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University of Bristol

The University of Bristol is globally distinguished, pushing the boundaries of knowledge to address the needs and concerns of the world in the 21st century - finding the answers to today's global challenges; educating tomorrow's leaders. We are dedicated to academic achievement at the highest levels across a broad range of disciplines, supporting both individual scholarship and interdisciplinary research. Our students benefit from an intellectually demanding, research-informed education that nurtures independence of mind and prepares them to achieve their personal goals and serve society’s needs across the globe, both during and after their time here.

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University home > Unit and programme catalogues in 2023/24 > Programme catalogue > Faculty of Engineering > School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology > Robotics and Autonomous Systems (PhD)

Programme structure: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (PhD) - what's running in 2023/24

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

This section describes which Units you will take in which year of study. It indicates which units are mandatory and where you will be able to choose. The overall pass marks you will need to achieve in order to progress or achieve an award are shown. The full regulations concerning progression and completion are held in the University's Regulations and Code of Practice. Any particular aspects of your programme that are unusual will be highlighted. If any Units are must pass this will be shown below. The linked unit specifications detail any additional requirements.

What do the Levels represent?

What do the teaching blocks (TB) mean?

  • Year 1 (2023/24)

The maximum period of study for full-time students is 4 years. This catalogue only shows the taught units on the programme and may not show all years of study.

Unit name Unit code Credit points Status Teaching Block
EMATM0058 20 Mandatory TB-4
EMATM0019 20 Mandatory TB-2
AENGM0038 20 Mandatory TB-2
EMATM0054 20 Mandatory TB-1
AENGM0072 15 Mandatory TB-1
Select from:
Take one UWE and one UoB unit from the following list, totalling 25 credit points:
EMATM0021 10 Optional TB-1
EMATM0029 10 Optional TB-2
EMATM0031 15 Optional TB-2
EMATM0033 15 Optional TB-1
EMATM0042 10 Optional TB-2
EMATM0043 15 Optional TB-2
EMATM0044 10 Optional TB-2
EMATM0056 15 Optional TB-1
EMATM0057 10 Optional TB-2
EMATM0059 15 Optional TB-2
EMATM1120 10 Optional TB-1
EENG30010 10 Optional TB-1
EENGM4120 10 Optional TB-2
COMSM0094 10 Optional TB-1
The Dissertation Unit EMATM0055 is only taken by those exiting with an MRes award in order to gain the necessary credit.
EMATM0055 60 Optional AYEAR
MRes Robotics and Autonomous Systems   180    

Progression/award requirements

The assessment of the taught component of a doctoral degree is governed by the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and is assessed separately from the research project. Progression to the research project may be dependent on the successful completion of the taught component - please refer to the relevant handbook for the structure of the particular programme.

The pass mark set by the University for any level 7(M) unit is 50 out of 100.

Exit awards

It may be possible to exit the programme with a taught award. For detailed rules on progression please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Research Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

Additional progress information

To be awarded a postgraduate certificate, students must have successfully completed 60 credit points of taught units, to include at least one of 'Robotics Fundamentals' and 'Robotic Systems'. There is no Postgraduate Diploma exit award.

To be awarded the MRes, students must have successfully completed 180 credit points from the taught units, including the dissertation unit. Note that the MRes degree will only be awarded to students electing to exit the CDT programme after one year.

The dissertation unit is must pass at the first attempt for students on the PhD. The dissertation unit may only be retaken by students who intend to exit with the MRes.

Related links

  • Structure by entry cohort
  • Specification
  • Programmes available in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

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We are Engineering

Should I apply for a PhD?

Josh Poole and students working on the earthquake shaking table

A PhD can be a really exciting road to take, but before you apply you need to consider whether it’s the right route for you.

Josh Hoole, Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, talks us through the what, why, where, when and how of doing a PhD and shares his tips for those who want to apply.

A PhD is where you will undertake research that will provide an original and significant contribution to knowledge within your field. This is presented as a thesis up to 80,000 words which is assessed by a viva with leading experts.

It’s also 3.5 years to focus deeply on an area of engineering to uncover knowledge that nobody else has found before…

Four cyber security students in a lab

Many of us carried out a PhD because we love research or the specific area of engineering we focused on. PhD projects also open you up to new experiences, including presenting work at international conferences, networking, teaching and getting work published.

That’s not to say a PhD will leave you on a purely academic path. Many PhD holders find themselves in industry, often in research roles and you often see Chief Technology Officers holding a doctorate.

In the UK, we tend to split paths through a PhD in three main streams. The first is where you apply to a specific PhD project and work within a research group. Another way is via a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), where you start with a year’s Masters course within a cohort before starting your PhD project. The final is the EngD where you will typically work within/closely with an industrial company for your project.

Every university will have its own specialities so look around!

Often PhD schemes will require you to have completed your Master’s, but this does vary from scheme to scheme, institution to institution and case to case. Again, speak to the team advertising the PhD project to find out more.

PhD adverts can be open year-round, but from my experience, there are ‘hot-spots’ for applications at the very start (i.e. now!) and end of the year, along with some towards the summer.

Engineering research student using equipment

Step 1 – try and figure out that you’d like to do a PhD (see my tips below) and this includes weighing up that it could be a different lifestyle to joining a grad scheme.

Step 2 – find a project or CDT scheme that aligns with an area you want to study in. Remember, this will be a labour of love so make sure it’s in a topic you want to spend 3.5 years on. You can find PhD opportunities listed on university websites, or on various PhD advert portals.

Step 3 – speak to the supervisory team on the advert. This is super important to help you get to know the team you could be working with.

Step 4 – go through the application process. Give plenty of time before the deadline to do this, as there can be a fair amount of paperwork to sort.

Hints and tips when considering and applying for a PhD

  • Think carefully about the PhD lifestyle , it won’t necessarily follow a 9-5 pattern, will peak and trough and the work can be difficult to ‘put down’ at times. This isn’t always for everyone, but some people thrive off it, so have a good think about what might work for you, but also know how you would hope to manage your time to make sure you get rest!
  • Think about how your funding route might also impact your lifestyle . However, the best thing to do is fully read up as some funding routes can come with perks, and many institutions will encourage you to support teaching and get paid for your time (worth discussing this with any potential supervisor you speak to!)
  • Talk. Talk. Talk! Engage with the supervisor advertising the post, try and speak to their current students and post docs, speak to your peers, friends, family. This can help shape your thoughts – I used a week’s holiday to figure out what I wanted to do!
  • You will be working on problems with no immediate or obvious answer . This is research. It can take a while to get comfortable with this, (answering a research question produces more questions), but if you like exploring the unknown, a PhD could be a good path for you!

Thanks for taking your time to read these thoughts and all the best with your plans for the future, whatever and wherever they may be!

Further information

  • PhD opportunities in the Faculty of Engineering
  • Postgraduate research at the University of Bristol
  • Research at the University of Bristol

Careers Service Blog

Helping you get to where you want to be when you graduate

Are you considering a PhD?

With most phds spanning 3 to 4 years, it is not a decision to take lightly..

For some students, their passion for research and a specific academic discipline is such that a PhD is an obvious choice as part of their career planning, however, for others it is just one possible option, prompting further questions.

Having an insight into what life is like as a post-graduate researcher is a crucial first step. Without any doubt, you will need to love learning, have a hunger for research, and be a self-starter happy to work for long periods independently. Advice from vitae.ac.uk  is to be ‘really clear on your motivations for doing a doctorate, and that it [will be] a positive career step.’

Kayleigh Crouch is a Career Peer Support Adviser with the Careers Service, currently a PGR at the University of Bristol, and has shared her insights on what it’s like to be a doctoral researcher here:

Kayleigh in a field next to a cow

“I completed a BSc (Hons) and MRes in Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Hartpury University (UWE) and quickly realised that I loved research and wanted a career in it.

It was challenging however to know what kind of research, and where this research role might be found.

Also, once I did find an opportunity, I wondered if I would have the skills to conduct PhD level research. As a fresh(ish) master’s graduate, would I be at the right level?

Looking into my options, I found that I was. It’s important to remember that you are not expected to already have all the skills of a finished PhD – otherwise, why would you do one? A PhD is a learning process ; so, to reach that level you just have to be motivated and keen to learn!

To find my course, I ran some searches for PhDs on findaphd and jobs.ac.uk and on my university Careers Service website . I found two PhDs that were particularly interesting to me and decided they were the ones I would apply to. Because I was targeting my applications to specific PhDs that interested me, I could spend time and take extra care to meet the requirements in these applications . It felt easier because I was really interested in what I was applying for and was already reading about the topic before I wrote my proposal.

Below are some key bits of advice I have from completing the application writing process.

Quality over quantity

Simple questions answered well are better (and easier to provide) than overly complex or complicated questions. Remember that a PhD is about contributing a new novel piece of work to your field , not reinventing the wheel. Look at other research project rationales/methods/outputs for inspiration here on how much innovation is needed.

Apply for a topic that interests you

It is important during the application process to really consider the kind of PhD you’d like to do and if any funded ones interest you. This is important as it will take at least three years to finish your PhD, and it will be the dominant aspect of your life during that time .

Stop and think about each stage of the application.

It is important to give any application the time and attention it needs to be clear enough to secure funding or an interview. Make sure you tailor your application to the place, the funder, and the institution in which you wish to complete your PhD. Don’t assume funding will be forthcoming just because a university is willing to accept you as a doctoral student – funders have their own criteria! (This is particularly something to be aware of outside of the sciences).

Know what you’re applying for.

Read around the subject. Often the institutions that you’re applying to will have conducted relevant research in this area, and it can be beneficial to know about it. You can then cite it in your proposal and draw upon this knowledge during the discussion and the interview stage. This type of information can usually be found on university websites under personal profiles or research group outputs. This reading exercise will also help to demonstrate your ability to interpret information and communicate it in written and oral formats – two of the most important skills of a researcher.

Interview Tips

Prepare for a PhD interview the same as you would with any kind of job interview by ensuring you are prepared to answer questions related to the characteristics/skills outlined in the PhD advert . This means preparing yourself to speak coherently about examples of times when you have demonstrated skills they are looking for in a candidate, e.g., experience in data analysis, writing reports, and working as part of a team.

Finally, if you are thinking about a PhD then talking to others should be your first step.

For example, you could discuss this with course tutors, or explore this option with a Careers Adviser in one of our 30-minute guidance appointments (that you can arrange via Live Chat ) to help you to decide if this is the right path for you.”

If you have made the decision to go ahead and find a programme, start with the links cited by Kayleigh above, and talk to the academic staff involved in postgraduate research within your School and Faculty.

  • You can find a wealth of resources on our Further Study webpage
  • For any queries regarding funding, you can get started by having a look at our Funding further study guide.
  • You can find interview support on our CVs, applications and interviews webpage
  • Don’t forget you can talk to us on Live Chat or come and say hello at 5 Tyndall Avenue

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Education PhD University of Bristol

University of Bristol

Course options


PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

University of Bristol


Course summary

We offer high-quality supervision by internationally recognised scholars in areas including educational psychology, education policy, sociology of education, higher education, teaching and learning in schools, professional development, learning in the city, non-formal education, lifelong learning and assessment.

Academic staff include experienced researchers with methodological expertise in advanced quantitative methods, experimental methods, a range of qualitative research methods and mixed methods. You will be part of a large, diverse doctoral community in an atmosphere that is exciting, creative and welcoming.

You can expect:

  • membership of a research centre, network and/or faculty-wide research group that includes staff and postgraduate researchers;
  • accredited research methods units;
  • networking opportunities with other doctoral researchers across disciplines and neighbouring universities through membership of the South West Doctoral Training Partnership and Bristol Doctoral College;
  • support for developing as a researcher, including attending conferences and publishing research;
  • opportunities to apply for short-term paid research assistant and teaching assistant roles;
  • access to professional development and short training courses tailored for postgraduate researchers;
  • access to a dedicated school library on site, faculty and other University libraries;
  • modern and well-appointed study spaces within the School of Education and in the wider University;
  • opportunities to participate in seminars (often featuring national and international visitors), research student seminars, reading groups and specialist methodological workshops.

Module Options

Tuition fees.

  • Afghanistan
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Congo (Democratic Republic)
  • Czech Republic
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
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  • Vatican City
  • Western Samoa

£ 20,700 per year

Tuition fees shown are for indicative purposes and may vary. Please check with the institution for most up to date details.

University information

University of Bristol

University League Table

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University of Bristol, Beacon House, Queen’s Road, Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1QU, England

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2nd out of 91 4

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Study cover for Psychology

Studying the Psychology programme offered by the University of Bristol will give you the opportunity to be part of a vibrant postgraduate community and a worldclass department. 

Logo University of Bristol

The postgraduate students of the  Psychology  programme offered by the University of Bristol  are a very important part of the departmental research culture and are a key component in maintaining our international research reputation.

Before submitting an application, we strongly recommend that potential applicants make informal contact with the member of academic staff who has expertise in the research area you wish to pursue. 

Many of our PhD graduates work in academia; others work in the private sector or in government institutions.

Get more details

Programme structure.

Research areas include:

  • Digital health
  • Nutrition and Behaviour Unit
  • Tobacco and Alcohol Group
  • Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • Brain imaging
  • Cognitive neuroscience

Check out the full curriculum

Key information.

  • 48 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Start date: Not fixed.
  • Application deadline: We welcome applications at any time of year.

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Explore more key information, academic requirements, english requirements, student insurance.

Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following:

  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Home contents and baggage

We partnered with Aon to provide you with the best affordable student insurance, for a carefree experience away from home.

Starting from €0.53/day, free cancellation any time.

Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at University of Bristol and/or in United Kingdom, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

  • An upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in psychology or a related discipline.

Make sure you meet all requirements

Tuition fee, international.

UK: part-time

  • £2,379 per year

Living costs for Bristol

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

Check for any work restrictions

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Scholarships Information

Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Psychology.

Available Scholarships

You are eligible to apply for these scholarships but a selection process will still be applied by the provider.

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University of Bristol PhD: Uncover Popular Programs, Studentships, Stipend, & Application


  • Updated on  
  • May 30, 2024

University of Bristol PhD: Top Programs, Studentships, & Application

The University of Bristol PhD programs are renowned both in the UK and globally. Ranking #55 among the world’s top universities , Bristol is a member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities in the UK with 94% of its research deemed “world-leading” and “internationally excellent”. The program has a study duration of 3-4 years offering a stipend of GBP 19,237 under Faculty Research studentships, Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), and Industrial studentships. Dive into this blog to learn more about Bristol’s PhD programs in detail!

Arts, Engineering, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Science, Social Sciences and Law
GBP 19,237
Faculty Research Studentships, Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), Industrial Studentships, Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS)
A relevant Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) with a minimum GPA of (or an or higher), standardized test scores (SAT: 650+, ACT: 24+)
 6.5+ 90+ 168+ 67+

This Blog Includes:

University of bristol phd: an overview, list of university of bristol phd programs, university of bristol phd studentships, entry requirements, documents required, career scope.

Established in 1876, the University of Bristol PhD ranks amongst the top universities in the UK and the world, Bristol offers a dynamic environment for PhD study. With 6 faculties, students can explore research opportunities across Arts, Engineering, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Science, and Social Sciences and Law.

Students can pursue their research ambitions with 300+ funded PhD studentships, providing them with financial backing. You can contribute to groundbreaking discoveries in various fields, from quantum technologies to global public health.

Also Read: PhD in Chemistry at Edinburgh University: Entry Requirements, Cost, Application Process

Bristol’s PhD programs span a vast spectrum of disciplines. Here’s a glimpse into some of the most popular offerings, categorized by faculty:

  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities: Anthropology and Archaeology, Classics and Ancient History, Creative Writing, English Literature, French, Geographical Sciences. 
  • Faculty of Engineering: Robotics, Sustainable Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
  • Faculty of Business and Management: Accounting and Finance, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Management.
  • Faculty of Health Sciences: Neuroscience, Population Health, Clinical Trials
  • Faculty of Life Sciences: Educational Psychology, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
  • Faculty of Science: Physics, Mathematics, Quantum Technologies
  • Faculty of Social Sciences: East Asian Studies, Economics, Education, Law, Politics, Professional Research in Education.

University of Bristol PhD: Stipend

Financial support is crucial for a successful PhD journey. The University of Bristol PhD offers a competitive stipend to help cover living expenses. This annual stipend, currently at GBP 19,237 for 2024/25, is not subject to income tax.

Note: The stipend is typically attached to studentships, which are funded research projects with specific supervisors. Not all PhD programs offer studentships.

Studentships are a fantastic way to secure funding for your University of Bristol PhD. Here’s a table outlining some of the studentships offered by the institute:

Faculty Research StudentshipsOpen to all qualified applicantsCovers full tuition fees and stipend
Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs)Specific eligibility criteria apply (check program details)Covers full tuition fees, stipend, and research allowances
Industrial StudentshipsCollaborative projects with industry partnersVaries depending on the project
Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS)International students from selected countriesCovers tuition fees and a stipend

To be eligible for a PhD program at the University of Bristol as an international student, you’ll need to fulfil the following general entry requirements:

  • A relevant Master’s degree (or equivalent international qualification).
  • A minimum GPA of 3.4 or higher or an IB score of 37 or higher.
  • English language requirements:
  • Standardized test scores:
  • Research experience (preferred)

Also Read: PhD at Columbia University: Courses Overview, Tuition Fees and Duration

Application Process

The application process for the University of Bristol PhD programs is generally online. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Research the various PhD programs offered and identify the one that suits your research interests.
  • Ensure you meet the entry requirements for your chosen program.
  • Connect with a faculty member whose research aligns with yours. Discuss your research interests and potential projects.
  • Gather the required documents, including transcripts, CV, research proposal, and reference letters.
  • Follow the application instructions on the program webpage and submit your application by the deadline.

Some common documents required to apply for the University of Bristol PhD include:

  • Completed online application form
  • Official academic transcripts of your qualifications
  • Updated CV/Resume
  • Research proposal  
  • 2-3 reference letters from academic referees
  • Evidence of English language proficiency (if applicable)

A University of Bristol PhD equips you with a unique blend of research expertise, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. This qualification opens doors to diverse career paths, such as:

  • Academic Research
  • Policy and Consultancy
  • Entrepreneurship

Relevant Reads:

Answer: Yes, there are application deadlines for each PhD program. These deadlines can vary, so it’s crucial to check the program webpage for specific dates.

Answer: Yes, a research proposal demonstrates your initiative and allows you to showcase your research interests and potential project ideas.

Answer: Yes! The University of Bristol offers several studentships specifically for international students, like the Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS). Be sure to explore the various funding options available on the University website.

We hope this blog gave you a complete overview of the University of Bristol PhD programs for international students. Stay tuned to Leverage Edu for more study-abroad university updates like this.

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Disha Kaira

Disha is an electrical engineer turned writer passionate about bringing a spark (and accuracy) to whatever content she comes across. Whether it's UI/UX Design or writing blogs on abroad education, she relishes every chance to learn and test the limits of her creativity.

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Eligibility and applications

Find out about the minimum criteria for admission onto UWE Bristol's research degree programmes, the Doctoral Academy application process, and how to apply.


If you are interested in applying for one of our funded studentship opportunities, please refer to the separate application process for the individual studentship advertised.

What you need to do

Step 1 : check the minimum eligibility criteria hide details.

For a supervised PhD, MPhil or DPhil we expect that applicants will normally hold at least a 2:1 or a Masters qualification from a UK university or a degree of comparable standing from a university outside the UK. We also require a recognised English language qualification  prior to making an unconditional offer. The College of Health, Science and Society and the College of Business and Law require a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 overall, or equivalent. Applications which do not meet the minimum criteria will not be considered.

Step 2 : Discuss your research proposal Hide details

We strongly encourage you to discuss your proposed research with an academic staff member prior to submitting an application. If you are unsure who to approach, you can explore the member lists of UWE Bristol's research centres and groups  or search staff profiles  using subject-area search terms (eg robotics) or an individual's name, if known.

Step 3 : Apply at least four months before your proposed start date Hide details

The Doctoral Academy operates three intake dates per academic year:

We accept applications for any future start date, subject to the application submission deadlines listed below and completion of the full admissions process.  Your start date will be confirmed at the discretion of the College Research Degrees Committee (CRDC) once an offer of study is made.

Please be aware that, we cannot guarantee a particular start date even if the below deadlines have been met for the submission of your completed application. This is because there are other factors involved in the application process, some of which are outside of UWE Bristol's control.

Application submission deadlines

1 April 1 November 1 December
1 October 1 June 1 June
1 January 1 September 1 September

Please note that these are the latest dates for complete applications, including references. We recommend that you apply at least  four  months in advance of your proposed start date.

Step 4 : Apply for a student visa in good time if you need one Hide details

If you require a student route visa to undertake a research degree, you must apply at least four months in advance of your proposed start date so you can obtain an offer in time to apply for your  Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) , visa  and ATAS certificate  (if applicable) prior to your preferred start date.

Step 5 : Submit your form online Hide details

Supporting documentation.

You will need to upload your research proposal, all your degree certificates and transcripts and your proof of English language proficiency as attachments to your application so please have these available when you complete the application form.

Your research proposal attachment should describe your proposed research in as much detail as possible. The proposal needs to clearly outline the research questions, the relevant research literature, your proposed research methods and how your research will contribute to knowledge in your field.

Your application will only be considered if it is complete including the above supporting documentation and confirms that you meet our minimum eligibility criteria.  Missing or incorrect information will mean that your application will not be considered. If we need further details or additional documentation we will contact you.

You will need to provide details of two referees as part of your application. At least one referee must be an academic referee from the institution that conferred your highest degree. Your referee will be asked for a reference at the time you submit your application, so please ensure that your nominated referees are willing and able to provide references within 14 days of your application being submitted. 

All applications need to be submitted via the online application system. Please ensure you choose the correct degree from the list below to apply:

  • Apply for a PhD research degree
  • Apply for an MPhil research degree

Please ensure that you meet additional  DPhil eligibility criteria  before you apply for a DPhil research degree:

  • Apply for a DPhil research degree

Step 6 : Attend an interview, if invited Hide details

If research leaders in the respective faculty are interested in your research proposal, we will invite you to participate in a formal interview for a more in-depth discussion about your application. If you are successful at interview, we will then make an offer.

Step 7 : Find out about fees and funding Hide details

Please take a look at our information about fees and funding  for postgraduate researchers.

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Students working on computers in a study area.

Contact the Doctoral Academy

Ways to contact the Doctoral Academy, from postgraduate research support to submitting your thesis.

Student working in a lab while wearing a blue coat.

Fees and funding

View Doctoral Academy tuition fees, project fees, completion fees and resubmission fees.

Students smiling in a study room.

Skills development for postgraduate researchers

The UWE Bristol Doctoral Academy offers a range of workshops to develop postgraduate research (PGR) students' vital transferable skills.

Student adjusting a small piece of machinery.

Support during your degree

Support from the Doctoral Academy available to postgraduate researchers at UWE Bristol.

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Careers at Bechtel

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2025 University Graduate (U.S.) Cybersecurity Engineer

Requisition ID:  277413

  • Relocation Authorized:  National - Single
  • Telework Type:  Full-Time Office/Project  
  • Work Location:  Various Permanent Bechtel Office Locations  
  • Salary Range: $80,004 - $96,012 annually (Determined by function, education, experience, and qualifications of the applicant. A 15% salary uplift is provided on top of base salary for positions that are worked in New York City or San Francisco, which is subject to change depending on market conditions.).

Since 1898, we have helped customers complete more than 25,000 projects in 160 countries on all seven continents that have created jobs, grown economies, improved the resiliency of the world's infrastructure, increased access to energy, resources, and vital services, and made the world a safer, cleaner place. 

Differentiated by the quality of our people and our relentless drive to deliver the most successful outcomes, we align our capabilities to our customers' objectives to create a lasting positive impact. We serve the Infrastructure; Nuclear, Security & Environmental; Energy; Mining & Metals, and the Manufacturing and Technology markets. Our services span from initial planning and investment, through start-up and operations. 

Core to Bechtel is our Vision, Values and Commitments . They are what we believe, what customers can expect, and how we deliver. Learn more about our extraordinary teams building inspiring projects in our Impact Report . 

This entry-level position will allow you to perform assignments that will develop professional working knowledge and abilities through the application of applicable codes and standards, as well as engineering calculations and techniques, procedures, and criteria.  You will exercise limited, but increasing, judgment in performing your assigned duties using methods prescribed by your supervisor.

Typical Activities of the Cybersecurity Team

  • Assist with control system network design development;
  • evaluate vendor cybersecurity products and write evaluations results;
  • work with NIST-based and other standards to achieve cybersecurity work activities;
  • set up and troubleshoot cybersecurity test configurations;
  • provide logic and Human Machine Interface programming for cybersecurity testing rigs;
  • assist in providing patch management activities for the overall Technical Center;
  • provide status of ongoing design and development activities; and
  • work on special projects like the ICS Trainer System and the ancillary work activities that support it.

Basic Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, or Electro-Mech Engineering from an accredited college or university within the past twelve (12) months or upcoming twelve (12) months.
  • Ability and willingness to relocate and/or travel to domestic and/or international project jobsites.
  • Possess the eligibility to work and remain in the US without visa sponsorship, now or in the future.
  • Must be able to pass pre-employment drug screen and background check.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, or Electro-Mech Engineering from an accredited college or university within the past twelve (12) months or upcoming twelve (12) months.
  • Prior co-op or internship experience.
  • Completed relevant coursework with a strong GPA.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.

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We are committed to being a company where every colleague feels that they belong-where colleagues feel part of "One Team," respected and rewarded for what they bring, supported in pursuing their goals, invested in our values and purpose, and treated equitably. Click here to learn more about the people who power our legacy.

At Bechtel, our employees enjoy a competitive total rewards package that includes comprehensive medical, dental, and vision plans, along with optional disability and supplemental insurance options, generous paid time off (160 hours annually, accrued 6.16 hours per pay period), nine paid holidays, paid parental leave, discretionary bonuses, and a well-designed 401K plan with matching and profit-sharing components.

Bechtel is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, national origin, disability, citizenship status (except as authorized by law), protected veteran status, genetic information, and any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.

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Linguistics PhD

University of bristol, different course options.

  • Key information

Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas


Course type

Linguistics is the study of human language, how it functions in the brain and how it is used in society. Studying linguistics allows you to develop your understanding of language, and therefore learn more about people, both as individuals and societies. This level of in-depth knowledge about the human condition is increasingly vital in a world facing a broad array of societal and environmental challenges.

At the University of Bristol, we have a strong research focus on sociolinguistics, which is the study of language in society. We are deeply interested in how the study of language sheds light on social issues, both present and past, and we use a broad range of methods and approaches, including qualitative and quantitative analyses of recordings, surveys, corpora, and historical documents. We examine language variation and change, using both present-day and historical data. We also adopt critical approaches that study the attitudes, belief systems and policies that influence the way people use language on a daily basis. As a PhD student, you will be able to apply all these approaches to your own data and develop your knowledge collaboratively with us as a team.

In our team, we have published extensively on many different language situations around the world, and our skills and expertise cover several languages: Catalan, English, Esperanto, French, German, Irish, Occitan, Portuguese, Scots, Spanish and Welsh. We also welcome working with students on other languages.

Based in the School of Modern Languages, the staff in the Linguistics team collaborate nationally and internationally. We are connected with many professional bodies and networks, including the Association for French Language Studies, the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society, the Forum for Germanic Language Studies, and the Historical Sociolinguistics Network. We work with colleagues from across the university (for example, in Anthropology and in English) and we contribute to the research centres in the Faculty of Arts. These connections, our research events, and the support of our team offer an excellent research environment.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

A master's qualification, or be working towards a master's qualification, or international equivalent. Applicants without a master's qualification may be considered on an exceptional basis, provided they hold a first-class undergraduate degree (or international equivalent). Applicants with a non-traditional background be considered provided they can demonstrate substantial equivalent and relevant experience that has prepared them to undertake their proposed course of study.

Applied Linguistics and Communication MA

Birkbeck, university of london, social research and applied linguistics mres, applied linguistics mphil/phd, ma applied linguistics and tesol - 1 yr ft, anglia ruskin university, english language and linguistics phd.

Undergraduate study

Entry requirements and qualifications, qualifications, uk qualifications.

Please see our information on  UK qualifications for undergraduate entry .

International qualifications

We accept a wide range of international qualifications .

English language requirements

You need to achieve a certain level of English to qualify for a place on your chosen course.

Each course specifies one of six language 'profiles', a profile is the level of English required for entry on to that particular course if English is not your first language.

You do not need a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) in English for any application to the University of Bristol.

Typical and contextual offers

When you check the entry requirements for individual courses , you will see two types of offer listed - typical and contextual.

Typical offer

The A-level or IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate) typical offer shows the grades we usually request when we make an offer.

We consider applications on their individual merit and the entry requirements shown are indicative only. If you receive an offer, it may differ slightly from the typical offer.

We welcome applicants with other UK qualifications equivalent to the typical offer. We accept a wide range of international qualifications .

Contextual offer

As part of our commitment to the UK national agenda on widening participation, we consider the educational context in which grades have been achieved and may make you a contextual offer.

Find out whether you may be eligible for a contextual offer . 

Admissions tests

  • University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) You need to take the UCAT test (formerly UKCAT) if you are applying for a medical or dental degree at Bristol.
  • National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT) You need to take the LNAT test if you are applying for a Law LLB course. We cannot offer you a place until you have taken the test unless the test is unavailable in your country of residence.

International Foundation Programme

The Centre for Academic Language and Development has information on entry requirements for the International Foundation Programme .

How your application is assessed

Our undergraduate admissions statements provide detailed information on the selection procedures and how your application will be assessed.

We follow a clear set of policies and procedures when dealing with admissions.


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    Research programmes. Join over 3,500 postgraduate researchers from all over the world. Our community is the perfect place to start your research journey. Understand your options - from distance learning to the length of your programme. Discover the degrees available - from PhDs to professional qualifications.

  2. Computer Science

    Researchers in this area of study explore intelligent systems, digital media, foundations, personal systems, and architecture and design. Computer Science is located within Merchant Venturers Building alongside aligned areas of study like Electrical and Electronic Engineering, bringing together the University's research strengths in computing ...

  3. PhD programmes

    The University of Bristol Business School has an enthusiastic research community, a welcoming atmosphere and excellent research facilities. Find out more about our PhD programme details, such as entry requirement, duration, supervisors and tuition fees.

  4. PhD

    130 Research Projects. PhD Opportunities. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis (TECS) Fully funded EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Cyber Security.

  5. Unit and programme catalogues

    Progression/award requirements. The assessment of the taught component of a doctoral degree is governed by the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and is assessed separately from the research project. Progression to the research project may be dependent on the successful completion of the taught component - please refer to the relevant handbook for the structure of the ...

  6. Philosophy PhD at University of Bristol

    For this course (per year) £20,700. Entry requirements. PhD: A master's qualification, or be working towards a master's qualification, or international equivalent. Applicants without a master's qualification may be considered on an exceptional basis, provided they hold a first-class undergraduate degree (or international equivalent).

  7. University of Bristol

    Multiple locations. The University of Bristol has an international reputation for high-quality education and research. Bristol welcomes students from more than 150 countries worldwide. #54 Ranking. 56 PhDs. 23 Scholarships. 1,674 Academic Staff. 24,110 Students. 7,233 Students (int'l)

  8. Should I apply for a PhD at the University of Bristol?

    You can find PhD opportunities listed on university websites, or on various PhD advert portals. Step 3 - speak to the supervisory team on the advert. This is super important to help you get to know the team you could be working with. Step 4 - go through the application process. Give plenty of time before the deadline to do this, as there ...

  9. Computer Science PhD at University of Bristol

    For this course (per year) £26,000. Entry requirements. PhD applicants must hold/achieve a minimum of a Master degree (or international equivalent) in a relevant discipline. Applicants without a masters qualification may be considered on an exceptional basis, provided they hold a first-class undergraduate degree.

  10. PhD Education Program By University of Bristol |Top Universities

    The University has strong research links, expert staff and a reputation for innovation. Students can choose from 249 postgraduate degrees at Bristol. The University has six faculties: Arts; Engineering; Health Sciences; Life Sciences; Science; and Social Sciences and Law. Our wide range of taught programmes includes MA, MSc and LLM degrees.

  11. Postgraduate programmes

    Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology, fully funded by the Wellcome Trust for UK students. ... Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Music, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups. Modes of study Full-time, Part-time Awards available

  12. Are you considering a PhD?

    With most PhDs spanning 3 to 4 years, it is not a decision to take lightly. For some students, their passion for research and a specific academic discipline is such that a PhD is an obvious choice as part of their career planning, however, for others it is just one possible option, prompting further questions.. Having an insight into what life is like as a post-graduate researcher is a crucial ...

  13. Education PhD at University of Bristol

    University of Bristol, Beacon House, Queen's Road, Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1QU, England. VIEW PROFILE. Bristol is one of the UK's leading research universities, with a curriculum informed by the latest research and degrees taught by expert academics. Over a quarter of Bristol students are international, with students from more than 150 ...

  14. Psychology, Ph.D.

    About. Studying the Psychology programme offered by the University of Bristol will give you the opportunity to be part of a vibrant postgraduate community and a worldclass department. Visit the Visit programme website for more information. University of Bristol. Bristol , England , United Kingdom. Top 0.5% worldwide.

  15. Planning your application

    The Student Services Office in the School of Education manages the admissions process for our Doctoral programmes. If there is anything you would like to discuss, please contact us by: Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Telephone: +44 117 455 1093. Office location: Room 1.08, 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1JA.

  16. University of Bristol PhD: Uncover Popular Programs, Studentships

    The University of Bristol PhD programs are renowned both in the UK and globally. Ranking #55 among the world's top universities, Bristol is a member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities in the UK with 94% of its research deemed "world-leading" and "internationally excellent". The program has a study duration of 3-4 years offering a stipend of GBP 19,237 under ...

  17. Economics PhD at University of Bristol

    Course Summary. Overview. The School of Economics carries out research into most of the major fields of economics. It has a distinctive focus and reputation, combining high-level advances in economic theory, structural modelling and econometrics with innovative research in public policy. The quality of the department's research has been evident ...

  18. University of Bristol

    The University of Bristol offers its students one of the best graduate employment rates across UK universities, having been rated joint 7th in the UK and 49th globally when it comes to graduate employability according to the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022. It was also found that graduates of Bristol are the 3rd most targeted students by top employers in the UK (High Fliers Research ...

  19. Education (PhD)

    What can the Education PhD programme offer me? As an education research student with us, you can expect: high quality and regular supervision from academic experts in their areas to support a 80,000 word dissertation (540 D level credits); support from your supervisors for presenting at conferences and publishing in academic peer-reviewed journals;

  20. Eligibility and applications

    1. Check the minimum eligibility criteria Show details. For a supervised PhD, MPhil or DPhil we expect that applicants will normally hold at least a 2:1 or a Masters qualification from a UK university or a degree of comparable standing from a university outside the UK. We also require a recognised prior to making an unconditional offer.

  21. How to apply

    1. Find a programme. Search the postgraduate online prospectus to find your programme. Read the admissions statement for information on entry requirements, the application process, and supporting documents required. 2. Start your application. You can either select Apply now on the programme's prospectus page or head straight to the online ...

  22. 2025 University Graduate (U.S.) Cybersecurity Engineer

    Basic Qualifications. Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, or Electro-Mech Engineering from an accredited college or university within the past twelve (12) months or upcoming twelve (12) months.

  23. Linguistics PhD at University of Bristol

    At the University of Bristol, we have a strong research focus on sociolinguistics, which is the study of language in society. We are deeply interested in how the study of language sheds light on social issues, both present and past, and we use a broad range of methods and approaches, including qualitative and quantitative analyses of recordings ...

  24. Entry requirements and qualifications

    English language requirements. You need to achieve a certain level of English to qualify for a place on your chosen course. Each course specifies one of six language 'profiles', a profile is the level of English required for entry on to that particular course if English is not your first language. You do not need a Graduate Management Admission ...