English and Creative Writing

teacher and students in classroom

Join a powerful community of creative writers and thinkers.   In Emory's English and Creative Writing program, you will study both art and craft  of writing , alongside some of the nation’s most talented students and acclaimed faculty in one of the nation's leading creative writing programs.

Build your skills from idea to draft to revision—as you explore areas including fiction, nonfiction, dramatic writing, and poetry.   

Graduates from the English and Creative Writing program g o on to highly competitive writing and PhD programs as well as to many other fields of study, including medicine, business, and law.   

Recent graduates are working at  Forbes Travel Guide, CNN Digital, Penguin Random House, Modern Luxury, Challenge Foundation , and  William Morris Endeavor .   

Notable alumni include:

  • Lauren M. Gunderson, named the country’s most produced playwright in 2017
  • Brian Tolleson, the founding partner of communications and brand strategy firms Lexicon and Bark  Bark
  • Lauren Giles, corporate lawyer and Alston & Bird partner
  • Grammy-winning country singer-songwriter Kristian Bush of Sugarland  

Examples of Classes

Introduction to poetry writing.

Experience the profound connection between reading poetry and writing it. Generate new work while helping one another through discussions examining the writer’s intentions, ideas, phrases, and images.  

Intermediate Playwriting

Experience the creative process first-hand from inspiration through character development to dramatic action and dialogue in this collaborative course co-taught by a playwright and a theater artist .  

Georgia Civil Rights Cold Case

A   historical and journalistic exploration of the Jim Crow South through the prism of unsolved or unpunished civil rights-era murders in Georgia.   This course was the foundation for WABE’s Peabody Award-winning podcast, “Buried Truths.”  Taught by Pulitzer and Peabody-award winner professor Dr. Hank Klibanoff.

Research in Creative Writing

Jiréh Breon Holder

Bringing characters to life through research  

Creative writing and theater studies students’ research supports Playwriting Fellow Jiréh Breon Holder’s professional stage production.   

Christell Victoria Roach

“I know I was meant to be at Emory. Coming here, I felt I had access to words I hadn't been able to find before. It has been integral for me to see who I am as a writer by developing as a student and researcher first.”

Creative Writing

In the Creative Writing Program at Emory students study both art and craft: the literary traditions in which they write and the elements of craft in poetry, fiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction. The program fosters their development as writers, through an emphasis on reading as a writer, generating material, and revision.


  • Major in English and Creative Writing (BA)
  • Major in Playwriting (BA)

ENGCW 100-Level Courses

Engcw 190: freshman sem:creative writing.

Topics/genres vary. Emphasizes writing and reading as elements in intellectual exploration. Does not satisfy first-year writing requirement.

ENGCW 200-Level Courses

Engcw 270: intro to creative writing.

Every semester. Introductory workshop in creative writing covering at least two genres from the following: fiction, poetry, screenwriting, playwriting, creative nonfiction. Counts as a prerequisite for 300-level intermediate workshops but not for Advanced Fiction, Advanced Poetry, or Advanced Playwriting. May not be repeated for credit.

ENGCW 270W: Intro to Creative Writing

Engcw 271: introduction to poetry writing.

Every semester. Introductory workshop in poetry writing. Counts as a prerequisite for 300-level intermediate workshops but not for Advanced Fiction, Advanced Poetry, or Advanced Playwriting. May not be repeated for credit.

ENGCW 271W: Introduction to Poetry Writing

Engcw 272: intro to fiction writing.

Every semester. Introductory workshop in fiction writing. Counts as a prerequisite for 300-level intermediate workshops but not for Advanced Fiction, Advanced Poetry, or Advanced Playwriting. May not be repeated for credit.

ENGCW 272W: Intro to Fiction Writing

Engcw 300-level courses, engcw 354: 50 shades: nonfiction ethics.

An examination of ethical practices and challenges in nonfiction writing across platforms of journalism, documentary filmmaking, book-length work and narrative podcasts. Not open to first-year students.

ENGCW 370R: Creative Wrt: Intermed Fiction

Every semester. Intermediate level workshop in writing fiction. ENG 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 370RW: Creative Wrt: Intermed Fiction

Engcw 371r: creative wrt: intermed poetry.

Every semester. Intermediate level workshop in writing poetry. ENG 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 371RW: Creative Wrt: Intermed Poetry

Engcw 372r: intermediate playwriting.

Every year. Intermediate level workshop in writing plays.

ENGCW 372RW: Intermediate Playwriting

Engcw 373r: creative writing: adv fiction.

Spring semester. Admittance by assessment of readiness for advanced work by intermediate level instructor in genre. Intensive workshop in the writing of fiction for advanced students. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 373RW: Creative Writing: Adv Fiction

Engcw 374r: creative writing: adv poetry.

Spring semester. Admittance by assessment of readiness for advanced work by intermediate level instructor in genre. Intensive workshop in the writing of poetry for advanced students. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 374RW: Creative Writing: Adv Poetry

Engcw 375r: creative writing: adv drama.

Spring semester. Admittance by assessment of readiness for advanced work by intermediate level instructor in genre. Intensive workshop in the writing of playwriting for advanced students. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 375RW: Creative Writing: Adv Drama

Engcw 376r: creativ wrt:interm non-fiction.

Every semester. Intermediate level workshop in nonfiction genres that often use fictional techniques. ENGCW 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 376RW: Creativ Wrt:Interm Non-Fiction

Engcw 377r: creativ wrt:interm translation.

Every semester. Intermediate level workshop in the theory and practice of translation. ENGCW 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite. May be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit.

ENGCW 377RW: Creativ Wrt:Interm Translation

Engcw 378r: screenwriting.

A writing-intensive course in the construction and formatting of screenplays for upper-level undergraduates, which also broaches various aspects of pre-production planning. Weekly screenings required.

ENGCW 378RW: Screenwriting

Engcw 379r: advanced screenwriting.

An advanced writing-intensive course in the construction and formatting of screenplays for upper-level undergraduates, which also broaches various aspects of pre-production planning.

ENGCW 379RW: Advanced Screenwriting

Engcw 385rw: ga civil rights cold cases.

Intermediate level workshop in writing and researching Southern Georgia's Civil Rights history.

ENGCW 389: Creative Writing: Spec.Topics

Credit, variable; maybe be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit when topic varies. Specific topics to be announced. Typical subjects include the novel, first person narrative, formalist poetry, and nonrealistic forms. ENGCW 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite.

ENGCW 389W: Creative Writing: Spec. Topics

Engcw 397r: creative wrt.:independent stdy.

Credit, variable; maybe be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit. Project description and written permission of instructor required before registration. ENG 270, 271, or 272 required as prerequisite.

ENGCW 397RW: Creative Writing: Indep. Study

Engcw 400-level courses, engcw 495r: creative writing honors.

Offered every semester. Credit variable; may be repeated for a maximum of eight hours credit. Prerequisite: academic eligibility and approval of honors project director. A tutorial designed primarily to assist honors candidates in preparing their projects.

ENGCW 495RW: Creative Writing Honors

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Fellowship Positions

All fellowship positions are currently filled. The next poetry fellowship search will begin in late Fall 2024.

Past Fellowship Postings

2024-26 fellowship in fiction.

Application Deadline: 11:59 PM, February 15, 2024

Two-year fellowship in fiction in lively undergraduate English/Creative Writing Program, beginning Fall 2024. A two-year commitment is assumed but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year. Load 2-1, all workshops; $45,000 and health benefits. Fellow will give a public reading. Required: MFA or PhD in last five years, with Creative Writing teaching experience; record of publication, but no full-length book published or under contract. Desirable: interest in secondary genre, creative nonfiction, and/or screenwriting.

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter discussing teaching experience and philosophy, CV, name and contact information of two references, and a 25-page writing sample. In a separate statement, please describe your vision and experience teaching and mentoring students from diverse backgrounds. Submit all materials to http://apply.interfolio.com/138251 by 11:59pm on February 15, 2024.

This deadline is firm and late applications will not be considered. The search committee will begin reviewing applications as they arrive. Applicants who make the longlist will be asked to submit recommendation letters from their two references as soon as possible, to be received no later than March 1.

Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

2023-25 Fellowship in Poetry

Application deadline: 11:59 PM, November 11, 2022

Two-year fellowship in poetry in lively undergraduate English/Creative Writing Program, beginning Fall 2023. Load 1-2, all workshops; $45,000 salary, and health benefits. Fellow will give a public reading and have access to the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, a 75,000-volume rare and modern poetry library housed at Emory. Required: MFA or PhD in the last five years, with undergraduate Creative Writing teaching experience. Desirable: record of periodical publications but no first book yet in print, and secondary interests such as creative nonfiction and working in archives.

Submit electronic dossier, including cover letter discussing teaching experience and philosophy, CV, two references who will be contacted later in the process, and a writing sample of no more than 15 pages of poetry to http://apply.interfolio.com/113402 by 11:59pm, November 11, 2022. This deadline is firm and late applications will not be considered. The search committee will begin reviewing applications on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. In your cover letter or in a separate statement, please reflect upon your experience and vision regarding the teaching and mentorship of students from diverse backgrounds. Emory University is committed to student and faculty diversity, equality, and inclusion. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

2023-25 Fellowship in Playwriting

Creative Writing Program's joint fellowship with Theater Studies

Contact: Lizzy Clements, [email protected]

Emory University offers a two-year Playwriting Fellowship in connection with its BA in Playwriting, a joint major offered by Theater Studies and the Creative Writing Program. Beginning in Fall 2023, the Fellowship offers a $45,000 salary, health benefits, and $1,000 annual travel fund. The Fellow will have a 2-1 teaching load, including playwriting workshops, literature courses such as 'Contemporary Drama,' and other courses to support the BA in Playwriting, within Theater Studies, Creative Writing, and/or English. The Playwriting Fellow will give a public reading for the Creative Writing Reading Series, and work with Theater Emory and its Playwriting Center, including the contribution of a new play to the “Brave New Works” New Play Festival.  Fellows may be asked to direct student honors theses and/or other mentoring activities. 

A two-year commitment is assumed but the contract renewal for the second year is contingent on a positive review of the first year.

Required:  MFA in Playwriting, or equivalent degree, within the past 8 years, and related teaching experience

Desirable:  Promising record of production and/or play development in regional or national theater
















. a particular writer chooses to write, he or she approaches the blank page, are ineffable questions. The important thing is they write.

has been called “startlingly original,” and Atlanta novelist and playwright Jim Grimsley, whose palette ranges from the earthy to the elegiac.

and was co-winner of the Great American New Play Contest for his work He recently completed a literary hat trick with the publication of his first novel,

which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year in 1992. She has been widely published in literary journals and magazines, including the August 1999 issue of which includes her story

, a poet and novelist who writes under the name Ha Jin, joined the creative writing faculty in 1993 and recently received a Guggenheim Fellowship to work on a novel in progress.



Introduction To Screenwriting

A film set clapboard

Learn how to write for the screen

Academy Award-winning films and blockbuster action movies all start with one critical core element: the script. Do you think you have a great idea? Join our class as we combine professional screenwriting formatting lessons and story structure in order to create entertaining and engaging screenplays. Successful students will be able to develop a strong premise, dimensional characters and dynamic scenes while building the confidence necessary to write a feature-length script. Our creative writing exercises will help you write short scenes for constructive peer/instructor evaluation in class.

View Enrollment Details

Books for the course

  • The Screenwriter’s Roadmap: 21 Ways to Jumpstart Your Story (1st edition)  - Required
  • Write Screenplays that Sell: The Ackerman Way  - Suggested
  • Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need  - Suggested

Learner Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Create a strong premise for your screenplay
  • Analyze film scenes from script to screen
  • Present strong pitches
  • Demonstrate basic skills to write a professionally formatted screenplay
  • Prepare up to the first ten pages of feature length screenplay
  • Define important screenwriting competitions, fellowships, and representation

Course Schedule


Introduction To Screenwriting Course Information

Contact Hours 12 hours

Course Fee(s) Tuition non-credit - $425.00

This course applies towards the following certificates:

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America's oldest poetry magazine

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Fellowships opportunities for writers.

The Writer’s Center has developed a list of writing fellowships for your reference.

Please note that this page is a reference for writers. We do not partner with the following organizations. Also, these opportunities are subject to change, so be sure to visit the websites for more information.

The Writer’s Center Compass Fellowship

What it is: Our renewed fellowship program will introduce a new writer each year to our writing family, to help guide them along the next steps on their path, with $1000 in credits toward any TWC workshops within a two-year period, a $300 cash stipend, and more.

Who’s it for: Applicants must be local in the DMV area and be able to travel to Bethesda.

The Writer’s Center says: If you’re a writer or an aspiring writer looking for where to go next, The Writer’s Center Compass Fellowship is a great place to start!

National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships

What it is: The National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships offer $25,000 grants in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry to enable creative writers to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement.

Who’s it for: To be eligible, you have to be a citizen of the United States, you can’t have received two or more fellowships from the National Endowment from the Arts, you can’t have received the creative writing fellowship on or after January 1, 2014, and you must have published a book within the last seven years.

The Writer’s Center says : This is the nationally recognized fellowship that writers are vying for every year. Note that the genres alternate each year, with prose fellowships offered in odd years, and poetry fellowships in even years.

Mother Jones’s Ben Bagdikian Fellowship

What it is: Mother Jones offers an annual fellowship program that is “a crash course in investigative journalism.” The Ben Bagdikian Fellowship is a full-time position lasting approximately one year, beginning on the first Monday in December and running through late November. Fellows receive a $3,250 monthly stipend.

Who’s it for: Those who are still in school or are only available part-time are not eligible, nor can fellowships be used for course credit. Because the first two weeks of the fellowship consist of intensive group trainings, all applicants, without exception, must be prepared to start on the first Monday in December. Mother Jones is not able to furnish work visas for applicants from outside the United States.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a demanding position that will enable participants to get significant experience in investigative journalism.

Provincetown Fine Arts Center Fellowship

What it is: The Provincetown Fine Arts Center offers 20 seven-month residencies each year to emerging visual artists, fiction writers, and poets, each of whom receive an apartment, a studio (for visual artists), and a monthly stipend of $1,000 plus an exist stipend. Residencies run from October 1 through April 30.

Who’s it for: Visual artists, fiction writers, and poets.

The Writer’s Center says : This is one of the only non-MFA programs that support writers and artists for more than a month at a time.

The Kenyon Review Fellowship

What it is: The Kenyon Review offers a two-year fellowship that comes with a $35,000+ stipend and health benefits that will enable the fellow to undertake a significant writing project; teach one class per semester in the English department of Kenyon College; assist with creative and editorial projects for the Kenyon Review ; and participate in the cultural life of Kenyon College.

Who’s it for: Applicants must possess an MFA or PhD in creative writing, English literature, or comparative literature. They must have experience teaching creative writing and/or literature at the undergraduate level.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a fantastic opportunity for early-career writers to receive time and space to write, as well as teaching experience.

The Loft’s McKnight Artist Fellowship

What it is: The Loft presents five $25,000 awards annually to accomplished Minnesota writers and spoken word artists. Four awards alternate annually between creative prose (fiction and creative nonfiction) and poetry/spoken word. The fifth award is presented in children’s literature and alternates annually for writing for ages eight and under and writing for children older than eight.

Who’s it for: Applicants must have been legal residents of Minnesota for the 12 months prior to the application deadline and must currently reside in Minnesota.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a generous grant that will enable Minnesota writers to produce more creative work.

Bucknell Stadler Fellowship

What it is: Bucknell University offers a 10-month fellowship that provides a stipend of at least $33,000 and health insurance. The program offers two distinct tracks: one a fellowship in literary editing and a fellowship in literary arts administration . Applicants can apply to one or the other. Both fellowships are designed to balance the development of professional skills with time to complete a first book of poems. Fellows serve for 20 hours each week during the academic year. The balance of the fellows’ time is reserved for writing.

Who’s it for: Poets who have recently received an MFA or MA in poetry.

The Writer’s Center says : If you are an early career poet and you aren’t interested in teaching, this is a noteworthy opportunity to get significant experience with literary arts administration or literary editing while receiving time and space to work on a poetry collection.

Nieman Fellowships

What it is: Each year, the Nieman Foundation awards paid fellowships of $75,000 to up to 24 journalists working in print, broadcast, digital, and audiovisual media. Those selected for the program spend two full semesters at Harvard auditing classes; they are also able to audit classes at other local universities including MIT and Tufts. The Nieman Foundation also provides some financial support for health insurance and childcare. Fellows are not eligible for health care insurance through Harvard University.

Who’s it for: All applicants for Nieman Fellowships must be working journalists with at least five years of full-time media experience. During the two years prior to applying, an applicant should not have participated in a fellowship lasting four months or longer.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a generous fellowship that enables journalists to deepen their knowledge in an area of interest or several areas of interest.

James Jones Fellowship

What it is: The James Jones First Novel Fellowship, in the amount of $10,000, is awarded annually to an American writer of a novel-in-progress who has not previously published a novel. The Fellowship is co-sponsored by the James Jones Literary Society and the Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing of Wilkes University.

Who’s it for: An American writer who has never published a novel. This includes self-published novels.

The Writer’s Center says : This award provides invaluable monetary support for novelists with a work in progress.

The Hodder Fellowship

What it is: The Hodder Fellowship will be given to artists and writers of exceptional promise to pursue independent projects at Princeton University during the academic year. An $86,000 stipend is provided for this 10-month appointment as a Visiting Fellow; no formal teaching is involved.

Who’s it for: Composers, choreographers, performance artists, visual artists, writers, translators, or other kinds of artists. Most successful Fellows have published a book or have similar achievements in their own fields.

The Writer’s Center says : Unlike fellowships that involve teaching or literary administration, this is a generous award for artists solely pursuing independent projects.

PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship

What it is: The Emerging Voices Fellowship provides a virtual five-month immersive mentorship program for early-career writers from communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the publishing world. The program is committed to cultivating the careers of Black writers, and serves writers who identify as Indigenous, persons of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, writers with disabilities, and those living outside of urban centers.

Who’s it for: Underrepresented early-career writers.

The Writer’s Center says : This program lifts up writers who deserve recognition, demystifying the publishing process and introducing them to editors, agents, and publishers.

Persephone Miel Fellowship

What it is: The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting will provide a grant of $5,000 for a reporting project on topics and regions of global importance, with an emphasis on issues that have gone unreported or underreported in the mainstream media.

Who’s it for: The Persephone Miel Fellowships are open to all journalists, writers, photographers, radio producers or filmmakers, staff journalists, as well as freelancers and media professionals outside the U.S. and Western Europe who are seeking to report from their home country but would like to broaden the reach of their reporting by publishing it in international outlets. Applicants must be proficient in English.

The Writer’s Center says : This grant gives a journalist an invaluable opportunity to explore an issue that goes unreported or underreported in mainstream media.

Wallace Stegner Fellowship

What it is: Stanford offers ten two-year fellowships each year, five in fiction and five in poetry. All the fellows in each genre convene weekly in a 3-hour workshop with faculty. Fellowships include a living stipend. Fellows’ tuition and health insurance are paid for by the Creative Writing Program.

Who’s it for: Candidates must live close enough to Stanford to be able to attend workshops, readings, and events.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a non-degree granting opportunity for a writer to get regular feedback from established poets and fiction writers.

Patrick Henry Writing Fellowship

What it is: The Center’s Patrick Henry History Fellowship includes a $45,000 stipend, health benefits, faculty privileges, a book allowance, and a nine-month residency (during the academic year) in a historic 18th-century house in Chestertown, Md.

Who’s it for: Applicants should have a significant project currently in progress — a book, film, oral history archive, podcast series, museum exhibition, or similar work. The project should address the history and/or legacy – broadly defined – of the U.S. founding era and/or the nation’s founding ideas. It might focus directly on early America, or on the myriad ways the questions that preoccupied the nation’s founding generation have shaped America’s later history. Work that contributes to ongoing national conversations about America’s past and present, with the potential to reach a wide public, is particularly sought.

The Writer’s Center says : This fellowship enables applicants to deeply explore a particular historical topic of Washington College’s choosing.

Scripps Fellowship

What it is: This is a non-degree, two-semester program that allows fellows to take environmental journalism classes at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Who’s it for: The fellowship is open to full-time journalists working in any medium who are interested in deepening and broadening their knowledge of environmental issues. It is aimed at outstanding journalists committed to a career in professional journalism. Applicants must have a minimum of five years of full-time professional journalism experience and have completed an undergraduate degree.

The Writer’s Center says : This is a fantastic opportunity for journalists who are interested in environmental issues.

Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing Fellowship

What it is: The Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing offers up to five internationally competitive nine-month fellowships each year. Typically, we award two fiction fellowships (the James C. McCreight Fiction Fellowship and the Carol Houck Smith Fiction Fellowship), and two poetry fellowships (the Jay C. and Ruth Halls Poetry Fellowship and the Ronald Wallace Poetry Fellowship). Additionally, the Institute offers one third-year MFA fellowship — the Hoffman-Halls Emerging Artist Fellowship — to a current student of UW-Madison, through a closed competition. Each of these fellowships carries with it a stipend of at least $39,000 paid in 9 equal installments beginning October 1, generous health benefits, and a one-course-per-semester teaching assignment in undergraduate creative writing.

Who’s it for: Applicants who have published only one full-length collection of creative writing; unpublished applicants are also eligible.

The Writer’s Center says : This fellowship gives a poet and fiction writer time and space to write, as well as teaching experience.

Grub Street’s Emerging Writer Fellowship

What it is: The Emerging Writer Fellowship aims to develop new, exciting voices by providing three writers per year tuition-free access to GrubStreet’s classes and Muse & the Marketplace conferences.

Who’s it for: Anyone over the age of 18 who demonstrates ability and passion for writing is eligible.

The Writer’s Center says : Much like The Writer’s Center Compass Fellowship, GrubStreet’s program enables writers to advance their craft while eliminating the financial barriers to entry.

Emory University Creative Writing Fellowship

What it is: Emory University offers two-year fellowships in fiction, poetry, and playwriting. The teaching load is 2-1, and the fellowship comes with a $45,000 salary and health benefits.

Who’s it for: Anyone who has received an MFA or Ph.D. in the last five years, and who has creative writing teaching experience, a record of publication, and a first book published or underway.

The Writer’s Center says : This is an opportunity for recent graduates of a creative writing program to gain teaching experience as well as space and time to work on their creative projects.

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  3. English and Creative Writing

    Join a powerful community of creative writers and thinkers. In Emory's English and Creative Writing program, you will study both art and craft of writing, alongside some of the nation's most talented students and acclaimed faculty in one of the nation's leading creative writing programs. Build your skills from idea to draft to revision—as you explore areas including fiction, nonfiction ...

  4. Creative Writing Certificate

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  6. Creative Writing

    In the Creative Writing Program at Emory students study both art and craft: the literary traditions in which they write and the elements of craft in poetry, fiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and creative nonfiction. The program fosters their development as writers, through an emphasis on reading as a writer, generating material, and revision ...

  7. The Creative Writing Program

    The Creative Writing Program. PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION IN WORD FORMAT AS ONE DOCUMENT WITH ANY REQUIRED WRITING SAMPLES ATTACHED. All majors must take one 200-level introductory workshop in prose or poetry. The same is required of non-majors who wish to take creative writing workshops, though some professors may choose to waive this ...

  8. Creative Writing Major

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  10. Course Application

    FOR CREATIVE WRITING CLASSES, Fall 2024. Applications should be submitted via email to [email protected] in Word format. If you are required to submit a writing sample, include it with your application and send as ONE Word document. Do not email instructors for permission.

  11. Fellowship Positions

    Load 1-2, all workshops; $45,000 salary, and health benefits. Fellow will give a public reading and have access to the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library, a 75,000-volume rare and modern poetry library housed at Emory. Required: MFA or PhD in the last five years, with undergraduate Creative Writing teaching experience.

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    "There are people who are thinking about getting an MFA someday and who need a writing portfolio for their applications. There are people who write for PR or marketing firms, and who have always wanted to explore their creative side." For all these different people, "the creative writing certificate is a first step," Taylor said. "It ...

  13. Emory Magazine

    Founded by Candler Professor of Renaissance Literature Frank Manley in 1990, the Emory Creative Writing Program added two gifted new voices to its ranks this fall—Joseph Skibell, whose debut novel ... Some graduates of Emory's writing program have enrolled in MFA programs at other universities, attended film school, or entered the book ...

  14. Megan Friddle, PhD

    Dr. Friddle received her MA and PhD in American Studies from Emory University's Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts after completing an MFA in English-Creative Writing at the Pennsylvania State University and a BA in Liberal Arts from Sarah Lawrence College. Her academic research has focused on narrative and self-identity in American ...

  15. Introduction To Screenwriting

    Create a strong premise for your screenplay. Analyze film scenes from script to screen. Present strong pitches. Demonstrate basic skills to write a professionally formatted screenplay. Prepare up to the first ten pages of feature length screenplay. Define important screenwriting competitions, fellowships, and representation.

  16. Fellowships

    Who's it for: Applicants must possess an MFA or PhD in creative writing, English literature, or comparative literature. They must have experience teaching creative writing and/or literature at the undergraduate level. ... Emory University Creative Writing Fellowship. What it is: Emory University offers two-year fellowships in fiction, poetry ...

  17. Considering here for Creative Writing Degree… : r/Emory

    I'm thinking about applying to Emory for college (I'm a rising senior now) to pursue a Creative Writing/ English degree. ... Emory is one of the best in the country for creative writing but I also don't believe you need a creative writing degree to become a full time author and I don't believe it would necessarily help all that much.

  18. Vanderbilt creative writing MFA student recently featured on ...

    Vanderbilt creative writing MFA student recently featured on podcast. We recently featured a student from Vanderbilt on our podcast, MFA Writers. The show is meant to be a resource for prospective applicants, as well as highlight emerging writers. There's a lot of opaqueness around the MFA application process and we aim to provide greater ...

  19. Good MFA programs for Creative Writing? : r/writing

    MFA programs are for those who want to write and publish their work, not necessarily teach. The Emerson MFA does have some classes on teaching, but an MFA isn't a teaching track degree. If you're primarily looking to teach fiction, I would recommend looking into a master's in literature. If you want to write, then MFA for sure.

  20. Flag of Elektrostal, metallurgy and heavy machinery ...

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  21. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...

  22. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  23. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.