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university of central oklahoma essay prompts

How to crush your college application essay

After years of schooling, hours of mind-numbing standardized tests and a mountain of paperwork for college-bound seniors, the final hurdle awaits — the application essay. 

But, college admissions counselors say not to fear, the essays aren’t as scary as you think. 

The most important piece of the puzzle is the originality and uniqueness of the writer, said Libby Reigh, associate director of undergraduate admissions at Oklahoma State University. 

Reigh has read countless applications in her 13 years working in OSU admissions. She said the essays allow students to explain who they are, what they've experienced and the challenges they overcame. 

It's an opportunity to express the person behind the ACT or SAT score, someone who’s more than a high school GPA. 

“This is your chance to tell your story to us,” Reigh said. “There are people on the other side of that submission reading those essays. Don’t be afraid to discuss struggles or hardships that have led you to this point. Every student has a story, and the essays are your opportunity to tell us your story.” 

Admissions counselors at the University of Oklahoma said they want to gauge a student’s writing ability, but beyond that, OU wants to know how the applicant might contribute to the campus community. 

“Students who are involved in other activities or who are passionate about a topic will add to the fabric that we are looking to create at OU, so expressing that well will help a student in the admission process,” OU admissions counselors wrote in an email to The Oklahoman . 

What mistakes to avoid 

Applicants might puzzle over which essay prompt to choose, what to write and how to fit within a required word count. 

Reigh suggested taking time to organize your thoughts. Don’t speed through it. 

And you’d be surprised how many people don’t proofread their writing, said Tasha Casey-Loveless, senior director of admissions at Oklahoma City University. 

Some write their essays as if they were crafting a text message, Casey-Loveless said. The writing should be more formal than that kind of conversational tone. 

OU recommends you have a trusted adult proofread your essays before submitting. Another pair of eyes might catch spelling and grammatical errors you missed. 

“Sometimes, students will accidentally submit the essay meant for another school, so we recommend double checking that as well,” OU admissions counselors said. 

 Although she advises having an adult read over the essay, Casey-Loveless said the student should be responsible for filling out the application. Admissions counselors usually can tell if Mom or Dad was the one behind the keyboard. 

“You a lot of times can read into the content of it and tell if it’s the voice of someone much older than a 17 to 18 year old,” she said. 

How essays lead to scholarships

At OSU, students who meet certain GPA and test-score criteria have assured admission, so reading their essays isn’t always necessary. 

However, the university reviews all essays from students whose test scores and high-school grades don’t guarantee them a spot at OSU. The essay gives those applicants a chance to explain why their GPA or ACT score might have been less than ideal. 

“The essays could really help fill in the gaps or unknowns of their academic profile,” Reigh said. 

But, there’s an incentive for all students to slay their essay. 

The very same application for admission to OSU is the same one used to decide what scholarships a student qualifies for. So, even applicants with the highest scores should strive for a quality writing submission, Reigh said. 

OCU applicants who want competitive scholarships must fill out short-answer questions in addition to their essays. That’s another chance for students to show off their writing skills. 

“If they struggled in their academics, we’re going to look at that essay,” Casey-Loveless said. “That’s when the essay is going to speak more or their scholarship short-answer questions are going to speak more to who they are and how they can write.” 

Reporter Nuria Martinez-Keel covers K-12 and higher education throughout the state of Oklahoma. Have a story idea for Nuria? She can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter at @NuriaMKeel. Support Nuria’s work and that of other Oklahoman journalists by purchasing a digital subscription today at subscribe.oklahoman.com .

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university of central oklahoma essay prompts

How to Write the University of Oklahoma Essays 2021-2022

university of central oklahoma essay prompts

The University of Oklahoma (OU) is a large public research university in Norman, Oklahoma. OU has an active student body and is known for its competitive football team and strong campus community. 

Any student hoping to be a Sooner is required to respond to one of the Common Application Essay Prompts . Additionally, on your OU application you will see the optional scholarship section. Answering these scholarship questions—which address the topics of leadership, community service, and career interests—will put you in the running for a variety of scholarships that can help out with the cost of attendance.

Want to know your chances at OU before getting started? Calculate your chances for free right now.

University of Oklahoma Scholarship Prompts

Prompt 1: The University of Oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in Oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. Please share your leadership experiences and why they are important to you. (650 words)

Prompt 2: The University of Oklahoma is the home of a vibrant, diverse and compassionate University community that is often referred to as “the OU family.” Please describe your cultural and community service activities and why you chose to participate in them. (650 words)

Prompt 3: What is your career area of interest, and why do you have a desire to work in this particular field? (650 words)

The University of Oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in Oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. Please share your leadership experiences and why they are important to you. (650 words)

These essays have high word counts, which means they have potential for greatness, but also means that you need to stay focused and organized. 

Start by brainstorming your leadership experiences. Common responses include holding a leadership position in a school organization or being captain of a school team, but keep in mind that the word “leadership” can encompass many other experiences. The admissions committee will be drawn to students who are leaders inside and outside of the classroom, so try including examples of both!

A leadership experience can include any time you “took the initiative” or served as a positive role model for your community (at your church, at your after-school job, at a place you volunteer, or in your apartment complex or neighborhood). Some examples:

  • You noticed that the students at your school weren’t properly identifying recyclable materials and printed posters explaining the difference between trash, recycling and compost
  • You heard some girls talking about how their homes are loud and they have nowhere to study and organized a Tuesday night study group at the coffee shop down the street from your school
  • You have been a VBS counselor for eight years and one of your students made you a card with all the reasons they want to be like you when they grow up
  • Your apartment complex wasn’t accessible to your neighbor’s mother who uses a wheelchair so you wrote your landlord a letter and got automatically-opening doors installed 

After figuring out what experiences you want to talk about, you need to find a way to organize your essay. This might take a few tries and some creativity!

One way to organize your essay is to center it around one or two defining values. Ask yourself: why do I value leadership? Some examples of centering your essay around values could include writing about:

  • How you feel it is important to give back to your community. You could discuss your experiences as a charity organizer and as the director of your school’s peer mentoring program.
  • How leaders are important for creating positive work environments. You could describe the open forums you led for your school’s advisory board.
  • How leaders are important for making sure things run efficiently. You could share the ways you delegated tasks when leading your school’s robotics team to nationals, as well as the system you organized at work that allows coworkers to easily trade shifts.

Another option is to organize your essay through a central anecdote. This is valuable if one of your examples is stronger than the others because you can focus on one experience and use the others as supporting evidence. This could look like:

  • Sharing your experience as a camp counselor and how, when you noticed your campers uninterested in the camp’s activities, you integrated activities you learned at the daycare you worked at to keep them interested
  • Writing about your experience as the captain of the school’s swim team and how, when interpersonal drama started affecting the team, you used the skills you learned working on a restaurant staff to help your team learn to separate personal life from work life

If you are really stuck, you might want to spend some time thinking about the qualities of a good leader, then thinking about how you can show admissions officers that you embody those qualities. Some qualities of a good leader include:

  • Having strong communication skills
  • Knowing how to utilize the strengths of your team
  • Creating a positive working environment for others
  • Showing compassion
  • Looking for opportunities to grow
  • Being committed to inclusive and ethical practices

If the university selects you for a leadership scholarship, they are saying that you represent the university’s value of leadership. Make sure to present your leadership experiences as fundamental to your identity and leave them thinking “now that’s someone who really sees the value of being a good leader!”

The University of Oklahoma is the home of a vibrant, diverse and compassionate University community that is often referred to as “the OU family.” Please describe your cultural and community service activities and why you chose to participate in them. (650 words)

Responding to this prompt will put you in the running for community service-based scholarships, so you should try to show admissions officers that you have been extensively involved in community service and are passionate about it. While this essay invites students to explore cultural activities, it is important to make sure you ultimately bring your essay back to ideas of service .

In the same way that “leadership” can be broadly-defined, “community” can be broadly defined. Your community can be your neighborhood, your school, a sports team, a cultural community, a church body, or any other group. You have freedom to stretch this prompt and talk about unconventional ways that you have served unconventional communities—maybe you help the elderly people in your apartment bring their groceries upstairs or you take candy to the altar boys at church on Sundays. 

That being said, it will also be valuable to ground your essay with some examples of typical community service. These include:

  • Being involved with an in-school community service organization
  • Volunteering outside of school at a local community service organization
  • Participating in events that involve giving back to your community
  • Identifying the needs of your community and taking the initiative to satisfy those needs

As you identify the ways you give back to your community, you may start to see a central theme emerge. Students often get involved with things they care about, so lean into those themes and show your passion around them.

For example, a student who is part of a cultural assembly at their school might also be involved with activism regarding racial equity. A different student might be involved with the feminist club at their school and volunteer at Planned Parenthood on the weekends. Identifying a theme like racial justice, women’s rights, animal activism, sustainability, or decreasing the suffering of poverty can lead to a structured and compelling essay. (Though, keep in mind that OU is a more moderate school, and plan your essay accordingly).

If you don’t notice themes that connect your community service experiences, try focusing on your values or organizing your essay around an anecdote about a formative experience serving your community or the origin story of how you became involved with community service.

The goal of this essay is to position yourself as dedicated to community service and passionate about the community that you serve, so write with intensity and make sure your essay shows how much you really care.

What is your career area of interest, and why do you have a desire to work in this particular field? (650 words)

Only students whose majors offer major-specific scholarships will have the opportunity to answer this prompt. The prompt may or may not appear in your scholarship section depending on the academic preferences you list in your application. 

If you do have this prompt, your first step should be identifying your career area of interest and making sure that it connects to your future major and the academic preferences you indicated. With a deeply personal prompt like this one, it is important to identify your initial responses to the question: why do you have a desire to work in your particular field? 

Some other questions that might help guide you include:

  • When did you first become interested in your chosen field?
  • What part of your future career gets you excited?
  • What do you value that aligns with the values of your future field?
  • Why do you think your career will make you happy?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What do you picture when you picture your future career?

One of OU’s essay writing tips is to “Be Open, Be Honest.” This advice is particularly important for this prompt. While you should be honest about your passions and motivations, there are some answers you should avoid when responding to this prompt. Do not write about financial stability. Do not write about job security. Write about your passions, your interests, your curiosities. If you write about aspects of your future career that excite you and the stories behind them, your passion will shine through. Just be sure to tie in your personal experiences, as it can be easy to write a general essay about the benefits of this career, which doesn’t tell admissions officers more about you . 

An easy format for this essay would be to start with an anecdote, include some reflection, and look towards the future. For example, a student who wants to be a teacher might share an experience where they were really struggling in school because of their family’s financial instability, but their English teacher went out of her way to check in, provide resources to help meet basic needs, and advocate for the student when administration wanted to fail them. The student could share how they later went on to get an A and become an English tutor. From there, they could discuss how they feel it’s important for teachers to understand barriers to education and nurture students where they are. That’s why this student wants to become a teacher in a high-need area and eventually create educational policy to support low-income students.

Another potential format is to envision yourself in your future career. What will your day look like? What will you be doing, what will you be feeling, and how will you be making a difference? How did you get here, and why did you work towards this goal?

Of course, you can use any format that suits you as long as your career interest and reasons for pursuing that career are clear. For this prompt, you have complete freedom to show your passion! 

Where to Get Your OU Essays Edited for Free

If you’ve already written your OU scholarship essays, it is time to get them edited. Having peers read your essays will help you to identify areas for improvement and, ultimately, will help you maximize your chances of getting a scholarship at OU. By creating a free CollegeVine account , you will have access to CollegeVine resources like our free peer-review service. We also recently added a paid expert option with College Essay Guy’s team.

We’re here to help you put your best foot forward and feel prepared throughout this application season—because we know how overwhelming it can get.

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university of central oklahoma essay prompts


University of Oklahoma 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide 

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Feb 1

University of Oklahoma 2024-25  Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: Community, Activity , Why

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Three essays of 650 words each

The following optional questions will be used to determine your eligibility for supplemental scholarships (leadership, community involvement, and departmental scholarships) at the University of Oklahoma.

1. the university of oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. please share your leadership experiences and why they are important to you. (please answer in 650 words or less.).

When answering this question, resist the urge to rewrite your resume. The University of Oklahoma isn’t asking you for a list! Remember: it’s your job, as an applicant, to use every essay as an opportunity to reveal something new about yourself. Think of a moment when you were in a position where you worked really hard to help a group of friends or loved ones. Maybe you are always the one helping your younger siblings with school projects and you’ve found ways to attain and keep your little brother’s attention (to your mother’s welcomed surprise). Maybe, as a volunteer , you were in charge of teaching new staff the proper policies for walking dogs at the local shelter. Perhaps, during a group project at school, you organized and planned all of your meetings and drove home classmates who wouldn’t have otherwise been able to attend group sessions outside of school hours. Try to isolate a single leadership moment, so you can tell a story to admissions (after all, you have 650 words!). Describe where you were, what was happening around you, and what you were feeling. Discuss what challenges you faced and what you ultimately learned from the experience. Don’t shy away from challenges, or even failures, since these are exactly the kinds of character-building experiences that can demonstrate resilience and quick thinking (a.k.a. awesome leadership skills!).

2. The University of Oklahoma is home to a vibrant, diverse and compassionate University community that is often referred to as “the OU family.” Please describe your cultural and community service activities and why you chose to participate in them. (Please answer in 650 words or fewer)

Chances are, you’ve done some community service at some point in your life, and this prompt asks you to reflect on that experience. The prompt is clear about what it wants you to cover and you have up to 650 words, so this is not the kind of essay you want to leave ‘til the last minute (though what kind of essay is?!). In some ways, this is a glorified resume entry, but you can bring it to life by devoting more of your word count to concrete, personal details than to a verbatim recitation of the organization you volunteered for’s mission and vision (or worse, a bloated list of clichés related to the value of service). Why do you care so deeply about a particular cause, culture, or community? What change do you hope to see (or even create!) in the world? Remember that, fundamentally, community service is not about personal glory or achievement, it’s about doing what you can to help others. Reflect on why being part of a community is important to you and, for bonus points, touch on how you would like to contribute to “the OU family.”

3. What is your career area of interest, and why do you have a desire to work in this particular field?*

This is your opportunity to nerd out about the field that interests you. What do you envision for yourself after graduating with your degree? When did you first become interested in the subject? Have you had any meaningful experiences that led you to pursue this kind of work? What impact do you hope to have during your career? Once you get down all the details about your intellectual curiosities, see if you can build a bridge between your own interests and the resources available at OU, and you’ll be well on your way to demonstrating your fit. Set aside some time to peruse OU’s offerings. (Sorry, there’s no way around this, folks!) Beyond the basic departmental listings, look up information about news and research coming out of your department of interest, the kinds of courses available, and the opportunities other undergrads have had studying in your area of choice. If you can show admissions that you’ve thought carefully about not only your career choice, but also how OU can make it possible, you’ll be sure to leave a lasting impression.

* – The third, academic-based question is asked by certain academic departments. Therefore, it may or may not appear in your writing supplement section depending on the academic preferences you list in your application.

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Sources for school statistics and data include U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

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  • Dietetics (DIETI) - Dietetic Internship (Department of Human Environmental Sciences)
  • Didactic Program in Dietetics
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  • Funeral Service Education (FUSER) - Institutions and programs awarding diplomas, associate degrees and bachelor's degrees (College of Math and Science)
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  • Nursing (CNURED) - Nursing education programs at the graduate degree levels
  • Teacher Education (TED) - Baccalaureate and graduate programs for the preparation of teachers and other professional personnel for elementary and secondary schools

Source data obtained from U.S. Department of Education's Office of Post-secondary Education (OPE)

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Essay Writing Tips

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Three Essay Writing Tips for Your OU Application

Have you ever wondered what you would write about in your college admissions essay or even where to start? OU Admissions Counselors put together a few tips to help you begin the process!

1. Define Your Essay's Purpose

Before you begin the process of writing your essay, it’s important to think of the purpose behind your writing. What are you attempting to show? Is there any related information that you should also discuss? What are you not trying to do in this piece of writing?

2. Define Your Audience

Keep your audience in mind when considering your admission essay; in this case, it could be an Admissions Counselor. Thoughts to keep in mind:

  • What does the audience know or not know about my topic? 
  • What does my audience already believe or not believe? 
  • What does my audience care about?

3. Be Open, Be Honest

Your college admissions essay is a different style of writing than a standard English class essay, though grammar use and proofreading is very important! This is your time to shine about what kind of student and person you are outside of your academics. Choose an essay prompt that expresses your differences from other applicants, not what you think the admissions committee wants to hear.

Sample Essay Prompts

Our Admissions Counselors look forward to the opportunity to read your OU admissions essay. For additional resources, check out  OU's Writing Center website . If you have questions about your admissions essay to OU, contact your  OU Admissions Counselor  or contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at  [email protected]  or call 405-325-2151. 


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university of central oklahoma essay prompts

University of Oklahoma

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  1. 60+ College Essay Prompts for 2022-2023 Applicants

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  2. University of Central Oklahoma Assignment Writing Services

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  3. 💋 Essay prompts. 35 College Essay Prompts and Topics. 2022-11-02

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  4. 60+ College Essay Prompts for 2023-2024 Applicants

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  5. University of Central Oklahoma

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  6. 018 Essay Example Prompt Examples College Admission Topics Writings And

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  1. University of Central Oklahoma's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    This school does not require essays or the essay prompts are not available yet. Sign up to be notified of any changes. Applying to University of Central Oklahoma and trying to find all the correct essay prompts for 2023-24? Find them here, along with free guidance on how to write the essays.

  2. UCO: Apply to UCO

    Tell us about yourself. Upload a high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores. Submit. Apply Now. Broncho OneStop. onestophelp.uco.edu. 405-974-2727. International and Graduate Student Application Support: International Students.

  3. Essay

    Application Essay Questions. As part of the Common Application, you will be asked to write one essay between 250 and 650 words. You must stay within that word count. ... The University of Oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in Oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. Please share your leadership ...

  4. UCO: Oklahoma's Promise

    For the 2019-20 school year: 8,341 students across the state were enrolled in Oklahoma's Promise; 15,344 scholarships totaling $66.7 million were awarded; Enrolled students completed high school with at least a 3.39 GPA and earned an average ACT score of 20.2, versus 18.9 for nonparticipants; 83% of Oklahoma's Promise students opted to ...

  5. UCO Accepting Admissions Applications for 2023-24 Academic Year

    Aug. 22, 2022. Media Contact: Kyla Carter, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, UCO University Communications, 405-974-2127, [email protected]. UCO Accepting Admissions Applications for 2023-24 Academic Year. The University of Central Oklahoma is now accepting applications for admission for the 2023-24 academic year.

  6. How to crush your application essay to Oklahoma colleges

    The essay gives those applicants a chance to explain why their GPA or ACT score might have been less than ideal. "The essays could really help fill in the gaps or unknowns of their academic profile," Reigh said. But, there's an incentive for all students to slay their essay. The very same application for admission to OSU is the same one ...

  7. UCO: The University of Central Oklahoma

    Make your next move at the University of Central Oklahoma. At UCO, we empower students to turn one day into day one. The future is yours. Enhance your creative ideas and passion for doing good through online and in-person learning among our six colleges and one institute. Explore the wide range of opportunities our signature programs offer.

  8. Scholarships

    If you are a donor who would like to establish a new scholarship or award with your gift, please contact the UCO Foundation office at (405) 974-2770. The UCO Foundation and the UCO Alumni Association support the transformative experience of the University of Central Oklahoma on its students and community and engage a robust, worldwide community ...

  9. University of Central Oklahoma Academics

    $2,000 No Essay Scholarship; Admissions Calculator; Write a review. K-12 SCHOOLS. Review Your School; ... University of Central Oklahoma Academics. Central Oklahoma Academic Statistics. Academics. grade B+. ... of students say professors are passionate about the topics they teach. 177 responses. Poll. 85%.

  10. User Login

    If you have already registered on this new site, please enter your User ID and Password below. Contact the UCO Alumni Association at [email protected] or the UCO Foundation at [email protected] for questions about donations or scholarships. You may also call 405-974-2770. Username: Password: Remember login. New user registration.

  11. University of Oklahoma's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Community Service Essay. Not Required. 650 Words. The University of Oklahoma is home to a vibrant, diverse and compassionate University community that is often referred to as "the OU family.". Please describe your cultural and community service activities and why you chose to participate in them. Read our essay guide to get started.

  12. How to Write the University of Oklahoma Essays 2021-2022

    Prompt 1. The University of Oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in Oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. Please share your leadership experiences and why they are important to you. (650 words) These essays have high word counts, which means they have potential for greatness, but also means that you ...

  13. 2024-25 University of Central Florida Supplemental Essay Guide

    University of Central Florida 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide. No Time To Lose! The University of Central Florida (UCF) Deadline Countdown is on: Early Action: Oct 15. Regular Decision Deadline: May 1. We can help you draft in time for submission!

  14. University of Oklahoma 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    The Requirements: Community, Activity, Why. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Three essays of 650 words each. The following optional questions will be used to determine your eligibility for supplemental scholarships (leadership, community involvement, and departmental scholarships) at the University of Oklahoma. 1.

  15. UCO: Current Students

    Become a Broncho today. We have a proven history of providing the resources that meet our students' needs now and into the future. With more than 133 years of rich tradition, UCO continues to innovate and transform the lives of our students and community. The Bronchos compete in 14 different NCAA Division II sports.

  16. Terms to Know

    There are two main types of admission that colleges use, automatic and holistic. Automatic admission guarantees admission to students with a certain GPA, test score, and/or class rank. Holistic admission admits students based on a variety of factors, including student life, letters of recommendation, etc. OU uses holistic admissions!

  17. University of Central Oklahoma

    Why should you choose University of Central Oklahoma? Read recent student reviews and discover popular degrees offered by University of Central Oklahoma on Universities.com. ... 5 College Essay Tips How to Determine Your Chances Of Getting Into A College 8 College Prep Tools for Freshmen Types of Degrees and What They Mean Trade School vs ...

  18. Essay Writing Tips

    Our Admissions Counselors look forward to the opportunity to read your OU admissions essay. For additional resources, check out OU's Writing Center website. If you have questions about your admissions essay to OU, contact your OU Admissions Counselor or contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at [email protected] or call 405-325-2151.

  19. Eyeing OU

    The University of Oklahoma (OU) had an acceptance rate of around 73% for the incoming class of 2024. However, remember that admission rates can fluctuate based on factors like the number of applicants and the academic strength of the applicant pool. If you're looking to increase your chances at OU, there are several things to keep in mind.

  20. East Central University (Oklahoma)'s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Applying to East Central University (Oklahoma) and trying to find all the correct essay prompts for 2023-24? Find them here, along with free guidance on how to write the essays. Sage Chancing Schools. expand_more. Explore Colleges Rankings. Resources. expand_more.

  21. Essay Questions

    Learn about the Oklahoma State University personal essay questions for undergraduate admissions. Find essay tips, FAQs and more to help you succeed. ... Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078 Campus & Parking Maps (405) 744-5000. Careers at OSU ...

  22. CollegeVine

    Homework Help Expert FAQ Blog Articles Essay Guides Livestreams Scholarships Community Peer essay review. ... 3.68 Avg GPA. $42K Cost. 21K Undergrads. Calculate my chances. Add to list. arrow_back. Type to search. University of Oklahoma. Norman, Oklahoma • Public. Add to my list. Overview; Cost & scholarships; Majors; Admissions; Essay prompt