working on was created by pasting pieces of several people’s writing together.


Since the clarity and effectiveness of your transitions will depend greatly on how well you have organized your paper, you may want to evaluate your paper’s organization before you work on transitions. In the margins of your draft, summarize in a word or short phrase what each paragraph is about or how it fits into your analysis as a whole. This exercise should help you to see the order of and connection between your ideas more clearly.

If after doing this exercise you find that you still have difficulty linking your ideas together in a coherent fashion, your problem may not be with transitions but with organization. For help in this area (and a more thorough explanation of the “reverse outlining” technique described in the previous paragraph), please see the Writing Center’s handout on organization .

How transitions work

The organization of your written work includes two elements: (1) the order in which you have chosen to present the different parts of your discussion or argument, and (2) the relationships you construct between these parts. Transitions cannot substitute for good organization, but they can make your organization clearer and easier to follow. Take a look at the following example:

El Pais , a Latin American country, has a new democratic government after having been a dictatorship for many years. Assume that you want to argue that El Pais is not as democratic as the conventional view would have us believe.

One way to effectively organize your argument would be to present the conventional view and then to provide the reader with your critical response to this view. So, in Paragraph A you would enumerate all the reasons that someone might consider El Pais highly democratic, while in Paragraph B you would refute these points. The transition that would establish the logical connection between these two key elements of your argument would indicate to the reader that the information in paragraph B contradicts the information in paragraph A. As a result, you might organize your argument, including the transition that links paragraph A with paragraph B, in the following manner:

Paragraph A: points that support the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic.

Transition: Despite the previous arguments, there are many reasons to think that El Pais’s new government is not as democratic as typically believed.

Paragraph B: points that contradict the view that El Pais’s new government is very democratic.

In this case, the transition words “Despite the previous arguments,” suggest that the reader should not believe paragraph A and instead should consider the writer’s reasons for viewing El Pais’s democracy as suspect.

As the example suggests, transitions can help reinforce the underlying logic of your paper’s organization by providing the reader with essential information regarding the relationship between your ideas. In this way, transitions act as the glue that binds the components of your argument or discussion into a unified, coherent, and persuasive whole.

Types of transitions

Now that you have a general idea of how to go about developing effective transitions in your writing, let us briefly discuss the types of transitions your writing will use.

The types of transitions available to you are as diverse as the circumstances in which you need to use them. A transition can be a single word, a phrase, a sentence, or an entire paragraph. In each case, it functions the same way: First, the transition either directly summarizes the content of a preceding sentence, paragraph, or section or implies such a summary (by reminding the reader of what has come before). Then, it helps the reader anticipate or comprehend the new information that you wish to present.

  • Transitions between sections: Particularly in longer works, it may be necessary to include transitional paragraphs that summarize for the reader the information just covered and specify the relevance of this information to the discussion in the following section.
  • Transitions between paragraphs: If you have done a good job of arranging paragraphs so that the content of one leads logically to the next, the transition will highlight a relationship that already exists by summarizing the previous paragraph and suggesting something of the content of the paragraph that follows. A transition between paragraphs can be a word or two (however, for example, similarly), a phrase, or a sentence. Transitions can be at the end of the first paragraph, at the beginning of the second paragraph, or in both places.
  • Transitions within paragraphs: As with transitions between sections and paragraphs, transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it. Within paragraphs, transitions tend to be single words or short phrases.

Transitional expressions

Effectively constructing each transition often depends upon your ability to identify words or phrases that will indicate for the reader the kind of logical relationships you want to convey. The table below should make it easier for you to find these words or phrases. Whenever you have trouble finding a word, phrase, or sentence to serve as an effective transition, refer to the information in the table for assistance. Look in the left column of the table for the kind of logical relationship you are trying to express. Then look in the right column of the table for examples of words or phrases that express this logical relationship.

Keep in mind that each of these words or phrases may have a slightly different meaning. Consult a dictionary or writer’s handbook if you are unsure of the exact meaning of a word or phrase.

also, in the same way, just as … so too, likewise, similarly
but, however, in spite of, on the one hand … on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet
first, second, third, … next, then, finally
after, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then
for example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate
even, indeed, in fact, of course, truly
above, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in front, in back, nearby, there
accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus
additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then
finally, in a word, in brief, briefly, in conclusion, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, to sum up, in summary

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Common transition words and phrases.

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Transitions clarify the logic of your argument by orienting your reader as you develop ideas between sentences and paragraphs. These tools should alert readers to shifts in your argument while and also maintain the smoothness and clarity of your prose. Below, you’ll find some of the most commonly used transition categories and examples of each. Depending on the example, these suggestions may be within sentences or at the beginning of sentences.

Transitions by Category

1. addition.

Use when presenting multiple ideas that flow in the same direction, under the same heading/ idea also, another, finally, first, first of all, for one thing, furthermore, in addition, last of all, likewise, moreover, next, and, second, the third reason

2. Sequence/ Order

Use to suggest a temporal relationship between ideas; places evidence in sequence first, second (etc.), next, last, finally, first of all, concurrently, immediately, prior to, then, at that time, at this point, previously, subsequently, and then, at this time, thereafter, previously, soon, before, after, followed by, after that, next, before, after, meanwhile, formerly, finally, during

3. Contrast

Use to demonstrate differences between ideas or change in argument direction but, however, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, yet, differ, difference, balanced against, differing from, variation, still, on the contrary, unlike, conversely, otherwise, on the other hand, however

4. Exception

Use to introduce an opposing idea however, whereas, on the other hand, while, instead, in spite of, yet, despite, still, nevertheless, even though, in contrast, but, but one could also say…

5. Comparison

Use to demonstrate similarities between ideas that may not be under the same subject heading or within the same paragraph like, likewise, just, in a different way / sense, whereas, like, equally, in like manner, by comparison, similar to, in the same way, alike, similarity, similarly, just as, as in a similar fashion, conversely

6. Illustration

Use to develop or clarify an idea, to introduce examples, or to show that the second idea is subordinate to the first for example, to illustrate, on this occasion, this can be seen, in this case, specifically, once, to illustrate, when/where, for instance, such as, to demonstrate, take the case of, in this case

7. Location

Use to show spatial relations next to, above, below, beneath, left, right, behind, in front, on top, within

8. Cause and Effect

Use to show that one idea causes, or results from, the idea that follows or precedes it because, therefore, so that, cause, reason, effect, thus, consequently, since, as a result, if…then, result in

9. Emphasis

Use to suggest that an idea is particularly important to your argument important to note, most of all, a significant factor, a primary concern, a key feature, remember that, pay particular attention to, a central issue, the most substantial issue, the main value, a major event, the chief factor, a distinctive quality, especially valuable, the chief outcome, a vital force, especially relevant, most noteworthy, the principal item, above all, should be noted

10. Summary or Conclusion

Use to signal that what follows is summarizing or concluding the previous ideas; in humanities papers, use these phrases sparingly. to summarize, in short, in brief, in sum, in summary, to sum up, in conclusion, to conclude, finally

Some material adapted from Cal Poly Pomona College Reading Skills Program and “ Power Tools for Technical Communication .” 

Writing Effective Sentence Transitions (Advanced)

Transitions are the rhetorical tools that clarify the logic of your argument by orienting your reader as you develop ideas between sentences and paragraphs. The ability to integrate sentence transitions into your prose, rather than simply throwing in overt transition signals like “in addition,” indicates your mastery of the material. (Note: The visibility of transitions may vary by discipline; consult with your professor to get a better sense of discipline or assignment specific expectations.)

Transition Signals

Transition signals are words or phrases that indicate the logic connecting sets of information or ideas. Signals like therefore, on the other hand, for example, because, then, and afterwards can be good transition tools at the sentence and paragraph level. When using these signals, be conscious of the real meaning of these terms; they should reflect the actual relationship between ideas.

Review Words

Review words are transition tools that link groups of sentences or whole paragraphs. They condense preceding discussion into a brief word or phrase. For example: You’ve just completed a detailed discussion about the greenhouse effect. To transition to the next topic, you could use review words like “this heat-trapping process” to refer back to the green house effect discussion. The relative ability to determine a cogent set of review words might signal your own understanding of your work; think of review words as super-short summaries of key ideas.

Preview words

Preview words condense an upcoming discussion into a brief word or phrase. For example: You’ve just explained how heat is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. Transitioning to the theory that humans are adding to that effect, you could use preview words like “sources of additional CO2 in the atmosphere include” to point forward to that discussion.

Transition Sentences

The strongest and most sophisticated tools, transition sentences indicate the connection between the preceding and upcoming pieces of your argument. They often contain one or more of the above transition tools. For example: You’ve just discussed how much CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere. You need to transition to a discussion of the effects. A strong set of transition sentences between the two sections might sound like this:

“These large amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere may lead to a number of disastrous consequences for residents of planet earth. The rise in global temperature that accompanies the extra CO2 can yield effects as varied as glacial melting and species extinction.”

In the first sentence, the review words are “These large amounts of CO2 added to the atmosphere”; the preview words are “number of disastrous consequences”; the transition signals are “may lead to.” The topic sentence of the next paragraph indicates the specific “disastrous consequences” you will discuss.

If you don’t see a way to write a logical, effective transition between sentences, ideas or paragraphs, this might indicate organizational problems in your essay; you might consider revising your work.

Some material adapted from Cal Poly Pomona College Reading Skills Program  and “ Power Tools for Technical Communication .”

Last revised: 07/2008 | Adapted for web delivery: 05/2021

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33 Transition Words and Phrases

Transitional terms give writers the opportunity to prepare readers for a new idea, connecting the previous sentence to the next one.

Many transitional words are nearly synonymous: words that broadly indicate that “this follows logically from the preceding” include accordingly, therefore, and consequently . Words that mean “in addition to” include moreover, besides, and further . Words that mean “contrary to what was just stated” include however, nevertheless , and nonetheless .


The executive’s flight was delayed and they accordingly arrived late.

in or by way of addition : FURTHERMORE

The mountain has many marked hiking trails; additionally, there are several unmarked trails that lead to the summit.

at a later or succeeding time : SUBSEQUENTLY, THEREAFTER

Afterward, she got a promotion.

even though : ALTHOUGH

She appeared as a guest star on the show, albeit briefly.

in spite of the fact that : even though —used when making a statement that differs from or contrasts with a statement you have just made

They are good friends, although they don't see each other very often.

in addition to what has been said : MOREOVER, FURTHERMORE

I can't go, and besides, I wouldn't go if I could.

as a result : in view of the foregoing : ACCORDINGLY

The words are often confused and are consequently misused.

in a contrasting or opposite way —used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement or presents a differing interpretation or possibility

Large objects appear to be closer. Conversely, small objects seem farther away.

used to introduce a statement that is somehow different from what has just been said

These problems are not as bad as they were. Even so, there is much more work to be done.

used as a stronger way to say "though" or "although"

I'm planning to go even though it may rain.

in addition : MOREOVER

I had some money to invest, and, further, I realized that the risk was small.

in addition to what precedes : BESIDES —used to introduce a statement that supports or adds to a previous statement

These findings seem plausible. Furthermore, several studies have confirmed them.

because of a preceding fact or premise : for this reason : THEREFORE

He was a newcomer and hence had no close friends here.

from this point on : starting now

She announced that henceforth she would be running the company.

in spite of that : on the other hand —used when you are saying something that is different from or contrasts with a previous statement

I'd like to go; however, I'd better not.

as something more : BESIDES —used for adding information to a statement

The city has the largest population in the country and in addition is a major shipping port.

all things considered : as a matter of fact —used when making a statement that adds to or strengthens a previous statement

He likes to have things his own way; indeed, he can be very stubborn.

for fear that —often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension

He was concerned lest anyone think that he was guilty.

in addition : ALSO —often used to introduce a statement that adds to and is related to a previous statement

She is an acclaimed painter who is likewise a sculptor.

at or during the same time : in the meantime

You can set the table. Meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.

BESIDES, FURTHER : in addition to what has been said —used to introduce a statement that supports or adds to a previous statement

It probably wouldn't work. Moreover, it would be very expensive to try it.

in spite of that : HOWEVER

It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story.

in spite of what has just been said : NEVERTHELESS

The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless.

without being prevented by (something) : despite—used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true

Notwithstanding their youth and inexperience, the team won the championship.

if not : or else

Finish your dinner. Otherwise, you won't get any dessert.

more correctly speaking —used to introduce a statement that corrects what you have just said

We can take the car, or rather, the van.

in spite of that —used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true

I tried again and still I failed.

by that : by that means

He signed the contract, thereby forfeiting his right to the property.

for that reason : because of that

This tablet is thin and light and therefore very convenient to carry around.

immediately after that

The committee reviewed the documents and thereupon decided to accept the proposal.

because of this or that : HENCE, CONSEQUENTLY

This detergent is highly concentrated and thus you will need to dilute it.

while on the contrary —used to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different

Some of these species have flourished, whereas others have struggled.

NEVERTHELESS, HOWEVER —used to introduce a statement that adds something to a previous statement and usually contrasts with it in some way

It was pouring rain out, yet his clothes didn’t seem very wet.

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Effective Transition Words for Research Papers

transition words for the thesis statement

What are transition words in academic writing?

A transition is a change from one idea to another idea in writing or speaking and can be achieved using transition terms or phrases. These transitions are usually placed at the beginning of sentences, independent clauses, and paragraphs and thus establish a specific relationship between ideas or groups of ideas. Transitions are used to enhance cohesion in your paper and make its logical development clearer to readers.

Types of Transition Words

Transitions accomplish many different objectives. We can divide all transitions into four basic categories:

  • Additive transitions  signal to the reader that you are adding or referencing information
  • Adversative transitions  indicate conflict or disagreement between pieces of information
  • Causal transitions  point to consequences and show cause-and-effect relationships
  • Sequential transitions  clarify the order and sequence of information and the overall structure of the paper

Additive Transitions

These terms signal that new information is being added (between both sentences and paragraphs), introduce or highlight information, refer to something that was just mentioned, add a similar situation, or identify certain information as important.

Adding InformationAlso; Additionally; Furthermore; MoreoverIn addition to; As well as; In fact; Not only…but also; As a matter of fact“ , the data shows that X is a significant factor.”“ the above-mentioned study, Rogers also presents…”
Introducing/HighlightingParticularly; Notably; Especially; SignificantlyFor example/instance; To illustrate; In particular; One example (of this is)“ , only two species of this fish survive.”“ phenomenon is X.”
ReferencingConsidering (this); Concerning (this); Regarding (this)As for (this); The fact that; With regards to (this); On the subject of (this); Looking at (this information); With reference to (something)“ the amount of research in this area, little evidence has been found.” “ the Blue Whale, its teeth are also the largest of any mammal.”
Showing SimilaritySimilarly; Likewise; Equally; By the same token; In the same way; In a similar way“ the algorithm was applied to Y.”“ this principle can be applied to Z.”
Clarifying/Identifying Important InformationSpecifically; NamelyThat is (to say); In other words; (To) put (it) another way; What this means is; This means (that)“There are two factors: , X and Y.”“ , the fall of the Empire was caused by over-expansion.”

Adversative Transitions

These terms and phrases distinguish facts, arguments, and other information, whether by contrasting and showing differences; by conceding points or making counterarguments; by dismissing the importance of a fact or argument; or replacing and suggesting alternatives.

Contrasting/ Showing conflictBut; Still; However; While; Whereas; Conversely; (and) yetIn contrast; On the contrary; On the other hand; …when in fact; By way of contrast“ there is still more research needed.”“ the 1997 study does not recognize these outcomes.”
Distinguishing/ EmphasizingIndeed; Besides; Significantly; PrimarilyEven more; Above all; More/Most importantly“ a placebo is essential to any pharmaceutical study.”“ the X enzyme increased.”
Conceding a pointNevertheless; Nonetheless; Although; Despite (this); However; Regardless (of this); AdmittedlyEven so; Even though; In spite of (this); Notwithstanding (this); Be that as it may“ X is still an important factor.”“ New York still has a high standard of living.”“ this may be true, there are still other factors to consider.”
Dismissing an argument or assertionRegardless (of)Either way; In any case; In any event; Whatever happens; All the same; At any rate“ of the result, this fact is true.”“ the effect is the same.”“ this will not change the public’s view.”
Replacing/ Indicating an AlternativeInstead (of); (or) rather;(or) at least“ using X, the scientists used Z.”“ why not implement a brand new policy?”

Causal Transitions

These terms and phrases signal the reasons, conditions, purposes, circumstances, and cause-and-effect relationships. These transitions often come after an important point in the research paper has been established or to explore hypothetical relationships or circumstances.

Showing Cause or ReasonSince; For; As; Because (of the fact that)Due to (the fact that); For the reason that; Owing to (the fact); Inasmuch as“ the original sample group was too small, researchers called for more participants.”“ funding will be cut in half.”
Explaining the ConditionsIf…then; Unless; Granting (that); Granted (that); Provided (that)In the event that; As/So long as; Only if“ these conditions change, more will need to be done.”“ there is oxygen, there will be oxygenation.”
Showing the Effects/ResultsConsequently; Therefore; Thus; Accordingly; Because (of this)As a result (of this); For this reason; As a consequence; So much (so) that“ we can conclude that this was an asymmetric catalysis.”“ many consumers began to demand safer products.”
Showing the PurposeFor the purpose(s) of; With (this fact) in mind; In the hope that; In order that/to; So as to“ following standards, X rule was observed.”“ this study focused on preservation.”
Highlighting the Importance of CircumstancesOtherwiseUnder those circumstances; That being the case; In that case; If so; All else being equal“ this effect will continue into the future.”“ the economic impact of this law seems positive.”

Sequential Transitions

These transition terms and phrases organize your paper by numerical sequence; by showing continuation in thought or action; by referring to previously-mentioned information; by indicating digressions; and, finally, by concluding and summing up your paper. Sequential transitions are essential to creating structure and helping the reader understand the logical development through your paper’s methods, results, and analysis.

Organizing by NumberInitially; Secondly; Thirdly; (First/Second/Third); LastFirst of all; To start with; In the (first/second/third) place“ subjects were asked to write their names.”“ dolphins are the smartest creatures in the sea.”
Showing ContinuationSubsequently; Previously; Afterwards; Eventually; Next; After (this) “ subjects were taken to their rooms.”“ they were asked about their experiences.”
Summarizing/ Repeating Information(Once) again; Summarizing (this)To repeat; As (was) stated before; As (was) mentioned earlier/above“ this data, it becomes evident that there is a pattern.”“ pollution has become an increasing problem.”
Digression/ResumptionIncidentally; Coincidentally; AnywayBy the way; to resume; Returning to the subject; At any rate“ the methods used in the two studies were similar.”“ this section will analyze the results.”
Concluding/ SummarizingThus; Hence; Ultimately; Finally; Therefore; Altogether; Overall; ConsequentlyTo conclude; As a final point; In conclusion; Given these points; In summary; To sum up“ these results will be valuable to the study of X.”“ there are three things to keep in mind—A, B, and C.”

How to Choose Transitions in Academic Writing

Transitions are commonplace elements in writing, but they are also powerful tools that can be abused or misapplied if one isn’t careful. Here are some ways to ensure you are using transitions effectively.

  • Check for overused, awkward, or absent transitions during the paper editing process. Don’t spend too much time trying to find the “perfect” transition while writing the paper.
  • When you find a suitable place where a transition could connect ideas, establish relationships, and make it easier for the reader to understand your point, use the list to find a suitable transition term or phrase.
  • Similarly, if you have repeated some terms again and again, find a substitute transition from the list and use that instead. This will help vary your writing and enhance the communication of ideas.
  • Read the beginning of each paragraph. Did you include a transition? If not, look at the information in that paragraph and the preceding paragraph and ask yourself: “How does this information connect?” Then locate the best transition from the list.
  • Check the structure of your paper—are your ideas clearly laid out in order? You should be able to locate sequence terms such as “first,” “second,” “following this,” “another,” “in addition,” “finally,” “in conclusion,” etc. These terms will help outline your paper for the reader.

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Other Resources Around the Web

  • MSU Writing Center.  Transition Words.
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Helpful Links

Here are sites with extensive lists of transition words and phrases:

  Transitional Words and Phrases – The Writing Center – UW–Madison (   

Academic Phrasebank | Signalling transition (

Transitions – The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (

Transitions are words and/or phrases used to indicate movement or show change throughout a piece of writing. Transitions generally come at the beginning of a paragraph and can do the following:

  • Alert readers of connections to, or further evidence for, the thesis
  • Function as the topic sentence of paragraphs
  • Guide readers through an argument
  • Help writers stay on task

Transitions sentences often indicate or signal:

  • Change to new topic
  • Connection/flow from previous topic
  • Continuity of overall argument/thesis

Transitions show connections between ideas. You must create these connections for the reader to move them along with your argument. Without transitions, you are building a house without nails. Things do not hold together.

Transition Words and Phrases

Transitions can signal change or relationship in these ways:

Time - order of events

Examples: while, immediately, never, after, later, earlier, always, soon, meanwhile, during, until now, next, following, once, then, simultaneously, so far

Contrast - show difference

Examples: yet, nevertheless, after all, but, however, though, otherwise, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand, at the same time

Compare - show similarity

Examples: in the same way, in like manner, similarly, likewise

Position - show spatial relationships

Examples: here, there, nearby, beyond, wherever, opposite to, above, below

Cause and effect

Examples: because, since, for that reason, therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus, as a result

Conclusion - wrap up/summarize the argument

Writing strong transitions often takes more than simply plugging in a transition word or phrase here and there. In a piece of academic writing, writers often need to use signposts, or transition sentences that signal the reader of connections to the thesis. To form a signpost, combine transition words, key terms from the thesis, and a mention of the previous topic and new topic.

Transition/signpost sentence structure: 

[Transition word/phrase] + [previous topic] + [brief restatement of or reference to thesis/argument] + [new topic]  = Signpost

  • Do not think of this as a hard and fast template, but a general guide to what is included in a good transition.
  • Transitions link the topic of the previous paragraph(s) to the topic of the present paragraph(s) and connect both to the overall goal/argument. You'll most often find signposts at the beginning of a paragraph, where they function as topic sentences .

Sample signpost using complimentary transition phrase:

According to [transition phrase] the same overall plan for first defeating Confederate forces in the field and then capturing major cities and rail hubs [overall thesis restated] that Grant followed by marching the Army of the Potomac into Virginia [previous topic] , Sherman likewise [transition word] advanced into Georgia to drive a dagger into the heart of the Confederacy [new topic] .

Contrasting ideas have the same essential format as complimentary but may use different transition words and phrases:

In contrast to [transition phrase] F.D.R., who maintained an ever-vigilant watchfulness over the Manhattan project [previous topic + reference to overall thesis] , Truman took over the presidency without any knowledge of the atomic bomb or its potential power [new topic] .

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Essay Writing Guide

Transition Words For Essays

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

220 Best Transition Words for Essays

By: Nova A.

15 min read

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Jul 9, 2019

Transition Words for Essays

Writing essays can be hard, and making sure your transitions are smooth is even harder. 

You've probably heard that good essays need good transitions, but what are they? How do you use them in your writing? Also, your essays are assessed according to particular criteria and it is your responsibility to ensure that it is being met.

But don't worry, we are here to help. This blog will give you transition words for essays, including how to choose the right ones and where to place them for maximum impact. Essay writing is a technical process that requires much more effort than simply pouring your thoughts on paper.

If you are new to the concept of transition words and phrases, deep dive into this article in order to find out the secret to improving your essays.

Transition Words for Essays

On this Page

What Are Transition Words 

Transition words are essential elements in essay writing that create smooth transitions between ideas. 

Think of a transition as a conjunction or a joining word. It helps create strong relationships between ideas, paragraphs, or sentences and assists the readers to understand the word phrases and sentences easily.

As writers, our goal is to communicate our thoughts and ideas in the most clear and logical manner. Especially when presenting complex ideas, we must ensure that they are being conveyed in the most understandable way.

To ensure that your paper is easy to understand, you can work on the sequencing of ideas. Break down your ideas into different sentences and paragraphs then use a transition word or phrase to guide them through these ideas.

Why Should You Use Transitions

The purpose of transition words goes beyond just connectivity. They create a cohesive narrative , allowing your ideas to flow seamlessly from one point to another. These words and phrases act as signposts and indicate relationships. 

These relations could include:

  • Cause and Effect
  • Comparison and Contrast
  • Addition and Emphasis
  • Sequence and Order
  • Illustration and Example
  • Concession and Contradiction
  • Summary and Conclusion

They form a bridge and tie sentences together, creating a logical connection. In addition to tying the entire paper together, they help demonstrate the writer’s agreement, disagreement, conclusion, or contrast.

However, keep in mind that just using or including transitional words isn’t enough to highlight relationships between ideas. The content of your paragraphs must support the relationship as well. So, you should avoid overusing them in a paper.

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Types of Transitions

Transitions in essays can be classified into different types based on the relationships they indicate between ideas. Each type serves a specific purpose in guiding readers through your arguments. 

Let's explore some common types of transitions and their examples:

Additive Transitions 

These transitions are used to add information or ideas. They help you expand on your points or provide additional supporting evidence. Examples:

  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • Not only... but also
  • Coupled with

Adversative Transitions

Adversative transitions show contrast or contradiction between ideas. They are used to present opposing viewpoints or highlight differences. Examples:

  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • In contrast

Causal Transitions

Causal transitions explain cause-and-effect relationships. They help you establish the reasons behind certain outcomes or actions. Examples:

  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Resulting in
  • For this reason

Sequential Transitions

Sequential transitions indicate the order or sequence of events or ideas. They help you present your thoughts in a logical and organized manner. Examples: 

  • Subsequently
  • In the meantime
  • Simultaneously

Comparative Transitions

Comparative transitions highlight similarities or comparisons between ideas. They help you draw connections and illustrate relationships. Here are some transition words for essays examples: 

  • In the same way
  • Compared to
  • In comparison
  • Correspondingly
  • By the same token
  • Equally important
  • Analogous to

Getting started on your essay? Check out this insightful read on essay writing to make sure you ace it!

List of Good Transition Words for Essays

As mentioned above, there are different categories of transitions that serve a unique purpose. Understanding these different types will help you pick the most suitable word or phrase to communicate your message.

Here we have categorized the best transition words for essays so you can use them appropriately!

Transition Words for Argumentative Essays

In argumentative essays , the effective use of transition words is essential for presenting a well-structured and coherent argument. 

To begin withTo showBy contrastOne alternative is
ChieflyMainlyTo put it more simplyAt the same time
On the contraryEven if ‘A’ is trueAfterallWith this in mind
All things consideredAs a resultTo clarifyGenerally speaking
Another way to view thisThat is to sayYet anotherAnother possibility is

Transition Words for Compare and Contrast Essays

In compare and contrast essays , transition words play a crucial role in highlighting the similarities and differences between the subjects being compared. 

Here are a few transition words that are particularly useful in compare and contrast essays:

DespiteIn contrastNeverthelessOn the contrary
On the other handOtherwiseAs an illustrationThat is
ConverselyIn spite ofSimilarlyAt the same time
LikewiseStillIn a similar fashionEqually

Transition Words for Cause and Effect Essays

In cause and effect essays , transition words help illustrate the relationships between causes and their corresponding effects. 

Here are a few transition words that are particularly useful in cause-and-effect essays:

As a resultUnder those circumstancesThusIn effect
For this reasonThereuponHenceforthAccordingly
Due toSoAs aHence
In order toIf…thenForAfterward

Transition Words for Different Parts of Essays

Transition words are valuable tools that can be used throughout different parts of an essay to create a smooth and coherent flow. By understanding the appropriate transition words for each section, you can logically connect your ideas. 

Introduction Transition Words for Essays

Introductions are one of the most impactful parts of the essay. It's important that it connects logically with the rest of the essay. To do this, you can utilize different transition words for essays to start. Here are some starting transition words for essays:

Generally speakingIn the first placeTo begin withTo be sure
AssuredlyEarlierFirst of allThe next step
As you can seeFor nowIn timeOnce and for all
First... second... third...To put it differentlyFoundationallyIn addition
BasicallyFurthermoreBesidesIn the meantime

Transition Words for Essays Body Paragraph

In an essay, body paragraphs play a crucial role in presenting and developing your ideas. To ensure a logical flow within each body paragraph, the strategic use of transition words is essential.

Here are lists of transitions for essays for different body paragraphs:

Transition Words for Essays for First Body Paragraph

Here is a list of transition words that you can use for the first body paragraph of an essay:

FirstlyTo start offPrimarilyAnother important factor is
To begin withIn the beginningAbove allIt is worth mentioning
InitiallyAt the outsetMost importantlyAn additional aspect to consider is
In the first placeFor a startEssential to noteWhat's more
First and foremostAs a first stepOne key point isFurthermore

Transition Words for Essays Second Body Paragraph

Here is a list of transition words for the second body paragraph of an essay:

AdditionallyLikewiseFurthermore, it is essential to considerCorrespondingly
MoreoverSimilarlyMoreover, it should be noted thatIn the same way
FurthermoreEqually importantIn a similar veinAs well as
In addition toAnother key point isAlongside thisSimilarly, it can be argued that
BesidesNot only... but alsoCoupled with thisFurthermore, evidence suggests

Transition Words for Essays Third Body Paragraph

Another significant point isLikewiseMoreover, it should be highlighted that
NotablyCorrespondinglyFurthermore, it is crucial to consider
BesidesEqually importantAlongside this
Furthermore, it is important to noteFurthermore, evidence supportsIn a similar fashion
SimilarlyAdditionally, research showsLastly, it is worth noting

Transition Words for Essays Last Body Paragraph

In light of thisCoupled with this insightFurthermore, it is imperative to addressAs an extension of this
Building upon thatAdding to the discussionAnother notable factor isDigging deeper into the topic
Moreover, it is crucial to mentionExpanding on this idea
In a related veinIn a similar line of thought
In a similar fashionTaking a step furtherSimilarly, it is worth consideringElaborating on this concept
Not to mentionAdditionally, it is important to highlightIn the same breathCorrespondingly, it is crucial to explore

Transition Words for Essays Conclusion 

Here is a list of ending transition words for essays:

All things consideredGiven these pointsIn summaryTo summarize
In shortBrieflyAfter allThat is to say
FinallyAll in allIn the final analysisAs previously stated
In essenceUltimatelyTo sum upOn the whole
By and largeOverallEverything consideredTaking everything into account

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Essay Transitions

When it comes to using transitions in your essay, there are certain do's and don'ts that can help you effectively enhance the flow of your writing. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Add transitions only when introducing new ideas.
  • Go through the paper to make sure they make sense.
  • Start by creating an outline, so you know what ideas to share and how.
  • Use different transitions for each idea.
  • Don’t overuse them.
  • Don’t keep adding transitions in the same paragraph.
  • Don’t completely rely on transitions to signal relationships.
  • Don’t incorporate it into your content without understanding its usage.

By now, you have probably understood how transition words can save you from disjointed and directionless paragraphs. They are the missing piece that indicates how ideas are related to one another. You can also generate more essays with our AI powered essay writer to learn the art of transitioning smoothly from one paragraph to another. 

If you are still unable to distinguish transitions to open or conclude your essays, don’t be upset - these things require time and practice.

If you are looking for the perfect essay-writing service, get in touch with the expert writers at We will include the right transitions according to the type of paper, ensuring a coherent flow of ideas.

Just say ‘ write my essay ’ now and let our essay writer create quality content at the most pocket-friendly rates available.

Nova A.

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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A List of Transition Words to Use for Argumentative Essays

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Writing an argumentative essay requires a lot of effort aside from research. Besides grammar and structure, you definitely need to make sure your essay is coherent by using transitions.

Argumentative essay transition words allow you to wrap up a piece of evidence to support your main point and then move on to another. Keep reading for tips and an exhaustive list of transition words I put together for your argumentative essays.

What Is a Transition Word?

transition words for the thesis statement

A transition word is critical to producing quality content. Also known as linking words, transition words make basic connections between sentences and paragraphs to show a relationship between ideas.

A strong transition is crucial when writing an essay. It’s not enough that you provide complete information about your main points and supporting details. You also have to make your argument attractive and logical by using transitions in your academic essay.

The absence of transition words will make your paper less readable and understandable. But too many transitions can also ruin your piece. Use them in moderation to avoid confusion about your document.

Function and Importance of Transitions

The goal of transition words is to convey ideas clearly and concisely to your readers. If you’re writing an argumentative paper, you want to make logical connections in your document to prove your central point.

Transitional phrases and words help you produce a logical flow from one sentence or paragraph to another. In other words, they introduce what the following information will be. Some transitions come in single words, while others come in complete phrases and sentences.

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There are many categories of transitions, including those that present counterarguments and others that build on your arguments. Be careful about using the wrong transition. Otherwise, you won’t achieve your goal of clarity and conciseness. Consider these examples.

  • “ For instance , an anonymous TikTok user reports having a shorter attention span because of its over-swiping feature.” (In this sentence, for instance is used to provide an example).
  • “ Here’s an exception to my previous point. ” (This entire sentence is a transition, showing a logical connection between the previous and following sentences).

Transition can also be a sentence to a paragraph long. I’ll show you an example.

Paragraph A: A point that supports co-sleeping as a parenting method.

Transition: Despite this, there are many reasons that prove co-sleeping leads to sleep-related accidents.

Paragraph B: Points that oppose co-sleeping.

Types of Transition Words

There are several types of transitions you can use for making high-quality essays.

Transition Between Paragraphs

A type of transition required for a well-written essay is one you can find between paragraphs. Once you’ve arranged each paragraph according to your outline, it’s important to start each with an effective transition. This word or phrase is usually present in the topic sentence of the body.

Some examples include however, similarly, and for example. But these transition expressions cannot be a single sentence long. The initial sentence of every paragraph should be clear and substantial instead of simply connecting ideas.

Transition Within Paragraphs

Creating a powerful transition within every paragraph of your academic papers avoids choppy sentences. It provides a sense of connection between complex ideas to help readers anticipate what is coming.

These are usually single words or short phrases like in addition, since, and if.

Transition Between Sections

The last type of transition phrases and sentences are those between sections. You’ll find them all over the entire paper to summarize the information. They can be restatements of arguments or a short closing sentence to ensure the flow of ideas.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

It’s a type of essay that requires you to research a subject matter and establish a position for or against it.

Aside from researching and evaluating evidence, showing a relationship between sentences and sections is essential when writing a paper. This will allow you to wrap up an idea and then start another. You must cite different sources to support your point of view, then show counterarguments.

The entire essay should include an introduction, a conclusion, and at least three body paragraphs.

How Do You Start an Argumentative Essay?

Every type of paper starts with an introduction, which usually includes a hook, background, and thesis statement.

The common essay introduction piques the reader’s interest through a surprising statistic or an interesting question. Provide readers with a background of your entire content piece, then state your main argument in a clear sentence.

Transition expressions are not yet essential in this stage of essay writing. Focus on setting up your point and discussing how you will argue it throughout the paper.

Common Transitions for Argumentative Essay Writing

Take a look at this list of transitional words and phrases commonly used to make strong arguments.

  • Additionally
  • In addition
  • Not only… but also
  • In the same way
  • Comparatively
  • Furthermore
  • Equally important

Counterargument Transition Words

Here’s a transition word list for essays showing different sides of an argument.

  • While it is true that
  • Nevertheless
  • Despite this
  • On the other hand
  • Be that as it may
  • Even though
  • Although this may be true

Transition Words and Phrases for Comparing and Contrasting

Here’s a breakdown of transition words and phrases you can use when comparing and contrasting.

  • In spite of
  • On the contrary
  • Different from
  • In contrast

Transition Words to Include in Your College Essay

Here are some examples of transition words you can use when applying for college admission or scholarship.

  • To put it in another way
  • To demonstrate
  • As an illustration
  • By all means
  • In other words

Transition Words for Cause and Effect

Consider this transition word list when showing cause and effect.

  • As a result
  • For this reason
  • Consequently
  • Accordingly
  • Under those circumstances
  • Because the

Transition Words for Essay Paragraphs

  • At the present time
  • In due time
  • To begin with
  • All of a sudden
  • Immediately
  • In a moment

Transitions to Emphasize a Point

  • Most of all
  • The main problem/issue is
  • Without question
  • More importantly
  • Most important of all

Transition Words for Additional Support or Evidence

Transition words for sequence or order, transition words for space or place.

  • In the middle of
  • In the distance
  • In the background
  • Here and there
  • On the side

To Cite a Source or Paraphrase

  • According to
  • This means that
  • Put it more simply

Transition Words to Begin a Body Paragraph

  • What is more
  • Beyond that

Transition Words to Introduce Details

  • For example
  • As an example
  • For instance
  • A case in point
  • Specifically
  • In particular
  • More specifically

Transition Words for Conclusion

  • As can be seen
  • By and large
  • On the whole
  • To summarize
  • In the final analysis
  • Generally speaking

More Transition Words

  • With this intention
  • In order to
  • In the hope that
  • With this in mind
  • For the purpose of
  • Provided that

Tips for Using Argumentative Essay Transitions

transition words for the thesis statement

Follow these tips to improve your use of transitions in your essay.

Know What the Transitions Mean

Non-native speakers may need help knowing the meaning of every transition expression, so research every term before using it.

There are also many categories of transition words. You can use them to summarize points, show contradictions, express sequence, or begin a paragraph.

Start Your Essay with an Outline

Writing an outline will make it easier to map your ideas and move them around. This strategy will help you transition between paragraphs.

Don’t Overuse Transitions

The last mistake you shouldn’t make is overuse. Instead of making connections between sentences, you’ll make your paper more difficult to read. It creates more incoherence and distraction in your writing, contradicting its intended purpose in your paper.

Use Transition Words Properly

Now you know how to use transition words and phrases for your argumentative essay through this guide and list. These expressions will help you produce a coherent relationship between every idea.

Mastering transitions for your essay may not be a piece of cake, but practice makes perfect. Don’t forget to revise and proofread your argumentative before submitting it to your professor.

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Transitions between paragraphs.

While within-paragraph transitions serve the purpose of alerting readers of upcoming shifts in perspective or voice , between-paragraph transitions serve the unique purpose of alerting readers of upcoming shifts in argument or idea . Because one of the core rules of effective paragraph-writing is limiting each paragraph to only one controlling idea (see the Basic Paragraph Resource Center lesson), shifts in argument or idea only tend to happen between paragraphs within the academic essay.

There are literally dozens of transition words to choose from when shifting focus from one idea to another. There are transition words that show cause and effect, contrast, similarity, emphasis, and even sequence. To give you a general idea of the options available to you, below are examples of just a few of those categories and word combinations:

This is a table of Transition Words in English. Transition Words of Emphasis: undoubtedly, unquestionably, obviously, especially, clearly, importantly, absolutely, definitely, without a doubt, indeed, and it should be noted. Transition Words of Addition: along with, apart from this, moreover, furthermore, also, too, as well as that, besides, in addition. Transition Words of Contrast: unlike, nevertheless, on the other hand, nonetheless, contrary to, whereas, alternatively, conversely, even so, differing from. Transition Words of Order: following, at this time, previously, finally, subsequently, above all, before.

With so many available options, you may be wondering how you will ever be able to figure out which word or set of words would work best where.

Guiding Questions

While there are many approaches you could take, let’s take a look at a few basic guiding questions you should be asking yourself as you look over your own essay and create your own between-paragraph transitions:

  • What is the purpose of this paragraph? Is it to introduce, inform, persuade, address an opposing viewpoint, revisit or add emphasis to already discussed ideas?
  • Does the idea I’m sharing in this paragraph relate to or support any other idea or argument shared within the essay up to this point?
  • Does the idea I’m sharing in this paragraph present a different viewpoint or idea?
  • Is the idea I’m sharing separate from or dependent upon other ideas being shared within the essay?

Your answer to these four basic questions should help you more easily identify which categories of transition words might work best at the beginning of each of your paragraphs.

A Couple Tips to Get Started

Selecting proper transitions takes time and practice. To get you started on the right foot though, here are a couple tips to point you in the right direction:

  • Your body paragraphs would likely benefit most from the Addition and Order transition word categories as they tend to string together related or culminating ideas or arguments
  • Your concluding paragraph would likely benefit most from the Emphasis word category as one of its primary objectives is to revisit and re-emphasize major ideas presented in the essay

To see the power of an appropriately-used transition in action, let’s consider the following prompt question example. Imagine you were asked to write an essay based on the following prompt:

  • Do you believe that people have a specific “calling” in life? Why or why not?

A possible thesis statement (or answer to that prompt question) might be::

  • My spiritual study, secular study, and my own life experience has taught me that life callings tend to emerge not just once, but perhaps even multiple times, at crossway of spiritual gifts and need in the world.

Ponder and Record

  • Based on the thesis statement above, how many body paragraphs do you think this essay will need to have?
  • What controlling ideas (or arguments) might each body paragraph be engaging?
  • Are these arguments in any way related to each other or building on each other?
  • How might these body paragraphs benefit from transition words in the Addition or Order categories?

Body Paragraph Transitions

In answering the questions above, you likely realized that three body paragraphs will be required in this essay based on its current thesis statement. One body paragraph will focus on “spiritual” findings, another on “secular,” and then finally one supported by “personal experience.”

You also likely realized that the Addition transition word category cannot be applied to the first body paragraph as no arguments have been made yet that can be added to. This means that the first body paragraph would likely benefit most from a transition word selected from the Order category. An example of this in application might look like the following:

Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence

Above all, my spiritual study of the scriptures as well as the words of latter-day prophets have supported my belief that life callings emerge at the intersection of spiritual gifts and need in the world.

  • What does the selection of the transitional phrase “above all” suggest about the controlling idea that will be discussed in this paragraph?
  • What does it suggest about the ideas that will follow in subsequent paragraphs?

To see more “between-paragraph” transition words in action, let’s look at what the next body paragraph topic sentence might look like with the added benefit of transition words:

Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence

In addition to my spiritual study, my secular study of the “life calling” also supports this idea that life callings emerge again and again at the intersection of spiritual gifts and need in the world.

  • What is the transitional phrase used in the topic sentence above?
  • Which list is the transitional phrase “in addition” drawn from?
  • What purpose does it serve in this paragraph? How does it add value?

To really emphasize the value-add of between-paragraph transitions, let’s look at one final body paragraph example:

Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence

Finally, my own life experience has taught me that the concept of the “life calling” truly does lie at the intersection of gifts and need in the world.

  • Which list is the transitional phrase “finally” drawn from?

Concluding Paragraph

As mentioned above, the category of transition words that would most benefit your concluding paragraph is Emphasis . Since one of the main purposes of the concluding paragraph is to revisit ideas shared within the essay, transition words that express emphasis would be a natural fit and value-add. To see the power of this addition, feel free to examine the example below:

Concluding Paragraph Example

Without a doubt, I have come to realize over the years that a life calling is so much more than simply acting on a single moment in time— it is developing gifts and talents and constantly reassessing what value-add those gifts and talents can bring to the world at that particular moment.

  • What transitional phrase is used in the above concluding paragraph topic sentence?
  • How does the addition of “without a doubt” add emphasis to the conclusion? How does its addition help fulfill one of the concluding paragraph’s primary purposes?

Within-paragraph and between-paragraph transitions are truly the best ways to alert readers to upcoming changes in perspective and voice as well as argument or idea. As you write and then review your own writing, really try to consider which transition words would best help you create the most powerful and organized experience for your readers.

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Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples

Published on 20 October 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 15 March 2023.

Transition words and phrases (also called linking words, connecting words, or transitional words) are used to link together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence.

The proposed solution to the problem did not work. Therefore , we attempted a second solution. However , this solution was also unsuccessful.

For clear writing, it’s essential to understand the meaning of transition words and use them correctly.

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Table of contents

When and how to use transition words, types and examples of transition words, common mistakes with transition words.

Transition words commonly appear at the start of a new sentence or clause (followed by a comma ), serving to express how this clause relates to the previous one.

Transition words can also appear in the middle of a clause. It’s important to place them correctly to convey the meaning you intend.

Example text with and without transition words

The text below describes all the events it needs to, but it does not use any transition words to connect them. Because of this, it’s not clear exactly how these different events are related or what point the author is making by telling us about them.

If we add some transition words at appropriate moments, the text reads more smoothly and the relationship among the events described becomes clearer.

Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Consequently , France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. The Soviet Union initially worked with Germany in order to partition Poland. However , Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

Don’t overuse transition words

While transition words are essential to clear writing, it’s possible to use too many of them. Consider the following example, in which the overuse of linking words slows down the text and makes it feel repetitive.

In this case the best way to fix the problem is to simplify the text so that fewer linking words are needed.

The key to using transition words effectively is striking the right balance. It is difficult to follow the logic of a text with no transition words, but a text where every sentence begins with a transition word can feel over-explained.

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transition words for the thesis statement

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There are four main types of transition word: additive, adversative, causal, and sequential. Within each category, words are divided into several more specific functions.

Remember that transition words with similar meanings are not necessarily interchangeable. It’s important to understand the meaning of all the transition words you use. If unsure, consult a dictionary to find the precise definition.

Additive transition words

Additive transition words introduce new information or examples. They can be used to expand upon, compare with, or clarify the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Addition We found that the mixture was effective. , it appeared to have additional effects we had not predicted. indeed, furthermore, moreover, additionally, and, also, both and , not only but also , , in fact
Introduction Several researchers have previously explored this topic. , Smith (2014) examined the effects of … such as, like, particularly, including, as an illustration, for example, for instance, in particular, to illustrate, especially, notably
Reference The solution showed a high degree of absorption. , it is reasonable to conclude that … considering , regarding , in regard to , as for , concerning , the fact that , on the subject of
Similarity It was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables. , the connection between and remains unclear … similarly, in the same way, by the same token, in like manner, equally, likewise
Clarification The patient suffered several side effects, increased appetite, decreased libido, and disordered sleep. that is (to say), namely, specifically, more precisely, in other words

Adversative transition words

Adversative transition words always signal a contrast of some kind. They can be used to introduce information that disagrees or contrasts with the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Conflict The novel does deal with the theme of family. , its central theme is more broadly political … but, however, although, though, equally, by way of contrast, while, on the other hand, (and) yet, whereas, in contrast, (when) in fact, conversely, whereas
Concession Jones (2011) argues that the novel reflects Russian politics of the time. this is correct, other aspects of the text must also be considered. even so, nonetheless, nevertheless, even though, on the other hand, admittedly, despite , notwithstanding , (and) still, although, , regardless (of ), (and) yet, though, granted
Dismissal It remains unclear which of these hypotheses is correct. , it can be inferred that … regardless, either way, whatever the case, in any/either event, in any/either case, at any rate, all the same
Emphasis The chemical is generally thought to have corrosive properties. , several studies have supported this hypothesis. above all, indeed, more/most importantly
Replacement The character of Godfrey is often viewed as selfish, self-absorbed. (or) at least, (or) rather, instead, or (perhaps) even, if not

Causal transition words

Causal transition words are used to describe cause and effect. They can be used to express purpose, consequence, and condition.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Consequence Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. therefore, because (of ), as a result (of ), for this reason, in view of , as, owing to x, due to (the fact that), since, consequently, in consequence, as a consequence, hence, thus, so (that), accordingly, so much (so) that, under the/such circumstances, if so
Condition We qualified survey responses as positive the participant selected “agree” or “strongly agree.” , results were recorded as negative. (even/only) if/when, on (the) condition that, in the case that, granted (that), provided/providing that, in case, in the event that, as/so long as, unless, given that, being that, inasmuch/insofar as, in that case, in (all) other cases, if so/not, otherwise
Purpose We used accurate recording equipment our results would be as precise as possible. to, in order to/that, for the purpose of, in the hope that, so that, to the end that, lest, with this in mind, so as to, so that, to ensure (that)

Sequential transition words

Sequential transition words indicate a sequence, whether it’s the order in which events occurred chronologically or the order you’re presenting them in your text. They can be used for signposting in academic texts.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Enumeration This has historically had several consequences: , the conflict is not given the weight of other conflicts in historical narratives. , its causes are inadequately understood. , … first, second, third…
Initiation , I want to consider the role played by women in this period. in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, at first
Continuation , I discuss the way in which the country’s various ethnic minorities were affected by the conflict. subsequently, previously, eventually, next, before , afterwards, after , then
Conclusion , I consider these two themes in combination. to conclude (with), as a final point, eventually, at last, last but not least, finally, lastly
Resumption my main argument, it is clear that … to return/returning to , to resume, at any rate
Summation Patel (2015) comes to a similar conclusion. , the four studies considered here suggest a consensus that the solution is effective. as previously stated/mentioned, in summary, as I have argued, overall, as has been mentioned, to summarise, briefly, given these points, in view of , as has been noted, in conclusion, in sum, altogether, in short

Transition words are often used incorrectly. Make sure you understand the proper usage of transition words and phrases, and remember that words with similar meanings don’t necessarily work the same way grammatically.

Misused transition words can make your writing unclear or illogical. Your audience will be easily lost if you misrepresent the connections between your sentences and ideas.

Confused use of therefore

“Therefore” and similar cause-and-effect words are used to state that something is the result of, or follows logically from, the previous. Make sure not to use these words in a way that implies illogical connections.

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. Therefore , the average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

The use of “therefore” in this example is illogical: it suggests that the result of 7.5 follows logically from the question being asked, when in fact many other results were possible. To fix this, we simply remove the word “therefore.”

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. The average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

Starting a sentence with also , and , or so

While the words “also,” “and,” and “so” are used in academic writing, they are considered too informal when used at the start of a sentence.

  • Also , a second round of testing was carried out.

To fix this issue, we can either move the transition word to a different point in the sentence or use a more formal alternative.

  • A second round of testing was also carried out.
  • Additionally , a second round of testing was carried out.

Transition words creating sentence fragments

Words like “although” and “because” are called subordinating conjunctions . This means that they introduce clauses which cannot stand on their own. A clause introduced by one of these words should always follow or be followed by another clause in the same sentence.

The second sentence in this example is a fragment, because it consists only of the “although” clause.

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. Although other researchers disagree.

We can fix this in two different ways. One option is to combine the two sentences into one using a comma. The other option is to use a different transition word that does not create this problem, like “however.”

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed, although other researchers disagree.
  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. However , other researchers disagree.

And vs. as well as

Students often use the phrase “ as well as ” in place of “and,” but its usage is slightly different. Using “and” suggests that the things you’re listing are of equal importance, while “as well as” introduces additional information that is less important.

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf, as well as presenting my analysis of To the Lighthouse .

In this example, the analysis is more important than the background information. To fix this mistake, we can use “and,” or we can change the order of the sentence so that the most important information comes first. Note that we add a comma before ‘as well as’ but not before ‘and’.

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf and presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse .
  • Chapter 1 presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse , as well as discussing some background information on Woolf.

Note that in fixed phrases like “both x and y ,” you must use “and,” not “as well as.”

  • Both my results as well as my interpretations are presented below.
  • Both my results and my interpretations are presented below.

Use of and/or

The combination of transition words “and/or” should generally be avoided in academic writing. It makes your text look messy and is usually unnecessary to your meaning.

First consider whether you really do mean “and/or” and not just “and” or “or.” If you are certain that you need both, it’s best to separate them to make your meaning as clear as possible.

  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus and/or the train.
  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus, the train, or both.

Archaic transition words

Words like “hereby,” “therewith,” and most others formed by the combination of “here,” “there,” or “where” with a preposition are typically avoided in modern academic writing. Using them makes your writing feel old-fashioned and strained and can sometimes obscure your meaning.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Hereby , we not only see that it is hereditary, but acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

These words should usually be replaced with a more explicit phrasing expressing how the current statement relates to the preceding one.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Understanding it as such , we not only see that it is hereditary, but also acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, March 15). Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 12 August 2024, from

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Transition words and phrases: Examples and tips

Masooma Memon

Masooma Memon

transition words for the thesis statement

Ever put together a sandwich without any sauce?

Even if you haven’t, you can tell there’s nothing to hold together your sandwich’s ingredients, which makes eating it a messy affair. Transition words are the same.

They’re English language’s garlic mayo (or whatever flavor you prefer) that glue ideas, sentences, and paragraphs so they stick together in a sensible whole.

See the ‘and’ and ‘so’ in the sentence you just read? They’re transition words examples that help make the sentence flow in logical sense.

Want to learn how to use them like a pro? Read on. We’ll cover everything from transition words to start a new paragraph to their types and how you can use them. 

Let’s get on with it:

What are transition words?

Transition words are words and even phrases that connect ideas. ‘Because,’ ‘consequently,’ ‘and,’ ‘what’s more,’ ‘resultantly,’ ‘in sum,’ and ‘briefly’ are a few common transition words examples.

Owing to their job as words that bridge ideas, transition words are also called connecting or linking words.

Here’s a look at transition sentences examples that I’ve pulled from Rework by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried:

When good enough gets the job done, go for it. It’s way better than wasting resources, or even worse, doing nothing because you can’t afford the complex solution. And, remember, you can usually turn good enough to great later.

Now let’s imagine these sentences without good transition words gluing all the thoughts together:

What we get here is a mishmash of ideas that make zero sense about how they’re linked to each other. To top that up, the flow’s toast.

The takeaway? Whether it’s transition words between paragraphs, transition words at the start of a sentence, or those that stitch sentences together in a cohesive paragraph, you can’t take these words for granted.

Why do you need transition words?

Although we’ve briefly touched on the why already, it’s time we take a microscope to the role that a transitional word plays:

Transition words are link builders

They link ideas to one another, so that they form a whole when put together. With connecting words, you can see the link between actions and arguments – say something happens as a consequence of another thing as in the sentence below:

She couldn’t bear another day in the wretched city. So, she left the town in search of a bright future.

They put your thoughts in order

Organized thoughts breathe sense into your writing. Whether it’s academic writing that you’re doing or a blog post you’re working on, you’ll find this particularly valuable.

Why? Because the previous argument you make will flow in order as each idea builds upon another like a pyramid of cards.

Of course, the better your thoughts are organized, the smoother your piece will flow, which, in turn, gives your work a logical structure.

They’re proponents of brevity and clarity

Try as you might, you can’t create links between ideas without transition words acting as succinct bridges between them.

With these magic connectors, you can keep your writing clear, to the point, and sharp as a pencil.

Here’s an example:

Lightning struck all night, resulting in broken poles and a town without electricity for two days.

Let’s omit the transition words here and try rewriting this sentence: Lightning struck all night. There were broken poles. A town without electricity for two days.

Something sounds off, doesn’t it?

For one, there’s no flow to these short phrases and the ideas feel foreign to each other without connecting words. And, two, you’ve to rely on multiple sentences that are better off as one.

Transition words make writing easy to read

All this talk about organization, logical structure, and good flow and clarity pool together to deliver the champion writing characteristic – good readability.

That’s when your content is easy to read, gently pushing the reader from one sentence to another until they get through to the end. Bingo!

When and how to use transition words

Now that you know what transition words can help you with, you’re in a better position to use them.

Want to add up points together? Transition words can help. Want to agree with something or stress on a message? Again, use transition words. Want to introduce a shift or bring things to a close? You know what to do.

Besides if you ever feel there’s a lack of coherence or logical connections between your thoughts, you’ll want to revisit the transition words you’re using. Same goes for a lack of order in your writing.

Tip: Once you’re done writing, give the draft a break. Come back to read it out loud. Reading loudly helps you understand the flow, therefore, the need for transition words to make up for abrupt change in idea.

For a stronger hold on when and how to use transition words, get to grips on the different types of transition words such as conclusion transition words, introduction transition words, and more.

For instance, if there’s a consequence to an action, you’ll want to lean on cause and effect transition words such as ‘consequently,’ ‘subsequently,’ ‘next,’ and so on.

The crime on the streets got people worried. Next, came the terrible wind and people started locking themselves in their homes post dusk.

Similarly, if you’re sharing steps, you’ll need sequence or enumeration transition words like ‘firstly,’ ‘secondly,’ ‘thirdly,’ ‘lastly,’ and others. This example shows such transition words in action:

Shortly after her husband gave up on her, she ended up moving to downtown London.

We’ll look at the types of transition words in just a bit. For now, here’s a look at the punctuation that goes hand in glove with the use of transition words. This way, you’ll get everything related to the use of transition words correct down to the bone.

Two rules to keep in mind here are:

Use a period (.) or semicolon (;) after the first sentence. Use the latter only when you’re connecting two independent sentences that’ll do just fine as standalone sentences as well.

Sarah was going through a rough patch in her personal life. Naturally, her performance at work started suffering.

Use a comma before the transition word in a sentence to separate it from the rest of the sentence

I’ve been very careful about going out alone, but I can’t help it if an emergency crops up.

Positioning transition words

Frankly, transition words can occupy every nook and cranny in your writing. Hard to believe?

Briefly, here are the different places transition words do their job as an adhesive

• At the start of a sentence

• At the end of a sentence

• Smack dab in the middle of a sentence

• Transition words that start a new paragraph

Types and examples of transition words

For each type of transition word, we’ve a list below. We’ve also compiled a list of transition words into a cheat sheet of 100 transition words that you can fetch here (no sign in required).

1. Addition/agreement transition words

As their name indicates, these transition words help build up points like putting Legos together.

In addition, another key point, indeed

2. Comparison/contrast words

These magic words make it easy for you to sketch differences.

But, (and) still, (and) yet, on the contrast, on the flip side, on the contrary, in contrast, in comparison, regardless, nevertheless, nonetheless, irrespective, regardless, above all, after all.

3. Clarity transition words

If you plan on explaining an idea further, clarity transition words can be of help.

To clarify, to put it differently, by all means, in other words, to put it differently, that is to say, to emphasize, to repeat, to explain, to go in detail, especially, to rephrase,

4. Cause and effect/results transition words

Did something occur as a reaction to an action? Explain them using cause and effect transition words.

Accordingly, resultantly, consequently, as a result, subsequently, thereupon, forthwith, accordingly, henceforth, under the circumstances, Consequently, subsequently, with this mind, with this intention, in the event that, in terms of, to this end, in as much as, owing to, lest, because of, in case, in view of, in order to,

5. Concession transition words

If there’s a compromise to be made, this type of transition words can help. You’ll typically find these at the start and end of a sentence.

Granted, of course, naturally,

6. Emphasis transition words

As is obvious, emphasis transition words play a useful role accentuating a point or stressing on something’s importance.

In fact, above all, to top it all, Importance: of less importance, chiefly, foundationally, primarily, secondarily, critically, of less importance.

7. Enumeration/sequence transition words

These words define time.

What’s more, furthermore, eventually, gradually, earlier, meanwhile, finally, in due time, from time to time, sooner or later, as long as, in the meantime, immediately, instantly, quickly, overtime, by the time, prior to, during, since, till, afterward,

8. Example/support transition words

If you’re backing things with examples, you’ll want to alert readers of an example coming through. How? Use example transition words.

to illustrate, to demonstrate, that is, For instance, for example that you’ll find in abundance in this post.

9. Location/place transition words

Next up, place transition words show location or explain when something happens, making them a helpful device for descriptive writing in particular.

in front of, in the middle of, in the distance, to the left/right, here and there, amid, amongst, beyond, further, alongside, in the background, adjacent, nearer,

10. Similarity transition words

Another batch of good transition words are similarity words that pull similarities – much the opposite of contrast words.

Likewise, similarly, in the same vein, by the same token, in like manner, in similar fashion, in the same way

11. Conclusion transition words

These words work in the summation department. They’re a huge help for writing conclusions or summing up different ideas under discussion.

Therefore, thus, in summary, to summarize, in sum, to sum it up, In other words, in brief, briefly, in conclusion, for the most part, in a word, overall, on the whole, all in all, in essence, ultimately, by and large, in short, generally speaking.

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Strong Transition Words for Essays

What are transition words and why are they important, the purpose of this article.

Strong Transition Words for Essays

Types of Transition Words

The article will cover the following categories of transition words:

Introduction and Thesis Statement Transition Words

Connection between paragraphs transition words, defining and summarizing transition words.

  • Showing Cause and Effect Transition Words

Contrasting Ideas Transition Words

It is important to have a well-rounded knowledge of the different types of transition words in order to use them effectively in writing. By understanding and practicing each type, you will be able to strengthen your writing and ensure that it flows smoothly and logically from one idea to the next.

What Are Transition Words and Why are They Important?

Transition words are words or phrases that show a connection between ideas, sentences and paragraphs. They help the reader understand the logic of a text by showing how different parts of the text are connected. They are often used to help move a discussion along, as well as to clarify or emphasize certain points.

Transition words can be classified into different types depending on the purpose they serve. Some of the most common types of transition words are those that introduce an idea, connect two ideas, contrast ideas, or show cause and effect. By using these words in your writing, you can communicate your ideas more clearly and effectively.

In essays, transition words are especially important because they help organize your writing and make it easier for the reader to follow your argument. When used correctly, transition words give your essay a cohesive flow that makes it easier for the reader to understand your points. For example, if you are introducing an argument, you might want to use transition words such as ‘however’, ‘despite’ or ‘nevertheless’ to make your point clearer. Similarly, if you are contrasting two or more ideas, you might use words such as ‘but’, ‘even though’ or ‘although’.

Using transition words also helps to ensure that your arguments are logically sound and that there is a clear flow of ideas throughout your essay. In addition, transition words can be used to help highlight the most important points of your argument and to emphasize the conclusions you reach. Therefore, they are essential tools to help you make your writing more engaging and effective.


Transition words are essential for any essay or creative writing piece. They are words used to connect ideas and create logical flow in a sentence.

In this article, we’ll be taking you through the most useful transition words for essays. We’ll give a brief overview of the different types of transition words, and explain how you can use each one to make your essays flow better and create a more cohesive writing style.

The categories of transition words we’ll be discussing include:

Showing Cause & Effect Transition Words

At the conclusion of this guide, you should feel well versed in the use of strong transition words for essays. Let’s get started!

Overview of Transition Words

Writing can often seem disjointed and scattered, which is why having an understanding of transition words is so important. Transition words are words or phrases that help bridge the gap between ideas, making it easier to understand how one idea connects to the next. In this guide, we will discuss the five categories of transition words you should use in your essays for better articulation and clarity.

The five categories we will cover are:

We will go through each of these categories and list out the most common transition words within them, as well as explain their purpose and how they should be used.

By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to use strong transition words for essays. You will be able to easily identify which type of transition word should be used for each particular situation and how to effectively incorporate them within your writing.

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Understanding how to use transition words is essential for improving the flow of your writing. Transition words are used in between sentences and paragraphs to create a clear and coherent connection between the ideas being expressed.

When writing an essay, it is important to make sure that your introduction and thesis statement stand out. To do this, you need to use effective transition words that can help seamlessly connect the readers with your ideas and argument. Here are some common introduction and thesis statement transition words that can help improve the clarity and quality of your writing:

  • First/ Secondly/ Lastly : These transition words can help you introduce different points of your argument. This can be used in the introduction part of your essay to provide an overview of the points you plan to cover.
  • Moreover/ Additionally/ Furthermore : These words are often used when introducing additional evidence or information to support your argument or thesis statement.
  • In conclusion/ To conclude/ Finally : These transitions are usually used at the end of the introduction paragraph to signal the start of the thesis statement.
  • In summary/ To summarize/ Ultimately : These words can be used to wrap up the introduction paragraph and sum up the main points before transitioning into the thesis statement.

Using these transition words to effectively link your introduction and thesis statement together can help establish a strong foundation for your essay. By providing a clear and cohesive connection between thoughts and ideas, readers can gain a better understanding of your overall argument.

Introducing a Thesis Statement with a Transition Word

Having a strong thesis statement with the correct transition words is key for ensuring a successful essay. Transition words serve as bridges between related ideas in your text and help to move your reader from one thought to the next. A good transition word will create a link between the sentence before and the sentence after it, strengthening the overall flow of your essay. Introducing your thesis statement with a transition word can help make clear the relationship between two parts of your argument, helping your reader follow along.

When introducing your thesis statement, it’s important to choose the correct transition word. Different transition words create different relationships between ideas. For example, a “however” transition word provides a contrast to the previous thought, while a “furthermore” transition word adds onto what was already said. Choosing the right transition word when introducing your thesis statement can help you make your argument more clear and concise.

A few common transition words used to introduce a thesis statement are:

  • Consequently
  • As a result

Using transition words to introduce a thesis statement is a great way to organize your thoughts and create a stronger argument. Transition words provide a strong link between the two parts of your argument, making it easier for the reader to understand your point of view and the conclusions that you’ve reached. By using the correct transition words, you can ensure that your essay is well-structured and easy to comprehend.

Transition words can be incredibly useful for introducing or concluding parts of a sentence, paragraph or essay. They are especially helpful when introducing the main point or premise of an essay. In this section, we’ll look at some of the most commonly-used transition words for beginning or concluding parts of an essay.

First off, let’s look at some introductory transition words. For example, you may use the word “Firstly” to introduce the thesis statement of an essay. This is an effective way to provide a reader with context and to let them know what they should expect from the essay. Another introductory transition word could be “To begin with” which helps to engage the essay’s readers. Both of these words provide a nice starting point for a paper.

Concluding transition words can also be extremely helpful in summarizing what has already been said. For example, if you wanted to end a sentence with a summary of its main points, then you may use the word “Overall”. This allows the reader to have a clear understanding of the sentence and its implications. Similarly, you can use the word “Finally” as a way to wrap up an essay. This will help to give the essay a sense of closure and finish off the main points.

From “Firstly” to “Finally”, there are many transition words that can effectively be used in introducing or concluding parts of an essay. All of these words provide a useful way to quickly introduce or conclude a sentence, paragraph or essay, and their strategic placement can enhance the overall structure of the paper.

Transition words are very effective in helping readers move from one paragraph to the next. As a writer, you can use transition words and phrases to signal to your readers that ideas are being linked together. This helps readers understand the flow of the text and can give each paragraph a sense of cohesion.

For example, if you are discussing the history of the automobile in one paragraph and then moving to the impact of the automobile on society in the next, you may want to use a transition word like “therefore” or “consequently” to let the reader know how these two ideas are connected. Here are some of the most commonly used transition words and phrases for connecting paragraphs:

  • Moreover : This is used to add additional information about a point that has already been discussed.
  • Consequently : This is used to show the result of an action or idea that was previously mentioned.
  • Furthermore : This is used to expand upon a point that has already been made.
  • Therefore : This is used to show a logical conclusion that is based on points that were previously made.
  • Nevertheless : This is used to contrast two opposing points.

By using strong transition words and phrases, you can make your writing more effective and help your readers better follow your ideas. When linking together two paragraphs, try to find a connection between them that you can highlight with a transition word or phrase.

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The Importance of Smooth Transitions Between Paragraphs

Transition words are an essential part of any written essay. When used correctly, they can help move the reader from one idea to the next logically and effortlessly. In particular, transition words signal to the reader when one paragraph ends and another begins. By helping to clarify the flow of thought, transitions between paragraphs make a paper easier to read and understand.

Transitions are particularly important when moving from one main point to another in your essay. For example, if you are discussing the importance of understanding transition words in the introduction, it is a good idea to use a transition word or phrase to signal to the reader that you are moving on to your next point. Without this signal, the reader may get confused or lose track of your argument.

When transitioning between paragraphs, it is always best to use words that clearly link the two topics you are discussing. This helps to ensure that the paper has a logical progression and that each point is connected to the previous one. Common transition words for smooth transitions between paragraphs include words like “however”, “in addition”, “likewise”, “consequently”, and “furthermore”.

In addition to signaling transitions between paragraphs, many writers also choose to use transition words within their sentences. This can help to further clarify the direction of your argument and aid the reader in understanding the logic behind your ideas. Examples of these words include “but”, “whereas”, “subsequently”, and “for instance”.

Including transition words in your writing not only helps to create a clear and logical flow to your argument, but it also demonstrates your ability to craft a well-written essay. Taking the time to think about which transition words to use in your paper can make all the difference in how easily your argument is understood by the reader.

Connecting Ideas in Paragraphs: Transition Words

When writing an essay, it is important to connect the different paragraphs to clearly show the flow of ideas. To do so, transition words are used to indicate how two concepts are connected and how they develop a single argument. There are several transition words that can be used to achieve this goal. Let’s consider some of the most common.

For connecting the paragraphs of an essay in a logical sequence, transition words such as “first,” “second,” “third,” and so on, can be used. Other sequence words are used to explain the increasing order of importance. Examples of such words include “first of all,” “most important,” and “finally.”

Adding Information

When adding information or extending a thought or idea, transition words such as “in addition,” “also,” “moreover,” and “besides” can be used. These words come in handy when the writer needs to extend an idea or provide additional supporting details.

Time transition words are used to indicate how two ideas are related in terms of time. Examples of such words include “before,” “after,” “subsequently,” “eventually,” “simultaneously,” etc. Such words can help illustrate the sequence of events, whether it’s the past, present, or future.

To compare two ideas, transition words such as “likewise,” “similarly,” and “in comparison” are often used. Other words, such as “unlike,” “on the contrary,” and “however,” are also used to signal a contrast between two ideas.

The purpose of using transition words to connect ideas and paragraphs in an essay is to ensure the smooth flow of thoughts and the clarity of arguments. In conclusion, having a good understanding of transition words can be invaluable when it comes to writing effective essays.

Category 3: Defining and Summarizing Transition Words

When writing a persuasive essay or any other type of essay, it is important to include transition words that help the reader understand how one point relates to the next. Transition words help the reader make sense of the material they are reading and provide a logical flow to an argument. There are several types of transition words and this article will specifically focus on defining and summarizing transition words.

Defining transition words help the reader understand what the writer is talking about. These types of words are used to introduce a new concept or define a word or phrase. Examples of defining transitions include words such as “is”, “are”, “means”, “refers to”, “namely”, and “that is”. For example, if a writer wants to explain the definition of a word such as “conscientious” they might use the transition word “refers to” as in “Conscientious refers to being aware of and attentive to details”.

Summarizing transition words can be used to quickly summarize the main points made in a paragraph or essay. These words help make the reader understand why the arguments presented are important and should be taken into consideration. Examples of summarizing transition words include words such as “in conclusion”, “in summary”, “thus”, “in short”, “all in all”, and “in essence”. For example, if the writer wants to summarize their point they can use the transition word “in conclusion” as in “In conclusion, the effect of global warming must not be ignored”.

Knowing which transition words to use when writing an essay is key to creating a strong and well-written piece of writing. Defining and summarizing transition words provide readers with the clarity needed to understand the writer’s points and arguments. Therefore, using the correct transition words when writing any type of essay is essential for creating a successful piece of work.

Transition words play an important role when it comes to defining and summarizing topics of discussion. They are the bridge between two ideas and make points easier to understand for readers. By using transition words effectively, writers can help keep a essay organized, focused and flowing smoothly.

There are a variety of transition words that can be used to help define and summarize a topic. These transition words often act as signposts, helping readers follow along the writer’s train of thought. Below are some of the most common transition words and their usage in defining and summarizing topics:

  • In other words: Used to restate an idea
  • To put it another way: Used to express a similar idea in different words
  • Namely: Used to introduce a particular item or example
  • That is to say: Used to clarify a point further
  • To summarize: Used to get the main points of a topic
  • In brief: Used to state the conclusion quickly
  • In conclusion: Used to wrap up a discussion

When used properly, transition words can not only help make a paper coherent but also make it more interesting for readers. Knowing which words to use and when can help writers achieve greater clarity in their writing.

Transition words are a vital part of any successful essay. They help you link your ideas together and can be used to convey more complex meanings. In this section, we will focus on the transition words used for defining and summarizing points.

When defining a certain idea or concept it is important to provide context and make sure that the reader fully understands what you are talking about. One way to do this is by using transition words to introduce or define the concept or idea.

Here are some of the most commonly used transition words for defining and summarizing points:

  • In other words: This phrase is used to express an idea in a different way than what has been stated previously.
  • That is: This phrase is used to explain a previous point more clearly.
  • Namely: This phrase is used to elaborate on a previous point and provide specific details.
  • To put it another way: This phrase is used to express a fact or opinion in a different manner.
  • In short: This phrase is used to summarize all the points that were discussed.

These transition words are very useful for defining and summarizing the points of your essay. By using them, you can ensure that your ideas and arguments are properly expressed and understood by the reader.

Transition words help to bring clarity and logic to a piece of writing. In particular, cause and effect transition words help to connect ideas and explain why things happen. Knowing how to effectively use transition words can improve your essay writing skills by bridging thoughts together.

Cause and effect transition words can be used to describe how one idea leads to the next idea. They are used to connect an event to its result. These types of transition words are helpful in showing the consequences of an action. This makes it easier for the reader to understand the flow of ideas being presented.

Some of the most common cause and effect transition words include “because,” “consequently,” “due to,” and “hence.” These words help create connections between different ideas. For example, if you wanted to explain why someone was late, you could say “They were late because they missed the bus.”

Another useful type of transition word is “as a result of.” This can be used to show the outcome of an action. For instance, if you mentioned that someone studied hard, you could follow it up with “As a result of their hard work, they achieved excellent marks.”

Finally, “therefore” is a very helpful transition word for showing the conclusion of a point. It is usually placed at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize that it is a summary of the previous sentences. For example, if you discussed a complex issue you could conclude with “Therefore, we can see how important it is to understand all aspects of the issue”.

Using these types of transition words can help provide a clear and logical flow throughout your essay. When used correctly, they can make your writing much easier to comprehend. By taking the time to learn and practice these transition words, you will be able to write more effective and convincing essays.

Using Transition Words to Show Cause & Effect

Transition words play an important role in any essay or written work. They help to express and interpret relationships between ideas, facts and concepts in a meaningful way. One particular type of transition word is the cause and effect transition, which is used to explain how one event directly leads to another.

Cause and effect transition words can be used to show not just that one event causes another, but also why it does so. This helps readers to better understand the reasons for an event, as well as its consequences. Examples of cause and effect transition words include “consequently,” “therefore,” and “as a result.”

These types of transition words indicate how two events are related, but they also serve to lend emphasis to a point. When these transition words are used appropriately, readers are provided with an easy-to-follow explanation as to why and how an event occurs. In other words, it gives a further understanding of the causal relationship between two points.

When writing, it is crucial to restate the cause and its effect within a single sentence to ensure the reader has a clear understanding. For example, if writing about the hazardous effects of air pollution, a sentence might read, “The high levels of air pollution have consequently caused significant damage to human health.” Here, “consequently” is used to clearly show the relationship between an event (high levels of air pollution) and its impact (damage to human health).

The use of cause and effect transition words can be immensely helpful when describing how two events are related. It helps readers to better understand the context and reason behind an event and its outcome. By using transition words appropriately, readers are able to follow a straightforward explanation of how and why something has occurred.

Showing Cause & Effect with Transition Words

The ability to effectively use transition words to show cause and effect relationships is an important part of writing. By doing so, a writer can help their readers better understand the intended message. To make this easier, here are some of the most common transition words for showing cause and effect in essays.

  • Because – This simple word lets your readers know that one event or idea is following another because of a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, “I didn’t get enough sleep because I was up late studying.”
  • Therefore – This word is used in order to draw attention to the result of a particular action or event. For example, “I stayed up late studying, therefore I didn’t get enough sleep.”
  • Consequently – This word indicates that a certain result was caused by a previous event. For example, “I forgot to do my homework; consequently, I got a bad grade.”
  • As a result – This phrase serves as a means of connecting two related concepts, conveying that something happened due to a preceding event. For example, “I procrastinated on my essay, as a result, I had to pull an all-nighter to finish it in time.”
  • Thus – This word implies that one idea is the direct result of another. For example, “I was running late, thus I didn’t have time to eat breakfast.”
  • Causation – This term is often used to indicate the relationship between two events or ideas. For example, “John was late for work every day last week, causing his boss to reprimand him.”
  • Subsequently – This word suggests that a certain event was caused by a previously mentioned event. For example, “John was reprimanded by his boss; subsequently, he worked harder to be on time.”

Using these transition words and phrases can help you write clear, concise, and effective essays that clearly convey your ideas. Keep this list of terms handy when working on your next essay and use the transition words to improve the flow of your writing.

In any discussion, it can sometimes be hard to differentiate between ideas or to emphasize a particular point. Luckily, there are transition words that can help give clarity to points of comparison and contrast. Utilizing these words can help make it easier for readers to comprehend your discussions and arguments. Here are some of the most common contrasting ideas transition words that you can use in your essays.

  • Yet: Yet is used to convey the idea that there is a contrast between two different ideas, even though the first may be true. For example: “I love watching movies, yet I don’t watch them very often.”
  • But: But is used to indicate a contrast between two different ideas. For example: “I love watching movies, but I don’t watch them very often.”
  • Although: Although is used to show that one idea stands in contrast to another, although both ideas may still be true. For example: “Although I love watching movies, I don’t watch them very often.”
  • Despite: Despite is used to indicate that one idea stands in contrast to another, even though both ideas may still be true. For example: “Despite liking movies, I don’t watch them very often.”
  • Meanwhile: Meanwhile is used to indicate that one idea is in contrast to another, while both ideas occur at the same time. For example: “I like going to the movies, meanwhile, I rarely watch them at home.”
  • However: However is used to show a contrast between two ideas. For example: “I like going to the movies, however, I rarely watch them at home.”
  • On the other hand: On the other hand indicates a contrast between two ideas. For example: “I like going to the movies, on the other hand, I rarely watch them at home.”
  • In contrast: In contrast is used to indicate a strong contrast between two ideas. For example: “I like going to the movies; in contrast, I rarely watch them at home.”
  • Conversely: Conversely is used to show a contrast between two ideas. For example: “I like going to the movies; conversely, I rarely watch them at home.”
  • Instead: Instead indicates that one idea stands in contrast to another. For example: “I like going to the movies; instead, I rarely watch them at home.”

Using these transition words can help make your essay flow more smoothly and make your points of comparison and contrast stand out. As with all transition words, be sure to use them sparingly and only when they truly fit the context. With practice and the right usage of contrasting ideas transition words, you can take your essay writing to the next level!

Using Contrast Transition Words for Clarity

Being able to effectively utilize contrast transition words is a key part of crafting an essay. They are designed to help bring clarity and structure to a discussion. They are used to emphasize the difference between two or more distinct concepts and topics.

The primary purpose of contrast transition words is to make the reader fully understand the point that is being discussed by highlighting the essential elements. When used correctly, they can indicate points of comparison and help demonstrate relationships between different ideas. For example, when used in the conclusion of an essay, they can show how the focus of the essay has shifted throughout the writing and what implications it has on the topic.

Examples of contrast transition words include: however, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, although, conversely, yet, despite, even though, instead, notwithstanding.

When using these words, it is important to consider how they may affect the overall flow of the essay. Generally, contrast transition words should come at the beginning of a sentence to clearly mark a shift in the argument or position. The main thing to remember is that contrast transition words should be used sparingly, so as not to disrupt the flow of the essay.

It’s also important to make sure that the words do not overstate the differences between the topics being discussed. It can be tempting to use these words to create exaggerated comparisons, but this can create confusion rather than clarity. It is essential to use them in moderation so that they do not overshadow the points being made.

By taking time to properly understand and incorporate contrast transition words into an essay, one can ensure that the piece flows smoothly, and that the points being discussed are communicated well. Learning how to effectively use them can be a powerful tool for making any essay stand out.

It is important to have a good understanding of transition words for essays when expressing contrasting ideas. Transition words help to emphasize the difference between two ideas, making it easier for the reader to understand your point. Some of the most common transition words used for contrasting ideas include:

  • However – Use this word to introduce a contradiction or something opposing the previous statement.
  • Nevertheless – This word can be used to show that the point made in the earlier statement is still valid despite its contradiction.
  • In contrast – Use this phrase to indicate something that does not agree with the previous statement or idea.
  • On the other hand – This transition phrase can be used to introduce a different point of view or opinion to the one previously discussed.
  • Conversely – Use this word to say that the statement that follows goes against the previous one.
  • By comparison – Use this phrase to compare two ideas or points of view in order to draw a contrast.

Transition words are a powerful tool when writing an essay and should not be overlooked. With proper usage, they help to make your essay flow more logically and clearly. By carefully selecting the right transition word, you can make your writing stand out and make it easier for the reader to understand your ideas.

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Transition words are an incredibly useful tool for perfecting the flow of your essay. By introducing, connecting and defining topics, along with summarizing and showing cause you can ensure that your essay promotes clarity and understanding in your readers.

In this guide, we looked at the 5 main categories of transition words: Introduction and Thesis Statement; Connection between Paragraphs; Defining and Summarizing; Showing Cause & Effect; and Contrasting Ideas. Through understanding and using the different transition words in each category, you can ensure that your essay communicates your ideas effectively.

Transition words are essential to ensure that your essay flows coherently. By taking the time to understand the different transition words and how they function, you can perfect your essay and communicate your ideas more effectively.

We hope you have found this guide useful in helping you to use transition words successfully in your essays. Put your new knowledge into practice and you’ll be sure to make your writing more articulate, clear and persuasive!

Why Transition Words Are Important For Essays

Transition words are an important component of any essay because they give the reader context for what is about to come next in the text. They help provide a bridge between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs, connecting thoughts and providing additional meaning. By using transition words, writers make it easier for their readers to understand the logical flow of their ideas.

Using transition words well can also help to strengthen the argument of an essay. They signal to the reader the relationship between each point and can help to highlight the importance of a particular idea. Transition words can be used to show the structure of an argument and signal when a writer changes the direction of the argument. In this way, transition words provide continuity and guidance to the reader, creating a cohesive story.

Having a good understanding of transition words is essential for writing any type of academic essay. They will help to organize the essay in a clear and concise way, while adding emphasis to key points. Understanding how to use transition words properly will allow a writer to express their ideas more effectively and create a seamless flow throughout their essay.

Whether the essay is for an assignment or for a college application, mastering the use of transition words can be the difference between a mediocre essay and a great one. Investing time into learning how to effectively use transition words will make a marked improvement in any paper, ultimately increasing its readability.

Reinforcing Transition Words for Essays

Now that you have a good understanding of the different types of transition words to use in your essays, it is important that you reinforce each category. As mentioned before, transition words are vital for providing a logical flow and structure for your writing but by understanding the different types and their purpose, you can ensure that your essay has a great organization.

To reinforce the categories of transition  words discussed in the guide  we discussed five main types: introduction and thesis statement transition words, connection between paragraphs transition words, defining and summarizing transition words, showing cause & effect transition words, and contrasting ideas transition words.

Knowing these transition words can help you to create a successful essay, by providing a clear beginning, connection between paragraphs, and a conclusion. This ensures that readers of your essay can understand and follow your argument and point of view with ease.

It is key to use the right transition word for the right purpose to allow your essay to flow logically and easily. You should also practice using transition words, as this can help you to naturally find the best transition word in the moment.

We hope that you now have a good understanding of transition words and how to use them effectively in your essays. Remember to always think about the different categories when adding transition words to your essay and from there you can determine which one is the most effective for your argument.

Using Transition Words in Writing

When writing, it is important to remember to use transition words. Transition words allow the writer to express their ideas more clearly and make their writing flow better. By using appropriate transition words, you can help connect different ideas throughout your writing and make sure your paper sounds natural and cohesive.

Using transition words can help you build an argument and prove your point. It can also help you better organize your thoughts and the points you want to make. For example, if you are discussing two topics and want to compare and contrast them, using transition words can help make the connections between the two ideas more clear. By using transition words, readers can easily follow along and understand the purpose of your writing.

The way you use transition words in your  writing will depend on the context of your paper  and the type of transition word you are looking for. There are different categories of transition words that all have specific meanings and uses. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different types of transition words and when to use each one.

Ultimately, transition words are incredibly useful tools for writers. By understanding when and how to use transition words, it can help you better articulate your thoughts and write more effective and engaging papers. So, get out there and start practicing your transition words!

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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transition words for the thesis statement

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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transition words for the thesis statement

The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 13, 2024, from

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Transitions and Thesis Reminders

05 Nov 2000 Gloria Hochstein, UWEC Faculty Nicci Jordan, UWEC Junior; and  Dennis G. Jerz

A thesis reminder is a direct echo of the thesis statement . In a short paper, the topic sentence of each paragraph should repeat words or phrases from the thesis statement.

No matter how good your thesis, your writing is worth little if it does not cohere (hold together) and demonstrate to the reader how each new point advances the main idea. You can accomplish both goals by providing your reader with thesis reminders.

Note : A long, complex paper will have a long, complex thesis statement, with many supporting points that must themselves be supported.  Points which are too complex to be handled in a single paragraph should be treated almost like a small, embedded paper, with its own local thesis statement and blueprint, tied together by local thesis reminders.

A good thesis sentence has three main parts: the limited subject (what your paper is about), the precise opinion (what you're trying to say about that subject), and the blueprint (a brief outline of how you're going to support your claim). (See: " Thesis Statements ")

limited Here are two examples of using the thesis and the blueprint to maintain coherence.

Thesis Statement:

Restoring old houses is rewarding because it is exciting , relaxing , and satisfying .

Topic Sentence #1 with reminder

Part of the reward in restoring old houses lies in the excitement of discovering the original interior.

Topic Sentence #2 with reminder:

Not only is there excitement in restoring old houses , but working with one's hands is relaxing .

Topic Sentence #3 with reminder:

However excited and relaxed you may be when you have finished restoring your house , nothing beats the satisfaction found in viewing the completed project.

Example 2:  

Becoming a ski patroller turned out to be harder than I thought because of the studying, the skiing , and the time demands . 

Topic Sentence #1 with reminder:

The first hurdle to becoming a ski patroller was the amount of studying required to learn the medical terms, symptoms and signs, and treatments.
It isn't enough to pass the first aid and CPR exams; a ski patroller also has to train for and demonstrate skiing proficiency and toboggan handling on the slope.
Studying and ski training are both very time consuming , yet, even after ski patrollers pass all the exams, they still must commit themselves to skiing many hours regardless of the weather or snow conditions.

You Don't Need Exactly Three Points!

If you are writing a more complex essay, you may use a different format, but you still must include blueprints and reminders.

For example, a critical essay may have a thesis, antithesis, and a synthesis.  The antithesis presents all the arguments against your thesis, and a synthesis is a kind of compromise, in which you attempt to prove that, whatever points your opponents might have in their favor, your thesis still stands. 

Each of these sections may have 3 or more points, which are united by local blueprints and local reminders, capped off by local conclusions, and worked into by the tapestry of the whole argument.

Original handout by Gloria Hochstein 05 Nov 2000; adapted by Nicci Jordan, UWEC Junior 17 Jan 2001 -- updated and expanded by Prof. Jerz

Nicci Jordan

A thesis statement is the main idea that your essay supports. The thesis statement has 3 main parts: the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint.

Jordan and Jerz

A blueprint is a rough but specific plan, or outline, which defines the structure of your whole essay. The blueprint, usually located within the , is a brief list of the points you plan to make, compressed into just a few words each, in the same order in which they appear in the body of your paper. 

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Developing a Thesis Statement

Many papers you write require developing a thesis statement. In this section you’ll learn what a thesis statement is and how to write one.

Keep in mind that not all papers require thesis statements . If in doubt, please consult your instructor for assistance.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement . . .

  • Makes an argumentative assertion about a topic; it states the conclusions that you have reached about your topic.
  • Makes a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose, and direction of your paper.
  • Is focused and specific enough to be “proven” within the boundaries of your paper.
  • Is generally located near the end of the introduction ; sometimes, in a long paper, the thesis will be expressed in several sentences or in an entire paragraph.
  • Identifies the relationships between the pieces of evidence that you are using to support your argument.

Not all papers require thesis statements! Ask your instructor if you’re in doubt whether you need one.

Identify a topic

Your topic is the subject about which you will write. Your assignment may suggest several ways of looking at a topic; or it may name a fairly general concept that you will explore or analyze in your paper.

Consider what your assignment asks you to do

Inform yourself about your topic, focus on one aspect of your topic, ask yourself whether your topic is worthy of your efforts, generate a topic from an assignment.

Below are some possible topics based on sample assignments.

Sample assignment 1

Analyze Spain’s neutrality in World War II.

Identified topic

Franco’s role in the diplomatic relationships between the Allies and the Axis

This topic avoids generalities such as “Spain” and “World War II,” addressing instead on Franco’s role (a specific aspect of “Spain”) and the diplomatic relations between the Allies and Axis (a specific aspect of World War II).

Sample assignment 2

Analyze one of Homer’s epic similes in the Iliad.

The relationship between the portrayal of warfare and the epic simile about Simoisius at 4.547-64.

This topic focuses on a single simile and relates it to a single aspect of the Iliad ( warfare being a major theme in that work).

Developing a Thesis Statement–Additional information

Your assignment may suggest several ways of looking at a topic, or it may name a fairly general concept that you will explore or analyze in your paper. You’ll want to read your assignment carefully, looking for key terms that you can use to focus your topic.

Sample assignment: Analyze Spain’s neutrality in World War II Key terms: analyze, Spain’s neutrality, World War II

After you’ve identified the key words in your topic, the next step is to read about them in several sources, or generate as much information as possible through an analysis of your topic. Obviously, the more material or knowledge you have, the more possibilities will be available for a strong argument. For the sample assignment above, you’ll want to look at books and articles on World War II in general, and Spain’s neutrality in particular.

As you consider your options, you must decide to focus on one aspect of your topic. This means that you cannot include everything you’ve learned about your topic, nor should you go off in several directions. If you end up covering too many different aspects of a topic, your paper will sprawl and be unconvincing in its argument, and it most likely will not fulfull the assignment requirements.

For the sample assignment above, both Spain’s neutrality and World War II are topics far too broad to explore in a paper. You may instead decide to focus on Franco’s role in the diplomatic relationships between the Allies and the Axis , which narrows down what aspects of Spain’s neutrality and World War II you want to discuss, as well as establishes a specific link between those two aspects.

Before you go too far, however, ask yourself whether your topic is worthy of your efforts. Try to avoid topics that already have too much written about them (i.e., “eating disorders and body image among adolescent women”) or that simply are not important (i.e. “why I like ice cream”). These topics may lead to a thesis that is either dry fact or a weird claim that cannot be supported. A good thesis falls somewhere between the two extremes. To arrive at this point, ask yourself what is new, interesting, contestable, or controversial about your topic.

As you work on your thesis, remember to keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times . Sometimes your thesis needs to evolve as you develop new insights, find new evidence, or take a different approach to your topic.

Derive a main point from topic

Once you have a topic, you will have to decide what the main point of your paper will be. This point, the “controlling idea,” becomes the core of your argument (thesis statement) and it is the unifying idea to which you will relate all your sub-theses. You can then turn this “controlling idea” into a purpose statement about what you intend to do in your paper.

Look for patterns in your evidence

Compose a purpose statement.

Consult the examples below for suggestions on how to look for patterns in your evidence and construct a purpose statement.

  • Franco first tried to negotiate with the Axis
  • Franco turned to the Allies when he couldn’t get some concessions that he wanted from the Axis

Possible conclusion:

Spain’s neutrality in WWII occurred for an entirely personal reason: Franco’s desire to preserve his own (and Spain’s) power.

Purpose statement

This paper will analyze Franco’s diplomacy during World War II to see how it contributed to Spain’s neutrality.
  • The simile compares Simoisius to a tree, which is a peaceful, natural image.
  • The tree in the simile is chopped down to make wheels for a chariot, which is an object used in warfare.

At first, the simile seems to take the reader away from the world of warfare, but we end up back in that world by the end.

This paper will analyze the way the simile about Simoisius at 4.547-64 moves in and out of the world of warfare.

Derive purpose statement from topic

To find out what your “controlling idea” is, you have to examine and evaluate your evidence . As you consider your evidence, you may notice patterns emerging, data repeated in more than one source, or facts that favor one view more than another. These patterns or data may then lead you to some conclusions about your topic and suggest that you can successfully argue for one idea better than another.

For instance, you might find out that Franco first tried to negotiate with the Axis, but when he couldn’t get some concessions that he wanted from them, he turned to the Allies. As you read more about Franco’s decisions, you may conclude that Spain’s neutrality in WWII occurred for an entirely personal reason: his desire to preserve his own (and Spain’s) power. Based on this conclusion, you can then write a trial thesis statement to help you decide what material belongs in your paper.

Sometimes you won’t be able to find a focus or identify your “spin” or specific argument immediately. Like some writers, you might begin with a purpose statement just to get yourself going. A purpose statement is one or more sentences that announce your topic and indicate the structure of the paper but do not state the conclusions you have drawn . Thus, you might begin with something like this:

  • This paper will look at modern language to see if it reflects male dominance or female oppression.
  • I plan to analyze anger and derision in offensive language to see if they represent a challenge of society’s authority.

At some point, you can turn a purpose statement into a thesis statement. As you think and write about your topic, you can restrict, clarify, and refine your argument, crafting your thesis statement to reflect your thinking.

As you work on your thesis, remember to keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times. Sometimes your thesis needs to evolve as you develop new insights, find new evidence, or take a different approach to your topic.

Compose a draft thesis statement

If you are writing a paper that will have an argumentative thesis and are having trouble getting started, the techniques in the table below may help you develop a temporary or “working” thesis statement.

Begin with a purpose statement that you will later turn into a thesis statement.

Assignment: Discuss the history of the Reform Party and explain its influence on the 1990 presidential and Congressional election.

Purpose Statement: This paper briefly sketches the history of the grassroots, conservative, Perot-led Reform Party and analyzes how it influenced the economic and social ideologies of the two mainstream parties.


If your assignment asks a specific question(s), turn the question(s) into an assertion and give reasons why it is true or reasons for your opinion.

Assignment : What do Aylmer and Rappaccini have to be proud of? Why aren’t they satisfied with these things? How does pride, as demonstrated in “The Birthmark” and “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” lead to unexpected problems?

Beginning thesis statement: Alymer and Rappaccinni are proud of their great knowledge; however, they are also very greedy and are driven to use their knowledge to alter some aspect of nature as a test of their ability. Evil results when they try to “play God.”

Write a sentence that summarizes the main idea of the essay you plan to write.

Main idea: The reason some toys succeed in the market is that they appeal to the consumers’ sense of the ridiculous and their basic desire to laugh at themselves.

Make a list of the ideas that you want to include; consider the ideas and try to group them.

  • nature = peaceful
  • war matériel = violent (competes with 1?)
  • need for time and space to mourn the dead
  • war is inescapable (competes with 3?)

Use a formula to arrive at a working thesis statement (you will revise this later).

  • although most readers of _______ have argued that _______, closer examination shows that _______.
  • _______ uses _______ and _____ to prove that ________.
  • phenomenon x is a result of the combination of __________, __________, and _________.

What to keep in mind as you draft an initial thesis statement

Beginning statements obtained through the methods illustrated above can serve as a framework for planning or drafting your paper, but remember they’re not yet the specific, argumentative thesis you want for the final version of your paper. In fact, in its first stages, a thesis statement usually is ill-formed or rough and serves only as a planning tool.

As you write, you may discover evidence that does not fit your temporary or “working” thesis. Or you may reach deeper insights about your topic as you do more research, and you will find that your thesis statement has to be more complicated to match the evidence that you want to use.

You must be willing to reject or omit some evidence in order to keep your paper cohesive and your reader focused. Or you may have to revise your thesis to match the evidence and insights that you want to discuss. Read your draft carefully, noting the conclusions you have drawn and the major ideas which support or prove those conclusions. These will be the elements of your final thesis statement.

Sometimes you will not be able to identify these elements in your early drafts, but as you consider how your argument is developing and how your evidence supports your main idea, ask yourself, “ What is the main point that I want to prove/discuss? ” and “ How will I convince the reader that this is true? ” When you can answer these questions, then you can begin to refine the thesis statement.

Refine and polish the thesis statement

To get to your final thesis, you’ll need to refine your draft thesis so that it’s specific and arguable.

  • Ask if your draft thesis addresses the assignment
  • Question each part of your draft thesis
  • Clarify vague phrases and assertions
  • Investigate alternatives to your draft thesis

Consult the example below for suggestions on how to refine your draft thesis statement.

Sample Assignment

Choose an activity and define it as a symbol of American culture. Your essay should cause the reader to think critically about the society which produces and enjoys that activity.

  • Ask The phenomenon of drive-in facilities is an interesting symbol of american culture, and these facilities demonstrate significant characteristics of our society.This statement does not fulfill the assignment because it does not require the reader to think critically about society.
Drive-ins are an interesting symbol of American culture because they represent Americans’ significant creativity and business ingenuity.
Among the types of drive-in facilities familiar during the twentieth century, drive-in movie theaters best represent American creativity, not merely because they were the forerunner of later drive-ins and drive-throughs, but because of their impact on our culture: they changed our relationship to the automobile, changed the way people experienced movies, and changed movie-going into a family activity.
While drive-in facilities such as those at fast-food establishments, banks, pharmacies, and dry cleaners symbolize America’s economic ingenuity, they also have affected our personal standards.
While drive-in facilities such as those at fast- food restaurants, banks, pharmacies, and dry cleaners symbolize (1) Americans’ business ingenuity, they also have contributed (2) to an increasing homogenization of our culture, (3) a willingness to depersonalize relationships with others, and (4) a tendency to sacrifice quality for convenience.

This statement is now specific and fulfills all parts of the assignment. This version, like any good thesis, is not self-evident; its points, 1-4, will have to be proven with evidence in the body of the paper. The numbers in this statement indicate the order in which the points will be presented. Depending on the length of the paper, there could be one paragraph for each numbered item or there could be blocks of paragraph for even pages for each one.

Complete the final thesis statement

The bottom line.

As you move through the process of crafting a thesis, you’ll need to remember four things:

  • Context matters! Think about your course materials and lectures. Try to relate your thesis to the ideas your instructor is discussing.
  • As you go through the process described in this section, always keep your assignment in mind . You will be more successful when your thesis (and paper) responds to the assignment than if it argues a semi-related idea.
  • Your thesis statement should be precise, focused, and contestable ; it should predict the sub-theses or blocks of information that you will use to prove your argument.
  • Make sure that you keep the rest of your paper in mind at all times. Change your thesis as your paper evolves, because you do not want your thesis to promise more than your paper actually delivers.

In the beginning, the thesis statement was a tool to help you sharpen your focus, limit material and establish the paper’s purpose. When your paper is finished, however, the thesis statement becomes a tool for your reader. It tells the reader what you have learned about your topic and what evidence led you to your conclusion. It keeps the reader on track–well able to understand and appreciate your argument.

transition words for the thesis statement

Writing Process and Structure

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Getting Started with Your Paper

Interpreting Writing Assignments from Your Courses

Generating Ideas for

Creating an Argument

Thesis vs. Purpose Statements

Architecture of Arguments

Working with Sources

Quoting and Paraphrasing Sources

Using Literary Quotations

Citing Sources in Your Paper

Drafting Your Paper

Generating Ideas for Your Paper



Developing Strategic Transitions


Revising Your Paper

Peer Reviews

Reverse Outlines

Revising an Argumentative Paper

Revision Strategies for Longer Projects

Finishing Your Paper

Twelve Common Errors: An Editing Checklist

How to Proofread your Paper

Writing Collaboratively

Collaborative and Group Writing

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How to Write a Good Topic Sentence? [Steps with Examples]

This is very common in academic writing, sometimes on the identification of the main idea to be focused on by a paragraph. Most students find it hard to write specific and clear topic sentences that sometimes mislead the readers. Being an experienced writer, I have some useful tips for you to write good topic sentences. Just read on, and you can improve your writing capabilities for academic writing with the guidance of WPS AI.

What is a Topic Sentence?

What gives the structure to every paragraph in an academic essay is a topic sentence. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph and thus facilitates the reader's movement through the essay. It is typically located at the beginning of the paragraph and really should specifically state the focus of the paragraph.

A topic sentence can be defined as a short and general summary statement of the main idea in a paragraph. It tells the reader what to expect from the paragraph and keeps the paragraph on track.

Clarity: It should be easy to understand.

Specificity: It focuses on one main idea.

Relevance: It supports the essay's main argument or thesis.

Guidance: It organizes the paragraph and guides the reader.

Focus: It keeps the paragraph on track.

Transition: This links the previous and next paragraphs.

Relationship to the Thesis Statement

Although the thesis statement provides the argument for the whole essay, topic sentences fractionate this argument into sub-points that are discussed in every particular paragraph. This, therefore, helps to ensure that each paragraph supports the overall thesis and a clear structure is maintained in the essay.

How to Write a Topic Sentence in 4 Steps [With Examples]

A topic sentence can help be made much more effective with a clear process for how each paragraph will work together so that it is both organized and effective in your overall essay. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a strong topic sentence, with examples and tips for success.

Step 1: Writing an Outline & Identification of the Main Idea

First, make an outline of what the sentence is going to say, and then draft the topic sentence. This helps you not to get sidetracked from your main idea or too wordy about it.

Create an Outline Using WPS AI, you can come up with a comprehensive outline that will give your essay its structure. First, you have to craft a good thesis statement which sums up the purpose and argument of your essay. Next, look for some specific main idea which you will be discussing in each paragraph.

Example Outline:

Thesis Statement: "The rise of remote work changed a lot in terms of productivity, employee satisfaction, and work-life balance."

Paragraph Main Idea: "Through telecommuting, people have been able to increase productivity due to flexible working hours."

WPS AI Function: You can generate visual outlines of what you want to say with WPS AI and keep track of your thoughts. This tool can make sure that all of your ideas are clearly laid out.

Step 2: Write the Topic Sentence

With your outline in place, you can now draft your topic sentence. It needs to be specific, clear, and concise. The language should not be vague, and it must give clear direction to the paragraph.

Topic Sentences: Types

Simple Statement

Definition: A direct statement.

Example: "To this effect, remote work enhances productivity by letting people work where they are most productive."

Definition: A question that introduces what the paragraph is going to talk about.

Example: "How does remote work contribute to improved productivity?"

Definition: It indicates a contrast or difference.

Example: "Unlike traditional office settings, remote work offers unparalleled flexibility that boosts productivity."

Reason and Cause

Definition: It describes the reasons or causes.

Example: "The flexibility in remote work schedules directly leads to higher employee productivity."

Definition: It introduces a list of points.

Example: "Remote work boosts productivity through flexible hours, reduced commuting time, and individually customized workspaces."

WPS AI Function: You can use WPS AI to help you compose and refine topic sentences that are clear and focused on your main ideas.

Step 3: Collect Evidence

After you have composed your topic sentence, brainstorm the evidence, examples, or details you will use to flesh out your main idea. Be sure all supporting details are relevant and directly relate to the topic sentence.

For example, if your topic sentence is that remote work improves productivity, you could use:

Statistics: "According to a 2023 study from Harvard Business Review, remote workers report an increase in productivity of 20%."

Research Studies: "A study by Stanford University showed that remote workers were 13% more productive than their peers working in the office."

Case Studies: "Companies like GitLab and Basecamp have reported significant boosts in productivity as a result of their remote work practices."

WPS AI Function: Using WPS AI, look for relevant data and examples and integrate them to add credibility and depth to the paragraph.

Step 4: Revise & Refine

Finally, refine and revise your topic sentence so that it states what the paragraph contains explicitly and enhances the overall coherence of your essay. Besides that, check clarity and add transitional words if need be to enhance flow.

Example Revision: Original: "Working from home makes me more productive." Revised: "Working from home significantly improves productivity because it provides flexible hours and does not involve any hour-long commutes." WPS AI Function:

Use WPS AI's grammar and style check to perfect your topic sentences so that they are correct and make sense. You can effectively write topic sentences using these steps and the help of WPS AI, which gives your writing clarity and power.

Using WPS to Perfect your Topic Sentence

The easiest and most effective way to write exact and relevant topic sentences is with WPS AI. Here to polish up your writing skills using advanced language capabilities, WPS AI makes sure that clarity and coherence echo through all the lines of your work. Here is how you can use WPS AI to get your topic sentences right:

Checking Grammar and Syntax

WPS AI can assist you in verifying your topic sentences for grammatical, punctuation, and syntactic errors. Clear and error-free language enhances the overall readability of your essays and makes them more credible.

Rephrase Topic Sentence for Clarity

WPS AI will review your topic sentence and suggest rewrites so you can present your intended message more clearly. It can rephrase any awkward language or sections that are ambiguous by creating a revised and more readable version of the sentence.

Automatically Expand/Shorten Topic Sentence

WPS AI can either draw out or shorten your topic sentences so they fit perfectly with what your paragraph requires. This will be very useful, especially in instances where there is an obligation to meet a word count or you would need to compress your topic sentence to a degree.

Sharpen your topic sentences for grammatical correctness, clarity, and details with these advanced features of WPS AI at your beck and call. This way, your write-ups will be more readable, leading to improved quality essays altogether.

What is the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?

The thesis statement tells what the whole paper is about. The topic sentence shows only what the paragraph it is attached to is about.

Where should the topic sentence be placed in a paragraph?

The topic sentence usually is at the very beginning because it immediately introduces the main idea of the paragraph. For stylistic reasons, however, it often occurs in the middle or end.

What should I avoid in a topic sentence?

Paragraphs should not contain vague, over-broad statements or confusing or complicated sentences. Be sure your topic sentence is not just a statement of fact but rather the introduction of an idea to be further developed in the paragraph.

An effective topic sentence is an important part of writing for clarity and conveys an argument to the writer. Just follow these simple steps, and with WPS AI , you shall be guaranteed to generate strong, specific, and engaging topic sentences in a way that maximizes essay quality overall. WPS AI Grammar check, rewriting suggestions, and adjustment of length ensure improvement in your writing efficiency and results.

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transition words for the thesis statement

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FACT FOCUS: A look at claims made by Trump at news conference

Trump lashes out at Harris, recommits to a Sept. 10 debate at hourlong news conference


Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks to reporters during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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FILE - Crowds are shown in front of the Washington Monument during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Aug. 28, 1963, in Washington. (AP Photo, File)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump talks about his ear as he speaks to reporters during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

In his first news conference since Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee for president, former President Donald Trump said he would debate her on Sept. 10 and pushed for two more debates. The Republican presidential nominee spoke for more than an hour, discussing a number of issues facing the country and then taking questions from reporters. He made a number of false and misleading claims. Many of them have been made before.

Here’s a look at some of those claims.



CLAIM: “The biggest crowd I’ve ever spoken — I’ve spoken to the biggest crowds. Nobody’s spoken to crowds bigger than me. If you look at Martin Luther King when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people, if not we had more. And they said he had a million people, but I had 25,000 people.”

THE FACTS: Trump was comparing the crowd at his speech in front of the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, to the crowd that attended Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech on Aug. 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial.

But far more people are estimated to have been at the latter than the former.


Approximately 250,000 people attended the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, at which King gave his speech, according to the National Park Service . The Associated Press reported in 2021 that there were at least 10,000 people at Trump’s address.

Moreover, Trump and King did not speak in the same location. King spoke from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial , which looks east toward the Washington Monument. Trump spoke at the Ellipse , a grassy area just south of the White House.

CLAIM: “Nobody was killed on Jan. 6.”

THE FACTS: That’s false. Five people died in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot and its immediate aftermath. Pro-Trump rioters breached the U.S. Capitol that day amid Congress’ effort to certify Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory.

Among the deceased are Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter shot and killed by police, and Brian Sicknick, a police officer who died the day after battling the mob. Four additional officers who responded to the riot killed themselves in the following weeks and months.

Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran from San Diego, was shot and killed by a police officer as she climbed through a broken part of a Capitol door during the violent riot. Trump has often cited Babbitt’s death while lamenting the treatment of those who attended a rally outside the White House that day and then marched to the Capitol, many of whom fought with police.



CLAIM: “The presidency was taken away from Joe Biden, and I’m no Biden fan, but I tell you what, from a constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint you look at, they took the presidency away.”

THE FACTS: There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents the Democratic Party from making Vice President Kamala Harris its nominee. That process is determined by the Democratic National Committee.

Harris officially claimed the nomination Monday following a five-day online voting process, receiving 4,563 delegate votes out of 4,615 cast, or about 99% of participating delegates. A total of 52 delegates in 18 states cast their votes for “present,” the only other option on the ballot.

The vice president was the only candidate eligible to receive votes after no other candidate qualified by the party’s deadline following President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race on July 21.

What to know about the 2024 Election

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CLAIM: Suggesting things would be different if he had been in office rather than Biden: “You wouldn’t have had inflation. You wouldn’t have had any inflation because inflation was caused by their bad energy problems. Now they’ve gone back to the Trump thing because they need the votes. They’re drilling now because they had to go back because gasoline was going up to 7, 8, 9 dollars a barrel.”

THE FACTS: There would have been at least some inflation if Trump had been reelected in 2020 because many of the factors causing inflation were outside a president’s control. Prices spiked in 2021 after cooped-up Americans ramped up their spending on goods such as exercise bikes and home office furniture, overwhelming disrupted supply chains. U.S. auto companies, for example, couldn’t get enough semiconductors and had to sharply reduce production, causing new and used car prices to shoot higher. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March 2022 also sent gas and food prices soaring around the world, as Ukraine’s wheat exports were disrupted and many nations boycotted Russian oil and gas.

Still, under Biden, U.S. oil production reached a worldwide record level earlier this year .

Many economists, including some Democrats, say Biden’s $1.9 trillion financial support package, approved in March 2021, which provided a $1,400 stimulus check to most Americans, helped fuel inflation by ramping up demand. But it didn’t cause inflation all by itself. And Trump supported $2,000 stimulus checks in December 2020, rather than the $600 checks included in a package he signed into law in December 2020.

Prices still spiked in countries with different policies than Biden’s, such as France , Germany and the U.K. , though mostly because of the sharp increase in energy costs stemming from Russia’s invasion.


CLAIM: “Twenty million people came over the border during the Biden-Harris administration — 20 million people — and it could be very much higher than that. Nobody really knows.”

THE FACTS: Trump’s 20 million figure is unsubstantiated at best, and he didn’t provide sources.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports 7.1 million arrests for illegal crossings from Mexico from January 2021 through June 2024. That’s arrests, not people. Under pandemic-era asylum restrictions, many people crossed more than once until they succeeded because there were no legal consequences for getting turned back to Mexico. So the number of people is lower than the number of arrests.

In addition, CBP says it stopped migrants 1.1 million times at official land crossings with Mexico from January 2021 through June 2024, largely under an online appointment system to claim asylum called CBP One.

U.S. authorities also admitted nearly 500,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela under presidential authority if they had financial sponsors and arrived at an airport.

All told, that’s nearly 8.7 million encounters. Again, the number of people is lower due to multiple encounters for some.

There are an unknown number of people who eluded capture, known as “got-aways” in Border Patrol parlance. The Border Patrol estimates how many but doesn’t publish that number.

CLAIM: Vice President Kamala Harris “was the border czar 100% and all of a sudden for the last few weeks she’s not the border czar anymore.”

THE FACTS: Harris was appointed to address “root causes” of migration in Central America. That migration manifests itself in illegal crossings to the U.S., but she was not assigned to the border.


CLAIM: “The New York cases are totally controlled out of the Department of Justice.”

THE FACTS: Trump was referring to two cases brought against him in New York — one civil and the other criminal.

Neither has anything to do with the U.S. Department of Justice.

The civil case was initiated by a lawsuit from New York Attorney General Letitia James. In that case, Trump was ordered in February to pay a $454 million penalty for lying about his wealth for years as he built the real estate empire that vaulted him to stardom and the White House.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a state-level prosecutor, brought the criminal case . In May, a jury found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex.

___ Associated Press writers Melissa Goldin and Elliot Spagat and economics writer Christopher Rugaber contributed to this article. ___

Find AP Fact Checks here: .

An earlier version of this story mixed up “latter” and “former” in the third paragraph. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech on Aug. 28, 1963, drew a far larger crowd than Donald Trump’s speech near the White House on Jan. 6, 2021.

transition words for the thesis statement


Nonlinear progression during the occult transition establishes cancer lethality

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Cancer screening is based upon a linear model of neoplastic growth and malignant progression. Yet, historical observations suggest that malignant progression is uncoupled from growth which may explain the paradoxical increase in early-stage breast cancer detection without a dramatic reduction in metastatic burden. Here we lineage trace millions of genetically transformed field cells and thousands of screen detectable and symptomatic tumors using a cancer rainbow mouse model of HER2+ breast cancer. Transition rates from field cell to screen detectable tumor and then to symptomatic tumors were estimated from a dynamical model of tumor development. Field cells are orders of magnitude less likely to transition to a screen detectable tumor than the subsequent transition of a screen detectable tumor to a symptomatic tumor. Our model supports a critical occult transition in tumor development during which time a transformed cell becomes a bona fide neoplasm. Lineage tracing and test-by-transplantation reveals that nonlinear progression during or prior to the occult transition gives rise to nascent lethal cancers at screen detection. Simulations illustrate how occult transition rates are a critical determinant of tumor growth and malignancy in the lifetime of a host. Our data provides direct experimental evidence that cancers can deviate from the predictable linear progression model foundational to current screening paradigms.

Competing Interest Statement

The authors have declared no competing interest.

Figures 4 and 5 have been revised with new simulations of tumor growth. Accordingly, the introduction, results, and discussion have been updated to reflect these new results and clarify the historical use of terms like progression, screen detection, and clinical / symptomatic tumor.

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Masahiro Suzuki on Political Acceleration in Energy Transitions | Research in the Spotlight

Masahiro Suzuki (L) with Shalini Randeria (R) at CEU's Excellence Awards Ceremony 2024. Photo credit: CEU/Elena Azzalini

PhD graduate  Masahiro Suzuki , from CEU’s Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy , received one of the university’s Best Dissertation Awards  this year in recognition of his thesis research titled  “ Political Acceleration in Energy Transitions: Historical Interventions and Their Outcomes in the G7 and the EU, compared to Net-Zero Targets ”. For the thesis,  which he defended in May , Suzuki raised the question of whether climate policies have accelerated the shift to clean energy in the G7 and the EU. His research contributes to understanding the feasibility of reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide to keep the global temperature increase below one point five degrees Celsius, which is the current international target to avoid the dangerous effects of climate change. 

Suzuki was recently awarded the prestigious Early Career Scientist Award by a top journal in the environmental sciences, Energy Research & Social Science, for a paper based on his dissertation . Suzuki published this paper with his supervisor Aleh Cherp , and CEU graduate Jessica Jewell , an associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology. Suzuki’s research was supported by CEU, NewClimate Institute , and an EU Horizon 2020 international research project ( ENGAGE ).

CEU spoke with Suzuki to learn about his research and how meeting the international climate target requires radically different energy transitions in the future. 

What is your research aim? 

The main theme of my dissertation research is climate change and energy transitions. My primary aim was to better understand how energy transitions have been politically accelerated, with a particular focus on investigating whether climate policies have accelerated the shift to clean energy, an important mechanism to meet the current climate target to keep the global temperature increase below one point five degrees Celsius.

To give you a little more background, our economy remains predominantly dependent on fossil fuels today across all sectors, including electricity generation, transportation, building heating and cooling, and industry. Mitigating climate change requires rapidly replacing this dependence on fossil fuels with low-carbon alternatives, which must be completed within the coming decades. Such low-carbon transition radically differs from the historical development of our economy over the last few centuries, during which we continuously increased the use of fossil fuels and added low-carbon technologies on top of, rather than replacing, existing fossil infrastructure to grow our economy. This is why strong political efforts are necessary to change the course of action, including by significantly accelerating the growth of low-carbon technologies and the decline of fossil fuels.

How much acceleration is necessary? In developed countries, governments must ensure the complete decarbonization of electricity generation already by 2035, because decarbonized electricity is necessary to reduce emissions in other sectors through electrification. But is such a level of acceleration possible? Interestingly, I found that the literature is split on this question with two major groups of scholars characterizing this acceleration in opposition as either impossible or possible.

One group analyzes long-term global energy transition and argues that the required acceleration is impossible because they observed no such acceleration in the past, even in recent years, where energy demand and emissions have continuously grown throughout the last centuries. However, this approach is problematic because potential acceleration in some countries (for example, in Europe) may be masked by developments elsewhere (for example, in fast-developing economies) in such aggregated analyses.

In contrast, the other group of scholars arguing that the required acceleration is possible conducts more granular analyses to identify what they characterize as “successful” or “leading” technological developments, such as the recent growth of solar and wind power in Germany and the U.K., or the recent decline of coal use in Canada. However, this approach is also problematic because it does not compare these cases with the historical development of other technologies. Without such benchmarks, we would not know whether these cases are truly accelerated. Another shortcoming is that these studies tend to focus on one or a few technologies and do not clarify whether the individual technological changes have led to any significant systemic transitions for decarbonization. For example, the decline of coal use in Canada was replaced by the rapid growth of natural gas, which is not a transition in line with keeping the global temperature increase below one point five degrees Celsius.

Therefore, my dissertation aimed to develop a framework and methods to conduct a more appropriate scope of analysis to examine political acceleration in energy transitions focused on systemic transition in the energy sector at a national level because energy transitions are mainly driven by national policies. For empirical research, I focused on analyzing electricity transitions in the G7 countries and the EU, both because of the importance of decarbonizing electricity and because these countries possess the largest technological and financial capacity in the world for climate change mitigation through their repeated political commitments to lead the global decarbonization process. In other words, if they are not accelerating transitions, who would and who can?

What did your research find?

I find that climate policies have not accelerated electricity transitions in the G7 and the EU beyond historical trends and rates of energy transitions. Throughout the last six decades, the transition speed has strongly correlated not with changes in polices but with changes in energy demand. The fastest technological changes in the electricity sector in the G7 and the EU took place in the 1970s and 1980s when these countries quickly developed nuclear power to replace the use of oil in order to improve energy security after the oil crises. Compared to these speeds, the recent growth of renewables and the current reduction of fossil fuels under climate policies have been slower.

I also find that none of the G7 countries nor the EU have demonstrated or even planned to accelerate electricity transitions comparable to meeting the international climate target, despite their repeated political announcements to do so. This indicates that there are no “successful” cases of sustainable energy transitions to date. The findings are in stark contrast to some claims in the literature that there are an increasing number of such cases driven by climate policies in recent decades. The required transitions to mitigate climate change are therefore unprecedented, necessitating radically stronger efforts such as accelerating the decarbonization of electricity immediately and multiple times over compared to the latest speed observed in the G7 and the EU.

My research also finds that there are several precedents that demonstrated either the necessary speed of low-carbon technology growth or fossil fuel decline comparable to achieving the international climate target goal. For example, France and Sweden rapidly developed nuclear power in the 1970s and 1980s, and the U.K. has swiftly reduced fossil fuels in electricity generation in more recent decades. My research shows that these cases are historically the fastest transition examples from which we can perhaps learn best about political acceleration in energy transitions.

What motivated you to carry out this research? 

Before my PhD, I worked at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies , an environmental think tank dedicated to sustainable transition, in Japan. My work involved participating in international climate change negotiations, including the Conference of Parties (COP), as a national delegate of the Japanese government. I also collaborated closely with representatives from other G7 and EU countries, as these nations often cooperate in climate negotiations.

During the negotiations, it seemed to me that many, if not all, countries continuously conveyed a very similar message regarding their ambitions, plans, and actions for climate change mitigation: they are ambitious and doing whatever they can. While many nations often claim their actions are adequate, we know that climate change mitigation efforts have remained far from successful. I therefore became increasingly interested in investigating whether these countries are actually doing more than business as usual to mitigate climate change, which led me to pursue my PhD.

What kind of sources and data do you use for this research?

For energy statistics, I used data from the International Energy Agency and Ember , as well as additional national data from the G7 and the EU. For climate policies, I used the Climate Policy Database from NewClimate Institute, where I had the pleasure to collaborate as a visiting researcher. I also analyzed hundreds of policy documents published by these countries over the last decades to examine how their climate change mitigation policies have evolved over time.

Based on your research, what would you like to point out more broadly on the topic of climate change mitigation? 

I want to emphasize the importance of carefully identifying historical model cases to learn from in order to accelerate sustainable energy transitions. For example, there is a frequent call for Japan to learn from Germany because Japan lags behind Germany in developing renewables. But I think this advice is misguided because Germany has never achieved the comparable growth speed of low-carbon technologies necessary to meet the international climate targets. If Japan should learn from its peers, I believe that the better candidates at the moment are France and Sweden, which achieved comparable speeds in developing low-carbon electricity based on nuclear power in the 1970s and 1980s. An important question is whether and how the historical efforts in these two countries can be replicated and reinforced in Japan’s current context.

The research approach developed in this dissertation, which I call ‘middle-range’ compared to the existing approaches that are either too broad or too narrow, can easily be applied to track future progress in the G7 and the EU, and analyze the decarbonization processes of other sectors and countries. Recently, some European countries have shown signs of significantly accelerating the shift to clean energy in response to the Russo-Ukrainian War, though the planned speed remains insufficient for the one point five degrees Celsius target. We will yet see whether such acceleration can actually take place in these countries and beyond. However, as even greater acceleration may occur in the future, one of my future research plans is to develop and regularly update an inventory of historical model cases of energy transitions to support evidence-based research and policy-making.

As I continue the line of my dissertation research in the future, I am happy to share that I will soon join the Physical Resource Theory at Chalmers University of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher. I will also continue contributing to the international research group POLET (Perspectives on technOLogical change and Energy Transitions), which focuses on analyzing the feasibility of rapid energy transitions to mitigate climate change.

This interview is part of CEU's "Research in the Spotlight" series, which features the projects recognized in the university's 2024 Best Dissertation Awards.The full list of winners can be found here .  

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