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ProbonoBonobo / test_pyfun_workshop_2.py

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import os
import re
from unittest import TestCase
import unittest
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE
import time
import json
class Session:
def __init__(self, username='kevin', pin='3141', noauth=False):
self.username = username
self.pin = pin
self.proc = subprocess.Popen("python app.py",
self._buffer = []
self._stdout = None
self._stderr = None
if not noauth:
self.authenticate(username, pin)
def authenticate(self, username, pin):
self.write(username, pin, username, pin)
def write(self, *lines):
for line in lines:
self.proc.stdin.write(str(line).encode() + b'\n')
def __repr__(self):
return json.dumps({"stdin": self._buffer,
"stdout": self.stdout.split("\n"),
"stderr": self.stderr.split("\n"),
"ok": not self.stderr.split("\n")}, indent=4)
def stdout(self):
if self._stdout:
return self._stdout.decode()
self._stdout, self._stderr = self.proc.communicate(timeout=1)
return self._stdout.decode()
def stderr(self):
if self._stderr:
return self._stderr.decode()
self._stdout, self._stderr = self.proc.communicate(timeout=1)
return self._stderr.decode()
class TestATM(TestCase):
def test_submission_implements_correct_directory_structure(self):
import sys, os
assert os.path.isfile("app.py")
assert os.path.isdir("banking_pkg")
assert os.path.isfile("banking_pkg/account.py")
from banking_pkg import account
assert hasattr(account, 'show_balance')
assert hasattr(account, 'withdraw')
assert hasattr(account, 'deposit')
assert hasattr(account, 'logout')
except ImportError:
raise AssertionError(f'Failed to import app from {os.getcwd()}')
def test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_name(self):
sess = Session(username='Mr. Guido van Rossum', pin='3141')
assert 'registered' not in sess.stdout.lower(), "Names longer than 10 characters should be rejected"
def test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_pin(self):
sess = Session(username='kevin', pin='asdf')
assert 'registered' not in sess.stdout.lower(), """
I had to double-check the instructions on this one: surprisingly neither Task 2
nor Bonus Task 2 explicitly say to reject non-numeric inputs, only that "a PIN
should consist of 4 numbers." (Although it also says "4 characters" in other places,
so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?) Thank goodness, because that means your points are safe. Note
that string objects in Python have a built-in method, `isnumeric`, which works much
like other string methods we've seen, such as `upper` and `strip`:
>>> "32".isnumeric()
>>> "3.14159265358979".isnumeric()
As you can see it returns a True/False value corresponding simply to whether all character
points contained in a string correspond to decimal (0-9) numbers. Definitely a convenient
utility function for this exercise. (See also: `isalpha` and `isalnum` which work in much
the same way.)
def test_interface_rejects_authentication_attempt_with_invalid_pin(self):
sess = Session(noauth=True)
sess.write("kevin", "1234", "kevin", "9876", 4)
assert """| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |""" not in sess.stdout
def test_atm_implements_customer_show_balance_functionality(self):
sess = Session()
assert re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?0[^\d]",
sess.stdout.lower()), "Balance should be $100"
def test_atm_implements_customer_deposit_functionality(self):
sess = Session()
sess.write(2, 100, 1)
assert re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?100[^\d]",
sess.stdout.lower()), "Balance should be $100"
def test_atm_implements_customer_withdraw_functionality(self):
sess = Session()
sess.write('2', 100, '3', 10, '1')
assert re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?90",
sess.stdout.lower()), "Balance should be $90"
def test_atm_implements_customer_logout_functionality(self):
sess = Session(username='kevin')
assert not sess.stderr or 'bye' in sess.stdout
def test_atm_says_goodbye_when_customer_logs_out(self):
sess = Session(username='kevin')
assert re.search(r"bye.{,3}?kevin",
sess.stdout.lower()), "A few of you have a working logout feature, but forgot to print 'Goodbye, " \
"{name}!' before terminating the application. I'm not deducting any points for this " \
"but it's a good habit to double check your submissions one last time before turning them " \
"in to make sure they conform to spec! It seems kinda nitpicky, but certain people I " \
"have worked for over the years have been *extremely* rigid about not accepting deliverables " \
"that deviate from the spec even in tiny ways. (I hope I never turn into that kind of person)"
def test_interface_rejects_withdrawal_amounts_greater_than_account_balance(self):
sess = Session()
sess.write('3', '100', '1')
assert re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?0[^\d]", sess.stdout.lower()), 'Hmmmm is account balance non-zero?'
def test_interface_prevents_negative_withdrawals(self):
sess = Session()
sess.write('3', '-1000000000', '1')
assert not re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?1000000000",
sess.stdout.lower()), "An easy-to-miss, but noteworthy/hilarious edge case: note what " \
"happens when a customer withdraws a negative amount. If our ATM " \
"doesn't explicitly prohibit this, that customer's balance will then " \
"increment by the absolute value of the deposit. Feel free to... not " \
"fix this. Definitely a feature. (Woooooooooooooooo! Just made a " \
"billion dollars QA testing! Best ATM ever.)"
def test_interface_prints_nicely_formatted_USD_currency_amounts(self):
sess = Session()
sess.write('3.14159265358979323', '1')
assert re.search(
sess.stdout), """Totally optional, but Python's defines a handy built-in function, `round`, which can be useful
when working with floating point values -- especially currencies. It takes a floating point number, an integer-valued
number of decimal places, and rounds the floating point number to the specified precision. In the case of an ATM
interface, it might make sense to ensure that fractional account balances/deposits/withdrawals are rounded to the
nearest currency unit (e.g., 2 units of decimal precision):
>>> round(3.14159265358979, 2)
import sys
def main(out=sys.stderr, verbosity=4):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
unittest.TextTestRunner(out, verbosity=verbosity).run(suite)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('unittest_results.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f"\nRunning tests for {os.path.dirname(__file__)}/app.py...\n\n")
Sample output:
cat output
$ python -m unittest --verbose --locals
test_atm_implements_customer_deposit_functionality (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_atm_implements_customer_logout_functionality (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_atm_implements_customer_show_balance_functionality (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_atm_implements_customer_withdraw_functionality (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_atm_says_goodbye_when_customer_logs_out (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_interface_prevents_negative_withdrawals (test_app.TestATM) ... FAIL
test_interface_prints_nicely_formatted_USD_currency_amounts (test_app.TestATM) ... FAIL
test_interface_rejects_authentication_attempt_with_invalid_pin (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_name (test_app.TestATM) ... FAIL
test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_pin (test_app.TestATM) ... FAIL
test_interface_rejects_withdrawal_amounts_greater_than_account_balance (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
test_submission_implements_correct_directory_structure (test_app.TestATM) ... ok
FAIL: test_interface_prevents_negative_withdrawals (test_app.TestATM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/test_app.py", line 156, in test_interface_prevents_negative_withdrawals
assert not re.search(r"balance[^\d]+?1000000000",
self = <test_app.TestATM testMethod=test_interface_prevents_negative_withdrawals>
sess = {
"stdin": [
"stdout": [
"Please register your name> Enter your pin> kevin has been registered with a initial balance of $0.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"Enter name> Enter pin> Login successful!",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> Enter amount to withdraw> Your new balance is: $1000000000.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> 1000000000.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> "
"stderr": [
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
" File \"/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/app.py\", line 32, in <module>",
" option = input(\"Choose an option> \")",
"EOFError: EOF when reading a line",
"ok": false
AssertionError: An easy-to-miss, but noteworthy/hilarious edge case: note what happens when a customer withdraws a negative amount. If our ATM doesn't explicitly prohibit this, that customer's balance will then increment by the absolute value of the deposit. Feel free to... not fix this. Definitely a feature. (Woooooooooooooooo! Just made a billion dollars QA testing! Best ATM ever.)
FAIL: test_interface_prints_nicely_formatted_USD_currency_amounts (test_app.TestATM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/test_app.py", line 167, in test_interface_prints_nicely_formatted_USD_currency_amounts
assert re.search(
self = <test_app.TestATM testMethod=test_interface_prints_nicely_formatted_USD_currency_amounts>
sess = {
"stdin": [
"stdout": [
"Please register your name> Enter your pin> kevin has been registered with a initial balance of $0.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"Enter name> Enter pin> Login successful!",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> Invalid option. Try again",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> 0.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> "
"stderr": [
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
" File \"/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/app.py\", line 32, in <module>",
" option = input(\"Choose an option> \")",
"EOFError: EOF when reading a line",
"ok": false
AssertionError: Totally optional, but Python's defines a handy built-in function, `round`, which can be useful
when working with floating point values -- especially currencies. It takes a floating point number, an integer-valued
number of decimal places, and rounds the floating point number to the specified precision. In the case of an ATM
interface, it might make sense to ensure that fractional account balances/deposits/withdrawals are rounded to the
nearest currency unit (e.g., 2 units of decimal precision):
>>> round(3.14159265358979, 2)
FAIL: test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_name (test_app.TestATM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/test_app.py", line 84, in test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_name
assert 'registered' not in sess.stdout.lower(), "Names longer than 10 characters should be rejected"
self = <test_app.TestATM testMethod=test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_name>
sess = {
"stdin": [
"Mr. Guido van Rossum",
"Mr. Guido van Rossum",
"stdout": /
"Please register your name> Enter your pin> Mr. Guido van Rossum has been registered with a initial balance of $0.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"Enter name> Enter pin> Login successful!",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: Mr. Guido van Rossum",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> Goodbye Mr. Guido van Rossum.",
"stderr": [
"ok": false
AssertionError: Names longer than 10 characters should be rejected
FAIL: test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_pin (test_app.TestATM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kz/projects/nucamp/week1/Python Fundamentals-Week 2 Workshop Assignment-ONPA-2021-08-07-4109/student_92676_assignsubmission_file_/workshop2/test_app.py", line 89, in test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_pin
assert 'registered' not in sess.stdout.lower(), """
self = <test_app.TestATM testMethod=test_interface_rejects_registration_attempt_with_invalid_pin>
sess = {
"stdin": [
"stdout": [
"Please register your name> Enter your pin> kevin has been registered with a initial balance of $0.0",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"Enter name> Enter pin> Login successful!",
" === Automated Teller Machine === ",
"User: kevin",
"| 1. Balance | 2. Deposit |",
"| 3. Withdraw | 4. Logout |",
"Choose an option> Goodbye kevin.",
"stderr": [
"ok": false
I had to double-check the instructions on this one: surprisingly neither Task 2
nor Bonus Task 2 explicitly say to reject non-numeric inputs, only that "a PIN
should consist of 4 numbers." (Although it also says "4 characters" in other places,
so... ¯\_()_/¯ ?) Thank goodness, because that means your points are safe. Note
that string objects in Python have a built-in method, `isnumeric`, which works much
like other string methods we've seen, such as `upper` and `strip`:
>>> "32".isnumeric()
>>> "3.14159265358979".isnumeric()
As you can see it returns a True/False value corresponding simply to whether all character
points contained in a string correspond to decimal (0-9) numbers. Definitely a convenient
utility function for this exercise. (See also: `isalpha` and `isalnum` which work in much
the same way.)
Ran 12 tests in 6.818s
FAILED (failures=4)

NuCamp BootCamp – Notes: Table of Contents – Bootstrap

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

NuCamp Full Stack (Class Notes) – Bootstrap

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Note to readers from CS: These notes are very detailed, but also contain stuff that is missing from NuCamps Videos. They are not a substitute for the class. Tests have been left. Other things have been added to make things easier to understand. If you want to really learn take the class. It is worth it! Beware, what you put into the class is what you get out.  Be sure to use my referral code ( WWJSU4 ) if you sign up for a class!

Week 1: Intro to Bootstrap 

  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 1 (Mon) – Bootstrap: NuCamp Bootstrap Begins!
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 1 (Mon) – Bootstrap: Using Git
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 2 (Tues) – Bootstrap: Node and NPM
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 2 (Tues) – Bootstrap: The Web Development Stack and Git
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – Bootstrap: Responsive Web Design
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – Bootstrap: The Bootstrap Grid
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – Bootstrap: Adding Custom Styles & Bootstrap Alignment Classes
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – Bootstrap: Glossary Week 1

Week 2: Bootstrap CSS Components

  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 4 (Mon) – Bootstrap: CSS Components
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 5 (Tues) – Bootstrap: Display Content
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 5 (Tue) – Bootstrap: Glossary Week 2

Week 3: Bootstrap JavaScript Components & More JavaScript 1

  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 6 (Mon) – Bootstrap: JavaScript Components
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Tues) – Bootstrap: Week 3 Glossary
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 8 (Wed) – Bootstrap: JavaScript Fundamentals
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 9 (Thur) – Bootstrap: JavaScript Fundamentals – Making Decisions

Week 4: Web Development Tools & More JavaScript 2

  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 10 (Mon) – Bootstrap: Bootstrap and jQuery | CSS Preprocessors & Sass
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Tues) – Bootstrap: Building and Deployment: NPM Scripts
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Tues) – Bootstrap – Week 4 Glossary
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Tues) – Bootstrap: JavaScript – While and For Loops and also Arrays

Week 5: JavaScript Advanced

  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 12 (Mon) – Bootstrap: JavaScript Advanced
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 13 (Tues) – JavaScript Variables: Var, Let, Const
  • Bootcamp Notes – Day 14 (Wed) – Week 5 Glossary
  • Bootcamp Notes – Portfolio Project – 2021

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

To see the Nucamp campsite working live on a web server go here to see it!

To see my nucamp portfolio project go here to see, project code examples here at codepen (look at only if you get stuck on project. also note codepen does not display the work properly as you will see. you still need to build everything in vs code):, contactus.html, aboutus.html, bootcamp notes – day 3 (wed) – bootstrap: glossary week 1, orlando east region outdoor service, related posts.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

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nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

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nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

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NuCamp Full Stack Web Dev Bootcamp Review

Updated April 2020 at end of post

I'm currently taking the Full Stack bootcamp with NuCamp (November 2019 - April 2020) I'm not living in a big city, so I'm taking the online version where we use daily.co for the Saturday workshops instead of meeting at a co-working space. My fellow students are scattered across the states, and I appreciate the diversity. The online version of the Saturday meetings suffices, but honestly I'd rather meet with other students and my instructor in person if I had the choice. That said, I'm learning quickly and can reach out to my instructor and the NuCamp community by Slack whenever I have a question or find something useful to share with the group.

Right now I'm on week 4 of the Bootstrap course, and am redesigning a website for a past employer. I'm motivated to apply what I learn in the coursework to my own portfolio project. The coursework only takes me an hour or two a day to complete, but I've already spent much more time this week building my website. Real experience writing code and reading documentation to troubleshoot/understand how each component works takes a lot of time, but my results are proof that I'm learning!

If you're unmotivated or busy, it could be easy to sneak through the curriculum at NuCamp just to get a passing grade. If you're starting from zero, expect a steep learning curve. I feel like a kid with a new set of legos, and have too many ideas for what to build with my new toy. Each project I add to my portfolio gets me closer to my goal of obtaining freelance work in some area of web development.

My instructor keeps recommending that we learn as much javascript as we can ourselves on the side during this BootStrap course. He says once we get to React, we'll thank him. NuCamp also recommends setting aside more time each day (5 hours!) during this segment of the bootcamp, a sign that the material will be more difficult.

Anyone free to message me if you have any questions about my experience at NuCamp, I'm happy to chat.

If you decide to sign up, my referral code is: GW9PKP

EDIT: The backend course was a complete letdown. I've watched free videos on youtube that were made with more care. I started keeping track of all the times the video was "patched" sloppily to update the material. They'd overlap and repeat sentences and the volume would get louder or quieter. Beyond this, my instructor ditched all review for weeks 3 and 4. The backend course is only 4 weeks long, so effectively half the course was skipped over. After a week or two of non-response from Nucamp, and emailing at least 3 different points of contact, I was offered a partial refund or the opportunity to retake the course in late May.

To top off my bad experience, they just sent out an email to me with a list of 87 other students. You'd think a school teaching web development might now how to respect their student's privacy.

It's pretty clear that after you make your last payment, they stop caring.

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nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Layla Rowen


nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Not every webpage needs to be built from a fancy framework.

Just like we don’t use a hammer to place a tack, not every website needs to be built with React/Angular/Vue/Ember, or what have you. Sometimes a simple html file with <style> tags holding css is enough.

Why build with more fluff than you absolutely need, anyway? Isn’t there also a need to keep websites lean and fast?

Well, it’s still early as of this blog post, but here’s the result of some serious simplification of my sister’s website: https://www.joyofquiltingart.com

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

It will likely change, and maybe by the time you click that link even, but that’s how the internet is, isn’t it? Things just keep changing.

I do find myself missing the re-usability and organization of React Components, so I’ll definitely come back to those but this is a good reminder that just because you can use a tool doesn’t mean you should .

Tools are for using when they’re the right thing for the task.

Custom Remarkable Templates

Following this tutorial video , I’ve created and added some of my own custom templates to my Remarkable tablet!

I used Mac OS Paint S to create the PNG file and CyberDuck to SFTP in. It was surprisingly simple to follow along:

  • start up the SFTP connection using the username, password, and ip address found on the Remarkable
  • save a backup copy of the whole /templates folder just in case!
  • copy the .png file into the templates folder (usr/share/remarkable/templates)
  • update the .json file with the template’s name, filename, and categories in the same format as all the others

I just need to remember that the dimensions of the file had to be 1404x1872px.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Looking forward to making my Remarkable tablet even more useful.

This is the template I made, based on the 54321 planning method of thinking backwards through what I want to accomplish and what I can do, starting now, to get there.

That’s one of the tools that helped me make my decision in January to start attending Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in March.

CascadiaJS 2020

First, an opening speech by Claudius Mbemba openly acknowledging race and the Black Lives Matter movement. Even some book recommendations: So you Want to Talk About Race , and How to Be Anti-Racist . This fit so perfectly with the rest of the welcoming atmosphere at CascadiaJS. It wasn’t in-person, but the sense of togetherness and humanity was definitely still very present.

Another significant theme I noticed was an emphasis on accessibility. There were 3 talks each day that talked explicitly about how to make tech accessible. In particular, Jemima Abu (Understanding Accessibility as a Concept ) insisted that accessibility is usability, and that it is everyone’s job to ensure accessibility. Even the first version of a product should have accessibility in mind because otherwise, it will be unusable to a significant number of people!

The talk that intrigued me the most dipped into the “DWeb”, or Decentralized Web, by Kelsey Breseman . The idea of no longer being dependent of large companies hosting massive servers, and that profit from our data that we freely (or pay to) provide, strikes a chord with me. I’ll admit I didn’t fully understand a lot of the content of her talk, but I have been digging into it since.

Joel Hooks also suggested the idea of building a “digital garden”, a space to learn in public and to keep a collection of notes for yourself about what you’re learning. He mentioned a few ways to make it easier to document your learning:

  • Piccalilli has a tutorial for 11ty here.
  • dabble.me to privately journal via email prompts
  • typoria.io to easily write markdown for journaling via gists on github or on your new 11ty site

Even now, as I pull up those links I’m getting side tracked with fascinating rabbit holes…

I also enjoyed Shaw Wang’s (or @swyx on Twitter) talk about The Operating System of You . He compared our body maintenance to the maintenance of our electronics, and also preached learning in public.

On day 2, I especially enjoyed Pantelis Kalogiros’ talk on Constrained Creativity , described as “a way to achieve a novel effect or goal that is not otherwise possible using conventional, readily accessible methods.”

Then there was Rahat Chowdhury’s Building Better Communities with Mental Health Support . He pointed out that there’s a tendency to romanticize scarcity, burnout, and hustle culture; that there’s never enough, and that you’re not good enough unless you’re putting everything into your work. “We don’t suffer alone. We suffer in silence.”

The last speaker, Fred K Schott wondered aloud what’s next with “Snow Pack, Webpack, and the Third Age of JavaScript”. He argued that we’re already in the “third age” with ESM (or ECMAscript ) and that Svelte might be the next evolution after React. Of course, now I’m intrigued by Svelte, too.

You can find the list of all the events with links about the speakers here. They are still adding more content, such as the recording and the slides from the speakers: https://2020.cascadiajs.com/#schedule


nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Now that I’ve officially graduated, my next steps are on me.

The last few days were a whirlwind and a rush, and then graduation happened… and now what?

Well, I’ve got Souvien live as a very basic demo page with a json file of lorem impsum entries. Here’s Souvien as a demo page !

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

There’s still a long way to go, and I’m realizing that the user data storage issue is bigger than I realized at first. So I’m going to work on a few other, simpler projects for a while before coming back to this.

Most importantly, proof of it is live.

Next is building more projects, putting them on a portfolio page, and attending virtual networking events, like CascadiaJS !

Reacting to Node.

It’s been about a month since I’ve finished the React Native course, which completed the Front End section. We even had a Zoom-based graduation ceremony. During the React Native course I felt drawn to the idea of building apps… but I kept remembering my React instructor’s commentary that React Native is somewhat exclusive in nature. It is for app stores. Whereas, React can be accessible on all devices, and is designed with accessibility in mind. So my dreams of becoming an app rock star faded when I finished the course. But I did build out that cool Nucampsite app alongside the course material.

I found the emulator to be a be heavy on my computer, so usually just used the Expo app on my phone instead. The magic of having an app in development and running on my phone was mesmerizing.

In React, I built out the same Nucampsite content into a very cellphone oriented app. It wasn’t quite the same magic, but it held the same content and functionality.

Which brings me back to my dream of this journal app. I’ve started it back up in React, and now that I’m learning “the back end” (aka Node, Express, Mongo, Mongoose, Passport…) I’m developing a server and database to go with it. They’re living together in a Github Project .

Right now, my app looks far from finished…

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

It’ll get better. Promise.

Now, this server-interacting-with-a-database stuff… I’m starting to get stuck less often. And when I do get stuck, I feel less stuck. Patterns are popping out, intuition around where to look next and why a thing is breaking is starting to develop. So cool.

Sure, I still get those “What the heck am I suppose to do here?” moments, too. However, when I typed up and exported a verifyAdmin function in my authenticate.js file , while screen sharing with my classmates I was sure I couldn’t have it right, and I embraced making the mistake while they watched. But it worked.

It keeps the privilege of deleting all campsites in the database to users with admin status only.

One week left of this course and the bootcamp. My final graduation ceremony is on August 3rd. Coursework due July 25th, and portfolio project due July 29th.

Gotta get my app up and running, pulling data from the server. I’ll post again when it’s done.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

When something doesn’t work right, you need to ask, “why?”. When you can’t figure out “why”, you need to ask yourself how you can find out. When you can’t figure out where to look… ask what haven’t you tried? Where haven’t you looked? What did you do before it broke? What have you tried before that worked? What parts make sense? What patterns can you see?

It’s a skill to ask the right questions. And you’ll need it, frankly, for whatever challenge you’re facing, code-related or not.

There will be times when you don’t even know what to ask next. That’s when you ask for help. The general guideline is to give yourself 20 minutes to try to figure it out first. Then definitely ask for help. There are so many folks out there that want to be the person to help you figure out your problem. Not only is it satisfying to help someone, it seems a lot of us are in it (at least partly) for the satisfaction of figuring things out.

I’m just about to start week 3 of my React Native course (how is it already week 3 of 4??) and it’s getting trickier. The workshop assignments (what we work on every Saturday are leaving more challenging tasks for me to figure out. I cranked out the first 2 tasks of the latest assignment, then spent a lot of time struggling, trying new things, just to get that third and last part of the assignment to work. I kept thinking, “I’ll ask a classmate” but then I’d come up with another question, something else to try.

I commented out the code I thought was causing the error, and that proved the failure was in that section – it turned out I’d imported components from the wrong library. Oops!

Then there were more errors — every new error is cause for celebration because it means the old error is probably solved, and there’s a new puzzle!

Eventually, I didn’t get any more errors. It just wasn’t doing what I needed it to do.

I used console.log() (sometimes I call it “console.clog”) and alert() to test the values that I’d been passing and returning, changed where I put my variables, changed how I referred to variables, checked code where I’d built similar functionality, scrolled through Slack and Stack Overflow looking for someone struggling with the same thing, re-checked the assignment wording, traced the relevant functions and variables through the application (maybe there was a typo?!), restarted Expo, pushed myself to really try to understand what each part was expecting from the other parts…

Eventually I did ask for help from a classmate, but didn’t get a response – it was already late into the evening. So I went to bed annoyed that I still hadn’t figured it out.

The next morning, determined to figure it out, I continued asking where the code and I didn’t line up. I wasn’t understanding something. I’d narrowed it down to which file the failure was in, and even which function it was probably in. Continued using alert until I got the right values returned, then I knew how to assign them where they needed to go.

But wait, one of the values wasn’t quite right – I still hadn’t properly assigned the new comment’s id the value of the length of the array of already stored comments. It was still returning 0. I’d forgotten to refer to the comments array with state.comments.length. I’d been trying to call comments.length in the reducer(? still fuzzy on specifics of which parts are called what).

And wow. It felt so good I spend a little extra time to look around for custom alerts, which, naturally, React Native has one ready for import.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

If you’re just starting out on your coding journey, know that you will learn a lot about how to ask the right questions. Also, it’s good to ask. Please feel free to ask me if you’re here and you’ve been stuck for over 20 minutes with no more questions coming to mind — I’m one of those that enjoy the solving as well as the helping!

In the weeds with bugs.

Coding is like gardening.

Sometimes it’s hard to get started because you know you’ve got so much work ahead of you. But after a few minutes of picking weeds it’s hard not to grab the next one. I mean, it’s right there .

30 minutes later you’re elbows deep, brow sweating, and “just one more” with a list of 3 more things you want to check on or maintain, one more segment of morning glory root to dig out.

An hour later you’ve forgotten to take a water break.

4 hours later you’ve pulled out two buckets full of morning glory roots in favor of strawberry plants…

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Ok. That’s not always how coding or gardening goes. But sometimes it does. All it takes is opening up the file, opening up the door, pulling one weed, trying to fix one bug or add one tiny feature. If I’m struggling to warm up to coding (or gardening!) and haven’t touched it yet that day, sometimes all it takes is committing to change one little thing (even if it’s just aesthetic or maintenance). Since it’s all so intertwined, one thing usually leads to another.

Nearing the end of Nucamp’s React course (this is week 5 of 5! Next is a week “break” and 5 weeks of React Native), I’m still not sure about what each part of a React app depends on from other parts. I don’t understand it all. I’m following along and trying to build things out and research or ask questions.

I understand it like I understand Latin — some of it is familiar, and I can read and parse some of it, but generating whole useful chunks of it is tricky without referring to a working model… I feel like I’m just keeping up.

But I keep opening up the coursework, my portfolio project, and articles. Chewing on a little bit at a time. Every time I get stuck, I figure something out. Sometimes I pull a little of my hair out before I get there, but so far I keep getting there. My confidence is slowly thickening. My neurons are getting more and more familiar with the intricate parts involved.

Reaching out to help people earlier on in their coding journey, I’m finding that I now know some JavaScript bits like the back of my hand. What’s the basic template of a for loop? An object? A while loop? How to create a new class? These things are familiar now because I’ve kept coming back to them.

You can’t get strawberries from your backyard if there aren’t any planted.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

I’ve sat with this blog post open and empty for days now. I started with the first sentence, sure I was just jotting down a note for later. The rest came out shortly after.

Alright, enough procrastination. Gotta start Week 5. First up: “Welcome to Week 5” video. Baby steps!

DOMing and Reacting

Got a head start on my React course, prepared for class yesterday, but somehow I forgot that I have another week until our first workshop. (Whew!) So now I’m working on getting even further ahead.

Since I’ve finished my Nucamp curriculum up to the workshop project that is intended for the Saturday workshop, I have dipped back into my freeCodeCamp lessons. There are a lot of parallels in tools, but I’ve found the resources to be very complimentary — the SCSS lessons are completely different between Nucamp and freeCodeCamp, for example, so it’s not just repeating the same.

The way the fCC React lessons describe JSX, the markup language in React, reminds me of SCSS, in that it is a way to more dynamically write to html through JavaScript code. Like this:

JSX => html


Of course, I stumbled upon another reference to the DOM , too. Which reminded me that I still didn’t fully grasp what that really meant. Sure, it stands for Document Object Model, but that doesn’t actually clear much up. Another search lead me to Chris Coyier’s article on CSS Tricks . Finally. I can sum it up like this: The DOM is basically the html that renders after everything else compiles.

There have been some people in the Slack chat offering Nucamp feedback that the last two weeks of the React course, when Redux is thrown in, is far more intense than previous weeks. Sounds like it gets clearer in the next course, React Native, but feels like a lot at first.

So I’m doubling down on getting ahead where I can. Why not?

Ultimately, I feel like I’ll always be behind in that there is always so much more to learn (which is really exciting, too!). But every little gem I stumble upon feels like a beautiful addition to the tangled puzzle of languages that make up coding.

The End of Bootstrap…

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Until I open my code up again, that is!

Well, I’ve officially finished the Bootstrap class in my Nucamp bootcamp. It’s the first of 4 classes in a 5 month program. In case you’re looking to support me, my reference code is L0ZUC5. It gets me $50 for sending you their way if you sign up, too.

My review of the Bootstrap class, the first of 4 in the Full Stack program, on Course Report .

In short, at this point, I would recommend this set of courses for folks that are interested in having structure and are willing to fill in the gaps with their own passion. There are a lot of things left optional, perhaps more so that the program can be adaptable to different students’ needs, but if you disregard something because it’s optional, (like partner work, or using Github) you risk missing out.

While working my way through the coursework, I definitely appreciated the structure. So much of the content felt familiar, though from a while back. It was good to review and pull it all together. Some of my classmates were picking it up for the first time, though, so if you aren’t familiar with it, don’t despair!

While working with a partner was optional, I chose to because it can be the hardest skill to build, especially remotely. Everything else can be figured out with a web search, but partner work takes lots of practice, communication, and relationship building. Bonus: I need all the allies I can get in this work. I imagine REACT will be an even trickier set of knowledge to attain than Bootstrap has been, so I’m even more grateful that I now have a working relationship with my partner, and we’re continuing on in the same cohort together.

My partner and I built a basic website to display and possibly allow the sale of quilt art. It still needs work, and every time I pull it up, I feel a bit of excitement about the next part I want to build. That and having a partner that I’d be happy to pair with again, is the best outcome I could have asked for.

Both incredibly challenging for us as beginners, but also full of so much potential and natural documentation, we used github to collaborate on issues and slack to chat regularly. I learned how to use my README.md file for leaving breadcrumbs for how to install all the necessary dependencies for future users (aka my partner and instructor) — though that was something I did independently from class, and I think I’ll do it prettier, with markdown, next time.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

Still on our todo list (issues in our Github repo!):

  • Include actual blog posts from Jamie herself, whether via RSS feed or by having a back-end for her to upload her blog content
  • Add ability to email Jamie to request a commission
  • Add price estimator functionality to commissions page (where the radio buttons are, and result displayed when modal pops up)
  • Update with various pictures, more informative text
  • Update format of display to be a bit more creative

I’m sure I’ll come up with more…

Always Forward

Alright, it’s been a while. Almost 3 years, even. I’ve been spending my time and energy digging into and enjoying my dream job in the field I have on and off enjoyed, but which I would necessarily need to leave in order to become a full-time coder.

While I haven’t been coding, I have been working on other relevant skills:

  • problem solving
  • listening to (and looking for) others’ perspectives
  • self-reflection
  • pushing through challenging situations
  • community building
  • networking between colleagues
  • explaining my understanding in a way that others less familiar with the subject can understand
  • acknowledging and working through my own mistakes

All of this is crucial to being an educator of 2 year olds (and the k-3rd graders I’m working with this year). These skills are crucial to any successful team.

On top of these skills, I’ve also developed greater understanding of what a quality work environment should be and higher expectations from any future employers. In the past, I’ve accepted many things in an employment situation that I would not tolerate now.

The employee/employer relationship is a partnership.

So, armed with these strengths, I take my next step into the realm of code: I’ve joined a bootcamp.

My current job is still wonderful. I love the people, and I have found many creative ways to use my non-educator skills, too. Along with the soft skills, I’ve initiated and progressed these cool things:

  • increased colleague cohesion
  • staff collaboration on time of day cross-classroom activities
  • increased staff self-advocacy
  • Wrote a published piece about workplace conflict
  • Facilitated discussions at our full-day professional development events
  • Set up an emergency spare clothing stash for adults -’cause we get kids’ body fluids on us, too, sometimes
  • increased ridership significantly!
  • after building momentum and training a team how to use Libib, our library has become organized and has a fully functional patron check-out system
  • Practiced good documentation habits (of the children’s learning!)
  • How to take over the Step Up Coordinator role (aka community project manager)
  • How to find our school-wide calendar in Microsoft Outlook
  • How to set files to display in tiles in both Microsoft Sharepoint and then in Teams, too
  • ordered weekly supplies while managing food budget
  • added mini fridges
  • added cutting boards and knives for easier snack prep
  • developed an interactive spreadsheet for generating quarterly menus based on cycling weekly meals
  • trained the kitchen manager in new recipes
  • generated and incorporated feedback from many surveys of staff and families regarding food quality and preferences
  • Managed materials library contents and budget
  • Managed classroom budget
  • marker recycling program
  • field trips guide
  • developing a natural materials and loose parts library
  • social coordinators
  • provocation binder
  • Learned enough basic skills/tools to cover the bookkeeper’s week-long vacations

As you can see, I haven’t been doing nothing.

This school has offered me so much opportunity.

This partnership has been mutually beneficial.

I’ve loved this partnership. I chose to run with Nucamp , a part-time 5 month-long program to regain traction, so that I can maintain my current, wonderful job for as long as it takes to transition to a different career that I still know that I want to be in.

nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

We’ve just finished the second week of Nucamp’s Bootstrap course, and while it started out familiar and easy enough, I’m already feeling the increase in challenge. We meet every Saturday to review the week’s tasks and to work through another piece of an ongoing website building project. Though, right now, that’s online, too. Thanks, #coronavirus.

So here I am, with more coding story to blog about again.

Ever onward.

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  1. Nucamp

    nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

  2. Nucamp

    nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

  3. django on google cloud run

    nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

  4. GitHub

    nucamp week 3 workshop assignment

  5. Day 7 NuCamp. Workshop assignment / Collabs on Zoom /…

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  6. What I learned at a 4-week Nucamp coding boot camp

    nucamp week 3 workshop assignment


  1. GitHub

    Week 3 workshop assignment code. Contribute to DonRenfroJr/week-3-NuCamp-workshop development by creating an account on GitHub.

  2. GitHub

    HTML 7.0%. CSS 1.3%. Contribute to nmylynh/NUCAMP-WEEK-3-WORKSHOP development by creating an account on GitHub.

  3. PDF GitHub: Let's build from here · GitHub

    {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"nucampsite","path":"nucampsite","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"nucampsite_old","path ...

  4. Week 3 Workshop Assignment

    About External Resources. You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself.

  5. Nucamp

    This week of the nucamp coding bootcamp, we implemented some more bootstrap content and review Javascript, on top of working a bit on our final project. My N...

  6. Nucamp

    This update is a little different. Its more about prepping you with resources you can do BEFORE react. React can become overwhelming super fast. So if you're...

  7. Nucamp Coding Boot Camp : r/codingbootcamp

    I just enrolled in the Full Stack Web Development Boot Camp starting Dec 7th 2020 which should finish May 1st 2021. Price: $1765. 1-4hrs a Day of self study. Access to an instructor. Collab with your cohort. Slack Community. Life time access to the course. Saturdays online workshops with your instructor from 9am-1pm.

  8. Full-stack Coding Bootcamp Online: Build responsive web and mobile apps

    8 hours/week online lectures and exercises, 4 hours/week for graded workshop assignment. A weekly schedule designed for real life Join a part-time and instructor-led programming class with a maximum of 15 active students. Learn to code online at your own pace during the week and live only during weekly workshops.

  9. NuCamp BootCamp

    Bootcamp Notes - Day 9 (Mon) - React Native: Week 4: Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: The Expo SDK. Bootcamp Notes - Day 10 (Tues) - React Native: Week 4: Local Notifications, Social Sharing, and Picking an Image. Bootcamp Notes - Day 11 (Wed) - React Native: Week 4: Network info.

  10. Bootcamp Notes

    NuCamp Matching Game Assignment. This was our matching game assignment. I added a few thing for learning. Enjoy and play the game here! Wow 4 weeks went by quick! Learned a lot and so much more to learn. I think for the $345 bucks it is worth taking. Pretty well paced.

  11. NuCamp: A Better Way To Camp

    Let Nucamp be your guide to this off-the-beaten-path, hike-in-only campground. Breadcrumb Trail Campground. Nestled in the foothills of the Chrome Mountains, this campground on the shores of the pristine React Lake is a favorite for fly fishers. Breadcrumb Trail Campground. Spend a few sunny days and starry nights beneath a canopy of old-growth ...

  12. I completed Nucamp boot camp in April 2023. Have any questions?

    100% within 5 days of registration up to the bootcamp start date. 100% minus the registration fee ($30 for Web Dev Fundamentals / $100 for the front end, full stack, and python bootcamps) 5 days or more after registration, and up to the bootcamp start date.

  13. Back-end Bootcamp with Python, SQL, and DevOps. 16 Weeks for under $2,500

    8 hours/week online lectures and exercises, 4 hours/week for graded workshop assignment. A weekly schedule designed for real life Join a part-time and instructor-led programming class with a maximum of 15 active students. Learn to code online at your own pace during the week and live only during weekly workshops.

  14. test_pyfun_workshop_2.py · GitHub

    test_pyfun_workshop_2.py. should consist of 4 numbers." (Although it also says "4 characters" in other places, so... ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ ?) Thank goodness, because that means your points are safe. Note. points contained in a string correspond to decimal (0-9) numbers. Definitely a convenient. utility function for this exercise.

  15. GitHub

    nucamp-python. Welcome to my Nucamp Python Bootcamp Repository! This repository contains all of the assignments, exercises, notes, and projects that I've completed throughout my 16-week journey of backend fundamentals, SQL, and DevOps with Python. My first ever text-based battle game can be found here. My Spotify clone project can be found here.

  16. NuCamp BootCamp

    Week 1: Intro to Bootstrap. Bootcamp Notes - Day 1 (Mon) - Bootstrap: NuCamp Bootstrap Begins! Bootcamp Notes - Day 1 (Mon) - Bootstrap: Using Git. Bootcamp Notes - Day 2 (Tues) - Bootstrap: Node and NPM. Bootcamp Notes - Day 2 (Tues) - Bootstrap: The Web Development Stack and Git. Bootcamp Notes - Day 3 (Wed) - Bootstrap ...

  17. Affordable, Immersive Evenings & Weekends

    Work at your own pace during the week, then attend a 4-hour online workshop with a dedicated instructor and approximately 15 students to cement that week's learning. Nucamp further distinguishes its bootcamps by the talent of our instructors, who teach part-time while working in the industry. They bring topic-specific expertise and front-line ...

  18. NuCamp Full Stack Bootcamp Workshop Assignment · GitHub

    Week 3 workshop. This project doesn't have any columns or cards. Menu. NuCamp Full Stack Bootcamp Workshop Assignment #1. davkim312/nucamp-better-way-to-camp. Updated Nov 10, 2021. This project doesn't have a description. Activity. View new activity.

  19. NuCamp Full Stack Web Dev Bootcamp Review : r/bootcamps

    Beyond this, my instructor ditched all review for weeks 3 and 4. The backend course is only 4 weeks long, so effectively half the course was skipped over. After a week or two of non-response from Nucamp, and emailing at least 3 different points of contact, I was offered a partial refund or the opportunity to retake the course in late May.

  20. GitHub

    Fork 2. Star 0. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. master. Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. 5 Commits. .gitignore.

  21. Layla Rowen

    That's one of the tools that helped me make my decision in January to start attending Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in March. CascadiaJS 2020. September 10, 2020 Layla Leave a comment. First, an opening speech by Claudius Mbemba openly acknowledging race and the Black Lives Matter movement.

  22. GitHub

    This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (Webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can ...