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Hypothesis testing, p values, confidence intervals, and significance.

Jacob Shreffler ; Martin R. Huecker .


Last Update: March 13, 2023 .

  • Definition/Introduction

Medical providers often rely on evidence-based medicine to guide decision-making in practice. Often a research hypothesis is tested with results provided, typically with p values, confidence intervals, or both. Additionally, statistical or research significance is estimated or determined by the investigators. Unfortunately, healthcare providers may have different comfort levels in interpreting these findings, which may affect the adequate application of the data.

  • Issues of Concern

Without a foundational understanding of hypothesis testing, p values, confidence intervals, and the difference between statistical and clinical significance, it may affect healthcare providers' ability to make clinical decisions without relying purely on the research investigators deemed level of significance. Therefore, an overview of these concepts is provided to allow medical professionals to use their expertise to determine if results are reported sufficiently and if the study outcomes are clinically appropriate to be applied in healthcare practice.

Hypothesis Testing

Investigators conducting studies need research questions and hypotheses to guide analyses. Starting with broad research questions (RQs), investigators then identify a gap in current clinical practice or research. Any research problem or statement is grounded in a better understanding of relationships between two or more variables. For this article, we will use the following research question example:

Research Question: Is Drug 23 an effective treatment for Disease A?

Research questions do not directly imply specific guesses or predictions; we must formulate research hypotheses. A hypothesis is a predetermined declaration regarding the research question in which the investigator(s) makes a precise, educated guess about a study outcome. This is sometimes called the alternative hypothesis and ultimately allows the researcher to take a stance based on experience or insight from medical literature. An example of a hypothesis is below.

Research Hypothesis: Drug 23 will significantly reduce symptoms associated with Disease A compared to Drug 22.

The null hypothesis states that there is no statistical difference between groups based on the stated research hypothesis.

Researchers should be aware of journal recommendations when considering how to report p values, and manuscripts should remain internally consistent.

Regarding p values, as the number of individuals enrolled in a study (the sample size) increases, the likelihood of finding a statistically significant effect increases. With very large sample sizes, the p-value can be very low significant differences in the reduction of symptoms for Disease A between Drug 23 and Drug 22. The null hypothesis is deemed true until a study presents significant data to support rejecting the null hypothesis. Based on the results, the investigators will either reject the null hypothesis (if they found significant differences or associations) or fail to reject the null hypothesis (they could not provide proof that there were significant differences or associations).

To test a hypothesis, researchers obtain data on a representative sample to determine whether to reject or fail to reject a null hypothesis. In most research studies, it is not feasible to obtain data for an entire population. Using a sampling procedure allows for statistical inference, though this involves a certain possibility of error. [1]  When determining whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, mistakes can be made: Type I and Type II errors. Though it is impossible to ensure that these errors have not occurred, researchers should limit the possibilities of these faults. [2]


Significance is a term to describe the substantive importance of medical research. Statistical significance is the likelihood of results due to chance. [3]  Healthcare providers should always delineate statistical significance from clinical significance, a common error when reviewing biomedical research. [4]  When conceptualizing findings reported as either significant or not significant, healthcare providers should not simply accept researchers' results or conclusions without considering the clinical significance. Healthcare professionals should consider the clinical importance of findings and understand both p values and confidence intervals so they do not have to rely on the researchers to determine the level of significance. [5]  One criterion often used to determine statistical significance is the utilization of p values.

P values are used in research to determine whether the sample estimate is significantly different from a hypothesized value. The p-value is the probability that the observed effect within the study would have occurred by chance if, in reality, there was no true effect. Conventionally, data yielding a p<0.05 or p<0.01 is considered statistically significant. While some have debated that the 0.05 level should be lowered, it is still universally practiced. [6]  Hypothesis testing allows us to determine the size of the effect.

An example of findings reported with p values are below:

Statement: Drug 23 reduced patients' symptoms compared to Drug 22. Patients who received Drug 23 (n=100) were 2.1 times less likely than patients who received Drug 22 (n = 100) to experience symptoms of Disease A, p<0.05.

Statement:Individuals who were prescribed Drug 23 experienced fewer symptoms (M = 1.3, SD = 0.7) compared to individuals who were prescribed Drug 22 (M = 5.3, SD = 1.9). This finding was statistically significant, p= 0.02.

For either statement, if the threshold had been set at 0.05, the null hypothesis (that there was no relationship) should be rejected, and we should conclude significant differences. Noticeably, as can be seen in the two statements above, some researchers will report findings with < or > and others will provide an exact p-value (0.000001) but never zero [6] . When examining research, readers should understand how p values are reported. The best practice is to report all p values for all variables within a study design, rather than only providing p values for variables with significant findings. [7]  The inclusion of all p values provides evidence for study validity and limits suspicion for selective reporting/data mining.  

While researchers have historically used p values, experts who find p values problematic encourage the use of confidence intervals. [8] . P-values alone do not allow us to understand the size or the extent of the differences or associations. [3]  In March 2016, the American Statistical Association (ASA) released a statement on p values, noting that scientific decision-making and conclusions should not be based on a fixed p-value threshold (e.g., 0.05). They recommend focusing on the significance of results in the context of study design, quality of measurements, and validity of data. Ultimately, the ASA statement noted that in isolation, a p-value does not provide strong evidence. [9]

When conceptualizing clinical work, healthcare professionals should consider p values with a concurrent appraisal study design validity. For example, a p-value from a double-blinded randomized clinical trial (designed to minimize bias) should be weighted higher than one from a retrospective observational study [7] . The p-value debate has smoldered since the 1950s [10] , and replacement with confidence intervals has been suggested since the 1980s. [11]

Confidence Intervals

A confidence interval provides a range of values within given confidence (e.g., 95%), including the accurate value of the statistical constraint within a targeted population. [12]  Most research uses a 95% CI, but investigators can set any level (e.g., 90% CI, 99% CI). [13]  A CI provides a range with the lower bound and upper bound limits of a difference or association that would be plausible for a population. [14]  Therefore, a CI of 95% indicates that if a study were to be carried out 100 times, the range would contain the true value in 95, [15]  confidence intervals provide more evidence regarding the precision of an estimate compared to p-values. [6]

In consideration of the similar research example provided above, one could make the following statement with 95% CI:

Statement: Individuals who were prescribed Drug 23 had no symptoms after three days, which was significantly faster than those prescribed Drug 22; there was a mean difference between the two groups of days to the recovery of 4.2 days (95% CI: 1.9 – 7.8).

It is important to note that the width of the CI is affected by the standard error and the sample size; reducing a study sample number will result in less precision of the CI (increase the width). [14]  A larger width indicates a smaller sample size or a larger variability. [16]  A researcher would want to increase the precision of the CI. For example, a 95% CI of 1.43 – 1.47 is much more precise than the one provided in the example above. In research and clinical practice, CIs provide valuable information on whether the interval includes or excludes any clinically significant values. [14]

Null values are sometimes used for differences with CI (zero for differential comparisons and 1 for ratios). However, CIs provide more information than that. [15]  Consider this example: A hospital implements a new protocol that reduced wait time for patients in the emergency department by an average of 25 minutes (95% CI: -2.5 – 41 minutes). Because the range crosses zero, implementing this protocol in different populations could result in longer wait times; however, the range is much higher on the positive side. Thus, while the p-value used to detect statistical significance for this may result in "not significant" findings, individuals should examine this range, consider the study design, and weigh whether or not it is still worth piloting in their workplace.

Similarly to p-values, 95% CIs cannot control for researchers' errors (e.g., study bias or improper data analysis). [14]  In consideration of whether to report p-values or CIs, researchers should examine journal preferences. When in doubt, reporting both may be beneficial. [13]  An example is below:

Reporting both: Individuals who were prescribed Drug 23 had no symptoms after three days, which was significantly faster than those prescribed Drug 22, p = 0.009. There was a mean difference between the two groups of days to the recovery of 4.2 days (95% CI: 1.9 – 7.8).

  • Clinical Significance

Recall that clinical significance and statistical significance are two different concepts. Healthcare providers should remember that a study with statistically significant differences and large sample size may be of no interest to clinicians, whereas a study with smaller sample size and statistically non-significant results could impact clinical practice. [14]  Additionally, as previously mentioned, a non-significant finding may reflect the study design itself rather than relationships between variables.

Healthcare providers using evidence-based medicine to inform practice should use clinical judgment to determine the practical importance of studies through careful evaluation of the design, sample size, power, likelihood of type I and type II errors, data analysis, and reporting of statistical findings (p values, 95% CI or both). [4]  Interestingly, some experts have called for "statistically significant" or "not significant" to be excluded from work as statistical significance never has and will never be equivalent to clinical significance. [17]

The decision on what is clinically significant can be challenging, depending on the providers' experience and especially the severity of the disease. Providers should use their knowledge and experiences to determine the meaningfulness of study results and make inferences based not only on significant or insignificant results by researchers but through their understanding of study limitations and practical implications.

  • Nursing, Allied Health, and Interprofessional Team Interventions

All physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals should strive to understand the concepts in this chapter. These individuals should maintain the ability to review and incorporate new literature for evidence-based and safe care. 

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Disclosure: Jacob Shreffler declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Martin Huecker declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ), which permits others to distribute the work, provided that the article is not altered or used commercially. You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal.

  • Cite this Page Shreffler J, Huecker MR. Hypothesis Testing, P Values, Confidence Intervals, and Significance. [Updated 2023 Mar 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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Statistics By Jim

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Hypothesis Testing: Uses, Steps & Example

By Jim Frost 4 Comments

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing in statistics uses sample data to infer the properties of a whole population . These tests determine whether a random sample provides sufficient evidence to conclude an effect or relationship exists in the population. Researchers use them to help separate genuine population-level effects from false effects that random chance can create in samples. These methods are also known as significance testing.

Data analysts at work.

For example, researchers are testing a new medication to see if it lowers blood pressure. They compare a group taking the drug to a control group taking a placebo. If their hypothesis test results are statistically significant, the medication’s effect of lowering blood pressure likely exists in the broader population, not just the sample studied.

Using Hypothesis Tests

A hypothesis test evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement the sample data best supports. These two statements are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis . The following are typical examples:

  • Null Hypothesis : The effect does not exist in the population.
  • Alternative Hypothesis : The effect does exist in the population.

Hypothesis testing accounts for the inherent uncertainty of using a sample to draw conclusions about a population, which reduces the chances of false discoveries. These procedures determine whether the sample data are sufficiently inconsistent with the null hypothesis that you can reject it. If you can reject the null, your data favor the alternative statement that an effect exists in the population.

Statistical significance in hypothesis testing indicates that an effect you see in sample data also likely exists in the population after accounting for random sampling error , variability, and sample size. Your results are statistically significant when the p-value is less than your significance level or, equivalently, when your confidence interval excludes the null hypothesis value.

Conversely, non-significant results indicate that despite an apparent sample effect, you can’t be sure it exists in the population. It could be chance variation in the sample and not a genuine effect.

Learn more about Failing to Reject the Null .

5 Steps of Significance Testing

Hypothesis testing involves five key steps, each critical to validating a research hypothesis using statistical methods:

  • Formulate the Hypotheses : Write your research hypotheses as a null hypothesis (H 0 ) and an alternative hypothesis (H A ).
  • Data Collection : Gather data specifically aimed at testing the hypothesis.
  • Conduct A Test : Use a suitable statistical test to analyze your data.
  • Make a Decision : Based on the statistical test results, decide whether to reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject it.
  • Report the Results : Summarize and present the outcomes in your report’s results and discussion sections.

While the specifics of these steps can vary depending on the research context and the data type, the fundamental process of hypothesis testing remains consistent across different studies.

Let’s work through these steps in an example!

Hypothesis Testing Example

Researchers want to determine if a new educational program improves student performance on standardized tests. They randomly assign 30 students to a control group , which follows the standard curriculum, and another 30 students to a treatment group, which participates in the new educational program. After a semester, they compare the test scores of both groups.

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The researchers write their hypotheses. These statements apply to the population, so they use the mu (μ) symbol for the population mean parameter .

  • Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) : The population means of the test scores for the two groups are equal (μ 1 = μ 2 ).
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H A ) : The population means of the test scores for the two groups are unequal (μ 1 ≠ μ 2 ).

Choosing the correct hypothesis test depends on attributes such as data type and number of groups. Because they’re using continuous data and comparing two means, the researchers use a 2-sample t-test .

Here are the results.

Hypothesis testing results for the example.

The treatment group’s mean is 58.70, compared to the control group’s mean of 48.12. The mean difference is 10.67 points. Use the test’s p-value and significance level to determine whether this difference is likely a product of random fluctuation in the sample or a genuine population effect.

Because the p-value (0.000) is less than the standard significance level of 0.05, the results are statistically significant, and we can reject the null hypothesis. The sample data provides sufficient evidence to conclude that the new program’s effect exists in the population.


Hypothesis testing improves your effectiveness in making data-driven decisions. However, it is not 100% accurate because random samples occasionally produce fluky results. Hypothesis tests have two types of errors, both relating to drawing incorrect conclusions.

  • Type I error: The test rejects a true null hypothesis—a false positive.
  • Type II error: The test fails to reject a false null hypothesis—a false negative.

Learn more about Type I and Type II Errors .

Our exploration of hypothesis testing using a practical example of an educational program reveals its powerful ability to guide decisions based on statistical evidence. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or professional, understanding and applying these procedures can open new doors to discovering insights and making informed decisions. Let this tool empower your analytical endeavors as you navigate through the vast seas of data.

Learn more about the Hypothesis Tests for Various Data Types .

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Reader Interactions

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June 10, 2024 at 10:51 am

Thank you, Jim, for another helpful article; timely too since I have started reading your new book on hypothesis testing and, now that we are at the end of the school year, my district is asking me to perform a number of evaluations on instructional programs. This is where my question/concern comes in. You mention that hypothesis testing is all about testing samples. However, I use all the students in my district when I make these comparisons. Since I am using the entire “population” in my evaluations (I don’t select a sample of third grade students, for example, but I use all 700 third graders), am I somehow misusing the tests? Or can I rest assured that my district’s student population is only a sample of the universal population of students?

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June 10, 2024 at 1:50 pm

I hope you are finding the book helpful!

Yes, the purpose of hypothesis testing is to infer the properties of a population while accounting for random sampling error.

In your case, it comes down to how you want to use the results. Who do you want the results to apply to?

If you’re summarizing the sample, looking for trends and patterns, or evaluating those students and don’t plan to apply those results to other students, you don’t need hypothesis testing because there is no sampling error. They are the population and you can just use descriptive statistics. In this case, you’d only need to focus on the practical significance of the effect sizes.

On the other hand, if you want to apply the results from this group to other students, you’ll need hypothesis testing. However, there is the complicating issue of what population your sample of students represent. I’m sure your district has its own unique characteristics, demographics, etc. Your district’s students probably don’t adequately represent a universal population. At the very least, you’d need to recognize any special attributes of your district and how they could bias the results when trying to apply them outside the district. Or they might apply to similar districts in your region.

However, I’d imagine your 3rd graders probably adequately represent future classes of 3rd graders in your district. You need to be alert to changing demographics. At least in the short run I’d imagine they’d be representative of future classes.

Think about how these results will be used. Do they just apply to the students you measured? Then you don’t need hypothesis tests. However, if the results are being used to infer things about other students outside of the sample, you’ll need hypothesis testing along with considering how well your students represent the other students and how they differ.

I hope that helps!

June 10, 2024 at 3:21 pm

Thank you so much, Jim, for the suggestions in terms of what I need to think about and consider! You are always so clear in your explanations!!!!

June 10, 2024 at 3:22 pm

You’re very welcome! Best of luck with your evaluations!

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Mastering Hypothesis Testing: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers, Data Analysts and Data Scientists

Nilimesh Halder, PhD

Nilimesh Halder, PhD

Analyst’s corner

Article Outline

1. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing - Definition and significance in research and data analysis. - Brief historical background.

2. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing - Null and Alternative Hypothesis: Definitions and examples. - Types of Errors: Type I and Type II errors with examples.

3. The Process of Hypothesis Testing - Step-by-step guide: From defining hypotheses to decision making. - Examples to illustrate each step.

4. Statistical Tests in Hypothesis Testing - Overview of different statistical tests (t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA, etc.). - Criteria for selecting the appropriate test.

5. P-Values and Significance Levels - Understanding P-values: Definition and interpretation. - Significance Levels: Explaining alpha values and their implications.

6. Common Misconceptions and Mistakes in Hypothesis Testing - Addressing misconceptions about p-values and…

Nilimesh Halder, PhD

Written by Nilimesh Halder, PhD

Principal Analytics Specialist - AI, Analytics & Data Science ( https://nilimesh.substack.com/ ). Find my PDF articles at https://nilimesh.gumroad.com/l/bkmdgt

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Hypothesis Testing – A Deep Dive into Hypothesis Testing, The Backbone of Statistical Inference

  • September 21, 2023

Explore the intricacies of hypothesis testing, a cornerstone of statistical analysis. Dive into methods, interpretations, and applications for making data-driven decisions.

problem statement in hypothesis testing

In this Blog post we will learn:

  • What is Hypothesis Testing?
  • Steps in Hypothesis Testing 2.1. Set up Hypotheses: Null and Alternative 2.2. Choose a Significance Level (α) 2.3. Calculate a test statistic and P-Value 2.4. Make a Decision
  • Example : Testing a new drug.
  • Example in python

1. What is Hypothesis Testing?

In simple terms, hypothesis testing is a method used to make decisions or inferences about population parameters based on sample data. Imagine being handed a dice and asked if it’s biased. By rolling it a few times and analyzing the outcomes, you’d be engaging in the essence of hypothesis testing.

Think of hypothesis testing as the scientific method of the statistics world. Suppose you hear claims like “This new drug works wonders!” or “Our new website design boosts sales.” How do you know if these statements hold water? Enter hypothesis testing.

2. Steps in Hypothesis Testing

  • Set up Hypotheses : Begin with a null hypothesis (H0) and an alternative hypothesis (Ha).
  • Choose a Significance Level (α) : Typically 0.05, this is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true. Think of it as the chance of accusing an innocent person.
  • Calculate Test statistic and P-Value : Gather evidence (data) and calculate a test statistic.
  • p-value : This is the probability of observing the data, given that the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value (typically ≤ 0.05) suggests the data is inconsistent with the null hypothesis.
  • Decision Rule : If the p-value is less than or equal to α, you reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.

2.1. Set up Hypotheses: Null and Alternative

Before diving into testing, we must formulate hypotheses. The null hypothesis (H0) represents the default assumption, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) challenges it.

For instance, in drug testing, H0 : “The new drug is no better than the existing one,” H1 : “The new drug is superior .”

2.2. Choose a Significance Level (α)

When You collect and analyze data to test H0 and H1 hypotheses. Based on your analysis, you decide whether to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative, or fail to reject / Accept the null hypothesis.

The significance level, often denoted by $α$, represents the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

In other words, it’s the risk you’re willing to take of making a Type I error (false positive).

Type I Error (False Positive) :

  • Symbolized by the Greek letter alpha (α).
  • Occurs when you incorrectly reject a true null hypothesis . In other words, you conclude that there is an effect or difference when, in reality, there isn’t.
  • The probability of making a Type I error is denoted by the significance level of a test. Commonly, tests are conducted at the 0.05 significance level , which means there’s a 5% chance of making a Type I error .
  • Commonly used significance levels are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, but the choice depends on the context of the study and the level of risk one is willing to accept.

Example : If a drug is not effective (truth), but a clinical trial incorrectly concludes that it is effective (based on the sample data), then a Type I error has occurred.

Type II Error (False Negative) :

  • Symbolized by the Greek letter beta (β).
  • Occurs when you accept a false null hypothesis . This means you conclude there is no effect or difference when, in reality, there is.
  • The probability of making a Type II error is denoted by β. The power of a test (1 – β) represents the probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis.

Example : If a drug is effective (truth), but a clinical trial incorrectly concludes that it is not effective (based on the sample data), then a Type II error has occurred.

Balancing the Errors :

problem statement in hypothesis testing

In practice, there’s a trade-off between Type I and Type II errors. Reducing the risk of one typically increases the risk of the other. For example, if you want to decrease the probability of a Type I error (by setting a lower significance level), you might increase the probability of a Type II error unless you compensate by collecting more data or making other adjustments.

It’s essential to understand the consequences of both types of errors in any given context. In some situations, a Type I error might be more severe, while in others, a Type II error might be of greater concern. This understanding guides researchers in designing their experiments and choosing appropriate significance levels.

2.3. Calculate a test statistic and P-Value

Test statistic : A test statistic is a single number that helps us understand how far our sample data is from what we’d expect under a null hypothesis (a basic assumption we’re trying to test against). Generally, the larger the test statistic, the more evidence we have against our null hypothesis. It helps us decide whether the differences we observe in our data are due to random chance or if there’s an actual effect.

P-value : The P-value tells us how likely we would get our observed results (or something more extreme) if the null hypothesis were true. It’s a value between 0 and 1. – A smaller P-value (typically below 0.05) means that the observation is rare under the null hypothesis, so we might reject the null hypothesis. – A larger P-value suggests that what we observed could easily happen by random chance, so we might not reject the null hypothesis.

2.4. Make a Decision

Relationship between $α$ and P-Value

When conducting a hypothesis test:

We then calculate the p-value from our sample data and the test statistic.

Finally, we compare the p-value to our chosen $α$:

  • If $p−value≤α$: We reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The result is said to be statistically significant.
  • If $p−value>α$: We fail to reject the null hypothesis. There isn’t enough statistical evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

3. Example : Testing a new drug.

Imagine we are investigating whether a new drug is effective at treating headaches faster than drug B.

Setting Up the Experiment : You gather 100 people who suffer from headaches. Half of them (50 people) are given the new drug (let’s call this the ‘Drug Group’), and the other half are given a sugar pill, which doesn’t contain any medication.

  • Set up Hypotheses : Before starting, you make a prediction:
  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The new drug has no effect. Any difference in healing time between the two groups is just due to random chance.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The new drug does have an effect. The difference in healing time between the two groups is significant and not just by chance.

Calculate Test statistic and P-Value : After the experiment, you analyze the data. The “test statistic” is a number that helps you understand the difference between the two groups in terms of standard units.

For instance, let’s say:

  • The average healing time in the Drug Group is 2 hours.
  • The average healing time in the Placebo Group is 3 hours.

The test statistic helps you understand how significant this 1-hour difference is. If the groups are large and the spread of healing times in each group is small, then this difference might be significant. But if there’s a huge variation in healing times, the 1-hour difference might not be so special.

Imagine the P-value as answering this question: “If the new drug had NO real effect, what’s the probability that I’d see a difference as extreme (or more extreme) as the one I found, just by random chance?”

For instance:

  • P-value of 0.01 means there’s a 1% chance that the observed difference (or a more extreme difference) would occur if the drug had no effect. That’s pretty rare, so we might consider the drug effective.
  • P-value of 0.5 means there’s a 50% chance you’d see this difference just by chance. That’s pretty high, so we might not be convinced the drug is doing much.
  • If the P-value is less than ($α$) 0.05: the results are “statistically significant,” and they might reject the null hypothesis , believing the new drug has an effect.
  • If the P-value is greater than ($α$) 0.05: the results are not statistically significant, and they don’t reject the null hypothesis , remaining unsure if the drug has a genuine effect.

4. Example in python

For simplicity, let’s say we’re using a t-test (common for comparing means). Let’s dive into Python:

Making a Decision : “The results are statistically significant! p-value < 0.05 , The drug seems to have an effect!” If not, we’d say, “Looks like the drug isn’t as miraculous as we thought.”

5. Conclusion

Hypothesis testing is an indispensable tool in data science, allowing us to make data-driven decisions with confidence. By understanding its principles, conducting tests properly, and considering real-world applications, you can harness the power of hypothesis testing to unlock valuable insights from your data.

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How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples

Published on May 6, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023.

A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If you want to test a relationship between two or more variables, you need to write hypotheses before you start your experiment or data collection .

Example: Hypothesis

Daily apple consumption leads to fewer doctor’s visits.

Table of contents

What is a hypothesis, developing a hypothesis (with example), hypothesis examples, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing hypotheses.

A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research projects, you might have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of your research question.

A hypothesis is not just a guess – it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Variables in hypotheses

Hypotheses propose a relationship between two or more types of variables .

  • An independent variable is something the researcher changes or controls.
  • A dependent variable is something the researcher observes and measures.

If there are any control variables , extraneous variables , or confounding variables , be sure to jot those down as you go to minimize the chances that research bias  will affect your results.

In this example, the independent variable is exposure to the sun – the assumed cause . The dependent variable is the level of happiness – the assumed effect .

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Step 1. Ask a question

Writing a hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to answer. The question should be focused, specific, and researchable within the constraints of your project.

Step 2. Do some preliminary research

Your initial answer to the question should be based on what is already known about the topic. Look for theories and previous studies to help you form educated assumptions about what your research will find.

At this stage, you might construct a conceptual framework to ensure that you’re embarking on a relevant topic . This can also help you identify which variables you will study and what you think the relationships are between them. Sometimes, you’ll have to operationalize more complex constructs.

Step 3. Formulate your hypothesis

Now you should have some idea of what you expect to find. Write your initial answer to the question in a clear, concise sentence.

4. Refine your hypothesis

You need to make sure your hypothesis is specific and testable. There are various ways of phrasing a hypothesis, but all the terms you use should have clear definitions, and the hypothesis should contain:

  • The relevant variables
  • The specific group being studied
  • The predicted outcome of the experiment or analysis

5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways

To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in  if…then form. The first part of the sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable.

In academic research, hypotheses are more commonly phrased in terms of correlations or effects, where you directly state the predicted relationship between variables.

If you are comparing two groups, the hypothesis can state what difference you expect to find between them.

6. Write a null hypothesis

If your research involves statistical hypothesis testing , you will also have to write a null hypothesis . The null hypothesis is the default position that there is no association between the variables. The null hypothesis is written as H 0 , while the alternative hypothesis is H 1 or H a .

  • H 0 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has no effect on their final exam scores.
  • H 1 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has a positive effect on their final exam scores.
Research question Hypothesis Null hypothesis
What are the health benefits of eating an apple a day? Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will result in decreasing frequency of doctor’s visits. Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will have no effect on frequency of doctor’s visits.
Which airlines have the most delays? Low-cost airlines are more likely to have delays than premium airlines. Low-cost and premium airlines are equally likely to have delays.
Can flexible work arrangements improve job satisfaction? Employees who have flexible working hours will report greater job satisfaction than employees who work fixed hours. There is no relationship between working hour flexibility and job satisfaction.
How effective is high school sex education at reducing teen pregnancies? Teenagers who received sex education lessons throughout high school will have lower rates of unplanned pregnancy teenagers who did not receive any sex education. High school sex education has no effect on teen pregnancy rates.
What effect does daily use of social media have on the attention span of under-16s? There is a negative between time spent on social media and attention span in under-16s. There is no relationship between social media use and attention span in under-16s.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

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A hypothesis is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Null and alternative hypotheses are used in statistical hypothesis testing . The null hypothesis of a test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an effect or relationship.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 21, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/hypothesis/

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Shona McCombes

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A Beginner’s Guide to Hypothesis Testing in Business

Business professionals performing hypothesis testing

  • 30 Mar 2021

Becoming a more data-driven decision-maker can bring several benefits to your organization, enabling you to identify new opportunities to pursue and threats to abate. Rather than allowing subjective thinking to guide your business strategy, backing your decisions with data can empower your company to become more innovative and, ultimately, profitable.

If you’re new to data-driven decision-making, you might be wondering how data translates into business strategy. The answer lies in generating a hypothesis and verifying or rejecting it based on what various forms of data tell you.

Below is a look at hypothesis testing and the role it plays in helping businesses become more data-driven.

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What Is Hypothesis Testing?

To understand what hypothesis testing is, it’s important first to understand what a hypothesis is.

A hypothesis or hypothesis statement seeks to explain why something has happened, or what might happen, under certain conditions. It can also be used to understand how different variables relate to each other. Hypotheses are often written as if-then statements; for example, “If this happens, then this will happen.”

Hypothesis testing , then, is a statistical means of testing an assumption stated in a hypothesis. While the specific methodology leveraged depends on the nature of the hypothesis and data available, hypothesis testing typically uses sample data to extrapolate insights about a larger population.

Hypothesis Testing in Business

When it comes to data-driven decision-making, there’s a certain amount of risk that can mislead a professional. This could be due to flawed thinking or observations, incomplete or inaccurate data , or the presence of unknown variables. The danger in this is that, if major strategic decisions are made based on flawed insights, it can lead to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and catastrophic outcomes.

The real value of hypothesis testing in business is that it allows professionals to test their theories and assumptions before putting them into action. This essentially allows an organization to verify its analysis is correct before committing resources to implement a broader strategy.

As one example, consider a company that wishes to launch a new marketing campaign to revitalize sales during a slow period. Doing so could be an incredibly expensive endeavor, depending on the campaign’s size and complexity. The company, therefore, may wish to test the campaign on a smaller scale to understand how it will perform.

In this example, the hypothesis that’s being tested would fall along the lines of: “If the company launches a new marketing campaign, then it will translate into an increase in sales.” It may even be possible to quantify how much of a lift in sales the company expects to see from the effort. Pending the results of the pilot campaign, the business would then know whether it makes sense to roll it out more broadly.

Related: 9 Fundamental Data Science Skills for Business Professionals

Key Considerations for Hypothesis Testing

1. alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis.

In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis that’s being tested is known as the alternative hypothesis . Often, it’s expressed as a correlation or statistical relationship between variables. The null hypothesis , on the other hand, is a statement that’s meant to show there’s no statistical relationship between the variables being tested. It’s typically the exact opposite of whatever is stated in the alternative hypothesis.

For example, consider a company’s leadership team that historically and reliably sees $12 million in monthly revenue. They want to understand if reducing the price of their services will attract more customers and, in turn, increase revenue.

In this case, the alternative hypothesis may take the form of a statement such as: “If we reduce the price of our flagship service by five percent, then we’ll see an increase in sales and realize revenues greater than $12 million in the next month.”

The null hypothesis, on the other hand, would indicate that revenues wouldn’t increase from the base of $12 million, or might even decrease.

Check out the video below about the difference between an alternative and a null hypothesis, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content.

2. Significance Level and P-Value

Statistically speaking, if you were to run the same scenario 100 times, you’d likely receive somewhat different results each time. If you were to plot these results in a distribution plot, you’d see the most likely outcome is at the tallest point in the graph, with less likely outcomes falling to the right and left of that point.

distribution plot graph

With this in mind, imagine you’ve completed your hypothesis test and have your results, which indicate there may be a correlation between the variables you were testing. To understand your results' significance, you’ll need to identify a p-value for the test, which helps note how confident you are in the test results.

In statistics, the p-value depicts the probability that, assuming the null hypothesis is correct, you might still observe results that are at least as extreme as the results of your hypothesis test. The smaller the p-value, the more likely the alternative hypothesis is correct, and the greater the significance of your results.

3. One-Sided vs. Two-Sided Testing

When it’s time to test your hypothesis, it’s important to leverage the correct testing method. The two most common hypothesis testing methods are one-sided and two-sided tests , or one-tailed and two-tailed tests, respectively.

Typically, you’d leverage a one-sided test when you have a strong conviction about the direction of change you expect to see due to your hypothesis test. You’d leverage a two-sided test when you’re less confident in the direction of change.

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4. Sampling

To perform hypothesis testing in the first place, you need to collect a sample of data to be analyzed. Depending on the question you’re seeking to answer or investigate, you might collect samples through surveys, observational studies, or experiments.

A survey involves asking a series of questions to a random population sample and recording self-reported responses.

Observational studies involve a researcher observing a sample population and collecting data as it occurs naturally, without intervention.

Finally, an experiment involves dividing a sample into multiple groups, one of which acts as the control group. For each non-control group, the variable being studied is manipulated to determine how the data collected differs from that of the control group.

A Beginner's Guide to Data and Analytics | Access Your Free E-Book | Download Now

Learn How to Perform Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a complex process involving different moving pieces that can allow an organization to effectively leverage its data and inform strategic decisions.

If you’re interested in better understanding hypothesis testing and the role it can play within your organization, one option is to complete a course that focuses on the process. Doing so can lay the statistical and analytical foundation you need to succeed.

Do you want to learn more about hypothesis testing? Explore Business Analytics —one of our online business essentials courses —and download our Beginner’s Guide to Data & Analytics .

problem statement in hypothesis testing

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What Is Hypothesis Testing?

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4 Step Process

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Hypothesis Testing: 4 Steps and Example

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing, sometimes called significance testing, is an act in statistics whereby an analyst tests an assumption regarding a population parameter. The methodology employed by the analyst depends on the nature of the data used and the reason for the analysis.

Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data. Such data may come from a larger population or a data-generating process. The word "population" will be used for both of these cases in the following descriptions.

Key Takeaways

  • Hypothesis testing is used to assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using sample data.
  • The test provides evidence concerning the plausibility of the hypothesis, given the data.
  • Statistical analysts test a hypothesis by measuring and examining a random sample of the population being analyzed.
  • The four steps of hypothesis testing include stating the hypotheses, formulating an analysis plan, analyzing the sample data, and analyzing the result.

How Hypothesis Testing Works

In hypothesis testing, an  analyst  tests a statistical sample, intending to provide evidence on the plausibility of the null hypothesis. Statistical analysts measure and examine a random sample of the population being analyzed. All analysts use a random population sample to test two different hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.

The null hypothesis is usually a hypothesis of equality between population parameters; e.g., a null hypothesis may state that the population mean return is equal to zero. The alternative hypothesis is effectively the opposite of a null hypothesis. Thus, they are mutually exclusive , and only one can be true. However, one of the two hypotheses will always be true.

The null hypothesis is a statement about a population parameter, such as the population mean, that is assumed to be true.

  • State the hypotheses.
  • Formulate an analysis plan, which outlines how the data will be evaluated.
  • Carry out the plan and analyze the sample data.
  • Analyze the results and either reject the null hypothesis, or state that the null hypothesis is plausible, given the data.

Example of Hypothesis Testing

If an individual wants to test that a penny has exactly a 50% chance of landing on heads, the null hypothesis would be that 50% is correct, and the alternative hypothesis would be that 50% is not correct. Mathematically, the null hypothesis is represented as Ho: P = 0.5. The alternative hypothesis is shown as "Ha" and is identical to the null hypothesis, except with the equal sign struck-through, meaning that it does not equal 50%.

A random sample of 100 coin flips is taken, and the null hypothesis is tested. If it is found that the 100 coin flips were distributed as 40 heads and 60 tails, the analyst would assume that a penny does not have a 50% chance of landing on heads and would reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

If there were 48 heads and 52 tails, then it is plausible that the coin could be fair and still produce such a result. In cases such as this where the null hypothesis is "accepted," the analyst states that the difference between the expected results (50 heads and 50 tails) and the observed results (48 heads and 52 tails) is "explainable by chance alone."

When Did Hypothesis Testing Begin?

Some statisticians attribute the first hypothesis tests to satirical writer John Arbuthnot in 1710, who studied male and female births in England after observing that in nearly every year, male births exceeded female births by a slight proportion. Arbuthnot calculated that the probability of this happening by chance was small, and therefore it was due to “divine providence.”

What are the Benefits of Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing helps assess the accuracy of new ideas or theories by testing them against data. This allows researchers to determine whether the evidence supports their hypothesis, helping to avoid false claims and conclusions. Hypothesis testing also provides a framework for decision-making based on data rather than personal opinions or biases. By relying on statistical analysis, hypothesis testing helps to reduce the effects of chance and confounding variables, providing a robust framework for making informed conclusions.

What are the Limitations of Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing relies exclusively on data and doesn’t provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject being studied. Additionally, the accuracy of the results depends on the quality of the available data and the statistical methods used. Inaccurate data or inappropriate hypothesis formulation may lead to incorrect conclusions or failed tests. Hypothesis testing can also lead to errors, such as analysts either accepting or rejecting a null hypothesis when they shouldn’t have. These errors may result in false conclusions or missed opportunities to identify significant patterns or relationships in the data.

Hypothesis testing refers to a statistical process that helps researchers determine the reliability of a study. By using a well-formulated hypothesis and set of statistical tests, individuals or businesses can make inferences about the population that they are studying and draw conclusions based on the data presented. All hypothesis testing methods have the same four-step process, which includes stating the hypotheses, formulating an analysis plan, analyzing the sample data, and analyzing the result.

Sage. " Introduction to Hypothesis Testing ," Page 4.

Elder Research. " Who Invented the Null Hypothesis? "

Formplus. " Hypothesis Testing: Definition, Uses, Limitations and Examples ."

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Hypothesis testing.

Key Topics:

  • Basic approach
  • Null and alternative hypothesis
  • Decision making and the p -value
  • Z-test & Nonparametric alternative

Basic approach to hypothesis testing

  • State a model describing the relationship between the explanatory variables and the outcome variable(s) in the population and the nature of the variability. State all of your assumptions .
  • Specify the null and alternative hypotheses in terms of the parameters of the model.
  • Invent a test statistic that will tend to be different under the null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Using the assumptions of step 1, find the theoretical sampling distribution of the statistic under the null hypothesis of step 2. Ideally the form of the sampling distribution should be one of the “standard distributions”(e.g. normal, t , binomial..)
  • Calculate a p -value , as the area under the sampling distribution more extreme than your statistic. Depends on the form of the alternative hypothesis.
  • Choose your acceptable type 1 error rate (alpha) and apply the decision rule : reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than alpha, otherwise do not reject.
sampled from a with unknown mean μ and known variance σ . : μ = μ
H : μ ≤ μ
H : μ ≥ μ
: μ ≠ μ
H : μ > μ
H : μ < μ
  • \(\frac{\bar{X}-\mu_0}{\sigma / \sqrt{n}}\)
  • general form is: (estimate - value we are testing)/(st.dev of the estimate)
  • z-statistic follows N(0,1) distribution
  • 2 × the area above |z|, area above z,or area below z, or
  • compare the statistic to a critical value, |z| ≥ z α/2 , z ≥ z α , or z ≤ - z α
  • Choose the acceptable level of Alpha = 0.05, we conclude …. ?

Making the Decision

It is either likely or unlikely that we would collect the evidence we did given the initial assumption. (Note: “likely” or “unlikely” is measured by calculating a probability!)

If it is likely , then we “ do not reject ” our initial assumption. There is not enough evidence to do otherwise.

If it is unlikely , then:

  • either our initial assumption is correct and we experienced an unusual event or,
  • our initial assumption is incorrect

In statistics, if it is unlikely, we decide to “ reject ” our initial assumption.

Example: Criminal Trial Analogy

First, state 2 hypotheses, the null hypothesis (“H 0 ”) and the alternative hypothesis (“H A ”)

  • H 0 : Defendant is not guilty.
  • H A : Defendant is guilty.

Usually the H 0 is a statement of “no effect”, or “no change”, or “chance only” about a population parameter.

While the H A , depending on the situation, is that there is a difference, trend, effect, or a relationship with respect to a population parameter.

  • It can one-sided and two-sided.
  • In two-sided we only care there is a difference, but not the direction of it. In one-sided we care about a particular direction of the relationship. We want to know if the value is strictly larger or smaller.

Then, collect evidence, such as finger prints, blood spots, hair samples, carpet fibers, shoe prints, ransom notes, handwriting samples, etc. (In statistics, the data are the evidence.)

Next, you make your initial assumption.

  • Defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

In statistics, we always assume the null hypothesis is true .

Then, make a decision based on the available evidence.

  • If there is sufficient evidence (“beyond a reasonable doubt”), reject the null hypothesis . (Behave as if defendant is guilty.)
  • If there is not enough evidence, do not reject the null hypothesis . (Behave as if defendant is not guilty.)

If the observed outcome, e.g., a sample statistic, is surprising under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true, but more probable if the alternative is true, then this outcome is evidence against H 0 and in favor of H A .

An observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance is called statistically significant (i.e., not likely to happen by chance).

Using the p -value to make the decision

The p -value represents how likely we would be to observe such an extreme sample if the null hypothesis were true. The p -value is a probability computed assuming the null hypothesis is true, that the test statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than that actually observed. Since it's a probability, it is a number between 0 and 1. The closer the number is to 0 means the event is “unlikely.” So if p -value is “small,” (typically, less than 0.05), we can then reject the null hypothesis.

Significance level and p -value

Significance level, α, is a decisive value for p -value. In this context, significant does not mean “important”, but it means “not likely to happened just by chance”.

α is the maximum probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true. If α = 1 we always reject the null, if α = 0 we never reject the null hypothesis. In articles, journals, etc… you may read: “The results were significant ( p <0.05).” So if p =0.03, it's significant at the level of α = 0.05 but not at the level of α = 0.01. If we reject the H 0 at the level of α = 0.05 (which corresponds to 95% CI), we are saying that if H 0 is true, the observed phenomenon would happen no more than 5% of the time (that is 1 in 20). If we choose to compare the p -value to α = 0.01, we are insisting on a stronger evidence!

Neither decision of rejecting or not rejecting the H entails proving the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis. We merely state there is enough evidence to behave one way or the other. This is also always true in statistics!

So, what kind of error could we make? No matter what decision we make, there is always a chance we made an error.

Errors in Criminal Trial:

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Type I error (False positive): The null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.

  • α is the maximum probability of making a Type I error.

Type II error (False negative): The null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false.

  • β is the probability of making a Type II error

There is always a chance of making one of these errors. But, a good scientific study will minimize the chance of doing so!

The power of a statistical test is its probability of rejecting the null hypothesis if the null hypothesis is false. That is, power is the ability to correctly reject H 0 and detect a significant effect. In other words, power is one minus the type II error risk.

\(\text{Power }=1-\beta = P\left(\text{reject} H_0 | H_0 \text{is false } \right)\)

Which error is worse?

Type I = you are innocent, yet accused of cheating on the test. Type II = you cheated on the test, but you are found innocent.

This depends on the context of the problem too. But in most cases scientists are trying to be “conservative”; it's worse to make a spurious discovery than to fail to make a good one. Our goal it to increase the power of the test that is to minimize the length of the CI.

We need to keep in mind:

  • the effect of the sample size,
  • the correctness of the underlying assumptions about the population,
  • statistical vs. practical significance, etc…

(see the handout). To study the tradeoffs between the sample size, α, and Type II error we can use power and operating characteristic curves.

Assume data are independently sampled from a normal distribution with unknown mean μ and known variance σ = 9. Make an initial assumption that μ = 65.

Specify the hypothesis: H : μ = 65 H : μ ≠ 65

z-statistic: 3.58

z-statistic follow N(0,1) distribution

The -value, < 0.0001, indicates that, if the average height in the population is 65 inches, it is unlikely that a sample of 54 students would have an average height of 66.4630.

Alpha = 0.05. Decision: -value < alpha, thus

Conclude that the average height is not equal to 65.

What type of error might we have made?

Type I error is claiming that average student height is not 65 inches, when it really is. Type II error is failing to claim that the average student height is not 65in when it is.

We rejected the null hypothesis, i.e., claimed that the height is not 65, thus making potentially a Type I error. But sometimes the p -value is too low because of the large sample size, and we may have statistical significance but not really practical significance! That's why most statisticians are much more comfortable with using CI than tests.

Based on the CI only, how do you know that you should reject the null hypothesis?

The 95% CI is (65.6628,67.2631) ...

What about practical and statistical significance now? Is there another reason to suspect this test, and the -value calculations?

There is a need for a further generalization. What if we can't assume that σ is known? In this case we would use s (the sample standard deviation) to estimate σ.

If the sample is very large, we can treat σ as known by assuming that σ = s . According to the law of large numbers, this is not too bad a thing to do. But if the sample is small, the fact that we have to estimate both the standard deviation and the mean adds extra uncertainty to our inference. In practice this means that we need a larger multiplier for the standard error.

We need one-sample t -test.

One sample t -test

  • Assume data are independently sampled from a normal distribution with unknown mean μ and variance σ 2 . Make an initial assumption, μ 0 .
: μ = μ
H : μ ≤ μ
H : μ ≥ μ
: μ ≠ μ
H : μ > μ
H : μ < μ
  • t-statistic: \(\frac{\bar{X}-\mu_0}{s / \sqrt{n}}\) where s is a sample st.dev.
  • t-statistic follows t -distribution with df = n - 1
  • Alpha = 0.05, we conclude ….

Testing for the population proportion

Let's go back to our CNN poll. Assume we have a SRS of 1,017 adults.

We are interested in testing the following hypothesis: H 0 : p = 0.50 vs. p > 0.50

What is the test statistic?

If alpha = 0.05, what do we conclude?

We will see more details in the next lesson on proportions, then distributions, and possible tests.

problem statement in hypothesis testing

T-test and Hypothesis Testing (Explained Simply)

Understand the concept and find how to avoid typical mistakes.

Artem Dementyev

Artem Dementyev

Towards Data Science

Student’s t-tests are commonly used in inferential statistics for testing a hypothesis on the basis of a difference between sample means. However, people often misinterpret the results of t-tests, which leads to false research findings and a lack of reproducibility of studies. This problem exists not only among students. Even instructors and “serious” researchers fall into the same trap. To prove my words, I can link this article , but there are others.

Another problem is that I’ve often seen and heard complaints from some students that their teachers don’t explain the concept of t-tests sufficiently. Instead, they focus on calculations and interpretation of the results. Nowadays, scientists use computers to calculate t-statistic automatically, so there is no reason to drill the usage of formulas and t-distribution tables, except for the purpose of understanding how it works . As for interpretation, there is nothing wrong with it, although without comprehension of the concept it may look like blindly following the rules. Actually, it is. Do you remember?

“Absolute t-value is greater than t-critical, so the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted”.

If you are familiar with this statement and still have problems with understanding it, most likely, you’ve been unfortunate to get the same training. These problems with intuition can lead to problems with decision-making while testing hypotheses. So, besides knowing what values to paste into the formula and how to use t-tests, it is necessary to know when to use it, why to use it, and the meaning of all that stuff.

This article is intended to explain two concepts: t-test and hypothesis testing. At first, I wanted to explain only t-tests. Later, I decided to include hypothesis testing because these ideas are so closely related that it would be difficult to tell about one thing while losing sight of another. Eventually, you will see that t-test is not only an abstract idea but has good common sense.

Be prepared, this article is pretty long. Take a look at the article outline below to not get lost.

Article outline:

Hypothesis testing.

  • T-test definition and formula explanation

Choosing the level of significance

T-distribution and p-value.

Meet David! He is a high school student and he has started to study statistics recently.

David wants to figure out whether his schoolmates from class A got better quarter grades in mathematics than those from class B. There is a 5-point grading system at school, where 5 is the best score. Students have no access to other students' grades because teachers keep their data confidential and there are approximately 30 students in both classes.

David cannot ask all the students about their grades because it is weird and not all the students are happy to tell about their grades. If he asks just his friends from both classes, the results will be biased. Why? Because we tend to make friends with people with similar interests. So, it is very likely that friends of David have more or less similar scores.

That is, David decided to take a sample of 6 random students from both classes and he asked them about math quarter grades. He got the following results:

It seems that students from class B outperform students from class A. But David did not ask other people! Maybe if he asked all the students, he could get the reverse result. Who knows? So, here is the problem and it needs to be solved scientifically.

To check whether the result was not likely to occur randomly or by chance, David can use the approach called hypothesis testing . A hypothesis is a claim or assumption that we want to check. The approach is very similar to a court trial process, where a judge should decide whether an accused person is guilty or not. There are two types of hypotheses:

  • Null hypothesis (H₀) — the hypothesis that we have by default, or the accepted fact. Usually, it means the absence of an effect. By analogy with the trial process, it is “presumption of innocence” — a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty.
  • Alternative hypothesis (H₁) — the hypothesis that we want to test. In other words, the alternative hypothesis will be accepted only if we gather enough evidence to claim that the effect exists.

The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are always mathematically opposite. The possible outcomes of hypothesis testing:

  • Reject the null hypothesis —a person is found guilty.
  • Fail to reject the null hypothesis — the accused is acquitted.

David decided to state hypotheses in the following way:

  • H₀ — There is no difference in the grade means of those students in class A and those from class B.
  • H₁ — There is a difference in the grade means of those students in class A and those from class B.

Now, David needs to gather enough evidence to show that students in two classes have different academic performances. But, what can he consider as “evidence”?

T-test definition, formula explanation, and assumptions.

The T-test is the test, which allows us to analyze one or two sample means, depending on the type of t-test. Yes, the t-test has several types:

  • One-sample t-test — compare the mean of one group against the specified mean generated from a population. For example, a manufacturer of mobile phones promises that one of their models has a battery that supports about 25 hours of video playback on average. To find out if the manufacturer is right, a researcher can sample 15 phones, measure the battery life and get an average of 23 hours. Then, he can use a t-test to determine whether this difference is received not just by chance.
  • Paired sample t-test — compares the means of two measurements taken from the same individuals, objects, or related units. For instance, students passed an additional course for math and it would be interesting to find whether their results became better after course completion. It is possible to take a sample from the same group and use the paired t-test.
  • An Independent two-sample t-test —is used to analyze the mean comparison of two independent groups. Like two groups of students. Does it remind you of something?

Exactly. David wants to use the independent two-sample t-test to check if there is a real difference between the grade means in A and B classes, or if he got such results by chance. Two groups are independent because students who study in class A cannot study in class B and reverse. And the question is how David can use such a test?

We have the following formula of t-statistic for our case, where the sample size of both groups is equal:

The formula looks pretty complicated. However, it can be presented in another way:

Basically, t-statistic is a signal-to-noise ratio . When we assume that the difference between the two groups is real, we don’t expect that their means are exactly the same. Therefore, the greater the difference in the means, the more we are confident that the populations are not the same. However, if the data is too scattered (with high variance), then the means may have been a result of randomness and we got ones by chance. Especially, when we have a small sample size, like 3–5 observations.

Why is that? Take for example the salary of people living in two big Russian cities — Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There is a very high variance because the salary ranges from approximately $100 up to millions of dollars. So, if you decided to find whether the difference in means between the two cities exists, you may take a sample of 10 people and ask about their salaries. I know, it is very unlikely that you’ll face some millionaire on a street and I know, it is a bit strange to compare average salaries instead of median salaries. Nevertheless, if you took the sample correctly, you may find that the salary of people is highly scattered in both cities. For instance, in St. Petersburg, the mean is $7000 and the standard deviation is $990, in Moscow — $8000 is the mean and $1150 standard deviation. In such a situation, you can’t be confident whether the difference in means is statistically significant. That’s because you asked only 10 people and the variance of salary is high, hence you could get such results just by chance.

Thus, the concept of t-statistic is just a signal-to-noise ratio. With less variance, more sample data, and a bigger mean difference, we are more sure that this difference is real.

I could take an even closer look at the formula of t-statistic, but for the purpose of clarity, I won’t. If you want, you can read the proof here . Knowing the idea of the t-test would be enough for effective usage.

Let’s also cover some assumptions regarding the t-test . There are 5 main assumptions listed below:

  • The data is collected from a representative, randomly selected portion of the total population. This is necessary to generalize our findings to our target population (in the case of David — to all students in two classes).
  • Data should follow a continuous or discrete scale of measurement. We can consider grades as an example of discrete data.
  • Means should follow the normal distribution, as well as the population. Not sample data, as some people may think, but means and population. This needs a more detailed explanation, which I give in the section about t-distributions.
  • (for independent t-test) Independence of the observations. Each subject should belong to only one group. There is no relationship between the observations in each group. Otherwise, use the paired t-test .
  • (for an independent t-test with equal variance) Homogeneity of variances. Homogeneous, or equal, variance exists when the standard deviations of samples are approximately equal. It is possible to test for variance equality using F-test or Levene test. Otherwise, we should use Welch’s t-test.

So, t-statistic is the evidence that David needs to gather in order to claim that the difference in means of two groups of students is not taking place by chance. If there will be enough evidence, then David can reject the null hypothesis. The question is how much evidence is enough?

David needs to determine whether a result he has got is likely due to chance or to some factor of interest. He can find t-statistic as the evidence, but how much risk David is willing to take for making a wrong decision ? This risk can be represented as the level of significance (α).

The significance level is the desired probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true . For instance, if a researcher selects α=0.05, it means that he is willing to take a 5% risk of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis. Or, in other words, to take the 5% risk of conviction of an innocent. Statisticians often choose α=0.05, while α=0.01 and α=0.1 are also widely used. However, this choice is only a convention, based on R. Fisher’s argument that a 1/20 chance represents an unusual sampling occurrence. This arbitrary threshold was established in the 1920s when a sample size of more than 100 was rarely used.

We don’t want to set the level of significance mindlessly. But what approach we should use to choose this value? Well, describing such an approach in detail is a topic for another article because there are a lot of things to talk about. Still, I’m going to give a quick explanation of the factors to consider while choosing an optimal level of significance. According to J. Kim (2021), these factors include:

  • losses from incorrect decisions;
  • the researcher’s prior belief for the H₀ and H₁ ;
  • the power of the test;
  • substantive importance of the relationship being tested.

By saying “the researcher should consider losses from incorrect decisions”, it is meant that the researcher has to figure out whether Type I error is more important than Type II error, or reverse.

Type I error means rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true .

Type II error occurs when a statistician fails to reject a null hypothesis that is actually false .

Notice that Type I error has almost the same definition as the level of significance (α). The difference is that Type I error is the actual error, while the level of significance represents the desired risk of committing such error. The risk of committing Type II error is represented by the β sign and 1-β stands for the power of the test. In other words, the power is the probability that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis . It is also called as “true positive rate”.

There may be cases when a Type I error is more important than a Type II error, and the reverse is also true. Take A/B testing as an example. A researcher wants to test two versions of a page on a website. After running the t-test one incorrectly concludes that version B is better than version A. As a consequence, the website starts to lose conversions. Another case is testing for pregnancy. Suppose, there are two tests available. Test 1 has a 5% chance of Type I error and a 20% chance of Type II error. Test 2 has a 20% chance of Type I error and 5% of Type II error. In this case, a doctor would prefer using Test 2 because misdiagnosing a pregnant patient (Type II error) can be dangerous for the patient and her baby.

The second thing that needs to be considered is the researcher’s prior belief in two hypotheses. The word “prior” means that a researcher has a personal assumption on the probability of H₀ relative to H₁ before looking at one’s data. However, the assumption should not be arbitrary or irrational just because it is “personal”. It needs to be based on good argumentation. For example, the judgment can preferably be informed by previous data and experiences. Let’s say that some researcher has invented a drug, which can cure cancer. There had been many researchers before him with similar “inventions”, whose attempts had failed. That is, the researcher believes that the probability of H₁ (i. e. the drug can cure cancer) is highly unlikely and is about 0.001. In another case, if a statistician a priori believes that H₀ and H₁ are equally likely, then the probability for both hypotheses will be 0.5.

The third factor is substantive importance or the effect size. It accounts for the question of how big the effect size is of the relationship being tested. When there is a big sample size, the t-test often shows the evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis, although the difference between the means is negligible. While testing on small sample sizes, the t-test can suggest that H₀ should not be rejected, despite a large effect. That’s why it is recommended to set a higher level of significance for small sample sizes and a lower level for large sample sizes.

While reading all this, you may think: “OK, I understand that the level of significance is the desired risk of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis. Then, why not set this value as small as possible in order to get the evidence as strongest as possible ? So, if I conduct a study, I can always set α around 0.00001 (or less) and get valid results”.

There is a reason why we shouldn’t set α as small as possible. Partially, we’ve already talked about it when presenting the concept of substantive importance — on small sample sizes we can miss a large effect if α is too small. But the answer is hidden in the fourth factor that we haven’t discussed yet. And it is the power.

There is a relationship between the level of significance and the power. These values depend on each other. Making decisions on them is like deciding where to spend money or how to spend free time. There are benefits in one area and there are losses in another area. The relationship between α and β is represented in a very simple diagram below. Note that β is the probability of Type II error, not power (power is 1-β).

As you see, there is a trade-off between α and β. The optimal value of α can be chosen after estimating the value of β. It can be done in one of the following two ways:

  • using the assumption of normality
  • using bootstrapping

It is preferred to use the second method for calculating the power because there are many cases when the assumption of normality fails or is unjustifiable. The bootstrapping approach doesn’t rely on this assumption and takes full account of sampling variability. That’s why it is widely used in practice.

So, how to use bootstrapping to calculate the power?

In the case of David, there are 3 steps:

  • Generate independent samples from class A and class B;
  • Perform the test, comparing class A to class B, and record whether the null hypothesis was rejected;
  • Repeat steps 1–2 many times and find the rejection rate — this is the estimated power.

Calculating the power is only one step in the calculation of expected losses.

The optimal value of α can be chosen in 3 steps:

  • Choose a grid of α ∈ (0,1)
  • For each value of α, calculate β (using the 3-step process described above) and expected loss by the formula above
  • Find the value of α that minimizes expected loss

Let’s get back to David. He wants to set the desired risk of falsely rejecting H₀. To do this correctly David considers 4 factors that we’ve already discussed. First, he thinks that Type I and Type II errors are equally important. Second, David believes that students in both classes do not have the same grades. That is, he gives more weight to his alternative hypothesis (P=0.4, 1-P=0.6). Third, because the sample size is small, David decides to raise α much higher than 0.05 to not to miss a possible substantial effect size. The last thing that he needs to do is to estimate the power. For estimating the power it is necessary to choose a grid of possible values of α and for each α carry out multiple t-tests to estimate the power. For now, David knows that the null hypothesis should be rejected if the p-value is greater than the level of significance. Otherwise, one fails to reject the null hypothesis. In the following section I explain the meaning of the p-value, but let’s leave this for now.

The whole process of calculating the optimal level of significance can be expressed in the R code below:

David found that α = 0.8 is the optimal value. Notice how far it is from the conventional level of 0.05.

So, David set the level of significance equal to 0.8. Now, he can calculate the t-statistic.

After calculation, he figured out that t-statistic = -0.2863. Why this value is negative? Because we observe a negative effect. In this sample, students from class B perform better in math, though David supposed that students from class A are better. The other thing that we found is that the signal is about 28.6% from the noise. It almost gets lost. Perhaps, the difference in the means is explained by variance. But how big t-statistic should be to reject the null hypothesis?

That’s where t-distribution comes in. It connects the level of significance and t-statistic so that we could compare the proof boundary and the proof itself. The idea of t-distribution is not as hard as one might think. Consider the example of comparing the mean SAT scores of two cities. We know that in both cities SAT scores follow the normal distribution and the means are equal, i.e. the null hypothesis is true. Note that SAT scores from both cities represent two populations, not samples.

From this point, we can start to develop our logic. We decided to emulate the actions of a person, who wants to compare the means of two cities but have no information about the population. Of course, one would take samples from each distribution. Let’s say, the sample size was 10. The following R code generates SAT distributions, takes samples from both, and calculates the t-statistic.

We got value of t-statistic equal to 1.09. It shows some signal, which is strange because we know that H₀ is true and t-value should be equal to zero. Why is that? That’s because we got unlucky with our samples. It would be interesting to know how t-statistic would change if we take samples 70 thousand times. Let’s do it.

Well, we’ve got a huge list of t-values. Let’s plot ones.

That’s it. Now we have a distribution of t-statistic that is very similar to Student’s t-distribution. T-distribution looks like the normal distribution but it has heavier tails. Also, it can look different depending on sample size, and with more observations, it approximates the normal distribution. T-distribution can be interpreted as follows. There is a high chance of getting a t-value equal to zero when taking samples. It makes sense — when the null hypothesis is true, the t-value should be equal to zero because there is no signal. But the further away the t-value is from zero, the less likely we are to get it. For instance, it is very unlikely to get t=6. But a question arises there. How much it is likely or unlikely to get a certain t-value?

The probability of getting a t-value at least as extreme as the t-value actually observed under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct is called the p-value . In the figure below the probability of observing t>=1.5 corresponds to the red area under the curve.

A very small p-value means that getting a such result is very unlikely to happen if the null hypothesis was true. The concept of p-value helps us to make decisions regarding H₀ and H₁. T-statistic shows the proportion between the signal and the noise, the p-value tells us how often we could observe such a proportion if H₀ would be true, and the level of significance acts as a decision boundary. By analogy to a court trial process, p-value=0.01 is somewhat similar to the next statement: “ If this man is innocent, there is a 1% probability that one would behave like this (change testimony, hide evidence) or even more weirdly ”. The jury can determine whether the evidence is sufficient by comparing the p-value with some standard of evidence (the level of significance). Thus, if α = 0.05 and p-value=0.01, the jury can deliver a “guilty” verdict.

Several notes need to be taken. First, there is a common misinterpretation of the p-value, when people say that “the p-value is the probability that H₀ is true” . Of course, the p-value doesn’t tell us anything about H₀ or H₁, it only assumes that the null hypothesis is true. Consider the example, when David took a sample of students in both classes, who get only 5’s. T-statistic would be obviously 0 because there is no observed difference in the means. In this case, a p-value would be equal to 1, but does it mean that the null hypothesis is true “for certain”? No, not at all! It rather means that David did sampling incorrectly, choosing only the “good” students in math, or that he was extremely unfortunate to get a sample like this. Second, t-distribution was not actually derived by bootstrapping (like I did for educational purposes). In the times of Willam Gosset, there were no computers, so t-distribution was derived mathematically . I decided not to dive deep into math, otherwise, it would be hard to agree that the t-test is “explained simply”. Third, because t-statistic have to follow t-distribution, the t-test requires normality of the population . However, the population should not necessarily have a “perfect” normal distribution, otherwise, the usage of the t-test would be too limited. There may be some skewness or other “imperfections” in the population distribution as long as these “imperfections” allow us to make valid conclusions.

Finally, the critical region (red area on the figure 8) doesn’t have to take only one side. If there is a possibility that the effect (the mean difference) can be positive or negative, it is better to use a two-tailed t-test . The two-tailed t-test can detect the effect from both directions. For David, it is appropriate to use a two-tailed t-test because there is a possibility that students from class A perform better in math (positive mean difference, positive t-value) as well as there is a possibility that students from class B can have better grades (negative mean difference, negative p-value). The one-tailed t-test can be appropriate in cases, when the consequences of missing an effect in the untested direction are negligible, or when the effect can exist in only one direction.

David has calculated a p-value.

It equals 0.7805.

Because David set α = 0.8, he has to reject the null hypothesis .

That’s it. The t-test is done. David now can say with some degree of confidence that the difference in the means didn’t occur by chance. But David still has doubts about whether his results are valid. Perhaps, the problem is connected with the level of significance. David allowed himself to falsely reject the null hypothesis with the probability of 80%. On the other hand, if the level of significance would be set lower, there would be a higher chance of erroneously claiming that the null hypothesis should not be rejected.

Well, that’s the nature of statistics. We never know for certain. Maybe, David could get more confidence in results if he’d get more samples. Who knows what the result of the t-test would show?

Suppose, we are a head teacher, who has access to students’ grades, including grades from class A and class B. We can figure out whether David was right or wrong. Here are the actual results:

Indeed, students from class A did better in math than those from class B. There is a difference between the means, but it is pretty small. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is true. Let’s calculate the true β (true α we cannot calculate because the null hypothesis is false, therefore, it is impossible to falsely reject the null hypothesis). For our α = 0.8, we found that β = 0.184. Comparing this value to the estimate of β = 0.14, we can say that our bootstrapping approach worked pretty well. Nevertheless, we underestimated the probability of Type II error.

What is the lesson to learn from this information?

Again, don’t be too confident, when you’re doing statistics. You shouldn’t rely on t-tests exclusively when there are other scientific methods available. Your logic and intuition matter. There is another thing to point out. David’s goal was to find out whether students from class A get better quarter grades than those from class B. Suppose that David conducted a rigorous study and figured out the right answer. But do the results have practical significance? Probably, not. What can he do with these results? Yes, students in class A got better quarter grades. But does it mean that students in class A are better in math than students from class B? It is impossible to answer this question, using the data only from one quarter. Perhaps, it would be useful to gather the information from other periods and conduct a time-series analysis. But still, using only observational data it is extremely difficult to find out some causal relationship, if not impossible. So here is another lesson. Do not try to make conclusions about the causality of the relationship observed while using statistical methods, such as t-test or regression.

If you want to take a look at David’s dataset and R code, you can download all of that using this link . A full dataset of students’ grades is also available in the archive. All the datasets were created by me.

Finally, if you have questions, comments, or criticism, feel free to write in the comments section. We all learn from each other.

Thank you for reading!

  • Colquhoun, David. (2017). The reproducibility of research and the misinterpretation of p -values. Royal Society Open Science. 4. 171085. 10.1098/rsos.171085.
  • Greenland, S., Senn, S. J., Rothman, K. J., Carlin, J. B., Poole, C., Goodman, S. N., & Altman, D. G. (2016). Statistical tests, P values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations. European journal of epidemiology , 31 (4), 337–350. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-016-0149-3
  • Ioannidis JPA (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. PLoS Med 2(8): e124. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
  • Kim, J.H. and Choi, I. (2021), Choosing the Level of Significance: A Decision-theoretic Approach. Abacus, 57: 27–71. https://doi.org/10.1111/abac.12172

Artem Dementyev

Written by Artem Dementyev

Aspiring Data Scientist and student at HSE university in St. Petersburg, Russia

Text to speech

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a tool for making statistical inferences about the population data. It is an analysis tool that tests assumptions and determines how likely something is within a given standard of accuracy. Hypothesis testing provides a way to verify whether the results of an experiment are valid.

A null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis are set up before performing the hypothesis testing. This helps to arrive at a conclusion regarding the sample obtained from the population. In this article, we will learn more about hypothesis testing, its types, steps to perform the testing, and associated examples.


What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

Hypothesis testing uses sample data from the population to draw useful conclusions regarding the population probability distribution . It tests an assumption made about the data using different types of hypothesis testing methodologies. The hypothesis testing results in either rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis Testing Definition

Hypothesis testing can be defined as a statistical tool that is used to identify if the results of an experiment are meaningful or not. It involves setting up a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. These two hypotheses will always be mutually exclusive. This means that if the null hypothesis is true then the alternative hypothesis is false and vice versa. An example of hypothesis testing is setting up a test to check if a new medicine works on a disease in a more efficient manner.

Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is a concise mathematical statement that is used to indicate that there is no difference between two possibilities. In other words, there is no difference between certain characteristics of data. This hypothesis assumes that the outcomes of an experiment are based on chance alone. It is denoted as \(H_{0}\). Hypothesis testing is used to conclude if the null hypothesis can be rejected or not. Suppose an experiment is conducted to check if girls are shorter than boys at the age of 5. The null hypothesis will say that they are the same height.

Alternative Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis is an alternative to the null hypothesis. It is used to show that the observations of an experiment are due to some real effect. It indicates that there is a statistical significance between two possible outcomes and can be denoted as \(H_{1}\) or \(H_{a}\). For the above-mentioned example, the alternative hypothesis would be that girls are shorter than boys at the age of 5.

Hypothesis Testing P Value

In hypothesis testing, the p value is used to indicate whether the results obtained after conducting a test are statistically significant or not. It also indicates the probability of making an error in rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis.This value is always a number between 0 and 1. The p value is compared to an alpha level, \(\alpha\) or significance level. The alpha level can be defined as the acceptable risk of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. The alpha level is usually chosen between 1% to 5%.

Hypothesis Testing Critical region

All sets of values that lead to rejecting the null hypothesis lie in the critical region. Furthermore, the value that separates the critical region from the non-critical region is known as the critical value.

Hypothesis Testing Formula

Depending upon the type of data available and the size, different types of hypothesis testing are used to determine whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not. The hypothesis testing formula for some important test statistics are given below:

  • z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\). \(\overline{x}\) is the sample mean, \(\mu\) is the population mean, \(\sigma\) is the population standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.
  • t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\). s is the sample standard deviation.
  • \(\chi ^{2} = \sum \frac{(O_{i}-E_{i})^{2}}{E_{i}}\). \(O_{i}\) is the observed value and \(E_{i}\) is the expected value.

We will learn more about these test statistics in the upcoming section.

Types of Hypothesis Testing

Selecting the correct test for performing hypothesis testing can be confusing. These tests are used to determine a test statistic on the basis of which the null hypothesis can either be rejected or not rejected. Some of the important tests used for hypothesis testing are given below.

Hypothesis Testing Z Test

A z test is a way of hypothesis testing that is used for a large sample size (n ≥ 30). It is used to determine whether there is a difference between the population mean and the sample mean when the population standard deviation is known. It can also be used to compare the mean of two samples. It is used to compute the z test statistic. The formulas are given as follows:

  • One sample: z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\).
  • Two samples: z = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

Hypothesis Testing t Test

The t test is another method of hypothesis testing that is used for a small sample size (n < 30). It is also used to compare the sample mean and population mean. However, the population standard deviation is not known. Instead, the sample standard deviation is known. The mean of two samples can also be compared using the t test.

  • One sample: t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\).
  • Two samples: t = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{s_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{s_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

Hypothesis Testing Chi Square

The Chi square test is a hypothesis testing method that is used to check whether the variables in a population are independent or not. It is used when the test statistic is chi-squared distributed.

One Tailed Hypothesis Testing

One tailed hypothesis testing is done when the rejection region is only in one direction. It can also be known as directional hypothesis testing because the effects can be tested in one direction only. This type of testing is further classified into the right tailed test and left tailed test.

Right Tailed Hypothesis Testing

The right tail test is also known as the upper tail test. This test is used to check whether the population parameter is greater than some value. The null and alternative hypotheses for this test are given as follows:

\(H_{0}\): The population parameter is ≤ some value

\(H_{1}\): The population parameter is > some value.

If the test statistic has a greater value than the critical value then the null hypothesis is rejected

Right Tail Hypothesis Testing

Left Tailed Hypothesis Testing

The left tail test is also known as the lower tail test. It is used to check whether the population parameter is less than some value. The hypotheses for this hypothesis testing can be written as follows:

\(H_{0}\): The population parameter is ≥ some value

\(H_{1}\): The population parameter is < some value.

The null hypothesis is rejected if the test statistic has a value lesser than the critical value.

Left Tail Hypothesis Testing

Two Tailed Hypothesis Testing

In this hypothesis testing method, the critical region lies on both sides of the sampling distribution. It is also known as a non - directional hypothesis testing method. The two-tailed test is used when it needs to be determined if the population parameter is assumed to be different than some value. The hypotheses can be set up as follows:

\(H_{0}\): the population parameter = some value

\(H_{1}\): the population parameter ≠ some value

The null hypothesis is rejected if the test statistic has a value that is not equal to the critical value.

Two Tail Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing Steps

Hypothesis testing can be easily performed in five simple steps. The most important step is to correctly set up the hypotheses and identify the right method for hypothesis testing. The basic steps to perform hypothesis testing are as follows:

  • Step 1: Set up the null hypothesis by correctly identifying whether it is the left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed hypothesis testing.
  • Step 2: Set up the alternative hypothesis.
  • Step 3: Choose the correct significance level, \(\alpha\), and find the critical value.
  • Step 4: Calculate the correct test statistic (z, t or \(\chi\)) and p-value.
  • Step 5: Compare the test statistic with the critical value or compare the p-value with \(\alpha\) to arrive at a conclusion. In other words, decide if the null hypothesis is to be rejected or not.

Hypothesis Testing Example

The best way to solve a problem on hypothesis testing is by applying the 5 steps mentioned in the previous section. Suppose a researcher claims that the mean average weight of men is greater than 100kgs with a standard deviation of 15kgs. 30 men are chosen with an average weight of 112.5 Kgs. Using hypothesis testing, check if there is enough evidence to support the researcher's claim. The confidence interval is given as 95%.

Step 1: This is an example of a right-tailed test. Set up the null hypothesis as \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 100.

Step 2: The alternative hypothesis is given by \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) > 100.

Step 3: As this is a one-tailed test, \(\alpha\) = 100% - 95% = 5%. This can be used to determine the critical value.

1 - \(\alpha\) = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95

0.95 gives the required area under the curve. Now using a normal distribution table, the area 0.95 is at z = 1.645. A similar process can be followed for a t-test. The only additional requirement is to calculate the degrees of freedom given by n - 1.

Step 4: Calculate the z test statistic. This is because the sample size is 30. Furthermore, the sample and population means are known along with the standard deviation.

z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\).

\(\mu\) = 100, \(\overline{x}\) = 112.5, n = 30, \(\sigma\) = 15

z = \(\frac{112.5-100}{\frac{15}{\sqrt{30}}}\) = 4.56

Step 5: Conclusion. As 4.56 > 1.645 thus, the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals form an important part of hypothesis testing. This is because the alpha level can be determined from a given confidence interval. Suppose a confidence interval is given as 95%. Subtract the confidence interval from 100%. This gives 100 - 95 = 5% or 0.05. This is the alpha value of a one-tailed hypothesis testing. To obtain the alpha value for a two-tailed hypothesis testing, divide this value by 2. This gives 0.05 / 2 = 0.025.

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Important Notes on Hypothesis Testing

  • Hypothesis testing is a technique that is used to verify whether the results of an experiment are statistically significant.
  • It involves the setting up of a null hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis.
  • There are three types of tests that can be conducted under hypothesis testing - z test, t test, and chi square test.
  • Hypothesis testing can be classified as right tail, left tail, and two tail tests.

Examples on Hypothesis Testing

  • Example 1: The average weight of a dumbbell in a gym is 90lbs. However, a physical trainer believes that the average weight might be higher. A random sample of 5 dumbbells with an average weight of 110lbs and a standard deviation of 18lbs. Using hypothesis testing check if the physical trainer's claim can be supported for a 95% confidence level. Solution: As the sample size is lesser than 30, the t-test is used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 90, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) > 90 \(\overline{x}\) = 110, \(\mu\) = 90, n = 5, s = 18. \(\alpha\) = 0.05 Using the t-distribution table, the critical value is 2.132 t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\) t = 2.484 As 2.484 > 2.132, the null hypothesis is rejected. Answer: The average weight of the dumbbells may be greater than 90lbs
  • Example 2: The average score on a test is 80 with a standard deviation of 10. With a new teaching curriculum introduced it is believed that this score will change. On random testing, the score of 38 students, the mean was found to be 88. With a 0.05 significance level, is there any evidence to support this claim? Solution: This is an example of two-tail hypothesis testing. The z test will be used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 80, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) ≠ 80 \(\overline{x}\) = 88, \(\mu\) = 80, n = 36, \(\sigma\) = 10. \(\alpha\) = 0.05 / 2 = 0.025 The critical value using the normal distribution table is 1.96 z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\) z = \(\frac{88-80}{\frac{10}{\sqrt{36}}}\) = 4.8 As 4.8 > 1.96, the null hypothesis is rejected. Answer: There is a difference in the scores after the new curriculum was introduced.
  • Example 3: The average score of a class is 90. However, a teacher believes that the average score might be lower. The scores of 6 students were randomly measured. The mean was 82 with a standard deviation of 18. With a 0.05 significance level use hypothesis testing to check if this claim is true. Solution: The t test will be used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 90, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) < 90 \(\overline{x}\) = 110, \(\mu\) = 90, n = 6, s = 18 The critical value from the t table is -2.015 t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\) t = \(\frac{82-90}{\frac{18}{\sqrt{6}}}\) t = -1.088 As -1.088 > -2.015, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Answer: There is not enough evidence to support the claim.

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FAQs on Hypothesis Testing

What is hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis testing in statistics is a tool that is used to make inferences about the population data. It is also used to check if the results of an experiment are valid.

What is the z Test in Hypothesis Testing?

The z test in hypothesis testing is used to find the z test statistic for normally distributed data . The z test is used when the standard deviation of the population is known and the sample size is greater than or equal to 30.

What is the t Test in Hypothesis Testing?

The t test in hypothesis testing is used when the data follows a student t distribution . It is used when the sample size is less than 30 and standard deviation of the population is not known.

What is the formula for z test in Hypothesis Testing?

The formula for a one sample z test in hypothesis testing is z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\) and for two samples is z = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

What is the p Value in Hypothesis Testing?

The p value helps to determine if the test results are statistically significant or not. In hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis can either be rejected or not rejected based on the comparison between the p value and the alpha level.

What is One Tail Hypothesis Testing?

When the rejection region is only on one side of the distribution curve then it is known as one tail hypothesis testing. The right tail test and the left tail test are two types of directional hypothesis testing.

What is the Alpha Level in Two Tail Hypothesis Testing?

To get the alpha level in a two tail hypothesis testing divide \(\alpha\) by 2. This is done as there are two rejection regions in the curve.

with Answer, Solution | Statistical Inference - Hypothesis Testing: Solved Example Problems | 12th Business Maths and Statistics : Chapter 8 : Sampling Techniques and Statistical Inference

Chapter: 12th business maths and statistics : chapter 8 : sampling techniques and statistical inference, hypothesis testing: solved example problems.

Example 8.14

An auto company decided to introduce a new six cylinder car whose mean petrol consumption is claimed to be lower than that of the existing auto engine. It was found that the mean petrol consumption for the 50 cars was 10 km per litre with a standard deviation of 3.5 km per litre. Test at 5% level of significance, whether the claim of the new car petrol consumption is 9.5 km per litre on the average is acceptable.

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Population mean μ = 9.5 km

Since population SD is unknown we consider σ = s

The sample is a large sample and so we apply Z-test

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the sample average and the company’s claim, i.e., H 0 : μ = 9.5

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference between the sample average and the company’s claim, i.e., H 1 : μ ≠ 9.5 (two tailed test)

The level of significance α = 5% = 0.05

Applying the test statistic

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Thus the calculated value 1.01 and the significant value or table value Z α /2 = 1.96

Comparing the calculated and table value ,Here Z < Z α /2 i.e., 1.01<1.96.

Inference:Since the calculated value is less than table value i.e., Z < Z α /2 at 5% level of sinificance, the null hypothesis H 0 is accepted. Hence we conclude that the company’s claim that the new car petrol consumption is 9.5 km per litre is acceptable.

Example 8.15

A manufacturer of ball pens claims that a certain pen he manufactures has a mean writing life of 400 pages with a standard deviation of 20 pages. A purchasing agent selects a sample of 100 pens and puts them for test. The mean writing life for the sample was 390 pages. Should the purchasing agent reject the manufactures claim at 1% level?

Population SD σ = 20 pages

The sample is a large sample and so we apply Z -test

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the sample mean and the population mean of writing life of pen he manufactures, i.e., H 0 : μ = 400

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference between the sample mean and the population mean of writing life of pen he manufactures, i.e., H 1 : μ ≠ 400 (two tailed test)

The level of significance a = 1% = 0.01

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Thus the calculated value |Z| = 5 and the significant value or table value Z α /2 = 2.58

Comparing the calculated and table values, we found Z > Z α /2 i.e., 5 > 2.58

Inference: Since the calculated value is greater than table value i.e., Z > Z α /2 at 1% level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected and Therefore we concluded that μ ≠ 400 and the manufacturer’s claim is rejected at 1% level of significance.

Example 8.16

(i) A sample of 900 members has a mean 3.4 cm and SD 2.61 cm. Is the sample taken from a large population with mean 3.25 cm. and SD 2.62 cm?

(ii) If the population is normal and its mean is unknown, find the 95% and 98% confidence limits of true mean.

Population mean μ= 3.25 cm, Population SD σ = 2.61 cm

Null Hypothesis H 0 : μ = 3.25 cm (the sample has been drawn from the population mean

μ = 3.25 cm and SD σ = 2.61 cm)

Alternative Hypothesis H 1 : μ ≠ 3.25 cm (two tail) i.e., the sample has not been drawn from the population mean μ = 3.25 cm and SD σ = 2.61 cm.


problem statement in hypothesis testing

∴ Z = 1.724

Thus the calculated and the significant value or table value Z α /2 = 1.96

Comparing the calculated and table values, Z < Z α /2 i.e., 1.724 < 1.96

Inference:Since the calculated value is less than table value i.e., Z > Z α /2 at 5% level of significance, the null hypothesis is accepted. Hence we conclude that the2 data doesn’t provide us any evidence against the null hypothesis. Therefore, the sample has been drawn from the population mean μ = 3.25 cm and SD, σ = 2.61 cm.

(ii) Confidence limits

95% confidential limits for the population mean μ are :

3.4− (1.96× 0.087)≤ μ ≤ 3.4+ (1.96× 0.087)

3.229≤ μ ≤ 3.571

98% confidential limits for the population mean are :

3.4− (2.33× 0.087)≤ μ ≤ 3.4+ (2.33× 0.087)

3.197 ≤ μ≤ 3.603

Therefore,95% confidential limits is (3.229,3.571) and 98% confidential limits is (3.197,3.603).

Example 8.17

The mean weekly sales of soap bars in departmental stores were 146.3 bars per store. After an advertising campaign the mean weekly sales in 400 stores for a typical week increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2. Was the advertising campaign successful?

Sample size n = 400 stores

Sample SD s = 17.2 bars

Population mean μ = 146.3 bars

Since population SD is unknown we can consider the sample SD s = σ

Null Hypothesis. The advertising campaign is not successful i.e, H 0 : μ = 146.3 (There is no significant difference between the mean weekly sales of soap bars in department stores before and after advertising campaign)

Alternative Hypothesis H 1 : μ > 143.3 (Right tail test). The advertising campaign was successful

Level of significance a = 0.05

Test statistic

problem statement in hypothesis testing

∴ Z = 8.605

Comparing the calculated value Z = 8.605 and the significant value or table value Z α  = 1.645 . we get 8.605 > 1.645

Inference: Since, the calculated value is much greater than table value i.e., Z > Z α  , it is highly significant at 5% level of significance. Hence we reject the null hypothesis H0 and conclude that the advertising campaign was definitely successful in promoting sales.

Example 8.18

The wages of the factory workers are assumed to be normally distributed with mean and variance 25. A random sample of 50 workers gives the total wages equal to ₹ 2,550. Test the hypothesis μ = 52, against the alternative hypothesis μ = 49 at 1% level of significance.

Sample size n = 50 workers

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Since alternative hypothesis is of two tailed test we can take | Z | = 1.4142

Critical value at 1% level of significance is Z α /2 = 2.58

Inference: Since the calculated value is less than table value i.e., Z < Za at 1% level of significance, the null hypothesis H 0 is accepted. Therefore, we conclude 2that there is no significant difference between the sample mean and population mean μ= 52 and SD σ = 5.

Example 8.19

An ambulance service claims that it takes on the average 8.9 minutes to reach its destination in emergency calls. To check on this claim, the agency which licenses ambulance services has them timed on 50 emergency calls, getting a mean of 9.3 minutes with a standard deviation of 1.6 minutes. What can they conclude at the level of significance.

problem statement in hypothesis testing

Calculated value Z = 1.7676

Critical value at 5% level of significance is Z α /2 = 1.96

Inference: Since the calculated value is less than table value i.e., Z < Z α /2 at 5% level of significance, the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore we conclude that an ambulance service claims on the average 8.9 minutes to reach its destination in emergency calls.

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Lesson 10 of 24 By Avijeet Biswal

What Is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics? Types and Examples

Table of Contents

In today’s data-driven world, decisions are based on data all the time. Hypothesis plays a crucial role in that process, whether it may be making business decisions, in the health sector, academia, or in quality improvement. Without hypothesis & hypothesis tests, you risk drawing the wrong conclusions and making bad decisions. In this tutorial, you will look at Hypothesis Testing in Statistics.

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What Is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

Hypothesis Testing is a type of statistical analysis in which you put your assumptions about a population parameter to the test. It is used to estimate the relationship between 2 statistical variables.

Let's discuss few examples of statistical hypothesis from real-life - 

  • A teacher assumes that 60% of his college's students come from lower-middle-class families.
  • A doctor believes that 3D (Diet, Dose, and Discipline) is 90% effective for diabetic patients.

Now that you know about hypothesis testing, look at the two types of hypothesis testing in statistics.

Hypothesis Testing Formula

Z = ( x̅ – μ0 ) / (σ /√n)

  • Here, x̅ is the sample mean,
  • μ0 is the population mean,
  • σ is the standard deviation,
  • n is the sample size.

How Hypothesis Testing Works?

An analyst performs hypothesis testing on a statistical sample to present evidence of the plausibility of the null hypothesis. Measurements and analyses are conducted on a random sample of the population to test a theory. Analysts use a random population sample to test two hypotheses: the null and alternative hypotheses.

The null hypothesis is typically an equality hypothesis between population parameters; for example, a null hypothesis may claim that the population means return equals zero. The alternate hypothesis is essentially the inverse of the null hypothesis (e.g., the population means the return is not equal to zero). As a result, they are mutually exclusive, and only one can be correct. One of the two possibilities, however, will always be correct.

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Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis

The Null Hypothesis is the assumption that the event will not occur. A null hypothesis has no bearing on the study's outcome unless it is rejected.

H0 is the symbol for it, and it is pronounced H-naught.

The Alternate Hypothesis is the logical opposite of the null hypothesis. The acceptance of the alternative hypothesis follows the rejection of the null hypothesis. H1 is the symbol for it.

Let's understand this with an example.

A sanitizer manufacturer claims that its product kills 95 percent of germs on average. 

To put this company's claim to the test, create a null and alternate hypothesis.

H0 (Null Hypothesis): Average = 95%.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The average is less than 95%.

Another straightforward example to understand this concept is determining whether or not a coin is fair and balanced. The null hypothesis states that the probability of a show of heads is equal to the likelihood of a show of tails. In contrast, the alternate theory states that the probability of a show of heads and tails would be very different.

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Hypothesis Testing Calculation With Examples

Let's consider a hypothesis test for the average height of women in the United States. Suppose our null hypothesis is that the average height is 5'4". We gather a sample of 100 women and determine that their average height is 5'5". The standard deviation of population is 2.

To calculate the z-score, we would use the following formula:

z = ( x̅ – μ0 ) / (σ /√n)

z = (5'5" - 5'4") / (2" / √100)

z = 0.5 / (0.045)

We will reject the null hypothesis as the z-score of 11.11 is very large and conclude that there is evidence to suggest that the average height of women in the US is greater than 5'4".

Steps in Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method to determine if there is enough evidence in a sample of data to infer that a certain condition is true for the entire population. Here’s a breakdown of the typical steps involved in hypothesis testing:

Formulate Hypotheses

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): This hypothesis states that there is no effect or difference, and it is the hypothesis you attempt to reject with your test.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1 or Ha): This hypothesis is what you might believe to be true or hope to prove true. It is usually considered the opposite of the null hypothesis.

Choose the Significance Level (α)

The significance level, often denoted by alpha (α), is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. Common choices for α are 0.05 (5%), 0.01 (1%), and 0.10 (10%).

Select the Appropriate Test

Choose a statistical test based on the type of data and the hypothesis. Common tests include t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis. The selection depends on data type, distribution, sample size, and whether the hypothesis is one-tailed or two-tailed.

Collect Data

Gather the data that will be analyzed in the test. This data should be representative of the population to infer conclusions accurately.

Calculate the Test Statistic

Based on the collected data and the chosen test, calculate a test statistic that reflects how much the observed data deviates from the null hypothesis.

Determine the p-value

The p-value is the probability of observing test results at least as extreme as the results observed, assuming the null hypothesis is correct. It helps determine the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis.

Make a Decision

Compare the p-value to the chosen significance level:

  • If the p-value ≤ α: Reject the null hypothesis, suggesting sufficient evidence in the data supports the alternative hypothesis.
  • If the p-value > α: Do not reject the null hypothesis, suggesting insufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

Report the Results

Present the findings from the hypothesis test, including the test statistic, p-value, and the conclusion about the hypotheses.

Perform Post-hoc Analysis (if necessary)

Depending on the results and the study design, further analysis may be needed to explore the data more deeply or to address multiple comparisons if several hypotheses were tested simultaneously.

Types of Hypothesis Testing

To determine whether a discovery or relationship is statistically significant, hypothesis testing uses a z-test. It usually checks to see if two means are the same (the null hypothesis). Only when the population standard deviation is known and the sample size is 30 data points or more, can a z-test be applied.

A statistical test called a t-test is employed to compare the means of two groups. To determine whether two groups differ or if a procedure or treatment affects the population of interest, it is frequently used in hypothesis testing.


You utilize a Chi-square test for hypothesis testing concerning whether your data is as predicted. To determine if the expected and observed results are well-fitted, the Chi-square test analyzes the differences between categorical variables from a random sample. The test's fundamental premise is that the observed values in your data should be compared to the predicted values that would be present if the null hypothesis were true.

Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

Both confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are inferential techniques that depend on approximating the sample distribution. Data from a sample is used to estimate a population parameter using confidence intervals. Data from a sample is used in hypothesis testing to examine a given hypothesis. We must have a postulated parameter to conduct hypothesis testing.

Bootstrap distributions and randomization distributions are created using comparable simulation techniques. The observed sample statistic is the focal point of a bootstrap distribution, whereas the null hypothesis value is the focal point of a randomization distribution.

A variety of feasible population parameter estimates are included in confidence ranges. In this lesson, we created just two-tailed confidence intervals. There is a direct connection between these two-tail confidence intervals and these two-tail hypothesis tests. The results of a two-tailed hypothesis test and two-tailed confidence intervals typically provide the same results. In other words, a hypothesis test at the 0.05 level will virtually always fail to reject the null hypothesis if the 95% confidence interval contains the predicted value. A hypothesis test at the 0.05 level will nearly certainly reject the null hypothesis if the 95% confidence interval does not include the hypothesized parameter.

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Simple and Composite Hypothesis Testing

Depending on the population distribution, you can classify the statistical hypothesis into two types.

Simple Hypothesis: A simple hypothesis specifies an exact value for the parameter.

Composite Hypothesis: A composite hypothesis specifies a range of values.

A company is claiming that their average sales for this quarter are 1000 units. This is an example of a simple hypothesis.

Suppose the company claims that the sales are in the range of 900 to 1000 units. Then this is a case of a composite hypothesis.

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Hypothesis Testing

The One-Tailed test, also called a directional test, considers a critical region of data that would result in the null hypothesis being rejected if the test sample falls into it, inevitably meaning the acceptance of the alternate hypothesis.

In a one-tailed test, the critical distribution area is one-sided, meaning the test sample is either greater or lesser than a specific value.

In two tails, the test sample is checked to be greater or less than a range of values in a Two-Tailed test, implying that the critical distribution area is two-sided.

If the sample falls within this range, the alternate hypothesis will be accepted, and the null hypothesis will be rejected.

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Right Tailed Hypothesis Testing

If the larger than (>) sign appears in your hypothesis statement, you are using a right-tailed test, also known as an upper test. Or, to put it another way, the disparity is to the right. For instance, you can contrast the battery life before and after a change in production. Your hypothesis statements can be the following if you want to know if the battery life is longer than the original (let's say 90 hours):

  • The null hypothesis is (H0 <= 90) or less change.
  • A possibility is that battery life has risen (H1) > 90.

The crucial point in this situation is that the alternate hypothesis (H1), not the null hypothesis, decides whether you get a right-tailed test.

Left Tailed Hypothesis Testing

Alternative hypotheses that assert the true value of a parameter is lower than the null hypothesis are tested with a left-tailed test; they are indicated by the asterisk "<".

Suppose H0: mean = 50 and H1: mean not equal to 50

According to the H1, the mean can be greater than or less than 50. This is an example of a Two-tailed test.

In a similar manner, if H0: mean >=50, then H1: mean <50

Here the mean is less than 50. It is called a One-tailed test.

Type 1 and Type 2 Error

A hypothesis test can result in two types of errors.

Type 1 Error: A Type-I error occurs when sample results reject the null hypothesis despite being true.

Type 2 Error: A Type-II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false, unlike a Type-I error.

Suppose a teacher evaluates the examination paper to decide whether a student passes or fails.

H0: Student has passed

H1: Student has failed

Type I error will be the teacher failing the student [rejects H0] although the student scored the passing marks [H0 was true]. 

Type II error will be the case where the teacher passes the student [do not reject H0] although the student did not score the passing marks [H1 is true].

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Limitations of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing has some limitations that researchers should be aware of:

  • It cannot prove or establish the truth: Hypothesis testing provides evidence to support or reject a hypothesis, but it cannot confirm the absolute truth of the research question.
  • Results are sample-specific: Hypothesis testing is based on analyzing a sample from a population, and the conclusions drawn are specific to that particular sample.
  • Possible errors: During hypothesis testing, there is a chance of committing type I error (rejecting a true null hypothesis) or type II error (failing to reject a false null hypothesis).
  • Assumptions and requirements: Different tests have specific assumptions and requirements that must be met to accurately interpret results.

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After reading this tutorial, you would have a much better understanding of hypothesis testing, one of the most important concepts in the field of Data Science . The majority of hypotheses are based on speculation about observed behavior, natural phenomena, or established theories.

If you are interested in statistics of data science and skills needed for such a career, you ought to explore the Post Graduate Program in Data Science.

If you have any questions regarding this ‘Hypothesis Testing In Statistics’ tutorial, do share them in the comment section. Our subject matter expert will respond to your queries. Happy learning!

1. What is hypothesis testing in statistics with example?

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to determine if there is enough evidence in a sample data to draw conclusions about a population. It involves formulating two competing hypotheses, the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha), and then collecting data to assess the evidence. An example: testing if a new drug improves patient recovery (Ha) compared to the standard treatment (H0) based on collected patient data.

2. What is H0 and H1 in statistics?

In statistics, H0​ and H1​ represent the null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis, H0​, is the default assumption that no effect or difference exists between groups or conditions. The alternative hypothesis, H1​, is the competing claim suggesting an effect or a difference. Statistical tests determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis based on the data.

3. What is a simple hypothesis with an example?

A simple hypothesis is a specific statement predicting a single relationship between two variables. It posits a direct and uncomplicated outcome. For example, a simple hypothesis might state, "Increased sunlight exposure increases the growth rate of sunflowers." Here, the hypothesis suggests a direct relationship between the amount of sunlight (independent variable) and the growth rate of sunflowers (dependent variable), with no additional variables considered.

4. What are the 3 major types of hypothesis?

The three major types of hypotheses are:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): Represents the default assumption, stating that there is no significant effect or relationship in the data.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Contradicts the null hypothesis and proposes a specific effect or relationship that researchers want to investigate.
  • Nondirectional Hypothesis: An alternative hypothesis that doesn't specify the direction of the effect, leaving it open for both positive and negative possibilities.

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About the Author

Avijeet Biswal

Avijeet is a Senior Research Analyst at Simplilearn. Passionate about Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning, Avijeet is also interested in politics, cricket, and football.

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The Genius Blog

Hypothesis Testing Solved Examples(Questions and Solutions)

Here is a list hypothesis testing exercises and solutions. Try to solve a question by yourself first before you look at the solution.

Question 1 In the population, the average IQ is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. A team of scientists want to test a new medication to see if it has either a positive or negative effect on intelligence, or not effect at all. A sample of 30 participants who have taken the medication  has a mean of 140. Did the medication affect intelligence? View Solution to Question 1

A professor wants to know if her introductory statistics class has a good grasp of basic math. Six students are chosen at random from the class and given a math proficiency test. The professor wants the class to be able to score above 70 on the test. The six students get the following scores:62, 92, 75, 68, 83, 95. Can the professor have 90% confidence that the mean score for the class on the test would be above 70. Solution to Question 2

Question 3 In a packaging plant, a machine packs cartons with jars. It is supposed that a new machine would pack faster on the average than the machine currently used. To test the hypothesis, the time it takes each machine to pack ten cartons are recorded. The result in seconds is as follows.

 42.1 42.7
 41 43.6
 41.3 43.8
 41.8 43.3
 42.4 42.5
 42.8 43.5
 43.2 43.1
 42.3 41.7
 41.8 44

Do the data provide sufficient evidence to conclude that, on the average, the new machine packs faster? Perform  the required hypothesis test at the 5% level of significance. Solution to Question 3 

Question 4 We want to compare the heights in inches of two groups of individuals. Here are the measurements: X: 175, 168, 168, 190, 156, 181, 182, 175, 174, 179 Y:  120, 180, 125, 188, 130, 190, 110, 185, 112, 188 Solution to Question 4 

Question 5 A clinic provides a program to help their clients lose weight and asks a consumer agency to investigate the effectiveness of the program. The agency takes a sample of 15 people, weighing each person in the sample before the program begins and 3 months later. The results a tabulated below

Determine is the program is effective. Solution to Question 5

Question 6 A sample of 20 students were selected and given a diagnostic module prior to studying for a test. And then they were given the test again after completing the module. . The result of the students scores in the test before and after the test is tabulated below.

We want to see if there is significant improvement in the student’s performance due to this teaching method Solution to Question 6 

Question 7 A study was performed to test wether cars get better mileage on premium gas than on regular gas. Each of 10 cars was first filled with regular or premium gas, decided by a coin toss, and the mileage for the tank was recorded. The mileage was recorded again for the same cars using other kind of gasoline. Determine wether cars get significantly better mileage with premium gas.

Mileage with regular gas: 16,20,21,22,23,22,27,25,27,28 Mileage with premium gas: 19, 22,24,24,25,25,26,26,28,32 Solution to Question 7 

Question 8  An automatic cutter machine must cut steel strips of 1200 mm length. From a preliminary data, we checked that the lengths of the pieces produced by the machine can be considered as normal random variables  with a 3mm standard deviation. We want to make sure that the machine is set correctly. Therefore 16 pieces of the products are randomly selected and weight. The figures were in mm: 1193,1196,1198,1195,1198,1199,1204,1193,1203,1201,1196,1200,1191,1196,1198,1191 Examine wether there is any significant deviation from the required size Solution to Question 8

Question 9 Blood pressure reading of ten patients before and after medication for reducing the blood pressure are as follows

Patient: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Before treatment: 86,84,78,90,92,77,89,90,90,86 After treatment:    80,80,92,79,92,82,88,89,92,83

Test the null hypothesis of no effect agains the alternate hypothesis that medication is effective. Execute it with Wilcoxon test Solution to Question 9

Question on ANOVA Sussan Sound predicts that students will learn most effectively with a constant background sound, as opposed to an unpredictable sound or no sound at all. She randomly divides 24 students into three groups of 8 each. All students study a passage of text for 30 minutes. Those in group 1 study with background sound at a constant volume in the background. Those in group 2 study with nose that changes volume periodically. Those in group 3 study with no sound at all. After studying, all students take a 10 point multiple choice test over the material. Their scores are tabulated below.

Group1: Constant sound: 7,4,6,8,6,6,2,9 Group 2: Random sound: 5,5,3,4,4,7,2,2 Group 3: No sound at all: 2,4,7,1,2,1,5,5 Solution to Question 10

Question 11 Using the following three groups of data, perform a one-way analysis of variance using α  = 0.05.


Solution to Question 11

Question 12 In a packaging plant, a machine packs cartons with jars. It is supposed that a new machine would pack faster on the average than the machine currently used. To test the hypothesis, the time it takes each machine to pack ten cartons are recorded. The result in seconds is as follows.

New Machine: 42,41,41.3,41.8,42.4,42.8,43.2,42.3,41.8,42.7 Old Machine:  42.7,43.6,43.8,43.3,42.5,43.5,43.1,41.7,44,44.1

Perform an F-test to determine if the null hypothesis should be accepted. Solution to Question 12

Question 13 A random sample 500 U.S adults are questioned about their political affiliation and opinion on a tax reform bill. We need to test if the political affiliation and their opinon on a tax reform bill are dependent, at 5% level of significance. The observed contingency table is given below.


Solution to Question 13

Question 14 Can a dice be considered regular which is showing the following frequency distribution during 1000 throws?


Solution to Question 14

Solution to Question 15

Question 16 A newly developed muesli contains five types of seeds (A, B, C, D and E). The percentage of which is 35%, 25%, 20%, 10% and 10% according to the product information. In a randomly selected muesli, the following volume distribution was found.

Number of Pieces1841451006363

Lets us decide about the null hypothesis whether the composition of the sample corresponds to the distribution indicated on the packaging at alpha = 0.1 significance level. Solution to Question 16

Question 17 A research team investigated whether there was any significant correlation between the severity of a certain disease runoff and the age of the patients. During the study, data for n = 200 patients were collected and grouped according to the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. The table below shows the result


Let us decided about the correlation between the age of the patients and the severity of disease progression. Solution to Question 17

Question 18 A publisher is interested in determine which of three book cover is most attractive. He interviews 400 people in each of the three states (California, Illinois and New York), and asks each person which of the  cover he or she prefers. The number of preference for each cover is as follows:


Do these data indicate that there are regional differences in people’s preferences concerning these covers? Use the 0.05 level of significance. Solution to Question 18

Question 19 Trees planted along the road were checked for which ones are healthy(H) or diseased (D) and the following arrangement of the trees were obtained:


Test at the    = 0.05 significance wether this arrangement may be regarded as random

Solution to Question 19 

Question 20 Suppose we flip a coin n = 15 times and come up with the following arrangements


(H = head, T = tail)

Test at the alpha = 0.05 significance level whether this arrangement may be regarded as random.

Solution to Question 20


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Understanding Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing involves formulating assumptions about population parameters based on sample statistics and rigorously evaluating these assumptions against empirical evidence. This article sheds light on the significance of hypothesis testing and the critical steps involved in the process.

What is Hypothesis Testing?

A hypothesis is an assumption or idea, specifically a statistical claim about an unknown population parameter. For example, a judge assumes a person is innocent and verifies this by reviewing evidence and hearing testimony before reaching a verdict.

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used to make a statistical decision using experimental data. Hypothesis testing is basically an assumption that we make about a population parameter. It evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement is best supported by the sample data. 

To test the validity of the claim or assumption about the population parameter:

  • A sample is drawn from the population and analyzed.
  • The results of the analysis are used to decide whether the claim is true or not.
Example: You say an average height in the class is 30 or a boy is taller than a girl. All of these is an assumption that we are assuming, and we need some statistical way to prove these. We need some mathematical conclusion whatever we are assuming is true.

Defining Hypotheses

  • Null hypothesis (H 0 ): In statistics, the null hypothesis is a general statement or default position that there is no relationship between two measured cases or no relationship among groups. In other words, it is a basic assumption or made based on the problem knowledge. Example : A company’s mean production is 50 units/per da H 0 : [Tex]\mu [/Tex] = 50.
  • Alternative hypothesis (H 1 ): The alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis used in hypothesis testing that is contrary to the null hypothesis.  Example: A company’s production is not equal to 50 units/per day i.e. H 1 : [Tex]\mu [/Tex] [Tex]\ne [/Tex] 50.

Key Terms of Hypothesis Testing

  • Level of significance : It refers to the degree of significance in which we accept or reject the null hypothesis. 100% accuracy is not possible for accepting a hypothesis, so we, therefore, select a level of significance that is usually 5%. This is normally denoted with  [Tex]\alpha[/Tex] and generally, it is 0.05 or 5%, which means your output should be 95% confident to give a similar kind of result in each sample.
  • P-value: The P value , or calculated probability, is the probability of finding the observed/extreme results when the null hypothesis(H0) of a study-given problem is true. If your P-value is less than the chosen significance level then you reject the null hypothesis i.e. accept that your sample claims to support the alternative hypothesis.
  • Test Statistic: The test statistic is a numerical value calculated from sample data during a hypothesis test, used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. It is compared to a critical value or p-value to make decisions about the statistical significance of the observed results.
  • Critical value : The critical value in statistics is a threshold or cutoff point used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test.
  • Degrees of freedom: Degrees of freedom are associated with the variability or freedom one has in estimating a parameter. The degrees of freedom are related to the sample size and determine the shape.

Why do we use Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing is an important procedure in statistics. Hypothesis testing evaluates two mutually exclusive population statements to determine which statement is most supported by sample data. When we say that the findings are statistically significant, thanks to hypothesis testing. 

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Test

One tailed test focuses on one direction, either greater than or less than a specified value. We use a one-tailed test when there is a clear directional expectation based on prior knowledge or theory. The critical region is located on only one side of the distribution curve. If the sample falls into this critical region, the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

One-Tailed Test

There are two types of one-tailed test:

  • Left-Tailed (Left-Sided) Test: The alternative hypothesis asserts that the true parameter value is less than the null hypothesis. Example: H 0 ​: [Tex]\mu \geq 50 [/Tex] and H 1 : [Tex]\mu < 50 [/Tex]
  • Right-Tailed (Right-Sided) Test : The alternative hypothesis asserts that the true parameter value is greater than the null hypothesis. Example: H 0 : [Tex]\mu \leq50 [/Tex] and H 1 : [Tex]\mu > 50 [/Tex]

Two-Tailed Test

A two-tailed test considers both directions, greater than and less than a specified value.We use a two-tailed test when there is no specific directional expectation, and want to detect any significant difference.

Example: H 0 : [Tex]\mu = [/Tex] 50 and H 1 : [Tex]\mu \neq 50 [/Tex]

To delve deeper into differences into both types of test: Refer to link

What are Type 1 and Type 2 errors in Hypothesis Testing?

In hypothesis testing, Type I and Type II errors are two possible errors that researchers can make when drawing conclusions about a population based on a sample of data. These errors are associated with the decisions made regarding the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.

  • Type I error: When we reject the null hypothesis, although that hypothesis was true. Type I error is denoted by alpha( [Tex]\alpha [/Tex] ).
  • Type II errors : When we accept the null hypothesis, but it is false. Type II errors are denoted by beta( [Tex]\beta [/Tex] ).

Null Hypothesis is True

Null Hypothesis is False

Null Hypothesis is True (Accept)

Correct Decision

Type II Error (False Negative)

Alternative Hypothesis is True (Reject)

Type I Error (False Positive)

Correct Decision

How does Hypothesis Testing work?

Step 1: define null and alternative hypothesis.

State the null hypothesis ( [Tex]H_0 [/Tex] ), representing no effect, and the alternative hypothesis ( [Tex]H_1 [/Tex] ​), suggesting an effect or difference.

We first identify the problem about which we want to make an assumption keeping in mind that our assumption should be contradictory to one another, assuming Normally distributed data.

Step 2 – Choose significance level

Select a significance level ( [Tex]\alpha [/Tex] ), typically 0.05, to determine the threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis. It provides validity to our hypothesis test, ensuring that we have sufficient data to back up our claims. Usually, we determine our significance level beforehand of the test. The p-value is the criterion used to calculate our significance value.

Step 3 – Collect and Analyze data.

Gather relevant data through observation or experimentation. Analyze the data using appropriate statistical methods to obtain a test statistic.

Step 4-Calculate Test Statistic

The data for the tests are evaluated in this step we look for various scores based on the characteristics of data. The choice of the test statistic depends on the type of hypothesis test being conducted.

There are various hypothesis tests, each appropriate for various goal to calculate our test. This could be a Z-test , Chi-square , T-test , and so on.

  • Z-test : If population means and standard deviations are known. Z-statistic is commonly used.
  • t-test : If population standard deviations are unknown. and sample size is small than t-test statistic is more appropriate.
  • Chi-square test : Chi-square test is used for categorical data or for testing independence in contingency tables
  • F-test : F-test is often used in analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare variances or test the equality of means across multiple groups.

We have a smaller dataset, So, T-test is more appropriate to test our hypothesis.

T-statistic is a measure of the difference between the means of two groups relative to the variability within each group. It is calculated as the difference between the sample means divided by the standard error of the difference. It is also known as the t-value or t-score.

Step 5 – Comparing Test Statistic:

In this stage, we decide where we should accept the null hypothesis or reject the null hypothesis. There are two ways to decide where we should accept or reject the null hypothesis.

Method A: Using Crtical values

Comparing the test statistic and tabulated critical value we have,

  • If Test Statistic>Critical Value: Reject the null hypothesis.
  • If Test Statistic≤Critical Value: Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Note: Critical values are predetermined threshold values that are used to make a decision in hypothesis testing. To determine critical values for hypothesis testing, we typically refer to a statistical distribution table , such as the normal distribution or t-distribution tables based on.

Method B: Using P-values

We can also come to an conclusion using the p-value,

  • If the p-value is less than or equal to the significance level i.e. ( [Tex]p\leq\alpha [/Tex] ), you reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that the observed results are unlikely to have occurred by chance alone, providing evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
  • If the p-value is greater than the significance level i.e. ( [Tex]p\geq \alpha[/Tex] ), you fail to reject the null hypothesis. This suggests that the observed results are consistent with what would be expected under the null hypothesis.

Note : The p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic as extreme as, or more extreme than, the one observed in the sample, assuming the null hypothesis is true. To determine p-value for hypothesis testing, we typically refer to a statistical distribution table , such as the normal distribution or t-distribution tables based on.

Step 7- Interpret the Results

At last, we can conclude our experiment using method A or B.

Calculating test statistic

To validate our hypothesis about a population parameter we use statistical functions . We use the z-score, p-value, and level of significance(alpha) to make evidence for our hypothesis for normally distributed data .

1. Z-statistics:

When population means and standard deviations are known.

[Tex]z = \frac{\bar{x} – \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}[/Tex]

  • [Tex]\bar{x} [/Tex] is the sample mean,
  • μ represents the population mean, 
  • σ is the standard deviation
  • and n is the size of the sample.

2. T-Statistics

T test is used when n<30,

t-statistic calculation is given by:

[Tex]t=\frac{x̄-μ}{s/\sqrt{n}} [/Tex]

  • t = t-score,
  • x̄ = sample mean
  • μ = population mean,
  • s = standard deviation of the sample,
  • n = sample size

3. Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test for Independence categorical Data (Non-normally distributed) using:

[Tex]\chi^2 = \sum \frac{(O_{ij} – E_{ij})^2}{E_{ij}}[/Tex]

  • [Tex]O_{ij}[/Tex] is the observed frequency in cell [Tex]{ij} [/Tex]
  • i,j are the rows and columns index respectively.
  • [Tex]E_{ij}[/Tex] is the expected frequency in cell [Tex]{ij}[/Tex] , calculated as : [Tex]\frac{{\text{{Row total}} \times \text{{Column total}}}}{{\text{{Total observations}}}}[/Tex]

Real life Examples of Hypothesis Testing

Let’s examine hypothesis testing using two real life situations,

Case A: D oes a New Drug Affect Blood Pressure?

Imagine a pharmaceutical company has developed a new drug that they believe can effectively lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Before bringing the drug to market, they need to conduct a study to assess its impact on blood pressure.

  • Before Treatment: 120, 122, 118, 130, 125, 128, 115, 121, 123, 119
  • After Treatment: 115, 120, 112, 128, 122, 125, 110, 117, 119, 114

Step 1 : Define the Hypothesis

  • Null Hypothesis : (H 0 )The new drug has no effect on blood pressure.
  • Alternate Hypothesis : (H 1 )The new drug has an effect on blood pressure.

Step 2: Define the Significance level

Let’s consider the Significance level at 0.05, indicating rejection of the null hypothesis.

If the evidence suggests less than a 5% chance of observing the results due to random variation.

Step 3 : Compute the test statistic

Using paired T-test analyze the data to obtain a test statistic and a p-value.

The test statistic (e.g., T-statistic) is calculated based on the differences between blood pressure measurements before and after treatment.

t = m/(s/√n)

  • m  = mean of the difference i.e X after, X before
  • s  = standard deviation of the difference (d) i.e d i ​= X after, i ​− X before,
  • n  = sample size,

then, m= -3.9, s= 1.8 and n= 10

we, calculate the , T-statistic = -9 based on the formula for paired t test

Step 4: Find the p-value

The calculated t-statistic is -9 and degrees of freedom df = 9, you can find the p-value using statistical software or a t-distribution table.

thus, p-value = 8.538051223166285e-06

Step 5: Result

  • If the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05, the researchers reject the null hypothesis.
  • If the p-value is greater than 0.05, they fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Conclusion: Since the p-value (8.538051223166285e-06) is less than the significance level (0.05), the researchers reject the null hypothesis. There is statistically significant evidence that the average blood pressure before and after treatment with the new drug is different.

Python Implementation of Case A

Let’s create hypothesis testing with python, where we are testing whether a new drug affects blood pressure. For this example, we will use a paired T-test. We’ll use the scipy.stats library for the T-test.

Scipy is a mathematical library in Python that is mostly used for mathematical equations and computations.

We will implement our first real life problem via python,

import numpy as np from scipy import stats # Data before_treatment = np . array ([ 120 , 122 , 118 , 130 , 125 , 128 , 115 , 121 , 123 , 119 ]) after_treatment = np . array ([ 115 , 120 , 112 , 128 , 122 , 125 , 110 , 117 , 119 , 114 ]) # Step 1: Null and Alternate Hypotheses # Null Hypothesis: The new drug has no effect on blood pressure. # Alternate Hypothesis: The new drug has an effect on blood pressure. null_hypothesis = "The new drug has no effect on blood pressure." alternate_hypothesis = "The new drug has an effect on blood pressure." # Step 2: Significance Level alpha = 0.05 # Step 3: Paired T-test t_statistic , p_value = stats . ttest_rel ( after_treatment , before_treatment ) # Step 4: Calculate T-statistic manually m = np . mean ( after_treatment - before_treatment ) s = np . std ( after_treatment - before_treatment , ddof = 1 ) # using ddof=1 for sample standard deviation n = len ( before_treatment ) t_statistic_manual = m / ( s / np . sqrt ( n )) # Step 5: Decision if p_value <= alpha : decision = "Reject" else : decision = "Fail to reject" # Conclusion if decision == "Reject" : conclusion = "There is statistically significant evidence that the average blood pressure before and after treatment with the new drug is different." else : conclusion = "There is insufficient evidence to claim a significant difference in average blood pressure before and after treatment with the new drug." # Display results print ( "T-statistic (from scipy):" , t_statistic ) print ( "P-value (from scipy):" , p_value ) print ( "T-statistic (calculated manually):" , t_statistic_manual ) print ( f "Decision: { decision } the null hypothesis at alpha= { alpha } ." ) print ( "Conclusion:" , conclusion )

T-statistic (from scipy): -9.0 P-value (from scipy): 8.538051223166285e-06 T-statistic (calculated manually): -9.0 Decision: Reject the null hypothesis at alpha=0.05. Conclusion: There is statistically significant evidence that the average blood pressure before and after treatment with the new drug is different.

In the above example, given the T-statistic of approximately -9 and an extremely small p-value, the results indicate a strong case to reject the null hypothesis at a significance level of 0.05. 

  • The results suggest that the new drug, treatment, or intervention has a significant effect on lowering blood pressure.
  • The negative T-statistic indicates that the mean blood pressure after treatment is significantly lower than the assumed population mean before treatment.

Case B : Cholesterol level in a population

Data: A sample of 25 individuals is taken, and their cholesterol levels are measured.

Cholesterol Levels (mg/dL): 205, 198, 210, 190, 215, 205, 200, 192, 198, 205, 198, 202, 208, 200, 205, 198, 205, 210, 192, 205, 198, 205, 210, 192, 205.

Populations Mean = 200

Population Standard Deviation (σ): 5 mg/dL(given for this problem)

Step 1: Define the Hypothesis

  • Null Hypothesis (H 0 ): The average cholesterol level in a population is 200 mg/dL.
  • Alternate Hypothesis (H 1 ): The average cholesterol level in a population is different from 200 mg/dL.

As the direction of deviation is not given , we assume a two-tailed test, and based on a normal distribution table, the critical values for a significance level of 0.05 (two-tailed) can be calculated through the z-table and are approximately -1.96 and 1.96.

The test statistic is calculated by using the z formula Z = [Tex](203.8 – 200) / (5 \div \sqrt{25}) [/Tex] ​ and we get accordingly , Z =2.039999999999992.

Step 4: Result

Since the absolute value of the test statistic (2.04) is greater than the critical value (1.96), we reject the null hypothesis. And conclude that, there is statistically significant evidence that the average cholesterol level in the population is different from 200 mg/dL

Python Implementation of Case B

import scipy.stats as stats import math import numpy as np # Given data sample_data = np . array ( [ 205 , 198 , 210 , 190 , 215 , 205 , 200 , 192 , 198 , 205 , 198 , 202 , 208 , 200 , 205 , 198 , 205 , 210 , 192 , 205 , 198 , 205 , 210 , 192 , 205 ]) population_std_dev = 5 population_mean = 200 sample_size = len ( sample_data ) # Step 1: Define the Hypotheses # Null Hypothesis (H0): The average cholesterol level in a population is 200 mg/dL. # Alternate Hypothesis (H1): The average cholesterol level in a population is different from 200 mg/dL. # Step 2: Define the Significance Level alpha = 0.05 # Two-tailed test # Critical values for a significance level of 0.05 (two-tailed) critical_value_left = stats . norm . ppf ( alpha / 2 ) critical_value_right = - critical_value_left # Step 3: Compute the test statistic sample_mean = sample_data . mean () z_score = ( sample_mean - population_mean ) / \ ( population_std_dev / math . sqrt ( sample_size )) # Step 4: Result # Check if the absolute value of the test statistic is greater than the critical values if abs ( z_score ) > max ( abs ( critical_value_left ), abs ( critical_value_right )): print ( "Reject the null hypothesis." ) print ( "There is statistically significant evidence that the average cholesterol level in the population is different from 200 mg/dL." ) else : print ( "Fail to reject the null hypothesis." ) print ( "There is not enough evidence to conclude that the average cholesterol level in the population is different from 200 mg/dL." )

Reject the null hypothesis. There is statistically significant evidence that the average cholesterol level in the population is different from 200 mg/dL.

Limitations of Hypothesis Testing

  • Although a useful technique, hypothesis testing does not offer a comprehensive grasp of the topic being studied. Without fully reflecting the intricacy or whole context of the phenomena, it concentrates on certain hypotheses and statistical significance.
  • The accuracy of hypothesis testing results is contingent on the quality of available data and the appropriateness of statistical methods used. Inaccurate data or poorly formulated hypotheses can lead to incorrect conclusions.
  • Relying solely on hypothesis testing may cause analysts to overlook significant patterns or relationships in the data that are not captured by the specific hypotheses being tested. This limitation underscores the importance of complimenting hypothesis testing with other analytical approaches.

Hypothesis testing stands as a cornerstone in statistical analysis, enabling data scientists to navigate uncertainties and draw credible inferences from sample data. By systematically defining null and alternative hypotheses, choosing significance levels, and leveraging statistical tests, researchers can assess the validity of their assumptions. The article also elucidates the critical distinction between Type I and Type II errors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the nuanced decision-making process inherent in hypothesis testing. The real-life example of testing a new drug’s effect on blood pressure using a paired T-test showcases the practical application of these principles, underscoring the importance of statistical rigor in data-driven decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what are the 3 types of hypothesis test.

There are three types of hypothesis tests: right-tailed, left-tailed, and two-tailed. Right-tailed tests assess if a parameter is greater, left-tailed if lesser. Two-tailed tests check for non-directional differences, greater or lesser.

2.What are the 4 components of hypothesis testing?

Null Hypothesis ( [Tex]H_o [/Tex] ): No effect or difference exists. Alternative Hypothesis ( [Tex]H_1 [/Tex] ): An effect or difference exists. Significance Level ( [Tex]\alpha [/Tex] ): Risk of rejecting null hypothesis when it’s true (Type I error). Test Statistic: Numerical value representing observed evidence against null hypothesis.

3.What is hypothesis testing in ML?

Statistical method to evaluate the performance and validity of machine learning models. Tests specific hypotheses about model behavior, like whether features influence predictions or if a model generalizes well to unseen data.

4.What is the difference between Pytest and hypothesis in Python?

Pytest purposes general testing framework for Python code while Hypothesis is a Property-based testing framework for Python, focusing on generating test cases based on specified properties of the code.

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Review about the permutation approach in hypothesis testing.

problem statement in hypothesis testing

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Bonnini, S.; Assegie, G.M.; Trzcinska, K. Review about the Permutation Approach in Hypothesis Testing. Mathematics 2024 , 12 , 2617. https://doi.org/10.3390/math12172617

Bonnini S, Assegie GM, Trzcinska K. Review about the Permutation Approach in Hypothesis Testing. Mathematics . 2024; 12(17):2617. https://doi.org/10.3390/math12172617

Bonnini, Stefano, Getnet Melak Assegie, and Kamila Trzcinska. 2024. "Review about the Permutation Approach in Hypothesis Testing" Mathematics 12, no. 17: 2617. https://doi.org/10.3390/math12172617

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    problem statement in hypothesis testing


  1. Hypothesis Testing

    Present the findings in your results and discussion section. Though the specific details might vary, the procedure you will use when testing a hypothesis will always follow some version of these steps. Table of contents. Step 1: State your null and alternate hypothesis. Step 2: Collect data. Step 3: Perform a statistical test.

  2. A Journey into Hypothesis Testing: From Problem to Decision

    Oct 3, 2023. 77. Introduction: Hypothesis testing is a fundamental concept in statistics that helps us make data-driven decisions in various fields, from business to scientific research. In this ...

  3. S.3.3 Hypothesis Testing Examples

    If the biologist set her significance level \(\alpha\) at 0.05 and used the critical value approach to conduct her hypothesis test, she would reject the null hypothesis if her test statistic t* were less than -1.6939 (determined using statistical software or a t-table):s-3-3. Since the biologist's test statistic, t* = -4.60, is less than -1.6939, the biologist rejects the null hypothesis.

  4. Hypothesis Testing, P Values, Confidence Intervals, and Significance

    Hypothesis Testing. Investigators conducting studies need research questions and hypotheses to guide analyses. Starting with broad research questions (RQs), investigators then identify a gap in current clinical practice or research. Any research problem or statement is grounded in a better understanding of relationships between two or more ...

  5. Hypothesis Testing: Uses, Steps & Example

    The researchers write their hypotheses. These statements apply to the population, so they use the mu (μ) symbol for the population mean parameter.. Null Hypothesis (H 0): The population means of the test scores for the two groups are equal (μ 1 = μ 2).; Alternative Hypothesis (H A): The population means of the test scores for the two groups are unequal (μ 1 ≠ μ 2).

  6. Mastering Hypothesis Testing: A Comprehensive Guide for

    1. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing - Definition and significance in research and data analysis. - Brief historical background. 2. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing - Null and Alternative…

  7. 6.3: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    The null hypothesis is the statement of no change (the dull hypothesis). In this context, the proportion of coin spins that land tails up is 50% (the same as flipping a penny). In mathematical symbols, \(H_0: p=0.5\) Daquan's claim is what we call the alternative hypothesis. The proportion of coin spins that land tails up is actually more than ...

  8. S.3 Hypothesis Testing

    S.3 Hypothesis Testing. In reviewing hypothesis tests, we start first with the general idea. Then, we keep returning to the basic procedures of hypothesis testing, each time adding a little more detail. The general idea of hypothesis testing involves: Making an initial assumption. Collecting evidence (data).

  9. 6a.2

    Below these are summarized into six such steps to conducting a test of a hypothesis. Set up the hypotheses and check conditions: Each hypothesis test includes two hypotheses about the population. One is the null hypothesis, notated as H 0, which is a statement of a particular parameter value. This hypothesis is assumed to be true until there is ...

  10. Hypothesis Testing

    How do you know if these statements hold water? Enter hypothesis testing. 2. Steps in Hypothesis Testing. Set up Hypotheses: Begin with a null hypothesis (H0) and an alternative hypothesis (Ha). Choose a Significance Level (α): Typically 0.05, this is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it's actually true. Think of it as ...

  11. How to Write a Strong Hypothesis

    The specific group being studied. The predicted outcome of the experiment or analysis. 5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways. To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in if…then form. The first part of the sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable.

  12. 9.2: Hypothesis Testing

    Null and Alternative Hypotheses. The actual test begins by considering two hypotheses.They are called the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.These hypotheses contain opposing viewpoints. \(H_0\): The null hypothesis: It is a statement of no difference between the variables—they are not related. This can often be considered the status quo and as a result if you cannot accept the ...

  13. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    A hypothesis test consists of five steps: 1. State the hypotheses. State the null and alternative hypotheses. These two hypotheses need to be mutually exclusive, so if one is true then the other must be false. 2. Determine a significance level to use for the hypothesis. Decide on a significance level.

  14. A Beginner's Guide to Hypothesis Testing in Business

    3. One-Sided vs. Two-Sided Testing. When it's time to test your hypothesis, it's important to leverage the correct testing method. The two most common hypothesis testing methods are one-sided and two-sided tests, or one-tailed and two-tailed tests, respectively. Typically, you'd leverage a one-sided test when you have a strong conviction ...

  15. How to Write Hypothesis Test Conclusions (With Examples)

    When writing the conclusion of a hypothesis test, we typically include: Whether we reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. The significance level. A short explanation in the context of the hypothesis test. For example, we would write: We reject the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level.

  16. 9.E: Hypothesis Testing with One Sample (Exercises)

    Registered nurses earned an average annual salary of $69,110. For that same year, a survey was conducted of 41 California registered nurses to determine if the annual salary is higher than $69,110 for California nurses. The sample average was $71,121 with a sample standard deviation of $7,489. Conduct a hypothesis test.

  17. Hypothesis Testing: 4 Steps and Example

    Hypothesis testing is an act in statistics whereby an analyst tests an assumption regarding a population parameter. The methodology employed by the analyst depends on the nature of the data used ...

  18. Hypothesis Testing

    Example: Criminal Trial Analogy. First, state 2 hypotheses, the null hypothesis ("H 0 ") and the alternative hypothesis ("H A "). H 0: Defendant is not guilty.; H A: Defendant is guilty.; Usually the H 0 is a statement of "no effect", or "no change", or "chance only" about a population parameter.. While the H A, depending on the situation, is that there is a difference ...

  19. T-test and Hypothesis Testing (Explained Simply)

    Student's t-tests are commonly used in inferential statistics for testing a hypothesis on the basis of a difference between sample means. However, people often misinterpret the results of t-tests, which leads to false research findings and a lack of reproducibility of studies. This problem exists not only among students.

  20. Hypothesis Testing

    The null hypothesis is a concise mathematical statement that is used to indicate that there is no difference between two possibilities. In other words, there is no difference between certain characteristics of data. ... The best way to solve a problem on hypothesis testing is by applying the 5 steps mentioned in the previous section ...

  21. Hypothesis Testing: Solved Example Problems

    Statistical Inference : Hypothesis Testing: Solved Example Problems. Example 8.14. An auto company decided to introduce a new six cylinder car whose mean petrol consumption is claimed to be lower than that of the existing auto engine. It was found that the mean petrol consumption for the 50 cars was 10 km per litre with a standard deviation of ...

  22. Hypothesis Testing in Statistics

    In other words, a hypothesis test at the 0.05 level will virtually always fail to reject the null hypothesis if the 95% confidence interval contains the predicted value. A hypothesis test at the 0.05 level will nearly certainly reject the null hypothesis if the 95% confidence interval does not include the hypothesized parameter.

  23. Hypothesis Testing Solved Examples(Questions and Solutions)

    View Solution to Question 1. Question 2. A professor wants to know if her introductory statistics class has a good grasp of basic math. Six students are chosen at random from the class and given a math proficiency test. The professor wants the class to be able to score above 70 on the test. The six students get the following scores:62, 92, 75 ...

  24. Understanding Hypothesis Testing

    Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used to make a statistical decision using experimental data. Hypothesis testing is basically an assumption that we make about a population parameter. It evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement is best supported by the sample data.

  25. Review about the Permutation Approach in Hypothesis Testing

    Today, permutation tests represent a powerful and increasingly widespread tool of statistical inference for hypothesis-testing problems. To the best of our knowledge, a review of the application of permutation tests for complex data in practical data analysis for hypothesis testing is missing. In particular, it is essential to review the application of permutation tests in two-sample or multi ...