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5 Best Speech on Water [Short & Long]

  • 1 1st Speech on Water (25 Min)
  • 2 2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)
  • 3 3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)
  • 4 4th Speech on Water (10 Min)
  • 5 5th Speech on Water (5 Min)
  • 6.1 What is a speech on water?
  • 6.2 What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?
  • 6.3 What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?
  • 6.4 How can we conserve water in our daily lives?
  • 6.5 What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Looking for a powerful speech on water? Edukar has provided the 5 Best speeches on water to describe the importance of water in our lives, the challenges we face in managing our water resources, and the steps we can take to ensure that future generations have access to clean and abundant water.

Speech on Water

1st Speech on Water (25 Min)

Speech on Water

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone,

It is an honor to speak to you today about one of the most essential elements of our planet, water. Water is the foundation of life, and without it, nothing can survive. It is essential to sustain all living organisms and is an essential resource for agriculture, industries, and households.

Water is the most found substance on Earth, covering 71% of the planet’s surface. However, despite its abundance, only a small percentage of water on earth is usable for human consumption. The majority of the water on earth is in the form of saltwater, which is not fit for drinking or irrigation purposes. Therefore, we must manage the available freshwater resources efficiently to ensure sustainable development.

Water scarcity is a growing concern globally, and the problem is not only confined to arid and semi-arid regions. Even countries that have ample water resources face challenges in the equitable distribution of water among all segments of the population. The global population is increasing at an unprecedented rate, and the demand for water is also increasing. Water security is a significant concern in many parts of the world, and it is essential to address this issue before it becomes a crisis.

Water is essential for human health, and inadequate access to clean drinking water can cause various diseases and health problems. Water is also critical for agriculture, which is the primary source of food for the world’s population. Without adequate water resources, farmers cannot grow crops, and food shortages can occur, leading to malnutrition and starvation.

Furthermore, water plays a crucial role in the global economy. Industries rely on water for various purposes, including cooling, processing, and manufacturing. Water is a critical input in the production process, and without it, industries cannot function. The economic cost of water scarcity is enormous, and it can severely impact the overall economic growth of a nation.

It is essential to adopt a sustainable approach towards managing water resources. Governments, civil society organizations, and individuals must work together to ensure the efficient use of water resources. We must also promote responsible water consumption practices to reduce wastage and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water.

In thh end, water is an essential resource for the survival of all living organisms, and it is our responsibility to manage it sustainably. We must work together to address water scarcity and ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe drinking water. Let us all commit to using water wisely and efficiently, and promote sustainable practices to ensure a better future for generations to come. Thank you.

2nd Speech on Water (20 Min)

Speech on Water

Water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is the source of all life and is vital for our survival. Yet, despite its importance, we often take it for granted. We turn on the tap, and water flows out without a second thought. But the reality is that access to clean water is a privilege that not everyone enjoys.

Today, I would like to discuss the importance of water and the challenges we face in ensuring that everyone has access to it.

First and foremost, water is necessary for human survival. We need it to drink, to wash, to cook, and to grow our food. But it’s not just us humans who depend on water. Animals and plants also need water to survive. Without water, our entire ecosystem would collapse.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to clean water. According to the World Health Organization, around 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation services. This lack of access to water has a significant impact on people’s health, education, and economic opportunities.

In developing countries, women and children are primarily responsible for fetching water, which can take up to six hours a day. This not only prevents them from going to school but also leaves them vulnerable to health issues due to the unsanitary conditions of the water sources they have to rely on.

Furthermore, the lack of access to clean water can lead to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. These diseases can be fatal, particularly for children under the age of five. In fact, water-related diseases are responsible for 3.4 million deaths each year.

So, what can we do to ensure that everyone has access to clean water?

1. We need to recognize that access to clean water is a fundamental human right. We need to prioritize providing clean water to those who lack access, particularly in developing countries. Governments and international organizations need to work together to create policies that prioritize water security and invest in the necessary infrastructure to provide clean water to those who need it.

2. We need to be mindful of our water usage. In developed countries, we often take water for granted and waste it without a second thought. We need to recognize that water is a finite resource and that wasting it not only affects our environment but also takes away from those who desperately need it. We can do our part by fixing leaky taps, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances.

3. We need to invest in water conservation and management. This includes investing in rainwater harvesting systems, improving irrigation techniques, and promoting sustainable farming practices. By conserving water, we can ensure that we have enough water to meet our needs and the needs of future generations.

Finally, water is one of the most essential resources we have on this planet. It is necessary for our survival, and everyone should have access to clean water. We need to prioritize water security, be mindful of our water usage, and invest in water conservation and management. By doing so, we can ensure that everyone has access to this fundamental human right and preserve our planet for future generations. Thank you.

3rd Speech on Water (15 Min)

Speech on Water

Today, I am honored to speak to you about one of the most precious resources on our planet – water. Water is essential for all living beings and is a fundamental need for life. It is a vital resource that we must protect and conserve for future generations.

We all know that Earth is a blue planet, and water covers about 71% of its surface. However, what many people don’t realize is that only 2.5% of that water is freshwater, and only 1% of that freshwater is accessible for human consumption. With the world’s population growing rapidly, the demand for freshwater is also increasing, and it is vital that we use it wisely.

Water is essential for many aspects of our daily lives. We use it for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and agriculture. The importance of water in agriculture cannot be overstated. It is a crucial resource for farmers, and they rely heavily on it for crop production. In many countries, irrigation accounts for the majority of freshwater use. It is crucial that we ensure that this precious resource is used efficiently to sustain agriculture and prevent food shortages.

The scarcity of freshwater has become a significant problem in many parts of the world. Water scarcity occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available supply. Climate change, population growth, and poor water management are all factors that contribute to water scarcity. In some areas, people are forced to walk for hours to collect water from a nearby stream or well, which is often contaminated and unsafe for consumption.

Water pollution is another critical issue that affects the quality and availability of freshwater. Pollution can occur from both natural and human-made sources. Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge, and improper waste disposal are just a few examples of human-made sources of pollution. Natural sources of pollution include sedimentation, organic matter, and minerals. Water pollution affects the quality of freshwater, making it unsafe for human consumption and harming aquatic ecosystems.

To address the water crisis, we must take collective action. We must work together to conserve water and protect it from pollution. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability of this vital resource. We must also educate people about the importance of water conservation and the impact of our actions on the environment.

Water conservation is the most effective way to address the water crisis. We can all play a part in conserving water by making small changes to our daily habits. Simple actions like turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, fixing leaky pipes, and using a broom instead of a hose to clean our driveways can go a long way in conserving water. We must also encourage the use of water-efficient technologies in agriculture, industry, and households.

At the end, water is a precious resource that we must protect and conserve. The water crisis is a complex issue, and it requires collective action to address it. We must work together to ensure that everyone has access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. Let us all do our part in conserving water and protecting it from pollution. By taking small steps, we can make a significant impact and ensure that future generations have access to this vital resource. Thank you.

4th Speech on Water (10 Min)

Speech on Water

Dear fellow citizens,

Water is an essential resource for all living organisms. It is the foundation of life and is required for basic human needs such as drinking, cooking, and washing. Despite its importance, however, access to clean water is not available to everyone. As a result, it is our collective responsibility to conserve water and ensure that it is available for generations to come.

Water scarcity is a global issue that affects millions of people, particularly in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people do not have access to proper sanitation facilities. This situation is exacerbated by climate change, which is causing prolonged droughts and extreme weather events that can damage water supply systems.

Water conservation is critical to ensuring that this precious resource is available for everyone. There are many ways to conserve water, from simple measures such as turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, to more significant efforts such as implementing water-saving technologies in agriculture and industry. These efforts not only help to ensure that water is available for everyone, but they can also reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to conservation, we must also address water pollution. Water pollution is a significant threat to both human health and the environment. Industrial activities, agricultural runoff, and improper disposal of waste can all contribute to water pollution. We must take steps to reduce water pollution by implementing stricter regulations on industrial and agricultural activities and encouraging proper waste disposal.

We must also recognize the importance of water management. Proper water management involves managing water resources sustainably, ensuring that water is allocated efficiently, and that there is equitable access to water for all. This requires the involvement of governments, communities, and individuals. By working together, we can create sustainable water management practices that will benefit everyone.

Finally, education is key to promoting water conservation and sustainable water management. We must educate ourselves and our communities about the importance of water, the consequences of water scarcity and pollution, and the steps we can take to conserve and manage water resources. This can include school programs, public awareness campaigns, and community outreach.

5th Speech on Water (5 Min)

Speech on Water

Ladies and gentlemen,

Water is a vital resource for life on Earth, and we must cherish and protect it. It is essential to all forms of life, and we cannot survive without it. However, despite its importance, many people take it for granted, wasting it, polluting it, and neglecting to maintain its infrastructure.

Access to clean and safe drinking water is still a significant challenge for many communities worldwide. Even in developed countries, access to water can be limited in some areas. Many people must travel long distances to fetch water or rely on contaminated water sources. This lack of access to clean water not only affects people’s health and quality of life but also hinders their economic development and education opportunities.

The overuse of water resources is depleting them. The demands of industries, agriculture, and growing populations are causing water scarcity in many regions worldwide. Climate change is exacerbating the problem by altering rainfall patterns, causing droughts, and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and hurricanes.

We must work together to address these challenges and protect our water resources. We must conserve water by reducing our usage and preventing wastage. We can do this by fixing leaking pipes, using water-efficient appliances, and adopting sustainable water practices in agriculture and industry.

We must work to ensure access to clean water for all communities, especially those that are currently underserved. This requires investment in infrastructure, technology, and education. We must also address pollution and protect our water sources from contamination by industrial and agricultural runoff, hazardous waste, and other pollutants.

Finally, water is a precious resource that we cannot take for granted. We must cherish and protect it for future generations. We must work together to ensure access to clean water, conserve water, and protect our water resources from pollution and overuse. By doing so, we can create a healthier, more sustainable world for ourselves and those who come after us.

What is a speech on water?

A speech on water is a talk or presentation that focuses on the importance of water, the challenges we face in managing water resources, and the actions we can take to protect and conserve water.

What are some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water?

Some important topics that can be covered in a speech on water include the importance of water for life and the environment, the challenges of water scarcity and pollution, the impact of climate change on water resources, and the need for sustainable water management practices.

What are some tips for delivering a perfect speech on water?

Some tips for delivering a compelling speech on water include researching the topic thoroughly, using relevant statistics and examples, engaging the audience through storytelling and personal anecdotes, and ending with a call to action or a message of hope.

How can we conserve water in our daily lives?

We can conserve water in our daily lives by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances and fixtures, watering plants and lawns only when necessary, and reducing our overall water consumption.

What can individuals do to contribute to global efforts to address water issues?

Individuals can contribute to global efforts to address water issues by conserving water in their daily lives, supporting water-related charities and organizations, advocating for sustainable water management practices, and staying informed about water-related issues and solutions.

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Personal Health

Drink Up! Most of Us Could Benefit From More Water

Inadequate hydration can cause fatigue, poor appetite, heat intolerance, dizziness, constipation, kidney stones and a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

speech on drinking more water

By Jane E. Brody

I wonder how we all survived — and even thrived — in our younger years without the plethora of water bottles that nearly everyone seems to carry around these days.

In reading about the risks and consequences of dehydration, especially for the elderly and anyone who exercises vigorously in hot weather, it’s nothing short of a miracle that more of us hadn’t succumbed years ago to the damaging physical, cognitive and health effects of inadequate hydration.

Even with the current ubiquity of portable water containers, far too many people still fail to consume enough liquid to compensate for losses suffered especially, though not exclusively, during the dehydrating months of summer.

For those of you who know or suspect that you don’t drink enough to compensate for daily water losses, the good news is you don’t have to rely entirely on your liquid intake to remain well-hydrated.

Studies in societies with limited supplies of drinking water suggest you can help to counter dehydration and, at the same time, enhance the healthfulness of your diet by consuming nutritious foods that are laden with a hidden water source. Plant foods like fruits, vegetables and seeds are a source of so-called gel water — pure, safe, hydrating water that is slowly absorbed into the body when the foods are consumed.

That’s the message in a newly published book, “Quench,” by Dr. Dana Cohen, an integrative medicine specialist in New York, and Gina Bria, an anthropologist whose studies of the water challenges faced by desert dwellers led to the establishment of the Hydration Foundation, a nonprofit group that promotes understanding and consumption of nonliquid sources of water.

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Persuasive Speech Topics on Water

Student giving a persuasive speech

Research Paper Topics on Environment & Water

The best persuasive speeches take a stance on a controversial or unusual issue. Water is a basic building block of human life, fueling our bodies, growing our crops and cleaning our cities. But the earth's water supply is increasingly overtaxed by human use and choked with pollution. The agreement that our planet has a water problem and the widely diverging opinions on what to do about it make water a topic with plenty of potential for persuasive speeches.

Water Shortages

Dry, barren landscape with cracked earth

A persistent headline grabber around the world, water shortages due to drought, overuse or a combination of the two are both devastating and common. Since more than a billion people around the world lack reliable access to clean, safe water, water shortages offer several compelling speech topics. The need to reduce water consumption through more efficient infrastructure could make a persuasive speech topic, especially in drought-stricken regions where conservation is particularly relevant. For a more controversial spin, you could argue that the droughts causing water shortfalls are the product of climate change and call on audiences to reduce their carbon footprints .

Water Pollution

Dead fish in polluted water

While it would be hard to argue that water pollution is good, you could argue for any of several approaches to handling water pollution. For example, you could write a speech arguing in favor of green rooftops and green streets , techniques the cities of Chicago and Portland have adopted to combat water contamination. Alternatively, you might speak in favor of foreign aid programs to help developing countries police polluters . In developing countries as a group, 70 percent of all industrial waste ends up in the water supply without being treated, according to National Geographic.

Privatization of Water Supplies

World Bank building

Historically, most countries have operated their water distribution systems as government-owned utilities, but a movement attempting to privatize water systems is creating controversy. Some organizations, such as the World Bank Group, view privatization as essential for growth. High-scoring persuasive speeches might take a stance for or against privatization. Proponents of privatization argue profit motives will inspire companies to expand their facilities, bringing clean water to more people, more efficiently. Opponents say privatization will just hand power over a life-sustaining resource to the world's wealthiest companies. A speech on either side of the controversy could make compelling points.

Water Technology

Desalination plant

New technologies for cleaning water or harnessing its power also provide opportunities for persuasive speech topics. For instance, you might argue that governments should invest more in water desalination research. Desalination, the process of removing salt and other contaminates from ocean water or brackish water, could provide a nearly limitless supply of potable water, but is extremely expensive. Other researchers are studying how water might be used as a fuel source to power cars or even rocket engines . A persuasive speech could discuss the need to invest in these technologies, or the reasons these technologies might cause unforeseen consequences.

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About the Author

Nick Robinson is a writer, instructor and graduate student. Before deciding to pursue an advanced degree, he worked as a teacher and administrator at three different colleges and universities, and as an education coach for Inside Track. Most of Robinson's writing centers on education and travel.

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Speech on Water Cycle

You’ve probably noticed how a rainy day can transform into a sunny one. This magic happens thanks to the water cycle. You see, water is always on the move, changing from one state to another.

The water cycle is nature’s way of recycling water. It’s like a big water ride that never ends. Understanding it can explain so much about the world around us.

1-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day to you all! Today, let’s talk about a magical journey. It’s not about wizards or superheroes, but about something we see around us every day. Yes, it’s the journey of water, or you can say, the water cycle.

Once they rise and reach the sky, they start to cool down and lose their excitement. They come together and form groups. These groups of water particles appear to us as clouds. This process is what we call condensation.

Now, these clouds travel around the world. When too many water particles group together, they become heavy. Unable to hold the weight, they fall back to the ground. This is what we know as rain, or in colder areas, as snow or sleet. We call this process precipitation.

In summary, the water cycle is an endless journey of water from the ground to the sky and back again. It is nature’s way of recycling water, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining life on earth. So, next time when it rains, remember, it’s part of a beautiful journey that water takes. Thank you!

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2-minute Speech on Water Cycle

Good day, friends! Today, I’m going to talk to you about something you see every day but might not think much about – the Water Cycle.

First, let’s talk about what the water cycle is. You’ve seen water in many forms: when you drink a glass of water, when it rains, or when you see steam rising from a hot cup of tea. The water cycle is the journey water takes as it moves between these forms and places. It’s a continuous loop that helps keep the earth alive.

Next, we have condensation. As the water vapor rises higher into the sky, it starts to cool down and turn back into a liquid. This is how clouds are formed. Just like when you see water droplets on the outside of a cold glass, the water vapor comes together to form tiny droplets in the sky.

The last part is precipitation. This is a fancy word that just means water falling from the sky. When too many of these tiny droplets gather in a cloud, the cloud gets heavy and the water falls back to the ground as rain, snow, or hail.

Why is this important, you might ask? Well, the water cycle is a key part of what makes our planet habitable. It helps plants grow, it fills our rivers and lakes, and it even helps regulate the Earth’s temperature.

Thank you for listening today, and remember to always respect and care for our water resources, for they are a crucial part of the amazing journey that is the water cycle.

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  • Speech on Water


Long Speech on Water Conservation

The existence of life on earth is solely dependent on the presence of water. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the students must be familiar with the conservation of water. They can therefore find this speech on water conservation very helpful for their exam preparation. We have also provided a short speech and a one-minute speech on the water for students of all classes.

Speech on Water Conservation

A heartiest welcome to all the people gathered here today. I am present here to deliver a speech on water and its conservation. There is no denying the fact that water forms an incredible part of our lives and is considered a fundamental unit of the planet earth. We are all familiar with the several roles that water plays to help us serve a living. This colourless, transparent and tasteless liquid occupies 70% of our planet and can be found in three forms of states- solid, liquid and gaseous. 

Water serves a major role in the survival of all living organisms and hence, the role and importance of water are known to all. Although 70% of water is found on our planet, 3% of the water comes under freshwater, out of which, 2.6% of water always remains frozen. Thus, only 0.4% of it is accessible to humans for drinking purposes.  Thus, it is very important for us to conserve water. Some quantities of water can also be found on rivers and lakes, but it might not be considered drinking water without any testing. Drinking this water may lead to various stomach problems and infections.

River and lake water has to go through a process of filtration before they are delivered to the houses. After that, they once again go through an advanced process of filtration in the households before making them completely drinkable.

But with the growing population and industries, the amount of drinking water in our country is reducing. Most of the seas, rivers, and small water bodies are highly polluted by various contaminants from the industry wastes thus, leading to water pollution. The release of these wastes leads to a high amount of contamination and heavy metal accumulation in the water bodies. Thereafter, making them undrinkable. This has not only affected the lives of human beings but has also greatly impacted marine life due to the insufficient oxygen supply. Many people fall sick due to the lack of proper drinking water and suffer stomach infections due to the presence of these contaminants. Thus, it is our responsibility to stop the dispersal of wastes into the water bodies and start conserving water for the survival of human beings. This water, of course, should be free from any kinds of pollutants.

Some of the techniques that must be helpful in conserving water are rainwater harvesting, planting of more trees to increase the water level in soil and stopping unnecessary wastage of water. Lastly, I would like to say that water is the main source of life on this planet and thus, every drop of water must be used in a proper manner.

Save Water Speech in English

A very warm welcome to everyone. I am going to deliver a speech today on the topic ‘save water’. As the topic says, saving water is our utmost priority for the conservation of water bodies. Life on this planet is dependent on the existence of water, therefore, we must avoid wastage of water. As we know that 70% of the earth is filled with water but only 0.4% of it is considered drinkable, therefore, the amount of water accessible for human consumption is really less. Reduction in the amount of drinking water has occurred due to the human activities that have led to water pollution and contamination. 

A large amount of garbage and industrial wastes are dumped daily into the water bodies that create a large amount of contamination and accumulation of toxic chemicals. This when consumed leads to various chronic diseases and stomach infection. Thus, the amount of clean drinking water has been decreasing at an alarming rate. If this continues, it would be really difficult for living beings to survive on this planet. Thus, we must take necessary steps against these pollutants and move forward in conserving the water bodies. 

Washing of clothes, disposal of harmful substances and wastes into the lakes and rivers must be banned. We can start with the process of rainwater harvesting, plantation of more trees and saving each drop of water from being wasted. 

10 Lines Speech on Importance of Water

This one-minute speech on the importance of water in English is written targeting the students of Class 1 and Class 2 in a simple manner. This speech will thus help them understand the importance of water on this planet.

Water is an essential element for all the living organisms on our planet.

It is the major component for the survival of life on Earth.

Water forms 70% of the earth, out of which 3% of the water is considered to be freshwater.

Out of this 3%, only 0.4% of it is considered to be drinking water.

Large factories and industries dump their wastes into the water bodies causing water pollution.

Due to a large amount of water pollution, there is a shortage in the amount of fresh drinking water in most parts of our country.

Conservation of drinking water has become really important for survival.

Drinking water that contains harmful chemicals may cause various stomach infections and water-borne diseases.

The dumping of industrial wastes and garbage into the water bodies should be banned as it also affects the marine ecosystem.

Water thus forms a major part of our life and its conservation is our responsibility.

WATER – Speech

We all know that water is important for our survival and it is one of the most crucial resources which are required by everyone. Humans may survive without food for some days but they might die when no water is present. Water mainly harbors life and without it many life forms will perish. This can be considered as the primary reason why water is important. Water was found some billion years ago and then it moved into the land. Water has various important nutrients which are imperative to carry out the necessary cycles in the environment. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on water. Water is home to numerous species without which many species will perish. It is very important to save water and conserve it so that there isn’t a scarcity of water. 


FAQs on Speech on Water

1. What is the significance of water?

Water is significant for our survival. It is crucial for the survival of all living beings and they are directly or indirectly dependent on water. Humans use it for multiple purposes and water thus has the most significance to humans. Water is required to keep our bodies healthy and the organ system in good shape which is important for the proper functioning of the body. Water helps in the regulation of body temperature which is important for the survival of humans. In agriculture, water is extremely important. It is required to grow crops and for proper irrigation so that there is a good yield of crops. The absence of water can lead to droughts and famines leading to hunger.  In addition, water is a source of transportation too. Furthermore, water is an important source of electricity. We get hydroelectric power from water dams which we use for cooking, bathing, and drinking. Thus, water has many significant roles in our life. 

2. What is water conservation?

Conservation of water can be defined as the strategies, activities, and policies that are required to maintain the natural resources of water bodies sustainably. It also means to protect the hydrosphere and have a sustainable goal where human demands are met without harming the water bodies. Excessive use of water can lead to water scarcity. Urbanization and population growth have a major impact on water usage. The factors like climate change have left a negative impact on the water bodies which is why it has become more important for us to conserve water. Many countries have implemented laws and policies that are aimed at the conservation of water and have been successful.  The main goal of water conservation is to reduce water loss, less usage of water resources, and less wastage of water.

3. What are the sources of water?

Sources of water can be defined as the source or places from where we get water from. These are namely the surface water, groundwater, river flow, and frozen water like from glaciers. These are the natural sources that occur without any human interventions. The other source is the artificial source. Here, fresh water is obtained from the treated wastewater or cleaned water after primary/secondary treatment and desalinated seawater. The water is used in households, agriculture, industries, and many other places. 

4. What is water pollution?

Pollution of water can be defined as the release of unwanted substances into the groundwater or other water bodies like streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. It becomes very harmful to the water bodies and the animals dwelling there. This harms the natural and normal functioning of the water ecosystems and disrupts everything thus, creating a threat to the ecosystem. The substances can be chemicals or microbes which can cause pollution that can lead to radioactivity or heat in the water bodies. One of the major causes of pollution is due to the disposal of industrial wastes directly into the oceans and also, dumping waste and sewage there. 

5. What are the harmful effects of dams?

Dams are created by causing deforestation at a large scale which causes habitat destruction and destroys the homes of many animals and even makes the people relocate somewhere else. Large dams cause disruptions to the natural flow of the river which then hinders the lives of the fishes and other animals that dwell in the water bodies. This can lead to the extinction of fishes and other aquatic species, the disappearance of many birds in the floodplains, huge forest loss, soil erosion, and erosion of coastal deltas. 

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Without water, your body will cease to function; more than half your body weight comes from water, reports Kids Health website. Water is necessary for all the organs, tissues and processes throughout your body to continue functioning properly. Although the best source of water is to simply drink clean water, you can also increase your water intake by eating vegetables and fruits regularly because these contain high amounts of water. Convincing someone to drink more water can benefit them in a variety of ways, ranging from energy levels to their weight. The person every day should drink at least eight glasses, each containing 8 ounces of water.

Inform the person about how water can help her lose and maintain a healthy weight. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, and by drinking water regularly, you can reduce your chances of making this mistake and eating when you should be drinking. Drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before every meal and drinking a glass of water with every meal can help you eat less at the meal by filling you up, which can help you lose weight.

Talk about the health benefits of regular water consumption. Adequate intake of water keeps the cells throughout your body full of nutrients and properly functioning. Also, water helps keep your skin from becoming dry by keeping it hydrated.

Increase the person’s awareness about how drinking water can keep them energized. Even mild amounts of dehydration can leave you feeling fatigued, and by drinking water regularly, you can avoid and reduce your levels of fatigue.

Tell him that by drinking water, he can avoid unwanted headaches. Inadequate water intake can lead to headaches caused by dehydration. Drinking water, even when the headache already has begun, can help reduce the severity.

Inform her about the consequences of not drinking enough water. The symptoms of severe dehydration include dry mouth, sunken eyes, shriveled skin that does not bounce back, fever, rapid breathing, low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. If a person has these symptoms, he or she requires prompt medical attention.

Talk about how water contains no calories, which means you can drink it as often as you want.

Tell him to use slices of fruits, such as limes or lemons, to add flavor to water if it is not flavorful enough.

Discuss the digestive benefits of water. Regular water consumption can help keep you from becoming constipated and keep your digestive system working properly. Also, the water will regularly help remove toxins from your body.

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Alia Butler holds a Master of Social Work from Washington University, St. Louis, concentrating in mental health, and a Master of Arts in social-organizational psychology from Columbia University. Currently, Butler is a freelance writer, penning articles focusing on mental health, healthy living and issues surrounding work-life balance. She is the principle/owner of ALIA Living, LLC, providing residential interior design services, professional organizing and life coaching.

  • Future Perfect

More than 4 billion people don’t have access to clean water at home

Researchers wildly underestimated how many people don’t have safe drinking water.

by Celia Ford

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In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimated that 2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean water.

Roughly a quarter of the world’s population might seem bad enough. But on Thursday, a new study published in Science reported that 2 billion was a huge underestimate. New analyses reveal that 4.4 billion people across low- and middle-income countries — over half of the world’s population — don’t have safe household drinking water. It’s not that billions more people lost access to water. Rather, how researchers measure access became much more accurate, and those new measurements showed the problem is much worse than previously thought.

If you’ve always had clean running water at home, it’s easy to forget that drinkable tap water isn’t a given for much of the planet.

In developed countries like the US with sanitation systems, water is siphoned from a lake, river, or underground reservoir, and passed through a treatment plant to filter out dirt, bacteria, and harmful chemicals. From there, it’s stored in something like a water tower and piped into homes. If everything goes right, that water is safe to drink.

Even then, this process doesn’t go 100 percent right. Leaky pipes , aging infrastructure , and chemical contamination limit access to safe water in even the wealthiest countries. If it’s a logistical hurdle for those countries — where the vast majority of water is clean, cheap, and plentiful — the burden for low- and middle-income countries in providing everyone with safe drinking water is far more challenging, especially in rural areas, where limited sanitation infrastructure, conflict, and inadequate funding can impede water access.

Sufficient access to clean, reliable, affordable drinking water is a human right, though, and the United Nations has urged governments to funnel resources toward building and maintaining water infrastructure. (One of the UN’s sustainable development goals is for every community to have clean water — a far-off goal.) Better funding is vital, but unless money is strategically directed toward the right places and programs, throwing cash at the problem won’t necessarily fix it . That’s where the new data comes in.

Esther Greenwood , doctoral candidate at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich and Eawag, an aquatic research institute in Switzerland , noticed huge gaps in information about drinking water services for over half of the world’s population. By filling these gaps, Greenwood and principal investigator Tim Julian aimed to highlight regions where investment in drinking water testing is needed the most.

“The fact that so many people around the world do not have reasonable access to safe drinking water must give us pause for thought,” Eawag director Martin Ackermann said. “This could be avoided.”

More people lack safe drinking water than was thought — a lot more

Figuring out how many people have access to safe water is no small feat, especially in rural areas where this data matters the most. Historically, UNICEF has relied on household surveys , sending teams of people to conduct in-person interviews from a sample of homes in a given country. They ask questions like , “ Can you please provide me with a glass of water that members of your household usually drink?” and “Where was this water collected from?” — all of which provides a decent snapshot of a family’s current water situation.

But these surveys are labor-intensive and expensive, so information is only gathered once every five to 10 years. Anything that affects water use at a shorter timescale, from livestock farming to seasonal changes in rainfall , won’t be captured. And until recently, surveys didn’t ask about water quality at all, Greenwood added. For most regions, only one survey’s worth of data on drinking water contamination exists so far, which makes it difficult to assess trends over time.

Greenwood’s team incorporated 39 different sources of geospatial data in their study, gathered on land and via satellite, in addition to survey data from over 64,000 households across 27 countries between 2016 and 2020. They used all of this information to train machine learning models to estimate whether the water in a given place met four safety criteria from the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), which collects data on water supply, sanitation, and hygiene: improved (as in, from a source that could be safe, like pipes, rather than an unprotected well), and whether it was available when needed, accessible without a commute, and free from fecal contamination.

In the past, water quality has been measured by averaging survey results across a country’s entire population. Greenwood said that the JMP generally tries to average survey responses relating to all of its water safety criteria, then highlight the lowest value. Say that a survey in one country finds that 80 percent of people get water from an improved source, 50 percent have water at home, 40 percent have consistent water access, and 30 percent have clean, non-contaminated water — the JMP would report that 30 percent of people have safe drinking water.

This washes out a lot of the nuances of people’s individual experiences. What if you have access to clean water, but you have to walk to a kiosk three miles away to get it? Or have consistent water access at home, but it’s piped into tanks via weekly truck deliveries (an “unimproved” water source)?

To get around this problem, Greenwood’s team instead calculated data at the household level, and divided land into smaller chunks than full-blown countries to create a more accurate map of safe drinking water use. They found that two-thirds of people living in low- and middle-income countries had no household access to safe drinking water in 2020.

How to clean up water

Fecal contamination , or high levels of E. coli, was the biggest problem for nearly half of the population studied. When people or animals defecate near a water source, or sewage isn’t effectively contained, E. coli appears in drinking water downstream. Drinking contaminated water like this leads to diarrheal disease — an annoyance for adults but a mass killer for the young, with over 1,000 young children dying from the disease every day , primarily in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

While the technology required to measure E. coli levels is widely available, actually collecting drinking water samples and testing them is expensive, especially in remote rural areas. As a consequence, Greenwood said, “We still lack national data on drinking water contamination for approximately half of the global population.” Other chemicals like arsenic and pesticides can also cause health problems when they wind up in drinking water, but data on these contaminants was even more limited than that for E. coli — too limited for Greenwood’s team to include in their training data.

Greenwood’s team found that environmental factors, like tree density and how much rainfall changes with the seasons, were another major predictor of drinking water quality. This aligns with what researchers already knew — water quality is shaped in part by the weather.

Runoff after a big rainstorm, for example, can pick up bacteria, dirt, and pollutants on its way back to rivers and lakes. Heat waves also correlate with spikes in water contamination, especially in low-income areas. As the Earth continues getting hotter, this will become an increasingly pressing concern — low-income countries currently facing water insecurity are also the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Landscape and urban development also come into play. Sometimes, water is scarce because humans built a city in a dry place, or that city outgrew its water supply. South Africa’s Cape Town was almost forced to shut off its water supply in 2018 after a years-long drought, and narrowly avoided a massive crisis through a combination of restricting water supply and reducing demand.

But often the problem is less how much water there is than its quality and its availability to homes. Too often wastewater treatment plants are poorly managed , or insufficient water pressure prevents piped water service from running consistently. Mexico City , for example, may also run out of water in the not-too-distant future due to a combination of climate change and human mismanagement. When city pipes run dry, alternate sources of water like bottled water or kiosks are usually available, but these can cost up to 52 times as much .

Tackling huge policy problems like water insecurity requires a lot of data. Greenwood’s team began to fill in some of the gaps left open by the JMP, but she said that the kind of information they really need — frequent, hyperlocal measurements of water use over time — still doesn’t exist. This longitudinal data will be especially important for understanding how climate change is affecting drinking water services. Since climate and weather fluctuate faster than once-in-a-decade surveys can capture, surveys alone won’t cut it.

Household data also don’t necessarily reflect someone’s daily water use, either. People also drink water and go to the bathroom at work, school, and other public facilities — and there are still huge gaps in information about public water use . This study also didn’t address the affordability of drinking water , or the disproportionate burden that water insecurity places on the women often tasked with fetching water when it’s not available at home.

While the kind of geospatial data Greenwood’s team used can’t necessarily answer those questions, it can help point resources in the right direction. Areas with especially high levels of fecal contamination, or especially densely populated areas with limited water sources, could be flagged for prioritization by the government.

Greenwood hopes that by demonstrating what a big effect accounting for geospatial information has on water safety estimates, their team can mobilize policymakers “towards improving monitoring of water quality globally, particularly in regions where there are current data gaps.”

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Global access to safe drinking water may be significantly overestimated.

Mizy Clifton

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More than 4.4 billion people in low and middle income countries lack access to safely managed drinking water, twice as many as the United Nations and World Health Organizations had previously estimated, according to new research.

The scientists used household survey data, satellite observations, and geospatial modeling to make detailed maps that traced drinking water supply across 135 lower and middle income countries.

The biggest hurdle to access to safely managed drinking water was fecal contamination, affecting nearly half the population of these regions.

The difference in the WHO and UN’s estimates and the new estimate has to do, on some level, with the data, Esther Greenwood, the study’s lead author, told Semafor. Her team looked at the household level, in contrast to the UN and WHO, which seemingly made their calculations at the population level, she said.

Better data on global access to safe water is needed

Household surveys on water use are typically gathered once every 5-10 years, due in part to the vast effort and expense required, so it’s not possible to definitively say how many people have access to safely managed drinking water in 2024, Greenwood said. Such studies “only capture water use at the moment of the survey, [and] climate, seasonality, and other factors may influence people’s water use,” she added. Machine learning can help fill in some of the gaps, particularly in areas where there is little or no available household data, but “in the end, every model is only as good as the data which is available and which it is fed, so if we want to improve our estimates, we need better data,” she said.

Water as a human right

The UN recognized access to clean drinking water as a human right in 2010. Intertwined with other rights, such as to life and health, its realization nevertheless highlights the complexity of the international consensus that rights are “indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated,” a water security expert argued in the Center for Strategic and International Studies. It requires governments and institutions to navigate competing claims on resources, and lack of access is often not down to a lack of availability, he wrote. Framing water as a human rights issue raises questions as to whether it can also be a commodity: The UN argues that water would be better treated as a “ common good ,” and at least affordable, if not free , a former UN expert told The Economist.

Climate change exacerbates water issues

Climate experts have long argued that the climate crisis is “ essentially a water crisis ,” and that climate change is “primarily experienced in terms of too much, or too little, water.” Climate change is intensifying water cycles in a “ wet-gets-wetter-dry-gets-drier ” pattern, which severely limits access to fresh water supplies in ways that threaten the long-term viability of cities unless fixes like desalination are put in place, the researchers who study the changing water cycle wrote in The Conversation. Indeed, water stress — when demand for safe, usable water outstrips supply — particularly affects the Middle East and North Africa , and wealthy countries already have to rely on expensive, energy-intensive desalination processes, the Council on Foreign Relations noted.

Speech on Save Water for Students and Children

Speech on save water.

A hearty welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to convey a speech on Save Water.  We all know that water is the most useful resource on Earth. Also, we all are aware of its immense uses. We cannot imagine our lives without water. Moreover, we use water for household, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other purposes. Also, it is used for environmental purposes. Although, 70% of the Earth’s Surface is covered by water, yet, only 1% of freshwater is available for drinking. Most of our household tasks cannot be completed without water. Also, in industries, it is used for the preparation of goods and products. Furthermore, it assists in transportation too.

speech on save water

Despite its importance, we are facing deterioration in water resources. Although, it is a natural resource, yet we need to conserve the same. We need to save water for the development to take place in a sustainable manner. We must understand that it is the basis of humanity. Our earth is green because of water. There are many places facing the problem of water scarcity. Thus, we must take effective steps for the conservation of water.

Importance of Water in Life

Water is an indispensable component of life. We cannot survive without water. The human body comprises of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water. We need safe water for all our organs to function properly. Moreover, we can preserve our environment by saving water.  An excellent example of this is the use of water to produce electricity.  The use of hydropower or hydroelectricity helps in controlling pollution.

Furthermore, it prevents the burning of fossil fuels, coal, etc. for producing electricity. Also, it is essential for maintaining the Earth’s temperature. The human body is made up of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water.

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How to Save Water?

Water is the most precious component needed for food and life.  All human beings, animals and plants have a requirement of water. Thus, we need to conserve water resources. To conserve or decrease the polluting factors, we must be aware of the factors that lead to its deterioration. Then, we must take some valuable steps. These include turning off the taps, cut down meat-eating and dairy. Also, we must check for water leakage from hand pumps, shower less to save water. Moreover, we must have a pond to use water. Furthermore, the dumping of sewage and toxins into water bodies is a major reason for water pollution. Moreover, fertilizers require a huge amount of water. Thus, we must minimize the use of fertilizers in the fields. Also, we must check for soil erosion by planting trees.

We need water for thousand of tasks in our lives. It provides beauty to nature and maintains the environmental balance. Since it is the basis of our survival and development we should not misuse it.  We must use wisely this sacred gift of nature. We should teach the society by conducting awareness programs. Also, we must use modern techniques for farming. Moreover, watersheds help to conserve rainwater. We must try to educate our children about the importance of water. Its education must be provided at schools, colleges, etc. Also, through media, this purpose can be achieved. Although water is a natural resource available in abundance, it doesn’t mean we can misuse it. It is not a single person’s responsibility to conserve water. We could avoid the wastage of water only by joining hands.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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How you can reduce your exposure to forever chemicals

speech on drinking more water

It seems like forever chemicals are everywhere: in our homes, our drinking water and our bodies.

While tackling PFAS contamination will take more than individual choices, it is possible to limit one's exposure to PFAS.

Dr. Susan Pinney, director of the Center for Environmental Genetics at the University of Cincinnati noted that there are other sources of PFAS that are important to consider as communities work to remove forever chemicals from drinking water.

Here are a few steps you can take:

Consider home filters for drinking water

If you live in an area with PFAS levels above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health advisory limits, you can use a filter either attached to a water pitcher or directly to a faucet.

Look for the information about the filter's process. Granular activated carbon and reverse osmosis are both tested methods for reducing PFAS, according to the U.S. EPA .

Replace old nonstick or Teflon pans

Pinney said old Teflon pans are another concerning source of PFAS exposure, particularly if they are scratched or look especially worn.

The Center for Environmental Genetics held an event to encourage people to trade in old frying pans for a coupon to help pay for a new pan. Look out for similar events in your area, especially around Earth Day.

Be careful with older furniture, carpets and clothing

Older furniture and carpet with stain-resistant coatings can contain PFAS, Pinney said. As the furniture gets older, the Teflon can flake off the furniture and become part of the dust in a home.

Older outerwear can also be a concern as jackets used to be manufactured with water-resistant coatings that contained PFAS.

Consider an air filter

PFAS can be absorbed from inhaling particles in dust. Air filters can remove some of that dust.

"People think about that being important so their home doesn't get dusty, but there are benefits other than just reducing the amount you have to clean," Pinney said.

  • USA TODAY Sports

In Wilmington speech, Biden stresses access to clean water with new federal funding

It didn't take long for some good-natured ribbing about there being more than one Wilmington.

"Mayor (Bill) Saffo, thanks for the passport to your city," President Joe Biden said at his presidential visit to the Wilmington Convention Center on Thursday. "By the way, you ain't the only Wilmington in America," referring to the one in his home state of Delaware.

And while there was a joke here and there sprinkled among remarks that lasted less than 30 minutes, including some jabs at former President Donald Trump, most of Thursday's speech centered around clean water, infrastructure and jobs for the Port City and across the country.

"It is my great honor to welcome you all here today on this historic day as we host the President of the United States," Saffo said, kicking off the evening's speeches.

Biden in Wilmington: A look at activities surrounding the president's visit on Thursday

The primary purpose behind the president's visit to the Port City was to announce a $3 billion-dollar federal investment into replacing toxic lead piping throughout the nation.

"I'm here to talk about something very basic and fundamental to our communities, to our economy, to our basic human dignity -- safe clean drinking water," Biden said. Lead service lines have been known to pose severe health risks for children, Biden said, including the stunting of growth, slowed learning, and lasting brain damage.

Paris Pugh, a second-grade teacher from Bradley Creek Elementary School, provided insight into the relevance of the issue locally. Bradley Creek Elementary School recently replaced a water fountain with high levels of lead on school grounds using funds from the president's American Rescue Plan.

"My students drink from that water fountain, filling their water bottles every day, so it is a health issue that hits home for me," Pugh said to the StarNews.

"No teacher or student should have to worry about their most basic needs, like access to clean water. Thanks to President Biden and Vice President (Kamala) Harris, students and teachers don't have to worry," Pugh said in her speech.

Biden underscored the need for urgency in addressing this issue.

"There is no safe level of exposure. None," Biden said. "Until the United States of with this, how can we say we're (a) leading nation in the world?"

Approximately nine million lead service lines remain in the country with approximately 300,000 of those lines present in North Carolina alone, Biden said. Nearly half of the funding allocated to the removal of these lines will be directed to disadvantaged communities across the U.S.

"Studies show communities of color have been the hardest hit," Biden said. "We have to make things right."

The president referred to his 10-year-plan to remove all lead-containing services lines as one of the nation's most ambitious water agendas and highlighted how the initiative will create "good paying jobs you can make a serious living with without a college degree (and that) you can raise a family on."

Referencing Enviornmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan and Gov. Roy Cooper's recent visit to Fayetteville, Biden mentioned the administration's finalization of the first national PFAS drinking water standard. The Biden administration has dedicated $ 9 billion in funding to address PFAS and drinking contaminants.

"Communities across the Cape Fear watershed know too well why this matters," Biden said. "As a consequence of PFAS, you've seen aggressive cancers emerge in that area. It's gone so far, that we're advising and warning you can't eat the fish from the same water that you drink."

Both Regan and Cooper were present in Wilmington on Thursday and spoke prior to the president.

"All of us working together will achieve President Biden's vision of removing all lead pipes in this country," Regan said, adding that as a father himself, he empathizes with other parents who worry about the health and safety of their own children.

Cooper, who the president referred to as "one of the best governors in the United States of America," expressed gratitude for federal support of statewide efforts. "North Carolina is used to being first in the nation in a lot of things," Cooper said. "We're going to stay out front working to protect clean drinking water."

A few audience members voiced their approval of Thursday's overall message following the event.

Kyle Horton, a physician in Wilmington, said she was "really excited about the monumental announcement of investment in clean and safe drinking water," adding that Wilmington is "on the frontline of this crisis in many ways, including with PFAS."

Judy Justice, a former teacher and New Hanover County School Board member, said that "kids from certain neighborhoods where the lead contamination was evident (had a lot) lower test scores" from her experience as a teacher and administrator. "It should have been addressed this way, in my opinion, 30 years ago."

The presidential visit also encompassed discussion of decreasing unemployment rates, the Affordable Connectivity Program, pharmaceutical costs, and the federal deficit, among others.

"We're the only country in the world who (has) come out of every crisis we've entered stronger than we went in," Biden said before heading offstage. "There is nothing beyond our capacity when we work together."

Australian PFAS guidelines for drinking water criticised as US, EU take significant steps on 'forever chemicals'

Close up of a hand holding glass under a streaming tap, above a kitchen sink. The glass is full of clear water.

Australian chemical risk expert Mariann Lloyd-Smith doesn't mince her words.

"Australia cannot continue to use drinking water guidelines that are an international embarrassment," she tells ABC RN's Life Matters .

Dr Lloyd-Smith, a senior policy advisor for the International Pollutants Elimination Network and former member of the UN Expert Group on Persistent Organic Pollutants, says Australia is lagging behind other nations in ensuring our drinking water is safe.

"Forever chemicals", or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are the subject of new drinking water limits in the US — and they're notably more stringent than Australia's.

The US announcement follows a 2023 World Health Organization declaration that PFOA — one of the roughly 14,000 known variants of PFAS — is a class one human carcinogen.

Dr Lloyd-Smith describes that as "very serious news" and argues the Australian government "has not responded in an appropriate way".

"Australian standards … are out of date, out of touch and totally are not usable for protecting human health," she says.

"We really do need to move on these chemicals quickly. And particularly when it's in drinking water — something that everybody has to consume. It just is totally unacceptable."

World's 'most toxic' chemicals

PFAS chemicals were developed in the 1940s and 50s for their resistance to water, heat, flames and stains.

In Australia, they've been used widely in firefighting foam in Defence Force bases .

Two variants, PFOS and PFOA, are used in consumer products like non-stick pans and rain jackets.

"These are the most mobile, persistent and toxic chemicals in the world," says Nick Chartres, senior research fellow at the University of Sydney's faculty of medicine and health.

"We know that they can get into the Arctic ice caps, they can get into the ice in Antarctica, they get into the deep-sea floor soil sediment — they basically travel everywhere."

But it's the chemicals' presence in drinking water that is the focus of new regulations in the US.

Dr Chartres says the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) used a "rigorous evaluation of the evidence, the gold standard" to identify that exposure to both PFOS and PFOA was associated with a "really large scope of health effects".

Most Australians are likely to have very low levels of PFAS in their bodies from exposure to everyday items like cosmetics or sunscreen. 

But prolonged exposure — by, for example, drinking contaminated water over a lifetime — is associated with negative immune and cardiovascular impacts, as well as negative impacts on fetal and infant growth, Dr Chartres says.

"Not only did [the US EPA] establish those health effects, they then said, based on the best available evidence that we have … there is actually no safe level," he says.

"So if you get exposed across a lifetime, at any level, your risk of these diseases starts going up incrementally based on the level of exposure."

He argues that the US EPA's evaluation should be a prompt for Australia.

"We now have to look to that and say, how do our standards [compare]? … And if there's any type of divergence with the Australian [position], why is there a divergence?"

Testing in Australia 'hit and miss'

The US has set a legally enforceable maximum level of four parts per trillion for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water.

That's in stark contrast to Australian standards . Here, for PFOS and another PFAS variant, PFHxS, a level of 70 parts per trillion is the maximum. 

"[That] is a lot higher than four. And for PFOA, which is so much more toxic, we've set a level of 560 [parts per trillion]," Dr Lloyd-Smith says.

She says that current testing of drinking water in Australia is "hit and miss".

"It's up to the water bodies, the people that provide the drinking water, to do the testing, and according to what they see as a priority."

While drinking water goes through treatment plants, Dr Lloyd-Smith says it's insufficient to mitigate the risk of PFAS chemicals.

Indeed, the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines state that "standard water treatment technologies … have little or no effect on PFOS or PFOA concentrations". 

Dr Chartres says cost is one barrier to understanding more about PFAS levels in Australian communities — but he argues it doesn't have to be.

"[Cost is] one of the key reservations and concerns, I dare say, for authorities, about having to go and test our water systematically across the country," he says.

"If it does cost billions of dollars, like it is going to in the US, that cost has to be passed on to the polluting industries. The government has to hold these companies to account … to account to pay for the testing, because it can be done. But it's going to be very, very expensive."

Individual and government actions

Dr Lloyd-Smith makes it clear that people shouldn't rush out and buy bottled water.

"We've found PFAS in bottled water too, so that's not the solution," she says.

And while a benchtop filtration system can lower PFAS levels in drinking water, they are inequitably priced and therefore not accessible to everyone.

Rather, "try to reduce your whole exposure" beyond just drinking water, she recommends. 

Check labels and do your research to make careful decisions about which make-up products you use, your clothing, your food and your food packaging, to learn how it's made and what chemicals it might be exposing you to.

But she's calling for action at a broader level.

"The first thing Australia must do is address PFAS as a class," she says. 

That would mean limits and standards should be applied to all the known PFAS variations, as opposed to applying individual restrictions.

"The EU has done [this and] there's a push through [the international environmental agreement] the Stockholm Convention to do it," she says.

"It's not 'pie in the sky' stuff.

"This is what Australia must do. Number one, we must assess [PFAS] as a class and aim to restrict and eliminate all uses of PFAS."

What's the government's response?

The federal government's published statement on PFAS "is currently limited evidence of human disease or other clinically significant harm resulting from PFAS exposure". 

But Dr Chartres takes issue with that.

"The Australian government has had this information on the health effects for the last few years from the WHO, the National Academies of Sciences in the US and now the US EPA. And they're still currently saying on their websites that there's no known health effects," he says.

"So this is of critical concern, because that evidence is obviously not consistent with the best available science."

In a statement to ABC RN, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the government agency responsible for the guidelines around safe drinking water standards, says an investigation into PFAS in drinking water is underway and is anticipated to be completed by 2025.

The Water Services Association of Australia, the peak body for the country's urban water industry, told ABC RN it is taking the issue of PFAS exposure seriously and is "investing in research and proactively working with relevant departments, as well as with our counterparts in the US".

"We advocate for the banning of PFAS chemicals," the statement says.

NHMRC is currently reviewing its 2018 PFAS drinking water guidelines. Public consultation is expected to start in October 2024 and the final guidelines are expected to be released in April 2025.

Full responses from Water Services Association of Australia and the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care are available here .

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Team Trump Fumes After Trainwreck Elon Musk Interview

Donald trump sat down for a disaster of an interview with elon musk. now his team is pissed..

Donald Trump sits on an armchair and speaks, hands splayed outward

After Donald Trump’s bizarre livestreamed interview with Elon Musk Monday night, Kamala Harris’s campaign released a biting statement that touched a nerve with the Trump camp.

The statement called out the glitches with the livestream, as well as Trump’s extremism and association with the heavily criticized Project 2025. In response, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung called the Harris campaign “f****ing cowards.”

Steven Cheung @TheStevenCheung All these statements, yet nobody ever puts their name on them. Fucking cowards.

The statement is a sign the Trump team is likely fuming behind closed doors after a trainwreck interview on X. When the interview wasn’t facing technical glitches and Trump wasn’t slurring his words, the former president made one crazy statement after another. Trump said he’d welcome climate change because he thinks he’ll “have more oceanfront property,” praised Musk for firing striking workers, and told Musk that “if something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela because it will be a far safer place to meet than our country.”

Trump came back to X Monday, likely to help promote the livestream, after only posting once in the three years since January 2021, when he was banned from the platform for inciting violence during the Capitol insurrection. Musk helped promote Trump’s return, pushing new advertisements from Trump on the platform and elevating the hashtag #TrumpIsOnX ahead of the interview.

Trump’s posts on X came at the expense of his social media venture, Trump Media & Technology, which saw its share price plummet after the former president and convicted felon returned to the platform that banned him more than three years ago. But Trump is desperate after seeing his polling advantage disappear with Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election and Harris’s ascent.

The Harris campaign’s popularity has skyrocketed in the last month, and it experienced another boost after she chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. Those close to Trump are worried about the campaign’s 2024 strategy , and the stable genius himself is going nuts over how well the Harris campaign is succeeding. Cheung’s response shows that even Trump’s inner circle is getting agitated.

Air Force Says Supreme Court Gave It Right to Poison Drinking Water

The epa says tucson’s drinking water is contaminated, but the air force says it doesn’t have to do anything thanks to the chevron ruling..

A man checks water levels in a wildlife water catchment

The U.S. Air Force is claiming that it cannot depollute drinking water that it contaminated with dangerous forever chemicals because the U.S. Supreme Court has stripped federal regulators of the authority to make it clean it up.

In June, the Supreme Court overturned the Chevron deference, a 40-year-old doctrine that required judges to defer to a federal agency when determining the meaning of any ambiguous laws that agency should try to enforce. The Air Force has claimed that without the Chevron deference, the Environmental Protection Agency cannot order it to address its own pollution, The Guardian reported Monday.

In Tucson, Arizona, several Air Force bases have been polluting the drinking water, contaminating it with trichloroethylene, a volatile organic compound produced in industrial work, and PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” which do not naturally break down. These chemicals can accumulate inside the human body and have been linked to a myriad of severe health problems.

In May, the Environmental Protection Agency ordered the Air Force and National Guard to develop a plan to address the pollution, which would cost them an estimated $25 million—just 0.1 percent of the Air Force’s budget. The Air Force refused, stating that “the EPA’s order can not withstand review” and therefore it wouldn’t be beholden to it, according to The Guardian.

The Supreme Court overturned Chevron deference in the ruling for Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, leading many to fear that agencies such as the EPA would be stripped of their regulatory power. The court’s decision allows the federal judiciary to take on the role of scientists and policymakers, instead of administrative agencies that are staffed by experts on the issue at hand.

Former EPA officials and legal experts told The Guardia n that the ruling would likely not apply in this case, because the new precedent only affects rule-making, not enforcement. To challenge the EPA’s regulatory order, the Air Force would need to sue the EPA, which it legally can’t do because one branch of government cannot sue another. A business, however, could challenge the order.

Deborah Ann Sivas, director of the Stanford University Environmental Law Clinic, told The Guardian that the Air Force seemed to be testing just how far it could push the new precedent, which has severely kneecapped regulators.

“It feels almost like an intimidation tactic, but it will be interesting to see if others take this approach and it bleeds over,” Sivas said.

Last year, a report from the Department of Defense found that at least 245 U.S. military bases had contaminated or threatened to contaminate nearby drinking water with PFAS. The Department of Defense is one of the biggest contributors to PFAS pollution in the country.

Betsy DeVos Says She’d Work for Trump Again—on One Condition

Trump’s former education secretary once bravely criticized him. now she says she’d consider a return..

Betsy DeVos

If Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November, Betsy DeVos would like a job again, but only if it involves phasing out the entire Department of Education.

DeVos told The Detroit News Saturday that she didn’t think Trump would ask her to return to her post as secretary of education, but if asked, she would like to serve with the “goal of phasing out the Department of Education as we tried to do through the budgetary process in the first administration.”

DeVos also said that she would like to pass “a major education freedom bill in the form of a tax credit mechanism,” alluding to school choice vouchers at the federal tax level, part of conservatives’ grand plans to eventually get rid of public education in America. The former Trump Cabinet member made the comments at a campaign event for Mike Rogers, the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in Michigan.

DeVos was one of the least popular  Cabinet secretaries under the Trump administration. Not only did she have no experience working in or with public schools, but she also fought for increased school privatization , argued in favor of guns in schools , rolled back protections for LGBTQ students, and made it easier for schools to ignore sexual misconduct.  

DeVos resigned on January 7, 2021, citing the violence of the Capitol insurrection the day before. She also discussed with other Cabinet members the possibility of invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution and removing Trump from office.

While DeVos hasn’t publicly endorsed Trump for president in 2024, last week she said she’s “definitely supporting the Republican ticket,” according to The Detroit News .  Will she be Trump’s pick for secretary of education if he returns to the White House? His Cabinet the second time around would likely be a lot worse , but it’s hard to exceed DeVos’s unpopularity, unless Trump has someone like Christopher Rufo in mind.

MAGA Republicans’ Latest Culture War Could Backfire on Trump

The farthest-right house republicans are prepared to cause a government shutdown..

Donald Trump speaks into a microphone during a campaign rally

A far-flung political gamble by the House Freedom Caucus could end up compromising the election for Donald Trump.

With Congress still in recess, the hard-right minority faction has already come out in support of a continuing resolution to extend government funding past the September 30 shutdown date with the hopes of thwarting a postelection omnibus that could benefit Democrats. But the proposition comes with a catch: passing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, or SAVE, Act, which would expand proof-of-citizenship voting requirements for federal elections. SAVE, which passed the Republican-controlled House in June, would also force voter-roll purge requirements on states.

“The House Freedom Caucus believes that House Republicans should return to Washington to continue the work of passing all 12 appropriations bills to cut spending and advance our policy priorities,” the caucus said in a statement.

“Furthermore, the Continuing Resolution should include the SAVE Act—as called for by President Trump—to prevent non-citizens from voting to preserve free and fair elections in light of the millions of illegal aliens imported by the Biden-Harris administration over the last four years,” they added.

Noncitizen voting in U.S. elections is, of course, already illegal. Critics warn that the SAVE Act could be used to disenfranchise American citizens, as Republicans rally to preemptively frame the 2024 election as compromised.

“The SAVE Act is nothing more than a partisan scare tactic meant to erode confidence in our elections,” Senate Appropriations Chair Patty Murray told NBC News . “It is already illegal for noncitizens to register and vote in federal elections—our elections are free and fair, despite the dangerous, often incoherent, ramblings of Donald Trump.”

Holding the government hostage in order to pass a redundant and dangerous new set of voter requirements could look very bad for Republicans in an already tenuous election cycle—especially if the gamble fails and sends the government headlong into a shutdown as a result.

Congress is in recess until September 9 and will have just 13 voting days before the end of the fiscal year. The Freedom Caucus’s demand could put House Speaker Mike Johnson in a tight spot: He has repeatedly worked to prevent a government shutdown, but he first unveiled the SAVE Act alongside Trump.

Johnson has not yet made a decision on any details for a continuing resolution, including its potential expiration date.

“We’re having some very thoughtful discussion about the pros and cons of the various strategies on it, and that decision is not yet determined, but it will be very soon,” he told The Hill last week in reference to a potential stopgap spending bill, though he noted that it was not “obvious” that one would be necessary.

Team Trump’s Desperate New Attack Plan on Harris in Swing States

“americans might vote for a liberal, but they won’t vote for a lunatic,” the top trump super pac strategists said..

Kamala Harris stands on stage at a campaign rally

A pro-Donald Trump super PAC is preparing a $100 million dollar ad campaign hoping to smear Vice President Kamala Harris as a left-wing “lunatic” to voters in swing states.

MAGA Inc., a super PAC that has previously been used to financially buoy the Trump campaign as its candidate hemorrhaged funds across his legal battles, will launch a series of ads targeting Harris, according to a memo obtained by Politico on Monday.

The ads will paint Harris as a “soft-on-crime radical who is too dangerous for the White House,” according to David Lee and Chris Grant, MAGA Inc.’s top political strategists. Specifically, they will focus on Harris’s immigration policies and her prosecutorial record, one person familiar with the plan told Politico.

“Americans might vote for a liberal, but they won’t vote for a lunatic,” the memo said.

One of Trump’s senior advisers previously said that Trump’s campaign planned to dig up “ several Willie Hortons ” from Harris’s prosecutorial record, a reference to a series of racist ads from the 1980s, with which to attack the vice president.

The new ad blitz is timed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention, which will take place next week in Chicago. The ads will target voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina, all crucial battleground states.

Last week, Trump claimed that while he was lying low at Mar-a-Lago, as his running mate J.D. Vance trailed Harris across the country, he’d kept busy working on “commercials that are at a level that anybody’s ever done before.”

Trump’s forays into political ads on Monday are already proving unfocused at best, detrimental at worst. When Trump posted a new advertisement on X Monday, the move sent shares in Truth Social tumbling to their lowest level in months. Another Trump ad released Monday levied its attacks against President Joe Biden, not his actual opponent, Harris. Another ad inexplicably implied he would have been endorsed by former President Ronald Reagan.

Stable Genius Trump Tanks His Own Media Company After Posting on X

Trump media and truth social are cratering in value after donald trump posted several times on x..

Donald Trump raises a fist as if in victory at a campaign rally. Others in the background hold Trump Vance signs.

Donald Trump’s social media network is losing money just as the former president and convicted felon has resumed posting on X (formerly Twitter).

Trump Media & Technology shares dropped to $24.60, their lowest price level in months, after Trump posted on X early Monday for the first time in more than a year. Shares may drop even further as Trump is supposed to sit down for an interview with X CEO Elon Musk Monday night.

The plummeting stock comes after many investors bought shares in the media company hoping for a boost during the 2024 election, with a possible Trump victory netting an even higher increase. Trump Media reported a loss of $16 million in its first full quarter as a publicly traded company Friday, earning just $836,900 for the period ending June 30.

It’s the latest run of bad news for Truth Social, which is rapidly losing users . It was expected to be an easy money grab for Trump, who owns 60 percent of the company. But even the company’s net loss of $58.2 million in 2023 had to be reaudited after its accounting firm was charged with “ massive fraud .” At the very least, Trump Media’s meager numbers last quarter were a huge improvement from the previous one, when it lost an astonishing $327.6 million and only brought in $770,500 in revenue.

Trump is stuck with his company’s stock for just one more month, when he is legally allowed to sell his shares without board approval. He can’t try to increase the share price by bragging, as he did with his real estate properties, because that would be illegal.  Even though the Supreme Court gave him a break with its immunity ruling , he still needs cash to pay his mounting legal bills . It’s only a matter of time before September arrives and Trump dumps his stock. The question is, how low will the share price be?

Trump Appears to Have Forgotten Who He’s Running Against in New Ad

Donald trump released a new ad attacking joe biden, not kamala harris..

Donald Trump gestures as he speaks at a campaign rally

Donald Trump returned to X (formerly Twitter) ahead of a one-on-one interview with Elon Musk Monday. But rather than elevate that, or attack his current opponent’s policies, one of Trump’s first ads directed at his 88.1 million followers on the platform appeared to narrowly focus on President Joe Biden.

The roughly two-minute video—captioned “TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”—attempted to frame Trump as a candidate primed for election since 1987, when he was still a major New York City developer.

“In the ads, he says there’s nothing wrong with American foreign policy that a little backbone won’t cure,” a dated broadcaster can be heard saying at the ad’s opening.

As the music escalates, Trump can be heard claiming that he and his followers will “determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come.” The convicted fraudster—who also announced his intention to sue the Justice Department to the tune of $100 million for the FBI raid on his Florida estate—argues in the video that he’s the antidote for corruption at the highest levels of government.

But by the end of the ad, it’s clear that Trump has not yet found a proper angle of attack against his new Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. Instead, the ad directly calls out Biden, reiterating outdated polls that found Trump to be leading the former nominee.

“TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2024

Unfortunately for him, that’s no longer the current state of the race. Since Harris and Tim Walz joined the opposite ticket, Trump has seen a dramatic slip in support , including from white men—the bulk of his base—despite his attempts to pander to them this election cycle.

Trump has also upset white supremacists, with one popular pro-Hitler livestreamer publicly revoking his support for Trump on Friday, announcing on social media that he and his allies were declaring a “groyper war” against the Trump campaign over the belief that the candidate was headed toward a “catastrophic loss.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s number two pick—Ohio Senator J.D. Vance—has also proven remarkably unpopular with voters, with 62 percent of surveyed voters noting they were “bothered” by Vance’s abortion stance and his description of rape and incest-caused pregnancies as “inconvenient.”

Navarro Melts Down, Revealing Deep Worries About Trump’s 2024 Strategy

Donald trump’s allies are growing concerned about his attacks on kamala harris..

Peter Navarro frowns while onstage at the Republican National Convention

Donald Trump’s former senior adviser Peter Navarro has doubled down on his pleas to the former president, begging him to stop making superficial attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Navarro, who previously served a four-month prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena in the January 6 investigation, spoke about Trump’s bad strategy Monday while guest hosting the War Room podcast , which is normally captained by Steve Bannon. But Bannon is currently serving his own four-month prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena in the January 6 investigation.

“The Trump rally 1.0 has always been a fast-moving feast,” Navarro explained , a generous characterization of Trump’s falsehood-filled , meandering public speaking gigs.

“Trump doesn’t need feast now, he needs votes, and the current rally formula is simply not sufficiently focused on the very stark policy differences—policy differences—between him and Kamala Harris that will swing voters in key battleground states,” Navarro said. “Instead, when Trump attacks Harris personally rather than on policy, Harris’s support among swing voters rises, particularly among women. It’s just a fact of life, right now.”

Hosting Bannon’s podcast while he’s in prison, Peter Navarro says that Trump needs to change how he does his rallies because the personal attacks on Harris is backfiring. — Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 12, 2024

Amid Harris’s increase in the polls, and apparently groundswell of support, Trump has appeared to lean into making personal attacks against the vice president. He’s tried out several lame nicknames , accused her of deciding to become Black, and falsely claimed that her campaign used A.I. to create the appearance of a massive crowd.

Navarro’s message for Trump to get serious about opposing Harris was echoed in statements from former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who appeared on Fox News Monday.

“You’ve got to make this race not on personalities,” McCarthy said. “Stop questioning the size of her crowds and start questioning her position when it comes to what did she do as attorney general on crime. Question what did she do when she was supposed to take care of the border as the czar. Question that they brought inflation [down], and she was the tie-breaking vote when it came to inflation, when it came to IRS agents.”

McCarthy called Harris the “perfect person to run against.”

“You thought John Kerry was a flip-flopper? She has the biggest flip-flop, with the most extreme positions, and you’ve got a short time to do it. So, don’t sit back, get out there, and start making the case, and use her own words to do it,” McCarthy said.

Kevin McCarthy to Donald Trump on Fox News: "Stop questioning the size of her crowds." Somewhere in Mar-a-Lago, a ketchup bottle is going through some things. — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 12, 2024

Elon Musk’s Boldest Attempt Yet to Tilt the Election in Trump’s Favor

It’s not just the interview on x. elon is going out of his way to help donald trump..

Elon Musk smiles and steeples his fingers

Not only is Elon Musk inviting Donald Trump to return to X (formerly known as Twitter) for an exclusive interview with him on Monday, he’s also now pushing Trump’s advertisements on the social media platform.

As advertisers continue to flee X, Musk is happy to elevate campaign ads from the @realDonaldTrump account. Musk is also promoting the hashtag “TrumpIsOnX” ahead of the interview Monday evening.

One of the promoted ads begins with a montage of the former president being pursued for his various crimes, from the  FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago to his felony charges for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. “The only crime I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it,” his voiceover says. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 12, 2024

“I will totally obliterate the deep state,” he declares as videos of him with military personnel flash on-screen. 

Other ads also include a Ronald Reagan deepfake and Andy Warhol–esque black and white film of Trump walking toward the camera complete with an action movie soundtrack. 

If Trump’s return to X after nearly a year wasn’t enough cause for concern, his strange conspiracy-laden videos should be. On Monday night, the Republican presidential nominee is set to speak with X owner Musk on the platform’s “Spaces.”

Last year, Musk tried to livestream on Twitter Spaces with former presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, a disastrous event plagued with continuous technical glitches that still couldn’t distract from the Florida governor’s horrible vibes. At the time, Trump made fun of Musk and DeSantis for the failed event. It looks like Musk’s promise of campaign cash changed Trump’s mind.

Trump Claims “Persecution” and Launches His Most Idiotic Lawsuit Yet

Donald trump is now suing over the mar-a-lago raid—because of course he is..

Donald Trump smiles in front of a U.S. flag

Donald Trump is suing the Justice Department for alleged damages incurred from the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago estate in 2022.

Trump’s legal team said in a legal filing on Monday that there was “tortious conduct by the United States against President Trump” in the search, calling it “political persecution” and “unconstitutional.” He is asking the Justice Department for $100 million.

The court filing accuses Attorney General Merrick Garland, who appointed special prosecutor Jack Smith to investigate Trump’s mishandling of classified documents, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, whom Trump appointed, of engaging in “malicious prosecution” against him.

“Garland and Wray should have never approved a raid and subsequent indictment of President Trump because the well-established protocol with former U.S. presidents is to use non-enforcement means to obtain records of the United States,” Trump’s attorney Daniel Epstein wrote. The DOJ has six months to respond, and the case will move to federal court in the Southern District of Florida if it isn’t resolved in that time.

Two years ago, the FBI searched Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida, estate as part of its investigation into the former president’s alleged mishandling of classified documents . In June 2023, Trump was federally indicted on 37 criminal counts over his handling of the documents, but the case was dismissed last month by Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee who presides in the Southern District of Florida.

Trump’s lawsuit is rather brazen, and it’s only possible because Cannon, who seems heavily biased toward Trump, dismissed his classified documents case on the flimsy grounds of the special counsel’s appointment being unconstitutional. Smith has already appealed the dismissal of the classified documents case, so the former president and convicted felon isn’t even out of the woods yet.

Trump seems to be banking on winning in November, which raises the question of whether he’ll simply order the DOJ to pay up if he returns to the White House.


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  7. PDF Angela LaBella Persuasive speech Preparation Outline

    Importance of Water. Specific Purpose Statement: Today I am going to persuade my audience to drink more. body does not have enough water, the different waysto obtain water, and. in amount of water a. b. able to live ahealthier lifestyle.IntroductionI. I would like everyone to l. ft their hands and exten. yo.

  8. Persuasive Speech Topics on Water

    New technologies for cleaning water or harnessing its power also provide opportunities for persuasive speech topics. For instance, you might argue that governments should invest more in water desalination research. Desalination, the process of removing salt and other contaminates from ocean water or brackish water, could provide a nearly limitless supply of potable water, but is extremely ...

  9. Speech on Water for Students and Children

    Water is good for healthy skin and it helps to flush out toxins from our bodies. Sports like swimming and more require water. In fact, the water parks and more also need water. Get the Huge list of 100+ Speech Topics here. Need to Conserve Water. Conservation of water is an urgent issue which the modern world is facing right now.

  10. Speech on Importance Of Saving Water

    1-minute Speech on Importance Of Saving Water. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you today to talk about something we all need every day - water. It's very important, yet we often forget to save it. Let's talk about why we must change this. First, think about how we use water daily. We drink it, cook with it, clean with ...

  11. Persuasive Speech on Drinking Water

    Persuasive Speech on Drinking Water. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Yep, the next world war will be over water. It's already being labeled as 'blue gold,' just like oil was labeled 'black gold,' and that's no coincidence.

  12. Speech on Sources Of Water

    It's the sky's way of sharing water. When clouds get too heavy with water, they let it fall as rain. We can collect rainwater in tanks and use it later. Lastly, oceans and seas. They are the biggest sources of water, but there's a catch - their water is salty, so we can't drink it directly.

  13. Persuasive Speech: Drinking More Water

    Persuasive Speech: Drinking More Water

  14. Speech on Water Cycle

    1-minute Speech on Water Cycle. Good day to you all! Today, let's talk about a magical journey. It's not about wizards or superheroes, but about something we see around us every day. Yes, it's the journey of water, or you can say, the water cycle. The first stage of this journey is evaporation. Imagine water as tiny beings.

  15. Speech on Water for Students in English

    Water is an essential element for all the living organisms on our planet. It is the major component for the survival of life on Earth. Water forms 70% of the earth, out of which 3% of the water is considered to be freshwater. Out of this 3%, only 0.4% of it is considered to be drinking water. Large factories and industries dump their wastes ...

  16. why you should Drink more water. persuasive speech and this is why

    persuasive speech topic why you should drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday.this is the final speech assignment for my speech class in spring 2020 at ...

  17. Ask Health: Does Drinking More Water Benefit Your Health?

    The recommended amounts of water for adults range from 2 to 2.7 liters (L) of fluid per day for women and 2.5 to 3.7 L a day for men. The average American only gets about 1.3 L per day.

  18. How to Persuade People to Drink More Water

    Convincing someone to drink more water can benefit them in a variety of ways, ranging from energy levels to their weight. The person every day should drink at least eight glasses, each containing 8 ounces of water. Inform the person about how water can help her lose and maintain a healthy weight. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, and by ...

  19. Persuasive Speech- Drink More Water by Liz Morris on Prezi

    Persuasive Speech- Drink More Water by Liz Morris on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own.

  20. Persuasive speech: Drink more water

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  21. More than half of the world doesn't have clean water at home

    When people or animals defecate near a water source, or sewage isn't effectively contained, E. coli appears in drinking water downstream. Drinking contaminated water like this leads to diarrheal ...

  22. Drinking Water Persuasive Speech Final Outline.docx

    Speech Outline November 13, 2019 Transition: Now that we have discussed the health benefits of drinking more water. We will now move on to the consequences of not drinking enough water. II. Second Main Point: The key word here is ENOUGH.We all know that water is essential and that being dehydration can cause serious effects. However, I am not here to discuss those serious effects, I am here to ...

  23. Global access to safe drinking water may be significantly overestimated

    More than 4.4 billion people in low and middle income countries lack access to safely managed drinking water, twice as many as the United Nations and World Health Organizations had previously estimated, according to new research.. The scientists used household survey data, satellite observations, and geospatial modeling to make detailed maps that traced drinking water supply across 135 lower ...

  24. Speech on Save Water for Students and Children

    The human body is made up of a huge amount of water. Thus, human beings and animals need much water to drink. Also, plants need water to grow. From drinking to cooking to everything, we need water. Get the Huge List of 100+ Speech Topics here. How to Save Water? Water is the most precious component needed for food and life.

  25. Why We Should Drink Water: Persuasive Speech Outline

    Every cell in your body needs water in order to repair and grow new tissue. Drinking enough water keeps the immune system elevated to be successful in fighting off inflammations. Drink eight or more glasses of water every day. Hydrated cells age more slowly, so your recaptured youth will stay around longer.

  26. Water persuasive speech word

    1. A popular drink, Vitamin Water "xxx", is a flavored water thats supposed to anti oxidize your body, but all it really does is taste good and add unneeded sugars into your body. 2. Water on the other hand actually flushes toxins in the di- gestive track with no sugar or cost. 3. Your kidney also needs water to properly keep blood bal- anced and clean.

  27. PFAS is found all over. Here are a few ways to limit your exposure

    Consider home filters for drinking water If you live in an area with PFAS levels above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health advisory limits, you can use a filter either attached to a ...

  28. President Joe Biden touts lead pipe removal in Wilmington, NC speech

    Noting it was a presidential visit and not campaign-related, Biden hailed efforts for safe drinking water and creating more jobs. Rumors Stats Odds Betting Newsletter. LOCAL. In Wilmington speech, Biden stresses access to clean water with new federal funding ... most of Thursday's speech centered around clean water, infrastructure and jobs for ...

  29. Australian PFAS guidelines for drinking water criticised as US, EU take

    And for PFOA, which is so much more toxic, we've set a level of 560 [parts per trillion]," Dr Lloyd-Smith says. ... While drinking water goes through treatment plants, Dr Lloyd-Smith says it's ...

  30. Team Trump Fumes After Trainwreck Elon Musk Interview

    The EPA says Tucson's drinking water is contaminated, but the Air Force says it doesn't have to do anything thanks to the Chevron ruling. Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images