12 UNC Chapel Hill Essay Examples (2024)


If you're trying to get into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2024, you'll need to write college essays that make you stand out from the crowd.

In this article, I've gathered 12 of the best essays that got students admitted into UNC so that you can improve your own essays and ultimately get accepted to UNC.

What is UNC Chapel Hill's Acceptance Rate?

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the top public universities, which means every year it's more difficult to get accepted into UNC.

Last year over 53,775 students applied to UNC. UNC at Chapel Hill had an overall admit acceptance rate of 19.2%.

University of North Carolina Acceptance Scattergram

What are the unc chapel hill writing prompt for 2022-23.

UNC Chapel Hill requires all applicants to write two short essays of 200-250 words each and answer four fill-in-the-blank questions.

The UNC application also notes: " Carolina aspires to build a diverse and inclusive community. We believe that students can only achieve their best when they learn alongside students from different backgrounds. In reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a member of such a community would mean to you. "

Short Answer Questions

There are four UNC short answer questions to choose from for this year, of which each student must choose two prompts to answer.

Each essay must be between 200-250 words in length.

Describe an aspect of your identity and how this has shaped your life experiences or impacted your daily interactions with others?

Describe a peer who is making a difference in your school or community. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?

If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Please explain.

Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said “We are nothing without our history.” How does history shape who you are?

Fill in the Blank Questions

Instructions: Please complete these short fill-in-the-blanks in 25 words or less .

One family, friend, or school tradition I cherish…

If I had an extra hour in every day, I would spend it...

If I could travel anywhere, near or far, past, present or future, I would go…*

The last time I stepped outside my comfort zone, I...

People who meet me are most likely to notice...and least likely to notice...

12 UNC Chapel Hill EssaysThatWorked

Here are 12 of the best essays from admitted students from UNC.

Check out these answers to the UNC short answer questions, as well as several successful Common App personal statement essays , and get inspired.

UNC Chapel Hill Essay Example #1

Unc chapel hill essay example #2, unc chapel hill essay example #3, unc chapel hill essay example #4, unc chapel hill essay example #5, unc chapel hill essay example #6, unc chapel hill essay example #7, unc chapel hill essay example #8, unc chapel hill essay example #9, unc chapel hill essay example #10, unc chapel hill essay example #11, unc chapel hill essay example #12.

Prompt: Describe a peer you see as a community builder. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life? (200-250 words)

I only had one class with Tom, but his soapbox made an appearance almost every day. In every class conversation, he would always have a strong opinion that he would vocalize with no fear of judgment. It astonished me. Though I poured much time into developing my own opinions, I had nowhere near the confidence he had to throw them around freely. I doubted if they could hold up to questioning, and if not, how I would be perceived.

As the year progressed, I was validated in that not all of his opinion stood up to scrutiny. However, I also realized that the only way to amend my own ideas was to put them on the line. The only way to withstand discord was to engage in it. And when coupled with my growing dedication to understanding others’ beliefs, I not only reflected on my own, but shared them, so others could internalize mine. Since then, I consistently draw on his intellectual confidence and the tempered thoughtfulness I have always possessed, to strike a balance between dialogue and introspection. Not until he came along had I realized the absolute importance of sharing imperfect ideas. As I have grown to recognize, my engagement in intellectual discourse not only works to refine my views but also works to constructively challenge those of others, fostering a mutually beneficial discussion, which though occasionally contentious, is always underpinned by tact and respect.

In elementary school, multiplication tables were the ultimate conquest. Each day, students would take their seats, filled with either anticipation or dread of the timed multiplication practice they would inevitably receive. To me, these worksheets were a challenge- an opportunity for me to prove to myself and others that I had mastered the art of third-grade math. However, I did not realize that a fellow classmate would motivate me to achieve ambitions beyond multiplication. Every day, this classmate expertly completed his multiplication with time to spare. As the year progressed, the teachers noticed his mathematical skill and allowed him to attempt the next step—division.

I jealously watched as he attempted division while I continued working through the same monotonous problems, and eventually realized that if he could master multiplication, I could too. I began to practice my multiplication tables at home, and, at school, every timed quiz brought me closer to excellence. Finally, after what seemed like years of hard work, my teacher allowed me to progress to the division worksheets with my classmate. Without realizing it, this classmate pushed me to work my hardest and take my learning outside of the classroom. He motivated me to learn and inspired me to be the best version of myself. Because of this classmate, I work harder in school, always push myself, and, above all, believe that anything is achievable if I try my hardest.

Julia (I’ve changed her name) had always sat behind me in calculus. We traded snippets of our lives in the five minutes between math problems. One Friday night, I answered an unexpected FaceTime from Julia. She told me about her family, how her dad had committed suicide after her mom threatened to leave him. She described how her brother had physically abused her, leaving her bloody on the bathroom floor. She recounted calling the police after her boyfriend threatened to jump off a window ledge. I was left speechless.

The next morning, I remembered the classic Freudian glacier diagrams with only 10% of a person residing above water. Julia was an avid artist, a budding mathematician, yet she was living with pain most adults would find unbearable. Looking at the jeans she had painted herself in Starry Night’s likeness, basking in the warm glow of her wit, there was simply no way of knowing what obstacles she had to overcome. I had always taken having a supportive family for granted, rarely ever considering that for many, home was a punishment and not a sanctuary. While the mild success I had enjoyed in school existed primarily because of my ever-encouraging parents, hers existed in spite of them, making everything she had accomplished all the more remarkable. My respect for Julia is immeasurable. She taught me not only resilience by example, but never to assume, to never disregard what most likely lies just beneath the surface.

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I opened my email on the first day of junior year to these words: “Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Chess Club has returned once more to bless our Halls”. The sender was Donald Hasler, one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. Don and another student decided to revive the dormant Chess Club. Don, however, wanted it to be about much more than chess; he hoped to create a place where all types of students could unite. He succeeded in this goal through a weekly series of hilarious emails and constant outreach to the student body, from the most reserved students to the most rambunctious. A few months into school, Chess Club was not only the most popular club but also one of the most welcoming communities. Regardless of their knowledge of chess, students of different ages and interests come together once a week to play.

Don has become, for me, a model of the take-charge attitude essential to success in today’s world. He has taught me to emulate his leadership with nothing more than determination, a sense of humor, and an open mind, in order to develop a collaborative and cohesive group of students. Over the past year, I have helped bring a host of high school underclassmen into Math Team, helping them find a unique extracurricular interest and a group of fun, caring peers and role-models. Math Team has now joined Chess Club as the only clubs in the school with 100 members.

I am a Democrat, and Jack is as Republican as they come. True friendships are not possible between people with vastly different ideologies. At least that’s what I had originally thought. We have played basketball, done homework, gone out to lunch, laughed at memes, mourned bad grades, gossipped about teachers, and done everything that most friends do.

We have also had some of the most interesting political discussions; passionate, but without rancor or judgment. In the process I have learned many things. All it takes is a mutual willingness to listen intently and not constantly think of a repartee. Productive dialogue is more important than the instant gratification of defeating someone’s argument. The mutual respect Jack and I have for each other’s disparate political opinions is something most people wouldn’t imagine possible.

My political beliefs have only become stronger through our friendship, but so too has my understanding of divergent perspectives. I think that milk should go in before cereal, and that Lebron James is clearly better than Kobe Bryant; but it’s not a big deal if someone disagrees with me. So why is politics an exception? If friendships can only be formed between like-minded people, then democracy is in peril. Let us build that bridge. Jack and I did. It makes a difference.

I have been blessed with so many fantastic friends. I was going to write about my best friend in this essay. But no friendship has taught me more than the one Jack and I share.

Prompt: Describe an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far? (200-250 words)

Thanksgiving is a special time for many in America. It is a celebration of American traditions. Growing up, with parents from Bangladesh, we never celebrated Thanksgiving – my parents always told me it was an American holiday, and we weren’t Americans. Now, we do celebrate Thanksgiving, albeit different from the traditional American holiday that most celebrate.

The cuisine we eat is unique to us – the turkey has spices such as turmeric, giving it a hint of the perceptible Bengali flavor. The mashed potatoes in our house aren’t topped with gravy – they are topped with curry. There are slight nuances to everything we have at the dinner table that combines the essence and cultures of the traditional American style with our own Bengali culture.

I believe that these meals, and our Thanksgiving, describes me personally. The combination of the American society in which I live and Bengali household I reside have a strong influence in my whole being. This clash of cultures blended together for me is something I would in turn contribute to the UNC community.

I also believe that my background gives me a unique perspective on social justice, which allows me to contribute to conversations that others might struggle to contribute to. Because of our Thanksgiving and how it shapes me, I will carry that with me to college where it will provide a model for myself and my peers at UNC.

Prompt: If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Why is it important and how would you contribute to this change? (200-250 words)

As a global citizen and more literally an American citizen, I hope we find common ground. World affairs, as I understand them, veer wildly between extremes. Though this change can occur over decades, the world as a whole, and our country specifically, experiences radical swings between populism and elitism, far left and far right doctrine.

The natural reaction to an extreme ideology is the rise of its opposite: the process is cyclical. This extreme swing means constant division; one group vehemently fighting to keep their ideas in power and the other willing to sacrifice anything to destroy them. Rarely is their moderation, rarely is their compromise.

This lack of general balance in a countries dogma means little long-term change. Substantive action from one group is later demolished when the other gains power. Nationalism is used to attack the opposition, not to unify the country, and simulated existentialism disenfranchises many. For the good of us all, it’s time for change.

Admittedly this is idealistic, and amending this issue is not in the power of any one world-leader or bureaucrat. But I’m optimistic. In The United States, there is a vocal minority urging compromise, and though their voices are in danger of being drowned out, they have a far more compelling argument than those advocating the extremes. I hope for this change with the understanding that my community is rational and reasonable, and that with mutual respect and moderation, we can make the practical changes that best serve our world.

New England. Apple Cider, Lobster Rolls, Clam Chowder, Fall Foliage. Dead Leaves, N’oreasters, Blizzards.

The unique corner of America where I live raises conflicting feelings in me. New England is a place where beautiful colors envelop you when autumn appears but also where bitter blizzards leave you in despair when winter takes hold. A place with strong values rooted in its deep history but also where change is often rejected in favor of tradition.

As much as I love the possibility of a white Christmas, I despise the sight of muddy slush on the roadside as I drive to school. There is nothing I would love more than to be rid of the biting cold and terrible snowstorms. Of course, we couldn’t do that without discovering some outrageous new technology to shut down Earth’s natural phenomena. But that would create bigger problems, so maybe we should stay away from that idea and just hope for some forgiving weather this year!

Blizzards aside, one of my biggest issues with New England lies in its lack of decent public transportation. Our weather is worse than that of many parts of Europe, but Europe solves this problem with phenomenal public transportation including modern metros, efficient bus systems, and high-speed rail networks. One day, I hope we can emulate that level of interconnectedness and convenience in New England and throughout America. I hope this historically significant region might serve as a catalyst for technological and infrastructural change throughout America, changing history once more.

There aren’t many places where everyone is free from prejudice. One exception is a basketball court. The first time I stepped on a basketball court, I was expecting the usual joke about my race or the judgmental questions about my culture. But they never came. Everyone I met had unique perspectives on everything, from basketball itself to politics, and they were open and willing to share.

I began to open up more about my background – how I couldn’t tie my own shoes until I was 10 and that I’m the only person in my family who loves hip-hop music. I was willing to share my experiences because there were no judgments made about me. Despite living in an ethnically homogenous area, on the court, I met and connected with people who have different backgrounds and interests. Coleman, now one of my best friends, who is in love with Greek architecture, or Gavin, who is the only member of his family who isn’t a Packers fan.

The culture of unity and acceptance that is fostered is not due to the courts themselves, but due to the common goal everyone shares. I hope my community will find ways to build more places that promote what I have experienced on the basketball court – areas where everyone is respected for their perspectives rather than judged by their race, religion, or beliefs.

“Kings have riches widely lain, Lords have land, but then again, We have friends and song no wealth can buy.” - “Here’s to Song” by Allister MacGillivray

Whether it was french horn, singing, or piano, music has been integral to my mental development, and has provided me an enriching outlet to immerse myself in outside the classroom. Sadly, 1.3 million American elementary school students lack access to music classes due to funding cuts. Music should not belong solely to children in privileged, affluent schools; during my college experience, I aim to tackle this issue.

During my UNC visit, I fell into conversation with a current student, Evan Linnett, about Musical Empowerment, an organization that he leads. UNC’s commitment to equipping the next generation with the power of music is inspiring; my vision is to take this a step further. Aspiring applicants attend college-run summer programs for the experience of staying on campus; however, almost all of these programs are academic.

I envision a service-based UNC Music summer program, one that fills up dorms over the summer, provides a service opportunity to high school students from all over the country, and free basic music education to children in the RTP area, who perhaps can’t afford summer camp or music lessons. As a musician, I feel that it is our duty to use the opportunities we have been blessed with to make music accessible to children of marginalized communities across the country.

This isn’t an RTP problem; it’s a national problem. But it starts with one.

Prompt: What is one thing that we don’t know about you that you want for us to know? (200-250 words)

Sharp ambition recedes to a dull afterthought under the vast blue sky. There is nothing to prove, only a trail to be hiked. Human worries have no place here, are as alien as concrete and WiFi. Thoughts of chemistry competitions, English essays, and college loans fade into nonexistence. A stream gurgles nearby, white noise in the greenest of places. Surrounded by unassuming simplicity, I am home.

I started hiking before I could read the trail signs. I’ve been skiing for 12 years. Nature presents an opportunity not just for individual tranquility, but for being with family free from modern distractions. A tradition as ingrained as making cozonac at Christmas, the commitment to spending time outdoors is a rare source of common ground for my family. After eight hours on the trail, we eat at the same cafe, our legs streaked with dried mud. My mom predictably orders the Reuben while my dad orders salad and steals our fries. There is something warmly comforting in our routine; no matter the arguments that inevitably arise after four of us are stuffed in a car together, everything else recedes away once we step outside, slowly disappearing with the fading whoosh of cars on the highway.

I’ve trekked hundreds of miles in the mountains of upstate New York, fished in the cold, salty waters of Talkeetna, marvelled at the sun setting over Arches National Park. No matter the landscape, be it red rocks or blue ocean, I am continually humbled by the natural world and its capacity for fostering human connection.

Prompt: We hope you’ll share with us the activities that you’ve found especially worthwhile. We also hope you won’t feel compelled to tell us everything you’ve ever done or, worse yet, to do things that mean little to you just because you think we expect them.

Low-profile pursuits can be just as meaningful as ones that draw more attention, and fewer activities can be just as good, and sometimes even better, than more activities. For example, although starting a new club can be a great experience and helpful to others, so can caring for siblings, parents, or grandparents, working outside the home to put food on the table, or being a good and caring friend.

For these reasons, although we’re glad to receive complete résumés, we don’t require or encourage them. Instead, if you choose to submit something that goes beyond what you’re providing through your Common Application, keep it brief; focus less on including everything and more on choosing and explaining the things that have meant the most to you; and upload it here. (650 words max)

Everywhere I looked, I saw a sea of white coats and scrubs; there was constant beeping of the heart monitors, and the smell of disinfectant was strong.

There I stood - a diminutive, awkward high school kid - lacking in experience and confidence, ready to begin volunteering at Vidant Medical Center. Perhaps the very same qualities that made me nervous were what put patients at ease. Many patients, especially younger ones who were uncomfortable speaking with medical professionals, seemed much more comfortable in my presence. I have learned this quality is how I have been able to make a difference - by connecting with many of the younger patients who were nervous just like me. I’ll always remember the two eight-year-old brothers who were waiting as their father got an MRI.

In some ways, they were also like me - they loved sports, and had an interest in math and science. As they were waiting, we talked about everything, from who they thought would win the NBA championship title to me giving them tips on how to remember their multiplication tables. This interaction put them at ease and kept them from becoming restless.

Every time I step into the hospital, I strive to connect with people. I find that I am able to make a difference not strictly due to my tasks of escorting and discharging patients but because of connection and rapport that I establish with them.

My initial nervousness about whether or not I would be able to assist sick and injured patients soon gave way to relief and gratification as I learned that I was indeed able to help them, by bringing a smile to those I escort, discharge, or deliver meals . I’ve met people I might never have met otherwise, and we’ve shared our thoughts and talked about our experiences. I have come to look forward to their company, who, despite their conditions, are still able to smile every day and enjoy engaging in conversation with me - and vice versa.

Even when volunteering in areas of the hospital where I’m not in contact with patients as often, such as doing food preparation, I always make sure to visit the patients I escort after my shift, to talk to them and uplift their spirits. Volunteering at a hospital reminds me every day how fortunate I am to be in good health and of the rewards of helping those who aren’t. While my job as a volunteer at the hospital may not result in the discovery of a cure for cancer, I am happy to have had an opportunity to contribute to improving the experiences of the children and young adults coping with their hospital stays.

What Can You Learn From These UNC Chapel Hill Essays?

Getting into UNC Chapel Hill in 2022 is difficult, but you can maximize your chances of acceptance by writing essays that help you stand out.

These 12 UNC essays that worked show exactly how real students got accepted into UNC recently by responding to the UNC short answer questions and Common App personal statement.

What did you think of these UNC Chapel Hill essays?

Ryan Chiang , Founder of EssaysThatWorked.com

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Ryan Chiang

I'm Ryan Chiang and I created EssaysThatWorked.com - a website dedicated to helping students and their families apply to college with confident. We publish the best college admissions essays from successful applicants every year to inspire and teach future students.

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UNC Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts and Advice

July 26, 2024

Those hoping to enter the Tar Heel Class of 2026 faced tougher competition than at any previous time in UNC Chapel Hill history. To quantify this assertion, there were 57,219 first-year applicants for the Class of 2026 and the overall acceptance rate was just 16.8%—less than half the figure seen two decades ago. North Carolinians continue to enjoy a sizable advantage. In fact, in-state applicants were accepted at roughly a 40% clip while out-of-state applicants experienced just a 10% admit rate. The mid-50% SAT range for North Carolinians was 1340-1500 while the range for out-of-staters was a more intimidating 1400-1540. For all applicants, the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essays will be of great importance.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill? Visit our blog entitled: How to Get Into UNC–Chapel Hill for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

If you want to have your strongest shot at donning the Carolina blue and white, you’ll need to stand out on your application. Through its two short answer prompts, the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental section affords applicants an opportunity to showcase what makes them uniquely qualified for admission. Below are the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill’s supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle. We also include tips about how to address each one.

UNC-Chapel Hill Short Answer Prompts—2024-25

You’ll respond to each of the following two prompts in 200-250 words:

1) Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.

This essay starts with an invitation to share a personal quality that you feel is essential for the admissions committee to know about. Next, you need to take that personal quality, situate it in a true story that involves the larger world, and explain how you made a positive impact on others. You may wish to “work backward” on this one. Think about how you positively helped a community in your life and then try to nail down which quality of yours ultimately had the most impact. This way, the audience will be able to clearly see your favorable quality in action versus you just explaining that you are empathetic, versatile, loyal, trustworthy, resilient, etc.

Additionally, as you consider your approach to this essay, it’s important to look at “community” as a broadly defined concept. Community can encompass anything from your high school, your neighborhood, a place of worship, your family, or even a club or sports team. Some words of warning with this one: this doesn’t need to be a grandiose vision. Be honest about your level of impact.

UNC Supplemental Essays (Continued)

2) Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Here, Chapel Hill is asking you to share your story of how you became interested in your selected discipline. You can structure the narrative of this essay as a soup-to-nuts chronicle of your entire journey toward your discipline of interest. Contrarily, you could share one or two vignettes that illustrate your burgeoning passion for engineering, history, French, computer science, business, psychology, etc. As you begin the prewriting phase, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your first strong memory relating to your future area of study?
  • What fills you with wonder?
  • What books have you read on the subject?
  • Do you consume podcasts or documentaries related to your passions?
  • Have certain online or print publications helped to fuel your interests?
  • What subtopics of your prospective discipline most intrigue you?
  • Did a teacher excite you about this topic or was it a parent/relative or outside mentor?

How important are the UNC Supplemental Essays?

There are eight factors that UNC-Chapel Hill considers as “very important” and the essays are among them. In addition to the essays, UNC-Chapel Hill gives the greatest consideration to the rigor of one’s academic record, standardized test scores, recommendations, extracurricular activities, talent/ability, character/personal qualities, and state residency.

UNC-Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays – Want Personalized Essay Assistance?

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your UNC supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote today.

Need additional writing resources? Check out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

  • 2-Year Colleges
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3 Tips for Writing Stellar UNC Chapel Hill Supplement Essays

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College Essays


If you're applying for admission to UNC Chapel Hill , you'll have to write a total of three essays as part of your application. Your UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays are a great way to tell the admissions committee more about yourself while also showing your interest in UNC and your dedication to your education.

In this article, we'll break down what the UNC essay prompts are, what you should talk about in each, and offer tips for writing great UNC supplemental essays.

What Are the UNC Essay Prompts?

UNC Chapel Hill uses the Common Application for its admissions process. As a first-year applicant, you'll be required to write a total of three essays: one Common Application essay and two UNC-specific essays.

The UNC supplemental essays are two 200-250 word essays that respond to UNC-specific questions. There are a total of four UNC supplemental essays to choose from; you get to pick whichever two you would like to answer.

Here are the four UNC essay prompts:

  • Describe an aspect of your identity and how this has shaped your life experiences or impacted your daily interactions with others?
  • Describe a peer who is making a difference in your school or community. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?
  • If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Please explain.
  • Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said, “We are nothing without our history.” Her words are memorialized on the Northside Neighborhood Freedom Fighters monument. How does history shape who you are?

In the next section, we'll talk about how to answer each of the UNC supplemental essays.

UNC Supplemental Essays, Analyzed

Each of the four UNC essay prompts asks you to share about something in your life that the admissions committee wouldn't know from reading the rest of your application. The key to writing great UNC supplemental essays is to be personal and specific.

Let's take a look at what the admissions committee wants to know in each prompt.

Describe an aspect of your identity and how this has shaped your life experiences or impacted your daily interactions with others? (200-250 words)

To answer this prompt, you'll have to do three things. First, you need to identify a peer who's active in your community and making a difference. You can interpret the word “peer” loosely here if you want to. It could be someone your age or someone from your school, or just another person in your social group you’ve seen making a difference. 

No matter who you choose, you'll have to briefly explain who they are and what they're doing. This will help your readers contextualize why this person is important! And, as usual, it's even better if you can do this in a story format. Maybe you volunteered with someone from your dance class who also happens to be one of the most outspoken advocates for climate change in your city. Telling a story about your personal experience with them would take your essay to another level.

Finally, you need to be very specific about how the community builder you've chosen has impacted your life. While it's great if you have a close relationship with this person, you don't have to in order to write a great essay! Maybe your school’s student body president organized a group that cleans litter out of neighborhoods. While you don't know her personally, her group's hard work makes your life cleaner, and it helps people have more pride in their city.

Keep in mind that even though you're talking about another person, this essay should still showcase something about you. Pick a person who inspires you or shares your values, and explain why you think their work matters. Don't miss the chance to help admissions counselors get to know you better!


Describe an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far? (200-250 words)

To answer this prompt, you're going to have to do a little introspection. The admissions counselors want you to write about one aspect of who you are , then explain how it has impacted your values, ideas, and experiences.

The good news (and maybe bad news?) is that there are tons of facets to your personality. The prompt gives you a few big areas you can focus on, but the trick is going to be to pick an element of your identity that you can tell a story about.

Let's say you identify as trans. That's probably a huge part of who you are! To write this essay, start by telling a story about how your trans identity has shaped you. Maybe you were elected homecoming queen after you transitioned, and it showed you how accepting yourself was the first step in being accepted by others. Whatever the case may be, using a story will be key to connecting with your audience.

And of course, don't forget to answer the second part of the prompt about how this part of your identity has shaped you as a person. Make sure you're making the connection for your reader! Don't just say you're the child of Palestinian immigrants. Explain how that has solidified your commitment to humanitarianism and economic equality.

If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Please explain. (200-250 words)

While this prompt may seem serious, it doesn't have to be. You don't need to do in-depth research into your neighborhood and your city's politics, but you do need to pick a change that has personal meaning for you.

For instance, maybe you and your neighbors don't know each other well and you'd like to have a greater feeling of community with the people you live nearby. That reason has nothing to do with legislation, but would still make a big impact!

The key here is to identify the thing you would change, then explain why you would make that change. Going back to our example about neighborhood community, maybe the "why" is because it would help you support one another. Your neighbors could help each other with yard work, child care, and maybe even after school tutoring! By bringing people together, not only do you take some of the burden off of individuals, but it would form the bonds that help make neighborhoods happy, healthy, and safe places to live.

The last crucial detail you need to discuss in your response is how you would contribute to this change. Don't be afraid of dreaming big! You can easily integrate your explanation of how you’d contribute into your description of the change that you want to see. 

To the extent that you can, give concrete details about what you’d do to support this change . As much as this prompt is asking about your community, it’s even more interested in finding out how you perceive your role in your community--and whether you take that responsibility seriously. 

Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said, “We are nothing without our history.” Her words are memorialized on the Northside Neighborhood Freedom Fighters monument. How does history shape who you are? (200-250 words)

This prompt is asking you to show your awareness of your place in the world beyond the things that are local to you, like your family, school, and hometown. Understanding how history has shaped who you are helps you be an ethical citizen and member of your communities--qualities that UNC is looking for in its applicants!

But “history” seems a little broad, right? The good news about that is that you can bring your own interpretation of the term “history” to your response here. You could look reflect on aspects of U.S. history, world history, or the history of a set of religious beliefs. You could write about something more personal, like your family history, or something pertaining to your academic interests, like the history of women in computer science!

The key here is to make sure you explain how a specific piece of history has shaped who you are --your identity and your views of the world. To do this effectively, you won’t be able to summarize the entire history of the United States or the legacies of second-wave feminism. You’ll have to incorporate one or two historical details into your story and dive deep into how they have shaped who you are. Because as the prompt says, we are nothing without our history!


3 Tips For Mastering Your UNC Essays

Hoping to write two amazing UNC supplemental essays? Follow these key tips to do so!

#1: Use Your Own Voice

The point of a college essay is for the admissions committee to have the chance to get to know you beyond what's featured in other parts of your application. Your admissions essays are your chance to become more than just a collection of statistics—to really come alive for your application readers.

Make sure that the person you're presenting in your college essays is yourself. Don't just write what you think the committee wants to hear or try to act like someone you're not—it will be really easy for the committee to tell you're lying.

If you lie or exaggerate, your essay will come across as insincere, which will at best diminish its effectiveness and at worst make the admissions committee think twice on accepting you. Stick to telling real stories about the person you really are, not who you think UNC wants you to be.

#2: Avoid Cliches and Overused Phrases

When writing your UNC essays, don't use cliches or overused quotes or phrases. The college admissions committee has probably seen numerous essays that state, "Be the change you want to see in the world." You can write something more original than that!

Each of the UNC essays asks you something specific about your experience or background. Your essay should be 100% you—you don't want the admissions committee to think, "Anyone could have written this essay."


#3: Check Your Work

Your UNC essays should be the strongest example of your work possible. Before you turn in your UNC Chapel Hill application, edit and proofread your essays.

Run your essays through a spelling and grammar check before you submit and ask someone else to read your essays. You can seek a second opinion on your work from a parent, teacher, or friend. Ask them whether your work represents you as a student and person. Have them check and make sure you haven't missed any small writing errors. Having a second opinion will help your work be the best it possibly can be.

Final Thoughts

Your UNC supplemental essays are your chance to show the admissions committee what makes you special and different from the other tens of thousands of students applying for admission at UNC.

In your essays, make sure you are authentic, well-spoken, and polished so you give the admissions committee the best possible understanding of who you are as a person.

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Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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How to Write the UNC Chapel Hill Essays 2020-2021

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Famous for their long standing rivalry with Duke University, the “Tar Heels” boast impressive athletic teams, hundreds of student organizations, and a prosperous artistic community. Situated against the stunning backdrop of Chapel Hill, affectionately referred to as “The Southern Part of Heaven,” UNC at Chapel Hill has a wonderful presence in one of North Carolina’s largest cities and is a part of the famous Research Triangle (the other schools being North Carolina State University and Duke University). 

Its admitted class from the 2019-2020 cycle includes 4,067 students from North Carolina and 935 out-of-state students. The average SAT score from out of state was from 1360-1500. Out of the North Carolina applicants, 41% were accepted—compared to only 13% of out-of-state applicants who were accepted. 

UNC at Chapel Hill is one of the country’s most sought after schools. Have the Southern charms of UNC moved you to apply? Do the overwhelmingly low acceptance rates have you a bit…scared or overwhelmed? We’ll show you how to improve your chances of acceptance by writing standout supplemental essays. Want to know your chances at UNC? Calculate your chances for free right now.  

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University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill Supplemental Essay Prompts 

All applicants, prompt 1: in addition to the essay you provided with your common application, please choose two of the prompts below and respond to each in 200-250 words. your essay responses below should be different from your common app essay response. , carolina aspires to build a diverse and inclusive community. we believe that students can only achieve their best when they learn alongside students from different backgrounds. in reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a member of such a community would mean to you..

  • Option A: Expand on an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?
  • Option B: If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be and why?
  • Option C: Describe someone who you see as a community builder. What actions has that person taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?

Honors College Applicants

Please submit a short essay (250 words or fewer) that describes your academic interests and the ways you believe Honors Carolina can help you pursue them.

Global Gap Year Fellowship and Global Carolina Launch Applicants

Prompt 1: When students travel abroad, they become members of new communities. What qualities would you value in new social and cultural contexts and how would you contribute to your new communities? (200-250 words)

Prompt 2: Tell us more about why you want to go abroad. How do you hope to grow, and what skills do you hope you will bring back to Carolina? (200-250 words)

All Applicants, Option A

Expand on an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). how has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far (200-250 words).

At first glance, this prompt seems extremely similar to the first Common Application prompt : “Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, please share your story.” However, UNC’s prompt has a different objective and a different context. Let’s return to the final sentence of the instructions.

“In reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a member of [the vibrant UNC] community would mean to you.”

Based on this context, the prompt can be reframed to be the following: 

Expand upon one aspect of your identity. Reflect on how this aspect has shaped your life experience so far, and how it would benefit or shape your experience at UNC at Chapel Hill.

This prompt requires you to select one facet of your intersectional, multifaceted identity. Because the word limit is 250 words, it is important to select only one meaningful part of your identity.

1. Clarify and describe the aspect of your identity in an engaging way.

You should briefly show how this aspect of your identity has impacted your life.

For example, if you were writing about your female identity, a forgettable essay might read: 

“One meaningful aspect of my identity that I feel is important to share is my female identity. Growing up with only brothers, I was often treated differently and unfairly.”

The writer merely regurgitated the language of the prompt! Boring! How might you make this more exciting? Try adding an anecdote or quick metaphor. A stronger response would look something like this: 

“He was only a few paces ahead of me. I began my mental checklist: core—engaged. Shoulders—down and back. Feet—landing softly on the sliding gravel. My brother turns over his shoulder, to give me a sneer and a snide remark. Little does he know, I’m about to pass him. I can see my father waiting, arms outstretched. by the oak tree at the end of our street. And I have to win. I must.

As the only woman in my family, pursuing a career in STEM, I feel like I am always a few paces behind. For years, I occupied the shadow of my older brothers, watching their accomplishments be celebrated more than mine, simply because of their male identity. I have worked and studied in androcentric spaces, namely labs and conventions, and felt like my contributions were being swallowed by louder, more masculine voices.”

2. Synthesize the story of your identity and your goals in a college experience. 

This can be brief—even one sentence. You should explain what you’re looking for in a college experience. This explanation can be a continuation of your identity and life experience.

  • Maybe you want to further the exploration of your sometimes-contradictory beliefs in Christian Creationism and science.
  • Or, perhaps you are looking to pursue your intellectual curiosity in environmental science stemming from your Norwegian culture.
  • Or, maybe you long to pursue a degree in music because of its generational importance in your Mexican heritage.

This connection can also be a contradiction of an aspect of your identity.

  • Perhaps you are interested in a career in psychology to combat feeling isolated by your queer identity.
  • Or, maybe you want to find ways to explore abstraction and mess in art, film, or literature while your Japanese family champions order and cleanliness.
  • Or, possibly, you are feeling discontent in your rural hometown and want to pursue a major in City and Regional Planning.

3. Make a call to action.

Show how UNC is the perfect fit for you and your identity. This portion of the essay involves extensive research into the school. What is the history of UNC? What majors or clubs might match your identities? What courses might challenge your identities or make you question them? Whether this is a commentary on Carolina’s values or a specific program UNC offers, you should find a link between your identity and UNC at Chapel Hill.

For example:

“As a Black woman, I see tremendous value and pride in a Tar Heel education. As an aspiring journalist myself, it would be a privilege to follow in the footsteps of Karen Parker, the first African American female journalist to graduate from UNC only fifty-seven years ago. I yearn for a community that champions social justice and equity in and out of the classroom. I want to continue the legacy of powerful, Black women that have changed the face of UNC’s campus.”

“I am ready now to share my sexuality, something that I have hidden from my conservative family and small town for my entire life. For me, UNC Chapel Hill stands as a beacon of tolerance and acceptance in a state where I have often felt unaccepted. I want to learn about the omitted history of queerness from our country and the ways that power, gender, and sexuality intersect in our healthcare system. Being able to take classes such as ‘The International Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health’ with Professor Booth, or ‘Sexuality and Salvation’ with Professor Bloesch would allow me to pursue my intellectual curiosities, while giving me the space and language to articulate and explore my own identity. My education in Sexuality Studies and Healthcare could be supplemented by living in Pride Place—finding a community of people who share my identity and can help me grow in my quest of personal acceptance and self-improvement.”

Whatever aspect of your identity you choose, make it personal, make it unforgettable, and make it specific. After you write the first draft, ask yourself: how might an admissions officer summarize this essay? Do not forget to reframe your identity to UNC.

All Applicants, Option B

If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be and why (200-250 words).

This question has a specific objective in mind. Through asking your criteria for the “ideal place to live,” UNC at Chapel Hill is evaluating whether or not the resources and community the school possesses fit or match the description of your personal utopia. In other words, do your expectations and aspirations match the actual characteristics of the university? You should pick an element of your town to improve that can directly parallel a current (or lacking) aspect of UNC’s community.

1. Identify a problem in your own town.

This should be presented quickly and uniquely. Because the word count is very limited, anecdotes and quick metaphors are often the best option. 

e.g. “We have a running joke in my town of Scotia, California. When you meet someone new, you ask “Does your dad work for the factory?” It is only funny to us, its inhabitants, who know that the answer is always, undoubtedly, and unfortunately, “yes.” When I was younger, I’d trace my father’s hands—scarred by the splicing and sanding of wood—while he shared his dreams for me: to leave the town and pursue my own interests, not those of the factory.”

2. Identify the specific change you want to make.

What about your town could be changed to solve the problem you identified? 

e.g. “As an aspiring entrepreneur, my dreams and ideas are often dismissed in Scotia by laughter or lectures about practicality. While I have a reverence and respect for factory work, my brain has always been fascinated with ideation—the generation of ideas—and creating a team of similar thinkers to help pursue them.”

3. Demonstrate how UNC would provide the change in community that you desire.

This aspect of the prompt, similar to the previous one, requires research of UNC. Might you find this community in a specific major? Minor? Club? Residential Community? Be specific! —specifically those geared toward enhancing the quality of student life.

e.g. “Not only does UNC provide classes on entrepreneurship, through the Shufford Program, the school also has residential communities where conversations can continue beyond the classroom. My utopia or “dream community” sounds similar to life in the Blue-Sky Innovation residential community: staying up late, having conversations about startups with peers who could eventually become business partners. I crave these conversations and debates—to talk about consumer choice, profit maximization and choice under uncertainty with twenty-one other peers who will challenge and propel me forward as a student, thinker, and entrepreneur.”

If you are unsure of where to begin your research, try looking into some of the current initiatives and programs in place at UNC specifically geared toward enhancing the quality of student life.

For example, UNC at Chapel Hill offers a variety of Living-Learning Communities under its Residential Learning Programs. These communities allow you to live on campus while also living among students who share common career aspirations, social interests, or family backgrounds. Pride Place, First Gen, Global Scholars House, and Blue-Sky Innovation are among the variety of residential learning programs offered.

Here are some other helpful tips for this prompt:

  • While it is okay to critique your town, stay away from sounding completely negative or disrespectful toward a way of life or being.
  • Find a genuine, specific connection to UNC. This can be through clubs, residential services, coursework, etc. Granularity over generality.
  • Have fun! Show off your personality. Don’t be afraid to make a joke at your own expense.

All Applicants, Option C

Describe someone who you see as a community builder. what actions has that person taken how has their work made a difference in your life (200-250 words).

Here, UNC hopes to understand what kind of people and ideas you value and assess whether they are comparable to the type of students, faculty, and values found at UNC. In answering this prompt, it is helpful to research the qualities and skills UNC values in its students and faculty. These points can be helpful for you to consider or reference if you are having a hard time pinpointing a specific interaction with a particular community leader. For the most successful essay, it is crucial that you write about an authentic moment.

 1. Identify a community builder. 

To begin the brainstorming process, draft a list of individuals that come to mind immediately. Possible examples include peers, local activists, teachers, club leaders, coaches, directors, conductors, religious leaders, etc. Then reflect upon what values or practices resonate with you. How does this person facilitate community? Can I discuss them for an entire essay?

Begin with an anecdote or an engaging hook, not with a regurgitation of the prompt’s language.

e.g. “We wait in eager anticipation for the slightest movement of his hand. He stands on his podium and gives us a reassuring smile, as if to say, Let’s do it just as we practiced. After briefly glancing down at the stand in front of him, Mr. Grauer’s right hand makes a definitive slash through the stagnant air. We watch as the audience leans forward, to hear the pianissimo of the flute.

As I glance at my sheet music for my entrance, not for another thirty measures, I am reminded of something Grauer said to us.

When asked why music was important, he responded. “People love to talk about how doctors save lives. But you never know when someone is going to walk into this symphony hall, needing for their life to be saved, too.” We sat in a solemn, long silence—perhaps realizing the gravity a single note has. I started my career in music out of obligation. Grauer didn’t care.”

2. How might these values be applied at UNC?

Answering this question could take as little as two sentences or it could be a more prominent part of your essay. Ask yourself:

  • What have I learned from this community builder that I want to take with me to my undergraduate experience? 
  • Do I admire this person’s charisma and ingenuity?
  • How might I implement this person’s values at UNC?

Maybe your mentor taught you the importance of mental health and wellness—you could write about ActiveMinds at UNC. Or, perhaps your community builder taught you fearlessness— you could talk about joining a club that sounds appealing, but slightly intimidates you like a dance ensemble, mock trial, etc.  

e.g. “While imagining my farewell with Mr. Grauer seems a little too painful right now, I am drawn to what an undergraduate mentor in music might teach me and how I might continue to live and espouse the teachings Grauer has taught me at my university. Although I wish to pursue a degree in Public Health, specifically in Health Policy and Management, I do not want to surrender the community music has given me. Having the chance to play in the Carolina Bluegrass Band or the Global Rhythms Ensemble would give me the chance to be a part of community that has taught me the lessons of discipline, practice, and perseverance, and allow me to bring sustained joy to myself, other members of the ensemble, and the audience.”

Please submit a short essay (250 words or fewer) that describes your academic interests and the ways you believe Honors Carolina can help you pursue them .

This prompt allows the admissions committee to get a sense of you and what you will contribute to UNC at Chapel Hill.

First, you should begin with your academic interests. The more specific you are when describing your interests, the better.

Instead of just “biology,” perhaps you are passionate about bringing equality to the American healthcare system, specifically shining a light on the intersection of race and gender-identity and its respective effect on patient care.

Instead of “English,” perhaps you are fascinated with the act of translation and adaptation. What is lost through a translation? How might texts be adapted to fit our current political period without losing the author’s intent and the specificities of the zeitgeist of their time.

How did your interest begin? This should be introduced with an anecdote or a quick metaphor, something to grab the attention of the reviewer.

You should conclude your essay with an undeniable argument about how UNC will help you achieve your goals. This involves research of specific academic initiatives, faculty, and majors. 

Consider mentioning First Year Honors Seminars. There are a whole host of courses that are offered, including Lynching in American Literature and Culture, Ghettos and Shtetls: Urban Life in East European Jewish History, or Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics: The Philosophy of Experience and Reality. 

How would the Honors College support your learning, intellectual curiosities, and professional aspirations? Take a look at the Morehead-Cain Alumni Visiting Distinguished Professors. Robert Bach, the 2015 professor, was an ’84 graduate who led the development of the Microsoft Xbox. Sir Christopher Meyer, the 2010 professor, was a former British ambassador to the United States who authored a book on the history of British diplomacy. Go down a wormhole! Explore! Write about it!

Global Gap Year Fellowship and Global Carolina Launch Applicants, Prompt 1

When students travel abroad, they become members of new communities. what qualities would you value in new social and cultural contexts and how would you contribute to your new communities (200-250 words).

This prompt is your opportunity to delve into the reasons you are applying to this specific program at UNC. You should not only discuss your choice to apply for a global year program, but also why you want to experience one under the context of UNC’s community. 

1. Identify qualities that you value in new social and cultural contexts.

Some values may include conscientiousness, openness, extroversion, social harmony, respectfulness, empathy, etc. Once you’ve chosen a few values to focus on, share how these values have existed in your new social and/or cultural contexts. 

Anecdotes are often the best way to quickly and effectively introduce a concept. While writing, make sure you are aware of the distinction between appreciation and appropriation. It is okay to appreciate a different culture, but appropriation can quickly become problematic.

e.g. “ There is a story my mother likes to tell strangers. It goes like this: I am five years old. I walk into the kitchen of our small Brooklyn apartment with my sister’s Barbie suitcase and a bottle of water in a futile effort to make the most dramatic entrance possible. My mother is standing, hunched over the stove, her back turned to me. I stomp my right foot, loudly announcing my arrival. She turns, and I meet her gaze. “I’m leaving, and I won’t be back for a long time” I inform her. She places her hand over her mouth to conceal her laughter, but before she does, I’m out the door. 

My mother reminds me of this memory to show me how precocious I was. ‘You were a sixteen year old in a five year old’s body,’ she’ll tell me.

I think I have always had a hunger for independence.”

2. How would you contribute to your new communities?

Before answering this question, you should identify whether you want to Design Your Gap Year or apply to the Global Citizen Year. 

If you are Designing Your Gap Year, make a specific choice. What community/communities would you want to visit? What do you hope to learn from them? How would you contribute?  

If you are applying for the Global Citizen Year, choose an emphasis: environmental conservation, agriculture, public health, education, or social enterprise. Mention your self-designed final community project and the long-term homestay model.

e.g. “ My insatiable quest for independence has led me to the field of musicology. I want to explore the world and learn the origins, histories, and stories of music. I am drawn to the Design Your Gap Year program because of the independence it grants me to study musical culture in specific geographic areas. If given the opportunity, I would love to have a cultural, musical exchange with different communities around the world: to learn about music, and share my own music —heavily influenced by American gospel music . I am drawn to the rainy Pacific coasts of Colombia, where I can study the inception of currulao and the Marabi style of South Africa, created under the nightly curfews of Johannsberg.” 

Global Gap Year Fellowship and Global Carolina Launch Applicants, Prompt 2

Tell us more about why you want to go abroad. how do you hope to grow, and what skills do you hope you will bring back to carolina (200-250 words).

In this prompt, you should specifically discuss the reasons you want to go abroad. What is it that you hope to experience, learn, or gain from your time abroad?

1. Identify why you want to go abroad.

Do you hope to gain an appreciation for a specific nation’s people or history? Do you want to develop language skills? Are you hoping to gain self-reliance? Whatever your reason is, talk about it! 

Once you select a reason, use an anecdote or a quick metaphor to grab the reader’s attention. Avoid using clichés like “see the world” or “learn from a community.” Be more specific! Describe your reasons as they uniquely relate to you. 

e.g. “ My father is eccentric. His nonconformity extends beyond his wardrobe and music choices. I’ll call for him when I am in bed, struggling to speak with a sore throat. He’ll listen to my ailments and return a few minutes later carrying a brown vial. “This is Belladonna,” he’ll tell me. Later that day, my throat will be less irritated. Insomnia? “Here’s something for that,” he’ll say, before prescribing coffea cruda. A raging pimple? Cured with Calcarea sulphurica. 

The history of homeopathic medicine is a long and complicated one; however, it is something that I want to delve in and explore. Homeopathy is a worldly tradition: spanning from Pakistan to Chile— India to Brazil.” 

2. Identify areas for growth.

What would an abroad experience provide you with? What lessons may you learn that you are lacking? Adaptability? Nontraditional experiential learning experiences? Failure? Communication?

e.g. “ After eighteen years of learning through rote memorization to obtain specific results, I want to learn how to acquire and enjoy knowledge experientially. If you asked a friend to describe me, they might lead with the words “rigid” and “methodical.” As an aspiring scientist, those words sound like compliments; however, I want to learn how to be more adaptable and persevering — to try to embark on a journey and a project that may yield no traditionally “significant” results.” 

3. How would you impact the UNC community?

This could be anything from continued research and connection with a community to major selection. Are you going to start a club? Study with a professor whose expertise aligns with your experience? Be specific and intentional.

e.g. “ Although a (hopeful) global citizen, The Tar Heel State, specifically in the Tar Heel community, feels like home to me. After a year of learning about homeopathy abroad, I would have a worldly and more holistic perspective on medicine and treatment and be able to continue my research and intellectual curiosities on campus, hopefully under the guidance of Dr. Susan Gaylord, a professor at the School of Medicine and Public Health.” 

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The Admissions Strategist

How to write the unc-chapel hill essays 2020-2021: the tarheel guide (with examples).

Did you know that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was the first public university in the country in 1789?

Now, ranked #5 in Top Public Schools by U.S. News and World Report, UNC-Chapel Hill has a 26% acceptance rate.

On top of a stellar application, well-written supplemental essays are essential to be a part of that narrow 26%.

UNC-Chapel Hill Supplemental Essay Requirements

When you complete the Common Application , you’ll choose one essay prompt to complete.

There are still two supplemental essays to write, for UNC-Chapel Hill specifically, before your application is considered complete.

  • On the UNC-Chapel Hill website, the admissions staff states that they hope to learn “what being a member of such a community would mean to you.”

UNC-Chapel Hill uses the few hundred words you write in these supplemental essays to select students for admission, and also to select first-year students for merit scholarships and other opportunities. It’s important that you take the time to make every word count.

UNC - Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays: How to Write Them!

Click above to watch a video on UNC-Chapel Hill’s Supplemental Essays.

UNC-Chapel Hill provides three prompts to choose from for your supplement essays.

You will choose two to complete and submit with the rest of your application. Each of the essays must be 200-250 words.

Here are your three options:

  • “Expand on an aspect of your identity – for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc. How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?”
  • “If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be and why?”
  • “Describe someone who you see as a community builder. What actions has that person taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?”

UNC Supplemental Essay 1: Your Identity

Expand on an aspect of your identity – for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc. How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?

This prompt shows that UNC-Chapel Hill cares about what’s not going to show up on a piece of paper. They know that you’re so much more than what your application is going to tell them, and your personal identity is a large part of this.

It’s important to note that if you are not comfortable sharing this personal information, you do not have to. You can always choose the other two prompts and leave this one behind.

However, if you are comfortable sharing, there is something special about a person’s identity. Answering this question will show UNC-Chapel Hill a new side of who you are.

It will show them what shapes and forms you, as well as how you will add to the diverse community on their campus.

You may have listed your race, ethnicity, and/or gender on your application, but that doesn’t show the admissions team how this piece of you has affected your life and turned you into who you are today.

To start this essay, choose the piece of your essay that has most prominently affected who you’ve grown up to be.

You can write about more than one of these aspects if you would like to, but with only 200-250 words available, it may be smart to just choose one.

After sharing your religion, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or affinity group, it’s time to write about how it has shaped your life so far.

We recommend sharing only a few sentences on the personal aspect of your choosing, and saving the rest of your word count for how it has affected your life.

After all, this is what UNC – Chapel Hill is looking for. If they only wanted to know who you were, they would have just gone off the bubbles you filled in on your application. However, they want to gain a deeper understanding of who you are.

  • Maybe you moved to a new country as an older child, and had to learn about and live in an entirely new culture. What have you held onto from the culture you were born into, and how have these qualities affected who you’ve become (even in a new country)?
  • Do you identify with a non-binary gender? How has your gender identity shaped who you’ve become? Has it made you more independent as you stand up for who you are to those around you?
  • Do you follow a religion that not many of your local peers believe in? What aspects of your religion have made you who you are today?

No matter what you choose to write about, make sure it’s a significant part of who you are. Take this opportunity to show UNC-Chapel Hill that your identity is so much more than a label, and that you will be an excellent addition to their wonderfully diverse and accepting college community.

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Unc supplemental essay 1 example.

Use this essay as a guide to writing this question. Never plagiarize. It’s a serious offense to copy someone else’s work.

I lived a happy childhood in Mexico. I clearly remember playing soccer in the streets with my neighborhood friends when my dad came outside and told me I needed to hurry in. I didn’t understand, but his tone was stern so I followed. That was the last time I’d ever play soccer in the streets of my small Mexican city. Violence had moved in, and our home was no longer safe. We abruptly moved to the United States to live with my aunts and cousins. I loved my aunt and cousins, but the change was hard. I had to learn a whole new language when I started school, and I missed my friends. I am thankful for my childhood in Mexico and for my family, because these parts of my life allowed me to keep my Mexican culture alive. I still live in the United States today, but I’m proud of where I came from. My culture provides a significant piece of my identity. To my culture, I owe my work ethic, my strong family ties, and my determination to build a better life for myself in the future. My culture will stay with me always, as I hold true to who I am and celebrate all of the things it’s given me so far.

UNC Supplemental Essay 2: Changing Where You Live

What do you hope will change about the place you live and why?

Whether you love or hate the place you currently live, this prompt can be intriguing. It is fairly vague and can be taken in a bunch of different directions.

At first glance, the question seems to be talking about your hometown. However, it literally says “where you live.” This could be about your physical house, your street, your city, your state, or even your country.

Keep in mind that you only have 200-250 words, so you want to make sure that the thing you’d change is extremely specific, even if you choose a large space such as your country or state.

After you choose what area you will write about, choose something you’d love to see change.

There are many ways in which an area can change. Consider choosing a difference that relates to your passions, concerns, or even your individual talents or skills. If you’ve done something to work on this issue already, be sure to include the steps you’ve taken so far.

  • If you want to be a teacher after college and your elementary school lacks funding, wright about this issue and the negative effects it has had on your community. Let your passion for education and difference-making shine through.
  • Maybe you’re a DACA recipient, and you’re feeling the stress of the country going back and forth on whether the program will be allowed to continue. Write about how DACA benefited your life, and how you plan to make your voice heard when it comes to keeping the program going for future generations.
  • You may come from a large family living in a home that is much too small. Write about how this has affected your family and how affordable housing could make a difference in the lives of your family members as well as many others in your area.
  • Maybe you love the place you live, but you know everything could be improved one way or another. Speak about how a beautification team could benefit the aesthetics of your town, bringing more families into an excellent city. Write about that vacant building across from the high school that could make an awesome youth center and the benefits that could come from its opening.

No matter what type of change you write about in this essay, remember to be creative and showcase your passions, concerns, talents, or skills, and if applicable, one of your past difference-making experiences.

When you take a vague, almost unrelated essay question and turn it into something that reflects who you truly are, UNC-Chapel Hill is sure to take notice.

UNC Supplemental Essay 2 Examples

In my hometown, houses are expensive. The minimum wage is just $7.25 per hour, and a mortgage on a medium-sized home in an average neighborhood starts at $250,000. I live with my parents and my 5 siblings. We share a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home. If I could, I’d change the home we live in by moving us to one that has adequate space for us all. However, I understand why my parents have been unable to move us out of our home. To allow families like ours to afford living in a safe, fitting home, the housing market has to change. I also understand that even though my home is small, it is a safe place to live and that is much more than other members of my community have. If more affordable housing was available, our homeless resident rate would drop instead of rise, and more children could be able to grow up in healthy, stable homes. More affordable housing, whether that be through government housing, significant minimum wage increases, or a drop in the value of new homes, is a necessity in my hometown. On some level, it affects every member of our community. Fixing this issue would lead to better lives for every person around me. No potential change could be better than that.

UNC Supplemental Essay 3: Describe a Community Builder

Describe someone who you see as a community builder. What actions has that person taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?

When it comes to college application essays, you are likely expecting to write about yourself. This prompt has a unique twist, as it is asking you to share all about someone else.

Stephen Farmer, the Vice Provost for Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions, has said in an admissions blog for the university he “thinks some of the best essays have come from students writing about something or someone other than themselves.”

Since they believe some of the best essays are written about someone else, it’s pretty generous of UNC-Chapel Hill to offer a question like this.

This prompt takes them a step further in figuring out who you are exactly and why you’d make a good fit for the UNC-Chapel Hill community.

It shows that they truly aren’t trying to stump you. They’re trying to give you access to prompts that spark your desires and passions because those aspects of your identity are just as important as the grades you earned and the extracurricular activities you participated in.

While you are writing about someone other than yourself, make sure that the person indirectly displays your passions, interests, or skills. Even though this essay prompt is not about you, your application still is.

  • Maybe your science teacher is a community builder in your life. Talk about the real-world experience he has in the field, and how he brings that to the classroom. Share a quick story that shows his dedication to helping every student grow. Add in a section at the end that states your passion for science and research would not be the same without his guidance and support.
  • Your best friend who spends every evening after school tutoring younger students could be your community builder. Write about the passion she has to make a difference in the lives of younger students. Your choice in friends will show the admissions team that you associate yourself with others that are on the path to success, and therefore would fit in well with the UNC-Chapel Hill community.
  • It might even be your mom who is a community builder. Maybe you see her up late at night searching for the perfect host family for next year’s foreign exchange student. She may have opened up your own home to many students in the past until she was able to find their ideal match. She cares deeply about diversity, belonging, and educational opportunities, in hopes to better the future of kids around the world.

This essay is meant to be about someone else, so make sure that you use the majority of your word count to describe your difference-maker. You can consider taking the last 2 or 3 sentences to share how they’ve made a difference in your life (allowing the admissions team to get to know you, your passions, and your beliefs.

  • Talk about how your science teacher has included you in research projects and sparked your interest in finding a cure for M.S.
  • Mention how volunteering for your best friend’s tutoring program has taught you about dedication and your real opportunity to make a tangible difference in the world around you (even though your passion is in medicine).
  • Describe what you learned throughout your mom’s years working with Foreign Exchange students. Share how the relationships she has helped you build have given you a more worldly perspective, and how that perspective is going to shape your future.

You can share these monumental details in just a few sentences when you make every word count, ensuring that the essay’s main focus is still about the community builder, not yourself.

UNC Essay 3 Example

After graduating from MIT with a degree in Computer Science and Molecular Biology, Mr. Smith spent 10 years working in a well-known lab studying evolutionary genetics. Later, he got his Master’s of Education and became our new science teacher at Roosevelt High. From the start, I knew that Mr. Smith was different. He didn’t just come to class and teach us lessons from a textbook. He would find an issue, and tell us to solve it. He would create an imaginary virus, and make us cure it. He shared stories of his real-life experience working in a lab and taught us about the real differences that scientists make in our world today. Mr. Smith also cared more about his students than any teacher I’ve had before. He didn’t care about grades; he cared about the level on which we were learning. He didn’t want us to circle the right multiple choice answer, he wanted to see our brains transforming. Mr. Smith got to school early and invited us for extra study time. If we had an interest, he’d create a lesson to let us learn all about it. He started a club that allowed future science majors to participate in real-life research projects, similar to what we will experience in college. Mr. Smith changed my life, making me the future scientist that I am today. He allowed me to find my passion for changing the world around me, one scientific discovery at a time.

Conclusion: Writing the UNC-Chapel Hill Essays

As has been mentioned a few times, these supplemental prompts are important. Here are a few last-minute tips to help you write your very best essays:

  • Don’t forget to proofread your work
  • No matter what you’re writing about (someone else, a change to your community, etc.) make sure it reflects who you are. The prompts may be about topics other than yourself, but they are still being used to allow the admissions team to get to know you .
  • After you’re done writing, go back through your piece and make sure every word counts. With only 200-250 words available, not even one should be wasted.

When you follow these tips, you’re sure to write an excellent supplemental essay for UNC-Chapel Hill. Follow the directions, show who you are, and let your passion shine through. Take what some call a challenge and turn it into an opportunity to show this college who you truly are. Your spot in that 26% is waiting for you.

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How to Write the UNC Supplemental Essays 2024–2025

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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , also known as UNC or simply “Carolina,” is known as the nation’s first public university. These days, UNC has two Noble Laureate faculty members, an acceptance rate below 17% , and a #4 ranking among public US universities, according to the US News & World Report . Their accomplished alumni include James K. Polk, Michael Jordan, Thomas Wolfe, and Mia Hamm. Hoping to join their ranks? First, you’ll need to nail your UNC supplemental essays. Let’s dive in.

UNC Chapel Hill campus

UNC’s 2023-2024 Prompts

UNC only requires two short essays. Both essays must be 200-250 words. See the prompts below.

UNC Short Essay Questions

Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. this could be your current community or another community you have engaged. (200-250 words), discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. why does this topic interest you topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college. (200-250 words).

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General Tips

A significant challenge many college applicants face when writing their essays is nuance. Many college essays tend toward black-and-white conclusions, make blanket statements, or switch unrealistically between negative and positive perspectives. However, this kind of writing sounds less mature and thoughtful to the admissions officer and is generally not reflective of real life. Thus, it’s important to compose a balanced, nuanced college essay. Here are a few tips to help you along in your drafting process:

Don’t feel compelled to end your essay with a lesson.

Many applicants feel that their essays must be summed up by a particular moral or lesson learned. However, college essays can simply conclude with a restatement/rewording of the essay’s overall thesis, which need not be moralistic. You can also end your essay on a light-hearted note that references an idea previously mentioned in the essay. Regardless, don’t feel pressure to squeeze in a moral or piece of wisdom at the essay’s closing unless such a line fits in naturally in your essay.

Avoid superlatives when possible.

Writing that something was the “most interesting idea in the world,” “the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me,” “the lowest point in my life,” can backfire in an essay. If this superlative phrasing is truly accurate to your experience, then it may be necessary in your essay. But if it is not, don’t use superlative phrasing. And think deeply about whether there is a softer way to communicate your idea, and whether the superlative is truly used appropriately in this particular instance. If you overuse superlatives or don’t provide enough evidence for why the superlative is being used, you risk giving the reader the impression that your essay’s claims are exaggerated in general.

Don’t exaggerate.

Following on that last point, avoid exaggerating in your college essays. Remember, just exaggerating is different from using hyperbole (also known as overstatement), which is an effective rhetorical device. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it on the hyperbole, either, and in order to be effective, it tends to require sparing usage.

Exaggerating even occasionally in your essay calls the rest of your essay into question. Thus, it’s advisable to represent events as accurately as you can. Blanket statements (meaning in this case, statements that apply to many categories of people, things, events, or concepts, particularly those unrelated to your unique individual experiences) should be avoided for the same reason.

This essay prompt shares similarities with some of the Common App essay prompts, but your response should be completely distinct from your Common App essay. Moreover, this essay should focus on your community impact. Whether you’re a part of the community you impacted or not, you should share with the reader what this community means to you. Sharing this information will help make your essay more compelling.

Ultimately, this essay is not about the community you impacted, but about who you are. The essay should revolve around “one of your personal qualities,” which could include a character trait, identity, talent, skill, or even a weakness you’ve turned around. Whatever personal quality you choose to highlight in this essay, name it specifically in the essay. Be careful to maintain a humble tone as you describe this quality. Then, share a single story about how this quality helped you impact a community. The prompt isn’t looking for a series of vignettes or varied anecdotes, but rather a single unified narrative.

In summary, focus on one community that is important to you, one personal quality that helped you impact this community, through one story that is portrayed humbly. Use specific, concrete details when possible while telling this story. Clarify when this impact occurred and what it means to you. Lastly, let your empathy shine through!

This is a pretty standard supplemental essay prompt asked by many other schools, so you may already have an essay written that you can repurpose here. Note that this prompt does not ask you about why you want to study this subject at UNC, but only about why you want to study it more generally. Although you need not bring up UNC at all in this essay, you absolutely can bring up why you want to study this subject specifically at UNC if you like.

You may not have a unique origin story behind this academic interest. That said, you likely have at least a few prior experiences with this topic that you can draw upon here. Have you always been excited by science class experiments, building an interest in chemistry over time? Have current events inspired your interest in artificial intelligence? What books have you read that have solidified your interest in the origins of democracy? Regardless of your topic of interest, describe at least one occasion when that interest was fostered, sparked, nurtured, or otherwise impacted. Then, share that experience with the reader, using specific details to illustrate your narrative(s).

If you need help polishing up your UNC supplemental essays, check out our College Essay Review service. You can receive detailed feedback from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.

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How to Ace the 2024-2025 UNC Supplemental Essay Prompts 

Ginny Howey

Ginny Howey is a former content writer at Scholarships360. Ginny graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2022 with a degree in Media and Journalism (Advertising/PR focus) and minors in Entrepreneurship and Spanish. Ginny’s professional experience includes two summers as a writer intern at global creative consultancy BCG BrightHouse. More recently, Ginny worked as a content marketing intern for Durham-based software engineering bootcamp Momentum, where she gained SEO skills. She has also written freelance articles on emerging tech for A.I. startup Resultid.

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Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

Cari Shultz

Cari Schultz is an Educational Review Board Advisor at Scholarships360, where she reviews content featured on the site. For over 20 years, Cari has worked in college admissions (Baldwin Wallace University, The Ohio State University, University of Kentucky) and as a college counselor (Columbus School for Girls).

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Three students study and work on their UNC supplemental essays

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the country’s oldest state university. Apart from its star-studded basketball program, UNC Chapel Hill is known for offering top-notch academics. If you want to become part of the next class of Tarheels, focus on crushing your UNC supplemental essays. Your responses should convey your distinct voice and why you are a great fit for the school. Keep reading to learn more about how to best respond to the prompts! 

Related : How to win UNC Chapel Hill scholarships

The UNC supplemental essay prompts

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill wants to know how you’d contribute to the campus community. They ask that you respond to the following two prompts in up to 250 words each. 

Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.

Ultimately, this question is asking you to discuss any community service you have done. This could include a wide array of activities ranging from typical community service such as picking up litter around your neighborhood to starting a club at your high school. This prompt also specifies that it can be any type of community that you have engaged in, so feel free to get creative! Some examples of communities can be your high school, your neighborhood, a place of worship or a sports team. Think about any group you have aided and what exactly you did in order to help them. Be sure to pick a story, anecdote or memory that paints you in a positive light and reveals a lot about you as a person! Remember, ultimately UNC asked this question in order to know more about you and your personality so be sure to have it shine through in this response! Once you have described your story and how it impacted your community, take it one step further by detailing how you hope to change your future UNC community in a similar fashion. For example, if you discuss starting a recycling club at your high school, you can end your response with detailing how you hope to start a similar club at UNC to help reduce the environmental impact the university will have. Connecting back to UNC will give you some bonus points with the UNC admissions officer reading over your response! Overall, be sure that you are painting a picture in your response rather than just stating your contributions to a community. 

Questions to consider

  • What have you done or participated in in order to benefit your community?
  • What do you hope to bring to UNC to help better the UNC community?
  • How did helping your community make you feel? Would you do that action again? 

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Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Upon first glance of this prompt, it seems like the perfect opportunity to dive into why you selected your major and what you are passionate about within that field! However, it is encouraged to discuss your major but it is not required! Rather, you can discuss an interest beyond your major. Ultimately, it is a personal preference on what you decide to write about! When selecting a topic to write about, you should try to be as specific as possible. Do not just say “psychology” rather say “developmental psychology, specifically nature vs nurture in children.” Being specific allows you to truly showcase your passion and can allow you to discuss specific UNC classes, clubs and professors that relate to this specific niche interest in a field. Remember, one of the best ways to describe your passion for a subject is through a story! So, provide a natural and captivating response that details your passion through a narrative. Once you complete this narrative, you should then be connecting back to UNC. Try to choose 1-2 UNC resources you are interested in taking advantage of such as a specific club, research lab or professor’s class that connect to your academic interest. 

  • What are you academically passionate about? What are you hoping to major in in college? 
  • Why are you interested in this field of study? Is there a personal connection? 
  • What resources are available that you are excited about at UNC? 

Final pointers for acing the UNC supplemental essays

To know which essays to choose, consider brainstorming bullet points for each question. Strive to share compelling personal anecdotes and also reveal key pieces of your identity not shared elsewhere in your application. With these tips, you should have a great start on nailing your UNC-CH supplemental essays! 

Additional resources

Once you have completed your UNC supplemental essays and revised them to tell your stories succinctly, read up on how to choose a college. Supplemental essays are just one component of the college application process. Scholarships360 has plenty of resources to help with other aspects, such as our articles on everything you need to know about work study   and navigating different types of student loans.   While you are applying to colleges (and before and after too!), make sure that you apply for all the scholarships you are eligible for! 

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August 24, 2024

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Supplemental Essay Prompts: 2024-2025

UNC has released its essay prompts for applicants to the Class of 2029.

Previously Published on July 5, 2013:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle . In addition to The Common Application ’s Personal Statement, UNC applicants are asked to respond to two short answer prompts in up to 250 words.

2024-2025 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Essay Topics and Questions

The instructions for the two UNC essays read as follows:

We’d like to know how you’d contribute to the Carolina community and ask that you respond to each prompt in up to 250 words.

1. Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.

While the United States Supreme Court outlawed the practice of Affirmative Action , Chief Justice John Roberts wrote somewhat of a loophole in the high court’s majority opinion.

As Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “At the same time, as all parties agree, nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.”

In the wake of the ruling, more of America’s highly selective universities than ever chose to pose a “community” essay to applicants to the Class of 2029. This UNC essay prompt is such an example.

The word  community  can, of course, be interpreted loosely. It can be a student’s geographical community. It can be an ethnic community. It can be a religious community. It can be a community of political activists. UNC’s admissions officers wants to see how they’re agitating for change — for the better — within a chosen group of people. 

2. Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Ideally, an applicant’s response will relate to their hook since UNC seeks to admit singularly talented students who together form a well-rounded class. What UNC’s admissions committee is  not  looking for is a well-rounded student.

As such, this essay presents an opportunity for a student to showcase how they think about their intended field of study and how they wish to leave their mark on the discipline. Ideally, a student will incorporate an activity — either research-based or otherwise — that relates to their hook. But maybe the research fell short. There may still be questions left unanswered. It’s all precisely what you want to explore more in college.

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with UNC Essays

If you’re interested in presenting the most powerful essays possible to UNC’s admissions committee, fill out Ivy Coach ’s consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college counseling services for seniors. We look forward to hearing from you.

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First-Year Application

We’re grateful for your interest in joining our community.

When you apply, we’ll consider everything we learn about you from reading your application. At Carolina, we know you are more than your grades or test scores, and we’ll hope you’ll use your application to help us understand your story.

I’m an International Student

unc chapel hill example essays

Pick Your Deadline

Early action (non-binding).

Application Deadline – October 15 Decision Available – January 31

Regular Decision

Application Deadline – January 15 Decision Available – March 31

enrollment confirmation deadline

For Early Action and Regular Decision – May 1

Complete your Application

Apply online through the Common Application. Then, be sure to have your supporting materials sent to us, which will help us gain a fuller understanding of you as a student and the contributions that you make in the classroom.

What’s on the Common Application?

  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Essay and Two Short Answers
  • Your College and University Courses
  • Global Opportunities
  • Honors Carolina and Special Opportunities
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver

What supporting materials are required?

  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Official Transcript and School Report
  • SAT or ACT Scores (optional for 2025 admission)

When you complete your Common Application, provide us with your personal email address to make sure our messages go straight to you.

  • Global Opportunities This section of your application is optional. In addition to considering applicants for fall enrollment, we are looking for students who want to go abroad before enrolling at Carolina through either the Global Gap Year Fellowship or Carolina Global Launch.  If you’d like to be considered for either, indicate your interest and submit two additional short answer responses that share your interest in global experiences.
  • Honors Carolina and Special Opportunities This section of your application is optional. You can express interest in a range of special opportunities including Honors Carolina, assured enrollment in professional or dual-degree programs.
  • Application Fee or Fee Waiver The non-refundable application fee is $85, and if you can’t pay the fee right now, please talk with your school counselor about asking us to waive it. The bottom line: whether you apply with a fee or a waiver, we’ll be grateful to receive your application, and we’ll consider you with care, appreciation, and respect.
  • Official Transcript and School Report Ask your school to send us your official transcript by secure electronic delivery as well as an official school report.
  • For students applying for the 2024-2025 academic year , students are not required to submit a test score.
  • For students applying for the 2025-2026 academic year , students with a weighted GPA of 2.8 or above (on a 4.0 scale) are not required to submit a test score. Students with a weighted GPA below 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale) are required to submit either an ACT or SAT score.
  • For students applying for the 2026-2027 academic year and beyond , students with a weighted GPA of 2.8 or above (on a 4.0 scale) are not required to submit a test score. Students with a weighted GPA below 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale) are required to submit either an ACT score of 17 or higher or an SAT score of 930 or higher.
  • For the full UNC System policy, please visit www.northcarolina.edu/students/admission/ .
  • Most successful applicants (domestic and international) to Carolina have very strong grades in their core academic coursework and have well above a B+ average in their courses. If your school does not provide a weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale, but you have above a B+ average in your courses (weighted if applicable), you will not be required to submit an ACT or SAT. If you are an international student in a Cambridge-based or similar educational system, we consider your grades made in A-level or external exams for the purposes of this UNC System GPA-based testing requirement.

Silhouettes of students walking past campus building

Apply for Aid

Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and CSS Profile. Learn how to submit both on our Financial Aid website.

Keep in Mind

  • If you’re a North Carolina resident, you’ll need verify your residency with Residency Determination Services.
  • Check your email regularly. If we need materials or more information as we’re reviewing your application, your email is where you’ll hear from us.
  • If you need to add information to your application after you’ve submitted it, you’ll be able to send it to us using MyCarolina. If a school official or recommender has additional information, please ask them to email us at [email protected] and include your full name and date of birth.
  • If you believe your academic progress has been affected by disability-related issues, we encourage you to share this information with us. Learn more about submitting disability-related documentation.
  • We require all applicants (including students offered admission) to disclose any new school-based disciplinary incidents or criminal charges that occur after the application was submitted within ten days of the occurrence. The student’s written explanation as well as any required corroborating documentation (from a school official or legal representative) can be shared in MyCarolina.

Helpful Deadlines

DeadlineEarly ActionRegular Decision
Application and Fee or WaiverOctober 15January 15
ResidencyOctober 15January 15
Supporting Materials and Test ScoresDecember 1February 15
Financial Aid*January 1January 1
Admissions Decisions AvailableJanuary 31March 31
Enrollment Confirmation if AdmittedMay 1May 1

* Financial Aid : Submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile by January 1 if you’d like to be considered for need-based scholarships. For more information about aid and key dates, visit studentaid.unc.edu.

UNC Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

Unc supplemental essays 2022-23, unc supplemental essays: quick facts.

  • UNC Chapel Hill acceptance rate: 19%— U.S. News ranks the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill as a most selective school.
  • 2 short answer (~200-250 word) essays 
  • 5 fill-in-the-blank (~25 word) essays
  • UNC application note: Students applying to UNC Chapel Hill can do so via the Common Application . In addition to the UNC Chapel Hill essays, students will also be required to complete on Common App essay. 
  • #1 UNC Chapel Hill Essay Tip: We recommend answering all of the UNC Chapel Hill essays carefully and authentically. This will help maximize your admissions odds.

How many essays does the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill require?

The UNC supplemental essays come in two categories. First, there are the short answer UNC application essays (200-250 words each). Second, there are fill-in-the-blank UNC essays (25 words each).

All students must choose two of the four UNC essays available in the short answer category. Then, every applicant must respond to all five fill-in-the-blank responses. This means that each student will write a total of seven UNC essays and short supplements.

Students will also need to write one personal statement from the Common App essay prompts. 

What are the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supplemental essays?

UNC requires all applicants to complete several UNC supplemental essays in addition to the personal statement found on the Common App . You can find the full prompts for the UNC application essays on the UNC website and in the Common App. We’ll also break down each of the UNC supplemental essays in this guide. 

The two short answer prompts and five fill-in-the-blank responses that each applicant must submit form part of UNC-Chapel Hill ’s holistic evaluation process. According to UNC, the university’s goal is to build a diverse and inclusive community. They hope to learn from each candidate what membership in a community means to them.

Highlighting community

In reading the UNC supplemental essays below, you’ll notice that all four of the short answer prompts ask about aspects of community. As we break down how to address each prompt, we’ll show you how to think through your definitions of community. The best answers to these UNC essays will show that the student has a thorough understanding of what community means to them. They will also address how community impacts them. Successful UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays will also discuss how students’ actions in a community affect others.

If writing seven UNC Chapel Hill essays sounds like a lot to think about, don’t be discouraged! Instead, view the UNC supplemental essays as your chance to introduce yourself to the UNC admissions team. With seven UNC supplemental essays to write , you have even more opportunities to showcase what makes you unique. Use each response to show UNC admissions why UNC-Chapel Hill should admit you.

UNC Supplemental Essays: Short Essays

As a part of the UNC admissions requirements, all applicants to UNC will choose two of four short answer UNC Chapel Hill essays. While each of these UNC essays has a maximum of just 250 words, these are the longest UNC supplemental essays you’ll write!

UNC Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays- Short Answer Prompts

1. Describe an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?

2. Describe a peer you see as a community builder. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life? 

3. If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Why is it important and how would you contribute to this change?

4. Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said, “We are nothing without our history.” Her words are memorialized on the Northside Neighborhood Freedom Fighters monument . How does history shape who you are?

As you may have noticed, each of the prompts focus on identity and community. When considering how to write UNC Chapel Hill essays, you’ll need to think about your communities and how they’ve shaped you. Long before the UNC application deadline, start your brainstorming for these essays. That way, you can make sure that you choose the most meaningful topics possible. 

Now, let’s further break down each of these prompts so that you know just how to tackle them. 

UNC Supplemental Essays # 1

Describe an aspect of your identity and how this has shaped your life experiences or impacted your daily interactions with others.

The first of the short answer UNC supplemental essays revolves entirely around you and your own identity. The category of “identity” is quite broad. So, successful UNC essays will look quite different for each applicant. 

When approaching this essay, you could focus on a number of aspects that may shape your identity: religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, or affinity group. While other things may be important to your identity—such as a love of reading or a deep-seeded interest in classical music—these interests might not belong in this UNC supplement essay unless they connect back to your core identities. Successful UNC Chapel Hill essays will need to show just how this aspect of your identity has impacted your life.

Getting started

As you begin the first of the UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays, think about how your identities inform the ways you relate to the world. After all, while everyone occupies a variety of identities, these identities will impact every person in different ways. Maybe you’ve faced difficulties as a disabled student working in a field not designed for you; maybe you’ve encountered challenges as a BIPOC student working to cross systemic barriers and access educational opportunities. Whatever you discuss, make sure it feels unique to you and your experience.

And of course, make sure to avoid any bigotry or offensive language. The only exception is if you are describing an incident where you’ve experienced bigotry. Then, you could use this incident as a starting point to draw your reader in. However, it shouldn’t be the focus of your response.

Complete answers

Be sure to answer this prompt in its entirety. The aspect of your identity that you mention doesn’t matter as much as its impact on your life. So, when choosing which aspect of your identity to focus on, make sure that you can expand on its influence on your life experiences and daily life. 

If you have a couple of options, try brainstorming each aspect’s impact. Then, choose the one that feels the most important to you. If you’re passionate about your topic, your essay will have a better chance of impressing UNC admissions. Remember that successful UNC essays will do more than just check another box off on your UNC admissions requirements. It will further show the admissions committee who you are.

UNC Chapel Hill Essay Reflection Questions:

  • Do you discuss a part of your identity that significantly impacts your daily life?
  • Does your essay highlight this identity in a unique way?
  • Is your essay free of any bigotry or offensive language?

UNC Supplemental Essays #2

Describe a peer who is making a difference in your school or community. what actions has that peer taken how has their work made a difference in your life.

The second of the UNC supplemental essays essentially asks you to define your values through a peer you admire. Keep in mind that the UNC admissions team explicitly asks you to describe a peer—namely, someone your own age who you work alongside. This essay is not your chance to talk about world leaders who inspire you; instead, it asks you to talk about how real change can start in your own communities. Successful UNC supplemental essays, therefore, should center around a classmate, coworker, or friend whose actions have changed how you see the world.

It might be tempting to spend most of your 250 words discussing the peer you choose. However, remember that this is your UNC application. Above all, your reader should come away from this essay with greater insight into who you are. So, whichever peer you describe, be sure to tie your response back to your identity and your own engagement with your community. In other words, devote a portion of your response to what you’ve done as a result of your peer’s influence.

Define “community builder”

When completing UNC supplemental essays, students should first consider how they define a “community builder.” What communities do you occupy, and how do your peers enhance these communities? You can also discuss a peer who may belong to a different community whose actions have inspired you to take action in your own circles. 

Additionally, keep in mind that this essay asks you to describe particular “actions” your peer has taken to build community. This means you should be as specific as possible when describing your peer’s behavior and any traits you hope to emulate.

To structure this UNC supplement essay, begin by describing your chosen peer and the specific actions that make them a “community builder.” You might also use an anecdote to illustrate their commitment to their community. However, as soon as you’ve introduced your peer, you should shift toward your own perception of community. How has the peer you describe changed your worldview? How have they contributed to your own understanding of community? 

Focus on impact

It’s important to note that this essay is less about the peer and the action they’re taking, and more about its impact on you and the community. Be sure that the meat of your essays focuses on that. Has this person motivated you to take your own actions on a topic of importance to you? Or have they influenced your course of study? Or maybe their work directly impacts you and your community? Whatever it is, just make sure that after describing your peer and their work, you focus on its impact on you. 

Remember that you only have 250 words to completely answer these UNC supplemental essays. Make sure to respond thoughtfully and completely in order to impress UNC admissions. 

Reflection Questions for UNC Supplemental Essays:

  • Do you describe a peer (classmate, coworker, friend, etc.) rather than a public figure or adult in your life who inspires you?
  • Does your essay include details of why this peer is an impactful community builder?
  • Do you use your discussion of your peer to address your own values concerning community?

UNC Supplemental Essays #3

If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be please explain..

Like some of the other UNC supplemental essays, this prompt emphasizes the value of community. In evaluating your response to this UNC supplement essay, the UNC admissions team wants to see if you can think critically about community. Successful UNC essays will also demonstrate the applicant’s problem-solving skills. In other words, it’s not enough to identify the problem—you also need to show that you can take steps towards solving it.

Essentially, this UNC supplement essay prompt asks you to describe one thing you would change to make your community a better place. As you consider your response, you should first define the community you wish to improve. Is it your neighborhood? Your school? Your church? Successful UNC supplemental essays could describe many kinds of communities, so while you shouldn’t limit yourself, it’s still important to be specific about the community that you’d like to change.

Once you’ve defined your community, it’s time to think about how you would make this community a better place. Notice that this UNC supplement essay asks for one action. Make a list of all of the things that you’d like to change in the community that you chose. The changes can be both big and small, but they should be specific. For example, instead of just saying you would like to “solve homelessness,” you could say that you’d like to increase access to affordable housing in your community.

Be specific

Citing a specific objective will help you answer the second portion of the prompt, which asks how you would contribute to the change. Take a look at your list of possible answers to this UNC supplement essay—what are you most passionate about? What do you feel you could make the most contributions toward changing with your skills and talents? Ask yourself these questions to find the one thing you’d like to change.

Now that you’ve identified the one thing you’d like to change, consider why it’s important to change this. Avoid vague language like “homelessness is bad.” Instead, think about concrete effects that the issue has on your community, the individuals it impacts, and its larger effects on society, the nation, and the world. Your UNC supplemental essays should show the UNC admissions team your critical thinking skills.

You’ll need to address how you would contribute to this change. There are a couple of ways you can tackle this: practically or hypothetically. Let’s revisit the homelessness example. A practical contribution towards increasing access to affordable housing could look like a student volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and helping to build affordable homes in their community. Hypothetical responses can be much larger—you may talk about how you’d like to help to create an organization that builds and manages hotels and halfway homes for the homeless. Whether you dream big or keep it practical in this UNC supplement essay, remember to discuss why your “one change” is important and exactly how you’d contribute to making it happen.

  • Do you identify a community that matters to you?
  • Does your essay specify one tangible way that you could make a difference in this community?
  • Do you explain why this change would be important?

UNC Supplemental Essays #4

Former unc-chapel hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist esphur foster once said, “we are nothing without our history.” her words are memorialized on the northside neighborhood freedom fighters monument . how does history shape who you are.

Like the other UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays, this essay prompt revolves around identity and community—even if it doesn’t seem that way at first glance. By framing this question about history through a lens of civil rights activism, this prompt asks you to understand your identity and background through a historical lens. In doing so, it asks you to reflect on your own position within structures of hierarchy and oppression.

The last of the UNC Chapel Hill essays can be a great space to discuss your relationship with your racial, ethnic, or cultural background. It’s important, however, to handle these topics delicately. If you’re not from a background with a history of marginalization, you shouldn’t view this UNC supplement essay as your chance to show the admissions team how accepting you are by describing the conditions that your BIPOC peers might face. Tell your own story—don’t try to tell someone else’s.

Showcase your worldview

To that end, like the other UNC essays, this response should show the admissions team who you are and how you see the world. Don’t describe an interesting family anecdote without telling your reader how your familial background impacts your lived experience. If your topic doesn’t relate to your own identity and character, it probably doesn’t belong in your UNC essays. 

Remember that UNC prepares its students to be creators, explorers, innovators, and leaders . This essay could be a good opportunity to show just how you would fit into the UNC community by sharing a key part of your background or ancestry. 

There are a number of ways to answer this prompt. Don’t feel limited to using large historical movements only. In fact, those may seem inauthentic and cliche. For example, instead of writing about the Women’s Rights Movement and its impact on your life today, you may write about having come from a household of all women. It’s likely that those independent, strong women had a greater, direct influence on your life. When considering how to respond to this prompt, remember that history can refer to personal and familial history. 

Reflection Questions for UNC Essays:

  • Does your essay reveal something relevant to your overall character?
  • Do you focus the essay on yourself rather than around external anecdotes?
  • Do you tell your own story?

Choosing your UNC essay prompts

As you consider your UNC essays, think about what stories make you who you are. Essentially, all of the UNC supplemental essays ask you to discuss your identity, background, and community. However, each prompt approaches these topics differently. If one of the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essays particularly speaks to you, follow your instinct! However, if you’re struggling to choose two UNC supplemental essays to respond to (or can’t narrow down your options), it might be time for a structured free-write.

Here’s how it works: choose a prompt and set a ten-minute timer. Write about that prompt for the full ten minutes without editing, revising, or reading over your work. Once you finish your first prompt, move to the next. Do this for each of the UNC supplemental essays. If you find yourself with a lot to say about a given topic—or you just enjoy writing about it—you’ve found one of your UNC supplemental essays.

The power of free-writing

If you still feel stuck after your free-write , don’t worry! Look over your free writes for each of the UNC supplemental essays and think about how an admissions officer might view them. Which of these stories tell the reader the most about you? What narratives are the most engaging? Which responses showcase your unique traits? The most authentic stories will make the strongest UNC supplemental essays.

Once you’ve chosen your topics for your UNC supplemental essays, it’s time to start drafting. Reference the previous sections, as we broke down each of the short answer UNC essays. Remember, while we discussed all four of the UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essay prompts, you will only choose two of these UNC supplemental essays to complete.

If you’re still struggling with choosing topics for the UNC supplemental essays, look over (or write) your college application letters . You may recall important moments within those letters that could trigger some ideas for the UNC Chapel Hill essays. 

How do I answer the supplemental essays at UNC-Chapel Hill?

Your UNC supplemental essays should complement the rest of your UNC application to help the admissions team understand who you are and why you belong at UNC.

Wondering what it looks like to build a personal narrative in your application? Check out our expert’s dive into the personal narrative .

Remember to use dynamic, descriptive language in each of your UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays. Your reader should be able to sense your passion and enthusiasm in your UNC supplemental essays. As a rule, authentic, genuine responses make for the strongest UNC Chapel Hill essays. The UNC admissions team read thousands of applications—it’s easy to spot shallow responses meant only to impress admissions officers.

Unsure of where to start when it comes to the UNC Chapel Hill essays? Figuring out how to get into UNC Chapel Hill will require a strong overall UNC application. Start by reading this how to get into UNC Chapel Hill guide . After you understand the process as a whole, then reference this guide as it will give you the tools to craft strong responses to the UNC supplemental essays.

UNC Supplemental Essays: Fill-in-the-Blank

So, you’ve begun your short answer UNC supplemental essays. Congratulations! Now, before you start daydreaming about the possibility of living and studying in one of the best college towns in the U.S., let’s turn to the fill-in-the-blank UNC essays.

These UNC essays aren’t essays at all—they’re simply short-form questions that aim to help the admissions team learn more about you. Your short answer UNC supplemental essays were the hard part. 

When answering these UNC Chapel Hill essays, you don’t have to stress about choosing a major or writing the “why school essay.” Now, it’s just time to have fun.

UNC Supplemental Essays: Fill-in-the-blank

1. One family, friend, or school tradition I cherish: ________________________________________________

2. If I had an extra hour in every day, I would spend it: ________________________________________________

3. If I could travel anywhere, near or far, past, present or future, I would go: ____________________________________

4. The last time I stepped outside my comfort zone, I: ________________________________________________

5. People who meet me are most likely to notice, and least likely to notice: ________________________________________

Above all, these short UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays should add context to your candidate profile and help the admissions team get to know you. Each of your fill-in-the-blank UNC Chapel Hill essays should supplement the rest of your UNC application, working alongside your longer UNC supplemental essays to paint a complete picture of your identity.

With only 25 words for each prompt, you don’t have much space. Plan to answer each of these short UNC application essays in just 1-2 sentences. Don’t waste space repeating the prompt. For instance, don’t start your response to Prompt 4 with “ The last time I stepped outside my comfort zone, I …” Instead, cut to the chase. For Prompt 4, you might write, “I made a soup bowl that leaks in a pottery class but found a fun new hobby.”

Since these are fill-in-the-blank questions, the admissions team doesn’t expect you to fully explain your responses in each of these UNC-Chapel Hill essays. You should include one sentence or clause of explanation in each response, but not more. For example, a response to Prompt 3 might read, “The early 90s–I’ve always wondered what a world with dial-up internet and without smartphones was like.” This response gives admissions officers a bit more context than just writing “the early 90s.”

Save the anecdotes

You also don’t need to include additional anecdotes in these UNC essays. Hopefully, your other UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays have already shown the admissions team who you are. Now, you can focus on telling them any additional information. For instance, a 250-word response to one of the UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays above might begin with a personal story, but there’s no need (or space) for that in these fill-in-the-blank UNC questions. Instead, just give your reader the information. A quick response—such as “My family always makes pierogis on Christmas Eve to celebrate our Polish heritage”—will do just fine.

Finally, don’t let the absolute language in these prompts scare you. However, don’t be intimidated. At the end of the day, these UNC Chapel Hill essays simply ask you for 25 word answers that share a little bit more of who you are.

Add some (tasteful) humor

Additionally, if the rest of your UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essays have demonstrated your depth, you can use these short UNC supplemental essays to add a bit of humor to your application. One response to Prompt 2 might be “I would study Portugese,” but another valid response might be, “I’d sleep. I’m a nine-hour a night person.” Think about your application in context—if you’ve already shown that you have a vast inner life, you can afford to be cheeky. If you do go this route, however, limit your jokes to just one of the fill-in-the-blank UNC essays. And, as always in your UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays and these short questions, avoid offensive language.

At the end of the day, don’t overthink these short answer UNC supplemental essays. You should spend most of your time on your UNC application essays rather than deciding which year of the future you’d like to visit. Go with your gut! If your responses to these fill-in-the-blank UNC essays help your reader learn more about you, you’re on the right track.

Are the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill supplemental essays important?

Yes! As #29 on U.S. News’ Best Colleges list and with a competitive acceptance rate , UNC Chapel Hill places plenty of emphasis on the UNC supplemental essays. It is in fact one of the most important UNC admissions requirements, especially since UNC has extended their test-optional policy for this admissions cycle. However, don’t let the UNC Chapel Hill essays intimidate you. Think of the UNC Chapel Hill essays as your chance to address the admissions team on your own terms. Use this opportunity to show them what you’ll bring to UNC!

25 Best Test-Optional Colleges

Remember, a well-crafted set of UNC Chapel Hill essays can make a huge difference in admissions. There are many UNC admissions requirements, but the UNC supplemental essays are the best way to show your personality and impress admissions. Take your UNC essays seriously—you’ll be glad you did. You may even find inspiration in reading college essay examples . Remember not to mimic other essays, but use them in order to understand how to write your own successful UNC supplemental essays. 

College Essay Examples: 10 Best Examples of College Essays and Why They Worked

More details about UNC Chapel Hill

UNC Chapel Hill is not only a high ranking national university, but is also ranked #1 in value amongst public universities. To many applicants trying to figure out how to pay for college , quality yet affordable universities are at the top of their lists. Check out UNC’s scholarships and financial aid opportunities.

To learn more about how the UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays fit into the UNC application, visit their admissions page for a list of the UNC admissions requirements. When considering how to get into UNC Chapel Hill applicants will need a strong overall UNC application, including the UNC supplemental essays. 

Be sure to check the UNC application deadline and UNC admission requirements in addition to your UNC supplemental essays. The UNC essays are important, but at a selective school like UNC Chapel Hill, every part of the application matters. 

UNC Supplemental Essays: Final Thoughts

Before diving into the UNC supplemental essays, first do your research on UNC Chapel Hill . It may be exciting to think about getting your college acceptance letter and figuring out the college enrollment process, but first make sure to be passionate about the schools you apply to . When considering how to write UNC Chapel Hill essays, understanding the university’s mission and values is key. From there, you can build strong essays that focus on who you are and why you want to attend UNC Chapel Hill. 

While completing two 250-word UNC Chapel Hill essays and five short-answer questions might seem like a lot, don’t let the sheer volume of UNC application essays discourage you from applying. Your UNC supplemental essays are your time to show off what makes you unique.

Don’t forget to revise

Finally, don’t forget to revise your UNC application essays multiple times. In fact, you’ll want to start your writing process for these UNC application essays early, a least a few months before the UNC application deadline. Once you’ve completed a draft, you might also ask a trusted adult to proofread your UNC Chapel Hill essays for spelling, grammar, and clarity. However, it’s best to stay away from heavy edits that erase your voice from the UNC supplemental essays. Remember, the admissions officers want to know more about you, not the person who helped you edit your UNC Chapel Hill supplemental essays. Good luck!

This 2021-2022 essay guide on UNC – Chapel Hill was written by Abbie Sage, Harvard ‘21. Want help crafting your UNC supplemental essays 2021? Click here to create your free  account , or call (844) 343-6272 to  schedule your free advising consultation  with an Admissions Specialist.

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  • January 14, 2022

How To Write the UNC-Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays (2021-2022)

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Pierre is a leading college and graduate admissions consultant with extensive experience in education and entrepreneurship. His advice has been featured on Forbes.com, U.S. News, CNN Business, the Washington Post, ABC News, Business Insider, and more.

Welcome to the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essay prompts for the 2021-2022 college application cycle! Here’s everything you need to know to write the best supplemental essays possible.

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UNC-Chapel Hill is a top-notch school that is getting even more difficult to get into, especially for a school in a state system. Because of its highly-ranked academic programs, it is considered a Public Ivy, or a public institution that offers an academic experience similar to that of an Ivy League university. That’s why it’s getting increasingly hard for applicants, particularly out-of-state applicants, to be admitted since no more than 18 percent of out-of-state first-year undergraduate students may enroll on UNC campuses.

But one way you can stand out in your applications is through your essays. UNC-Chapel Hill states that they “aspire to build a diverse and inclusive community at Carolina and believe that students can only achieve their best when they learn alongside students from different backgrounds.” It’s important that you keep this in mind while you write your supplemental essays, which include 2 short answers and 4 fill-in-the-blank questions.

Short Answer Prompts

You’ll choose two of the following prompts to respond to in 200-250 words:

Describe a peer you see as a community builder. What actions has that peer taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?

This is a good chance to show admissions officers about what you admire in others and the goals that you potentially have for yourself. What does a “community builder” look like to you? How do you define your community? What kind of work do you consider to be most impactful? All of these questions will help admissions officers understand what you will contribute to the UNC-Chapel Hill community. Share a story or share an anecdote about a time a peer’s work made a difference in your life, and use specific, vivid details to help bring this story to life.

While many students write about a peer they met through community service (and highlighting service can have a positive effect on a student’s chances of admission), there are many different activities and roles you can talk about. Maybe a soccer teammate stepped up to lead you to victory this year, or a friend in your dance class always stayed afterward to help other students rehearse. How do they inspire you to follow in their footsteps?

Describe an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?

This is kind of a variation on the “diversity” essay that many schools ask for i.e. how you would contribute to their school’s diverse student body. It also sounds similar to this popular Common App prompt: ​​“Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, please share your story.”

While answers you’ve previously written for similar questions can be repurposed here, you’ll want to tailor it more for the school. Research what UNC-Chapel Hill values in its community. Read their mission statement , comb through different extracurricular groups, and see what kind of school spirit they foster in students. Write in bold detail about the part of your identity that has shaped your life so far, and then look forward to how you can make unique contributions to UNC-Chapel Hill’s diverse student body.

If you could change one thing to better your community, what would it be? Why is it important and how would you contribute to this change?

Again, another essay asking about your impact on a community — it’s not an accident that the instructions say that they “hope to learn what being a member of such a community would mean to you.” And even though they’re asking you to look ahead and discuss what you might do in the future, this is still a good time to mention your past contributions to your community.

What is a problem you see in your school, town, state, or country? What have you done so far to address it, and what work is left to be done? Why does it matter to you so much, and what is your personal relationship to this community? Show them how passionate you are about making a difference in the lives of others. Even though this idea of “community” can be vague, your job is to be specific so that your story and point of view come to life on the page.

Former UNC-Chapel Hill employee, community service member, and civil rights activist Esphur Foster once said, “We are nothing without our history.” Her words are memorialized on the Northside Neighborhood Freedom Fighters monument. How does history shape who you are?

This could become an essay that’s very similar to the identity essay above, so keep that in mind if you select both prompts. But “history” can be interpreted to mean many different things — your family history, the history of the place where you grew up, the history of your religion or culture. Think about larger trends and ideas that have been passed down for generations. Is there a piece of wisdom that is still shared in your family today? How does this kind of history impact what you want to do with your life?

Fill-in-the-blank Responses

You’ll complete all four of the following fill-in-the-blank responses in 25 words each:

One family tradition I cherish:

Think back to your family holiday celebrations and the things you looked forward to the most. Even if your family doesn’t have traditions, consider writing about the lessons that your family members have taught you and how you may pass this down to future generations.

This I believe:

Interpret this in the way that makes the most sense to you. Whether it’s a quote that has inspired you over the year or a religious/moral belief, try to concisely describe how the belief has shaped your life.

The quality I most admire in myself:

Take pride in your abilities and accomplishments, but make sure it doesn’t come off as too braggy. How can you use this quality to help others and make a positive difference?

The protagonist I most identify with:

This gives readers an insight into the stories that have been important in your life. Think about the characters that embody what you value most — selflessness, bravery, confidence, etc. Choose a character in a book that actually resonates with you, instead of a character that you pick just because it “sounds good.”

Looking for some help in writing your UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essays? Schedule a free consultation with one of our college application consultants today.

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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNC’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Community short response.

Discuss one of your personal qualities and share a story, anecdote, or memory of how it helped you make a positive impact on a community. This could be your current community or another community you have engaged.

Academic Interest Short Response

Discuss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Global Programs Short Response

Why do you want to participate in the global opportunities you’ve selected, and in what ways are you hoping to grow through the experience(s)?

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?


University of North Carolina (UNC) 2020-21 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

UNC 2020-21 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 2 essays of 200-250 words each, 1 additional essay

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community, Activity

In addition to the essay you provided with your Common Application, please choose two of the prompts below and respond to each in 200-250 words. Your essay responses below should be different from your common app essay response.

Carolina aspires to build a diverse and inclusive community. we believe that students can only achieve their best when they learn alongside students from different backgrounds. in reading your responses, we hope to learn what being a member of such a community would mean to you. , expand on an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). how has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far.

UNC wants to accept students who will contribute to the diversity and inclusivity on campus. When considering an aspect of your identity to expand upon, we recommend choosing one that has had the biggest impact on the way you experience and interact with the world. Ideally, the unique aspect you select should come with a couple anecdotes. Maybe you want to write about your gender identity, and give admissions a glimpse into what it’s like to be a young trans person in 2020. Perhaps you embody #BlackGirlMagic and always take the opportunity to celebrate your heritage and community. Regardless of the part of your identity that you choose to address, be specific and use this opportunity to speak to admissions in your own authentic voice.

If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be and why?  

Although you may be tempted to write the first thing that comes to mind (make it beachfront! free pizza Fridays! build a bowling alley!), admissions is looking for a serious response that addresses a current issue. The good news (if you want to see it that way?) is that there’s no shortage of contemporary issues for you to address here, so the key is to pick the problem that is closest to your heart. Maybe you’re incredibly passionate about the environment, and you would love to create a clean energy initiative in your town. Perhaps you want to zoom out and interpret “where you live” as your country as a whole: Do you envision living in a country with no child hunger? Don’t forget to answer the “why” part of the question as well, and bonus points if you can show admissions that you’re already taking steps to make this change happen in your community. Are you organizing peaceful protests in your small Midwestern town to raise awareness about the impending dangers of global warming? Do you use your social media platforms to inform your peers about youth homelessness? Remember that UNC is looking to accept passionate students who are informed and eager to be part of the solution.

Describe someone who you see as a community builder. What actions has that person taken? How has their work made a difference in your life?  

Who do you look up to and why? UNC wants to know about your idol and/or mentor in order to learn more about what’s important to you. So, start by thinking about the term “community builder.” Who comes to mind? Perhaps for you, it’s your aunt, who hosts cookouts every Sunday in the spring and summer to bring your extended family together to bond over grilled veggies and potato salad. What have these cookouts meant to you? Or, maybe you’ve never met the person you’d like to write about. Maybe you follow someone on Instagram who is constantly informing you (and their other followers) about issues impacting your community. Have these posts inspired you to call your state representatives to voice your frustrations and demand change? No matter who you choose, try not to spend too many words on their actions, and instead focus on how their work has made a difference in your life. It is you , after all, that UNC will be considering inviting to campus next fall.

We hope you’ll share with us the activities that you’ve found especially worthwhile. We also hope you won’t feel compelled to tell us everything you’ve ever done or, worse yet, to do things that mean little to you just because you think we want you to do them. We also hope you’ll remember—because we never forget—that low-profile pursuits can be just as meaningful as ones that draw more attention, and that fewer activities can be just as good as more, and sometimes even better. Although starting a new club, for example, can be a great experience and helpful to others, so can caring for siblings, parents, or grandparents, or working outside the home to put food on the table, or being a good and caring friend. We hope you won’t feel as though you have to do the former, especially if your doing so will keep you from doing the latter. For all these reasons, although we’re glad to receive complete résumés, we don’t require or encourage them. Instead, if you choose to submit something that goes beyond what you’re providing through your Common Application, we encourage you to keep it brief; focus less on including everything than on choosing and explaining the things that have meant the most to you; and upload it here.

Didn’t see this prompt on UNC’s application at first glance, did ya?! This long-winded prompt can be found in the “Activities” section of the Common App. As the prompt itself says, take this opportunity to elaborate on an activity, experience, or responsibility that is meaningful to you. You can write about the sense of family you found within your recreational basketball team, the friendship that grew from a tutoring gig, or the gift you were able to give your mom after weeks of flipping burgers at your local fast food joint. Whatever you choose to write about here, remember that admissions is looking for quality over quantity. Use this space to give admissions insight into what is important and poignant to you!

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Gen Eds: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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By Michael, a Peer Tutor

As a double major in physics and environmental science, my main stressors in a typical semester are a pair of STEM classes. Unfortunately, this makes the other classes, namely those required by the IDEAs in Action General Education Curriculum, all the more frustrating. I often think of a writing assignment in these courses as a quick and easy project to complete after my more pressing math homework. But then I am surprised when said essay requires a good deal more time and effort than I accounted for. However, for all the complaining I do about gen eds, my overall experience has been positive. As I reflect on my classes so far, I believe I have found some patterns that can help me get the most out of my remaining gen eds.

Of course, in some negative cases I simply blame the curriculum itself. I personally learned little to nothing in Thrive and Triple-I, and it was evident that the instructors were given very limited time to prepare. I am glad I chose to take Triple-I with a friend, as even though there were other sections that sounded more interesting, I only heard negative things about them. Having a friend made me want to show up for class and gave me someone to commiserate with when the lectures dragged on.

My main regret with gen eds is History 140: not the class itself, but rather my approach to it. I took it alongside Physics 118 and Calc 233, and those eight credit hours took most of my focus and energy. The history assignments were mostly essays based on books, which I would put off reading until the final day or two. This led to rushed, subpar writing, but also meant I didn’t retain as much from the class as I could have. I was intrigued by the perspectives the books gave on topical subjects such as the Iranian revolution and the displacement of Palestinians following the Six-Day War. Now, I wish I had more from the class to draw on when discussing current events with friends and family.

A photo of two books side-by-side. On the left is "Franchise: The Golden Arches in Black America" by Marcia Chatelain. On the right is "The Golden Age" by Shirin Ebadi.

My two favorite gen eds have been Linguistics 101 and Anthropology 284. I took both because of friends who were enrolled, but also because the material interested me. The classes dove deep into topics I usually take for granted: speech, human interaction, and material consumption. These factors made me engage more readily with the lectures and assignments. I had a similar STEM dilemma as I did with history: during both classes (two separate semesters) I was also taking two physics classes. However, the assignments and readings were surprisingly accommodating. Instead of large assignments and books due only a few times a semester, linguistics had weekly readings and homework, and anthropology had a few pages of reading and short responses due each class. To my brain, this was a lot less daunting, and prevented me from procrastinating. I ended up enjoying these readings and assignments and used them as a break from more frustrating physics homework.

A screenshot of completed homework for a linguistics class. The first part of the homework is a short-response question about descriptive and prescriptive grammar. The second part of the homework is a set of questions from a textbook chapter.

Although I frequently lament the quantity of “unnecessary” gen eds that I have to take as a STEM major—ones that don’t count for anything else—I now find myself wishing I had more time to learn about novel and important subjects, and I hope to make the most of my final opportunities. Taking classes with my friends will still factor into my decisions, but I plan to prioritize subjects that I find intriguing, so that I will better enjoy the lectures and homework. I also hope to find classes that aren’t graded by just a few things, but that have frequent small assignments that force me to engage on a regular basis. If not, I resolve to set weekly or daily deadlines for myself as a way of avoiding procrastination and making the work more manageable and enjoyable to my easily intimidated mind.

Catch up on tech updates on campus

While students were away for the summer, ITS improved security, expanded Wi-Fi and more.

Main UNC quad during the day with students sitting on steps of South Building in foreground.

Because fewer students are on campus, summer was an ideal time for Information Technology Services to undertake major work to improve campus systems and infrastructure:

Launched a new Help Portal

ITS  launched a new Help Portal  at  help.unc.edu to connect users with tech help, answers and services. New features include an “easy button” to submit a help ticket, an option to request support via email, web-searchable help articles and a fresh look. The new portal was part of a  larger change to a new customer support tool provider , TeamDynamix, from the previous provider, ServiceNow.

Lengthened Duo ‘remember me’ period

The Information Security Office  extended the default “remember me” period  for Duo 2-Step Verification from 12 hours to seven days. This extension means that most users will verify their identities less often when they log into systems that require Duo at UNC-Chapel Hill. This provides a more convenient — yet still secure — experience.

Celebrated milestones

In July, the Digital Accessibility Office celebrated five years of making UNC-Chapel Hill a more digitally inclusive campus. Since its creation in 2019, the office has made significant strides in policy, education and culture around digital accessibility at Carolina. Here’s a look back at the  origins and timeline of UNC’s Digital Accessibility Office and you can dive deeper with these  5 fun facts about the DAO .

On Aug. 1, the  Onyen marked 24 years of service as the name for consolidated logins at UNC. Fun fact — for many years, the Onyen services page greeted users with the “Cool Onyen” mascot.

Said goodbye to Sakai

On May 15, Sakai entered restricted access, and all Sakai sites were unpublished. Now, Sakai site access is limited to site owners, except for temporary access granted to students with incomplete grades. Sakai will remain in this restricted access state, allowing site owners to review and retrieve content until the system is decommissioned in 2026. This completes the transition to Canvas and streamlines the learning experience for instructors and students.

Increased security

This summer, the Information Security Office  wrapped up a major firewall migration project . The migration, which took four years, moved about 200 unprotected virtual local area networks to campus enterprise firewalls. Moving unprotected VLANs to campus enterprise firewalls helps prevent attacks and limits the scope of attacks across the University.

As of July 22,  Adobe apps at UNC-Chapel Hill require Duo 2-Step Verification at login . This requirement includes the standalone Adobe Acrobat Pro app, Adobe Creative Cloud apps and online services. Adobe apps at Carolina power creativity, learning and essential business processes. Students and instructional staff have free access to Adobe Creative Cloud and noninstructional staff pay a greatly reduced rate.

Expanded guest Wi-Fi

The  UNC-Guest Wi-Fi network is now available in every campus building . Previously, UNC-Guest was available in select locations, usually deployed at the request of a department. To prepare for the expansion of UNC-Guest, teams in ITS configured  changes to campus guest Wi-Fi networks . These changes, which strengthen the security of University resources, include limiting access to some University websites from the guest networks.

Introduced a new way to connect with tech

Want to keep up with all the latest tech news from ITS? You can now  subscribe to a monthly newsletter , ITS News Tech Connect. You can also  follow us on Instagram  to stay up to date with news from ITS, free tech tools and perks, announcements, events and opportunities for all Tar Heels. If text is more your speed, ITS is also on  Threads  and  X .

A donor gave the memento from the Hall of Famer’s time at Carolina’s Navy Pre-Flight School to the North Carolina Collection.

Autumn trees being illuminated by sun in middle of the photo.

Students can connect through CAPS therapy groups

Counseling and Psychological Services team offers 24 options to help Tar Heels talk through specific issues.

Bell Tower on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill

A message from the chancellor: Remembering Dr. Zijie Yan

In a campus email, Lee H. Roberts shared mental health resources and detailed Carolina’s plans to honor the memory of Dr. Yan as the one-year anniversary of the campus shooting approaches.

The Old Well

University provides support for healing after trauma

Connect with mental health professionals and a community of care to help manage trauma’s lingering effects.

Two headshots side by side of Dr. Jeffrey S. A. Stringer on the left and Margaret P. Kasaro on the right.

AI-enabled device revolutionizes pregnancy care

Handheld ultrasound allows novices to expertly estimate gestational age, a UNC School of Medicine study shows.

South building

Five research teams receive Creativity Hubs grants

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research awards will fund projects to improve health care and clean energy.

Logan Moore, donning a pair of Enchroma glasses, looks in amazement at art in the Ackland.

Ackland offers glasses for colorblind visitors

The art museum is the first in the state to provide a tool to help them see more hues.

Zijie Yan

Carolina remembers Zijie Yan, ‘master of light and matter’

Colleagues from the applied physical sciences department reflect on Yan’s legacy a year after his death.

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unc chapel hill example essays

UNC-Chapel Hill shooting anniversary: How campus changed one year after its 'safety bubble' burst

UNC Police and FBI on the scene after a shooting of a faculty member at UNC Chapel Hill.

On the first day of classes at UNC-Chapel Hill, Meg Zomorodi typically starts her courses off like many other professors on campus, with a review of the syllabus.

She’s taught at the university’s School of Nursing since 2008. But this year, her pre-health class of all freshmen kicked off with a different kind of review: an active shooter emergency plan.

Like a flight attendant who asks passengers if they are comfortable sitting in the exit row, Zomorodi asked her students who would be willing to step up if there was an active assailant on campus.

“Asking a student, are you willing to sit here? Would you be willing to shut the door if something like that were to happen?” Zomorodi said. “If they’re counting on me to sprint up and shut the door, it’s not going to happen.”

“I have to consider my own sense of self, of what I can do, and also the sense of community,” Zomorodi continued. “Together, we have to be vigilant.”

It’s been one year since an armed shooter killed a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill , leading to a three-hour lockdown across campus.

Graduate student Tailei Qi was charged with the first-degree murder of Zijie Yan, an associate professor in the department of applied physical sciences. A judge has since deemed him unfit for trial after two mental evaluations concluded he likely has untreated schizophrenia.

Dozens of students gather at South Building to rally for anti-violence and gun safety on Aug. 30, 2023, two days after a UNC-Chapel Hill professor was killed by one of his graduate students. They hold a large sign that said, "This is our reality."

Students, faculty and community members called for change to UNC-Chapel Hill’s emergency response after the shooting and lockdown led to mass confusion on campus.

Some professors continued to teach classes during the lockdown , and students said they felt compelled to turn to social media for information because the university alert system, Alert Carolina, failed to keep them up to date.

UNC-Chapel Hill administrators also surveyed the campus community . Many respondents said they wanted the university to require active shooter training and drills, provide locks for all classroom doors, ensure emergency sirens can be heard in classroom buildings, among other changes.

Darrell Jeter runs UNC-Chapel Hill’s Emergency Management and Planning department. He said the university has made several improvements since the shooting. Most, Jeter said, are suggestions from an “after-action review” conducted by the Center for Naval Analyses .

One of the more recent changes is to the university’s emergency alert messaging system, Alert Carolina. Jeter said the campus community now will receive more routine and informative updates.

University administrators made changes to the alert system’s armed and dangerous person , fire and tornado warning messaging.

Before, the alert system’s message said people should go inside, avoid windows and shelter in place if an armed person was on campus.

!Alert Carolina! Emergency: Armed, dangerous person on or near campus. Go inside now; avoid windows. https://t.co/6mTpT0X7HF — Alert Carolina (@AlertCarolina) August 28, 2023

Administrators have changed that to a “run, hide or fight” message.

Jeter said his team will now also send out an “all clear” message when the immediate threat has been resolved.

“(But) we want to make sure the campus understands that while the threat is no longer lingering, we may still have to shift our campus operating status,” Jeter said. “There may not be an immediate return to normal activity.”

Another new addition is an emergency preparedness training tailored for faculty.

The training takes about 25 minutes and is entirely online. It has four modules: be informed, be prepared, take action, and other incidents. There’s also a section about the university’s security app, Carolina Ready, a list of safety information faculty should share with their students, and a reminder to not teach classes during a lockdown.

“If there is an active threat and (faculty) need to secure in place, it provides some guidance as well as visual demonstrations on how to take each of those actions,” Jeter said. “And (how) to support and provide guidance to their students in the classroom.”

For now, the training is optional. Jeter said the provost office is responsible for mandating trainings, but his team is “strongly encouraging and expecting” faculty to complete it.

Slide from a 2021 version of emergency preparedness training, titled Carolina Ready Emergency Preparedness 101.

“With this initial rollout, there is an understanding that we are still within the first year of the tragedy that impacted our campus,” Jeter said. “We want to be thoughtful about how we really encourage and put this resource into faculty’s hands, understanding that for some of them, it’s still a very real and stressful topic for them.”

Zomorodi said for her, completing the online training wasn’t a difficult choice.

“I teach primarily first-years,” Zomorodi said. “I want those students, when they call their parents and say I had my first class — to say my professor made me feel safe. That’s the reason why I did it, because as a parent myself, I’d be thinking about them.”

This summer, Zomorodi also opted to take an in-person training campus police held for her department. An officer walked her team through the building’s exits, provided a list of emergency numbers, and talked through response strategies.

“The online university training was me doing an online module,” Zomorodi said. “This was me going with my coworkers, talking about what we would do. For us to talk about it and have this shared experience — different from the shared experience we had in the fall — it was really powerful.”

Zomorodi said she thinks the training, or at least the online portion, should be mandatory for all faculty.

“If there’s something that with your own life circumstances is additionally triggering for you, then I think there’s an exception to that requirement,” she said. “But it’s hard for me to understand how somebody might not want to take it when it’s preparing you for something that could literally be life and death.”

Currently, the university only has customized training for faculty. Jeter said his team will start working on a training for staff next, and the last training to roll out will be for students.

“We’re focusing on making sure that we roll out more targeted trainings to those two groups (faculty and staff), because those are the ones that really have the expectation to provide leadership and guidance to our students,” Jeter said.

Jeter said his team is also reviewing and testing their own emergency preparedness, including their communication, response and recovery plans. They are also reviewing the university’s camera systems and locking mechanisms, as well as ensuring everyone is properly trained on how to use them during an emergency.

Last year, the university also approved a contract to install license plate readers throughout campus.

“Our UNC police officers, they can’t be in all places at all times,” Jeter said. “And this technology allows for us to make more informed decisions about the status of our campus at any given time.”

Golden retriever Molly looks up to her owner, Meg Zomorodi. She’s one of eight HAPPEE dogs on campus on Tuesday, Aug. 29, helping students and other folks on UNC Chapel Hill cope after the shooting that took place on Monday, Aug. 28.

In Zomorodi’s classroom, there’s now a button that she can hit to shut and lock all of the doors in her classroom.

Since the shooting, Zomorodi has been making some changes of her own. She now has the university’s emergency numbers saved in her phone. Every time she enters a room, she notes all of the exits. And she’s been volunteering with an on-campus organization that brings dogs on campus to help cheer students up.

She’s also advocating for other faculty members to prepare themselves for future emergencies.

“Our safety bubble got burst last year,” Zomorodi said. “When that happens, your awareness of safety changes.”

“Do I feel educated? Yes. Do I feel supported with the changes that they’ve made? Yes,” Zomorodi continued. “Do I feel like it could happen again? Unfortunately, yes. The difference is that now I have some skills that I’ve reflected on that I can use, but hopefully never.”

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  13. Application Essays

    The Writing Center Campus Box #5135 0127 SASB North 450 Ridge Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919) 962-7710 [email protected]

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    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The acceptance rate for in-state students for the class of 2025 was 47% and the out-of-state acceptance rate was 13%. ... Sample Admission Essays FAQ College Specific Supplements Blog Contact +1 (212) 769-2198 Caroline Koppelman ...

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    Home - The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Welcome to the Writing Center. The Writing and Learning Center is closed for Labor Day and the University Well-Being Day until Wednesday, September 4. Please feel free to schedule an appointment for on or after the 4th!

  16. University of North Carolina Essay Prompts

    Previously Published on July 5, 2013: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle. In addition to The Common Application 's Personal Statement, UNC applicants are asked to respond to two short answer prompts in up to 250 words.

  17. First-Year Application

    Essay and Two Short Answers; Your College and University Courses; Global Opportunities; Honors Carolina and Special Opportunities; ... is part of the Division of Enrollment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Office Address. Jackson Hall 174 Country Club Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Office Hours. Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 ...

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    Pierre HuguetPierre is a leading college and graduate admissions consultant with extensive experience in education and entrepreneurship. His advice has been featured on Forbes.com, U.S. News, CNN Business, the Washington Post, ABC News, Business Insider, and more. Welcome to the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essay prompts for the 2021-2022 college application cycle! Here's everything you need

  21. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don't feel obligated to do so.

  22. 2020-21 University of North Carolina Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    UNC 2020-21 Application Essay Question Explanations. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 2 essays of 200-250 words each, 1 additional essay. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Community, Activity.

  23. How to Approach the UNC Essay Prompts

    University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill prompts for Fall 2021 Application. Choose 2 of the following (200-250 words): Expand on an aspect of your identity - for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc. How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far? If you could change ...

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    The Writing Center Campus Box #5135 0127 SASB North 450 Ridge Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (919) 962-7710 [email protected]

  25. Catch up on tech updates on campus

    The UNC-Guest Wi-Fi network is now available in every campus building. Previously, UNC-Guest was available in select locations, usually deployed at the request of a department. To prepare for the expansion of UNC-Guest, teams in ITS configured changes to campus guest Wi-Fi networks. These changes, which strengthen the security of University ...

  26. UNC-Chapel Hill shooting anniversary: How campus changed one year after

    Dozens of UNC-Chapel Hill students gather at South Building to rally for anti-violence and gun safety on Aug. 30, 2023, two days after a faculty member was fatally shot on Monday.