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    computer science thesis bachelor's

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  3. 141 Impressive Computer Science Dissertation Ideas To Use

    computer science thesis bachelor's

  4. Bachelor of Science thesis in Computer Science

    computer science thesis bachelor's

  5. Computer Science Thesis Topics

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  6. Computer Science Thesis Pdf 197940

    computer science thesis bachelor's


  1. Past Theses

    The following is a list of some of the recently completed CS Masters Theses. Date. Student. Adviser. Title. 13-Dec-16. Arpita Banerjee. Eckberg. Study of H.264 Video Streaming over Wireless Channel using GStreamer.

  2. Computer Science and Engineering Theses and Dissertations

    Design, Deployment, and Validation of Computer Vision Techniques for Societal Scale Applications, Arup Kanti Dey. PDF. AffectiveTDA: Using Topological Data Analysis to Improve Analysis and Explainability in Affective Computing, Hamza Elhamdadi. PDF. Automatic Detection of Vehicles in Satellite Images for Economic Monitoring, Cole Hill. PDF

  3. Computer Science Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. PDF. The Design and Implementation of a High-Performance Polynomial System Solver, Alexander Brandt. PDF. Defining Service Level Agreements in Serverless Computing, Mohamed Elsakhawy. PDF. Algorithms for Regular Chains of Dimension One, Juan P. Gonzalez Trochez. PDF.

  4. Computer Science Library Research Guide

    How to search for Harvard dissertations. DASH, Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard, is the university's central, open-access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard.Most Ph.D. dissertations submitted from March 2012 forward are available online in DASH.; Check HOLLIS, the Library Catalog, and refine your results by using the Advanced ...

  5. 1000 Computer Science Thesis Topics and Ideas

    This section offers a well-organized and extensive list of 1000 computer science thesis topics, designed to illuminate diverse pathways for academic inquiry and innovation. Whether your interest lies in the emerging trends of artificial intelligence or the practical applications of web development, this assortment spans 25 critical areas of ...

  6. PDF Writing a Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science

    A good thesis is self-contained: anyone with a bachelor in computer science should be able to understand it You should refer to the literature for any detail that is not strictly relevant to your text eg., you usually do not need to repeat a proof given in the literature, unless the reader needs to be

  7. Brown CS: Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Undergraduate Honors Theses. 2024. Anand.Sidharth. Stable and Scalable Day-Ahead Clearing Prices for Electricity Markets (588.5 KB) Bahl.Anika. Art, Agency, and Computers: Human Perceptions of Creativity in Artistic Processes That Use Computational Agents (4.2 MB) Byers.John Ryan.

  8. Computer Science Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2019. PDF. A Secure Anti-Counterfeiting System using Near Field Communication, Public Key Cryptography, Blockchain, and Bayesian Games, Naif Saeed Alzahrani (Dissertation) PDF. Spectral Clustering for Electrical Phase Identification Using Advanced Metering Infrastructure Voltage Time Series, Logan Blakely (Thesis) PDF.

  9. Senior Thesis Archive

    Winner, 2017 Best Senior Thesis Award. Respeak: A Voice-based, Crowd-powered, and Accessible Speech Transcription System. Pooja Sethi, supervised by Richard Anderson. Semi-Supervised Spatial Knowledge Transfer with Deep Generative Models. Kousuke Ariga, supervised by Andrzej Pronobis.

  10. Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2024. Improving and Modeling Heterogeneous Streaming Computation, Clayton Faber. A Distributed and Hybrid AI-Based Security Framework for 5G Real-time Applications, Ali Ghubaish. Tree Recovery by Dynamic Programming, Gustavo Alberto Gratacos. Experimental Design for Scientific Discovery, Quan Minh Nguyen.

  11. Bx Thesis Program

    Students in computer science may write a Bx (BA/BS) thesis to complete a major elective (CMSC 29900) and/or as part of their requirements for Computer Science Honors. Overview The Bx thesis, generally written in the fourth year, should be a substantial research paper. The project should be pursued largely independently, with faculty guidance and input.

  12. MIT Theses

    MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

  13. Computer Science and Engineering Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

    learn programming in virtual reality? a project for computer science students, benjamin alexander. pdf. lung cancer type classification, mohit ramajibhai ankoliya. pdf. high-risk prediction for covid-19 patients using machine learning, raja kajuluri. pdf. improving india's traffic management using intelligent transportation systems, umesh ...

  14. PDF Bachelor Thesis

    Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Bachelor Thesis Variability-Aware Interpretation Author: Jonas Pusch October 11, 2012 Advisors: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ostermann University of Marburg Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Prof. Dr. Christian Kastner Carnegie Mellon University Institute of Software Research Sebastian Erdweg, M.Sc.

  15. Undergraduate Research Topics

    Available for single-semester IW and senior thesis advising, 2024-2025. Research Areas: computational complexity, algorithms, applied probability, computability over the real numbers, game theory and mechanism design, information theory. Independent Research Topics: Topics in computational and communication complexity.

  16. Computer Science and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Multi-Object Tracking: A Computer Vision Paradigm, Natalie Friede. PDF. Chicken Keypoint Estimation, Rohit Kala. PDF. A Survey and Comparative Study on Vulnerability Scanning Tools, Cassidy Khounborine. PDF. Reverse Engineering Post-Quantum Cryptography Schemes to Find Rowhammer Exploits, Sam Lefforge. PDF

  17. Senior Thesis :: Harvard CS Concentration

    Senior Thesis. A senior thesis is more than a big project write-up. It is documentation of an attempt to contribute to the general understanding of some problem of computer science, together with exposition that sets the work in the context of what has come before and what might follow. In computer science, some theses involve building systems ...

  18. Senior Thesis

    Senior Thesis Submission Information for A.B. Programs. Senior A.B. theses are submitted to SEAS and made accessible via the Harvard University Archives and optionally via DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard), Harvard's open-access repository for scholarly work.. In addition to submitting to the department and thesis advisors & readers, each SEAS senior thesis writer will use an ...

  19. My Bachelor's Thesis in computer science, written at Technical

    This repository contains the LaTeX source code for my Bachelor's thesis in computer science (see thesis.pdf): Implementation. As part of this thesis, a proof of concept was implemented that can be found here: Styx: control flow graph derivation library; Styx CLI: command-line interface for Styx;

  20. LIACS Thesis Repository

    These webpages contain theses and reports by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (), the computer science and artificial intelligence department of Leiden University.Note: this thesis repository might be incomplete for certain programmes.

  21. Honours Thesis

    Honours Thesis - Getting Started. An Honours Thesis (COMP 4906) is a full-credit, two-term thesis that demonstrates your ability to look into a major computer science problem and develop a solution to that problem. During the first term, you will make an in-depth investigation into the problem, making a comparison of known solutions to the ...

  22. Writing Your Thesis

    The main document should be organized as follows. The ratio between the main sections (2.-4.) is 1/3 to 1/3 to 1/3! Regarding the size of the thesis, a rough measure might be 60-80 pages for a bachelor thesis and 80-90 for a master's thesis. Abstract / Kurzfassung: each about 1/2 page. How to write an abstract.

  23. College of Computer Studies Bachelor's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. Forecasting multi-stage attacks, Alfonso C. Aldaba, John Sherlock U. Baldeo, Rolf Omar D. Nufable, and Anthony Lester T. Ong. Anti-scraping tool: Sentinel, Paul Eivanhoe C. Alejandro, Algene Kevin H. De La Paz, John Christopher Guevara, and John Frederick S. Ong David. Windows live memory analysis tool with ...