

Important Questions and Notes

Important Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Digital presentation class 9 questions and answers.

Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

Q1. Name the components of LibreOffice suite used to create presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Impress

Q2. Name two software used to create presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Two softwares are:

  • LibreOffice Impress
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Q3. Aman has to create a presentation but he don’t have any presentation software in his computer. Being a friend of Aman, Suggest him two software which are available under the cloud platform in the Internet.

Show Answer Ans. MS-Office 365 PowerPoint, Google Presentation or Microsoft SkyDrive PowerPoint

Q4. Write any four characteristics of a good quality presentation.

Show Answer Ans. Four characteristics of a good quality presentation are:

  • One slide should have 5-8 lines of text.
  • Font size of the texts in the presentation should be appropriate.
  • Correct use of grammar and language.
  • We should insert images, drawings, tables or graphs.

Q5. Write one advantage of OpenOffice Impress over Microsoft PowerPoint.

Show Answer Ans. OpenOffice Impress is free and open source software.

Q6. Write the steps to open LibreOffice Impress in Windows.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to open LibreOffice Impress in Windows are:

  • Click on the Start or Windows button
  • Select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress from application window.

Q7. Write two ways to open Impress in Windows.

Show Answer Ans. Two ways to open Impress in Windows are:

  • click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Impress from application window.
  • Double click its shortcut icon on the desktop.

Q8. Name the bar which have window manipulation buttons in the right corner.

Show Answer Ans. Title bar

Q9. Write any four function that we can perform from ‘File’ menu in Impress

Show Answer Ans. Four functions are:

  • We can open a new file.
  • We can open an existing file.
  • We can save a file.
  • We can print a file.

Q10. Explain the following components of Impress window in brief.

Show Answer Ans.

  • Title bar: It contains the name of presentation file. It is always present on the top of the LibreOffice Impress window.
  • Workspace: This is the central part of the window, where the presentation slides are created, text is entered, images and other objects are inserted.
  • Slide pane: It is a vertical pane to see the slide in small size. It help to navigate the slides. As we click on particular slide, that slide will be displayed in larger size in middle of the window.

Q11. Match the following

Q12. What do you mean by Master page in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Master page is used to design the architecture of slide which is common style for all the slides which are using this master page.

Q13. What do you mean by Slide transition?

Show Answer Ans. Slide transition is used to set the way that how the slide will appear during the presentation. Using slide transition we can also modify features like speed of transition, sound effects etc.

Q14. What information is displayed on the status bar of Impress window?

Show Answer Ans. Status bar displays information about the active presentation, the current position of the cursor and the zoom slider.

Q15. Write the three ways to close Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Three ways to close the impress are:

  • Select the File menu and click on Exit
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + F4
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Q

Q16. Write the steps to save a file in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to save file are:

  • Select the File menu –> Save OR Click on the Save button on the Standard Toolbar OR press Ctrl + S.
  • Save As dialog box will open.
  • Select the location where you want to save the file.
  • Enter a name of the file and click Save

Q17. Write the steps to save a presentation with different name in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Steps to save are:

  • Select File→ Save As or, press Shift+Ctrl+S from keyboard
  • Enter the new file name in the File Name field.
  • Click on Save button.

Q18. What is the default extension of presentation in Impress? How can you save presentation in different format?

Show Answer Ans. The default extension of presentation in Impress is .odp extension.

To save a presentation as another file type, select File→Save As. In the Save As dialog box, click on the All Formats drop-down menu and select the choice from the offered programs.

Q19. What are the various ways to run a slide show in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Various ways to run a slide show are:

  • Click Slide Show→Start from First Slide on the main menu bar or
  • Click the Slide Show icon on the Presentation toolbar or
  • Press F5. from the keyboard

Q20. Ananya created a presentation on topic “Cyber Safety”. She wants to publish her presentation on web. Suggest her suitable format in which she should save her presentation. Also write the steps to save in that format.

Show Answer Ans. Ananya should save her presentation in HTML format.

Steps to save the presentation as html are:

  • Click on File → Export
  • Select the directory in which you want to save the file
  • Enter a file name

Q21. Aman created a presentation on topic “Air Pollution”. He wants to save the file in pdf format. Write the full form of pdf and also write the steps to save the presentation file in pdf format.

Show Answer Ans. PDF stands for Portable Document Format.

Steps to save presentation in pdf format are:

  • Click on File → Export as PDF

Q22. Write two ways to close the presentation in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Two ways to close the presentation are:

  • select File Menu→Close
  • Use the keyboard shortcut keys Ctrl+W.

Q23. What are the various ways to insert the duplicate slide in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. Various ways to insert the duplicate slide in Impress are:

Select the slide you want to duplicate from the Slides Pane and select Slide → Duplicate Slide from the menu bar.

Right-click on the slide in the slide pane and select Duplicate Slide.

Right-click on a slide in Workspace and select Slide → Duplicate Slide.

Q24. What are the various ways to insert a new slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Ways to insert a new slide are:

1. Select Slide → New Slide from the menu bar

2. Right-click on a slide in slide pane and select New Slide from the context menu.

3. Right-click in an empty space in the Workspace and select Slide → New Slide from the context menu.

4. Click the New Slide icon in the Presentation toolbar.

5. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to insert new slide.

Q25. Write the keybord shortcut for the following:

Show Answer Ans. Keyboard shortcut are:

  • Cut ————- Ctrl + X
  • Copy————Ctrl + C
  • Paste————Ctrl + V

Q26. Write the steps to delete a slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to delete any slide from a presentation in Impress are:

  • Select the slide(s)
  • Right click and select delete from the context menu or press delete button from keyboard.

Q27. Write the steps to rename a slide.

Show Answer Ans. Steps to rename a slide are:

  • Select a slide.
  • Right click and choose rename from the context menu.
  • A Rename Slide dialog box will appear.
  • Write the name of the slide and click OK.

Q28. Parth wants to delete some text from the presentation but he is confused between the use of Delete or Backspace key. Being a frend of Parth, help him to understand the difference between the two keys.

Show Answer Ans. The delete and backspace button on keyboard is used to delete the text. The delete key deletes the character on the right of the cursor, and the backspace button deletes the character on the left of the cursor.

Q29. Ananya was creating a presentation in Impress. By mistake she deleted an important image from the presentation. She wants that image back to the position in presentation. Which option of Impress will help Ananya?Also write the keyboard shortcut to use this option.

Show Answer Ans. Undo option will help Ananya to bring the image back to the presentation. Keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Z.

Q30. Find the missing words ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ from the following passage.

_____a______ function is used to revert the result of the Undo function. To use this function use ______b______ menu or by using the keyboard shortcut _______c_________

Show Answer Ans. a = Redo

c = Ctrl + Y

Q31. Write four workspace views available in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. Various views are:

  • Slide Sorter

Q32. Define the following views of Impress.

  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Outline View

Show Answer Ans. 1. Normal View: This view is used to add text, graphics, and animation effects. In this view, the slide is displayed in the middle of the window.

2. Slide Sorter View: This view shows thumbnails of all slides. This view is suitable to sort slides with the ‘drag and drop’ method.

3. Outline View: This view contains all the slides of the presentation in a sequence. It shows each slide in the outline format.

4. Notes View: This view is used to add notes to a slide for the information of presenter. It is not seen by the audience while showing the presentation.

Q33. Complete the following table

Q34. Name four horizontal alignments.

Show Answer Ans. Four horizontal alignments are:

Q35. Name three vertical alignments.

Show Answer Ans. Three vertical alignments are:

Q36. Write the steps to insert table in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. A Table can be inserted from the Insert menu by selecting Insert → Table. Specify the number of rows and columns. Click on OK.

Q37. How can you move the cursor(insertion point) in table?

Show Answer Ans. Insertion point in a table can be move by three ways:

  • by pressing the left mouse button
  • by pressing the TAB key on a keyboard
  • by using arrow keys on the keyboard

Q38. How can you adjust column width and row height of a table using the mouse?

Show Answer Ans. To change the width of the column, position mouse pointer on the border line between the two columns, and when the cursor changes to a (↔) sign, press the left mouse button, hold and drag it until the column achieves the desired width. The same can be done for adjusting the row height.

Q39. Write the steps to delete table from a slide in Impress.

Show Answer Ans. To delete a table click on the table border to select the table and press the Delete key.

Q40. How can you insert an image from the gallery in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. To insert an image from the gallery

  • Select Insert → Media → Gallery from the menu.
  • Select a theme
  • Click on the image and drag it onto the workspace.
  • Release the mouse button and the image will be placed into your slide.

Q41. How can you open the drawing toolbar in Impress?

Show Answer Ans. To open the drawing toolbar, select View → Toolbars →Drawing from the main menu bar.

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Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT–ITeS Industry NOTES

Unit 1 : Introduction to IT-ITeS MCQ

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation NOTES

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation BOOK SOLUTIONS

Unit 3 : Digital Documentation MCQ

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Unit 4 : Electronic Spreadsheet MCQ

Unit 5 : Digital Presentation MCQ

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Class 9 – IT 402 Digital Presentation – Notes

Table of Contents

Unit 5 – Digital Presentation

Session 1: creating a presentation, what is presentation software why we use this type of software.

Presentation software is an application software which is used to create multimedia presentations in the form of slide shows. The maximum uses of this software can be seen in the field of entertainment, education, corporate training sessions, seminars and conferences.

What is Power Point used for?

Ans: Microsoft power point is an application software that is particularly used to present data and information by using text, diagrams with animation, images, transitional effects etc. in the form of slides. It helps people to better understand the idea or topic in front of the audience practically and easily.

Important Points about power point presentation software

  • It is written in C# language.
  • It is available in 102+ languages.
  • It is developed by Microsoft and released in 1987.

Write name of applications that are used to create presentation in phone (mobile)

Important Shortcut Keys of MS Excel

DescriptionShortcut Key
To open Help dialog boxF1
To run slide showF5
Microsoft Office vs Apache OpenOffice / Libre Office Features

Components of MS PowerPoint Window

  • Quick Access Toolbar (by default, three option are there: Save, Undo, Redo)
  • Ribbon (It consists Tabs, Groups and Commands)
  • File Tab / Button (New, Open, Save, Save As, Print, Close etc.)
  • Slides Pane (Working area)
  • Slides Tab (Thumbnail or miniature version of each slide in left side)
  • Outline Tab (It displays the outline of all the text present in each slide)
  • Status Bar (It displays important information about the current / selected slide.)
  • View Buttons (Normal view, Slide sorter view, Reading view and Slide show view)
  • Notes Pane (to type personal notes or comments about the current / selected slide)
  • Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars (It is used to change the size of panes, Hovering the mouse over the command displays the functions of that command/icon)

Create PowerPoint Presentation Using Blank Presentation option

Create PowerPoint Presentation Using Built-in Templates (download from office.com)

Steps to Protect or Apply Password to a Presentation File.

  • Step 1: Click on File tab and select the save as option.
  • Step 2: The Save As dialog box will appear.
  • Step 3: Click on the drop-down arrow of the Tools option and select General Options.
  • Step 4: The General Dialog box will appear, displaying the two fields – Password to open and Password to modify.
  • Step 5: Type the desired password in the Password to open text box. Click on OK.
  • Step 6: The Confirm Dialog Box appears. Re-enter the password in order to confirm the password. Then, click on OK.
  • Step 7: If the password match, the presentation is saved with password protection.

Session 2: Working with Slides

Differences between slide and slide show..

A slide is a single page of presentation. Collectively, a group of slides may be known as a slide deck whereas a slide show is an exposition of a series of slides or images in an electronic device or in a projection screen.

What are placeholders?

In PowerPoint, a placeholder is a pre-formatted container on a slide for content (text, graphics or video etc.). The pre-set formatting makes it easier to format slides consistently. You format a placeholder in Normal View.

What is the default layout of the first slide and the second slide?

The default layout of the first slide is “Title Slide” and the second slide is “Title and Content”.

Steps to Change the Layout of a Slide?

  • Step 1: On the Home Tab, Click Layout.
  • Step 2: Pick a layout that better matches the content on your slide, and then click Change Layout.

Steps to save a presentation in PDF format? (*Portable Document Format)

  • Step 1: Click on the file menu and select the Save As option. The Save As dialog box opens.
  • Step 2: Select the location where you want to save the PDF file.
  • Step 3: Enter the name in the File Name text box.
  • Step 4: Select the PDF option in Save as type  list box.
  • Step 5: Click on Save button. Your presentation will be saved in the PDF format.

Steps to Insert a Duplicate Slide

  • Step 1: Right click on existing slide. A context menu will appears.
  • Step 2: Select Duplicate Slide option. The duplicate slide will be created.

Steps to Copy and Move the Content in the slides?

Copying and moving content within slides in a presentation depends on the specific presentation software you are using. I’ll provide general instructions for some commonly used presentation software: Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.

  • Click on the element (e.g., text box, image) you want to copy.
  • Right-click on it, and from the context menu, select “Copy.”
  • Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy the selected content.
  • Click on the element you want to move.
  • Drag and drop it to the desired location on the slide. Release the mouse button to drop the element in the new position.
  • To copy content to another slide, follow the steps to copy, and then go to the target slide.
  • To move content to another slide, follow the steps to copy, paste it on the target slide, and then delete it from the original slide.

What is zoom slider?

A “zoom slider” in a presentation typically refers to a feature in presentation software that allows you to zoom in or out on a specific part of a slide or the entire slide. This feature is often used to emphasize or highlight specific content, such as images, text, or diagrams, during a presentation.

Different Presentation Views available in PowerPoint.

  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Slide Show View
  • Notes Page View

Steps to Insert a Bulleted List in PowerPoint File.

What is a layout where is the option located in the powerpoint window.

A layout defines the basic structure of a slide and arranges your slide content. It provides different ways to position your text, images and other graphic elements on a slide. The Layout option is located in the Slides group of the Home tab.

Use of Notes page view in PowerPoint Presentation.

The Notes page view displays the notes page for the selected slide, where you can write additional information about the current slide. It is used by the presenter.

Steps used to enter notes in a slide.

The steps to enter notes in a slide are as follows:

  • Step 1: Select Notes Page option  in the Presentation View group of the View Tab.
  • Step 2: Select the slide on which you wish to add a note.
  • Step 3: You will find a text panel below the slide with a prompt box, ‘Click to add text’ to enter notes for the selected slide.

Session 3: Using Tables in Presentation

  • Table –  It the collection of cells. It the collection rows and columns. Collection of cells.
  • Row –  It is a horizontal series of cells.
  • Column –  It is a vertical series of cells.
  • Cell –  It is a rectangular box present in a table. It is the smallest unit of a table. It is an intersection of a row and column.

Use of Table in Power Point?

Tables in PowerPoint are used for organizing and presenting data in a structured and visually appealing manner.

Difference between a row and a column

A row in a table runs horizontally, representing a horizontal sequence of cells, while a column runs vertically, representing a vertical sequence of cells.

Different ways of Inserting a table in MS Word 2010

In Microsoft Word 2010, you can insert a table using several methods:

  • Click on the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.
  • Click on the “Table” button to open a grid.
  • Hover your cursor over the grid to select the number of rows and columns you want, and then click to insert the table.
  • Click on the “Insert” tab.
  • Select “Table” and then choose “Draw Table.”
  • Draw the table by clicking and dragging to create rows and columns.
  • Under the “Insert” tab, select “Table” and then choose “Quick Tables.”
  • You can select from a gallery of predefined table styles, such as calendars, lists, and more, which are inserted into your document.
  • Select “Table” and then choose “Insert Table.”
  • A dialog box will appear where you can specify the number of rows and columns and other table properties.
  • If you have text separated by tabs, paragraphs, or commas, you can select it.
  • Then, go to the “Insert” tab, select “Table,” and choose “Convert Text to Table.” Word will attempt to create a table based on the text structure.

Steps to split a table in MS PowerPoint

To split a table into two, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Place the cursor inside a cell from where you want split the table.
  • Step 2: Click on Layout Tab.
  • Step 3: Select the Split Table option in the Merge group.
  • Step 4: Table will be split into two tables.

Session 4: Using Tables in Presentation

Steps to group or ungroup the objects..

  • Step 1: Draw any multiple shapes in a slide.
  • Step 2: Select all the shapes (objects) by holding CTRL key.
  • Step 3: Right click in the selected portion. A context menu will appears.
  • Step 4: Select Group and Group option.
  • Step 1: Right click on the selected shapes.
  • Step 2: Select Group and Ungroup option.

Session 5: Working with Slide Master

Slide Master  is an element of the template that stores information, including font styles, background design and color schemes.

Slide master sets the default layout and formatting for all the other slides. It actually controls an entire presentation. Each Slide Master contains one or more standard or custom sets of layout. Any changes made in the Slide Master page automatically reflects on every slide in the presentation.

Slide Master consists of two placeholders :

  • Slide title placeholder
  • Body text placeholder

Name any three image file formats that can be inserted in a presentation.

The most commonly used image file formats in a presentation are GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG or BMP.

  • GIF –  Graphics Interchange Format
  • JPEG/JPG –  Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • PNG –  Portable Network Graphics
  • BMP –  BITMAP (Windows)

Step to apply the transition effects

Follow these steps to add transition effects.

  • Step 1: Select the slide on which you want to apply a transition. Click on the Transition Tab.
  • Step 2: Click on the desired transition effect and related option to apply for current slide or all slides.

Why do you need to group objects sometimes?

Grouping multiple objects together helps in treating them as a single entry or object. They can be moved, rotated, resized, flipped, copied and deleted together.

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Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation Sumita Arora Book Solution

Class 9 Information Technology 402

Unit 5 – Digital Presentation

Sumita Arora Book Solution

Session 1 – Introducing Presentation

Q1- Impress presentations are given extension ____. Ans- .odp

Q2- Which of the following can be one of the components of a slide? Ans-All of the above

Q3- Speaker’s notes can be used for Reference. (T/F) Ans- True

Q4- Which of the following can be used to create a presentation from scratch – Ans-Empty presentation

Q5- Which of the following views can you use to show just the slide and its contents Ans- Slide

Q6- Differentiate between a Slide and a Slide Show. Ans- Slide View shows the slide and its contents but Slide Show View displays the presentation on the slide at a time in sequence as an automatic slide show.

Q7- What is presentation graphics? What is its significance? Ans- Presentation graphics is a specialized type of graphics software. These programs are used to create professional-looking visual aids for an audience.

Q8- What are the various components of a slide? Write their usage. Ans- Various Components of Slide are:

  • Title-A descriptive heading identifying a slide.
  • Subtitle- A descriptive message of the slide data.
  • Drawing objects-These include autoshapes, curves, lines etc.
  • Clipart and Pictures- Openoffice suite comes with its own set of pictures in the
  • Gallery. These pictures are called Clipart or pictures.

Q9- What are the various views, which you can open your presentation in? Ans- There are six ways to view your presentation –

  • Normal View
  • Outline View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Slide Show View

Q10- When is Slide Sorter View useful for viewing a presentation? Ans- Slide Sorter view is useful to display entire set of slides on-screen, so that we can check the order and completeness of our presentation.

Q11- What is Outline? What is its significance? Ans- Outline view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form. This view is used for rearranging the order of slides, editing titles and headings, rearranging the order of items in a list and adding new slides.

Q12- Which pane can you insert the speaker’s notes in? Ans-Notes pane.

Q13- What do you understand by Handouts? How are they useful? Ans-The Handout view lets us print our slides for a handout. Handouts basically are compressed versions of a slide useful for printing.

Q14- A salesperson is using presentation software to produce a slideshow. State the three features o f presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting.

Ans-(i). Slides contain images, video, links, and sound.

(ii). The software comes with many different animation effects which can be used to add emphasis to presentations.

(iii) It also has a large selection of slide transition effects that can be used when changing from one slide to the next.

Session 2 – Introducing Presentation

Q1- What is a slide layout? Ans- Placeholder boxes for objects like graphics, title etc.

Q2- A preformatted blueprint used for the creation of other presentations is . Ans-Template

Q3- Place holder positioned at the bottom of every slide or slide handout is ___. Ans- Footer

Q4- This allows the style to be set once and applied to multiple slide in a presentation. What is this. Ans- Slide master

Q5- How would you change the background and shading of the current slide? Ans- Follow the given steps: –

  • Click at Format- Page option.
  • Select the Background tab and choose the desired fill scheme.

Q6- How would you change the background through a slide master?

Ans- 1. Click View menu- Master- Slide Master.

  • Click the command Format menu- Page.
  • Choose the Background tab.
  • Select the type of fill from the Fill menu.

Q7- What is a template? How do you create a presentation based on a template? Ans- A presentation template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides saved as a file based on which we can create other presentations. To create a presentation based on a template, firstly select From template and then a presentation template from Presentation Wizard.

Q8- What is the significance of presentation templates? Ans- Templates are very useful when we want to create a set of presentations for similar purposes. This ensures uniformity across similar types of presentations.

Q9- What is a slide master? How is it useful? Ans- Slide master refers to a design theme applicable to multiple slides. Masters are used to ensure identical designs on every slide.

Q10- How is a slide master different from a template? Ans- A template is a blueprint based on which a presentation is created. Within a presentation, the design theme is controlled via slide masters. In fact, there can be multiple slide masters applied to different slides of the presentations.

Session 3 – Slide Text and Images

Q1- How do you add text to a slide? Ans- To add text to a slide, click in the textbox and start typing.

Q2- How do you add a bulleted list to a slide? Ans-Follow these steps:-

  • Click Format menu- Bullets and Numbering.
  • Click Bullets tab.
  • Select the desired type of bullet.

Q3- How do you add a numbered list to a slide? Ans- Follow the given steps:-

  • Click Numbering type tab.
  • Select the desired type of numbering.

Q4- How do you add a table to a slide? Ans- Follow the given steps to add a table: –

  • Click Insert menu -Table.
  • Specify the number of rows and columns.

Q5- What is the maximum size of a table that you can enter in Impress? Ans- In Impress, we can insert a maximum 75 X 75 table.

Q6- What are the header row and total row of a table? Ans- The header row is the very first row that has a different background from the rest of the table. It is useful for giving column headings. The total row is similar to a header row, but it is the last row that is different from the rest of the table. It is a useful feature for tables with numerical data with totals at the bottom.

Q7- To have sums of all column values in a numeric table, which row will you add and why? Ans- To have sums of all column values in a numeric table, we will add the total row because it is the last row and it is a useful feature for tables with numerical data with totals at the bottom.

Q8- In how many ways can you add images to a presentation? Ans- We can add images from the clipboard, cloud, and gallery.

Q9- What is the use of the Paste Special command? Ans- Paste Special is a feature that gives us more control of how the content is displayed when pasted from the clipboard.

Q10- How is Paste different from Paste’s special command? Ans- Paste inserts the image in the default format as decided by the software while Paste special allows us to decide, which format we want to paste the image into.

Session 4 – Drawing and Managing Graphic Objects in Impress

Q 1. How can you add predefined shapes to your slides? Answer: To add a predefined shape to your slide, click on the small triangle next to a basic shape, select the desired tool, and drag it into the slide.

Q 2. How will you add a line border to graphic objects? Answer: The format -> line command applies a border around the selected object. It opens the line dialog where you can choose the type of line, line size, line style, etc.

Q 3. How will you fill the area of a graphic object as blue? Answer: Select the graphic object -> Go to fill -> select the color blue.

Q 4. What is the grouping and ungrouping of objects? Answer: Grouping of multiple objects combines the separate objects in a way so that they behave as if they are a single object. Ungrouping of a single object distributes the object in a way so that it behaves as if it a combination of different objects.

Q 5. What are the two types of properties of text? How do you set these? Answer: Every text object inserted into Impress has two types of properties: Presentation Properties and Graphic Properties. For Presentation Properties Select the text and in the text properties, select the desired font, size, style, shadow, etc. for the text. Or you can click the format menu -> Character command which displays a Character dialog wherein you can set font, font effects, etc. For Graphic Properties To set graphic properties, select the text and click the format menu -> text command.

  • It will display a text dialog where: From the text tab, you can set its properties like fit width/height, spacing from border, etc.
  • From the text animation tab, you can set animation effects, animation direction, and other animation properties.

Q 6. What is the use of connectors? How do you format connectors? Answer: Connectors are used to link two or more graphic objects. Steps to format connectors:

  • Step 1: Insert the graphic objects.
  • Step 2: Click the connectors button on the Drawing toolbar, click the first object to be connected, and drag the next object to be connected.
  • Step 3: Format the connector by right-clicking the connector and choosing the connector from the shortcut menu. It will display a connector dialog where you can format the connector.

Session 5 Exporting and Printing Slide shows the Presentation

Q 1. You can print out the presentation as all of the following except

(a) Full-page slides (b) Outline view (c) Multiple slides per page (d) Interactive view

Answer: (d) Interactive View

Q 2 . When you want to animate a part of your text (words) you must click on which of the following First?

(a) Custom Animation option (b) Slide Transition option (c) Insert (d) Text Box

Answer: (a) Custom Animation Option

Q 3. How do you add the same transition for each slide?

(a) Click the transition (b) Click the transition then click “ Apply to all” (c) Click the transition then click “ Remove” (d) Click Design

Answer: (b) Click the transition then click “ Apply to all”

Q 4. Which function key allows you to run the slideshow?

(a) F1 (b) F5 (c) F3 (d) F7

Answer: (b) F5

Q 5. How can you reorder slides in the slide show?

(a) Cut the content of a slide, add a new slide and paste the cut content there (b) In slide sorter view, drag the slide to desired new position (c) You can’t (d) Delete the previous slide and import a new one

Q 6. The animation shown when one slide moves to another slide is known as ____. (a) Animation (b) Transition (c) Design (d) Hyperlink

Answer: (b) Transition

Q 7. All of the following are items that can be included in a presentation except… (a) Audio (b) Video Game (c) Charts (d) Tables

Answer: (b) Video Game

Q 8. Custom animation is available on the _____ menu.

(a) Edit (b) Slide show (c) Tools (d) Insert

Answer: (b) Slide show

Q 9. What are transition effects?

Answer: Transitions are special effects that introduce a slide in a slide show.

Q 10. When is the slide sorter view useful for viewing a presentation?

Answer: In slide sorter view, you can easily rearrange slides, delete them, or duplicate them.

Q 11. Which menu and command let you insert animation in your slide?

Answer: Normal view -> Click command Slide show -> Custom Animation

Q 12. How would you print handouts from your presentation?

Answer: Use the command File menu -> Print. It will open the Print dialog. Here you can specify what to print i.e. choose one of the following to print. * Slides * Handouts * Notes * Outline

Q 13. Neesa is trying to save her presentation in MS PowerPoint but export command from file menu is not providing any option for this? Help her to save the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation format.

  • In Impress, click the command File -> Save As.
  • In Save As dialog choose the save as type as Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

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Class 9 Information Technology 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation NCERT Book Solution

C. state whether the following statements are true or false..

1. The order of the slides cannot be changed in the slides pane.

Answer: True

2. Slide design or layout can be changed for multiple slides simultaneously.

3. Every slide in a presentation has exactly one slide master.

4. Animations once applied can be changed but cannot be removed.

Answer: False

5. Slide names are included in the outline view.

6. The notes added to slides can be seen during the presentation.

7. A presentation can have multiple slide masters.

8. A user can create his/her own slide master.

9. Once a pre-defined slide master is selected, the background of slide cannot be changed.

10. The text added to the header is displayed on the first slide only.

11. The text added to the footer is displayed on the last slide only.

12. User can create his/her own template and use it in the Presentation Wizard.

13. The Notes View is used for the audience.

14. It is not possible to insert audio or video clips in the presentation.

15. Header and footer can be inserted in the presentation.

D. Short answer questions (50 words)

1. List the possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation.

Answer: Possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation are:

2. List the important points to be considered while making an effective presentation.

Answer:  Important points to be considered while making an effective presentation are:

  • (a) On one page or slide try to include 5 to 8 lines.
  • (b) In presentation keep the font size appropriate so that the audience can easily read the contents.
  • (c) The grammar and language should be correct in your presentation.
  • (d) Try to avoid inserting more than two graphics (images, drawings, tables, or charts) in any slide.
  • (e) Do not include more than one animation or video in one slide.
  • (f) Pay attention to the target group to meet the requirements of the target audience.

3. What are the advantages of using a presentation?

Answer:  Advantages of using a presentation are:

  • The concepts that are difficult to explain by teacher, can be easily presented to the audience in a simple way.
  • Machine parts and operation of various machines can be easily shown

4. What objects can be inserted into slides in Impress?

Answer:  Various objects can be inserted to slides in Impress are:

5. What are the steps to add a picture or object to the slide?

Answer:  To insert an image in your document, position the cursor where you want to insert the file, select Insert → Image.

Click on the insert image icon, located below the Formatting Toolbar. Select the image file and click on Open button or just double click on the image file. The image will get inserted in the file.

6. How can text be added to header or footer on the sliders?

Answer:  Steps to add header and footer on slides are:

  • Click Insert —> Header and Footer.
  • Header and Footer dialog box appears.
  • Select the Footer check box and write text in the Footer text box.
  • Click Apply to All button to apply the footer on all slides.

7. Describe the use of fields available in the header and footer.

Answer:  Fields available in header and footer are:

  • Header: A header is a text/section which appear at the top of the slide.
  • Footer: A footer is a text/section which appear at the bottom of the slide.
  • Date & Time: This option helps to add Date and Time in header section of slide.
  • Page Number: This option helps to add page number on slide.

8. Write the steps to create a template.

Answer:  Steps to create a template are:

  • Create a slide which you want to save it as a template.
  • Click on File —> Templates –> Save As Template.
  • Save As Template dialog box appear.
  • Write the name of the template and select the Template category where you want to save.
  • Click on Save button.

9. Write down the steps to add slide transition in your presentation.

Answer:  Steps to add slide transition in your presentation are:

  • In the Sidebar, select the Slide Transition icon.
  • Select the slides to apply the transition. If you want to apply the transition to all the slides, do not select any slides.
  • Select a sound from the Sound list.
  • Select how to advance to the next slide: manually (By mouse click) or automatically.
  • To apply a transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides.
  • Click Slide show to view the applied transition.

10. How will you add the slide number at the bottom of each slide?

Answer:  Steps to add the slide number at the bottom of each slide are:

  • In the Slide tab, Select the Slide Number check box.
  • Click Apply to All button.

11. How will you insert a company’s logo (picture) in the first slide of your presentation?

Answer:  Steps to insert a company’s logo (picture) in the first slide of your presentation are:

  • Open your presentation and go to the first slide.
  • Click on Insert —> Image.
  • Select your company logo/image and click on Open.
  • Set the company logo at the desired position.

12. How will you add the name of the company on the top of each slide?

Answer:  Steps to add the name of the company on the top of each slide are:

  • Click Insert —> Header and Footer
  • In the Notes and Handouts tab, Select Header.
  • Write the name of the company in the Header text box.

13. Write down the steps to create a table in a presentation.

Answer:  Steps to create a table in a presentation are:

  • Click on the slide where you want to insert the table.
  • Select Insert —> Table
  • Specify the number of rows and columns

14. Write down the steps to insert a chart in the slide.

Answer:   Steps to insert a chart in a slide are:

  • Click on slide where you want to insert chart.
  • Select Insert —> Chart
  • Chart based on default value will be inserted in slide.
  • Right click on chart and change the Chart Data Table, Chart type etc.

15. What are the five views of the presentation?

Answer:  Five views of the presentation are:

  • Normal View
  • Outline View
  • Slide Sorter View

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Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentations Question – Answer / MCQ

A. Multiple Choice Questions

1.Which of the following option is not available on Presentation Wizard? (a) Empty presentation (b) Form template (c) Open new presentation (d) Open existing presentation

Answer: (a) Empty presentation

2. Which of the following is not a part of main Impress window? (a) Slides pane (b) Workspace (c) Work pane (d) Task pane

Answer: (c) Work pane

3.Which of the following is not a section of tasks pane? (a) Master pages (b) Layouts (c) Custom View (d) Custom animation

Answer: (c) Custom View

4. Which view button listed below is not one of those available in the workspace? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Thumbnail view (d) Notes

Answer: (c) Thumbnail view

5. Which view is generally used for creating, formatting and designing slides? (a) Normal view (b) Outline view (c) Notes (d) Slide Sorter view

Answer: (a) Normal view

6. The slide show can be exited at any time during the show by pressing which of the following keys? (a) Space bar (b) End key (c) Break key (d) Esc key

Answer: (d) Esc key

7. Which of the following features is used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order? (a) Rehearsal (b) Custom Slide show (c) Slide Show Setup (d) Slide Show View

Answer: (b) Custom Slide show

8. Which of the following feature is used to progress the slide show automatically while speaking on the topic? (a) Custom Animation (b) Rehearse Timing (c) Slide Transition (d) Either (a) or (b)

Answer: (c) Slide Transition

B. Fill in the blanks

  • _______ is used to maintain consistency in design and colour in the presentation.

Answer: Master Slide

2. ________________view is used to view all the slides simultaneously.

Answer: Slide Sorter

3. ________________is used to perform basic operations on the presentation

Answer: File Menu

4. Master Page is used to modify the _____________of the slide.

Answer: Basic Architecture

5. To create a new blank presentation, use the key combination __ .

Answer: Ctrl + N

6. In every presentation, first slide should be _______ .

Answer: Title Slide

7. To save a presentation, we can use key combination ___ .

Answer: Ctrl + S

8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default the presentation is saved with _________extension.

Answer: (.odp)

9. The keyboard shortcut key for slide show is _ .

10. The short cut key to close the LibreOffice impress is_________

Answer: Ctrl + Q

11.The short cut key to insert a new slide is ____ .

Answer: Ctrl + M

12. The __ view is used to apply animation on the content of slide

Answer: Normal

13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is known as ____ .

Answer: Handouts

14. To play a sound during transitions, select a sound from the __ list.

Answer: Sound

15. To play the sound repeatedly, the __________________is used

Answer: Loop until next sound

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

  • The order of the slides cannot be changed in slides pane

Answer: True

2. Slide design or layout can be changed for multiple slides simultaneously.

3. Every slide in a presentation has exactly one slide master.

4. Animations once applied can be changed but cannot be removed.

Answer: False

5. Slide names are included in outline view.

6. The notes added to slides can be seen during the presentation.

7. A presentation can have multiple slide masters.

8. A user can create his/her own slide master.

9. Once a pre-defined slide master is selected, the background of slide cannot be changed.

10. The text added to the header is displayed on the first slide only.

11.The text added to the footer is displayed on the last slide only.

12. User can create his/her own template and use it in the Presentation Wizard.

13. The Notes View is used for the audience.

14. It is not possible to insert audio or video clips in the presentation.

15. Header and footer can be inserted in the presentation.

D. Short answer questions

1.List the possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation.

Answer: Possible multimedia contents that are included while creating a presentation:-

2. List the important points to be considered while making an effective presentation.

  • On one page or slide try to include 5 to 8 lines

2. While preparing the presentation, you need to take care of the room size, distance between the screen and the audience. Accordingly keep the font size of the texts, so that the audience can easily read the contents.

3. The grammar and Language should be correct in your Presentation.

4. Do not include more than one animation or Video in one Slide.

5. Try to avoid inserting more than two graphics in any Slide.

6. Pay attention to the target group to meet the requirement of the target audience.

3. What are the advantages of using a presentation?

Answer: 1.Concepts can be easily presented to the audience in a simple way.

2. Machine parts and operation of various machines can be easily shown.

4 What objects can be inserted to slides in Impress?

Answer: We can insert various types of objects to slides in Impress such as Table, Charts, Shapes and Textbox into a Presentation.

5. What are the steps to add picture or object to the slide?

Answer: Click on the Insert Image icon. Select the Image file and click on Open button or just Double click on the image file. The image will get inserted in the file

Position the cursor where you want to insert the file, Select Insert–>Image.

6. How can text be added to header or footer on the sliders?

Answer: Steps to add header or footer on the sliders:

Click  INSERT  >  Header & Footer .

Header & Footer dialog box appears.

In the box below  Footer , type the text that you want, such as the presentation title.

Click  Apply to All . Or, if you want the footer information only on the selected slide, click  Apply  instead of  Apply to All .

7.Describe the use of fields available in header and footer.

Answer: Fields available in header and footer are:

  • Header: A Header is a text or section which appears at the Top of the slide.
  • Footer: A Footer is a text or section which appears at the Bottom of the slide.
  • Date & Time: This is used to add Date & Time in header section in the Slide.
  • Page Number: This is used to add Page Number in the slide.

8. Write the steps to create a template.

Answer: 1.Create a slide which you want to save it as a template.

2. Click on File–> Templates–> Save as Template.

3. Save As Template dialog box appear.

4.Type Name of the template and select Template Category where you want to save.

5. Click on Save button.

9.Write down the steps to add slide transition in your presentation.

(i) In the Sidebar, select the Slide Transition icon. (ii) Select the slides to apply the transition. If you want to apply the transition to all the slides, do not select any slides. (iii) Select a Sound from the Sound List. (iv) If a sound is selected, the Loop until next sound option becomes active to play the sound repeatedly. (v) Select how to advance to the next slide: manually (By mouse click) or automatically

(vi)To apply transition to all slides, click Apply to All Slides. (vii) To start the slide show from the current slide, click Slide Show

10. How will you add the slide number at the bottom of each slide?

In Slide tab, Select Slide Number check box.

Click Apply to All Button.

11. How will you insert a company’s logo (picture) in first slide of your presentation?

Answer: 1. Open your Presentation and go to the first slide.

2. Click on Insert –> Image.

3. Select company’s logo and click on Open. It will appear on your Presentation.

12. How will you add the name of the company on the top of the each slide?

Type the name of the Company in Header Text Box.

Click Apply to All button.

13. Write down the steps to create a table in a presentation.

Answer: 1.Click on the Slide where you want to insert table.

2. Select Insert–> Table.

3. Specify the number of Rows and Columns.

4. Click OK.

14. Write down the steps to insert a chart in slide.

  • Click on the Slide where you want to insert table.

2. Select Insert–> Chart.

3. Chart will be inserted in Slide.

4.Right click on Chart and change Chart Data table, Chart Type etc.

15. What are the five views of presentation?

  • Normal View.
  • Outline View.
  • Slide Sorter View.
  • Notes Page View

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Q. 14 : FIRST STEP HAS A TYPO: Click on the slide…..insert the TABLE.

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CBSE Skill Education

Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes

Teachers and Examiners ( CBSESkillEduction ) collaborated to create the Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes . All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Information Technology (402) class 9 .

A word processor is a software application used to create printable documents. WordStar was first the most popular word processing programme.

Using a typewriter has a number of restrictions, some of which are listed here.

1. In case of any typing error, the whole sheet is required to be typed again. 2. It takes extra typing time to send the same letter to several recipients at different addresses. 3. The typewriter misses some of the necessary characters or symbols. Using a typewriter, it is impossible to type all the characters. 4. Using a typewriter, it is impossible to create a document in the appropriate format.

Some of the features provided by popular word processors are as listed below.

• Create, edit, save, retrieve and print the document • Select and move the text from one place to another in the document • Copy the text to other places within the document • Move or copy a selected text from one document to any other document • Change the font size, font style of the text in the document • Format paragraphs as well as pages • Check spelling and grammar • Create table, modify the size of the selected rows, columns or cells • Combine one or more documents • Insert pictures or graphs within the document • Print the selected text or selected pages of the document

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice is a feature-rich, free and open source (FOSS) office productivity suite. At the moment, LibreOffice versions 6.0 and up are available. The website www.libreoffice.org offers a free download of it. This programme can be downloaded and used on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. It publishes documents in Open Document Format (ODF) file format.

Getting started with word processor – Writer

Usually, a shortcut to LibreOffice can be found on the desktop or in the Quick Launch Taskbar. Depending on the operating system you’re running, the procedure could somewhat change (Windows or Linux).

  • To start LibreOffice Writer in Windows, double click LibreOffice Writer icon in desktop
  • Alternatively, click on the Start or Windows button, select LibreOffice → LibreOffice Writer from application window.
  • Using the Search command, type the word ‘writer’ in the search field, and select LibreOffice Writer from the offered results.
  • In Ubuntu Linux, find the LibreOffice Writer icon on the application launcher, or search it by clicking on ‘Show Applications’

Creating a document

Step 1 : Click on File Menu → New → Text Document. Step 2 : Now save the file by clicking on the File Menu → Save. Give the name of the file. By default, the file is saved in .odt format. Step 3 : Saving the file by another name It is possible to make another copy of the file by saving it

To Save a document using password

Step 1 : Select File → Save Step 2 : Select the location on disk to save the file Step 3 : Type a suitable name for the document Step 4 : Click on Save button Step 5 : To save the document with password, put a tick on the checkbox Save with a password Step 6 : Type the password to open the file in Set password dialog box Step 7 : Type the same password in the second box and click OK button

Parts of the Writer window

The various parts of the Writer window have been briefly explained below.

  • Title bar – Title bar is located on the top of Writer window. It shows the title of the currently opened document.
  • Menu bar – It appears below the Title Bar. It shows the menu items File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tables, Tools, Window and Help.
  • Toolbars – The tool bar appears below Menu Bar. By default, the Standard Tool Bar and Formatting Tool Bar will appear.
  • Standard toolbar – It contains commands in the form of icons.
  • Formatting toolbar – It contains the various options for formatting a document. A graphical representation of commands is shown in the form of icons.
  • Status bar – This is positioned at the left bottom of the Writer window and displays the number of pages, words, the language used, zooming, etc. It is located at the bottom of the workspace.
  • Scroll button and scroll bar – It is used to scroll the document.
  • Zoom – It allows to change the scale of the text and pictures in the document only for view. It does not affect the physical document. It is used to check the finishing quality of the document.

Editing the document

(a) Undo and Redo • Open the existing file (For example, report.odt) and then start editing in it. • If, by mistake, you have made some changes and now you want to erase the last change done, then use the Undo option. • After undo command, again if you want to go back then use the Redo option.

(b) Moving and copying text Cut and Paste: It is used to move a selected text from one place to another. • Select the text and click on Edit → Cut option or press CTRL+X • Place the cursor where the text has to be moved. Click on Edit → Paste option or press CTRL+V

(c) Copy and Paste It is used to make a duplicate copy of selected text. Step 1: Select the text and click on Edit→ Copy option or press CTRL+C Step 2: Place the cursor where the text has to be duplicated. Click on Edit→Paste option or press CTRL+V

(d) Selection criteria

There are several selection tricks to speed up the selection process as below.

To select a letter or lettersDrag the Mouse across the letter(s)
To select a single word at a timePosition the mouse pointer anywhere on that word and double click.
To select a complete sentence at a timePosition the mouse pointer anywhere in the sentence and triple click. (Triple click means to quickly click the left mouse button three times.)
To select a complete
paragraph at a time
Position the mouse pointer anywhere in the paragraph and quadruple click (Quadruple click means to quickly click the left mouse button four times.)
A documentPress Ctrl + A on the key board. Drag the mouse pointer till you see a right arrow which is white. Then click it thrice.

(e) Selecting non-consecutive text items

If the text is not continuous and you have been asked to select a part of the text from a paragraph, then perhaps you may say that it is not possible to select the non-consecutive text. But Writer provides a way to select the non-continuous text using the keyboard and mouse.

(f) Find and Replace

This feature is used to search for a text and replace it with other text. • Select Edit → Find & Replace, the dialog box will open. • Type the text to find in the Find box. • To change the text with different text, enter the new text in the Replace box.

(g) Jumping to the page number

Sometimes we may require to jump to a particular page number. ‘Go to Page’ feature of Writer is useful. To do this, select the Edit Menu→ Go to Page (Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G).

(h) Non-printing characters

When you press keys like Enter, the Space Bar, and the Tab key, that do not appear on the screen, we are actually entering these characters is know as Non-printing characters. 

(i) Checking spelling and grammar

Writer helps us to correct the spelling. It also provides a grammar checker to check the grammar of the sentence. It can be used separately or in combination with the spelling checker. This is one of the important features of any word processing application.

To check the spelling and grammar of the document (or selected text), select T ools → Spelling and Grammar , or click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar, or press the keyboard key F7.

  • Automatic Spell Checker – checks each word as it is typed and displays a wavy red line under any unrecognised words. Right-click on an unrecognised word to open a context menu. Certain suggestions will be displayed for the selected word. Click on the most appropriate word out of the suggested words to replace the underlined word.
  • Using synonyms and the thesaurus – Sometimes you search for a word having a similar in meaning to the word you have in mind. A word processor helps to look up synonyms (different words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) in the thesaurus. The list of synonyms can be accessed from a context menu.

Formatting a document

To setup a page, select and click on the Format → PageSetup and the Page option.

Page style dialog

It allows to select paper size and format (A4, A5, B4, Letter). User can adjust ‘Orientation’ as Portrait or Landscape. The user can set the Margins (Left, Right, Top, Down).

Formatting text 

There are various methods of formatting text. We can apply any one method as per the suitability. These methods are • use the menu options from menu bar. • use the readily available buttons on the formatting toolbar. • use the context menu. The context menu appears by right clicking on the selected text. • use the keyboard shortcut.

Removing manual formatting

To see the effect of formatting the text, first remove manual formatting. For this, select the text and choose Format → Clear Direct Formatting from the Menu bar, or click the Clear Direct Formatting button on the Formatting toolbar, or use Ctrl+M from the keyboard.

Common text formatting

Some of the common text formatting features. 1. Changing font size – by selecting font size. 2. Changing font style – bold, italic, underline 3. Changing font type – by selecting font drop down. 4. Changing font colour – by selecting font colour icon.

Changing text case

It is possible to change the case of the text. There are 6 Change Case options in LibreOffice

  • Sentence case
  • Capitalize Every Word

Superscript and Subscript

For example, in the date 5th July, the ‘th’ character appearing after 5 is in the superscript case. In some situations, such as while writing scientific/chemical formula, such O2, the character 2 is in the subscript case. Now, in our example, change the 5th July to 5th July. • To apply superscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Superscript • To apply subscript: Select the text and select Format → Text → Subscript

Paragraph style

Every paragraph in a LibreOffice Writer document has a paragraph style.

Indenting paragraphs – The entire paragraph can be indented in one step. there is a two different type of indent ‘Increase Indent’ and ‘Decrease Indent’. 

Aligning paragraphs – The paragraph can be aligned as Left, Right, Center and Justify.

Font colour, highlighting, and background colour – There are three more tools—Font Color, Highlighting, and Background tools on the Format Toolbar.

Using the bullets and numbering – You can assign the bullets or numbering to the list items in the document by using the options on the Bullets and Numbering toolbar. You can also create a nested list by using the buttons on the Bullets and Numbering toolbar.

Assigning colour, border and background – To assign background colour to the paragraph, first select the paragraph. Select Format → Paragraph → Area→ Colour, then select the colour. To assign border to the paragraph, select the paragraph, then select Format → Paragraph → Borders → Select Line – Style, Width, Colour.

Page formatting

Setting up basic page layout using styles – Page styles define the basic layout of all pages in the document. It includes page size, margins, header and footer, border and background, number of columns, etc.

Inserting a page break – Page break helps to break the current page and move to the next page. To break the current page and start the new page select Insert → Page Break from the Menu bar or use the keyboard command (Ctrl + Return).

Creating header/footer and page numbers – Headers appear at the top of every page; footers appear at the bottom of a page. To insert header in the document, select Insert → Header and Footer → Header and To insert footer in the document, select Insert →Header and Footer → Footer.

Defining borders and backgrounds – You can apply the border in the individual characters or to selected text. you can also add background color to the paragraph. 

Inserting images, shapes, special characters in a document – 

  • Inserting image – To insert an image in your document, position the cursor where you want to insert the file, select Insert → Image . Another alternative is, just click on the insert image icon, located below the Formatting Toolbar.
  • Inserting special characters – special character, such as ¶ or which cannot be typed by using the keyboard. LibreOffice Writer provides a feature to enter the special characters in document. To do this select Insert → Special Character .
  • Inserting shapes – It is possible to insert various shapes in your document. The variety of shapes consists of Lines, Arrows, Symbols, Stars, Callouts, Flowcharts. to insert shapes in documents select Insert → Shape .

Dividing the document page into columns – You can divide the documents in two or three column using columns option. It is used in magazines and newspapers. To divide the page into columns, select Format → Column.

Creating and managing tables

The representation of data in a tabular format is called as table. A table has a number of rows and columns. It is also possible to have a table with one row and one column. To represent data you have to create a table. LibreOffice Writer provides a very rich tool for creating and managing a table. The various features of the table are:

Creating a table

The simplest way to create a table is, click the Table icon on the Standard toolbar. Second method, Select Table → Insert Table from the Menu bar or Press Ctrl+F12.

Inserting rows and columns

Choose Insert → Rows Above/Below or Insert → Columns Above/Below. Set number to define the number of rows or columns to be inserted, and select the Position as Before or After.

Deleting rows and columns

Right-click and choose Delete → Rows or Delete → Columns.

Splitting and merging tables

Choose Table → Split Table from the Menu bar.

To merge two tables

Right-click and choose Merge Tables in the context menu. You can also use Table → Merge Table from the Menu bar.

Deleting a table

Choose Table → Delete Table from the Menu bar.

Copying a table

  • From the Menu bar choose Table → Select → Table.
  • Press Ctrl+C or click the Copy icon on the Standard toolbar.

Moving a table

  • From the Menu bar, choose Table → Select Table.
  • Press Ctrl+X or click the Cut icon in the Standard toolbar.
  • Press Ctrl+V or click the Paste icon in the Standard toolbar. (This pastes the cells and their contents and formatting.)

Printing a document

To quickly print the document without any option, Click the Print icon. The entire document will be sent to the default printer defined for your computer.

Print preview

Print Preview is useful to check the document before printing. A user can check whether the document is prepared as needed, such as indentation, borders, etc.

Controlling printing

To print the document with certain options, use the Print dialog (File → Print or Ctrl+P). From the Print dialog, you can choose options as per your requirement. They are Printer, Properties, Print Range, Copies and Options. The selected options will work for the current document only. 

Printing all pages, single and multiple pages

One can select the printing option as per their choice. There are three options to print the number of pages in a document. • To print all the pages in sequence, choose the option All pages. • To print a single page, or number of nonconsecutive pages, choose the option Pages, and give the page numbers separated by comma. If you want to print the pages that are consecutive give the range of pages first and last page. • To print only the selected text, choose the option, Selection.

mail merge is used to create a series of same documents with multiple addresses. Mail merge is the process of merging the main document (letter or certificates) with the mailing address of various persons. The main document is merged with the mailing address, hence the name mail merge. It is used to send invitations, letters or to print certificates for several people.

To create multiple letters using Mail Merge Wizard, select Tool → Mail Merge Wizard.

Creating the data source

A data source is a set of mailing addresses in the form of a rows and columns generally called database. The content of the database is in the form of data records.

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Employability skills Class 9 MCQ

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Employability skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

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  • Unit 2 – Self-Management Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Basic ICT Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Entrepreneurial Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Green Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers

Information Technology Class 9 Notes

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Notes
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

Information Technology Class 9 MCQ

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 MCQ
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 MCQ

Information Technology Class 9 Questions and Answers

  • Unit 1 – Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 2 – Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 3 – Digital Documentation Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 4 – Electronic Spreadsheet Class 9 Questions and Answers
  • Unit 5 – Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

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should be able to download these resources, overall is good

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digital presentation class 9 pdf

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology – MS-Power Point 2007

January 6, 2018 by Sastry CBSE

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Write down the name of default view in a PowerPoint presentation. Answer: By default, a presentation screen is always shown in Normal view.

Question 2: Differentiate between a presentation and a slide. Answer: A presentation is a set of slides that you present to people in a group while each page of a PowerPoint presentation is called a slide.

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Question 3: Name two ways where you can create a presentation. Answer: You can create a presentation under Normal view and Outline view.

Question 4: Write use of layouts in PowerPoint. Answer: Layouts are used to define the layout of the slide, i.e. the placement of title, subtitle, components of slide etc.

Question 5: In PowerPoint 2007 under the Insert tab, there is a button named Text Box. What is the utility of this button? Answer: Like a title placeholder, a Text Box is used to hold the text information.

Question 6: Is it possible to change the background of a slide at some later point of time? Answer: Yes, we can change the background of a slide at any point of time.

Question 7: Can graphics be inserted into the slide? Answer: Yes, we can insert pictures, graphs, charts, SmartArt etc., into a slide.

Question 8: Animation is a feature, which you can use in your presentation. What is the purpose of this feature? Answer: Animations are the visual effects applied to individual items on a slide such as graphics, titles or bullet points, rather than to the slide itself.

Question 9: Kirti wants to add sound to slide transition. Which feature of Animations tab is useful for this purpose? Answer: On the Animations tab in the Transition to This Slide group, click the arrow next to ‘Transition Sound’ to add sound to slide transition.

Question 10: Explain an advantage of grouping objects in PowerPoint. Answer: The grouped objects can move, transform, resize and also can change the properties of all the objects in a group together.

Question 11: What is the use of Enter and Esc key in a Slide Show? Answer: Press Enter to move to the next slide and Esc to close the Slide Show.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Name any four basic elements of a slide. Answer: The four basic elements of a slide are as follows:

  • Drawing objects

Question 2: How many views of a slide PowerPoint provided? Answer: There are six views of a PowerPoint presentation:

  • Normal view
  • Outline view
  • Notes Page view
  • Slide Sorter view
  • Master view

Question 3: State three functions of the Slides Pane. Answer: Three functions of the Slides Pane are as follows: .

  • New slides may be added to the presentation.
  • Allows marking a slide as hidden for not showing it during a slide show.
  • Deleting a slide from the presentation in case it is no longer needed.

Question 4: Write three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view of a presentation. Answer: The three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view are as follows:

  • We can see the entire presentation.
  • We can move slide from one place to another using click-drag method. Also, we can rearrange the order of slides.
  • We can insert, rename and delete slides.

Question 5: How are Header and Footer useful? Answer: Header and Footer are very useful for displaying the similar useful information on each slide. One can change the Header and Footer details at any time in the presentation.

Question 6: Write the steps of inserting picture in a slide. Answer: Pictures and ClipArt can be inserted into a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation from sources such as ClipArt Website providers, Web pages or files on a computer. These pictures can be used as backgrounds for slides in a presentation. Here, we will discuss inserting pictures from files only, as per syllabus restrictions. Do the following for inserting pictures from file in your presentation:

  • Click where you want to insert the picture.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Power Point 2007 SAQ Q6

  • Locate the picture that you want to insert and then double-click it.

To add multiple pictures, press and hold Ctrl key while you click the pictures that you want to insert and then click Insert button. To insert a picture into the notes pages of an Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation, switch to Notes view and then do the above same procedure.

Question 7: A sales manager creates a presentation he add the same slide transition to all the slide. Write steps, which are followed by sales manager for slide transition? Answer: Creating a slides show: Using PowerPoint, a wide range of special effects, such as transition and animation can be added in a presentation to provide visual interest to the presentation and grab the audience’s attention. h Points can be revealed on slides in a staggered way (i.e. one bullet displayed at a time) to keep the audience focused only on the point which is being discussed at the given time. Also, the presentation can be automated, so it runs on its own. The slide show can be enhanced by applying the following effects:

  • Adding Transitions to a Slide
  • Add Sound to Slide Transitions
  • Animating Text and Objects
  • Rehearse Timing

Question 8: What can you do if you want each slide should be shown for a specific amount of time? Answer: Setting advance slide to one mouse click is the default and a simple setting. If you want each slide to be shown for a specific amount of time, click automatically after and enter the number of seconds. Click Apply to All slides.

Question 9: Differentiate between Slide Transition and Custom Animation. Answer: Differences between slide transition and custom animation are as follows:

Slide Transition Custom Animation
Slide transitions are the looks that take you from one slide to the next. Custom Animations are the movements you put on text, pictures, objects on an individual slide.
Slide transitions apply to slides themselves. Custom Animations are applied to objects on a slide.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1: What are the different ways in which you can start creating a new presentation? Write steps for each. Answer: Creating New Presentation: For creating a new presentation in MS-PowerPoint, there are two options available to make a selection of creating new presentation: 1. Creating Blank Presentation For creating a blank presentation, do the following:

  • Click on Office button and then click New from the menu that appears.
  • A New Presentation dialog box will appear.
  • Select Blank Presentation and click on Create button.

A blank presentation with one slide will be created. Also, further slides can be added to the presentation and can change the layout of an existing slide as well. 2. Creating Presentation using Themes You can quickly and easily format an entire presentation to give it a professional and modern look by applying a theme. In MS-PowerPoint 2007, you can apply theme using these two methods which are as follows: Method 1

  • Click on Office button and then, click New from the menu that appears.
  • From the right hand side page, select Installed Themes under Templates.
  • Select any one of the theme as per the users choice.
  • Click Create button.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Power Point 2007 LAQ Q1

  • Select Design tab under the MS-PowerPoint 2007 ribbon menu system.
  • Select Themes group under this tab.
  • Select any one theme as per the choice.
  • Effects will be automatically applied on all the slides.

Saving a Presentation Procedure for saving a presentation is same as saving a MS-Word document and MS-Excel workbook. For saving your presentation, do the following:

  • Click on the Microsoft Office button and then, click Save As option from the menu that appear. Or Press Ctrl+S from keyboard.
  • Save As dialog box will appear, in the File name box, enter a new name to save the file.
  • Then, click Save button.

Question 2: Explain the various views of a slide available in PowerPoint 2007. Answer: In Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, different views of a slide are used to edit, print and deliver a presentation. PowerPoint slide views can be found in two places as follows:

  • On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, where all views are available.
  • Normal View: This is the main editing view, where you write and design your presentations, i.e. actual screen which is displayed. The view is also known as Slide view. A Normal view is the default view size for the screen.
  • Slide Sorter View: It provides a view of slides in thumbnail form. This view makes it easy to sort and organize the sequence of the slides at the time of creating presentation and also, at the time of preparing presentation for printing.
  • Notes Page View: In the Notes Page view, the notes pane is located just below the slide pane. Here, notes that apply to the current slide can be typed. Later, these notes can be printed and referred while giving actual presentation. Notes can also be printed to handout to the audience or included in a presentation that is delivered to the audience or posted on a Web page.
  • Slide Show View: This is used to deliver a presentation to the audience. Slide Show view takes up the full computer screen, like an actual presentation. In this view, you can see your presentation, the way audience wants. This view enables you to see how graphics, timings, movies, animated effects and transition effects will look during the actual presentation. To exit Slide Show view, press Esc key from the keyboard.
  • Master View: The Master views include Slide view, Handout view and Notes view. They are the main slides that store information about the presentation, including background color, fonts effects, placeholder sizes and positions. The key benefit to working in a Master view is that on the Slide Master, Notes Master, or Handout Master, you can make universal style changes to every slide, notes page, or handout associated with the presentation.

Question 3: Which tab and command let you insert animations in your slide? Write the steps for applying animations in your presentation. Answer: Animating Text and Objects: We can give sound effects or visual effects, including movement to the text or objects in a presentation. Animation can be used to focus on important points, to control the flow of information and to increase viewer interest in a presentation. Built-in animation effect can be added in Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation by do the following:

  • Select the text or object that you want to animate.
  • On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, select the animation effect that you want from the Animate list.

To apply a custom animation effect in Office PowerPoint 2007, do the following:

  • On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Custom Animation.

In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add Effect and then do one or more of the following:

  • To make the enter text or object with an effect, point to Entrance and then click any effect.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Power Point 2007 LAQ Q3

  • To add an effect that makes text or an object leave the slide at some point, click to Exit and then click an effect.
  • To add an effect that makes text or an object move in a specified pattern, click to Motion Paths and then click a path.

To specify how the effect is applied to your text or object, right-click any custom animation effect in the Custom Animation list and then click Effect Options. Do one of the following:

  • To specify settings for text, on the Effect, Timing and tabs, click the options Animate text from Effect tab to use to animate the text.
  • To specify settings for an object, on the Effect and Timing tabs, click the options that you want to use to animate the object.

Effects appear in the Custom Animation list in the order that you add them.

Question 4: Write the steps to print handouts in PowerPoint presentation. Answer: Printing Slide Handouts: We have already studied about the handouts view of presentation, it could help the audience in getting idea of your’s easily. A presentation can be printed in the form of handouts-with one, two, three, four, six or nine slides on a page. For printing handouts, you need to do the following:

  • Open the presentation for which you want to print handouts.
  • Click the Microsoft Office button, click the arrow next to Print option and then click Print Preview.
  • In the Page Setup group, click the arrow under Print What: and then select the handout layout option that you want from the list.
  • To specify the page orientation, click the arrow under Orientation and .then click Landscape or Portrait.
  • Click Print.

Application Oriented Questions

Question 1: Complete the blank spaces using words from the list. You should use each word only once. Websites, slide, PowerPoint, presentation, templates, handouts, projector. MS ( 1 )………………… is a ( 2 )………………… program that lets you make and show slide shows. These can be viewed on the computer screen or through a multimedia ( 3 )………………… Copies of the presentation, called ( 4 )………………… that can be printed out and given to the audience so that, they can make their own notes. Presentations are made up of a series of pages, called ( 5 )………………… as well as text, slides may incorporate graphics, animated images , sounds and video clips, graphs, charts and even links to ( 6 )………………… Most presentation packages provide a set of themes and ( 7 )………………… which make it easy to create professional looking presentations with little skill or knowledge. They also offer the facility to add slide transition, timing and animations, which bring a presentation’s to life. Answer:

  • presentation

Question 2: Seema wants to give identical design to all the slides and handouts, she is going to print from her presentation.

  • Which two methods can she use to accomplish her task?
  • Compare the two methods and in list their differences.
  • Creating same design on each slide and handouts manually.
  • Using slide master and handout master.
  • In the first method , the efforts are increased by many efforts and many errors in design may creep in. The second method ensures reduce efforts and identical design on each slide and handout.

Question 3: Ketan is preparing a presentation for his new product promotion.

  • The content is ready but he has no time to design backgrounds and decide on color scheme for the presentation. Name the features that will help him to create a professional presentation without devoting much time.
  • He wants to set how a slide appears and disappears on screen when he runs the slide show. Which feature should he use?
  • He has to take with the help of master pages from taskpane to set a suitable background which supports descent color background.
  • He must have to set some slide transition and custom animation effect from taskpane.

Question 4: Suman is working as marketing manager in an advertising company. She has prepared a presentation on her latest product. What feature will be used for the following tasks?

  • To view all slides together.
  • To set timings of the slide show while rehearsing.
  • To show the sales using a chart.
  • Press the Slide Sorter view button in work space area to view all the slides together.
  • In the Slide Transition page, set the timing in Advance slide sections Automatically after position where the slide will automatically play after a speculated time period.
  • In the layouts of tasks pane, select a chart type slide or use Insert —> Chart menu option.

Question 5: Malini has recently joined a construction company as marketing executive. She saw a presentation about the company. She however is not satisfied with it and wants to make some changes in it. Using your presentation skills, suggest the features to accomplish the following changes:

  • Add the company’s logo on the first slide.
  • Add audio to explain the content of the slide.
  • Connect slide 2 to slide 7 directly.
  • Add date and time on all slides.
  • Insert Picture
  • Record Narration
  • Hyperlink/Interaction feature
  • Header and Footer dialog box

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1: ………………. is the default file name for a PowerPoint presentation. (a) Untitled 1             (b) Bookl (c) Presentation 1     (d) Document 1 Answer: (c) The default name given to a presentation file is Presen tationl.

Question 2: File extension for a PowerPoint 2007 presentation is ………………. (a) .ptt                (b) .pptx                (c) .docx             (d) .clsx Answer: (b) .pptx is the file extension given to all PowerPoint 2007 files.

Question 3: The custom animation can apply ………………. (a) Font work gallery      (b) Gallery (c) Text                              (d) All of these Answer: (d) The custom animation can apply font work gallery, gallery and text.

Question 4: Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of software called ………………. (a) DBMS (b) Multimedia (c) Graphics software (d) Presentation graphics software Answer: (d) Professional looking visual aids are prepared with the help of software called Presentation graphics software.

Question 5: A set of predefined formats of text or color scheme is called ………………. (a) slide               (b) presentation scheme (c) theme             (d) schema Answer: (c) A set of predefined formats of text or color scheme is called theme.

Question 6: Which of the following view is useful for representing the structure of a presentation? (a) Notes view       (b) Outline view (c) Slide view        (d) Normal view Answer: (b) Outline view is useful for checking the flow or structure of a presentation.

Question 7: The entire presentation can be seen at a time in ………………. (a) Slide Show view       (b) Outline view (c) Normal view              (d) Slide Sorter view Answer: (d) Slide Sorter view enables you to view the entire presentation at a time.

Question 8: Which among the following views allows you to give a thumbnail view of all the slides in a presentation? (a) Normal view            (b) Outline view (c) Notes view                (d) Slide Sorter view Answer: (d) Slide Sorter view

Question 9: Which among the following views allows you to add some extra information to a slide which is not viewed during the presentation. (a) Normal view            (b) Outline view (c) Notes Page view      (d) Slide Sorter view Answer: (c) Notes Page view allows you to add some extra information related to presentation but it is not viewed during the presentation.

Question 10: Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show? (a) .jpg                (b) .gif (c) .wav               (d) All of these Answer: (d) .jpg and .gif are file extensions for images and .wav is an extension for video file. Hence, all these formats are supported in PowerPoint.

Question 11: Rama is preparing a presentation on her company’s annual performance. She wants some text present on a slide to fly in from the left, when she clicks the mouse. Which of the following features should she use? (a) Slide Show (b) Slide Transition (c) Custom Animation (d) Text Animation Answer: (c) Custom Animation can be used for the desired functionality.

Question 12: Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are ………………. (a) transitions                     (b) effects (c) custom animations      (d) annotations Answer: (a) Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as transitions.

Question 13: Rehearse Timings command is present on ………………. tab. (a) Animations                 (b) Review (c) Slide Show                  (d) View Answer: (c) Rehearse Timings command is present on Slide Show tab.

Question 14: Set new timing, while rehearsing ……………… key is press. (a) Ctrl+T (b) T (c) M (d) O Answer: (b) T key is used to set new timing while rehearsing.

Question 15: What is the shortcut key to display the Microsoft PowerPoint shortcut menu? (a) F7 (b) F8 (c) Shift+F10 (d) Fit Answer: (c) Shift + F10 is the shortcut key to display the PowerPoint shortcut menu.

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1: ………………. is a presentation graphics software. Answer: PowerPoint

Question 2: An electronic page in a presentation is called ……………….. Answer: slide

Question 3: A ………………. is a pre-designed format of text and color scheme. Answer: template

Question 4: ………………. provides a command to change the layout of your slide. Answer: Home tab

Question 5: New Slide button for inserting a new slide can be found on ………………. tab. Answer: Home

Question 6: A ………………. is a box with a dotted outline, designed for the placement of different type of content on the slide. Answer: Placeholder

Question 7: From ………………. page, it is possible for you to choose slide designs. Answer: Layout

Question 8: In ………………. view, you can see all the slides in a presentation concurrently. Answer: Slide Sorter

Question 9: To select slides at discrete order in the Slides Pane you need hold the ………………. on the keyboard while selecting the slides. Answer: Ctrl key

Question 10: ………………. is a special effect that allows to specify how to navigate from one slide to other. Answer: Transition

Question 11: The ………………. Animation enhance uses the flying effect on the text and character. Answer: Custom

Question 12: The Custom Animation command is present on ………………. tab. Answer: Animations

True or False

Question 1: Every presentation can contain only one single slide. Answer: False A presentation is a collection of multiple slides.

Question 2: Changing a slide layout is not allowed in PowerPoint. Answer: False Under Home tab by clicking at Layout button, you can change layout of a slide.

Question 3: Microsoft Office button contains options for frequently used tasks, such as opening, saving and printing. Answer: True Open, Save, Save As, Print are frequently used tasks that are available on Microsoft Office button menu.

Question 4: We cannot insert audio recording sound in a slide. Answer: False We can insert audio recording sound in a slide.

Question 5: Objects on the slide that hold text are called placeholder. Answer: True Placeholders hold the text, ClipArt, charts etc.

Question 6: We can delete slides in Slide Sorter view. Answer: False Use this view to work with a group of slides or with only one slide.

Question 7: Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called transitions. Answer: True Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called transitions.

Question 8: To change the slides during the Slide Show is called Animation. Answer: True Animation can be used to changes in slides during the Slide Show.

Question 9: F4 key is used to start a Slide Show. Answer: False F5 key is used to start a Slide Show.

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  1. PDF Electronic Resentation Tool

    5.3 STARTING A NEW PRESENTATION To create a new presentation, click on Blank Presentation on the New Presentation task pane. We will now see a slide on the slide pane similar to the one shown in Figure 5.1. This is called the title slide. The first step to start with any presentation software is to type in some text in the slides.

  2. Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

    Learn how to create and run a digital presentation using LibreOffice Impress, a free and open source software. Find out the characteristics, components and features of a good quality presentation and how to save it in different formats.

  3. Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

    Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes. Inserting images, drawings, tables or graphs - Aim to keep each slide to no more than two graphics (pictures, illustrations, tables, or charts). If you include too many graphics, your audience will become confused. Use of colours - Use different fonts, bold characters, and dark colours to draw attention ...

  4. Important Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

    Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers. Q1. Name the components of LibreOffice suite used to create presentation. Show Answer. Q2. Name two software used to create presentation. Show Answer. Q3. Aman has to create a presentation but he don't have any presentation software in his computer.

  5. PDF Unit 5 (Digital Presentation) 15: Introduction to Presentation Software

    6. To create the PDF of your presentation, follow these steps: • Click on the File menu and select the Export as PDF option. • The PDF Options dialog box appears. Click on the Export button. • The Export dialog box appears. Select the location where you want to keep your PDF file. • Enter the name in the File name box.

  6. Class 9

    The steps to enter notes in a slide are as follows: Step 1: Select Notes Page option in the Presentation View group of the View Tab. Step 2: Select the slide on which you wish to add a note. Step 3: You will find a text panel below the slide with a prompt box, 'Click to add text' to enter notes for the selected slide.

  7. Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers

    Digital Presentation Class 9 Questions and Answers. 2. List the important points to be considered while making an effective presentation. Answer - The important points to making an effective presentation -. a. Create a consistent and simple design template with the slide master function. b.

  8. Textbook: Digital Presentation

    Introduction of Textbook: Digital Presentation in English is available as part of our Class 9 preparation & Textbook: Digital Presentation in Hindi for Class 9 courses. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Class 9 Exam by signing up for free. Class 9: Textbook: Digital Presentation - Class 9.

  9. Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes

    Digital Presentation Class 9 Notes - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides an overview of creating and working with digital presentations using LibreOffice Impress. Key points include: - LibreOffice Impress allows creating presentations with text, graphics, animation and multimedia.

  10. Class 9 Digital Presentation Notes

    Class 9 Digital Presentation Notes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides guidance on creating effective digital presentations using LibreOffice Impress. It discusses key elements of a presentation such as text, lists, tables, graphics, sound and video. It also outlines characteristics of good presentations like font size, grammar ...

  11. Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation Sumita Arora Book Solution

    Steps to format connectors: Step 1: Insert the graphic objects. Step 2: Click the connectors button on the Drawing toolbar, click the first object to be connected, and drag the next object to be connected. Step 3: Format the connector by right-clicking the connector and choosing the connector from the shortcut menu.

  12. Unit 5 Digital Presentation Class 9 Book Solution

    Unit 5 Digital Presentation Class 9 Book Solution. Class 9 Information Technology; A. Multiple Choice Questions; B. Fill in the blanks; C. State whether the following statements are True or False. D. Short answer questions (50 words) Class 9 Information Technology Code 402 - NCERT Book Solution


    Class 9 Digital Presentation QandA - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides information about creating presentations in Impress, including multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, true/false statements, and questions/answers about presentations. Key aspects covered include inserting slides, adding transitions and ...

  14. Class 9 Information Technology 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation NCERT

    Unit 5 Digital Presentation Class 9 Book Solution. Class 9 Information Technology; A. Multiple Choice Questions; B. Fill in the blanks; C. State whether the following statements are True or False. D. Short answer questions (50 words) Class 9 Information Technology Code 402 - NCERT Book Solution

  15. Class 9 Digital Presentation Important Questions with Solutions PDF

    The Digital Presentation Class 9 Important Questions with solutions are solved by our team of subject matter experts. All the solutions are mentioned at the end of the PDF file of the Important Questions. You can refer to these solutions after solving the questions to know your incorrect answers and avoid repeating the same mistakes in future ...

  16. Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentations Question

    The short cut key to close the LibreOffice impress is_________. Answer: Ctrl + Q. 11.The short cut key to insert a new slide is ____. Answer: Ctrl + M. 12. The __ view is used to apply animation on the content of slide. Answer: Normal. 13. A paper copy of presentation given to the audience is known as ____.

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    Working with Slides Chapter 17 Class 9 IT | Digital Presentation Class 9 | Working with Slides ITClass: 9thSubject: Information Technology ( IT 402)Unit: Un...

  18. PDF IMPRESS Digital Presentation Class IX Unit 5

    ify the Base Architecture of the slide.5. To create a new blanks. re. entation, use the key combination Ctrl+N.6. In every pre. en. ation, first slide should be title Slide.7. To save a pre. en. ation, we can use key combination ctrl+s.8. In LibreOffice Impress, by default th. p.

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    Create a presentation on Independence day. Change the font style, font size and font colour to make it more, , attractive., 2. Add Bullets and Numbering in various slides., 3. Apply the formatting features to it as per your need. FAS "AUT,, ELF ASSESSMENT, .. Multiple Choice Questions, , , , 1.

  21. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Foundation of Information Technology - MS-Power Point 2007. Very Short Answer Type Questions. Write down the name of default view in a PowerPoint presentation. By default, a presentation screen is always shown in Normal view. Differentiate between a presentation and a slide.

  22. PDF Chapter 5 Presenting Ideas 5

    (i) We can make changes in the PDF version of any file. (T/F) (ii) We can insert video and audio clips in a presentation. (T/F) (iii) The number of slides that can be added in a presentation has a limit. (T/F) (iv) Impress is a free and open source presentation tool. (T/F) (v) The background and design of the presentation cannot be changed once ...