Genetic Engineering

Close-up of a firefly glow-in-the-dark-petunia.

I Bought a Glowing Plant. It Led Me Down a Rabbit Hole

A bioluminescent petunia led me to a world of radiant mushrooms, 19th-century experiments and a modern rivalry between scientists in Russia and the Americas

Rachel Ehrenberg, Knowable Magazine

Cloned rhesus monkey in cage

Meet ReTro, the First Cloned Rhesus Monkey to Reach Adulthood

A method that provides cloned embryos with a healthy placenta has led to the first cloned rhesus monkey that has survived to adulthood and could pave the way for more research involving the primates

Miryam Naddaf, Nature magazine

Monkey face and inset of its fingertips, which appear to be glow green

Why Does This Hybrid Monkey Glow Green?

Researchers created a monkey that combines cells from two different individuals; a lab technique gave it a strange green glow

Meghan Bartels

A fruitfly on a green leaf.

‘Virgin Birth’ Engineered into Female Animals for First Time

Scientists altered the genomes of female fruit flies, allowing them to reproduce without any contribution from a male

Anil Oza, Nature magazine

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

First U.K. Children Are Born Using DNA from Three ‘Parents’

The U.K.’s fertility regulator reveals that at least one child has been born using mitochondrial replacement therapy, but the procedure’s effectiveness remains to be seen

Ewen Callaway, Nature magazine

Little boy eating vegetables

Tweaking Vegetables’ Genes Could Make Them Tastier—And You’ll Get to Try Them Soon

Flavor is a tricky target, but technology and powerful genetic techniques are making it more feasible to improve the taste of vegetables

Scientific American Logo

Synthetic Morphology Lets Scientists Create New Life-Forms

The emerging field of synthetic morphology bends boundaries between natural and artificial life

Philip Ball

CRISPR-Cas9 - blue on burgundy background

In First, Scientists Use CRISPR for Personalized Cancer Treatment

The “most complicated therapy ever” tailors bespoke, genome-edited immune cells to attack tumors

Heidi Ledford, Nature magazine

Comparison image of natural and synthetic mouse embryos

Mouse Embryos Grown without Eggs or Sperm

Two research teams grew synthetic embryos using stem cells for long enough to see some organs develop

Cassandra Willyard, Nature magazine

Thyacline illustration

De-extinction Company Aims to Resurrect the Tasmanian Tiger

The scientists who want to bring back mammoths now hope to revive the marsupial carnivore thylacine

Two quasi-circular red cells plus a third, shaped more like a crescent moon.

How Designer DNA Is Changing Medicine

A genomic revolution is poised to cure sickle cell and other genetic diseases

Carolyn Barber

3d illustration of artificial insemination, or in vitro fertilization, of an egg cell.

A New Era of Designer Babies May Be Based on Overhyped Science

Genetic testing with IVF is being marketed as a means to choose a healthy embryo, despite questions about the soundness of the technology

Laura Hercher

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Genetic engineering

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Illustration of bacteria. Among ordered lines of bacteria, a single bacterium is highlighted in a circle, and a DNA strand can be seen within

Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems

By analyzing bacterial data, researchers have discovered thousands of rare new CRISPR systems that have a range of functions and could enable gene editing, diagnostics, and more.

November 23, 2023

Read full story →

Qijun Liu, Maria Eugenia Inda, and Miguel Jimenez, all in lab coats and nitrile gloves, pose with prototypes of a pill-like capsule and a glass vial with yellow liquid

Smart pill can track key biological markers in real-time

Coupling engineered bacteria with low-power electronics could be highly effective in diagnosis, treatment of bowel diseases.

September 8, 2023

Color-coded 3D model of the Fanzor protein complex

Researchers uncover a new CRISPR-like system in animals that can edit the human genome

The first RNA-guided DNA-cutting enzyme found in eukaryotes, Fanzor could one day be harnessed to edit DNA more precisely than CRISPR/Cas systems.

June 28, 2023

Two by four grid of headshots of the researchers on the 2023 J-WAFS Grand Challenge team.

Inaugural J-WAFS Grand Challenge aims to develop enhanced crop variants and move them from lab to land

Matt Shoulders will lead an interdisciplinary team to improve RuBisCO — the photosynthesis enzyme thought to be the holy grail for improving agricultural yield.

May 10, 2023

Photo of a man in a shortsleeve button-down shirt sitting in a lab with his hands folded, looking at the camera

3 Questions: Cullen Buie on a new era for cell therapies

The associate professor of MechE reflects on how his company, Kytopen, has grown and shifted focus in developing safer immunotherapies.

February 3, 2023

Portrait photos of Richard Braatz, Stacy Springs, and Anthony Sinskey

New leadership at MIT’s Center for Biomedical Innovation

Stacy Springs named executive director; Richard Braatz is associate faculty director.

August 24, 2022

Orange-tinted pattern of horizontal and vertical lines. At far left, a sequence of lines in many colors. Superimposed on the image is a white stick figure of a human.

New CRISPR-based map ties every human gene to its function

Jonathan Weissman and collaborators used their single-cell sequencing tool Perturb-seq on every expressed gene in the human genome, linking each to its job in the cell.

June 9, 2022

Artistic representation of Cas 7-11S enzyme resembles a tangle of ribbons, threads, and cylinders

Convenience-sized RNA editing

MIT neuroscientists expand CRISPR toolkit with new, compact Cas7-11 enzyme.

May 31, 2022

Photo of two men in in lab coats looking at a petri dish that one of them is holding with safety gloves on

RNA-targeting enzyme expands the CRISPR toolkit

Exploring diversity among bacterial immune systems, McGovern Institute scientists uncovere a programmable system for precisely targeting and modifying RNA.

September 20, 2021

Closeup photo of a woman wearing a white lab coat and black safety gloves, holding a petri dish in front of her face

New programmable gene editing proteins found outside of CRISPR systems

Researchers find RNA-guided enzymes are more diverse and widespread than previously believed.

September 15, 2021

Colorful image of fertilized mouse embryo looks like a deep blue sphere with some inclusions, encased in a bright green layer and a red layer

A new technique for correcting disease-causing mutations

Novel method, developed by McGovern Institute researchers, may lead to safer, more efficient gene therapies.

June 9, 2021

Illustration of a hand reaching to flip a switch connected to a lightbulb with a filament made of DNA.

An on-off switch for gene editing

New, reversible CRISPR method can control gene expression while leaving underlying DNA sequence unchanged.

April 14, 2021

Photo of Eva Tan, Lisa Yang, and Hock Tan posing together

New molecular therapeutics center established at MIT's McGovern Institute

Collaborative research center funded by Lisa Yang and Hock Tan ’75 blends engineering and neuroscience to advance molecular tools for treating brain disorders.

September 15, 2020

Christopher Voigt and Eszter Majer (pictured) collaborated with chloroplast and mitochondria experts from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Germany and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, during their seed grant period, collaborations that were made possible by J-WAFS seed grants.

Making real a biotechnology dream: nitrogen-fixing cereal crops

Voigt Lab's work could eventually replace cereal crops’ need for nitrogen from chemical fertilizers.

January 10, 2020

Selecta Biosciences hopes its technology can be used to mitigate the unwanted immune responses of hundreds of drugs.

Biotech startup uses nanoparticles to induce immune tolerance

Selecta Bioscience’s ImmTOR platform could improve gene therapies and prevent some drug side effects.

May 23, 2019

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Articles on Genetic engineering

Displaying 1 - 20 of 40 articles.

genetic engineering research articles

Synthetic human embryos let researchers study early development while sidestepping ethical and logistical hurdles

Min Yang , University of Washington

genetic engineering research articles

New research into genetic mutations may pave the way for more effective gene therapies

Alex Nguyen Ba , University of Toronto

genetic engineering research articles

Genetically engineered bacteria can detect cancer cells in a world-first experiment

Dan Worthley , South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute

genetic engineering research articles

Promising assisted reproductive technologies come with ethical, legal and social challenges – a developmental biologist and a bioethicist discuss IVF, abortion and the mice with two dads

Keith Latham , Michigan State University and Mary Faith Marshall , University of Virginia

genetic engineering research articles

Where have all the Luddites gone? Exploring what makes us human – and whether modern technology threatens to destroy it

Charles Barbour , Western Sydney University

genetic engineering research articles

Kenya has lifted its ban on genetically modified crops: the risks and opportunities

Benard Odhiambo Oloo , Egerton University

genetic engineering research articles

Genetically engineered bacteria make living materials for self-repairing walls and cleaning up pollution

Sara Molinari , Rice University

genetic engineering research articles

Cotton breeders are using genetic insights to make this global crop more sustainable

Serina DeSalvio , Texas A&M University

genetic engineering research articles

‘Jurassic World’ scientists still haven’t learned that just because you can doesn’t mean you should – real-world genetic engineers can learn from the cautionary tale

Andrew Maynard , Arizona State University

genetic engineering research articles

Organs from genetically engineered pigs may help shorten the transplant wait list

David Kaczorowski , University of Pittsburgh

genetic engineering research articles

What is bioengineered food? An agriculture expert explains

Kathleen Merrigan , Arizona State University

genetic engineering research articles

Unlike the US, Europe is setting ambitious targets for producing more organic food

genetic engineering research articles

How engineered bacteria could clean up oilsands pollution and mining waste

Vikramaditya G. Yadav , University of British Columbia

genetic engineering research articles

Lab-grown embryos and human-monkey hybrids: Medical marvels or ethical missteps?

Sahotra Sarkar , The University of Texas at Austin

genetic engineering research articles

Gene editing is revealing how corals respond to warming waters. It could transform how we manage our reefs

Dimitri Perrin , Queensland University of Technology ; Jacob Bradford , Queensland University of Technology ; Line K Bay , Australian Institute of Marine Science , and Phillip Cleves , Carnegie Institution for Science

genetic engineering research articles

Here’s how scientists know the coronavirus came from bats and wasn’t made in a lab

Polly Hayes , University of Westminster

genetic engineering research articles

There is no evidence that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory

Eric Muraille , Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

genetic engineering research articles

Mysterious museum shows how humans have modified nature for themselves – with important consequences

Dominic Walker , Royal Holloway University of London

genetic engineering research articles

The science and politics of genetically engineered salmon: 5 questions answered

Alison Van Eenennaam , University of California, Davis

genetic engineering research articles

Organic farming with gene editing: An oxymoron or a tool for sustainable agriculture?

Rebecca Mackelprang , University of California, Berkeley

Related Topics

  • Agriculture
  • Climate change
  • CRISPR/Cas9
  • Gene editing
  • Human embryos
  • Synthetic biology

Top contributors

genetic engineering research articles

Executive Director, Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems, Arizona State University

genetic engineering research articles

Strategic Professor in Palaeontology, Flinders University

genetic engineering research articles

Visiting Fellow (Molecular and Cellular Biology), University of Leeds

genetic engineering research articles

Personal Chair in Synthetic Biological Engineering, The University of Edinburgh

genetic engineering research articles

Director, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles

genetic engineering research articles

Adjunct associate, Flinders University

genetic engineering research articles

CEO, Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics

genetic engineering research articles

Professor in Molecular Sciences, The University of Western Australia

genetic engineering research articles

Senior Research Fellow, Agroecological Futures, Coventry University

genetic engineering research articles

Research Leader, Sport, Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living, Victoria University

genetic engineering research articles

Director, Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform, CSIRO

genetic engineering research articles

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Director of Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

genetic engineering research articles

Distinguished Research Professor, Emerita, Dalhousie University

genetic engineering research articles

Professor of Bioethics, University of Sydney

genetic engineering research articles

Professor of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland

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GEN – Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Pancreatic Cancer Tumors in Mice Shrink after Nano Delivery of Four-Drug Combo

How herpes’ dna polymerase helps virus evade antiviral drugs, epigenetic blood marker studies can help evaluate dementia risk, probing vaccine manufacturing, bacterial memories of stress are held in regulatory networks and kept for generations, latest news.

Food Microbiome Accounts for Around 3% of Adult Gut Microbiome

Food Microbiome Accounts for Around 3% of Adult Gut Microbiome

GPCR-RAMP Interactome Maps Could Help Drug Developers Find Buried Treasures

GPCR-RAMP Interactome Maps Could Help Drug Developers Find Buried Treasures

Multiple Sclerosis Models Clarify Role of Glia, Hint at New Targets

Multiple Sclerosis Models Clarify Role of Glia, Hint at New Targets

New AI Tool Scans STORM Images to Distinguish Cancer Cells from Normal Cells

New AI Tool Scans STORM Images to Distinguish Cancer Cells from Normal Cells

Single-Cell Resolution Mapping of Malaria Parasites Sheds Light on Disease Transmission

Single-Cell Resolution Mapping of Malaria Parasites Sheds Light on Disease Transmission

Latest insights, synthetic biology at scale: less disruption, more cohesion, the time is now for new biosafety testing services, one polysaccharide’s journey from pond to product, antibody discovery taps ai for multidimensional optimization, cancer vaccines: new targeting strategies, brighter prospects, is generative ai in drug discovery overhyped, latest from gen edge, illumina and the state of the genomics market, stockwatch: neurocrine tumbles as schizophrenia data disappoints, hold and kill: halda raises $126m toward precision cancer treatments, latest a-lists, top 10 contract development and manufacturing organizations 2024, 8 contract development and manufacturing companies to watch, top 10 u.s. biopharma clusters 2024, featured videos, bye, bye, baltimore: gen ’s takeaways from asgct, asgct 2024: a video update from baltimore, touching base podcast, dna day: deep dive, how biotechs are plugging ai into drug discovery problems, latest webinars, gen live, virtual events, ebooks, & podcasts, the state of biotech 2024, approved antibody-drug conjugates: key takeaways and lessons learned, advancing mrna vaccine and therapy development, gen: august 2024.

This issue of GEN appears in the dog days of summer, a time associated with oppressive heat and a dull lack of progress. But our coverage is as lively as ever because there is so much progress to report. Let’s start with our cover story: preclinical models. This space is evolving to address increasing concern over the 3Rs of animal models (replacement, reduction, and refinement), and the emergence of in vitro alternatives such as organ-chips. Another story looks at the industrialization of synthetic biology. To date, synthetic biology has struggled with cost and capacity issues, but it is getting a boost from biofoundries, strain engineering, and precision fermentation. In other stories, we report on AI in drug discovery (AI is streamlining antibody design and balancing antibody attributes) and cancer vaccines (the field may leave its dog days behind by adopting new targeting strategies). Finally, we rank the country’s leading biopharma clusters.

Latest Articles by Topic

Keeping cell and gene therapy production in-house, cytokine measurements might improve car-t bioprocessing, how hybrid models could accelerate process scaleup, kansas state university receives $7m to drive biomanufacturing training and education..., latest coronavirus news, superbugs in hospitals could be tracked with pan-pathogen deep sequencing, covid-19 nasal vaccine results show progress toward transmission-halting approach, sars-cov-2 infects opossums, racoons, groundhogs, and other wild animals, recently featured.

Food Microbiome Accounts for Around 3% of Adult Gut Microbiome

Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Cover Image

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Physiochemical analyses and molecular characterization of heavy metal-resistant bacteria from Ilesha gold mining sites in Nigeria

The contribution of the processes involved and waste generated during gold mining to the increment of heavy metals concentration in the environment has been well established. While certain heavy metals are req...

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Acetaminophen-traces bioremediation with novel phenotypically and genotypically characterized 2 Streptomyces strains using chemo-informatics, in vivo, and in vitro experiments for cytotoxicity and biological activity

We isolated two novel bacterial strains, active against the environmental pollutant acetaminophen/Paracetamol®. Streptomyces chrestomyceticus (symbol RS2) and Flavofuscus (symbol M33) collected from El-Natrun Val...

Biosoftening of banana pseudostem fiber using cellulase and pectinase enzyme isolated from Aspergillus niger for textile industry

Nowadays, farmers are facing a lot of problems for the disposal of banana pseudostem waste after the harvesting of banana. Banana pseudostem is a rich source of fiber, which is an alternative source of other n...

FolE gene expression for folic acid productivity from optimized and characterized probiotic Lactobacillus delbrueckii

Lactobacillus delbrueckii was one of the most common milk lactic acid bacterial strains (LAB) which characterized as probiotic with many health influencing properties.

genetic engineering research articles

Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) primer design based on Indonesia SARS-CoV-2 RNA sequence

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of tracking cases by using various methods such as the Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) which is a fast, simple, inexp...

In silico analysis of HLA-1 and HLA-2 recognition of a designed recombinant human papillomavirus vaccine based on L1 protein HPV subtype 45

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) can bind and present the processed antigenic peptide derived from the vaccine to the T cell receptor, and this capability is crucial in determining the effectivity of the vaccine ...

In silico design of an epitope-based vaccine against PspC in Streptococcus pneumoniae using reverse vaccinology

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major pathogen that poses a significant hazard to global health, causing a variety of infections including pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant st...

A scalable overexpression of a thermostable recombinant poly-histidine tag carboxyl esterase under lambda promoter: purification, characterization, and protein modelling

As a white biotechnological trend, esterases are thought to be among the most active enzymes’ classes in biocatalysis and synthesis of industrially importance organic compounds. Esterases are used in many appl...

Correction: Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using marine fungi and their antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms

The original article was published in Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2023 21 :127

Whole genome sequence and comparative genomics analysis of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus xylosus NM36 isolated from a cow with mastitis in Basrah city

Staphylococcus xylosus is a coagulase-negative, gram-positive coccus that is found in the environment and as a commensal organism on the skin and mucosal surfaces of animals. Despite the fact that S. xylosus is c...

Immunoinformatics-aided rational design of multiepitope-based peptide vaccine (MEBV) targeting human parainfluenza virus 3 (HPIV-3) stable proteins

Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) are common RNA viruses responsible for respiratory tract infections. Human parainfluenza virus 3 (HPIV-3) is particularly pathogenic, causing severe illnesses with no effect...

Isolation of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria from the agricultural fields of Tattiannaram, Telangana

Plant probiotics bacteria are live microbes that promote soil health and plant growth and build the stress-tolerant capacity to the plants. They benefit the plants by increasing nutrient absorption and release...

Exploring structural antigens of yellow fever virus to design multi-epitope subunit vaccine candidate by utilizing an immuno-informatics approach

Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by several species of virus-infected mosquitoes endemic to tropical regions of Central and South America and Africa. Earlier in the twenti...

Short tandem repeat (STR) variation from 6 cities in Iraq based on 15 loci

One thousand sixty-one individuals were sampled from the cities of Anbar, Baghdad, Basra, Diyala, Najaf, and Wasit in Iraq and typed for 15 forensic STRs to explore the genetic structure of Iraq and develop a ...

The hepato- and neuroprotective effect of gold Casuarina equisetifolia bark nano-extract against Chlorpyrifos-induced toxicity in rats

The bark of Casuarina equisetifolia contains several active phytoconstituents that are suitable for the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs). These nanoparticles were subsequently evaluated for their effec...

Cloning and characterization of an acidic lipase from a lipolytic bacterium in tempeh

Lipases have emerged as essential biocatalysts, having the ability to contribute to a wide range of industrial applications. Microbial lipases have garnered significant industrial attention due to their stabil...

Recent advances in genome annotation and synthetic biology for the development of microbial chassis

This article provides an overview of microbial host selection, synthetic biology, genome annotation, metabolic modeling, and computational methods for predicting gene essentiality for developing a microbial ch...

In-silico analysis of potent Mosquirix vaccine adjuvant leads

World Health Organization recommend the use of malaria vaccine, Mosquirix, as a malaria prevention strategy. However, Mosquirix has failed to reduce the global burden of malaria because of its inefficacy. The ...

Influenza vaccine: a review on current scenario and future prospects

Vaccination is a crucial tool in preventing influenza, but it requires annual updates in vaccine composition due to the ever-changing nature of the flu virus. While healthcare and economic burdens have reduced...

Endophytic bacteria Klebsiella spp. and Bacillus spp . from Alternanthera philoxeroides in Madiwala Lake exhibit additive plant growth-promoting and biocontrol activities

The worldwide increase in human population and environmental damage has put immense pressure on the overall global crop production making it inadequate to feed the entire population. Therefore, the need for su...

Immunoinformatics analysis of Brucella melitensis to approach a suitable vaccine against brucellosis

Brucellosis caused by B. melitensis is one of the most important common diseases between humans and livestock. Currently, live attenuated vaccines are used for this disease, which causes many problems, and unfort...

Enhancement effect of AgO nanoparticles on fermentative cellulase activity from thermophilic Bacillus subtilis Ag-PQ

Cellulase is an important bioprocessing enzyme used in various industries. This study was conducted with the aim of improving the biodegradation activity of cellulase obtained from the Bacillus subtilis AG-PQ str...

genetic engineering research articles

Studying the pathogenicity of 26 variants characterized in the first molecular analyses of Egyptian aplastic anemia patients

Aplastic anemia (AA) is a bone marrow disorder characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow hypoplasia which can lead to life-threatening complications. Our objective was to study the telomerase genes ( TER...

Optimizing the generation of mature bone marrow-derived dendritic cells in vitro: a factorial study design

Factorial design is a simple, yet elegant method to investigate the effect of multiple factors and their interaction on a specific response simultaneously. Hence, this type of study design reaches the best opt...

Biodiversity and biological applications of marine actinomycetes—Abu-Qir Bay, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt

The ability of actinomycetes to produce bioactive secondary metabolites makes them one of the most important prokaryotes. Marine actinomycetes are one of the most important secondary metabolites producers used...

A computational simulation appraisal of banana lectin as a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 candidate by targeting the receptor-binding domain

The ongoing concern surrounding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) primarily stems from continuous mutations in the genome of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), leading to the e...

Metagenomic analysis reveals diverse microbial community and potential functional roles in Baner rivulet, India

The health index of any population is directly correlated with the water quality, which in turn depends upon physicochemical characteristics and the microbiome of that aquatic source. For maintaining the water...

Mapping of conserved immunodominant epitope peptides in the outer membrane porin (Omp) L of prominent Enterobacteriaceae pathogens associated with gastrointestinal infections

Members of Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia coli O 157:H7, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Klebsiella sp., and Citrobacter freundii are responsible for the outbreak of serious foodborne illness and other muco...

Dual action of epigallocatechin-3-gallate in virus-induced cell Injury

Viral infections cause damage and long-term injury to infected human tissues, demanding therapy with antiviral and wound healing medications. Consequently, safe phytochemical molecules that may control viral i...

Designing a novel and combinatorial multi-antigenic epitope-based vaccine “MarVax” against Marburg virus—a reverse vaccinology and immunoinformatics approach

Marburg virus (MARV) is a member of the Filoviridae family and causes Marburg virus disease (MVD) among humans and primates. With fatality rates going up to 88%, there is currently no commercialized cure or va...

Bioinformatics study of phytase from Aspergillus niger for use as feed additive in livestock feed

Phytase supplementation in rations can reduce their phytic acid composition in order to enhance their nutritional value. Aspergillus niger is a fungus that can encode phytase. This study aims to determine the cha...

Improved production of Bacillus subtilis cholesterol oxidase by optimization of process parameters using response surface methodology

Cholesterol oxidase has numerous biomedical and industrial applications. In the current study, a new bacterial strain was isolated from sewage and was selected for its high potency for cholesterol degradation ...

Microsatellite diversity and complexity in the viral genomes of the family Caliciviridae

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSR) consist of 1–6 nucleotide motifs of DNA or RNA which are ubiquitously present in tandem repeated sequences across genome in viruses: prokaryotes and eukaryotes....

Prevalence of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Producers (ESBLs) with antibiotic resistance pattern of Gram negative pathogenic bacteria isolated from door handles in hospitals of Pokhara, Western Nepal

The presence of drug-resistant Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria and Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Producers (ESBLs) in hospital associated fomites like door handles can serve as vehicles in transmission and m...

Application of statistical methodology for the optimization of l -glutaminase enzyme production from Streptomyces pseudogriseolus ZHG20 under solid-state fermentation

Actinomycetes are excellent microbial sources for various chemical structures like enzymes, most of which are used in pharmaceutical and industrial products. Actinomycetes are preferred sources of enzymes due ...

Investigating marine Bacillus as an effective growth promoter for chickpea

Microorganisms have characteristics that aid plant growth and raise the level of vital metabolites in plants for better growth including primary and secondary metabolites as well as several developmental enzym...

The pectinolytic activity of Burkholderia cepacia and its application in the bioscouring of cotton knit fabric

Enzymatic catalysis in different industrial applications is often preferred over chemical methods due to various advantages, such as higher specificity, greater efficiency, and less environmental footprint. Pe...

In silico analysis of a novel hypothetical protein (YP_498675.1) from Staphylococcus aureus unravels the protein of tryptophan synthase beta superfamily (Try-synth-beta_ II)

Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive spherical bacteria and the most common cause of nosocomial infections in the world. Given its clinical significance, the genome sequence of S. aureus has been elucidated t...

Nutrigenomics and microbiome shaping the future of personalized medicine: a review article

The relationship between nutrition and genes has long been hinted at and sometimes plainly associated with certain diseases. Now, after many years of research and coincidental findings, it is believed that thi...

Alpha-glucan: a novel bacterial polysaccharide and its application as a biosorbent for heavy metals

This study identified an extracellular bacterial polysaccharide produced by Bacillus velezensis strain 40B that contains more than 90% of the monosaccharide glucose as alpha-glucan. A prominent peak at 1074 cm −1 ,...

De novo assembly and comparative genome analysis for polyhydroxyalkanoates-producing Bacillus sp. BNPI-92 strain

Certain Bacillus species play a vital role in polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production. However, most of these isolates did not properly identify to species level when scientifically had been reported.

Adverse effect of Tamarindus indica and tamoxifen combination on redox balance and genotoxicity of breast cancer cell

Breast cancer is the most significant threat to women worldwide. Most chemotherapeutic drugs cause cancer cell death and apoptosis by inducing oxidative stress and producing reactive oxygen species (ROS). Canc...

In silico molecular and functional characterization of a dual function antimicrobial peptide, hepcidin (GIFT-Hep), isolated from genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT, Oreochromis niloticus )

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), innate immune response molecules in organisms, are also known for their dual functionality, exemplified by hepcidin—an immunomodulator and iron regulator. Identifying and studyin...

Codon optimization of a gene encoding DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus furiosus and its expression in Escherichia coli

DNA polymerase is an essential component in PCR assay for DNA synthesis. Improving DNA polymerase with characteristics indispensable for a powerful assay is crucial because it can be used in wide-range applica...

Immunoinformatics study to explore dengue (DENV-1) proteome to design multi-epitope vaccine construct by using CD4+ epitopes

Immunoinformatics is an emerging interdisciplinary field which integrates immunology, bioinformatics, and computational biology to study the immune system. In this study, we apply immunoinformatics approaches ...

Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using marine fungi and their antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms

At the present time, there is a persistent need to get rid of environmental contaminants by eco-friendly, sustainable, and economical technologies. Uncontrolled disposal practices of domestic and industrial so...

The Correction to this article has been published in Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2023 21 :164

Expression, purification, and characterization of self-assembly virus-like particles of capsid protein L1 HPV 52 in Pichia pastoris GS115

Cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most frequent malignances globally. HPV 52 is a high-risk cancer-causing genotype that has been identified as the most prevalent type in I...

Pangenome diversification and resistance gene characterization in Salmonella Typhi prioritized RfaJ as a significant therapeutic marker

Salmonella Typhi stands as the etiological agent responsible for the onset of human typhoid fever. The pressing demand for innovative therapeutic targets against S. Typhi is underscored by the escalating prevale...

Association between polymorphisms of immune response genes and early childhood caries — systematic review, gene-based, gene cluster, and meta-analysis

Early childhood caries is a significant public health concern affecting about 600 million children globally. The etiology of early childhood caries can be explained as an interplay between genetic and environm...

Experimental and hypothetical appraisal on inhibition of glucose-induced glycation of bovine serum albumin by quercetin

The specificity of protein functions depends on its folding ability into a functional structure. Protein folding is an essential systemic phenomenon that prevents incorrect folding which could result in harmfu...

  • ISSN: 2090-5920 (electronic)

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Genetic Engineering

genetic engineering research articles

Se acerca la cura de una enfermedad que hace que los niños envejezcan rápido

Los avances en la búsqueda de ayuda para los pacientes de progeria sugieren que las técnicas de edición genética podrían ayudar a tratar otras enfermedades ultrarraras.

By Gina Kolata

genetic engineering research articles

A Disease That Makes Children Age Rapidly Gets Closer to a Cure

Progress in the quest to help progeria patients suggests that gene editing techniques may help treat other ultrarare conditions.

genetic engineering research articles

Second Patient to Receive a Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Has Died

Lisa Pisano, 54, lived with the organ for 47 days. She was the first patient to receive both a heart pump and an organ transplant, doctors said.

By Roni Caryn Rabin

genetic engineering research articles

Transplanted Pig Kidney Is Removed From Patient

The organ, from a genetically modified animal, failed because of a lack of blood flow, surgeons said, but did not appear to have been rejected by the body.

genetic engineering research articles

Stolen Remains Found in Plastic Bag Traced to Woman Born 160 Years Ago

Skeletal remains found in Oxnard, Calif., in 1985 have been identified as those of Gertrude Elliott Littlehale, a musician whose grave was desecrated after her death in 1915.

By Johnny Diaz

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Patient Dies Weeks After Kidney Transplant From Genetically Modified Pig

Richard Slayman received the historic procedure in March. The hospital said it had “no indication” his death was related to the transplant.

By Virginia Hughes

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First Patient Begins Newly Approved Sickle Cell Gene Therapy

A 12-year-old boy in the Washington, D.C., area faces months of procedures to remedy his disease. “I want to be cured,” he said.

By Gina Kolata and Kenny Holston

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Grandmother Becomes Second Patient to Receive Kidney From Gene-Edited Pig

NYU Langone Health surgeons performed the transplant after implanting a mechanical heart pump in the severely ill patient.

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Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR

Much as ChatGPT generates poetry, a new A.I. system devises blueprints for microscopic mechanisms that can edit your DNA.

By Cade Metz

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Should We Change Species to Save Them?

When traditional conservation fails, science is using “assisted evolution” to give vulnerable wildlife a chance.

By Emily Anthes and Chang W. Lee



Researchers are using CRISPR for precise genetic manipulation of human-associated microbes as a promising avenue for improving human health.

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Photosynthesis: genetic strategies adopted to gain higher efficiency.

genetic engineering research articles

1. Introduction

2. advances in genetic engineering to optimize photosynthesis, 2.1. modification of electron transport chain, 2.2. modification of calvin-benson cycle, 2.3. modification of photorespiratory process, 2.4. modification of non-photochemical quenching, 2.5. synergistic enhancements in photosynthesis: multigene modifications’ impact, 3. post-translational modification of photosynthetic machinery, 4. improvement in photosynthesis under abiotic-stress conditions, 4.1. under high and low light intensity, 4.2. under high temperatures (heat stress), 4.3. under low temperature (cold stress), 4.4. under drought stress, 4.5. under salt stress (salinity), 5. future perspectives, 6. conclusions, supplementary materials, author contributions, conflicts of interest.

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  • Bharti, A.S.; Sharma, S.; Shukla, N.; Uttam, K.N. Steady State and Time Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Garlic Plants Treated with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles. Spectrosc. Lett. 2018 , 51 , 45–54. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ]
  • Poddar, K.; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, A. Nanoparticles on Photosynthesis of Plants: Effects and Role. In Green Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications ; Patra, J.K., Fraceto, L.F., Das, G., Campos, E.V.R., Eds.; Springer International Publishing: Cham, Switzerland, 2020; pp. 273–287. ISBN 9783030392468. [ Google Scholar ]
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  • Hamdani, S.; Wang, H.; Zheng, G.; Perveen, S.; Qu, M.; Khan, N.; Khan, W.; Jiang, J.; Li, M.; Liu, X.; et al. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Variation of Glucosidase Being Linked to Natural Variation of the Maximal Quantum Yield of Photosystem II. Physiol. Plant. 2019 , 166 , 105–119. [ Google Scholar ] [ CrossRef ] [ PubMed ]
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Click here to enlarge figure

GeneFunction and ImpactPathway
PsbSRegulates non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) to enhance photoprotection, preventing damage from excess light during photosynthesis.Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)
PGR5/PGRL1Regulates cyclic electron flow (CEF) to protect photosystem I (PSI), enhancing the plant’s resilience to fluctuating light conditions.Cyclic electron flow
KEA3Regulates the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane, optimizing ATP synthesis and overall photosynthetic efficiency.Proton gradient regulation
VDE (violaxanthin de-epoxidase)Converts violaxanthin to zeaxanthin in NPQ, playing a critical role in dissipating excess light energy as heat.Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ)
ZEP (zeaxanthin epoxidase)Converts zeaxanthin back to violaxanthin, regulating NPQ and maintaining balance in the light-harvesting process.Non-photochemical quenching
Reisek FeS proteinMediates electron flow between PSII and PSI, playing a pivotal role in the overall efficiency of the electron transport chain.Electron transport chain
NADH dehydrogenase (NDH)Involved in cyclic electron flow around PSI, contributing to ATP production and enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis.Cyclic electron flow
SBPase (sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase)Enhances the regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) in the Calvin-Benson cycle, facilitating increased carbon fixation.Calvin-Benson cycle
CAO (chlorophyllide a oxygenase)Modulates chlorophyll b levels to optimize light capture, improving overall photosynthetic efficiency by enhancing light harvesting.Light-harvesting complex
FBPA (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase)Improves photosynthesis and growth under elevated CO conditions by facilitating the conversion of sugars in the Calvin cycle.Calvin-Benson cycle
GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase)Increases the production of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) in the Calvin-Benson cycle, enhancing carbohydrate synthesis and energy production.Calvin-Benson cycle
PRK (phosphoribulokinase)Crucial for the regeneration of RuBP; overexpression can significantly improve photosynthetic rates and biomass accumulation.Calvin-Benson cycle
RCA (RubisCO activase)Reactivates RubisCO, ensuring efficient carbon fixation by maintaining the enzyme’s activity under varying conditions.Calvin-Benson cycle
Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR)Reduces NADP+ to NADPH, a critical step for providing the reducing power necessary for the Calvin cycle.Electron transport chain
Glycine decarboxylase (GDC)Involved in the photorespiratory pathway, mitigating the effects of photorespiration and enhancing overall carbon efficiency.Photorespiration
H-proteinEnhances photorespiration by improving glycine cleavage system (GCS) efficiency, facilitating better nitrogen assimilation.Photorespiration
T-proteinPart of the GCS, crucial for facilitating the conversion of glycine during photorespiration, thereby affecting overall carbon balance.Photorespiration
GLK transcription factorsEnhances photosynthesis by regulating chloroplast development, promoting the formation of functional chloroplasts necessary for light capture.Chloroplast development
psbAInvolved in the de novo synthesis of the D1 protein, essential for the repair of photosystem II (PSII) under photoinhibition conditions.Photoinhibition
mEmBP1Enhances photosynthesis by regulating chloroplast development, similar to GLK, ensuring efficient light utilization.Gene regulation
HYR (higher yield regulation)Acts as a master regulator for photosynthesis genes, coordinating responses to environmental signals and optimizing growth.Gene regulation
NRP1 (Negative Regulator of Photosynthesis 1)Negatively regulates photosynthesis-related genes, providing a balance in the expression of photosynthesis-related pathways under stress.Gene regulation
PlantsRegulates the PSII system, chlorophyll content, and stress tolerance[ ]
PlantsAffects genes linked to the chloroplast and cell wall[ ]
PlantsRegulates CAB gene expression, enhancing stress tolerance[ ]
Arabidopsis/riceLowers the transpiration rate and increases photosynthetic absorption[ ]
ArabidopsisEnhances seed germination rates and stress tolerance[ ]
Eukaryotic cellsEnhances the photosynthetic rate by regulating chloroplast redox and gene expression[ , ]
RiceActivates RubisCO, improving thermal stability and photosynthetic capacity under heat stress[ ]
RiceA key enzyme in the Calvin cycle; it enhances high-temperature stress resistance[ ]
RiceA member of the G-protein family; it enhances cold stress tolerance[ ]
Rice, ArabidopsisConfers resistance to cold, drought, and salt stress by regulating the cold acclimation response[ , ]
Tobacco, ArabidopsisA zinc finger protein; it increases resistance to low temperatures[ ]
Bacteria/PlantsEnhances cold, heat, and water-deficiency tolerance[ , ]
TobaccoIs involved in linolenic acid synthesis; it improves freezing tolerance[ ]
PlantsChanges fatty acid unsaturation; it enhances cold tolerance[ ]
Various speciesImproves drought tolerance by regulating stress-responsive genes[ ]
RiceEnhances drought and salinity resistance[ ]
MaizeKinase domain; it improves drought tolerance[ ]
RiceA key enzyme in ABA biosynthesis; it enhances drought tolerance[ ]
RiceA rate-limiting enzyme in proline biosynthesis; it improves drought tolerance[ ]
CottonAn antioxidant enzyme; it enhances drought tolerance[ ]
Various speciesAntioxidant enzymes; they enhance salinity tolerance[ ]
RiceEnhances the glycine betaine level and salt tolerance[ ]
Citrus, TobaccoAquaporin; it enhances growth and photosynthetic capabilities under salt and drought stress[ ]
Various speciesBroad abiotic stress resistance[ ]
PlantsSupports water and solute transport and enhances salinity tolerance[ ]
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Share and Cite

Khan, N.; Choi, S.-H.; Lee, C.-H.; Qu, M.; Jeon, J.-S. Photosynthesis: Genetic Strategies Adopted to Gain Higher Efficiency. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024 , 25 , 8933.

Khan N, Choi S-H, Lee C-H, Qu M, Jeon J-S. Photosynthesis: Genetic Strategies Adopted to Gain Higher Efficiency. International Journal of Molecular Sciences . 2024; 25(16):8933.

Khan, Naveed, Seok-Hyun Choi, Choon-Hwan Lee, Mingnan Qu, and Jong-Seong Jeon. 2024. "Photosynthesis: Genetic Strategies Adopted to Gain Higher Efficiency" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 16: 8933.

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Genetic engineering articles within Nature

Article 10 July 2024 | Open Access

In situ targeted base editing of bacteria in the mouse gut

Edited bacteria were stably maintained in mouse gut for at least 42 days following the delivery of a base editor using an engineered phage-derived particle to modify Escherichia coli colonizing the gut.

  • Andreas K. Brödel
  • , Loïc H. Charpenay
  •  &  David Bikard

Article 26 June 2024 | Open Access

Transposase-assisted target-site integration for efficient plant genome engineering

Fusion of rice Pong transposase to the Cas9 or Cas12a programmable nucleases provides sequence-specific targeted insertion of enhancer elements, an open reading frame and gene expression cassette into the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis and crop soybean .

  • , Kaushik Panda
  •  &  R. Keith Slotkin

Article 29 May 2024 | Open Access

Structural basis for pegRNA-guided reverse transcription by a prime editor

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the prime editor bound to a prime editing guide RNA and target DNA, in the pre-initiation, initiation and elongation and termination states, provide insights into the mechanism by which prime editing occurs.

  • Yutaro Shuto
  • , Ryoya Nakagawa
  •  &  Osamu Nureki

Article 22 May 2024 | Open Access

Selective haematological cancer eradication with preserved haematopoiesis

An antibody–drug conjugate that targets the pan-haematopoietic marker CD45 combined with transplanted stem cells engineered to be shielded from it can eradicate leukaemic cells while preserving haematopoiesis.

  • Simon Garaudé
  • , Romina Marone
  •  &  Lukas T. Jeker

Article 20 September 2023 | Open Access

Transgenic ferret models define pulmonary ionocyte diversity and function

Conditional genetic ferret models enable ionocyte lineage tracing, ionocyte ablation and ionocyte-specific deletion of CFTR to elucidate the roles of pulmonary ionocyte biology and function during human health and disease.

  • , Grace N. Gasser
  •  &  John F. Engelhardt

Article | 28 June 2023

Continuous synthesis of E. coli genome sections and Mb-scale human DNA assembly

BAC stepwise insertion synthesis (BASIS) can be used to build synthetic genomes for diverse organisms, and continuous genome synthesis (CGS) enables the rapid synthesis of entire Escherichia coli genomes from functional designs.

  • Jérôme F. Zürcher
  • , Askar A. Kleefeldt
  •  &  Jason W. Chin

Article | 14 June 2023

Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen resistance

Editing of a rice gene that has a role in phospholipid synthesis has endowed rice plants with broad-spectrum resistance to disease, including protection from common bacterial and fungal pathogens, without decreasing the yield.

  •  &  Guotian Li

Article 24 August 2022 | Open Access

R-loop formation and conformational activation mechanisms of Cas9

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 in multiple DNA-bound states provide insights on the mechanism of Cas9 activation by target DNA.

  • Martin Pacesa
  • , Luuk Loeff
  •  &  Martin Jinek

Article 06 July 2022 | Open Access

A time-resolved, multi-symbol molecular recorder via sequential genome editing

A DNA memory device, DNA Typewriter, uses sequential prime editing to record the order of multiple cellular events.

  • Junhong Choi
  •  &  Jay Shendure

Article 02 March 2022 | Open Access

Structural basis for mismatch surveillance by CRISPR–Cas9

Cryo-electron microscopy structures of Cas9 during mismatch cleavage provide insight into the mechanisms that control off-target effects of Cas9, which will aid in the future design of high-fidelity Cas9 variants with reduced off-target cleavage.

  • Jack P. K. Bravo
  • , Mu-Sen Liu
  •  &  David W. Taylor

Article | 02 June 2021

Base editing of haematopoietic stem cells rescues sickle cell disease in mice

A custom adenine base editor can edit the variant of the β-globin gene that causes sickle cell disease into a non-pathogenic variant in human and mouse cells, and transplantation of the edited cells rescues sickle cell disease in mice.

  • Gregory A. Newby
  • , Jonathan S. Yen
  •  &  David R. Liu

Article | 19 May 2021

In vivo CRISPR base editing of PCSK9 durably lowers cholesterol in primates

In a cynomolgus macaque model, CRISPR base editors delivered in lipid nanoparticles are shown to efficiently and stably knock down PCSK9 in the liver to reduce levels of PCSK9 and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood.

  • Kiran Musunuru
  • , Alexandra C. Chadwick
  •  &  Sekar Kathiresan

Article | 08 July 2020

A bacterial cytidine deaminase toxin enables CRISPR-free mitochondrial base editing

An interbacterial toxin that catalyses the deamination of cytidines within double-stranded DNA forms part of a CRISPR-free, RNA-free base editing system that enables manipulation of human mitochondrial DNA.

  • Beverly Y. Mok
  • , Marcos H. de Moraes

Article | 21 October 2019

Search-and-replace genome editing without double-strand breaks or donor DNA

A new DNA-editing technique called prime editing offers improved versatility and efficiency with reduced byproducts compared with existing techniques, and shows potential for correcting disease-associated mutations.

  • Andrew V. Anzalone
  • , Peyton B. Randolph

Letter | 10 June 2019

Off-target RNA mutation induced by DNA base editing and its elimination by mutagenesis

Cytosine and adenine base editors have undesired off-target effects on RNA, but this activity can be reduced in deaminase-engineered variants while preserving on-target DNA editing.

  • Changyang Zhou
  •  &  Hui Yang

Article | 15 May 2019

Total synthesis of Escherichia coli with a recoded genome

High-fidelity convergent total synthesis is used to produce Escherichia coli with a 61-codon synthetic genome that uses 59 codons to encode all of the canonical amino acids.

  • Julius Fredens
  • , Kaihang Wang

Letter | 03 April 2019

Precise therapeutic gene correction by a simple nuclease-induced double-stranded break

Disease-causing microduplications can be corrected by harnessing an endogenous double-stranded break DNA repair pathway.

  • Sukanya Iyer
  • , Sneha Suresh
  •  &  Scot A. Wolfe

Article | 03 October 2018

Transcriptional recording by CRISPR spacer acquisition from RNA

An RNA-adapting CRISPR–Cas system is coupled with amplification and sequencing steps to record, retrieve and analyse changes in the transcriptome of a bacterial cell over time.

  • Florian Schmidt
  • , Mariia Y. Cherepkova
  •  &  Randall J. Platt

Brief Communications Arising | 08 August 2018

Large deletions induced by Cas9 cleavage

  • Fatwa Adikusuma
  • , Sandra Piltz
  •  &  Paul Q. Thomas

Letter | 01 August 2018

CRISPR-guided DNA polymerases enable diversification of all nucleotides in a tunable window

A system that targets DNA polymerase activity with CRISPR-guided nickases to provide genetic diversification at user-defined loci enables forward genetic approaches.

  • Shakked O. Halperin
  • , Connor J. Tou
  •  &  John E. Dueber

Letter | 11 July 2018

Reprogramming human T cell function and specificity with non-viral genome targeting

A non-viral strategy to introduce large DNA sequences into T cells enables the correction of a pathogenic mutation that causes autoimmunity, and the replacement of an endogenous T-cell receptor with an engineered receptor that can recognize cancer antigens.

  • Theodore L. Roth
  • , Cristina Puig-Saus
  •  &  Alexander Marson

Article | 28 February 2018

Evolved Cas9 variants with broad PAM compatibility and high DNA specificity

Phage-assisted continuous evolution of Cas9 variants with broad PAM compatibility and high DNA specificity that can be used for transcriptional activation, gene disruption and base editing.

  • Johnny H. Hu
  • , Shannon M. Miller

Letter | 04 January 2018

Acoustic reporter genes for noninvasive imaging of microorganisms in mammalian hosts

Heterologous expression of engineered gas vesicles allows noninvasive, deep-tissue ultrasound visualization of engineered bacteria in vivo in mouse tumour models and in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Raymond W. Bourdeau
  • , Audrey Lee-Gosselin
  •  &  Mikhail G. Shapiro

Letter | 20 December 2017

Treatment of autosomal dominant hearing loss by in vivo delivery of genome editing agents

CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing is used to correct a dominant-negative mutation in a mouse model of inherited deafness, resulting in improvements in cochlear function and hearing.

Article | 01 November 2017

Programmable base editing of A•T to G•C in genomic DNA without DNA cleavage

A new DNA ‘base editor’ can change targeted A•T base pairs to G•C, allowing disease-associated mutations to be corrected and disease-suppressing mutations to be introduced into cells.

  • Nicole M. Gaudelli
  • , Alexis C. Komor

Review Article | 05 October 2017

Expanding and reprogramming the genetic code

A review of the recent developments in reprogramming the genetic code of cells and organisms to include non-canonical amino acids in precisely engineered proteins.

  • Jason W. Chin

Letter | 04 October 2017

RNA targeting with CRISPR–Cas13

The class 2 type VI RNA-guided RNA-targeting CRISPR–Cas effector Cas13 can be engineered for RNA knockdown and binding, expanding the CRISPR toolset with a flexible platform for studying RNA in mammalian cells and therapeutic development.

  • Omar O. Abudayyeh
  • , Jonathan S. Gootenberg
  •  &  Feng Zhang

Letter | 20 September 2017

Enhanced proofreading governs CRISPR–Cas9 targeting accuracy

A new engineered version of SpCas9, called HypaCas9, displays enhanced accuracy of editing without significant loss of efficiency at the desired target.

  • Janice S. Chen
  • , Yavuz S. Dagdas
  •  &  Jennifer A. Doudna

Letter | 21 November 2016

Synthetic recording and in situ readout of lineage information in single cells

A new system, termed MEMOIR, allows cells to record lineage and gene expression history within their own genome in a format that can be read out in single cells in situ.

  • Kirsten L. Frieda
  • , James M. Linton
  •  &  Long Cai

Letter | 27 April 2016

Efficient introduction of specific homozygous and heterozygous mutations using CRISPR/Cas9

A CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing framework has been developed that allows controlled introduction of mono- and bi-allelic sequence changes, and is used to generate induced human pluripotent stem cells with heterozygous and homozygous dominant mutations in amyloid precursor protein and presenilin 1 that have been associated with early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Dominik Paquet
  • , Dylan Kwart
  •  &  Marc Tessier-Lavigne

Letter | 20 April 2016

The crystal structure of Cpf1 in complex with CRISPR RNA

The crystal structure of monomeric Lachnospiraceae bacterium Cpf1 protein bound to CRISPR RNA is presented, establishing a framework for engineering LbCpf1 to improve its efficiency and specificity for genome editing.

  •  &  Zhiwei Huang

Programmable editing of a target base in genomic DNA without double-stranded DNA cleavage

CRISPR/Cas9 DNA editing creates a double-stranded break in the target DNA, which can frequently generate random insertion or deletion of bases (indels); a new genome editing approach combining Cas9 with a cytidine deaminase is described here, which corrects point mutations more efficiently than canonical Cas9, while avoiding double-stranded breaks and indel formation.

  • Alexis C. Komor
  • , Yongjoo B. Kim

The CRISPR-associated DNA-cleaving enzyme Cpf1 also processes precursor CRISPR RNA

The CRISPR-associated protein Cpf1 from Francisella novicida is a novel enzyme with specific, dual-endoribonuclease–endonuclease activities in precursor crRNA processing and crRNA-programmable cleavage of target DNA.

  • Ines Fonfara
  • , Hagen Richter
  •  &  Emmanuelle Charpentier

Letter | 10 February 2016

Structural basis for promiscuous PAM recognition in type I–E Cascade from E. coli

The structure of E. coli Cascade bound to foreign target DNA is presented, revealing the basis of the relaxed Cascade PAM recognition specificity, which results from its interaction with the minor groove, and demonstrating how a wedge in Cascade forces the directional pairing of the target strand with CRISPR RNA while stabilizing the non-target displaced strand.

  • Robert P. Hayes
  • , Yibei Xiao
  •  &  Ailong Ke

Article | 16 September 2015

BCL11A enhancer dissection by Cas9-mediated in situ saturating mutagenesis

A CRISPR-Cas9 approach is used to perform saturating mutagenesis of the human and mouse BCL11A enhancers, producing a map that reveals critical regions and specific vulnerabilities; BCL11A enhancer disruption is validated by CRISPR-Cas9 as a therapeutic strategy for inducing fetal haemoglobin by applying it in both mice and primary human erythroblast cells.

  • Matthew C. Canver
  • , Elenoe C. Smith
  •  &  Daniel E. Bauer

Article | 01 April 2015

In vivo genome editing using Staphylococcus aureus Cas9

The physical size of the commonly used Cas9 from Streptococcus pyogenes poses challenges for CRISPR-Cas genome editing systems that use the adeno-associated virus as a delivery vehicle; here, smaller Cas9 orthologues are characterized, and Cas9 from Staphylococcus aureus allowed targeting of the cholesterol regulatory gene Pcsk9 in the mouse liver.

Letter | 22 October 2014

In vivo engineering of oncogenic chromosomal rearrangements with the CRISPR/Cas9 system

The CRISPR/Cas system has been used to induce the Eml4 – Alk chromosomal inversion in mice, a characteristic chromosomal rearrangement seen in human non-small cell lung cancers; the mice developed lung cancer and responded to the ALK inhibitor crizotinib, which is used to treat lung cancer patients with the EML4–ALK rearrangement; this general strategy can be used to engineer other disease-associated chromosomal rearrangements in mice and potentially in other organisms.

  • Danilo Maddalo
  • , Eusebio Manchado
  •  &  Andrea Ventura

Letter | 27 July 2014

Structural basis of PAM-dependent target DNA recognition by the Cas9 endonuclease

Crystal structure of the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9 bound to a guide RNA and a target DNA duplex reveals how base-specific recognition of a short motif known as PAM in the DNA target results in localized strand separation in the DNA immediately upstream of the PAM, allowing the target DNA strand to hybridize to the guide RNA.

  • Carolin Anders
  • , Ole Niewoehner

News | 22 December 2012

Transgenic fish swims up regulatory stream

A fast-growing salmon moves closer to US approval after a fishy delay.

News | 14 November 2012

Pig geneticists go the whole hog

Genome will benefit farmers and medical researchers.

  • Alison Abbott

News | 17 October 2012

Politics holds back animal engineers

Funds and approvals lag for transgenic livestock in US.

News | 02 October 2012

Animals engineered with pinpoint accuracy

More accurate genetic modification has created allergen-free cow's milk and pigs that could serve as a model for atherosclerosis. 

Letter | 30 September 2012

Androgenetic haploid embryonic stem cells produce live transgenic mice

Mouse androgenetic haploid embryonic stem cell lines can be established by transferring sperm into an enucleated oocyte; the cells maintain haploidy and stable growth over 30 passages, express pluripotent markers, are able to differentiate into all three germ layers, contribute to germlines of chimaeras when injected into blastocysts and can produce fertile progeny that carry genetic modifications to the next generation.

  • , Ling Shuai
  •  &  Qi Zhou

News | 18 September 2012

Maize cells produce enzyme-replacement drug

A genetic tweak keeps problematic plant sugars off therapeutic proteins.

  • Monya Baker

Review Article | 15 August 2012

Exploiting diversity and synthetic biology for the production of algal biofuels

  • D. Ryan Georgianna
  •  &  Stephen P. Mayfield

News | 22 July 2012

Artificial jellyfish built from rat cells

Reverse-engineered life form could be used to test drugs.

News | 17 July 2012

Florida abuzz over mosquito plan

Biotech firm’s bid to control dengue fever using genetically modified insects faces growing public opposition.

Editorial | 09 May 2012

Misplaced protest

Rothamsted's genetically engineered wheat should be allowed to grow.

Outlook | 25 April 2012

Vaccines: The take-home lesson

The nearly century-long search for a malaria vaccine might end in the bottom of a cup.

  • Sarah DeWeerdt

Books & Arts | 15 February 2012

Q&A: Transgene curator

Next month in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, artist Richard Pell opens the Center for PostNatural History — a museum of bioengineered organisms. He talks about the joys and pitfalls involved in collecting genetically modified maize, mosquitoes and zebrafish.

  • Jascha Hoffman


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Researchers call for individualized gene therapies to be more widely accessible

MIT Sloan Office of Communications

Aug 29, 2024

Innovations in regulation and payment models for individualized gene therapy and increased collaboration can improve the efficiency of developing individualized genetic medicines, reducing their per-patient cost and improving access for patients in need.

Cambridge, MA, August 29, 2024 – As gene and cell therapy and gene editing technologies continue to revolutionize the treatment of genetic diseases, a collaboration between researchers at MIT Sloan School of Management , Boston Children’s Hospital , Columbia University , and the N=1 Collaborative is focusing on how to make these groundbreaking treatments more affordable and accessible to patients worldwide.

In “ How to Pay for Individualized Genetic Medicines ”published on June 19 in Nature Medicine, the authors highlighted the need for sustainable, equitable models to deliver individualized genetic therapies, particularly for ultra-rare diseases that have historically been deemed commercially unviable under traditional biotech drug development models.

The article was authored by leading experts in gene and cell therapy, healthcare finance, and patient advocacy:  Julia M. Y. Pian of Boston Children’s Hospital and the N=1 Collaborative; Nana Owusu of Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons; Julia Vitarello , co-founder of the N=1 Collaborative and founder of Mila’s Miracle Foundation; Winston X. Yan , president of the N=1 Collaborative; Andrew W. Lo , the MIT Sloan Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor and director of MIT Sloan’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering; and Timothy W. Yu of the Yu Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital and co-founder of N=1 Collaborative. Their collective expertise spans decades of groundbreaking work in the field, contributing to significant advancements in personalized medicine.

Key takeaways from the article include three insights on how to make individualized gene therapies more affordable and, therefore, more widely accessible: 

  • Efficiency Through Collaboration and Data Sharing : Drawing parallels to the evolution of organ transplantation, the researchers underscore the importance of collaboration among regulatory bodies, academic institutions, and industry. Sharing data and best practices can streamline the development process, improve safety and efficacy, and ultimately reduce costs.
  • Regulatory Innovation : Regulatory frameworks need to be tailored to the unique nature of individualized genetic therapies. Recent legislative support includes the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, which eliminates the requirement for animal testing before clinical trials. Further regulatory innovation can create pathways for faster, more cost-effective development.
  • Innovative Funding Models : To address the high upfront costs, the article proposes implementing/expanding several funding models specifically for individualized genetic medicine, including:
  • Subscription Payment Model : Similar to the model used for Hepatitis C treatment, this approach decouples the number of patients from potential financial rewards, making ultra-rare disease treatments commercially viable.
  • Procedural Billing : Viewing the development of gene therapies as a medical procedure could create a new revenue stream for academic and commercial organizations, fostering continued innovation.

One example the researchers cited is the significant upfront cost of individualized antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs)—estimated at $1.4 to $2 million over a one-to-two-year period for a single individual. Despite the high initial investment, the cost of manufacturing a lifetime supply of an ASO can be as low as $40,000 per patient.

Dr. Yu commented, “It’s early days, but one can foresee a time when such individualized therapies are commonplace. We owe it to patients to ensure they’re made as widely accessible as possible.”

Professor Lo added, “Individualized genetic therapies are now a scientific reality, offering hope to many patients with ultra-rare diseases. But to make these therapies routine, new systems must be developed to deliver them equitably and sustainably.”

The authors note that by improving cost efficiencies through collaboration, data sharing, and regulatory innovation, and by exploring innovative payment models, gene therapies can become a viable option for many patients in need.

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