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10 Essential Things to Know About Real Estate Assignment Sales (for Sellers)

— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

zolo assignment sale

What’s an assignment?

An assignment is when a Seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession – in other words, they sell the contract they have with the Builder to a new purchaser. When a Seller assigns a property, they aren’t actually selling the property (because they don’t own it yet) – they are selling their promise to purchase it, along with the rights and obligations of their Agreement of Purchase and Sale contract.  The Buyer of an assignment is essentially stepping into the shoes of the original purchaser.

The original purchaser is considered to be the Assignor; the new Buyer is the Assignee. The Assignee is the one who will complete the final sale with the Builder.

Do assignments only happen with pre-construction condos?

It’s possible to assign any type of property, pre-construction or resale, provided there aren’t restrictions against assignment in the original contract. An assignment allows a Buyer of a any kind of home to sell their interest in that property before they take possession of it.

Why would someone want to assign a condo?

Often with pre-construction sales, there’s a long time lag between when the original contract is entered into, when the Buyer can move in (the interim occupancy period) and the final closing. It’s not uncommon for a Buyer’s circumstances to change during that time…new job out of the city, new husband or wife, new set of twins, etc. What worked for a Buyer’s lifestyle 4 years ago doesn’t always work come closing time.

Another common reason why people want to assign a contract is financial. Sometimes, the original purchaser doesn’t have the funds or can’t get the financing to complete the sale, and it’s cheaper to assign the contract to a new purchaser, than it is to renege on the sale.

Lastly, assignment sales are also common with speculative investors who buy pre-construction properties with no intention of closing on them. In these cases, the investors are banking on quick price appreciation and are eager to lock in a profit now, vs. waiting for the original closing date.

What can be negotiated in an assignment sale?

Because the Assignee is taking over the original purchaser’s contract, they can’t renegotiate the price or terms of the contract with the Builder – they are simply taking over the contract as it already exists, and as you negotiated it.

In most cases, the Assignee will mirror the deposit that you made to the Builder…so if you made a 20% deposit, you can expect the new purchaser to do the same.

Most Sellers of assignments are looking to make a profit, and part of an assignment sale negotiation is agreeing on price. Your real estate agent can guide you on price, which will determine your profit (or loss).

Builder Approval and Fees

Remember that huge legal document you signed when you made an offer to buy a pre-construction condo? It’s time to take it out and actually read it.

Your Agreement of Purchase & Sale stipulated your rights to assign the contract. While most builders allow assignments, there is usually an assignment fee that must be paid to the Builder (we’ve seen everything from $750 to $7,000).

There may be additional requirements as well, the most common being that the Builder has to approve the assignment.

Marketing Restrictions

Most pre-construction Agreements of Purchase & Sale from Toronto Builders do not allow the marketing of an assignment…so while the Builder may give you the right to assign your contract, they restrict you from posting it to the MLS or advertising it online. This makes selling an assignment extremely difficult…if people don’t know it’s available for sale, how they can possibly buy it?

While it may be very tempting to flout the no-marketing rule, BE VERY CAREFUL. Buyers guilty of marketing an assignment against the rules can be considered to have breached the Agreement, and the Builder can cancel your contract and keep your deposit.

We don’t recommend advertising an assignment for sale if it’s against the rules in your contract.

So how the heck can I find a Buyer?

There are REALTORS who specialize in assignment sales and have a database of potential Buyers and investors looking for assignments. If you want to be connected with an agent who knows the ins and outs of assignment sales, get in touch…we know some of the best assignment agents in Toronto.

What are the tax implications of real estate assignment?

Always get tax advice from a certified accountant, not from the internet (lol).

But in general, any profit made from an assignment is taxable (and any loss can be written off). The new Buyer or Assignee will be responsible for paying land transfer taxes and any HST that might be due.

How much does it cost to assign a pre-construction condo?

In addition to the Builder assignment fees, you will likely have to pay a real estate commission (unless you find the Buyer yourself) and legal fees. Because assignments are more complicated, you can expect to pay higher legal fees than you would for a resale property.

How does the closing of an assignment work?

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. On the second closing (between the Builder and the Assignee), the Assignee pays the remaining amount to the Builder (usually with the help of a mortgage), and pays land transfer taxes. Title of the property transfers from the Builder to the Assignee at this point.

I suppose it could be said that there is a third closing too, when the Buyer takes possession of the property but doesn’t yet own it…this is known as the interim occupancy period. The interim occupancy occurs when the unit is ready to be occupied, but not ready to be registered with the city. Interim occupancy periods in Toronto range from a few months to a few years. During the interim occupancy period, the Buyer occupies the unit and pays the Builder an amount roughly equal to what their mortgage payment + condo fees + taxes would be. The timing of the assignment will dictate who completes the interim occupancy.

Assignments vs. Resale: Which is Better?

We often get calls from people who are debating whether they should assign a condo they bought, or wait for the building to register and then sell it as a typical resale condo.

Pros of Assigning vs. Waiting

  • Get your deposit back and lock in your profit sooner
  • Avoid paying land transfer taxes
  • Avoid paying HST
  • Maximize your return if prices are declining and you expect them to continue to decline
  • Lifestyle – sometimes it just makes sense to move on

Cons of Assigning vs Waiting

  • The pool of Buyers for assignment sales is much smaller than the pool of Buyers for resale properties, which could result in the sale taking a long time, getting a lower price than you would if you waited, or both.
  • Marketing restrictions are annoying and reduce the chances of finding a Buyer
  • Price – What is market value? If the condo building hasn’t registered and there haven’t been any resales yet, it can be difficult to determine how much the property is now worth. Assignment sales tend to sell for less than resale.
  • Assignment sales can be complicated, so you want to make sure that you’re working with an agent who is experienced with assignment sales, and a good lawyer.

Still thinking of assignment your condo or house ? Get in touch and we’ll connect you with someone who specializes in assignment sales and can take you through the process.

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zolo assignment sale

Raj Singh says:

What can be things to look for, especially determining market value for an assigned condo? I’m the assignee.

zolo assignment sale

Sydonia Moton says:

Y would u need a lawyer when u buy a assignment property

zolo assignment sale

Gideon Gyohannes says:

Good clear information!

Who pays the assignment fee to the developer? Assignor or Assignee?

Thanks Gideon 416 4591919

zolo assignment sale

Melanie Piche says:

It’s almost always the Seller (though I suppose could be a point of negotiation).

zolo assignment sale

Fiona Rourke says:

If there are 2 names on the agreement and 1 wants to leave and the other wants to remain… does the removing of 1 purchaser constitute an assignment

zolo assignment sale

Brendan Powell says:

An assignment is one way to add or remove people from a contract, but not the only way…and not the simplest. Speak to your lawyer for advice on what makes the most sense for your specific situation. For a straightforward resale purchase you could probably just do an amendment signed by all parties. If it’s a preconstruction purchase with various deposits paid, etc it could be more complicated.

zolo assignment sale

Katerina says:

Depends on the Developer. Some of them remove names via assignments only.

zolo assignment sale

Haroon says:

Is there any difference in transaction process If assigner or seller of a pre constructio condo is a non resident ? Is seller required to get a clearance certificate from cRA to complete the transaction ?

zolo assignment sale

Nathalie says:

Hello , i would like to know the exact steps for reassignment property please.

zolo assignment sale

Amazing info. Thanks team. I may just touch base with you when my property in Stoney Creek is completed in. 2020. I may need to reassign it to someone Thanks

zolo assignment sale

Victoria Bachlowa says:

If an assignor renegs on the deal and refuses to close because they figured out they could get more money and the assignment was already approved by the builder and all conditions fulfilled what can the Assignee do. I have $33,000 dollars in trust in the real estate’s trust fund. They sent me a mutual release which I have not signed. The interim occupancy is Feb. 1 and the closing is schedule for Mar. 1, 2019. I have financing in place, was ready to move in Feb. 1 and I have no where to live.

Definitely talk to your lawyer right away. They’ll want to look at your agreement of purchase and sale and will be able to advise you.

zolo assignment sale

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. Can I assume that these closing happen at the same time? I’m not sure how and when I would be paid as the Assignor.

zolo assignment sale

What happens to the deposits or any profits already paid if the developer cancels the project after an assignment?

zolo assignment sale

Hi, Did you get answer to this? I did an assignment sale last year and now the builder is not completing apparently and they are asking for their money back. Can they do that? After legal transactions, the lawyer simply said “the deal didn’t go through”. Apparently builder and the person who assumed the assignment agreed on taking out the deal. What do I have to pay back after it was done a year ago

This is definitely a question for your lawyer – as realtors we are not involved in that part of the transaction. I would expect that just as the builder would have to refund your deposits, you would likely need to do the same…but talk to your lawyer. As to whether the builder can cancel a project, yes they always reserve that right (but the details of how and under what circumstances would be in your original purchase agreement). It’s one of the annoying risks in buying preconstruction!

zolo assignment sale

I completed the sale of my assignment in Dec 2015 however the CRA says I should be reporting the capital income in 2016 when the assignee closed his deal with the developer in July 2016. That makes no sense to me since I got all my money in Dec 2015. Can you supply any clarification on that CRA policy please?

You’d have to talk to the CRA or an accountant – we’re real estate agents,so we can’t give tax advice.

zolo assignment sale

Hassan says:

Hello, You said that there are two closings. The first one between the assignor and the assignee and the second one between the builder and the new buyer (assignee). My question is that in the first closing does the assignee have to pay the assignor the deposit they have paid and any profit in cash or will the bank add this to the assignee’s mortgage?

The person doing the assigning usually gets their money at the first closing.

zolo assignment sale

Kathy says:

What is the typical real estate free to assign your contract with the builder ?

Hi Kathy While we do few assignments (as they are rarely successful, and builders do not make it easy), in past we have charged more or less the same as we do for a typical resale listing. While there are elements to assignments that should be easier than a resale (eg staging), many other aspects of assignments are much MORE time-consuming, and the risk much higher since attempts to find a buyer for assignments are often unsuccessful. It’s also important to note that due to the extra complication, lawyer’s fees to assign are typically higher than resale as well–although more $ for the purchase side vs the sale side.

zolo assignment sale

Mitul Patel says:

If assignee has paid small amount of deposit plus the original 25% deposit that the assignor has paid to the builder and gets the Keys to the unit since interim possession has been completed, when the condo registration is done and assignee is getting mortgage from the Bank or Pays the remaining balance to the Builder using his savings and decides not to pay the Balance of the Profit amount to Assignor, what are the possibilities in this kind of scenario?

You’d need to talk to a lawyer to find out the options.

zolo assignment sale

David says:

How much exactly do brokers get paid at sale of Assignment? i.e. Would the broker’s fee be a % of your assignment selling price or your home’s selling price? I’m really looking for a clear answer.

I am using this website’s calculator associated with selling your home in Ontario. But there is no information on selling assignments.

Realtors set their own commission, so there is no set fee- that website is likely the commission that that agent offers. We often see commissions of 4-5% for assignments. The fee is a % of the price of the assignment – for example, you originally bought for $500K; you’re now assigning for $600K – commission would be payable on the $600K.

zolo assignment sale

Candace says:

Question: if i bought a pre construction condo, can i sell it as soon as it closes or do i have to live in it for 1 year after closing in order to avoid capital gains taxes?

Or does the 1 year start as soon as you move in?

I would suggest you talk to your accountant re: HST credit implications and capital gains, but if you sell it for more than you paid for it, capital gains usually apply.

zolo assignment sale

You mention avoid paying HST when you assign your property. What is the HST based on? It’s not a commercial property that you would pay HST. Explain. Thanks.

HST and assignments are complex and this question is best answered specific to your situation by your accountant and real estate lawyer. In some cases HST is applicable on assignment profits – more details can be found on the CRA website here:

If you are a podcast listener, the true condos podcast is also a great resource.

zolo assignment sale

heres one for your comment, purchase pre construction from builder beginning of 2021, to be finished end of 2021, (semi detached) here we are end of 2022, both units are now ready. Had one assigned but because builder didnt accept within certain time frame(they also had a 90 day clause wherein we couldnt assign prior to 90 less firm closing date (WHICH MOVED 4 TIMES). Anyrate now we have a new assinor but the builder says we are in default from the first one and wants 50k to do the assignment (the agreement lists the possibility of assigning for 12k) Also this deal would include us loosing our whole deposit and paying the 12k(plus fees) would be in addition too the 130k we are already loosing. The second property we are trying to close but interest rates are riducous, together with closing costs(currently mortgage company is asking that my wife be added to that one, afraid to even ask this builder. Any advice on how to deal with this asshole greedy builder? We are simply asking for assignment as per contract and a small extension for the new buyer(week or two) Appreciate any advice. Thank you

Dealing with builders/developers can be extremely painful, much worse than resale transactions in our experience. Their contracts are written to protect THEM. Unfortunately all I can say is follow the advice of your lawyer.

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Rashid Notash, Broker

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The Condo Assignment Process: Everything You Should Know

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Condo Assignment Process

September 15, 2018 | Selling

Condo assignment sales are different from typical pre-construction transactions. Whether you’re on the buyer or seller side, the condo assignment process is unique—which is why you should take the time to learn about the costs, timelines, and other specifics involved.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling a condo on assignment, here’s what you should know…

What is a condo assignment sale.

An assignment sale occurs when a pre-construction condo buyer decides to sell before closing. Since they don’t technically own their unit (which may not be completed yet), what they’re really selling is their purchase agreement with the builder.

The concept sounds simple. However, there are some ins and outs that both sellers and buyers should know to ensure that their transaction is legally above board—and in their best interests.

Seller FAQs

Thinking of selling your pre-construction condo on assignment? Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions sellers have about the process.

Should I sell my condo on assignment?

Pre-construction buyers often sell condos on assignment as part of an investment strategy. That said, there are other instances where going this route makes sense.

Maybe your lifestyle has changed, and the unit you were excited about a year ago is no longer ideal. Perhaps you’re facing some financial challenges, and you need some cash in the short term. Whatever your circumstances, a real estate agent with condo expertise can help you decide if selling on assignment is right for you.

What are the tax implications of selling on assignment?

While there’s nothing wrong with assignment sales, some Canadian investors have gotten themselves in hot water for making them without paying taxes on their profits. Regulators have been cracking down on these transactions, which is why knowing your taxation responsibilities is crucial.

The bottom line? If you’re making an assignment sale, it’s best to speak with a financial expert before moving forward.

Does the builder need to be involved?

Your Agreement of Purchase and Sale will specify whether selling your condo on assignment is permitted. Either way, you should obtain consent beforehand. There’s a very good chance that builder approval of an assignment sale is a condition in your contract—so read it carefully.

How much will it cost to sell on assignment?

If the builder signs off on your sale, you’ll probably still have to pay a fee. This sum could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, and in some instances it is waived by the developer. You should also be aware that, along with the regular costs associated with selling, your legal fees may be higher than they would be for a simpler transaction.

Will I get my deposit back?

A purchaser who is buying on assignment (also known as an “assignee”) usually pays the assignor their full deposit. As part of a typical deal, you should receive the amount you’ve paid to date, sometimes along with your profit, on closing day.

How can I find a buyer?

Be aware that there are marketing restrictions placed on most assignment sales. While it depends on the terms of your agreement with the builder, you probably won’t be able to post on the MLS or online.

If you market your assignment in violation of your contract, the builder may be able to cancel your agreement—and hold onto your deposit. For this reason, working with an agent who knows the local condo market is your best bet for finding a buyer.

Are you thinking of purchasing a pre-construction condo on assignment? Read answers to some of the most common questions buyers have first.

When is buying a condo on assignment a good idea?

If you’re excited about a particular condo development that has no remaining inventory, buying on assignment could be your way into the building. In many cases, the price for a unit is lower when it’s sold this way than it would be if it were on the market as a resale unit.

On the flip side, assignment sales tend to be more complicated than traditional condo transactions. They often entail costs, risks, and legal minutiae that aren’t part of conventional resale and pre-construction purchases.

An agent with condo market expertise can help you weigh the pros and cons of including assignment sales in your condo search.

Can I renegotiate the terms of the agreement in place?

No. When you buy a condo on assignment, you’ll be expected to fulfill the terms and conditions that the original buyer agreed to (and take on any potential risks associated with them). For this reason, it’s very important that you protect your interests by working with an experienced real estate lawyer.

Fortunately, you may be able to negotiate with the seller (or “assignor”) regarding the specifics of your purchase with them. Assignors are often in the midst of a life transition, and they may be eager to make a deal and move on.

Which costs will I pay?

Along with the sum you’ve agreed to, you will almost certainly be expected to pay the assignor the amount they’ve put towards their deposit to date. Unless your contract specifies otherwise, you will be responsible for final closing costs including (but not limited to) land transfer taxes, development fees, Tarion fees, and HST if applicable.

As part of the assignor’s original agreement, development charges may be capped. If this is the case, you could wind up spending significantly less money—so it’s worth looking into.

How will closing work?

Closing on an assignment sale can be complicated for the assignee. You’ll have to go through the process twice: once when your deal is finalized with the assignor, and again when you close with the builder. During the first closing, you’ll pay the assignor their deposit and sometimes the profit. The profit portion could be renegotiated and paid on the second closing. During the second, you’ll pay the developer the remainder of what’s owed.

Don’t forget about the occupancy period! Once your unit is fit to be occupied, you will pay a sum that’s approximately equal to your monthly mortgage payments and condo fees until the building is registered.

What else should I know?

In addition to understanding the assignment process, you should be aware of the pros and cons that go along with buying a pre-construction condo. Your purchase will come with certain risks that the original buyer was willing to take on—such as delays to closing. On the flip side, there’s nothing quite like moving into a beautiful, brand new condo.

When handled correctly, condo assignment sales can be beneficial to buyers, sellers, and developers. Just remember that understanding the process is the key to success—which is why working with the right real estate and legal professionals is so important!

Interested in buying or selling a pre-construction condo? Let’s discuss it! Call or shoot me a text at 416-500-5360, or email me at [email protected].

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The Davies

Luxury Living by the Park

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6 Tips to Consider When Buying New Condos on Assignment Sales

6 Tips to Consider When Buying New Condos on Assignment Sales

As far as new condos for sale in Toronto  are concerned, purchasing a pre-construction unit is quite common. Sometimes, it also consists of entering into a contract for assignment sales. Before we discuss how to handle such transactions, let us understand the meaning.

What is an Assignment Sale?

An assignment sale refers to the sale of a contract stating the purchase of a pre-construction condominium unit. It indicates that since the building has not been registered, no one can take or transfer the title of the condo. However, you can sell the contract. Once the builder registers the building, you could sell the property and along with the title.

The assignment clause of the contract comes in handy when you have purchased a new pre-construction condo but have to sell it before the completion of construction due to reasons such as relocation. It protects you from accruing any financial penalty.

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Tips to Make Buying a New Condo on Assignment Sales Easier

  • Assignment closing date - when your assignment sale transaction with the original home buyer is completed.
  • Occupancy closing date - the first closing date when the buyer gets the condo’s key from the builder.
  • Final closing date - is when the title of the property will transfer to the buyer’s name.
  • An assignment closing date when purchasing a new unit is usually before or after the Occupancy Closing date.
  • It is Not Like Purchasing A Resale Condo Buying an assignment sale unit lets you acquire the title from the original customer. It does not refer to buying the condo itself. You will get the ownership of the unit only after the Final Closing Date which is why it is not like a resale purchase.
  • You will be responsible for the 20% down payment paid by the original purchaser to the builder.
  • You will also have to pay the difference amount between the current asking price or the new purchase rate of the condo and its original value.
  • Consent of the Builder is Essential The builder’s approval is required to complete the transaction of assignment sales. In some instances, they may not agree if the date of assignment sale is around the final closing date. This is because the builder would want to make sure that there are no confusions as to the final name on the contract.
  • Mortgage Approval For the builder to approve the transaction, you must provide Proof of Sufficient Funds to indicate that you can afford the purchase. The amount eligible for a mortgage is equal to the original purchase price less the down payment paid to the builder.
  • Do Not Be in a Hurry Since purchasing a new condo requires a substantial amount of investment, it is essential that you consider all the aspects before entering into a sales contract.

The Davies Has Exceptional New Toronto Condos for Sale

New Toronto Condos for Sale

If you are looking for a new Toronto condo for sale, get in touch with our sales team by calling 647-360-9588 or register online to view our floor plans .

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Recent Anecdote about Assignment Sale- How to avoid such scenarios?

My friend has been in market for buying a home and he saw an assignment listing for detached for 1.6 Million in Brampton [The purchase price was 1.5 M, through one of the FB groups]

Saw the house , although it was much higher than his budget , but went ahead and then the realtor said he is getting lot of demand for the house and suggested 1.7 Million. Although it was stretching the budget , he almost went in.

Fortunately he came to know , the house is a distressed sale from the assignor who bought it for investment in 2021 and the builder was even selling the homes for 1.3 M now. He just avoided taking a bullet there , but lot of this information was buried when he initially thought of going ahead and came out only at later stage.

In shot the initial buyer couldn't close, but what is perplexing is broker selling the same home citing demand at 1.7 M when builder itself was selling for 1.3 M The worse part is the home is unsold even after 3 months from the situation. How can we avoid such situation in future?

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  1. 10 Things To Know About Assignment Sales in Real Estate

    With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee.

  2. 11 Lytham Green Circle N, Newmarket

    FOR SALE - See 12 photos - 293 - 11 Lytham Green Circle N, Newmarket ON • 1 bed • 1 bath • 500-599 sqft Condo • MLS# N9271889 - Market stats, Schools & Travel times ... ASSIGNMENT SALE! Occupancy Jan 2025/TBD. **** The Seller Returns $20,000.00 To The Buyer****. Stunning 1Bed 1 Bath With Open Concept Family Room, Corner Unit, Pot ...

  3. Canada MLS® Listings & Real Estate for Sale

    See photos of 228802+ Canada real estate and homes for sale. Find real estate for sale in Canada you'll love, including homes just listed on MLS today! Canada . Search by location. Buy. Sell ... Zolo gives you local insights on condos, townhouses, and houses for sale, apartments for rent, and the hottest neighborhoods in each city. ...

  4. 166 Main Street, St. Martins

    FOR SALE - See 166 Main Street, St. Martins NB • 3 bed • 3 bath • House • MLS# NB104783 - Market stats & Travel times. St. Martins . ... St. Martins is currently for sale and has been available on for 0 day. This property is listed at $324,900 with an estimated mortgage of $1,196* per month.

  5. Condo Assignment Sales: Everything You Need to Know

    Call or shoot me a text at 416-500-5360, or email me at [email protected]. Condo assignment sales are different from typical pre-construction transactions. Here's everything you need to know about the condo assignment process.

  6. 6 Tips for Buying Condos on Assignment Sales

    Tips to Make Buying a New Condo on Assignment Sales Easier. Assignment closing date - when your assignment sale transaction with the original home buyer is completed. Occupancy closing date - the first closing date when the buyer gets the condo's key from the builder. Final closing date - is when the title of the property will transfer to the ...

  7. LOT

    FOR SALE - See 7 photos - Lot - 58 Alexandrina Road, Notre-Dame NB • MLS# M161695 - Market stats & Travel times. Notre-dame . Search by location. ... Notre-dame is currently for sale and has been available on for 0 day. This property is listed at $112,500 with an estimated mortgage of $414* per month.

  8. 18 New Listings in Orangeville

    Find 18 New Listings in Orangeville, ON. Visit to see photos, prices & neighbourhood info. Prices starting at $499,000 💰.

  9. Saint Petersburg FL Newest Real Estate Listings

    1 day on Zillow. 945 Snell Isle Blvd NE #313, Saint Petersburg, FL 33704. COLDWELL BANKER REALTY. $950,000. 7,797 sqft lot. - Lot / Land for sale. 1 day on Zillow. 4501 43rd St N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33714. CENTURY 21 CIRCLE.

  10. Saint Petersburg FL Single Family Homes For Sale

    1114 single family homes for sale in Saint Petersburg FL. View pictures of homes, review sales history, and use our detailed filters to find the perfect place.

  11. Recent Anecdote about Assignment Sale- How to avoid such

    Assignment sales are not listed on zolo or house signma ... Any realtor would know this is an assignment sale and know that the builder is selling comparable units for 1.3M. Or you do your own research and come to the same conclusion. A house is the biggest purchase you'll make. You should be spending alot of time researching before you buy.

  12. 235 Highfield Avenue, Saint John

    FOR SALE - See 49 photos - 235 Highfield Avenue, Saint John NB • 4 bed • 1 bath • House • MLS# NB104750 - Market stats & Travel times. Saint John . Search by location. Buy ... Zolo Realty, Brokerage, 1900-5700 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M2N 4K2, 416.898.8932

  13. Saint Petersburg FL Real Estate & Homes For Sale

    Zillow has 2198 homes for sale in Saint Petersburg FL. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.

  14. 451 Baptist Church Road, Quinte West

    FOR SALE - See 40 photos - 451 Baptist Church Road, Quinte West ON • 3 bed • 3 bath • House • MLS# X9282424 - Market stats, Schools & Travel times ... Quinte West is currently for sale and has been available on for 0 day. This property is listed at $1,179,900 with an estimated mortgage of $4,343* per month. It has 3 beds ...

  15. Town Apartments North, St. Petersburg Real Estate

    Town Apartments North is a neighborhood of homes in St. Petersburg Florida offering an assortment of beautiful styles, varying sizes and affordable prices to choose from. Town Apartments North Homes for sale range in square footage from around 500 square feet to over 1,700 square feet and in price from approximately $70,000 to $259,900. Listed is all Town Apartments North real estate for sale ...

  16. 21013 96a Avenue NW, Edmonton

    FOR SALE - See 49 photos - 21013 96a Avenue Nw, Edmonton AB • 3 bed • 3 bath • House • MLS# E4403922 - Market stats, Schools & Travel times ... Edmonton is currently for sale and has been available on for 1 day. This property is listed at $515,000 with an estimated mortgage of $1,896* per month. It has 3 beds and 3 bathrooms.

  17. Zillow: Real Estate, Apartments, Mortgages & Home Values

    Whether you are looking for a new home, a rental property, or a mortgage loan, Zillow is the leading real estate marketplace that can help you find your dream place. Search millions of listings, compare Zestimate® home values, and connect with local professionals on Zillow.

  18. 201 5th Street W, Carlyle

    FOR SALE - See 23 photos - 201 5th Street W, Carlyle SK • 3 bed • 2 bath • House • MLS# SK982007 - Market stats & Travel times ... Carlyle is currently for sale and has been available on for 1 day. This property is listed at $124,900 with an estimated mortgage of $460* per month. It has 3 beds and 2 bathrooms.

  19. Orangeville MLS® Listings & Real Estate for Sale

    138 homes for sale in Orangeville ON - See photos of new Orangeville Real Estate & MLS Listings • Open Houses • Live Market Stats & Prices - Faster than & updated every 15 mins! ... Zolo has the most thorough, up-to-date set of Orangeville real estate listings. Currently, Orangeville has 143 homes for sale, including 83 houses ...

  20. Kleinburg Real Estate, Vaughan

    Canada; Ontario; Vaughan; Kleinburg Real Estate; City Guide Real Estate & MLS ® Listings in Kleinburg, Vaughan . Zolo helps you land your perfect home out of the 94 homes for sale in Kleinburg and browse 1213 homes on the Vaughan MLS® system.Search by location with our map of MLS® listings for Canada-wide real estate. Explore these homes by property type, price, number of bedrooms, size ...

  21. 1205 19 St, Coaldale

    View 1 photos of this $373890 commercial property for sale at 1205 19 Street, Coaldale, AB on Commercial MLS® #A2161043.

  22. Alliston Real Estate, New Tecumseth

    Canada; Ontario; New Tecumseth; Alliston Real Estate; City Guide Real Estate & MLS ® Listings in Alliston, New Tecumseth . Zolo helps you search for your perfect home out of the 134 homes for sale in Alliston and browse 299 homes on the New Tecumseth MLS® system.Search by location with our map of MLS® listings for Canada-wide real estate. Explore these homes by property type, price, number ...

  23. 4 Bedroom Homes, Innisfil

    172 homes for sale in Innisfil ON - See photos of new Innisfil Real Estate & MLS Listings • Open Houses • Live Market Stats & Prices - Faster than & updated every 15 mins! ... Zolo Realty, Conveyancing Department, 1900-5700 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M2N 4K2, 416.898.8932, 416.981.3248 (Fax)