High School Math Worksheets

Grade 9-12 math worksheets by topic:, algebra worksheets.

  • Absolute Value Equations
  • Absolute Value Inequalities
  • Absolute Value of Complex Numbers
  • Add and Subtract Complex Numbers
  • Add and Subtract Rational Fractions
  • Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions
  • Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
  • Addition of Matrices
  • Algebraic Solutions to Linear Systems
  • Algebraic Solutions to Simultaneous Equations
  • Algebraic Translations
  • Applied Problems for Inequalities
  • Approximations of Irrational Numbers
  • Binary Operations
  • Binary Operations Advanced
  • Calculate Value
  • Categorizing Data and Bias
  • Central Tendency - Mean, Mode, Median
  • Changing Standard Form to Scientific Notation & Changing Scientific Notation to Standard Form
  • Closure Property
  • Common Factors
  • Counting Principle
  • Cyclic Nature of the Powers of i
  • Definition of a Function
  • Determinants: 2 x 2 Matrix
  • Determinants: 3 x 3 Matrix (Diagonals Method)
  • Determinants: 3 x 3 Matrix (Row and Column Method)
  • Determine Value of Compound (Composite) Functions
  • Direct Variation
  • Divide Rational Fractions
  • Division of Polynomials by Monomials
  • Draw the Line
  • Error in Measurement
  • Evaluate Expressions with Fractional Exponents
  • Evaluating Expressions
  • Exponential Growth and Decay
  • Express as a Single Logarithm
  • Factorial Notation
  • Factoring Application
  • Factoring the Difference of Two Perfect Squares
  • Factoring Trinomials ( a <> 1 )
  • Factoring Trinomials ( a = 1 )
  • Find the Intercepts
  • Graphically Represent the Inverse of a Function
  • Graphing Functions
  • Graphing Inequalities
  • Graphing Linear Inequalities
  • Graphing Linear Systems
  • Graphing Systems of Inequalities
  • Graphing Parabolas
  • Graphs and Equations of Lines
  • Graphs of Circles
  • Graphs of Parabolas
  • Graphs of Linear Equations: Slope and Intercept
  • Imaginary Unit
  • Laws of Rational Exponents
  • Linear Quadratic Systems
  • Linear Systems: Write as a Linear Equation
  • Linear Systems: Write as a Matrix
  • Logarithm Word Problems
  • Logic- Disjunction - OR Conditional - IF...THEN Biconditional -- IF AND ONLY IF
  • Logic- Negation - NOT & Conjunction - AND
  • Metric/English Measurement Conversions and Rates
  • Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Fractions
  • Multiplication of Matrices
  • Multiplication of Rational Fractions
  • Multiplication/Division with Scientific Notation
  • Multiply a Matrix by One Number
  • Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers
  • Multiplying Polynomials
  • Mutually Exclusive & Independent Events, Complement
  • Operations with Radicals
  • Operations with Signed Numbers
  • Organizing and Interpreting Data
  • Percentiles and Quartiles
  • Permutations
  • Polynomial Word Problems
  • Power Word Problems
  • Probability Problems Involving AND & OR
  • Properties of Real Numbers
  • Properties of Real Numbers (Advanced)
  • Radical Equations
  • Rational and Irrational Numbers
  • Review Practice with Factoring
  • Sample Spaces
  • Scatter Plots and Line of Best Fit
  • Set Builder and Interval Notation
  • Setting Up Truth Tables
  • Signed Numbers Word Problems
  • Simplify Complex Fractions
  • Simplify Square Roots with Negative Numbers
  • Simplifying (or Reducing) Algebraic Fractions
  • Simplifying Radicals
  • Single & Compound Events
  • Slope of a Line
  • Slopes and Equations of Lines
  • Solve for an Unknown
  • Solve the Matrix Equation
  • Solving Exponential Equations (common base)
  • Solving Exponential Equations (lacking a common base)
  • Solving Factorable Quadratic Equations
  • Solving Fractional Equations
  • Solving Linear Inequalities
  • Standard Form of Complex Numbers
  • Subtraction of Matrices
  • Systems of Linear Inequalities
  • Theoretical versus Empirical Probability
  • Tree Diagrams
  • Truth Tables for Biconditionals
  • Truth Tables for Conditionals
  • Truth Tables for Conjunctions
  • Truth Tables for Disjunctions (Exclusive)
  • Truth Tables for Disjunctions (Inclusive)
  • Truth Tables for Negations
  • Truth Values: and, or, implies, if and only if
  • Truth Value of Compound Sentences
  • Truth Value of Open Sentences
  • Undefined Algebraic Fractions
  • Undefined Algebraic Fractions (Advanced)
  • See ALL Algebra Worksheets Listed By Skill Development Order

Geometry Worksheets

  • Algebraic Representations
  • Analyzing in Three Dimensions
  • Angle Word Problems
  • Angles Circles- Chords
  • Angles Outside the Circle
  • Angles with Parallel Lines
  • Arcs in Circles
  • Area on a Coordinate Grid
  • Area of Polygons and Circles
  • Area of Sectors and Segments
  • Areas and Coordinate Geometry
  • Areas of Polygons and Circles
  • Central and Inscribed Angles in Circles
  • Chords and Circles
  • Chords, Secants, and Tangents in Circles
  • Circle Equations
  • Circle Equations and Graphs
  • Circle Equations Based On Radius
  • Circle Proofs
  • Circles: Area of Sectors and Segments
  • Classifying a Conic Section
  • Complement of an Event
  • Compound Locus
  • Concurrence
  • Congruence of Triangles
  • Congruence of Triangles - Numerical Practice with Congruence
  • Congruent Triangles
  • Congruent Triangle Proofs
  • Coordinate Geometry Proofs
  • Cosine of Points
  • Dilations and Similarity
  • Direct Euclidean Proofs
  • Distance Formula
  • Ellipses & Standard Equations
  • Ellipses in Standard Form
  • Ellipses- Foci & Vertices
  • Empirical Probability
  • Equation of a Line
  • Exponential to Logarithmic Form
  • Exterior Angles of Polygons
  • Exterior Angles
  • Geometric Constructions- Congruence
  • Glide Reflections
  • Graphing Linear Quadratic Systems
  • Hyperbolas in Standard Form
  • Hyperbolas- Foci and Vertices
  • Indirect Euclidean Proofs
  • Identifying Translations
  • Indirect Euclidean Proofs (Graphical)
  • Interior Angles of Polygons
  • Interior and Exterior Angles
  • Intuitive Notion of Dilation
  • Intuitive Work with Line Reflections
  • Inverse Functions- Calculator Practice
  • Isosceles Theorem
  • Line Symmetry
  • Lines and Planes
  • Literal Equations
  • Locus at a Fixed Distance
  • Locus At a Fixed Distance from a Point
  • Locus Equidistant from Two Intersecting Lines
  • Locus Equidistant from Two Parallel Lines
  • Locus Equidistant from Two Points
  • Logarithmic to Exponential Form
  • Midpoint of a Line Segment
  • Midpoint of a Segment
  • Mid-Segment of a Triangle
  • Mutually Exclusive Events
  • Nature of Roots
  • Numerical Practice with BIG Circles
  • Parabola Equations
  • Parabola Standard Equations
  • Parabola- Equations & Graphs
  • Parabolas- Focus & Directrix
  • Parabolas- Graphs & Equations
  • Parallel Lines
  • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • Parts of a Parabola
  • Perimeter and Circumference
  • Perimeter of Polygons & Circumference of Circles
  • Point Symmetry
  • Polygons - Exterior Angles of Polygons
  • Polygons - Each Interior Angle
  • Polynomial Denominators
  • Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres
  • Probability Problems AND/OR
  • Proof Warm Ups
  • Proofs in Coordinates
  • Proofs With Congruent Triangles
  • Proportion in a Right Triangles
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems
  • Quadrilateral Proofs
  • Quadrilaterals- The Quadrilateral Family (and Properties)
  • Quartiles & Percentiles
  • Rationalize Denominators
  • Recognizing Congruent Triangles
  • Reflection in a Line
  • Reflection in a Line- Identification
  • Reflection in a Point
  • Rotational Symmetry
  • Sine of Points
  • Single Compound Events
  • Solve For The Unknown
  • Solving Functions Algebraically
  • Solving Functions Graphically
  • Sum of Interior Angles
  • Sum Of Interior Angles Word Problems
  • Tangents And Circles
  • Tangent of Points
  • Tangent of x
  • The Quadrilateral Family
  • Theoretical Probability
  • Triangle Inequalities
  • Triangle Inequality Theorm
  • Triangle Proofs
  • Triangles In Problems
  • Transformations- Dilation
  • Transformations- Line Symmetry
  • Transformations- Point Symmetry
  • Transformations: Identifying Line Reflections
  • Transformations: Identifying Translations
  • Transformations: Rotation
  • Transformations: Working with Translations
  • Translations
  • Translations & Vectors
  • Types of Angles
  • Using a Calculator (sin, cos, tan)
  • Value of a Log
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Volume and Surface Area of Solids
  • Volume and Surface Area of Solids and Cylinders
  • Write Parabola Equations
  • See ALL Geometry Worksheets Listed By Skill Development Order

Probability & Statistics Worksheets

  • Combinations: nCn & nCr
  • Counting Principle (Difficult)
  • Conditional Probability
  • Permutations: nPn & nPR
  • Probability: Independent Events
  • Problems Involving AND & OR
  • Sample Spaces Word-based
  • Tree Diagrams Word-based
  • See ALL Probability & Statistics Worksheets Listed By Skill Development Order

Trigonometry Worksheets

  • Absolute Value
  • Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers
  • Adding and Subtracting Rational (Fractional) Expressions
  • Angle Sum and Difference, Double Angle and Half Angle Formulas
  • Arc Length and Radian Measure
  • Area of Triangle Using Trigonometry
  • Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series
  • Binomial Probability
  • Central Tendency and Dispersion
  • CoFunctions
  • Comparison of Volumes of Similar Solids
  • Completing the Square
  • Composition of Functions
  • Cosine: Find the value of x
  • Direct and Inverse Variation
  • Division of Rational (Fractional) Expressions
  • Equations of Circles
  • Evaluating Rational (Fractional) Exponents
  • Exponential Expressions and Equations
  • Exponential Functions
  • Factoring Polynomials
  • Fill in the missing angle
  • Functions - Domain and One-to-one, Onto
  • Functions - Recognize and Evaluate
  • Graphing Complex Numbers
  • Graphs Dealing with Sine and Cosine
  • Graphs Dealing with Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, Cosecant
  • Graphs of Polynomial Equations of Higher Degree
  • Imaginary Unit and Standard Complex Form
  • Inverse Functions
  • Inverse Trigonometry Functions
  • Law of Cosines
  • Law of Sines
  • Law of Sines and the Ambiguous Case
  • Length of a Line Segment - Distance
  • Linear - Quadratic Systems
  • Logarithmic Equations
  • Logarithmic Expressions
  • Logarithmic Functions
  • Multiplying Rational (Fractional) Expressions
  • Nature of Roots - Sum and Product
  • Normal Distribution and Standard Deviation
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Polynomial Equations of Higher Degree
  • Positive, Negative and Zero Exponents
  • Powers of i
  • Proportions
  • Pythagorean Identities
  • Quadratic Inequalities
  • Rational (Fractional) Exponents
  • Rational Equations
  • Rational Inequalities
  • Rationalizing Denominators with Radicals
  • Recursive Sequences
  • Reference Angles and Triangles
  • Regression Analysis
  • Scale Drawing
  • Sigma Notation and Series
  • Similar Polygons: Ratio of Perimeters & Areas
  • Simplifying Complex Fractions/Expressions
  • Simplifying Rational (Fractional) Expressions
  • Simplifying Square Roots with Negative Numbers
  • Solving Combinations of Variations
  • Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Solving Quadratic Equations with Complex Roots
  • Special Right Triangles (Geometry emphasis)
  • Special Right Triangles (Trigonometry emphasis)
  • The Binomial Theorem
  • The Discriminant
  • Theoretical and Empirical Probabilities
  • Transformations with Functions
  • Trigonometric Equations
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Trigonometric Ratios
  • Trigonometric Word Problems
  • Working with Right Triangles
  • See ALL Trigonometry Worksheets Listed By Skill Development Order

Math Tips For High School:

  • Top 10 Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12 Math Skills
  • What Math Concepts Are Taught in Ninth Grade?
  • What Math Concepts Are Taught In Tenth Grade?
  • What Math Concepts Are Taught in Eleventh Grade?
  • What Do You Learn About Math in Twelfth Grade?

What Are High School Students Learning in Math Class?

  • 10 Everyday Reasons Why Algebra is Important in your Life
  • 10 Everyday Reasons Why Equations Are Important in your Life
  • 10 Everyday Reasons Why Statistics are Important in your Life
  • 10 Everyday Reasons Why Trigonometry is Important in your Life
  • Ten Tips to Become Better at Algebra
  • 10 Shocking Reasons Why Geometry is Important in your Life
  • Linear, Non-Linear, Differential, and Quadratic Equations: Oh My!
  • We Use Algebra Everyday?
  • What is Algebra? What do we use it for?
  • What is the difference between an Expression and an Equation?
  • What Are Logarithms? When Do We Use Them?
  • What the differences between a linear equation and a quadratic equation?
  • What's a Polynomial Anyway?
  • Why is calculating the probability of events important in life?
  • Why is important that someone on this planet understands the geometry of a circle?
  • Why is important that someone on this planet understands the geometry of a rectangle?
  • Why is important that someone on this planet understands the geometry of a triangle?
  • Why Should We Care About Quadratic Equations?

"Students will learn moderate to advanced levels of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. They will learn how to work with confidence a Scientific Calculator and a Units Conversion Calculator."

Grades 9-12 are considered to be high school level and during those four years students are going to learn many, many math concepts. Math curriculums will vary from state to state but you can be assured that they will be rigorous. Students will learn moderate to advanced levels of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. They will learn how to work with confidence a Scientific Calculator and a Units Conversion Calculator.

Much of the math that is taught in high school is cumulative, meaning that new concepts will be built upon what has been learned in earlier grades. In other words, it will be more advanced. Each section must be mastered completely or the next section will not make sense. Mastery of material from previous courses makes success in later courses more likely, so continually review and practice concepts from prior math classes. Students should always do their assignments early enough so that they can get help with the things they do not understand. Learn how to use your calculator effectively and efficiently, especially if exams are timed and you have trouble completing tests in the allotted time. Your instructor should be able to suggest which type of calculator will be most beneficial for your class and then you need to learn how to use important function keys.

Be prepared to know all of the math definitions, symbols, equations, and problem solving steps. You will also become familiarized with flash cards, running concept lists, flow charts, and matrices. One of the biggest problems with math is that most people find it to be very boring so they lack interest. Anything that you have been able to learn easily was learned because you had an interest in it and if you don't have an interest in math, you will find it boring as well. If you're interested in something, it's easy to learn. If you want to make math easy to learn, you have to find some way to make it interesting to you. There are lots of ways to go about this. One is to find some relation between math and something that you're already interested in. It's a good bet that no matter what you like to do, learning about math can let you do it more easily, and can even increase the amount of enjoyment that you get out of it. Another possible answer is that you've been able to learn other things easily because you've been able to instantly form lots of connections to things that you already know.

Not too many teachers are able to make math come alive, yes they can teach it but it is a special gift to be able to deliver it with life and meaning and to be able to capture at least most of your audience. Do you recall the Ten Commandments of Math? This is when you might want to print yourself a copy because those high school math years can be treacherous.


1. Thou shalt read thy problem...carefully.

2. Whatsoever thou doest to one side of thy equation, do ye also to the other.

3. Thou must use thy "common sense."

4. Thou shalt ignore the teachings of false prophets to do all thy work in thy head.

5. When thou knowest not, thou shalt look it up; and if thy search still eludes thee, thou shalt ask thy All-Knowing Teacher.

6. Thou shalt master each step before putting thy heavy foot down on the next.

7. Thy correct answer does not prove that thou hast worked thy problem correctly. This argument convincest none, least of all thy Teacher.

8. Thou shalt first see that thou hast copied thy problem correctly, before bearing false witness that the answer book lieth.

9. Thou shalt look back even unto thy youth and remember thy arithmetic.

10. Thou shalt learn, read, write, speak, and listen correctly in the language of mathematics, and verily A's and B's shall follow thee even unto graduation.

Free Mathematics Tutorials

Free Mathematics Tutorials

High school math (grades 10, 11; and 12) free questions and problems with answers.

High school math for grades 10, 11, and 12 math questions and problems to test deep understanding of math concepts and computational procedures are presented. Detailed solutions and answers to the questions are provided.

Grade 12 Math

  • Use Sinusoidal Functions to Solve Applications Problems with Solutions
  • Grade 12 Math Practice Test
  • Logarithm and Exponential Questions with Answers and Solutions - Grade 12
  • Video Solve Polynomial Inequalities
  • Video Solve Rational Inequalities
  • How to Solve Rational Inequalities
  • Find a Sinusoidal Function Given its Graph
  • Sketch Trigonometric Functions - sine and cosine
  • Sketch Trigonometric Functions - tangent and cotangent
  • Sketch Trigonometric Functions - secant and cosecant
  • Hundreds of Algebra Questions and problems with solutions of all levels and topics
  • 3D Vectors with Questions and Detailed Solutions
  • Problems on Lines in 3D with Detailed Solutions
  • Scalar and Cross Products of 3D Vectors with Questions and Detailed Solutions
  • Solve Inverse Functions Questions
  • Simplify Expressions Including Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Solve Equations Including Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • How to Solve Equations Related to Quadratic Ones with Detailed Solutions
  • How to Solve Logarithmic Equations Questions with Detailed Solutions
  • How to Solve Exponential Equations Questions with Detailed Solutions
  • Circles, Sectors and Trigonometry Problems with Solutions and Answers
  • Find a Polynomial Given its Graph - with detailed Solutions
  • Find Zeros of Polynomials - Questions with Detailed Solutions
  • Math Vidoes
  • How to Make a Sign Table of Polynomials - Questions with Detailed Solutions
  • Polynomial Graphs - Questions with Detailed Solutions
  • Find Trigonometric Functions Given Their Graphs Without Vertical Shift with the support of interactive tutorials on Phase Shift
  • Find Trigonometric Functions Given Their Graphs With Vertical Shift with support of interactive tutorial on Vertical Shift
  • Find the Period of Trigonometric Function Given its Graph or Equation with support of interactive tutorial on the period of a Sine Function
  • How to Solve Trigonometric Equations with Detailed Solutions - Grade 12
  • Step by Step Math Worksheets Solvers
  • Grade 12 Problems on Complex Numbers with Solutions and Answers
  • Algebra Questions with Answers and Solutions - Grade 12
  • Grade 12 Math Word Problems with Solutions and Answers
  • Geometry Problems with Solutions and Answers for Grade 12
  • Trigonometry Problems and Questions with Solutions - Grade 12
  • Free Math Worksheets to Download
  • Calculus Tutorials and Problems
  • AP Calculus Questions (AB and BC) with Answers - Practice
  • Calculus Questions with Answers
  • Free Calculus Worksheets to Download
  • Math Problems
  • Graphs of Functions, Equations, and Algebra
  • Solving Equation and Inequalities
  • Analytical Tutorials
  • Trigonometry Tutorials and Problems for Self Tests
  • Free Trigonometry Worksheets to Download
  • Geometry Tutorials and Problems
  • Elementary Statistics and Probability Tutorials
  • Free Geometry Worksheets to Download
  • Free Graph Paper
  • Geometry Problems

Grade 11 Math

  • Grade 11 Math Practice Test
  • Algebra Questions with Solutions and Answers
  • Math Word Problems with Solutions
  • Geometry Problems with Solutions and Answers
  • Trigonometry Problems and Questions with Solutions
  • Functions in Mathematics
  • Functions Represented by Equations
  • Fractions Questions and Problems with Solutions
  • Graph Quadratic Functions
  • find quadratic functions given their graphs.
  • Simplify Exponents and Radicals Questions with detailed solutions.
  • Rules for Radicals and Exponents
  • Graph Sine and Cosine Functions
  • Inverse Functions Questions
  • Solve Trigonometric Equations - Examples With Detailed Solutions
  • Logarithm and Exponential Questions with Answers and Solutions
  • Tutorial on Compound interests and Problems on Compound Interests with Detailed Solutions .
  • Parabola Problems with Detailed Solutions
  • Find Domain and Range of Relations , examples and questions with detailed solutions.
  • Find The Domain of Functions with Square Root , examples with detailed solutions and graphical explanations.
  • Find The Domain of Rational Functions , examples with detailed solutions and graphical explanations.
  • Find the Inverse of a Relation Examples and Questions with Solutions and detailed explanations.
  • Find The Inverse Function Values from Tables Questions with detailed Solutions and explanations.
  • Find The Inverse Function Values from Graphs Examples and questions with detailed solutions and explanations.
  • Prime Factorization of Monomials Examples and questions with Solutions and detailed explanations.
  • Find Greatest Common Factor of Monomials Questions with Solutions and Answers .
  • Factor Polynomials by Common Factor Questions with detailed Solutions.
  • Factor Polynomials by Grouping - Questions with detailed Solutions .
  • Factoring of Special Polynomials Questions with Solutions and Answers .
  • How to Find Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of Expressions? Examples and questions with detailed solutions and explanations.
  • How to Add, Subtract and Simplify Rational Expressions - Examples With Detailed Solutions and questions with Detailed Solutions .
  • How to Multiply, Divide and Simplify Rational Expressions - Examples With Detailed Solutions and questions with Detailed Solutions .
  • How to Simplify Rational Expressions (More Challenging) - Examples With Detailed Solutions and Questions with Answers
  • Special Angles in the Unit Circle .
  • Trigonometric Identities and the Unit Circle questions with Solutions.
  • Sequences and Summation
  • Arithmetic Sequences and Sums
  • Geometric Sequences and Sums
  • Units Conversion and Calculators
  • Convert Units of Measurements

Grade 10 Math

  • Grade 10 Math Practice Test and solutions
  • Simplify Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Roots of Real Numbers and Radicals - Questions with Solutions
  • Introduction to Polynomials
  • Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Add and Subtract Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Multiply Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Divide Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Rationalize Denominators of Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions
  • Multiply and Simplify Monomials
  • Algebra Questions with Answers for Grade 10
  • Math Word Problems with Solutions and Answers for Grade 10
  • Geometry Problems with Answers and Solutions - Grade 10
  • Trigonometry Problems and Questions with Solutions - Grade 10
  • Linear Programming .

More Middle School Maths (Grades 6, 7, 8, 9) - Free Questions and Problems With Answers Home Page

Popular Pages

  • Simplify Radical Expressions - Questions with Solutions for Grade 10
  • Middle School Math (Grades 6, 7, 8, 9) - Free Questions and Problems With Answers
  • Free Algebra Questions and Problems with Answers
  • Math Problems, Questions and Online Self Tests
  • Linear Programming

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Free Math Worksheets — Over 100k free practice problems on Khan Academy

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That’s because Khan Academy has over 100,000 free practice questions. And they’re even better than traditional math worksheets – more instantaneous, more interactive, and more fun!

Just choose your grade level or topic to get access to 100% free practice questions:

Kindergarten, basic geometry, pre-algebra, algebra basics, high school geometry.

  • Trigonometry

Statistics and probability

High school statistics, ap®︎/college statistics, precalculus, differential calculus, integral calculus, ap®︎/college calculus ab, ap®︎/college calculus bc, multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra.

  • Addition and subtraction
  • Place value (tens and hundreds)
  • Addition and subtraction within 20
  • Addition and subtraction within 100
  • Addition and subtraction within 1000
  • Measurement and data
  • Counting and place value
  • Measurement and geometry
  • Place value
  • Measurement, data, and geometry
  • Add and subtract within 20
  • Add and subtract within 100
  • Add and subtract within 1,000
  • Money and time
  • Measurement
  • Intro to multiplication
  • 1-digit multiplication
  • Addition, subtraction, and estimation
  • Intro to division
  • Understand fractions
  • Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
  • More with multiplication and division
  • Arithmetic patterns and problem solving
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Represent and interpret data
  • Multiply by 1-digit numbers
  • Multiply by 2-digit numbers
  • Factors, multiples and patterns
  • Add and subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Understand decimals
  • Plane figures
  • Measuring angles
  • Area and perimeter
  • Units of measurement
  • Decimal place value
  • Add decimals
  • Subtract decimals
  • Multi-digit multiplication and division
  • Divide fractions
  • Multiply decimals
  • Divide decimals
  • Powers of ten
  • Coordinate plane
  • Algebraic thinking
  • Converting units of measure
  • Properties of shapes
  • Ratios, rates, & percentages
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Negative numbers
  • Properties of numbers
  • Variables & expressions
  • Equations & inequalities introduction
  • Data and statistics
  • Negative numbers: addition and subtraction
  • Negative numbers: multiplication and division
  • Fractions, decimals, & percentages
  • Rates & proportional relationships
  • Expressions, equations, & inequalities
  • Numbers and operations
  • Solving equations with one unknown
  • Linear equations and functions
  • Systems of equations
  • Geometric transformations
  • Data and modeling
  • Volume and surface area
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • Transformations, congruence, and similarity
  • Arithmetic properties
  • Factors and multiples
  • Reading and interpreting data
  • Negative numbers and coordinate plane
  • Ratios, rates, proportions
  • Equations, expressions, and inequalities
  • Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation
  • Foundations
  • Algebraic expressions
  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Graphing lines and slope
  • Expressions with exponents
  • Quadratics and polynomials
  • Equations and geometry
  • Algebra foundations
  • Solving equations & inequalities
  • Working with units
  • Linear equations & graphs
  • Forms of linear equations
  • Inequalities (systems & graphs)
  • Absolute value & piecewise functions
  • Exponents & radicals
  • Exponential growth & decay
  • Quadratics: Multiplying & factoring
  • Quadratic functions & equations
  • Irrational numbers
  • Performing transformations
  • Transformation properties and proofs
  • Right triangles & trigonometry
  • Non-right triangles & trigonometry (Advanced)
  • Analytic geometry
  • Conic sections
  • Solid geometry
  • Polynomial arithmetic
  • Complex numbers
  • Polynomial factorization
  • Polynomial division
  • Polynomial graphs
  • Rational exponents and radicals
  • Exponential models
  • Transformations of functions
  • Rational functions
  • Trigonometric functions
  • Non-right triangles & trigonometry
  • Trigonometric equations and identities
  • Analyzing categorical data
  • Displaying and comparing quantitative data
  • Summarizing quantitative data
  • Modeling data distributions
  • Exploring bivariate numerical data
  • Study design
  • Probability
  • Counting, permutations, and combinations
  • Random variables
  • Sampling distributions
  • Confidence intervals
  • Significance tests (hypothesis testing)
  • Two-sample inference for the difference between groups
  • Inference for categorical data (chi-square tests)
  • Advanced regression (inference and transforming)
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • Scatterplots
  • Data distributions
  • Two-way tables
  • Binomial probability
  • Normal distributions
  • Displaying and describing quantitative data
  • Inference comparing two groups or populations
  • Chi-square tests for categorical data
  • More on regression
  • Prepare for the 2020 AP®︎ Statistics Exam
  • AP®︎ Statistics Standards mappings
  • Polynomials
  • Composite functions
  • Probability and combinatorics
  • Limits and continuity
  • Derivatives: definition and basic rules
  • Derivatives: chain rule and other advanced topics
  • Applications of derivatives
  • Analyzing functions
  • Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions
  • Applications of integrals
  • Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules
  • Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions
  • Contextual applications of differentiation
  • Applying derivatives to analyze functions
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Math worksheets take forever to hunt down across the internetKhan Academy is your one-stop-shop for practice from arithmetic to calculus
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Printing math worksheets use up a significant amount of paper and are hard to distribute during virtual learningKhan Academy practice requires no paper and can be distributed whether your students are in-person or online
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Math worksheets can slow down student learning since they need to wait for feedbackKhan Academy gives instant feedback after every answer – including hints and video support if students are stuck
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12th Grade Math Worksheets

12th Grade Math Review Worksheet

Free 12th Grade Math Worksheets for Teachers, Parents, and Kids

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High School Math

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  • Product Rule
  • Derivatives Involving Trigonometric Functions
  • Limits Approaching a Constant
  • Limits To Infinity
  • Quotient Rule
  • All About Fungi
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  • Evolution of Early Eukaryotes
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  • Structure of Organic Molecules
  • The Marine Environment
  • Anatomical Direction and Body Planes
  • Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism
  • Evolution of Seed Plants
  • Ferns and their Relatives
  • Homeostasis
  • Microbiology of Disease
  • Plants Known as Bryophytes
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  • Alkynes (AP)
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