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UBC Theses and Dissertations

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The UBC Theses and Dissertations collection promotes open and comprehensive access to a significant body of unique knowledge created by graduate students to support further research and for private study. The authors retain copyright ownership and moral rights to their theses. The content of theses may not be re-purposed or exploited for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the authors.

UBC graduate students began submitting their theses online via cIRcle, UBC’s digital repository, in fall 2007, a practice that both simplified the submission process and also ensured the availability of this research to a global audience in a timely manner. As of March 2012, UBC Library has digitized and made openly accessible the full-text of more than 32,000 theses submitted by graduate students between 1919 and 2007. In addition to providing information about specific fields of study these theses also reveal important information about changes in pedagogy at the University and within academic disciplines. Authors concerned about having their pre-2007 theses included as part of this collection can notify [email protected] to have their thesis removed. Similarly, if copyrighted material appears in a thesis the copyright owner can request that material be removed.

Browse Theses & Dissertations

  • {[{degree.key}]} ({[{degree.doc_count}]})
  • Graduate School

Current Students

  • Final Dissertation & Thesis Submission

Workday Student Support

Graduate students can find "how to" guides and support information on our Workday support page .

IMPORTANT: We are not able to do pre-reviews at this time due to the number of theses being submitted for the July and August deadlines. If you are submitting your final thesis, it will be reviewed after you have submitted to cIRcle. Exception: Doctoral dissertations going out to external examiners will be reviewed, but please allow a minimum of five business days for a response. Do not contact the Library or the cIRcle office about a pre-review. They do not provide them.

NOTE ON DEADLINES: Thesis approval deadlines are for having your thesis fully approved in cIRcle, not just submitted. You are expected to submit at least five days ahead of any deadline in order to allow yourself time to make any needed corrections.

This section is only for final, post-defence submission of theses and dissertations.

Note on terminology: The term "thesis" in this section of the website is used collectively to refer to both master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Final theses and dissertations are submitted electronically to the Library's electronic repository, cIRcle, where they will be open access.

[CREATIVE ARTS ONLY (Master of Fine Arts/Master of Music): As of October 21, 2017 , for MFA and MMus theses only, you may choose to submit to the collection in cIRcle “Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Creative Arts, 2017+ (CWL ACCESS)”. Access to this collection is permanently restricted to individuals who have a Campus-Wide Login (CWL). The collection is not available to the public. Please see cIRcle: Uploading Electronic Creative Arts Theses and cIRcle: File Format Guidelines . ]

You must submit your  final, defended thesis electronically to UBC's online information repository, cIRcle . PDF files must be compatible with Adobe Acrobat version 5, and must not be in "secured" format or password-protected . cIRcle does not accept secured or password-protected PDFs due to access and preservation concerns. A scan to PDF is not acceptable. If you have questions, please contact the cIRcle staff .

Your thesis will be reviewed for formatting by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and approved for inclusion in cIRcle. Your program cannot be closed and you will not be eligible to graduate until the content and formatting of the thesis have been officially approved and you have received an official email confirming final approval of your thesis. It is your responsibility to submit a thesis in the correct format and allow time for revisions to be complete in order to meet deadlines.

Note about pre-reviews: If you are preparing for final submission, your thesis will be reviewed more quickly if you submit directly to cIRcle rather than emailing it for review.

We recommend you submit your thesis a minimum of 3 - 5 business days before any deadline , as corrections may be required. Particularly around deadlines, the thesis team is exceptionally busy and there will be delays in activating accounts and reviewing theses. Additionally, you will need time to make any necessary corrections, as your thesis must be approved and accepted into cIRcle (not just submitted) in order for you to meet deadlines.

Thesis Availability

Your thesis will be available online in 3 - 4 days.

IMPORTANT:  If you would like to delay publication of your thesis , you must obtain approval from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies before submitting your thesis.

Submitting Doctoral Dissertation for External Examination

For information on submitting a doctoral dissertation for transmittal to the External Examiner, please see the Final Doctoral Oral Examinations section of this website.

Checking the Thesis

Please use Resources for Thesis Checking to check formatting before attempting to submit your thesis.


Important: It is your responsibility to proofread your thesis carefully before submitting the final version, and to make sure that the thesis you submit is complete, accurate, and free of errors. You cannot make changes to your thesis after it has been accepted into cIRcle, so you will not be able to correct any errors after your final submission. Check for:

  • consistent, sequential numbering of sections
  • consistent abbreviations and units of measure
  • correct symbols and special characters
  • consistent headings and capitalization
  • consistent line spacing and table formatting
  • typographical errors
  • grammatical errors

Proofreading is primarily your responsibility, but supervisors and examiners should not sign off on theses until they are free of errors.

The thesis team checks theses to ensure theses meet the formatting requirements, focusing on the preliminary pages and file names. If staff notice egregious mistakes elsewhere in a thesis they may require them to be corrected in the interest of ensuring a professional presentation of the work.

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  • Dissertation & Thesis Preparation
  • Final Doctoral Exam
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Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
  • 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
  • PhD Career Outcomes


  1. How To: Submit a thesis or dissertation to cIRcle

    ubc circle thesis submission

  2. Essential Tips for UBC Thesis or Dissertation Submission

    ubc circle thesis submission

  3. Phd Thesis

    ubc circle thesis submission

  4. ubc thesis library

    ubc circle thesis submission

  5. UBC Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Final Competition is back again

    ubc circle thesis submission

  6. Expanding UBC Graduate Research from here and beyond

    ubc circle thesis submission