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Jordan , Arab country of Southwest Asia , in the rocky desert of the northern Arabian Peninsula .

presentation about jordan country

Jordan is a young state that occupies an ancient land, one that bears the traces of many civilizations. Separated from ancient Palestine by the Jordan River , the region played a prominent role in biblical history. The ancient biblical kingdoms of Moab , Gilead , and Edom lie within its borders, as does the famed red stone city of Petra , the capital of the Nabatean kingdom and of the Roman province of Arabia Petraea. British traveler Gertrude Bell said of Petra, “It is like a fairy tale city, all pink and wonderful.” Part of the Ottoman Empire until 1918 and later a mandate of the United Kingdom, Jordan has been an independent kingdom since 1946. It is among the most politically liberal countries of the Arab world, and, although it shares in the troubles affecting the region, its rulers have expressed a commitment to maintaining peace and stability .

presentation about jordan country

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The capital and largest city in the country is Amman —named for the Ammonites , who made the city their capital in the 13th century bce . Amman was later a great city of Middle Eastern antiquity, Philadelphia, of the Roman Decapolis , and now serves as one of the region’s principal commercial and transportation centres as well as one of the Arab world’s major cultural capitals.

Slightly smaller in area than the country of Portugal, Jordan is bounded to the north by Syria , to the east by Iraq , to the southeast and south by Saudi Arabia , and to the west by Israel and the West Bank . The West Bank area (so named because it lies just west of the Jordan River) was under Jordanian rule from 1948 to 1967, but in 1988 Jordan renounced its claims to the area. Jordan has 16 miles (26 km) of coastline on the Gulf of Aqaba in the southwest, where Al-ʿAqabah , its only port, is located.

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Jordan has three major physiographic regions (from east to west): the desert, the uplands east of the Jordan River, and the Jordan Valley (the northwest portion of the great East African Rift System ).

The desert region is mostly within the Syrian Desert —an extension of the Arabian Desert —and occupies the eastern and southern parts of the country, comprising more than four-fifths of its territory. The desert’s northern part is composed of volcanic lava and basalt, and its southern part of outcrops of sandstone and granite. The landscape is much eroded, primarily by wind. The uplands east of the Jordan River, an escarpment overlooking the rift valley, have an average elevation of 2,000–3,000 feet (600–900 metres) and rise to about 5,755 feet (1,754 metres) at Mount Ramm, Jordan’s highest point, in the south. Outcrops of sandstone, chalk, limestone, and flint extend to the extreme south, where igneous rocks predominate.

The Jordan Valley drops to about 1,410 feet (430 metres) below sea level at the Dead Sea , the lowest natural point on Earth’s surface.

presentation about jordan country

The Jordan River , approximately 186 miles (300 km) in length, meanders south, draining the waters of Lake Tiberias (better known as the Sea of Galilee), the Yarmūk River , and the valley streams of both plateaus into the Dead Sea, which occupies the central area of the valley. The soil of its lower reaches is highly saline, and the shores of the Dead Sea consist of salt marshes that do not support vegetation. To its south, Wadi al-ʿArabah (also called Wadi al-Jayb), a completely desolate region, is thought to contain mineral resources.

In the northern uplands several valleys containing perennial streams run west; around Al-Karak they flow west, east, and north; south of Al-Karak intermittent valley streams run east toward Al-Jafr Depression.

The country’s best soils are found in the Jordan Valley and in the area southeast of the Dead Sea. The topsoil in both regions consists of alluvium—deposited by the Jordan River and washed from the uplands, respectively—with the soil in the valley generally being deposited in fans spread over various grades of marl.

Jordan | Facts and History

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The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a stable oasis in the Middle East, and its government often plays the role of mediator between neighboring countries and factions. Jordan came into being in the 20th century as part of the French and British division of the Arabian Peninsula; Jordan became a British Mandate under the UN's approval until 1946, when it became independent.

Capital: Amman, population 2.5 million

Major cities:

Az Zarqa, 1.65 million

Irbid, 650,000

Ar Ramtha, 120,000

Al Karak, 109,000

The Kingdom of Jordan is a constitutional monarchy under the rule of King Abdullah II. He serves as the chief executive and the commander-in-chief of Jordan's armed forces. The king also appoints all 60 members of one of the two houses of Parliament, the Majlis al-Aayan or "Assembly of Notables."

The other house of Parliament, the Majlis al-Nuwaab or "Chamber of Deputies," has 120 members who are directly elected by the people. Jordan has a multi-party system, although the majority of politicians run as independents. By law, political parties can not be based on religion.

Jordan's court system is independent of the king, and includes a supreme court called the "Court of Cassation," as well as several Courts of Appeal. The lower courts are divided by the types of cases they hear into civil and sharia courts. Civil courts decide criminal matters as well as some types of civil cases, including those that involve parties from different religions. Sharia courts have jurisdiction over Muslim citizens only and hear cases involving marriage, divorce, inheritance, and charitable giving ( waqf ).

The population of Jordan is estimated at 6.5 million as of 2012. As a relatively stable part of a chaotic region, Jordan plays host to enormous numbers of refugees, as well. Almost 2 million Palestinian refugees live in Jordan, many since 1948, and more than 300,000 of them still live in refugee camps. They have been joined by some 15,000 Lebanese, 700,000 Iraqis, and most recently, 500,000 Syrians.

About 98% of Jordanians are Arabs, with small populations of Circassians, Armenians, and Kurds making up the remaining 2%. Approximately 83% of the population lives in urban areas. The population growth rate is a very modest 0.14% as of 2013.

Jordan's official language is Arabic. English is the most commonly used second language and is widely spoken by middle and upper-class Jordanians.

Approximately 92% of Jordanians are Sunni Muslim, and Islam is the official religion of Jordan. This number has rapidly increased over recent decades, as Christians formed 30% of the population as recently as 1950. Today, just 6% of Jordanians are Christians - mostly Greek Orthodox, with smaller communities from other Orthodox churches. The remaining 2% of the population are mostly Baha'i or Druze.

Jordan has a total area of 89,342 square kilometers (34,495 square miles) and is not quite landlocked. Its only port city is Aqaba, situated on the narrow Gulf of Aqaba, which empties into the Red Sea. Jordan's coastline stretches just 26 kilometers, or 16 miles.

To the south and east, Jordan borders on Saudi Arabia . To the west is Israel and the Palestinian West Bank. On the northern border sits Syria , while to the east is Iraq .

Eastern Jordan is characterized by desert terrain, dotted with oases . The western highland area is more suitable for agriculture and boasts a Mediterranean climate and evergreen forests. 

The highest point in Jordan is Jabal Umm al Dami, at 1,854 meters (6,083 feet) above sea level. The lowest is the Dead Sea, at -420 meters (-1,378 feet).

The climate shades from Mediterranean to desert moving west to east across Jordan. In the northwest, an average of about 500 mm (20 inches) or rain falls per year, while in the east the average is just 120 mm (4.7 inches). Most of the precipitation falls between November and April and may include snow at higher elevations.

The highest recorded temperature in Amman, Jordan was 41.7 degrees Celsius (107 Fahrenheit). The lowest was -5 degrees Celsius (23 Fahrenheit).

The World Bank labels Jordan an "upper middle-income country," and its economy has grown slowly but steadily at about 2 to 4% per year over the past decade. The kingdom has a small, struggling agricultural and industrial base, due in large part to its shortages of fresh water and oil. 

Jordan's per capita income is $6,100 US. Its official unemployment rate is 12.5%, although the youth unemployment rate is closer to 30%. Approximately 14% of Jordanians live below the poverty line.

The government employs up to two-thirds of the Jordanian workforce, although King Abdullah has moved to privatize industry. About 77% of Jordan's workers are employed in the service sector, including trade and finance, transportation, public utilities, etc. Tourism at sites such as the famous city of Petra accounts for about 12% of Jordan's gross domestic product.

Jordan hopes to improve its economic situation in coming years by bring four nuclear power plants on-line, which will reduce expensive diesel imports from Saudi Arabia, and by beginning to exploit its oil-shale reserves. In the meanwhile, it relies on foreign aid.

Jordan's currency is the dinar , which has an exchange rate of 1 dinar = 1.41 USD.

Archaeological evidence shows that humans have lived in what is now Jordan for at least 90,000 years. This evidence includes Paleolithic tools such as knives, hand-axes, and scrapers made of flint and basalt.

Jordan is part of the Fertile Crescent, one of the world regions were agriculture likely originated during the Neolithic period (8,500 - 4,500 BCE). People in the area likely domesticated grains, peas, lentils, goats, and later cats to protect their stored food from rodents. 

Jordan's written history begins in Biblical times, with the kingdoms of Ammon, Moab, and Edom, which are mentioned in the Old Testament. The Roman Empire conquered much of what is now Jordan, even taking in 103 CE the powerful trading kingdom of the Nabateans, whose capital was the intricately carved city of Petra.

After the Prophet Muhammad died, the first Muslim dynasty created the Umayyad Empire (661 - 750 CE), which included what is now Jordan. Amman became a major provincial city in the Umayyad region called Al-Urdun , or "Jordan." When the Abbasid Empire (750 - 1258) moved its capital away from Damascus to Baghdad, to be closer to the center of their expanding empire, Jordan fell into obscurity.

The Mongols brought down the Abbasid Caliphate in 1258, and Jordan came under their rule. They were followed by the Crusaders , the Ayyubids, and the Mamluks in turn. In 1517, Ottoman Empire conquered what is now Jordan.

Under Ottoman rule, Jordan enjoyed benign neglect. Functionally, local Arab governors ruled the region with little interference from Istanbul. This continued for four centuries until the Ottoman Empire fell in 1922 after its defeat in World War I. 

When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, the League of Nations assumed a mandate over its Middle Eastern territories. Britain and France agreed to divide up the region, as the mandatory powers, with France taking Syria and Lebanon , and Britain taking Palestine (which included Transjordan). In 1922, Britain assigned a Hashemite lord, Abdullah I, to govern Transjordan; his brother Faisal was appointed king of Syria, and later was moved to Iraq. 

King Abdullah acquired a country with only about 200,000 citizens, approximately half of them nomadic. On May 22, 1946, the United Nations abolished the mandate for Transjordan and it became a sovereign state. Transjordan officially opposed the partition of Palestine and creation of Israel two years later, and joined in the 1948 Arab/Israeli War. Israel prevailed, and the first of several floods of Palestinian refugees moved into Jordan.

In 1950, Jordan annexed the West Bank and East Jerusalem, a move that most other nations refused to recognize. The following year, a Palestinian assassin killed King Abdullah I during a visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The assassin was angry about Abdullah's land-grab of the Palestinian West Bank.

A brief stint by Abdullah's mentally unstable son, Talal, was followed by the ascension of Abdullah's 18-year-old grandson to the throne in 1953. The new king, Hussein, embarked on an "experiment with liberalism," with a new constitution that guaranteed freedoms of speech, the press, and assembly. 

In May of 1967, Jordan signed a mutual defense treaty with Egypt. One month later, Israel obliterated the Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, and Jordanian militaries in the Six-Day War , and took the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan. A second, larger wave of Palestinian refugees rushed into Jordan. Soon, Palestinian militants ( fedayeen ) began causing trouble for their host-country, even highjacking three international flights and forcing them to land in Jordan. In September of 1970, the Jordanian military launched an attack on the fedayeen; Syrian tanks invaded northern Jordan in support of the militants. In July 1971, the Jordanians defeated the Syrians and fedayeen, driving them across the border.

Just two years later, Jordan sent an army brigade to Syria to help fend off the Israeli counteroffensive in the Yom Kippur War (Ramadan War) of 1973. Jordan itself was not a target during that conflict. In 1988, Jordan formally gave up its claim to the West Bank, and also announced its support for the Palestinians in their First Intifada against Israel.

During the First Gulf War (1990 - 1991), Jordan supported Saddam Hussein, which caused a break-down of US/Jordanian relations. The US withdrew aid from Jordan, causing economic distress. To get back in international good graces, in 1994 Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel, ending almost 50 years of declared war.

In 1999, King Hussein died of lymphatic cancer and was succeeded by his eldest son, who became King Abdullah II. Under Abdullah, Jordan has followed a policy of non-entanglement with its volatile neighbors and endured further influxes of refugees.

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Maps of Jordan

Physical Map of Jordan showing relief, highest point, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Syria Desert, and Ard As Sawwan Desert.

Jordan occupies an area of around 91,880 sq. km in Southwest Asia. 

As observed on the physical map above, the country can be divided into three main physiographic regions. 

The desert region includes the eastward extensions of the Syrian and the Ard As Sawwan Deserts and covers over four-fifths of the country. 

To the west of the desert is the upland region that features an escarpment overlooking the rift valley to the west. Here the average elevation of land is 600 to 900 m. Jordan's highest point marked on the map by a yellow upright triangle is located at the southern edge of this upland region. It is the 5,755 feet (1,754 m) tall Mount Ramm.

Further west is the Great Rift Valley's mountains and hills that cut through the Jordan River's East and West Banks.

Significant bordering bodies of water include the Dead Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Sea of Galilee.

The Jordan River runs for about 5,755 feet (1,754 m) and drains into the Dead Sea.

Governorates of Jordan Map

Political Map of Jordan displaying 12 governorates and the national capital of Amman.

Jordan (officially, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) is divided into three administrative regions. These regions are divided into 12 governorates (muhafazat, sing. muhafazah). In alphabetical order, these governorates are: Al ‘Asimah (Amman), 'Ajlun, Al 'Aqabah, Al Balqa', Irbid, Jarash, Al Karak, Madaba, Al Mafraq, Ma'an, At Tafilah, and Az Zarqa'. These governorates are divided into districts (liwa), which are further subdivided into smaller subdivisions (qda). 

With an area of 89, 342sq. km, and a population of over 10 million people, Jordan is the 11 th most populous Arab country. Amman - the capital and largest city of Jordan is located on the east Bank Plateau and serves as the country’s economic, political and commercial centers, as well as one of the Arab world’s major cultural capitals. 

Where is Jordan?

Map showing location of Jordan in the world.

Jordan is a small, semi-arid Arab country in Southwest Asia. It is located in the rocky desert of the northern Arabian Peninsula, in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. It is a landlocked country, bordered by 5 Nations: Syria in the north, Iraq in the east, Saudi Arabia in the south and southeast and Israel and Palestine in the west. The Dead Sea is located along the western borders of the country. Al-Aqabah, the only port of Jordan is located in the south-western part of the country along the coasts of the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea).

Jordan Bordering Countries : Saudi Arabia , Palestine , Iraq , Israel , Syria .

Regional Maps : Map of Asia

Outline Map of Jordan

Blank Outline Map of Jordan

The above blank outline map is of the country of Jordan in Southwest Asia. The map can be downloaded, printed, and used for educational purpose or coloring.

Outline Map of Jordan

The outline map represents Jordan, a small country in Southwest Asia famous for the archeological site of Petra.

Legal Name Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Capital City Amman
31 57 N, 35 56 E
89,342.00 km
Land Area 88,802.00 km
Water Area 540.00 km
Population 10,101,694
Major Cities
GDP $43.74 Billion
GDP Per Capita $4,330.33

This page was last updated on February 24, 2021

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of Jordan
Location map of Jordan

Destination Jordan, the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East, situated east of and the Jordan river. It is a country at the crossroads of the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe.
Countries with international borders to Jordan are , Israel, , , and a portion of the (West Bank), and it shares maritime borders with .

The almost landlocked country is bordering the Gulf of Aqaba ( ) in a small outlet in south. The country has a lakeshore at the Dead Sea, Earth's lowest elevation on land at 430.5 m below sea level.

Much of Jordan is covered by the Arabian Desert. The country covers an of 89,342 km², making it slightly smaller than , or as well slightly smaller than the of .

Jordan has a of of 9.9 million people (in 2017, including refugees of the Syrian Civil War). Capital and largest city is (pop. 1.5 million), about 4 million people live in Greater Amman Municipality, almost half of the country's population. Spoken is Arabic (official). Jordan is a country with a predominantly , about 92% of Jordanians are follower of Sunni Islam, the dominant religion in the country. Cities in the south of Jordan, have the highest percentage of Muslim population.

Jordan is a member state of the

related countries: , ,


Official Name:

short form: Al Urdun
int'l short form: Jordan
int'l long form: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
formerly: Transjordan


Actual Time:
Local Time = +2h
Daylight Saving Time (DST) 31 March - 21 October 2005 (UTC +3)

: +962

Capital City: (pop. 1 million)

Irbid (pop. 281 000), Az-Zarqa (pop. 421 000)

Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Independence: 25 May 1946
Constitution: 8 January 1952

Location Middle East, northwest of Saudi Arabia, east of Israel
: 89,342 km² (34,495 sq. mi.)

Mostly arid desert; rainy season in west (November to April)

Nationality: Noun and adjective--Jordanian(s)
6.2 million (2012)
Ethnic groups: Mostly Arab but small communities of (Adyghe), Armenians, and Kurds.
Religions: Sunni Muslim 96%, Christian 4%.
: Arabic (official), English.
Literacy: 90%

Phosphates, potash, shale oil.
Wheat, barley, citrus, tomatoes, melons, olives; sheep, goats, poultry.

Phosphate mining, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining, cement, potash, light manufacturing, tourism.

textiles, fertilizers, potash, phosphates, vegetables, pharmaceuticals

21%, 16.5%, 10.3%, 8.7%, 4.8%, 4.4% (2015)

crude oil, refined petroleum products, machinery, transport equipment, iron, cereals

Saudi Arabia 15.4%, 12.8%, USA 6.2%, 4.7%, UAE 4.2% (2015)

Jordanian Dinar (JOD)

Jordan key statistical data.

Note: External links will open in a new browser window.

Official Website of King Of The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan with his profile, vision, initiatives and pressroom.

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah's site.

The official Web site of H.M. Queen Noor of Jordan.

HRH Prince Hassan Bin Talal's Web Site.

Tribute to the legacy of King Hussein, the father of modern Jordan.

The official site of the Jordanian e-Government.

Jordan's Parliamentary System.

The National Information System of Jordan site includes comprehensive information on the country and on government functions, organizations and official agencies.

Official website of the ministry (in Arabic).

Diplomatic Missions

Washington D.C.

Jordan in figures.

Jordan key statistical data.

Political Map of Jordan.

Searchable map/satellite view of Jordan.

Searchable map/satellite view of Jordan's capital city.

Political and topographic map of the Red Sea.

Political Map of of North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East.

Map of Western Asia and the Middle East region.

Jordan daily newspaper (in Arabic).

National and international news (in Arabic).

Jordan's English-language daily newspaper.

The Jordan News Agency.


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The largest museum in Jordan hosts the country's most important archaeological findings.

The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts.

Darat al Funun is a home for the Arts and the artists of Jordan and the Arab world.

The Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts takes place annually in late July. The site provides background and current news about the festival, as well as a program schedule (in Arabic).


Central Bank of Jordan Home Page.

Official site of the ministry.

Provides information on business and investment opportunities in Jordan, economic indicators and statistics, and Jordanian business news.


Royal Jordanian Airline, serves destinations in the Middle East, Europe and the USA.

Amman, Levant's commuter airline, connects Amman, to the Red Sea and neighboring countries.
© Jordan Tourism Board


Destination Jordan - Country Guides

Privately funded and managed university, founded in 1990.

Located near Amman.

The first ever institution of higher education in Jordan, founded in 1962.

Site of Jordan's National Library (in Arabic).

The mission of the Institute involves research, publication, and the organization of lectures, conferences, and workshops in the fields of Christian and Judaic studies with direct or indirect relevance to the Arab and Islamic worlds.

The RSS was established in 1970, a non-profit institution conducting scientific and technological research and development work related to the development process in Jordan with special attention to industrial research and services.

An independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization, formed in 1995 and specialized in environmental education.

Image: U.S. Department of State

Wikipedia entry about Jordans history.

Mount Nebo

Jordan index.


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    Jordan profile

Flag of Jordan

Jordan borders Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Palestinian territory of the West Bank. The Jordan River flows along Jordan’s western border to the Dead Sea. Jordan has a short coastline on the Gulf of Aqaba, an arm of the Red Sea.

A large tomb, called the Treasury, was cut into the sandstone cliffs in Petra, Jordan, thousands of…

Plants and Animals

Banana, date palm, and citrus trees grow in the valley. The highlands have small trees, sagebrush, and grasslands. Few plants grow in the desert.

The animals found in Jordan include wild boars, hares, jackals, foxes, wildcats, hyenas, wolves, mongooses, and gazelles. Birds include golden eagles, vultures, pigeons, and partridges.

Most of Jordan’s people are Arabs. About a third of the Arabs are Palestinians from Israel and the West Bank. Most of the people practice Islam. There is also a small number of Christians. Arabic is the main language, but many people also speak English. About three-fourths of the people live in cities.

Unlike other countries in the Middle East, Jordan does not have much petroleum (oil) or other natural resources. The economy is based on services, including banking, government work, and tourism. Many tourists come to see the biblical cities near the Jordan River.

Manufacturing and mining are also important. Factories produce chemicals, cement, clothing, and food products. The country refines petroleum and mines potash and phosphates, which are used to make fertilizers. Limited farming produces tomatoes, olives, vegetables, and citrus fruits.

A desert palace east of Amman, Jordan, dates from the 700s ce.

Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Seleucids, and the Roman Empire later controlled the region. In the 600s ce Arab invaders brought Islam to the area. The Ottoman Empire ruled from the 1500s until 1918.

In 1920 Great Britain took control of what is now Jordan. The territory, then called Transjordan, gained full independence in 1946. Abdullah of the Hashimites, a powerful Arab family, became king.

Jordan soon became involved in conflicts with its neighbors. In 1948 the country of Israel was created out of part of Palestine. Jordan joined other Arab nations in a war against Israel. A large number of Palestinians were forced out of Palestine and into Jordan.

In 1967 Jordan fought another war with Israel. Jordan lost the West Bank and the eastern part of Jerusalem to Israel. The losses increased the number of Palestinians who moved to Jordan.

Jordan's Queen Rania visits with local children.

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presentation about jordan country

Brief History

Jordan, located in the Middle East, has a rich history influenced by various civilizations. During the Iron Age, the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites established kingdoms in present-day Jordan. These kingdoms interacted with ancient Israel and were mentioned in biblical texts. In the 1st century CE, the Roman Empire expanded its influence into the region. The Romans recognized the strategic importance of Jordan and established several cities and forts. They developed the Decapolis, a league of ten cities, including Jerash, Philadelphia (modern-day Amman), and Gerasa, which became flourishing Roman centers with impressive monuments and theaters. Jordan was later ruled by both the Byzantines and the Ottomans. T. E. Lawrence, also known as Lawrence of Arabia, played a significant role in Jordan’s history during World War I. He supported the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire and helped capture Aqaba. Jordan gained independence in 1946, facing challenges such as conflicts with neighboring countries. Today, Jordan remains a relatively stable country, known for its historical sites and commitment to regional peace.

presentation about jordan country

National Flag

The flag of Jordan was adopted officially in 1928, but it is based on a design from 1916 used as the flag of the Arab revolt against the Ottoman empire during the first world war. Pan-Arab colors adorn the flag, as well as a seven-pointed star, symbolizing the seven hills of Amman.

Jordan sits at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Jordan borders Palestine by way of the Jordan river on its western border, as well as Saudi Arabia to the south and Iraq to the North. From fertile valleys to the Mars-like desert of the Wadi Rum, Jordan is a land of contrasts.

World Land Mass Ranking: 112th

Highest Mountain: Jabal Umm ad Dami, 1,854 m (6,083 ft)

Longest River: Jordan, 251 km (151 mi)

Main Languages

Jordan Population : 11,180,568 (as of 2023)

Capital City:  Amman

Capital City Population : 4,061,150 (as of 2021)

While temperatures toward the more Mediterranean western border can be mild and pleasant, the Jordanian climate varies greatly in its eastern half—from hot and dry to colder and wet. Days are hot and nights are cool—the rich contrast of the desert.

Abdullah II

Mustafa Wahbi Tal

presentation about jordan country

Jordanian cuisine is a vibrant and flavorful reflection of the country’s rich history and cultural heritage. Known for its delicious blend of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influences, Jordanian dishes are a delightful combination of aromatic spices, fresh herbs, and locally sourced ingredients. Staple ingredients like lamb, chicken, rice, and vegetables are used in various traditional dishes, such as mansaf, a national favorite consisting of tender lamb cooked in a tangy yogurt sauce served over a bed of fragrant rice. Other popular dishes include falafel, hummus, and tabbouleh, which showcase the region’s love for fresh herbs, chickpeas, and olive oil. With its diverse flavors and hearty portions, Jordanian cuisine offers a truly satisfying culinary experience.

presentation about jordan country

Jordanian sports encompass a wide range of activities that cater to both traditional and modern interests. Football (soccer) is undoubtedly the most popular sport in Jordan, with a fervent fan base and a national team that competes at the international level. Basketball is also highly followed and has gained significant popularity in recent years. Traditional sports like horse racing, camel racing, and falconry showcase Jordan’s Bedouin heritage and are cherished cultural pastimes. Additionally, martial arts such as taekwondo and karate have gained prominence, with Jordanian athletes achieving success in international competitions. The country also hosts various sporting events, including the annual Dead Sea Marathon and the Jerash Festival of Traditional Sports and Martial Arts, providing platforms for athletes and enthusiasts to showcase their skills and celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship.

presentation about jordan country

Jordanian culture is a captivating blend of ancient traditions and contemporary influences, shaped by its location at the crossroads of the Middle East. Hospitality is a cornerstone of Jordanian culture, and visitors are warmly welcomed with open arms. The country’s rich history is reflected in its archaeological sites, such as the iconic Temple of Hercules in Amman, which stands as a testament to the ancient Roman influences in the region. Traditional music and dance, such as dabke, are celebrated during festive occasions, while Bedouin culture brings forth the hospitality and nomadic traditions of the desert-dwelling tribes. Jordanians take pride in their strong sense of community, close-knit family bonds, and the importance placed on social gatherings. Overall, Jordanian culture radiates warmth, resilience, and a deep appreciation for heritage, making it a fascinating and inviting destination for visitors.

10 facts about Jordan

1. Amman is one of the oldest cities on the planet.

2. Mansaf is Jordan’s national dish.

3. Many famous movies were filmed in Jordan.

4. Jordan is one of the least forested countries.

5. The lowest point on Earth is in Jordan.

6. The city of Petra was settled over 10,000 years ago.

7. Only 15% of Petra has been explored

8. Jordan is home to the long-eared hedgehog.

9. There are over 100,000 archaeological sites in Jordan.

10. Jordan contains almost no natural oil deposits.

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The Country of Jordan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation about jordan country

The Country of Jordan

... valley is citrus fruits, cabbages, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, and tomatoes. ... into a big port so that it can handle all the big hauling ships from ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Written by Max
  • The birth rate of Jordan is 24.6 people. The death rate of Jordan is 2.6 people. The life expectancy is 73 at birth (years).
  • Jordan is a very small country in the Middle East right next to Saudi Arabia. The capital of Jordan is Amman. It is slightly smaller than Indiana and is only 91,791sq miles.
  • During World War 1 Sheriff Hussein of Mecca in Saudi Arabia led the Arab revolt against the Ottoman rule. Great Britain helped to defeat the great win against the Ottomans. It established several of the now Arab states. After the successful win the League of Nations chose Britain to control lands east and west of the River Jordan as the region of Palestine.
  • The population of Jordan is 5,611,202. Sunni Muslim 92, Christian 6 (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), other 2 (several small Shi'a Muslim and Druze populations) (2001 est.)
  • Jordan is mostly desert, and only 3 percent of the land is fertile. The primary crops of the Jordan River Valley is citrus fruits, cabbages, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, and tomatoes. On the Transjordan Plateau farmers grow barely, wheat, olives, nuts, grapes, other fruits, and vegetables.
  • Jordan has a well developed transportation system. Jordans roads are paved and asphalted. The roads can take you to neighboring countries or neighboring places. Jordan has only one port called Al Aqabah and has turned into a big port so that it can handle all the big hauling ships from the Red Sea. Jordans capital, Amman, has a major global airport.
  • Long live the King! Long live the King! His position is sublime,His banners waving in glory supreme.
  • A-Sha-al MaleekA-Sha-al MaleekSa-Mi-yan-ma-qa mu- huKha-fi-qa-tin fil ma-alia-lam m-hu
  • The religion of Jordan is Islam. Islam is one of the most wonderful religions in the world. Few people in Jordan are Christians. It is a very small percentage of the population. Moslem and Christians do get along very well. In the picture bellow is the Holy Quran.
  • Jordan's currency is the Jordanian Dinar, or JD. It is divided into 1000 fils, or 100 qirsh or piasters. It appears in paper notes of 50, 20, 10, 5, 1, and 0.5 JD denominations. Coins come in denominations of 1 JD, 0.5 JD, 0.25 JD, and 100, 50, 25, 10 and 5 fils. The rate of exchange is 1 JD 1.42 US .

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Jordan’s top diplomat makes rare visit to Iran as fears of a wider regional war soar


Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, right, is welcomed by Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, for their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, left, and Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, shake hands before the start of their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi sits in a meeting with Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani sits in a meeting with Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, left, and Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, attend a meeting, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, right, welcomes Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi for their meeting, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

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TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Jordan’s foreign minister met Iran’s acting foreign minister in Tehran on Sunday as the United States and its Arab allies try to prevent a wider war after the back-to-back killings of top Iran-allied militants sparked vows of revenge against Israel.

Ayman Safadi is the first senior Jordanian official to pay an official visit to Iran in over 20 years. Jordan is a close Western ally and helped intercept scores of missiles and drones fired by Iran toward Israel in April. Iran said it was retaliating for the killing of its generals in an Israeli strike in Syria.

Many fear Iran and its regional allies could launch a similar attack following the killing of a senior Hezbollah commander in an Israeli strike on Beirut last week and of Hamas’ top political leader Ismail Haniyeh in an explosion in Tehran a day later. Both attacks were widely blamed on Israel, which has acknowledged killing the Hezbollah commander. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas have vowed to avenge the killings.

Jordan, which borders Israel to the east, would likely be in the path of any Iranian retaliatory strike.

Safadi “will deliver a message from His Majesty King Abdullah II to Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on the situation in the region and bilateral relations,” Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said earlier in a statement.


The foreign minister will later meet the newly elected Iranian president , according to Iran’s state TV.

Safadi insisted that the tension in the region would end only with the cessation of the war in Gaza during his meeting with acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani, state TV reported, adding that the two discussed bilateral relations, developments in the region and “the Zionists’ heinous act of assassinating the martyr Haniyeh.”

After the meeting, Jordan’s foreign ministry said in a statement that Safadi’s visit was to hold discussions on the “dangerous escalation” across the Middle East. “We want our region to live in security, peace and stability, and we want the escalation to end,” Safadi was quoted as saying, calling for an end to the war in the Gaza Strip and a resumption of talks for a Palestinian state .

Safadi reiterated Jordan’s condemnation of Haniyeh’s killing, calling it an “escalatory step” and urged for calm, fearing a regional war would have a “devastating impact on everyone.”

“We have begun an in-depth dialogue that we are completing now, within the consultation framework on how our position can be clear in condemning the crime committed, and in emphasizing the need to respect Iran’s sovereignty and international law, while at the same time protecting our region from catastrophic consequences,” he added.

The last time a senior Jordanian official traveled to Iran on an official visit was in 2004 when then-Prime Minister Faisal al-Fayez went to Tehran. Last week, Jordan sent a lower-ranking official to Pezeshkian’s inauguration.

Hamas leader Haniyeh, who was in Tehran to attend the ceremony, died in an explosion that Iranian authorities have said was caused by a short-range projectile.

Jordan cooperates with American forces under the umbrella of the U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East and works closely with other militaries, including those of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Associated Press writer Omar Akour in Amman, Jordan contributed to this report.

presentation about jordan country

Jordan's Safadi urges de-escalation of regional tensions in rare Iran visit

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Demonstrators take part in a symbolic funeral for Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh who was killed, in Amman

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Apr 07, 2019

140 likes | 685 Views

Jordan. By Cadet Newman. Area Comparative:. Area:. slightly smaller than Indiana . total: 92,300 sq km land: 91,971 sq km water: 329 sq km. Jordan is close to completely landlocked. There is only a small amount of the country that has water touching its border. Climate:.

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Jordan By Cadet Newman

Area Comparative: Area: slightly smaller than Indiana total: 92,300 sq km land: 91,971 sq km water: 329 sq km Jordan is close to completely landlocked. There is only a small amount of the country that has water touching its border.

Climate: mostly desert plateau in east, highland area in west; Great Rift Valley separates East and West Banks of the Jordan River mostly arid desert; rainy season Terrain:

Population: 5,759,732 Arabic (official), English widely understood among upper and middle classes Language:

Capital: 'Amman

Type of Government: Queen Noor Queen Noor and King Hussein bin Talal constitutional monarchy

Flag Description:

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Takeaways from team usa’s gold medal victory in the women’s team gymnastics final.

TOPSHOT - US' Simone Biles competes in the vault event of the artistic gymnastics women's team final during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games at the Bercy Arena in Paris, on July 30, 2024. (Photo by Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP) (Photo by ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT/AFP via Getty Images)

It was the moment everyone’s been waiting for , and it lived up to the hype.

A little more than three years after a shocking case of the “ twisties ” caused her to withdraw from Team USA’s attempt at defending its gymnastics team gold, Simone Biles was back under the bright lights of an Olympic final.

The Americans entered the day as the favorites after cruising through qualifying on Sunday, finishing five points clear of the Italian and Chinese teams. They had much the same experience on Tuesday as they recaptured their gold medal in dominant fashion.

Here are five takeaways as Team USA leaves Bercy Arena in western Paris with another gold medal.

Simone Biles becomes winningest American Olympic gymnast of all time

She’s got a strong case to be called the greatest gymnast of all time. And on Tuesday, she set herself apart from every other American gymnast in history. The Olympic team gold medal was Biles’ eighth at a Games, more than any other American in history.

She also set another bit of history. At 27 years old, with her first gold in these Paris Olympics, Biles is now the oldest American woman ever to win gymnastics gold. She is five years older than Aly Raisman who previously held the record.

From left, American gymnasts Jordan Chiles, Hezly Rivera, Simone Biles, Jade Carey and Suni Lee celebrate after winning the gold medal at the Paris Olympics on Tuesday, July 30.

Related gallery In pictures: Team USA wins gymnastics gold

It’s hard to overstate just how much this competition is about Biles or how closely watched she is after her shocking exit from this competition in Tokyo. On Sunday during qualifying, the 20,000-seat Bercy Arena fell silent – aside from the bursts of cheers that followed her powerful twists and soaring flips and the explosions of noise when she finished her routines.

While Biles’ obstacles in Tokyo were mental, she faced a physical one on Tuesday. During a warmup for her floor routine, Biles aggravated a bother in her calf that her coach said she had first felt a couple of weeks before the Olympics. She left the arena floor for the locker room area and returned with her lower leg heavily taped.

It didn’t seem to affect her at all as she showed no signs of injury en route to impressive performances on every apparatus.

Italy and Brazil make history

The second and third place teams on the night blazed their own trails.

Italy’s women’s gymnastics team won the silver medal. The last time the team medaled was in 1928. The team was visibly emotional and celebrated with loud cheers and hugs.

The Italian gymnastics team and Team USA celebrated together, sharing a sweet moment hugging one another. Italy and the USA had been on the same rotation schedule throughout the night and the southern Europeans could be seen cheering on Biles during some of her performances.

Brazil, meanwhile, placed third, finishing less than one point behind Italy to take home the bronze. This is the first team medal for Brazil in gymnastics.

The team includes Rebeca Andrade, who became Brazil’s first Olympic champion in women’s gymnastics in 2021 when she won the gold medal on vault and silver in the women’s individual all-around competition at the Tokyo Olympics.

A different kind of win for Team USA

Lee competes on the uneven bars during a gymnastics qualification round on July 28.

For Suni Lee and Biles, this gold medal just hits different.

Biles won the team gold in 2016 and Lee had her own incredible success in Tokyo, but the victory on Tuesday – with a bit more age and maturity – just means a bit more.

“I mean, I think in 2016 everyone said we were destined to win gold. Everybody kind of already said we’re going to win gold,” Biles said. “And so, whenever we went out there, we did our job and we did win gold, and it was just like we were a little young and naive, so it didn’t hit the way that it does now.

“Now that I’m much older and we have so much more experience, we’re out here really having fun and enjoying what we’re doing. So I think it’s just different.”

Lee agreed, pointing to the crush of expectations that followed the team in Tokyo that Team USA ultimately couldn’t live up to. This time around, it was a bit more simple.

“I guess, like, it’s just different this time around,” Lee said. “And I think last time around we had so many expectations on us. This time, I think we did exactly what we were supposed to: we went out there and we had fun with it. And I think that’s the most important thing.”

The five gymnasts – the most diverse group in US history – clearly share a tight bond that was evident in the post-competition news conference. That includes late-night discussions in the Olympic Village that brought them closer together – even if there are still some loving spats between team members at time.

“So that’s kind of the nature of the conversation, just letting each other know that we can lean on each other because we’ve been there,” Biles said. “It’s really hard to be doing what we’re doing. And it’s easier if we can lean on each other.”

Jordan Chiles completes the all-around and makes her own statement

Olympic rules kept Chiles out of the individual all-around competition – if they didn’t exist, she had more than enough points to compete.

Only the top 24 gymnasts in qualifying move onto the individual finals, but no nation can have more than two of their gymnasts in the individual contests. Biles and Lee claimed those all-around spots for the Americans, leaving Chiles – who finished in fourth in qualifying, just behind Lee – on the sidelines.

Chiles performs on the vault during qualification on July 28.

The same thing happened in the individual vault qualifying. Biles and American Jade Carey will take the US’ spots in the vault finals, leaving Chiles – who again finished in fourth – to watch.

So, that made Tuesday night Chiles’ chance to complete the all-around competition and she did so with flying colors.

“Honestly, it was really, you know, I obviously think the two per country thing is, you know, a little bit kind of like …,” Chiles said, trailing off as she made a disgusted face.

“But you know, having this opportunity definitely felt really good. And being able to be a part of, you know, winning this gold medal and everything that I’ve just gone through. It’s just been an amazing experience so I’m really just proud of each and every one of us that are up here. And I couldn’t, you know … this smile is always gonna be smiling because it’s just been an amazing experience.”

Chiles had one tough routine on the balance beam, at one point slipping off it to the ground. But on the other three apparatuses, she shined and played a major part in the team’s victory.

Russia absent in major political statement

The gold medal-winning Russian team from 2021 wasn’t back this year.

No Russian gymnasts will compete in Paris this year after the country was officially banned from the 2024 Summer Games for the invasion of Ukraine – though a small number of Russians are competing under the  banner of the Individual Neutral Athletes . They will not be allowed to wear their country’s colors or have their anthem played should they win a medal.

The Russian gymnastics team decided en masse not to apply to be neutral athletes in protest of the ban and the suspension over the Russian Olympic Committee in 2023.

It’s one of the most intense political statements in the Olympics in years as the fallout from the war in Ukraine and the intense global backlash against the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin seeps into the world of sport.

The absence of Russian gymnasts – traditionally one of the strongest teams in the Games and a major rival of the American team – creates an opening for other nations.


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Simone Biles and Team USA win gold in women's gymnastics team final at 2024 Olympics

By Christopher Brito , Emily Mae Czachor

Updated on: July 30, 2024 / 8:02 PM EDT / CBS News

Days after an injury scare, Simone Biles and her U.S. women's artistic gymnastics teammates took home the gold in the team finals. It was their  first medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics  and marked an incredible comeback for the history-making athlete and for Team USA.

Italy took second place, ending the finals with 165.494 points to Team USA's 171.296. It was Italy's first Olympic medal for women's gymnastics in almost a century. Brazil's team won bronze, finishing just shy of a point behind Italy, for their first medal ever in women's gymnastics.


The women's artistic gymnastics team final  took place Tuesday at Bercy Arena and featured Biles along with her American teammates Jordan Chiles, Jade Carey and Sunisa Lee.  It was an important contest for the American athletes, who are all returning to the Olympics this year after appearing in previous Games, and especially for Biles, who was forced to leave the competition in 2020 because of a dangerous mental block that prompted her to take herself out of the running.

Biles and Chiles took part in the uneven bars, vault, balance beam and floor exercise events, while Lee competed in every round except the vault, which was Carey's only event. Just one member of Team USA didn't participate in Tuesday's competition — 16-year-old Hezly Rivera, who's making her Olympic debut this year and still accepted a gold medal alongside her teammates at the awards ceremony. 

Suni Lee at Paris 2024 Olympics - Gymnastics

Team USA was heavily favored to win the finals, after earning back-to-back gold at the Summer Games in London and Rio in 2012 and 2016, and capturing a silver medal in the team competition in Tokyo last time around. 

After delivering standout routines on the vault, uneven bars and beam, Team USA performed their anticipated floor exercises in the gymnastics final's fourth and last rotation. An American trio of Olympic veterans was expected to command the floor, with Biles at the helm, and all three did their part to rise to the occasion.

Lee was the first American gymnast to perform on the floor and completed a strong routine with visible excitement as she left the mat. Her family cheered uproariously from the stands, as did the rest of the stadium. Lee earned an impressive 13.9 for the exercise, which is evaluated out of 14 points. Chiles nailed her floor routine, too, inching closer to that perfect score with 13.966. 

Biles closed out the finals with a spectacular floor routine performed to a full-on standing ovation. It was arguably the most anticipated showing of Tuesday's team competition, and Biles delivered. Her routine included several of Biles' trademarked gymnastics moves, including her first namesake, a double layout with a half-twist, and a triple-double. 

Paris Olympics Artistic Gymnastics

The exercise had solidified Team USA's victory before Biles' score was even revealed. She blew a kiss to the crowd as people chanted, "USA!"

Earlier, Biles' bar routine prompted roiling applause from a crowd that included Olympic swimming legend Michael Phelps and movie director Spike Lee. Lee and Biles both delivered solid performances on the balance beam that earned high marks, critically, after Chiles fell from the equipment during her beam routine, which came before theirs. Her fall was the only notable error from Team USA throughout the finals, where the American athletes brought top-tier routines that continued to push them ahead of their competitors in every round.

Jordan Chiles at Paris 2024 Olympic Games - gymnastics team finals

Team USA — which took top scores in the qualification session over the weekend — competed in the final against gymnasts from seven other teams that placed highly in the qualifiers: Italy, China, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Britain and Romania. The finals call for three gymnasts from each team to compete in each gymnastics category. 

Lee is the reigning all-around champion. But in the team finals, all three gymnasts' scores are considered together. Those parameters make the final especially challenging, since they leave little room for error by any contending athlete, raising the stakes from qualifiers where all four athletes competed and the lowest-scoring athlete's marks were dropped from the team total.

Biles, 27, made her highly anticipated return last weekend in the qualifying rounds and dominated, despite a calf injury that caused her to limp. Women's gymnastics coach Cecille Landi, a former Olympian for France, told reporters after the qualifying session that Biles had tweaked her calf a few weeks ago and was on the mend. 

The coach noted that Biles had no intention to leave the competition, saying, "Never in her mind."


Team USA finished Sunday's qualification session with an impressive score of 172.296, putting them at the front of the pack heading into the final, with Biles herself leaving qualifiers as the leading individual scorer across all of the competing teams.

Biles, heralded as the Greatest of All Time, or G.O.A.T., in gymnastics, is currently in her third Olympics. It's her first since experiencing the "twisties," a phenomenon where gymnasts lose their sense of place in the air, which forced her to  drop out of multiple events  during the Tokyo Olympics. 

Tuesday's win makes Biles the most decorated American Olympic gymnast, surpassing Shannon Miller's seven-medal haul, with the team gold her eighth Olympic medal. That also ties her with Anton Heida, a 1904 Olympian, for the most gold medals earned by an American gymnast.

Table showing the number of medals won by each country or delegation in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris

 This story has been updated to correct information about the records of the teams from Italy and Brazil.

  • Simone Biles
  • USA Gymnastics

Christopher Brito is a social media manager and trending content writer for CBS News.

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