A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

The IBM/Lenovo Deal: Victory For China?

January 14, 2005 • 16 min read.

With the sale of IBM's personal computer business to Chinese company Lenovo Group Limited, two emerging trends quickly move front and center: The increasing commoditization of technology and the emergence of Chinese companies as global players. Wharton professors say both trends warrant watching and raise some key questions. Can Lenovo become a global player and integrate IBM's U.S. managers? Will IBM's PC customers defect to rivals like Dell Computer? Can state-owned Chinese companies become dominant in the international markets? Professors from Wharton and Universities in China, as well as Wall Street analysts, offer their opinions.

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Strategic Direction

ISSN : 0258-0543

Article publication date: 12 September 2016

The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lenovo’s successful acquisition of IBM’s PC division using Ghemawat’s (2001) CAGE framework. It was an acquisition that was so full of symbols that it is difficult to know where to begin. Lenovo’s purchase of IBM in 2005 was first seen as a sign of the rapid growth and expansion of the Chinese economy and its transformation away from the traditional manufacturing base to more high-tech areas. For doomsday merchants in the land of Uncle Sam, it foretold the end of the world domination of the US economy. Despite a considerable number of skeptics at the time, Lenovo was clearly up to the task. Such was the success of the acquisition that by 2015, Lenovo could claim to have grown into the world’s number 1 PC maker, number 3 smartphone manufacturer and number 3 in the production of tablet computers.


This paper is a case study.

Despite a considerable number of skeptics at the time, Lenovo was clearly up to the task. Such was the success of the acquisition that by 2015, Lenovo could claim to have grown into the world’s number 1 PC maker, number 3 smartphone manufacturer and number 3 in the production of tablet computers. Indeed, by 2014, the firm had enough confidence to add the IBM server business to its portfolio.


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Thomas, M. (2016), "Lenovo’s successful acquisition of the IBM PC Division", Strategic Direction , Vol. 32 No. 9, pp. 32-35. https://doi.org/10.1108/SD-06-2016-0090

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Copyright © 2016, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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​Lenovo bought IBM's PC business 10 years ago: Jury out on broader ambitions


Lenovo on Thursday will celebrate the 10-year anniversary of its acquisition of IBM's PC business. What remains to be seen is whether Lenovo can pull off the sequel---the acquisition of IBM's server business---and become a larger smartphone-to-data center enterprise vendor.

The IBM-Lenovo deal in 2005 will go down as a win-win scenario. Lenovo bought IBM's PC business and an iconic ThinkPad brand and leveraged it to be the No. 1 PC maker. By shedding the PC business, IBM transformed into a hardware, software and services outfit. Big Blue is also looking for a sequel of its own as it sheds commodity servers to focus on analytics, mobile, security and cloud.

Lenovo, armed with IBM's PC unit, eventually pursued a strategy that revolved around defending mature markets---U.S. and Europe---and expanding share in emerging countries.

Now Lenovo is digesting the acquisitions of IBM's server business as well as the purchase of Motorola.

If successful, Lenovo can offer everything from servers to smartphones with all the devices in between.

Lenovo's master plan, however, will largely depend on those latter purchases. In other words, Lenovo can't go too crazy with its PC victory lap after a decade.

The company said that it will launch its first global tech conference where it'll outline its device strategy. More importantly, Lenovo will have to convince enterprises that they can bet on the company's roadmap, which will include wearables and connected devices too. On the consumer front, Lenovo will need to inspire Apple-like gadget lust.

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However, Lenovo's enterprise businesses will ultimately pay the bills.

For now, Lenovo gets a short birthday party. The acquisition of IBM's PC business kicked off a string of eight acquisitions over the last decade that paid off in the end.

Here are a few milestones of note:

  • Lenovo bought IBM's PC division in 2005.
  • In 2006, Lenovo rolled out its own branded PCs.
  • In 2011, Lenovo formed a joint venture with NEC and Compal and later acquired Medion.
  • In 2012, Lenovo formed a storage joint venture with EMC.
  • The Yoga convertible launched in 2012.
  • Lenovo became No. 1 in 2014 and began pushing smartphones outside of China.
  • In 2014, Lenovo acquired Motorola Mobility and IBM's x86 server division.

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lenovo ibm acquisition case study

Merging Cultures in International Mergers and Acquisition - A Case Study of Lenovo’s Acquisition of IBM PC Division

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This article investigates how the leadership of Lenovo and IBM PC Division integrated their corporate cultures after Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM PC Division. The study identified some post-acquisition cultural integration challenges between Lenovo and IBM PC Division such as: Language and communication differences, power distance, different leadership and managerial styles and difficulties in socializing Lenovo’s corporate culture and IBN PC’s corporate culture into a shared corporate culture. In view of this, the authors recommended that Lenovo and IBM PC Division should build structures, procedures and working environment which promote cultural synergy and adopt a cultural relativistic policy. The authors adopted personal interview data generated by earlier researchers. The data was analysed using a hermeneutic approach of data analysis..

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Muhammed Abdulai, Department of Communication, Innovation and Technology University for Development Studies, Nyankpala Campus, Ghana

Muhammed Abdulai holds M.A (Research) in Culture, Communication and Globalization from Aalborg University, Denmark, M. A (Research) In Cultural Studies, Telemark University College, Norway, and B.A In Philosophy and the Study of Religions from University of Ghana, legon. He is currently an Assistant lecturer at University for Development Studies, Ghana, Department of Communication, Innovation and Technology, Nyankpala campus. He has a book entitled: “Managing Cultural Differences in International Organizations. An analytic study of Intercultural Encounter Among Expatriate Workers and Local Staff of Ibis West Africa, published by Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.

Hadi Ibrahim, University for Development Studies - Ministry of Trade and Industry - Ghana

Hadi Ibrahim has a background in marketing at the bachelor’s level from Takoradi Polytechnic and GIMPA in Ghana. He currently holds MSc in International Business Economics from Aalborg University in Denmark. A pioneer in the implementation of Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana and now Assistant Commercial Officer at the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Ghana. He has a book entitled “Young Adults Bank selection and Loyalty Decisions” published by GlobeEdit Publishing, 2014, to his credit.

Copyright (c) 2016 Muhammed Abdulai, Hadi Ibrahim

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Lenovo: A Case Study on Strengthening the Position in the European Market Through Innovation

  • First Online: 30 January 2016

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  • Franz Josef Gellert 2 , 3  

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Lenovo is a Chinese company operating in the computer and ICT area with great success in its domestic market. The product range is spread over computers (laptops) as well as smartphones for private and for professional users. Lenovo’s strengths are the high quality of electronic devices, ease of use, and selling the devices for an acceptable and fair price. The supply chain of Lenovo is very strong and effective as well as efficient. Lenovo and its specific product segments can become a world brand. The increase in sales and market shares was achieved by mergers and acquisitions which are limited by nature. So, it might be a challenge for Lenovo, when the time is ripe, to further develop its business with its own resources.

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Franz Josef Gellert

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Rien T. Segers

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Gellert, F.J. (2016). Lenovo: A Case Study on Strengthening the Position in the European Market Through Innovation. In: Segers, R. (eds) Multinational Management. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23012-2_6

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23012-2_6

Published : 30 January 2016

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Merging Cultures in International Mergers and Acquisitions A Case Study of Lenovo's Acquisition of IBM PC Division

Profile image of Hadi  Ibrahim

This article investigates how the leadership of Lenovo and IBM PC Division integrated their corporate cultures after Lenovo's acquisition of IBM PC Division. The study identified some post-acquisition cultural integration challenges between Lenovo and IBM PC Division such as: Language and communication differences, power distance, different leadership and managerial styles and difficulties in socializing Lenovo's corporate culture and IBN PC's corporate culture into a shared corporate culture. In view of this, the authors recommended that Lenovo and IBM PC Division should build structures, procedures and working environment which promote cultural synergy and adopt a cultural relativistic policy. The authors adopted personal interview data generated by earlier researchers. The data was analysed using a hermeneutic approach of data analysis.

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    This case Lenovo Acquires IBM's PC Division, Will Lenovo Gain? focus on Lenovo, China's largest and Asia's leading Personal Computer (PC) vendor, announced that it would acquire global giant IBM's PC division. Lenovo was reported to pay IBM, $1.25 billion, to get a foothold in the market of the global leading brand, and thus a gateway to other international markets. Further, the deal made ...

  16. China'S Investment in The United States and The Public Relations

    Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's PC business was said to "bring confidence and pride to all Chinese people."62 But even in such a 61 See Note 2. 62 "With Lenovo, from Legend to IBM," Bloomberg Businessweek (5 May 2005). 42 fsuccessful case, there were noted issues: (summarized by former chairman and co-founder of Lenovo, Liu Chuanzhi63 ...

  17. Lenovo: From Chinese Origins to a Global Player

    China-based Lenovo has managed to become the number-one seller of personal computers (PCs) in five major PC markets. To achieve this goal, the company has repeatedly chosen to grow via acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances. The present case study...

  18. Lenovo: A Case Study on Strengthening the Position in the European

    In 2005, Lenovo completed the acquisition of IBM's Personal Computing Division, making it a new international IT competitor and the third-largest personal computer company in the world.

  19. Lenovo's Big Opportunity : IBM? Case Study

    In late 2004, Lenovo Group Limited (Lenovo), China's leading PC (personal computer) maker, acquired the Personal Computing Division of IBM. While Lenovo views this acquisition as an opportunity to take on the global PC market, IBM hopes to enhance its foothold in China. However, before reaping the synergistic benefits from the acquisition ...

  20. Merging Cultures in International Mergers and Acquisitions A Case Study

    The study identified some post-acquisition cultural integration challenges between Lenovo and IBM PC Division such as: Language and communication differences, power distance, different leadership and managerial styles and difficulties in socializing Lenovo's corporate culture and IBN PC's corporate culture into a shared corporate culture.

  21. Case Study On Lenovo and Ibm Lenovo Mergers and Acquisitions

    This document summarizes a final paper submitted by John Ackerly and Måns Larsson to Professor Mihir Desai at Harvard Business School in December 2005 about Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's personal computer division. The paper examines the strategic rationale and underlying motivations of Lenovo, IBM, and private equity firms in the $1.25 billion transaction, and analyzes how risks were ...

  22. Lenovo: An Example of Globalization of Chinese Enterprises

    The acquisition of the IBM PC business, however, gave Lenovo IBM's R&D and notebook manufacture capabilities, a well-known and recognised brand, and a world-class management team (Liu, 2007).