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Areas of Excellence Scheme 2025/26 (Thirteenth Round) Theme-based Research Scheme 2025/26 (Fifteenth Round) Call for Preliminary Proposals

The Research Grants Council (RGC) is inviting the eight University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities to submit preliminary proposals for the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme 2025/26 (Thirteenth Round) and the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 2025/26 (Fifteenth Round).

Objectives of the Schemes

2. The AoE Scheme aims at enabling the UGC-funded universities to build upon their existing strengths and develop them into areas of excellence. The scheme intends to support both basic and applied research of high academic merit. The scope of a proposal should be broad and long term, and at the same time sufficiently focused. Research collaboration is one of the core requirements for a proposed AoE, and both inter-institutional collaboration projects and inter-disciplinary projects within the same university are encouraged. A successful proposal should involve a combination of research and teaching, and should aim to:

  • be inter-disciplinary (if it is based on one distinct discipline, it must address a wide range of specific problems);
  • address a broad range of inter-related issues through a well-defined set of research problems;
  • show a clear sense of purpose, direction and priorities.

3. Starting from the 2022/23 exercise, the AoE Scheme was repositioned to primarily fund major projects outside the four themes and grand challenge topics of the TRS, including but not limited to inter-disciplinary projects involving collaboration with / among humanities and social sciences disciplines. The parameters of the AoE Scheme, including the maximum direct project cost, project duration and project monitoring mechanism, have been synchronised with the TRS.

4. The objective of the TRS is to focus academic research efforts of the UGC-funded universities on themes of strategic importance to the long-term development of Hong Kong.

5. TRS applications should be made under one of the research themes and one of the grand challenge topics under the respective theme. To enhance Hong Kong’s competitive advantages and better integration into the overall national development, the RGC completed a review on themes and grand challenge topics of the TRS in June 2022. Two new topics, namely “Quantum Technology” and “Integrated Circuits” were added to Theme 4 “Advancing Emerging Research and Innovations Important to Hong Kong” from the 2023/24 exercise onwards. The four themes and 20 grand challenge topics are listed below:


Transfer of Proposals Between AoE Scheme And TRS

6. The transfer arrangement between the AoE Scheme and the TRS will continue in the 2025/26 exercise. If the RGC finds that a TRS preliminary proposal does not fall under the themes and grand challenge topics of the TRS, the RGC will transfer the proposal directly to the AoE Scheme. Similarly, an AoE proposal will be transferred to the TRS directly if it falls under the themes and grand challenge topics of the TRS. The decision of the RGC will be final. There is no need for the applicant to fill in another application form in case of transfer.

7. Because of the transfer mechanism, an applicant is only allowed to submit one application in the capacity of Project Coordinator (PC) under either the AoE Scheme or the TRS in the same exercise. A single application form will be used for the two schemes. The applicant should explain in the application why the proposal fits the scheme chosen and consent to the transfer arrangement. In addition, an applicant is not permitted to submit the same proposal to both the AoE Scheme / TRS and the Strategic Topics Grant in the same exercise. If such is found, the proposal submitted to the AoE Scheme / TRS will not be processed.

"Exploratory Option"

8. There is an “Exploratory Option” under both the AoE Scheme and the TRS starting from the 2022/23 exercise. The objective of the “Exploratory Option” is to allow the RGC to invest into high-risk (i.e. not fulfilling all assessment criteria especially on readiness of preliminary data and the team’s credentials) yet potentially ground-breaking and highly-original research. The exploratory projects will be given one-year budget on a pro rata basis and a duration of one year to yield preliminary results. The PCs of exploratory projects will need to submit a fresh application and compete with other proposals on equal footing in the subsequent funding cycle.

9. The “Exploratory Option” is discretionary. There is no need for the applicants to specify the exploratory nature of their proposals. The relevant Selection Panel may exercise the “Exploratory Option” for projects that are not funded due to the lack of preliminary supporting data and / or inadequate past experience as reflected in their teams’ credential and are deemed to be potentially ground-breaking, i.e. demonstrating high level of originality and / or innovation in transforming research approaches, standards, theories and / or methods, engaging novel disciplinary or inter-disciplinary perspectives, as well as having sufficient potentials in yielding results.

Assessment Criteria

10. The criteria for assessing AoE proposals are grouped under the following four primary “filters”:

  • qualification as world-leading by international standards and as an area of excellence;
  • credentials and resources of the project team;
  • existence of a clear strategy; and
  • sound structure for an area of excellence.

11. Each of the four “filters” carries the same weight. Among the assessment criteria, considerable emphasis will be placed on both the prospects of a proposed AoE attaining international excellence and its relevance to the social and economic development of Hong Kong in the long run.

12. The preliminary TRS proposals will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • qualification as world-leading by international standards;
  • impact to Hong Kong;
  • credentials of the project team;
  • sound structure for an excellent research project.

13. Details of the assessment criteria are described on pages 3 to 5 of the "Guidance Documents on Submission of Preliminary Proposals" (Guidance Documents) .

Declaration of Time Commitments by PCs

14. To understand more about the applicant’s research efforts, an applicant is required to provide the numbers of both on-going individual research projects and on-going collaborative research projects being held by him / her in any capacity. If the PC holds more than three on-going individual research projects or more than two on-going collaborative research projects, he / she should provide the overall amount of time spent on research in percentage terms and justifications on how he / she would be able to take up this additional research project if funded while maintaining the research quality.

Preliminary Proposals

15. General information and guidelines to applicants for preparing and submitting preliminary proposals are set out in the Guidance Documents attached to this Call Circular. The Guidance Documents also include the "Preliminary Proposal Application Form Template" .

16. All applications must be submitted to the UGC Secretariat through the Research Office of the coordinating university by 5:00 pm on 20 September 2024 . Please provide two hard copies and one soft copy of the proposals (allowing search function with size up to 5MB per proposal). The soft copy should contain all the information as presented in the hard copy. Please save all files in one CD or one USB memory stick, with the file names identical to the project reference number specified on page 3 of the Guidance Documents.

Shortlisting Results

17. Universities will be informed of the shortlisting results and invited to submit full proposals in late December 2024. The funding decision will be announced in around July 2025.

Code of Conduct and Handling of Information and Personal Data

18. The RGC is fully committed to the principle of honesty, integrity and fair play in the conduct of its business. To uphold public trust and protect public interest, all applications should comply with the RGC Code of Conduct which is available on the RGC website: https://www.ugc.edu.hk/doc/eng/rgc/guidelines/code/code_of_conduct.pdf .

19. The guidelines for the handling of information and personal data contained in the applications are available on the RGC website: https://www.ugc.edu.hk/doc/eng/rgc/form/GRF2.pdf .

20. Enquiries about this call and other related matters about the AoE Scheme and the TRS should be directed to the Research Offices of the coordinating universities, which, if in doubt, should consult the UGC Secretariat for clarification. Also, correspondence regarding AoE and TRS matters including enquiries, appeals and complaints should be made through the Research Offices of the coordinating universities. Their contact details are as follows:

Ms Cecilia Sun
City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong

Tel: 3442 6832
Fax: 3442 0136

Mr Ivan Lau
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong

Tel: 3411 7751
Fax: 3411 5525

Ms Connie Lam
Lingnan University
8 Castle Peak Road
Tuen Mun
New Territories

Tel: 2616 7683
Fax: 2591 9618

Ms Joanne Cheung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
New Territories

Tel: 3943 4770
Fax: 3942 0993

Miss Christine Yeung
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom

Tel: 2766 4046
Fax: 2355 7651

Ms Catherine Leung
The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
Clear Water Bay

Tel: 2358 6946
Fax: 2358 1541

Ms Lo Hung
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong

Tel: 2219 4889
Fax: 2803 0558

Ms Clara Fong
The Education University of Hong Kong
10 Lo Ping Road
Tai Po
New Territories

Tel: 2948 7700
Fax: 2948 7697

RGC July 2024

Educational Information Library

ICSSR Research Projects (Major/Minor) Application invited for the year 2022-23

minor research project proposal 2022

The proposed study could be multidisciplinary or may belong to a social science discipline.

Applicants must apply in accordance with the ICSSR Research Projects Guidelines .

The candidates need to upload the documents referred in Application form.

All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the Affiliating Institution so that they may submit the required hard copies, within one week after the completion of the screening process. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.

Last date for online submission of application is October 8, 2022 (Saturday).

Note :  Scholar is permitted to apply for two schemes. But, in case of selection, the candidate in consultation with the ICSSR will take up only one study. Those who are still continuing with ICSSR any other study can take up the fresh study only after completing the ongoing study.

The Research Projects may belong to any of the social science disciplines or may be multi-disciplinary in nature. The broad disciplines of study, within the domain of social sciences, are:

1. Economics/ Development Studies 2. Management 3. Commerce 4. Sociology 5. Social Work 6. Social Anthropology 7. Cultural Studies 8. Sanskrit Studies 9. Socio-Philosophical Studies 10. Social Linguistics 11. Gender Studies 12. Health Studies 13. Political Science 14. International Studies 15. Public Administration 16. Diaspora Studies 17. National Security and Strategic Studies 18. Education 19. Social Psychology 20. Legal Studies 21. Social Geography 22. Environmental Studies 23. Modern Social History 24. Media Studies 25. Library Science

Categories of Research Projects

The ICSSR awards two types of research projects on the basis of the scope, duration of the study and budget: (a) Major Project – Duration from 12 months to 24 months with a budget of Rs.5-15 lakh. (b) Minor Project – Duration from 6 months to 12 months with a budget up to Rs.5 lakh.


  • ICSSR Research Institutes/institutes of national importance as defined by the Ministry of Education (MoE) / UGC recognized Indian universities / deemed universities under 12 B etc. are eligible to apply. However, other registered organisations with established research and academic standing may collaborate with any of the above mentioned institutions for implementation of the study and may form a joint team consisting of Project Director, Co-Project Director/s etc. Such collaborations have to be clearly stated in application itself.
  • Professional social scientists who are regularly employed or retired as faculty in a UGC(University Grants Commission) recognized Indian university/deemed university/colleges with requisite research infrastructure/institute of national importance and ICSSR Research Institutes, and possessing a Ph.D. and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports are eligible to apply. Both the Project Director and Co- Director must possess a Ph.D. degree and a proven track record of high quality research as evidenced by past studies, publications and their academic background. The condition of Ph.D. for a Co-Director can be relaxed if he/she has very credible research publications.
  • Senior government and defence officers (not less than 25 years of regular service) and persons with proven Social Science expertise possessing a Ph. D. degree or equivalent research work in any social science disciplines and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports can also apply, preferably in collaboration with a faculty in a social science discipline from institutions given in 2.1 above.
  • Individual scholars can apply for two projects at a time. However, in case both projects are selected, the applicant will be required to choose only one project. Institutes having good research infrastructure and resources may affiliate a number of Project Directors.

How to Apply

Link to apply : https://icssr.org/administrator

minor research project proposal 2022

  •  The applications will be invited through an advertisement on ICSSR website and if required, in print media.
  • The applicants shall submit an online application which includes the Research Proposal Format, given in the Application Form.  At this stage, the applicants need not submit any document other than those referred in application form. All scholars are required to keep the hard copies of their application and annexures ready, duly forwarded by the competent authorities of the university/college/institute so that they may submit the required hard copies, within one week after the completion of the process of screening. It is being done for the sake of convenience of the applicants so that they get more time for preparing the hard copies.
  • In case, the hard copy of application is not received within 10 days of asking, the candidature of applicants shall be treated as withdrawn/cancelled.
  • Research proposals and final reports should either be in English or Hindi. (Use Devanagari to fill Application form in Hindi).
  • One applicant can apply only once under a particular Research Project scheme.  However, he / she can apply separately for another scheme.

Procedure for Awards

  • Applications are scrutinised by the ICSSR Secretariat/and or by a Screening Committee in respect of eligibility.  Eligible applications are then examined by the Expert Committee (s). Shortlisting of the programme is done for the purpose of interaction/presentation at ICSSR (in person or through technology).  The expert committee/s make(s) recommendation for award of studies and also suggest budget for the recommended studies.
  • The recommendations of the Expert Committee(s) are then placed before the requisite Committee(s) of the ICSSR for their approval.

Duration and Value

  • The duration of a Major Project is twelve to twenty four months and that of Minor Project is six to twelve months.
  • The budget for Major Project ranges from Rs.5-15 lakh and for Minor Projects it is up to Rs.5 lakh. The amount will be disbursed in number of instalments, depending on the phases and duration of the study, as indicated in the Sanction Letter. ICSSR reserves the right, based on Expert opinion, to convert a proposal for Major Research Project into Minor Research Project or vice versa.
  • The budget estimates for these proposals are to be prepared on the basis of the format given in the guidelines. The Institute/group of scholars will propose the budget subject to the following broad expenditure sub-heads. Those Project Director would like to work without Research Personnel, especially under Minor Research Project would apply separately. For that, the limits of expenditure, duly approved by the Expert Committee will be separately indicated in the sanction letter.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to apply in the Guidelines.

For more details check

Guidelines : https://icssr.org/research-projectsmajor-and-minor

Help on application procedure : https://icssr.org/how-apply

For Technical assistance, email to cc [at] icssr [dot] org

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Ugc research project 2024 - general guidelines & grants.

UGC Major & Minor Research Project

Keeping the aspiration to become a University Teacher or an Assistant Professor and making every possible effort to actualize this dream, is the new career trend of millions of aspirants in India.

Every year, almost 10-11 lakhs applicants register for UGC NET Exam . On the other hand, the CSIR NET Exam   authorities witness the registration of almost 3-4 lakh science students.

Apart from these major exams, there are many such competitive tests through which the teaching enthusiasts can meet their career goals.

Thanks to the University Grants Commission who holds the maintenance of higher education by providing recognition to Universities & a huge amount of fund to ease out their operations & functionalities.

Moreover, the UGC provides outstanding career benefits to University Teachers and motivate them to enhance their knowledge base by providing the funds and grants for the major researches.

If you’ve already qualified UGC NET/CSIR NET or aspiring to qualify any of these exams, you should be aware of the UGC grants for teachers as well as the guidelines to avail these grants for UGC Major Research Projects 2024.

Here in this blog, we’ll provide you an authentic information about the UGC Major Research Project & UGC Minor Research Project Eligibility Guidelines, Applying Procedures & Grants offered by the commission.

Available Grants for Faculties

Non-Recurring Grants

Recurring grants.

Who is Eligible for UGC Research Projects?

How to Apply for UGC Research Projects (Major & Minor)

General Instruction & Guidelines

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Which Grants are Available for Faculties to Handle UGC Research Projects 2024?

Do you know what kind of grants are available to you after becoming a college or university faculty? If not! Then read the following information carefully.

All grants are given to the teachers would be based on the numerous requirements.

For the needs of teachers and their support, the commission will provide financial assistance for the items like books and journals, equipment, contingency, hiring services, chemical and consumables, fieldwork and travels.

The allowable grants to the university teachers are subdivided into two categories

Non – Recurring Grants

  Recurring Grants

These grants are the fixed expenses of university teachers. Let’s discuss in brief!

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These are the expenses which are required by the teachers on daily basis and the grants can also be repeated again and again.

Following are the Non-Recurring Grants allowed by the commission

1. Equipment, Books & Journals –

  For a proposed research work, it's essential to have the equipment, books and Grants are provided to obtain these necessary journals, books and equipment.

  If there any necessity of increment in the cost of approved equipment that will be only met out of saving/re-appropriation from the Non-recurring head which will be approved by Principal/Registrar of the college/University under intimation to the commission.

  After the completion of Project, the books & journals and equipment should be submitted to University/College/Institution or in the departmental library or in central

4. Contingency –

Grants which claimed under the contingency may be –

Photostat copies and microfilms.

  Spares for apparatus.

  Expenditure on advertisement for post of Project Fellow.


  Telephone Calls.




Computation and printing needed for the project.

5. Chemical and Consumables –

Grants are provided for glassware, chemicals and for other consumable items in the various Research Laboratories .

6. Special Needs –

Any other special requirements related to the project will be assisted which is not covered under any other ‘Head’ of assistance under the scheme.

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7. Travel and Field Work –

  The allocated amount for travel and field work is to be utilized for the collection of documents, data, visit libraries for the ongoing project etc.

  This amount should not be used for attending the seminars, workshops, conferences and any training course.

  The PI’s may travel by any of the transport modes if they permitted for the same in their parent Organisation/Institutions restricted to the allocation under the concerned head.

  As per the rules of University, they may also avail special casual leave/duty for field work or collect any data.

  Travels in foreign also strictly prohibited in this scheme.

8 . Re-Appropriation –

  Maximum 20% of the recurring grant may be re-appropriated by the Principal Investigator allocated under each head with the permission of Registrar/Principal under intimation to the UGC with the justification.

  The fellowship/Honorarium/Institutional overhead grants will not be re-appropriated.

9. Institutional Overheads –

An additional UGC Grants for Research Projects will also be provided to the host institute to the tune of 10% of the approved recurring grant as an overhead cost. These grants will be provided to improve the infrastructural facilities which include office support, administrative and accounting services to the PI’s.

10. Tenure and Implantation –

  The grant will tenure and implement the project for three years.

  The commission will give the effective date of implementation of the project in the approval-cum-sanction

Note – All of these grants would not be valid for the UGC Fake Universities .

As a university teacher If you also want to take advantage of all these grants, then you must have to follow all the below mentioned eligibility guidelines for UGC Projects.

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Who is Eligible for UGC Research Projects? Analyze Your Eligibility!

Teachers who are working in the UGC Approved Universities and Colleges are supported by University Grants Commission under section 2(f) and 12 B of UGC Act, 1956.

As per the 12 th plan guidelines, teachers must be eligible to get the support of UGC Major Research Project Online.

Below, we have shared the complete eligibility criteria which are required to be fulfilled by teachers/lecturers –

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The permanent teachers who are working in self-financing institutes or colleges are eligible under this scheme.

  Adequate research facilities should be available in the universities or colleges which forward their proposal.

  Teaching faculty of   Library Science , Physical Education, Principals and Vice-Chancellors are eligible and can take participate in the scheme.

  A working or retired teacher can take advantage of one scheme at a time. The scheme must be completed before the other offer has been accepted.

The Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator have to refund the entire amount paid by the UGC in all the schemes if they fail to abide by the rules.

  All the responsibilities regarding the project will be of Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator or host institution.

  If a teacher completes his/her project as per the date of finalization of accounts of the project and desire to undertake another project, it is compulsory to take a one-year gap for the next project.

  After completion of the project, its compulsory to publish two papers in a reputed UGC Approved Journal by the Principal Investigator.

The paper can be in the form of Article/Books/Presentation etc.

  Teachers who got retired from the University or Institute and wish to apply for the scheme are only eligible upto the age of 67 years. Retired teacher should also have a Co-Investigator from the same department, where the project is likely to be undertaken.

If your eligibility determines the above points, then you can procced for the next step of Applying for UGC Research Projects.

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How to Apply for Receiving the Approval on UGC Research Projects 2024? (Major & Minor)

The teachers of universities who are eligible for the UGC Major Research Projects & Minor Research Projects should know about the complete procedure of applying for approval for the grants.

Below, we have shared the complete information on ‘How an eligible teacher submits the application form and how it will be approved?’.

Procedure to Apply for UGC Research Project for Teachers –

The teachers who are eligible for UGC Major Research Project Online Submission will have to fill the prescribed format of UGC Major Research Project which will be available on the official website of UGC .

The concerned institute should get the proposal assessed by their research bodies with a certificate and should mention that the proposed research work is in conformity with the MRP guidelines. This process should be done before submitting the application form for MRP.

  The downloaded three copies of the same duly forwarded by the Principal/Registrar of the concerned University/College/Institution need to be bought at the time of interface meeting.

  UGC Minor Projects will be allocated by the concerned University out of the development grants.

  College teachers, who wish to avail financial assistance for their minor research project have to submit their MRP applications in the prescribed proforma at UGC concerned regional office which is located in the following cities – Bhopal, Guwahati, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and in Pune.

  Teachers who are from the colleges of Northern Region including Delhi may apply to the Northern Region Colleges Bureau which is situated at 35, Feroz Shah Road, New Delhi – 110001.

Procedure for Approval of UGC Research Project for Teachers

If the proposal found to be completed in all the respect of the Principal Investigators, the applicants will be invited for making presentations before the committee.

  The Participants will not be paid for any TA/DA.

  The decision will be taken by the University Grants Commission on the basis of all the recommendations made by the committee and on the availability of funds under the scheme.

All those are the special key points that you should know well before applying for research projects.

Below we are going to tell some more general instructions which are very important to be known by you.

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UGC Major Research Project 2024 General Instructions and Guidelines

The University Grants Commission has set some general instructions and guidelines, which are compulsory to be known by all the teachers. These instructions will help you to clear all your doubts regarding the Projects for Teachers.

When the selection procedure of the UGC Major Research Projects will get finalized, the names of all the selected PI will be announced on the official website of UGC.

  To get the approval/sanction letters, the Principal Investigators have to check their names and also required to send the acceptance certificate duly forwarded by the Registrar/Principal of the institutions immediately.

Principal Investigator who need to go outside the country for an assignment should not exceed more than three months. In the absence of Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator will have to act as Principal Investigator.

The project will not be transferable in any case.

  If the PI gets transferred from the original place of work to another institution, there is no requirement for furnished objection certificate from both the institutions. All the facilities will be provided as per the necessity.

  Principal Investigator may publish the results of the study on the project acknowledging the contribution made by the staff appointed for the project and the support received from the UGC.

  Fellows who are engaged in project may enrol for Ph.D. The generated data and results out of the project can be used by the Fellow in his/her proposal ideas by consulting the Principal Investigator.

  If a PI fails to complete the project, the entire amount sanctioned has to be refunded by the Principal Investigator with the interest.

  There will be no extension in tenure in any circumstances.

The candidates who perform well in the research field may also receive UGC Awards or CSIR Awards based on their performances.

So, the above-mentioned guidelines are the base for providing grants to university/college teacher for UGC Research Project.

We hope that the information given by us is beneficial for you.

If you have any queries regarding this article, you can share them with us in the comments box given below. Our expert team will help you with the best guidance.

Thank You!!

  • ugc major research project
  • ugc minor research project
  • ugc research project for teachers
  • ugc research project guidelines
  • ugc research project 2024

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I am an Assistant Professor of HR Management stream in Amity University Kolkata. I am interested to know about the types of minor projects that are funded by UGC. If some sample project titles are shared that would be highly appreciatable

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Dr.vinutha m

Myself DR.VINUTHA M ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in B.ed institution mysore I want more information about minor research project.

I am an assistant professor in Ranchi Women's College (autonomous unit) under Ranchi University on contractual basis. I want to know whether I am eligible for PI or not.

The format for online submission of a major project is of 2014-15, not 2018-19.So very confused please help me to clear my doubt.

sir/mam please let me know what is the last date of proposal submission .whether major research project have been closed for college teachers

Dear sir, Could you please tell me when is the last date for the submission of UGC major/minor project for 2018? I didn't find any announcement in this regard. Looking forward to hearing from you. with best regards vijay

When the project release please inform me


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  1. Minor Research Project Guidelines

    8.7 No scholar will be allowed to take up a research project/programme along with any ICSSR fellowship. 8.8 Foreign trip is not permissible within the Scheme of Minor Research Projects. 8.9 No request for additional grant in excess of the sanction budget will be considered. 8.10 The Project Director shall be personally responsible for timely ...

  2. PDF University Grants Commission Minor Research Project for Teachers XII

    The quantum of assistance for a research project will be as under: Minor Research Project in Sciences including Engineering & Technology, Medical, Pharmacy Agriculture etc. - Rs. 5.00 lacs. Minor Research Project in Humanities, Social Science, Languages, Literature, Arts, Law and allied disciplines - Rs. 3.00 lacs.

  3. PDF Research Funding Council for Major and Minor Research Projects during

    a Minor Research Proj. NATURE OF ASSISTANCE:The quantum of assistance for a research project will be as under: Major Research Project in Sc. es including Engineering & Technology, Medical, Pharmacy Agriculture etc. - Rs. 12 lacs. Major Research Project in Humani. , Social Science, Languages, Litera.

  4. Research Projects (Major and Minor)

    Two categories of Research projects: First, Major and Minor Research Projects and secondly Research Programmes, formerly known as Research Projects Responsive and Research Projects Sponsored respectively. ... As per the guidelines proposals are invited, scrutinized, processed and awarded every year. Research Projects. Special Call for Short ...

  5. PDF List of Awardees

    Project Director Title 1 ICSSR-RMM-2022-751 Dr.Paritosh Chandra Sinha Investors' Attention Dynamics and ESG Investing for Sustainability: A Study on the BSE and NSE ... Minor Research Projects. 14 ICSSR-RMM-2022-5850 Dr.Anupama Rajput Impact of Financial Inclusion on Sustainable Environment in BRICS Countries: An Empirical

  6. UGC:Minor Research Project(MRP-Regional Offices)

    The University Grants Commission strives to promote teaching and research in emerging areas in Humanities, Social Sciences, Languages, Literature, Pure sciences, Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, Medical, Agricultural Sciences etc. The emphasis would be supporting such areas that cut across disciplines and subjects such as health, gerontology ...

  7. PDF UGC:Minor Research Project(MRP-Regional Offices)

    Any other information which the investigator may like to give in support of this proposal which may be helpful in evaluating , Choose File No fie chosen Up oad Recommended letter from principa , upload Recommended from pdf format) Home Login About the Project Dow n load *Minor Research Project(Regional Offices) I. Apply Now 2. Login

  8. Guidelines To Prepare Research Proposal For ICSSR Sponsored Projects

    The research proposal format outlines 14 sections that should be included in a proposal. It specifies the word count for each section, which in total should be about 3,000 words. The sections include the title, abstract, introduction, literature review, research gaps, objectives, research questions/hypotheses, methodology, innovation, anticipated outcomes, new data, policy relevance, societal ...

  9. UGC:Minor Research Project(MRP-Regional Offices)

    UGC:Minor Research Project (MRP-Regional Offices) TARGET GROUP AND ELIGIBILITY: The University Grants Commission will pr ovide support to perm anent/regular, working/retired teachers in the Universities and Colleges (Under Section 2 (f) and 12 B of UGC Act, 1956) only. The permanent teachers working in self financing In stitutions [Self ...

  10. ICSSR invites online applications from Indian Social ...

    Last date for online submission of application is December 26, 2022 (Monday). Note: Scholar is permitted to apply for only one proposal under this call. This is special call, interested scholars can apply under this call, in addition to the Research Project (Major/Minor) 2022-23 call closed recently.

  11. Declaration of Results of Research Projects (Major/Minor) 2022-2023

    Dear Applicants, 1. We are happy to inform you that following are the lists of applicants whose proposals have been provisionally approved by the relevant expert committees of the ICSSR for Major and Minor Research Projects for the year 2022-23. Award letters to these applicants shall be sent by email for completing the formalities in this connection.

  12. Call for Preliminary Proposals

    Call for Preliminary Proposals. Purpose. The Research Grants Council (RGC) is inviting the eight University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities to submit preliminary proposals for the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme 2025/26 (Thirteenth Round) and the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 2025/26 (Fifteenth Round). Objectives of the Schemes.

  13. How to apply ICSSR Research Projects ? (Major/Minor)

    To apply the project to ICSSR

  14. Research Administration & Promotion Cell (RAPC)

    Ph.D. admission at research centres last date 31st December 2022; PET 2022; ... Circular regarding extended dates 30-6-2021 & 31-12-2021 for Minor Research Project; ... Circular regarding uploading of approved research proposal on Shodhgangotri;

  15. PDF (Dr. Mrigant<a $q

    Created Date: 10/6/2022 11:15:33 AM

  16. PDF Minor Research Projects Guidelines

    MI. OR RESEARCH. ROJECTSGUIDELINES1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Promotion of social science research is one of. the major objectives of the ICSSR. Research grant is direct financial support to research projects undertak. n by the Indian social scientists. ICSSR-NERC provides funding to Indian scholars to conduct cutting edge research in various fields of ...

  17. ICSSR Research Projects (Major/Minor) Application invited ...

    Categories of Research Projects. The ICSSR awards two types of research projects on the basis of the scope, duration of the study and budget: (a) Major Project - Duration from 12 months to 24 months with a budget of Rs.5-15 lakh. (b) Minor Project - Duration from 6 months to 12 months with a budget up to Rs.5 lakh.

  18. Call for Proposals

    Joint Call for project proposals 2024 Indo Danish research and innovation cooperation in the area of Cutting edge hydrogen technologies: 28/08/2024: ... Call for proposal in Urban Climate Research and Extreme Events: 21/08/2024: 19/09/2024: DST- JSPS Indo Japan Call 2024: 03/06/2024: 03/09/2024: Archive Call For Proposals.

  19. Important notices

    ICSSR-JSPS (Japan) Joint Call for Research Proposals FY 2024. 07 Jun. 2023. Celebration of World Environment Day, 05 June 2023. 11 May. 2023. ... Declaration of Results of Research Projects (Major/Minor) 2022-2023. 01 Mar. 2023. ICSSR-NSTC (Taiwan) Joint Call for Research Proposals 2024. 07 Apr. 2020.

  20. PDF Indian Council of Social Science Research

    Research project applications will be evaluated by a Committee set up by the centre. ICSSR-NERC provide grants up to the tune of Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh fifty thousand only) to the minor research project Submission of Proposals Applications can be submitted to the ICSSR-NERC by enclosing the following.

  21. Results

    Announcement of the Results of the ICSSR-JSPS (Japan) Joint Research Proposals FY 2024. Announcement of Results of Research Programmes under the call for Project Proposals on "History and Sociology of Art, Craft, Culture and Folk Traditions of the Regions of India". Result for Interns. Result for the post of Deputy Director.

  22. UGC Research Project 2024

    An additional UGC Grants for Research Projects will also be provided to the host institute to the tune of 10% of the approved recurring grant as an overhead cost. These grants will be provided to improve the infrastructural facilities which include office support, administrative and accounting services to the PI's. 10.

  23. Major/Minor Research Proposals

    Major/Minor Research Proposals. We have to our credit 2 major research projects, 11 minor research projects, 2 institutional projects and some ongoing institutional minor research projects. We have completed and presented to Asst commissioner LBT, a self financed research project on Challenges & Issues of LBT faced by traders in Nagpur City.