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A Level History Coursework Edexcel – A Guide

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  • Post date November 16, 2023
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This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History coursework for Edexcel using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted towards Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 15% and Assessment Objective One (AO1) 5%. This makes it substantially different from coursework assessed under AQA or OCR. For Edexcel coursework, the focus is on differing interpretations of the past and analysis of them, alongside your own view of the events.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Ideas, Examples and Resources

Question Format – The question that you decide to answer for the Edexcel Coursework will always use the following template.

  • Historians have disagreed about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ].
  • What is your view about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ]?

Thus, we can see that there are two parts to this coursework:

  • Part 1 – dealing with the historian’s viewpoints which is (AO3) and worth 15%
  • Part 2 – your own viewpoint which is (A01) and worth 5%  

Question Ideas, Example and Selection

There are two key points to consider when selecting a question, problem or issue for your coursework.

  • Is there enough debate around this question? – There needs to be a scholarly debate around the question or issue. This means differing views on the question from different historians. This makes it easier to select appropriate works to analyse and compare.
  • Can you access the appropriate resources? – You must use a minimum of three different key works as well as two supplementary works. Your three key works should hold opposing views about the question or issue. Let’s look at an example question to make this clear:

Historians have disagreed about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another. What is your view about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another?

  • View 1 – Tsarist Rule was more authoritarian. (C. Hill argues this)
  • View 2 – Bolshevik rule was more authoritarian. (R. Service argues this)
  • View 3 – The regimes were equally authoritarian. (R. Pipes argues this)

This is the ideal example of having three viewpoints that would be spread across the historiographical spectrum. This helps us to engage with the historical debate and hit the following criteria for the coursework:

  • analyse ways in which interpretations of the question or issue differ.
  • explain the differences you have identified.
  • evaluate the arguments, indicating which you found most persuasive and why.

You would then add to this a minimum of two supplementary works, (more is better) that would assist in helping you form your view and add weight to your analysis and arguments. Critically, you must be able to access all these resources to use them effectively in completing the coursework.  

Coursework Resources

  • Library – school, local, college, university – you should be able to borrow appropriate works.
  • Teacher – your teacher should be able to provide you with copies of appropriate resources to use.
  • JSTOR – – contains a large collection of journal articles from historical publications covering numerous topics. These will often engage in the historical debate by replying to opposing views.
  • Purchase Books – many second-hand books are available to purchase at very cheap prices through Amazon or similar sites.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – How to Research and Write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel

Researching the Coursework – When researching our coursework we use the resource record form, which acts as a bibliography to the books, articles and online resources we are using. As we go through these resources we want to make notes that help us to identify the overall argument of the historian. Key quotes or passages should be noted down, alongside a reference. If we then use this material in our write up, we can add the appropriate footnote.

Writing the Coursework – When writing our coursework we need to be aware of the total word count as well as making sure that we hit all the assessment criteria. This means dividing up the 4000 words (maximum word count) effectively between the assessment criteria. An example structure to implement this is shown in the next section.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Structure and Planning

First section – introduction to the overall question and key works (c. 1000 words).

Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the question.

Example from our question above – authoritarian regime would be defined as ‘a regime in which power is highly centralised and maintained regardless of popular support, with the use of repression and violence’.

Finally, you need to set out valid criteria by which the question can be judged.

Example from our question and definition above – we need to compare the Tsarist regime to the Bolshevik regime in terms of:

  • Centralisation of power .
  • Power maintained despite lacking popular support.
  • Power maintained through repression and violence.

You should now have a complete introduction to the topic (1 paragraph)

Introduction to the debate by placing each of the key works in the historiographical debate. You can also place your supplementary works on the historiographical line here. (1 paragraph)

Set out the arguments in extended detail from the three key works. What are the historians’ views on this question? (1 paragraph)

Show how the arguments from each of the key works differ or are like one another. (1 paragraph)

Summary of the views of the key works. (1 paragraph)

Second Section – Explaining why the key works differ from one another (c. 1000 words)

Introduction – You need to set out three valid criteria to explain why the key works differ. Why is it that the historians’ arguments differ? There are several different potential criteria that could be used here: When was the work written? What sources and evidence did they use? Have they defined the key terms of the question differently? Have they defined the criteria to answer the question differently? Do they have different scopes of enquiry? What is the purpose of the work? What is the historians background and view?

Example from our question – The historians have defined the key term to answer the question differently – C. Hill has focused on authoritarian being defined as lacking popular support. R. Service is more focused on authoritarian being defined through repression. R. Pipes is mostly focused on authoritarian being defined as a centralisation of power.  

The historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently. (1 paragraph)    

Paragraphs – This is where you use the criteria set out from the introduction to this section. You want one paragraph per item of criteria that we are judging the key works on.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding how the historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently.

Then you need to consider the three works in terms of the criteria set out for that paragraph. Show why there are differences in the key works regarding that criteria and how that leads the historian to arrive at their interpretation. Use evidence to support your points. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion – Brief conclusion that offers a summary of why the key works are different. (1 paragraph)

Third Section – Your own viewpoint on the question (c. 1000 words)

Brief introduction of your own viewpoint and line of argument that will be taken, remembering to re-instate the criteria by which the question can be judged . (1 paragraph)

Paragraphs that set out your own view on the question. This is where you should be using the criteria set out in your introductions. You want one paragraph per item of criteria.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding ‘centralisation of power’.

Then you need to bring evidence and analysis to assess the criteria being judged. You can also use the key works and the supplementary works in this section to help you. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion that reaches a judgement on the question and follows your line of argument that has flowed throughout. (1 paragraph)

Fourth Section – Evaluation and Judgement of the key works and of the question (c. 1000 words)

Go through each of the key works and make a judgement on how convincing and valid the arguments from the historians are compared to the criteria. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each key work)

Form an overall judgement on the question and an overall judgement on which of the key works is most convincing. These should broadly align together. (1 paragraph)   

How To Improve Further at A Level History

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Edexcel A Level History Past Papers

A complete collection of edexcel a level history past papers. perfect for preparation for upcoming exams. can be used at home for individual learning or within a classroom environment..

It’s time to start preparing for your exams and it’s never been easier with School History. We’ve got hundreds of past papers that are easy to use, come with mark schemes, and are specifically tailored to each specific examination board, so you can get the most from your revision time and enter your examination feeling confident and fully prepared.

Why use past exam papers?

The answer is simple: preparedness. As a A Level student, exams become an important part of your assessment criteria and preparation for A-levels. The use and importance of past papers, therefore, cannot be over-emphasised.

Fill in the blanks

Using past papers are an effective way to establish your strengths and weaknesses so you know where to focus your revision time. Don’t spend hours on a topic you’re familiar with while neglecting an area that needs more time and effort to familiarise yourself with.

Learn effective time management

Proper time management can quite literally mean the difference between passing and failing an exam, even if you know everything that’s required to pass. Your revision time and using past papers is an excellent way to start practicing how to properly manage the time in the exam setting. You’ll be given different styles of questions with different mark allocations, so it’s important to know what’s expected of you and how much time to dedicate to each question, whether its a multiple-choice question, short answer or an essay.

Walk into your exam with confidence

With proper preparation, it’s possible to walk into and out of your exam feeling confident. Confidence is key to performing well as doubt and anxiety can cloud your judgment and affect your ability to think clearly and make the proper decisions. Past papers are the most effective way to familiarise yourself with important terminology, vocabulary, and styles of questions so that you have a solid understanding of what is expected of you to excel in each and every style of question.

Get to know your questions

Remember, some questions will be assessing your knowledge and understanding of key features and characteristics of a period studied, others will require you to explain and analyse historic events, others will require you to compare and contrast source material and contextualise it in the historic environment, while thematic studies will require you to demonstrate knowledge clearly over centuries while following a particular theme. All of these questions require you to substantiate your answers using facts.

All these questions will be awarded marks in levels, i.e. basic, simple, developed and complex, and short answers and essay questions will also have marks awarded for spelling and grammar. By practicing with past papers you’ll have access to mark schemes, which examiners use to evaluate your responses and you’ll quickly learn how to achieve the most marks while striking the right balance with time management.

Where do I find past papers? Right here, of course! School History has hundreds of examination-style questions to help you practice for your history exams. By signing up, you’ll not only have access to past papers but thousands of resources related to what you’re studying, including notes, activities, quiz questions and more. Let’s dive in! Take a look below at the major examination boards we cover. Give yourself every advantage to excel in your exams and sign up today!

Board Exam Paper Download
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2022 (9HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2022 (8HI0) Options 1 and 2
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers Nov 2021 (9HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers Oct 2020 (9HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers Oct 2020 (8HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2019 (9HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2019 (8HI0) Options 1, 2, and 3
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095 – 1204
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1B: England 1509– 1603: authority, nation and religion
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1C: Britain, 1625 – 1701: Conflict, revolution and settlement
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1D: Britain, c1785 – c1870: democracy, protest and reform
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1E: Russia, 1917 – 1991 from Lenin to Yeltsin
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1F: In search of the American Dream: The USA c1917 – 1996
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1G: Germany and West Germany, 1918 - 1989
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0 Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918 – 1997
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2A.1: Anglo Saxon England and the Anglo- Norman Kingdoms; Option 2A.2: England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry 11, 1154 -89
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2B.1: Luther and The German Reformation, c1515 -55; Option 2B.2: The Dutch Revolt, 1563 -1609
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2C.1: France in Revolution, 1774 -79; Option 2C.2: Russia in Revolution, 1894 -1924
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2D.1: The Unification of Italy, c1830-1870; Option 2D.2: The Unification of Germany c1840- 1871
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2E.1: Mao’s China, 1949 -1976; Option 2E.2: The German Democratic Republic, 1949 -1990
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2F.1: India, c1914 -48: the road to independence; Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948 -94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2G.1: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911 -46; Option 2G.2: Spain, 1930 -78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2H.1: The USA, c1920 -1955: boom, bust and the recovery; Option 2H.2: The USA 1955 -92: conformity and challenge
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 30: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399 - 1509
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 31: Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485–1603
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 32: The Golden Age of Spain, 1474–1598
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 33: The Witch Craze in Britain, Europe and North America, c1580 - 1750
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 34: 1 Industrialisation and social change in Britain, 1759–1928: forging a new society – 2 Poverty, public health and the state in Britain, c1780–1939
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 35: 1 Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763–1914 – 2 The British experience of warfare, c1790–1918
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 36: 1 Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain, c1780–1928 – 2 Ireland and the Union, c1774–1923
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 37: The changing nature of warfare, 1859–1991: perception and reality and reunited
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 38: 1 The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991 – 2 The making of modern China, 1860–1997
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2018 (9HI0) A-Level Paper 3 (9HI0/3) Option 39: 1 Civil rights and race relations in the USA, 1850–2009 – 2 Mass media and social change in Britain, 1882–2004
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095 – 1204
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1B: England 1509– 1603: authority, nation and religion
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1C: Britain, 1625 – 1701: Conflict, revolution and settlement
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1D: Britain, c1785 – c1870: democracy, protest and reform
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1E: Russia, 1917 – 1991 from Lenin to Yeltsin
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1F: In search of the American Dream: The USA c1917 – 1996
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1G: Germany and West Germany, 1918 - 1989
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 1 8HI0/1 Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918 – 1997
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2A.1: Anglo Saxon England and the Anglo- Norman Kingdoms; Option 2A.2: England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry 11, 1154 -89
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2B.1: Luther and The German Reformation, c1515 -55; Option 2B.2: The Dutch Revolt, 1563 -1609
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2C.1: France in Revolution, 1774 -79; Option 2C.2: Russia in Revolution, 1894 -1924
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2D.1: The Unification of Italy, c1830-1870; Option 2D.2: The Unification of Germany c1840- 1871
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2E.1: Mao’s China, 1949 -1976; Option 2E.2: The German Democratic Republic, 1949 -1990
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2F.1: India, c1914 -48: the road to independence; Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948 -94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2G.1: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911 -46; Option 2G.2: Spain, 1930 -78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
Edexcel Edexcel AS Level History Past Papers June 2018 (8HI0) Paper 2 8HI0/2 Option 2H.1: The USA, c1920 -1955: boom, bust and the recovery; Option 2H.2: The USA 1955 -92: conformity and challenge
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095 – 1204
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1B: England 1509– 1603: authority, nation and religion
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1C: Britain, 1625 – 1701: Conflict, revolution and settlement
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1D: Britain, c1785 – c1870: democracy, protest and reform
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1E: Russia, 1917 – 1991 from Lenin to Yeltsin
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1F: In search of the American Dream: The USA c1917 – 1996
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1G: Germany and West Germany, 1918 - 1989
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 1 9HI0/1 Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918 – 1997
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2A.1: Anglo Saxon England and the Anglo- Norman Kingdoms; Option 2A.2: England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry 11, 1154 -89
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2B.1: Luther and The German Reformation, c1515 -55; Option 2B.2: The Dutch Revolt, 1563 -1609
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2C.1: France in Revolution, 1774 -79; Option 2C.2: Russia in Revolution, 1894 -1924
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2D.1: The Unification of Italy, c1830-1870; Option 2D.2: The Unification of Germany c1840- 1871
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2E.1: Mao’s China, 1949 -1976; Option 2E.2: The German Democratic Republic, 1949 -1990
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2F.1: India, c1914 -48: the road to independence; Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948 -94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2G.1: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911 -46; Option 2G.2: Spain, 1930 -78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 2 9HI0/2 Option 2H.1: The USA, c1920 -1955: boom, bust and the recovery; Option 2H.2: The USA 1955 -92: conformity and challenge
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2017 (9HI0) Paper 3 (9HI0/30) Option 30: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399 - 1509
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095 – 1204
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1B: England 1509– 1603: authority, nation and religion
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1C: Britain, 1625 – 1705: Conflict, revolution and settlement
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1D: Britain, c1785 – c1870: democracy, protest and reform
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1E: Russia, 1917 – 1991 from Lenin to Yeltsin
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1F: In search of the American Dream: The USA c1917 – 1996
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1G: Germany and West Germany, 1918 - 1989
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 1 - 8H101 Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918 – 1997
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2A.1: Anglo Saxon England and the Anglo- Norman Kingdoms; Option 2A.2: England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry 11, 1154 -89
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2B.1: Luther and The German Reformation, c1515 -55; Option 2B.2: The Dutch Revolt, 1563 -1609
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2C.1: France in Revolution, 1774 -79; Option 2C.2: Russia in Revolution, 1894 -1924
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2D.1: The Unification of Italy, c1830-1870; Option 2D.2: The Unification of Germany c1840- 1871
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2E.1: Mao’s China, 1949 -1976; Option 2E.2: The German Democratic Republic, 1949 -1990
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2F.1: India, c1914 -48: the road to independence; Option 2F.2: South Africa, 1948 -94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2G.1: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911 -46; Option 2G.2: Spain, 1930 -78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History Past Papers June 2016 Unit 2 - 8H101 Option 2H.1: The USA, c1920 -1955: boom, bust and the recovery; Option 2H.2: The USA 1955 -92: conformity and challenge
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option A: England in the Middle Ages and the Transition to the Early Modern World
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option B: Power, Belief and Conflict in Early Modern Europe
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option C: The British Empire: Colonisation and Decolonisation
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option D: A World Divided: Communism and Democracy in the Twentieth Century
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option E: The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 1 - 6H101 Option F: The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 2 - 6H102 Option A: Early Modern British History: Crown & Authority
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 2 - 6H102 Option B: British Political History in the 19th Century
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 2 - 6H102 Option C: Conflict and Change in 19th & 20th Century Britain
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 2 - 6H102 Option D: The British Empire Challenged
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 2 - 6H102 Option E: Britain in the Later 20th Century: Responding to Change
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 3 - 6H103 Option A: Revolution and Conflict in England
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 3 - 6H103 Option B: Politics, Protest and Revolution
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 3 - 6H103 Option C: The United States: Challenged and Transformed
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 3 - 6H103 Option D: The Challenge of Fascism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2015 Unit 3 - 6H103 Option E: War and Peace: Twentieth Century International Relations
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option A: England in the Middle Ages and the Transition to the Early Modern World
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option B: Power, Belief and Conflict in Early Modern Europe
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option C: The British Empire: Colonisation and Decolonisation
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option D: A World Divided: Communism and Democracy in the Twentieth Century
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option E: The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 1 Option F: The Expansion and Challenge of Nationalism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 2 Option A: Early Modern British History: Crown & Authority
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 2 Option B: British Political History in the 19th Century
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 2 Option C: Conflict and Change in 19th & 20th Century Britain
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 2 Option D: The British Empire Challenged
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 2 Option E: Britain in the Later 20th Century: Responding to Change
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 3 Option A: Revolution and Conflict in England
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 3 Option B: Politics, Protest and Revolution
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 3 Option C: The United States: Challenged and Transformed
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 3 Option D: The Challenge of Fascism
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2014 Unit 3 Option E: War and Peace: Twentieth Century International Relations
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Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History January 2013 6HI01/B
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Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History January 2013 6HI02/E
Edexcel Edexcel A-Level History June 2013 6HI01 A
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Think Student

30+ A-Level History NEA Ideas

In A-Level by Think Student Editor May 3, 2024 Leave a Comment

When I took A-Level History, doing the NEA was my favourite part. Having so much more independence and control over my own work was exciting and much more engaging than just being in lessons or doing exams. However, it was also pretty daunting.

All kinds of A-Level coursework give you so much more academic freedom and independence than you’d previously experienced, which can make it a bit stressful to have all this responsibility. The first place this can come into play is right at the start when you have to choose your essay question. In this article, we’ll try to make this part a little bit less stressful by giving you some ideas for what you could do.

Continue reading to getter a better understanding of the A-Level History NEA as a whole and to see some ideas for your essay question. This article will take you through these ideas by going through some of the main topic areas that you could focus on.

Table of Contents

What is an A-Level History NEA?

The term NEA stands for non-exam assessment, which is relatively the same as coursework. For A-Level History, this piece of coursework is in the form of an extended essay, which may even be referred to as an “investigation” on a specific area of history that has different historical interpretations.

Due to this, students will need to research into different historical interpretations of their specific topic as well as use primary sources and factual evidence/ data to evaluate the different historical interpretations.

The specific requirements for this NEA will depend on the exam board, which is especially the case when it comes to the word count, which can vary quite a lot. For example, for students using the Pearson Edexcel exam board, the word count is between 3,000 and 4,000 words, whereas for the AQA exam board, there is a word limit between 3,500 and 4,500 words.

Unlike these exam boards that have a set maximum word count, the OCR exam board only has a recommendation of 3,000- 4,000 words, although there is no actual set limit.

Despite being quite a lot of work, the A-Level History NEA will generally be a fair low proportion of the A-Level in comparison to other factors. Typically, this will be worth 20% of the whole A-Level History qualification.

You can learn more about this by checking out the specifications of A-Level History courses by clicking on the links with the respective exam board: AQA (linked here and here) Pearson Edexcel , OCR , WJEC , CCEA .

How to choose an A-Level History NEA idea

Choosing an A-Level History NEA idea can come in a few different ways and may not even be your choice as a student. How this all works will depend on your sixth form or college.

The first most obvious option is that your sixth form/ college lets you choose the topic and question that you want to focus on. Alternatively, your sixth form or college may give you an approved topics list but allow you to submit your own topic question and consider options outside of this list.

The strictest form is where your sixth form or college chooses the topic(s) that you can do and may even give you pre-approved question ideas. You can learn more about these by checking out this guide by OCR.

As choosing your own idea and topic from scratch is by far the hardest, we’ll see primarily focusing on that in this article. When choosing your own idea, the first thing you should think about is which historical period you want to focus on.

There are obviously a wide range you can choose from, although exam boards tend to have some restrictions in this aspect too. First of all, you won’t be able to do the same topic as whichever piece of history you studied for your depth study. Other restrictions will vary by exam board, so it’s best to ask your teachers or to look directly at your exam board’s coursework information.

After you pick your main topic, you need to narrow it down to a specific historical debate within this topic. From here, you can shape it into an extended essay question that allows you to have a clear line of argument and be evaluative and analytical. To do this, you might want to use vocabulary such as “the most/ least important/ significant/ etc.”.

What makes a good A-Level History NEA idea?

To make sure you have a good A-Level History NEA idea, you need to make sure that it is something you can write an entire extended essay on. Remember the NEA will require students to do over 3000 words and write a full answer with several sections and a clear line of argument and judgement, depending on the style of your essay question.

To be able to do this, you need to make sure you have enough background information about this specific subsection of your topic area and that there are lots of interpretations and primary sources available.

Another step to making sure that you have a good topic and question title is to make sure that it is has the right level of detail. This is as you need to make sure the focus is very specific so it can be in-depth and analytical but also broad enough to give you a full answer and enough to write about.

A-Level History NEA ideas for 2024

Now that we’ve looked at the criteria for choosing a topic and what makes a good one, we can properly dive into some examples. However, as previously mentioned, an NEA idea needs to be focused on a specific area of history. Due to this, in this article, we’ll be looking at some ideas based on specific historical areas.

These historical areas have been chosen due to being commonly studied in A-Level History courses. You can learn more about this from this page of the Cambridge Assessment website as well as from the component options mentioned in each exam board’s specification, as linked above.

The ideas below are sourced from a mixture of exam board suggestions and information provided to me when I was doing the NEA myself. Exam board suggestions come from pages of the Pearson Edexcel website, OCR website, the WJEC website and the AQA website all linked respectively.

A-Level History NEA ideas for Russian dictatorship

When looking at the history of dictatorships in Russia, we’re generally referring to the period from 1855 to 1991/2. In this period of history, there were several different kinds of leaders of Russia, all of which can be focused on for your NEA. These types of leaders are the Tsar rulers, the Provisional Government and the communist leaders.

While you may want to look at the leaders and their regimes, you could also look at society at the time

Some ideas for Russia and its rulers are as follows.

  • In the context of the years 1861 to 1964, to what extent was the Russian Revolution of 1917 caused by the war?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Peter the Great was largely unsuccessful in his attempts to modernise Russia?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Alexander II was largely successful in his attempts to modernise Russia in the period after 1855?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Stalin’s main aim in the period 1924–1939 was to carry out the changes begun by Lenin?
  • ‘The lives of the Russian peasants were transformed for the better in the years between 1928 and 1964.’
  • How valid is assessment of the peasantry in Russia?
  • How far do you agree with the view that the Battle of Stalingrad was mainly responsible for Soviet victory in the Second World War?
  • To what extent do you agree with the view that by 1924, the people of Russia had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another?
  • Assess the reasons for the purges in 1930’s Russia
  • To what extent did Communism in Russia improve the lives of women in the years 1917-53?

A-Level History NEA ideas for civil rights in the USA

The civil rights movement in the USA spanned a long period and was made up of several significant events. Due to this, there is so much for you to focus on within this topic, from specific figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks, to key legislation or specific protests or events.

Some of the essay question you could chose for the civil rights movement are as follows.

  • How far do you agree with the view that the most significant contribution to the success of the Civil Rights movement between 1954 and 1970 was made by people in local communities in the US?
  • ‘Martin Luther King had the greatest impact of any individual in advancing the civil rights of African Americans in the USA.’ How valid is this view of the years 1865 to 1968?
  • Assess the claims that the role of Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement was exaggerated.
  • Assess the view that the Civil Rights movement was the most significant cause of Second Wave Feminism?
  • To what extent did Rosa Parks change the nature of the Civil Rights Movement by 1965?
  • How far did World War II improve the lives of black Americans?
  • To what extent has the role of women in the Black Civil Rights Movement been undervalued?
  • To what extent did Malcolm X and the Black Panthers further the civil rights movement?
  • To what extent was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) responsible for the successes of the civil rights campaign in the years 1945–57?
  • To what extent did life for black people in America improve between the end of the First World War and the Wall Street Crash of 1929?

A-Level History NEA ideas for Weimar and Nazi Germany

Weimar and Nazi Germany is a common topic, not only at A-Level, but also at GCSE and even at the start of secondary school, before starting GCSEs. Due to this, students will often have quite a bit of background knowledge on this topic, even if they haven’t studied it as part of their A-Levels. This can make it a bit easier for you to access this topic for your NEA.

Some NEA ideas for Weimar and Nazi Germany are as follows.

  • ‘Propaganda was the main reason for Hitler’s rise to power in 1933’. How far do you agree?
  • To what extent do you agree that the Holocaust was a long-term plan?
  • The Reichstag Fire was a deliberate plot hatched by Hitler’s henchmen to help consolidate the NSDAP’s control over Germany.’ How valid is this assessment of the Reichstag Fire?
  • Assess the view that the Wall Street Crash was the main reason the Weimar government lost support by 1930.
  • Assess the view that Hitler’s use of fear and violence the main reason why he was able to maintain control of Germany between 1933 – 45.
  • To what extent were the Nazis successful in winning over the hearts and minds of the youth?
  • To what extent were ordinary German people responsible for the Holocaust?
  • To what extent was music used as a form of opposition to the Nazi Regime?
  • To what extent was Stresseman right when he said ‘Germany was dancing on a volcano’ when implying that German democracy would inevitably fail?
  • Assess the view that the errors of Hitler were the main reason for allied victory in WWII.

A-Level History NEA ideas for the Tudors

Once again, the Tudors are commonly taught in some shape or form throughout, even starting in primary school. This can still make it easier to access the essay questions on this topic as you’ll already have some background knowledge.

Some NEA ideas are as follows.

  • In the context of the years 1485 to 1603, how effectively did Tudor government deal with rebellion in England?
  • How far do you agree with the view that the main reason for the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII was that they no longer served any useful purpose?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Mary, Queen of Scots, was the greatest challenge facing Elizabeth in the period after 1568.
  • Assess the reasons why there was there an attempt to put Lady Jane Grey on the throne in 1553.
  • Assess the view that the survival of Roman Catholicism in England during the reign of Elizabeth I depended on the role of the gentry
  • To what extent did Elizabeth I remain single to keep her political power?
  • ‘Anne Boleyn lost her head because of the large faction against her’ To what extent is this true?
  • Assess the view that Elizabethan propaganda was a success.
  • ‘The reign of Mary I was a complete failure.’ How fair is this assessment?
  • Assess the impact of the reign of Elizabeth I on the roles of women in Tudor society


A Level History Coursework Help

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History Coursework Example _ Edexcel - 38/40. American Revolution.

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