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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)

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Your resume is arguably the most valuable piece of paper for your career. But this document can be daunting for many. Maybe you’re not sure how to fit in all your information onto one page. Maybe you’re not sure about the right way to format and write your resume. Maybe you don’t even know what the heck a resume is!

Whatever your concern, we’ll break down everything you need to know about making the perfect resume, from scratch.

What Is a Resume?

What are employers looking for in a resume.

  • Pick Your Format
  • Start With Your Basic Information
  • Add in Your Work Experience
  • Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience
  • Don’t Forget Your Education
  • Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests
  • Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)
  • Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)
  • Edit and Refine It

What Are Some Examples of a Good Resume?

A resume is a summary of your career, whether yours is just getting started or has been going on for years. Coming in at around one page in length (two only under specific circumstances), it showcases the jobs you’ve held and currently hold, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, the skills you’ve developed, and the qualities you bring to the table as an employee. Together, those things make it super easy for any hiring manager to see your qualifications and fit for a role.

For all the work you may put into writing one, hiring managers actually spend very little time—mere seconds in many cases—looking at your resume. But despite this sad fact, it’s safe to say that creating a great resume (rather than hastily throwing one together) still matters.

“If you miss the mark, your resume may never be read. Even worse, you might be removed from the applicant pool by a computer before a human even knows you exist,” says Muse career coach Heather Yurovsky , founder of Shatter & Shine. So you want to get it right because, as she explains, isn’t the goal to “spend less time looking for a job and more time in a role you love?”

You might be wondering if you can lean on your LinkedIn profile instead of writing a resume. The answer, sadly, is no. Most hiring managers still expect you to submit a resume, even if they also look at your LinkedIn. Even if you don’t need a resume for a job you’re applying for now, you’re going to need one at some point in your career—they’re not anywhere close to going out of style. So it’s best to always have one at the ready should an opportunity pop up.

And although LinkedIn has plenty of benefits, a resume has one clear advantage: While your LinkedIn is usually a broader picture of your career trajectory, your resume gives you the opportunity to tailor your career story to a specific role or company (more on that later).

Oh, and you’ve probably heard of something called a CV? It’s slightly different from a resume , and usually more common with academics and job seekers outside the U.S.

Hiring managers look for three things on your resume, “What did you do? Why did you do it? And what was the result?” says Muse career coach Martin McGovern , owner of Career Therapy. “If you can answer all three of these questions in...your resume bullet points, you’re going to be on the right track.”

Clear, easy-to-understand language is key. “The truth is that most resumes make no sense. They are stuffed with jargon, they are too technical, and they are filled with redundancies. Try to read a resume that isn’t yours and you will quickly realize that it feels like an alien wrote it,” McGovern adds. Put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter who has no idea how your role works—how can you make your resume accessible to them?

The hiring manager also cares about more than just you and you alone—they care about you in relation to them. “Hiring managers want to see if a candidate matches the requirements” of the role they’re hiring for, Yurovsky explains. “Your resume should paint this picture so the hiring manager not only knows what day-to-day responsibilities you can handle, but why you, above other[s], bring value to their organization.”

How Do You Write a Resume?

Whether you’re someone who’s never written a resume in your life, or you need a nice, thorough refresher on the process of creating one, follow these steps to go from a blank page to a complete—and dare I say beautiful—document.

Related: This Free Worksheet Makes It Easy to Create (or Update) Your Resume

1. Pick Your Format

Before you start typing one single thing, you have to decide what you want the overall resume to look like.

Resume builders can be helpful for this step—they’ll take all your basic information and organize it for you, eliminating some of the legwork. You can also use a pre-made outline, such as one of these free Google Docs templates .

But it’s often safest to start with a clean slate all on your own and eventually upgrade to a more advanced layout. (If you'd still like a place to write all the relevant information before you get started, check out our resume outline .) This allows you to course correct, edit and re-edit, and choose a resume format that best fits your particular situation (after all, not everyone has a career trajectory that’s easy to compartmentalize).

In general, you’re most likely to cover and/or include sections on the following:

  • Your work experience
  • Your non-work experience, including professional organizations, community involvement, or side projects
  • Your education and certifications
  • Your skills (specifically hard skills) and interests

So how do you format and organize all of that information?

By far the most common (and safest, if you’re not sure which route to take) option is reverse chronological order . This means you organize your experiences from most recent to least recent. So your work experiences would go above your education, and your current role would go above previous roles you’ve held. This of course has its exceptions—maybe you went back to grad school between jobs, or your most recent role is irrelevant to the job you’re applying for. So the whole page may not be exactly in reverse chronological order depending on your situation. It’s just a guideline.

There’s also something called a functional or skills-based resume . This is used pretty rarely, mainly with career changers and those with limited or complicated work histories. It gets its name because it’s primarily about listing your skills rather than experiences, and showcases them above your work history and education.

You can also opt for a combination resume , which is a mix between a reverse chronological resume and skills-based resume. It highlights your skills at the top, but allows just as much room below to cover your job and school experience.

Use caution when choosing these two formats: “Combo and skills-based [resumes] can be hard to follow, because [they force] the reader to hunt for connections between your skills and experience, and [don’t] provide the full context of your work,” says Muse Career Coach Angela Smith , founder of Loft Consulting. “I’ve also heard a lot of recruiters say that they automatically discount skill-based resumes because they feel the candidate is trying to hide something. I don’t necessarily believe that, but I think it’s important for job-seekers to know that perception is out there.”

2. Start With Your Basic Information

Your contact information should always go at the top of your resume. In this header you’ll want to include anything that could be helpful for a recruiter to get in touch with you. Usually, this means adding in:

  • Your full name (preferably the name you use across the web)
  • Your phone number
  • Your personal email address

You might also choose to include other basic information, such as your LinkedIn or personal website URL, your GitHub (for technical roles), your social media profiles (if relevant to the job), or your address. If you’re looking to move for a job, you may choose to leave out your address or write “open to relocating” to better your chances of getting an interview.

The key is to make this part as clear as possible. If a hiring manager can’t reach you, there’s no point in perfecting the rest of your resume.

3. Add in Your Work Experience

This section will most likely be the bulk of your resume. Even if you’re changing careers, employers still want to see where you’ve worked, what you’ve done, and the impact of that work to get a sense of your background and expertise.

Your “Work Experience” might be one entire category, or you might choose to break it up into “Relevant Experience” and “Additional Experience” to highlight the jobs that are most important for hiring managers to focus on. Either way, you’ll almost always want to have your most recent experience at the top and your older experience down below.

Within your work experience, you’ll want to include each official job title, the company (and possibly its location), and the years you worked there. Below that, you’ll add in two to four bullet points explaining what you did in that job, the skills you built and exercised, the tools you used, and the results of what you did. If you accomplished a lot during your time there, focus on the responsibilities that made the most impact or you’re the most proud of, as well as the ones that best align you with the job you’re applying for (more on that in the following sections). It’s key here to list, if relevant, quantitative as well as qualitative accomplishments.

For example, you might write:

Associate Accountant, Finances and Co., Ann Arbor, MI September 2017 – Present

  • Manage billing and invoicing for more than 50 clients, ensuring the deadlines and needs of our enterprise partners, including Big Company and Super Star Org, are met
  • Collaborate closely with sales, account management, and project management teams on project setup, maintenance, and invoice management
  • Assist in the streamlining of invoicing guidelines and procedures through documentation and the implementation of new software, resulting in an average two-week decrease in total time spent per client

Your resume bullets should be in past tense if you’re referring to past jobs and present tense if you’re talking about your current roles. In addition, your bullets should always start with a strong action verb that best describes what you did. And if you have examples of your work, consider hyperlinking them here as well.

If you have a ton of experience and this category is starting to run long (read: over one page), consider kicking out your oldest jobs unless they’re super relevant to the job you’re applying for, or extra impressive for your field.

Not sure where to start? “It’s helpful to do a brain dump and create a document that has everything and anything you consider as experience or an achievement,” says Yurovsky. From there, she explains, you can start to whittle down what is and isn’t important. And you can refer to this document later if you ever decide to update your resume for a specific role.

Need more specific advice on listing your work experience on your resume? Check out these additional resources:

  • When you’ve held multiple jobs at the same company: 2 Jobs, 1 Company: How to Show Multiple Positions on Your Resume
  • When you’re not sure what your accomplishments are or how to explain them: Resume Revamp: How to Turn Your Duties Into Accomplishments
  • When you want to spruce up a boring or insignificant job: How to Make Your Most Boring Jobs Sound More Interesting on Your Resume
  • When you’re considering fudging a job title: The Answer to “Can I Change My Job Title on My Resume to Make It More Accurate?”
  • When you’ve had a bunch of short-term gigs: How to List Temporary Jobs on Your Resume

4. Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience

Anything you’ve done that’s not work experience—your side gig, volunteer work, special projects—can be hosted under clearly-labeled sections (“Volunteer Experience” or “Activities,” for example). Depending on how robust your work experience is, these things may be worth including, particularly if they’ve helped you level up your skill set or better align you with your dream job. Plus, they make you look that much more well-rounded, passionate, and hardworking.

If you’re a recent grad, you might also build out a section for on-campus activities, such as clubs, organizations, or leadership experience. This can be a great supplement if you’re lacking in the jobs department. You can frame these just as you would professional jobs—including your title, the organization’s name, and bullets describing what your role was and what you accomplished.

Read More: This Is Exactly How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume

5. Don’t Forget Your Education

If you’re still in school or just graduated, your education can go at the top of your resume, but for pretty much everyone else, this goes near the bottom. Most people include their school, graduation year (for folks less up to about a decade out of school), major, and degree. Brand-new grads might also write in their GPA, honors and awards, study abroad, thesis, or other notable achievements. But keep this section super simple, as you don’t want it to take up too much space over your work experience.

It’s possible you have unique education experience, such as taking an online course or certification. If you did this specifically as a way to boost yourself within your industry, definitely include it. Again, list everything more or less reverse chronologically—so a grad school degree would go above an undergrad degree, and a more recent relevant online course would go above that.

Learn more about the ins and outs of listing your education on your resume:

  • How to (and How Not to) List Education on Your Resume
  • How to List Online Courses on Your Resume the Right Way (Because Yes, There Is a Wrong Way)

6. Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests

The skills section of a resume gets a bad rap, but it’s just as important as the rest of the stuff you include. It’s a quick list a recruiter can scan to see if your skill set aligns with what they’re hiring for. And it’s super ATS-friendly (ATS stands for “applicant tracking system,” the robot that in some cases reads your resume before a human does) because it allows you to add in keywords the machine is scanning for.

Usually this section goes at the bottom of your resume, but in special cases—such as a skills-based resume or when someone’s switching fields—you may place it further up.

What exactly do you throw in here? You’ll want to list any hard skills and applications you’re familiar with (Photoshop, SEO, JavaScript, to name a few examples), and, if relevant, your level of expertise. Avoid including soft skills here, like time management or public speaking—save those for your bullet points instead.

Be strategic when filling in your skills. Don’t list things you actually couldn’t do at a high competence level (I’m looking at those of you who say you’re “great” at Excel), and maybe nix skills that are completely irrelevant to the job you want. For example, you may not even need to include Excel if you’re applying for say, a design position, unless it’s listed as a job requirement.

Maybe you’re thinking, I’m a really good volleyball player, but that’s not a “skill,” right? No, it’s not, but it is a hobby. Adding in a hobby section at the bottom of your resume is underrated, and frequently a smart choice. It can be a great conversation starter with a hiring manager, and it can show that you’re a good culture fit—or a culture add—for the company. Also, it’s just a nice way to add in some of your personality. So tack on a bullet point listing out some of your interests, such as hiking, rowing, or crafting (no more than five to seven work-appropriate verbs), and you’re all set here.

7. Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)

You may have heard of a resume summary statement . They’re not super common, but they can be useful to include near the top of your resume if you’re looking to add clarity or context to your resume. If you’re a career changer, you might find a summary statement helpful in explaining your leap and tying your experience to your new path. Or if you’re a more experienced professional, you can use a summary statement to highlight a theme that brings your career trajectory together.

Overall, you probably won’t need a summary statement if your career is pretty linear and your bullet points do a great job of emphasizing what you have to offer in terms of skills and experience. But if you think it makes sense to include one, “Take the time to think about what the person reading your summary wants to know before you write it,” says McGovern. “Good summaries explain why you do what you do and how it can help. For instance: Merging a background in ABC, I help companies improve XYZ through 123. Summaries shouldn’t be any more complicated than that.”

So, taking McGovern’s example, you might say:

Merging a background in social media marketing and PR with seven years in the consumer tech space, I help companies improve their internal and external communication and brand awareness through data-driven, quality content and strategies that align with the modern trends of the space.

Yurovsky adds that “you don’t want your summary statement to be a dense paragraph with too much information. You want it to be easy to read, concise, and memorable. Almost like a tagline.”

Read More: 3 Resume Summary Examples That’ll Make Writing Your Own Easier

8. Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)

Once you have your resume written out—you’ve broken down your work experience, tagged on some activities and additional experiences, and listed out your skills—it’s important to go back to the job description (or multiple job descriptions, if you’re applying to several similar jobs) and make sure that what your resume says matches up with the kind of candidate the employers are looking for. In other words, tailor it .

Let’s explain further. You’ll want to begin by tackling the ATS . This means combing the job description to see if individual words and phrases line up. What skills are they asking for, and have you listed them (so long as you actually have them)? What words are they using to describe their ideal hire, and do you use similar language in your resume?

Next, take a bird’s-eye view. If you were the hiring manager for the role, where on your resume would your eyes be drawn to? And what would you be looking for? Whatever you think will be most important for the recruiter, make sure it’s near the top of your resume, or otherwise emphasized.

Finally, dig into the role and responsibilities of the job. Does your resume reflect similar experience? If not, is there a way you can spin it so that it’s clear you’re capable of doing the job (and doing it well)?

These articles can help you if the word “tailoring” makes you start to sweat:

  • What It Really Means to “Tailor Your Resume”
  • Your Guide to Making Unrelated Experience Look Relevant on Your Resume
  • A Cool Trick: How to Spin 1 Resume Bullet 5 Different Ways

9. Edit and Refine It

Please, please don’t just write your resume and shoot it out without giving it a second glance. Hiring managers may not spend hours browsing it, but if there’s one thing that sticks out more than anything else it’s a glaring typo.

The best approach? Write a rough draft, then leave and come back to it later with fresh eyes to give it an edit.

Cover the basics: Is your contact information correct and updated? Are you using the right verb tenses? Does everything look consistent and accurate in terms of spelling and grammar?

Then do some cutting if your resume’s quite long. It’s no longer a hard-and-fast rule that all resumes must be only one page—but consider it a smart guideline for most applicants, especially if you've got less than 10 years work experience. The exception is if you’re very senior or very established in your career; in this scenario, a two-page resume isn’t completely out of the question. Everyone else, read this article for advice on how to cut your resume down.

Formatting-wise, it’s key to consider a couple things. First, what font are you using , and is it legible (for a human and a robot)? When in doubt, go with one of these simple, but sleek, options: Arial, Arial Narrow, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, or Helvetica.

Second, are you going to save it as a Word document or PDF ? Neither option is wrong, although a PDF helps ensure that your formatting is maintained, no matter what type of computer the hiring manager uses to open the document.

Third, is your resume formatted in a way that it’s skimmable? If it’s feeling crowded or overrun with words, read this: 12 Tiny Changes That Make Your Resume Easy for Recruiters to Skim .

Once you’ve given it a few good looks, it may be worth sending it to a friend or colleague (or even a career coach ) to get a second opinion. Don’t just have them edit it for spelling and grammar—they should dig into your bullets and offer feedback on whether or not your resume is showing you in the best possible light (it’s smart to also send them the job description for something to compare it to).

Here’s the thing: Your resume won’t ever look exactly like someone else’s, nor should it. How you choose to format it, organize your information, and talk about specific experiences depends not just on your career path, but on your field, the job you’re applying for, the company that job is at, and more.

So there isn’t a universal way to do a resume. But there are common themes. To give you some context as to how yours might turn out, here are three examples of different kinds of resumes.

The Most Popular: A Reverse Chronological Resume

As previously mentioned, a reverse chronological resume is preferred by many coaches and HR experts, mainly because it’s super readable. When everything’s in a clear order, it’s easy to skim and even easier to draw lines between experiences.

Who it’s good for: Just about everyone—from students applying to internships all the way up to senior-level executives (with an optional resume summary statement)

Download an Example Chronological Resume for a Software Engineer

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The Unorthodox Route: A Functional or Skills-Based Resume

Rather than listing out your experience in reverse chronological order, a functional or skills-based resume has bullet points that reflect how each of your skills is demonstrated by the work you’ve done over the course of your career. At the bottom, you’ll include everything else, such as your education, job history, professional achievements, community involvement, and other technical skills. This is a good option if you have a somewhat all-over-the-place work history and want to tie everything together neatly.

Who it’s good for: Career changers whose work experiences may not appear to be relevant and people with an abundance of temporary jobs or gaps in their work histories.

Download an Example Functional Resume for a Project Manager

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The Creative Angle: An Infographic Resume or Resume Website

This resume type is characterized by how it’s formatted visually. You may choose a reverse chronological order or skills-based style to organize your information, but also use graphics, colors, unique fonts, and even multimedia elements to help that information pop. Keep in mind that any creative resume is still likely subject to an ATS—and certain elements may be unreadable by a robot. So consider going this route only if you know a human will be reading your resume (and that said human might enjoy it).

Who it’s good for: People applying to creative roles (designers, editors, writers, marketers, video producers, for example), startups, or fun companies, or to jobs where a creative resume is encouraged, if not required.

Download an Example Infographic Resume for a Designer

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Not a designer but want your resume to look just as pretty as this example? Check out these articles:

  • 5 Sites to Create an Awesome Infographic Resume (Even if You’re the Least Creative Person Ever)
  • How to Build a Resume Website That Will Impress Every Hiring Manager Who Sees It
  • 5 Digital Tools That Will Make Your Resume Infinitely More Beautiful

Your resume is a living, breathing document. So while you won’t go through this whole process every time you apply for a job, you should be thinking about all these things as you go to update your resume for your next career step. You might decide later on to switch up the order, or remove or add things, or even get creative and try out a whole new format. If you’re not getting the calls back you expect, you may decide to scrap it and start over —and that’s totally OK.

Regardless of where this piece of paper goes and how it grows, when you give it the care and attention it deserves, you set yourself up for success. And you’ll make it that much more likely that you’ll land an interview and get the chance to prove to the hiring manager—over the phone or in person—what you’ve got to offer.

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Make a Mistake-Free Resume with Our Resume Fixer

A full list of all the mistakes our resume fixer has found in your resume

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Our resume fixer tool does more than just rectify spelling mistakes — it offers actionable guidance to improve your content. If you've overlooked the inclusion of measurable achievements, our tool will highlight these areas. With insights gathered from thousands of successful resumes, our fixer tool ensures your qualifications and skills are showcased optimally.

Referral Link

Sharing your resume with someone who can offer a fresh perspective is a step towards securing that job. Use the referral link to your resume and send it to someone who’s been employed at the same company, or even better, in the same department or position. Connect with ex-employees on LinkedIn or join relevant Facebook Groups. By asking their opinion on your resume, you can gain valuable insights and feedback.

In This Guide:

What are the most common resume mistakes that need to be corrected, is hiring a resume writer the only way to fix a resume.

  • Poor Spelling and Grammar : This is perhaps the most common mistake, and one of the most detrimental. Poor spelling and grammar can give a employer the impression that you lack attention to detail or professionalism. Always proofread your resume before sending it out.
  • Being Too Vague : Your resume needs to clearly show what you've achieved in your previous roles. Statements that are vague and don't contain specific results or actions can weaken your resume. Always try to quantify your achievements.
  • Too Long or Too Short : Ideally, a resume should be one to two pages long. If it's too long, it might be seen as unfocused or filled with irrelevant information. If it's too short, it may appear that you don't have much experience or achievements.
  • Using an Unprofessional Email Address : Your contact information should reflect your professional identity, and an unprofessional email address can undermine that.
  • Not Tailoring the Resume for the Job : It's important to customize your resume for each job application , highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the role you're applying for. A generic resume can come across as uninterested or unfocused.
  • Including Irrelevant Information : Information that's not related to the job you're applying for can make your resume look unfocused. This includes irrelevant job experience, hobbies, or personal information.
  • Lying or Exaggerating : While it can be tempting to inflate your achievements or skills, this can backfire badly if you're caught, and it's often easy for employers to verify this information. Always be truthful on your resume.
  • Poor Formatting : A poorly formatted resume can be difficult to read and can give the impression of unprofessionalism. Make sure your resume is neat, well-organized, and uses consistent font and style.
  • Using Clichés : Using cliché terms or phrases like "hardworking", "team player", or "detail-oriented" without supporting them with specific examples can make your resume seem generic.
  • Not Including Keywords : Many companies use software to screen resumes, and these systems often look for specific keywords related to the job. Make sure your resume includes keywords that are relevant to the job description.

Remember, your resume is often the first impression a potential employer gets of you, so it's crucial to make it as polished and professional as possible.

No, hiring a professional resume writer is not the only way to fix a resume. While it can be helpful for some people, especially if you're struggling with the format, language, or selling your experience effectively, there are several other strategies you can employ to improve your resume:

  • Self-Review : Spend time going through your resume meticulously. Look for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Make sure that your resume is accurate, clear, concise, and professional-looking.
  • Tailoring : Always customize your resume for each job you apply for. Use the job description to identify what the employer is looking for, and tailor your resume to match those needs.
  • Peer Review : Have someone else, such as a trusted friend or mentor, look over your resume. They may spot errors or areas for improvement that you may have missed.
  • Enhancv’s Resources : There are numerous of free Enhancv resources online, including templates, guides, and advice from career experts, that can help you write and format a strong resume.
  • Career Centers : If you're a student or recent graduate, your university's career center can provide guidance and feedback on your resume.
  • Workshops and Seminars : Look for resume-writing workshops or seminars in your area. These can provide valuable tips and feedback, and some are free to attend.
  • Professional Feedback : If you're in a professional organization or network, consider asking for feedback from peers or mentors in your field.
  • Using Resume Builders: There are several online resume builders that provide structured templates and guidance to help you create a professional resume.

Remember, the goal of a resume is to present your skills, experience, and qualifications clearly and succinctly to potential employers. You don't necessarily need a professional writer to achieve this, although they can certainly help if you're struggling.

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Your resume is an extension of yourself – make one that’s truly you.

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How to Write a Reverse Chronological Resume

Alexandra Meyer

Crafting a standout resume is a critical step in any job search. One of the most popular and effective ways to do so is to use reverse chronological order resume format to highlight your professional journey in a clear, organized manner.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of writing a resume in reverse chronological order , exploring the key features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Additionally, we'll provide practical examples to help you design an application that effectively showcases your qualifications and experience, ensuring you make a strong impression on potential employers .

What is a reverse chronological order resume?

In reverse chronological order resume format, your work experience and education are listed starting from the most recent and moving backwards in time.

This type highlights your most relevant achievements and responsibilities, which are typically the most relevant to prospective employers.

It provides a clear and straightforward timeline of your career progression , making it easy for recruiters to see your professional growth and continuity.

Chronological vs reverse chronological resume

Traditional chronological resumes emphasize your progression over time. It shows how your experience has developed from the beginning of your career up to the present .

This type is suitable if you have a clear, consistent career path with logical progression and if your earlier experiences are still relevant to your current job targets .

Below you can see examples of the resume in different formats.

Resume in reverse chronological order:

Chronological resume:

Key components of a reverse chronological resume

Contact information.

This resume section provides the essential information for employers to contact you. Ensure it is up-to-date and professional.

  • Full Name : David Donaldson
  • Location : New York, NY
  • Phone Number : (123) 456-7890
  • Email Address : [email protected]
  • LinkedIn Profile :

Professional summary

The summary statement gives a snapshot of your qualifications and what you aim to achieve, capturing the hiring manager’s attention immediately.

Example: Results-oriented marketing professional with over 8 years of experience in brand management and content strategy. Proven track record of driving revenue growth and improving brand visibility.

Work experience

List your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job.

Marketing Manager

Acme Corporation, New York, NY

January 2020 - Present

  • Develop and execute comprehensive marketing campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in sales.
  • Manage a team of 10 marketing professionals, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment.
  • Analyze market trends and customer feedback to inform product development and marketing strategies.

Marketing Specialist

Tech Solutions Inc., New York, NY

June 2016 - December 2019

  • Implemented SEO strategies that improved organic search traffic by 40%.
  • Coordinated and launched successful email marketing campaigns with an average open rate of 30%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and launch new product lines.

Your academic background provides insight into your formal training and foundational knowledge. This is especially important for roles that require specific certifications. Start with the most recent degree.

Example: Master of Business Administration (MBA) New York University, Stern School of Business, NY Graduated: May 2016 Bachelor of Science in Marketing University of California, Berkeley, CA Graduated: May 2012

This section highlights your key competencies, helping employers quickly identify if you have the abilities needed for the job. Make sure to include both hard and soft skills .

  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO and SEM
  • Content Strategy
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Team Leadership

Relevant certifications demonstrate your commitment to professional development and your proficiency in specific tools or methodologies relevant to the industry.

Example: Google Analytics Certified, 2018 HubSpot Content Marketing Certification, 2019

Optional sections

Additional sections provide a fuller picture of who you are as a professional and a person. They can showcase your involvement in communities, volunteer work, and language skills that might be beneficial for the role.

Professional Affiliations

Member , American Marketing Association (AMA)

2022 - Present

Volunteer Experience

Marketing Consultant , Nonprofit Network, NY

2021 – Present

  • Fluent in Spanish

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Reverse chronological resume examples

Registered nurse reverse chronological resume, teacher reverse chronological resume.

Professional Summary Dedicated and passionate educator with over 12 years of experience in teaching elementary and middle school students. Proven ability to create engaging lesson plans, foster a positive environment, and adapt teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles. Education Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL Graduated: May 2012 Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Illinois State University, Normal, IL Graduated: May 2010 Teaching Experience Middle School Science Teacher Springfield Middle School, Springfield, IL August 2015 – Present Develop and implement comprehensive science curricula for grades 6-8, focusing on inquiry-based learning and hands-on experiments. Utilize technology and multimedia resources to enhance student engagement and understanding of scientific concepts. Mentor new teachers and provide professional development workshops on effective classroom management and instructional strategies. Achieved a 15% increase in student standardized test scores over three years by incorporating differentiated instruction and targeted interventions. 4th Grade Teacher Lincoln Elementary School, Springfield, IL August 2012 – June 2015 Designed and executed lesson plans across all core subjects, integrating interdisciplinary approaches to foster critical thinking. Collaborated with colleagues to develop school-wide initiatives aimed at improving literacy and numeracy skills. Established a positive classroom environment by implementing behavior management techniques and promoting a growth mindset. Organized extracurricular activities, including a science club and a reading challenge program, to encourage student participation and engagement. Certifications Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL) Endorsements : Elementary Education (K-9), Middle School Mathematics, Middle School Science Professional Development Attended the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual conference, 2018-2023. Completed workshops on differentiated instruction, classroom technology integration, and student mental health awareness. Participated in district-led curriculum review committees and contributed to the development of new science standards. Skills Lesson Planning and Curriculum Development Classroom Management and Student Engagement Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Educational Technology Integration Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring Strong Communication and Collaboration Achievements Awarded "Teacher of the Year" at Springfield Middle School, 2021. Published an article on innovative science teaching methods in Teaching Star magazine, 2020. Secured a grant for $5,000 to fund a new school garden and outdoor learning space, 2019.

Data analyst reverse chronological resume

Mechanical engineer reverse chronological resume.

Professional Summary Dedicated Mechanical Engineer with 10 years of experience in product design and development. Skilled in conceptualizing and implementing innovative solutions to address engineering challenges. Strong background in CAD modeling, simulation, and project management. Experience Senior Mechanical Engineer State Engineering Solutions, San Francisco, CA July 2017 – Present Lead a team of 5 engineers in the design and development of new product lines, resulting in a 20% increase in production efficiency. Implement cost-effective design changes that saved the company $500,000 annually in manufacturing expenses. Conduct FEA simulations to optimize component strength and durability, reducing material usage by 15% without compromising performance. Manage projects from conception through production, ensuring adherence to timelines and budgets. Mechanical Engineer Modern Technologies, Palo Alto, CA August 2014 – June 2017 Designed and validated mechanical components for consumer electronics products, collaborating closely with cross-functional teams. Utilized CFD simulations to improve thermal management systems, resulting in a 30% reduction in device overheating issues. Prepared technical specifications, drawings, and documentation for manufacturing and assembly processes. Participated in design reviews and provided technical support to resolve engineering issues during product development phases. Education Associate's Degree in Mechanical Engineering University of California, Berkeley, CA Graduated: May 2012 Skills CAD/CAM Software (SolidWorks, AutoCAD) Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Project Management and Agile Methodologies Prototyping and Testing Manufacturing Processes Optimization Technical Writing and Documentation Team Leadership and Collaboration Projects Automated Assembly Line Optimization (2024) Designed and implemented improvements to an automated assembly line, reducing cycle time by 25% and increasing throughput by 30%. Solar-Powered Water Purification System (2022) Led a multidisciplinary team in developing a solar-powered water purification system for rural communities, improving access to clean drinking water. Publications Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2018). "Advanced Thermal Management in Consumer Electronics" . Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 45(2), 112-125.

Customer service representative reverse chronological resume

Disadvantages of reverse chronological format, emphasis on gaps and job-hopping.

Using this format in a resume tends to highlight any gaps in employment or frequent job changes.

For example, if someone took a year off to travel or faced a period of unemployment , it can look more obvious.

Focus on work history over skills

The reverse chronological order prioritizes the timeline of jobs rather than the specific skills gained, which can be a drawback for those who have developed valuable abilities outside of traditional roles.

For instance, if someone has extensive skills in data analysis but has worked in various unrelated positions, their proficiency might not be immediately apparent.

Less suitable for career changers

Career changers might find the reverse chronological resume less effective as it highlights their past roles. This can make it challenging for recruiters to see the candidate’s potential in their new career focus.

For example, someone transitioning from a marketing role to software development should emphasize their newly acquired programming skills and certifications.

A functional resume focuses on skills and experiences rather than chronological work history. It is particularly useful for those who have gaps in their employment or a diverse range of jobs.

It is also possible to use a combination (hybrid) resume . It integrates both skills and work history, allowing candidates to highlight their abilities upfront while still providing a work history.

In conclusion, utilizing a reverse chronological resume can significantly enhance your job application by clearly showcasing your most recent and relevant experiences.

Reverse chronological format not only highlights your professional progression but also makes it easier for employers to quickly assess your qualifications and fit for the role .

Whether you are advancing your career or transitioning into a new field, a well-crafted application can be a powerful tool in achieving your professional goals.

Alexandra Meyer

Alexandra Meyer

Editor-in-Chief at Resume Trick

Alexandra Meyer is the editor-in-chief of Resume Trick. She was behind the launch of Icecream Apps in 2014 and continues to oversee the high content standards of the company's projects. Alexandra has years of experience writing and editing articles about technology, software and online services, and human resources.

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Rezi is an awesome ai-based resume builder that includes templates to help you design a resume that is sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems. this is a great jumping off point to kickstart a new resume..

Ashley Stahl from forbes image

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Everything you need to know about using Rezi's AI Writer.

Yes, Rezi is free to use. Some features require a Pro subscription.

Rezi AI Writer is powered by GPT-3 API from OpenAI. This means, with the content you generate, we're "buying" the usage of their API.

Rezi partnered with OpenAI to use their GPT-3 neural network. GPT-3 is an innovative and powerful new neural network. We trained it to understand best resume writing practices from our experience and database of resume content. Integrating this AI into Rezi, we are able to transfer expert-quality resume writing at almost no cost.

You can get credits in one of two waysSubscribing to Rezi Pro: We'll give you 100,000 AI Credits to use for content each month. By purchasing more AI Credits: You can also buy  AI Credit directly without subscribing. - First you'll need to create a free Rezi account. The Rezi AI Writer is integrated in the Experience, Projects, and Involvement sections.

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Nine tips to write your most effective security-cleared resume.

Create a standout security-cleared resume with the help of these nine go-to tips.

Your security-cleared resume is not a biography or a mere list of qualifications. It’s an ad designed to help you land that coveted cleared job interview and move to the next stage of the hiring process. Recruiters typically give your resume a quick scan before deciding to dig deeper and pick up the phone, so it’s crucial to make an immediate impact. Here’s how:

1. Include these Key Details at the Top of Your Resume

Start strong with your name, city and state (no need for a full street address), one primary email, one phone number, and your security clearance. If you’re transitioning from the military, consider adding the specific area you wish to relocate to and the date you’ll be available for hire.

2. Follow With a Brief, Impactful Summary

Your summary should pack a punch by telling employers what you bring to the table. Include two to three lines of crisp, clean, jargon-free critical experience and relevant attributes such as certifications. If you reference technical skills, specify the number of years you’ve been honing those skills.

3. Focus on Accomplishment Statements, Not Lists of Responsibilities

For many cleared job seekers and transitioning military professionals , focusing on accomplishment statements can be the most crucial enhancement to your resume. Apply the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to highlight your achievements in a way that directly aligns with the job requirements. For example:

Assumed management of a failing contract. Within 90 days implemented new procedures that improved team efficiency by 35%, resolved all overdue items, and led the team to a successful contract re-award.

4. Keep Your Resume Design Simple and Clean

Your security-cleared resume shouldn’t stand out in a pile of resumes due to a flashy design. Even if you’re handing it out at a job fair, it’s likely to be scanned electronically. Stick to a simple font and avoid heavy paper, colors, shading, graphics, overbolding, and tiny type. Less is more when it comes to being easily read or uploaded to an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

5. Shoot for One to Two Pages

Trim or remove all information that does not directly support your value. Cut down on jobs from more than a decade ago. Don’t waste space on education or training that is irrelevant — this is a common mistake that transitioning military make.

The exception to this two-page rule is if the job posting specifically asks for 15 years or more experience. And that’s rare. Keeping your security-cleared resume concise forces you to cut the fluff and highlight what truly matters.

6. Tailor Your Resume When Possible

Tailor your security-cleared resume to emphasize the skills and experience most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Incorporating relevant keywords from the job description not only makes your resume more appealing to recruiters but also increases the likelihood that it will pass through the ATS and reach human eyes.

7. Prioritize Operational Security

When uploading your resume to ClearedJobs.Net or sharing it at a Cleared Job Fair , include your security clearance, since only cleared facilities employers have access to our services. However, avoid listing classified project names, colleague names, office size, or budget details on any version of your security-cleared resume. And refrain from including your security clearance on your LinkedIn profile , as some cleared contractors may view this as a red flag.

8. Exclude these Details from Your Security-Cleared Resume

There’s no need to include your picture, social security number, marital status, number of dependents, health details, hobbies, height, weight, or any other personal information. Also, be careful not to share information in a way that may age you. Skip the year you graduated from college and avoid lengthy work experience statements such as “30 years of experience.” That may imply, “I’m expensive, I’ve seen it all, I know it all, and I’m inflexible.”

9. Proofread and Review Meticulously

Your security-cleared resume often serves as your first impression to potential employers. Ensure it’s error-free by proofreading carefully. Read your resume aloud to catch any mistakes that spell check might have missed and always have someone else review it too.

“Keep subjective self-descriptions out of your summary section. I’m looking at you, Results-Oriented Team Players.” – Bill Branstetter, 9th Way Insignia

Ashley Jones is ClearedJobs.Net's blog Editor and a cleared job search expert, dedicated to helping security-cleared job seekers and employers navigate job search and recruitment challenges. With in-depth experience assisting cleared job seekers and transitioning military personnel at in-person and virtual Cleared Job Fairs and military base hiring events, Ashley has a deep understanding of the unique needs of the cleared community. She is also the Editor of ClearedJobs.Net's job search podcast, Security Cleared Jobs: Who's Hiring & How.

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Should you use AI to build your resume? 64% of hiring professionals approve


Neatly wrapping your entire professional, leadership, and extracurricular experience into one package can be nerve-wracking -- especially since the resume is a key component for getting a job. Luckily, artificial intelligence (AI) can make the task more manageable, and it turns out that most hiring managers aren't opposed to it. 

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Adobe surveyed over 500 hiring professionals and 500 job seekers in the United States to learn about the resume process. Unsurprisingly, many of the applicants surveyed have already leveraged AI in their resumes, with 28% of respondents admitting to having used AI to help write them.

This AI use case has been met with limited opposition from hiring professionals, with 64% approving of job seekers using AI for their resumes. 

Before you use AI to write your resume, it is worth noting that 13% of hiring professionals said they would automatically disqualify a resume written with AI. However, for better or for worse, there is no reliable  AI checker  on the market right now, so as long as you double-check for plagiarism, a hiring professional shouldn't be able to tell. 

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Hiring professionals shared that other red flags they see on resumes include spelling or grammatical errors, lack of relevant experience or skills, too many job changes in a short period, significant unexplained gaps in employment history, and using overly casual language. 

AI can easily help users avoid these red flags. For example, a user  can upload their resume into ChatGPT and ask, "Can you proofread for spelling and grammar, eliminate any overly casual language, and add skills that will make it stronger?" Then, ChatGPT will output a version tweaked with all of these components. 

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Good practices that job seekers should keep in mind include limiting their resume to one page, favored by 55% of hiring professionals; utilizing a PDF format, preferred by three out of four hiring professionals; and emphasizing unique skills, recommended by 29.68% of hiring professionals. 

For step-by-step instructions on how to use ChatGPT , or any other AI chatbot, to build your resume, ZDNET created an easy-to-follow how-to guide that you can use to get started. 

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How to use chatgpt to write your resume, how i test an ai chatbot's coding ability - and you can, too, salesforce unveils ai agents for sales teams - here's how they help.

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A flood warning in effect for Columbia County

Jury ends second day deliberating in trial of former elected official in killing of vegas reporter.

Associated Press

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Robert Telles, a former Clark County public administrator charged in the murder of Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative journalist Jeff German, returns to the courtroom during juror deliberations in his murder trial at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Monday, Aug. 26, 2024. (K.M. Cannon/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP, Pool)

LAS VEGAS – A jury in Las Vegas ended its second day of deliberations Tuesday in the murder trial of a Democratic former elected official accused of killing an investigative reporter two years ago over stories the politician blamed for destroying his career, ruining his reputation and threatening his marriage.

The panel returns Wednesday morning to decide if Robert Telles, the former county administrator of unclaimed estates, is guilty of ambushing and stabbing reporter Jeff German to death two years ago outside German's home. Jurors have deliberated more than 10 hours since closing arguments on Monday.

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Prosecutor Christopher Hamner told them that finding Telles guilty based on overwhelming evidence they heard during eight days of trial would be "like connecting the dots.”

But Telles' defense attorney, Robert Draskovich, told jurors during his closing to ask themselves, “What evidence is missing?” He presented a surprise image of a person whose profile did not look like Telles' driving a maroon SUV that evidence showed was key to the crime.

Telles lost his Democratic primary for a second elected term after German's stories appeared in the Las Vegas Review-Journal in May 2022. They described turmoil and bullying at the Clark County Public Administrator/Guardian office and a romantic relationship between Telles and an employee.

Hamner said Telles learned from county officials just hours before German was killed that the reporter was working on another story about that relationship.

Prosecutor Pamela Weckerly presented a timeline and videos of Telles' maroon SUV leaving the neighborhood near his home a little after 9 a.m. on Sept. 2, 2022, and driving on streets near German's home a short time later.

In some photos drawn from security camera video, the SUV driver is seen wearing a bright orange outfit similar to one worn by a person captured on camera walking to German’s home and slipping into a side yard.

“That person stays, lying in wait,” Weckerly said, showing video from a neighbor's home of German walking from his house into the side yard where he was attacked just after 11:15 a.m.

A little more than 2 minutes later, the figure in orange emerges and walks down a sidewalk. German does not reappear.

Evidence showed a text message from Telles' wife about 10:30 a.m. asking, “Where are you?" Hamner and Weckerly told the jury they believe Telles left his cellphone at home so he couldn't be tracked. Telles said he was taking a walk and then went to a gym in the afternoon.

German’s body was found the next day, and DNA believed to be from Telles was found beneath German’s fingernails. Telles was arrested five days later.

Prosecutors maintained that German fought to the death with his attacker. He was 69.

In his testimony, Telles alleged a broad conspiracy of people framed him for German’s killing in retaliation for his effort to root out corruption he saw in his office.

“I didn’t kill Mr. German, and I’m innocent," he told the jury on Friday.

Draskovich noted Monday that none of German’s blood or DNA was found on Telles, in his vehicle or at his home.

Originally from Milwaukee, German was a respected journalist who spent 44 years covering crime, courts and corruption in Las Vegas.

Telles, 47, is an attorney who practiced civil law before he was elected in 2018. His law license was suspended following his arrest. He faces up to life in prison if he's found guilty.

Weckerly and Hamner presented 28 witnesses and hundreds of pages of photos, police reports and video. Telles and five other people testified for the defense. No Telles family members were called to the stand or identified in the trial gallery.

About a dozen German family members have watched the trial. They've declined as a group to comment.

German was the only journalist killed in the U.S. in 2022, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. The nonprofit has records of 17 media workers killed in the U.S. since 1992.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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  1. How to Make a Resume in 2024

    Create Resume. Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format. Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title, a professional email address, and any relevant links.

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    Our ATS resume scanner doesn't just check your resume, it transforms it! It'll find any errors and guide you on the right skills and words to ace the resume screening software. Here's how it works: Upload or create your resume from scratch using our professional resume templates. Score your resume against others in our database.

  21. Free Resume Builder: Create Your Resume in Minutes

    Create a complete resume in just four simple steps. 4. Save and download as many resumes as you want. 1. Pick a template. 2. Fill it out with help from our experts. 3. Edit and customize the design as needed.

  22. What is Reverse Chronological Resume (With Examples)

    Traditional chronological resumes emphasize your progression over time. It shows how your experience has developed from the beginning of your career up to the present. This type is suitable if you have a clear, consistent career path with logical progression and if your earlier experiences are still relevant to your current job targets.

  23. How to Add LinkedIn to Your Resume (+ Tips For LinkedIn Resumes)

    Our guide will help you make the most of your professional profile. Builders . AI Resume Builder. Millions have trusted our resume maker. ... You should include a LinkedIn URL on your resume most of the time. You don't always need to include a LinkedIn URL, but it's a good habit. Just make sure that your LinkedIn is up to date and positioned to ...

  24. HR Director Example for 2023

    Rezi is an awesome AI-based resume builder that includes templates to help you design a resume that is sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems. This is a great jumping off point to kickstart a new resume. Ashley Stahl. Career Contributor . Total Users (this is annoying to update) 2,023,399.

  25. Ladders launches online resume services to help ...

    The Ladders resumes services team will also help job seekers optimize their LinkedIn profiles. They'll provide professional advice on how to articulate your accomplishments and organize your ...

  26. Nine Tips to Write Your Most Effective Security-Cleared Resume

    Create a standout security-cleared resume with the help of these nine go-to tips. Your security-cleared resume is not a biography or a mere list of qualifications. It's an ad designed to help you land that coveted cleared job interview and move to the next stage of the hiring process. Recruiters typically give your resume a quick scan before ...

  27. Should you use AI to build your resume? 64% of hiring ...

    Also: I've tested dozens of AI chatbots since ChatGPT's stunning debut.Here's my top pick. Good practices that job seekers should keep in mind include limiting their resume to one page, favored by ...

  28. fēnix 8 Series Owner's Manual

    Sync your watch with your Garmin Connect account. When you want to resume your training status, select an option: From the training status glance, hold , and select Options > Resume Training Status. From your Garmin Connect settings, select Performance Stats > Training Status > > Resume Training Status.

  29. Jury to resume deliberating in trial of ex-politician accused of

    LAS VEGAS - A jury resumes deliberations Tuesday in the trial of a former Las Vegas-area Democratic politician accused of killing an investigative ... If you need help with the Public File, call ...