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Thesis Writing Tips

Templates & guidelines.

  • TUM Thesis LaTeX Template
  • TUM Thesis Guidelines
  • For citations in your thesis follow the TUM Citation Guide  and choose one of the TUM recommended citation styles, which you will also find in there.
  • Exposé: 3-5 pages
  • Guided Research: 8-12 pages
  • Bachelor's Thesis: 40-60 pages
  • Master's Thesis: 50-80 pages
  • Your thesis should contain a maximum of two levels of subsections as in the example below. Restructure your thesis to avoid more than two levels.

         1. Section             1.1 First Subsection Level                1.1.1 Second Subsection Level

  • Use “we“ to refer to yourself or possible co-authors. Even in theses having only one author, “we“ is commonly used to draw the reader into the discussion at hand, as in “the author and the readers“. However, using the passive voice is also acceptable.

Thesis Example Structure

The following structure is intended for orientation purposes. Usually, the thesis is written in consultation with the supervisor, which may result in a different structure.

  • Cover Page  ( Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines )
  • Title Page  ( Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines )
  • TUM Declaration & Handwritten Signature  ( Content and Formatting acccording to the TUM Guidelines )
  • Acknowledgements  (optional)
  • Briefly state the problem and solution your thesis is about. Should not be more than half a page.
  • Table of Contents
  • The Introduction should include the problem statement and motivation of your research, the objective and the research question(s) you will adress.
  • At the end you can give a short overview of your research approach.
  • This part should include relevant related research to your topic based on an in-depth literature review.
  • The main part should be organized in several chapters in a way that reveals best the intention of the thesis.
  • The core part should represent - in conjunction with the previous sections - a comprehensive exposition that does not require additional literature in order to be fully understood.
  • Methods - State your research design and used methods. 
  • Experiments - State your different conducted experiments.
  • Results - Present the results of your experiments in a suitble way.
  • Discuss your thesis results critically. 
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your evaluation methods.
  • State the limitations of your thesis results.
  • Discuss possible impacts of your results on future research.
  • Summarize the most vital parts of your thesis.
  • Essential experiences may be decribed as well.
  • At the end, you may describe your own view about future developments in the research field covered by your thesis.
  • Appendix (if necessary)
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Glossary (optional)
  • List of Symbols (optional)
  • List of Abbreviations
  • A complete and consistent list of all references.

Exposé Example Structure

The following structure is intended for orientation purposes. Usually, the exposé is written in consultation with the supervisor, which may result in a different structure.

  • State the theoretical foundations and refer to 3-5 related works that you have already identified during a literature search.
  • State the research methods and experiments that you plan to conduct.
  • Include a timetable for your research.
  • Include a provisional table of contents for your thesis.
  • A complete and consistent list of all references you used for the exposé.

Incoming references

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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Thesis and Completing your Studies

Specific information of each professional profile.

  • Mathematics
  • Informatics
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering

General Informationen

Administration of final theses.

From 15 January 2024 on, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal.

Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair . You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed your registration, the Academic Programmes Office will be able to check the admission requirements and you will receive an email confirming your binding registration for your thesis.

Features for students in the CIT portal

  •     You can log in to the CIT portal at with your TUM ID and get an overview of your thesis.
  •     If necessary, you can apply for an extension in the CIT portal.
  •     Further functions will follow in the coming months.

Information for employees

In the wiki at employees can find a comprehensive documentation of the administration of theses in the CIT portal.

Mandatory Enrollment for Exams and Final Thesis

Students have to be enrolled when they take an exam (including the thesis).

In accordance with § 18 subsection (1) APSO students must be enrolled in the respective program until completion and submission of the final thesis (Bachelor's Thesis or Master's Thesis). This is true even if the period for writing the thesis was extended for reasons beyond a student’s control.

For all other exams, however, the time until the first week of classes belongs to the exam period of the previous semester. Therefore, in that case, students only have to be enrolled until the end of the previous semster. For exams which take place until the end of the first week of classes of the new semester no obligation for enrollment exists. This is also true for the usually with a final thesis associated mandatory colloquium (Bachelor) or mandatory presentation (Master). Students who have submitted their final thesis in the previous semester therefore do not have to be enrolled for a colloquium or presentation which takes place until the end of the first week of classes.

Please note: If the colloquium or presentation takes place after submitting the final thesis and if this is the last requirement of the program, then the day of the colloquium or the presentation also is the date of the certificate (and not the date of submission of the thesis).

TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

This is a template for the Bachelor and Master theses in the Department of Informatics for students at the Technical University of Munich. This template has been customized from the version at and uploaded in August 2018. Updated 2018-09-15.

TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

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Our Academic Departments for finding a thesis topic

Finding a topic and supervisor for your final thesis is an essential part of your degree program. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

  • Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below.
  • Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and proactively contact a potential supervisor from a chair in a related research area. For this purpose, please familiarize yourself with the requirements for supervision of the chair.
  • Pitch a work-related topic offered by a company to a potential supervisor at a chair in a related research area.
  • Plan to do your thesis abroad. 

Last, but not least, we recommend to check the provided information sheets in our Download Center and the module description of the final thesis. We wish you the best of luck!


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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Communication Networks
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


  • Link to presentation templates
  • Link to templates

  Seminar Paper

  • Link to seminar templates

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Technische Universität München

  • Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Theses at the Chair of Prof. Rinderle-Ma

  • All theses have to be written in English (at our chair).
  • All theses have to be written in LaTeX (use Template for import in ShareLatex/Overleaf or local writing).
  • All prototypes created as part of theses are to be hosted on our servers, thus Linux/backend and programming knowledge is mandatory.

We highly recommend to attend the (Master-)Seminar - Scientific Methods in Information Systems in advance.

Please send all applications with a CV, Grade Report (Leistungsnachweis), and an Application Form (including a detailed motivation). Contract work for companies is not a thesis. Please note that every thesis must make a separate, independent scientific contribution. External topics can be supervised only when there is a close link to the research topics and areas of competence of this research group.

Please always contact us with your tum/cit.tum e-mail adress (emails from other addresses will not be answered).

Contact: [email protected] , [email protected]

Bachelor Thesis Topics

The topics listed below are examples, concrete topics will be discussed in the regular meetings, to which you are invited after sending all necessary application documents.

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik (IN0021) and one of the Practical Courses / Seminars of the Chair.

  • Robot Palletizing
  • Robot Movement to Process Model
  • Process Tree Difference Calculation and Visualization  
  • Process Data Flow Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Resource Visualization (SVG)
  • Process Model Generator for CPN IDE

Master Thesis Topics

Prerequisite for a thesis at this chair: Business Process Technologies and Management (IN2105) or one of the Advanced Practical Courses of the Chair.

  • Process Engine Based Edge Nodes for High Performance Sensor Data Collection
  • Conformance Checking in Processes Choreographies
  • Privacy and Confidentiality Mechanisms for Process Mining
  • Equivalences and Properties of Petri Nets vs. Block-structured Business Process Modeling Languages
  • Master Thesis: Overcoming Challenges in Integrating Process Engines in Engineering Processes

Theses at the KrcmarLab

Please note that since Prof. Krcmar retired in October 2020, he only supervises selected topics. You can find topics offered by his research group in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the KrcmarLab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and give us your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  • Application form  (max. three topics): application form
  • Current grades ("Notenauszug") from TUMonline

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the KrcmarLab:

  • Theses can be written in German or in English
  • Theses can be written using Word or LaTeX
  • Guidelines for student theses and projects at Krcmar Lab: Deutsch | English
  • Reader for scientific writing: Deutsch | English
  • Example of thesis formatting: Template


  • Digital Health Interventions & Applied AI in Healthcare: Predicting Overcrowding in the Emergency Department (MA)
  • Organizational and Power Dynamics in Data Management and Governance (MA)

*BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project, GR = Guided Research

Theses at the Wittges Lab

You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below.

If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

The following guidelines apply for theses and projects at the Wittges Lab:

  • Please note that Bachelor's theses are oriented around the Information Systems degree programme and have a duration of 5 months. Therefore students of Information Systems are prioritised when assigning topics


E-Sport data analysis using IBM WatsonX and SAP HANA (BA/MA)

BA = Bachelor's Thesis, MA = Master's Thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary Project

  • For Prospective Students
  • For Students
  • For Researchers
  • For Employees
  • For Executives and Professionals
  • For Founders
  • For Cooperations
  • For Press and Media

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Glossary of Documents

On this page you'll find everything you need to know about the documents required for applying at TUM. We show you what they are, how to get them and how they have to be submitted. 

To find out what documents you need to apply for a specific degree program, please visit the respective info sites.   A complete list will be generated individually by our application portal TUMonline at the end of your online application . 

Abstract / brief description of Bachelor’s thesis

The abstract to be submitted here is of your Bachelor’s thesis or Diplom thesis in German or English. If the thesis has not yet been completed at the time of application, please submit a brief description of your thesis question and methods employed. For some programs, it is also possible to submit a summary of an academic thesis which is equivalent to a bachelor’s thesis (in the scope of at least 5 credits). Content and formal structure should comply with international academic standards. For more information on language and other formal requirements, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your TUM school or department .

Please upload this document to the online application form.

Academic achievement overview form

This form is required for the application for some Master's degree programs. In these cases, the document is listed in the TUMonline document checklist.

The form will be available in the online application for you to download, complete and re-upload. 

For more information on the curricular analysis required for the application for other Master’s degree programs, see the respective entry of this glossary.

Accreditation certificate

A certificate verifying that the university or degree program from which the student graduated is accredited. The document can be obtained from the university in question. 

Applicant ID (BID)

If you are applying to a degree program with restricted admission, known as Numerus Clausus , and admission is administered using the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure , you will need this number and your user authentication number, or BAN . These numbers will be assigned to you when you register on the online portal of the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure of the University Admissions Foundation.

The applicant ID (BID) is a 13-figure number. You can find your BID in your user account on the online portal of the University Admissions Foundation .

Application for compensation of disadvantage

Information regarding the compensation of disadvantage is available at the  TUM Center for Study and Teaching – Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs .

Please upload this document to the online application form. After you receive admission to a program, we require a notarized hardcopy for enrollment.

Application for enrollment with original (wet) signature

This form is generated by TUMonline once you receive an offer of admission and accept your place in the degree program. You need to send a signed hardcopy via post to the TUM admissions office, together with the other documents required for enrollment. A list of these documents will also be available in TUMonline after your accept your place in the degree program. Please be aware that we cannot accept this form via e-mail.

Application for recognition of disabled status

Information regarding the recognition of disabled status is available at the TUM Center for Study and Teaching – Student Advising: Studying with Special Needs .

Please submit the original .

APS – original certificate

Applicants from China, India and Vietnam must have the certificates required for admission to the desired program proofed by the Academic Evaluation Center (APS) of the cultural department of the German embassy in Peking, Shanghai or Hanoi before submission and must take part in an interview. 

If you receive admission to a program, we require the original for enrollment.

Assessment Exam Certificate (Festellungsprüfungszeugnis)

The Assessment Exam Certificate is proof of your successful completion of the final exam of the Studienkolleg. 

With this certificate, applicants with a secondary school diploma which qualifies students to study at a university in their respective countries, but which do not qualify them to study at a German university, may apply for a degree program at a German university.

In combination with your original secondary school diploma, the Assessment Exam Certificate counts as a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. When applying for a regular degree program at TUM, you then need to submit both your secondary school diploma and the Assessment Exam Certificate. You also need to submit a Preliminary Documentation (VPD) from uni-assist .

Here you can find out more about Studienkolleg .

Certification of internship / work experience / vocational training

For some degree programs, you must submit verification of successfully completed internships, work experience or vocational training. For more detailed information about the requirements for your application, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your TUM school or department .

Collection of work / Work portfolio

This portfolio may include work samples, texts, images, etc. For further information, please visit the homepage of the respective degree program.

Please present the portfolio at the aptitude assessment interview.

Confirmation of passing of aptitude test at SIT

This document is required when applying to certain Bachelor’s degrees TUM offers together with the Singapore Institute of Technology.

Please upload the document during the online application .

Confirmation of passing the first study year at SIT

Please upload the document during the  online application .

Confirmation of the State Examination Office – Bescheid des Landesprüfungsamts

You need this document if you wish to apply for a higher upper-division semester in medical studies and have already completed part of your medical training outside of Germany.

Credit transfer application or credit transfer report

You need this document for an application to a higher subject semester .

Current passport-style photo

We need a picture in which you are easily recognized. The picture need not be biometric, but should be in passport format (3.5 x 4.5 cm). It will be used for your Student Card .

Curricular analysis / content and results of prior examinations

The curricular analysis reviews the competencies you have acquired in your prior studies. This analysis is required for application to master’s degree programs with aptitude assessment procedures. You can download the appropriate form from the website of your TUM school or department :

  • Agrisystems Science
  • Biomedical Computing
  • Brewing and Beverage Technology
  • Chemical Biotechnology: The form will be provided via TUMonline during the application process.
  • Communications Engineering
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Consumer Science
  • Data Engineering and Analysis
  • Environmental Planning and Ecological Engineering
  • Finance and Information Management (FIM)
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Technology and Biotechnology
  • Forestry and Wood Science
  • Hortibusiness Management
  • Horticultural Science
  • Informatics
  • Informatics: Games Engineering
  • Information Systems
  • Landschaftsplanung, Ökologie und Naturschutz
  • Life Science Economics and Policy
  • Management and Digital Technology
  • Management and Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics in Data Science
  • Mathematics in Finance and Actuarial Science
  • Mathematics in Operations Research
  • Mathematics in Science and Engineering
  • Molecular Biotechnology
  • Neuroengineering
  • Nutrition and Biomedicine
  • Pharmazeutical Bioprocess Engineering
  • Power Engineering
  • Responsibility in Science, Engineering, and Technology (RESET)
  • Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Sustainable Management and Technology
  • Teaching at Vocational Schools

Don't find the degree program you are looking for? Please refer directly to the homepage of your school or department.

For some degree programs, you must verify the knowledge and skills you acquired in previous study. These must have been acquired in disciplines relevant for the qualification profile and prerequisites of the degree program to which you are applying. You must submit a module catalog or the relevant module descriptions, a transcript of records or mere links to the corresponding university websites do not suffice as verification. If your university does not have a module catalog, you must submit written confirmation of this from the university.  Where no catalog is available, you may provide your own descriptions of course contents. 

Curriculum vitae (CV) / résumé

We require a current curriculum vitae without chronological gaps up to the time of your application at TUM. The CV must contain accurate and complete information about your formal education (schools and universities attended, dates of exams/final exams, degree conferral, etc.). Please provide details for each period up to the month of your application to TUM . Please do not leave gaps in your CV, even if, at times, you were not enrolled at a school or university or gainfully employed, i.e. if you were on an extended vacation or hiatus, as we are interested in the entire history of your intellectual and personal development.

Feel free to use the template of the European Union for your curriculum vitae / résumé:

  • Create your CV online with europass

Degree certificate

“Degree Certificate” means your final transcript of records/final transcript of grades. It usually contains your overall grade, academic title as well as the grade and topic of the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis.

Please upload this document to the online application form. After you receive admission to a program, we require a notarized hardcopy for enrollment. This also applies to applicants with a VPD by uni-assist.

For some master's degrees, you may hand in this document until the end of the second semester, provided that you submit a transcript of records within the designated application period. To find out whether this is possible for a certain program, please consult the Academic and Examination Regulations . If you wish to use your degree certificate as proof of your language skills, you necessarily need to submit it by the end of the application period for a program.

The degree certificate is also used to check whether you are affected by the tuition fees for international students from third countries .

For more information on the distinction between dipoma and certificate, please visit our FAQ .

Enrollment certification from the university last attended

An Enrollment Certification is a document certifying that you were enrolled at a certain university or institution of higher education for a certain period of time.

If this document is required for application to your desired degree program, please submit the most recent proof of enrollment you have available.

Enrollment record

If you have previously been enrolled at a German university, we require an enrollment record (also referred to as student progress certificate) from the institution you last attended. This document contains a record of the number of semesters of overall university enrollment, the number of semesters of enrollment in the current degree program, and any semesters you have spent on leave . This document is issued by the university at which you were last enrolled.

Entrance qualification for Master’s degree program

Admission to postgraduate studies (usually a Master’s degree program) at a German university requires an undergraduate degree obtained from a recognized institution of higher education.

The most common postgraduate entrance qualification is a Bachelor’s degree. Generally, a degree needs to be at least equal to a 3-year Bachelor’s degree program in Germany to qualify as Master’s degree entrance qualification. If you hold an international degree, the anabin database allows a first check of your eligibility for a Master’s in Germany.

If you have not yet completed your studies at the time of your application, you can submit a current transcript or records instead of your certificate and hand in the final document later. The specific qualification requirements for each degree program can be found in the Academic and Examination Regulations . 

This essay is a text you write yourself. Any references to the work of others used in your work must be duly cited. For further information on the form, length, topics and the language (German or English) visit the homepage of your TUM school .

Bachelor's degree programs : 

Master's degree programs :

  • Computational Mechanics
  • Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology (ESPACE)
  • Informatik: Games Engineering
  • Innovation and Business Creation  (Executive MBA)
  • Politics and Technology
  • Radiation Biology
  • Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology (RESET)
  • Resource Efficient and Sustainable Building
  • Sports and Exercise Science
  • Sustainable Resource Management
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik

Don't find the degree program you are looking for? Please refer directly to the homepage of your school or department. 

Evidence of digital notification of student health insurance (issued by a compulsory health insurance company)

The health insurance certificate is digitally transmitted directly from the health insurance company to TUM . The transmission will only take place after admission to TUM and at the request of the student . Further information can be found on our website on mandatory health insurance .

GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)

Applicants from India are required to submit the results of their most recent GATE. The GATE is an internationally accepted, standardized graduate admissions test. For more information, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your TUM school or department . Graduates of one of the Indian Institutes of Technology are not required to submit GATE results.

Please note : For the GATE to be valid, the Marks out of 100 must be at least equal to the General Score of the Qualifying Marks .

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

The GMAT is a standardized test for use in admission to graduate management programs.

A GMAT may be submitted as proof of English language proficiency as well as enhance your application with regard to the aptitude assessment. For individual programs, it is required as proof of necessary qualifications. For more information, please refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of the degree programs or visit the website of your department or school.

Grading system at the university last attended

An explanation of the grading system at the university you last attended will be issued by that institution. You must submit a notarized copy; the original must bear a seal and signature.

Grading system with maximum and minimum passing grade

This document describes the grading system applicable to a degree certificate or a transcript of records. Depending on the country a graded document was issued in, we require certified information on the grading system to convert your grades.

GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

The GRE is an internationally recognized, standardized test for admission to graduate studies. To find out whether you need a GRE and if so, which minimum score is required, please visit the homepage of your TUM school or department:

  • TUM Department of Mathematics
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

Please note: In order to apply to TUM, you usually need to submit the results of the General Test. The Subject Test is currently only accepted when applying to the Master’s program Matter to Life.

If you submit the results of your GRE through the Educational Testing Service ETS, please use the ETS Institution Code 7806. Please note that you always have to submit your GRE results together with the rest of your application documents, regardless whether they have been submitted directly by ETS beforehand.

Please upload this document to the online application form. The GRE at Home is also accepted.

Higher education entrance qualification

The higher education entrance qualification certifies your right to study at university, these include the Abitur, Matura, Baccalauréat, Diploma di Licenza/Maturità, A-levels etc. If you would like to study at TUM, you must hold a higher education entrance qualification (HZB) or show proof of a professional qualification. Entrance qualifications for a university of applied science (Fachhochschulreife) alone do not fulfill the requirements for admission to study at TUM. For further information visit our page on the higher higher education entrance qualification .

Please upload this document to the online application form. After you receive admission to a program, we require a certified hardcopy for enrollment.

Language certificate German

For more detailed information on which forms of verification of language skills are required, visit our pages on language certificates .

Language certificate English

For more detailed information on which forms of verification of language skills are required, visit the our pages on language certificates  or refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your desired degree program.

Please note that you always have to submit proof of your sufficient language skills together with the rest of the application documents, even if the testing institute has already sent your results to TUM directly.

If you wish to submit a confirmation of your language of instruction as proof of your English language proficiency, the confirmation has to be issued by an administrative unit of the university (e.g. Examination Office, Registrars Office, Deans Office) on official university paper and has to bear a seal and an original signature . 

Please  upload  this document to the  online application  form.

Letter of motivation

The letter of motivation must be written by applicants themselves. It should describe your academic and personal motivation for your choice of degree program. Any references to the work of others used in your work must be duly cited. For more information on length and other formal requirements, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your TUM school or department .

List of best credits or equivalent results

Students applying for certain Master’s degree programs need to supply this document. 

  • For the Master’s program AI in Society list 140 credits.
  • 140 credits for six-semester Bachelor’s degree programs,
  • 164 credits for seven-semester Bachelor’s degree programs,
  • 187 credits for eight-semester Bachelor’s degree programs.
  • For the Master’s program Mathematics in Data Science , list 120 credits including grade calculation.
  • For all other Master’s programs offered by the Munich Center for Technology in Society list 90 credits (or half of the credits required for your undergraduate degree).
  • For the Master’s programs offered by the former Department of Mathematics list 140 credits.

Module catalog

A module catalog contains information on the duration, credits, types of examinations, prerequisites, learning outcomes, workload, forms of learning, content and module coordinators of the modules and courses in a degree program. It also defines the admission requirements for individual modules.

Please request such a document from your university. If your university does not publish a module catalog of its degree program, please submit a corresponding notification of the university (e.g. of the examination office) with stamp and signature. In this case, please compile a module catalog yourself.

The module catalog must be uploaded in German or English. If your university does not provide it in these languages, please submit a translation. You can translate the module catalog yourself or have it professionally translated.

Module description

Modules are the building blocks of Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. A module consists of a number of courses grouped coherently according to content and scheduled in coordination. The module description specifies the learning outcomes of the module.

Notification of equivalency to the Bachelor’s degree

Applicants to TUM currently enrolled at a Grande école in a degree program outside the Bologna structure (i.e. Bachelor’s/Master’s) require this document. The document can be obtained from that institution.

Notification of successful participation in a TUM Test

For some Master’s degree programs, applicants who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” must prove successful participation in a subject-specific TUM test. This test is conducted online.

You can find more detailed information about the test on the respective degree program page in the section “Which documents do I need to submit during the online application?”.

Notification of the Office for Certificate Recognition

Applicants with an  International Baccalaureate Diploma may supply this document together with their official transcript of grades instead of a VPD by uni-assist . It is issued by the Offices for Certificate Recognition in the federal states (e.g. Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern ).

Notification of the right to take an examination / clearance certificate

This document confirms that the student has not lost his or her right to take an examination, as would be the case if he or she had been issued a notification of irreversible failure in a required elective module. This document is issued by the university at which you were last enrolled.

Official transcript of grades

If you apply with an International Baccalaureate , you need to provide the official transcript of grades together with your  Notification of the Office for Certificate Recognition .  The Transcript of grades is an official copy of your IB results. 

Please provide an electronic copy of your valid passport. If you do not have a German identification card, you may submit a copy of your temporary identification or your international passport. We are obliged to inform you that you may omit (black out) the following information: issuing authority, serial number and identification number.

Portfolio of work – Architecture

Students applying for degree programs in the TUM School of Engineering and Design must submit a portfolio of their own work.

For the Bachelor’s degree program , the portfolio may consist of a maximum of 10 pages (European A4 format). Instead of the portfolio you may also submit proof of a relevant, already completed vocational education.

For the Master’s degree program , the portfolio needs to be submitted in digital form (PDF, 15 pages max, 20 MB max, page format must not exceed European A4 format)

For further information, visit the homepage of the TUM School of Engineering and Design .

Preliminary Documentation / VPD certificate

Applicants for 

  • Bachelor's degree programs with a foreign higher education entrance qualification
  • Master's degree programs with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a Bachelor's degree) which was not obtained in a country of the EU/EWG or in Switzerland (does not apply to Double Degree Programs )

are required to have their application documents proofed before submission by the University Application Service for International Students (uni-assist e.V.). Uni-assist will issue a VPD certificate. For further information on the VPD certificate, visit our homepage: Preliminary Documentation (VPD) by uni-assist

Proof of disenrollment

This document is issued by the institution at which you were last enrolled and verifies that you are no longer enrolled there. If you have an enrollment record, we do not require additional proof of withdrawal, unless you are transferring from another university within the scope of a degree program with restricted admission.  In this case, you must submit proof of disenrollment.

If you have previously been enrolled at a German university and at a foreign institution of higher education, we require proof of disenrollment from the German university at which you were last enrolled.

Proof of English language proficiency via English modules

English examination modules completed during your undergraduate/Bachelor’s degree may be used as proof of your English language proficiency, provided this is explicitly stated in the requirements for the specific degree program.

For the general eligibility and the specific requirements (e.g. total ECTS required in English modules) regarding a specific degree program, please refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations , §36 (Qualification Requirements, usually in German)

If a program allows for english exmaination modules as proof of english language proficiency and the modules you completed meet the requirements as stipulated in the Academic and Examination Regulations of the program, please fill in the appropriate form and upload it to the online application in TUMonline. 

  • Download Form : Proof of English Proficiency (PDF, 20 KB)

Proof of integrative German skills

This is only relevant for English-language programs. Even though you do not require German language skills to be admitted, you need to acquire a basic knowledge of German during your studies.

You can acquire these integrative German skills during your studies until the end of the 2nd semester. To learn more about the specific options to do this in your degree program, please contact your school or department .

Proof of successful participation in a lecture, seminar or project in the field of social-scientific methodology

This document is required for some degree programs offered by the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. You can download the corresponding form in TUMonline.

  • More information by the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
  • More information about the Master’s program in Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • More information about the Master’s program in Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology (RESET)

Ranking certificate

This document is issued by the institution at which you last studied and confirms that you ranked among the best 10–20% of students. This document is not required, but recommended for application to certain programs.

Reference letters – letters of recommendation

For some degree programs, you are required to submit recommendation or reference letters, or name persons to be contacted as references if needed. Please do not submit unsolicited letters of recommendation or letters of reference. Please do not submit more letters of recommendation or reference than explicitly required – they will not be taken into account.

For more detailed information about the requirements for your application, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your TUM school or department .

Please upload the document during the online application.

Relevant extracurricular activities

In addition to required documents, your application may include records of extracurricular activities relevant to your desired field of study, such as internships, participation in youth science/research programs, etc. These activities may be taken into consideration in the application review process. For more information, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your desired degree program or visit the homepage of your school or department .

Subject and grades transcript of previous studies / Transcript of Records

This document can be obtained from the institution at which you last studied. It is sometimes also referred to as Transcript of Records. It lists all modules you have passed as well as the pertaining credits and the examination grades that were awarded.

The difference between a transcript and the degree certificate is the time when the document is issued.

The transcript is issued before graduation. The degree certificate is issued after successful completion of the degree program.

A degree certificate (or final transcript) contains a note that the academic degree has been successfully awarded and the title may be used. It contains the final thesis with grades and usually a final average grade.

Some universities do not issue separate degree certificates, but only a final transcript.

In these cases, the final transcript of records is considered a certificate if it confirms that the degree program has been successfully completed and all credits and grades of all academic achievements, including the final exam, are listed there.

University diploma

“Diploma” in the context of application at TUM means the certification or deed by your former college or university testifying that the recipient has successfully completed a particular course of study, or conferring an academic degree (e.g. Bachelor of Sciences, Master of Sciences). “Diploma” does not refer to your “high school diploma” or a separate “diploma course” but to your highest academic degree.

For more information on the distinction between dipoma and certificate , please visit our FAQ.

According to the regulations of the admissions office a provisional certificate can only be accepted if at least one of the following requirements is fulfilled:   1. The document states explicitly that the degree program has been completed successfully. 2. The document contains the date on which the final graduation documents will be issued.

The final grade does not have to appear on the provisional certificate as long as it is made clear that all necessary credits have been earned. Applicants who submit a provisional certificate which contains the above mentioned information may be given an additional semester to submit the final degree certificate and diploma.

Applicants who study at a university which is not able to issue the final graduation documents within a year may hand in a provisional certificate fulfilling the requirements and bearing an apostille.

This document is issued by the university at which you were last enrolled.

For some Master's degrees, you may hand in this document until the end of the second semester, provided that you submit a transcript of records within the designated application period. To find out whether this is possible for a certain program, please consult the Academic and Examination Regulations .

User Authentication Number (BAN)

If you are applying to a degree program with restricted admission, known as Numerus Clausus , and admission is administered using the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure , you will need this number and your applicant ID, or BID. These numbers will be assigned to you when you register on the online portal of the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure of the University Admissions Foundation.

The user authentication number (BAN) is a 6-figure number. You can find your BAN in your user account on the online portal of the Foundation for University Admissions .

Verification FH (University of Applied Sciences) – 60 ECTS

This document serves as proof of your subject-specific higher education entrance qualification. This may be verified, for example, through the successful completion of examinations in a degree program at a University of Applied Sciences that is closely related to a university degree program. This can be established on the basis of ECTS points earned in the first two semesters of an undergraduate degree program. As a rule, 60 ECTS are required. These can be verified with a grade report of courses and exams passed or a transcript of grades.

Information on the specific number of ECTS points required is available in the program-specific Academic and Examination Regulations (FPSO) for the desired program.

Verification of advising for a supplementary subject / School Psychology by the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology (SOT)

This confirmation is required by applicants for a teacher training degree program who are applying for a supplementary subject or for the School Psychology subprogram. You will receive the document from the TUM School of Social Science and Technology (SOT) departmental student advisor   after attending an advising interview.

Verification of advising for qualified professionals by General Student Advising

Qualified professionals as well as master craftspersons (“Meister”) need this confirmation for the application. You will receive the document from the General Student Advising after attending an advising interview.

Verification of completed internship for Bachelor’s programs in Civil or Environmental Engineering

If you are applying for a Bachelor’s degree program in Civil or Environmental engineering, you require verification that you have completed an internship. If you do not have verification at the time of application, you must submit it no later than one month before the end of the second semester of enrollment in the program, provided you have met all other requirements for admission and enrollment. 

The verification has to be submitted online at   Please note that incomplete submissions cannot be considered.

Verification of entry on the doctroal candidacy list

This verification can be obtained through the TUM Graduate School at the platform DocGS . 

Verification of exemption from sport assessment test / verification of passing sport assessment test

For further information on the sport assessment test, visit . 

If you wish to apply for the recognition of a different assessment test, please also refer to  

Verification of grounds of deferment as per §19 HZV

You require this verification if your offer of admission to study to a degree program with restricted admission Numerus Clausus was deferred and you are reapplying for the same program . Grounds for deferment as per §19 HZB include, voluntary military service or a voluntary year of social service.

Verification of military or civilian service

See section “Verification of Grounds of Deferment as per §19 HZV”.

Please submit a copy .

Verification of passing aptitude assessment for English at LMU

If you are applying to a vocational education degree program and your second area of specialization is English (to be completed at LMU), you require verification that you have successfully completed the aptitude assessment process at LMU.

Verification of subject-specific additional competencies

Applicants to the Master’s degree program in Traditional Chinese Medicine may submit verification of their subject-specific additional competencies, such as prior studies at professional societies, internships at clinics for TCM, stays abroad or studies in Sinology.

For further information, refer to the Academic and Examination Regulations of your degree program or visit the homepage of your degree program .

Verification of successful completion of the examination in mathematics at TUM

This document is required if you apply for admission to TUM as a vocationally qualified applicant without a higher education entrance qualification . You can obtain more information on qualification through professional experience in an individual advising session .

Verification of the Double Degree agreement

This document is required for some Double Degree programs. You will find out if you are required to submit this document at the end of the online application process in your applicant account in TUMonline . This document is issued by the university at which you were last enrolled.

Verification of voluntary year of social service

See section “Verification of grounds of deferment as per §19 HZV”.

Written statement

This document is required when applying for the master’s programs in Business Education I and Business Education II with second teaching subject.

The Written Statement is based on pre-defined key questions provided during the online application in TUMonline. More information about the Written Statement is available on the website of the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology.

Where to find us: Campus Munich, Arcisstr. 21, Room 0144 80333 Munich Contact our Student Advisors: Consultation is currently possible via phone or video call.  

Appointments must be arranged in advance.

Monday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuesday, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Student Information only) Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.



  1. Thesis Template Format

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  2. Thesis Format: A Guide To Proper Structure And Formatting

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  3. 120+ Thesis Statement Examples

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  4. FREE 7+ Thesis Writing Samples & Templates in PDF

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  5. Master's Thesis

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  6. TUM Thesis Template

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  1. MBS Thesis

  2. Format of Dissertation file/Thesis How to make dissertation #master #pg #research #format

  3. Yoga Research & Thesis Format

  4. MBS Thesis

  5. Avoid These Mistakes When Converting Your Thesis to a Research Paper

  6. Thesis/ Dissertation Formatting and Guidelines Workshop


  1. Thesis, Presentation & Templates

    TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology Technical University of Munich Home; Student Thesis; Thesis, Presentation & Templates ... Writing your thesis; Giving your talk; Templates; To top -Chair of Communication Networks Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kellerer. Arcisstr. 21 80333 Munich. Visitor Address: Building 9, 1. floor. Tel: +49 89 ...

  2. Thesis Informatics

    General information on your thesis For tips on finding a topic and completing the thesis, please come to the information event Let's talk about - Final Thesis @in.tum; It is mandatory to be enrolled while writing your thesis.; For information on writing guidelines, formatting, extension, submission, and visibility of registration and submission, please see thesis in detail.

  3. Theses

    Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis. Formalities. Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor's and master's theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO ...

  4. Tips and Tricks

    Tips and Tricks for the final research papers and thesis. Final research papers and theses for degrees at the TUM are as manifold as the TUM itself. They range from scientific research papers in engineering in close association with technical applications through to theoretical theses, yet they all have one thing in common: They should ...

  5. Writing Your Thesis

    General Information. Approximate number of pages to be written: Master's Thesis: 60-80 pages. Bachelor's Thesis: 30-40 pages. IDP: 30-40 pages. Research Internship (Forschungspraxis): 20-30 pages. You may write your thesis in German or English. Please follow the TUM guidelines for scientific work (no plagiarism!)

  6. PDF Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines

    Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines Page 5 10/2022 Timeline The processing time after the thesis registration is usually 3 months (Bachelor thesis) or 6 months (Master thesis). Please check the processing time of your degree program. The schedule for your final thesis consists of roughly six main steps (see Table 1).

  7. PDF Thesis Writing Guidelines Style and Formatting

    ize your thesis into sections and subsections. Structure your work by. sing Arabic numerals, i.e. 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc. Within a (sub)section, paragraph breaks to indicate a new thought. The cover. Title of the thesis. Name, address, matriculation number of the author, course of study, and semester count.

  8. PDF Guidelines for theses, seminar papers and reports

    sheet_Submission_of_final_thesis_TUM_SOM.pdf TUM SoM requires you to hand in three hard copies of your thesis at TUM SoM's Grade ... However, please check the formatting of an automatically compiled reference list! Sometimes titles or author names are imported in capitals and you need to correct them. 7.

  9. PDF Guidelines for the Formal Structure of Papers and Final Theses at the

    A bachelor thesis is a maximum of 40 pages of text (excluding sources and the appendix). A master's thesis is a maximum of 60 pages of text (excluding sources and the appendix). When the thesis is written in scientific paper format, it can be shorter. Citation style APA Style, 7th Edition. The manual is available here.

  10. Theses

    More information can be found in the section Publishing Doctoral Theses. Dissertations in paper form are archived by the University Library. You can search and borrow them via the TUM Online Catalog (OPAC). In doing so, you can limit your search to dissertations if you filter the results list with the format type "Dissertation, Hochschulschrift".

  11. PDF Guidelines for Student Theses

    •Ensure that the thesis title still aligns with the research conducted. When in doubt, consult your advisor. •Double-check that the format of the title page and the date printed on the thesis are correct. • Submit the thesis (mind the deadline!) digitally via the Koinon portal (BA/MA) or hand in a printed version (IDP/GRP).

  12. Thesis Mathematics

    The Bachelor's or Master's thesis has to be submitted digitally. Please submit the thesis as a PDF file to bachelor(at) or master(at) within the deadline. If you have to hand in code or other files, please e-mail all files collected in a zip folder. Printed copies and USB sticks will no longer be accepted. Date

  13. Thesis Writing Tips

    Thesis Example Structure. The following structure is intended for orientation purposes. Usually, the thesis is written in consultation with the supervisor, which may result in a different structure. Cover Page (Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines) Title Page (Formatting according to the TUM Guidelines)

  14. PDF OSCM Thesis Guidelines 10Dec2015 rev2

    2 Contents. A typical Project study/Bachelor's thesis has around 30 to 50 pages and a Master's/Diploma thesis has around 50 to 80 pages, counted from introduction to conclusion (without appendix). The length of a seminar report is communicated by the lecturer (because they vary from chair to chair). Please note that the exact length of the ...

  15. Formalities

    The FPSO (Departmental Study and Examination Regulations) of your degree program contains information about further requirements of your thesis such as a supplementary colloquium, a supplementary course, or defense. The module description contains information about the structure of these additional requirements and the pass/fail credit ...

  16. Thesis & Graduation

    CIT portal. From 15 January 2024 on, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal. Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration.

  17. Theses & Certificates

    The Master's thesis must not be handed in later than six months after your thesis issue date. In case of part-time study programs, different deadlines apply in accordance with the respective FPSO. Example Bachelor: Start issue date of the thesis May 1, latest submission date August 1. Example Master: Start issue date of the thesis October 9 ...

  18. TUM Thesis for Informatics Template

    TUM Thesis for Informatics Template. Open as Template View Source View PDF. Author. Tobias Weiher. Last Updated. 6 years ago. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. This is a template for the Bachelor and Master theses in the Department of Informatics for students at the Technical University of Munich.

  19. Thesis

    There are several ways to achieve this goal: Apply for an advertised topic at a chair. To make the process easier, please find the contact information, requirements for supervising a thesis and available topics of each chair of TUM School of Management by following the links below. Develop your own topic based on your interests and classes and ...

  20. Templates

    Student Thesis. Completed Thesis; Thesis, Presentation & Templates. Writing Your Thesis; Giving your Talk; Templates; LKN Community; Museum; Network Flexibility; 6G Open Lab Day 2024; Directions; Chair of Communication Networks TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology Technical University of Munich Home; Student Thesis; Thesis ...

  21. Theses at the KrcmarLab

    Theses at the Wittges Lab. You can find topics offered by Wittges research group / SAP UCC in the list below. If you want to apply for a student thesis or project at the Wittges Lab, please send the following documents directly to the contact person indicated in the topic offering and do not forget to include your motivation for the chosen topic(s) in your application letter/email:

  22. Glossary of Documents

    Students applying for degree programs in the TUM School of Engineering and Design must submit a portfolio of their own work. For the Bachelor's degree program, the portfolio may consist of a maximum of 10 pages (European A4 format). Instead of the portfolio you may also submit proof of a relevant, already completed vocational education.

  23. Master theses

    Bulla, A.: A Bottom-Up Approach for the Automatic Creation of the Digital Staircase Model Using Point Cloud Data and Parametric Prototype Models. Master thesis, 2024 more…. Fernández, M.: Robotized Construction using Advanced Robotic Simulation: the case of brick assembly. , 2024 more…. Friedl, F.: Bim-Based Progress Monitoring Using 2D ...

  24. PDF Thesis Dissertation Handbook

    sample page 25 and place your graduation date on the final line — December, May, or August and the year. • Failing to give your graduate coordinator . the final title . of your dissertation, so that the dissertation or thesis approval forms may be properly prepared to match your title page. •