Making an electromagnet.

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Magnetism and electricity are forces generated by the movement of electrons. They are both electromagnetic forces – the interplay of these two forces is the basis for many modern technologies. Electromagnets are magnets that are generated by electric fields. They have the advantage over regular magnets in that they can be switched on and off.

Electromagnets can be created by wrapping a wire around an iron nail and running current through the wire. The electric field in the wire coil creates a magnetic field around the nail. In some cases, the nail will remain magnetised even when removed from within the wire coil. Electromagnets are fundamental to many modern technologies.

In this activity, students build a simple electromagnet.

By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

  • build a simple electromagnet
  • explore the influence of different variables on the effectiveness of the electromagnet
  • work methodically to adapt their design to improve the electromagnet function.

Download the Word file (see link below) for:

  • background information for teachers
  • student instructions.

Nature of science

The NZC ‘Investigating in science’ strand of the nature of science requires teachers to provide students with opportunities to extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration, play, asking questions and discussing simple models. This activity provides such opportunities.

Activity ideas

Other activities on the SLH that explore magnetism include Probing fridge magnets , Make an electric motor , Investigating magnetism and Making a weather vane and compass .

Related content

There are several articles and a PLD session related to magnetism. They include Introducing magnetism , Using magnetism , Geothermal power , Superconductivity , Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Exploring magnetism .

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  • Creating an Electromagnet

Hands-on Activity Creating an Electromagnet

Grade Level: 4 (3-5)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $2.00

Group Size: 2

Activity Dependency: None

Associated Informal Learning Activity: Creating an Electromagnet!

Subject Areas: Physical Science, Physics

NGSS Performance Expectations:

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Engineering… because your dreams need doing

Engineers design electromagnets, which are a basic part of motors. Electromagnetic motors are a big part of everyday life, as well as industries and factories. We may not even realize that we interact with electromagnets on a daily basis as we use a wide variety of motors to make our lives easier. Common devices that use electromagnetic motors are: refrigerators, clothes dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, garbage disposals, doorbells, computers, computer printers, clocks, fans, car starters, windshield wiper motors, electric toothbrushes, electric razors, can openers, speakers, music or tape players, etc.

After this activity, students should be able to:

  • Relate that electric current creates a magnetic field.
  • Describe how an electromagnet is made.
  • Investigate ways to change the strength of an electromagnet.
  • List several items that engineers have designed using electromagnets.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

Ngss: next generation science standards - science.

NGSS Performance Expectation

3-PS2-3. Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other. (Grade 3)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Ask questions that can be investigated based on patterns such as cause and effect relationships.

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Electric, and magnetic forces between a pair of objects do not require that the objects be in contact. The sizes of the forces in each situation depend on the properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces between two magnets, on their orientation relative to each other.

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Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified, tested, and used to explain change.

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NGSS Performance Expectation

3-PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets. (Grade 3)

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This activity focuses on the following aspects of NGSS:
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.

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Electric, and magnetic forces between a pair of objects do not require that the objects be in contact. The sizes of the forces in each situation depend on the properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces between two magnets, on their orientation relative to each other.

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Scientific discoveries about the natural world can often lead to new and improved technologies, which are developed through the engineering design process.

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Common Core State Standards - Math

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International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

State standards, colorado - math, colorado - science.

Each group needs:

  • nail, 3-inch (7.6 cm) or longer (made of zinc, iron or steel, but not aluminum)
  • 2 feet (.6 m) insulated copper wire (at least AWG 22 or higher)
  • D-cell battery
  • several metal paperclips, tacks or pins
  • wide rubber band
  • Building an Electromagnet Worksheet

For each electromagnetic field station:

  • cardboard toilet paper tube
  • insulated copper wire (at least AWG 22 or higher), several feet (1 m)
  • cardboard (~ 5 x 5 inches or 13 x 13 cm)
  • clothespins or clamps (optional)
  • masking tape
  • rubber band
  • 2-3 D-cell batteries
  • 9-V (volt) battery
  • several metal paperclips, tacks and/or pins
  • extra batteries, if available: 6-V, 12-V, lantern batteries
  • (optional) electrical tape
  • 2 small orienteering compasses

For the entire class to share:

  • wire cutters
  • wire strippers

Some knowledge of magnetic forces (poles, attraction forces). Refer to the Magnetism unit, Lesson 2: Two Sides of One Force , for this information on electromagnets.

Today, we are going to talk about electromagnets and create our own electromagnets! First, can anyone tell me what an electromagnet is? (Listen to student ideas.) Well, an electromagnet's name helps tell us what it is. (Write the word electromagnet on the classroom board for students to see.) Let's break it down. The first part of the word,  electro , sounds like electricity. The second part of the word, magnet , is what it sounds like—a magnet! So, an electromagnet is a magnet that is created by electricity.

The really important thing to remember today is that electricity can create a magnetic field. This may sound strange, because we're used to magnetic fields just coming from magnets, but it is really true! A wire that has electrical  current running through it creates a magnetic field. In fact, the simplest electromagnet is a single wire that is coiled up and has an electric current running through it. The magnetic field generated by the coil of wire is like a regular bar magnet. If we put an iron (or nickel, cobalt, etc.) rod (perhaps a nail) through the center of the coil (see Figure 1), the rod becomes the magnet, creating a magnetic field. Where do we find the electricity for an electromagnet? Well, we can get this electricity a few ways, such as from a battery or a wall outlet.

We can make this magnetic field stronger by increasing the amount of electric current going through the wire or we can increase the number of wire wraps in the coil of the electromagnet. What do you think happens if we do both of these things? That's right! Our magnet will be even stronger!

Engineers use electromagnets when they design and build motors . Motors are in use around us everyday, so we interact with electromagnets all the time without even realizing it! Can you think of some motors that you have used? (Possible answers: Washing machine, dishwasher, can opener, garbage disposal, sewing machine, computer printer, vacuum cleaner, electric toothbrush, compact disc [CD] player, digital video disc [DVD] player, VCR tape player, computer, electric razor, an electric toy [radio-controlled vehicles, moving dolls], etc.)

Before the Activity

  • Gather materials and make copies of the Building an Electromagnet Worksheet .
  • Set up enough Electromagnetic Field Stations to accommodate teams of two students each.
  • As an alternative, conduct both parts of the activity as teacher-led class demonstrations.

A photo shows a cardboard tube wrapped in wire and placed on a piece of flat cardboard. Two long tails of the coiled wire run through holes in the cardboard and are attached with a rubber band to opposite ends of a D-cell battery.

  • Prepare for Electromagnetic Field Stations: Wrap wire around a cardboard toilet paper tube 12-15 times to make a wire loop. Leave two long tails of wire hanging from the coil. Poke four holes in the cardboard. Weave the wire ends through the cardboard holes so that the card board tube and coil are attached to the cardboard (see Figure 2). Use clothespins, clamps or tape to secure the cardboard to a table or desk. Using masking tape or rubber band, connect one end of the coil wire to any battery, leaving the other end of the wire not connected to the battery. Place some pins, paperclips or tacks at the station. Also, place any other available extra batteries (6V, 12V, etc.) and two, small orienteering compasses at this station.
  • Prepare for Building an Electromagnet: For this portion of the activity, either set up the materials at a station, or give them to pairs of students to work on at their desks.
  • Set aside a few extra batteries for students to test their own electromagnets. These might include the 9-V batteries. You can make a 3-V battery setup by connecting 2 D-cells in series or a 4.5-V battery setup by connecting 3 D-cells in series.
  • Cut one 2-ft (.6 m) piece of wire for each team. Using wire strippers, remove about ½ inch (1.3 cm) of insulation from both ends of each piece of wire.

With the Students: Electromagnetic Field Stations

  • Divide the class into pairs of students. Hand out one worksheet per team.
  • Working from the pre-activity setup (see Figure 2), in which one end of the coiled wire is attached to one end of the battery, have students connect the other end of the wire to the other end of the battery using tape or rubber band.
  • To locate the magnetic field of the electromagnet, direct students to move the compass in a circle around the electromagnet, paying attention to the direction that the compass points (see Figure 3). Direct students to draw the battery, coil and magnetic field on their worksheets. Use arrows to show the magnetic field. Label the positive and negative ends of the battery and the poles of the magnetic field. What happens if you dangle a paperclip from another paperclip near the coil (see Figure 3)? (Answer: The dangling paperclip moves, changes direction and/or wobbles.)

Two photos show a hand holding a compass and a dangling paperclip near the cardboard tube wrapped in wire with two long tails of the wire run through holes in the cardboard and attached with a rubber band to opposite ends of a D-cell battery.

  • Next, reverse the connection of the electromagnet by changing both ends of the wire to the opposite ends of the battery. (When the direction of current is reversed in either a coil or electromagnet, the magnetic poles reverse—the north pole becomes the south pole, and the south pole becomes the north pole.) Use the compass to check the direction of the magnetic field. Make a second drawing. Dangle the paperclip near the coil again. What happens? (Answer: Again, the dangling paperclip moves, changes direction and/or wobbles.)
  • Remove at least one end of the wire from the battery to conserve battery power.
  • If time permits, use different batteries and observe any changes. A higher voltage translates to a greater current, and with more current, the electromagnet becomes stronger.

With the Students: Building an Electromagnet

  • Make sure each student pair has the following materials: 1 nail, 2 feet (.6 m) of insulated wire, 1 D-cell battery, several paperclips (or tacks or pins) and a rubber band.
  • Wrap the wire around a nail at least 20 times (see Figure 4). Ensure students wrap their nails tightly, leaving no gaps between the wires and not overlapping the wraps.
  • Give the students several minutes to see if they can create an electromagnet on their own before giving them the rest of the instructions.
  • To continue making the electromagnet, connect the ends of the coiled wire to each end of the battery using the rubber band to hold the wires in place (see Figure 4).

A photograph shows a nail wrapped in red wire with the wire ends connected with a rubber band to opposite ends of a D-cell battery.

  • Test the strength of the electromagnet by seeing how many paperclips it can pick up.
  • Record the number of paperclips on the worksheet.
  • Disconnect the wire from the battery after testing the electromagnet. Can the electromagnet pick up paperclips when the current is disconnected? (Answer: No)
  • Test how varying the design of the electromagnet affects its strength. The two variables to modify are the number of coils around the nail and the current in the coiled wire by using a different size or number of batteries. To conserve the battery's power, remember to disconnect the wire from the battery after each test.
  • Complete the worksheet; making a list of ways engineers might be able to use electromagnets.
  • Conclude by holding a class discussion. Compare results among teams. Ask students the post-assessment engineering discussion questions provided in the Assessment section.

battery: A cell that carries a charge that can power an electric current.

current: A flow of electrons.

electromagnet: A magnet made of an insulated wire coiled around an iron core (or any magnetic material such as iron, steel, nickel, cobalt) with electric current flowing through it to produce magnetism. The electric current magnetizes the core material.

electromagnetism: Magnetism created by an electric current.

engineer: A person who applies her/his understanding of science and mathematics to create things for the benefit of humanity and our planet. This includes the design, manufacture and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, products, processes and systems.

magnet: An object that generates a magnetic field.

magnetic field: The space around a magnet in which the magnet's magnetic force is present.

motor: An electrical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

permanent magnet: An object that generates a magnetic field on its own (without the help of a current).

solenoid: A coil of wire.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Prediction : Ask students to predict what will happen when a wire is wrapped around a nail and electricity is added. Record their predictions on the classroom board.

Brainstorming : In small groups, have students engage in open discussion. Remind them that no idea or suggestion is "silly." All ideas should be respectfully heard. Ask the students: What is an electromagnet?

Activity-Embedded Assessment

Worksheet : At the beginning of the activity, hand out the Building an Electromagnet Worksheet . Have students make drawings, record measurements and follow along with the activity on their worksheets. After students finish the worksheet, have them compare answers with a peer or another pair, giving all students time to finish. Review their answers to gauge their mastery of the subject.

Hypothesize : As students make their electromagnet, ask each group what would happen if they changed the size of their battery. How about more coils of wire around the nail? (Answer: An electromagnet can be made stronger in two ways: increasing the amount of electric current going through the wire or increasing the number of wire wraps in the coil of the electromagnet.)

Post-Activity Assessment

Engineering Discussion Questions : Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses.

  • What are ways an engineer might modify an electromagnet to change the strength of its magnetic field? Which modifications might be the easiest or cheapest? (Possible answers: Increasing the number of coils used in the solenoid [electromagnet] is probably the least expensive and easiest way to increase the strength of an electromagnet. Or, an engineer might increase the current in the electromagnet. Or, an engineer might use a metal core that is more easily magnetized.)
  • How might engineers use electromagnets in separating recyclable materials? (Answer: Some of the metals in a salvage or recycling pile are attracted to a magnet and can be easily separated. Non-ferrous metals must go through a two-step process in which a voltage is applied to the metal to temporarily induce a current in it, which temporarily magnetizes the metal so it is attracted to the electromagnet for separation from non-metals.)
  • What are some ways that engineers might be able to use electromagnets? (Possible answers: Engineers use electromagnets in the design of motors. For examples, see the possible answers to the next question.)
  • How are electromagnets used in everyday applications? (Possible answers: Motors are in use around us everyday, for example, refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, can opener, garbage disposal, sewing machine, computer printer, vacuum cleaner, electric toothbrush, compact disc [CD] player, digital video disc [DVD] player, VCR tape player, computer, electric razor, an electric toy [radio-controlled vehicles, moving dolls], etc.)

Graphing Practice : Present the class with the following problems and ask students to graph their results (or the entire class' results). Discuss which variables made a bigger change in the strength of the electromagnet.

  • Make a graph that shows how the electromagnet strength changed as you changed the number of wire coils in your electromagnet.
  • Make a graph that shows how the strength of your electromagnet changed as the current changed (as you changed the battery size).

Safety Issues

The electromagnet can get quite warm, particularly at the terminals, so have students disconnect their batteries at frequent intervals.

A high density of nail wraps is important to produce a magnetic field. If the wrapped nails are not acting as magnets, check students’ coil wraps to ensure they are not crisscrossed, and that the wraps are tight. Also, use thin gauge wire to enable more wraps along the length of the nail.

Iron nails work better than bolts since the bolt threads do not permit smooth wrapping of the copper wire, which may disrupt the magnetic field.

Avoid using batteries that are not fully charged. Partially discharged batteries will not generate a strong and observable magnetic reaction.

If the electromagnets get too warm, have students use rubber kitchen gloves to handle them.

Another way to vary the current in the electromagnet is to use wires of different gauges (thickness) or of different materials (for example: copper vs. aluminum). Ask students to test different wire types to see how this affects the electromagnet's strength. As a control, keep constant the number of coils and amount of current (battery) for all wire tests. Then, based on their rest results, ask students to make guesses about the resistances of the various wires.

  • For lower grades, have students follow along with the teacher-led demonstration to create a simple electromagnet. Discuss the basic definition of an electromagnet and how electromagnets are used in everyday applications.
  • For upper grades, have students investigate ways to change the strength of their electromagnets without giving them any hints or clues. Have students graph their worksheet data from varying the number of coils and/or battery size in their electromagnet.

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

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Supporting program, acknowledgements.

The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no 0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: July 30, 2020

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How to Make an Electromagnet

How to Make an Electromagnet

Electromagnets are fascinating devices that have a wide range of applications in everyday life, from electric motors to MRI machines. Unlike permanent magnets, which are always magnetic, electromagnets turn on and off with the flow of electric current. Here are instructions for making two types of simple electromagnets, an explanation of how they work, and suggestions for experiments you can perform.

What Is an Electromagnet?

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. The simplest form of an electromagnet is a coil of wire, known as a solenoid, which generates a magnetic field when an electric current passes through it. By wrapping the wire around a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material, such as iron, you can create a much stronger magnetic field.

How an Electromagnet Works

When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates a magnetic field around the wire. Even though electricity and magnetism seem like separate things, the basic concept is that electric and magnetic fields go together, forming an electromagnetic field. By coiling the wire, the magnetic fields from each loop of the wire combine and produce a stronger field. Inserting a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic core (e.g., an iron nail) inside the coil amplifies the magnetic field because these materials have high magnetic permeability. This means they enhance and concentrate the magnetic field created by the coil.

Uses of Electromagnets

Electromagnets have numerous applications, including:

  • Speakers : Electromagnets convert electrical signals into sound. The varying electrical current in the electromagnet interacts with a permanent magnet, making the speaker diaphragm move and produce sound waves.
  • Electric motors and generators : Household appliances such as fans, washing machines, refrigerators, and power tools use electric motors that rely on electromagnets for converting electrical energy into mechanical motion.
  • Transformers : Transformers use electromagnets to change the voltage of alternating current (AC) electricity. This allows for efficient transmission of electricity over long distances and the safe delivery of power to homes and businesses.
  • Relays and solenoids : Relays and switches use electromagnets for opening and closing circuits.
  • Magnetic locks and lifting equipment : Applying current to an electromagnet creates a magnetic field that holds a door closed or an item in place.
  • Medical devices like MRI machines : Powerful electromagnets interact with hydrogen atoms in the body to create detailed images.

Project Instructions: Basic Electromagnet

All you need is a battery (or other power source) and some wire for making a basic electromagnet.

  • Insulated copper wire (approximately 1 meter)
  • Small piece of sandpaper
  • Paper clips or small metal objects for testing


  • Strip about 2 cm of insulation off each end of the wire using the sandpaper.
  • Coil the wire tightly around a cylindrical object like a pencil to create a solenoid. Leave about 10 cm of wire free at each end.
  • Remove the coil from the pencil.
  • Attach one end of the wire to the positive terminal of the AA battery using tape.
  • Attach the other end of the wire to the negative terminal of the battery using tape.
  • Test the electromagnet by bringing it close to paper clips or small metal objects. The coil attracts them when the battery is connected.

Project Instructions: Electromagnet with a Core

Adding a core to the solenoid greatly enhances the power of the electromagnet.

  • Iron nail or iron rod (about 10 cm long)
  • Coil the wire tightly around the iron nail or rod, leaving about 10 cm of wire free at each end.
  • Test the electromagnet by bringing it close to paper clips or small metal objects. The coil attract more objects or attract them more strongly than the basic electromagnet.

Proving Increased Strength:

  • Compare the number of paper clips attracted by the basic electromagnet and the core-enhanced electromagnet.
  • Compare the maximum distance for attracting paper clips by the basic electromagnet and the core-enhanced electromagnet.

How to Make an Electromagnet Stronger

There are multiple ways of increasing the strength of an electromagnet:

  • Increase the number of coils: More coils of wire result in a stronger magnetic field.
  • Use a stronger battery: Higher voltage increases the current and thus the magnetic field.
  • Use a thicker wire: This reduces resistance, allowing more current flow.
  • Improve the core material: Use materials with higher magnetic permeability, like iron or steel.
  • Cool the wire: Reducing temperature decreases resistance, allowing more current flow.

Experiment Suggestions

Turn the electromagnet science project into an experiment . Predict the outcome of making a change and then test it (conduct an experiment) and reach a conclusion:

  • Use different materials (iron, steel, aluminum) as cores and compare their magnetic strengths. Can you tell which metals are magnetic and which are not?
  • Create electromagnets with different numbers of wire coils and measure the difference in strength.
  • Use batteries of different voltages and observe the effect on the magnetic strength.
  • Measure how far the electromagnet attracts paper clips and test how this changes with different configurations.
  • Test the electromagnet’s strength at different temperatures to see how resistance affects the current and magnetic field.
  • Dawes, Chester L. (1967). “Electrical Engineering”. In Baumeister, Theodore (ed.). Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
  • Gates, Earl (2013). Introduction to Basic Electricity and Electronics Technology . Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1133948513.
  • Sturgeon, W. (1825). “Improved Electro Magnetic Apparatus”. Trans. Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures, & Commerc e. 43: 37–52. in Miller, T.J.E (2001). Electronic Control of Switched Reluctance Machines . Elsevier Science. ISBN 978-0-7506-5073-1.

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Science project, electromagnetic induction experiment.

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

Electricity is carried by current , or the flow of electrons. One useful characteristic of current is that it creates its own magnetic field. This is useful in many types of motors and appliances. Conduct this simple electromagnetic induction experiment to witness this phenomenon for yourself!

Observe how current can create a magnetic field.

What will happen when the battery is connected and the switch is turned on? Will the battery voltage make a difference in the magnetic field?

  • Thin copper wire
  • Long metal nail
  • 12-V lantern battery
  • 9-V battery
  • Wire cutters
  • Toggle switch
  • Electrical tape
  • Paper clips
  • Cut a long length of wire and attached one end to the positive output of the toggle switch.
  • Twist the wire at least 50 times around the nail to create a solenoid.
  • Once the wire has covered the nail, tape the wire to the negative terminal of the 12V battery.
  • Cut a short piece of wire to connect the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the toggle switch.

Electromagnetism Diagram

  • Turn on the switch.
  • Bring paper clips close to the nail. What happens? How many paper clips can you pick up?
  • Repeat the experiment with the 9V battery.
  • Repeat the experiment with the 9V and 12V batteries arranged in series (if you don’t know how to arrange batteries in series, check out this project that explains how).

The current running through the circuit will cause the nail to be magnetic and attract paper clips. The 12V battery will create a stronger magnet than the 9V battery. The series circuit will create a stronger magnet than the individual batteries did.

Electric currents always produce their own magnetic fields. This phenomenon is represented by the right-hand-rule:

If you make the “Thumbs-Up” sign with your hand like this:

The current will flow in the direction the thumb is pointing, and the magnetic field direction will be described by the direction of the fingers. This means when you change the direction of the current, you also change the direction of the magnetic field. Current flows (which means electrons flow) from the negative end of a battery through the wire to the positive end of the battery, which can help you determine what the direction of the magnetic field will be.

When the toggle switch is turned on, the current will flow from the negative terminal of the battery around the circuit to the positive terminal. When the current passes through the nail it induces , or creates, a magnetic field.  The 12V battery produces a larger voltage ; therefore, produces a higher current for a circuit of the same resistance. Larger currents will induce larger (and stronger!) magnetic fields, so the nail will attract more paperclips when using a larger voltage.

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  • Intro Lab - Electromagnetic Induction

In this hands-on electronics experiment, you will build an electromagnet and learn about electromagnetism including the relationship of magnetic polarity to current flow.

Project overview.

In this project, you will build and test the electromagnet circuit illustrated in Figure 1.  Electromagnetism has many applications, including:

  • Electric motors
  • Computer printer mechanisms
  • Magnetic media write heads (tape recorders and disk drives)

Electromagnet circuit for generating a magnetic field from an electric current.

Figure 1. Electromagnet circuit for generating a magnetic field from an electric current.

Parts and materials.

  • 6 V battery
  • Magnetic compass
  • Small permanent magnet
  • Spool of 28-gauge magnet wire
  • Large bolt, nail, or steel rod
  • Electrical tape

Magnet wire is a term for thin-gauge copper wire with enamel insulation instead of rubber or plastic insulation. Its small size and very thin insulation allow for many turns to be wound in a compact coil. Keep in mind that you will need enough magnet wire to wrap hundreds of turns around the bolt, nail, or other rod-shaped steel forms.

Another thing, make sure to select a bolt, nail, or rod that is magnetic. Stainless steel, for example, is non-magnetic and will not function for the purpose of an electromagnet coil! The ideal material for this experiment is soft iron, but any commonly available steel will suffice.

Learning Objectives

  • Application of the left-hand rule
  • Electromagnet construction


Step 1:  Wrap a single layer of electrical tape around the steel bar (or bolt or mail) to protect the wire from abrasion.

Step 2:  Proceed to wrap several hundred turns of wire around the steel bar, making the coil as even as possible. It is okay to overlap wire, and it is okay to wrap in the same style that a fishing reel wraps the line around the spool. The only rule you must follow is that all turns must be wrapped around the bar in the same direction (no reversing from clockwise to counter-clockwise!).

I find that a drill press works as a great tool for coil winding: clamp the rod in the drill’s chuck as if it were a drill bit, then turn the drill motor on at a slow speed and let it do the wrapping! This allows you to feed wire onto the rod in a very steady, even manner.

Step 3:  After you’ve wrapped several hundred turns of wire around the rod, wrap a layer or two of electrical tape over the wire coil to secure the wire in place.

Step 4:  Scrape the enamel insulation off the ends of the coil wires to expose the wire for connection to jumper leads

Step 5: Connect the coil to a battery, as illustrated in Figure 1 and defined in the circuit schematic of Figure 2.

Schematic diagram of the electromagnet circuit.

Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the electromagnet circuit.

Step 6:  When the electric current goes through the coil, it will produce a strong magnetic field with one pole at each end of the rod. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetism. With the electromagnet energized (connected to the battery), use the magnetic compass to identify the north and south poles of the electromagnet. 

Step 7: Place a permanent magnet near one pole and note whether there is an attractive or repulsive force.

Step 8:  Reverse the orientation of the permanent magnet and repeat steps 7 and 8. Note the difference in force caused by changing the polarity of the applied voltage and the direction of the current flow. 

Inductive Kickback

You might notice a significant spark whenever the battery is disconnected from the electromagnet coil, much greater than the spark produced if the battery is short-circuited. This spark results from a high-voltage surge created whenever current is suddenly interrupted through the coil.

The effect is called inductive kickback  and can deliver a small but harmless electric shock. To avoid receiving this shock, do not place your body across the break in the circuit when de-energizing. Use one hand at a time when un-powering the coil, and you’ll be perfectly safe.

Related Content

Learn more about the fundamentals behind this project in the resources below.

  • Magnetism and Electromagnetism
  • Electromagnetism


  • Basic Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
  • Intermediate Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
  • Advanced Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Worksheet
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hypothesis of making an electromagnet

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Create an Electromagnet

Equipment: Insulated copper wire (hobby wire), Size D batteries (or 9V), Rubber Bands, Iron Nails, Paper Clips, Masking Tape

Exploration: Given the equipment, try to magnetize your nail so that it can pick up at least one paper clip.

After 5 minutes, your teacher will give you further instructions to help you make your electromagnet. Sketch a working electromagnet below.

Experiment: How can you increase the strength of the electomagnet?

First you need a control, a baseline strength for your magnet. Test how many staples, or paper clips yours can pick up. ______

For each hypothesis stated, test and describe your results.

1. Hypothesis 1 : If you increase the number of loops in the wire, then the magnet will be stronger.

2. Hypothesis 2 : If you increase the number of size of the nail, the magnet will be stronger.

3. Hypothesis 3 : If you increase the size of the battery (or add another battery), the magnet will be stronger.

Electromagnet Examples - Built by Students


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  • Electromagnetism

How to Make an Electromagnet

Last Updated: January 23, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Anne Schmidt . Anne Schmidt is a Chemistry Instructor in Wisconsin. Anne has been teaching high school chemistry for over 20 years and is passionate about providing accessible and educational chemistry content. She has over 9,000 subscribers to her educational chemistry YouTube channel. She has presented at the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AATC) and was an Adjunct General Chemistry Instructor at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Anne was published in the Journal of Chemical Education as a Co-Author, has an article in ChemEdX, and has presented twice and was published with the AACT. Anne has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, and an MA in Secondary Education and Teaching from Viterbo University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 958,776 times.

In an electromagnet, an electric current runs through a piece of metal and creates a magnetic field. To create a simple electromagnet, you'll need a source of electricity, a conductor, and metal. Wrap insulated copper wire tightly around an iron screw or nail before connecting the wire to a battery, and watch as your new electromagnet picks up small metal objects. Remember that you're creating electricity, so be careful when working with the electromagnet to ensure you don't hurt yourself.

Wrapping the Iron with Wire

Step 1 Choose an iron nail or screw as the core.

  • Position the wire so that it’s perpendicular to the iron core and at one end.
  • It's essential that the wire is wrapped in the same direction so the electricity flows in one direction. If you wrap the wire in different directions, the electricity will flow in different directions, and you won't create a magnetic field.
  • The more wire you use, the stronger the electrical current, so be careful and use caution when creating your magnet.

Step 6 Wrap the entire nail in wire.

Creating Conductible Ends

  • As you remove the insulation, the wire will turn from the copper color of the insulation to the natural silver color of the wire.
  • Curling the ends of the wires helps the battery maintain good contact with the wire.
  • Position one wire end at the negative end of the battery and the other wire end at the positive end of the battery.
  • If the battery becomes hot, use a small towel to hold the wires to the battery.
  • When you're finished using the magnet, detach the wire ends from the battery.

Increasing the Magnet's Power

Step 1 Use a power pack instead of a single battery for more power.

  • Do a little research before picking out a larger battery pack to be sure you're picking one that's safe and will work.
  • The wire ends go where the positive and negative terminals are, and you can use tape to attach the wires to each end.

Step 2 Find a larger piece of metal to create a stronger magnetic field.

  • Wrap the wire tightly around the metal so that the electrical current conducts well.
  • If you're using a larger piece of metal, it's only necessary to wrap the strand of metal with one layer of wire for safety reasons.
  • Use electrical tape to connect the wires to each end of the battery.

Step 3 Add more wraps of wire to form a stronger magnet.

  • Use the small piece of iron for this, such as a nail, screw, or bolt.
  • Wrap the wire in a single direction going around the piece of iron.
  • Tape the ends of the wires to the battery using duct tape or electrical tape.

Note that you can plug the copper wires into the power outlet. However, be sure to use the same amount of power as the magnet will use. For added efficiency, you can also plug it into a 15A outlet.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Never use high voltage electricity with a large amount of current, as it can electrocute you. Thanks Helpful 28 Not Helpful 8
  • Don't try to insert the wire into a plug that uses domestic power. Domestic power, found in households, uses alternating current and will not develop a magnetic field. Rather, this will conduct the electricity, making it at a high voltage and giving it a large current, which can produce a shock or burn, Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

Things You'll Need

  • Iron screw, bolt, or nail (other metals won't work)
  • Insulated copper wire
  • D-cell battery
  • Wire cutters
  • Sandpaper or razor
  • Metal objects (safety pins, paper clips, etc.)
  • Battery power pack (optional)
  • Larger piece of metal (optional)

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Anne Schmidt

To make an electromagnet, wrap several inches of copper wire around an iron nail, leaving 2-3 inches of wire loose on each end. Next, use wire strippers to remove some of the insulation from both ends of the wire. Then, connect the stripped ends of the wire to a D battery by wrapping one around the positive end and the other around the negative end. Then, check to see if your nail picks up metal objects! For more information on making your magnet more powerful, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Create an Electromagnet

Last Updated: September 15, 2021 Tested

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. The wikiHow Video Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 138,172 times.

An electromagnet is a classic science experiment often made in a classroom setting. The idea is to turn a common iron nail into a magnet with the help of copper wire and a battery. An electromagnet works by transferring electrons, which are subatomic particles that carry a negative charge, from the battery into the copper wire. When these electrons are flowing, they create a magnetic force around the nail. It allows the nail to function as a magnet, picking up small metallic objects like paper clips. [1] X Research source With a little patience and effort, you can make an electromagnetic battery of your own.

Preparing the Wire

Step 1 Gather your materials.

  • An iron nail that is 15 centimeters long
  • Three meters of 22 gauge insulated copper wire
  • At least one D-cell battery
  • A pair of wire strippers, which you can pick up at a local hardware store [2] X Research source
  • A rubber band [3] X Research source
  • Using your wire strippers, remove a few centimeters of insulation from each end of the wire. [4] X Research source
  • Wire clippers look like a pair of scissors with a hole cut out in the middle. You feed the wire through this hole and pull the clippers across the wire to strip the insulation. You should get a wire stripper that's small enough to strip a very small bit of copper wire. [5] X Research source
  • You should wrap the wire in one direction. This assures that electrons can flow through a wire in a way that creates a magnetic field. [7] X Research source
  • If the wire is wrapped in opposite directions, magnetic fields will fight against each other. They will end up canceling each other out. [8] X Research source

Connecting the Battery

  • It does not matter which end of the wire is connected to which end of the battery. It will work either way. [10] X Research source
  • If a rubber band is not holding the wires in place, you can use two pieces of masking tape instead.
  • If you want to increase the strength of your battery, increase the number of coils running around your nail. This will allow your electromagnet to pick up more objects. [12] X Research source

Taking Safety Precautions

Step 1 Use gloves when handling your magnet.

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An Electromagnetic Crane

Introduction: (initial observation).

Cranes with electromagnetic lift are also known as electromagnetic cranes. Such cranes are used widely in lifting and moving scrap metals. Even in production line of many products, electromagnetic lifts are used to lift and move metal objects. Electromagnets have special simplicity and many advantages to other lifting tools. They are faster and easier to work with.

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

In this project we will make a working model of an electromagnetic lift and electromagnetic crane.

Some of the benefits of this project are:

  • Gives us an understanding of electromagnetism and its application.
  • Help us learn mechanics and the application of levers, pivots, structures, etc.
  • We experiment designing and constructing
  • We learn manipulating materials and equipment effectively.

Dear This project guide contains information that you need in order to start your project. If you have any questions or need more support about this project, click on the “ Ask Question ” button on the top of this page to send me a message.

If you are new in doing science project, click on “ How to Start ” in the main page. There you will find helpful links that describe different types of science projects, scientific method, variables, hypothesis, graph, abstract and all other general basics that you need to know.

Project advisor

Information Gathering:

Find out about magnets, electromagnets and their applications (uses) in different machines and equipments. Read books, magazines or ask professionals who might know in order to learn about the factors affecting the strength of electromagnets.

Keep track of where you got your information from. The information you gather will form your background information.

Following are samples of information you may find:

History of Electromagnet: Then in 1820, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted reported that an electrical current passing through a wire deflected a nearby compass needle. His publication immediately set physicists to work on the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Directly after this announcement, the German scientist Johann Schweigger constructed his “multiplier,” or multi-turn coil, which greatly increased the magnetic power of an electrical circuit. Schweigger’s multiplier became the first accurate electrical measuring device–the galvanometer–and remains the basis for modern voltmeters and ammeters. About four years later, William Sturgeon in England invented the electromagnet, a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron wrapped with a loosely wound coil of several turns; the electromagnet became magnetized when a current passed through the coil, and de-magnetized when the current ceased. Sturgeon’s electromagnet, which could be regulated by closing and opening the circuit, converted electrical energy into useful and controllable mechanical work. The galvanometer and electromagnet soon became staples of the electrical laboratory and lecture hall.


An electromagnetic crane is based on the fundamentals of electromagnetism and shows a real life application of electromagnets.


Electromagnet: A magnet that is produced when a current carrying wire is wrapped several times around a metal object.

Work: The force required to move an object over a vertical distance.

Force: Something that can change the motion of an object. Think of it as a push or pull.

Magnetic Field: The area around a magnet where a magnetic force can be detected or felt. The Field is strongest around the North and South poles of the magnet.

Question/ Purpose:

What do you want to find out? Write a statement that describes what you want to do. Use your observations and questions to write the statement.

The purpose of this project is to learn about electromagnets and factors that affect their magnetic force.

The final goal of this project is to build the crane that will be able to lift the heaviest possible object.

Two possible questions that can be studied for the strength of electromagnet are:

  • How does the number of wire loops in the coil affect the strength of the electromagnet? (This will be the main question for this project. Identifying variables and hypothesis below are both based on this question)
  • How does the thickness of the wire used in the coil affect the strength of electromagnet? (This requires having insulated wires with same length and different thickness)

Identify Variables:

When you think you know what variables may be involved, think about ways to change one at a time. If you change more than one at a time, you will not know what variable is causing your observation. Sometimes variables are linked and work together to cause something. At first, try to choose variables that you think act independently of each other. The independent variable (also known as manipulated variable) is the number of loops of wire in the coil of an electromagnet.

The dependent variable (also known as responding variable) is the strength of the electromagnet. This can be measured and expressed by the mass or number of certain size metal pieces the electromagnet can lift.

Constants are the electricity source and voltage, the wire diameter, the core size and type.


Based on your gathered information, make an educated guess about what types of things affect the system you are working with. Identifying variables is necessary before you can make a hypothesis. Following is a sample hypothesis: As the number of wire loops wound on a coil increases, the strength of magnet will increase too. My hypothesis is based on my common sense and the electromagnets I have seen so far.

Experiment Design:

Design an experiment to test each hypothesis. Make a step-by-step list of what you will do to answer each question. This list is called an experimental procedure. For an experiment to give answers you can trust, it must have a “control.” A control is an additional experimental trial or run. It is a separate experiment, done exactly like the others. The only difference is that no experimental variables are changed. A control is a neutral “reference point” for comparison that allows you to see what changing a variable does by comparing it to not changing anything. Dependable controls are sometimes very hard to develop. They can be the hardest part of a project. Without a control you cannot be sure that changing the variable causes your observations. A series of experiments that includes a control is called a “controlled experiment.”


Introduction: In this experiment you will make three identical electromagnets with 3 different loop counts on their coils and then compare their strengths.

  • 3 – 3″ long bolts with nuts
  • about 100 feet magnet wire or any insulated solid copper wire size gauge 22
  • 1 – 6-volt battery known as lantern battery.

1. Wrap some masking tape or paper on the bolts where you want to wind the wire.

2. Number the bolts from 1 to 3

3. Leave about 2 feet from the beginning of the wire and start winding 100 turns of wire on the bolt number 1, then leave another 2 feet and cut the wire.

4. Wrap some tape on the coil so it does not unwind. Optionally twist the two hanging pieces together to make them more manageable.

If you don’t have access to 3″ bolts, you may use a large nail instead.

5. Remove insulation from both ends of the wire so they will be ready for connection to the battery.

6. Repeat the steps 3 to five with the two remaining bolts; however, wind 200 turns of wire on bolt number 2 and 300 turns of wire on bolt number 3.

7. Get an assistant to help you in the testing step. For each of the three electromagnets you have made, your assistant must connect the two ends of the wire to the poles of a 6 volt battery while you use the electromagnet to lift some small nails. Count or weigh the number of small nails and record that in your data table.

8. After testing the electromagnets 1, 2 and 3, go back and repeat your tests (at the same order) two more times.

9. Calculate the average weight of nails or the average number of nails each electromagnet could lift.

Warning: Do not keep the electromagnets connected to the battery for a long time. This can cause heating up the wires and discharging the battery. Limit each test to about 10 seconds.

Your data table may look like this:

1 100
2 200
3 300

The strength is the mass of small nails (in grams) each electromagnet can lift. If you don’t have access to a small scale, the strength will be expressed as the number of small nails each electromagnet can lift.

The strongest electromagnet you have made may be hanged on a wooden crane to form the electromagnetic crane described below.

Activity: Make an electromagnetic crane

Click Here to see a simple, step by step procedure for constructing an electromagnetic crane.

Construction Details

The exact dimensions of each of the parts will depend upon the material available to you and the specific design that you prepare. The components which make up the crane are shown in the following sketches. Yours can be different based on the material you have access to. Try to use your own ideas and make changes as needed.

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

Points to consider

  • The angle of the jib can be varied by turning the pulley and varying the length of cord wound on the pulley. Similarly, the height of the magnet can be varied by turning the second pulley. (Jib=The arm of a mechanical crane)
  • The crane can be rotated by turning the tower on the base.
  • Experiment lifting different objects, varying the load for fixed positions of the jib. This would lead to an observation that light loads can be lifted with the jib almost horizontal while to lift heavy loads the jib must be getting closer to the vertical position.
  • You may observe that to lift heavier loads a stronger magnet is required which can lead on to an electric circuits project to investigate the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, and also energy and power for your future projects.

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

Materials and Equipment:

Materials needed are as follows:

1. Wood indifferent shapes and sizes depending on your design and availability. 2. Nails 3. Screws 4. Bolts and nuts 5. Large nail 6. Hinge and other metal parts (From hardware store) 7. Thermostat wire (Insulated Solid wire #24, about 50 feet) 8. Other insulated solid wires with different thickness for test only (15 feet of each) 9. Knife switch, any other simple switch (optional) 10. 6 Volt battery (Known as lantern battery) 11. Empty spool

Results of Experiment (Observation):

Experiments are often done in series. A series of experiments can be done by changing one variable a different amount each time. A series of experiments is made up of separate experimental “runs.” During each run you make a measurement of how much the variable affected the system under study. For each run, a different amount of change in the variable is used. This produces a different amount of response in the system. You measure this response, or record data, in a table for this purpose. This is considered “raw data” since it has not been processed or interpreted yet. When raw data gets processed mathematically, for example, it becomes results.


No calculation is required for this project, however if you do any calculations, you must write them in your reports. Among the calculations that you might do is to see the lift power of your electromagnet for two different battery voltages (1.5 volts and 3 volts) and then use these numbers to calculate how much will the lift power be with a 6 volts battery. Similar calculations can be done for the number of wire loops in your electromagnet.

Summery of Results:

Summarize what happened. This can be in the form of a table of processed numerical data, or graphs. It could also be a written statement of what occurred during experiments.

It is from calculations using recorded data that tables and graphs are made. Studying tables and graphs, we can see trends that tell us how different variables cause our observations. Based on these trends, we can draw conclusions about the system under study. These conclusions help us confirm or deny our original hypothesis. Often, mathematical equations can be made from graphs. These equations allow us to predict how a change will affect the system without the need to do additional experiments. Advanced levels of experimental science rely heavily on graphical and mathematical analysis of data. At this level, science becomes even more interesting and powerful.


Using the trends in your experimental data and your experimental observations, try to answer your original questions. Is your hypothesis correct? Now is the time to pull together what happened, and assess the experiments you did.

Related Questions & Answers:

What you have learned may allow you to answer other questions. Many questions are related. Several new questions may have occurred to you while doing experiments. You may now be able to understand or verify things that you discovered when gathering information for the project. Questions lead to more questions, which lead to additional hypothesis that need to be tested.

What is an ELECTROMAGNET? A magnet that is produced when a wire carrying electricity is wrapped several times around a metal object such as nail.

What is a FORCE? It is something that can change the motion of an object.

What is WORK? It is the force required to move an object over a vertical, or up and down distance.

What is a MAGNETIC FIELD? The area around a magnet where a magnetic force can be detected or felt. The Field is strongest around the North and South poles of the magnet.

Where are electromagnets used?

Electromagnets are used in many things like telephones, televisions, radios, and microphones.

How an Electromagnet Works?

An ELECTROMAGNET is a magnet that is produced when a wire carrying electricity is wrapped around a METAL surface. All wires carrying electricity have a MAGNETIC FIELD around them, but it is very weak. By wrapping the wire around the METAL surface, the MAGNETIC FIELD is concentrated in one area and is stronger.

How can an Electromagnet do work?

In order for work to be done, an object must be moved over a vertical, or up and down distance. An electromagnet can pick up metal objects using a magnetic FORCE. This force can be used to do WORK.

Possible Errors:

If you did not observe anything different than what happened with your control, the variable you changed may not affect the system you are investigating. If you did not observe a consistent, reproducible trend in your series of experimental runs there may be experimental errors affecting your results. The first thing to check is how you are making your measurements. Is the measurement method questionable or unreliable? Maybe you are reading a scale incorrectly, or maybe the measuring instrument is working erratically.

If you determine that experimental errors are influencing your results, carefully rethink the design of your experiments. Review each step of the procedure to find sources of potential errors. If possible, have a scientist review the procedure with you. Sometimes the designer of an experiment can miss the obvious.


Visit your local library and find books or articles about electromagnets and their applications. You may also find books about cranes. Review such books for additional information that you may need. Include the books and articles that you review in your bibliography or references.

Following are some web resources:

  • Electromagnet (
  • Electromagnet (
  • Electromagnet devices and inventions
  • History of Electromagnet

hypothesis of making an electromagnet

It is always important for students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science related equipment and supplies they need for their science activities. Please note that many online stores for science supplies are managed by MiniScience.


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Science Project

Science Fun

Science Fun

Make An Electromagnetic Train Electricity Science Experiment

This is a great science experiment that explores electricity and magnetism and results in an impressive and fun “train” that rips around its track using electromagnetism.

  • Roll of 18 gauge copper wire
  • Wire cutters
  • AAA Battery
  • Round neodymium magnets that are about the same diameter as an AAA battery


  • Put two to four magnets on each end of your AAA battery. The magnets needs to be placed against the battery with the magnet poles facing the opposite direction of those of the battery.
  • Next, wrap the copper wire around the AA battery. Make your track nice and long before you cut off the excess. Your track will look like a long slinky or spring. 
  • Place the ‘train’ inside the track and watch it go!


How it Works:

When the magnets are placed on the ends of the battery, a bar magnet is essentially created with a North and South pole. When the “train” is placed inside the copper coils, an electrical current flows through the coils and a magnetic field is created around the train. The North and South poles of this magnetic field push the train along the track. 

Make This A Science Project:

Test different sized batteries. Test different gauges of copper wire. Add additional magnets to the train. Test different lengths of track to see how far your train can travel. 

Note: Batteries drain quickly during this experiment. Keep this in mind when compiling your observations and make sure you are using fresh batteries when making comparisons. 



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  1. The Strength of an Electromagnet

    If an electromagnet consists only of coiled wire (if it has nothing but air in its middle) then the magnet will not be very strong. But if you place a piece of iron in the middle of the coil—an iron bolt, for example—then the piece of iron, called the core of the electromagnet, will make the magnetic field much stronger. This is because iron is ferromagnetic.

  2. Making an electromagnet

    Electromagnets are magnets that are generated by electric fields. They have the advantage over regular magnets in that they can be switched on and off. Electromagnets can be created by wrapping a wire around an iron nail and running current through the wire. The electric field in the wire coil creates a magnetic field around the nail.

  3. Electromagnet

    A simple electromagnet consisting of a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core. A core of ferromagnetic material like iron serves to increase the magnetic field created. [1] The strength of the magnetic field generated is proportional to the amount of current through the winding. [1] Magnetic field produced by a solenoid (coil of wire). This drawing shows a cross-section through the center of ...

  4. Hands-on Activity Creating an Electromagnet

    With the Students: Building an Electromagnet. Make sure each student pair has the following materials: 1 nail, 2 feet (.6 m) of insulated wire, 1 D-cell battery, several paperclips (or tacks or pins) and a rubber band. Wrap the wire around a nail at least 20 times (see Figure 4).

  5. Factors Affecting the Strength of Electromagnets

    Experiment 1: Make a simple electromagnet. In this experiment you will make a simple electromagnet and then use a compass to identify the north and south poles of your electromagnet. Materials: Materials for this experiment include: Large Iron nail (such as 10d 3″) 30 feet magnet wire 28 AWG.

  6. How to Make an Electromagnet

    Remove the coil from the pencil. Attach one end of the wire to the positive terminal of the AA battery using tape. Attach the other end of the wire to the negative terminal of the battery using tape. Test the electromagnet by bringing it close to paper clips or small metal objects.

  7. Electromagnetic Induction Experiment

    Procedure. Cut a long length of wire and attached one end to the positive output of the toggle switch. Twist the wire at least 50 times around the nail to create a solenoid. Once the wire has covered the nail, tape the wire to the negative terminal of the 12V battery. Cut a short piece of wire to connect the positive terminal of the battery to ...

  8. Intro Lab

    Electromagnet construction . Instructions. Step 1: Wrap a single layer of electrical tape around the steel bar (or bolt or mail) to protect the wire from abrasion. Step 2: Proceed to wrap several hundred turns of wire around the steel bar, making the coil as even as possible. It is okay to overlap wire, and it is okay to wrap in the same style ...

  9. What Factors Affect the Strength of an Electromagnet?

    Lesson Plan Variations. Purchase additional battery holders and let students explore how combining multiple batteries in series or parallel affects the strength of the electromagnet. Purchase wire with different diameters and let students explore how wire diameter affects the strength of the magnet. Electromagnets are a critical part of speakers.

  10. PDF Make an Electromagnet

    Make an Electromagnet Name: Problem #2: Voltage Testable Question: Does changing the voltage supply change the strength of an electromagnet? Hypothesis: Use the background information provided by your teacher or on this worksheet to make a hypothesis (Check one): _____ Changing the voltage supply will not change the strength of the electromagnet.

  11. Create and Electromagnet

    Hypothesis 2: If you increase the number of size of the nail, the magnet will be stronger. Results. 3. Hypothesis 3: If you increase the size of the battery (or add another battery), the magnet will be stronger. Results: Electromagnet Examples - Built by Students

  12. How to Make an Electromagnet: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    To make an electromagnet, wrap several inches of copper wire around an iron nail, leaving 2-3 inches of wire loose on each end. Next, use wire strippers to remove some of the insulation from both ends of the wire. Then, connect the stripped ends of the wire to a D battery by wrapping one around the positive end and the other around the negative ...

  13. 3 Ways to Create an Electromagnet

    3. Disconnect the wires when you're done with your magnet. You should not leave an electromagnet plugged in for long when it's not in use. For one, the battery can drain the magnet swiftly. Also, once again, heat is a concern. Once you're done playing with your magnet, disassemble it.

  14. 8 Experiments to Teach Electromagnetism

    5. Use a Reed Switch. In the Build a Reed Switch Motor project, students build a simple direct current (DC) motor using an electromagnet and a reed switch and then experiment to explore the effect of voltage on motor speed. The voltage in a DC motor doesn't alternate with time (the way alternating current (AC) does).

  15. PDF MACHINES Strength of Electromagnets

    Hypothesis: In this activity, you will find out how many staples different electromagnets can pick up. You will change two variables to make different electromagnets: the number of wire coils around the nail (10 or 20) and the number of D cell batteries (1 or 2). With your group, discuss what you think will happen. For each variable,

  16. How to Make An Electromagnet

    Items to Test (both Non-Magnetic & Magnetic materials) Step by Step Approach to Making an Electromagnet at Home. Cut a copper wire for about 1 -2 foot long. If the wire has insulation, use wire strippers to remove it to expose the copper conductor. Leave about 3 to 4 inches of wire and then start wrapping the wire around the nail.

  17. An Electromagnetic Crane

    In this project we will make a working model of an electromagnetic lift and electromagnetic crane. Some of the benefits of this project are: Gives us an understanding of electromagnetism and its application. Help us learn mechanics and the application of levers, pivots, structures, etc. We experiment designing and constructing.

  18. Build a Simple Electric Motor!

    An electric motor uses the attracting and repelling properties of magnets to create motion. An electric motor contains two magnets; in this science project, you will use a permanent magnet (also called a fixed or static magnet) and a temporary magnet. The temporary magnet is also called an electromagnet.A permanent magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field (a north pole and a south pole) all ...

  19. Make An Electromagnetic Train Electricity Science Experiment

    This is a great science experiment that explores electricity and magnetism and results in an impressive and fun "train" that rips around its track using electromagnetism. Materials: Roll of 18 gauge copper wire Wire cutters AAA Battery AA Battery Round neodymium magnets that are about the same diameter as an AAA battery Instructions: Put two to four magnets on each end of your AAA battery. The ...