Academic Catalog

uw eau claire essay requirements

University Graduation Requirements

Baccalaureate degrees.

All candidates for baccalaureate degrees must meet the minimum requirements summarized below. For the specific requirements of each College and each curriculum, consult the appropriate section of this catalog.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Credit Requirements
Minimum total for graduation 120
Upper division credits (courses numbered 300 and higher)39
Total2.00 average
Resident2.00 average
Major2.00 average
Minor2.00 average
Certificate2.00 average
Minimum total30
Senior year23
Major, Standard, upper division in residence12
Major, Comprehensive, upper division in residence21
Certificate25 percent of credits
Procedures Required for Graduation
Obtain admission to the degree program and/or the College offering it.
Apply for graduation on CampS.

Certain programs exceed this minimum.

See special requirements in each College.

Applicability of Credits Toward Graduation

Junior College or Two-Year College Credits.  A maximum of 72 semester credits earned in a junior college or two-year college will be accepted as degree credits at UW-Eau Claire.

Extension Credits.  Credits earned in credit outreach courses offered by UW-Eau Claire are treated as resident credits. Credits earned in extension courses offered by other units of the University of Wisconsin System are treated as transfer credits. All other (non-UW) extension and correspondence credits are normally limited to one-fourth of the total required for graduation from any curriculum.

WTCS Credits.  A maximum of 72 semester credits earned in college parallel programs at Madison Area Technical College, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Nicolet Area Technical College, or Chippewa Valley Technical College may be accepted as degree credits at UW-Eau Claire. A set number of general education courses will be accepted from other technical schools. Occupational and technical courses may also be considered for transfer if the quality and content of the course work from the technical college is judged to be comparable to course work at UW-Eau Claire. Refer to the  Transfer Credit Wizard  or contact the UW-Eau Claire Admissions Office for information about the current transfer policy.

USAFI Credit.  UW-Eau Claire will accept up to 32 semester credits for work done through the United States Armed Forces Institute, under the provision for non-UW correspondence credit (see Extension Credits above).

Activity Credit (band, chorus, drama, KINS 100-184 courses)  Students may count toward graduation no more than one credit of KINS 110-184 courses. Students may count toward graduation no more than four credits earned in any single activity course and no more than 12 credits resulting from any combination of activity courses (excluding KINS 110-184 courses). 

Other Restricted Credits.  For other University restrictions, see the following: Cooperative Education; Credit by Examination; Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Registration; Transfer of Credits. College or departmental restrictions may also be placed on Independent Study (399-499 courses), Directed Study (395-495), and other types of credits.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Total degree creditmaximum 12
Major, Standardmaximum 1 course
Major, Comprehensivemaximum 2 courses
Minormaximum 1 course
Credit by Examination
Total degree creditmaximum ¼ of total
Major or minormaximum ½ of total
Two-Year College Credits
Total degree creditmaximum 72 credits
Activity credit (band, chorus, drama, KINS 100-184)
Total KINS 100-184maximum 1 credit
Total Band, chorus, dramamaximum 12 credits
Single course band, chorus, dramamaximum 4 credits
Extension credits
UW-Systemno maximum
Other extension/correspondencemaximum ¼ of total
USAFImaximum 32 credits

Liberal Education Core

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire measures learning outcomes to ensure that its graduates have achieved a liberal education and prepared themselves to contribute to a complex society. Upon graduation, each undergraduate will have met the five learning goals of our liberal education core and the 12 learning outcomes they comprise. 

Course List
Code Title Credits
Knowledge Goal
Two (2) learning experiences
Two (2) learning experiences
Two (2) learning experiences
One (1) learning experience
Skills Goal
Two (2) learning experiences
One (1) learning experience
One (1) learning experience
Responsibility Goal
Two (2) learning experiences
One (1) learning experience
One (1) learning experience
Integration Goal
Two (2) learning experiences
Service-Learning Goal
30 hours

Liberal Education Outcomes

The Liberal Education Core is designed to develop in students the skills, knowledge and values they will need to engage with highly diverse communities in a global society. Through the liberal education core, UWEC hopes to foster in every student the ability to think with intellectual rigor, creativity, and independence, to integrate and apply their knowledge, and to act as humane, thoughtful leaders in the community, the workplace, and the world of ideas. By beginning with the liberal education core and working toward its learning outcomes, students establish a strong, broad foundation around which they will build a rich baccalaureate program. Students can complete the liberal education core requirements both by taking courses and by engaging in out-of-the-classroom learning experiences.

Note:  A learning experience comprises specific combinations of learning resources, tools, and activities guided by pedagogical models through which one can identify, to a certain extent, what one has learned. Learning experiences that fulfill students’ liberal education core requirements include both courses and non-course activities. Examples include traditional classroom instruction as well as out-of-the-classroom engagements such as First-Year Seminars and Experiences, Living-Learning Communities, Student-Faculty Collaborative Research, Study and Research Abroad, and Service-Learning. 

Knowledge Goal:

Build knowledge and awareness of diverse peoples and cultures and of the natural and physical world through the study of arts, histories, humanities, languages, mathematics, sciences and technologies, and social sciences.

Knowledge 1 (K1) Natural Sciences : Describe and evaluate models of the natural and physical world through collection and scientific analysis of data, and through the use of mathematical or computational methods. Two learning experiences required. One experience in laboratory science must be selected from either Knowledge 1 or Knowledge 2. Knowledge 2 (K2) Social Sciences : Use knowledge, theories, methods, and historical perspectives appropriate to the social sciences to explain and evaluate human behavior and social institutions. Two learning experiences required. One experience in laboratory science must be selected from either Knowledge 1 or Knowledge 2. Knowledge 3 (K3) Humanities : Use knowledge, historical perspectives, analysis, interpretation, critical evaluation, and the standards of evidence appropriate to the humanities to address problems and explore questions. Two learning experiences required. Knowledge 4 (K4) Fine Arts : Use knowledge, historical perspectives, theories, or methods appropriate to the arts to describe their context, function and impact. One learning experience required.

Skills Goal: 

Develop intellectual and practical skills , including, for example, inquiry and analysis, critical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, quantitative literacy, information literacy, and teamwork and problem solving.

Skills 1 (S1) Written and Oral Communication : Write, read, speak, and listen effectively in various contexts using a variety of means including appropriate information sources and technologies. Two learning experiences required, one of which must meet the University Writing Requirement . Skills 2 (S2) Mathematics : Use mathematical, computational, statistical, or formal reasoning to solve problems, draw inferences, and determine the validity of stated claims. One learning experience required to meet the University Mathematics Requirement . Students are encouraged to satisfy this requirement by the end of the sophomore year. Skills 3 (S3) Creativity : Create original work, perform original work, or interpret the work of others. One learning experience required, which could be satisfied within a major.

Responsibility Goal:

Apply personal and social responsibility for active citizenship and develop skills needed to thrive in a pluralistic and globally interdependent world.

Responsibility 1 (R1) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity : Use critical and analytical skills to evaluate assumptions and challenge existing structures in ways that respect diversity and foster equity and inclusivity. Two learning experiences required, one of which must satisfy the UW System Design for Diversity  requirement. Responsibility 2 (R2) Global Perspectives : Evaluate the impact of systems, institutions and issues in local and global contexts and across cultures. One learning experience required. Responsibility 3 (R3) Civic and Environmental Issues : Use critical and creative thinking to address civic, social, and environmental challenges. One learning experience required.

Integration Goal:

Integrate learning across courses and disciplines, and between campus and community life.

Integration (I1) Integration : Apply knowledge, skills or responsibilities gained in one academic or experiential context to other contexts. Two learning experiences required, one of which could be satisfied within a major.

Service-Learning Goal:

Students will demonstrate learning through service to their community by applying skills and knowledge gained through university coursework and/or experiences.

30 hours are required to complete Service-Learning .

University Writing Requirement

Students satisfy the University Writing Requirement in one of four ways:

  • completing a Blugold Seminar in Critical Reading and Writing course ( WRIT 102 ,  WRIT 114 , WRIT 116 , WRIT 118 , or WRIT 120 ) with a grade of C (not C-) or above
  • achieving a suitable score on the English Placement Test (WPT ENGL)
  • achieving a suitable score on an exam such as the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition or Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exams
  • achieving a suitable score on the University Writing Program Portfolio. 

All students are encouraged to satisfy the University Writing Requirement before the completion of the sophomore year.

University Mathematics Requirement

Students satisfy the University Mathematics Requirement in one of four ways:

  • completing an approved university-level mathematics course ( S2 ) with a grade of C (not C-) or above
  • achieving a suitable score on the UW Math Placement Test
  • achieving a suitable score on an exam such as the Advanced Placement Calculus or Advanced Placement Statistics exams
  • achieving a suitable score on a Credit by Examination administered by the Department of Mathematics.   

All students are encouraged to satisfy the University Mathematics Requirement before the completion of the sophomore year.

Design for Diversity

Two learning experiences are required to fulfill the Responsibility 1  Outcome (R1): Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity requirement. One three credit learning experience must address one or more of the following groups: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, and/or Asian Americans, in order to fulfill the UW System  Design for Diversity  requirement. Some Colleges have identified specific courses that fulfill the requirement for their majors. Students should consult with their advisors for details.


All candidates for the baccalaureate degree at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire must satisfactorily complete 30 hours of approved service-learning activity. This requirement is intended to provide students with an opportunity to serve their community, apply knowledge gained in the classroom, enhance their critical thinking skills and become informed, active, and responsible citizens.

A Service-Learning Guidebook is available on the Service-Learning website, which outlines the UW-Eau Claire service-learning mission and graduation requirement, and describes the procedures for completion of the requirement. This information is provided to assist students, faculty/staff members, and community project supervisors in designing and undertaking projects that provide both rich experiences for UW-Eau Claire students and substantial benefits for the community.

Students can meet the service-learning requirements in one of three ways:

Non-credit Option:  A student may fulfill the service-learning requirement—without receiving course credit—through work with an on-campus group or off-campus community organization. To fulfill the requirement under this option, students must work with the Center for Service-Learning by filling out an online application. Students may complete projects in the Eau Claire area or elsewhere, individually or in groups, and during the academic year or over break periods. Projects sponsored by local organizations (“community partners”) are posted on the Center for Service-Learning website. Students may also devise their own projects. The Center for Service-Learning must approve a noncredit option project before the student begins the project.

A student pursuing a noncredit option must work with:

  • A community partner supervisor who approves the student's service-learning project proposal, provides orientation and training for the student's project and fills out an evaluation at the end of the student's service hours.
  • A faculty or academic staff mentor who also approves the student's service-learning project proposal, helps establish learning objectives, and assists the student in attaining those objectives. The mentor also facilitates the student’s reflection upon completion of the project, and certifies the student has met the service-learning requirement.

Military Service: Students in active military service or with an honorable or general discharge from military service are presumed to have met the service-learning graduation requirement. Evidence of military service is provided to the Veterans and Military Education Benefits Office in Blugold Central through a copy of a D.D. 214, D.D. 220, or a transcript from the ACE registry.

Credit Option :

Academic Major:  Students in some majors (such as education, nursing and social work) will fulfill the service-learning requirement through course work required for their major. Students should consult their advisors to determine if this option applies to them.

Selected Course:  A student may complete a course designated in this catalog or the current Class Schedule as satisfying one-half (15 hours) or the full (30 hours) service-learning requirement. In some courses, the service-learning activity may be optional.

Students seeking more information about the service-learning requirement should consult their advisors or contact the Center for Service-Learning.

Academic Concentrations

Each candidate for a baccalaureate degree must present one of the following:

  • Comprehensive major (at least 60 credits)
  • Another standard major (at least 36 credits), or
  • A minor (at least 24 credits), or
  • A certificate (12-18 credits)

Acceptable academic program combinations will be determined at the college level.

A student may present for graduation only those majors, minors, and/or certificates authorized by the faculty of the College in which the degree program is offered. Any deviation from published requirements in any curriculum must have written approval of the Associate Dean of the College from which the student is to be graduated.

Grade Point Requirements

Eligibility for graduation is based upon two GPAs, resident and total:

Resident GPA:  The GPA computed on all UW-Eau Claire course work.

Total GPA:  The GPA computed on all UW-Eau Claire course work and all transferable course work taken elsewhere.

The Resident and Total GPAs are identical for the student who has completed all course work at UW-Eau Claire. In both computations, GPAs must meet all minimum standards.

A minimum total GPA of 2.00 and a minimum resident GPA of 2.00 is required for graduation from all curricula. Individual Colleges may set higher grade point requirements. These are published, as appropriate, in the College sections of this catalog.

Major, Minor, Certificate.  Minimum resident and total GPAs of 2.00 are required in the major, minor and certificate. Colleges of the University may set specific requirements for GPAs in their majors, minors, and certificates. Colleges may also require that GPAs in the major, minor, and certificate be computed on all applicable courses attempted by the student in the respective areas.

University Residency Requirements

Resident credit is earned by enrolling in UW-Eau Claire courses, both on and off campus.

Minimum total.  Residence of one year (30 semester credits) is required of all candidates for baccalaureate degrees.

Senior year.  Twenty-three of the last 30 credits prior to graduation from any curriculum must be earned in residence unless special arrangements have been made by petition to the Associate Dean of the College.

Major.  At least 12 credits of the upper-division work (300- to 400- level courses) required in a standard major, and 21 in a comprehensive major, must be taken in residence.

Certificate.  At least 25 percent of the credits applied to the certificate program requirements must be taken in residence.

Credits earned through the National Student Exchange Program, the Health Care practicum, internships, study abroad opportunities, and UW-Eau Claire Internet courses are counted as resident credits.

Admission to a College or Program

Admission to the University does not necessarily constitute admission to a particular College or to a degree curriculum offered by a College. Each of the Colleges may set specific admission requirements and procedures, which will be found in the appropriate section of this catalog. As one step toward their degrees, students must be admitted to the College and/or program from which they expect to graduate.

Application for Graduation

Each candidate for a baccalaureate degree must apply for graduation via CampS by the end of the first week of undergraduate priority registration for the semester of intended graduation. Failure to apply for graduation on time may result in the postponement of graduation. Although only two commencement ceremonies are held—May and December, students may graduate in May, August, December, or January.

Please note that UW-Eau Claire Barron County has one graduation ceremony held in May.

Degree Planning

Students should consult their academic advisors and develop degree plans as early as possible, so that requirements can be met without delaying graduation. A student may view a Degree Audit at any time on CampS . This audit monitors the progress which the student is making toward the declared degree. The Audit is a tool designed to assist the student in course planning. Final confirmation of degree requirements is subject to department, college, and university approval.

A Degree Audit is not designed to serve as a contract—only to provide assistance to the student in planning. Final approval of degree requirements resides with Academic Affairs, but responsibility for meeting these requirements rests primarily upon the individual student.

Catalog Base for Degree Plan . In planning their degree programs, students must follow the curricular requirements of the catalog under which they entered UW-Eau Claire or upon notification to their department of a more recent catalog. Students who are absent from the University for two or more consecutive semesters must follow the catalog in effect at the time of their re-entry. Since Degree Audits are computer-generated reports applying an individual student’s enrollment history to degree requirements as stated in the catalog, any deviation from published requirements for the degree must be authorized by a waiver/substitution form signed by the student’s dean.

NOTE: Transfers who enter UW-Eau Claire within two consecutive semesters of leaving another institution may use the catalog in effect at UW-Eau Claire at the time they entered the prior institution; however, transfers should check with their advisors to ensure that programs listed in the catalog they entered on are still available to students. 

Commencement Exercises

Candidates for graduation are encouraged to attend commencement ceremonies, which are held two times during the calendar year: at the close of the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Caps and gowns must be worn by all graduates.

In order to participate in a commencement ceremony, students must file an application for graduation and must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • completion of all requirements for the bachelor’s or graduate degree, or
  • current enrollment in the courses necessary to complete all requirements.

Students who will complete all requirements for the degree during the first Three-Week Summer Session are August graduates, but may request permission to attend the May commencement ceremony. Students completing all requirements for the degree in January may attend the prior December ceremony; and students completing all requirements in August may attend the following December ceremony.

Graduation with Distinction

Graduation with distinction is conferred at commencement exercises upon eligible students earning a first or second baccalaureate or associate degree. Eligibility is based on both the resident and the total GPAs as defined under Grade Point Requirements. A student must earn in both computations (resident and total GPAs) the minimum GPA required at each of the three levels of distinction listed below and a minimum of 30 credits in residence to be eligible:

Class Level
Level Semester Credits
Summa Cum Laude at least 3.80
Magna Cum Laude at least 3.50
Cum Laude at least 3.20

The announcement of graduation with distinction made at the commencement ceremony is based on all work completed prior to the student’s final semester; however, the actual conferral of graduation with distinction will be based on the student’s entire record, including the final semester.

Second Baccalaureate Degree

A graduate who has earned a baccalaureate degree from UW-Eau Claire or another accredited college or university can earn a second baccalaureate degree.

Students who are declared as a double major may not obtain a second baccalaureate degree.

Students who are seeking a second baccalaureate degree should contact the Financial Aid Office to review how this process will affect their financial aid.

It is presumed that the University liberal education core requirements are satisfied by the completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Two degrees may not be awarded in the same term.

The GPA for the second degree will be calculated based on the course work that was completed after graduation from the first baccalaureate degree.

Academic distinction for the second baccalaureate degree is computed based on the credits earned toward the completion of the second degree.

A candidate for a second baccalaureate degree from UW-Eau Claire must satisfy the following graduation requirements:

  • Be admitted to the second baccalaureate degree after completion of the first baccalaureate degree from UW-Eau Claire or another college or university;
  • Have their transcripts reviewed and their plan of study approved by the Associate Dean for the college from which they are seeking the second degree;
  • Obtain 30 credits beyond the first degree, of which at least 23 must be taken in residence;
  • Satisfy all major/minor and other degree-specific requirements of the second degree;
  • Satisfy the UW System Design for Diversity requirement.

Completion After Graduation

Students may, after graduating with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, complete an additional major or minor. Students may apply for readmission to UW-Eau Claire or apply as a special student. When all course work—which must be taken at UW-Eau Claire—toward the additional major or minor program has been completed, students should contact the Registrar’s Office to initiate a review of the additional information. A statement in the memorandum area of the transcript will be added, noting the completion of such, with the date of completion.

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  • University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire GPA Requirements

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire SAT Requirements

University of wisconsin-eau claire act requirements.

  • What University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire looks for in applicants
  • University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Requirements - General Application
  • How to Differentiate Your Application & Get In
  • Chances Calculator
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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: 2024 Requirements, Scores & GPAs

This is the go-to guide for getting into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. We suggest you read until the end... Not only will we layout the exact GPA and test scores you should aim for when applying to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, but we’ll also offer creative ways to help your application stand out from the pack. We breakdown University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire statistics better than any article out there and show you how these have changed over time. Also, make sure to check out University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire on CampusReel to see what it’s really like here . If you're interesting in transferring to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the read our transfer guide. You can also use the below calculator to help determine your likelihood of acceptance at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

This free college chances tool calculates your acceptance chances at any other U.S. college

Please note all chances are estimates based on test score and GPA averages.

What GPA Do You Need To Get Into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire?

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s average GPA is 3.44. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire does require GPA. This average GPA means University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is very selective. Often times, schools in this range are trying to increase their selectivity and “prestige”. We can’t read the minds of University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire application readers, but they likely want to increase the average GPA from 3.44 to 3.61 this year - to play it safe, we recommend striving for the 3.61 GPA.

*BEFORE CONTINUING PLEASE NOTE: GPA and “prestige” DO NOT mean a college is right for you. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire may seem amazing on paper, but you may hate it... That’s why 700,000 students transfer colleges every year - they end up going to the wrong school. It’s crucial to watch the videos on CampusReel and make sure you can envision yourself on University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s campus. These University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire admission statistics do not sufficiently tell you what a college or university is like.

What Is University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Acceptance Rate?

Last year University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s acceptance rate was 85.2. However, check out how the acceptance rate has changed over time.

As you can see, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is a little easier to get into than last year.

Acceptance rate alone does not indicate your likelihood for getting into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - it’s a very high level understanding of the true competition. Use the acceptance rate as a general guide for curating a list of 10-15 schools that fall into different ranges of competitiveness. Then, use the below data to get a deeper understanding of how your application will compare to the rest of the pool.

2016 2017 2018
Acceptance Rate 78.0 % 76.0 % 85.2 %

Will You Get Into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire?

Does university of wisconsin-eau claire require test scores.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire requires that you either take the SAT or ACT. See the table below for how University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s accepted students have performed on both tests. You may be wondering how many test scores should you submit. Generally, don’t freak out about taking the test too often. Industry consensus is that you can submit up to 6 tests as a reasonable limit.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s average SAT score is 1145 - this is the sum of the math and reading portions of the SAT (the 1600 scale). Check out the below table for a deeper look into how students performed - it’s also very interesting to look at the average test score over time. The trend over time helps give insight into whether University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is getting more or less competitive.

25th Percentile 75th Percentile Average
Math 530 620 575
Reading 510 630 570
2019 Total 1040 1250 1145
2018 Total - - -
2017 Total - - -

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s average SAT score is 1145. To be a competitive applicant for University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire your SAT score should come close to the average. If you’re closer to the 1040, you’re likely going to have a tougher time getting accepted. To consider University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire a “target” school (one that you are likely to get into) you should aim for a score of 1250.

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s average ACT score is 70. To be a competitive applicant for University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire your ACT score should come close to the average. If you’re closer to the 63, you’re likely going to have a tougher time getting accepted. To consider University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire a “target” school (one that you have a good chance of getting into) you should aim for a score of 78.

25th Percentile 75th Percentile Average
Math 20 26 23
Reading 21 26 23
Writing 22 26 24
2019 Total 63 78 70
2018 Total - - -
2017 Total - - -

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Requirements

Now you know where you need to be for getting into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire from a grade and test score perspective. Let’s quickly outline what else you’ll need to provide for your application to get reviewed, and then we’ll move onto the most important section: differentiating your app.

Recommendations Status
School Rank Required
GPA Required
School Record Required

How to get into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Follow these steps to maximize your chances of getting into University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Everything you read above will help prepare you for what you need to achieve to have a shot at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, but these steps will take you even further in applying that knowledge and differentiating your application.

Main Academic Excellence that is in line with University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire admission standards.

  • Score at least a 1145 on the SAT or 70 on the ACT.
  • Maintain a GPA of at least a 3.44.

Join Extracurriculars that Align with University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Values.

  • Join your school band, a sports team or another group activity. If University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire values music heavily, for example, then try to participate in an organization related to that topic.
  • Volunteer in your hometown. Eau Claire has tons of ways to be involved beyond just the college. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire wants applicants that are also good ambassadors for the school - they want students who will give back to the local community and broader Eau Claire area in general.
  • Spend your summer doing something that speaks to your values, personal growth, leadership qualities and other less quantifiable characteristics. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire needs to see past your test scores and grades - they need to know that you will be a valuable and contributing member of their community. You are more than grades and test scores - your experiences should demonstrate that.

Prepare Your Application

  • Write a stellar essay that shows University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire something they can’t figure out from the other parts of your application. For a detailed guide on writing the best college essay, check this out.
  • Get teacher recs that speak to your character. If you know what you’re majoring in and include that in your University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire app, try to have at least 1 recommendation from a teacher in that department.
  • Apply Before the Deadline. Too many students wait until the last minute to submit their application, and too much can go wrong during this precious time window. Since many students are applying on the last day, it’s possible that University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s own system crashes. Don’t risk the added stress this can cause - submit your app a few days early.

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College Grid: sat, act, gpa, and other school info

This college guide uses the most recent data available provided by the U.S. Department of Education. This information was last updated on October 10th, 2023.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Admission Requirements Guide

Whether you’re just starting to consider University of Wisconsin Eau Claire as an option or are well into the application process, this guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire undergraduate admission requirements. After reading this guide, you will understand what needs to be done to maximize your chances of being admitted to this institution’s undergraduate program.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Acceptance Rate

For the most recent class, the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire acceptance rate was 84.36%. While odds of being accepted into this university are favorable, it is still important to follow the admission requirements. Neglecting to include even one required component could result in University of Wisconsin Eau Claire discarding your application without offering you a chance to resubmit. On that note, let’s discuss these key requirements.

uw eau claire essay requirements

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire SAT Score Requirements

The SAT is a standardized test that measures college readiness and educational foundation. The SAT has been used for nearly 100 years to test prospective students in mathematics, reading, writing, and language. Here are the SAT metrics to take into account when applying to University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Average SAT Scores

When looking at the undergraduate students who were in the most recently admitted class, the average University of Wisconsin Eau Claire SAT Score was 1170.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire ACT Score Requirements

The ACT was founded in 1969 and serves as another college readiness measurement tool. The four subject areas are: English, mathematics, reading, and science. Here are the details regarding University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s ACT Requirements.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Average ACT Scores

When examining the most recently accepted undergraduate class, the median ACT Score for University of Wisconsin Eau Claire is 24.

Here is an updated range of University of Wisconsin Eau Claire ACT scores segmented by the three sections of the exam: English, Math, and Writing.

 25th PercentileMedian        75th Percentile
Math19 23 26
Writing 788

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Application Requirements

Does university of wisconsin eau claire use the common app.

Like most major U.S. schools, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire does use the Common Application for their admissions process. The Common App is a unified application that prospective students use to apply to undergraduate colleges and universities. It allows applicants to use a single application that can be sent to as many colleges as they apply to, instead of repeatedly inputting the same demographic and academic information per school. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire may request additional materials, such as supplemental essays and questions, but the primary application structure remains the same.

Does University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Require Letters of Recommendation?

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire does not require a letter of recommendation from a teacher. Even though it’s not required, you are allowed to submit a teacher recommendation letter as supplemental material in your application. It is highly recommended that you do so, especially if you have a strong relationship with a teacher who is willing to attest to your academic and interpersonal skills.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Application Checklist

See our application checklist for University of Wisconsin Eau Claire below to ensure you complete and submit the proper materials.

Required Application Materials:

  • Completed Common App
  • Standardized Test Scores, such as the SAT or ACT
  • Personal Statement (College Essay)
  • University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Application Fee or Fee Waiver
  • Academic Transcripts (at the time of submission and when senior year first semester grades are released)

Optional Application Materials:

  • Additional Recommendation Letters (Teacher Evaluations)

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Facts & Frequently Asked Questions

Is university of wisconsin eau claire public or private.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire is a public university. This institution primarily receives funding from WI state taxes and student tuition. Public colleges also tend to designate substantially different tuition rates for in-state students as compared to out-of-state students.

How Many Students Does University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Have?

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s student body is made up of 10093 undergraduate degree-seeking students, according to our latest data. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire offers the benefits of both large and small schools. The class sizes and student to faculty ratios are much lower than what a large school would have, and yet the college still offers a variety of options to network and get to know your professors.

How do I apply to University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

Make sure you have all of the required application materials we covered on hand. You can learn more about the application process for this particular institution at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s Website.

Where is University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire is located in Eau Claire, WI. To visualize where University of Wisconsin Eau Claire’s campus is based in relation to Eau Claire’s downtown area and landmarks, take a look at the interactive map below.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Campus Map

Final Thoughts on Applying to University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

Hopefully this guide helped you to learn more about the admissions requirements for University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. When applying to colleges, remember to keep in mind that not every school will be a good fit. Take the time to evaluate what’s most important to you, such as the school’s academic opportunities, financial aid benefits, and location. All of the application components we covered are important – take your time to put your best foot forward. The College Grid team wishes you the best of luck on your college applications!

Sydney Janssen

Sydney Janssen

As a valedictorian in high school, I developed a strong passion for learning and pushing myself to achieve academic success. Now, as a first-generation college graduate, I'm excited to share my experiences and insights with others who may be navigating similar paths through College Grid.

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University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Requirements for Admission

What are University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things:

  • GPA requirements
  • Testing requirements, including SAT and ACT requirements
  • Application requirements

In this guide we'll cover what you need to get into University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire and build a strong application.

School location: Eau Claire, WI

Admissions Rate: 85.2%

If you want to get in, the first thing to look at is the acceptance rate. This tells you how competitive the school is and how serious their requirements are.

The acceptance rate at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is 85.2% . For every 100 applicants, 85 are admitted.

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This means the school is lightly selective . The school will have their expected requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores. If you meet their requirements, you're almost certain to get an offer of admission. But if you don't meet University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire's requirements, you'll be one of the unlucky few people who gets rejected.

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We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies . We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools , from state colleges to the Ivy League.

We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools.

Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire GPA Requirements

Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected.

The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students.

Average GPA: 3.6

The average GPA at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is 3.6 .

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(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

With a GPA of 3.6, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need at least a mix of A's and B's, with more A's than B's. You can compensate for a lower GPA with harder classes, like AP or IB classes. This will show that you're able to handle more difficult academics than the average high school student.

SAT and ACT Requirements

Each school has different requirements for standardized testing. Only a few schools require the SAT or ACT, but many consider your scores if you choose to submit them.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire hasn't explicitly named a policy on SAT/ACT requirements, but because it's published average SAT or ACT scores (we'll cover this next), it's likely test flexible. Typically, these schools say, "if you feel your SAT or ACT score represents you well as a student, submit them. Otherwise, don't."

Despite this policy, the truth is that most students still take the SAT or ACT, and most applicants to University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire will submit their scores. If you don't submit scores, you'll have one fewer dimension to show that you're worthy of being admitted, compared to other students. We therefore recommend that you consider taking the SAT or ACT, and doing well.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire SAT Requirements

Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. This is based on the school's average score.

Average SAT: 1150

The average SAT score composite at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is a 1150 on the 1600 SAT scale.

This score makes University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Competitive for SAT test scores.

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University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT)

The 25th percentile SAT score is 1120, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1300. In other words, a 1120 on the SAT places you below average, while a 1300 will move you up to above average .

Here's the breakdown of SAT scores by section:


SAT Score Choice Policy

The Score Choice policy at your school is an important part of your testing strategy.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire has the Score Choice policy of "Highest Section."

This is also known as "superscoring." This means that you can choose which SAT tests you want to send to the school. Of all the scores they receive, your application readers will consider your highest section scores across all SAT test dates you submit .

Click below to learn more about how superscoring critically affects your test strategy.

For example, say you submit the following 3 test scores:

Section R+W Math Composite
700 300 1000
300 700 1000
300 300 600
700 700 1400

Even though the highest total you scored on any one test date was 1000, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire will take your highest section score from all your test dates, then combine them to form your Superscore. You can raise your composite score from 1000 to 1400 in this example.

This is important for your testing strategy. Because you can choose which tests to send in, and University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire forms your Superscore, you can take the SAT as many times as you want, then submit only the tests that give you the highest Superscore. Your application readers will only see that one score.

Therefore, if your SAT superscore is currently below a 1120, we strongly recommend that you consider prepping for the SAT and retaking it . You have a very good chance of raising your score, which will significantly boost your chances of getting in.

Even better, because of the Superscore, you can focus all your energy on a single section at a time. If your Reading score is lower than your other sections, prep only for the Reading section, then take the SAT. Then focus on Math for the next test, and so on. This will give you the highest Superscore possible.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire ACT Requirements

Just like for the SAT, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire likely doesn't have a hard ACT cutoff, but if you score too low, your application will get tossed in the trash.

Average ACT: 24

The average ACT score at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is 24. This score makes University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Moderately Competitive for ACT scores.

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The 25th percentile ACT score is 21, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 27.

ACT Score Sending Policy

If you're taking the ACT as opposed to the SAT, you have a huge advantage in how you send scores, and this dramatically affects your testing strategy.

Here it is: when you send ACT scores to colleges, you have absolute control over which tests you send. You could take 10 tests, and only send your highest one. This is unlike the SAT, where many schools require you to send all your tests ever taken.

This means that you have more chances than you think to improve your ACT score. To try to aim for the school's ACT requirement of 21 and above, you should try to take the ACT as many times as you can. When you have the final score that you're happy with, you can then send only that score to all your schools.

ACT Superscore Policy

By and large, most colleges do not superscore the ACT. (Superscore means that the school takes your best section scores from all the test dates you submit, and then combines them into the best possible composite score). Thus, most schools will just take your highest ACT score from a single sitting.

We weren't able to find the school's exact ACT policy, which most likely means that it does not Superscore. Regardless, you can choose your single best ACT score to send in to University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, so you should prep until you reach our recommended target ACT score of 21.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

SAT/ACT Writing Section Requirements

Currently, only the ACT has an optional essay section that all students can take. The SAT used to also have an optional Essay section, but since June 2021, this has been discontinued unless you are taking the test as part of school-day testing in a few states. Because of this, no school requires the SAT Essay or ACT Writing section, but some schools do recommend certain students submit their results if they have them.

University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

Final Admissions Verdict

Because this school is lightly selective, you have a great shot at getting in, as long as you don't fall well below average . Aim for a 1120 SAT or a 21 ACT or higher, and you'll almost certainly get an offer of admission. As long as you meet the rest of the application requirements below, you'll be a shoo-in.

But if you score below our recommended target score, you may be one of the very few unlucky people to get rejected.

Admissions Calculator

Here's our custom admissions calculator. Plug in your numbers to see what your chances of getting in are. Pick your test: SAT ACT

  • 80-100%: Safety school: Strong chance of getting in
  • 50-80%: More likely than not getting in
  • 20-50%: Lower but still good chance of getting in
  • 5-20%: Reach school: Unlikely to get in, but still have a shot
  • 0-5%: Hard reach school: Very difficult to get in

How would your chances improve with a better score?

Take your current SAT score and add 160 points (or take your ACT score and add 4 points) to the calculator above. See how much your chances improve?

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Application Requirements

Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. Many schools, as explained above, also require SAT and ACT scores, as well as letters of recommendation, application essays, and interviews. We'll cover the exact requirements of University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire here.

Application Requirements Overview

  • Common Application Not accepted
  • Electronic Application Available
  • Essay or Personal Statement Required for all freshmen
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Interview Not required
  • Application Fee $25
  • Fee Waiver Available? Available
  • Other Notes

Testing Requirements

  • SAT or ACT Considered if submitted
  • SAT Essay or ACT Writing Optional
  • SAT Subject Tests
  • Scores Due in Office June 1

Coursework Requirements

  • Subject Required Years
  • Foreign Language 2
  • Social Studies 3
  • Electives 4

Deadlines and Early Admissions

  • Offered? Deadline Notification
  • Yes August 1 August 1

Admissions Office Information

  • Address: 105 Eau Claire, WI 54701
  • Phone: (715) 836-4636 x4636
  • Fax: (715) 836-2380
  • Email: [email protected]

Other Schools For You

If you're interested in University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, you'll probably be interested in these schools as well. We've divided them into 3 categories depending on how hard they are to get into, relative to University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.

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Reach Schools: Harder to Get Into

These schools are have higher average SAT scores than University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. If you improve your SAT score, you'll be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Davis, CA 1280 28
Eugene, OR 1253 27
Tucson, AZ 1245 25
Philadelphia, PA 1241 28
Tuscaloosa, AL 1225 26
Cincinnati, OH 1223 26
Norman, OK 1210 26

image description

Same Level: Equally Hard to Get Into

If you're competitive for University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, these schools will offer you a similar chance of admission.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Indianapolis, IN 1161 25
Denton, TX 1160 23
Arlington, TX 1160 23
Miami, FL 1159 24
Long Beach, CA 1145 23
San Jose, CA 1145 23
Fort Myers, FL 1135 29

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Safety Schools: Easier to Get Into

If you're currently competitive for University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, you should have no problem getting into these schools. If University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is currently out of your reach, you might already be competitive for these schools.

School Name Location SAT Avg ACT Avg
Greenville, NC 1105 22
Tallahassee, FL 1105 21
San Marcos, TX 1080 23
Hampton, VA 1059 22
El Paso, TX 1040 20
Northridge, CA 1030 19
Union, NJ 990 20

Data on this page is sourced from Peterson's Databases © 2023 (Peterson's LLC. All rights reserved.) as well as additional publicly available sources.

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uw eau claire essay requirements

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

  • Cost & scholarships
  • Essay prompt

Acceptance Rate

Average SAT

SAT 25th-75th

Students Submitting SAT

Average (25th - 75th)

Reading and Writing

Average ACT

ACT 25th-75th

Students Submitting ACT

Wondering your admission chance to this school? Calculate your chance now

Applications, how to apply, tests typically submitted, similar schools.

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University of Wisconsin [UWEC] Admissions: Acceptance Rate, Requirements, Deadlines, Application Process

uw eau claire essay requirements

Veda Burman

Admission at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (UWEC) opens for a variety of 115 undergraduate major and minor programs and about 10 graduate programs through its four degree-granting schools. The university manifests a lightly competitive admission policy, with an acceptance rate of  89%.  The university presently houses over 10,000 students  with an international population of 5% .

Students may apply to the plethora of  programs at University of Wisconsin  using the UWEC-specific application or UW System application. International applicants have to follow the same application procedure as domestic applicants, however, they are required to submit proof of English language proficiency. Admission to the university requires  SAT  or ACT scores mandatory. Prospective international students must have a GMAT score of at least 475 to get considered for an MBA. All the non-US citizens need to submit the completed International Financial Certification Form.

University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Highlights

Application Portal Undergraduate: UWEC-specific application OR UW System application; Graduate: UW System application
Acceptance Rate 89%
Application Fee Undergraduate: 25 USD ; Graduate: 56 USD
 Range 1040 – 1250
 Range 22 – 27
Average High School Gpa 3.44
Financial Aid Academic and need based financial aids are awarded
Intake Seasons Fall and Spring

University of Wisconsin– Eau Claire Admission Deadline

Prospective students seeking admission at the University of Wisconsin must submit their applications prior to these dates and must take note of the following dates imperative for admission:

Course Dates
Undergraduate (same for domestic and international students) June 1 for fall admission
November 1 for spring admission.
International applicants
Priority Deadline for Fall December 1
Regular Deadline (consideration on space-available basis) February 1
Priority Deadline for Scholarships December 1

University Of Wisconsin– Eau Claire International Admissions

International students who are eager to seek admission at University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire have a few additional requirements depending on their country’s education system. To be evaluated for admission the following basic documents must be submitted:

Application portal:  Online (for UG students); UW System application (for graduate students)

Application fees:  25 USD (for UG courses); 56 USD (for graduate courses)

Other documents required at the time of admission include:

  • Official high school transcript
  • Financial verification form
  • Official TOEFL or IELTS scores
  • Official SAT/ ACT scores
  • Confirmation of financial support
  • Official bank statement proving appropriate funding
  • Copy of passport
  • I-20 Application

English Proficiency Requirements

Admission at University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire requires international students to take various English Proficiency Tests like TOEFL  iBT or IELTS. The university approves the following minimum scores:

  • TOEFL iBT : 75 for UG and 79 for PG
  • IELTS : 6 for UG and 7 for PG

Visa Process For International Students

International Students who are willing to seek admission into a degree program at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire are required to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status (Form I-20) to enter and/or remain in the U.S. as an F-1 student. The United States government requires all international applicants to provide proof of their ability to pay tuition and living expenses before the university can issue the forms required to obtain a visa. This requirement applies both to foreign students coming from different countries. The students will need to submit the following supporting documents along with I-20 to apply for their student visa:

  • Certificate of bank deposit/bank statement
  • Certificate of financial support.
  • A copy of the picture page from the passport
  • Passport-size photographs
  • SEVIS fee receipt
  • Application fee receipt

The applicants must then schedule an interview at the Embassy/Consulate for the final visa processing and obtain it thereafter.

University Of Wisconsin Eau Claire Undergraduate Admissions

UWEC is open for an incredible variety of 115  major and minor  undergraduate programs at University of Wisconsin . The international students need to produce scores of TOEFL/IELTS tests as well to get considered for the course.

How to apply –Online

Application Fee – 25 USD

Requirements - Official high school transcript, Official or Self-Reported SAT or ACT scores, Letter of recommendation.

Admission Requirements –  The following material should be submitted along with the online application and application fee

  • Application form
  • Official SAT/ACT scores
  • Official diploma or exam results

University Of Wisconsin Eau Claire Graduate Admissions

Admision to the graduate programs at University of Wisconsin  opens for about 10 master’s degrees . The specific requirements for each program vary. Basic application requirements include official transcripts, a bachelor's degree, letters of recommendation, official test scores, English proficiency tests, interviews and resume wherever required.

Some of the most popular programs offered by UWEC are mentioned below, along with their admission requirements.

Requirements MBA (Master of Business Administration Masters of Science in Nursing Master of Education in Professional Development Master's in Communication Sciences and Disorders Master of Science in Data Science
Application Portal Online Application Online Application Online Application Online Application Online Application
Application Fee (non-refundable) 56 USD 56 USD 56 USD 56 USD 50 USD
Official Transcripts Required Required Required Required Required
Personal Statement Not Required Required Required Required Not Required
GMAT/ GRE/ GPA Score overall undergraduate grade point average of 2.75; GMAT score of 475 a GPA of 3.0 or higher, a minimum 3.00 GPA, Required A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0
TOEFL/ IELTS Scores TOEFL iBT score of 79, IELTS score of 7 TOEFL iBT score of 79, IELTS score of 7 TOEFL iBT score of 79, IELTS score of 7 TOEFL iBT score of 79, IELTS score of 7 TOEFL iBT score of 79, IELTS score of 7
Resume Required Required Required Required Required
Letters of Recommendation two letters of recommendations Three letters of recommendations 2 Required three letters of recommendation, interview. two letters of recommendation, resume.
Work Experience Required Required Two years of full-time teaching experience or education-related profession Not mentioned Not mentioned
Office Visit (Interview) Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended

University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire has a holistic view of the academic approach. In the absence of a test score, they will continue to look at all factors on the application holistically, including the completion of a core curriculum that includes English, math, science, social studies, and various electives; grades earned; a student’s decision to take rigorous coursework such as AP, honors, or dual credit where it is offered; application essay; extracurricular activities; and other achievements. The university has its fall admission deadline on June 1st and spring admission deadline on November 1st. Applicants willing to apply for scholarship must apply within December 1st which is their priority deadline. International students obtain the I-20 form, after which they are to comply with and complete the further visa process within the stipulated time.

Ques. What GPA do you need to be eligible for admission at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

Ans. The average GPA is 3.44 is the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Ques. How can I contact the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire for admission related issues?

Ans. To contact the office or to submit admissions materials, students can reach out via email to [email protected] at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Ques. Does the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire require the necessary supporting documents to be translated?

Ans. The necessary documents must be translated only if they are not in English by a professional while applying at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Ques. What is the acceptance rate at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

Ans. The university has an acceptance rate of 82%.

Ques. Does the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire provide financial aid?

Ans. The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire offers a comprehensive range of scholarships, grants, loans, and other assistance based on financial need, exceptional academic ability, and special talents.

Ques. How are students notified by the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

Ans. The admission seeking students are notified by email by the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

Ques. If students apply without test scores, can they still apply and be considered for scholarships at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire?

Ans. Students can still apply for scholarships without test scores. However, merit-based scholarships will require test scores at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

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My first year experience at The University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

I chose the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire because it is a very honorable school and has a good reputation. The attendance is a perfect size and the classes are all considerably smaller than bigger schools, and it makes for a great learning environment.

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Nursing Department

Prepare to make a difference.

When you choose to pursue nursing at UW-Eau Claire, you join a program that has a long-standing reputation of excellence. Through your studies, you will be challenged by a curriculum that is interwoven in a variety of disciplines — such as the natural and social sciences, humanities and nursing-specific science courses.

Majors and Minors in Nursing

Here, being a nursing student is about more than just taking the classes, passing the exams, and getting across that stage at graduation. It's about learning how to solve complex challenges, how to interact with real patients, and how to apply what you've learned in the classroom to real-world situations. It's about learning how to become a great nurse, nurse educator, or nurse administrator. And when you leave UW-Eau Claire, you will be ready to take on any situation because of the great experience you will gain through clinicals, lab simulations, and cultural immersion experiences. 

Nursing student

Take patient care — and your career — to the next level with the BSN completion program at UW-Eau Claire.

BSN alumna earned her DNP, Kelsey Meyer

Develop your skills and enhance your education with a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree from UW-Eau Claire.

Marie Fredickson_DNP

Build on your experience, develop new skills, and enhance your education with a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree from UW-Eau Claire.

Jackie Ganser in nursing white coat

Our accredited Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is designed to prepare students for leadership roles in adult-gerontologic or family health nursing.

nursing student in SIM lab

Change the world one patient at a time with a nursing degree. Known for producing skilled, compassionate nurses and health professionals, our renowned program will prepare you for your career through clinical practica, interdisciplinary simulations and clinical cultural immersion experiences.

Nursing conference group shot of faculty and grad students

Continue your nursing education with a graduate certificate in education or administration from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Meet the Faculty

Norah Airth Kindree

The Department of Nursing places a strong emphasis on providing research opportunities for our students — which is also a major value of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. At UWEC, you are encouraged to pursue student-faculty research projects, and in our department, this can also include fellowships and other advanced learning opportunities.

Students with ped sim

The Department of Nursing offers extensive simulation opportunities to our students for firsthand learning. The Clinical Learning Center is equipped with fully functional hospital beds, a nursing station, medication dispensing units and supplies. Here, technology is a teaching tool, and nursing students have access to it all.

Student at health services

Clinical experiences allow Blugold Nursing students to develop a professional network and connect with local communities before they enter the workforce. UWEC’s primary clinical affiliation partners are:

  • Marshfield Clinic
  • Mayo Clinic Health System

Nursing students can travel and gain experience providing care to various populations, better preparing them for the varied patient profiles of today's healthcare.

Blugolds studying nursing have traveled to the following places:

  • Gillette Children’s Hospital  
  • Compañeros en Salud y Seguridad / Partners in Health and Safety (SW WI)
  • Rosebud  
  • Essentia Twin Ports Rural Health   

As an incoming nursing student or as a current student, there are scholarships available to you through the generosity of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation and other private sources. These scholarships not only help you financially but contribute to your individual success by promoting collaborative research, specialized areas of study, or other unique aspects of your nursing education at UW-Eau Claire.

Search all UWEC scholarships and apply on Gold for Blugolds .

With more than 250 unique student organizations on campus, there is a group for every interest and passion. The Eau Claire Student Nurses Association and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing are just two UW-Eau Claire opportunities to jump-start your involvement on campus.

Search UWEC's full list of student organizations on Blugold Connect+ .

Blugold Stories

I just fell in love with the campus and the track team, and the nursing program was phenomenal. It checked all the boxes. I did not anticipate loving northern Wisconsin as much as I did.

Teagan smiling at the camera in front of Nursing department.

Skylar Koel took the next steps to complete her BSN degree. Hoping to one day obtain her doctorate, Skylar is an advocate for education. In fact, she believes having a BSN degree will soon become a standard in the nursing field.

As a UWEC alumna, I chose to stay at the same university for my graduate program because I was confident I would get a great education and be a part of an inclusive community.

Grad student presents research poster

Nursing 103 5 Roosevelt Avenue Eau Claire , WI 54701 United States

What's Next?

student walking with athletics flag at a track meet

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

105 Garfield Avenue  P.O. Box 4004  Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004 


Transfer Freshman Re-Entry Graduate International Non-Degree Admission Requirements

Select your UW and term below for information about requirements. For more information about transferring, including about the Guaranteed Transfer Admission Program and Transfer Wisconsin, see the Transfer Application page .

Campus Semesters
UW-Eau Claire
UW-Green Bay
UW-La Crosse
UW-River Falls
UW-Stevens Point


  1. Health Careers Resources

    uw eau claire essay requirements

  2. UW-Eau Claire Admissions

    uw eau claire essay requirements


    uw eau claire essay requirements

  4. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

    uw eau claire essay requirements

  5. Working with the Redesigned UW-Eau Claire Web Contents

    uw eau claire essay requirements

  6. Resume your education at UW-Eau Claire

    uw eau claire essay requirements


  1. First-Year Admission Requirements

    At UW-Eau Claire we use a holistic approach to admit students. This means that we take into consideration not only your high school academic career but your experiences outside of the classroom that highlight your drive and determination, compassion for others, and ability to thrive here. ... Admission requirements Academic units required. 17 ...

  2. First-Year Application

    University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 105 Garfield Avenue. P.O. Box 4004. Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004. 715-836-4636. Learn about the first-year student application process at UW-Eau Claire including deadlines and step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

  3. FAQs for First-Year Students

    Admissions. Flesch Family Welcome Center 102127 Roosevelt AvenueEau Claire, WI54701United States. 715-836-5415. [email protected]. Admission hours. Monday7:45 am - 4:30 pm. Tuesday7:45 am - 4:30 pm. Wednesday7:45 am - 4:30 pm. Thursday7:45 am - 4:30 pm.

  4. Guidelines & Requirements

    Specific Credit Requirements; Credits Subjects; 4: English: at least three credits of composition and literature ... (examples: extracurricular involvement, special talent, personal essay, recommendations and/or adding a diverse dimension to our campus community). The following is a general profile of our admitted freshmen. ... UW-Eau Claire ...

  5. Prepare Your Essay

    The Universities of Wisconsin Application asks the following question of freshmen and transfer applicants: Please note: Essay requirements will vary by university. Some universities may require an essay as part of the application process, while others do not or consider the essay optional. If you are ever in doubt, please check with your UW.

  6. Admission < University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

    Admission to University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire - Barron County. As a campus of access, students may be admitted to UW-Eau Claire - Barron County as a first-year, transfer, re-entry, high school special, non-degree, or international student based on the published criteria. However, exceptions can be made to these requirements.

  7. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Required. 650 Words. This part is all about you. What should be included in this essay: any academic and personal hurdles and/or challenges you'd like us to know about in the context of your application, any information that is inclusive of your family or your community experiences. Before you submit your essay, please make sure to: check ...

  8. Application Checklist for High School Students

    Find the essay questions for your UWs here. Application fee. The Universities of Wisconsin Application allows up to three free applications to any campus except for the campuses below. Additional applications after the three free will charge an additional $25 per application. ... UW-Eau Claire ($25) UW-Eau Claire - Barron County ($25) UW-La ...

  9. UW-Eau Claire Admission Requirements

    GPA Requirements. The GPA requirements for getting into UW-Eau Claire are to have around a 3.59 high school GPA. You are required to have very good grades in high school. If your high school grades are above the average 3.59 GPA, you have a very good chance of being admitted as UW-Eau Claire accepts 77% of applicants.

  10. College of Nursing and Health Sciences < University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

    The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master's degree program in nursing, and the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 887-6791, through December 31, 2031.

  11. Apply

    Flesch Family Welcome Center 102127 Roosevelt AvenueEau Claire, WI54701United States. Learn more about admission requirements and the application process for UW-Eau Claire.

  12. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Admissions

    UW-Eau Claire admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 77%. Students that get into UW-Eau Claire have an average ACT score between 21-27. The regular admissions application deadline for UW-Eau Claire is February 1. How to Apply.

  13. University Graduation Requirements

    Refer to the Transfer Credit Wizard or contact the UW-Eau Claire Admissions Office for information about the current transfer policy. USAFI Credit. UW-Eau Claire will accept up to 32 semester credits for work done through the United States Armed Forces Institute, under the provision for non-UW correspondence credit (see Extension Credits above).

  14. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: 2024 Requirements ...

    Main Academic Excellence that is in line with University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire admission standards. 1. Score at least a 1145 on the SAT or 70 on the ACT. 2. Maintain a GPA of at least a 3.44.

  15. Freshman

    Beginning August 1, 2024 for freshman and transfer applicants for Fall 2025 term: The following UW universities charge an application fee for every application submitted: UW-Eau Claire ($25), UW La Crosse ($25), and UW-Madison ($70). For the other UW universities, there is no application fee. For domestic applicants, if you are concerned about paying application fees, please note your ...

  16. University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Admission Requirements Guide

    While odds of being accepted into this university are favorable, it is still important to follow the admission requirements. Neglecting to include even one required component could result in University of Wisconsin Eau Claire discarding your application without offering you a chance to resubmit. On that note, let's discuss these key requirements.

  17. University of Wisconsin

    The average SAT score composite at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is a 1150 on the 1600 SAT scale. This score makes University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Competitive for SAT test scores. University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT) The 25th percentile SAT score is 1120, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1300.

  18. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Admission Requirements

    Students Submitting SAT. 0%. Math. Average (25th - 75th) 530 - 640. Reading and Writing. Average (25th - 75th) 510 - 620.

  19. Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)

    [email protected]. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 105 Garfield Avenue. P.O. Box 4004. Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004. 715-836-4636. The CWE is a comfortable place where you can work on your writing one-to-one with a trained writing assistant. We focus on feedback rather than correction, help.

  20. University of Wisconsin 2023-2024 Admissions: Acceptance Rate

    Admission at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (UWEC) opens for a variety of 115 undergraduate major and minor programs and about 10 graduate programs through its four degree-granting schools. The university manifests a lightly competitive admission policy, with an acceptance rate of 89%.The university presently houses over 10,000 students with an international population of 5%.

  21. Plea deal reached in Eau Claire daycare child abuse case

    EAU CLAIRE (WQOW) - A former daycare worker in Eau Claire charged with child abuse can avoid jail time after a plea agreement was reached. Mercedes Bergeron, 32, was charged in 2022 with two ...

  22. Scholarships at UWEC

    715-836-3000. [email protected]. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 105 Garfield Avenue. P.O. Box 4004. Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004. 715-836-4636. Browse UW-Eau Claire student scholarships such as Freshman Honors Guarantee and Out-of-State Scholarships.

  23. Nursing Department

    When you choose to pursue nursing at UW-Eau Claire, you join a program that has a long-standing reputation of excellence. Through your studies, you will be challenged by a curriculum that is interwoven in a variety of disciplines — such as the natural and social sciences, humanities and nursing-specific science courses. ... Learn the steps to ...

  24. Transfer

    This section covers the admission requirements for transfer students. If you've enrolled at a college/university and now wish to attend a UW System campus, you're in the right spot ... UW-Eau Claire: Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025: UW-Green Bay: Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025: UW-La Crosse: Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025: UW-Madison: