1. Promoting Health and Well-being in Healthy People 2030

    The concept of promoting health and well-being at both personal and systems levels has evolved over history, starting with ancient and classical civilizations.13 Policy strategies for promoting health have been proposed since the 1970s.14 More than 3 decades ago, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion described health as a "resource for ...

  2. The Twenty Five Most Important Studies in Health Promotion

    Each year this journal recognizes the "best of research" studies from the prior year. 1 In this editorial we take on the ever more impossible ambition of cataloguing the most groundbreaking and influential studies of all time in the health promotion literature. Criteria for our annual "best research" categories includes whether the body of research or specific study addressed a topic ...

  3. Health Promotion, Health Protection, and Disease Prevention: Challenges

    Public health aims to promote health, protect population health, and prevent disease and injury through the core functions of assessment, policy development, and assurance. 1 These public health actions, at various governmental and community levels, have helped manage complex health challenges globally. Specifically, health promotion is a collective strategy that creates the right social and ...

  4. An Introduction to the Health Promotion Perspective in the Health Care

    In many countries, health promotion has been primarily a field of practice and less a field of research . The Ottawa conference in 1986 established the health promotion field, while the Jakarta conference in 1997 started a discussion of theory-driven approaches and evidence in this field.

  5. Health promotion

    More. "Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health.". Health Promotion Glossary, 1998. A brief history of Health Promotion. The first International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa in 1986, and was primarily a response to growing expectations for a new public ...

  6. American Journal of Health Promotion: Sage Journals

    The American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) is a peer-reviewed journal advancing the science of health behavior change and the art of creating a culture of well-being. Established in 1986, AJHP provides a forum for the eclectic disciplines that improve … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on ...

  7. Health Promotion Practice: Sage Journals

    Health Promotion Practice (HPP) is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes authoritative research, commentary, practical tools, and promising practices that strategically advance the art and science of health promotion and disease prevention. The journal is unique in its focus on practical scholarship and strategic information for professionals engaged in developing, implementing ...

  8. Health promotion

    Health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people's health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure.

  9. Unleashing the potential of Health Promotion in primary care—a scoping

    INTRODUCTION. Health Promotion is, according to Nutbeam and Muscat (2021, p. 1580), '[…] the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health'.This process entails a comprehensive approach to change on all levels, from structures to individuals, improving health mainly through addressing the social determinants of health.

  10. Principled Health Promotion Research: A Comprehensive and Action

    The principled approach, Health Promotion version 2.0, enables us to consolidate hitherto disparate approaches into one comprehensive perspective.Taking the case of health promotion in relation to diabetes, it includes prevention, diabetes management, treatment and early diagnosis and more generally to the areas of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

  11. Doing Health Promotion Research: Approaches, Paradigms, Designs and

    Volume 1 of the Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research aimed to map the field of health promotion research. Individuals and groups who self-identify as health promotion researchers reflected on their research practices, describing what they actually do, how they work, the activities they put in motion and with whom they produce, co-produce and/or share health promotion knowledge.

  12. Health Education and Health Promotion: Key Concepts and ...

    The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is still very influential in guiding health education and health promotion research and practice. One of the results of its utilization is the need for a slightly different organization of the planning model. Consequently, other planning models have been formulated which can be seen as various variations of the ...

  13. Health promotion research: dilemmas and challenges

    OBJECTIVE To analyse dilemmas and challenges in health promotion research, and to generate ideas for future development. METHOD The analysis is based on authors' experiences in working in the field of research and action in health promotion and on experiences of others as found in literature. RESULTS The assumptions underlying scientific research as based in the biomedical design are difficult ...

  14. Introduction to Health Promotion

    NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Haugan G, Eriksson M, editors. Health Promotion in Health Care - Vital Theories and Research [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2021.

  15. Health promotion, the social determinants of health, and urban health

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has long emphasized health equity as a central tenet of its work. In the Declaration of Alma-Ata in 1978 [], for example, the WHO explicitly underscores its goal of "promot[ing] the health of all the people of the world."More recently, this focus on health equity has been emphasized in the work of the WHO's Commission on the Social Determinants of ...

  16. Centering culture in health promotion education: a pedagogy

    ABSTRACT. This essay explores how health promotion pedagogy can center health equity for academic enrichment and application, prioritizing historically underserved and marginalized Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities through a culture-centered approach.

  17. Health Promotion Research and Practice

    Across all areas of public health, stakeholders pose questions about effectiveness and impact of programs and interventions. This course will examine principles, methods and practices of evaluating health programs. A range of evaluation research designs and methods will be introduced and strategies to address challenges in real world program ...

  18. Health promotion in primary care

    Good health promotion, therefore, should crucially include consideration of the wider social determinants of health (SDOH), namely poverty, social circumstances, housing, and wider environments which contribute to poor health and rising health inequalities (Marmot et al., 2020b).Health promotion is a broad term which encompasses activities for improving health and education of patients, as ...

  19. Health Promotion

    Health promotion policy combines diverse but complementary approaches including legislation, fiscal measures, taxation and organizational change. It is coordinated action that leads to health, income and social policies that foster greater equity. Joint action contributes to ensuring safer and healthier goods and services, healthier public ...

  20. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

    licies that address the economic, physical, and social environments in which people live, learn, work, and play. Securing health and well-being for all will benefit society as a whole. Gaining such benefits requires eliminating health disparities, achieving health equity, attaining health literacy, and strengthening the physical, social, and economic environments. Implementation of Healthy ...

  21. Sustainable Health Promotion Practices and the Global Economy

    Beginning with a historical survey of the global agenda of health promotion over the past decades, the book analyses the evolving standards, goals and strategies of health promotion as well as the challenges encountered in implementing health promotion practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both social and environmental determinants of ...

  22. Training healthcare professionals in assessment of health needs in

    Interprofessional assessment and management of health needs for older adults living at home can help prioritize community service resources and enhance health, yet there is a shortage of professionals with the necessary competencies. Therefore, support and training for healthcare professionals in community settings to assess older adults' health with the aim of for health promotion are needed.

  23. Transformative health promotion: what is needed to advance progress?

    Addressing current and future health challenges. The rationale for health promotion is as compelling today, if not more so, than it was when it emerged as a dynamic new force within public health in the 1980s ().The complexity of current threats to health and wellbeing, with the most disadvantaged in society bearing the greatest burden, means that transformative action is urgently required to ...

  24. Drinking about 3 cups of coffee a day may protect heart health

    A morning cup of coffee may do more than just perk you up, according to new research. Moderate amounts of caffeine intake — defined as about three cups of coffee or tea a day — were associated ...

  25. GLP-1 drugs could help prevent 34,000 heart attacks and strokes ...

    New research from Dandelion Health, a platform that uses real-world data and clinical AI to advance personalized care, found that GLP-1 drugs could also serve as primary prevention, significantly ...

  26. What makes health promotion research distinct?

    This discussion paper suggests a position that health promotion research is distinctive and sets out four reasons why this is the case. We feel that such a contribution will aid greater clarity as others have suggested that there is much to be gained from 'deep consideration of the principles and foundations of health promotion research' [6: 314].

  27. Tulane's public health school secures major gift to expand

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A longtime donor who has given more than $160 million to Tulane University is the new namesake of the university's expanding 112-year-old school of public health, Tulane officials announced Wednesday.. The amount of Celia Scott Weatherhead's latest gift wasn't revealed, but school officials indicated it will help transform the institution into one the best in the world.

  28. WHO/Europe launches new initiative to engage with non-State actors on

    As part of a new initiative launched by WHO/Europe, 32 non-State actor (NSA) organizations from across the WHO European Region have committed to taking action to help tackle the health and care workforce crisis. The problems currently plaguing health systems in the Region are acute, and they threaten patient safety. They range from personnel shortages and insufficient recruitment and retention ...

  29. In North Texas, some unclaimed bodies go to UNT for research

    The use of unclaimed bodies in medical research is legal in most of the country, including Texas. "It dates back to a kind of a really grisly, dark history when medical schools would turn to grave robbing, often robbing the graves of formerly enslaved people and using those to train students or to do research," Hixenbaugh said.

  30. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Interventions for the Elderly

    From the above statistics, it can be seen that there has been a significant increase in the research on health promotion in the elderly. We did not find any studies specifically targeted at a single gender. Of the 486 studies, only 10 (2.1%) were found on older women, and the proportion of gender-specific studies in Duplaga was also small. Only ...