174 Performance Feedback Examples (Reliability, Integrity, Problem Solving)

By Editorial Team on June 18, 2022 — 13 minutes to read

  • Performance Feedback Phrases for Problem Solving Part 1
  • Performance Feedback Phrases for Reliability Part 2
  • Performance Feedback Phrases for Ethics Part 3
  • Performance Review Examples: Additional Resources Part 4

Performance feedback is a critical part of any organization. It helps managers assess the effectiveness of their employees and identify areas for improvement. The purpose of performance feedback is to help the employee improve their skills and work better in the future.

In this article you will find performance review examples for the following skills:

  • Problem Solving and Decision Making The performance review assesses an employee’s ability to analyze complex problems, evaluate options, and make sound decisions within a reasonable timeframe. Looks at how well they troubleshoot issues.
  • Reliability and Dependability The performance review evaluates how consistent an employee is in completing responsibilities on time and meeting expectations. Considers aspects like attendance, punctuality, follow-through, and ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Integrity and Ethics The performance review evaluates an employee’s character and ethics. Looks at trustworthiness, honesty, respect for company policies/procedures, maintaining confidentiality, treating others fairly, and conducting themselves professionally.

Each section below contains positive (“Meets or Exceeds Expectations”) and negative (“Below Expectations”) examples for the skills listed above. If you are looking for more performance review examples and phrases for different skills, check our main article here (click to open 2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List)

Part 1 Problem Solving and Decision Making

Meets or exceeds expectations.

✓ He is a person with good decision-making skills and can make sound fact based judgements.

✓ He is able to work out multiple alternative solutions and determine the most suitable choice.

✓ He is objective in considering facts or situations.

✓ He doesn’t allow individual emotions or feelings influence decisions.

✓ He is decisive in difficult situations.

✓ He is supportive and encourages others to work with him.

✓ He is skilled at analyzing any situation and working out a solution.

✓ He always defines a problem clearly and seeks out alternative solutions.

✓ He always thinks twice before making his decision.

✓ He consistently updates colleagues on what is going on within the company.

✓ He is prepared to tackle complex situations and always develops suitable solutions to offer to the managers.

✓ He always understands problem thoroughly and tries to find different solutions.

✓ He only makes a decision after considering it carefully.

✓ He provides the latest information relating to his job to everyone.

✓ He does not mind facing complicated situations and always finds appropriate solutions to offer.

✓ He is objective when considering a fact or situation.

✓ He is firm to not let the individual emotion and feeling affect on the made decision.

✓ He is able to make sound fact-based judgments.

✓ He is able to analyze any problem and find the best solution to any problem.

✓ He always analyzes an issue carefully and then looks for different ways to resolve that issue.

✓ He is ready to deal with complicated consequences. He has ability to find the most suitable solutions to submit to management.

✓ He thinks through potential resolutions to problems before making a rash judgment.

✓ He keeps management apprised of ongoing problems or issues that occur within the department.

✓ He is not afraid to respond to complex issues and provide recommendations to all levels of management.

✓ He is able to successfully analyze a problem and find an appropriate resolution.

✓ He clearly explains the problem and offers the users several different resolution options.

✓ His investigative skills has provided a key resource for a team focused on solving glitches. His ability to quickly assess a problem and identify potential solutions is key to his excellent performance.

✓ He examines a problem and quickly identifies potential solutions. He recommends the most suitable solution.

✓ He understands the testing process and how to discover a solution to a particular problem.

✓ He is one of the more technical employees we have on staff. He can quickly analyze a situation and discover practical solutions.

✓ He is adept at discovering potential solutions for problems.

Below Expectations

✗ He is too hesitant to make a decision.

✗ He applies overly complex and impractical approaches to solving problems.

✗ He fails to make short-lists of solutions recommended by direct units.

✗ He is often paralyzed and confused when facing tight deadlines to make decisions.

✗ He makes too many complaints about the content of the job.

✗ He tends to apply a narrow and rushed decision-making approach.

✗ He avoid conflicts at work in relation to the decision making process.

✗ He struggles to work out a solution to any difficult problem.

✗ He is uncomfortable when faced with any awkward problem.

✗ He easily loses focus when facing a complex situation.

✗ He fails to provide managers with the necessary information when a problem arises.

✗ He repeats his mistakes over and over again. He doesn’t know how to learn from failure.

✗ He is unable to find out a solution when facing a complicated situation.

✗ He cannot give managers the requisite information when an issue occurs.

✗ He makes mistakes again and again. John needs to learn the appropriate lessons from failure.

✗ He has difficulty coming up with resolution to difficult problems.

✗ He relies on others in heated situations.

✗ He loses his focus when problems arise.

✗ He is poor at communicating a problem’s status before it becomes a crisis.

✗ He can offer potential solutions to a problem but struggles to identify the best solution.

✗ She lacks the skill to analyze a problem to discuss the core issues.

✗ He resists further training in problem solving. He believes he is proficient, yet he is lacking in many areas.

✗ It is his responsibility, in his role, to solve problems. He seems slow and indecisive when presented with a major issue.

✗ He finds it hard to look for a solution to a difficult situation.

✗ He is impossible to submit needed information to the managers when he faces a complex situation.

Related: Problem Solving Skills: Performance Review Examples (1 – 5)

Part 2 Reliability and Dependability

✓ He is the go-to person if the task absolutely must be completed by a given time.

✓ He shows that he is a positive person who is willing to do whatever it takes to help.

✓ He is an important member of our team and will finish the task when it is required.

✓ He is willing to work overtime until the project is finished.

✓ He never fails to impress by performing well each day. We depend on him.

✓ He always finishes the jobs faithfully, He performs at or above all our expectations.

✓ He is loyal and trustworthy.

✓ He is one of our hardest workers. He demonstrates that he cares about his job, his coworkers, and the company.

✓ He consistently impresses us with her willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

✓ He is a very reliable employee.

✓ He is dependable and turns in good performance each day. He never fails to impress.

✓ He shows faithful commitment to getting the job done. He consistently performs at or above expectations.

✓ When we have a task that must be done, we turn to him. He has our trust because he’s proven he can get the job done.

✓ He is known for his dependability and willingness to do what it takes.

✓ He is willing to get her hands dirty with his employees to ensure the job gets completed on time.

✓ There are many times we have tasks that absolutely must be completed by a given time. He can be relied upon to get the task accomplished on time.

✓ He has been a reliable and valued member of team. His commitment to punctuality and attendance has contributed greatly to our team’s overall success.

✓ He displays exceptional performance day after day.

✓ He keeps his word under all circumstances.

✓ He does everything possible to maintain a strong and steady performance in all circumstances.

✓ He is unfazed by any obstacles, pressures or demands that would justifiably derail others.

✓ He can be counted on to give 100 percent under all circumstances.

✓ He keeps to his commitments and works with fellow employees to help them keep to theirs.

✓ He automatically works extra hours if that’s what it takes to get the job done right.

✓ He can be counted upon for steady performance.

✓ He consistently demonstrates solid performance in all aspects of his work.

✓ He handles projects conscientiously from start to finish.

✓ He is an asset to our team. If it needs to to completed, he will finish it.

✗ We cannot depend on him. If a task must be completed it is better assigned to someone else.

✗ He does not demonstrate a willingness to complete the job.

✗ He is never willing work overtime even if the jobs requires it.

✗ He shows no willingness to do what it takes to get the job done, especially in this economy.

✗ His reliability is in doubt. His work results are often poor and must be checked frequently.

✗ He tends to leave work for others to do; while most of his coworkers are willing to work late to finish the project.

✗ His productivity is not as good as that of his coworkers.

✗ He is very loyal but he cannot be depended on. He is an irresponsible person.

✗ He is usually reliable in his work, but there have been a few incidents where this was not the case.

✗ He is very loyal guy, but cannot be depended on.

✗ We need people who are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He is not one of those people.

✗ He does not demonstrate a concern for others perception of him or his job performance.

✗ His results are not as consistent as those of her coworkers.

✗ He is not reliable for his effort and does not demonstrate a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job accomplished.

✗ He does not show a willingness to help his employees out even when production is behind. Since being promoted to supervisor, he has taken a hands off approach to the detriment of her team.

✗ He demands reliability from others, but not from himself.

✗ He has energy, drive, and performance levels that are inconsistent and unpredictable.

✗ He talks about deliverables, but does not consistently deliver.

✗ He disappoints employees who depend on him.

✗ He makes promises that he doesn’t keep.

✗ He guarantees that deadlines will be met, but consistently misses them.

✗ He is reliable when it suits him, he constantly needs to be reminded to do tasks he does not enjoy.

Related: Reliability: Performance Review Examples (1 – 5) and Dependability: Performance Review Examples (1 – 5)

Part 3 Integrity and Ethics

✓ He is very punctual and values the time of her colleagues and business partners. He has never been late to business meetings.

✓ He is a very honest person. He never abuses any company benefits for personal purposes.

✓ He is highly principled. He is a good manager who treats all employees equally, regardless of gender, age or any other factor.

✓ He has the ability to resolve disputes with clients and partners peacefully.

✓ He discourages gossip or other negative discourse at the workplace. He forms a good working climate.

✓ He is well-mannered and never criticizes his colleagues when they do something incorrectly. He helps to remedy the situation instead.

✓ He always complies with the dress code. His conduct is as proper and formal as his appearance.

✓ He is a skilled negotiator who follows corporate rules and studied techniques. His negotiation skills have had a positive impact on his career development.

✓ He has developed an effective system of encouraging and criticizing of her employees. His people-management is respected by the working community.

✓ He is one of the most moral employees. His firm stand on principles and ethics is to be commended.

✓ He follows all company policies. He abides by both the letter and the spirit of the rules.

✓ He is highly trustworthy. He shows high ideals about how he believes those around him should behave.

✓ He is someone we expect a lot out of and he consistently delivers. His daily work ethic is a standard which others should follow.

✓ He understands his legal responsibility to the company very well.

✓ His high standards of ethics are shown through all of his work on a daily basis.

✓ He maintains the highest standards of personal integrity.

✓ He displays exemplary behavior in every aspect of his work.

✓ He is highly regarded for his integrity both within and outside the company.

✓ He Is a true embodiment of the company’s values regarding integrity.

✓ He sets the standard for integrity.

✓ He Identifies the most worthy steps and then follows them.

✓ He always opts for the reputable route when given a choice.

✓ He finds and implements commendable ways to handle any ethically challenging situation.

✓ His employees emulate the very high personal standards of integrity he sets.

✓ He consistently engages in meritorious behavior.

✓ He can be counted upon to act honorably in all situations.

✓ He fosters a climate of integrity in his department.

✓ He demonstrates the highest levels of integrity in all his dealings with employees.

✓ He always deals with customers with the highest levels of integrity.

✓ He has a strong sense of integrity that underlies all his dealings with vendors.

✓ He shows good intentions in all her workplace behaviors.

✓ He consistently takes the high road.

✓ He suitably counsels employees who engage in inappropriate behaviors.

✓ He has a strong sense of right and wrong. He consistently strives to do what’s right

✓ He maintains high standards of integrity across his department.

✓ He makes decisions that consistently reflect his strong commitment to acting reputably.

✓ He quickly dismisses less than exemplary options.

✗ He seems to be too focused on his appearance and following the dress code instead of working skills.

✗ His approach to respecting corporate ethics is too strict. The staff cannot show initiative in climate he has created.

✗ He is too restrained and does not encourage or compliment his personnel when he should.

✗ He fails to reprimand his employees even when they make serious mistakes in business negotiations.

✗ He goes into excessive details during business communications to make sure colleagues understands his point of view. It takes too much working time.

✗ His own high ethical approach and his faith in other people want to work ethically is often not justified.

✗ He values a mutually beneficial cooperation with his partners and maintains good relationships with them. He absolutely forgets about the necessary competitiveness, which is also important in business.

✗ He has created democratic and equal relationships with his employees but he should have been more demanding.

✗ He has occasionally made misleading statements that have needed to be corrected.

✗ He is often lax with regard to ethics in business dealings internationally. He must manage his employees to realize that international ethics must be more carefully considered.

✗ There are some accusations from customers that he been untruthful.

✗ He meets the letter of the law but frequently fails to respect the spirit as far as our ethics policy is concerned.

✗ Bending the rules is effectively breaking them in our line of work. He needs to be more cautious about sticking strictly to the rules as defined.

✗ He lets expedience take priority over integrity.

✗ He sets integrity aside when pursuing his goals.

✗ He tries to rationalize his less-than-meritorious behaviors.

✗ Integrity does not seem to rank particularly highly on his list of priorities.

✗ He always expects integrity from others, but doesn’t always display it himself.

✗ He demonstrates acceptable levels of integrity only intermittently.

✗ He has show several recent lapses in integrity.

✗ He violates company standards and expectations regarding employee integrity

✗ He has put the company at risk with his inappropriate actions.

✗ He engages in underhanded behaviors.

✗ Has taken actions that have caused his employees to question his integrity.

✗ He has generated complaints from customers because of issues with his integrity.

✗ He has been the cause of concern from vendors because of his integrity.

✗ He has cost the company customers and money because of his disingenuous behavior.

✗ He has engaged in questionable behaviors that have led to corporate embarrassment.

Related: Integrity: Performance Review Examples (1 – 5) and Ethics: Performance Review Examples (1 – 5)

Learn more:

How to Give Performance Feedback? Techniques and Examples (Positive, Negative, STAR Feedback)

How to Identify and Handle Employee Underperformance? 5 Proven Steps

How to Integrate an Effective Performance Management System?

More Performance Review Examples

Here you can find more performance review examples: click to open 2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List

  • How to Give Performance Feedback? Techniques and Examples (Star Feedback)
  • 30 Employee Feedback Examples (Positive & Negative)
  • 2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)
  • 169 Leadership Performance Review Examples for Management Style, Planning, Supervision
  • Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases (Examples)
  • 242 Performance Appraisal Examples (Creativity, Accountability, Customer Satisfaction)

Critical Thinking: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases

Critical Thinking: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce.

Critical Thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally while understanding the logical connection between ideas in a reflective and independent thinking.

Critical Thinking: Exceeds Expectations Phrases

  • Highly demonstrates assertive and decisive ability when finding solutions for problems.
  • Knows how to communicate ideas and issues easily in a very clear and concise manner.
  • Able to piece together elements and come up with proper deductions on issues.
  • Knows how to clarify problems and solutions easily so that other people can understand.
  • Evaluates ideas and opinions in an unbiased manner without favoritism.
  • Thinks through issues in a very logical manner that results in finding the best solution to a problem.
  • Demonstrates excellent problem-solving skills by accessing a problem and devising the best possible solution for it.
  • Takes in into consideration different and varied perspectives when solving problems.
  • Examines the implications and possible consequences to any particular action carefully.
  • Solves problems one by one so as not to mix up issues and ideas.

Critical Thinking: Meets Expectations Phrases

  • Uses strategic approachability and skill when it comes to solving issues.
  • Demonstrates well assertive and decisive ability when it comes to handling problems.
  • Tries to always consider all factors at play before deciding on a particular methods or way.
  • Gathers all the required facts and figures before starting to solve a particular problem.
  • Always seeks to ask questions as a form of finding a sound basis to solving a problem.
  • Not afraid to make mistakes and tries to find creative ways to handle any issue.
  • Looks at issues in different angles and not in a one-sided way.
  • Shows great flexibility when it comes to changing strategies and tact while dealing with different problems.
  • Questions regularly to find out if the decision taken will achieve the desired effect.
  • Always feels comfortable and confident when seeking help or advice whenever stuck on solving any issue.

Critical Thinking: Needs Improvement Phrases

  • Does not take the time to consider all factors available before making a decision carefully.
  • Looks at issues in a one-sided manner instead of having different varied ways of looking at it.
  • Finds it challenging to arrive at a concrete conclusion after undertaking any evaluation.
  • Not willing to do proper research and relies on outdated data and information.
  • Does not demonstrate a curious type of attitude to try to find out a little bit more on issues.
  • Not willing to accept corrections and take calculated risks when necessary.
  • Does not show enough willingness to try to improve the critical thinking skills.
  • Does not present ideas and points in a logical order or outline.
  • Looks at issues in a biased and unfair way by not evaluating all factors.
  • Not willing and inflexible to change tact or strategy when the initial plan fails to achieve the desired effect

Critical Thinking: Self Evaluation Questions

  • How well do you research and gather facts and information before solving an issue?
  • Give an instance you hurriedly made a decision without thinking it through and what was the result?
  • Elaborate on a given occasion that you made the best decision. How did you feel about it?
  • How well do you consider all the factors available before making your decision?
  • Do you get to appreciate and learn from your mistakes and how do you deal with making wrong decisions?
  • Do you always try to inquire further, what could be the missing elements that could achieve a positive outcome?
  • How well do you consider having a concrete conclusion when presenting your ideas?
  • When expressing your ideas do you deliver them in a logical manner?
  • Do you usually look at issues in a one-sided manner or at different angles?
  • How flexible are you when it comes to trying different ways of solving problems other than the intended way.

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55 Effective Performance Review Phrases to Use — and Which Ones to Avoid

problem solving skills for performance review

Finding the right words can be challenging — especially when it comes to performance reviews . Managers have to strike the delicate balance between acknowledging successes and giving constructive feedback on areas of improvement.

In this guide, you’ll find best practice examples of performance review phrases, broken down by common themes seen in employee performance reviews. Think of this as a series of templates — they’re generic phrases that you can build on to reflect individual employee traits and overall performance by adding in your own specific examples.


People’s communication and interpersonal skills can vary widely, so it’s important to specifically highlight how an employee’s ability to communicate supports their success in their role — whether by deepening relationships with team members, managing difficult customers, or providing clear direction and constructive feedback to direct reports.

When evaluating employees on communication skills , make sure you consider their ability to promote clarity, specificity, and collaboration.

Positive Feedback Examples for Communication

  • Often asks for immediate feedback to clarify and ensure understanding.
  • Regularly asks well-prepared or thoughtfully composed questions.
  • Quick to ask follow-up questions that pinpoint misunderstanding or a lack of foresight.
  • Comfortable saying, “I’m not sure. Can I get back to you?“
  • Asks others for their opinions and makes coworkers feel comfortable contributing.
  • Collaborates cross-functionally and builds strong working relationships with other internal departments.
  • Promotes cooperation, communication, and collaboration by sharing their own knowledge and inviting others to do the same.
  • Explicitly communicates expectations, metrics, objectives, and key results to team members and direct reports.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Communication

  • Can be verbose, which makes it difficult for them to communicate a clear message.
  • Exhibits difficulty breaking down complex issues into manageable parts.
  • Is unwilling to commit their staff’s resources to other departments when asked.
  • Forgets to include key stakeholders when sharing information with cross-functional teams.
  • Is quick to share negative feedback without considering the recipient’s sensitivity.

 a user's view of feedback given to and received by an employee in Lattice. 

Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration skills are essential for a high-performance and employee engagement. Good team relationships not only increase job satisfaction and psychological safety for the individual, but they also make the whole team perform better too, supporting greater knowledge sharing and innovation .

“When an employee makes their coworkers’ work better, they’re bringing value to your company as a whole,” said ‍ Daivat Dholakia , Director of Operations at Force by Mojio , a GPS fleet-tracking app.

Positive Feedback Examples for Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Elevates their team’s performance and productivity by [include one to two specific examples].
  • Promotes collaboration on teams and encourages participation from individual members.
  • Builds effective teams by helping team members play to their strengths.
  • Fosters a sense of unity on teams, which encourages individual buy-in and helps the group reach its common goal.
  • Insists on mutually respectful dialogue when resolving interpersonal problems or challenges .
  • Provides positive affirmation and encouragement to balance constructive criticism.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Fails to provide emotional encouragement or hands-on support to struggling members of the team.
  • Discourages coworkers from volunteering ideas by interrupting others in team meetings.
  • Responds aggressively when their authority is challenged.
  • Takes individual credit for team success instead of crediting others for their contributions.

Goal Achievement

Evaluating how well employees have set and met their goals is a core part of the performance review process. As much as possible, managers need to tie what employees did to its outcome on the business. Linking the two clarifies to employees how their actions are helping advance the organization’s goals and agenda .

“I like to use phrases that home in on key positive traits of the employee that are benefitting our business, then back them up with specific examples,” said Ravi Parikh , CEO of RoverPass , a SaaS company that helps individuals book campsites. “If I can tie it to a clear outcome, I do.” Parikh offered this phrasing as an example: “Your implementation of chatbots on our websites contributed to a 21% rise in online sales this past year.”

Positive Feedback Examples for Goal Achievement

  • Improved communication by [include one to three specific examples].
  • Improved our service and/or production of X item or X service by Y%.
  • Led X project that resulted in higher-than-expected profits in Y quarter.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Goal Achievement

  • Has consistently struggled to achieve OKRs over the last X quarters.
  • Often reports a lack of necessary resources to perform their job description adequately.
  • Has trouble setting measurable goals that align with company strategic objectives.

Creativity, Problem-Solving, and Critical Thinking

Evaluating your employees’ creativity and problem-solving skills during the performance appraisal process means considering how they generate ideas, approach new challenges, and use their problem-solving ability to complete tasks. 

“[It’s important to] acknowledge an individual who develops creative strategies and seeks creative solutions to challenging obstacles,” said Lori Rassas , SPHR-certified employment attorney and author of It’s About You, Too: How to Manage Employee Resistance to Your Diversity Initiatives and Improve Workplace Culture and Profitability . “You want to be sure to acknowledge those who carefully evaluated the pros and cons of challenging decisions and excelled in seeking solutions.”

Positive Feedback Examples for Creativity, Problem-Solving, and Critical Thinking

  • Identifies new approaches to complex problems or obstacles.
  • Translates creative ideas into practical application to solve everyday issues.
  • Analyzes possible barriers and bottlenecks to reduce delays.
  • Resolved long-standing X problem with the creative workaround of Y.
  • Understands when to take creative risks and when to stick with more conventional solutions.
  • Drives creativity across the team by seeking out different perspectives and embracing experimentation.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Creativity, Problem-Solving, and Critical Thinking

  • Struggles to adjust their quality of work in the face of a client’s changing needs.
  • Unwilling to explore the creative ideas of peers.
  • Struggles to see the patterns in recurring issues.

Flexibility and Adaptability

During times of change — like a merger or acquisition , layoff, or economic instability — adaptability is vital for keeping your employees motivated, engaged, and performing at their best. It’s what helps your people adjust quickly to a new work environment, maintain their work ethic during trying times, or proactively learn new skills to help them overcome new challenges. 

Positive Feedback Examples for Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Shows a positive attitude when the team has to pivot quickly.
  • Maintains composure when faced with stressful or unexpected situations.
  • Quickly adapts to a new action plan when plans change or unexpected issues arise.
  • Proactively focuses on professional development to accomplish new tasks or team goals.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Unwilling or unable to listen to others’ points of view.
  • Becomes frustrated and unfocused when faced with unexpected challenges.
  • Resists implementing new company policies or programs in their day-to-day work.

Time Management and Dependability

Time management skills and dependability are a key component of a well-oiled, productive team. When evaluating this skill in performance reviews, it’s important to consider how well your employees manage their time in their individual tasks, as well as how this impacts the wider team’s goal accomplishment and employee engagement. 

Positive Feedback Examples for Time Management and Dependability

  • Meets deadlines and delivers high-quality work on time.
  • Demonstrated excellent task prioritization and project management skills when working on X project with Y team.
  • Communicates in a timely manner when extra time is needed to complete a project.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Time Management and Dependability

  • Appears to find time management difficult when working on specific tasks, including X and Y.
  • Struggles with onsite punctuality when required.
  • Struggles to manage time effectively when required to deliver under pressure.

Leadership and Management

Leadership and management isn’t just about evaluating how well your leaders lead. Instead, it’s just as much a chance to see how readily your individual contributors will support and mentor their colleagues, show initiative with decision-making, and take the wheel on team projects or company-wide initiatives. 

Positive Feedback Examples for Leadership and Management

  • Demonstrates willingness to lead the onboarding process for new employees to the team.
  • Founded and led a company-wide ERG.
  • Mentors junior employees to help their professional development in X skill.
  • Takes charge when required in group projects.

Constructive Feedback Examples for Leadership and Management

  • Struggles with effective decision-making when leading a team project.
  • Shows an unwillingness to participate in company mentorship program for junior employees.
  • Can appear unsupportive or unhelpful when colleagues need help or advice.

3 Things to Avoid When Writing Performance Reviews

Getting the words right in a performance review means your employees have clear, specific information on what they’ve done well, what they need to improve, and critically, how they can get there. But beyond saying the right things, there are a few key rules of thumb when it comes to what to avoid saying in a performance review.

1. Don’t be vague.

You’d be surprised how often ambiguous wording slips into our written and verbal communication. This is even more true in business settings — we’re at greater risk of speaking or writing in vague terms because using jargon or clichés is so common.

Dholakia said this is why he avoids the term ‘team player,’ for instance: “It’s a meaningless term that doesn’t say anything concrete or specific about how the employee collaborates with others.”

For greater clarity and specificity during performance reviews, avoid business jargon, acronyms, or team-specific cultural references that might confuse a team member. Instead, opt for simple sentences and specific details that clearly point to next steps.

a user's view of writing performance feedback in lattice.

2. Avoid absolutes.

Use words like ‘always’ and ‘never’ sparingly, if at all. It’s rarely accurate that an employee always or never does something. If an employee is often late to work, avoid saying,“You’re always late” or, “You’re never punctual.” Rebecca Southern Mills , HR consultant and founder of Simplecated , said managers should provide more accurate and specific feedback, like, “You’ve been late to work at least twice a week for the last six months.”

3. Skip surprises.

Because managers and their direct reports should have open communication and exchange regular feedback , “nothing in a performance review should ever come as a surprise to a team member,” said Arron Grow, PhD , CEO at management consulting firm AP Grow and author of How to Not Suck As a Manager .

Great managers ensure employees know how they are performing, and whether they are exceeding expectations or not. “If something needs to be said to help a team member improve, have that conversation (or two) long before the performance review,” Grow advised. “Surprises are great for holidays and birthdays, but not for performance reviews.”

Performance Reviews Are Just One Piece of Performance Management

Words matter — and finding the words and phrases to accurately describe employee performance can be tough. But remember, even if you provide the most incisive, accurate, and motivational performance review, doing so in a vacuum absent of other feedback won’t get you far. 

To be effective, performance reviews must exist within the ecosystem of greater performance management , which includes mid-year and annual reviews , but also regular check-ins, like one-on-ones ; affirmations, like sharing everyday praise ; and a consistent culture of feedback .

‍Balancing all of these essential feedback processes requires you to match the specificity and clarity of your feedback with compassion, sensitivity, and empathy so that your employees feel recognized for their successes , understand their opportunities for growth and development , and understand what to do next to perform at their best.

While this might seem like a tall order, Lattice is here to help. If you’re a manager, download our free workbook, Preparing for Performance Reviews as a First-Time Manager . And if you’re an HR leader looking to enable your managers, request a demo to see our continuous feedback features in action.

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100 Performance Review Example Phrases & Comments for 2024 [Free PDF]

Effective performance management forms the backbone of a successful organization. A critical element of this process is the provision of feedback during performance reviews, which directly influences an employee's productivity, job satisfaction, and professional growth.

Specific and personal feedback plays a pivotal role in this scenario. It assists in clearly displaying what an employee is doing well and where they can improve, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Using specific feedback prevents misunderstandings that can arise from vague or generalized statements. When the phrases that are used in performance reviews are specific, they pinpoint exact areas of strength or weakness, which helps employees understand their performance comprehensively. For example, rather than saying "you need to improve your communication," saying "you need to provide more timely responses to internal emails" offers a clear path towards improvement.

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Personalized feedback, meanwhile, recognizes the uniqueness of each employee and their role within the organization. It shows employees that their work is valued and noticed, leading to increased motivation and job satisfaction. Using specific phrases encourages individual performance improvement, and adding a personal touch to these phrases fosters an environment where employees can feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

In this guide, we present 100 phrases and comments to use in employee performance reviews. These examples should serve as inspiration, as we ultimately recommend providing specific and personal feedback to employees.

The examples are separated into the following categories, and further split into positive and critical feedback.

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Creativity 
  • Dependability
  • Flexibility
  • Quality of work

We have also included example phrases for employees who are receiving a review and trying to learn how to best respond to feedback.

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Example phrases about aptitude.

  • "You consistently demonstrate a superdeep understanding of your role and the tasks associated with it. Your strong skill set is a key asset to our team."
  • "You have an exceptional ability to grasp complex concepts quickly and apply them effectively in your work."
  • "Your problem-solving skills have proven invaluable in situations that require innovative solutions."
  • "You have repeatedly shown excellent judgment when making decisions under pressure."
  • "Your willingness and ability to learn new skills and procedures quickly is impressive and contributes significantly to our team's success."
  • "There are instances when you struggle to grasp new concepts quickly. Additional training or learning resources might be beneficial for you."
  • "You've had difficulty applying learned skills to new or unfamiliar situations, which has affected your performance."
  • "You seem to have trouble with decision-making in high-pressure situations. Developing stress management techniques could help improve this."
  • "There are areas within your role where your understanding seems limited. Let's work on developing your knowledge and skills in these areas."
  • "While you're capable in your role, we've noticed struggles in adapting to changes or new procedures. The ability to learn these procedures quickly will be essential moving forward."

Example Phrases about Employee Attendance

  • "Your punctuality and reliability set a strong example for our team. Your consistent presence is appreciated and noticed."
  • "You have an excellent attendance record. Your dedication and commitment are truly exemplary."
  • "Your adherence to your work schedule contributes greatly to our team's productivity and efficiency."
  • "You've shown a remarkable consistency in arriving on time and being prepared for meetings and assignments."
  • "Your excellent attendance reflects your professionalism and commitment to your role and the team."
  • "Your frequent absences have been noticed and are impacting team performance and workflow."
  • "Punctuality has been an issue for you. It's important to ensure your timely arrival to maintain the team's efficiency."
  • "There have been instances where you've missed critical meetings. Attendance in these situations is crucial for keeping up with information and team decisions."
  • "Your irregular attendance is causing scheduling conflicts and impacting the productivity of the team."
  • "Improving your reliability and ensuring consistent attendance should be a key focus area for you in the coming months."

Example Phrases about Communication and Interpersonal Skills

  • "Your ability to clearly articulate ideas and feedback contributes to our team's overall effectiveness and success."
  • "Your open and approachable communication style fosters a positive work environment and aids in conflict resolution."
  • "You excel at maintaining open lines of communication with all team members, helping to keep everyone informed and on the same page."
  • "Your excellent listening skills and empathy create an environment of mutual respect and understanding within the team."
  • "You're highly skilled at conveying complex information in an understandable way, which greatly aids in our team's productivity and collaboration."

» 6 Examples of Positive Performance Review Phrases

  • "There have been instances where your messages could be misunderstood due to lack of clarity. Developing your communication skills should be a focus area."
  • "While your technical skills are strong, improving your interpersonal skills could help build better relationships within the team."
  • "You occasionally tend to dominate conversations, which can prevent others from sharing their views. Actively inviting and listening to others' inputs could help address this."
  • "At times, there seems to be a delay in your responses to emails and messages. Prompt communication is crucial for effective team functioning."
  • "Improving your ability to convey negative or constructive feedback in a respectful and understanding manner should be a focus for you going forward."

Example Phrases about Creativity

  • "Your ability to think outside the box has led to innovative solutions and improvements in our processes."
  • "Your creative insights have often resulted in fresh perspectives that benefit our team's work."
  • "You consistently demonstrate a high level of creativity and originality in your work, which drives our project success."
  • "Your creative problem-solving skills have proven invaluable when faced with complex challenges."
  • "You've shown an ability to make imaginative suggestions that have positively influenced our strategies and initiatives."
  • "While you're proficient in executing tasks, we would like to see more innovative ideas and creative problem-solving approaches from you."
  • "Improving your ability to think creatively should be a focus for you, as this could contribute to more diverse and effective strategies."
  • "At times, you tend to stick with what's familiar rather than seeking novel approaches. Embracing creativity can help in overcoming challenging tasks."
  • "There seems to be a reliance on conventional methods. Encouraging creativity and exploring new ideas could lead to more effective solutions."
  • "While your work is solid, there are opportunities for you to be more inventive in your approach to problem-solving and project execution."

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Example Phrases about Dependability

  • "You've consistently demonstrated a high level of reliability, which significantly contributes to our team's success."
  • "Your ability to be dependable even in high-stress situations that require much time and effort is commendable and appreciated."
  • "You're a dependable team member whom we can always count on to complete high-quality work promptly."
  • "Your consistent performance and ability to be relied upon in a variety of situations truly set you apart."
  • "You have shown a remarkable level of responsibility and dependability, especially in challenging situations."
  • "There have been several instances where tasks assigned to you were not completed on time. Improving reliability should be a priority."
  • "At times, you struggle to fulfill your commitments, which has impacted the team's overall productivity."
  • "While your individual contributions are valued, improving dependability in terms of deadlines and responsibilities is necessary."
  • "There are times when we cannot rely on your work to be completed as promised. Greater consistency in dependability is needed."
  • "We have noticed challenges with reliability in meeting assigned tasks and responsibilities. This is an area for development in the coming review period."

Example Phrases about Efficiency and Time Management  

  • "Your ability to manage your tasks effectively and deliver results on time is impressive."
  • "You consistently produce work that does not need to be revised or looked over within deadlines."
  • "Your efficiency and ability to prioritize tasks effectively contribute significantly to our team's productivity."
  • "You have shown a remarkable knack for utilizing resources in beneficial ways to meet project objectives."
  • "Your proactive approach in planning and managing your time reflects your strong organizational skills."
  • "At times, you struggle to manage your workload effectively, which has led to missed deadlines."
  • "Improving your time management skills should be a priority as it affects your efficiency and productivity."
  • "Your approach to managing tasks can sometimes be inefficient. Working on task prioritization could help improve your performance."
  • "There have been instances when the quality of your work was compromised due to poor time management."
  • "While you contribute positively to our team, improving efficiency and time management will allow you to excel further in your role."

Example Phrases about Flexibility

  • "Your ability to adapt to change and handle unexpected situations effectively is a great asset to our team."
  • "You've shown a high level of flexibility in your role, often stepping outside your comfort zone to meet team needs."
  • "Your ability to change gears to most actively and beneficially assist with the completion of projects prompts the team to succeed."
  • "You have a strong capacity to shift focus and adjust plans when unexpected changes occur."
  • "Your open-minded approach and readiness to embrace new ideas and perspectives enhance our team's ability to innovate."
  • "At times, you seem to struggle with adapting to new circumstances or changes in plans."
  • "While your work is consistent, demonstrating more flexibility in dealing with unexpected situations would be beneficial."
  • "Improving your adaptability to sudden changes in project direction should be a focus area for the coming period."
  • "There have been instances where your inability to adjust quickly to new tasks has impacted the team's productivity."
  • "We would encourage a more open mindset towards change and new ideas, as this will aid in your growth and our team's success."

Example Phrases about Leadership

  • "You demonstrate strong leadership qualities by consistently guiding your team members towards achieving their goals."
  • "Your ability to inspire and motivate your team contributes significantly to our team's overall success."
  • "You've shown excellent leadership in managing projects, driving both process and results."
  • "Your effective decision-making skills in challenging situations reflect your strong leadership abilities."
  • "Your foresight and strategic planning capabilities set a positive example for your team and have led to successful outcomes."
  • "While you're a valuable team member, stepping up and taking more leadership responsibilities could greatly enhance team outcomes."
  • "There have been instances where decisive action was needed, and your hesitation led to delayed progress."
  • "Improving your ability to motivate and inspire your team should be a key focus area for you."
  • "At times, there seems to be a disconnect between you and your team. Enhancing your leadership communication skills could help bridge this gap."
  • "While your individual work is strong, there is room for improvement in leading team initiatives and fostering a collaborative environment."

Example Phrases about Quality of Work

  • "Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence are clearly reflected in your work."
  • "You consistently deliver high-quality work, which significantly contributes to our project success."
  • "Your work is frequently cited as a model of excellence for the team."
  • "You demonstrate a high level of proficiency and knowledge in your work, resulting in superior quality outcomes."
  • "The quality of your work is outstanding and consistently exceeds expectations."
  • "While you meet deadlines, there are often errors in your work that need to be addressed for better quality."
  • "Improving the accuracy and thoroughness of your work should be a priority in the next period."
  • "While your productivity is commendable, the quality of your work has sometimes been compromised."
  • "There have been instances where the quality of your work did not meet our team's standards."
  • "We would encourage more focus on the details of your tasks, as there have been some issues with the quality of your output."

Overall performance summary comments

  • Your exceptional ability to work collaboratively with the team has been a key factor in our overall success this year. Your team spirit is commendable and sets a positive tone in the workplace.
  • Your outstanding commitment to improving the workplace has been crucial in creating a positive workplace environment this year. 
  • Your consistent dedication to delivering exceptional work has made a significant positive impact on our client and internal relationships this year. Your professionalism is a model for others.
  • The consistently high quality of your work throughout the year has been exemplary. Your meticulous attention to detail has raised the standard for our team.
  • Your stances throughout the year have driven project success and fostered a positive team environment. Your ability to inspire and motivate is a tremendous asset.
  • Improving overall communication skills will be crucial for future success. Enhancing clarity and consistency in communication can lead to better teamwork and project outcomes.
  • Focusing generally on time management is essential for meeting our team's objectives. Better prioritization and deadline adherence will greatly benefit project timelines and team dynamics.
  • Being flexible in day-to-day operations is important for keeping up with the dynamic nature of our work. Overall, more flexibility and responsiveness will aid in maintaining productivity.
  • Strengthening technical skills is important for meeting the evolving demands of our projects. Focusing on continual learning and skill development will improve work efficiency and quality.
  • Being more open to feedback will be key to your ongoing professional development. Embracing constructive criticism as a growth opportunity can lead to significant performance improvements.

Job knowledge comments

  • Your deep understanding of the latest industry trends is commendable. This knowledge has helped us stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.
  • Your proficiency in specialized skills has been a significant asset to our team. Your expertise has contributed to the quality and efficiency of our projects.
  • You have consistently demonstrated a commitment to learning and adapting, which has kept our strategies relevant and effective. 
  • Your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations has been remarkable. This skill has helped in solving complex problems and improving our processes.
  • Your resourcefulness in applying your knowledge to diverse situations has been invaluable, and you've shown great skill in using your understanding to benefit multiple aspects of our work.
  • Staying more current with industry developments is needed. Updating your knowledge will help in making more informed decisions and keeping our strategies competitive.
  • There's room for improvement in certain technical proficiencies. Enhancing these skills will increase your effectiveness and efficiency in your role.
  • Adapting to new technologies and methods more quickly will benefit your performance. Keeping pace with technological advancements is crucial in our field.
  • Bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and its practical application is an area for growth. 
  • Expanding your knowledge beyond your core area will enhance your versatility and contribution to the team. A broader understanding of related fields will be beneficial for your work. 

Development comments

  • Your commitment to professional growth has been evident this year. You have actively sought out learning opportunities and applied new skills effectively in your role, contributing significantly to your team's success.
  • Your adaptability to organizational changes has been remarkable. You've embraced new challenges and adjusted your working style, which has positively impacted team performance and project outcomes.
  • You have proactively enhanced your skill set to meet the evolving needs of your role. This dedication to self-improvement has improved your work quality and efficiency.
  • Your ability to set and achieve realistic, yet challenging goals is commendable. We appreciate your focus.
  • Your development in leadership and mentoring skills has been outstanding. You've effectively guided team members, contributing to their growth and the overall team's performance.
  • You need to engage more in ongoing learning and development. Keeping skills updated and relevant is crucial for meeting the demands of your role."
  • Improving adaptability to organizational changes and new processes is necessary. Embracing change more readily will help in maintaining productivity and meeting team objectives.
  • Expand your skill set to encompass new areas relevant to our evolving business needs. This action will enhance your ability to contribute effectively to diverse projects.
  • Focusing on setting more clear and achievable professional goals will benefit your career development. It's important to align these goals with team objectives and overall company strategy.
  • There is an opportunity to further develop your leadership skills. Engaging in leadership training and seeking opportunities to lead projects will enhance your effectiveness in a supervisory role.

Technical expertise comments

  • Your advanced technical knowledge in your field has been a significant asset to our team. You have consistently applied this expertise to enhance our project outcomes and efficiency.
  • Your ability to implement innovative technical solutions has greatly contributed to our team's success. Your creative approach to problem-solving has set a high standard.
  • You have effectively utilized the latest technology to improve our processes. Your proficiency in adapting and applying new tools has been exemplary.
  • Your willingness to share your technical skills with colleagues has fostered a learning environment within the team. This has enhanced the overall skill set of the team and improved collaboration.
  • Your commitment to continuous technical learning and staying abreast of industry developments is commendable. This proactive approach has kept our team competitive and innovative.
  • You need to update your technical knowledge to stay current with industry standards. Engaging in continuous learning will enhance your effectiveness in your role.
  • Improve the application of your technical skills to real-world scenarios. Focusing on practical implementation will lead to better project outcomes."
  • We need you to adapt more quickly and effectively to new technologies. Staying abreast of technological advancements will improve your work efficiency and the team's performance.
  • We would ask to to enhance your ability to communicate technical information in a more accessible way. Clear communication of technical aspects is key to project success.
  • Expanding your range of technical skills to include emerging tools and methodologies is recommended. Broadening your technical expertise will increase your versatility and value to the team.

Compliance comments

  • Your strict adherence to company policies and industry regulations has been exemplary. Your commitment to compliance has helped maintain high standards of integrity and professionalism in our team.
  • We appreciate that you have proactively taken measures to ensure compliance in all aspects of your work. This foresight has helped prevent potential issues and has set a positive example for the team."
  • Your ability to identify and manage compliance risks effectively has been a key asset. You've consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the regulatory environment and its impact on our operations.
  • Your efforts in training and guiding team members on compliance matters have been invaluable. This has helped in building a culture of compliance and awareness within the team.
  • Your commitment to staying updated with the latest company regulations and standards is commendable. This knowledge has been crucial in navigating the complexities of our industry.
  • Improving your understanding of our company policies and industry regulations is necessary. Greater awareness and adherence to these guidelines will enhance your work compliance.
  • There is a need for more proactive engagement with compliance issues. Anticipating and addressing potential compliance challenges will benefit the team and the company.
  • We need you to develop stronger skills in identifying and managing compliance risks is important. A more proactive approach in this area will help mitigate potential issues.
  • Enhancing the way you communicate compliance-related information to the team is crucial. Clear and effective communication is key to ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • Regularly update your knowledge of company regulations and best practices. Keeping abreast of these developments is essential for maintaining the integrity and success of our operations."

Teamwork comments

  • Your ability to collaborate effectively with team members has greatly contributed to our team's success. Your willingness to share ideas and resources has enhanced our projects.
  • Your engagement in team activities and discussions is always constructive and positive. You consistently contribute valuable insights and support, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Your support for fellow team members, especially in challenging situations, has been outstanding. Your assistance and encouragement have helped others overcome obstacles and succeed
  • Your skills in resolving conflicts within the team are commendable. You approach disagreements with a diplomatic and fair mindset, helping to maintain a harmonious and productive team atmosphere.
  • Your efforts in building team spirit and a sense of unity are notable. You’ve played a key role in creating an inclusive and motivating team environment.
  • There is a need to enhance collaboration with your team members. More active participation and willingness to share ideas will improve team dynamics and project outcomes.
  • Increasing your engagement in team activities and discussions is important. Active participation and contribution to team efforts are essential for achieving our collective goals.
  • Offering more support and assistance to colleagues can strengthen the team. Working together and helping each other is crucial for our team’s success.
  • Improving your conflict management skills within the team is necessary. Addressing disagreements constructively and seeking resolutions can help maintain a positive team environment.
  • Contributing more actively to team morale and spirit is recommended. A more involved approach will help foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere among team members.

Integrity comments

  • Your consistent honesty and transparency in communication have fostered a trustful atmosphere in our team. This approach has significantly contributed to building a strong, ethical work environment.
  • Your commitment to ethical decision-making, even in challenging situations, has been exemplary. You've consistently demonstrated strong moral principles, which have set a positive example for the team.
  • You have shown commendable accountability for your actions. Your willingness to own up to mistakes and learn from them has been a key factor in building integrity within our team.
  • Your respect for colleagues and clients, irrespective of the situation, has been noteworthy. This respect has helped in maintaining a professional and ethical work environment.
  • You consistently uphold our company's values in your work and interactions. This integrity has not only enhanced your reputation but also positively reflected on our team and company.
  • Improving consistency in ethical conduct is needed. Aligning all actions with our company’s ethical standards will enhance trust and credibility in your role.
  • There is a need to practice greater transparency in communication. Open and honest exchanges will build stronger trust within the team and with clients.
  • Taking greater responsibility and accountability for your actions will improve trust and respect among team members. Acknowledging and learning from mistakes is key to personal growth.
  • You should enhance respect in all professional interactions, especially under pressure. Maintaining a respectful demeanor contributes to a positive and ethical work environment.
  • We need you to align more closely with the organization's values in your daily work. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the integrity and reputation of our team and company.

Self-appraisal comments 

In addition to responding to continuous feedback readily, a prepared employee needs to examine and evaluate his or her work consistently. Using self-appraisal phrases can be a sure-fire way to show an employer valuable self-analysis practices. 

  • This year, I feel that I have successfully adapted to various changes in our projects and workflows. I've embraced new challenges and adjusted my strategies to maintain productivity and meet our team's goals.
  • I believe my communication skills have positively impacted our team's dynamics. I have consistently made an effort to keep everyone informed and engaged, ensuring clarity in our project goals and processes.
  • I pride myself on my reliability. Throughout the year, I have consistently met deadlines and maintained a high standard of quality in my work, contributing to the team's overall success.
  • Working collaboratively with the team has been a key strength of mine. I've actively participated in team meetings, shared ideas, and supported my colleagues, which has helped achieve our collective objectives.
  • I have dedicated myself to continuous learning and skill development. This year, I've attended several workshops and training sessions to enhance my expertise, which has been beneficial in my role.
  • I recognize that I need to improve my time management skills. Balancing multiple tasks has been challenging, and I've noticed some delays in my project deliveries. I plan to work on better prioritizing my tasks and managing my time.
  • I admit that I sometimes find it hard to accept constructive criticism. I realize the importance of being more open to feedback and using it to grow professionally.
  • I have observed that I tend to react to problems rather than anticipate them. Going forward, I aim to develop a more proactive approach to identify and solve potential issues before they escalate.
  • I am aware that my technical skills need updating to keep pace with the latest industry standards. I plan to focus on enhancing these skills through additional training and practice.
  • Although I've taken on some leadership roles, I recognize the need to further develop my leadership skills. I intend to seek opportunities for leadership training and take on more responsibilities to grow in this area.

Example Phrases for Employees When Responding to Feedback

These above characteristics and phrases are important to give context to employees regarding their performance. Additionally, employees should also be able to aptly respond to these praises and criticisms. The following are general examples of ways an employee could respond to his or her manager after hearing some of the previous phrases.  

Responses to Positive Feedback

  • "Thank you for recognizing my efforts. Your positive feedback motivates me to continue improving and contributing to the team's success."
  • "I appreciate your feedback. It's been a pleasure working on these projects, and I'm glad to see they've had a positive impact."
  • "I'm grateful for your kind words. I'll strive to maintain this performance and explore other areas where I can contribute positively."
  • "Thank you for your encouragement. Your feedback provides me with the confidence to take on more challenging tasks."
  • "I really appreciate your appreciation. It feels good to know that my hard work is helping the team and the company."

Responses to Critical Feedback:

  • "I hear your concerns, and I know I need to improve. Are there specific recommendations for how I could improve for the team’s sake?"
  • "I appreciate your honesty. Your feedback helps me identify my blind spots, and I am committed to improving in these areas."
  • "Your feedback is valuable to me. I see these areas as opportunities for growth and will create an action plan to improve."
  • "I understand your concerns and agree that there's room for improvement. I'll make it a priority to work on these areas."
  • "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I apologize for any issues caused, and I'm committed to learning from this feedback and improving my performance."

Employees shouldn't have to spend so much time on performance reviews. Tell your HR team to streamline the process with PerformYard Learn More

Additional Considerations

Performance reviews are an essential component of employee development, employee engagement , and overall organizational growth. These phrases allow for the most helpful and constructive levels of performance management. In addition to using these phrases, the best way to keep performance reviews both effective and efficient is to maintain a structured process that is consistent, fair, and objective.

Preparing in advance is a key aspect. This includes clearly defining the criteria for assessment based on job roles and responsibilities, setting measurable goals, gathering relevant data about the employee's performance, and outlining the points for discussion.

Meanwhile, during the review, managers should provide balanced feedback, highlighting both strengths and areas of improvement. The conversation should be interactive, allowing employees to ask questions, share their perspectives, and discuss their career aspirations.

Using performance management software can also be a game-changer in streamlining performance reviews. These tools offer a centralized platform to keep track of performance data, set and monitor goals, schedule review meetings, and record feedback. PerformYard makes the process less time-consuming and more accurate.

Performance management software also allows for real-time feedback, making reviews timelier and more relevant. Using such software ensures that nothing important is overlooked and that the process is transparent, both of which can significantly enhance the effectiveness of performance reviews.

Furthermore, these tools often come with HR analytics that can provide valuable insights for decision-making. Hence, integrating performance review software into performance review processes can dramatically improve their efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately leading to improved employee performance and organizational success.

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53 performance review examples to boost growth


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The importance of performance reviews

53 performance review examples, 3 tips for delivering a performance review to an underperformer, a performance review is an opportunity to foster growth.

Even the most well-intentioned criticism can be hard to hear. 

If you need to give feedback to a peer or employee, you might feel nervous. After all, you can probably empathize — most of us have been in their position. You want the person to know where they excel and how to improve, but you don’t want to come off as harsh or lose your authority. It’s a delicate balance.

When sharing professional feedback, you need to achieve that perfect equilibrium to motivate your team to continue doing their best work. Perfect your delivery by studying these 53 performance review examples.

A performance review -– also known as a performance appraisal — evaluates how well an employee is tracking toward goals and upholding the company vision and values . This formal assessment documents strengths and weaknesses , expectations for improvement , and other relevant employee feedback , like kudos for a standout performance. 

Performance reviews are essential because they provide managers (or employees assessing their peers) with a set time and structure for delivering in-depth, example-driven feedback. It’s also an opportunity for the reviewer to set metrics-based expectations so the reviewee knows how to improve for next time. 

Plus, performance reviews are an excellent opportunity to open lines of communication between peers or a manager and their direct reports. Both sides can clarify questions or concerns about performance, and the reviewer may use this time to motivate the reviewee. These types of workplace conversations build more trusting, engaged, and caring professional relationships. 

Unfortunately, typical performance reviews only inspire 14% of employees . In other words, reviewers need to step up their own performance if they want to make an impression during these meetings.

Effective performance reviews are level-headed and honest. They aren’t excuses to scold an employee for a mistake or poor performance . They make time to offer constructive criticism, praise what the team member is doing well, and provide suggested areas for improvement. 

To keep the conversation as productive as possible, study our list of performance evaluation examples that provide focused feedback and maintain an upbeat, inspiring tone that doesn’t undermine the seriousness of the commentary. 

Here are 53 employee evaluation examples for various scenarios. 


Good workplace communication helps teams clearly express ideas and work through problems effectively. Respectful communication also fosters healthy social relationships between peers, which are essential for a positive work culture. 

When you assess a colleague on this interpersonal skill , focus on the politeness of their interactions, the coherence of how they present information, and their ability to listen to others actively .

Use performance evaluation comments like the following when a colleague has done an exceptional job of clearly and respectfully communicating:

1. “I’ve noticed how clearly you communicate complex concepts to clients. I really admire this ability.” 

2. “You’re excellent at solving conflicts . Thank you for taking on this responsibility.” 

3. “Several of your teammates have told me how pleasant it is to work with you. Thank you for being such a respectful communicator.”

4. “I’ve been observing your standout negotiation skills and will continue to look for opportunities for you to use them.”

5. “I’d like to congratulate you on your clear and easy-to-follow presentations. Would you consider giving a workshop for your teammates?”

Improvement suggestions 

Poor communication leads to confusion and fraught interactions. Plus, muddled instructions or explanations can cause project errors, and negative delivery can harm team and stakeholder relationships . It’s important for each team member to have this skill.

Here’s how to cite communication that needs improving: 

6. “I’ve noticed that you sometimes miss part of an explanation. I have helpful materials on active listening I recommend taking a look at.” 

7. “Clients have noted that your explanations are difficult to understand. You have a strong grasp of complex concepts, but let’s work together on ways to break them down for an unfamiliar audience.”

8. “I’d appreciate it if you could communicate when there’s an issue on a project or you have a question. I’ve seen delays and errors due to a lack of updates.”

9. “Some of your emails to clients have had spelling and grammar errors. Could you make an extra effort to check your work so that we keep our company communication as polished as possible?” 

10. “Your teammates have cited rude interactions with you. We must keep communication respectful. Is something going on that’s causing you frustration or prompting these interactions?”

Innovation and creativity 

Innovative solutions and creativity allow organizations to generate new products and services, build a more resonant brand image, and connect successfully with their target audience. When giving a performance review, provide positive feedback on how the person contributes to the team or company’s growth. 

Teammates who offer fresh ideas for projects or ways to improve company processes to boost efficiency deserve a proverbial pat on the back. Here are five performance appraisal examples that show how to give it:

11. “Last quarter, you saved our team 50 hours of administrative work with your solution for streamlining databases. Thank you for this invaluable idea.”

12. “The marketing campaign you created to target younger audiences has been one of our most successful. Everyone on our team has something to learn from you.” 

13. “You’ve been integral to launching one of the most innovative apps on the market. You should be proud of yourself. You’re helping a lot of end users.” 

14. “I admire the way you creatively approach complex problems . You resolved a tricky supply chain issue that kept our deliveries on track.”

15. “You deeply understand the brand image and voice. All of your marketing copy and designs represent us well.”


Improvement suggestions

Team members in creativity- and innovation-driven roles may stagnate. Your organization might have a performance review template you can follow to zero on in how to improve in these areas. You can also use the following feedback pieces to push them in the right direction:

16. "You’re one of our most valued graphic designers. However, I’ve noticed that your recent designs have been similar. Let’s talk about ways to innovate.”

17. “Since you’re in a leadership role, I would like it if you took more initiative to offer creative solutions to problems . I have some reading to guide you.” 

18. “I’ve noticed that your copy lacks that fresh voice we admire. Have you also tracked this change, and what solutions do you have to liven up the writing?”

19. “You’ve offered some of the most innovative development ideas our company’s seen. But you’ve been quiet in brainstorming sessions lately. Let’s talk about what may be going on.”

20. “Your latest product innovation had flaws resulting from rushed work and a lack of attention to detail. Does that resonate?”

Everyone can be a leader — regardless of their rank at an organization. Team members set examples for their peers, and managers guide reports toward success. Whether you’re giving a performance review for a veteran or an entry-level employee, address their leadership skills where you can. 

When an employee exceeds expectations by mentoring others, taking charge of problems, and upholding organizational values , recognize their outstanding work with phrases like the following:

21. “Your positive attitude , willingness to take on more responsibility, and ability to explain concepts to your peers makes you an example to all.”

22. “I appreciate your advances in developing better leadership skills, like clear communication and excellent negotiation tactics. Kudos.” 

23. “I know you started here recently, but many people already look up to you. You take initiative, aren’t afraid to share ideas, and treat your peers respectfully.” 

24. “Since you’ve become a project manager, the development team consistently delivers quality outputs on time. You’re doing a great job guiding the group.” 

25. “When there was a conflict with a client last month, you stepped in to manage it. You have the makings of a great leader.”

If an employee like a project manager or team lead isn’t mentoring others as well as they could, a performance review is the perfect moment to tackle the issue. And if you have a stellar employee who isn’t showing the leadership and initiative required to earn them a promotion, they might need some encouragement to strengthen these skills. Use the following examples as a guide for wording your feedback:

26. “You’ve consistently been an excellent leader, but teammates have reported a lack of mentorship on recent projects, leading to confusion and poor results. What can we do to improve the clarity of your communication and guidance?”

27. “I’ve noticed that you’re stepping back from public speaking opportunities. You’re a strong leader already, but giving talks is an inevitable part of your role. Here’s information on a speaking course I took that could help.”

28. “Some of your teammates have said you’re difficult to approach with a problem. Let’s work to improve your communication skills to make others comfortable asking you for help.” 

29. “Your communication and mentorship skills are unmatched, but you still have to improve your time management skills. Several projects have run late, impacting client deliveries.” 

30. “You form excellent social relationships with your team, but you may be getting too close. I’m concerned you could lose your authority if you continue to act more like a peer than a mentor.” 

Collaboration and teamwork

Teams must work well together — it’s synergy that allows them to accomplish more than they’d be able to alone. Collaboration drives better organizational results and fosters a communicative, innovative work environment. Here’s how to tackle this topic in a performance appraisal.

Certain team members go above and beyond to help peers, manage conflicts, and share their knowledge. Reward them with statements like the following: 

31. “You’re an excellent resource for new team members. Thank you for being willing to share what you know.” 

32. “Your ability to adapt when obstacles arise and encourage your teammates to do the same has saved us from late deliveries several times. Congratulations, and thank you.”

33. “You didn’t have to navigate that conflict between your peers last week, but you stepped up. I think everyone in your group learned something from you that day.” 

34. “I know you’d like to be doing more on projects, but I appreciate that you’re splitting the work with newer teammates so they can learn. Exciting opportunities are coming your way soon.” 

35. “Your team traditionally had trouble working together. Thank you for identifying their strengths and guiding them as a leader to use them in harmony.” 

Employees resisting participation in a team or creating conflicts must change behaviors to help their peers thrive. Here are a few ways to suggest improvements: 

36. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been canceling team meetings and avoiding social events. Let’s talk about what’s going on.” 

37. “It’s great to challenge your peers' ideas, but I’ve repeatedly observed you push contrary thoughts when the rest of the team has reached a consensus. This can hold up projects, so I’d like to ask you to be more flexible.” 

38. “I know you’ve been very busy, but could you take more time to share your skills with others? There are new team members who could learn from you.” 

39. “You’re sometimes quick to nix others’ ideas. Try listening to their suggestions with a more open mind to be a better team player.” 

40. “You’re an involved leader, and that’s an excellent trait. But sometimes, you get too close to a project, and your guidance borders on micromanaging . I’d encourage you to try taking a step back when the team is working well together.”

Work ethic and organization

Punctuality, time management , and planning keep work flowing. In performance reviews, ensure all team members understand how their work ethics contribute to overall success.  

Show your appreciation to those employees who keep administrative tasks running smoothly. Here are some examples:

41. “Thank you for changing our customer relationship management system. Now everyone can access data more easily, and it’s improved our workflow.” 

42. “Your persistence in implementing the Agile project management framework has paid off. We’re delivering better, more timely products to clients.”

43. “You’re never late and sometimes even early. I appreciate your dedication to punctuality. It helps meetings run on time, and the day gets off to a strong start.”

44. “You always answer clients’ emails promptly. Thank you for your dedication to excellent customer service.” 

45. “As a project manager, you do a great job resolving teammate’s blockers efficiently. This allows them to perform tasks confidently and keeps projects on track.” 

Improvement suggestion

Employees who consistently arrive late or have trouble organizing tasks and following company processes negatively impact others’ ability to work well — not to mention their own. Here are constructive employee review examples for those cases: 

46. “You’re often tardy to meetings, which causes your teammates and clients to wait. This can be frustrating for stakeholders. I’d like to share some tips for time management.” 

47. “I’ve noticed you consistently turn in work late. I’m concerned you may have too much on your plate. Let’s assess your workload.”

48. “Client emails are falling through the cracks, making us look like we don’t care. Here’s a system I use to ensure I respond to every email quickly.”  

49. “I understand the new customer relationship management system is tricky, but we need everyone to get on board. Would it be helpful if I set up an additional training session to walk you through the software?”

50. “You didn’t meet your goals this quarter, so I’m modifying them for the upcoming one. Please let me know if you need tools, skills, or support to make achieving these goals possible.”

Performance review summary examples

Wrap up your review by revisiting what the employee has done well and highlighting the improvements they should make. Here are three examples you can model your performance review summary on:

51. “You’ve improved your communication and public speaking skills this quarter, making you a stronger leader. But you can still work on your task and time management skills by implementing better organizational practices.” 

52. “Your first few months at the company have been a success. You’ve learned to use our tools and processes, and your teammates enjoy working with you. Next quarter, I’d like you to take more initiative in brainstorming sessions.” 

53. “You’re a long-time valued employee, and you have a unique talent as a graphic designer. Your social media campaign last quarter was top-notch, but others have been stagnant. I know you can tap into your talents and do more innovative work.”


You’re a compassionate leader and never want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But in a performance review , you may have to deliver tricky constructive criticism . You’re giving this feedback with the best intentions, but doing so might make the other person defensive. Keep the conversation productive and focus on framing improvement as a positive with these three tips:

  • Start and end on a high note: Open the conversation with what the employee has done well and circle back to this point after giving criticism. This will remind the employee of their value. 
  • Use metrics: Don’t run a performance review on “gut feelings.” Quantifiable metrics and clear feedback allow you to identify areas of improvement. You must demonstrate specific examples and measurable figures to back up your claims. Otherwise, your criticism can seem unfounded. 
  • Offer suggestions: An employee may not know how to interpret feedback and translate it into action items. And they might have some concluding performance review questions about how to improve. Offer help and a professional development plan so the person feels inspired, capable, and supported in making the changes you suggest.

Many fear receiving and giving sub-optimal feedback. However, in performance reviews, colleagues inevitably highlight negative aspects of a person’s work.

But if you establish a healthy balance between recognizing an employee’s strengths and offering constructive feedback for improvement (like in our performance review examples), these sessions turn into growth opportunities. Your colleagues take on new challenges, acquire better skills, and become more understanding teammates thanks to criticism.

And guess what? The next performance review will be less nerve-wracking for everyone involved.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

7 types of employee coaching (and why you can’t afford to miss out)

How professional coaching can be a force multiplier for the military, virtual coaching: the benefits of coaching without constraints, when corporate coaching has a role, consider these elements, how to have more impact peer coaching can accelerate team performance, innovations in coaching: growth through connection for an evolving world of work, coaching during crisis: new betterup research shows coaching helps employees navigate change and uncertainty, 9 coaching skills every leader needs, what’s a performance coach how to find & hire one, teamwork skills self-appraisal comments: 40 example phrases, 31 examples of problem solving performance review phrases, 17 positive feedback examples to develop a winning team, leverage love languages at work to improve your office culture, 10 performance review tips to drastically move the needle, how to give positive comments to your boss, 5 ways to recognize employees, 25 performance review questions (and how to use them), 16 constructive feedback examples — and tips for how to use them, stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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