Essay On Happiest Moment In My Life

essay on happy moment of my life

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short Essay On Happiest Moment In My Life

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal experiences or emotions, but I can imagine that the happiest moment in one’s life can be a moment of personal triumph, a moment of love and connection with others, or a moment of pure joy and contentment.

One of the most memorable moments in a person’s life could be a major accomplishment, such as graduating from school, landing a dream job, or winning a competition. These moments of personal triumph bring a sense of pride, satisfaction, and validation of one’s hard work and effort.

Another source of happiness is spending time with loved ones. Whether it’s a family gathering, a wedding, or simply spending time with close friends, these moments of love and connection with others bring a sense of joy and comfort.

Finally, moments of pure joy and contentment, such as watching a beautiful sunset, listening to music, or enjoying a hobby, can bring a deep sense of happiness. These moments can provide a break from the stress and responsibilities of everyday life, and allow us to simply relax and enjoy the moment.

In conclusion, the happiest moments in life can come from a variety of sources and are unique to each individual. Whether it’s a moment of personal triumph, love and connection with others, or pure joy and contentment, these moments bring a sense of happiness and fulfillment that can last a lifetime.

long Essay On Happiest Moment In My Life

Everyone has those special memories in life that stand out and make them smile. From small moments of joy to the greatest accomplishments, we all have something that brings us happiness. In this article, I explore my own happiest moment in life and reflect on what made it so special. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire you to find your own most treasured memory and appreciate the magic of happy moments.


It was the happiest moment of my life when I received my college acceptance letter. It felt like all of my hard work had finally paid off and I was one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor. That moment was made even happier by the fact that I was accepted into my first choice school, which meant that I would be able to stay close to home and continue playing for my high school’s lacrosse team. The happiest moment of my life was not only a product of my hard work and dedication, but also the love and support of my family and friends. My parents have always been my biggest support system and have helped me through every step of the college application process. From helping me stay organized to providing much-needed moral support, their unwavering belief in me has been instrumental in getting me to where I am today. My friends provided me with endless encouragement during this stressful time in my life, making sure that I had someone to talk to about all of the anxieties associated with applying for college.

Overall, the happiest moment in my life was a combination of years of hard work culminating in one defining moment. It was a moment that I will cherish forever as it showed me that when I put my mind to something, anything is possible.

Childhood memories of my happiest moment

I was 6 years old when it happened. It was a sunny day, and I remember running around in the backyard with my friends. We were laughing and playing games, and I felt so carefree and happy. Then, out of nowhere, a gust of wind came and blew my hat off. I chased after it, but it was caught by a tree. I climbed up to get it, and when I reached the top, I felt like I was on top of the world. That moment was one of pure happiness, and it’s something that I’ve never forgotten.

How I felt at the time

I was on top of the world. I had just won the state championship in track and I was feeling invincible. I thought to myself, “There’s nothing that can bring me down now.” I was so proud of myself and my accomplishments. I felt like I could do anything.

What I learned from that experience

In that moment, I learned that happiness doesn’t come from material things or from other people. Happiness comes from within. It comes from your own thoughts, your own perceptions, and your own actions.

I also learned that the happiest moments in life are often the simplest ones. It’s not about big events or grand gestures. It’s about the little things that make you smile, the things that make you feel alive.

So, what can you do to create more happiness in your life? Start by paying attention to your thoughts and your perceptions. Be mindful of the words you use to describe your life and your experiences. Choose to see the positive in every situation, even when it’s difficult. And take action towards your goals and dreams. When you do these things, you’ll start to experience more happiness in your life – guaranteed!

The impact this moment had on my life

This moment was very impactful for me because it was the first time I had ever felt truly happy. I had always been a pretty happy person, but this moment was different. It was like all of the sudden everything in my life made sense and I knew what I wanted to do with my life. This moment changed everything for me and set me on a new path that I am still on today.

The lessons it taught me about joy, contentment, and gratitude

It was the happiest moment of my life when I received my college degree. I had worked hard for four long years and it had finally paid off. The sense of accomplishment and joy I felt was indescribable. It was at that moment that I realized the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them.

That experience taught me three very important lessons: the first is that joy comes from within; it is not dependent on external circumstances. Second, contentment is possible even when life isn’t perfect; we can find happiness in the simple things if we just take the time to appreciate them. And lastly, gratitude is one of the most important emotions we can feel; being thankful for what we have, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our overall attitude and outlook on life.

All in all, the happiest moment of my life was when I achieved my dream of graduating college with honors. It was a moment filled with joy and pride that I will cherish forever. Though it took hard work and dedication to get there, it has ultimately made me into who I am today: a confident individual striving for success and happiness in life. No matter what obstacles come our way, we should always remember this important lesson: no dream is impossible if you put your heart and soul into achieving it!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short

Short Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short

Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short: The happiest moment of my life is a memory that I hold dear to my heart. It was a moment filled with joy, love, and overwhelming gratitude. In this essay, I will delve into the details of this special moment and explore the emotions that it evoked within me. Join me on a journey as I recount the happiest moment of my life and the impact it has had on me.

Table of Contents

The Happiest Moment of My Life Short Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming the happiest moment of your life. Think about a specific event or experience that brought you immense joy and contentment.

2. Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. You can start with a quote, a question, or a vivid description of the moment you are going to write about.

3. Provide background information about the event or experience that led to the happiest moment of your life. Describe the setting, the people involved, and the emotions you were feeling at that time.

4. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the moment. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings that made it so special to you.

5. Reflect on why this moment was so significant to you. What made it stand out from other happy moments in your life? How did it impact you and shape who you are today?

6. Share any life lessons or insights you gained from this experience. Did it teach you something about yourself, others, or the world around you? How did it change your perspective on life?

7. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you have discussed and leaving the reader with a lasting impression. You can end with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action.

8. Proofread your essay carefully to check for any grammatical or spelling errors. Make sure your writing flows smoothly and effectively conveys the emotions and significance of the happiest moment of your life.

9. Consider seeking feedback from a friend, family member, or teacher to get a fresh perspective on your essay and make any necessary revisions.

10. Remember to stay true to your own voice and experiences while writing the essay. Be honest, authentic, and passionate about sharing your happiest moment with others.

Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The day I graduated from college was the happiest moment of my life. 2. Seeing my family’s proud faces in the crowd filled me with joy. 3. The sense of accomplishment and relief was overwhelming. 4. I felt like all my hard work and dedication had paid off. 5. Walking across the stage to receive my diploma was a surreal experience. 6. The feeling of finally achieving a major milestone in my life was indescribable. 7. I was surrounded by friends and loved ones who had supported me throughout my journey. 8. The sense of possibility and excitement for the future was palpable. 9. It was a moment I will never forget, and one that will always bring a smile to my face. 10. Graduation day will forever hold a special place in my heart as the happiest moment of my life.

Sample Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short in 100-180 Words

The happiest moment of my life was when I graduated from college. It was a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. As I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

Seeing my family and friends cheering me on from the audience filled me with joy and gratitude. I realized in that moment that all the late nights studying, the sacrifices made, and the challenges overcome were worth it.

Receiving my degree was not just a piece of paper, but a symbol of my determination and resilience. It was a moment that I will never forget and one that will always hold a special place in my heart.

In that moment, I felt like I could conquer anything and that the possibilities for my future were endless. It was a truly unforgettable and joyous occasion that I will always cherish.

Short Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short in 200-500 Words

The happiest moment of my life happened when I received the news that I had been accepted into my dream college. It was a moment of pure joy and relief, knowing that all of my hard work and dedication had paid off. I remember the feeling of excitement and gratitude that washed over me as I read the acceptance letter.

I had spent countless hours studying, writing essays, and preparing for exams in order to make my application stand out. I had poured my heart and soul into every aspect of the college admissions process, and to finally receive that acceptance letter was a validation of all of my efforts.

I couldn’t wait to share the news with my family and friends, who had been there to support me every step of the way. Their pride and excitement for me only added to the overwhelming sense of happiness that I was feeling in that moment.

As I reflected on all of the hard work and sacrifices that had led me to this point, I felt a sense of accomplishment unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I was eager to see where this opportunity would take me.

The happiness that I felt in that moment was not just about getting into college, but about the realization that I had the power to shape my own future. I had worked tirelessly to achieve my goals, and now I was being rewarded for my efforts.

That moment of acceptance was a turning point for me, a reminder that hard work and determination can lead to great things. It was a moment that I will never forget, and one that has inspired me to continue pushing myself to reach new heights in all aspects of my life.

In conclusion, the happiest moment of my life was when I received the news that I had been accepted into my dream college. It was a moment of pure joy and gratitude, a validation of all of the hard work and sacrifices that I had made to achieve my goals. It was a reminder that with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short in 1000-1500 Words

The Happiest Moment of My Life

Life is full of ups and downs, moments of joy and moments of sorrow. But amidst all the chaos and unpredictability, there are certain moments that stand out as the happiest in our lives. For me, one such moment occurred a few years ago, and it is a memory that I will cherish forever.

It was a warm summer day, and I was in my final year of high school. The pressure of exams and college applications was weighing heavily on my mind, and I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, on that particular day, all my worries seemed to melt away as I received a phone call that would change my life.

I had applied for a scholarship to study abroad, and I had been anxiously waiting to hear back about whether I had been selected. When the phone rang, I hesitated for a moment before picking it up, my heart pounding in my chest. The voice on the other end of the line informed me that I had been chosen as the recipient of the scholarship, and I was overcome with a wave of joy and relief.

Tears of happiness streamed down my face as I thanked the person on the other end of the line, barely able to contain my excitement. I couldn’t believe that I had been given this incredible opportunity to study in a foreign country, to immerse myself in a new culture and to pursue my dreams.

The news spread quickly among my family and friends, and the rest of the day was a blur of congratulatory messages and celebrations. I felt like I was walking on air, my heart full of gratitude and happiness. It was a moment of pure joy, a moment that I will never forget.

As the days passed and the reality of my upcoming journey sank in, I began to make preparations for my trip. I packed my bags, said my goodbyes to my loved ones, and boarded the plane that would take me to my new home for the next few years.

Arriving in a foreign country, I was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Everything was so different – the language, the customs, the food. But as I settled into my new surroundings, I realized that this was where I was meant to be. I made new friends, explored new places, and learned so much about myself and the world around me.

Studying abroad was a life-changing experience for me. It opened my eyes to new possibilities and opportunities, and it gave me the confidence to pursue my passions and dreams. I grew as a person, both academically and personally, and I made memories that will stay with me forever.

Looking back on that happiest moment of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that have come my way. I am grateful for the people who have supported me and believed in me, and I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Life is full of challenges and obstacles, but it is also full of moments of joy and happiness. The happiest moment of my life was a reminder that no matter how tough things may seem, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. It was a moment of triumph, of success, and of pure, unadulterated joy.

As I continue on my journey, I carry that moment with me as a source of inspiration and motivation. It reminds me that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard to achieve your goals. It reminds me that happiness can be found in the most unexpected places, and that sometimes, the happiest moments of our lives are the ones that take us by surprise.

In conclusion, the happiest moment of my life was the day I received the news that I had been awarded a scholarship to study abroad. It was a moment of pure joy and gratitude, a moment that changed the course of my life and opened up a world of possibilities. It was a moment that I will always hold dear in my heart, a moment that reminds me of the power of perseverance, determination, and belief in oneself. Life is full of ups and downs, but it is moments like these that make it all worthwhile.

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Happiest Moment In My Life Essay Examples

Happiest Moment In My Life - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Happiest moments in one’s life are subjective and unique to each individual. It could be a milestone achievement, a meaningful connection with someone, a moment of personal growth, or simply a peaceful moment of contentment.

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Good Example Of Essay On A Special Moment In My Life

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Students , Life , School , Moment , Time , College , Examination , Challenges

Published: 11/11/2021


Every person has his or her special moment in life. It varies on how a person views such moment. As for my own experiences, there were many events that I could not forget. I can say that my memories are good enough to say that my life is very fulfilling up to this moment. One of the most special moments in my life is when I was able to pass my 12th grade in school. As I can remember, it was an ordinary day and my behavior was being controlled by my feelings, as it was the day when I needed to go to school to get the final school report. I was a little bit in a state of panic. That is because; I was fully aware that my college admission will based upon whatever the result will show. I thought that the result I am getting is one of the most important outcomes of my actions in my whole life. My college and my future depend on it, which is why, it has to be positive. That day was so special, because it made me realize that education is not just a mere part of my life, but it will play important roles in my future success. It was a special day that taught me the true meaning of happiness and satisfaction when it comes to hard-work. Even though I felt nervous, as I was still unaware that I have passed the 12th grade, I was still happy because I was able to surpass the challenges that I have experienced during the school days. These are the things that I had in my mind when I was on my way to the school. It was similar to a time travel, to which I was able to reflect on the important things that happened in my life while contemplating whether I passed or not. It was a sort of mixed emotions, maybe because I was in the state of shock and nervous about the result. Having a special moment in one’s life does not necessarily mean an event that was purely happiness and positivity. There could be a time when such event was so significant, whether or not it was positive, as it provided results that someone might not have been expecting. Few minutes more, familiar places appeared in front of me. Then, I realized, I was almost in our school. That time was the moment when I was about to face the outcome of the very reason why I went to school every day, why I had a lack of sleep the night before the examination day, and why I need to learn. I reached our school and my heart was trembling and I was anxious about the reality that I was to see in a few minutes. In fact, I made myself ready to see a failing result to reduce my fear once the outcome shows that I did not make it. I was told to pick the result and with my trembling hands, I slowly opened the envelope. I had passed the exam. It was one of the most special moments in my life. The reason being is that, my efforts during the exam were not as extensive as it should have been, as I was not feeling good during that time. That could also be one of the reasons that I felt worried about the result of my examination. I can also say that this is one of the most special moments in my life because I felt relieved from all the worries that I had, which I all realized on the day that I was about to get the results of the examination. Furthermore, it was not just one of the most special, but also one of the most important. I will not be at the stage where I am at right now if I was not able to surpass the challenges of my early years. I can also say that passing the 12th grade did not just open the opportunities in college, but it also opened the opportunities for a better life ahead of me.


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  • Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life

We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

memorable day of my life

My Birthday- Memorable Day of My Life

My tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It is a day I can never forget and I consider it to be the best birthday yet. The day started just like any other normal day. However, as it kept progressing, a lot of exciting things began to happen.

I woke up very early on my birthday because I had to dress up in casual clothes for school . The day before, all my candies were ready that I would distribute in the classroom.

My mother prepared my favourite breakfast and gave me a big chocolate bar for lunch as well. I went to school and the whole class sang for me and congratulated me. It was the turn to distribute sweets.

My best friend and I went to all the teachers to distribute toffees and we had a great time there. Moreover, it was an incredible feeling. My friends were all singing for me and eager to come to my birthday party later in the evening.

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My Birthday Party

The birthday at my school was memorable but the birthday party at my home made the day even more memorable. Also, my mother invited all my friends from school and the colony to the party.

I received so many presents and we played a lot of games. We played games like musical chairs, tag, egg-and-spoon races, and more. There were so many songs playing so everyone did a special dance too.

The highlight of my birthday party was definitely my huge birthday cake. As I love superheroes, my mother got the cake customized with the superhero theme. It was very tasty too and in my favourite flavour.

I spent a lot of time with my family and friends that day. Everyone liked the return gifts as well and went home with a big smile on their faces.

Conclusion of Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Therefore, my tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It has given me so many happy memories that will remain with me forever. That day makes me feel blessed and lucky to have all those things in my life.

FAQ on Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Question 1: What is the meaning of a memorable day?

Answer 1:   When we say memorable, we refer to something that we cannot forget easily or something that left us excited. A memorable day is a day that one can recall easily as it is engraved in the memory.

Question 2: What can be an example of a memorable day?

Answer 2: Some people consider their birthday to be the most memorable day. While some consider it a family trip too. Similarly, some people may find their school picnic or fete to be the most memorable day.

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Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 15, 2021 by Sandeep

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person’s life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person’s heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers. Prosperity, success, achievement and accomplishments are well-defined moments when we feel the happiest.

Essay on Happiest Day of My Life in 500 Words

Below we have provided Happiest Day of My Life Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“ Happiness does not depend on what we have; it depends on how we feel towards what we have. We can be happy with little and miserable with much.” ~ William D. Hoard

Fighting with our friends is a now and then activity. But what is even more common? Having arguments with our parents. I am going to tell you about an episode that happened in my life when I was in the 10th standard. I used to go to my tuition classes from 5 pm to 7 pm every Monday to Friday. One evening, when I was walking down the stairs of the tuition centre, my friends and I decided to stop and eat ice cream. I knew my taste buds were about to be delighted!

After finishing my ice cream, I bid farewell to my friends, took an auto and reached home. I could see my mother standing at the gate and my father about to start the car. My mother’s eyes were watery. But I could sense that she breathed a sigh of relief the moment she saw me. As soon as I entered the drawing-room, my mother and my father walked in behind me. They were now looking at me angrily.

They started shouting at me. They asked me why I was late and why I hadn’t informed them. My parents said that they were extremely worried about me. My mother told me that she couldn’t stop thinking that something terrible had happened to me. My father reminded me that in a city like Delhi, where the crime rate is so high, I ought to be more careful and responsible. I felt irritated and agitated by their sudden outburst.

I still remember the exact words that I uttered out of my mouth, “When did eating an ice cream become such a big crime? Why do you have to overreact all the time? I wish I didn’t have parents; maybe then I would’ve been entitled to some freedom. It is impossible to live with you.” My parents turned silent, and I went stomping into my room.

The next day my father told us to get into the car, but he didn’t disclose where we were going. Everyone remained silent for the whole trip. In about 25 minutes, the car came to a halt in front of an orphanage. I did not know what my father had in mind. We all made our way into the orphanage, and my father told me to interact with the kids there.

All the kids at the orphanage were very welcoming and warm. None of them had any parents. A lot of them told me their stories. Reshma, a girl of 10, said to me that her mother died while giving birth to her and she never saw her dad. She was brought here when she was just a baby.

An orphanage is not the most amusing place. The rooms there were small and cramped. They did not have an air conditioner or even a cooler. None of them had been to a restaurant or an amusement park. They rarely got a cake or chocolates to eat. None of the toys that they had was in good condition. Sneha, another girl at the orphanage, told me that there were many nights when she felt lonely.

She told me, “Not one day has passed when I haven’t missed my parents. I would give anything in the world to be with them for just one day.” I realized that the things we take for granted, they dream of them. I walked out towards the main gate and saw my parents talking to the caretaker. I had never been happier to see them. That day I learnt the value of having parents, the importance of having a family.

I ran towards my mother, hugged her and burst into tears. That day was the best and indeed the happiest of my life. I realized that my parents would always be there for me. They would stand beside me through thick and thin. Having parents is not simply normal; it is a blessing which not everyone gets. I apologised to my parents for the previous night’s behaviour and thanked my father for teaching me this lesson.

My father told me something in my ear, and I quickly ran towards the car. I opened the trunk and retrieved a big box of chocolates and candies. My mother also came to help me with the other package which had crayons and colouring books in it. I distributed these things among the children at the orphanage with my own hands. I can’t possibly describe how happy and delighted they were.

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The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay 250 Words

Today, I’m going to take you on a journey to a day filled with sunshine and joy – the happiest day of my life! It’s like a storybook moment that I’ll always hold close to my heart.

Table of Contents

The Happiest Day of My Life: A Memory to Treasure

The happiest day of my life began with a feeling of excitement in the air. It’s like the night before a big adventure. I woke up with a smile on my face, knowing that something special was about to happen.

A Surprise Awaits – The Unexpected Gift

Little did I know that this day was going to be extraordinary. It’s like finding a hidden treasure in an ordinary day. My family had planned a surprise trip to the zoo, a place I had always dreamed of visiting.

The Journey Begins – On the Road to Happiness

As we headed to the zoo, my heart was filled with anticipation. It’s like setting sail on a ship of wonder. I imagined all the amazing animals I would see and the adventures that awaited.

Meeting New Friends – The Animal Kingdom

The moment we entered the zoo, it was like stepping into a magical world. I saw lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!). It’s like meeting new friends who were part of an incredible animal kingdom. Their beauty and grace left me in awe.

A Picnic Surprise – Lunchtime Delight

My family had prepared a surprise picnic lunch. It’s like a feast fit for royalty. We enjoyed sandwiches, fruit, and my favorite chocolate chip cookies. Eating amidst the sounds of nature was a delightful experience.

Fun and Laughter – Adventures at Every Turn

The zoo was full of adventures. It’s like a treasure trove of laughter and excitement. I saw playful monkeys swinging from trees, colorful parrots chattering away, and even had the chance to feed a friendly giraffe.

A Special Encounter – Meeting My Favorite Animal

The highlight of the day was meeting my favorite animal, the panda. It’s like a dream come true. I watched in awe as the panda chewed bamboo and played around. It felt like the panda and I shared a secret connection.

The Joy of Learning – Zoo Facts Galore

The zoo wasn’t just fun; it was educational too. It’s like a classroom in the great outdoors. I learned about conservation, animal habitats, and the importance of protecting our planet. It inspired me to care for our environment.

A Day of Bonding – Family Love

The happiest day of my life was also a day of bonding with my family. It’s like strengthening the ties that hold us together. We laughed, explored, and created memories that will forever be etched in our hearts.

The Sunset of Happiness – Heading Home

As the sun began to set, it was like the perfect ending to a perfect day. I felt tired but incredibly happy. It’s like watching the curtain close on a magical performance. We headed home, knowing that this day would live on in our memories.

Conclusion: A Day to Remember

The happiest day of my life was like a gift wrapped in joy and surprise. It’s a memory that warms my heart on even the coldest days. The smiles, the laughter, and the sense of wonder made it a day I’ll cherish forever.

Author’s Note:

I hope you enjoyed reliving the happiest day of my life with me! It’s like opening a treasure chest of memories. If you want to share your own special moments or chat about anything else, just let me know!

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Memories of Happiness and Accomplishments in My Life

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Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 1435 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay on happy moment of my life

Happiest Day of My Life Essay | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words | Power of Happiness

Happiest day of my life essay.

We have provided below short and long examples of happiest day of my life essay for your information. After going through these essays you will be able to compose write any short and long essays on best day of my life. Go through and start understanding how we write essay on happiest day in my life.

Happiest Day of My Life Essay- 100 Words

The happiest day of my life was when I turned twelve. It was a bright and sunny day, and everything felt perfect. I woke up with excitement bubbling inside me, knowing that today was my special day. As I walked downstairs, my parents greeted me with a big smile and a birthday cake adorned with candles. I blew out the candles, making a wish deep in my heart. Later, my friends came over, and we played games, laughed, and ate delicious food. The joy in my heart was overflowing, and I felt surrounded by love. That day, I received many presents, but the best gift was the happiness I felt in every moment. It was a day filled with laughter, joy , and memories that will stay with me forever. The happiest day of my life was a day I will always cherish.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph- 150 words

The happiest day of my life was when I won the school spelling bee. It was a sunny day, and I was nervous but excited. I stood on the stage with butterflies in my stomach. The principal announced the words. I spelled each word carefully. I was a little nervous also and my heart was pounding with every letter. The competition was tough, but I stayed focused and gave it my all. Finally, the moment came when I spelled the last word correctly. The audience erupted in applause, and I couldn’t believe it—I had won! My parents cheered loudly, and my friends ran up to congratulate me. It was an amazing feeling to win the competition. I was on top of the world. That day, I felt proud of my hard work and determination. It was a day I will always remember with a big smile on my face.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life

  • The happiest day of my life was when I woke up to a surprise party just for me!
  • There were colorful balloons, a delicious cake, and all my friends shouting with joy!
  • I received wonderful presents and we laughed and laughed, making my heart feel light.
  • We played so many fun games, and I couldn’t stop smiling, oh what a delight!
  • My mom and dad’s love shone brightly like a twinkling star in the sky.
  • When I blew out the candles, I made a special wish, hoping it would reach up high.
  • Everyone gave me big hugs and wore the biggest smiles, love filled the air all around.
  • It was the best day ever, filled with laughter, fun, and joy that we found.
  • I felt so lucky and grateful, like I was the happiest kid in the whole wide world.
  • That day will always be my favorite memory, my happiest day, where happiness unfurled .

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life- 200 Words

The happiest day of my life was when my science project won first place at the school science fair . It was a day filled with excitement and anticipation. For weeks, I had worked tirelessly on my project, conducting experiments, researching, and putting together a captivating display. When the day of the science fair arrived, I set up my project with care, making sure everything was in place. As the judges went around, I explained my project with enthusiasm and confidence. When the time came for the awards ceremony, my heart raced with nervousness. The principal took the stage and started announcing the winners. When he called my name for first place, my eyes widened in disbelief. I had done it! A surge of happiness rushed through me, and I could hardly contain my joy. My parents beamed with pride, and my classmates cheered for me. It was an unforgettable moment. Receiving the first-place trophy was an incredible validation of my hard work and dedication. It made me realize that with determination and passion, I could achieve anything. That day, I felt a sense of accomplishment that was unparalleled. It was a day that taught me the power of perseverance and ignited my love for science even more. The memories of that day will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life – 300 Words

Such happiest days in one’s life are quite a few and rare. They come once in a blue moon. They do not visit us every day. If someday is `happiest’ for someone, it may be ‘saddest’ for somebody else. All days are not equal. Some may be quite cheerful. Others may be sorrowful. Life is visited by weals and woes by turn. If you are sad today, you may be pretty glad the next day. Someone wins a lottery on a particular day. That day becomes for him the happiest day of his life. One gets plucked in the examination; he calls this day as the most miserable. But in my life, the happiest day is 17th September. I was born on this day. It was on Saturday. People take pride in their birthdays. They attach special importance to such days when they saw the light of the day. So for me, my birthday is a significant day. Relatives and friends come to me. They share my happiness. They partake cake, sweets and dinner. Choicest dishes are prepared. The house is decorated, electric bulbs and tubes are lighted. Canopy is hung. Mats, carpets and rugs are spread out. The cake is ordered. It is brought and cut. All wish me a happy birthday. They cheer me, they sing songs, they dance. The whole atmosphere pervades with joy. I become the hero of the day. Eat and drink goes on long in the night. Gifts and presents are heaped on me. I feel excessively jubilant and gay. I celebrate this day with great pomp and show. I wait for this day for days together. Every year this date reminds me that I am older by one year. It is a day of reckoning (thinking) for me. I assess my success and failure. I take account of my failings. I resolve to be just and considerate. I vow to be sincere to my friends, relatives and my country. It is a day of great rejoicings and merry-makings for me and for my family. Every year this day is the happiest day of my life. My happiness is unbounded. It is limitless. It has its own charms and attractions. Hove this day very much; but sorry it comes once in a year.

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Happiest day of my life essay- 450 words.

Happiest Day of My Life

There is hardly any living being who has never gone through ups and downs in his life. Life is full of incidents both good and bad. Some of them may be forgotten with the passage of time whereas others leave an everlasting imprint on the mind. One feels delighted when fortune favours one but one plunges into despair during misfortunes. A wise man is one who is neither overjoyed in prosperity nor takes adversity to heart. Last year, I passed the Senior School Certificate Examination. Though I had given it my best shot, I was not confident of scoring too well. Anything less than a first division would certainly throw a spanner in the path of my future career. The day before the result was expected, I spent a restless night. Early next morning, I along with a few friends hurried to school and went straight to the display board. Starting at eye level I went down the list, with my heartbeat going up as I reached the bottom. My name was not there. With a heavy heart, I ran my eyes up to the list. And there! I looked again. Yes, it was my name—second in the list. Not only had I secured the first division, but also stood second in my class. God fulfilled my desires. I felt grateful to Him. My friends also passed, securing good marks. In order to celebrate our success, we decided to go to a picnic. We reached Okhla, a lovely picnic resort, at 12 noon. The heavy rush of visitors could not deter our enthusiasm as we sought out a huge banyan tree on the banks of the canal. We spread out our mats and opened up the food hamper. The lively music and delicious food swept away all the tension of the past few days. The idyllic atmosphere was abruptly broken by some loud cries. The sound came from the canal side. I immediately rushed towards the canal and was shocked to see a boy drowning. He was crying for help. I jumped into the canal and swam towards the drowning boy. After a great struggle, I dragged him towards the bank. He was in a very bad state. When I observed him carefully, I was surprised to see that he was an old classmate of mine. He was given medical aid and after some time, he regained consciousness. I was delighted to see him recovering. My joy knew no bounds because I had saved the life of a boy, who happened to be my old classmate. It was a day of great joy and happiness. Not only did I secure the second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of the happiest days of my life.

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530 words short essay on the Happiest Moment in My Life

Free sample essay on the Happiest Moment in My Life. Every man in his life faces the ups and downs. Sorrows and pleasures are two parts of life. In fact, life is full of bad as well as good incidents.

Some of them are forgotten with the passage of time while others leave an everlasting impression on the mind. We do not forget them for the whole of our life. We enjoy the moments of pleasure while the moments of sorrow plunge us into despair. We cherish the moments of pleasure throughout our life.

Such a moment came to me last year when I learnt that I had stood first in the examination. It was really the happiest moment. It appeared that I have won the whole world. Though I had fared well in the examination, yet I was not hopeful of getting a first class. In fact, I was anxious for the result as some of the papers were not up to my expectation. As it was to lay the foundation of my career, it all the more added to my tension. Hence the moment I learnt about the result, I was relieved of all my tension. I was satisfied that I can give a proper direction to my career as per my wishes. I first of all thanked God for His kindness. He fulfilled my desires. I was pleased because all my friends have also ranked good marks. To celebrate our pleasure I, along with my other friends, chalked out a programme. We decided to go out for a picnic. We decided to go to Surajkund.

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Next day we started for Surajkund at 10 a.m. We reached there in two hours because there was heavy flow of traffic. The picnic spot was also crowded. As it was a sunny weekend of winter, there were lots of people who had occupied the place. We too identified the place under the banyan tree. We laid our carpet there. We took out our snacks and other edibles which we had brought with us. First, we enjoyed a light refreshment. We had also brought camera with us. We took snaps in different poses. We listened to music. We danced and played also. But meanwhile the moment of enjoyment was interrupted by the loud cries of the people. We rushed to the cries and we were shocked to see that a small boy was drowning in the canal. He was crying for help.

One of my friends is well versed in the art of swimming. He immediately jumped into the canal. After a great struggle, he dragged him out of the canal. He was in a very critical condition. He was rushed to the hospital. With immediate care, his life could be saved. We postponed the whole programme in the midway and accompanied the sick boy. But we were pleased to see him regaining consciousness. The saving of one life was a source of tremendous pleasure.

Thus, it was a day of mixed pleasure. Not only a life was secured due to our timely help and assistance but it marked an important day in my career. The memory of this day is as fresh in my mind as if it has happened today.

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  • Hersh Goldberg-Polin

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At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life, grief and anger reign after his death

essay on happy moment of my life

JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people gathered there in grief and prayer to mourn his murder by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During the Sunday night vigil, the courtyard railings were lined with oversized yellow ribbons to symbolize advocacy for the hostages, Hapoel Jerusalem soccer flags — the 23-year-old’s favorite team — and posters that read, “We love you, stay strong, survive,” a mantra coined by his mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin.

Just hours earlier, one of the posters had been hanging over the balcony of the home of Shira Ben-Sasson, a leader of Hakhel, the Goldberg-Polins’ egalitarian congregation in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem.

“We were sure we would take it down when he came home,” Ben-Sasson said.

The community wanted to unite while respecting the Goldberg-Polins’ desire for privacy, she said, prompting them to organize the prayer gathering.

“But it’s like a Band-Aid or giving first aid, it’s what you do in an emergency. I don’t know how we go on after this,” she said.

essay on happy moment of my life

A covered courtyard at the Hakhel congregation was filled with mourners the day after Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose family are prominent members, was found to have been killed in Gaza. Hundreds of other people crowded outside the gates, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

She added that the community, which has a large contingent of English-speaking immigrants, was not prepared for the High Holidays, which begin in about a month. She said, “Seeing his empty seat is hard.”

For Ben-Sasson, who wore a T-shirt bearing the Talmudic dictum “There is no greater mitzvah than the redeeming of captives,” the tragedy is especially painful because, she said, it could have been avoided with a ceasefire agreement that freed hostages.

“Hersh was alive 48 hours ago. We think a deal could have saved him. There is no military solution to this,” she said.

That feeling of bereavement, often mixed with betrayal, pervaded gatherings across Israel on Sunday, as the country struggled with the news that six hostages who may have been freed in an agreement were now dead as negotiations continue to stall. Speakers at protests in Tel Aviv blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself apologized for not getting the hostages out alive but blamed Hamas for obstructing a deal. The country’s labor union, the Histadrut, has called a national strike on Monday to demand a deal.

A rare early September rain lashed parts of Israel on Sunday, leading to a widespread interpretation: God, too, was weeping.

Some at the Jerusalem gathering, including the relative of another former hostage, said Netanyahu had chosen defeating Hamas over freeing the captives.

essay on happy moment of my life

Josef Avi Yair Engel’s grandson Ofir was released from Hamas captivity in November. He paid tribute to Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered in captivity, in Jerusalem, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Josef Avi Yair Engel, whose grandson Ofir, 18, was released from Hamas captivity in November during that month’s ceasefire deal, expressed shock over Hersh’s murder but said he was not surprised, given the wartime policies of Netanyahu’s government.

“We knew months ago this was going to happen. Bibi’s formula, to dismantle Hamas and return the hostages, wasn’t logical. It’s an either/or situation,” Engel said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He’s tearing the country apart. I’m afraid that in the coming months there won’t be a state at all.”

Engel said he felt a close bond with Hersh’s father Jon Polin, not only because of their joint activism in the hostage families’ tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, but also because of their shared identity as Jerusalemites.

“There aren’t many of us in the hostage circle,” he said. “We’re like family.”

Sarah Mann, who did not know the family personally, said the weekend’s tragedy reminded her of Oct. 7.

“This day has sparks of the seventh, which created numbness and an inability to talk. Just complete shock,” she said.

essay on happy moment of my life

Mourners left notes at a gathering at Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family synagogue in Jerusalem. Many of the messages used the Hebrew word for “sorry.” (Deborah Danan)

Part of the reason for that, Mann said, was Rachel, who she described as a “force of faith.” Goldberg-Polin’s mother emerged as the most prominent advocate for the hostages globally and became a symbol in her own right as she crisscrossed the world calling for her son’s freedom.

“Millions of people around the world held onto her. Once that was cut, people’s ability to hold onto faith was knocked out today. But even though this has shattered us, we need to keep holding onto God,” Mann said.

For Susi Döring Preston, the day called to mind was not Oct. 7 but Yom Kippur, and its communal solemnity.

She said she usually steers clear of similar war-related events because they are too overwhelming for her.

“Before I avoided stuff like this because I guess I still had hope. But now is the time to just give in to needing to be around people because you can’t hold your own self up any more,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “You need to feel the humanity and hang onto that.”

Like so many others, Döring Preston paid tribute to the Goldberg-Polins’ tireless activism. “They needed everyone else’s strength but we drew so much strength from them and their efforts, “she said. “You felt it could change the outcome. But war is more evil than good. I think that’s the crushing thing. You can do everything right, but the outcome is still devastating.”

essay on happy moment of my life

Guy Gordon, with his daughter Maya, added a broken heart to the piece of tape he has worn daily to mark the number of days since the hostage crisis began, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Guy Gordon, a member of Hakhel who moved to Israel from Dublin, Ireland, in the mid-1990s, said the efforts towards ensuring Hersh’s safe return have been an anchor for the community during the war. The community knew him as the family described him in its announcement of his funeral on Tuesday, as “a child of light, love and peace” who enjoyed exploring the world and coming home to his family, including his parents and younger sisters, Leebie and Orly.

“It gave us something to hope for, and pray for and to demonstrate for,” he said. “We had no choice but to be unreasonably optimistic. Tragically it transpired that he survived until the very end.”

Gordon, like many others in the crowd, wore a piece of duct tape marked with the number of days since Oct. 7 — a gesture initiated by Goldberg-Polin’s mother. Unlike on previous days, though, his tape also featured a broken red heart beside the number.

Nadia Levene, a family friend, also reflected on the improbability of Hersh’s survival.

“He did exactly what his parents begged him to do. He was strong. He did survive. And look what happened,” Levene said.

She hailed Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s “unwavering strength and belief in God,” adding, “There were times I lost faith. I suppose I was angry with God. But she just kept inspiring us all to pray, pray, pray.”

essay on happy moment of my life

Leah Silver of Jerusalem examined stickers showing Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s mantra for her son Hersh, who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, at a gathering after Hersh’s death, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Jerusalem resident Leah Silver rejected politicizing the hostages’ deaths.

“Everything turns political so quickly. I came here because I felt that before all the protests, we need to just mourn for a moment and to pray. And show respect for each other,” she said. “We’ve become confused about who the enemy is. It’s very sad.”

But not everyone at the gathering joined in to sing Israel’s national anthem at the closing of the prayer gathering.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sing ‘Hatikvah,'” Reza Green, a Baka resident who did not know the Goldberg-Polins personally, said. “I’m too angry. We shouldn’t be here.”

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Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on The Happiest Day of My Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

The introduction.

The happiest day of my life was when I got my first pet, a puppy. I had always wanted a pet and that day my wish came true.

The Surprise

My parents surprised me on my 10th birthday. They brought in a small, fluffy puppy, which I named ‘Buddy’.

Playing with Buddy, taking care of him, and seeing him grow brought immense joy. That day, filled with surprise and happiness, remains the happiest day of my life.

250 Words Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

The genesis of joy.

The concept of happiness is subjective, varying from person to person. However, there are certain moments in our lives that stand out, shining brighter than the rest, encapsulating pure, unadulterated joy. For me, the happiest day of my life was when I received my college acceptance letter.

The Anticipation

The revelation.

Then, one ordinary day, the envelope arrived. The university logo shone brightly, a beacon of hope amidst a sea of regular mail. My heart pounded as I tore open the envelope. The first word I saw was ‘Congratulations,’ and a wave of euphoria washed over me.

The Elation

The elation that followed was indescribable. The realization that my hard work had paid off, that I was on the path to fulfilling my dreams, was overwhelming. The feeling of accomplishment and the anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead was intoxicating.

The Reflection

In retrospect, the happiness of that day was not just about the acceptance, but also about the journey that led to it. It was a testament to my perseverance, a confirmation of my abilities, and a promise of a brighter future. That day, I learned that happiness is not just about reaching our goals but also about the journey we undertake to achieve them.

In conclusion, the happiest day of my life was a blend of relief, joy, and anticipation. It was a day that marked the beginning of a new journey, one that I eagerly looked forward to.

500 Words Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

The preamble.

Life is a tapestry of moments that weave together to create our unique stories. Each thread, each moment, holds its own significance, but some stand out more prominently than others. One such moment, the happiest day of my life, is etched in my memory with vivid clarity.

The Performance

The auditorium was packed, the atmosphere electric with anticipation. As I stepped onto the stage, I felt a rush of adrenaline. My heart pounded in my chest as I delivered my argument with conviction and clarity. The audience watched with rapt attention, their silence punctuated by occasional nods of agreement. The feeling of connecting with the audience, of being able to articulate my thoughts with such precision, was exhilarating.

The Triumph

Then came the moment of truth. The judges, after what seemed like an eternity, announced the results. The words “And the winner is…” echoed in the auditorium, followed by a pause that felt like a lifetime. Then, my name rang out. A wave of disbelief washed over me, quickly replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment. I had won! The applause that followed was deafening, the cheers of my friends and family reverberating in my ears.

The Celebration


The happiest day of my life was not just about winning a competition. It was a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and belief in oneself. It was about overcoming self-doubt and fear, about pushing oneself beyond perceived limitations. But most importantly, it was about the joy of sharing a moment of triumph with those who matter the most.

In conclusion, happiness is subjective, varying from person to person. For some, it might be a grand achievement, for others, a simple moment of connection. For me, the happiest day of my life was a combination of personal achievement and shared joy. It was a day that taught me the true value of hard work, perseverance, and the power of belief. It was a day that I will cherish forever.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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  1. 🔥 Happiest moment in my life. Happiest Moment of My Life Essay. 2022-10-31

    essay on happy moment of my life

  2. The Happiest Moment of My Life Free Essay Example

    essay on happy moment of my life

  3. ⇉The Happiest moment of my life Essay Example

    essay on happy moment of my life

  4. Happy Moments essay no Plagiarism

    essay on happy moment of my life

  5. Essay on the happiest day of my life 200 to 250 words

    essay on happy moment of my life

  6. Happiness for Our Life (600 Words)

    essay on happy moment of my life


  1. The moment my life peaked

  2. మా సంతోషానికి అవధులు లేవు👨‍👩‍👧 happy moment my life

  3. an essay on a memorable day in my life 😍😍😯😯

  4. Happy Moment my Life friend's father & Mother Birthday Celebration party

  5. Happy moment my life☺️ @Achux._581 plz subcribe

  6. Happy moment my cutes babys❣❣💞💕


  1. Essay On Happiest Moment In My Life

    One of the most memorable moments in a person's life could be a major accomplishment, such as graduating from school, landing a dream job, or winning a competition. These moments of personal triumph bring a sense of pride, satisfaction, and validation of one's hard work and effort. Another source of happiness is spending time with loved ones.

  2. Essay on Happiest Moment in My Life

    10 Lines Essay on Happiest Moment in My Life (100 - 120 Words) 1) The happier moments in our lives make a lasting impression on us. 2) The happiest moment in my life was when I was in class 5 th. 3) It was the time of the annual fest of our school. 4) My friends encouraged me to participate in a speech competition.

  3. Essay on My Happiest Moment in My Life

    Conclusion. Life is a collection of moments, some happy, some sad, and some life-changing. My happiest moment was indeed life-changing. It marked a new chapter in my life, a chapter filled with opportunities, challenges, and growth. It was a moment of triumph, a moment of joy, and most importantly, a moment that brought me immense happiness.

  4. Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life

    This was the happiest moment in my life, teaching me that hard work always pays off. 250 Words Essay on Happiest Moment in Your Life The Nature of Happiness. Happiness, an elusive and subjective emotion, varies from person to person. It is a state of mind that is often transient, yet leaves a lasting impact.

  5. The Happiest Moment of My Life Free Essay Example

    Example 3.The happiest experience in my life. I have gained many experiences . There were good and bad experiences .All these experiences have made me more matured and wiser . The most exiting experience I gained was when my father brought my family to Egypt to further his studies .We lived there for six years.

  6. Essay on Best Moment Of My Life

    Life is a journey full of ups and downs. We all experience moments that make us happy, sad, excited, or even scared. Among these, certain moments stand out, leaving a lasting impression on our hearts and minds. This essay is about the best moment in my life. The Preparation. The best moment of my life occurred when I was 12 years old.

  7. Best Moment Of My Life: [Essay Example], 906 words GradesFixer

    The best moment of my life was not an endpoint but a starting point, a catalyst for a future filled with endless possibilities. This is only a sample. Get a custom paper now from our expert writers. In conclusion, the best moment of my life was a transformative experience that reshaped my identity and aspirations.

  8. Good Example Of Essay On A Significant Moment Of My Life

    Everybody has a significant moment in his life. He cannot simply forget this moment until the time he died. Like any other children, I lived my childhood one day at a time. I never thought of the future because that is what most kids do - they live in the present and only the present. As time passed by, nothing has changed as I reached my ...

  9. Essay on The Happiest Moment of My Life Short

    9. It was a moment I will never forget, and one that will always bring a smile to my face. 10. Graduation day will forever hold a special place in my heart as the happiest moment of my life. Also See - Essay on My Car - 10 Lines, 100, 200, 500, 1500 Words.

  10. Happiest Moment In My Life

    1. My Happiest Moment That Happened to Me. Words • 629. Pages • 3. The road was bladed with ice and the sides were filled with sheer white snows. A fast speeding trailer spun and hit our truck at a cross intersection. All I remember were the broken window glasses flying at me, and the person sitting next to me.

  11. Good Example Of Essay On A Special Moment In My Life

    One of the most special moments in my life is when I was able to pass my 12th grade in school. As I can remember, it was an ordinary day and my behavior was being controlled by my feelings, as it was the day when I needed to go to school to get the final school report. I was a little bit in a state of panic.

  12. My Life Essay

    500 Words on My Life Essay. Life is a journey full of ups and downs, opportunities, and challenges. It is unique for everyone and it is something that we all have to experience on our own. As a student, my life is currently focused on school and my future aspirations. There have been some important moments in my life that I will always remember ...

  13. Happiness Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Happiness. Happiness is something which we can't describe in words it can only be felt from someone's expression of a smile. Likewise, happiness is a signal or identification of good and prosperous life. Happiness is very simple to feel and difficult to describe. Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal ...

  14. Essay on Memorable Day of My Life for Students

    500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life. We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

  15. Essay on Most Memorable Moment Of My Life

    500 Words Essay on Most Memorable Moment Of My Life Introduction to My Most Memorable Moment. Every person has a few moments in their life that stick with them forever. These are the times that bring a smile to our faces when we think back on them. For me, the most memorable moment was when I won the first prize in a school art competition.

  16. Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Students in English [Easy Words]

    The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person's life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person's heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers.

  17. The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay

    Conclusion: Cherishing the Treasure of Happiness. The happiest day of my life is like a sparkling gem in my memory chest. It's not just about one day; it's about carrying that happiness with me every day. So, let's remember to treasure the moments that make us smile and share that happiness with others. Author's Note:

  18. The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay 250 Words

    I felt tired but incredibly happy. It's like watching the curtain close on a magical performance. We headed home, knowing that this day would live on in our memories. Conclusion: A Day to Remember. The happiest day of my life was like a gift wrapped in joy and surprise. It's a memory that warms my heart on even the coldest days.

  19. Memories of Happiness and Accomplishments in My Life

    Throughout life, I have many memorable events. The unforgettable moments of my life vary from the worst moment of my life and some are the best because they become milestones to remember forever. One of the best moments of my life is visiting an orphanage. The happiness I felt that day was unlike any other day in my life.

  20. Essay on Moment That Changed My Life

    Max's arrival was the moment that changed my life. It showed me the power of love and how a pet can make your life better in so many ways. 500 Words Essay on Moment That Changed My Life The Day That Changed Everything. Life is like a book filled with many chapters. Some are happy, some are sad, and some are full of adventure.

  21. Happiest Day of My Life Essay

    Happiest Day of My Life Essay- 100 Words. The happiest day of my life was when I turned twelve. It was a bright and sunny day, and everything felt perfect. I woke up with excitement bubbling inside me, knowing that today was my special day. As I walked downstairs, my parents greeted me with a big smile and a birthday cake adorned with candles.

  22. 530 words short essay on the Happiest Moment in My Life

    530 words short essay on the Happiest Moment in My Life. Free sample essay on the Happiest Moment in My Life. Every man in his life faces the ups and downs. Sorrows and pleasures are two parts of life. In fact, life is full of bad as well as good incidents. Some of them are forgotten with the passage of time while others leave an everlasting ...

  23. At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life

    JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people ...

  24. Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life

    For some, it might be a grand achievement, for others, a simple moment of connection. For me, the happiest day of my life was a combination of personal achievement and shared joy. It was a day that taught me the true value of hard work, perseverance, and the power of belief. It was a day that I will cherish forever.