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Free Air Pollution PPT Template and Google Slides

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Lay your hands on air pollution and educate your audience about how air pollutants harm human health and the environment with this free air pollution ppt template & Google slides .

Download our free air pollution Google Slides free templates and elevate your environmental presentations. This professionally designed and visually stunning template is your key to crafting a professional, impactful presentation on the pressing issue of environmental pollution.

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  • Captivating Design: Consequences of air pollution can be adverse. Our free pollution template uses interesting visuals and illustrations that make the teaching on pollution more interesting and easier to understand. It’s the perfect canvas for your message, making your presentation look clean, polished and professional.
  • Environmental Focus: This pollution theme infographic template focuses on environmental conservation. This collection of infographics helps you create a presentation on environmental pollution, from its causes to its impact, you can provide a comprehensive overview of this critical issue, educating and raising awareness effectively.
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  • Download for Free:  This creative pollution Google Slides themes and PowerPoint template is available as a free download, making it accessible to anyone committed to addressing environmental pollution. Use it to champion environmental causes and advocate for change.

This best air pollution infographic creatively picturizes the concept of air pollution and includes stunning graphics using which you can elaborate on the subject in the most visually appealing way. It’s never too late to make changes that will improve the quality of the air you breathe! So what are you waiting for? Get this unique template ppt on air pollution and start creating awesome presentations on the conservation of air.

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presentation on air

by Chris Woodford . Last updated: November 22, 2022.

Photo: Air pollution is obvious when it pours from a smokestack (chimney), but it's not always so easy to spot. This is an old photo of the kind of smoke that used to come from coal-fired power plants and, apart from soot (unburned carbon particles), its pollutants include sulfur dioxide and the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Thanks to tougher pollution controls, modern power plants produce only a fraction as much pollution. Modern pollution made by traffic consists of gases like nitrogen dioxide and "particulates" (microscopic soot and dust fragments) that are largely invisible.

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is a gas (or a liquid or solid dispersed through ordinary air) released in a big enough quantity to harm the health of people or other animals, kill plants or stop them growing properly, damage or disrupt some other aspect of the environment (such as making buildings crumble), or cause some other kind of nuisance (reduced visibility, perhaps, or an unpleasant odor).

Natural air pollution

Photo: Forest fires are a completely natural cause of air pollution. We'll never be able to prevent them breaking out or stop the pollution they cause; our best hope is to manage forests, where we can, so fires don't spread. Ironically, that can mean deliberately burning areas of forest, as shown here, to create firebreaks. Forests are also deliberately burned to regenerate ecosystems. Photo by courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service .

Top-ten kinds of air pollution Photo: Flying molecules—if you could see air pollution close up, this is what it would look like. Image courtesy of US Department of Energy. Any gas could qualify as pollution if it reached a high enough concentration to do harm. Theoretically, that means there are dozens of different pollution gases. It's important to note that not all the things we think of as pollution are gases: some are aerosols (liquids or solids dispersed through gases). In practice, about ten different substances cause most concern: Sulfur dioxide : Coal, petroleum, and other fuels are often impure and contain sulfur as well as organic (carbon-based) compounds. When sulfur (spelled "sulphur" in some countries) burns with oxygen from the air, sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is produced. Coal-fired power plants are the world's biggest source of sulfur-dioxide air pollution, which contributes to smog, acid rain, and health problems that include lung disease. [5] Large amounts of sulfur dioxide are also produced by ships, which use dirtier diesel fuel than cars and trucks. [6] Carbon monoxide : This highly dangerous gas forms when fuels have too little oxygen to burn completely. It spews out in car exhausts and it can also build up to dangerous levels inside your home if you have a poorly maintained gas boiler , stove, or fuel-burning appliance. (Always fit a carbon monoxide detector if you burn fuels indoors.) [7] Carbon dioxide : This gas is central to everyday life and isn't normally considered a pollutant: we all produce it when we breathe out and plants such as crops and trees need to "breathe" it in to grow. However, carbon dioxide is also a greenhouse gas released by engines and power plants. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it's been building up in Earth's atmosphere and contributing to the problem of global warming and climate change . [8] Nitrogen oxides : Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and nitrogen oxide (NO) are pollutants produced as an indirect result of combustion, when nitrogen and oxygen from the air react together. Nitrogen oxide pollution comes from vehicle engines and power plants, and plays an important role in the formation of acid rain, ozone and smog. Nitrogen oxides are also "indirect greenhouse gases" (they contribute to global warming by producing ozone, which is a greenhouse gas). [9] Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) : These carbon-based (organic) chemicals evaporate easily at ordinary temperatures and pressures, so they readily become gases. That's precisely why they're used as solvents in many different household chemicals such as paints , waxes, and varnishes. Unfortunately, they're also a form of air pollution: they're believed to have long-term (chronic) effects on people's health and they play a role in the formation of ozone and smog. VOCs are also released by tobacco smoke and wildfires. [10] Particulates : There are many different kinds of particulates, from black soot in diesel exhaust to dust and organic matter from the desert. Airborne liquid droplets from farm pollution also count as particulates. Particulates of different sizes are often referred to by the letters PM followed by a number, so PM 10 means soot particles of less than 10 microns (10 millionths of a meter or 10µm in diameter, roughly 10 times thinner than a thick human hair). The smaller ("finer") the particulates, the deeper they travel into our lungs and the more dangerous they are. PM 2.5 particulates are much more dangerous (they're less than 2.5 millionths of a meter or about 40 times thinner than a typical hair). In cities, most particulates come from traffic fumes. [11] Ozone : Also called trioxygen, this is a type of oxygen gas whose molecules are made from three oxygen atoms joined together (so it has the chemical formula O 3 ), instead of just the two atoms in conventional oxygen (O 2 ). In the stratosphere (upper atmosphere), a band of ozone ("the ozone layer") protects us by screening out harmful ultraviolet radiation (high-energy blue light) beaming down from the Sun. At ground level, it's a toxic pollutant that can damage health. It forms when sunlight strikes a cocktail of other pollution and is a key ingredient of smog (see box below). [12] Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) : Once thought to be harmless, these gases were widely used in refrigerators and aerosol cans until it was discovered that they damaged Earth's ozone layer. We discuss this in more detail down below. [13] Unburned hydrocarbons : Petroleum and other fuels are made of organic compounds based on chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms. When they burn properly, they're completely converted into harmless carbon dioxide and water ; when they burn incompletely, they can release carbon monoxide or float into the air in their unburned form, contributing to smog. Lead and heavy metals : Lead and other toxic "heavy metals" can be spread into the air either as toxic compounds or as aerosols (when solids or liquids are dispersed through gases and carried through the air by them) in such things as exhaust fumes and the fly ash (contaminated waste dust) from incinerator smokestacks. [14] What are the causes of air pollution?

Photo: Even in the age of electric cars, traffic remains a major cause of air pollution. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (NREL photo id#46361).

Photo: Brown smog lingers over Denver, Colorado. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (NREL photo id#56919).

Chart: Most of the world's major cities routinely exceed World Health Organization (WHO) air pollution guidelines, though progress is being made: you can see that the 2022 figures (green) show a marked improvement on the 2016 ones (orange) in almost every case. This chart compares annual mean PM 2.5 levels in 12 representative cities around the world with the recently revised (2021) WHO guideline value of 5μg per cubic meter (dotted line). PM 2.5 particulates are those smaller than 2.5 microns and believed to be most closely linked with adverse health effects. For more about this chart and the data sources used, see note [22] .

Photo: Smokestacks billowing pollution over Moscow, Russia in 1994. Factory pollution is much less of a problem than it used to be in the world's "richer" countries—partly because a lot of their industry has been exported to nations such as China, India, and Mexico. Photo by Roger Taylor courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) .

What effects does air pollution have?

Photo: Air pollution can cause a variety of lung diseases and other respiratory problems. This chest X ray shows a lung disease called emphysema in the patient's left lung. A variety of things can cause it, including smoking and exposure to air pollution. Photo courtesy of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and National Institutes of Health.

" In 2016, 91% of the world population was living in places where the WHO air quality guidelines levels were not met." World Health Organization , 2018

Photo: For many years, the stonework on the Parthenon in Athens, Greece has been blackened by particulates from traffic pollution, but other sources of pollution, such as wood-burning stoves, are increasingly significant. Photo by Michael M. Reddy courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey .

How air pollution works on different scales

Indoor air pollution.

Photo: Air freshener—or air polluter?

Further reading

Acid rain—a closer look.

Photo: Acid rain can turn lakes so acidic that fish no longer survive. Picture courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Public Affairs. Why does that matter? Pure water is neither acidic nor alkaline but completely neutral (we say it has an acidity level or pH of 7.0). Ordinary rainwater is a little bit more acidic than this with about the same acidity as bananas (roughly pH 5.5), but if rain falls through sulfur dioxide pollution it can turn much more acidic (with a pH of 4.5 or lower, which is the same acidity as orange or lemon juice). When acid rain accumulates in lakes or rivers, it gradually turns the entire water more acidic. That's a real problem because fish thrive only in water that is neutral or slightly acidic (typically with a pH of 6.5–7.0). Once the acidity drops below about pH 6.0, fish soon start to die—and if the pH drops to about 4.0 or less, all the fish will be killed. Acid rain has caused major problems in lakes throughout North America and Europe. It also causes the death of forests, reduces the fertility of soil, and damages buildings by eating away stonework (the marble on the US Capitol in Washington, DC has been eroded by acid-rain, for example). One of the biggest difficulties in tackling acid rain is that it can happen over very long distances. In one notable case, sulfur dioxide air pollution produced by power plants in the UK was blamed for causing acid rain that fell on Scandinavian countries such as Norway, producing widespread damage to forests and the deaths of thousands of fish in acidified lakes. The British government refused to acknowledge the problem and that was partly why the UK became known as the "dirty man of Europe" in the 1980s and 1990s. [18] Acid rain was a particular problem in the last 30–40 years of the 20th century. Thanks to the decline in coal-fired power plants, and the sulfur dioxide they spewed out, it's less of a problem for western countries today. But it's still a big issue in places like India, where coal remains a major source of energy. Global air pollution It's hard to imagine doing anything so dramatic and serious that it would damage our entire, enormous planet—but, remarkable though it may seem, we all do things like this everyday, contributing to problems such as global warming and the damage to the ozone layer (two separate issues that are often confused). Global warming Every time you ride in a car, turn on the lights, switch on your TV , take a shower, microwave a meal, or use energy that's come from burning a fossil fuel such as oil, coal, or natural gas, you're almost certainly adding to the problem of global warming and climate change: unless it's been produced in some environmentally friendly way, the energy you're using has most likely released carbon dioxide gas into the air. While it's not an obvious pollutant, carbon dioxide has gradually built up in the atmosphere, along with other chemicals known as greenhouse gases . Together, these gases act a bit like a blanket surrounding our planet that is slowly making the mean global temperature rise, causing the climate (the long-term pattern of our weather) to change, and producing a variety of different effects on the natural world, including rising sea levels. Read more in our main article about global warming and climate change . Ozone holes

How can we solve the problem of air pollution?

Photo: Pollution solution: an electrostatic smoke precipitator helps to prevent air pollution from this smokestack at the McNeil biomass power plant in Burlington, VT. Photo by Warren Gretz courtesy of US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

What can you do to help reduce air pollution?

Photo: Buying organic food reduces the use of sprayed pesticides and other chemicals, so it helps to reduce air (as well as water) pollution.

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Breathless by Chris Woodford paperback book cover rendered as dummy book.

  • Breathless: Why Air Pollution Matters—and How it Affects You by Chris Woodford. Icon, 2021. My new book explores the problem in much more depth than I've been able to go into here. You can also read a bonus chapter called Angels with dirty faces: How air pollution blackens our buildings and monuments .
  • The Invisible Killer: The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution and How We Can Fight Back by Gary Fuller. Melville House, 2018.
  • Reducing Pollution and Waste by Jen Green. Raintree/Capstone, 2011. A 48-page introduction for ages 9–12. The emphasis here is on getting children to think about pollution: where it comes from, who makes it, and who should solve the problem.
  • Pollution Crisis by Russ Parker. Rosen, 2009. A 32-page guide for ages 8–10. It starts with a global survey of the problem; looks at air, water, and land pollution; then considers how we all need to be part of the solution.
  • Earth Matters by Lynn Dicks et al. Dorling Kindersley, 2008. This isn't specifically about pollution. Instead, it explores how a range of different environmental problems are testing life to the limit in the planet's major biomes (oceans, forests, and so on). I wrote the section of this book that covers the polar regions.
  • State of Global Air : One of the best sources of global air pollution data.
  • American Lung Association: State of the Air Report : A good source of data about the United States.
  • European Environment Agency: Air quality in Europe : A definitive overview of the situation in the European countries.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) Ambient (outdoor) air pollution in cities database : A spreadsheet of pollution data for most major cities in the world (a little out of date, but a new version is expected soon).
  • Our World in Data : Accessible guides to global data from Oxford University.
  • The New York Times Topics: Air Pollution
  • The Guardian: Pollution
  • Wired: Pollution
  • 'Invisible killer': fossil fuels caused 8.7m deaths globally in 2018, research finds by Oliver Milman. The Guardian, February 9, 2021. Pollution of various kinds causes something like one in five of all deaths.
  • Millions of masks distributed to students in 'gas chamber' Delhi : BBC News, 1 November 2019.
  • 90% of world's children are breathing toxic air, WHO study finds by Matthew Taylor. The Guardian, October 29, 2018. The air pollution affecting billions of children could continue to harm their health throughout their lives.
  • Pollution May Dim Thinking Skills, Study in China Suggests by Mike Ives. The New York Times, August 29, 2018. Long-term exposure to air pollution seems to cause a decline in cognitive skills.
  • Global pollution kills 9m a year and threatens 'survival of human societies' by Damian Carrington. The Guardian, October 19, 2017. Air, water, and land pollution kill millions, cost trillions, and threaten the very survival of humankind, a new study reveals.
  • India's Air Pollution Rivals China's as World's Deadliest by Geeta Anand. The New York Times, February 14, 2017. High levels of pollution could be killing 1.1 million Indians each year.
  • More Than 9 in 10 People Breathe Bad Air, WHO Study Says by Mike Ives. The New York Times, September 27, 2016. New WHO figures suggest the vast majority of us are compromising our health by breathing bad air.
  • Study Links 6.5 Million Deaths Each Year to Air Pollution by Stanley Reed. The New York Times, June 26, 2016. Air pollution deaths are far greater than previously supposed according to a new study by the International Energy Agency.
  • UK air pollution 'linked to 40,000 early deaths a year' by Michelle Roberts, BBC News, February 23, 2016. Diesel engines, cigarette smoke, and even air fresheners are among the causes of premature death from air pollution.
  • This Wearable Detects Pollution to Build Air Quality Maps in Real Time by Davey Alba. Wired, November 19, 2014. A wearable pollution gadget lets people track their exposure to air pollution through a smartphone app.
  • Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk by Frank J. Kelly and Julia C. Fussell, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2015
  • Health effects of fine particulate air pollution: lines that connect by C.A. Pope and D.W. Dockery. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 2006
  • Ambient and household air pollution: complex triggers of disease by Stephen A. Farmer et al, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2014

Text copyright © Chris Woodford 2010, 2022. All rights reserved. Full copyright notice and terms of use .

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Air Pollution 101

What is air pollution? Learn how greenhouse gases, smog, and toxic pollutants effect climate change, and human health.

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Introduction to Air Pollution - Types, Effects, and Solutions

Dec 22, 2023

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Learn about air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment. Identify different forms of air pollution and the determinants of indoor and outdoor air quality. Discover common air pollutants and understand their impact.

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Presentation Transcript

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Air Lecture 2

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Objectives • Define • Air • Air pollution • Identify the different forms of air pollution • Identify the determinants of indoor and outdoor air quality • Identify common air pollutants • Identify the effects of air pollution on human health and the environment

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Introduction Air supplies the oxygen essential to human life. • Pure air is a mixture of several gases that are invisible and odorless. Middlecamp CH et al. Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society. 7th Ed. McGrawHill. 2012

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Introduction Older people are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and impairment of immune response. Increased susceptibility to air pollutants, especially fine particulates. • Humans may survive for up to three (3) minutes without air. • Adults ~ 12-20 breaths/min • Children ~ 15-30 breaths/min • Infants ~ 25-50 breaths/min • Children have higher respiratory rates and may receive higher doses of pollutants relative to their body weight. • Children’s respiratory systems are still maturing and are more susceptible to the effects of polluted air. Levy, B. et al. Occupational and Environmental Health. 2006. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Introduction Atmosphere The bottom two kilometers of the troposphere contain most of the air and weather (rain, clouds, wind) that affect us, along with most air pollutants. • Mixture of gases that surround the earth. • Sustains life by retaining heat and blocking out harmful radiation (ultraviolet radiation) from the sun. • The troposphere is the layer closest to the earth and the thinnest. BC Air Quality http://www.bcairquality.ca/101/what-is-air-quality.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Air pollution • The presence of substances not normally found in air, and that in concentrations high enough can harm the environment, or the health of living organisms.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Air pollutants Gases and vapors: form true solutions in the air and cannot be distinguished from the air. Aerosols: dispersions of solid or liquid particles in the air. • Air pollutants can be gases, liquids (vapor) or very small solid particles (dust or smoke) emitted into the atmosphere. • At levels harmful to the environment, or human, animal and plant health.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Emissions Airshed – geographic area that shares the same air. • Discharges of a pollutant from a particular source (a factory) or group of sources (vehicles) into the air.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Emission Sources 1. Natural and Man-made Sources 2. Point and Non-point Sources Point – single, largestationary sources of pollution –industrial facilities, power plants. Non-point – multiple, smaller sources that can be stationary or mobile: motor vehicles, airplanes, residential and business areas.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Types of emissions Anthropogenic - come from man-made sources. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), CO2. Human activity can also influence geogenic and biogenic emissions. Agriculture, deforestation, construction. • Geogenic - come from the non-living world, such as volcanic emissions, soil emissions, and natural fires. • Smoke, SO2, CO2. • Biogenic - come from the living world: plants, animals, microbes, soil. • VOCs and CH4 . http://www.envirocomp.org/books/chapters/1aap.pdf Daly, A. and P. Zannetti. 2007. An Introduction to Air Pollution – Definitions, Classifications, and History. Chapter 1 of AMBIENT AIR POLLUTION (P. Zannetti, D. Al-Ajmi, and S. Al-Rashied, Editors). Published by The Arab School for Science and Technology (ASST) (http://www.arabschool.org.sy) and The EnviroComp Institute (http://www.envirocomp.org/).

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Air Quality Poor air quality occurs when substances that are not normal components of the air (pollutants) are present in amounts that can harm human health or the environment. Pollutants can come from natural or man-made sources. • The state of the surrounding air. • Good air quality = clean, clear, unpolluted air. BC Air Quality http://www.bcairquality.ca/101/what-is-air-quality.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Factors Affecting Air Quality 1. The amountof pollutants 2. Thetypeof pollutants released into the air. • Physical and chemical propertiesof pollutants. 3. Topography(geography of the terrain) - mountains and valleys. 4. Weather- wind, temperature, air turbulence, air pressure, rainfall and cloud cover.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Types of air pollutants Secondary pollutants are the products of chemical reactions between pollutants in the air. Secondary acidic aerosols and other particles. Oxidant pollutants produced by photochemical reactions between hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Ground-level ozone is a secondary pollutant. • Primary pollutantsare emitted directly into the atmosphere. • Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particles.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Standards for Air Pollution “Criteria pollutants” Mobile and stationary sources. Common in the environment, posing the greatest overall threat to human health. Other more toxic materials that may be present in the air but in smaller amounts may be mutagenic, carcinogenic or reproductive toxins. • Six pollutants regulated by the US-EPA and most countries in the world: 1. Particulate matter 2. Carbon monoxide (CO) 3. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 4. Ozone (O3) 5. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 6. Lead

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria Pollutants Particulate matter (PM) Particle size affects deposition in respiratory tract and health effects. • Airborne mixture of microscopic solid or liquid particles that form an aerosol. • Particles of various size, shape, composition and origin. • Smoke (combustion of fossil fuels, wood burning), dust, aerosols, metallic oxides, and pollen.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria Pollutants Particulate matter (PM) Increases risk for cancer. Increases risk of early death. Health impact of chronic exposure to PM: • Increases the risk of chronic respiratory diseases. • Worsens existing lung and cardiovascular disease. • Damages lung tissue. • Affects the immune system.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria pollutants Carbon monoxide (CO) • Odorless, colorless gas formed from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. • Largest source is motor vehicles. • Inhalation reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. • High concentrations can lead to headaches, dizziness, unconsciousness, and death.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria pollutants Ground-level ozone (O3) Can cause eye irritation, chest pain, coughing, nausea, and pulmonary congestion. Permanent lung damage with chronic exposure. • Secondary pollutant that forms when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react in the presence of sunlight. • Can damage all living organisms. • Can affect both healthy people and those with respiratory diseases. Ozone (O3). http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/aqtrnd95/o3.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria pollutants Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Most susceptible are children, the elderly, and people with asthma, cardiovascular disease or chronic lung disease. Can irritate lung tissues, cause respiratory illness, and aggravate existing cardiovascular disease. • Colorless, water-soluble, with a suffocating, pungent odor. • Primary source is the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels (oil and coal), metal smelting and other industries. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2). http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/aqtrnd95/so2.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria pollutants Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) NO2 reacts in the air to form corrosive nitric acid (acid aerosol), as well as toxic organic nitrates. Large concentrations can reduce visibility and increase the risk of acute and chronic respiratory disease. Can irritate the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infections such as influenza. • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) form from fossil fuel combustion at high temperatures – vehicles, electric utilities. • NO is the primary pollutant that converts to NO2 in the air. • Nitrogen oxides contribute to ozone formation, and damage to living organisms. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/aqtrnd95/no2.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Criteria pollutants Lead (Pb) Fetuses and children are especially susceptible to low doses of lead. Neurological problems such as seizures, mental retardation, and/or behavioral disorders, slowed growth. Can affect Blood, kidneys, liver Nervous, immune, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems Enzymatic and energy transfer processes. • Combustion of solid waste, fossil fuels, emissions from iron and steel production, tobacco smoke, and battery plants/recycling. • Accumulates in blood, bone, and soft tissue – not easily excreted. Lead (Pb). http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/aqtrnd95/pb.html

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Sources Natural and/or man-made. Mobile and/or stationary. Indoor and/or outdoor. Exposure – inhalation, ingestion, absorption. Accumulation in body tissues Some are persistent. • Compounds more toxic than criteria pollutants. • Carcinogenic potential, birth defects, and reproductive, neurological, developmental, and respiratory problems. • ~187 chemical pollutants. • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). • Heavy metals – chromium, mercury, cadmium. • Regulatedseparately from criteria pollutants. http://www.epa.gov/haps/initial-list-hazardous-air-pollutants-modifications

Factors that control the risk of injury from pollutants 2. Degree of exposure and the effective dose . The effective dose may be difficult to determine. Atmospheric concentration of pollutants and/or concentrations of biomarkers maybe used. 3. Rate of removal 4. Individual susceptibility 1. Chemical and physical properties of the pollutant. • Solubility influences distribution in atmosphere and body tissues, and ultimately the effective dose.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Coughing and/or sneezing prevents irritants from entering deeper into the lungs.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Health Effects of Air pollutants Small particles (< 2.5 µm) may cause more health problems. Enter farther into the lugs. • Pollutants inside the lungs may cause irritation (chronic or recurrent) that lead to long-term illnesses. • Worsen asthma • Development or progression of chronic illnesses – lung cancer, obstructive pulmonary disease. • Affect the cardiovascular system. • Harm the developing fetus. Rom,W.N. Environmental Policy and Public Health. 2012. Jossey-Bass.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Health Effects of Air Pollutants Acute (short-term) exposure Chronic (long-term) exposure Heart disease, cancer Damage to reproductive, immune, neurological, and respiratory systems. Most at risk Children, elderly, those with pre-existing heart or lung disease, and asthma. • Headache, nausea, irritation of eyes, nose, throat, cough, upper respiratory infections – bronchitis, pneumonia, worsen asthma and emphysema.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Glossary of terms Aerosols - types Haze: very small (< 1 µm) particles that take up water vapor at low relative humidity. Mist: liquid droplets formed by atomization, nebulization, or spraying of liquids, range in size from 2 µm – 50 µm. • Dust: solid and irregular particles, > 1µm. Ex: drilling, grinding, abrasion of solids. • Fume: high temperature combustion or sublimation vapors that condensed and became solid particles, < 0.1 µm. Can form aggregate clusters (metal oxides).

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Glossary of terms Aerosols - types Smog: term used to describe any atmospheric pollution mixture. Pollution aerosol composed of smoke and fog. • Smoke: combustion vapors of organic materials that condense into liquid droplets, < 0.5 µm, • Fog: droplets formed by condensation of water vapor on atmospheric nuclei at high relative humidity, > 1 µm.

Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 References • Frumkin H. Environmental Health: From Global to Local. 2nd Ed. Jossey-BSS, Wiley Imprint. 2010. • Middlecamp CH et al. Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society. 7th Edition. McGrawHill. 2012. • Air Pollution – Our Nation’s Air http://www.epa.gov/airtrends/2011/report/airpollution.pdf • An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) http://www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html • Mold. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/mold/faqs.htm

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Table of contents.

To live, we need to breathe. To breathe, we need fresh air. Fresh air is one of the basic and essential things we need to live on earth. Fresh air is equally important to every one us as food and water. Even plants need oxygen to convert food into energy. From these things, we can understand the importance of oxygen and fresh air. A place without oxygen will be a dead zone with no humans, animals, and plants. Without oxygen, nobody can survive on earth.

All these facts point the fingers at the importance of keeping air pollution-free. But the truth is, the air is getting polluted at a massive rate every day. There are hundreds of causes. In these, there are some which are very harmful to us. But how can we reduce the rate of air pollution? Well, there are different ways that we could try to stop air pollution. Before that, let us find out what are the utmost causes of air pollution. Here are they. 

What Do We Mean By Air Pollution?

It’s simple. Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air like Nitrogen Oxide, Volatile Organic Compounds, Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Oxide, dioxins, and other harmful gases. Once these gases are released, they become a colossal threat to the environment and human health.

How Do We Know the Quality of Air?

The purity of air measured using an AQI thermometer that runs on a scale from 0 to 500. The AQI refers to Air Quality Index. It measures how pure or polluted the surrounding air is. If the numeric value on the scale is between 0-50, the quality of the surrounding air is considered healthy and satisfactory. As the values increase, the quality of the air decreases. If AQI is showing a value of 500, that means you are standing in a hazardous surrounding. Have a look at the AQI chart below for more details.

Major Causes Of Air Pollution

It is well known to everyone how air pollution happens. It happens in many ways. Sometimes careless and reckless human activities lead to the major reasons for air pollution. Even though, here are some of the common causes of air pollution.

Burning of Plastic Wastes.

How do we avoid plastics from our houses? Either we throw them or light them up, right? These careless acts will lead to the worst pollution ever. Burning them releases toxic gases like dioxins, furans, mercury, and polychlorinated. These gases are a threat to the atmosphere, vegetation, humans, and animal health. If we throw them out, they can remain in the soil for 20-500 years before fully decomposing based on the material and structure. Over these years, it pollutes the soil and harms the earth. 

So, burning and throwing plastic does not work and leads to air pollution or soil pollution in the long term perspective. Then what will we do? Well, we can recycle and reuse plastic to an extent. But once the plastic is melted and reformed into new products, the quality of plastic gets reduced. In addition, the quality of plastic will keep reducing with every successive recycling. Furthermore, recycling is limited to a number 3 or 4 times because of the quality compromise of plastic. 

In fact, we only have a limited number of opportunities in the case of plastic. Either we reduce the use of plastic or recycle and reuse them as much as we can. 

Limiting the use of plastic seems more practical and smooth in our day-to-day life. There are many instances where we can reduce the use of plastic. Here are some of the tracts where we can instantly act to limit the usages of plastic

  • Use cloth bags instead of plastics bags while going to the shops.
  • Use paper plates and tumblers instead of plastic ones when you arrange a tea party or get-togethers. 
  • Use paper straws in restaurants and coffee shops.
  • Use paper bottled soft drinks.

There are more and more situations where we can reduce the unnecessary use of plastic covers and materials. It can turn out well when more people come forward with the same mindset of bringing down plastic use. 

Are there any alternatives for plastic?

Yes, there are. But literally, there are no materials with the exact matching properties with plastic. For instance, properties like durability, strength, water-resistant, lightweight, and inexpensive are rare to find in materials without polymer as an ingredient. Scientists and researchers are trying to formulate materials with the matching properties as plastic but with less pollution.

As said earlier, there are many instances where we can reduce the use of plastic and always try to avoid it as much as we can. Even if they are baby steps towards reducing plastic, take it and help our environment. Moreover, be a part of keeping the city and your premises clean.

Industrial Emission

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Industries play a colossal role in all kinds of pollutions. They contribute almost one-third to the overall when we compare industrial pollution with other causes. Industries will be the 2nd largest cause of air pollution, water pollution, and sound pollution. Pollutants like carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, and Sulfur dioxide are released when they operate factories and industries. The volume of pollutants released into the atmosphere is way more than we imagine and the problems they can make are huge.

It is necessary to know where the pollution happens and who pollutes the air the most. Studies say that industries that produce electricity pollute the atmosphere more than any other industry.

A considerable amount of pollutants is kicked from the industries when the continuous burning of fossil fuels happened. These emitted gases make the most of the troubles to the ozone layer and cause ozone layer depletion. We need both electricity and the earth. We can not avoid one or the other for any reason. The only way is to protect both without harming each other. The only solution for this will be the rise of green energy. Only the challenge facing is the continuous supply of energy. Green energy like solar and wind are very cost-effective and pollution-free when comparing to the traditional ones.

Each and every individual can contribute and can be a part of saving the earth from air pollution and global warming. Switch to green energy as much as we can and reduce the consumption of traditional electricity from the government or private companies. Nowadays, everybody has inverters in the home as a standard facility. It will not cost you much to connect 2 or 3 solar panels to the battery and save 60% power usage from the traditional electric supply.

How can we reduce industrial air pollution?

As we said earlier, industries and factories are essential for the growth of the people and nation. We can’t stop factories in the name of air pollution. What we can do is, we can find some ways to reduce the amount of air pollution. For instance, we should try to convert these harmful gases to regular gases with the help of proper techniques and setups.

Most importantly, people living near industrial areas are very likely to have many allergies and lung diseases. Always wear a mask when you are going out or going near industrial and factory areas. If you are working in an industrial area, always wear a mask and other safety gear to ensure maximum safety.

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Wildfires can take place at any time. It is an unplanned and uncontrolled fire caused by lightning strikes. As the name says, it occurs largely in forest areas. Mostly, the lighting strikes on the trees, branches, dry grass, and then the fire is generated. Eventually, this fire will spread to other trees, branches, and grasses and becomes wildfires, and causes air pollution.

Wildfires are common forested areas of the United States and Canada. It is one of the causes of air pollution, deforestation, and animal extinction. In a wildfire, many animals lose their lives and shelter. Some get burns and wounds in the running through the wildfire. 

All these will continue until fire settles down. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days to settle down completely. But in the end, we lose animals, trees, the environment, and what not?

Also, sometimes the causes of wildfire can be different. Sometimes it happens due to the carelessness of people living around the forest. For instance, even trash burning and campfires can spread fire if not concerned well. So it is always recommended to take precautions while doing wildfire potential activities.

Wildfires get worse when unattended. If you notice any fires or burns that need attention, call the authorities. Sometimes the fire can be controlled before getting worse.


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Transportation holds a neck-to-neck position with industries in the rate of air pollution. As we all know, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing day by day. Just look around, we could see houses with more than three vehicles even if they don’t need all of them. As the number of vehicles increases, the rate of pollution also tends to be increased. Old model vehicles are more likely to produce more pollution than new ones. Because when the vehicles get older and older, the amount of carbon emission increases. The rate of pollution is still on the rise even after the government and authorities made pollution laws strict. 

Every country has its own vehicle emission standards or norms for the safety of the environment and people living in the country. But still, transportation holds the position for the majority of air pollutions happening around the world.

How can we reduce pollution caused by vehicles?

Earlier, it was challenging to find an alternative for fuels like petrol or diesel. Right now, technology has improved – researchers found a better alternative solution for the petrol and diesel engines for automobiles. Yes, they are EV’s. Electric vehicles are completely different from traditional vehicles. They are pollution-free and highly efficient than fuel engines. Electric vehicles can be charged from the house or charging stations in and around the city. EV’s have 5x efficiency more than the regular diesel or petrol-fueled automobiles and 4x lesser reduced pollution.

EV’s are on the rise. By 2025, at least 50% of the new vehicles coming out from the factories will be electric vehicles. It will seriously help to reduce the rate of pollution to some extend. People will switch to EV’s when companies launch better models with luxury and comfort.

It may sound crazy to most of us. But think about walking a little every day and avoid taking cars or bikes for smaller distances. Or, use a bicycle to travel nearby. It will help us to improve both our health and the earth’s health.

What are the health issues due to air pollution?

The quality of the air we breathe is very crucial. Poor quality can cause many health diseases in both adults and kids. Especially to the people living in cities, the chances of getting a disease like heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, and acute lower respiratory infections are very high.

Long-term exposure to polluted air in kids can lead to loss of lung capacity, asthma and emphysema. In addition, senior citizens are more likely to get allergies and breathing difficulties since they are less immune to the conditions. As a precaution to all of these, we can wear a mask while going out and traveling. If you are living in a highly polluted area, consider buying an air purifier for your home. An air purifier can help to improve the quality of air by filtering and thereby enabling a healthy environment inside our home for everyone.

How does air pollution affect environmental health?

The toxic gases also affect the environment in the same way. As the amount of harmful gases increases in the earth, the uncertainty of the environment’s health also increases. Changes in climates like temperature hikes, monsoon pattern shifts, and unexpected cyclones are a few examples. In these, ozone layer depletion is being the most complicated one.

We already know what is an ozone layer, and whats does it do? Let’s recall them for a while. The ozone layer is a part of the earth’s atmosphere, and it absorbs almost all of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet light. Guess what will happen when the ozone layer gets holes. All the harmful rays will fall into the animals, plants, and people on earth through the ozone layer holes. Studies say that by 2064 the ozone layer concentration levels may come to zero if the rate of pollution continues invariably. If that happens, the earth will not be a suitable place to live. The fun factor is, we don’t have any space other than earth to live right now. So, we have to protect the planet from being a desert.

Day by day, the rate of pollution is increasing. The hard truth is, nobody is really caring about the future of our planet. Even the government and authorities are keeping their eyes closed on social issues like global warming, air pollution, and soil erosion. If it keeps going like this, the earth will become uninhabitable.

Protecting the earth from pollutions is not deputed on somebody else. Each one of us should take responsibility and behave sensibly to protect the earth from pollution.

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Air Pollution Control

Air pollution & its control, air pollution definition.

“Air Pollution is the release of pollutants such as gases, particles, biological molecules, etc. into the air that is harmful to human health and the environment.”

Air Pollution Diagram

Air pollution

Table of Contents

What is Air Pollution?

Types of air pollutants, primary pollutants, secondary pollutants, causes of air pollution.

Air pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically.

There is a certain percentage of gases present in the atmosphere. An increase or decrease in the composition of these gases is harmful to survival. This imbalance in the gaseous composition has resulted in an increase in earth’s temperature, which is known as global warming.

There are two types of air pollutants:

The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known as primary pollutants. Sulphur-dioxide emitted from factories is a primary pollutant.

The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary pollutants. Smog, formed by the intermingling of smoke and fog, is a secondary pollutant.

Also Read:  Water Pollution

Following are the important causes of air pollution:

Burning of Fossil Fuels

The combustion of fossil fuels emits a large amount of sulphur dioxide. Carbon monoxide released by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels also results in air pollution.


The gases emitted from vehicles such as jeeps, trucks, cars, buses, etc. pollute the environment. These are the major sources of greenhouse gases and also result in diseases among individuals.

Agricultural Activities

Ammonia is one of the most hazardous gases emitted during agricultural activities. The insecticides, pesticides and fertilisers emit harmful chemicals in the atmosphere and contaminate it.

Factories and Industries

Factories and industries are the main source of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons and chemicals. These are released into the air, degrading its quality.

Mining Activities

In the mining process, the minerals below the earth are extracted using large pieces of equipment. The dust and chemicals released during the process not only pollute the air, but also deteriorate the health of the workers and people living in the nearby areas.

Domestic Sources

The household cleaning products and paints contain toxic chemicals that are released in the air. The smell from the newly painted walls is the smell of the chemicals present in the paints. It not only pollutes the air but also affects breathing.

Effects of Air Pollution

The hazardous effects of air pollution on the environment include:

Air pollution has resulted in several respiratory disorders and heart diseases among humans. The cases of lung cancer have increased in the last few decades. Children living near polluted areas are more prone to pneumonia and asthma. Many people die every year due to the direct or indirect effects of air pollution.

Global Warming

Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, there is an imbalance in the gaseous composition of the air. This has led to an increase in the temperature of the earth. This increase in earth’s temperature is known as global warming . This has resulted in the melting of glaciers and an increase in sea levels. Many areas are submerged underwater.

The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides in the air. The water droplets combine with these pollutants, become acidic and fall as acid rain which damages human, animal and plant life.

Ozone Layer Depletion

The release of chlorofluorocarbons, halons, and hydrochlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is the major cause of depletion of the ozone layer. The depleting ozone layer does not prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun and causes skin diseases and eye problems among individuals. Also Read:  Ozone Layer Depletion

Effect on Animals

The air pollutants suspend in the water bodies and affect aquatic life. Pollution also compels the animals to leave their habitat and shift to a new place. This renders them stray and has also led to the extinction of a large number of animal species.

Following are the measures one should adopt, to control air pollution:

Avoid Using Vehicles

People should avoid using vehicles for shorter distances. Rather, they should prefer public modes of transport to travel from one place to another. This not only prevents pollution, but also conserves energy.

Energy Conservation

A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity. Therefore, do not forget to switch off the electrical appliances when not in use. Thus, you can save the environment at the individual level. Use of energy-efficient devices such as CFLs also controls pollution to a greater level.

Use of Clean Energy Resources

The use of solar, wind and geothermal energies reduce air pollution at a larger level. Various countries, including India, have implemented the use of these resources as a step towards a cleaner environment.

Other air pollution control measures include:

  • By minimising and reducing the use of fire and fire products.
  • Since industrial emissions are one of the major causes of air pollution, the pollutants can be controlled or treated at the source itself to reduce its effects. For example, if the reactions of a certain raw material yield a pollutant, then the raw materials can be substituted with other less polluting materials.
  • Fuel substitution is another way of controlling air pollution. In many parts of India, petrol and diesel are being replaced by CNG – Compressed Natural Gas fueled vehicles. These are mostly adopted by vehicles that aren’t fully operating with ideal emission engines.
  • Although there are many practices in India, which focus on repairing the quality of air, most of them are either forgotten or not being enforced properly. There are still a lot of vehicles on roads which haven’t been tested for vehicle emissions.
  • Another way of controlling air pollution caused by industries is to modify and maintain existing pieces of equipment so that the emission of pollutants is minimised.
  • Sometimes controlling pollutants at the source is not possible. In that case, we can have process control equipment to control the pollution.
  • A very effective way of controlling air pollution is by diluting the air pollutants.
  • The last and the best way of reducing the ill effects of air pollution is tree plantation. Plants and trees reduce a large number of pollutants in the air. Ideally, planting trees in areas of high pollution levels will be extremely effective.

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What is the major cause of air pollution, how air pollution causes global warming, what is acid rain name the gases responsible for acid rain., deforestation is a major reason for air pollution. explain..

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presentation on air

very well explained. I could not find so amazing information on air pollution for school hw. Epic stuff!!!


😢😢😢Yes, everyone has not aware about pollution and but we do effort for reduce pollution & make our earth future bright💐💐

Right✔👉 bro😎

Thank you Byjus for such an easy lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Relevant answers and easy to learn and understand Byjus helps me alot Thanks

At the time of lockdown the environment has improved but when the lockdown will end the pollution rate would increase😖😖😖😫😫😫🙁🙁🙁🙍🙍🙍

Otherwise nicely explained👍👍👍keep it up

Yaa right bro Thanks to Byjus for this


a very informative page

There is nothing more than living in a world full of Polluted gas and we leave bad environment for our future generation. 😕 Lets keep the word a beautiful place to live for everyone.

Very useful 👌 used it for my daughter’s oral

It is very useful I understood everything

Nice presentation and explanation 👌👌👌and it’s very useful for better understanding

Thank you so much, this content was really very informative, helpful and too useful for me. Thanks to Byjus 🙏😇

Thank you soo much for this info . It was really helpful for my project

Thank you BYJUS

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much this helped me in my project


It helped me a lot with my project, thank you so much Byjus!

It’s very good for students

Well explained!

Thank you so much.

Byjus is best

Thank you for this this was very helpful for me

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much this helped me in my project

Well explained

Thank you so much

This is very good. And this makes my project easy

Thank you so much 🙏🙏 Easily understandable language. Lots of love and respect from the “Heaven of eath”. KASHMIR 🥰🥰

Really good by byjus 👏👍👍 It really help in my projects work And I got 1 prize because of bonus

Thanks From Prabal

Thank you so much it is easy way to understan so thank you😍😍😍

presentation on air

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Educational Resources Related to Air Sensor Technology

Air sensor technologies are increasingly being used by a variety of audiences and offer opportunities for educational enrichment. EPA developed several presentations that provide background information on air quality, air pollution sources, and air sensors. Additionally, EPA and collaborators developed educational activities and curriculum which are available to the public. These resources may be used in group settings such as classrooms or community workshops, in other educational settings, or by individuals exploring on their own. These materials may also be adaptable for a variety of age groups from elementary school students to adults.

Disclaimer:  Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute U.S. EPA endorsement or recommendation for use.

On this page:

  • Introductory Presentation on Air Quality and Air Sensors
  • Air Sensor Loan Programs - Air Quality Lesson Plans

Using Vegetative Barriers to Improve Air Quality – Activities and Lessons for K-5 Educators

Build your own particle sensor kit, airmapper and retigo lesson plans, science to achieve results (star) grant funded resources, introductory presentations on air quality and air sensors.

To help facilitate the use of air sensors, EPA developed several presentations that overview general and more technical information on air quality, air pollution, and air sensors. The presentations include:

  • Air Quality 101: A Background on Air Pollution Presentation Slides  –  covers several topics including the history of air pollution and regulation in the US, common air pollutants and their sources, the health and environmental effects of air pollution, how air pollutants are measured in the US, and where air quality data can be found.
  • Advanced Topics in Using Sensors to Measure Air Quality Presentation Slides  –  covers the difference between air sensors and regulatory monitors, interpreting air sensor evaluations, and sensor collocation, siting, quality control, and data analysis.

Air Sensor Loan Programs – Air Quality Lesson Plans

Between 2019 and 2021, EPA launched pilot air sensor loan programs with several local partners associated with public libraries, public museums, and tribal communities. To support those programs and to encourage the use of air sensor technology for air quality education, a series of educational resources were developed.

These resources include hands-on lesson plans for classroom, group, or individual instruction. The lesson plans are written for the AirBeam2 or PurpleAir sensors but are adaptable for use with any handheld particulate matter (PM) sensor or stationary PM sensor with a crowdsourced map, respectively. The available lesson plans include:

  • What is in the Outdoor Air? Exploring Particulate Matter (PM) Sources and Air Quality Outdoors
  • Hidden Particulate Matter Indoors! Explore Your Environment
  • My Pollution Bubble! Exploring My Personal Particulate Matter (PM) Exposure
  • The Power of Plants! How Vegetation Can Help Protect Us from Air Pollution
  • Is That Smoke Affecting Me? ​Using Crowdsourced Public Data to Explore Air Quality During Smoke Events

Each lesson plan includes:

  • Instructor guide that includes discussion points and answers to the questions posed to the participants
  • Participant guide which includes a worksheet for observations and discussion question responses
  • Slides introducing the topic and activity
  • Summary of how the lesson aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • Resource guide to connect users to additional information and activities
  • Frequently asked questions document to answer common inquires

In addition to the introductory presentation mentioned in the section above, the following resources may also provide support for these lesson plans:

  • AirBeam2 Quick Start Guide and Presentation Slides
  • AirBeam2 Instructional Video ( approximately 13 minutes long )
  • PurpleAir Quick Start Guide and Presentation Slides (coming soon)

For questions or more information, please contact Andrea Clements ( [email protected] ) and Rachelle Duvall  ( [email protected] ).

Vegetative barrier along a highway

Vegetative barriers, which include trees and bushes, can help reduce pollution near busy highways and roads. EPA has been researching how vegetative barriers can improve air quality. Researchers developed custom-built air sensors that can be used to measure air quality to see the effects of vegetative barriers over time. As part of this research, K-5 lesson plans and activities have been developed that focus on air quality, air sensors, air pollution, and the impact of air pollution on human health. Although written with the custom-built air sensor in mind, these lessons are adaptable to other types of air sensors.

  • Download the lesson plans

For questions, contact Rebecca Dodder ( [email protected] ).

Build your own particle sensor kit

Particle pollution, known as particulate matter (PM), is one of the major air pollutants regulated by EPA to protect public health and the environment. A PM air sensor kit was developed by EPA researchers as an educational tool to teach the public about air quality and air science. This activity can be completed in under an hour and gives hands-on experience with electronics and coding, but it is not intended to be used as a long-term air monitoring device. This resource provides instructions on buying the parts for the kit, step-by-step instructions for assembly, and a lesson plan. 

  • Build your own particle sensor information


The AirMapper is a custom-built portable air monitoring device that was developed by EPA. The device measures fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and other parameters, including temperature, humidity, and noise. Data collected on the AirMapper can be downloaded and viewed using the RETIGO web-platform. Six lesson plans and five classroom activities were developed based on the AirMapper and RETIGO. These resources are designed for 3 rd to 8 th grades.

Additionally, a manual for the AirMapper has been developed for anyone who wants to build this device. The manual includes instructions on buying the parts for the device, assembly, operation, and troubleshooting.

  • AirMapper Design, Operation and Maintenance Report  
  • Real Time Geospatial Data Viewer (RETIGO)

To obtain the lesson plans, contact Rachelle Duvall ( [email protected] )

University of Washington - Air Pollution Monitoring for Communities

This curriculum was used by university researchers in an after-school program with high school students mentored by undergraduate students. The program focused on preparing students to conduct their own research on particulate matter using low-cost sensors.

  • Access the curriculum.
  • Sensor Performance, Evaluation and Use
  • Understanding Your Sensor Data Readings
  • Research Projects
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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[Updated 2023] 25 Best Aviation PowerPoint Templates for the Air Transport Industry

[Updated 2023] 25 Best Aviation PowerPoint Templates for the Air Transport Industry

Malvika Varma


Since childhood, looking at birds soaring high above, we desire to fly. The longing to share the freedom of the skies with the birds, leaving the land to fly over the vast expanse of ocean is not a distant dream. The aviation industry allows us to explore new countries, enjoy different parts of the world, to diversify business relationships across borders, and to visit friends and family living across the continent in significantly less time. 

“Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” – Socrates

Aviation is one of the crucial factors behind globalization. Connecting people, and trade across the world, the aviation industry has continued to develop and has become a much-needed means of transport. The aviation industry enables millions of people to travel globally and hence helps them to engage in cultural exchange. Aviation provides a quick global transportation network, which facilitates international business with ease. It encourages economic growth, generates jobs, facilitates international trade, and boosts the tourism industry to a great extent.  

The development of the aviation industry in recent times and its achievements make it one of the biggest factors in the advancement of today’s society. Here we have curated 25+ Best Aviation PowerPoint Templates designed by SlideTeam professionals. Download these pre-designed aviation templates to showcase the major contribution of the aviation industry in global economic prosperity.

Let us begin!

25 Best Aviation PowerPoint Templates To Download 

Template 1 

Russia Ukraine War Impact On Aviation Industry PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Download Russia Ukraine War Impact on Aviation Industry PowerPoint Presentation

We kick-off with a template that is relevant to the most in-news these days-the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If you wish to analyze its impact on your airline or study its effects on commercial flying in general, here is a content-ready PPT Presentation.  This 100% editable PPT Layout offers you an understanding of the background while allowing the audience to tour all aspects of this hostility in the aviation industry. Instead of worrying about what topics to touch, download this ready made design to update your audience on the latest concerns.

Integrated Structure Of Aviation Business

The aviation industry is an indispensable mode of transport and this can be highlighted with our professionally designed aviation PowerPoint template. Showcase the most important information for air transport organizations by utilizing this editable aviation PowerPoint background. You can discuss the aerodynamic capabilities of an aircraft by incorporating this aviation PowerPoint theme. Advisors or programs during aviation enrollment as well as aviation counselors can download our pre-designed aviation PowerPoint templates.

Commercial Aviation And Transportation System

Communicate the statistics regarding the production and operation of aircraft by employing this attractive aviation PowerPoint template. V arious niches in the aviation industry can be effectively explained with the help of our read-made variation industry PowerPoint layout. You can download this pre-designed aviation PowerPoint background to build a website for flight school, pilot academy, or pilot training. Details regarding parachuting, cabin crew, and flight attendant training can be highlighted by aviation academy, aviation school, and flight training institutes using this template.

International Air Travel Transportation

This aviation PowerPoint template can be used for several purposes such as the environment of a classroom, or an organization. This ready-made aviation PowerPoint theme is an ideal solution for websites dedicated to private flights, aircraft, charters, or any other businesses related to private airlines. Download our visually appealing aviation industry PowerPoint background for advertising your aviation training institute.

Formation Flight Travel

Engineers can download this aviation PowerPoint template to explain the workings of an aircraft. You can elucidate the features, such as designs to your employees with the help of this attractive aviation PowerPoint theme. Private jet charter and air charter businesses can be promoted efficiently by incorporating this amazingly designed PowerPoint background.

Tickets And Airplane Travel

You can use this aviation PowerPoint template for multiple purposes, such as presenting new and existing air travel routes. By utilizing this customizable aviation PowerPoint layout, you can illustrate the airports across the world and the cost measures of air travel.  Travel websites can easily employ this aviation PowerPoint theme to influence prospects to become clients

Crew Of A Aeroplane

Aviation is the study of development and use of aircraft which can be effectively explained to students by introducing this aviation industry PowerPoint template. The subject matter is quite complicated, and experienced professionals can educate the military students in an engaging manner by employing this editable aviation PowerPoint layout.

Air Ambulance Plus Sign In Helicopter

Air ambulance is very useful at the time of distress and its significance can be illustrated by introducing this aviation PowerPoint template. The training required for driving such aircraft can be elucidated by incorporating this customizable aviation PowerPoint background. The military healthcare department can download our aviation templates for conferences and seminars.

Year Based Bar Graph Timeline With Plane

Utilize this attention-grabbing aviation PowerPoint template for the team meetings. You can report and analyze the most important aspects of your industry, advancements over the years by utilizing this pre-designed aviation industry PowerPoint layout. This infographic PowerPoint theme can be employed to present the annual profits of the company.

Template 10

Drowning Man In River And Helicopter

This aviation PowerPoint template can benefit army or military professionals for their rescue aircraft briefings. List all the details to be emphasized while rescuing a person by employing this fully customizable aviation PowerPoint theme. Military medical staff can utilize our aviation templates for giving training to the new joiners.

Template 11

Aircraft Maintenance Inputs

This pre-designed aviation PowerPoint template is specially designed for briefings on aircraft. Civil or military aircraft maintenance websites can download this attention-grabbing aviation PowerPoint theme and explain their services in an effective manner. The note-worthy points can be discussed with the clients by introducing this editable aviation PowerPoint background.

Template 12

PDCA cycle for managing aviation safety risks operations PowerPoint presentation icons

Download PDCA Cycle for Managing Aviation Safety PowerPoint Presentation

Customize a PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle for your airline business and present it with this infographic template. Showcase the major tasks under planning, doing, checking, and acting to bring about smooth operations in day-to-day working. List all guidelines that will bring about safety and help avoid risks with this editable PPT Layout. Grab it now!

Template 13

Air Force Helmet And Chopper

Download this attention-grabbing aviation PowerPoint template to describe flying an aircraft. Students who are learning to fly can also benefit from our professionally designed aviation PowerPoint background. They can utilize this aviation PowerPoint background for their projects. Safety measures to be considered while flying can be discussed by employing this aviation PPT theme as it is relevant to their discipline.

Template 14

Kpi For Security Control Time Flights

Showcase the various controlling techniques used while flying an aircraft by introducing this aviation PowerPoint template. Techniques and procedures adopted for air traffic control and navigation can be effectively explained with the help of our infographic aviation PowerPoint template. Meetings and conferences can include this aviation PowerPoint layout for elucidating the advancements in the aviation industry.

Template 15

Crew Of A Fighter Jet Image

Employ this engaging aviation PowerPoint template for discussing the structure of jet airplanes. The eligibility of crew members of jet aircraft can also be elucidated with the help of this editable aviation PowerPoint template. The steps taken at the time of some accident can also be elaborated with the help of this ready-made PowerPoint theme.

Template 16

Commercial Aircrafts Key Development

This content-ready PowerPoint template has been designed for people in the aviation industry. You can communicate clearly with their stakeholders and investors about the key developments in the industry by utilizing this engaging aviation PowerPoint theme. The priorities to be catered by the aviation industry can be elucidated by incorporating this aviation PowerPoint layout.

Template 17

Airplane Icon Of Normal Landing

Download this aviation PowerPoint template for educational establishments, such as aviation training schools. Professionals can give tips to the students on the different facets of flight control efficiently by taking the help of this pre-designed aviation PowerPoint background. Teachers can discuss how to fly an airplane safely by using our eye-catching aviation PowerPoint theme.

Template 18

Tourism Icon Showing Flying Plane With Globe

This customizable aviation PowerPoint template is ideal for companies that are directly or indirectly involved in travel or flying. The tourism agency can promote and boost its sales by downloading this visually appealing PPT theme for its website. Flight schedules can also be illustrated with the help of our aviation PowerPoint background.

Template 19

Air France KLM Services And Brands

Employ our aviation PowerPoint template for creating team meeting agendas. You can help all team members be up to date with the latest developments and events within the organization by utilizing this aviation industry PPT theme. Explain the services offered by your company to the client in the most influential way by downloading this aviation PowerPoint layout.

Template 20

Org Chart Treasury Risk Safety And Quality For Airlines

Employ our pre-designed aviation PowerPoint template for explaining the org chart to the new employees. This content-ready aviation PowerPoint theme has been designed in a way such that the audience can condense as much information as possible. Also, this editable aviation PowerPoint maintains a clear structure and a high level of readability.

Template 21

Process Of Supply Chain Management In Aviation Industry

This aviation PowerPoint template is a great solution for a wide range of aviation and aircraft services. You can download this content-ready supply chain management PowerPoint theme for airline servicing, aircraft repair, and maintenance process, aircraft cleaning, and supply of aviation fuel. Elucidate the entire process of supply chain management in the airline industry with the help of this customizable aviation PowerPoint layout.

Template 22

Issues In Aviation Supply Chain Management

Transport by plane is the quickest way to get anywhere in today’s globalized world. Download this editable aviation PowerPoint template if you want to pitch your aviation consulting services by suggesting ways to minimize the issues in supply chain management of the industry. Each step can be elucidated efficiently with this attractive aviation PowerPoint theme.

Template 23

Air Traffic Control Kpi For Controlled Hour Flight Movements

Describe how pilots manage different flight patterns and other technical skills required by incorporating this engaging aviation PowerPoint template. Guide students regarding the challenge and reward involved in flying an aircraft and the expertise essential to excel in the aviation industry by downloading this PPT theme. The stats involved can be efficiently discussed with the help of this infographic aviation PowerPoint layout.

Template 24

Aircraft Maintenance And Cost Control

Incorporate this aviation PowerPoint template for presenting the aircraft maintenance report of the company. By cost analysis using this aviation PowerPoint theme, you will be able to gain a better understanding of your financial situation. You can suggest measures to optimize your future processes for even higher profits by introducing this attention-grabbing aviation PPT layout. 

Template 25

Travel Insurance Icon With Plane And A Shield

The travel insurance companies can easily incorporate this editable aviation PowerPoint template to highlight the packages offered by them. Websites of travel insurance agencies can download this attractive aviation PowerPoint theme to convince their clients. The key points of travel insurance can be elaborated by taking the help of this amazingly designed aviation PowerPoint layout.

Template 26

Aero Plane With Boxes For Transportation

Logistics companies can download this attractive aviation PowerPoint template for their website. Engage the audience with our professionally designed PowerPoint background, and captivate their attention to your services. You can discuss the pricing plans and other related information using this editable aviation PowerPoint theme.

Template 27

Aircraft Safety And Audit Report

Present your finances for the previous year and list down the functions that have been most and least profitable by utilizing this aviation PowerPoint template. Our ready-made aviation templates are well suited for all types of flight services and regular safety drills information.

Download these fully customizable 25+ Best Aviation PowerPoint Templates and cherish the thrill of conquering distances.

Bon voyage!

FAQs on Aviation

What is aviation.

Aviation is the operation of aircraft, which can be used for various purposes such as transportation, military operations, scientific research, and recreational activities. It involves designing, building, operating, and maintaining aircraft, as well as managing air traffic, airports, and other aviation infrastructure.

Aviation has had a significant impact on global transportation and commerce, as it has enabled people and goods to be transported quickly and efficiently over long distances. It has also played a crucial role in military operations, providing reconnaissance, transportation, and air support.

Aviation includes various types of aircraft, such as airplanes, helicopters, gliders, and balloons. It also encompasses a range of activities, from commercial airlines and air freight to private aviation and recreational flying.

What do you study in Aviation?

Aviation is a multidisciplinary field that requires a broad range of knowledge and skills. Some of the main areas of study in aviation include:

  • Aerodynamics: the study of the properties of moving air and how they affect aircraft.
  • Aircraft systems: the study of the various systems that make up an aircraft, including engines, avionics, navigation systems, and flight controls.
  • Aviation safety: the study of safety regulations and procedures in aviation, including accident investigation, risk assessment, and safety management systems.
  • Air traffic control: the study of air traffic control procedures, including communication, navigation, and surveillance systems.
  • Aviation law and regulations: the study of the laws and regulations that govern aviation, including airspace regulations, aircraft registration, and liability.
  • Aviation management: the study of the principles of management as applied to the aviation industry, including airline operations, airport management, and aviation marketing.
  • Human factors: the study of human performance and limitations in aviation, including human error, fatigue, and stress management.
  • Weather: the study of the impact of weather on aviation operations, including weather forecasting, weather patterns, and turbulence.

What are the various types of Aviation?

There are several types of aviation, each with its own distinct characteristics and purposes. Here are some of the main types:

  • Commercial aviation: This refers to the use of aircraft for commercial purposes, such as passenger transportation, cargo transportation, and air ambulance services. Commercial aviation includes scheduled airlines, charter airlines, and cargo carriers.
  • General aviation: This refers to all types of aviation other than commercial and military aviation. General aviation includes private aviation, recreational flying, aerial photography, and air taxi services.
  • Military aviation: This refers to the use of aircraft for military purposes, including combat operations, transport, and reconnaissance. Military aviation includes air forces, army aviation units, and naval aviation units.
  • Agricultural aviation: This refers to the use of aircraft for crop dusting and other agricultural applications, such as spraying fertilizers and insecticides.
  • Space aviation: This refers to the use of spacecraft and other vehicles for space exploration, satellite launches, and other space-related activities.
  • Experimental aviation: This refers to the development and testing of new aircraft and aviation technologies.

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White House news photographers accuse Harris of 'reduction in access,' Axios reports

by JACKSON WALKER | The National Desk

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22:  U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to members of the media at the Capitol June 22, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (TND) — The White House News Photographers Association sent a letter last month to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign condemning what it called an “unprecedented reduction in access," according to Axios .

Jessica Koscielniak, president of the WHNPA, reportedly expressed outrage that "the four independent news photographer seats have been downgraded to one” aboard Air Force Two. The group had reportedly been told White House officials were weighing a “chaser plane” to transport press behind the vice president.

"The current situation puts the still photographers at a distinct disadvantage on every trip,” White House news photographer Doug Mills told Axios. "It's essential to us for people to understand the importance of having a full photographer pool. Every photographer sees each event differently.”

Neither Harris’s campaign nor the White House responded to a request for comment from The National Desk (TND). However, Harris's office told WHNPA following the letter it learned both adding a chase plane and more seats on Air Force Two "are not viable given available resources, including personnel and aircraft," according to Axios.

Some have accused Harris of avoiding the media during her campaign. However, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monday told CNBC it is challenging for Harris to allocate time for media interviews due to her “punishing schedule.”

READ MORE | CNN anchor to Harris campaign: 'Would it kill you guys to have a press conference?'

“This is a presidential election like no other,” Raimondo said. “[Harris] only has a few weeks to do everything, and she’s spending her time talking to Americans. She has a punishing schedule out and about, everywhere, being with the people who she wants to elect her."

Follow Jackson Walker on X at @_jlwalker_ for the latest trending national news. Have a news tip? Send it to [email protected].


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  8. Air Quality Index Analysis (AQI) Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Keeping track of air quality is not just a luxury, it's a necessity. This is where our Air Quality Index Analysis (AQI) comes in. This professional and modern tool is designed to deliver precise real-time data about air pollution.

  9. Air Pollution 101

    Air Pollution 101. What is air pollution? Learn how greenhouse gases, smog, and toxic pollutants effect climate change, and human health. ... If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. They will best know the preferred format. When you reach out to them ...

  10. Free Pollution-related templates for Google Slides & PowerPoint

    Water Pollution. Download the Water Pollution presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.

  11. PPT

    Learn about air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment. Identify different forms of air pollution and the determinants of indoor and outdoor air quality. ... During download, if you can't get a presentation, the file might be deleted by the publisher. E N D . Presentation Transcript. Dr. IEcheverry, CAMS, KSU, 2nd3637 Air ...

  12. Air Pollution PPT

    Air Pollution PPT | Free Download | 17 Slides. To live, we need to breathe. To breathe, we need fresh air. Fresh air is one of the basic and essential things we need to live on earth. Fresh air is equally important to every one us as food and water. Even plants need oxygen to convert food into energy. From these things, we can understand the ...

  13. Air pollution: its causes,effects and pollutants

    668 likes • 271,361 views. Maliha Eesha. This presentation gives the complete detail of air, air pollution, air pollutants and their types, each pollutant in detail and its causes and effects, acid rain, methods of prevention,smog,acidification,indoor pollution and so on. It is a complete package and I hope it'll be helpful in school!

  14. PDF Air Pollution Lesson Presentation

    One cause of air pollution is traffic. Which of these vehicles do you think release air pollution? Answer: the car, bus, motorbike and lorry. They cause air pollution because they have an engine which burns fuel. Sources of air pollution are either: Natural: caused by nature. Man-made: caused by human activity.

  15. How To Create a PowerPoint Presentation

    This video helps to learn how to create a PowerPoint Presentation.This video content is example so,what you want type it.Air Pollution ppthttps://learnbypkte...

  16. PDF FACT SHEET 1 What is Air Pollution?

    FACT SHEET 1. ollution?Updated 11. ovember 2019What is air pollution? Air pollution is the contamination of the indoor or outdoor air by a range of gasses and solids that. modify its natural characteristics. Key health-harmful pollutants include particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) 1 , carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), black carbon (BC), sulfu.

  17. Air Pollution

    Air pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically. There is a certain percentage of gases present in the atmosphere. An increase or decrease in the composition of these gases is harmful to survival.

  18. Educational Resources Related to Air Sensor Technology

    The presentations include: Air Quality 101: A Background on Air Pollution Presentation Slides - covers several topics including the history of air pollution and regulation in the US, common air pollutants and their sources, the health and environmental effects of air pollution, how air pollutants are measured in the US, and where air quality ...

  19. causes, effects and solutions of air pollution.

    Air pollution : causes, effects and solutions of air pollution. Jan 29, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 43 likes • 35,877 views. Naseera noushad. Follow. what is air pollution,what are the causesof air pollution,what are the effects of air pollution and how to control air pollution. Read more. 1 of 25.

  20. Air Pollution

    AIR POLLUTION. DEFINITION occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odor in harmful amounts. it is when concentrated gases exceed safe limits. TYPES OF AIR POLLUTION ' Outdoor Air Pollution o Smog o Particulates o Acid Rain o Greenhouse Gases Indoor Air Pollution. CAUSES Natural Sources e.g. smoke that comes from wildfires, volcanoes ...

  21. 25 Best Aviation PPT Templates for the Air Transport Industry

    Private jet charter and air charter businesses can be promoted efficiently by incorporating this amazingly designed PowerPoint background. Template 6 . Download Tickets And Airplane Travel PowerPoint Template . You can use this aviation PowerPoint template for multiple purposes, such as presenting new and existing air travel routes.

  22. Alaska Air raises profit forecast on summer demand, outage-linked

    Alaska Air now expects its current-quarter profit per share to be in the range of $2.15 to $2.25, compared with the airline's previous forecast of $1.40 to $1.60.

  23. Air Pollution (slide presentation)

    Air Pollution (slide presentation) This document discusses air pollution, including its definition, types, sources, causes, and effects. It defines air pollution as the introduction of harmful materials into the atmosphere, causing health and environmental damage. The main types are primary and secondary pollutants.

  24. White House news photographers accuse Harris of 'reduction in access

    WASHINGTON (TND) — The White House News Photographers Association sent a letter last month to Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign condemning what it called an "unprecedented reduction in access," according to Axios. Jessica Koscielniak, president of the WHNPA, reportedly expressed outrage that "the four independent news photographer seats have been downgraded to one" aboard Air ...

  25. Air pollution

    Air pollution. Oct 20, 2012 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 363 likes • 283,039 views. Bibhabasu Mohanty. Follow. Definition, Composition of atmospheric air, Classification and sources of air pollutants. Effects of air pollution on human, plant and material, Air pollution control methods, equipment and safety. Read more.