excuses for late assignment submission

20 Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission Your Teacher won’t Refuse

When it comes to late assignment submissions, honesty and accountability are key. Failing to submit work by the allotted time is a constant dread during the academic years. While students try their best to keep up with their studies, sometimes certain unfortunate occurrences can force them to go off-track.  

There are times when the stress of keeping up with everything can prevent them from meeting assignment deadlines. Often enough this is also the result of being careless but there are genuine cases when a student is unable to finish his or her work on time. In such a scenario the student can request for an extension. Though, the reason for the delay in submission has to be substantial in order to get the necessary extension period.

Be careful about making excuses for late assignment submission as it has to be backed by good reasoning. Below are the 20 Excuses for Late Assignment Submission :

1. Backpack Stolen

I got my backpack stolen:  use rampant crime among high school students to your advantage. No teacher in his right mind would expect you to turn in that big assignment if it got stolen the very day it was due. Although most teachers won’t follow through, filing a missing backpack report might not be a bad idea. 

excuses to submitting late assignments

2. Family Trouble at Home Last Night

My mom and dad got in a huge fight last night  and the cops came and I couldn’t concentrate on the assignment: Domestic violence isn’t something to lie about…unless it’s done to save your grade. This excuse works on so many levels:

  • (1) Your teacher will never bring this up to your parents; and
  • (2) you will garner sympathy for the rest of the year. The only way this could go wrong is if your teacher reports this to your guidance counselor and your counselor contacts your parents. That’s probably not going to happen. 

3. Mandatory Travel

I stayed at my dad’s this weekend  and left it there and my mom refuses to let me go back and get it: Teachers are suckers for dysfunctional family stories. This is an all time classic. 

4. Leaving Binder in Mom’s Car

I left my binder in my mom’s car and she’s at work across town:  This is a twist on the easy to see through “I left it at home” excuse. A teacher can reasonably expect someone from home to bring your homework, but not even the meanest teacher would expect your mom to leave work. 

5. Untimely Sickness

I was really sick yesterday and unable to do anything.  The only reason I came is because I didn’t want to miss any more work: Teachers will admire your perseverance and give you the extra day. 

6. Severe Pain from Monthly Period

It’s that “time of the month”:  If you’re a boy, don’t try this. This only works for females on male teachers. 

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7. Death of a Loved One

Grandma died:  Even if the teacher doubts the veracity of your grandma’s death, he’s not gonna call you out on it just in case it’s true. There are obvious problems with this excuse, including the guilt you’ll feel if your grandma does die that week. 

8. An Issue with Pet

My dog died  and I was too upset to do my homework: This is rarely used, but effective, especially if your teacher has a dog. Only a heartless task master would not cut you a break over losing your best friend. 

9. Taking Care of Sibling

I had to take care of my baby sister who was up last night throwing up:  Another underused classic. Be careful your teacher isn’t an e-mailer or he just might e-mail your parents for an update on your baby sister who doesn’t exist. 

10. Tell the Truth You Weren’t in Your Best Mental State

Tell the truth:  This is a revolutionary excuse. Often if you just go to your teacher in the morning and tell him or her the truth, you’ll get some additional time.

11. Your Team Members screwed you Over in a Group Assessment

Teachers  hate  group work assignments, too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.

12. You’ve had Writer’s Block

This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read  all  of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

13. Work called you in for Extra Shifts

When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for the sympathy card. But let them know: I pay my own way through life, so the extra money meant a lot to me.

14. Computer Issues

convince teacher for late assignment submission

This can get an eye roll.

Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.

It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.

If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here’s some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:

  • A receipt or quote from a computer repairman that contains the current date;
  • Evidence you’ve been to see the university’s IT department to see if your data can be recovered;
  • A photograph of the broken computer equipment.

These are some additional excuses you can give.

15. Physical Illness

Illness : In case you genuinely are not physically fit to do your homework. This reasoning must be authentic and you are required to provide your doctor’s note. Even in case if someone in your family needs your immediate attention or the student has had a mental breakdown. All of them can be strong reasons to ask for an extension in submission date.

16. Other Paper Due

Other paper due:  In case the student has to prepare for another important paper in the same time frame, he or she can take it up with the professor and request for a late submission. This makes for a valid reason and one can put in an application informing the teacher about the circumstances.  

17. Job Interview

Job interview : This excuse is for slightly older learners. If a student has to appear for a job that is directly related to their subject or area of study then they can be excused for late submission.  

18. You have a Learning Disability

If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.

Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities.

The most common one is dyslexia. This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.

19. You are a Carer

Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children. Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.

I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.

20. Others Excuses

There are other unforeseen circumstances that can range from a natural disaster or even an unfortunate incident like an accident. In all such scenarios, students are excused.  

Although Late submission is a common situation during school or college days, there must be a good excuse for the same. Here is an email (or application) format you can use to request your teacher to accept your late submission.

A sample apology letter for being late in assignment submission

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is to present my sincere apologies for late submission of my assignment that was due (Insert Date). I understand the inconveniences my lateness might have caused you.

The delay occurred because (Insert your excuse for lateness). I have completed my assignment and can guarantee you that no such mistake will ever happen.

Please accept my sincere apologies.

(Student Name)

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Student Tips

Late assignment submission excuses that don’t fail.


June 27, 2023 • 10 min read

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Academic success depends on completing assignments on time, but occasionally unexpected obstacles arise in life. Although it's always best to plan ahead and manage your time well, late submission excuses have become a common part of student life. In these situations, we need to be resourceful. In this article, we examine a few original and creative justifications for late assignment submissions. 

But before you do anything, take a deep breath and think about your options. There are some good excuses for turning in an assignment late, and there are some that are just plain bad.

Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission:

Although it is typically not advisable to give justifications for late assignment submissions because it is crucial to prioritize responsibility and time management, there might be occasions when unavoidable circumstances arise. Here are a few valid justifications for submitting an assignment after the deadline:

  • Personal Illness or Injury: If you had a sudden illness or injury that made it difficult for you to finish the assignment on time, that is a good reason to ask for a deadline extension. To prove your claim, offer the necessary proof, such as a medical certificate.
  • Family Emergency: It might be necessary to ask for an extension for your assignment if there is a serious family emergency, such as the hospitalization of a close relative or the occurrence of a natural disaster.
  • Technical Problems: There may occasionally be technical issues that are beyond your control, such as a computer crash, an internet outage, or a software malfunction. These problems may make it difficult for you to finish and turn in the assignment on time. Inform your professor right away, and if you can, include proof like screenshots or error messages.
  • Unforeseen Events: Unexpected situations, like a last-minute work commitment, transportation problems, or a personal crisis, may make it difficult for you to finish an assignment on time. If such circumstances occur, be open and honest with your professor about them.
  • Academic Overload: It can occasionally be difficult to meet all the deadlines if you find yourself overwhelmed with numerous assignments and coursework. In these circumstances, proactive communication with your professor is preferable.

Bad Excuses for Late Assignment Submission:

While it's critical to be open and truthful about legitimate justifications for late assignment submissions, it's equally crucial to identify and refrain from offering lame justifications that lack veracity or show a lack of accountability. Examples of justifications that are typically viewed as inappropriate or unconvincing include the following:

  • Procrastination: Blaming procrastination or poor time management for the delay will have a negative impact on your ability to prioritize your obligations. Taking responsibility for your actions is always preferable to using procrastination as a justification.
  • Social Events or Partying: Saying that you were unable to finish the assignment because you were out having fun or attending social events, parties, or other entertainment-related activities suggests that you value your leisure time more than your academic responsibilities.
  • Internet or Power Outage: Although technical difficulties can occasionally happen, using an internet or power outage as a justification without supporting evidence or documentation may be considered a weak defense. It is a good idea to have backup plans, like local power or alternative internet sources.
  • Forgetting the Due Date: Forgetting the due date for an assignment is not a good justification because it shows a lack of planning and focus. It's critical to remember due dates and use calendars, reminders, and other organizational tools to stay on top of things.
  • Personal Relationship Problems: It may come across as unprofessional and unconvincing to blame a late submission on relationship issues or disagreements with friends, family, or romantic partners. It is best to keep personal matters separate from academic obligations and seek assistance or support if needed.
  • Lack of Resources: It may not be acceptable to claim that you were unable to complete the assignment because you lacked the necessary books or materials. Planning ahead and making prompt use of the resources at hand are crucial.

How to Write an Excuse for a Late Assignment:

If you do have a legitimate reason for turning in an assignment late, it's important to write a clear and concise excuse. Here are some tips:

  • Be honest. Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful.
  • Be specific. Explain exactly what happened and why it prevented you from turning in your assignment on time.
  • Be apologetic. Express your sincere apologies for turning in your assignment late.
  • Be respectful. Address your professor by their title and last name.

How to ask a professor to accept a late assignment by mail:  

You can use the following example of an email to ask your professor to accept a late assignment:

Dear Professor [Name of the Professor],

I'm writing to ask for a delay in the due date for my [course name and number] assignment, [name of assignment]. The assignment was supposed to be turned in on [original due date], but I need it by [new due date].

I apologize for the submission's tardiness. I am aware that this is not an excuse, but a few unforeseen events kept me from finishing the assignment on time.

I had a family emergency that needed to be attended to first. I had to travel to be with my [relationship to family member] because they were in the hospital. This consumed a substantial amount of time.

Second, my computer was having some technical issues. My files were completely lost when my hard drive crashed. I lost a few days as a result of having to start the assignment from scratch.

Even though I am aware that the circumstances are not ideal, I am determined to do my very best to complete the task. The finished assignment is attached to this email.

I would appreciate it if you would give my request for a delay some thought. I am sure I can finish the assignment by the new due date.

I appreciate your consideration and time.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Final Thoughts:

While excuses for late assignment submissions can be amusing and humorous, it's important to keep in mind that accountability and time management should always come first. These ingenious justifications ought to be used sparingly and shouldn't serve to reinforce dishonesty or procrastination as bad habits. It's best to be open with your professors, ask for extra time when you need it, and make an effort to turn in assignments on time. Always keep in mind that education is a journey towards growth and development on both a personal and academic level. If you follow these tips, you will increase your chances of having your request granted.

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31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Students need extensions on their assignments all the time. There are good excuses for an extension … and there are not so good excuses. I’m a professor, and I’ve heard them all. So has your professor. Here are the best ones I’ve heard.

The Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Travel.I’ve got a pre-planned vacation that I can’t change.
Illness.I’ve come down with a sickness and I’m stuck in bed.
No excuse.I don’t have an excuse, I’m sorry – can you cut me a break?
Miscommunication.I thought the assignment was due next week. I didn’t realize until this morning!
Anxiety.I’m suffering from an episode of anxiety/depression. I’ve booked a doctor’s appointment asap.
Death in the family.There was a death in the family (usually your grandma.)
Writer’s block.I’ve had writer’s block.
Your job.Work called me in for extra shifts and I really need the money.
Work presentation.My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week.
A promotion.My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week.
A wedding.I have a wedding coming up that is taking a lot of planning.
Public transport.The trains weren’t on time so I couldn’t get the assignment in today.
Computer issues.I’m having computer issues. Here’s a screenshot of the issue.



Reasons to ask for an extension

For the rest of this article, I’m going to explain exactly how to ask your professor for an extension – with a focus on just 9 extension excuses.

Some of these are good excuses for turning in a paper late. Others are ones you’ll want to avoid.

Read on to learn which ones to avoid and which to use!

Professors like myself get a lot of extension requests, so knowing how to ask in a way that will get your teacher to grant the extension is very important.

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1. Your Team Members screwed you Over in a Group Assessment

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This extension excuse gets a lot of sympathies.

A little secret: teachers hate group work assignments , too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.

So, when you come to your teacher 3 days before submission and say “Teacher, one of my teammates didn’t pull through!”, your teacher will roll their eyes, but totally understand.

What you need to make this excuse work is a paper trail showing evidence that you pulled your weight. Evidence can be:

  • Email and Facebook chains of conversations;
  • Meeting minutes;
  • Completed drafts of sections that you were assigned

If you can show that you’ve put in the effort and genuinely tried to be a good team member, chances are your teacher will want to help you out.

Just beware: you still might lose points for teamwork. It’s an unfortunate reality that sometimes our team members bring our work down and we can’t do anything about it.

But, if you can show you’re a good student and have worked in good faith, this one might just help you pull through and win you that precious extra few days to work on your piece.

2. You’ve had Writer’s Block

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This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

This reason for asking for an extension on a paper will probably be respected more than most.

Teachers hate when a student comes to them with an obvious lie like:

  • Your dog ate your homework,
  • Your grandma died (again), or
  • your boss is a jerk

These are time-tested lies that we get all the time . It’s rarer for a student to step up and confess: “Look, it’s just a really tough assessment.”

For this excuse to work, it’s best to provide evidence of three things:

  • You’ve tried really hard;
  • You’ve sought help;
  • You’ve come up with a solution so it won’t happen again.

First, show you actually have put hours into the assessment.

Bring to your teacher (either in person or via email) evidence that you’ve read through a lot of readings on the topic.

Bring to the printed readings with highlighting and notes in the margins.

Talk to them about how you thought you might be able to use the information in these pieces for your work.

Second, show that you’ve sought help.

This excuse works best if you’ve primed the teacher already with a few emails spaced out over the previous few weeks asking questions about whether you’re on the right track.

If you’ve already managed to email the teacher a few times about the assignment, send your extension request as your final reply to that email chain of discussion.

Another way of showing that you’ve sought help is showing that you’ve accessed help from the library or another member of the university staff.

Explain to your teacher that you attended a library workshop , talked to your academic advisor, or had ongoing conversations with a Teacher’s Assistant about the assessment.

Third, show how you’ve developed skills to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Explain to your teacher that you’ve thought up some study solutions that you’ll put in place during the week or so in which the extension would take place.

For example, you could note how some study skills you’ve thought might help you out of this situation might be:

  • You’ve found a spot in the library to dig in and do the work;
  • You’ve freed up some time in your calendar over the next 7 days;
  • You’ve found a study tip that you want to put in place

Make sure you not only tell, but show your teacher you’ve tried hard, you’ve sought help, and you’ve identified solutions. If you do this, you’re more likely to have your extension request granted.

3. Work called you in for Extra Shifts

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Here’s another reason to ask your professor for an extension on a paper that gets a lot of sympathies.

We teachers have been there. Poor, living off microwaved noodle. In fact, many of us are still there with you.

When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for a sympathy card. But let them know:

  • My boss asked me to take on extra shifts; and
  • I pay my own way through life, so the extra money meant a lot to me.

This extension excuse strategy works best when you give advance notice. Let your teacher know as soon as you pick up those extra shifts. Send them an email making them feel like they were a part of the discussion ( Click here to download all my Assignment Extension Request Letter Templates ).

You can say:

Hi [Teacher] ,

My boss has just gotten in touch asking me to cover some extra shifts at work for the rest of this week. I’m pretty short on money at this point of the semester with a few bills coming through, so I’d love to be able to take them.

Obviously this gets in the way of the time I’ve set aside this week for completing the upcoming assignment.

I’m wondering, would you please consider giving me an extra three days to submit my assessment so that I can pick up these shifts? It’d mean a lot to me.

Thank you for considering this request.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your class]

4. You’re taking a pre-planned Vacation

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This reason for asking for an extension on a paper needs to be flagged very early on.

I’ve granted extensions for this extension excuse, but usually only when students let me know in the first week or two of the semester.

The trick here is to show:

  • That the vacation was booked well in advance and was not intended to interfere with the course;
  • That you really want to complete the course this semester in order to meet a personal goal.

Your personal goal might be to have graduated by a certain date, before your child starts (or finishes) school, or in order to qualify for an internship in a Master’s program that has an application deadline of a specific date.

If you show you’re ambitious and taking your studies seriously, this excuse will go down well.

Teachers don’t always grant this one, so be prepared to be told that your extension is not granted. Your teacher might insist that you submit it before you head off on your vacation, or simply deny the extension.

Something else you need to take into account is that you’re admitting you might miss some classes as well.

It might be worthwhile pointing out that your intention is to complete the weekly readings or tasks in advance of heading off on vacation.

One time when I don’t grant extensions for pre-planned vacations is when the vacation clashes with group work assessments. Your chances are higher if your vacation isn’t putting anyone else out.

Good luck with this one!

5. Computer Issues

This extension excuse gets eye rolls.

Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.

It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.

If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here are some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:

  • A receipt or quote from a computer repairman that contains the current date;
  • Evidence you’ve been to see the university’s IT department to see if your data can be recovered;
  • A photograph of the broken computer equipment.

Your teacher may even expect you to provide a backup of earlier drafts. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of saving your assignments onto a personal internet cloud like Google OneDrive. Personally, I email drafts to myself to ensure I have regularly saved versions.

You should also expect that your teacher will inform you that the university computers are there, available for you to use.

It’s a good idea to get ahead of this response by letting your teacher know you’ve set aside some time to use the university computers to get back on track.

6. You’re a Carer

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Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children.

Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.

I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.

The best way to do this is to ask your student advisor or the course leader to give your teacher a heads-up on this one. Most universities these days assign student advisors to each student for support on issues like this.

Most universities also have a course leader who takes care of a specific degree program or major. If you know who this is, get in touch with them asap and let them know your situation.

Ask them to let your teachers know that you’re a carer which may mean you need special consideration.

Contact the teacher personally towards the start of the semester. Talk to them in person after the first class, or if you’re a distance learner, send them an email early on.

These early emails help to prime your teacher for when you ask for an extension.

If you haven’t informed the teacher of the situation, I’d recommend talking to them in person as soon as possible, telling them what your situation is, and asking for some additional time on your assessment.

As always, some form of evidence of your situation is really helpful. Doctors, social workers, or other support networks should be able to write a letter for you that you can pass on to your teacher.

There are two illnesses that I hear about the most. It’s either your child who’s been sick or you who’s been sick. Let’s take them in order:

1. Your Child’s Sick.

The ‘My Child’s been Sick’ excuse is one that I get a lot, but also one that I usually find believable.

One reason it’s so believable is that often five or six of my students who are parents will come to me explaining that an illness is going around the school.

It’s also an excuse that is easy to sympathize with. Children take up a lot of time, and with many of my students being single parents, I understand that children come first.

This is one that crops up late, but as usual, try to ask for an extension at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the submission deadline.

A letter from a doctor goes a long way here but is not always necessary. If you can’t get a letter from a doctor, copy in some evidence that your child has taken the last few days off school. Attach a copy of your sick note to the school when you email your university professor .

2. You’re Sick.

If it’s you who has been sick, a note from a doctor is usually expected. It also requires some advance warning. If you got sick 6 days before the due date, why did you only email your teacher on the day it was due?

If you didn’t give advance warning, it looks pretty bad.

Similarly, if you got sick 3 days before the due date, what have you already done? Shouldn’t you just have finishing touches to do with 3 days to go?

Therefore, when you contact the teacher, you should also attach your most recent draft. You need to say:

  • This is what I’ve done;
  • This is what I had planned to do in the next 7, 6, 5, 4, or 3 days before submission;
  • This is why I’m so sick that I can’t do it.

So remember, if you’ve been sick, the two key things to include are:

  • A doctor’s note to prove it’s true;
  • Your latest draft to show you’ve not left it to the last minute.
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8. There was a Death in the Family

This is the most common reason for extension requests. Let me be clear: every teacher is bamboozled that there seems to be a spike in the deaths of grandmas whenever assessments are due.

We’re skeptical about this one, to say the least.

If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. Teachers understand that this is a sensitive topic. I’ve accepted a range of evidence for this one, though. This includes:

  • Notice of death in the local newspaper;
  • A scan of the booklet of funeral proceedings;
  • A letter or receipt from a funeral home;
  • A copy of the flight to or from the funeral location.

This is obviously a very sensitive issue, and it’s pretty sad that people abuse this reason. Teachers don’t want to offend you: but they also need to know you’re not pulling the wool over their eyes.

Another worrisome point for this excuse is that often the death occurred a month or more before the assessment is due.

Be prepared for your teacher to say: okay, there was a death a month ago. What have you done in the month since the funeral on your work?

If you’re going to use this reason, explain how it’s caused hardship (failure to focus, busy making funeral arrangements, travel to funerals, etc.). You also must think about how you can provide clear evidence that this death did, in fact, happen.

Related: How to Ask a Professor for a Letter of Recommendation

9. You have a Learning Disability

If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.

Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities .

The most common one is dyslexia . This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.

Other common personal issues that can qualify for extensions include common migraines and issues with concentration.

Talk to a student advisor at the university about how to get a diagnosis if you think you’ve got a learning disability. Once you’ve received the diagnosis you’ll be able to get a support plan set up.

Support plans are usually sent straight to your teachers at the start of the semester. However, you should also make yourself known to your teacher at the start of the semester. There are additional benefits to this, including that your teacher will be careful not to ask you to read content out loud in class.

If you haven’t told your teacher already that you have a learning disability, but you still want an extension, you’ll need to get in touch as soon as possible.

Highlight how:

  • You have made every effort to ensure you got your work done on time;
  • Something has happened (did your migraines flare up recently?) that has prevented you from completing on time.

When you ask for the extension, include the support plan, diagnosis, or doctor’s note to increase your chances of receiving the extension that you requested.

Extensions are commonplace, but you need to state your case. We have provided an outline of exactly how to ask for the extension that you might want to consult if you think you qualify for an extension. This outline explains that you need to take some key steps, including the steps in the infographic below (plus some more!):

How to ask for an extension

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15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments

After a tough day at school, having a good number of assignments to complete is not a pleasant experience. However, if you ignore it, you risk getting into problems if you don’t have valid justifications. It would be best if you thought of good explanations to persuade your instructor to award you a pass rather than settle for a zero.

Frequently, failure to complete assignments on time is the consequence of being negligent. However, there are true instances where students cannot complete their work before the deadline. Nevertheless, whether the reason you want to give is legitimate or not, there is a need for the excuse to sound and feel convincing.

This article has prepared the 15 best excuses for late assignments. Read on and learn the tricks to keep you out of trouble with your teachers and help you have a smooth stay at school.

The Occurrence of an Illness

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One of the oldest but still among the best excuses for skipping assignments is being ill. One may make up a 24-hour illness, food poisoning, or show up to class appearing sickly with a fever from the previous night. Most educators are fairly considerate, particularly when the excuse seems sincere. As a result, you may not only be spared from submitting your homework, but you might also win some compassion.

Death of a Family Member

It’s absurd to pretend that a relative has died. Unless you need to keep your grades, that is. Even the brightest individuals would then give it some thought. Ultimately, the teacher won’t ever know if you were lying. This is unless they are friends with your mother and plan to attend the burial.

Also see: What happens when I submit my assignment late? 

Some learners are experts at coming up with this defence. They frequently mention the passing of a grandparent, distant uncle, or aunt. Nevertheless, please be mindful not to abuse this excuse if you choose to use it.

Faking Periods

This is the ideal justification for female students. It works remarkably well with male tutors. They will be so uneasy and sad for you, and they might be forced to extend the deadline for your assignment submission.

Remember, do not even attempt to use this excuse if you are a male student. You will have more issues than not doing the schoolwork as a result.

Hindrance from a Technological Failure

The simplest and most plausible defence is to blame technology. You can cite any issues, such as a broken printer, a crashed laptop, or a disrupted internet connection. The majority of people, including your teacher, have encountered difficulties as a result of technology flaws.

This is a wonderful explanation if you have a document that needed to be typed and printed. Similarly, if you had to complete your assignment online, it might also be effective.

Forgetting the Assignment Notebook

You will receive a lecture about the risks of being irresponsible for using this argument, but you may get away with not turning in your work. It works best if this is your first instance of missing the deadline for submitting your homework.

Ensure, though, that this doesn’t end up being the excuse you typically employ. If not, the instructor can disregard your explanation and award you a dismal zero.

Failure to Understand the Assignment

In contrast to essays, this rationale is more effective for assignments that consist of questions, arithmetic, or science. However, if the assignment requires you to write extensively, you can still get away with it. This is if you only explain that you struggled to understand what the professor expected you to write about.

A Sibling Messing with the Assignment

The excuse of a younger sibling messing with your notebook is a good one, though not so convincing. They may have chosen your notebook to play with without realizing how essential it might be. This means that even if your teacher may correct you for being irresponsible, you will ultimately avoid being punished for your unfinished assignment.

Absenteeism on the Assignment Issuance Date

You could not complete the assignment if you weren’t aware of it. This excuse is a good one when the teacher delegated the task, but you were not made aware of it because you were away.

Yet again, you would need the support of your peers. If that doesn’t work, solicit your parents to write a note outlining why you were missing that day.

Obstruction from the Death of a Pet

This justification is rarely utilized since some teachers could not understand the value of pets. But it works, particularly if your instructor owns a dog or a cat. The only teacher who wouldn’t give you any leeway for mourning your best friend is a ruthless one.

Babysitting a Younger Sibling

You may have duties at home if you are an elder brother or sister. One of them might be looking after a younger sibling, particularly if your parents are working. This is a reasonable rationale because babysitting a younger sibling makes concentrating difficult.

Too Much Homework from Another Class

It’s a fact that sometimes you’ll have a lot of homework from various teachers. When you get home, you won’t know which to focus on and which to ignore.

Select a lecturer who has a reputation for being understanding if this is the reality. Suppose you can demonstrate that you actually began working on your assignment but could not complete it. In that case, there is a decent possibility they will consider your request and grant you an extension.

Hindrance from Volunteering or Co-Curricular Activities

Claiming you couldn’t complete an assignment because you were serving others would be a solid bet if you wanted to enhance your humanitarian, moral responsibility image. An excellent justification might include helping at the neighborhood clinic, cleaning the streets, or performing other noble deeds. Another acceptable justification is participation in extracurricular activities like school debates, sports, choir practice, or other school-related endeavors.

Interference from Family-Related Conflicts

It can be pretty stressful to have parents who fight often. Focusing on your assignments can be difficult while arguments or physical fights are going on, and sometimes it is preferable to ignore them or get some rest by going to sleep.

Teachers are aware that not every student has ideal circumstances at home. If you are telling the truth, you won’t likely suffer any repercussions for using this explanation.

Forgetting About the Homework

This excuse might not be the best because your teacher may label you as not serious. Nevertheless, it is worth trying, especially when it is really the case. Here, it would be ideal if everyone in the class, or at least most of your peers, cite the same reason.

Telling the Truth

As fantastic as it is to make up an excuse for missing schoolwork and get away with it, there are occasions when being honest is preferable. Some instructors will allow you more time to complete your assignment in addition to applauding and understanding your sincerity.

As promised, this article has covered the 15 best excuses for late assignments. Above all other considerations, it’s crucial to put out your best effort and complete your assignment by the due date. It is preferable to submit the work on time rather than wasting time, effort, and strain trying to find the ideal explanation.

Apology Letters

Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission – Sample Letter

In all organizations, adhering to deadlines for work submissions is crucial. The timely completion of tasks often has a significant impact, particularly in organizations that rely on financial donors and must submit comprehensive project reports. Commercial companies also place great importance on deadlines, with employees expected to meet them consistently. However, employees may occasionally fail to meet these deadlines due to tardiness or other factors.

If you find yourself submitting work late, it can create challenges in your workplace. However, there’s no need to panic, as you can address the situation by writing a sincere apology letter. In this letter, be sure to explain the reasons for your late submission. Utilizing a Sample Apology Letter for late submission as a guide can help clarify, streamline, and simplify the process of crafting a thoughtful and effective apology.

Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title or Role] [Company/Organization Name] [Company/Organization Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of [Project/Assignment/Report Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to extend my sincere apologies for the delay in submitting the [Project/Assignment/Report Name] that was due on [Original Due Date]. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and the potential consequences of failing to do so. I recognize that my tardiness may have caused inconvenience to you and others involved, and for that, I am truly sorry.

The reason for the delay in submission was [Briefly explain the reason for the delay, e.g., unforeseen circumstances, personal issues, or technical difficulties]. Despite my best efforts to complete the [Project/Assignment/Report] on time, I was unable to do so due to these circumstances. I take full responsibility for not managing my time effectively and not communicating the potential delay earlier.

In order to rectify the situation, I have [Outline steps you have taken or will take to make amends, e.g., working extra hours, seeking help, or setting up a new timeline]. I assure you that I have learned from this experience, and I am committed to preventing similar situations from occurring in the future.

Please find the completed [Project/Assignment/Report] attached with this letter. I kindly request that you consider accepting my submission despite the delay. I am more than willing to make any necessary revisions or address any concerns you may have.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my late submission may have caused. I greatly appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter, and I am committed to ensuring that it does not happen again.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Email Address] or [Phone Number]. I am available to discuss this matter further and address any issues that may arise.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]

Sample apology letter for being late in submission of documents

An employee may write a letter to their employer apologizing for the late submission of documents, particularly if this delay has impacted the company’s performance. Offering an apology can help address the mistake and facilitate better understanding. Effective communication can prevent harsh judgments and foster a positive relationship with your supervisor. When composing this letter, consider the following key points:

  • Begin and conclude your letter with an appropriate salutation.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the letter.
  • Offer a genuine and heartfelt apology.
  • Express your hope for a favorable and understanding response.

Letter for late submission of documents

[April 2, 20xx]

Mr. John Lewis

ABZ Company

Dear Mr. Lewis,

I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of my documents. The original deadline called for their submission last Monday. Unfortunately, an unforeseen emergency required my immediate attention, as my younger sister fell ill and needed urgent medical care.

I fully recognize that this delay may have caused inconvenience for you and the company, and I want to assure you that it was not my intention. I accept complete responsibility for my actions and promise to ensure that such a situation does not arise in the future.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration in this matter. If there is anything further I can do to help alleviate the inconvenience caused, please do not hesitate to let me know.

[Your Signature]

More Apology Letters for Late Submission of Documents

  • Letter to the Principal for Late Submission of an Assignment
  • For Late Submission of Business Documents
  • For Late Submission of Application

Excuse letter for late submission of documents

Sample apology letter for being late in submission of assignment

When a student composes a letter to a teacher apologizing for the late submission of an assignment or homework, it is crucial to maintain a formal tone. Utilize polite and respectful language to convey your message effectively. The content of the letter should be persuasive enough to convince the recipient of your sincerity. Assure the teacher that you will not repeat this mistake in the future. Be cautious when providing a reason for the delay, ensuring it is truthful and won’t prompt the teacher to inquire further with your parents. Express your hope for understanding and affirm that you will submit the assignment promptly.

Apology letter for late submission of assignment

[May 7, 20xx]

[Mr. James Jones]

Dear Mr. Jones,

I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of my assignment. Unfortunately, I was unable to submit it on time due to a sudden illness. I experienced a high fever, which required my parents to take me to the hospital for medical attention.

I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and assure you that I will submit the entire assignment before the revised due date.

I hope for your understanding and positive consideration in this matter.

Yours sincerely,


[Daniel Dan]

More Sample Letters for Late Submission of Assignment / Homework

  • For late homework
  • For late submission of business assignment

Apology letter for late submission of business assignment

Apology letter for late submission of thesis

[October 9, 20XX]

Palm University

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of My Thesis

Dear Mr. Scoop,

I am writing to apologize for the late submission of my thesis presentation, which was originally scheduled for September 8, 20XX. Unfortunately, I was unable to meet this deadline due to urgent family matters that required my immediate attention.

I understand that this delay has caused inconvenience in terms of scheduling and planning. Therefore, I kindly request your permission to continue with my thesis so that I can make up for the lost time. I have resolved the family issues that initially hindered my progress, and I am confident that there will be no further delays if given a second chance.

Please accept my sincere apology for this oversight. I eagerly await your consideration and hope to be granted the opportunity to proceed with my thesis.

Best regards,

Sample apology letter for being late in submission of project

This letter is addressed to the individual who assigned the work, which could be a supervisor in any professional setting. In the event that you fail or are delayed in submitting your project by the specified deadline, a sincere apology letter can help to mend the situation. Be honest in explaining the reasons for your tardiness and use polite, respectful language throughout the letter. This approach will make it less likely for your supervisor to judge you harshly. Furthermore, composing such a letter demonstrates your remorse for the mistake and your willingness to take responsibility for your actions.

Apology letter for late submission of project

[February 14, 2022]

To: The Senior Manager

Auro-Bold Line

THU Investments Company Ltd

Subject: Late Project Submission

I am writing to sincerely apologize for submitting the project several days past the deadline. This delay was caused by an unexpected emergency in our apartment, during which some vital research documents were destroyed. As a result, I had to recreate the project from scratch, which prevented me from completing it within the allotted time. I deeply regret this situation and kindly request your understanding. I assure you that I will take all necessary precautions to prevent such an occurrence in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Apology letter for not submitting project on time

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Position]

[Company/Organization Name]

[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Last Name],

I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for the late submission of the project, which was due on [due date]. Unfortunately, I encountered an unforeseen circumstance on the day of submission that significantly delayed my delivery of the project.

While en route to submit the project, I found myself caught in an unusually heavy traffic jam that lasted for approximately four hours. This unexpected delay was the primary cause for my inability to submit the project on time. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and the potential inconvenience my tardiness may have caused you and our team.

Please be assured that I have taken this incident as a learning experience and will make every effort to avoid such delays in the future. I am committed to improving my time management and planning skills to ensure that all future projects are submitted promptly and in accordance with established deadlines.

Once again, I kindly ask for your understanding and forgiveness for my late submission. I truly appreciate your patience and consideration in this matter.

Yours respectfully,

[Mary Mines]

More Apology Letters for Late Submission of Projects

  • For Late Submission of a Business Project
  • To the Principal/Teacher for Late Submission of Project

Apology Letter for Late Submission of a Business Project

Letter of apology for late submission of requirements

[Your Address]

[Director or Management]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Dear [Sir / Madam],

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Requirements

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delayed submission of the required documents. I was unable to submit them on [date] due to an unexpected emergency at home. I understand that this delay may have caused inconvenience for [Company Name], and I am aware that my tardiness has potentially impacted the company’s operations.

I had previously worked on the requirements list as agreed upon during our discussion on [date], which was communicated via [email/phone]. I deeply regret this unforeseen situation and assure you that I will take measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find the completed list of requirements. Please proceed with the execution of the necessary tasks at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to contact me through my [email/phone].

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

[Your Full Name]

Apology letter for late submission of report

Project Manager

Dear [Sir/Madam],

Subject: Apology Letter for Late Submission of Report

I am writing to submit the enclosed report on [name of the project] that you requested on [date]. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in submitting this report. I had completed the report and was prepared to submit it on time, but I received an email from your assistant (copied to you) requesting the addition of a project synopsis. This necessitated extra time for completion.

I had assumed that you were already aware of this change, given your position on the project panel. However, I apologize for not communicating this information to you in a timely manner. I understand that this delay may have caused difficulties in explaining the situation to the client. I assure you that this will not happen again in the future. Should a similar situation arise, I will ensure prompt communication with you.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

[Full Name]

More Apology Letters for Late Submission of Reports

  • Letter Format for Late Submission of Report
  • Sample Letter for Late Submission of Financial Report
  • Explanation Letter For Late Submission of Reports

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Report

Apology letter for late submission of invoice

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Invoice

I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of the invoice related to [subject]. You were initially supposed to receive it by [date], but unfortunately, this did not occur. The delay was caused by an unforeseen event, specifically [cause of delay], which prevented me from submitting the invoice on time.

I fully understand that this delay may have caused inconvenience for your company, and I take responsibility for any disruptions it may have created. To prevent such an occurrence in the future, I have [action taken] to ensure that this issue will not happen again. I deeply regret the mistake and any trouble it may have caused.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email/phone] if you have any questions or concerns.

Once again, I apologize for the delay and hope that we can move forward from this incident.

Apology letter for late submission of bills

Apology letter for late submission of quotation

Subject: Sincere Apology for the Delayed Quotation

Dear Mr. Richard,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincerest apologies for the delay in sending you the quotation, which was due on January 10th, 20XX. I understand that my tardiness in providing you with the necessary information has likely caused inconvenience to you and your planning team.

The primary reason for the delay was an unforeseen emergency involving my daughter. This urgent situation demanded my immediate attention and unfortunately took up the entirety of the two days during which I was unable to send the quotation. I realize that the timing of this event was unfortunate, and I deeply regret any inconvenience it may have caused you and your team.

I want to assure you that I have now sent the quotation to your email address, and I sincerely hope that you will still be able to consider it for your project discussion. Moving forward, I promise to be more diligent in meeting deadlines and maintaining clear communication to prevent such issues from occurring in the future.

Once again, please accept my heartfelt apologies for any difficulties my oversight may have caused. I am committed to providing you with the best possible service, and I am grateful for your understanding in this matter.

Apology letter for late submission of medical bills

Dear [Recipient],

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Medical Bills

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for the late payment of the medical bills related to [expense]. I acknowledge that these bills were due on your desk by [date]. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to meet this deadline.

Recently, I faced an unexpected emergency involving [mention issue], which demanded my immediate attention. As a result, the submission of the medical bills was unfortunately delayed. I understand that this delay may have caused some inconvenience for your institution, and for that, I am truly sorry.

Please rest assured that I have taken measures to prevent this type of situation from occurring in the future. I value your understanding and cooperation, and I assure you that such incidents will not happen again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via [email/phone]. I am more than happy to address any issues that may have arisen due to this delay.

Once again, please accept my most sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

With heartfelt apologies,

Apology letter for late submission of certificates

[Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Certificates

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere apologies for the delay in submitting the required certificates, which were originally due on [date]. Unfortunately, they were not delivered to you until [date]. I deeply regret any inconvenience or complications this may have caused you and the company.

I understand that the timely submission of these certificates is crucial for the proper functioning of our processes and that their late arrival could have resulted in a significant loss of resources, as well as additional efforts to have them reviewed and processed.

Please be assured that I have taken the matter seriously and have implemented [action taken] to ensure that such an oversight does not occur again in the future. I am committed to making every effort to prevent any similar delays and to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and efficiency.

I hope that you will find it in your heart to accept my apologies and consider my submission, even though it is later than anticipated. Your understanding and forgiveness in this matter would be greatly appreciated, and I am confident that this incident will serve as a valuable learning experience for me.

Once again, please accept my most sincere apologies, and thank you for your time and consideration.

Apology letter for late submission of resume

[Recipient’s Name] [Title or Position] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Sir/Madam],

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Resume

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of my resume for the [job title] position at [Company Name]. I understand that the deadline for submission was [date], and I regret not being able to send it in time.

Unfortunately, I encountered an unforeseen event, specifically [mention the event], which prevented me from submitting my resume as planned. Although I had completed the resume well in advance, this unexpected circumstance caused a significant delay in my ability to submit it promptly.

Please allow me to express my deepest regrets for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your team. I understand the importance of timely submissions, and I assure you that I will make every effort to prevent this from happening again in the future.

I kindly request your understanding and consideration in reviewing my late submission. If possible, I hope that my resume may still be considered for the [job title] position, as I am truly excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and work alongside its esteemed team.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for the delay, and thank you for your understanding.

Apology letter to the boss for late submission of the assigned work

[April 18, 20XX]

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Work

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for the late submission of work that I was assigned on [date] pertaining to [subject]. While I understand that the deadline has passed, I hope it is still acceptable for me to submit the completed work. I recognize that this delay may have caused inconvenience and potential setbacks for [company’s name], and for that, I am truly sorry.

The primary reason for the delay in submission was due to [mention the cause in more detail, providing context]. This unexpected challenge led to a longer completion time than I had initially anticipated. In order to prevent any similar occurrences in the future, I have taken the following actions: [list specific actions taken to address the issue and ensure timely completion of future tasks].

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for any trouble this may have caused. I am committed to learning from this experience and will strive to meet all future deadlines in a timely manner. Thank you for your understanding and patience in this matter.

[Your Signature (if applicable)]

Sample apology letter for being late in submission of work

Submitting work on time is a crucial aspect of being a responsible employee or student. However, there may be times when unforeseen circumstances arise, resulting in late submissions. In such cases, it is important to take ownership of the mistake and apologize for any inconvenience caused. A letter of apology is an effective way to express remorse for late submissions, whether it’s from an employer to a client or a student to a teacher. When writing an apology letter, it is essential to use polite language and offer an explanation of what happened, as well as outlining steps you are taking to prevent similar delays in the future. By doing so, you show that you take the matter seriously and are committed to improving. A well-written apology letter can help maintain a positive relationship with the recipient, even in the face of a mistake.

Apology letter for late submission of work

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Work Assignment

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of the work assignment you had entrusted to me. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and I deeply regret any inconvenience my delay may have caused you.

Unfortunately, I have been dealing with some unexpected and challenging family matters back at home that have caused me significant stress. These circumstances have impacted my ability to focus on work and meet deadlines. Although I recognize that personal matters should not interfere with professional obligations, I must admit that I have struggled to maintain a balance in this particular instance.

Despite the challenges I am facing, I am fully committed to completing the assignment and delivering it to you as soon as possible. I kindly ask for your understanding and consideration in this matter. I assure you that I am taking the necessary steps to prevent this situation from recurring in the future. To that end, I plan to establish clearer boundaries between my work and personal life, ensuring that my responsibilities at work are met in a timely and efficient manner.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by my late submission. I deeply appreciate your understanding and look forward to delivering a quality assignment in the very near future.

[Maurice Mike]

Late Submission Email to Professor

Subject: Request for Extension – [Your Name] – [Course Name] – [Assignment Name]

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that, unfortunately, I am unable to submit the [Assignment Name] for [Course Name] by the original deadline of [Due Date]. I kindly request your consideration for an extension to submit the assignment.

I have been experiencing [briefly describe the specific circumstances or issues that have caused the delay, e.g., personal/family emergencies, health issues, or unexpected work/school commitments]. These unforeseen challenges have significantly impacted my ability to complete the assignment on time. I have done my best to manage the situation, but the circumstances have been beyond my control.

I understand the importance of submitting work on time, and I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. I have been working diligently on the assignment and am committed to submitting a high-quality work that meets your expectations. I kindly request a new deadline of [Proposed New Due Date] to allow me sufficient time to complete the assignment to the best of my ability. If granted, I assure you that I will prioritize this assignment and submit it on or before the proposed extended deadline.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or documentation to support my request. I understand that extensions are granted at your discretion and that you may have concerns about fairness to other students. I am truly grateful for your understanding and consideration in this matter.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your University ID]

[Course Name and Section]

Email for Late Submission of Project / Report

Sample of an apology email for late submission of a report.

Subject: Apology for Late Submission of Project/Report

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to apologize for failing to submit my [project/report] within the outlined deadlines. I understand that my delay may have caused inconvenience to you and the organization, and for that, I express my sincerest apologies.

The delay was as a result of the loss of some data during our travel back from the study area. Tracing the data took me some weeks, and by the time I completed analyzing the results, time had lapsed. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand the impact of my delay on the project timeline.

I would like to assure you that I have learned from my mistake, and I will take all necessary measures to ensure that such a situation never happens again in the future. I will also appreciate any assistance that you may accord me.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to make up for the inconvenience caused.

More Apology Emails for Late Submission

  • Apology Email Format
  • Email for Late Submission of Documents

How to Write an Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission

There are times when things happen that may lead a person not to meet the goals set in submitting work, assignment or reports. In such a case the best way to make up for this mistake is to write a note of apology for late submission. This should be done in a professional way. The note should also be simple and straight forward.

  • Start straight by describing the mistake of failing to submit the work or the assignment. This explanation should be well dated. Include the dates on which you were supposed to submit the work and explain why you failed to do so.
  • Admit the damage that was caused in the business or the organization because of your late submission.
  • Accept that you are responsible for the damage that resulted from this fault.
  • Give an explanation of what led to the late submission and let this be a genuine explanation.
  • Promise that you will not repeat this mistake again by indicating that you have taken the necessary measures to make sure that it never happens again.
  • Express your regret using the right statement. E.g. I deeply regret letting the company down.
  • Explain the measures you have put in place to ease the damage already caused, like emailing an apology to the client who was inconvenienced by the delay.

Things to consider when writing an apology letter for late submission

When it comes to writing an apology letter for late submission, it’s important to consider a few key things in order to effectively communicate your regret and make amends for any inconvenience caused. Here are some things to keep in mind while writing such a letter:

  • Start with a sincere apology: Begin your letter by expressing your sincere apology for the late submission. Be honest and straightforward about your mistake and acknowledge the impact it may have had on the recipient.
  • Explain the reason for the delay: In the body of the letter, explain why the submission was delayed. Be specific and provide as much detail as possible to help the recipient understand the circumstances.
  • Take responsibility: Accept responsibility for the delay and avoid making excuses or blaming others. Own up to your mistake and show that you are taking steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.
  • Express regret and offer to make it right: Show empathy for any inconvenience caused and express your regret for the situation. Offer to make it right in any way possible, such as by providing additional information or completing the task as soon as possible.
  • End on a positive note: Close your letter by thanking the recipient for their understanding and patience, and reiterating your commitment to ensuring timely submissions in the future.
  • Proofread and revise: Before sending the letter, make sure to proofread it thoroughly for any errors or typos. You may also want to ask someone else to review it for you to ensure it is clear and effective.

No, a letter of apology is very different from a letter of justification. In a letter of apology, one party is offering the individual they wronged an olive branch. The letter of apology is where an individual, group or organization reaches out and makes an attempt at reconciliation. On the other hand, a letter of justification is written when a project cannot meet its milestone. Completing a project depends on many variables, and if one of those variables fails, then the project may be late. For instance, say you had a project where you needed to bake 6 Granny Smith apple pies. You depended on the apples to be delivered on April 5th. However, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the supplier emailed you and said they won’t be available until the 10th. You’ve tried to contact other suppliers, but all have the same problem. Thus, you’d write a letter of justification to the one who ordered the pies, explaining to them the situation, and attaching documents to back up your letter.

There is no one right answer. Keep in mind that your insurance provider needs to do the best job possible on all claims in order to keep their employer satisfied. This means that whatever answer you provide must be as honest and truthful with regards to the incident and type of policy you have. No agent will put their job on the line for you, so be honest and truthful with your reason.

The old excuse of “The dog ate my homework”, simply won’t cut it, if it ever did in the first place. Still, life happens and often prevents you from completing an assignment on time. The first rule of thumb is to be as transparent as possible, be truthful and honest. However, there are times when even this is not possible, such as a reason involving a private family matter. In such cases, an alternate reason must be given. Too Many Assignments Given at One Time. This is a very real situation and happens to many students. Here, different instructors assign homework that happens to be due at the same time. If you have 3 teachers who’ve all given assignments due on December 10th, the student risks becoming frazzled and, in an attempt, to get them all done, delivers poor results on all three. Circumstances Beyond Their Control. Things happen, as they say, and when it does there is no way out of the situation. Circumstances beyond control may involve a personal illness, or illness of a family member. It could be a broken-down vehicle. It’s any circumstance where the student has zero control over what occurred. Keep in mind that you always want to be able to back up your excuse. For instance, if you’re sick, get a doctor’s note. If your PC fails you in the middle of an assignment, then grab your phone and take a video of the problem, upload it to Youtube.com and email it to your instructor. The Truth. Depending on how old you are, you’ll be in the educational system for quite a bit. So, why not tell the truth? If you decide to tell the truth, you’ll be developing a positive relationship with the teacher, and perhaps even the entire teaching staff. Being known as an upstanding student who pulls no punches, is a great way to establish a good connection teacher/student connection.

A delivery can mean different things depending on the situation. For instance, if you are working on a project, you are often expected to make “deliverables” on certain dates, or if you’re a company sending office supplies and accidentally miss a delivery. One involves physical goods, while the other involves delivering for a project. In either case, your best customer service skills are required. No matter the reason, your late delivery has probably caused them an inconvenience. Therefore, the best way to apologize is to send a letter of apology. In the letter, state your case and offer the customer a way to correct the situation. Perhaps offer them a discount on future deliveries, for instance. Most people have experienced such delays themselves, or perhaps caused a few, so you’ll often find many to be understanding of the situation.

This depends on the reason for the delayed submission. If you are a victim of circumstances beyond your control, or an illness, and do everything you can to redeem yourself, then you can use this situation to show you are a person of good character and integrity, by owning it and doing your best to correct it. However, it can also mean that you’re in over your head on the project or assignment and need to ask your instructor or manager for help. There’s no shame in asking for assistance if the assignment or project is beyond your abilities. It may also mean that you don’t believe in yourself enough to submit the assignment, that you feel that you can always do better. Then again, if you have a habit of staying out late and partying, then you’d come across as someone who has a low sense of responsibility, as you’re putting the nightlife ahead of your duties. So as you can see, this is a loaded question, as it is the reason for the delay and how you respond, which determines your character.

How to send your letter

There are several ways you can send your apology letter for late submission, depending on the situation and the preferences of the recipient. Here are some options:

  • Email: If you have the email address of the recipient, you can send your letter as an email attachment or copy and paste the text of the letter directly into the body of the email. This is a fast and convenient option, but it may not be the most formal or personal.
  • Postal mail: If you prefer a more formal and personal approach, you can send your letter via postal mail. Print out a hard copy of the letter, sign it, and mail it to the recipient’s address. This may take longer than email, but it can be a more thoughtful and meaningful gesture.
  • Hand delivery: If the recipient is nearby, you may choose to hand deliver your letter in person. This can be a good option if you want to make a personal connection with the recipient and show your sincerity.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to include the recipient’s name and address (if applicable) and any other necessary contact information. If you are sending the letter via email, make sure to attach any relevant documents or files. And always be sure to double-check that the recipient’s information is correct before sending the letter.

Writing an apology letter for late submission can be a challenging task, but it’s an important one if you want to show that you value the recipient’s time and respect their expectations. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can write a strong apology letter that expresses your regret, takes responsibility for the delay, and offers to make it right. Whether you choose to send the letter via email, postal mail, or hand delivery, remember to be sincere, empathetic, and professional in your approach. With a well-crafted apology letter, you can show that you are committed to improving your communication and follow-through in the future.

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Late Assignment Email: Examples and Professor Escape Tips

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • January 18, 2024
  • Professors and Faculty

writing Late Assignment Email

Late assignment emails are ways that students use to communicate to their professors on issues of late assignments. Here are top late assignment examples and tips to get away with a late assignment

Students getting late with assignments is a common thing in school today, and it is good to find a way to save face and earn a grade. And nothing hacks the situation better than an email to the professor.

These are not just normal emails and there are specifications that students need to follow when communicating to the lecturer on late assignments.

excuses to submitting late assignments

Be intentional when writing to your instructor. Therefore, before we delve into the examples of emails you can write to your professor when you are late, let us first check some of the reasons that may necessitate such action.

Why Write a Late Assignment Email to your Professor?

The following are some of the reasons why students write late assignment emails to their professors:

1. To Inform the Professor That you Will Submit the Assignment Late

Students who are unable to finish their assignments on time write to professors to inform them that their assignments will be late.

It is important to inform professors in advance that you will not submit your assignment as per the deadline rather than submitting it with no notice. 

2. Explaining why you will be Late

explaining why late assignment

Some students are held up by unavoidable circumstances that hinder them from completing their assignments on time.

When the student is ill or his parents or guardians are, balancing time between taking care of parents, doing household chores, and doing their assignments is hard.

These students write to their instructors informing them that they may miss the assignment deadline

3. Requesting for An Extension

Students who can’t finish their assignments on time write to their instructors requesting additional time to complete their assignments.

This email should explain the reasons as to why they were unable to meet the set deadline, their assignment progress, and the time that they need to complete the assignment.

Students who request deadlines to have more time for conducting research and eventually submitting quality work are mostly known by professors and get their requests granted. 

4. Apologizing for Late Assignments

Professors hate it when students hand in their work late. It is, therefore, good if students write emails to their professors apologizing for late assignment submissions.

An apology email should be written in a sincere most manner. This can help avoid harsh penalties and earn leniency from your professor.

Professors are always understanding and will listen to your concerns provided you don’t have a record of being irresponsible. An apology email should have believable reasons as to why your assignment is late.

It should also have the apology directed to the instructor and a promise that you made a mistake and it will never be repeated. 

How to Write a Late Assignment Email

In our guide on how to write an email to a professor , we guided you on the steps to take and the reasons that can necessitate it. However, emails on lateness are different.

Late assignment emails have become common among students today. Most people are familiar with emails but not very good with writing late emails.

How to write a late assignment email

Below is how one should write a late assignment email to your professor.

On the “To” part write the email address of your professor.

Always confirm that you have the correct email address to avoid sending your email to a different person. 

On the subject part of the email write the reason why you are sending the email. The reasons can be?

  • Application letter for late assignment submission. This can be due to the need for more time for research or if the student forgot submitting homework or did not remember when the assignment was due.
  • Apology letter for late assignment submission. This is a direct apology to the professor for late assignment submissions, a regret for any inconvenience caused, and a promise to change.
  • Request for a deadline extension. This is mostly written by students who have not done the assignment due to unavoidable circumstances.

Still, on the subject part, include your name and personal information that will help the professor identify you.

On the body part of your email explain why you are writing the email. Begin with a salutation that is “Dear sir/madam.”

Now explain yourself in simple terms and make the professor understand why you are submitting your assignment late. You can borrow an example from a list of excuses for a late assignment that I have created from my interactions with students.

End it with a polite closure. Most students use “sincere apologies and regards.” Insert your name or your school registration number at the end.

Examples of Late Assignment Emails

1. an example of a late submission apology.

Late submission Apology email

2. Deadline Extension Email example

Deadline Extension Email example

Tips when Writing a Late Assignment Email

There are several things you should do and not do when writing a late assignment email.

Keep it brief

Never write a long letter. Go straight to the point. Explain yourself in 6-7 sentences. Anything more than that will be too big. Remember the professor has limited time.

Use the Correct Email

Make sure that the email of your professor is correct. You can check it on the syllabus where they provide it or on the official website of the institution.

This is very crucial. You have done a mistake and you should address the professor in the right manner. Use the full name of the professor.

Also, use Dear sir/madam at the beginning. Mind the tome of the language you use. Be sorry. End your email with a complimentary close too.

Fill in the subject part of the email correctly

This is where you write what your email is all about. Use statements such as “late assignment submission” or “missed paper deadline. Write your name too and your personal information too for easy identification. 

  • If you need a deadline extension, ask for permission to meet up and set another due date for your assignment.
  • Always apologize for your lateness and express regrets for not completing your assignment on time. 

The Don’ts

Avoid a friendly language.

Even if you are friends with the professor write your email in an official language. If you use too much informal language, the teacher may ignore your email and this becomes a waste of time.

Avoid Long Emails

Do not write a lot of information. You are likely to distort the message. Some professors do not like such long emails because, in the first place, they know the disadvantages of late homework to the rest of the class.

When you lie and investigations reveal you lied, you will be in for severe penalties. Always be sincere with your explanation of what led to late submission.

Do not Shift Blames

Take responsibility for submitting the assignment late. Don’t blame the professor or the institution. 

What to Write to your Professor

In most cases, instructors provide you with a guide for sending assignments through emails. In these cases, follow the instructions fully.

When there are no instructions provided, on the subject part write the course name, course code, the title of the assignment, and your details.

On the body part of the professor begin with a proper email greeting and explain briefly what you have sent. Attach the assignment file and send.

excuses to submitting late assignments

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

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Guide: How to Apologize for a Late Submission of an Assignment

Submitting an assignment late can be a stressful situation, but it’s important to take responsibility and apologize. Whether you need to apologize to a professor, boss, or colleague, this guide will provide you with tips and examples on how to say sorry for a late submission of an assignment. We’ll cover both formal and informal ways to apologize, focusing on a warm and sincere tone.

Table of Contents

Formal Apologies

When you need to apologize formally, it’s important to be respectful and professional. Use proper language and follow a polite structure for your apology. Here are some tips and examples:

1. Acknowledge the lateness clearly

Begin your apology by acknowledging that you are submitting the assignment late. This shows that you are aware of the situation and taking responsibility for it.

Dear [Professor/Supervisor’s Name], I am writing to apologize for the late submission of my assignment on [assignment title]. I understand that it was due on [due date], and I sincerely apologize for not meeting the deadline.

2. Show remorse and take responsibility

Express your regret and take full responsibility for the late submission. This shows that you acknowledge the impact of your actions and that you genuinely feel sorry for the inconvenience caused.

I apologize for the delay and any inconvenience it may have caused. It was an oversight on my part, and I take full responsibility for not managing my time effectively.

3. Provide a genuine reason (if applicable)

If there was a legitimate reason for the delay, briefly mention it. However, avoid making excuses or providing lengthy explanations. Keep it concise and focus on the resolution.

I encountered unexpected personal circumstances that required my immediate attention, which unfortunately hindered my progress on the assignment. However, I fully understand that this should not have affected my ability to meet the deadline.

4. Apologize directly and express commitment to improvement

Acknowledge the impact of your late submission and assure the recipient that you have learned from this experience and will take steps to avoid similar situations in the future.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by my late submission. I have learned from this situation and will ensure better time management and organization in future assignments.

Informal Apologies

For situations where a more casual tone is appropriate, such as apologizing to a friend or classmate, you can adopt a less formal approach. However, it’s still important to express genuine remorse and take responsibility for your actions. Here’s how:

1. Begin with a friendly greeting

Address the recipient using a friendly and familiar tone, emphasizing your relationship or the context in which you know each other.

Hey [Friend’s Name],

2. Express regret and acknowledge the lateness

Apologize sincerely and mention that you are aware of the late submission. This demonstrates that you understand the inconvenience caused.

I wanted to say sorry for submitting the assignment late. I know it was due a few days ago, and I feel really bad about it.

3. Briefly explain the situation

If appropriate, offer a brief explanation for the delay while avoiding lengthy justifications.

I had a family emergency last week that required my immediate attention, and it caused me to fall behind on the assignment. However, I know that it’s still my responsibility to meet deadlines, and I apologize for not doing so.

4. Show commitment to improvement

Convey your determination to avoid future late submissions and emphasize the lesson learned from this experience.

I promise to be more organized and manage my time better in the future. I understand that it’s important to meet deadlines, and I don’t want to let you down again.

Regional Variations

While the basic principles of apologizing for a late submission remain the same across regions, there may be slight variations in language or cultural norms. It’s important to be aware of these differences when communicating with individuals from different backgrounds. However, for the purpose of this guide, we’ll focus on general tips that can be applied universally.

Apologizing for a late submission of an assignment is necessary to maintain professional relationships and demonstrate integrity. Remember to acknowledge the lateness clearly, express genuine remorse, and take full responsibility for your actions. Whether you need to apologize formally to a professor or informally to a friend, sincerity and commitment to improvement should shine through. By following the guidelines and using the examples provided in this guide, you’ll be able to apologize effectively and repair any damage caused by the late submission.

Related Guides:

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How to Email Professor About Late Work

Last Updated: April 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. and by wikiHow staff writer, Caroline Heiderscheit . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 177,472 times.

With deadlines, jobs, activities, and relationships to juggle, managing your schedule as a student can be tough. If you’ve realized you’re going to miss a deadline (we’ve all been there), you might be wondering how to email your professor for an extension, to apologize, or to limit any late penalties. Don't worry, we've got you covered. Below, we'll walk you through how to email your professor, plus we'll give you some sample emails to inspire you, too. To learn how to email your professor about late work, read on!

Example Emails to Professors for a Late Assignment

Every now and then, it’s okay to miss a deadline. When this happens, send an email immediately and say something along the lines of, “I apologize for turning in this assignment late. Know that I take my work seriously, and I'll do my best to avoid this in the future. I would greatly appreciate an extension on this paper if possible.”

Tips For Late Work Emails

Step 1 Keep your email concise.

  • Don’t say: “I’m just genuinely so, so sorry. I can’t believe I turned this in late, and you have no idea how long I prepped for this assignment. I really am so sorry that I missed the deadline, and you should know that I will do my best in the future, even when I have tech issues, to not let this happen again.”
  • Instead say: “I apologize for turning in this assignment late. Know that I take my work seriously and I’ll do my best to avoid this in the future.”

Step 2 Include a subject line that's clear and detailed.

  • Don’t say: “Message from a student in Psych 104,” “Need an extension,” or “Hello from Randy Bernard!”
  • Instead say: “Extension Request for Psych104, Paper 2: Randy Bernard”

Step 3 Use a professional tone and be polite.

  • Use a formal greeting. “Dear Professor James,” and “Professor James,” are perfect. “Hey,” and “Hi,” are too informal and should be avoided.
  • Same goes for your signoff—choose a formal phrase. “Best,” and “Sincerely,” are great picks.
  • If you’re asking your professor for something, be sure to ask, not demand. Instead of saying “I need” an extension, say that an extension would be extremely helpful to you.
  • Remember to use “Please” and “Thank you," too!

Step 4 Apologize for your late assignment.

  • This could hurt your relationship and increase penalties on your assignment.
  • So instead, say you're sorry: “I apologize for my late assignment. I know you're busy, and I don’t want to waste your time.”
  • “I’m sorry for this late paper, especially because it communicates a lack of care and concern for my grades that I don't feel is accurate.”

Step 5 Ask for an extension if relevant.

  • “If I had an extra 48 hours to complete this assignment, I’d be able to fully explore and structure my insights for this term paper.”
  • “I would greatly appreciate an extension on this project. With a little more time, I could turn in my very best work and learn even more from this assignment."

Step 6 Include helpful context.

  • “Last night, my dog had a bar of chocolate without me realizing. I’ve spent the entire evening with her at the vet.”
  • "To be entirely honest, I've been dealing with some mental health issues that are seriously affecting my schoolwork."
  • If you can, avoid lying. If you're granted an extension and the truth comes out later on, you could face major consequences.

Step 7 Take responsibility instead of avoiding blame.

  • Don’t say: “Honestly, it was out of my hands entirely. I’m a victim of circumstance, and that’s why my assignment is late.”
  • Instead say: “It's true that I didn’t plan for this to happen. That being said, if I’d started earlier, this wouldn’t have been an issue. So I know, ultimately, this is my fault. I take full responsibility.”

Step 8 Say that it won’t happen again and you take school seriously.

  • “This isn’t like me, and in the future, I promise to do better.”
  • “I take my schoolwork very seriously. If it weren’t for my dog’s illness, I would have made getting this assignment in my top priority.”

Step 9 Attach relevant documents.

Sample Emails

Step 1

Why You Should Email Your Professor About Late Work

Step 1 You could get a deadline extension for your assignment.

  • Policies around extensions differ from school to school, but by writing an A+ email, you can only help your chances.
  • Generally, professors only give you an extension under extenuating circumstances, like a major accident. They're going to be less inclined to extend an assignment if you had competing priorities, like work.
  • Professors are people too, and they want to help! Especially if you don’t have a history of late work, when you plead your case, they may be more forgiving than you’d expect.

Step 2 You might limit the number of points docked on your assignment.

  • Especially if you had a major, unforeseen factor pop up in the final moments before submitting your assignment, you may be able to explain and limit your punishment.

Step 3 Your professor will know that you take school seriously.

  • By offering a respectful and honest apology for your late assignment, you can improve your relationship with your professor, earn their respect, and possibly limit your late assignment’s penalties.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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  • ↑ https://studentaffairs.loyno.edu/health-counseling/university-counseling-center/news-ucc/emailing-your-professor-tips-tricks-health
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  • ↑ https://www.makemyassignments.com/blog/how-to-complete-your-assignments-before-the-deadline/
  • ↑ https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2019/09/23/tips-handling-missed-deadline-opinion

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Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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Late Assignment Excuses That Don’t Fail

late assignment excuses

Students need late assignment excuses all the time. Ideally, it’s common for learners to fail to submit their assignments within the duration the educator stipulates. For instance, the stress of keeping up with everything that happens to the student’s academic life can hinder them from meeting the deadlines.

Although some learners are careless, some cases are genuine, and educators consider them. However, a learner must request a submission deadline extension. Also, the teacher expects a substantial reason for delaying the assignment submission. This article highlights some of the homework excuses that students give for late assignment submission or law assignment help .

Table of Contents

Top reasons for late submission of assignments, what to do when handing in a late paper, how to ask for an extension, consequences for late assignment submission.

Something simple like the inability to keep up with the environment can be a reason for late submission. Ideally, a learner can develop stress that prevents them from keeping up with the assignment deadlines. However, a student must analyze their scenario carefully to determine whether they should request a deadline extension. That’s because educators expect students to provide compelling reasons for turning in assignments late in college, university, or high school. Here are the primary reasons students give for assignments’ late submission.

  • Lost Homework Losing homework is a common reason that some learners give for not submitting their assignments on time. For instance, a learner can claim that somebody stole the work from their bag. Crime is rampant among college and high school students. And you can blame this on your inability to meet the assignment submission deadline. If somebody stole your assignment, the teacher may allow you to submit it late, provided your case seems genuine.
  • I Forgot to Submit My Assignment You can tell the teacher that you didn’t remember to submit the assignment on time, but you have already done it. For instance, you can tell the educator that you had many things going on in your life and forgot to bring the assignment to class or their office. That way, the educator might allow you to submit the work at a later date or time. Some students give this excuse when they are yet to finish the assignment, but they can complete it within the allowed extension.
  • Domestic Violence Domestic violence is typical in modern marriages. Since this is a sensitive issue, most educators consider it when learners blame it for late submission. However, your teacher might bring the subject up to your parents or guardians. Additionally, the educator might report the issue to the guidance and counseling office. Consequently, the office can contact your guardians or parents to discuss the ordeals. And this will ensure that your parents understand the effects of their actions on your school life.
  • Blame it on Sickness Sickness is something natural, and it can happen to anyone at an unexpected time. Ideally, avoiding an illness is almost impossible. A sick student might lack the emotional and physical strength to work on their homework or assignment. Therefore, the disease is one of the good excuses for late homework submission. However, ensure that you have a good backing for this excuse. For instance, you can provide a doctor’s note when using this excuse. Also, you can give this excuse if it’s your immediate family member that was ill, thereby hindering you from completing the assignment. For instance, you might not write your assignment if you have a highly sick sister or parent. You can even stop working on your academic task to take care of your loved one. And that’s a solid reason to compel the educator to extend your assignment submission deadline.
  • Writer’s Block When working on homework, a student might read several books, leading to writer’s block. This situation can be overwhelming, and it may affect the student’s productivity. Even after taking short breaks, the leader might still find the assignment almost impossible to complete. Most teachers listen to students that fail to submit assignments due to writer’s block. The educator might even grant you a leave of several days before recollecting and working on the homework. Nevertheless, you must apologize and acknowledge your action’s consequences. Also, accept responsibility, show regret, and promise the educator that it won’t happen again.
  • Overwhelming Assignment Having too many writing assignments with tight deadlines is also among the good homework excuses. In most cases, academic papers require ample time to prepare and write. Therefore, you can request the professor to allow you more time to work on your assignments. And this is undoubtedly a valid reason for justifying late assignments. But don’t wait to request the extension at the last minute. Instead, tell the educator early that you have other projects, probably when they assign you a new task.
  • Job Interview Perhaps, you’re applying for a job while pursuing your education, and you’re lucky to land an interview. In that case, you can request an extension for your assignment deadline. Your educator will listen and most likely accept your apology. They will also grant you ample time to prepare for the interview and attend it on the specified date. After that, you can submit the assignment late without penalties.
  • My Computer Crashed Maybe the educator specified that you should type and print your assignment. Some schools also require learners to submit homework via web-based platforms. In that case, you can blame a crashed computer for a late assignment. That’s because a computer can crash with your complete homework in it. Also, you can tell the educator that your younger siblings or pets broke your laptop. You can even say power failure or hackers damaged your computer. And this is a reasonable excuse for not turning in homework, especially for a serial assignment offender. The teacher might contend that you might have used other methods like loading the assignment to a USB, but you can say that the incident happened abruptly.

late assignment excuses

On realizing that you will miss the assignment deadline, prepare to submit it late without facing disciplinary actions from your educator or use college homework help . If you don’t acknowledge and apologize, the educator can even penalize you on the ground that you submitted assignment 1 minute late. Therefore, don’t panic or ignore your delay in handing in the homework late. Instead, follow these steps to handle the situation safely.

Talk to the educator early: Telling your professor or teacher that you can’t complete the homework on time shows that you’re not a lazy student waiting to give late submission excuses at the last minute. The educator will appreciate your efforts to share the unforeseen problems with them beforehand. Meet with the educator: Be calm and try everything possible to convince the educator of the validity of your reason to be late with your assignment. Also, show the educator that you won’t be late due to lack of motivation or laziness. Email your professor or teacher: If the assignment’s due date is very close, write your professor an email. In the email, explain your circumstance, the reason for your situation, and apologize for the delay. Take responsibility: No professor likes students that keep requesting deadline extensions. But if your situation hinders you from meeting the deadline, request its extension and take responsibility. Don’t blame your school or the teacher for providing insufficient time. Instead, be mature and explain why you can’t meet the deadline. Promise the educator that it won’t happen again: You won’t be lucky whenever you fail to submit your assignment within the deadline the educator stipulates. Nevertheless, promise the educator that this won’t happen in the future and follow through.

Follow these steps, and your educator might accept your excuses for not doing homework within the stipulated timeframe.

Even if you have the best homework excuses, the educator might ask you to write an apology letter or email. In some institutions, students fill out a deadline extension form to apply for a new one. If this is an option in your school, consider it if you have a genuine reason. But if the educator asks you to write an apology letter or an email requesting a deadline extension, take the time to do it.

In your late assignment email, express your remorse or regret for the inability to submit the work on time. Also, explain how you found yourself in the situation. Additionally, promise the educator that this won’t happen in the future.

Here is a late assignment submission email sample to guide you:

Ref: Late Assignment Submission (Full name and class) Dear Sir/Madam, I’m contacting you because I won’t manage to submit my (assignment title) on (date) due to (give reasons). I undoubtedly understand my mistake, and I sincerely apologize. I should have been meticulous in the first place. I kindly request you allow me to hand it in on (date). I sincerely apologize for this, and it won’t happen again. Warm regards, (Your name and class)

Your email to professor about late assignment should be formal. Thus, don’t sound like you’re addressing a family member or friend. Instead, be polite, mature, and official in your email. Also, keep it brief.

Even after providing late excuses in your email, your professor could penalize you for missing the deadline. Different learning institutions deal with assignment extension excuses uniquely. For instance, most universities penalize learners by taking off 5% of the assignment’s marks. After seven days, the professor won’t accept your request again. What’s more, different universities have measures for deterring lateness among students.

If you continue being late with assignments, the university can postpone your studies. Failure to submit work within your semester’s schedule can also prevent the faculty from compiling your marks. Thus, you will not appear in the graduation list if in the final year.

In some cases, failure to submit the assignment on time can lead to expulsion or suspension. Therefore, understand the individual policies that govern assignment submission when joining a learning institution.

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You don’t have to wait until the educator decides to penalize you when you can seek assistance with your assignment. Our crew comprises knowledgeable assignment helpers with a reputation for providing the best online class help to learners at different academic levels. We offer trustworthy, reliable, and quality assistance to students from all parts of the world. Our native writers will assist you if struggling with a term paper, essay, or any other assignment. We offer helpful services to learners and ensure they submit 100 percent unique papers. Contact us now!

What is the best excuse for late homework?

The best excuse for late homework are: “I got my backpack with my homework on it stolen”; “I left the binder in my parent’s car, and they are at work”; “I was not feeling well;” “My printer was damaged;” and “My laptop got stolen.” However, ensure that you deliver the excuse properly and be convincing.

How do I excuse a late submission of an assignment?

The best way to excuse a late submission of your assignment is to communicate with the professor. Ensure you have a good excuse for the delay and request an alternative deadline. If possible, offer evidence that will support your excuse.

What is the best reason for late submission?

One of the best reasons for late submission is being ill. That’s because it is easy for lecturers to understand illness as a reason for late submission since it can impact students’ ability to complete their projects on time.

does homework improve academic achievement

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excuses to submitting late assignments

Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

Late Assignments: Tips From Educators on Managing Them

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Today’s post finishes up a two-part series on how different teachers handle late student work.

‘Taking Late Work Can Be Challenging’

Ann Stiltner is a high school special education and reading teacher in Connecticut with more than 20 years of experience in education. She shares her passion and love for working in the classroom at her blog from Room A212 (www.annstiltner.com/blog). Follow her on Twitter @fromrooma212:

Being a special education teacher means most of my students have the IEP modification of extra time, which generally translates to time and a half. For a test a teacher gives a class one hour to do, my student would have 1½ hours. For a project the class had one week to complete, my student would have 11 days. However, even with this extra time, some of my spec. ed. students are not able to complete the work. With diagnoses such as ADHD, LD (Learning Disabilities), or anxiety, they find maintaining focus and accessing one-on-one support difficult to fit into these time constraints. Their motivation is unpredictable based on their mood, family challenges, or social drama.

Due to these factors, I have adopted a policy where I accept work from both regular and special education students at any time for full credit or I take points off for each day late depending on the circumstances and if that will motivate a student to finish.

I realize that taking late work can be challenging for teachers of 100-plus students. It means constantly updating your grade book and keeping track of papers. Some teachers don’t accept late work because they think a firm cutoff teaches students the importance of meeting deadlines. Even though I agree this is an important skill, I fear that some students won’t learn that lesson from a policy of not accepting work late. These students prefer to give up and forget about the assignment in order to feel a sense of control and protect themselves from failure. Getting a zero on an assignment does not make them rethink their decision to not do the work, since a zero to them doesn’t mean the same as it does to us teachers. To them, a zero is the grade they think they deserve based on their past experiences.

I have found a time limit gives students a reason to give up and not try. This is learned helplessness in action. My working definition of learned helplessness is a person’s lack of effort due to previous experiences which have taught them that making even the smallest effort won’t make a difference.

For many students, trying involves a large investment of cognitive effort and a huge risk to put themselves out there. They are not ready to set themselves up for what, they are sure, will make them feel like a failure and especially not in a setting where they might be bullied, yelled at, or insulted. If they do not feel safe and supported, they will not risk being teased by their classmates. This is the thinking behind my policy to accept late work at any time. I do not want my conditions and requirements to be used as an excuse for why they do not engage in my lesson and do the work.

This same philosophy explains why I provide supplies like writing utensils or computer chargers. I consciously decide not to create barriers for a student to complete work. I do not want to rob them of a chance to engage with the material, learn something new, experience deep thinking and feed their curiosity by dictating conditions that they can blame for not engaging in the work. Accepting an assignment late gives them time to get motivated or set up one-to-one support so they can focus on the work when they are ready. I do not want to distract students with rules concerning time limits, pen vs. pencil, or on paper vs. on computer.

Don’t get me wrong: I do have classroom rules and expectations. I want the focus in my class to be on what is most essential—learning. This approach means the student—and their parents—will have a hard time holding me responsible for their grade. The responsibility falls on the student and their choices. This open policy allows me to create rapport when I explain my belief in their ability to do the work and my dedication to provide them the support and necessary modifications to be successful. If and when a student is ready to engage in the work, make an effort and take a risk, I am ready.


‘A Balanced Approach’

Ruth Okoye, Ed.D., is a 30-year veteran educator. She has taught in private and public school settings and is passionate about literacy, educational technology, and ed-tech coaching. She currently serves as the K-12 director at a nonprofit organization:

As an ed-tech coach working with fellow educators in their journey of professional growth, handling assignment submissions beyond the designated due date is a nuanced process that reflects both practicality and a deep understanding of individual circumstances. The approach I adopt recognizes the unique challenges that my learners who are teachers face in their daily lives, and it aims to create an inclusive learning environment that supports their development while acknowledging the diverse contexts in which they operate.

My policy on due dates is rooted in the realization that a one-size-fits-all approach fails to account for the myriad of responsibilities and situations that learners encounter. Rather than rigidly adhering to stringent deadlines, I advocate a balanced approach that considers the academic integrity of assignments and the need for flexibility.

To strike this balance, I establish a preferred due date for assignments, considering the majority of learners and allowing them ample time to complete their work. This desired deadline also has a more concrete counterpart—a hard deadline—that offers a reasonable time frame for those genuinely committed to finishing their tasks. This dual-deadline structure allows proactive learners to demonstrate their dedication while acknowledging the potential challenges others may face.

For example, in a book study, there would be weekly assignments. The posted due dates would give the learners three weeks to get each assignment done. I would establish a hard deadline for all assignments two weeks after the study is completed. I’ve found that for a six- to eight-week book study, that allows ample time for a learner to deal with an external complication and then get back on track.

Of course, the purpose of the assignment plays a significant role in determining the flexibility of the due date. For instance, tasks geared toward in-class reflection, like exit tickets, maintain their original deadline as they serve an immediate and time-sensitive purpose. On the other hand, assignments designed to assess learners’ application of covered material need a more lenient approach, allowing participants the time to digest the content and apply it effectively.

I also believe in allowing learners ample time to attempt tasks and even granting multiple opportunities for submission. This practice is grounded in the understanding that the learning process is not linear, and different individuals require varying duration to internalize and implement new concepts. By granting extensions and multiple tries, I encourage a growth mindset and empower learners to engage more deeply with the subject.

One of the cornerstones of my policy is the recognition that external factors beyond the learning experience can impact a learner’s ability to meet deadlines. Illness, family emergencies, or resource constraints can hinder progress, and rigid due dates should not serve as barriers to measuring their ability to apply course concepts. Instead of penalizing them for circumstances beyond their control, I aim to evaluate their understanding of the material and capacity to use it effectively, irrespective of external hindrances.

So you can see, my approach to handling late submissions from learners revolves around flexibility, empathy, and practicality. By acknowledging the diverse challenges teachers face and tailoring due dates to the purpose of assignments, I create an environment that fosters deep learning, personal growth, and a commitment to the subject matter. This policy recognizes the unique circumstances of each learner. It underscores the overarching goal of professional learning—to nurture and support the development of capable and resilient professionals in education.


What Is the Goal?

Jessica Fernandez is a full-time high school teacher and instructional coach near Chicago who specializes in teaching multilingual English learners and in supporting colleagues to make small language shifts that will benefit all learners:

Fortunately, my high school freshman English PLC has decided to have two categories: formative (anything at all that is practice), which is weighted 10 percent, and summative, which is weighted 90 percent. Since the purpose of formative tasks is to practice a skill they will later demonstrate, late work is accepted until we complete the summative demonstration for that skill. Afterward, there’s not so much of a point, plus it would drive us crazy and make work-life balance tough.

The goal, after all, is to give frequent and prompt feedback so kids can improve before their final summative demonstration. Late points are more of what we used to call “habits of work”; important soft skills, yes, but for our purposes, if the kid practiced for their summative skill demonstration, I’m happy, and I’m not scoring them on timeliness. Who knows what they had going on? I’ve gotten grace, and 10 percent won’t make or break their grade anyway.


Thanks to Ann, Ruth, and Jessica for contributing their thoughts!

Today’s post responded to this question:

How do you handle students turning in work after the due date, and why do you apply that policy?

In Part One , Chandra Shaw, Stephen Katzel, and Kelly Owens contributed their ideas.

Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. You can send one to me at [email protected] . When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.

You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Just a reminder; you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email . And if you missed any of the highlights from the first 12 years of this blog, you can see a categorized list here .

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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How to Address a Late Assignment: Communicate Effectively and Professionally

How to Address a Late Assignment: Communicate Effectively and Professionally

Updated: August 28, 2024

12 mins read

Table of Contents

Best excuses for late assignments or homework, what to do after finding an excuse for a late assignment, consequences of handing assignments late without a convincing excuse, sample apology letter for late assignment, 1. writer’s block, 2. family problems, 3. another paper was due, 4. a job interview, 5. expose a lazy group member, 6. network and power failures, 7. issues with your computer, academic performance and reach your goals.

See how quick and easy it is to get an exceptional essay with minimal effort on our platform.

9. Accidents and other unforeseen situations

  • Show that you regret the situation and apologize. Your instructor needs to see that you are not lying; hence an apology can keep you in a positive light. Additionally, you need to show that you care about your academics, hence the regret. 
  • Promise that it won’t happen again. When late, assure your instructor that this will not occur again, thus ensuring that you retain their trust. 
  • Offer a guarantee that you will correct the situation. Be sure to complete the assignment promptly and deliver it since it shows your willingness to commit to your studies and, in some cases, proves that your excuse was real since it was the only thing that prevented you from delivering the essay.

2. Repeating courses

3. poor relationship with the instructor.

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to offer my sincere apologies for the late submission of my paper, which was due on the 17th of November. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my lateness. The delay was caused by the fact that I am a caretaker to a sick relative. Their condition is chronic; hence they often need my assistance and have no family living close by who can assist. The person had an emergency late in the night on the 16th; hence I did not anticipate the problem. From that night till the evening of the next day(the 17th). I was with my relative at the clinic and was very worried; hence I forgot to inform you promptly. (or insert any other excuse for your lateness).  I have now completed the assignment, and you can find it attached as a document in this email. Please note that I have learned my lesson and will not make such a mistake in the future. If such an issue arises again, you are sure that I will inform you promptly.  Kindly accept my apology. Regards, (Student name).

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Late/missing assignment excuses right now

How forgiving is everyone being right now about students turning in homework and assignments late? I know there are some students that have fallen on hard times because of loss of a job, sickness of a family member etc. However, I'm getting emails now about assignments that were due 3 weeks ago, asking for an extension because "transition to online has been hard" (their words). Other students speak of generic "struggles" and ask for extensions on everything imaginable.

If I were a student right now and approaching my instructor for an assignment extension, I would probably give a few details as to why. No need to go into extreme or personal detail, but mentioning that someone in the family has been ill, they have had to pick up extra responsibility, lost their job, etc. I feel is reasonable. Or am I being a jerk and should I just accept extension requests regardless of length or reason right now?

I'm giving students lots of resources to help them study. I host live class sessions, which are recorded & uploaded to the LMS, and post supplemental videos for additional help. I'm also available via remote office hours, via the LMS discussion board, and through email to help, yet I'm having students complain that it's "more difficult" to get ahold of instructors. I can't help but feel that students are taking advantage of the situation. I wouldn't care if it wasn't more work for me, but I'm really struggling myself with my kids at home right now. I can't even get started on work for the day until around 9pm.

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Home » Letters » School » Apology Letter to Teacher for Late Submission of Assignment in School – Sample Apology for Assignment Late Submission

Apology Letter to Teacher for Late Submission of Assignment in School – Sample Apology for Assignment Late Submission

excuses to submitting late assignments

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Class Teacher, _________ (Name of the Teacher) _________ (Name of the School), _________ (Address of School)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Apology for late submission of assignment for _________ (Student Name)

Respectfully, I am _________ (Name of the Student) a student of class ________ (Class) having roll number _________ (Roll Number).

Through this letter, I apologize to inform you that I have delayed the submission of ________ (mention assignment name) and the reason behind the same is _________ (not well/ ill health/ was absent/any other) and due to which I failed to deposit the assignment for the subject on the required date i.e. __/__/_____ (date). I ensure that the mentioned assignment would be submitted by __/__/____ (Date), and I ensure that there would be no more delays.

I request you to kindly accept my genuine apology for the delay in the submission of the same.

Thanking you Yours Faithfully/Sincerely, __________ (Name), __________ (Signature), __________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Your name, class, roll number, a sincere apology for the late submission, a specific reason for the delay, the assignment's name, the original submission date, and a proposed new submission date.
  • Yes, mentioning the assignment's name helps the teacher understand which assignment is being referred to and the context of the apology.
  • Address the teacher respectfully, using "Respected Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir/Madam."
  • Yes, expressing regret demonstrates accountability and respect for the teacher's expectations and guidelines.
  • Yes, providing contact information allows the teacher to communicate with you if needed regarding the late submission or any related matters.

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  • assignment late submission apology letter

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A Polite and Professional Late Assignment Email: Mastering the Art of Writing 

Why crafting a late assignment email matters.

When you're in a rush and an assignment deadline is looming, it’s easy to panic. But don't worry, sending a polite and professional late assignment email can save the day. You’ve got a valid reason, but it’s essential to communicate this respectfully. A well-crafted email can maintain your credibility and demonstrate responsibility. So, let’s dive into how you can master the art of writing a late assignment email that’s both polite and professional .

excuses to submitting late assignments

Addressing Your Instructor with Respect

First things first, address your instructor properly. Begin with a polite salutation like “Dear Professor [Last Name],” to set the right tone . Showing respect from the get-go helps establish a positive rapport. Avoid overly casual greetings like "Hey" or "Hi" when writing a late assignment email. Your goal is to convey sincerity and respect. Remember, your instructor is more likely to be understanding if you approach them courteously. Respectful communication is the foundation of a good late assignment email.

Explain the Situation Clearly and Concisely

When you explain why your assignment is late, clarity is key. Be honest but keep your explanation brief. Long-winded excuses can come off as insincere. For instance, you could say, "Due to a family emergency, I was unable to complete my assignment on time." Providing a straightforward reason helps your instructor understand your situation without unnecessary details. You don’t need to delve into every aspect of your predicament. Clear and concise communication is essential in a late assignment email.

Take Responsibility and Apologize Sincerely

Taking responsibility is crucial in a late assignment email. Acknowledge that you missed the deadline and apologize sincerely. Phrases like "I apologize for not submitting my assignment on time" show that you recognize the importance of deadlines. Avoid shifting blame or making excuses. Your instructor will appreciate your honesty and responsibility. A heartfelt apology can go a long way in mending any potential issues caused by your late submission.

Propose a Solution or New Deadline

Suggesting a solution or a new deadline demonstrates your commitment to completing the assignment. Propose a realistic new date by which you can submit the work. For example, "I am requesting an extension until [specific date] to complete and submit my assignment." This shows that you're proactive and dedicated to resolving the situation. Make sure the proposed deadline is achievable for you. Being realistic about what you can accomplish prevents further delays and builds trust.

Offer to Meet and Discuss in Person

If possible, offer to meet your instructor to discuss the situation in person. This can show your willingness to take extra steps to make things right. A face-to-face meeting can also provide a chance to explain your situation more thoroughly. You might say, "I would be happy to discuss this in person at your earliest convenience." Personal meetings can often lead to more understanding and empathy from your instructor. It’s an extra effort that can make a significant difference.

Emphasize Your Commitment to Quality

Reassure your instructor that despite the delay, you are committed to submitting quality work . You could say, "I am committed to ensuring that my assignment meets the high standards of your course." This demonstrates your dedication and respect for the course material and the instructor’s expectations. Emphasizing quality over hastiness shows that you value the learning process and the effort you put into your work. It's a critical point to highlight in your late assignment email.

Be Mindful of Your Tone

Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout your email. Avoid sounding defensive or entitled. A calm and professional tone reflects well on you and helps in maintaining a positive relationship with your instructor. Politeness can go a long way in ensuring your email is well-received. For instance, instead of saying, "I couldn’t do it because I was too busy," you could say, "I encountered unexpected circumstances that affected my ability to meet the deadline." Subtle changes in wording can make your email more professional and considerate.

Express Gratitude and Acknowledge Their Time

End your late assignment email by expressing gratitude and acknowledging your instructor's time and consideration. A simple "Thank you for understanding" or "I appreciate your consideration" can leave a positive impression. Gratitude shows that you value their time and effort in considering your request. It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference. Always thank your instructor for their patience and understanding.

Follow Up If Necessary

If you don't receive a response within a reasonable time frame, don’t hesitate to follow up politely. Sometimes emails get overlooked, and a gentle reminder can be helpful. You could say, "I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding the late assignment submission." Following up shows that you are still concerned and responsible. It also keeps the communication lines open and ensures that your request hasn’t been forgotten. Did you know that you can use EmailMagic AI to help you on how to craft a late assignment email?

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid common pitfalls like using an overly casual tone, giving vague excuses, or failing to propose a solution. These mistakes can undermine your sincerity and professionalism. Stick to the guidelines mentioned above to ensure your email is effective. For example, saying "I just forgot" without any context or responsibility can come off as careless. Instead, explain your situation thoughtfully and with responsibility.

Sample Late Assignment Email

Let’s put it all together with a sample email. Here’s how you can structure your late assignment email:

Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment Submission

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to apologize for not submitting my assignment on time. Due to an unforeseen family emergency, I was unable to complete the work by the deadline.

I take full responsibility for the delay and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I am committed to producing quality work and would like to request an extension until [specific date] to complete the assignment.

If you would like to discuss this further, I am available to meet at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

[Your Name]

This email template incorporates all the essential elements: respect, clarity, responsibility, a proposed solution, and gratitude. Customize it according to your specific situation and ensure it reflects your voice and sincerity.

Final Thoughts on Writing a Late Assignment Email

Writing a late assignment email doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right approach, you can convey your situation respectfully and professionally. Remember to keep your tone polite, explain your reason clearly, and propose a realistic solution. Expressing gratitude and taking responsibility can greatly influence how your email is received. With these tips, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of writing a late assignment email. Good luck!

Continuous Improvement and Reflection

Lastly, reflect on the reasons behind your late submission and strive to improve your time management skills. Learning from this experience can help you avoid similar situations in the future. Maybe set reminders or plan your tasks more efficiently. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and become more responsible. By addressing the root causes, you can enhance your academic performance and reduce the need to send late assignment emails in the future.

Building Better Communication Skills

Writing a late assignment email is also an exercise in honing your communication skills. Effective communication is crucial in both academic and professional settings. The ability to convey your message clearly, respectfully, and professionally can set you apart. This experience can be a valuable lesson in articulating your thoughts and navigating difficult conversations. Embrace it as a learning opportunity that will serve you well beyond the classroom.

In conclusion, mastering the art of writing a late assignment email involves respect, clarity, responsibility, and a positive tone. Whether you're dealing with unexpected emergencies or managing multiple deadlines, knowing how to communicate effectively can make a significant difference. Use these guidelines to craft an email that is polite, professional, and persuasive. With practice, you’ll become adept at handling such situations with grace and confidence. Don’t forget to use EmailMagic AI to help you on crafting a late assignment email. Happy Emailing!

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How to Write an Email Requesting Your Professor to Accept a Late Assignment

In this blog post we will look at how you can write an email requesting a deadline extension, some tips and tricks to ensure you sound polite and professional and finally a sample email that you can just use. So let us jump in.

Shiva Prabhakaran

Shiva Prabhakaran

Requesting an extension as a student is something we all dread but if the situation demands it then you have to pull up your socks and do it.

And in this blog post we will look at how you can write an email requesting a deadline extension, some tips and tricks to ensure you sound polite and professional and finally a sample email that you can just use. So let us jump in.

Tips to Remember

Be polite with your wording since you do not want to upset your professor and also stay honest with your reasoning.

Take responsibility for being unable to submit assignments on time. There is no harm in stating your reason for delay and moving forward rather than shifting blame elsewhere.

Apologize for inconvenience caused due to the late submission of your assignment and clearly state that you are willing to make up for it.

Best Practices

Get to the point without a lot of fluff, your professor might actually appreciate the fact that you are straight with him about your academic concerns and weakness.

Clear state proposed dates to avoid any confusion and assure him that there will be no drop in the quality of submission.

Keep communication lines open so that your professor is able to contact in case of clarifications or change in planes.

Sample Late Assignment Acceptance Request Email

Subject: Requesting Assignment Submission Date Extension to [Date]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Hope this email finds you well. I am writing to possibly get an extension on my assignment submission date because [Briefly explain the challenges and the reason for the delay].

By my estimate, I should be able to submit the assignment by [New Proposed Date] while ensuring that the quality of the submission is not compromised.

I completely understand the importance of timely submission and regret being unable to meet that deadline. I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion my delay might have caused, and I will work hard to ensure that this is not repeated.

I am fully committed to holding to my new proposed deadline and striving towards a high-quality output that I am proud of. In the meantime, if you have any queries on the matter, feel free to let me know on [Your Email ID].

Thanks for your flexibility and consideration in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

Now that you have learned how to ask for an assignment submission extension via email, you should be a lot more confident about your email or communication capabilities. Thanks for reading.

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How to Write an Application to Ask My Professor to Accept a Late Assignment?

How to Write an Application to Ask My Professor to Accept a Late Assignment?

Find sample late submission assignment letters here!

Late submission of assignments is something that many college students go through. Emergencies happen, students go through heartbreaks, work and study schedules clash, and student-athletes and artists get busy with their practice. Sometimes, students become tardy. Sometimes, they fall ill. Sometimes, they become careless and forget about an assignment. 

However, most students with genuine reasons for submitting an assignment late manage to get an extension from their professors – as they request it ‘before’ the deadline. Most teachers understand students’ predicaments. If they deem that a student has a valid reason for submitting an assignment late, they grant him or her an extension of 2-7 days.

The problem arises when you delay submitting an assignment even though you have NOT been granted an extension. In such a case, the professor may refuse to accept your assignment and award you an F (fail) grade in the assignment. Or they may accept the assignment and give you penalty marks.

In the age of online assignment submissions, almost 65% of college students submit their assignments at the last minute. And then, there are 10% of students who submit assignments late with predictable excuses like:

My laptop/device developed a technical glitch.

Professors hear these excuses as:

  • I have been lazy and failed to do my homework on time.
  • I am so tech-tardy that I failed to ask for online assignment help and find a way to do it on time.
  • I am so lazy that I couldn’t even find a better and novel excuse for late assignment submission.

At GoAssignmentHelp , we often receive requests from students across the US to write effective and convincing applications for late assignment submissions or how to apologize for a late assignment.

You may also check out:   How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

Different reasons why students submit assignments late (and sample late submission applications)

A study by Megal Nieberding and Andrew F. Heckler published in June 2021 found that students who procrastinate in writing assignments have lower course grades. The study also found that 90% of students do not delay completion of an assignment intentionally, and those who did were two to three times more likely to earn D or E grades.

Another study published by Mehmet Kokoc et al found that students’ online assignment submission behaviour does not change semester after semester. One can predict their end-of-term academic performance depending on their assignment submission behaviour at the beginning of the semester. GoAssignmentHelp’s assignment assistance experts aim to provide appropriate intervention to students on a timely basis.

How to apologize for a late assignment when you forget the submission deadline?

A 2015 research by Keith Gregory and Sue Morgan revealed that if an assignment has a long deadline, more students submit it late. In such cases, students tend to forget when they have to turn in the assignment. If you also forgot to do a task assigned by your professor long ago, you may write the following email for late assignment submission:

Dear [Sir or Ma’am],

I sincerely apologize for the late submission of my assignment [assignment number/topic/question]. I am so sorry for causing you inconvenience and hope that you wouldn’t have to change your schedule when you accept this assignment.

I [fell sick/had to attend my sister’s wedding/broke my leg/or any other excuse] and that’s why my assignment submission got delayed. This is my first mistake and I hope you could excuse me this time. I did not procrastinate intentionally and promise never to submit my assignment late again.

Please accept my assignment along with my heartfelt apology. I am attaching my completed assignment here.

Best Regards,

Attaching a doctor’s prescription to prove that you really had an accident or fell sick, or a signed letter from your parents to prove that you had a family emergency could increase your chances of getting your assignment accepted when you submit it late.

Late submission email to a professor when you have valid academic reasons

Sometimes, students need more time to research a topic some more to analyze it better and to provide a better piece of work. Students who ask teachers time to improve the quality and substance of their writing are rare – and often teachers’ favourites. The chances of their late assignments being accepted are quite high.

Here’s a sample apology email to the professor for late submission because you needed more time for research or analysis:

I am sorry for turning in my [thesis/essay/assignment] on [Topic] late. As I was working on my assignment, I found a few sources [list of sources] which I thought were critical to my research. It took more time than expected to examine them and use them while doing my research.

I understand that I should have approached you earlier to get an extension on the assignment submission deadline but I miscalculated the time I would need to complete my research work and write my assignment. I apologize for not planning my assignment work better but I assure you that I was late only because I wanted to do my best while writing it.

I hope you will be able to review my assignment without much inconvenience. I’ve spent a lot of time on it and am looking forward to your feedback and recommendations on it.

Warm Regards,

You may also want to seek assignment help from our assignment writing service experts to get high-quality answers and academic essays written within time to avoid such a situation.

How to apologize to a professor for a late assignment?

 An apology letter to the professor for late submission must include these three things:

  • A Plausible, Believable Excuse:   Experienced professors know all the commonplace excuses students use to get out of tight spots when it comes to submitting assignments on time. But if you give a creative and credible excuse, the chances of it getting accepted increase.
  • A Sincere Apology:  Teachers and professors have busy schedules. Apart from giving lectures in class, they have to prepare curriculum, class activities, prepare notes, and go through a pile of assignments, academic essays, dissertations and theses. Assignment submission deadlines are their way to make time to correct your assignment. When you submit an assignment late, you inconvenience them by disturbing their entire schedule. So, they are justified in feeling irritated. Hence, if you submit an assignment late, you owe them a sincere apology.
  • A Promise of Being More Cautious in the Future:  You can never take a teacher’s acceptance of your apology for granted. With the late assignment email, you must always include a promise never to repeat that mistake. Remember, such apology letters or emails work their magic only once. If you repeat them too often, they lose their power.

Need help with an application for late submission of assignments?

You can use these samples to officially apologize for submitting assignments late. An apology letter or email also serves as a reminder to the instructor of the date on which you submitted the assignment. Assignment writers on our leading online assignment help platform help students across Canada , including those in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Quebec City, and more.

Besides these late assignment submission email samples, there are tons of different ways to apologize to the professor for a late assignment. If you are wondering how to write an email for a late assignment that works, get help from GoAssignmentHelp experts.

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As a course lecturer, should I excuse late assignment submissions if I wrote the assignment deadline slightly wrong?

I am the course lecturer of an undergraduate course. For a recent assignment, I had written the assignment deadline as 23 November 2018 (Saturday). Unfortunately, 23 November is actually a Friday , and not a Saturday .

I received an email from a student asking for me to excuse his/her assignment which was submitted late. The student explained that he/she marked the deadline as Saturday, without checking the assignment date.

Should I excuse the student's late submission because I made a slight mistake in specifying the assignment deadline?

Note: We use a learning management system to receive assignment submissions, and the assignment deadline was entered correctly in the learning management system.

What I decided to do

For the current incident: After reading the answers, and thinking it through, I decided that it is better to use the later of the two deadlines (i.e., 24 November Saturday) as the official deadline for the assignment. I did make a mistake in writing the wrong day of the week for the deadline, and students could have been misled with my mistake. It is not fair to punish such students for my mistake.

For future courses:

  • The more places I put the deadline in (e.g., the syllabus, the assignment itself, the learning management system), it becomes likely that I will make a mistake somewhere.
  • In the future, I will put the deadline in only the learning management system, and refer students to check the deadlines there.

I Like to Code's user avatar

  • 94 In dubio pro reo … –  ebosi Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 18:12
  • 44 What would be the benefits for you or for your students of rejecting this single assignment which was submitted on Saturday? (I can't see a compelling benefit.) –  pts Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 18:32
  • 46 @ebosi: There's also a legal doctrine called contra proferentem that seems on point here. –  Michael Seifert Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 20:36
  • 10 In addition to the reasons given by answers, to stick to the shorter deadline you will need to argue that such a small error doesn't matter, and that could backfire in a few days when you grade their assignments and some perceivedly small mistakes will need to matter. –  Pere Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 22:29
  • 20 I can’t figure out a reason why I wouldn’t accept the homework as on-time in this case. To err is human, to say “mea culpa” is divine. –  J.R. Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 10:06

8 Answers 8

First thing: The student handed in on the shown deadline . That says everything . Not accepting is not an option in any reasonable way. But to be more specific:

In dubio pro reo (in a case where nothing happened anyway)

Mistakes happen. Like you writing the wrong day for a certain date. Happened once, the "damage" is that students may have a reason to hand in one day later . That's it. And that's basically nothing.

Students are humans too. Most probably he/she really did not pay too much attention, did not look it up properly. Like no one of us would have or normally does in his daily business. And that's fine. Because it was not about life and death.

Let it be like that and accept the hand-in saying that you really wrote the wrong day (and may even apologize for the small mistake, as it may caused some confusion and a little anxiety to the student when he realized it). Even thinking about that incident is too much energy wasted for nothing happened. And be happy that you did not write the date of a test wrong or similar. Keep the mouse a mouse, don't make it an elephant.

Also, not accepting it will result in punishing a (most probably) innocent student. That's just unfair and will leave a very bad impression with the student. No reason to risk that.

Mayou36's user avatar

  • Clearing comments because that issue seems to be resolved now to everybody’s satisfaction. –  Wrzlprmft ♦ Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 17:58

If the assignment deadline was not shown correctly to the students, then it is your error and they cannot be penalized for being late.

Claiming it is correct in one area while incorrect in another does not absolve you, you caused the confusion so you have to accept late submissions, as long as they arrived on Saturday...

Any submissions on Sunday will, of course, be late.

Re-reading this, it sounds a bit blunt... Probably because I have done exactly the same and had to sort it out after... Peace reigns if you stick to being fair, so giving them the extra time does not usually make much of a difference, except for the recognition from the students.

Solar Mike's user avatar

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat . –  eykanal Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 19:28

If you occasionally published two different dates as a deadline, you should accept the work until the latest date without penalty. This is what essentially happened: you announced the deadline as 23rd Nov 2018 but also as Saturday, which is not the same day. Go with the latest of two then — this is the best way to be fair in this situation.

Dmitry Savostyanov's user avatar

  • 10 Yup. Not least because if they appeal it, a) it'll waste your time having to explain that you're an incompetent and b) the university will likely side with the student and you'll look bad. –  Valorum Commented Dec 2, 2018 at 20:07
  • 45 Kinda off-topic, but one of my instructors once mistakenly wrote the deadline as 11/27/2108, and we still got penalties for submitting after 11/27/2018 :( –  nalzok Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 2:08
  • 6 @nalzok: A hundred years is far too much extra time for school work. –  user21820 Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 4:40
  • 11 @user21820 Arguable :) –  user45266 Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 5:21
  • 12 @user21820 some students would still be late after having 100 years :) ... –  Solar Mike Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 10:10

I think the most important question a teacher should ask about their own actions is "What my action will teach?"

If you accept the late submission you will teach that one must assume their own mistakes and get full responsibility.

If you don't, you will teach that the people with more power don't need to clean up and take responsibility after mistakes, and the underdogs should not trust them.

We can say the last will prepare the student to be a good employee in the corporate world, and the first to be a responsible person.

Cochise's user avatar

  • 3 Very good point regarding setting a personal example! Teachers educate students as persons, they don't just teach particular subject matter. +1 –  einpoklum Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 8:41
  • While I agree with the idea of the teaching, being strict with with the date does not teach that "people with power don't need to clean up...", but that it is the student's responsability to make sure to have all the elements in hand. I'm still in favour of a lenient response, but the second part of your answer is biased. –  clem steredenn Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 11:39
  • 7 Maybe my answer is biased, but I think I don't need to "make sure" I "have all the elements in hand" if I trust my superior. If the student is penalized because they don't catch the professor mistake, we are not teaching students to be attentive, but that "s*** goes down", and we must not trust our superiors. The result would be improved attention? Sure. but the message was not "Attention is important". –  Cochise Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 15:27
  • 7 @bilbo_pingouin really, it is the student’s responsibility to always be on their guard in case against incompetence or errors on the side of their instructors? That seems unreasonable. If we required such hyper-vigilance from students, they would not have any time left for studying. –  Dan Romik Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 20:00
  • 1 Well I disagree, Students aren't Kindergarten kids. They can take care of themselves and do not need to be taken by hand every time. By your logic, the student could deliver any saturday, that would have been ok. I disagree. There were an error in the requirement, the student should be able to spot it. Why assume Saturday was fine and not the date? Again, I don't think that student should be penalised here. But I still disagree with your second part. –  clem steredenn Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 6:07

Purely from a standpoint of error distance, I would probably put more trust in the spelled-out day than in a numeric date, if there's any conflict between the two, because it's much more likely to accidentally hit 3 instead of 4 than to type Satur when you meant to type Fri . Of course that only applies to the mechanical aspect of typing, for most brains it's probably just as easy to mix the two up.

In any case, unless you noticed your error and communicated an unambiguous correction within a reasonable timeframe, it seems only fair that you should accept submissions up to the latest possible reasonable interpretation of the originally communicated deadline.

I say “reasonable" interpretation, because I guess the latest possible interpretation would be Saturday, November 23rd of the next year in which November 23rd is a Saturday. (This wouldn’t make sense in an academic context, but it’s a possible result of a typo in some longer-range planning.)

J.R.'s user avatar

You can only hold people to what you said clearly , not to what you intended

I did make a mistake in writing the wrong day of the week for the deadline

Says you. As a student, I was given an assignment due on Saturday the 24th. What's that you're saying? That the numeric date has 23 rather than 24? Oh, surely that's the mistaken - it's just a typo.

See what I mean?

Actually, even in a more extreme case, where you merely hinted that the later day is appropriate, and did not spell it out, you should still have accepted late submissions.

einpoklum's user avatar

  • 5 This looks more like a comment to a comment , except for the bolded line that actually adresses the OP. –  user68958 Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 9:17
  • 1 I guess I don't see what you mean, if all you've done here is swap one ambiguous date for another. And my point was the date was given twice, once nonsensically, which cannot be followed as the day didn't exist in the current year, and one clearly , where it was online. Just like you want. –  A Simple Algorithm Commented Dec 3, 2018 at 14:38
  • 1 Why are you responding to a comment to a different answer in your answer? It dilutes the point you're trying to make. –  Beska Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 15:58
  • 1 @Beska: I'm not sure what you mean. I responded to comments on my answer. –  einpoklum Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 16:27
  • 2 @einpoklum Beska is referring to your quoted text. That is a comment on Solar Mike's answer by someone who is not the OP. I'm also confused as to why you posted a response to a comment on another answer as an answer. –  kuhl Commented Dec 4, 2018 at 20:28

In my experience, there seem to be (at least) two different kinds of professors/teachers: those who believe that it is their purpose to convey knowledge and those who believe it is their purpose to fail students. At this point, I'm making to judgement here; it is easy to find ethical and rational reasoning for both approaches (i.e. the ' high washout rate ' used in some colleges) but I will leave judging the ethics of those as an exercise for the reader.

So—you probably want to ask yourself what your purpose in teaching is.

Is it to teach students, proliferate knowledge, and make sure people learn what you want to course to convey? If so, be lenient.

If, on the other hand, you think your principal job is to filter students by failing them hard and early, this is a perfect opportunity to do so.

Jesse's user avatar

  • 2 could you please clarifythat you are not being sarcastic to make your point, or edit it to make your point without sarcasm. You seem a little new and sarcasm is usually not accepted on SO. Not downvoting, just trying to br helpful. –  Jesse Commented Dec 6, 2018 at 14:36
  • 1 @JesseSteele Like so? Or am I still coming across as sarcastic? –  Bex Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 13:07
  • 1 On the contrary, I'd say there are two kinds of students, those who are there to learn, and those who are allergic to effort. Professors, depending on where they are, and how much it bothers them to be lied to, lied about , etc., will have very different experiences teaching and will develop different kinds of standards for their classrooms. –  A Simple Algorithm Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 16:45
  • 2 @Bex, what you added made tons of sense to me and I know exactly what you mean. So, I edited it to make it a little more clear and used terms that convey your point. One example I know of is the Cooley law school in Michigan that actually uses that, but I didn't want to get specific in the post. You really do have an objective idea here, it defends a lot of professors, saves students grief later on, and I hope this helps people see that in your post. Thanks for doing this and sticking to it! –  Jesse Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 1:17
  • 2 @JesseSteele Thank you for your understanding and for your edit. –  Bex Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 15:04

I think there is no other choice for you than to excuse your student. As he/ she already mentioned that he/ she follow calendar day deadline instead of calendar date which is also clearly mentioned in your submission deadline . So being a very valid reason and a typo mistake on your part, your student should be given excuse .

Ahmad Raza's user avatar

  • 1 The student doesn't need to be excused, because he/she was not late . The deadline was "Saturday", the work was turned in before the deadline. There is nothing to excuse. –  Ben Voigt Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 14:00

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excuses to submitting late assignments


  1. How To Write An Excuse Letter For Late Submission Of Assignments?

    excuses to submitting late assignments

  2. Late Assignment Excuses

    excuses to submitting late assignments

  3. Excuse Letter For Late Submission Of Assignments Sample

    excuses to submitting late assignments

  4. 20 Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission Your Teacher won’t

    excuses to submitting late assignments

  5. PPT

    excuses to submitting late assignments

  6. 15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments

    excuses to submitting late assignments


  1. Late excuses you should be using!

  2. Late to class excuses

  3. Excuses for being late #like

  4. late to class excuses ⏰️ || #aesthetic #advice #tips #school #excuses #fyp

  5. What are the best excuses for being late #mschanggifted #teacher #late

  6. Best Excuses For Being Late To Class


  1. Late Assignment Submission Excuses That Don't Fail

    Bad Excuses for Late Assignment Submission: While it's critical to be open and truthful about legitimate justifications for late assignment submissions, it's equally crucial to identify and ...

  2. 20 Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission Your Teacher won't

    Job interview: This excuse is for slightly older learners. If a student has to appear for a job that is directly related to their subject or area of study then they can be excused for late submission. 18. You have a Learning Disability. If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance.

  3. Late Assignment Submission Excuses

    Bad Excuses for Late Assignment Submission: While it's critical to be open and truthful about legitimate justifications for late assignment submissions, it's equally crucial to identify and refrain from offering lame justifications that lack veracity or show a lack of accountability. Examples of justifications that are typically viewed as ...

  4. 31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

    2. You've had Writer's Block. >>> Related Post: How to Write an Essay at the Last Minute. This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say "Look, I've read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn't come" then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

  5. 9 Excuses for Late Assignments: Turning Online Homework Late

    In this section, we can examine some of the good excuses you can provide to justify your late submission of the online assignment. 1. Computer Issues. When your laptop fails to work, it can lead to the destruction of your schedule. Such an excuse co only be valid if you provide evidence for your argument.

  6. 15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments

    As promised, this article has covered the 15 best excuses for late assignments. Above all other considerations, it's crucial to put out your best effort and complete your assignment by the due date. It is preferable to submit the work on time rather than wasting time, effort, and strain trying to find the ideal explanation.

  7. Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission

    Apology letter for late submission of assignment [May 7, 20xx] [Mr. James Jones] Dear Mr. Jones, I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of my assignment. Unfortunately, I was unable to submit it on time due to a sudden illness. I experienced a high fever, which required my parents to take me to the hospital for medical ...

  8. Late Assignment Email: Examples and Professor Escape Tips

    Students who are unable to finish their assignments on time write to professors to inform them that their assignments will be late. It is important to inform professors in advance that you will not submit your assignment as per the deadline rather than submitting it with no notice. 2. Explaining why you will be Late.

  9. Guide: How to Apologize for a Late Submission of an Assignment

    1. Begin with a friendly greeting. Address the recipient using a friendly and familiar tone, emphasizing your relationship or the context in which you know each other. Hey [Friend's Name], 2. Express regret and acknowledge the lateness. Apologize sincerely and mention that you are aware of the late submission.

  10. Emailing a Professor about Late Work: Best Examples & Tips

    Emailing a Professor about Late Work: Best Examples & Tips

  11. Late Assignment Excuses

    Late Assignment Excuses That Don't Fail

  12. Late Assignments: Tips From Educators on Managing Them

    Accepting an assignment late gives them time to get motivated or set up one-to-one support so they can focus on the work when they are ready. I do not want to distract students with rules ...

  13. Late assignments and excuses : r/Professors

    IkeRoberts. • 1 yr. ago. You need to find out the local policy. Ours is that students who have turned in less than 60% of the assignments are not eligible for an incomplete. You have to assign the grade that they have earned up to the last day for accepting material. Chances are very good that the grade will be an F.

  14. What would be the best way to convince a professor to waive late

    The consequences seem disproportionate relative to the one time mistake of submitting an assignment late by just one day. ... And last but not least, such a hard penalty seems a reaction with the professor not wanting students being late with excuses, probably as a reaction to past experiences. That means that the excuse needs to be very good ...

  15. Put in the effort: 6 etiquette tips for turning in a late assignment

    4. Turn in quality work. Especially if a professor granted an extension, make sure the extra time was used to put effort into the assignment. Also, professors definitely take note of which ...

  16. Legitimate Excuses for Late Homework Submissions

    Consequences Of Handing Assignments Late Without A Convincing Excuse. Sometimes students are relaxed and do not even bother formulating an excuse, so they simply turn in the assignment late or miss the deadline. If this continues, the student may not even care to come up with an excuse and may just leave some assignments.

  17. 6 Strategies for Dealing with Late Assignments

    If you are reading this with a furrowed brow wondering how you could possibly reduce or eliminate the submission of late work without grading penalties I have 6 strategies just for you: 1. Stop giving students take-home assignments. Students can easily acquire the answer to almost any assignment we give them without exhibiting any personal ...

  18. Late/missing assignment excuses right now : r/Professors

    Drop the lowest assignment or two. Saves you a lot of time and energy in the long run. I haven't gone as far as no late deductions, but I've made them modest for a few days after the assignment's due. Your situation is more difficult as students are already several weeks late.

  19. Apology Letter to Teacher for Late Submission of Assignment in School

    Writing an apology letter for late submission of an assignment requires clarity and respect. Start by addressing the teacher appropriately, stating your name, class, and roll number. Clearly explain the reason for the delay, whether it's due to illness, absence, or any other reason. Specify the assignment's name and the original submission date.

  20. A Polite and Professional Late Assignment Email: Mastering the Art of

    Taking responsibility is crucial in a late assignment email. Acknowledge that you missed the deadline and apologize sincerely. Phrases like "I apologize for not submitting my assignment on time" show that you recognize the importance of deadlines. Avoid shifting blame or making excuses. Your instructor will appreciate your honesty and ...

  21. How to Write an Email Requesting Your Professor to Accept a Late Assignment

    Subject: Requesting Assignment Submission Date Extension to [Date] Dear [Recipient's Name], Hope this email finds you well. I am writing to possibly get an extension on my assignment submission date because [Briefly explain the challenges and the reason for the delay]. By my estimate, I should be able to submit the assignment by [New Proposed ...

  22. How to Write an Application to Ask My Professor to Accept a Late

    Find sample late submission assignment letters here! Late submission of assignments is something that many college students go through. Emergencies happen, students go through heartbreaks, work and study schedules clash, and student-athletes and artists get busy with their practice. Sometimes, students become tardy. Sometimes, they fall ill.

  23. teaching

    Should I excuse the student's late submission because I made a slight mistake in specifying the assignment deadline? Note: We use a learning management system to receive assignment submissions, and the assignment deadline was entered correctly in the learning management system. What I decided to do