topic for creative writing in urdu


Essay topics in urdu) )مضامین انسانی فکر اور نظریات کے اظہار کا بہترین ذریعہ ہے ۔  سوالات کے جوابات کی  تلاش  اور تعلیم کے لیے طاقتور ٹولز کے طور پر بھی  کام کرتے ہیں۔ یہ افراد کو سماجی مسائل کی گہری پیچیدگیوں سے لے کر ہماری زندگیوں کو تشکیل دینے والے ذاتی تجربات تک کو صفحہ قرطاس تک پہنچانے کا ذریعہ ہے  ۔ مضامین کی یہ لسٹ  آپ کی سوچ  کے لیے ایک پلیٹ فارم  کی بنیاد ہو گا ۔ مضامین کی  لسٹ  میں سیاسی ،تعلیمی ، مذہبی ، لسانی  ، معاشرتی ،قومی  ، ملی اور کھلیوں کی افادیت کے حوالے سے موضوعات کو شامل کیا گیا ہے  ۔.

topic for creative writing in urdu


میرے خوابوں کی دنیا, محسن انسانیت ﷺ, وقت کی پابندی, میرے بچپن کے دن, تعلیم نسواں, قومی ہیرو عمران خان, تعلیم کی اہمیت, پاکستان کا قومی خواب, زندگی کے اہم موڑ, صحت مند رہنے کے اصول, دوستی کی اہمیت, پرائم منسٹر کی اہمیت, گاؤں کی زندگی, شہری زندگی کی مشکلات, کرکٹ کا مقام, پاکستان کی تاریخ, ایک بہادر شخصیت, میڈیا کا کردار, آسمانی چیزوں کی تلاش, تنقیدی تحقیق کا مقصد, پاکستان کی سیاحت, علماء اور ان کی خدمات, قومی زبان کی اہمیت, گرائمر اور تعلیم کا تعلق, کمیونٹی کی خدمات, اقتصادی ترقی کا راستہ, علم و فن کی اہمیت, انسانی حقوق, طبی ترقی کے اثرات, ترقی پسندی کا طریقہ, پاکستان کی معاشی مشکلات, زرعی ترقی کی اہمیت, جمعیت کا کنٹرول, محیط کی حفاظت, تاریخی مقامات کا تعارف, اسلامی تہذیب اور تعلیم, کمپیوٹر کی دنیا, ڈیجیٹل پاکستان کا خواب, بچوں کی تعلیم, ماں باپ کا کردار.

azadi aik naimat hai essay in urdu

محبت کی اہمیت

چھوٹے گاؤں کی ترقی, خوابوں کی تعبیر, اقتصادی توانائی کا طریقہ, سوشل میڈیا کی تاثرات, پاکستان کی ترقی کا راستہ, جوانوں کی مشکلات, ملکی امن کا راز.


دنیا کی 100 مشہور شخصیات

اسلامی تاریخ کے ادوار, معاشرتی امور, خوشیوں کا راز, اسلامی تعلیم کی اہمیت, فنون کی دنیا, خوابوں کی تقسیم, اقتصادی منافع کی پیروی, پاکستان کی ریاستی سیاست, سفر وسیلہ ظفر, علماء کی تاریخ, ذہانت کا راز, کمپیوٹر کی تاریخ, انسانی خواہشات, پاکستان کی ترقی کا منصوبہ, پاک فوج کی تاریخ, سماجی انصاف کی پیروی, اقتصادی ترقی کا مقام, جوانوں کی تعلیمی مشکلات, اسلامی تعلیم کا تعارف.

Best Speech in Urdu for Students 2023

فن کی ترویج

پاکستان کی خوشیاں, علماء کی خدمات, زندگی کی پیچیدگیاں, کرکٹ کے شوقین, میڈیا کی طاقت, تاریخی مقامات کی سیر, انسانوں کے اخلاقی اصول, تعلیم کے اثرات, پاکستان کی مذہبی تاریخ, علم و فن کی ترقی, سیاحت کی اہمیت, قدامت پسندی اور جدت پسندی, زرعی ترقی کے فوائد, جمعیت علماء اسلام کا کردار, اقتصادی مسائل اور ان کا حل, بچوں کی حفاظت کا طریقہ, تاریخی مقامات کا دورہ.

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کمپیوٹر کی دنیا کا تعارف

بچوں کی تعلیم کا مقام اور نصاب, ماں باپ کی زندگی کی اہمیت, چھوٹے گاؤں کی ترقی کا راستہ, خوابوں کی تعبیر کا علم, اقتصادی توانائی کی پیروی, سوشل میڈیا کے اثرات, پاکستان کی ترقی کی راہیں, جوانوں کی مشکلات اور حل, ملکی امن کے اہمیت, دنیا کے معروف شخصیات, اسلامی تاریخ کے اہم واقعات, علماء کی عظیم خدمات, ذہانت کا سرگرمی, انسانی خواہشات اور تطلعات, سماجی انصاف کی اہمیت, تاریخی مقامات کی پیروی, ترقی پسندی کا موازنہ, جمعیت کی کمی کا حل, اقتصادی مسائل کا حل, محیط کی حفاظت کا طریقہ, بچوں کی تعلیم کا مقام.

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Essay Writing Tips in the Urdu Language

  • Post author: Mr-Teacher
  • Post last modified: February 21, 2023

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Are you learning Urdu and need to write your first essay in the Urdu language? It won’t be as easy as ABC because you must do much research to complete a high-quality paper. Urdu refers to rare languages and has distinctive features and peculiarities. More and more students decide to contact professional academic writers at essay writing services not to fail and submit a flawless essay in Urdu. Want to write an insightful essay that will be evaluated positively? You’ve come to the right place. Here is a collection of expert writing tips from SmartWritingService that will make the essay writing process easier and more effective. 

Choose the Topic You Know the Best

First, choose the topic you can reveal in the Urdu language. If you are a beginner, you shouldn’t pick complex topics. It will be hard to discuss them, and you won’t be able to give information on all the topic issues. Don’t choose too broad or too narrow topics. Brainstorm ideas on the topics you are interested in and feel passionate about discussing. Ensure you know all the necessary Urdu words and terms to discuss the chosen subject.

Conduct Research and Analysis

The second thing you need to do is to search for credible sources of information. You need to use only educational websites and electronic libraries with trusted sources. Don’t use any facts or data until you make sure all the information is true. You can use books, articles from newspapers, and web sources. The more sources you use, the better. Collect all the information on the topic you can find and analyze what pieces of information are valuable for your essay.

Write a Detailed Essay Outline

Now you have a topic and enough material to get started. Make an essay outline to have a clear picture of how to structure your essay paper. Using a good outline you won’t miss any important ideas on the subject. 

Divide Your Content into 3 Parts

Your essay should consist of 3 parts: an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. You should start with an engaging opening paragraph. The main key to success is to include interesting facts or a story about your topic. You should structure your essay, so the content is easy to perceive and understand. There is a wealth of literature in Urdu. This is the literature of Indian Muslims that dates back to the 13th century. Until the beginning of the 19th century, it was represented mainly by lyric poetry on religious-philosophical themes and was strongly influenced by Persian poetry. It’s a good idea to include poetry in your essay. Find several lines that reflect on your essay topic and use them at the beginning of your essay paper.

Write a short introduction to attract the reader’s attention and proceed to the main part of the essay. Here, you need to discuss all the key issues, give arguments for each of the discussion points, and start any new idea from the new paragraph. Finally, conclude your Urdu essay with several sentences that will make it clear to the reader why he/she has spent time learning the topic. Write about the possibility of further research on the topic. The conclusion should be brief, clear, and concise. 

Pay a Special Attention to Grammar in Urdu

The grammar of Urdu is generally similar to that of Hindi; however, due to the cultural separation of Muslims from Hindus, Urdu has incorporated some elements characteristic of the grammar of Arabic and Persian. 

  • Nouns, pronouns, and verbs change in numbers (singular and plural) and cases (direct, indirect, vocative), verbs, some adjectives, and nouns also in gender (masculine and feminine). Some postpositions also vary in gender and number.
  • Urdu pronouns are classified into several groups of meanings. Urdu has no negative pronouns; instead, negative constructions with indefinite pronouns are used. By the nature of the changes and functions in the sentence, pronouns are divided into pronouns-nouns, pronouns-adjectives, and pronouns-numerals. There are several types of participles in Urdu. The participles combine verbal and nominal signs. Foreign language (Arabic, Persian) participles in Urdu are used as ordinary adjectives.
  • There are several types of verb tenses in Urdu. In terms of the present, there are two kinds, in terms of the past – three, and in terms of the future, the kind can both be expressed (in three forms) and remain unexpressed. Most tenses are formed by creating a nominal predicate from a participle and an auxiliary verb. The imperative mood has several forms, which differ in the degree of politeness. Also, in Urdu, there are “intensive verbs” – combinations of the stem of a verb with one of the 12 service verbs. As a result of this combination, the main verb receives a refined shade of its meaning. Intensive verbs are usually not recorded in dictionaries, they are not separate verbs, and in each particular case, they are formed directly in speech.

Proofread and edit the essay, if necessary. Make sure it doesn’t contain grammar errors, and that the whole essay sounds logical. If you lack essay writing skills or knowledge of the Urdu language, don’t hesitate to ask custom writers to check your paper and make it error-free. Experienced writers will provide a high-quality essay sample on the necessary topic to get inspired and learn how to express your thoughts in Urdu.

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Creative Writing Tips in Urdu For Beginners

Creative Writing Tips For Students & Immature Writers in Urdu Language Creative writing is one of the most paying skills. All students must learn this skill to get maximum marks in their exams. Even for clearing the competitive exam you will have to learn creative writing skill. It can also make you a self employed person. Its not easy to learn this art as you will have to strive to learn the basics of this skill. We have written many articles on creative writing tips. Here is list of some our some articles on creative writing;

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We strongly recommend you to read all above mentioned articles for mastering the art of creative writing. We have also launched an internship program for guiding you about this art. Many students have got internship certificates from on the basis of their contributions for us. We are also going to held free workshop to guide the students in regard. We shall inform you about free workshop through our website. You must attend this workshop for learning this useful art..Today we are going to share creative writing tips in Urdu language with you. We have already published an article in Urdu on the same topic. We love to guide our readers, so you can ask us any question.

We shall try our level best to guide you individually. Urdu article given on this page has been translated by Mr Farhan Fani. He has translated this article from the English article of famous blogger Neil Patel. Remember that It is also a rule of creative writing to provide the source of your information, that’s why we always try our level best to provide the information about the original source of posts. Kindly visit and its facebook page daily for guidance in Urdu and English about different career building skills. You should also visit other educational websites of Pakistan for realizing the difference between them and us. We welcome you in the club of creative writers.


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Improve Your Creative Writing Skills, Tips in Urdu & English

 Self Help Tips-Learn The Art of Creative Writing The art of creative writing , it is pretty simple to learn. You have to be focused always. If determination is there present in your head, then you can write creatively and flawlessly. Here we have self help creative writing tips for you that how you can learn this art perfectly:

Depict Your Personality in Your Writings While writing, you should be able to depict your personality in your writings. Your audience should know that who you are, they should know you as a person! In your writings, you should give a touch of your personality.

Look for Your Specialty Before writing, you have to look for your specialty area. You have to decide that which is your specialty, like whether you are great in writing poems or plays or dramas or fiction.

Stick With Grammar Rules Make that being a creative writer, you remain stick and be with the grammar rules. Even if you change those rules or bring addition in them, then the implementation of those grammar rules have to be done correctly.

Know Your Audience To become a successful creative writer, you should know your audience first. If you does not have single knowledge about your audience, then your writings will become useless.

Show Different Emotions in Your Writing In your writings, you have to show different set of emotions. You have to show variety in your writings. Like if at one point you are displaying emotion, then on the other piece of your writing, you can show some happy stuff.

Keep Your Writing In a Dialogue Form It is in the dialogue form that you should try to keep your writings. Make them interactive.

Tell About Yourself in Your Writings You can even talk about yourself in your writings. Your audience will love to know about you. Some of the writers use phrases like I and Me, it will be great if you will use these phrases too.

Keep Yourself Composed While writing, you have to your keep yourself composed. You should only write when your mind is free and relaxed. If you are stressed, then you will only write poor.

Bring a Trademark Factor in Tour Writings There should be a trademark factor in your writings. Like whenever someone read your content, he should immediately identify your writing piece.

Enjoy While Writing Always enjoy a lot while you are writing. Enjoy, love and praise that time.

Opt a Natural Style While Writing In your writing, you should try to opt for a natural style. Never copy other style and bring your own natural style in your written pieces.

Stick With Your Writing Momentum Great creative writers stick with their writing momentum and trademark factor. It means that your signature writing style should remain the same.

Keep on Writing While Keeping Your Real Worth And Identity Do not lose your identity while you are writing. During this journey, you should not lose your worth and identity at any cost. Now read self help tips in Urdu language on creative writing skills and start working on your creative writing skills and share your progress with us as well.

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Urdu paper for KG class.

2 Urdu papers for grade  5 to 7 -Sections comprehension,Grammar and Creative writing

2 Urdu papers for grade 5 to 7 -Sections comprehension,Grammar and Creative writing

2 URDU exam papers level 5 - Sections comprehension, creative writing, grammar

2 URDU exam papers level 5 - Sections comprehension, creative writing, grammar

URDU exam paper level 6/5 - Sections comprehension, creative writing, grammar

URDU exam paper level 6/5 - Sections comprehension, creative writing, grammar

Lets Write in Urdu Worksheet for Ages 3-12

Lets Write in Urdu Worksheet for Ages 3-12

end of term assessment class 1

end of term assessment class 1


  1. SOLUTION: Urdu creative mazmoon writing sample

    topic for creative writing in urdu

  2. an arabic document with some writing on it

    topic for creative writing in urdu

  3. Grade-3, Subject:Urdu Creative Writing, Topic :موسم

    topic for creative writing in urdu

  4. Urdu Writing Style

    topic for creative writing in urdu

  5. URDU exam paper level 6/5

    topic for creative writing in urdu

  6. Creative Writing Urdu Grammar Worksheets For Grade 4

    topic for creative writing in urdu


  1. Grade-1, Subject:Urdu Creative Writing, Topic :میرا اسکول

  2. रचनात्मक लेखन अनुच्छेद लेखन |(Creative writing paragraph writing) (Hindi Grammar) |Six Class

  3. ustad ka ehtram essay in urdu /Respect Teacher essay in urdu/Ustad ka Ehtramour knowledge

  4. Mazmoon Naweesi

  5. Urdu writing

  6. Urdu writing video


  1. Urdu Essays List

    ماں پر مضمون. 0. Urdu Essays List 3- Here is the list of 100 topics of urdu mazameen in urdu, اردو مضامین, اردو ادبی مضامین, اسلامی مقالات اردو, urdu essay app, essays in urdu on different topics , free online urdu essays, siyasi mazameen, mazmoon nawesi, urdu mazmoon nigari.


    200 BEST ESSAY TOPICS IN URDU. by SARFRAZ AHSAN. ESSAY TOPICS IN URDU) )مضامین انسانی فکر اور نظریات کے اظہار کا بہترین ذریعہ ہے ۔. سوالات کے جوابات کی تلاش اور تعلیم کے لیے طاقتور ٹولز کے طور پر بھی کام کرتے ہیں۔. یہ افراد کو ...

  3. Urdu essays

    Section 5. سائنس کے فوائد | Benefits of Science and Technology Essay in Urdu. خدمت خلق پر ایک مضمون | Essay On Khidmat E khalaq in Urdu. فٹ بال پر ایک مضمون | My Favourite Game Football Essay in Urdu. مخلوط تعلیم پر ایک مضمون | Makhloot Taleem Essay In Urdu. خواب پر ایک ...

  4. Essay In Urdu (اردو مضامین)

    استاد کا احترام استاد معاشرے کا وہ اہم ستون ہے جو علم اور تربیت کی روشنی پھیلاتا ہے۔. استاد کا…. گفتگو کے آداب گفتگو انسان کی زندگی کا ایک لازمی حصہ ہے۔. یہ ایک ایسا فن ہے جس کے ذریعے…. برسات کا ...

  5. List of Urdu Essays on Different Topics

    Urdu Essays on Different Topics اردو مضامین. زندگی میں کامیابی کے اصول Kamyabi Ke Usool in Urdu. By Yousaf Khan; April 18, 2019; سرکس (تماش گاہ) Essay on Circus Show in Urdu .

  6. Essay Writing Tips in the Urdu Language

    The main key to success is to include interesting facts or a story about your topic. You should structure your essay, so the content is easy to perceive and understand. There is a wealth of literature in Urdu. This is the literature of Indian Muslims that dates back to the 13th century. Until the beginning of the 19th century, it was ...

  7. PDF A Study Of Creative Writings In Urdu Of The Secondary School Students

    Creative writing, Urdu, Secondary school . 1.Background . ... Researcher took up this topic. 40 : M. Qamar Saleem : 1.3. Statement of the Problem ... Creative writing involves the production of original literary work, such as novels, plays, and poems. 1.4. Assumptions : It is assumed that: 1. Creativity in Urdu medium schools in present system ...

  8. Creative Writing Tips in Urdu For Beginners

    Creative Writing Tips For Students & Immature Writers in Urdu Language. Creative writing is one of the most paying skills. All students must learn this skill to get maximum marks in their exams. Even for clearing the competitive exam you will have to learn creative writing skill. It can also make you a self employed person.

  9. Urdu Mazameen Tpoics

    Essay on Qanoon ka Ehtram in Urdu. 0. اردو ادب کے متعلق مختلف سوالات کوکیز (Quizzes) کی شکل میں پڑھنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں۔. Urdu Essays Topics-Read Essays on different topic by clicking on heading of every topic,, Here is the list of urdu mazameen for students of school and college ...

  10. (PDF) A Study Of Creative Writings In Urdu Of The ...

    Creative writing, Urdu, Secondary school . 1. ... topic, (c) Writi ng dialog ues on the give n situat ion. 45 . International Jour nal of PsychologyandEduc ationalStud ies 2017,4 (1), 39-51 .

  11. Amazing Urdu Creative writing topics for students /Paragraph Writing

    @urduforstudents8088 Urdu creative WritingUrdu duniyaUrdu Paragraph WritingUrdu summer holidays workگرمیوں کی چھٹیوں کا کاممضامیناردو مضامینcreative writing ...

  12. Improve Your Creative Writing Skills, Tips in Urdu & English

    Here we have self help creative writing tips for you that how you can learn this art perfectly: While writing, you should be able to depict your personality in your writings. Your audience should know that who you are, they should know you as a person! In your writings, you should give a touch of your personality.

  13. Creative Writing

    Creative Writing and Essays in Urdu Topic: Mera Taaruf #Sstchrz #SstchrzCoachingCentre #SstchrzCreativewriting

  14. (PDF) Development of Creative Potentialities in Urdu Writing Skills for

    46. Development of Creative Potentialities in Urdu Writing Skills for Grade 6. 1. Hina Akbar. Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road , Lahore. 2. Hafiza Gulnaz Fatima. Lahore College for ...

  15. Topic 4 Introduction Why would you want to Write in Urdu/Hindi

    Why would you want to Writewhat is the purpose of creative writing in Urdu/HindiCreative writinga complete course on creative writing

  16. Urdu Essays

    Urdu Essays List 2. یہ نصاب اردو مضامین کے متعلق ہے۔اس کورس میں ہم اردو طلباء کے لئے مختلف موضوعات پر مضامین پیش کر رہے ہیں۔ذیل میں دیئے گئے موضوعات کو کھول کر ہر طرح کے مضامین سے استفادہ حاصل کریں اور ...

  17. Urdu Essay Topics For Grade 3

    The document provides a list of potential Urdu essay topics for grade 3 students in Pakistan. Some example topics included are: essay on my friend, essay on my country Pakistan, essay on mother Teresa, benefits of hard work, importance of education, punctuality, science as our friend or enemy, women's rights, and the importance of cleanliness. The document also mentions some sample essays ...

  18. Urdu Topics For Creative Writing

    Urdu Creative Writing Displaying top 8 worksheets found for — Urdu Creative Writing . Some of the worksheets for this concept are Urdu alphabet. Lahore grammar school. Books to be purchased from local book sellers. Writing work. Strategies for teaching writing. Easy steps to arabic writing. 501 grammar and writing questions.

  19. Story Writing Prompt Cards Pack Urdu (teacher made)

    This fantastic pack is a brilliant way of helping your children create a completely unique story to write! Brilliant for creative writing activities, mix and match the cards to create a brand new story plot! Story Writing Prompt Cards Pack Urdu contains: Amazing Adjectives [PDF] Characters [PDF]

  20. creative writing in Hindi/Urdu

    Your Queries:creative writing in Hindi/Urdu | types | techniques | examples | creative writing in academic writingPDF file link

  21. Primary Urdu resources: creative writing

    2 Urdu papers for grade 5 to 7 -Sections comprehension,Grammar and Creative writing. £1.00.