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PGCE Clare Sherliker ASSIGNMENT TWO: Enabling and Assessing Learning

Profile image of SArah whitaker

Provide an overview of some theories and concepts of learning and assessment, and discuss: • What these learning theories tell you about different ways to help these learners learn most effectively • How different types of assessment help in supporting and monitoring learning for these learners • Which of these theories of learning and assessment currently apply to your own teaching • Which theories and concepts have interested you most and how they might help you to develop and extend your current teaching approaches Theories of learning Most teachers draw on a range of theories and their own practical classroom experiences in arriving at their views on how people learn and how their teaching can support this learning. Petty (2009) proposes that theories of learning " .. compliment rather than supplement each other and often overlap in practice ". All areas of pedagogy have implications for the role of the teacher their interaction with learners and delivery and planning of lessons.. Behaviourism. During the first half of the twentieth century, the school of thought known as behaviourism rose to dominate psychology and sought to explain the learning process. Behavioural psychology as promoted by Pavlov, Skinner and Watson, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning which occurs through our interactions with the environment. Types of learning described by behavioural psychology are classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning. Behaviourists advocate that a learner starts off as a clean slate

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This paper attempted to examine the application and effectiveness of behaviorist learning theories in teaching and learning process. That is classical conditioning learning theory by Ivan Pavlov and operant conditioning learning theory by B. F Skinner. Learning is a process by which experience and practice produce relatively stable or permanent changes in an organism’s behavior and capabilities. Learning is a key process in human behavior and it start from birth to the end of life. It pervades everything we do and think. It plays a central role in the language we speak, our personality traits, attitudes and beliefs. A theory is an attempt to organize and integrate knowledge to explain why things happen the way they do. It can as well mean a set of assumption or postulates that state the basis or the premise of the field with which the theory is concerned on. Learning theories, on the other hand, are conceptual frameworks that describe how information is absorbed, processed, and reta...

pgce learning theories assignment

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Introduction Learning is a change in behavior or having the capacity to capacity to change in a certain manner after practicing of after gaining an experience (Gibbony,2006).Behavioral, cognitive and humanistic theories are some are some of the learning theories in relation to education. A teacher can use one or a combination of the theoretical approaches to enhance learning in the learning environment. Behavioral learning theory Behaviorists focused on learning which was affected by changes in behavior because they believed that only observable, measurable, outward behavior is worthy of scientific inquiry which led to the conclusion that all students given the right environment are able to have similar understanding (Weeger and Diego, 2012).The theory of behavioral learning also contends that repetitive reinforcements whether positive or negative are essential to the learning processes The teachers duty according to behaviorists learning theory is to use reinforcement either positive or negative to strengthen or reward the wanted behavior while the negative to punish or end the unwanted behavior (Salvin, 2003). Students are required to respond actively as a responder for example, following an occurrence of the desirable behavior like high grades for effort in assessment or presentation of negative stimulus following unwanted behavior like students fail for plagiarized work (Learn and Signer, 2010).The students will more likely to work harder because they know they will receive a desired reward for their work. This theory is meant to ensure that the students have rapid and decisive response when dealing various strains of diseases in a more notable manner to effect an incisive outcome. Constructivist learning theory Constructivist view learning as search for meaning because they believed that knowledge is constructed by the learner and the learner develops his or her own understanding through experiences. They are used on observation and scientific study about how people learn and construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world by experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Constructivist teachers therefore encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding. By questioning themselves and their strategies students in the constructionist classroom ideally become expert learners. Teacher's role is to encourage this learning and reflection process. For example groups of students in clinical medicine class are discussing a problem in anatomy; though the teacher knows the answer to the problem she focusses on helping the students restate their questions in useful ways. She prompts each student to reflect and examine his or her knowledge. Constructivist teacher provides tools like problem solving and inquiry based learning activities the students formulate and test their ideas, draw conclusions and inferences and convey their knowledge in collaborative learning (Tobias and Duffy, 2009).The implicit role alluded by the constructivist learning theory is to remit opportunities for students to handle the hectic circumstances in case diagnosis and management, in order to explore the associated ramifications to further their knowledge and skills. Cognitive theory of learning Cognitive theorist believes that learning involves the integration of events in active storage system comprised of organizational structures which are termed as schema (Tobias and Duff, 2009). Individuals interact by their world by constantly collecting and organizing information. The cognitive theory also contends that people are in control of their own learning and as we organize the information in the brain

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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development


Scholars, psychologists and pedagogues like Al-Ghazali, Skinner, Piaget, Vygotsky and others give us an opportunity to have an insight into: 1) How to re-think education; 2) What is the most comprehensive way for a learner to learn?; 3) Imagine a new environment that can give a better future especially for a growing child. They are the people who remind us that learning always involve interaction with other people, submitting ourselves to other people’s ideas or values not just by ourselves. This article presented some of these great scholar and psychological theory and ideas while also discussed their contribution, the differences and at the end how those theories interconnected between one another.

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This paper has not been graded yet, nevertheless you can read it. Comments and corrections are welcome!


Sai Loo (廬世胤*)

THEORIES OF LEARNING Supporting statement: The genesis of this diagram started as an idea of viewing different theories/models of learning visually and also to ascertain if there were any connections between some of the theories. This diagram might be used as a teaching and/or learning resource (in conjunction with the ‘Assignments and Learning Theories’ learning resource) for those who are related to the areas of education, though not necessarily in the field of education. Thus I envisage those who are involved in teaching and learning in other fields such as clinical medicine, professions, the sciences and the arts and humanities may also be interested. Needless to say, the possible connections are based on my perceptions and thus others may offer varying opinions, which are understandable. I initially used Tusting and Barton’s Models of adult learning: a literature review (2003) as a generic source of learning theories and built on from there. Of course, there are also other generic sources on learning theories such as Illeris (2007) and Jarvis (2010), which I have referred to. I would be grateful for any comments in order to develop this diagram further. Sai. Nov. 2018 Sai Loo (廬世胤) (BSc, MA, PhD, FETC, ACA, FHEA) UCL Institute of Education, University College London e-mail: [email protected]


Cognitive Approach in the Process of Learning Studies related to how a person learns and how learning can be efficient have a long history. Various theories and approaches have been developed in this field and they have had important impact on endeavors for learning. Pedagogues make a classification based on three basic approaches while dealing with learning theories. These are behaviorist approach, cognitive approach and constructivism. It will be a mistake to see these three approaches as alternative to each one or to evaluate them independently while making a classification. Behaviorist, cognitive and constructivist ideas and principles overlap in many fields . It is difficult to classify these theories in this context. Some theories can be involved in more than one class in different ways. For example; in some resources, Bruner’s theory of Discovery Learning is accepted to be cognitive rather than developmental. In some other resources, Bruner is mostly included in developmental or constructivist class. On the other hand, while Albert Bandura is mostly classified as behaviorist, Bandura himself opposes to behaviorism. This difficulty in classification is natural. Because it is impossible to make a statement independent of behaviorist approach while dealing with cognitive approach or to make a statement independent of cognitive approach while handling constructivist approach. In other words, behaviorist approach provided a basis passing to cognitive approach while cognitive approach provided a basis passing to constructivist approach. According to this, cognitive approach does not deny behaviorism, it claims that cognitive process is seen in behaviorist learning. Moreover, constructivist approach established its principles on the basis of the principles of cognitive approach. According to behaviorist approach, learning depends on stimulus and response to a stimulus, and the resulting behaviour should be observable and measurable. While passing from behaviorist approach to cognitive approach, the question if cognitive process is present or not in acquiring behaviour started to be asked. We cannot say that cognitive psychologists completely exclude the findings of behaviorists. Cognitive processes and activities such as processing information, mental representations, guesses and expectations are accepted to be a basis in the interpretation of learning. What cognitive theorists do in addition to behaviorists’ findings is that they claim cognitive processes are also present in the events of an organism’s learning. In this chapter, cognitive approach is explained while the theories below are also included considering learning theories, which are explained, in separate chapters in the book.

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  • Corpus ID: 220598202

Core Professional Assignment: Theories of Learning

  • Pgce Masters
  • Published 2009
  • Education, Psychology

10 References

Teaching for understanding: what it is and how to do it. 2nd edition., experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development, learning as constructive activity, understanding the limit concept: beginning with a coordinated process scheme, relational understanding and instrumental understanding., concept definition, concept image and the notion of function, the growth of logical thinking from childhood to adolescence, aspects of teaching secondary mathematics: perspectives on practice, understanding in mathematics, related papers.

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Home › General › PGCEi Module 1 assignment guidance

PGCEi Module 1 assignment guidance

By Pete on November 30, 2021 • ( 3 )

My previous post included some tips on how to approach the PGCEi Module 1 (Nottingham) process work. This post moves on to the assignment itself. A reminder that the process work was…

  • A   1000-word piece of process work outlining your own educational beliefs and values. 

And the assignment is…

  • A 4000-word assignment in which you critique a model of schooling based on those values.

So, 4000 words to play with. I got a Distinction for my assignment so there might be a few suggestions in this post that set you on the right path. However, do read with caution. I am not a tutor and can only share my personal experience, not ‘official guidance’.

Start with an introduction that frames the assignment

I might be stating the obvious, but a) use the intro to signpost essay stages, and b) highlight context and explain important acronyms early if poss.

  • In this assignment I will critique BLAH BLAH
  • I will begin by framing some of my own beliefs and values related to education
  • I will relate these values to practice
  • I will then critique my current model of international schooling in relation to my values

My example:

pgce learning theories assignment

Outline your own educational values

Begin by providing a short statement summarizing your core educational values. I’m sure you’ll find this pretty tricky to write as I’d say it’s hard for any educator to reduce their educational philosophy down to such key details. Still, that the assignment task…

Here’s my example:

pgce learning theories assignment

Word your statement carefully. Make sure everything you say can be clearly justified and purposeful. Ask yourself questions as you construct this statement:

Why did I say ‘actively want to learn’ instead of just ‘want to learn’?

What is the learning journey beyond and around formal schooling?

Why refer to educators/learners as agents? Am I tapping into the literature/theory somehow there?

Why knowledge, skills and traits? What traits?

Then spend the next few paragraphs attempting to unpack all that.

  • Hone in on the wording and try to expand on it.
  • Relate your statement to the literature from the course and beyond where possible!
  • Critique your own statement too. Concede that not all your beliefs may be evidence-based/backed.

Key reads for this section:

  • Bottery’s educational codes
  • Gert Biesta’s philosophy of education
  • Certain learning theories if they relate to your overarching values (say Montessori for example, or Freire)  

Outline your subject or area-specific values of education

The first section is more about your general educational values. After that, focus more on your values in relation to a more specific context. Examples:

  • Outline your educational values in the context of international primary schooling
  • Outline your educational values in the context of delivering certain curricula like IB
  • Outline your educational values in the context of teaching EFL (I did that)

I found this useful for a few reasons. It helps to highlight conflict and tensions between your overarching values and those within your narrower field of focus. It shows that you recognize how fluid your educational values might be, and it might also help to draw out your TRUE ‘constants’ – those non-negotiable educational values of yours that are present regardless of context.

I took the same approach as the previous section – write a statement of values, then unpack it.

Key reading for this section will vary depending on context

Link your general and specific values to actual real-world teaching

Outlining your educational values is fundamental to the assignment, but they can read as a bit fluffy. I think it’s important to outline how those values might play out in an actual educational setting. For example, I think you could mention the following:

  • How might your values shape the ethos of a school ?
  • What impact might your values have on a curriculum ?
  • How might they shape the school environment ?
  • What type of learner / parent / other stakeholders might share your values?

Etc. I guess this section kind of answers the question ‘ What do my values look like ?’

I linked my values to three different area of schooling (above, in bold ). For each one I did this:

pgce learning theories assignment

Etc. Once you outline your ‘values in action’ (lol), clearly link them back to the core values you mentioned in the previous sections. E.g.

In my statement of values I mentioned that education should result in a desire to learn. I feel that giving learners input into the learning content (see curriculum point 1) will my result in a feeling of ownership and lead to more engagement…

And you can back this up with research if needed.

*PAGE BREAK! I’d say all the above is a quite chunky ‘Part 1’ to the assignment.

On to Part Two…*

Summarise your current context and model of international schooling

  • Introduce your school or institution. Pick out key info on their philosophy and approach from their mission statement.
  • Talk about their implied ethos or values based on curriculums they follow. For example, you can learn quite a bit about a school just by whether they follow a curriculum like IB
  • Frame the identity of your school based on the literature…

Key reading:

Hayden and Thompson (2013). I’ve mentioned it here.

Move on to looking at how the school values are realized in the educational setting – the curriculum, the school environment, etc

  • Note, try to be as objective as possible here. For example, if you are looking at the curriculum of the school, look more at the content as it is intended to be delivered according to syllabus documents. Don’t fall into the trap of critiquing everything straight away at it will seem biased. Facts first if possible.
  • Give objective evidence (if possible) of constraints and freedoms, such as whether teachers are given autonomy over curriculum content, whether the school environment can be adapted, etc.
  • Mention external factors impacting the school such as government legislation (ie. ‘You must include certain curricula content’), stakeholder expectations (e.g. parents!), etc.

Now critique the model of schooling based on your values

Overall values

  • Relate the institution values directly to your core values and see how well they align.
  • Where there might be conflicts between your values versus those of the school, describe your feelings towards this on balance.

Your values as realized within the actual setting

  • Explain how well the school curriculum, environment, and the other more practical/tangible/physical realisations of your institution’s values align with your own beliefs.
  • Where they don’t, describe the conflicts and perhaps how they are overcome
  • Mention the constraints and freedoms within your current model of schooling, and how they may/may not allow you to shape the model of schooling to better fit with your own values. Refer to external factors now but in practice and in your personal experience.

Share an overview of your findings and perhaps draw out a theme or a take-home point, such as:

  • ‘While my own values and those of the school align well in principle, the way teachers are expected to deliver learning is not an accurate realization of these values.’
  • ‘My own educational values cannot be truly realized in my current educational context, although I am happy to adapt to the values expected by the school as … meh, they’re alright.’

Refer back to some of the literature as you reflect on the model of schooling. Pick out something else you read on the course that seems to make more sense now.

This critique has helped me to…

Through this assignment I have realized that…

As I said, this is one way to approach things that did work. Feel free to get in touch to chat through your ideas 😊

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Categories: General , teacher development

Tags: assignment , critique , international school , Module 1 , PGCEi , process work , University of Nottingham

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I found this one really useful, was a bit stuck on how to get things going with my assignment and this really helped 😀

Thanks for that and happy new year! :3

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Hi, this was very useful. Thank you!

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Teacher Training: Assignment 1 - Learning Theories - Primary (SCITT)

  • Assignment 1 - Learning Theories - Primary (SCITT)
  • Assignment 2 - Action Research - Primary (SCITT)
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  • Assessment - Primary (SCITT)
  • Behaviour - Primary (SCITT)
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  • Professional Studies and Research (Assignment 2) - Secondary (SCITT)
  • Learning in the Primary Context and Assignment 1 - Primary (NETT)
  • Professional Studies and Research and Assignment 2 - Primary (NETT)
  • Professional Practice Summative Files - Primary (NETT)
  • Professional Studies and Research - Assignment 3 - Primary (NETT)
  • Professional Studies and Research - Secondary (NETT)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability - Secondary (NETT)
  • Professional Practice - Secondary (NETT)
  • Professional Practice - Primary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Professional Studies and Research - Primary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability - Primary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Professional Practice - Secondary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Professional Studies and Research - Secondary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability - Secondary SCITT (Billericay)
  • Professional Practice - Primary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
  • Education Studies - Primary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
  • Primary Studies and Research - Primary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
  • Professional Practice - Secondary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
  • Subject Studies and Research - Secondary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
  • Education Studies - Secondary (Inspiration Teacher Training)
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Welcome to yourAssignment 1 - Learning Theories - Primary reading list!  Here you will find the resources to support you throughout your module.

Essential reading.

Cover Art

Subject Guide

This page provides information specific to your module.   For more information and resources for  Primary SCITT , have a look at your  Subject Guide .

Module Websites

Summary of all Learning Theories

Learning Theory Models

Learning Theory and Research

Oxford Brookes University

Behaviourism Summary and Additional Links

What is Behaviourism?

Carnegie Mellon: Principles of Teaching and Learning

Source list of all Learning Theorists

Cognitive Learning

Tony Bates Review of Learning Theories

EPPI Research review on Behaviourism (2004)

Development of Learning Theories

Theories of Teaching and Learning: What do they mean for educators?

University of Leicester

Learning Theories

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you can't find the resource that you're looking for, why not refer to your Library at your SCITT Training Centre?

Recommended Reading

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PGCE assignments are a struggle

I'm a primary trainee doing a SCITT with PGCE course and I just need to vent about the PGCE assignments. First one is due in on Monday and it has given me such a headache writing it, I have barely been able to rest over half term. The only input relating to it was a lecture last week so most of the course have been in the same position of writing it exclusively in half term.

They are constantly banging on about how important it is to engage in the research and this should inform our teaching but the set question is not a great one (at least 3 rolled into one - the question itself is 7 lines long) and it's not making a great case for being research-led. I have a first class English degree and have previously enjoyed academic writing but the PGCE seems like such a massive after thought on the course despite the fact it takes so much time. It's also tricky writing critically at MA level when they also want us to make a case of evidence informing practice - if I'm criticising the theory how can I then say I'll use it in the classroom? I find it hard to present work I'm not proud of but I know I'll have to accept that just submitting anything and passing will be fine.

Anyone else feel like the PGCE element of training is a waste of time? Any tips welcome please.

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  • Postgraduate Taught Courses

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Start date:

September 2025

1 year (full-time)

Number of credits:

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The Roehampton iPGCE allows you to develop powerful insights as global teachers into your own pedagogy and practice within national and international contexts.  

Did you know.

We are ranked in the top 3 universities in London for the quality of our research in the field of Education (REF 2021), reflecting the world-class expertise of our staff.

Roehampton’s primary age teacher training courses are rated as “outstanding” and secondary age courses are rated as “good” by Ofsted.  

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This is a new course for September 2025. More details regarding modules will be added shortly. Please contact us if you have any questions.

  • Understanding pedagogy and practice within international contexts (30 credits) 
  • Research into teaching practice (30 credits) 

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Our Curriculum

Roehampton has been providing high quality teacher training through its colleges for over 180 years.

The international PGCE (iPGCE) provides a strong foundation in educational theory and practice, covering areas such as curriculum development, classroom management, and assessment strategies. It offers the flexibility of online or blended learning formats and is ideal for teachers working in international schools or those looking to transition to international education. Across one year, the iPGCE develops graduates' understanding of pedagogy and practice in international contexts, aiming to deepen their professional knowledge. 

In a 2023 report, Ofsted rated Roehampton's primary-age courses as "Outstanding". The inspection was conducted by nine of His Majesty's inspectors and three Ofsted Inspectors. The University's primary-age phase courses, that currently have 673 trainees, scored "Outstanding" for overall effectiveness, quality of education and training, leadership and management. 

Learn in a stimulating environment.

The iPGCE is a distance learning course designed for international students in different jurisdictions. You will:  

  • Have access to all materials to learn at your own pace. 
  • Take part in live online sessions at the beginning and end of the course to develop group cohesion and to build a learning community.  
  • Take part in online discussion forums where tutors can interact and support understanding.  
  • Receive tutorials with expert staff to support you with assignments.  

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You are expected to have a mentor based in your employing school, who will be trained by Roehampton (drawing on our extensive experience of training mentors). The mentor will help you to reflect on your experiences and the impact you are having on pupil learning.

You will be expected to draw on discussions with your mentor to inform your online reflections with fellow students and your university tutor. 

This course is designed for teachers who teach in schools covering different ages ranges. 

pgce learning theories assignment

A variety of authentic and meaningful assessments will be used throughout the programme.

Module 1 will be assessed using a written assignment designed to support understanding of local, national and international pedagogy.

Module 2 requires candidates to present findings from their inquiry into their own teaching, comparing it to practice in another country.

Each module has its own assignment, which will be assessed at level 7.  

Graduates who complete the course have the option to undertake a separate the assessment only route to be qualified as a teacher and gain qualified teacher status (QTS) and PGCE if they meet the entry criteria (see our Assessment Only details).  

Develop your teaching practice and career prospects as you learn from expert educators. 

Students taking this course will already be employed as teachers. The status of the iPGCE award will support further career development as the iPGCE is recognised internationally as a highly regarded qualification.

Candidates should note that this course does not include Qualified Teacher Status and as such is not a teaching qualification in its own right. 

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  • Teaching 
  • Management and leadership roles within schools and other education settings 
  • Charity roles 
  • Policy advice 
  • National assessment 
  • Curriculum development

Get a real taste of our campus, community and what it’s like to study at Roehampton

Full-time UK postgraduate students apply through our direct application system.

Course subject to curriculum review and validation.

Entry requirements

Undergraduate degree (2:2) or equivalent 

Specific entry requirements

  • Candidates must be working part-time or full-time in a school to be able to complete the assessment.  
  • Candidates must have access to a school-based mentor who can coach them on their developing practice.  

General entry requirements

UK students

UK: £4000

We also provide other ways to support the cost of living, including free buses and on-campus car parking, hardship support and some of the most affordable student accommodation and catering in London. Find out more about how we can support you .

International undergraduate students apply through our direct application system.

Course subject to curriculum review and validation. 

Undergraduate degree (2:2) or equivalent. IELTS 6.5 minimum, with 6 in each component 

International students

International: £4000

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Need help or advice before applying?

The school of education is renowned for its high-quality teaching and research, and is one of the principal teacher training providers in the uk. .

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iPGCE (International Postgraduate Certificate in Education)

Next entry: Sept 2025 • 1 year (full-time)

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Media and Communications (MA)

Next entry: Sept 2024 • 1 year (full-time), 2 years (part-time)

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Global Human Resource Management

Next entry: Sept 2024 • 1 year (full-time), 2 years (full-time) with placement


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    1. SECTION A: PGCE (I) MODULE CONTENT & ASSIGNMENT DETAILS. MODULE 1: Contexts. 1.1 Purposes of the School Curriculum. Although it may be concealed under the surface of everyday activity, every teacher has a philosophy of teaching. This opening Unit aims to bring the philosophy which is hidden in your own classroom practice out into the open.

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  4. PGCE Assignments

    The PGCE is a recognised academic qualification which carries 60 credits at Master's level (one third of a Masters degree). These credits are usually broken down into two or three separate assignments, typically totalling 12,000 words. They are generally scheduled after half terms, so you have a chunk of time to work on them.

  5. PDF Core Professional Assignment: Theories of Learning A critical

    Core Professional Assignment: Theories of Learning A critical examination and comparison of two theories of learning and their implications for classroom teachers. PGCE Masters level assignment Page 4 of 17 Completion date: 13/02/09 similar objects by a specific characteristic - in this case colour - and moving it from one place to another.

  6. R2009 D11266208 Assignment PGCE 2021

    Final assignment - essay about critical evaluation of learning theories. Pgce Module. Essays. 100% (8) 9. Lesson Plan 2 - safeguarding. Pgce Module. Assignments. 100% (10) 2. ... Assignment 3a R2009 D11266208 Assignment PGCE 2021; Feedback Level 7 - Outstanding teacher; Interview Guidance Notes; Related documents. PCET service - PGCE notes;

  7. PGCE Clare Sherliker ASSIGNMENT TWO: Enabling and Assessing Learning

    In this chapter, cognitive approach is explained while the theories below are also included considering learning theories, which are explained, in separate chapters in the book. Download Free PDF. View PDF. PGCE Clare Sherliker ASSIGNMENT TWO: Enabling and Assessing Learning March 2012 Provide an overview of some theories and concepts of ...

  8. Module 2

    Module 2. Understanding Learning. Introduction. Education, like other subjects taught at university level, has a strong theoretical perspective which requires rigorous study. Many aspects of being a good teacher are about being practical. Good organisation, a strong classroom presence, an effective speaking voice, a resourceful personality and ...

  9. Core Professional Assignment: Theories of Learning

    Core Professional Assignment: Theories of Learning ... Pgce Masters; Published 2009; Education, Psychology; Completion date: 13/02/09 In order to become effective classroom teachers, it is imperative that we have an understanding of how learning occurs, and how it can be engendered in pupils. Much research has been done into how we assimilate ...

  10. PGCEi Module 1 assignment guidance

    My previous post included some tips on how to approach the PGCEi Module 1 (Nottingham) process work. This post moves on to the assignment itself. A reminder that the process work was…. A 1000-word piece of process work outlining your own educational beliefs and values. And the assignment is…. A 4000-word assignment in which you critique a ...

  11. PDF Assessment Guidance PGCE Sec 2021-22

    Reassessment. If you fail a module, you will be given an opportunity to retrieve the failure. The formal reassessment period for 2021/22 academic year is late June/early July 2022. If you did not submit the assignment at all, then the re-assessment will in most cases involve you in submitting the original assignment.

  12. PGCE Primary Core Pre-Course Booklet

    the course on the first induction day and have a lecture on teaching and learning theories. This day ... PGCE student teachers have diverse prior experiences: some are from teaching, some are from ... Assessment includes three assignments based on linking theory and practice and will be assessed at Master's Level (HE7) for the award of the ...


    Hello,Thank you for clicking on this video, great to have you back or welcome if you're new!Today's video features some PGCE assignment tips, particularly so...

  14. Assignment

    The assignment is based on the module activities. As well as your process responses, the reflective journal will be of help in writing, as will the reading you completed. You need to make sure that you make reference to the prescribed reading and any other reading you have done to support your account. Your account of My ideal classroom within ...

  15. PGCE Assignment 3 (reflection)

    PGCE Assignment 2 (Af L) Assignment 1 - Grade: a+; English-level-test-pre-intermediate-a2 pdf; Related documents. IFRS 13 - Q and A - IFRS 13 Q&A; ... Kolb's theory of learning outlining how learners learn is one of many that I have been introduced to during my undergraduate course and PGCE year so far. Reflecting upon the nature of these ...

  16. Assignment 1

    Contemporary Theories of Learning by Illeris, K. This tenth anniversary edition of Knud Illeris's classic 2008 text is an updated and definitive collection of today's most influential learning theorists, now containing additional chapters from John Hattie and Gregory Donoghue, Sharan Merriam, Gert Biesta and Carolyn Jackson.

  17. Assignment

    Assignment. Introduction. The Module 3 assignment invites you to think critically about the relationship between classroom planning and teaching. We would like you to write about 3000 words on ways in which you could improve and develop the teaching of a lesson sequence in your own classroom. Section 1: A proposed lesson sequence (about 250 words)

  18. PGCE assignments are a struggle : r/TeachingUK

    PGCE assignments are a struggle. PGCE & ITT. I'm a primary trainee doing a SCITT with PGCE course and I just need to vent about the PGCE assignments. First one is due in on Monday and it has given me such a headache writing it, I have barely been able to rest over half term. The only input relating to it was a lecture last week so most of the ...

  19. iPGCE (International Postgraduate Certificate in Education

    The international PGCE (iPGCE) provides a strong foundation in educational theory and practice, covering areas such as curriculum development, classroom management, and assessment strategies. It offers the flexibility of online or blended learning formats and is ideal for teachers working in international schools or those looking to transition ...

  20. Assignment 3a R2009 D11266208 Assignment PGCE 2021

    Final assignment - essay about critical evaluation of learning theories; Feedback Level 7 - Outstanding teacher; Interview Guidance Notes; PCET service - PGCE notes; Related documents. ... R2009 D11266208 Assignment PGCE 2021. Pgce Module 100% (1) 9. Lesson Plan 2 - safeguarding. Pgce Module 100% (10) 2. Multiple Choice Quiz - hazards and risk.