International Applicants

Is there a separate application process for international applicants.

No, international applicants follow the same application procedures as domestic applicants.

That said, any Northwestern applicant whose first/primary language is not English or whose secondary schooling has not been in English is required to submit proof of English proficiency. More information on accepted English proficiency exams can be found on Northwestern’s application requirements page and in the English proficiency FAQ below.

Can I apply to start at Northwestern during any term?

No, all applications to Northwestern are for a fall (September) quarter start.

Do I have to take the SAT and/or ACT?

Applicants may submit a score if they wish, but scores are not required for the 2024–25 application cycle. For more information, take a look at our  Testing Policy FAQs .

Do I need to demonstrate English proficiency? Is there a minimum score?

An English proficiency score is required for applicants whose first/primary language is not English or whose secondary schooling has not been in English. English proficiency scores may not be self-reported; these must be submitted officially via the appropriate testing organization as part of the application.

Northwestern accepts official results from the following exams:

  • Duolingo English Test (DET)
  • IELTS , including IELTS Indicator
  • TOEFL iBT, including TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition but not TOEFL ITP Plus for China Solution

While there is no minimum score required by Northwestern, competitive applicants demonstrate a high level of English proficiency and typically score in the high range on all sections of the exams we accept.

Note : Northwestern does not superscore English proficiency exams, and will not review TOEFL’s MyBest Scores.

Testing code

  • The Northwestern TOEFL code 1565.

Can I submit documents in languages other than English?

No. All applicants with foreign academic credentials must provide Northwestern with certified English translations of their original transcripts. Applicants may use any transcript translation service, including one in their home country. The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) maintains a list of some of the companies that will provide this service. You may also connect with your local EducationUSA Advising Center for support, including help finding local and affordable translation services.

Do Northwestern applicants have to interview?

Interviews are an optional addition to your application for admission and are conducted by members of Northwestern’s Alumni Admission Council (AAC) or through InitialView . Applicants who are unable to or choose not to interview are not at a disadvantage in the admission process. That said, completed  interviews do provide the admission committee with additional perspective about your potential fit for Northwestern and will be considered as part of our holistic review.

For more information, please visit our Application Requirements page.

How do I answer application questions that do not apply to my educational system?

The Office of Undergraduate Admission understands that applicants to Northwestern study in diverse educational systems. Indicate as best as you can the information that the application requests. If you cannot find an appropriate place for this information, please submit it as additional information in the Common Application or Coalition Application.

In my country/school system, we do not have time for extracurricular activities. Will this put me at a disadvantage in the application process?

Northwestern understands that students in some countries and school systems have restricted time for involvement beyond schoolwork. We also know that the importance of these activities is viewed differently in many parts of the world. Although this knowledge is taken into account, applicants are still highly encouraged to pursue activities (organized or unorganized) during their free time. The most competitive candidates for admission demonstrate achievement and engagement inside and outside the classroom.

My teacher/counselor does not know me well. May I substitute a recommendation from a supervisor of an extracurricular activity, a coach, or a family friend?

Northwestern requires one recommendation from a counselor or school administrator and one recommendation from an academic teacher. While these requirements are not permitted to be substituted, you may submit an additional recommendation from another source. The Office of Undergraduate Admission recommends submitting no more than three letters of recommendation altogether.

I plan to leave secondary school early. May I apply and be admitted to Northwestern?

Northwestern encourages all students to finish a program that will allow them to enter an accredited university in their home country. Students who apply with partially completed academic programs are at a disadvantage in the admission process.

Does Northwestern limit the number of international students on campus?

No, Northwestern seeks the most diverse student body possible and does not place limits on the number of students from any country or group of countries.

Does Northwestern allow gap years for National Service requirements or other reasons?

Yes. Requests for a gap year due to National Service or for another reason must be made in writing to the Director of Undergraduate Admission and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Will I receive credit for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and other examination results?

Northwestern awards credit for eligible Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) higher-level examination results. For more information, please review our most up-to-date credit policy on the Office of the Registrar’s website .  

Examination results from other international curricula will be evaluated for academic credit on an individual basis. You must arrange to have your final examination results sent to Northwestern should you be admitted and plan to enroll.

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Phd program admissions, admissions information.

The only way to apply for admission to the Philosophy PhD program is by filling out an online application.  The application can be accessed via the following linked website from The Graduate School at Northwestern:


The online application for matriculation in Fall 2024 is now available.  All application materials are submitted via the online application system, CollegeNet, at the above link.   Your application and all supplemental materials  must  be received by the application deadline of Friday, January 5, 2024.

Application Materials

The Department of Philosophy requires the following supplemental application materials :

  • Transcripts  from each post-secondary institution attended. Students working toward a master's degree at another institution should submit transcripts of all undergraduate work as well as transcripts of all graduate work completed at the time of filing the application. The department accepts the uploading of unofficial transcripts when you apply. Once accepted into the program, The Graduate School will require the submission of official (bearing the registrar's signature and/or the institution's seal) transcripts.
  • At least  three  letters of recommendation . The recommendation form is available as part of the online application and is sent directly to the letter writers through the online application system. Prior to requesting that your providers complete the recommendation online, be sure to check with them to ensure they have a personal email address and access to the internet.
  • Academic Statement - This statement concerning your academic interests and goals should not exceed two single-spaced pages.
  • Personal Statement - Please include in the personal statement a description of any particular challenges or hardships faced during your academic trajectory. The personal statement should not exceed one single-spaced page.
  • Writing Sample -  10-20 pages, double-spaced.
  • TOEFL Scores  are required for applicants who are not native English speakers, although this requirement will be waived for those who have completed four years as an undergraduate, or two years as an MA student, in an institution where all instruction is conducted in English. Official scores must be less than two years old and must come directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The institutional code assigned to The Graduate School at Northwestern is 1565 . The minimum TOEFL score for admission is 577 for the paper-based test and 233 for the computer-based test. The minimum score required for the iBT TOEFL is 90. The Graduate School will accept the results of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) as a substitute for the TOEFL, with a floor of 7.0. For information regarding the internet-based TOEFL exam and an explanation of the exam, please consult .

The following supplemental materials are optional, but not required:

  • A cluster statement expressing your interest in participating in an interdisciplinary graduate cluster. Please see Mellon Clusters in the Humanities and Qualitative Social Sciences: The Graduate School - Northwestern University for information about the themes and activities of the various clusters. 
  • GRE Scores*  - Official scores must be less than five years old and must come directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The institutional code assigned to The Graduate School at Northwestern is 1565 .

* The department provides a holistic review for each application.  For those applicants who choose to submit GRE scores, these count as simply one data point among many.  They are not used to filter out any applications.  The absence of GRE scores in an applicant's dossier has no negative impact; when GRE scores are not submitted, the applicant will be assessed entirely on the basis of the required materials.

If you have any questions about the graduate application process that cannot be answered by consulting the Frequently Asked Questions page, the Department of Philosophy website, or The Graduate School's Admissions website, please feel free to email the Philosophy Graduate Program Coordinator at:  [email protected]

Academic Catalog

2023-2024 Edition

PhD Degree Requirements

The only doctoral degree offered by The Graduate School is the doctor of philosophy (PhD). In some cases, this degree is offered in conjunction with another degree through an approved dual degree program, whether from another program administered by The Graduate School, from another school at Northwestern University, or through an agreement with a partner University.

The PhD degree is oriented toward research that will advance knowledge. Study for a specified time and accumulation of credit for courses taken are not by themselves sufficient to earn the PhD degree. A student must demonstrate scholarly distinction and the ability to advance knowledge through independent research by achieving admission to candidacy and writing a dissertation.

Each student enrolled in a PhD program must have a principal research adviser and a committee.

The principal research adviser (also known as mentor, PI, dissertation director, adviser) is a member of the Northwestern University Graduate Faculty who works with the student to develop a research topic, formulate ideas and structure for, and guides the progress of the thesis/prospectus/dissertation. In some cases, although rare, there is a principal research co-adviser who also works with the student to develop a research topic, formulate ideas and structure for, and guides the progress of the thesis/prospectus/dissertation.

The committee members are those who have expertise in and inform the student's area of research, serve as a reader of the thesis, prospectus, or dissertation, and vote on the outcome of the proposal defense/final exam. The committee chair is a member of the Graduate Faculty who leads the committee for the defense of the prospectus or PhD final exam (dissertation). In some cases, there is a committee co-chair who co-leads the committee. The committee chair may or may not be the same individual as the principal research adviser. A minimum of three individuals must serve on the final exam committee. At least two members of this committee, including the chair, must be members of the Northwestern University Graduate Faculty.

All Northwestern University PhD students must fulfill a set of requirements regarding:

  • Coursework and registration
  • PhD candidacy (qualifying exam)
  • PhD prospectus
  • PhD dissertation and defense
  • PhD completion and filing for graduation
  • PhD time to degree

PhD Coursework and Registration

A student who enters a doctoral program must successfully complete at least nine quality letter-graded course units (ABC, not P/NP or S/U) authorized for graduate credit . Students must maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. The Graduate School does not accept transfer credit in lieu of the nine letter-graded minimum unit requirement.

Two types of advanced courses, 499 Independent Study (or 499 Projects) and 590 Research bear restrictions:

  • 499 Independent Study  - For doctoral students, independent studies may not represent more than half of the total units taken in the first three quarters of enrollment in a PhD program.
  • 590 Research -  Departmental 590 research may be taken for one, two, three, or four course units per quarter.  All 590 Research registrations must be taken on a P/N/K grading basis.

All coursework requirements for a doctoral program are expected to be completed by the end of the 12th quarter. Students who are funded and who register for less than three course and/or research units in any given quarter must also register for TGS 500-0 Funded Doctoral Study . 

Students in quarters 13 and beyond may register for non-required coursework in addition to TGS 500-0 Funded Doctoral Study if the courses are related to the student's area of study.

No credit will be awarded by The Graduate School for work completed in a graduate program prior to admission to and enrollment in the PhD program in The Graduate School. Individual programs may waive program-specific course requirements based on work completed outside of the graduate program (either prior to or after enrollment at Northwestern), but all doctoral students must complete nine quality letter-graded (ABC) course units authorized by The Graduate School for graduate credit and maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. 

PhD Candidacy

Admission to The Graduate School does not constitute or guarantee a student's admission to candidacy for the PhD degree. Admission to candidacy is contingent upon the recommendation of the student's program and upon approval of The Graduate School.

A student must be admitted to candidacy by the end of the third year of study, which falls on the last date of the 12th quarter. A student failing to meet this milestone will be considered not in good academic standing and therefore will be placed on academic  probation . Deadlines will be altered in the case of an approved leave of absence.

  • Admission to candidacy is reached by passing a comprehensive qualifying examination, written or oral or both. Individual programs determine the character of this examination. At the time of admission to candidacy, proficiency in the major and related fields is certified and additional requirements for the PhD degree are stipulated.
  • The student submits the PhD qualifying exam form online via TGS Forms in  GSTS . The Director of Graduate Studies (or their proxy) must submit approval of this form before the end of a student's third year of enrollment in the PhD program. Following the submission of the approved qualifying exam form students are admitted to candidacy. Students are notified via email by TGS of approval of their qualifying exam form and admission to candidacy.

PhD Prospectus

Students must have a prospectus (dissertation proposal) approved by their committee no later than the end of the fourth year of study, which falls on the last date of the 16th quarter. A student failing to meet this milestone will be considered not in good academic standing and therefore will be placed on academic  probation . Deadlines will be altered in the case of an approved leave of absence. The prospectus must be approved by a faculty committee.  Individual programs determine the exact nature of this requirement.

A minimum of three individuals must serve on the prospectus committee. At least two members of this committee, including the chair, must be members of the Northwestern University Graduate Faculty. The student must submit the PhD prospectus form through TGS Forms in GSTS . The Director of Graduate Studies (or their proxy) must approve this form before The Graduate School enters the final approval. Students are notified via email by The Graduate School of approval of their prospectus form.

PhD Dissertation and Defense

Every candidate for the PhD degree must present a dissertation that gives evidence of original and significant research.

Dissertation Assistance

All dissertators should consult with their advisers about appropriate forms of assistance before assistance is rendered. Dissertations must acknowledge assistance received in any of the following areas:

  • Designing the research
  • Executing the research
  • Analyzing the data
  • Interpreting the data/research
  • Writing, proofing, or copy editing the manuscript 

Dissertations must be formatted according to the Dissertation Formatting Requirements . Dissertations not conforming to these instructions will not be accepted by The Graduate School.

Dissertation Defense

The Graduate School requires that PhD students complete a dissertation defense (final examination). Individual programs determine the exact nature of the defense.  Scheduling the defense is the responsibility of the candidate and the members of the committee. The PhD final exam form must be approved by a faculty committee. A minimum of three individuals must serve on the final exam committee. At least two members of this committee, including the chair, must be members of the Northwestern University Graduate Faculty.

Depositing the Dissertation

Dissertations must be deposited into the  ProQuest Database . In addition, the University Library receives a copy of the dissertation that may be used at its discretion for reasons including but not limited to long term archiving, library use and interlibrary loan, and dissemination through an institutional repository or other means. The library also archives electronic copies of dissertations to help ensure that the content is preserved for future generations.

Dissertation Embargo

With the permission of a faculty member well-versed with the student's work, presumably the primary adviser, students may request to embargo (delay release of) their dissertation for a period of six months, one year, or two years. To request an embargo, the student must complete the Dissertation Embargo (Delayed Release) Request form and obtain the faculty mentor’s signature.  The completed and signed form must be uploaded in the “Administrative Documents” section of ProQuest when submitting the dissertation.

An approved request to place an embargo has the effect of restricting online access to the dissertation through the library’s discovery systems and ProQuest for the period of the embargo. Metadata (author, title, abstract, keywords and subjects) about the embargoed dissertation will be available through the ProQuest system and the library catalog. Users of those systems are able to search for and see the metadata, but not the actual text or other content of the dissertation.

The dissertation will automatically be released in the University repository and  ProQuest  after the approved embargo expires. To extend the embargo with  ProQuest  and/or the University Library, students must contact The Graduate School Student Services at least thirty days prior to the point of expiration. The student may request a one-time extension of the embargo for up to six years and must provide a sufficient intellectual and/or professional rationale in seeking approval from The Graduate School.

PhD Completion and Filing Requirements

Filing requirements and forms.

Students pursuing the Doctor of Philosophy degree must file the following required documents prior to graduation and by the  published deadlines :

  • Application for Degree form : this form must be filled out via GSTS . Students should login to GSTS , click on the"TGS Forms" tab and create a new "Application for a Degree" form.
  • Each PhD  Final Exam committee member must approve the form after the final exam (defense) date. Committee members render their approval by clicking the embedded link in the email they automatically receive once the exam date passes. 
  • Dissertation submission via  ProQuest's website . Once the dissertation has been approved by the committee and all edits and revisions are complete, the student must submit online via ProQuest. The dissertation must conform to The Graduate School's Dissertation Formatting Requirements . Once the student has submitted the dissertation online, a Student Services representative will review its formatting and confirm via email that the dissertation is acceptable or notify the student if changes need to be made.
  • Change of Grade form(s) : Students with incomplete (Y, X, K) or missing (NR) grades on their transcript must work with their program/department to ensure the appropriate change of grade forms are submitted to The Graduate School by the published deadline.

PhD Timeline

All requirements for the doctoral degree must be met within nine years of initial registration in a doctoral program, which falls on the last day of the 36th quarter. For students on an approved  leave of absence , milestones will be extended accordingly.

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PDF of the 2023-2024 The Graduate Catalog.

  • Research & Faculty
  • Offices & Services
  • Information for:
  • Faculty & Staff
  • News & Events
  • Contact & Visit
  • About the Department
  • Message from the Chair
  • Quick Facts
  • Mission, Vision, & Core Values
  • Undergraduate Study
  • Materials Science and Engineering (BS)
  • Curriculum & Requirements
  • Areas of Concentration
  • ABET Objectives & Outcomes
  • Minor in Materials Science
  • Combined BS/MS Program
  • Student Awards
  • Hilliard Awards
  • Outstanding MatSci Junior Award
  • Outstanding MatSci Sophomore Award
  • Meister Summer Awards
  • Awards Application Information
  • Special Programs
  • Student Organizations
  • Graduate Study
  • Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering (PhD)

Financial Aid

  • Admitted Students
  • Previous Course Listings
  • Areas of Research
  • Art Conservation Science
  • Biomaterials
  • Magnetic Materials
  • Materials for Electronics & Photonics
  • Materials Synthesis and Processing
  • Materials Theory, Computation, & Design
  • Nanomaterials
  • Self-Assembly
  • Surfaces & Interfaces
  • Affiliated Centers & Institutes
  • Core Faculty
  • Affiliated Faculty
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  • Faculty Awards
  • National Awards
  • Northwestern Awards
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  • In Memoriam
  • News Archive
  • Colloquia & Seminars
  • John E. Dorn Lecture
  • John E. Hilliard Lecture & Symposium
  • Morris E. Fine Lecture
  • Dow Lecture
  • Future Leaders Seminar Series
  • Past Events
  • Giving to MSE
  • Department Resources
  • Academic Resources
  • Reimbursements & Travel
  • Procurement & Purchasing
  • Research Professor (Open Rank)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Student Groups
  • Past DEI Committee Members
  • Future Leaders Program
  • Current FLP Cohort
  • Northwestern Engineering

Academics   /   Graduate Study   /   Materials Science Engineering (PhD) Admissions

Thank you for your interest in earning a PhD in materials science and engineering at Northwestern University. Please see the frequently asked questions about how to apply below, as well as additional information on the main  McCormick School website .

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Recommendation letters, gre and toefl scores, transcripts, visiting northwestern, what factors are taken into account when evaluating my application.

We consider prior academic performance, research and other professional experience, and overall potential to successfully pursue graduate study in our department. Potential is largely evaluated through letters of recommendation and the statement of purpose.  The GRE is not required for admission, nor will it be reviewed by the committee if submitted. We strongly encourage application by students who are enthusiastic about contributing to our   Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts . 

What are the important dates to remember?

December 15th : Application forms must be submitted online by 11:59 P.M. Early January : Last date that supplemental materials (e.g. recommendation letters) will be accepted. Late January through March : General timeline for most offers of admission to be made. March-April : Group visits of accepted students to Northwestern. April 15th : Deadline for students to accept offers of admission.

Can I apply electronically?

You must apply electronically . There is no paper application. Letters of recommendation and transcripts from ALL schools attended after you complete high school must be submitted online.

Can you waive the application fee?

Application fee waivers can be requested on the application website and are automatically granted to qualified applicants.  For more information , see  The Graduate School website .

Do I need to submit a financial statement?

A financial statement is not necessary for the application process.

Does the materials science and engineering department require a writing sample or a resume to be sent as part of the graduate application?

The MSE department does not require a writing sample separate from the Statement of Purpose. Submission of a concise resume or CV is required. 

Does an earlier application increase my chances of admission?  

All applications are evaluated the same way, as long as they reach us before the deadline.

What if I forget my PIN/password for the online application system?

Return to The Graduate School's  Online Application Website . Click on the search button in the User Login section. Still having problems?  Contact The Graduate School .

What is the acceptance rate of the department?

The acceptance rate depends on the number of available slots (combination of university fellowships and research assistantships), the number of applications and the likely yield. These numbers tend to fluctuate from year to year. Each applicant is unique, and we cannot assess the chance of success without knowing the full credentials of the applicant.

Do you have rolling admissions?

Admissions decisions are made starting in January. We admit students to begin in the Fall quarter of the same year.

How many spots are generally available for international students?

International students are supported by a combination of university fellowships and research assistantships. These numbers tend to fluctuate from year to year.

I would like to eventually get a PhD, but I might want to get a master's degree first. Should I apply to the MS program or the PhD program?

In this situation you should indicate your preference for the  PhD program . The  MS program  refers to students who are interested only in that degree. An MS degree is not required for admission to the PhD program in materials science and engineering.

Does the department accept transfer students from other departments?

We strongly encourage students to finish their degrees from the department in which they originally enrolled. We generally do not accept students from other PhD programs.

Should I contact individual faculty members?

Not before you have been accepted. All decisions on admission and financial support are made by a committee, and individual faculty members do not influence this process. Those applicants who have been admitted are encouraged to email or telephone individual faculty members for information on research, etc.

Why is my application status incomplete?  It looks like all materials have been received. 

Please note that the committee will review your application whether it’s marked complete or not. We need to review and update the status of the application manually, so please allow us time to process it. This can take some time, especially around the deadline when lots of applications and other materials are coming in.  

Can I submit test scores or letters of recommendation after the deadline? 

Yes, we’ll accept them whenever they come in; however, the committee will begin reviewing applications shortly after the deadline so there is no guarantee they will see late submissions.  There’s no way of knowing when a particular applicant’s file will be reviewed, and we will not wait for missing materials to conduct the review.

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How many Letters of Recommendation should I submit?

The minimum is two, but you may submit three if you wish.

Can I use paper letters of recommendation?

No. The Graduate School's policy is to only accept letters of recommendation that are submitted electronically.

Is there a particular format for recommendation letters?

No particular format, and there is no form that needs to be filled out.

Do I need to take the GRE?

The GRE is not required for admission. GRE scores of PhD applicants will not be reviewed, even if submitted

Do I need to take the TOEFL?

All international students whose degrees are not from institutions where the language of instruction is English must take the TOEFL or IELTS exam.

Applicants who will have earned a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a university where the language of instruction is English by the quarter of matriculation will receive a TOEFL waiver.  No special action is needed; we will grant the waiver based on the transcripts submitted with the application.  This includes universities  in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, and many (although not all) universities in India, Singapore, and Nigeria.  Please note that English must be the language of instruction for the entire university, not just the program that you are enrolled in.

What are the codes for the submission of TOEFL scores?

Northwestern University's school code for the TOEFL is 1565. If you are taking the TOEFL be sure to include this number on your test form. 

Additionally, you should reference department code 01 when submitting TOEFL scores. IBT test takers should, when prompted, request that their scores be sent to the graduate office (versus undergraduate) and then select the program name that most closely matches their program of interest. If no match is available, the test taker may choose option 99.

I plan to take the TOEFL in late November so the score will only be available late December. May I apply earlier in November or December before I have my official TOEFL score?

You may apply early. We will not render a decision until the file is complete. This includes having an official TOEFL score.

How do I know if my TOEFL scores have expired?

TOEFL must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry. However, your application will not be disqualified if your scores are a few months out of date.

Are my TOEFL/GRE/GPA scores sufficient? What are the minimum scores?

An applicant is evaluated on the basis of the total academic performance, which includes coursework, test scores, research experience, and evaluation by faculty members or applicant’s supervisors.  The GRE general test is not required,  and the committee will not review GRE scores even if submitted.   The only minimum we set is for the TOEFL, on which an international applicant must score 550 or higher on the paper-based test, 213 or higher on the computer-based test, 90 or higher on the internet-based test. On the IELTS, an applicant must score 7.0 or higher. 

Can I upload unofficial copies of TOEFL to my application?

Yes, you are encouraged to upload copies of your TOEFL score reports along with your application. However, an official decision will not be made until the official scores are received.

I requested that ETS send my scores to a department at Northwestern other than materials science. Should I ask them to send the scores again?

It most cases we will be able to locate your scores from the other department and it is not necessary to resend them.

Did you get my TOEFL/IELTS test scores? 

Test scores sent electronically by ETS should automatically match to your application, but sometimes the process goes awry.  We strongly encourage you to upload the score report with your application.  That way, the committee has the information they need even if we never receive official scores.  IELTS scores will take longer if you send a paper copy—again, best to simply upload the score report to your application.  We can use it to verify your scores.

Do I need to submit high school transcripts?

My university doesn’t offer electronic copies of official transcripts. may i submit a copy of my graduate transcript.

Unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable for the application. To be considered, all documents not in English must be accompanied by official English translations.

How much financial aid will I receive?

Most PhD students are admitted with research assistantships and/or fellowships. Each research assistantship includes full tuition, a take-home stipend, and health insurance. The stipend amounts are adjusted annually according to inflation.

For how many years will I receive financial aid?

Most PhD students are admitted with research assistantships, which will continue as long as funds are available and students are making satisfactory progress towards their degrees.

Is the financial aid enough to cover living expenses?

Based on the experience of current PhD students, the financial aid is sufficient to cover reasonable living expenses.

Additional information about funding is provided on the  PhD Program funding page .

As a foreign student, I cannot visit Northwestern prior to making my decision. How can I learn more about the department?

Administrative questions should be directed to the Graduate Program Assistant ( [email protected] ) for the materials science department.

The Graduate School offers international PhD students the opportunity to participate in an orientation program called ELP Foundations before beginning their graduate studies. For more information, please visit the  ELP Foundations website .

What happens after I am accepted?

We encourage all accepted students to  visit Northwestern  prior to making a decision about the offer. Most students visit during one of two group visits in the spring. Northwestern will pay for most of the expenses associated with these visits. During the visits, students speak with faculty who are of the most interest to them, and learn more about our department and the Evanston/Chicago area. The purpose of these visits is not to arrange for a research adviser, but to get enough information so that you can make an informed choice about which graduate school to attend. Information about visits to the department, whether virtual or in person, will be provided upon admission.

When do I need to formally accept or decline an offer of admission?

The deadline is April 15th, but if you make your decision earlier than that, please let us know.

How do I choose a research adviser?

New graduate students arriving in September hear research presentations from each of the  faculty members in the department . Students are then given two to three weeks to meet with the faculty whose projects are of the most interest to them. In October, students indicate their adviser preferences. Advisers are then assigned based on these preferences. Alternatively, it may be possible to select an adviser in the Spring before matriculation--see 'preselect' below.

How do I know which faculty are taking new students?

Due to the nature of research funding, we cannot provide a list of anticipated faculty research openings in Fall. Admitted students are encouraged to ask prospective advisors about their hiring plans.

What are the chances that I will be able to work with an adviser of my choice?

Over the past several years, more than 80% of the students have been assigned their first choice for a research adviser, and more than half of the remaining students have been assigned their second choice.

Can I 'preselect' a research adviser prior to my arrival at Northwestern?

Our experience is that the adviser selection method described above gives students the most flexibility in finding a research group that is a good match for their own interests. However, in specific cases where the interests of a student are narrowly defined, it may be possible to select an adviser in advance. Students interested in this option should discuss it with the Graduate Admissions Director for the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

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  • Materials Science Engineering (PhD)

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  • Graduate Funding
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  • Graduate Housing
  • Meet Our Faculty
  • Our Whole-Brain Engineering Philosophy

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  • PhD Program

Students with excellent quantitative training and an interest in applications are encouraged to apply for admission to the graduate program in statistics.


  • Applicants for this doctoral program should have had courses in linear algebra, advanced calculus, and statistics.
  • Candidates must have taken the GRE, although no set minimum is required for application consideration.
  • TOEFL minimum score is 90. Lower scores will not be considered.
  • Both GRE and TOEFL scores must be received directly from ETS.
  • GRE and TOEFL Information

Students wishing to apply for admittance into the Department of Statistics and Data Science PhD program will apply through The Graduate School (TGS) of Northwestern University’s online application system. Please review the TGS Application Requirements for information on the application process, fees, required documents, and to access the online application. S tudents are not required to secure a research advisor prior to joining our  Statistics and Data Science PhD program.

The Department of Statistics and Data Science accepts applications for full time students entering in fall quarter only. Applications are accepted exclusively through the TGS online application system.

The online system opens: September 2023

Application Deadline: Applications (including supporting materials) must be received by January 5, 2024 .

Decisions: Admission decisions are made by April 15 . In general, admission is offered only for fall of each academic year.

Go to TGS application page

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Application Information

Application process for incoming students.

Applicants to Northwestern's JD-PhD program must meet the admission requirements of both the Law School and The Graduate School to gain admittance into the program. The program has a single, integrated online application , which means applicants need only submit one application.

Applicants should follow the instructions for applying as outlined on The Graduate School's website , as well as complete the additional instructions set out below. International students must also meet the requirements for certification of language proficiency. 

Within The Graduate School application, applicants will be asked to select their PhD program of interest. Then, on page 4 of the application applicants must also indicate that they are applying to the joint JD-PhD program.

Both The Graduate School and Law School admissions offices review each application. The schools sometimes award admission independently if the joint application does not result in an offer of admission.

Individuals who have completed a year of law school at an institution other than Northwestern University will not be eligible to apply to the joint JD-PhD program. Such students, however, may apply separately to The Graduate School and, as a transfer student, to the Law School. Students who successfully gain admission to the Law School will be required to complete all requirements associated with transfer students, including two years in residence at the Law School. Financial aid will be awarded in a manner consistent with prevailing Law School practices and policies for transfer students. Students should consult The Graduate School for information concerning their related programmatic and funding policies.

Application Timeline

Prospective students may apply to the JD-PhD Program beginning on October 1. The Law School reviews all applications received by January 15. However, deadlines within The Graduate School vary by department. Please consult with The Graduate School for more details regarding their individual application deadlines. For full consideration, applicants to the joint JD-PhD Program are encouraged to submit the following by the corresponding PhD department deadline.

Law School Supplemental Application Items 

A complete application to the JD-PhD program includes all items required by The Graduate School, plus the following specifically for the Law School ( instructions on how to submit these items to the Law School will be sent once The Graduate School application has been submitted ):

All applicants must register with the  Law School Credential Assembly Service (CAS), which contains a summary of each applicant's

Post-Secondary Transcript(s),

  • Results of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT; if a valid score is on record with LSAC)
  • At Least One Letter of Recommendation. (Separate from the letter of recommendation submitted to The Graduate School.)

Standardized Test Score In addition to any tests required by The Graduate School, JD-PhD applicants can satisfy the Law School’s admissions test requirement by submitting either the LSAT, the GRE, or both. Through the CAS process, the Law School will be able to access LSAT results and will consider those results in its review if an applicant has previously taken it.

To submit your GRE score, use school code 2579 through ETS. 

For more information on submitting your standardized test score results to the Law School, read our FAQ .

Northwestern Pritzker Law is the only law school in the country that attempts to interview everyone who applies. JD-PhD applicants are eligible to participate in an online video interview as part of their JD-PhD application. 

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Litowitz Creative Writing Graduate Program

Degree requirements.

Learn more about the program by visiting the Department of English

See related Interdisciplinary Clusters and Certificates

Degree Types: MFA+MA

This new, fully-funded MFA+MA in Creative Writing and English program offers intimate classes, the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing, and close mentorship by renowned faculty in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Our three-year curriculum gives students time to deepen both their creative writing and their study of literature. Students will receive support for three academic years, and two summers, to complete both degrees – an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in English.

Drawing on innovative scholarship, deep immersion in process, and cross-pollination between critical and creative texts, students will complete book-length thesis projects of their own design, either within or across genres, and a substantial essay on literary texts. The program's small size and attentive faculty will develop students' sense of literary context, while encouraging them to pursue the distinctiveness of their projects.

In addition to their studies, students will be guided in the teaching of creative writing and, through summer editorial work at , the editing of a literary journal.

Students will pursue their work on our beautiful Evanston campus, amid artists, filmmakers, scholars and public intellectuals, with easy access to the vibrant literary arts scene of Chicago.

Additional resources:

  • Department website
  • Program handbook(s)

Program Statistics

Visit Master's Program Statistics for statistics such as program admissions, enrollment, student demographics and more.

Program Contact

Contact Nathan Mead Graduate Program Assistant 847-491-3341

The following requirements are in addition to, or further elaborate upon, those requirements outlined in  The Graduate School Policy Guide .

Course Requirements

Course List
Course Title
ENGLISH 403-0Writers' Studies in Literature (three units)
Five 400-level seminars in English
Introduction to Graduate Study
One additional graduate seminar at the 300- or 400-level, in English or another department or program.
Five MFA workshops (ENGLISH 496-0, ENGLISH 497-0, or ENGLISH 498-0)
ENGLISH 491-0Editorial Practicum
ENGLISH 571-0Teaching Creative Writing
ENGLISH 572-0: Manuscript Development Workshop

May be taken outside the English department with permission of Creative Writing DGS.

Other Degree Requirements

  • First Year Review
  • Satisfactory completion of an article-length literary critical essay in the late spring of year two. This 20-25 page capstone essay will typically be an expanded version of an essay written for an English Department graduate seminar, revised in response to comments from, and as appropriate in consultation with, the seminar instructor.
  • Satisfactory completion of an MFA Thesis: the first draft of a book-length work of original fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or mixed-genre work.

Last Updated: September 12, 2023

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  • Graduate Admissions
  • MFA+MA application


Genres by start year.

2025 (current) Creative Nonfiction, Fiction

2026: Fiction, Poetry 2027: Creative Nonfiction, Poetry

Applications are submitted through The Graduate School at Northwestern .

Applying to the Litowitz MFA+MA program

Look for Program Code E26MF when searching for the MFA+MA program in the online application system.

Application information for matriculation in Fall 2025

Application deadline:  tba, all application materials are due by 11:59 pm (cst) on the day of the deadline.

Applications for the Litowitz MFA+MA program are considered for Fall admission only. Prospective students must submit all application materials by the deadline listed above. The English Department admissions process occurs once each year and ends in early February.

All supplemental application materials must be submitted through The Graduate School's application system. Please do  not  send, or have sent, paper copies of any documents. If you or your recommenders are having difficulty submitting any component of the application online, and the application system's online help is unable to resolve your problem, please contact the  Graduate Program Coordinator . Never have any application materials sent directly to The Graduate School or their Office of Admission.

In all cases , our department's specifics regarding supplemental application materials supersede those listed on The Graduate School's website, as well as any listed in the application itself.

Supplemental Application Materials

In addition to the online application, the English Department requires the following documents for application to the MFA+MA in Creative Writing and English.

  • We cannot accept printouts of unofficial grade reports,
  • Transcripts for non-degree courses are  not  needed,
  • Transfer credits and courses taken as part of a study-abroad program will usually be included in your degree-awarding institution's transcript. There's no need to submit separate transcripts from those other institutions;
  • Two letters of recommendation , though we strongly advise you to ask for three;
  • An academic statement (1000 word max) answering the following questions: what are your academic interests, why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in our department, how has your academic and professional background prepared you for graduate study, and how will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals? Please include mention of any research, training, or educational experiences you have that would be relevant to our program.
  • A personal statement (500 word max)  addressing how, as a student in our graduate program, you could contribute to an intellectual community that prioritizes equity, inclusion, belonging, and cultural humility.  Your answer may draw upon past or present experiences, whether in academic work, extracurricular or community activities, or everyday life.
  • It is not required, but feel free to submit an additional statement (250 word max) addressing concerns you may have with your application. If you feel that your academic credentials do not demonstrate your true capabilities, or if there are gaps in your academic career that you think it would  like to explain, this is the section in which to share that information.
  • Poetry samples do not need to adhere to these formatting guidelines
  • You may submit more than one sample in fiction or creative nonfiction, so long as the total page count does not exceed 25
  • Standard margins, Times New Roman 12 pt, double spaced
  • You may submit two samples, so long as the total page count does not exceed 20
  • To be considered official, the exam must have been taken no more than two years prior to the intended September of entry ,
  • Because of the level of English fluency required of students in our program, we will only consider applications with a TOEFL score of at least 100, or IELTS score of at least 7,
  • Rules governing exemptions from this requirement can be found in our  FAQ ;
  • Additional details from Northwestern's Graduate School about the application (including further details on the TOEFL/IELTS requirement, transcript submission, application fees, etc...) can be found on The Graduate School's website .


  1. Northwestern Acceptance Rate

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate

  2. Northwestern University Masters Acceptance Rate

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate

  3. Northwestern University Acceptance Rate and Admission Statistics

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate

  4. Northwestern Acceptance Rate and SAT/ACT Scores

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate

  5. Northwestern University Acceptance Rates & Admissions Statistics

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate

  6. Northwestern University Admission Rate

    northwestern english phd acceptance rate


  1. The Doctoral Program in English Literature

    All application materials are due by 11:59 pm (CST) on the day of the deadline. Applications for doctoral study are considered for Fall admission only. Prospective students must submit all application materials by the deadline listed above. The English Department admissions process occurs once a year and ends in early February.

  2. Program Statistics: The Graduate School

    Program Statistics. An important element of promoting master's and doctoral education and postdoctoral training is providing reliable and meaningful data. Use our interactive data visualization tool for PhD and master's students to explore admissions, enrollment, academic outcomes, and career placements. These data can be sorted by academic ...

  3. Doctorate in Literature: Department of English

    The Department of English's Doctoral program in Literature offers advanced study and research in literary history, criticism, and theory, with excellent opportunities for interdepartmental and interdisciplinary study. Courses within the department cover major genres, periods, authors, and a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches.

  4. Test Scores: The Graduate School

    The Graduate School Minimum MET score for PhD applicants = 61. The Graduate School Minimum MET score for master's applicants = 54. The Michigan English Test has provided The Graduate School with a discount link . To take the MET Digital at a discounted rate, navigate to the Michigan Language Assessment Customer Portal using this link.

  5. Frequently Asked Questions: Department of English

    We advise you to try to reconnect with your undergraduate and/or graduate professors. Explain what you've been doing, remind them of your work for their courses, describe your plans, and ask for a letter. It's very important as well to gather old papers and materials that you can provide to help refresh their memories.

  6. Graduate Admissions: Department of English

    To begin an application to any of our graduate programs, visit The Graduate School's (TGS) application page. This Department's Graduate Program in English Literature offers advanced instruction in the field of English and American literature for students interest in pursuing master's and doctoral degrees. The Litowitz Creative Writing Graduate ...

  7. Degree Requirements

    In order to ensure that students become acquainted with literature from diverse historical periods and contexts, all doctoral students fulfill a breadth requirement, taking one course from each of the following seven categories: 1) Literature and Culture up to 1500. 2) Literature and Culture 1500-1680. 3) Literature and Culture 1680-1800.

  8. Graduate Programs : Northwestern University

    Filter graduate and professional programs and certificates by personal interests or Northwestern school. You can dive into a potential program's specifics on its departmental website, linked below. Find what's next. Explore Northwestern University's graduate and professional programs for certificates, master's, and PhD degrees.

  9. International Applicants: Undergraduate Admissions

    No, international applicants follow the same application procedures as domestic applicants. That said, any Northwestern applicant whose first/primary language is not English or whose secondary schooling has not been in English is required to submit proof of English proficiency. More information on accepted English proficiency exams can be found ...

  10. Northwestern University Graduate Programs and Degrees

    Northwestern University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Northwestern University confers degrees through various schools, such ...

  11. Graduate Admissions : Northwestern University

    School of Professional Studies. Explore our 10 world-class graduate and professional schools. Get started by learning about the application process for each program and the deadline to apply for admission.

  12. PhD Program Admissions: Department of Philosophy

    Admissions Information. The only way to apply for admission to the Philosophy PhD program is by filling out an online application. The application can be accessed via the following linked website from The Graduate School at Northwestern: CLICK HERE TO APPLY. The online application for matriculation in Fall 2024 is now available.

  13. FAQs: The Graduate School

    FAQs. Answers to common questions about admission decisions and enrollment procedures are provided below. For support requests regarding the online application, contact CollegeNet at [email protected]; for CAESAR, contact the support center at 847-467-0260. For all other inquiries, contact TGS Admissions.

  14. Admissions: The Graduate School

    The Graduate School offers PhD and master's degrees in more than 70 disciplines. Our interdisciplinary certificates and clusters provide additional opportunities to connect with students and faculty outside your department. Find statistics for our programs.

  15. PhD Degree Requirements < Northwestern University

    PhD Coursework and Registration. A student who enters a doctoral program must successfully complete at least nine quality letter-graded course units (ABC, not P/NP or S/U) authorized for graduate credit. Students must maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

  16. Admissions

    Early January : Last date that supplemental materials (e.g. recommendation letters) will be accepted. Late January through March: General timeline for most offers of admission to be made. March-April: Group visits of accepted students to Northwestern. April 15th: Deadline for students to accept offers of admission.

  17. PhD Program : Department of Statistics and Data Science

    PhD Program Overview. The doctoral program in Statistics and Data Science is designed to provide students with comprehensive training in theory and methodology in statistics and data science, and their applications to problems in a wide range of fields. The program is flexible and may be arranged to reflect students' interests and career goals.

  18. Applying : Department of Statistics and Data Science

    The Department of Statistics and Data Science accepts applications for full time students entering in fall quarter only. Applications are accepted exclusively through the TGS online application system. The online system opens: September 2023. Application Deadline: Applications (including supporting materials) must be received by January 5, 2024.

  19. Application Information, JD-PhD, Academics & Clinical: Northwestern

    Application Process for Incoming Students. Applicants to Northwestern's JD-PhD program must meet the admission requirements of both the Law School and The Graduate School to gain admittance into the program. The program has a single, integrated online application, which means applicants need only submit one application.

  20. Northwestern PhD BME post-interview acceptance rate?

    Northwestern PhD BME post-interview acceptance rate? Admissions/Prospective Student. Hi all, I got an in-person interview invite from Northwestern BME PhD Program a few weeks ago. I wonder what's the approximate post-interview acceptance rate for this program historically? (if anyone has any experience with stuff like that)

  21. Litowitz Creative Writing Graduate Program

    Degree Types: MFA+MA. This new, fully-funded MFA+MA in Creative Writing and English program offers intimate classes, the opportunity to pursue both creative and critical writing, and close mentorship by renowned faculty in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Our three-year curriculum gives students time to deepen both their creative ...

  22. The Master's Program in English Literature

    The English Department requires that the following documents be submitted as part of the online application for the MA program (program code E25MA): Transfer credits and courses taken as part of a study-abroad program will usually be included in your degree-awarding institution's transcript. There's no need to submit separate transcripts from ...

  23. 2024 Most Affordable Education Degree Programs Ranking in Iowa

    The program has a 100% financial aid rate and an acceptance rate of 69%. In 2023, the program received 7932 applicants. If you are a US-based student looking to pursue a Doctoral degree in Education, Drake University could be a viable option with its focus on education, financial aid opportunities, and moderate acceptance rate.


    A creative writing sample in the genre for which you are applying - 10 pages in poetry; 20-25 pages in prose; Standard margins, Times New Roman 12 pt, double spaced. Poetry samples do not need to adhere to these formatting guidelines. You may submit more than one sample in fiction or creative nonfiction, so long as the total page count does not ...