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tum school of management bachelor thesis

Our Academic Departments for finding a thesis topic

Finding a topic and supervisor for your final thesis is an essential part of your degree program. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below.
  • Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and proactively contact a potential supervisor from a chair in a related research area. For this purpose, please familiarize yourself with the requirements for supervision of the chair.
  • Pitch a work-related topic offered by a company to a potential supervisor at a chair in a related research area.
  • Plan to do your thesis abroad. 

Last, but not least, we recommend to check the provided information sheets in our Download Center and the module description of the final thesis. We wish you the best of luck!


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Technische Universität München

  • Professur für Business Analytics and Intelligent Systems
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Bachelor Thesis

You are very welcome to write your bachelor thesis with us. We always have a collection of open topics available but also encourage students to propose own topics, as long as these relate to our research interests. Please see the details below if you want to apply.


We are looking for students who have a particular interest in Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM) and participated in several lectures and seminars within this field. You should possess fundamental mathematical and technical knowledge as well as the modeling and programming skills required to tackle advanced topics in OSCM.


If you are interested in doing your Bachelor’s Thesis with us, please send an e-mail to [email protected]  with the following information:

  • Curriculum Vitae (incl. finished projects, programming skills/references)
  • Transcript of records (Bachelor)
  • Own topic: write a short topic description including a motivation, a description of the research gap, and a possible solution approach.
  • General interest: write a motivation letter that outlines your interests and a favored research field.
  • List of relevant courses attended
  • Preferred time frame (earliest possible start 4 weeks after application)

Theses can only be registered on the 1 st of a month and the students need to send their documents for application at least one month in advance.


Guidelines for how to write a thesis are part of our LaTeX template. We would advise you to use LaTeX for your writings for which we can provide the most support.

We ask you to meet with your supervisor on a regular basis to provide updates on your progress and ensure you receive valuable feedback. Your thesis will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Overall structure of your work
  • Motivation of the research question and discussion of the current literature
  • Selection and application of scientific methods
  • Discussion of your results and conclusions
  • Code quality and documentation

Registration at TUM School of Management:

Once you finalized the topic with your supervisor, you will be officially registered through the TUM-SoM Portal. You will receive an email to confirm the registration - please make sure to do so as soon as possible.

Open Topics

(Keine Dokumente in dieser Ansicht)

Completed Theses

  • Julius Unger: Dynamic Pricing Algorithms for Online (Retail) Platforms. Bachelorarbeit, 2024 mehr…
  • Ching-Chih Pan: General Network Design Problems in Research on Transportation Networks. Bachelorarbeit, 2024 mehr…
  • Johannes Michel: Optimal Matching Algorithms for Online (Retail) Platforms. Bachelorarbeit, 2024 mehr…
  • Lucas Vicentim Perasolo: A Bilevel approach to Procurement Auctions: A case study of Brazilian Government Purchases. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Adrian Mika Däschlein: A Literature Overview of Learning-Based Methods and Model Proposal for Last-Mile Same-Day Delivery. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Fabian Gassner: Managing Order Lead Time and its Influencing Factors in the Semiconductor Supply Chain. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Leon Buser: Optimising a Demand Forecasting Model for Pirelli using Machine Learning. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Marius Fischer: Demand Adaptive Services - Operational Level. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Kerem Akkaya: Developing an open-source Python-based implementation for designing a master schedule for Demand Adaptive Systems with Machine Learning enhancements. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Antonia Ronge: Literature Review: Surrogate Models in the Mobility Sector. Bachelorarbeit, 2023 mehr…
  • Dominik Uher: Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect through Application of Artificial Intelligence. Bachelorarbeit, 2021 mehr…

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Bachelor and Master theses


We supervise theses mainly in Finance & Accounting and Marketing, Strategy & Leadership. Applications from other fields are also welcome.

Important information to consider 


for a master thesis at our chair we to get familiar with our research topics and scientific writing guidelines. Furthermore, if you have not participated yet at the e-learning course “Get Ready for Your Degree - Advanced Library Course” offered by TUM Library we highly recommend to attend this course.

the bachelor thesis we offered by TUM Library to get familiar with fundamental topics e.g. citation rules, searching in online literature databases, developing search strategies.


Applications for theses at the Chair of Corporate Management can be submitted at any time. The application procedure depends on whether you apply for an offered topic or want to suggest a topic on your own.

Please follow one of the three different possibilities: 

  Offered Topic Unsolicited application Specific topic or with professional partner
Procedure contact supervisor directly e-mail to:  e-mail to:  or specific supervisor
Requirements application document application document + topic area application document + summary/
Notification within two weeks within two weeks within two weeks

The following documents are necessary in order to process the application:

One single PDF-Document:

  • Application form [ Bachelor ] [ Master ]
  • Current grades
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • (Summary of suggested topic if specific topic on your own or with professional partner)

Kindly refrain from preliminary enquiries and submit your complete application documents. We are only able to make a decision on account of your documents.

In case you have been denied twice - either with your own proposal or with your application for a Master thesis - please contact the Department Head Accounting & Finance: Prof. Dr. Reiner Braun, [email protected] . In cooperation with the involved chairs, he will assist you in finding an adequate master thesis topic for you. However, we are unable to guarantee that you will be able to work on your own proposal.

We suggest topics students may apply for. Students may also suggest their own topics.

Currently offered topics     


Supervisor    Release  

Bachelor Thesis

The Effectiveness of Single-Use Charges on the Uptake of Reusable
Food Container Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

Robert Burkhardt 2024  


We specialize in management accounting, behavioral accounting, personnel economics, behavioral economics, and questions regarding energy-efficient trading in corporations and sustainability. Applicants who consider suggesting their own topics should make sure that these are in these fields.

We also supervise theses in these fields that are carried out with companies (professional partners). Applicants can put forward their professional partners. These theses should touch on a concrete problem existing in the workplace. The scientific requirements are also essential.

Applicants who wish to put forward their own topic must prepare a summary of 1–3 pages ( Instructions [PDF, 200 kB]). The summary is the foundation of finding the topic and coordinating between the applicant, the supervisor and, if relevant, the professional partner.

According to the examination regulations for Economic studies the duration is as follows:

  • Master thesis: (TUM-BWL/TUM-WIN): six months
  • Master thesis: (MBA/EMBA): three months
  • Bachelor thesis: three months

The assessment of your thesis will take up to 2 months.

Please take this deadline into consideration if you have to meet other deadlines like e.g. changing to a Master program or transferring to another university. If you require the grade for a specific deadline, then you must submit your thesis at least 2 months beforehand and register earlier on accordingly.

tum school of management bachelor thesis

The applicant receives a message of acceptance or refusal. In the event of an acceptance, the applicant will also be informed the name of the supervisor who should be contacted.

If necessary, the topic is modified with the supervisor. The time between defining the topic and the official start of the thesis should as a rule not take longer than 4 weeks. The registration of the thesis should be done in this time frame at the Grade Management TUM-School of Management (Noten- und Prüfungsverwaltung der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften).

During this time students are encouraged to contact their supervisors regularly. This should be on the initiative of the students.

Furthermore, we recommend to present your research within the final theses colloquium. Please contact your supervisor for more details.

The submission is made by email to the Grade Management ( [email protected] ) and not to the supervisor. Forwarding by the Grade Management to the supervisor takes place after review and approval by the Grade Management.   To be submitted:

  • Thesis with signed Declaration of Authorship (digital signature is sufficient)
  • Permission to view (as an extra PDF)

All other files (Excel lists, surveys, etc.) can also be attached and will be forwarded to the supervisor or you as a student can send the documents to your supervisor on your own. If the supervisor requires a printed copy in addition to the digital version, please, submit it directly to the supervisor.

All further information on submitting the final thesis can also be found in an information sheet in the download section of the TUM School of Management under Final Thesis:

Upcoming dates final theses' colloquia

Date Time Room
October 31, 2024 14:15 - 16:45

Room 0505.Z1.538Z

November 28, 2024

14:00 – 17:00 Room 0505.EG.514

December 16, 2024

14:00 – 17:00 Room 3539

January 28, 2025

04:15 – 17:15

Room 0505.Z1.538Z

February 19, 2025

14:00 – 17:00

Room 0505.EG.514

March 23, 2025

14:00 – 17:00

Room 0505.EG.514

Useful links for your theses

Please have a look at our german or english guidlines while preparing your theses.

For further information on scientific writing please visit the website of mediaTUM . Templates for your theses can be found here .

Databases with student access

In order to provide students of the TUM School of Management an overview of the databases accessible to them, a list of all databases with student access can be found under the following link:

The list also includes information on how to apply for database access. 

Applications to be sent to: [email protected]


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  1. Thesis | TUM School of Management

    Thesis. Our Academic Departments for finding a thesis topic. Finding a topic and supervisor for your final thesis is an essential part of your degree program. There are several ways to achieve this goal: Apply for an advertised topic at a chair.

  2. Bachelor's Thesis - Chair of Operations Management - TUM

    Guidelines for how to write a thesis (Bachelor, Master) are available here. You are required to use the following LaTeX - or Word template. Please make sure to check all formal requirements of the TUM School of Management with regard to writing, formatting and submitting your final theses.

  3. Bachelor's Thesis - Lehrstuhl für Operations Management

    Guidelines for how to write a thesis (Bachelor, Master) are available here. You are required to use the following LaTeX - or Word template. Please make sure to check all formal requirements of the TUM School of Management with regard to writing, formatting and submitting your final theses.

  4. Bachelor Thesis - Business Analytics & Intelligent Systems - TUM

    You are very welcome to write your bachelor thesis with us. We always have a collection of open topics available but also encourage students to propose own topics, as long as these relate to our research interests. Please see the details below if you want to apply.

  5. Information sheet Submitting your thesis at TUM School of ...

    Submitting your thesis at TUM School of Management . Please note that the following information is only relevant for students matriculated at TUM School of Management. Student’s checklist for submitting the final thesis. I have been working intensively on my thesis for the last few months and am looking forward to handing it in soon. Content.

  6. Bachelor and Master theses - TUM

    For a Bachelor thesis: Before starting the bachelor thesis we highly recommend to attend the e-learning course “Get Ready for Your Degree - Advanced Library Course” offered by TUM Library to get familiar with fundamental topics e.g. citation rules, searching in online literature databases, developing search strategies.