President Bush has built a worldwide coalition against terrorism. More than 80 countries suffered losses on September 11; 136 countries have offered a diverse range of military assistance; 46 multilateral organizations have declared their support; and with U.S. leadership and international support, Afghans are putting aside long-standing ethnic and political differences to form a new and representative government.

The President fired the first shot in the war on terrorism with the stroke of his pen to seize terrorist financial assets and disrupt their fundraising pipelines. The world financial community is moving to starve the terrorists of their financial support. 196 countries support the financial war on terror; 142 countries have acted to freeze terrorist assets; in the U.S. alone, the assets of 153 known terrorists, terrorist organizations, and terrorist financial centers have been frozen; and major terrorist financial networks have been closed down.

Operation began on October 7, 2001, and enjoys the support of countries from the United Kingdom to Australia to Japan. The Taliban have been forced to surrender major cities. The military has destroyed 11 terrorist training camps and 39 Taliban command and control sites. And al-Qaeda terrorists have been captured, killed or are on the run.

The U.S. has led a global dragnet to help bring terrorists to justice and help prevent future terrorist acts, creating the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force to prevent terrorists from entering the U.S.; arresting and indicting known terrorists; increasing the global sharing of law enforcement information; and implementing tough new anti-terrorism laws.

As Afghanistan�s largest humanitarian donor, the U.S. has increased its aid to the Afghan people by providing $187 million in aid since October alone, including food, shelter, blankets, and medical supplies. The President also launched the America�s Fund for Afghan Children that has already raised more than $1.5 million for the children of Afghanistan. As the harsh Afghan winter approaches, the U.S. commitment to the Afghan people is saving lives.

President Bush has taken steps to help protect America against further terrorist attacks, providing $20 billion for homeland security; strengthening intelligence efforts; creating the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council; implementing tough new airline security measures; and taking steps to protect America�s mail.

The American people have responded with overwhelming compassion for the families of the victims of September 11, donating at least $1.3 billion to charities.

Almost immediately after the attacks the President took steps to protect Muslim-Americans from hate crimes. The President also held a series of events, including hosting the first-ever White House Iftar and an Eid event at the end of Ramadan; the President visited the Islamic Center; and the President created the "Friendship Through Education" initiative to bring American and Muslim children closer together.

was the most important person on earth to somebody."

First Lady Laura Bush led a worldwide initiative to highlight the Taliban�s oppression of women. Before the Taliban, women played a key role in society. Then came al-Qaeda and their destruction of the Afghan family. The al-Qaeda-controlled Taliban regime especially targeted Afghan women and children, taking away their basic freedoms, splintering their families, putting their lives at risk, and relegating them to poverty. For example, the Taliban forbade the schooling for girls over the age of eight; shut down the women�s university; banned women from working (stripping a society in desperate need of trained professionals of half its assets); restricted access to medical care for women; brutally enforced a restrictive dress code; forbade women from moving about their communities freely; and beat women for laughing out loud. The First Lady led a worldwide initiative to highlight the Taliban�s oppression of women which helped lead to representation of women in the new interim government. Al Qaeda and the Taliban regime have targeted civilians by literally using them as human shields for their military activities. For example, the November 6 reports that the Taliban actually placed military assets in mosques and across the street from hospitals and innocent people�s homes. Taliban commanders have also hijacked humanitarian aid facilities for military purposes. A senior officer told the , "Whole villages are being used as human shields by the Taliban to protect their large stockpiles of ammunition and weapons hidden in nearby caves." The al-Qaeda and Taliban contribution to the starving Afghan people has been a deliberate and systematic campaign to disrupt the efforts of international relief agencies to deliver desperately needed food and medical supplies to the Afghan people. For example, the Taliban seized control of two U.N. World Food Program (WFP) warehouses, one in Kabul, and one in Kandahar, containing more than half the World Food Program's wheat supply for Afghanistan. The WFP in Kandahar had been feeding 150,000 Afghans a month before the Taliban seizure. The Taliban are also actually hijacking humanitarian convoys for military purposes. The November 6 reports, "A truck in a convoy purportedly on a humanitarian mission to deliver food tipped over, and crates of tank and mortar shells could be seen spilling to the ground underneath a thin layer of flour." Osama bin Laden and his organization finance many of their terrorist activities through the drug trade. In fact, on October 25, 2001, The Herald (Glasgow) reported, "Osama bin Laden financed the development of a highly-addictive liquid heroin which he named �The tears of Allah� as part of his multi-pronged terrorist campaign to destabilise western society. . . One source said yesterday: �It should be called the Devil's Brew rather than Allah's tears. It is a one-way ticket to addiction and death.�" The United Nations has also weighed in on the Taliban and al Qaeda connection to the drug trade. According to a U.N. Committee of Experts report on Resolution 1333 (May 2001), "Funds raised from the production and trading of opium and heroin are used by the Taliban to buy arms and other war materiel, and to finance the training of terrorists and support the operations of extremists in neighbouring countries and beyond." , the military phase, began October 7, 2001. Since then, coalition forces have liberated the Afghan people from the repressive and violent Taliban regime. As President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have said, this is a different kind of war against a different kind of enemy. The enemy is not a nation -- the enemy is terrorist networks that threaten the way of life of all peaceful people.

Century -- and it requires a 21 Century military strategy. Secretary Rumsfeld has worked with our coalition allies and the courageous men and women of the U.S. military to craft a cutting-edge military strategy that minimizes civilian casualties, partners with local forces, and brings destruction to the oppressive Taliban who supported the al-Qaeda terrorist network.

Century technology with 19 Century tactics. Troops have chased terrorists on horseback while using mobile phones and global positioning systems to pinpoint targets for the Air Force. Bombers today use 21 Century targeting technology, and laser-guided and GPS guided smart bombs to destroy specific targets, including centuries-old caves used as terrorist headquarters.

was the most important person on earth to somebody. The American people have responded to the tragedies of September 11 with an unprecedented outpouring of support for their fellow Americans who lost so much on September 11:

terrorist attacks. terrorist attacks. Examples include the Twin Towers Orphan fund, the Pentagon Assistance Fund, the WTC School Fund, the Washington Redskins Relief Fund, the Dole-Clinton Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund, and funds established by the United Jewish Communities, Catholic Charities, the Burn Center at the Washington Hospital Center, and many, many more. . United Way Relief Fund has been working thoughtfully and deliberately to distribute $143 million in cash and services to help rebuild the lives of victims� families and affected communities.

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UN chief highlights ‘unimaginable grief’ stemming from terror attacks

The skyline beyond the northern suburbs of Mogadishu is seen through a bullet hole in the window of a hotel in Somalia.

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The UN Secretary-General has paid tribute to victims and survivors of terrorism just ahead of the international day which spotlights the issue each year.

This year’s International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism on Wednesday, takes place under the theme Voices for Peace: Victims of Terrorism as Peace Advocates and Educators .

It highlights the powerful voices of victims, acknowledging how their experiences and stories contribute to raising awareness of the enduring impact of terrorism - and can ultimately foster positive change.  

The day was established by the UN General Assembly in 2017 to honour and support victims and survivors, while also promoting their human rights and fundamental freedoms.  

Scars ‘never heal’

UN Secretary-General António Guterres , said in his statement that acts of terrorism create a “wave of unimaginable grief”.

“ The scars – both visible and invisible – never fully heal ,” Mr. Guterres said.

Yet, the Secretary-General recognised that through torment and tragedy, there have been examples of “resilience and the enduring power of our common humanity.”

The scars – both visible and invisible – never fully heal – Secretary-General António Guterres 

Mr. Guterres said he is paying tribute to all victims and survivors, including those who have shared their stories - an “act of immense courage.”

“This day urges us to listen and to learn,” the UN chief said. “And it is a reminder that we must always seek out the light of hope .”

Learning ‘how to live again’

Ben Saul, UN expert on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, said the International Day of Remembrance provides a chance to renew global efforts to protect victims and survivors.

Many victims feel like life simply got worse in the wake of being attacked, leaving physical and psychological ‘scars’ such as losing a job, a key relationship, or the ability to focus on studies.  

“I pay tribute to the many victims who show incredible courage and resilience as they ‘learn how to live again’, often with the help of their families, friends and communities,” Mr. Saul said.  

State support

Mr. Saul said victims need “comprehensive and sustained support” from their governments to rebuild their lives.

Mr. Saul said countries should provide long-term assistance to victims, including medical and psychological support while ensuring their protection and access to justice.  

He emphasised the importance of independent investigations, accountability, and international solidarity in supporting victims, particularly vulnerable groups, and ensuring their full participation in legal proceedings.

“ I stand ready to advise any country that wishes to strengthen protection of victims of terrorism , improve compliance with international law when countering terrorism, or address conditions conducive to terrorism,” Mr. Saul said.  

Special Rapporteurs are appointed by the Human Rights Council to serve in their individual capacity, independent of the UN system and national governments. They are not UN employees and do not receive a salary.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security, Dr. Liz Sherwood-Randall on the Future of the U.S. Counterterrorism Mission: Aligning Strategy, Policy, and   Resources

September 8, 2021

I am delighted to speak at the Atlantic Council today and want to express my great thanks to Fred Kempe for his generous introduction. Fred, your leadership has been transformational, including in the work that the Atlantic Council has done recently on how counterterrorism policy needs to evolve. I know you have formed the Atlantic Council’s Counterterrorism Study Group and that many distinguished former counterterrorism officials participate in it.  Indeed, I benefit every day from the meaningful discussions of that group because two of my closest colleagues on the National Security Council team, Russ Travers and Josh Geltzer, are both former members of it. So thank you for what you are doing – on this front as well as on so many others.  In these times I am especially grateful that the Atlantic Council continues to be a beacon for civil, nonpartisan consideration of pressing national security challenges – from energy security to the future of NATO – and on the topic that we are gathering to discuss today on the US counterterrorism mission.

Twenty years ago this week, I was preparing our youngest child for his first day of nursery school on a sunny California morning.  As we always did, my husband and I turned on the news to assess the traffic we would face along the drive.  Instead, what we witnessed were the horrific images of the twin towers crashing down, unfolding live on the television screen.  The maliciousness of the multiple attacks that day, the human tragedies that ensued, and the collective strength of our nation in response resulted in a major reorientation of U.S. national security priorities.

Guided by the commitment to prevent anything like 9/11 from ever happening again, we remade our national security architecture, rewrote our laws, restructured our institutions, and refocused our country on keeping Americans safe from terrorism.

The prevention of another such attack was not a foregone conclusion in the wake of 9/11. Most people feared and many predicted that this country would face another terrorist attack on a similar scale soon, and surely within the next twenty years. The fact that this has not happened is due to the ingenuity, dedication, and selflessness of countless national security, law enforcement, military, diplomatic and intelligence professionals across our government and around the world over the past two decades.

Twenty years on, our challenge is different. We have learned since 9/11 how to protect Americans from terrorism. It isn’t fail-safe, and terrible things still happen.  But through a combination of actions abroad and at home, we have thus far been able to disrupt and prevent another 9/11-style attack.

We face two intertwined challenges now: first, to counter terrorism effectively as the terrorist landscape evolves; and second, to integrate our approach to terrorism into the broader set of current and emerging national security priorities. Given this evolution, I’d like to outline the three core counterterrorism principles that we have developed since President Biden took office in January.

First, terrorist threats have morphed and metastasized, and we need to keep pace with those evolutions. That means approaching counterterrorism as an effort calibrated not to contend with the threats we faced in September 2001 but to the threats we face now and that we will face going forward.    Second, as a nation, we need to set priorities and match resources to a range of evolving national security challenges – from a more aggressive China, to cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure, to pandemics and biological threats. 

Third, effectively countering terrorism in the future – and doing so in a manner that allows sufficient focus on other key priorities – will require that we adapt our approach using the full range of tools at our disposal, including diplomacy, development, and prevention efforts, all in a manner tailored to the threats we face and the local contexts in which they arise.   

That means integrating counterterrorism strategy into regional strategies, nesting our CT efforts within a broader suite of initiatives, and investing in an Indicators-and-Warning architecture that will enable us to understand the evolving threat environment. Fundamentally, it means building a counterterrorism enterprise that is positioned to detect threats as they evolve, flexible enough to adapt to changing threats, and nimble enough to tailor our approach to the threats we face in real time.

Starting with the first principle, terrorist threats have changed, and we need to change to keep pace. 

Since 9/11, countering terrorism has been a consistent national security priority. And we have had significant success. We have degraded Al-Qa’ida and ISIS and reduced the threat of large-scale attacks on the Homeland directed by foreign terrorist organizations. That said, we should not be complacent.  The downsides of globalization have empowered individuals and networks, and as such terrorist threats to the U.S. and its interests can emerge quickly and manifest themselves in many ways. 

Moreover, we have more sophisticated capabilities and more tools available than we did on 9/11 or even ten years ago. We have a strong and effective counterterrorism enterprise that collaborates and innovates across the Federal government, with state and local colleagues, with the private sector, and with allies and partners around the world.

But as last month’s terrorist attack against our forces performing a noncombatant evacuation operation at the Kabul airport demonstrated, terrorism remains a scourge.

Compared to 20 years ago, the threats facing us today are more ideologically diverse and geographically diffuse. Groups such as al-Qa‘ida and ISIS have expanded across Africa and into Southeast Asia. Yet while al-Qa‘ida, ISIS, and their dispersed affiliates, branches, and networks worldwide still aspire to attack the United States, years of sustained counterterrorism pressure abroad have forced them to shift their operating models and constrained their capabilities.

At the same time, enhanced security measures at home have made the Homeland a more hardened target. In fact, the Intelligence Community assesses that the most significant terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland today is not posed by foreign terrorist organizations plotting from ungoverned spaces in faraway lands, but from lone actors and small cells, including at home, who predominantly radicalize and mobilize to violence on their own – some based on ideologies associated with al-Qa’ida and ISIS, other based on ideologies more domestic in nature, such as racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, including those promoting the superiority of the white race.  

What this means is that, even as we continue to work relentlessly to stop entities such as al-Qa’ida and ISIS from plotting attacks against us from afar, we also have to address the threat from lone actors here at home. Terrorist groups who cannot physically cross our borders are doing so via the Internet, recruiting and radicalizing on social media and other Internet-enabled platforms. That makes for a different counterterrorism challenge that involves information-sharing with technology companies, for example, and community-based prevention efforts. The point is that as terrorism changes, so must we.

This brings me to my second point: As a nation, we need to set priorities and integrate our counterterrorism efforts into a range of evolving national security challenges – from a more aggressive China, to cyber attacks, to pandemic disease and bio threats.

Make no mistake: Terrorism is a serious threat, and we will continue to take it seriously. 

We are looking at counterterrorism efforts within the context of the broader set of national security challenges we face and working to align our resources to contend with the full range of threats confronting our nation, including those outside the what some may consider the “traditional” national security domains, such as modernizing our nation’s infrastructure, investing in domestic innovation, and fighting climate change. 

This approach will necessarily involve hard choices about our priorities and our resources. This is a key reason that the President made the difficult decision to end the war in Afghanistan.  As the President has said, we will maintain the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan from over the horizon – just as we will do in other countries across the world – working with partners, with tools that are commensurate with the threat, and without an American military presence on the ground.  We have already established over-the-horizon options and are adding to them in order to monitor and, when necessary, disrupt threats that may emanate from Afghanistan.  Our diplomacy plays a central role on this front as well.

Effectively addressing our other national security priorities will require a more sustainable and agile counterterrorism approach, focusing our efforts on countering the most dangerous threats to our country wherever we find them and seeking innovative ways of conducting the counterterrorism mission – including empowering partners to address the terrorist threats in their own backyard ds so that the United States doesn’t have to carry the entire load – and using the full range of tools in our counterterrorism toolkit.

This brings me to my last point: Countering terrorism will require a new approach that prioritizes agility and a greater investment in a broad set of tools, including diplomacy, development, and prevention efforts both abroad and at home that can shape the environments in which terrorists thrive and recruit.

A sustainable counterterrorism approach must be flexible enough to respond to threats as they emerge. This necessitates having a fully developed Indicators-and- Warning architecture to detect and identify threats before they reach an inflection point that threatens our Homeland and our citizens. Even though we judge that the threat of large-scale attacks against the homeland is currently diminished, we must remain vigilant – and intelligence will be key.  A threat that revolves around people and networks is inherently challenging to detect, so we must continue to support the intelligence enterprise and ensure that it has sufficient resources to perform its vital counterterrorism role.

We also need to continue to invest in preventing threats before they become imminent. That will require that we use the full set of counterterrorism tools at our disposal.

Though the military will remain an important tool, it should not be the option of first resort. That is why President Biden, at the outset of the Administration, directed a review of the policies governing the use of force in counterterrorism operations to ensure it is generally employed only when necessary to disrupt imminent threats to our nation and our people and, moreover, wielded in a manner that is consistent with our values.

As we seek to judiciously use military tools in our counterterrorism efforts, we must expand our use of the full range of non-kinetic tools and capabilities to accomplish our counterterrorism objectives, particularly in areas we assess are at greater risk of being exploited by terrorists seeking to threaten us.

To ensure this more sustainable approach is rooted in diplomacy and prevention, we must strengthen our partnerships at the international, national, and local levels. This includes working closely with our NATO allies, who have stood shoulder to shoulder with us in this fight since 9/11 – and many of whom have faced significant terrorist threats of their own.

And it includes working with local partners in regions in which terrorism is unfortunately spreading.  We will need to invest in building their capacity to prevent violent extremism.

In both cases, we will continue to prioritize information sharing with our allies and partners, which has been critical to successful joint efforts.  The United States now has terrorist information sharing agreements with 80 countries, and we work with partners worldwide to detect and constrain terrorist travel by sharing U.S. and international data holdings. Turning to our efforts in the Homeland, we have made great strides in the last 20 years in strengthening our defenses through better border and transportation security, intense law enforcement efforts, and expanded private-sector and community partnerships. Recognizing the evolving threat in the Homeland, President Biden directed us to develop the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, which we launched in June.  This strategy seeks to prevent, disrupt, and deter domestic terrorism by strengthening defenses and improving partnerships across the Federal enterprise. For example, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others are providing law enforcement partners with increased information sharing and instructional training to enable them to identify and disrupt domestic terrorist threats. And the Department of Defense is working to ensure that service members leaving the military are aware of the risks that they could be targeted for recruitment by violent extremists. But this is only a beginning. We need to position and support our law enforcement and community partners to contend with a greater diversity of threats, including threats posed by domestic terrorist groups, and learn more about how to build resilient communities. Key to this effort will be strengthening prevention efforts through education, community-based approaches, and other opportunities to counter the forms of disinformation, foreign influence, and hate speech that can lead to violence. This work is well underway. For example, the Department of Homeland Security is working to create safe new ways that family, friends, and co-workers can share information when they have concerns that someone they know is becoming radicalized. Meanwhile, we’re also exploring new forms of collaboration with the private-sector. In May, for example, we announced our decision to join the Christchurch Call, an international partnership among 56 governments and 10 technology companies including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube that works to develop new solutions to eliminating terrorist content online while safeguarding free expression. This framework was forged by some of our closest foreign partners following the 2017 attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that left 51 dead and dozens wounded. What they have built has energized and guided an important global conversation about how to address terrorism threats online while protecting and indeed promoting the freedom of expression that we as Americans cherish. The Way Forward Looking ahead, this approach must enable us to be flexible and adaptable.  We need a counterterrorism architecture that is not static – but rather one that has the agility to evolve as our adversaries do, and to be nimble in applying resources where the need arises. That is why we are vigilant about continuously monitoring and evaluating evolving threats and applying the most calibrated tools to reduce the drivers of those threats and, where necessary, taking decisive action. I don’t want to suggest that this will be easy. The factors and conditions that give rise to terrorism are complex and do not offer simple solutions. But this adapted approach is necessary to put us on a path that is both more effective and more sustainable. Conclusion This week, we remember those we have lost. We remember the thousands of victims of 9/11 and their families who walk around every day with a gaping hole in their hearts, and the many who continue to suffer from injuries sustained that terrible day. We also remember the thousands of American heroes who laid down their lives to keep the rest of us safe, and we remember our obligation to the Gold Star families they left behind.

As I’ve emphasized, three principles will guide us in the counterterrorism mission. First is a commitment to keep up with and keep Americans safe from the terrorist threat landscape of today, not of twenty years ago.  Second is a recognition that we need counterterrorism to be effective while also integrating it with the work we are doing to address a widening and diversifying range of national security challenges.  Third is an increased emphasis on partnerships, where we are stronger when we stand together. 

Looking back and looking forward, we know as a nation that we have the capacity to learn and adapt from our successes and failures.  In this realm of countering terrorism, we must continue to do both – and remain steadfast in protecting our homeland and our personnel and facilities overseas from the full spectrum of threats that we face in the 21 st  century. And through it all, we must remain true to the values that define us as a people and as a nation.  I know that this day-long event at which I am speaking is being sponsored by a research center that bears the name of the late Brent Scowcroft, whose generous mentorship had a profound influence on my life and work. As he put it, “America has never seen itself as a national state like all others, but rather as an experiment in human freedom and democracy.”  As we tackle evolving terrorist threats both foreign and domestic – and as we meet the broader set of complex national security challenges that we face – we must continue to lead the world in advancing human freedoms and strengthening democracy.

Thank you again to the Atlantic Council for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today about this vital topic.

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A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Terrorism.

Video playlists about Terrorism

speech on global terrorism

Personal stories from conflict zones

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The deadly genius of organized crime

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Insights on terrorism

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The roots of extremism

Talks about terrorism.

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How do daily habits lead to political violence?

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Did the global response to 9/11 make us safer?

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How technology can fight extremism and online harassment

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How fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime

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Why people of different faiths are painting their houses of worship yellow

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How young people join violent extremist groups -- and how to stop them

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How your pictures can help reclaim lost history

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How the US government spies on people who protest -- including you

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How fake news does real harm

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How jails extort the poor

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Help discover ancient ruins -- before it's too late

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What we don't know about Europe's Muslim kids

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The world doesn't need more nuclear weapons

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Inside the mind of a former radical jihadist

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We can fight terror without sacrificing our rights

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The risky politics of progress

Exclusive articles about terrorism, opinion: why the actions of cities — not nations — will be the key to our survival on earth, the best way to prevent terrorist attacks let’s welcome refugees., why — and how — we must unite to confront religious violence now.

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Reporting by Nandita Bose, Jeff Mason, Doina Chiacu, Trevor Hunnicutt, Stephanie Kelly, Andrea Shalal, Steve Holland, Jarrett Renshaw, Julio-Cesar Chavez; Additional reporting by Nathan Layne; Writing by Doina Chiacu and Andy Sullivan; Editing by Heather Timmons and Howard Goller

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Jeff Mason is a White House Correspondent for Reuters. He has covered the presidencies of Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden and the presidential campaigns of Biden, Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. He served as president of the White House Correspondents’ Association in 2016-2017, leading the press corps in advocating for press freedom in the early days of the Trump administration. His and the WHCA's work was recognized with Deutsche Welle's "Freedom of Speech Award." Jeff has asked pointed questions of domestic and foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un. He is a winner of the WHCA's “Excellence in Presidential News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure" award and co-winner of the Association for Business Journalists' "Breaking News" award. Jeff began his career in Frankfurt, Germany as a business reporter before being posted to Brussels, Belgium, where he covered the European Union. Jeff appears regularly on television and radio and teaches political journalism at Georgetown University. He is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and a former Fulbright scholar.

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General assembly, 28 june 2018, opening remarks at high-level conference on counter-terrorism, antónio guterres.

I am pleased to welcome you all to the first ever global High-level Conference of heads of counter-terrorism agencies of the Member States of the United Nations.   Terrorism and violent extremism undermine international peace and security.   They divide communities, exacerbate conflicts, and destabilize entire regions.   They hamper our efforts to promote and protect human rights and are an obstacle to sustainable development.   This complex global challenge has reached unprecedented levels.    It affects every country here today.   When I conceived this conference, my goal was clear – to improve international cooperation and information sharing, and to build new partnerships that can find practical solutions.   Today, the frontline against terrorism is increasingly in cyberspace.   Terrorists are exploiting social media, encrypted communications and the dark web to spread propaganda, recruit new followers and coordinate attacks.   The military defeat of ISIL in Iraq and Syria last year means foreign terrorist fighters are on the move, returning home or relocating to other theatres of conflict.   While some may be disenchanted and ready to renounce violence, others remain determined, passing on expertise from the battlefield, recruiting new followers and carrying out attacks.   Homegrown terrorists are also testing the capacities of domestic security and intelligence agencies.   There has been a shift towards less sophisticated attacks against softer targets that are more difficult to detect and prevent.   So, as the threat from terrorism continues to evolve, we must adapt and learn lessons from what works and what does not.   Our response needs to be as agile and multifaceted as the threat.   The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and related resolutions provide a comprehensive framework.   The review of the Strategy this month, under the auspices of the President of the General Assembly and the Permanent Representatives of Finland and Jordan, has given us an opportunity to consider where we need to refocus our efforts.   The top priority is that we must work together.   The transnational nature of terrorism means we need multilateral cooperation.   We must strengthen the capacities of our counter-terrorism structures and institutions.   And we must complement our counter-terrorism efforts in the security realm with concerted efforts to identify and address the root causes.   We must build the resilience and cohesion of our societies.   Communities and the State need to be joined with the common purpose of rejecting terrorist ideologies and challenging those who espouse them.   This means governments adopting a comprehensive and inclusive approach, involving all parts of society.   It means starting at the grassroots, where families and local communities are at the front line of efforts to protect vulnerable people from succumbing to pernicious ideologies.   It means increasing our support to civil society organizations, who make a unique and invaluable contribution to tackling terrorism and preventing violent extremism.   I am pleased that many of them will join us tomorrow.   And it means engaging women and young people so that they can play meaningful roles in developing, monitoring and implementing counter-terrorism policies and programmes.   These, ladies and gentlemen, are the reasons we are here.   I see six goals for this Conference.   First: to strengthen the international counter-terrorism cooperation.   The international community has come a long way since the adoption of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy 12 years ago.   We have an international framework to address terrorism defined by the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, 19 global conventions and protocols and many regional instruments.   But this framework is not enough.   Implementation needs to be prioritized and backed up by strong political will and resources.   It is time for a new era of information sharing to build on the good work being done in different regions of the world by a range of partners.   There are many recent examples of terrorist plots that have been foiled through the sharing of information between different security services.   I know there are already many coalitions and networks to share critical information to detect, identify, disrupt and prosecute terrorists.   But there is much more that can be done to expand these networks and ensure information is shared in a lawful, consistent, timely and secure way, especially in the regions most challenged by terrorism.   Second goal: I hope the conference leads to a renewed and sustained focus on preventing terrorism.   Over the past several years, the international community has mostly been focused on countering terrorism and responding to attacks.   Principled military and law enforcement measures are indispensable if we are to be effective in protecting the lives of citizens.   But terrorism will not be defeated by military means alone.   We need to combine both “counter” and “prevent”.   This means focusing our efforts on the underlying conditions that cause some people to be lured by terrorism.   No one is born a terrorist, but we know that factors such as prolonged unresolved conflicts, lack of the rule of law, human rights abuses, poverty, lack of opportunities and socioeconomic marginalization can all play a part in transforming ideas and grievances into acts of terrorism.   So, preventing and resolving conflicts and promoting the rule of law and social and economic progress are our first lines of defence.   Third goal: I hope this conference underlines the fundamental importance of fully respecting human rights while tackling terrorism.   Terrorism is fundamentally the denial and destruction of human rights.    Terrorist groups share an agenda of authoritarianism, misogyny and intolerance.    Their actions and beliefs are an affront to the values of the United Nations.    The fight against terrorism must uphold those values, or it will never succeed.   Fourth goal: the conference should underline the need to make a strategic investment in young people to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism.   Youth are our hope and our future.   We need to harness the positive energy of young people by increased investment in education and employment opportunities.   We also need to empower them by giving them the tools they need to combat oppressive extremist narratives, xenophobia and hate speech.   And our counter-terrorism measures must also reflect their views and concerns.   But it is a sad fact that most new recruits to terrorist organizations are between 17 and 27 years old.   Terrorist groups exploit the tendency in young men and women to look for a sense of purpose that feels unique and distinct from the social norm.   While the vast majority of young people present no risk, some are drawn to terrorism because of a lack of hope or feelings of economic or cultural marginalization.   Terrorist recruiters exploit these grievances.  That is why we must intensify our efforts to address them.   Fifth goal: let this conference shine a light on the tragic human cost of terrorism.   Tens of thousands of people have been killed, wounded or traumatized by terrorism.   I welcome the decision to hold the first annual International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the victims of terrorism on August 21.   We have an obligation to uphold the rights of victims, to seek justice and ensure they have a voice.   And we must offer practical, emotional and psychological support to the survivors of terrorism so that they can rebuild their lives.   These include the children of foreign terrorist fighters, who will have to live with this stigma as they grow up.   Sixth goal: I hope this conference will strengthen the role of the United Nations in assisting you to tackle terrorism.   The United Nations has a unique international convening role.   We can help find multilateral solutions to complex global problems.   And we can help to deliver principled, effective and coordinated counter-terrorism strategies through our capacity building support to Member States and through mobilizing much-needed resources.   Terrorism is a grave and complex threat.   Ending it demands that we work together flexibly, intelligently and openly.   I look forward to hearing the results of your deliberations.  I thank you very much.

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United Nations Marks Seventh International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism

Commemoration spotlights voices of victims, survivors of terrorism as peace advocates, educators.

NEW YORK, 21 August (United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism) — To mark the seventh International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism on 21 August, the United Nations will organize a virtual high-level event titled “Voices for Peace:  Victims of Terrorism as Peace Advocates and Educators”.  The theme, chosen following consultations with victims and survivors of terrorism and victims’ associations, underscores the critical role of victims and survivors in advocating for peace and educating communities about the profound and enduring impact of violent extremism and terrorism.

During the virtual event, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism Vladimir Voronkov and two victims of terrorism will reflect on the important role of victims and survivors in promoting peace through education.  The event will also feature the participation of the Co-Chairs of the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism, Spain and Iraq.  The event will be featured live on UNWebTV.

A virtual panel discussion will follow, featuring five participants, including victims and survivors of terrorism, victims’ associations, Member States, and other experts to reflect and discuss the transformative power of victims’ voices when used to raise awareness, build peace and contribute to creating more resilient communities.  Panellists will also discuss initiatives that have successfully promoted peace and understanding amongst diverse communities, offering valuable insight into efforts to prevent violent extremism and terrorism.

An accompanying exhibition, Memories , displayed in the Visitor’s Lobby of the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 23 July to 27 August, features 15 life-size images of victims and survivors of terrorism, showcasing their resilience through meaningful personal objects and/or memories.  Each individual poster includes a QR code linked to a short video where victims explain the significance of their objects and/or memories.

The exhibition also includes three films consisting of interviews with victims and survivors of terrorism featured in the “Legacy Project” Gallery on Instagram.  The Legacy Project, launched during the sixth commemoration of the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism in 2023, features testimonies of victims and survivors who speak about their positive legacy through their efforts to end terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and prevent and counter violent extremism.

In recognition of the importance of honouring and supporting victims of terrorism, the General Assembly established 21 August as the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism through resolution 72/165.  The day honours, remembers and pays tribute to all victims and survivors of terrorism across the world, highlighting the importance of global solidarity and ensuring their stories and experiences are amplified to bring peace and understanding among communities.

More Information

Watch the high-level commemoration event live through UN WebTV on 21 August at 10 a.m..

Website :  

Hashtags :  #UniteforVictimsofTerrorism, #VictimsOfTerrorism.

Trello board with video, logos, social media assets : .

Legacy Project : .

Visit the Memories exhibition at United Nations Headquarters — on display until 27 August — or visit online at .

Follow United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism on X/Twitter:  @UN_OCT and LinkedIn: .

For more information, please contact Laurence Gerard, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, at email:   [email protected] .

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speech on global terrorism

Speech: Global Terrorism Index 2022: Current and Future Terrorist Threats

Speeches Director

On 12 April 2022, our director Ambassador Thomas Greminger was invited to give his a keynote speech on global terrorism during the online launch of the Institute of Economics and Peace 2022 Global Terrorism Index report. “In order to combat modern terrorism, there must be a real understanding of the root causes of extremism and their links to climate change, poor governance, corruption and the fact that many young people simply have no opportunities to find a job or lead a meaningful life.”, says Greminger. Our Head of Terrorism and PVE, Dr Christina Liang has contributed to the report: learn more here .

speech on global terrorism

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These online exhibits and digital collections explore some of the artifacts, photos and videos, and documents housed in the George W. Bush Presidential Library. 

The George W. Bush Presidential Library maintains approximately 43,000 artifacts, primarily foreign and domestic gifts given to the President and Mrs. Laura Bush, and other items obtained throughout the presidency.

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Global War on Terror

The Global War on Terror is an international, American-led military campaign launched following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

President George W. Bush greets troops and tours military equipment at Fort Hood, Texas, January 3, 2003.

View in the National Archives Catalog

The George W. Bush Foundation owns and operates the George W. Bush Presidential Museum. For tickets go to plan-your-visit  

The attack took place on American soil, but it was an attack on the heart and soul of the civilized world. And the world has come together to fight a new and different war, the first, and we hope the only one, of the 21st century. A war against all those who seek to export terror, and a war against those governments that support or shelter them. 

-- President George W. Bush, October 11, 2001

After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, President George W. Bush announced a comprehensive plan to seek out and stop terrorists around the world. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were part of the Global War on Terror , or “GWOT,” but the term was also used to describe diplomatic, financial, and other actions taken to deny financing or safe harbor to terrorists. Coalition partners from around the world also participated in the GWOT.

An Iraqi Army (IA) Soldier gives a local Iraqi boy a new Iraqi national flag and a new school backpack in 2006.

On September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban stop harboring members of al-Qaeda, and warned that the GWOT would not end until terrorism was eradicated.

Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there.  It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.

-- President George W. Bush, September 20, 2001

On September 24, 2001, the President announced that he had signed an executive order to freeze the assets of terrorist groups and other entities that funded terrorist activity. This was the beginning of efforts to deny financing to terrorists and terrorist groups.

And, by the way, this list is just a beginning.  We will continue to add more names to the list.  We will freeze the assets of others as we find that they aid and abet terrorist organizations around the world.  We've established a foreign terrorist asset tracking center at the Department of the Treasury to identify and investigate the financial infrastructure of the international terrorist networks.

-- President George W. Bush, September 24, 2001

Select speech cards used by President George W. Bush to announce the invasion of Afghanistan, October 7, 2001. From the White House Treaty Room, the President informed the nation that military action - Operation Enduring Freedom - would remove the Taliban regime and eliminate al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

On October 7, 2001, the President announced that the United States had begun military action in Afghanistan. The initial strikes were against al-Qaeda terrorist training camps and Taliban military installations. In addition to military action, the United States and Coalition allies would provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of Afghanistan.

At the same time, the oppressed people of Afghanistan will know the generosity of America and our allies. As we strike military targets, we'll also drop food, medicine and supplies to the starving and suffering men and women and children of Afghanistan. The United States of America is a friend to the Afghan people, and we are the friends of almost a billion worldwide who practice the Islamic faith. The United States of America is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barbaric criminals who profane a great religion by committing murder in its name.

-- President George W. Bush, October 7, 2001

Once the GWOT had begun, the United States used a military facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a detention facility for terrorists. In early 2002, the White House released a fact sheet on the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Detainees were to be tried under military commissions. These commissions were struck down by the Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, after which the United States Congress passed the Military Commissions Act of 2006 .

President George W. Bush Addresses the United Nations General Assembly.

In 2002 and early 2003, the United States began exerting pressure on Iraq to follow through on its commitments to improve human rights, release prisoners, break ties with terrorists, and destroy weapons of mass destruction. President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell  each addressed the United Nations regarding the dangers of Saddam Hussein’s regime and its refusal to disarm.

On March 19, 2003 , the efforts culminated in military operations to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Although combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have ended, other aspects of the Global War on Terror - such as efforts to prevent the financing of terrorism - continue to this day.

The following carefully selected resources, some of which are from the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, provide further information about the Global War on Terror.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests

  • 2014-0042-F: Drafts of the 2002 State of the Union Address
  • 2014-0043-F: Drafts of the Beginning of the Iraq War Speeches
  • 2014-0044-F: Drafts of the May 1, 2003 Speech Delivered Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln
  • 2014-0074-F: Records on the Communication with Leaders of Afghanistan between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2001
  • 2014-0220-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush regarding Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), and Targeted Killing between January 2004 and January 2009
  • 2014-0224-F: Records Sent to, Sent by, or Received by President George W. Bush on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, January 2002 - December 2006
  • 2014-0229-F: Records on Jose Padilla between May 2002 and February 2008
  • 2014-0260-F: Records on the December 13, 2006 Meeting with President George W. Bush and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • 2014-0329-F: Notes from Prime Minister Tony Blair to President George W. Bush Concerning the Iraq War
  • 2014-0411-F: Pakistan's Role in the War on Terror between January 2005 andDecember 2006
  • 2014-0412-F: Records Mentioning Pakistan's Response to the September 11, 2001World Trade Center Attacks
  • 2014-0457-F: Records on Iraq within the Condoleezza Rice Files between January 2001 and March 2003
  • 2014-0487-F: Minutes of National Security Council Meetings fromJanuary 2001 to December 2001
  • 2014-0515-F: November 2006 Memorandum Written by Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Steven J. Hadley, and His Staff on Conditions Mr. Hadley Found in Iraq During His Visit in October 2006
  • 2014-0555-F - Drafts of President George W. Bush's Remarks at the United States Military Academy at West Point on June 1, 2002
  • 2016-0139-F: Speech Drafts of President George W. Bush's Address to the Nation Announcing Strikes Against Al-Qaeda Training Camps and Taliban Military Installations in Afghanistan, 10/07/2001
  • 2018-0287-F: Records on the Release of Danish Prisoner Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane from Guantanamo and Negotiations Leading up to his Release

Archival Research Guide

For a more complete guide of the archival records that are open for research, please download the Archival Research Guide:

Document Material at the George W. Bush Presidential Library Pertaining To The Global War on Terror

Additional Resources

  • The Global War on Terrorism: The First 100 Days  
  • National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
  • 9/11 Five Years Later: Successes and Challenges
  • Renewal in Iraq
  • 11/08/2001 President Discusses War on Terrorism
  • 12/20/2001 President Blocks More Assets in Financial War on Terrorism
  • 11/16/2002 Fact Sheet: News About The War Against Terror
  • 03/08/2003 Radio Address: War on Terror
  • 03/31/2003 President Updates America on Operations Liberty Shield and Iraqi Freedom
  • 01/22/2004 President Discusses America's Leadership in the Global War on Terror
  • 01/22/2004 Fact Sheet: Progress in the War on Terror
  • 07/12/2004 President Discusses Progress in the War on Terror
  • 07/21/2004 Fact Sheet: Progress in the War on Terror
  • 09/11/2004 Three Years of Progress in the War on Terror
  • 03/08/2005 President Discusses War on Terror
  • 10/06/2005 Fact Sheet: President Bush Remarks on the War on Terror
  • 10/28/2005 President Discusses War on Terror
  • 12/12/2005 President Discusses War on Terror and Upcoming Iraqi Elections
  • 01/04/2006 President Discusses War on Terror Following Pentagon Briefing
  • 02/16/2006 Fact Sheet: President Requests $72.4 Billion for the Global War on Terror
  • 03/20/2006 President Discusses War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • 04/10/2006 President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 05/22/2006 President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 09/05/2006 President Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 09/05/2006 Fact Sheet: The President's National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
  • 09/07/2006 President Bush Discusses Progress in the Global War on Terror
  • 09/29/2006 President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 09/29/2006 Fact Sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strong Allies in the War on Terror
  • 02/15/2007 President Bush Discusses Progress in Afghanistan, Global War on Terror
  • 08/06/2007 Fact Sheet: Combating Terrorism Worldwide
  • 11/01/2007 President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 03/19/2008 President Bush Discusses Global War on Terror
  • 03/19/2008 Fact Sheet: Five Years Later: New Strategy Improving Security in Iraq

Additional press releases, Presidential Messages and Statements, War on Terror photo essays , and more from 2001 - 2009 are available through the Archived White House Website . 

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President George W. Bush receives confirmation of Iraqi sovereignty, then wrote, “Let Freedom Reign!” during the opening session of the NATO Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, June 28, 2004.

The Iraq War

General Services Administration workers hang an American flag at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, September 13, 2001.

Executive Office of the President

Summit on Financial Markets and World Economy

International Trade

President Bush talks with volunteers and students at a USA Freedom Corps event.

USA Freedom Corps

President George W. Bush talks with community leaders at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.

Office Of Faith-Based And Community Initiatives

President George W. Bush stood with President-elect Barack Obama and former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter during their January 7, 2009 visit to the Oval Office of the White House.

President's Role

Text of Bush's War on Terror Speech

At 1 PM EDT on Sunday afternoon, President Bush once again addressed the nation concerning the war on terrorism, this time confirming that air strikes were being carried out at certain locations in Afghanistan used by the Taliban and the terrorist group al-Qaida. Following is the text of that speech:

On my orders, the United States military has begun strikes against al-Qaida terrorist training camps and military installations of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. These carefully targeted actions are designed to disrupt the use of Afghanistan as a terrorist base of operations and to attack the military capability of the Taliban regime.

We are joined in this operation by our staunch friend, Great Britain. Other close friends, including Canada, Australia, Germany and France, have pledged forces as the operation unfolds.

More than 40 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and across Asia have granted air transit or landing rights. Many more have shared intelligence. We are supported by the collective will of the world.

More than two weeks ago, I gave Taliban leaders a series of clear and specific demands: Close terrorist training camps. Hand over leaders of the al-Qaida network, and return all foreign nationals, including American citizens unjustly detained in your country.

None of these demands were met. And now, the Taliban will pay a price.

By destroying camps and disrupting communications, we will make it more difficult for the terror network to train new recruits and coordinate their evil plans.

Initially, the terrorists may burrow deeper into caves and other entrenched hiding places. Our military action is also designed to clear the way for sustained, comprehensive and relentless operations to drive them out and bring them to justice.

At the same time, the oppressed people of Afghanistan will know the generosity of America and our allies. As we strike military targets, we will also drop food, medicine and supplies to the starving and suffering men and women and children of Afghanistan.

The United States of America is a friend to the Afghan people, and we are the friends of almost a billion worldwide who practice the Islamic faith.

The United States of America is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barbaric criminals who profane a great religion by committing murder in its name.

This military action is a part of our campaign against terrorism, another front in a war that has already been joined through diplomacy, intelligence, the freezing of financial assets and the arrests of known terrorists by law enforcement agents in 38 countries.

Given the nature and reach of our enemies, we will win this conflict by the patient accumulation of successes, by meeting a series of challenges with determination and will and purpose.

Today we focus on Afghanistan, but the battle is broader. Every nation has a choice to make. In this conflict, there is no neutral ground. If any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents, they have become outlaws and murderers themselves. And they will take that lonely path at their own peril.

I'm speaking to you today from the Treaty Room of the White House, a place where American presidents have worked for peace.

We're a peaceful nation. Yet, as we have learned, so suddenly and so tragically, there can be no peace in a world of sudden terror. In the face of today's new threat, the only way to pursue peace is to pursue those who threaten it.

We did not ask for this mission, but we will fulfill it.

The name of today's military operation is Enduring Freedom. We defend not only our precious freedoms, but also the freedom of people everywhere to live and raise their children free from fear.

I know many Americans feel fear today. And our government is taking strong precautions. All law enforcement and intelligence agencies are working aggressively around America, around the world and around the clock.

At my request, many governors have activated the National Guard to strengthen airport security. We have called up reserves to reinforce our military capability and strengthen the protection of our homeland.

In the months ahead, our patience will be one of our strengths - patience with the long waits that will result from tighter security, patience and understanding that it will take time to achieve our goals, patience in all the sacrifices that may come.

Today, those sacrifices are being made by members of our armed forces who now defend us so far from home, and by their proud and worried families.

A commander in chief sends America's sons and daughters into a battle in a foreign land only after the greatest care and a lot of prayer.

We ask a lot of those who wear our uniform. We ask them to leave their loved ones, to travel great distances, to risk injury, even to be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.

They are dedicated. They are honorable. They represent the best of our country, and we are grateful.

To all the men and women in our military, every sailor, every soldier, every airman, every Coast Guardsman, every Marine, I say this: Your mission is defined. Your objectives are clear. Your goal is just. You have my full confidence, and you will have every tool you need to carry out your duty.

I recently received a touching letter that says a lot about the state of America in these difficult times, a letter from a fourth grade girl with a father in the military.

''As much as I don't want my dad to fight,'' she wrote, ''I'm willing to give him to you.''

This is a precious gift. The greatest she could give. This young girl knows what America is all about.

Since September 11, an entire generation of young Americans has gained new understanding of the value of freedom and its cost and duty and its sacrifice.

The battle is now joined on many fronts. We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.

Thank you. May God continue to bless America.

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Speech On Global Terrorism | Global Terrorism Speech for Students and Children in English

April 9, 2023 by Prasanna

Speech On Global Terrorism:  Terrorism is an act that creates a sense of fear among the common or ordinary people by illegal means. The act of terrorism is considered a threat to humanity. Terrorism is carried out by a group of non-state individuals who indulge in violence, riots, kidnappings, bombings, murders.

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. It creates distortions in the law and order of a country. Terrorist groups have global networks and have sprung up everywhere, targeting mainly populated areas like business centers, airports, temples, Parliament, and even buses, and schools.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Global Terrorism for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Global Terrorism of 500 words and a short Speech On Global Terrorism of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the readers.

These given speeches will be useful for students who might be requested to deliver a speech regarding global terrorism.

A Long Speech On Global Terrorism is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Global Terrorism is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Global Terrorism 500 Words In English

Good morning to our honorable Principal, my respected teachers, and my friends.

I am (your name), and I have been selected to deliver a speech on global terrorism.

Terrorism is an act where the terrorists use indiscriminate violence to incite fear among people to achieve their religious, financial, and political goals. Terrorism is a significant problem all over the world. The cruel act of terrorism has spread its tentacles all over the world. It has a harsh impact on a country’s economy.

Terrorism happens mostly in the name of religion. No religious book preaches terrorism. Religion never encourages its followers to destroy the well-being of a country by killing its citizens. Terrorists and their brutal acts of destruction are backed by some social or political agenda. They target the non-combats or civilians, and they belong to basically sub-national or clandestine groups.

The history of global terrorism dates back to the time of the French Revolution and has evolved since then. Cultural clashes, globalization, religion, along with individual-based reasons like deprivation, frustration, negative identity, all these reasons form the basis of terrorism.

Many are not familiar with the fact that terrorism also has its categories. They include the state-sponsored terrorism where terrorist attacks occur on a state, by the consent of another country.

The dissent terrorism is the type of terrorism where the terrorist groups rebel against their government. The third type is religious terrorism, where the terrorists are rooted in religious ideology, and the last kind of terrorism is the criminal terrorism, where the terrorist groups make attacks to aid in crime and illegal profits.

Terrorism is a significant problem all over the world. It brings down the flourishing economy of a country. The world has changed to a great extent since the terrorist attacks of September eleven. We all know about the attacks on the Twin Towers on September eleven in the year 2001 in the USA, where four planes were hijacked.

Two planes were forcefully flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, and the third one hit the Pentagon Washington D.C. These attacks led the USA to carry out terror attacks in Afghanistan, which was called the War of Terror. President Barak Obama formally demanded the withdrawal of the American militaries from Afghanistan, bringing an end to the war.

November 2008 witnessed a series of terrorist attacks that took place in Mumbai, India, by a group of ten members belonging to an extremist terrorist organization based on Pakistan. It caused the demise of almost 174 people with 300 wounded.

The year 2014 saw the arrival of ISIS and the ISIL. This organization formed an operation called Operation Inherent Resolve, whose main target was to disrupt South Asia and the Middle Eastern countries.

Terrorism is a harsh reality of modern times. It has brought a significant impact on the policy decisions. It is high time to bring up a solution that would bring an end to global terrorism permanently.

Short Speech On Global Terrorism 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Global Terrorism 150 Words In English

Good morning to our honorable Principal, my respected teachers, and my dear friends.

The word terrorism indicates the destruction made by extremists who use terror strategies to infuse fright and panic among people. The terrorists usually target crowded areas where the citizens would ideally be safe, like schools, shopping malls, religious institutions. Terrorism is a strategy which terrorists use to fulfill their aims.

India’s tryst with terrorism dates back to the religious-based partition in 1947 ripping two nations apart, India and Pakistan. The dominant aggression of the terrorists was witnessed on September eleventh, 2001, in the USA. India lost many due to terrorist attacks in Mumbai on 26/11.

Several international, as well as national organizations of different countries, are taking up measures to safeguard their citizens from terrorism. The measures mainly aim at implementing cooperative and supporting activities among nations.

10 Lines On Global Terrorism Speech In English

  • Terrorism is generated because of extremism, patriotism, regionalism as well as racism.
  • The main aim of terrorists is to destroy the fundamental rights of the citizens.
  • The global death toll due to terrorism over the past decade ranged between 8000 to 44000 between the years 2010 and 2014.
  • More than 5000 people lost their lives in the terrorist attacks in the World Trade Centre in the USA on September eleven, 2001.
  • The most deadly and horrific terror attack that took place in India was the incident of 26/11.
  • The means of retaliating against terrorist attacks have been carried out in the form of airstrikes and surgical strikes.
  • Terrorism does not know the region or religion and can be done with or without purpose.
  • A form of terrorism is the use of violence against non-combats to gain their desired need.
  • In many countries, terrorism accounts for less than 0.01% of deaths.
  • Airline hijacks were common forms of terrorist attacks in the past.

10 Lines On Global Terrorism Speech In English

FAQ’s On Global Terrorism Speech

Question 1. Name the recent terrorism cases in India.

Answer: Recent terrorist attacks include the Pathankot attack in the year 2016 and the Pulwama attack in 2019. The most recent Pulwama attack on February fourteenth, 2019, led India to see one of the ghastliest attacks of all time.

Question 2. What are the different causes of terrorism?

Answer: The leading cause of terrorism is mainly based on religious factors. Throughout history, religious reasons have been the primary motivation for a wide variety of terrorist attacks. The other causes of terrorism include socio-economic, religious, political factors, and deprivation, and lack of education.

Question 3. What are the three types of terrorism?

Answer: The three types of terrorism include- international terrorism, domestic terrorism, and transnational terrorism.

Question 4. What are the effects of terrorism?

Answer: Terrorism can have various negative impacts on a country’s economy. The direct and most visible effect includes the destruction of life and properties. Terrorism can have an indirect influence on the economy by disrupting the market certainty, loss of tourism, and a sharp increase in insurance claims

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Essay on Global Terrorism for Students and Children

500+ words essay on global terrorism.

essay on global terrorism

Global Terrorism

The world has changed significantly since the September 11 attacks. Security has become an all-encompassing concern. People nowadays plan their vacations according to the factor such as whether the destination is safe or not, which route possess the least danger. Thus, after terrorist strikes took place people no longer feel safe in their own countries.

As we know about the attack on Twin Tower on September 11 in the USA in which militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaida hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.

Among four planes hijacked, two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon Washington D.C., while the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. These attacks eventually led to attack in Afghanistan by the USA to demolish Mullah Omar’s regime which is called War On Terror.

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War on Terror

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, an international military initiative was launched by the United States. This initiative was called the War on Terror. According to President Bush, this war was targeted at the radical network of terrorists as well as to the governments who supported them.

US and allied troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, both believed to be home to terrorist cells and leaders. Lastly, President Barak Obama’s administration formally called an end to the War and announced the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden had allegedly been killed by US Navy Seals and Al-Qaeda wasn’t considered the threat it once used to be.

However, 2014 saw the emergence of ISIS or ISIL. The jihadist organization was dubbed a terrorist group by the UN. This led to the formation of a new operation called Operation Inherent Resolve that would target terror in South Asia and the Middle East.

Threat to Humanity

The word terrorism indicates that extremists who use terror tactics use to develop fear in the hearts of people everywhere. They succeed in it because they target civilians in places where they would ideally be safe such as schools, malls, shopping thoroughfares, pubs, nightclubs, churches, and mosques.

Also, the shock value of these tactics is much higher. Terrorism is a strategy that various organizations use to achieve their aims by targeting innocent people. Terrorist attacks affect public morale and generate an atmosphere of fear. These attacks create divides between people from different regions, ethnicities, and religions. Instead of coming together to fight this threat, people are suspicious of each other and close themselves up.

Terrorism is very much a reality of modern times. The mere threat of a terrorist attack is enough to generate panic and fear among the general populace. We cannot deny the fact that global terrorism has affected policy decisions to a great extent. The internet has given terrorist organizations a global platform to spread their agenda and recruit more people. However, it may be time for a more militaristic solution to the problem of global terrorism.

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Internet Slows to a Crawl in Pakistan, Stoking Fear of a Firewall

Disruptions have fueled claims from rights groups that the Pakistani authorities are introducing technology to surveil and control the country’s internet.

Five men in similar green shirts look at cellphones in their hands while sitting on a concrete stump by the side of a road near trees and motorcycles.

By Zia ur-Rehman and Christina Goldbaum

Zia ur-Rehman reported from Karachi, Pakistan, and Christina Goldbaum from Kabul, Afghanistan.

When Shafi Naeem noticed internet speeds slowing in Pakistan in recent days, he grew nervous. Then he panicked. The websites that the Karachi-based freelance software designer used to find work would not load. Those that he had built for clients were taking hours longer than usual to upload onto servers — if they uploaded at all.

Clients sent him WhatsApp voice notes and photos that would not download. An outline of a clock at the bottom right of every image — the symbol that it had not yet been sent — seemed to taunt him.

“It’s not just bad for business; it’s devastating,” said Mr. Naeem, 39. He estimates he has already lost more than half of his roughly $4,000 monthly income. “Our work depends on fast, reliable internet.”

Across Pakistan, internet speeds have ground to a crawl in recent days, stoking uproar and fueling claims that the government is secretly testing a new firewall-like system to better surveil and control the country’s internet. The government denies responsibility for the slowdown, which has affected millions of users and disrupted businesses across the country.

Internet speeds have slowed to half their usual rates, according to trade groups and business owners. Files that once were uploaded in minutes take hours. Online calls and video conferencing are plagued by frozen screens and delayed voices.

The Pakistan Software Houses Association, which represents software companies nationwide, said in a statement that it “unequivocally condemns the grave consequences of the hastily implemented national firewall,” warning that Pakistan’s economy could lose up to $300 million because of the disruptions.

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  • Speech on Terrorism



Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism has caused a lot of destruction around the world. According to a report, terrorism has killed around 8000 to 12000 people in a decade. Terrorism cause havoc in the life of common people. It is the biggest problem against world peace and many organizations around the world are trying to finish terrorism. United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) has been constantly taking steps to finish terrorism.

Here we have provided a long and short speech on terrorism and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the speech on terrorism a global problem.

Long Speech on Terrorism in Simple English

Good morning to everyone present here. today I want to talk about Global terrorism, its origin, and its causes. 

Terrorism could be defined as the use of destruction against civilians to accomplish a particular purpose. Over the past few years, the act of terrorism has increased. 

If we think about terrorism the incidents that come to our mind are the 9/11 attack in New York or the Mumbai attack but what if I say you that terrorism subsisted for a long time in human history dating back to the Roman empire. An example of that is the Jewish Sicari wanted to abolish the Roman rule in the Middle east. When no one agreed to their demand they targeted Jewish supporters of the Roman empire. 

Another example was in France when the Reign of terror took place. It was a period of violence during the french revolution that started with the conflict between two rival political factions. They even executed anyone who was supporting the opposite party. So terrorism has been on this planet for centuries it’s just that, thanks to the well-connected world we can get information about the terrorism happening around us. 

Many of you are not familiar with the fact that terrorism is divided into four categories. This includes state-sponsored terrorism where the terrorist attack takes place in the state by the consent of the country. Dissent terrorism is a type of terrorism where the terrorist groups rebel against their government. The third type is religious terrorism, where the terrorists perform attacks because of the religious ideologies they have. The last one is criminal terrorism, where the terrorist groups attack civilians to aid in crime and illegal profits. 

Terrorism causes a lot of problems all around the world. It affects the economy and the growth of the country. The tourism industry of the country is affected by terrorism. 

The act of terrorism reached its peak on September 11, 2001, when the Twin trade towers and the Pentagon in the United States of America were attacked. The planes were hijacked by a terrorist organization called Al-Qaeda.

Over 3000 people were killed and more than 6000 people were injured within a few minutes of the attack. It became the biggest news around the world and from that day security was increased at airports. Terrorism affects the country and the family members of the people who were killed in the attack. 

November 2008 is considered to be the darkest day in Indian history as we witnessed a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India.Ten members belonging to an extremist group organization attacked many innocent people. It caused the demise of 175 people and almost 300 were injured during that incident. 

Many soldiers and civilians will be killed and the country will never forget that incident. India after that incident has taken a lot of security measures against terrorism. 

Terrorist organizations such as ISIS and the ISI have caused a lot of problems around the world. They brainwash youth to believe in their religious ideals against other countries. They brainwash the youth by asking them to sacrifice their lives for the sake of religion but It is mentioned in every religious holy book that killing someone in the name of religion is a crime.

Terrorism is a harsh reality of modern times where many young boys are recruited in the name of religion or an agenda. Terrorists use fear tactics to develop terror in people’s hearts everywhere. They target civilians in places such as hotels, pubs, nightclubs, and other religious places. 

So what is done to control or eliminate terrorism all around the world?. United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) has taken many steps to stop terrorism everywhere.UNODC has established strong coordination and cooperation with governments of many countries all around the world to combat terrorism. Security has been increased at airports and many places.

I believe that terrorism is a harsh reality of modern times and it has had the worst impact on many countries. It is very important to bring a permanent solution to tackle and end terrorism from its roots and it could only be done by having a mutual agreement between countries. Thank you for listening.

Short Speech on Terrorism

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to give a 1-minute speech on terrorism and I hope it helps everyone to understand what we are tackling.

Terrorism is defined as the use of destruction against common people to accomplish a particular purpose. The act of terrorism has increased over the past few years. The terrorist usually targets crowded places such as bus stops, hotels, and religious places. 

Terrorism affects the economy and the growth of the country. People feel terrified to visit a country that is not safe. This in turn affects the tourist industry of the country. 

Terrorism is divided into 4 categories and they are state-sponsored terrorism, Dissent terrorism, religious terrorism, and criminal terrorism.

The most horrifying act of terrorism that happened in recent time was on September 11, 2001, where the twin trading towers and the pentagon in the united states of America were attacked. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group organization caused these attacks by hijacking a plane and crashing at this place. Over 3000 people were killed and more than 6000 people were wounded within a few minutes of the attack. When it comes to India the one incident we Indians can’t forget is the attack on the Taj hotel on November 26, 2008. Over 175 people were killed and 300 people injured during that attack. Indian government after that incident have taken safety measures to make sure that the country is safe. 

Terrorism is a harsh reality of the modern time where many young boys are brainwashed to believe that sacrifice themselves for the name of religion or an ideal will bring them close to god but it is forbidden to kill a living thing in many holy books all around the world. Terrorist organizations like ISIS and ISI have caused a lot of problems everywhere and measures are taken by the United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) to end these groups. 

Terrorism is the harsh reality of the modern world and it has caused only destruction. World peace has been affected because of terrorism and it is important that world governments should make a plan to eradicate it completely off the world. Thank you. 

10 Lines About Speech on Terrorism

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and destruction to provoke fear and terror in the heart of people.

Terrorists usually attack places like airports, hotels, or religious places. These places are attacked as there are more civilians.

Terrorism has caused a lot of destruction all around the world.

Terrorism has destroyed the peace of many families. Many soldiers have sacrificed their lives to protect civilians during terrorist attacks. 

Terrorism is of four types. Criminal terrorism, religious terrorism, dissent terrorism, and state-sponsored terrorism. 

Terrorist groups like ISIS and ISI usually brainwash young boys to sacrifice their lives in the name of religion or an idea.

The most horrifying act of terrorism was the attack on the twin trading towers in New York on September 11, 2001.

The main aim of terrorists is to destroy world peace and hurt people.

The global death toll due to terrorism is between 8000 to 10000 people in the last decade. 

The most horrifying act of terrorism that happened in India was the attack on the Taj hotel on 26 November 2008. Over 150 people were killed with over 300 people injured.


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Speech on Global Terrorism in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violence for creating a general atmosphere of threat and fear across amongst the people and thus to fulfill a specific political purpose. Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global terrorism speech can help students take ideas to prepare their speech in their own language.

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Long and Short Speeches on Global Terrorism

At school level, our short speech on global terrorism can help you deliver an impactful speech and at college or organization level, try our long speech on global terrorism for impressing your audience. The language used in the speeches is very simple and yet effective, which is certainly going to create a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Also Check: Essay on Global Terrorism

Speech on Global Terrorism 1

A very good afternoon to the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends!

As we all know that today we have gathered in this hall to spread awareness among the future generations regarding terrorism which is one of the major problems faced by the entire world.

Terrorism is the illegitimate act done by the group of people to create terror among common people. I cannot explain terrorism in words because it has very deep roots spread all over the world. This has become a matter of utmost concern which is aggregating day by day all across the globe. It is one of the ways that are being used by the politicians, business industries and numerous social organizations for achieving and accomplishing objectives including social, religious, personal and political.

Terrorism has a huge influence on our country’s youth. It’s not only about our country but the entire world is facing terrorist attacks. Major causes behind this hike in the terrorism level are the different religions and ideologies of people living in this world.

Today people are living under the fear of terrorist attacks in the whole world because this epidemic has spread from groups to countries. To exemplify, Iraq and Iran are the countries which are fully under the trap of terrorism. People from Islam community especially, are getting trapped in this mess of violence.

Terrorist usually deploys machine guns and bombs in their attacks and areas like railway stations, airports or concert halls are there main targets of attack. To epitomize, we can have a look at countless incidents like an attack in Belgium or other attacks on the Western European locations where many civilians were killed. If we talk about India, on 7th, March 2018 Bhopal- Ujjain passenger train was attacked with bombs by the terrorists where 10 innocent passengers got injured. Such incidents are being spotted all over the world and thousands of innocent civilians are killed every year.

There are numerous ways to fight terrorism. The foremost thing is, to have an international team always on call to respond to such kinds of threats so that there is minimal loss of human life and property. Apart from this, gun control is another possible solution to global terrorism. This will eventually limit the weapons retrieved by the terrorists. Recognition of the terrorist organizations can also help in avoiding any kind of future terrorist attacks.

It is high time that we all should realize that every person has its own perspective, mindset, beliefs and religion. As long as we have differences in our own world, terrorism will persist. We need to equal out these differences first, which will eventually level the rate of terrorism in the world. By compendium, I would say that it’s not a problem that only one country can solve, but we all need to join our hands to solve this burning global issue.

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Speech on Global Terrorism 2

Honorable Chief Guest, Respected President of the College, Respected Professors and Dear Friends – I, on behalf of the entire college would like to thank you all for taking your time out and being a part of this important discussion. Like every year, this year too we have selected the topic, i.e. Global Terrorism, which is a matter of great concern not only to our nation but for the whole world at large.

Global terrorism is described as the activities involving violence and crime with the intention to promote religious or political ideologies across the world. Global terrorism mainly consists of violence, threats and intimidation for pressurizing the government, International group or community in general.

Global terrorism may occur in various forms such as attacks on foreign land, suicide bombings, etc. The act of global terrorism accomplished in 2001, popularly known as 9/11 best defines the act of horror and dreadfulness. The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by the members of some international terrorist groups which took away many lives as a result. Though such act of terrorism on such a large scale is less commonly seen, suicide bombers is highly common act of global terrorism that kill many civilians and creating an atmosphere of fear and panic.

The main purpose of the terrorists is to spread terror and achieve their objective by creating disharmony and chaos and by killing more and more innocent people. The terrorists would normally select crowded areas so that maximum people get hurt and killed. Global terrorism results in a large number of deaths along with numerous people getting injured. Many people suffer the post-traumatic anxiety and stress especially if they have been the eye witness to such act of terrorism.

When global terrorism occurs, it not only affects the country where it might have occurred, it also affects the neighboring country along with creating economic imbalance and increase in inflation rate worldwide. While terrorism is the burning issue today, it is also a matter of discussion as most of the youths today are getting negatively influenced by the people who spread terrorism for their own benefit. Though the reasons of terrorism may vary, the effect is always hazardous such as deaths and bloodshed.

Such act of terrorism and brutality should be avoided also because it doesn’t benefit anyone in anyway; instead it only creates confusion, death toll and disorder worldwide.

Government must take appropriate actions as more and more youths are getting influenced towards such activities. More aggression and less patience are been observed in today’s youth. They adopt the path of violence and terrorism and create imbalance and disharmony locally and on national and international level, if they are not heard or if their wishes do not get fulfilled.

While efficient military interventions have helped in reducing the effect of terrorism in some countries; the ever-growing intensity and impact of violent activities in certain countries have resulted in an increased number of terror induced fatalities.

By taking proper actions and by spreading awareness, the government collectively with organizations that work for humanity causes, etc can help minimize the anger of disoriented youths and stop terrorism.

Stricter defense measures at the border and global understanding and cooperation are required for preventing the anti-social elements succeeding in their crimes. Though terrorist acts accomplished by individual are irregular and unpredictable, they follow certain familiar statistical patterns. This can help the government in recognizing the commonalities between terrorist groups, their modus operandi, tactics, pattern and the impact of counter-terrorism operations.

While this topic is debatable, I would like to rest my speech with the hope that everyone listening to me, especially the youths would join hands in fighting terrorism and creating harmony across the world.

Speech on Global Terrorism 3

American author Bell Hooks writes, “There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it’s the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.” This is true, as the fear of violence and death that people are constantly gripped with can completely ruin their current lives. The terror in people all over the earth is the worst.

A pleasant good morning to the Principal, Teachers and my Dear Friends!

I am _______ and I stand here in front of you all to talk about something that does not and should not need any occasion. Friends, I am talking about global terrorism that no one has been able to escape. It is a problem that has been pestering the countries all over the globe for a long time now and the daily news reports of bombings, terrorists breaking in, and taking innocent lives are truly heart wrenching.

The “enemy” or “other” often suggesting to the terrorists are the violators of law and peace. Terrorism is still prevalent because the political, economic and social conflicts that arise between two or more countries go beyond the mere rifts and often lead to violence. The self- interests of the people from different countries to stand better as a country, the greed for the maximum power and the desire to be at the top are some of the primary reasons for the prevalence of terrorism in the world. The constant action-reaction deadly game played among countries will make it difficult for the global terrorism to end. In order to top the list, every country tries to pull other down by all possible means. Weapons and advance technology is used for causing destruction. A bomb-for-bomb idea works in the present times and losing hundreds of lives has begun to be accepted by the world. The cost of a human life has come to nothing. Global terrorism is eventually the root cause for the lack of humanity, morality and conscience in people in the 21 st century.

My thoughts resonate with Malala Yousafzai’s famous quote, “Terrorism will spill over if you don’t speak up” as it is our chance to speak up against terrorism. We need to address the issue, spread more awareness and try to make peace among the nations and countries in conflict. You and I have to take the responsibility to work towards the end of global terrorism. There is a lot to be done and solutions cannot be seen by simply signing the peace treaties.

There has to come a change in the mindset of people and implementation of fresh and healthy ideas that ensure everyone’s safety. The very words “enemy” and “other” have to be eliminated from the dictionary of our minds. I hope you all will ponder over this grave issue and work towards ending the global terrorism in order to secure lives and future of the coming generations.

This is all I have to say, thank you!

Speech on Global Terrorism 4

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Afternoon and a warm welcome to all of you!

As you all know, we have gathered here to discuss our plan for the upcoming debate competition that is to be played at State level. From our school, we have selected those students who have helped us win many quizzes and debates in inter-school competitions.

Well, out of all the topics we anticipate to be discussed at the debate; global terrorism is one of the most critical issues that we will be discussing today.

Global Terrorism can be defined as the use of purposely random violence for creating terror and horror amongst the common people. The main purpose of terrorism is to gain a political, financial, ideological or religious gain. Any kind of terrorism and with any intention in any situation is unjustifiable and is a criminal act along with being a punishable offence.

Global terrorism is a highly intricate geopolitical problem that weakens the safety of cities, nations and the marketplace globally. Random attacks on common people and network result in a sense of horror and anxiety in regards to the entire civilization and the mankind. The past two years records of global terrorism have not only created uneasiness amongst the mass, these have also weakened the global economy.

While terrorism creates fear and a state of panic amongst the common people, it also creates huge uncertainty and insecurity in the global market, leading to apprehensions amongst the investors as well as many unpredicted economic consequences including inflation.

In the past few years, many anti-social groups are getting involved in the act of terrorism in the name of religion. These people plant bombs, suicide bombs and other hazardous grenades, missiles, etc. in the crowded places which take lives of mass leaving people helpless and vulnerable.

The sad part is that several youths are also getting negatively influenced by the anti-social people and elements and they are also getting indulged into acts of killing innocent people. Through this speech, I would also like to appeal to everyone especially the young boys and girls that terrorists are anti-national elements who exploit youngsters for fulfilling their personal motives.

Global terrorism has all the more adverse effect on the world economy resulting in market unpredictability and along with killing numerous innocent people. I strongly believe that when the youngsters know about the short term and long term impact of global terrorism, they would refrain themselves from indulging in such activities.

Sudden price rise and price instability are the short term affect, while improved regulations, laws and protection are been implemented in order to lessen and alleviate risk produced by the terrorist acts. As a result, the traders and investors become highly apprehensive and fearful in investing money in new markets.

While some countries are moderate as far as terrorism is concerned, some countries such as Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria are considered sanctioned economically on the US list. Through economic sanctions, US Government exerts their condemnation and disapproval over the countries which are highly and frequently indulged in terrorism activities.

We all are aware that any act of terror, either big or small through any mean, in any country creates a great level of horror, aghast and economic uncertainty. Therefore, we must appeal to the government and NGOs for organizing more debates and seminars through which people get aware of the negative consequences of terrorism and they take actions from their end to discourage such acts.

I would like to rest my speech now with the hope that my audience here would never get deviated from their goal.

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Global Terrorism Speech

Global terrorism can be described as the systematic use of crime and violence to create a general environment of danger and fear among people and to serve a specific type of political purpose. Nowadays, many types of knowledge-filled programs are organized in schools and colleges. In which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a very big problem today and our speech on global terrorism can help students to prepare speech according to their thoughts and experience.

Table of Contents

Long and Short Speech on Global Terrorism in English

Speech – 1.

Respected Principal, Teachers and my dear friends, my greetings to all of you!

As we all know that today we have gathered in this hall to spread awareness among future generations about terrorism. Today we are going to discuss that topic which is one of the major problems facing the whole world.

Terrorism is an illegal act done by a group of people to create terror among the common people. I cannot explain terrorism in few words, as its deep roots are spread all over the world, which has become a matter of utmost concern. All over the world it is one of the methods used by politicians, business industries and many social organizations to achieve and fulfill other objectives including social, religious, personal and political.

Terrorism also has a bad effect on the youth of our country. The major factors in the rise in the level of terrorism are the different religions and ideologies of the people living in the world. Due to which not only our country but the whole world is facing the attacks of terrorism.

Today people are living in fear of the spread of terrorism and their attacks all over the world, for example we can see the countries of Iraq and Iran which have been badly trapped in this web of terror. Along with this, people of Islam community are also getting trapped in this quagmire of terror.

Terrorists generally use machine guns and bombs in their attacks and these make their main targets for attacks on areas such as railway stations, airports or concerts. Not to mention, we can look at countless events from many places like Belgium or Western European. While many civilians were victims of this, if we talk about India, on March 7, 2018, 10 innocent passengers were injured when terrorists bombed the Bhopal-Ujjain passenger train. Many more such incidents are being seen all over the world and thousands of innocent civilians are being killed every year.

There are many ways to fight terrorism. Most importantly, there is a need for an international organization to respond to such threats, which can always help people when needed. So that there should be minimum loss of human life and property and no harm can be done to them. In addition, gun control is another potential solution to global terrorism that will ultimately limit the weapons acquired by terrorists and identify terrorist organizations, helping to avoid any future terrorist attacks.

The time has come for all of us to realize that everyone has their own perspective, mental thoughts, beliefs and religions. As long as we keep differences in our world, terrorism will continue. We first need to forget these differences and reduce the rate of terrorism. In short, I want to say that this is not a problem that only one country can solve. Rather, we all need to be united to solve this serious global problem.

speech – 2

Honorable Chief Guest, Respected President of the College, Respected Professors and Dear Friends, I, on behalf of the entire College, would like to thank all of you for taking the time and being a part of this important discussion. Like every year, this year also we have chosen an important topic, which is global terrorism. Which remains a matter of great concern not only for our country but for the whole world.

Global terrorism is described as violence and crime-like activities intended to promote religious or political ideologies around the world. Global terrorism primarily uses violence and intimidation to exert pressure on a government, international group or community.

Global terrorism can take various forms such as attacks on foreign lands, suicide bombings etc. 2001 ended the act of global terrorism, also known as 9/11, which defines an act of horror and horror. The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by members of some international terrorist groups, resulting in the death of several people. Although generally many such terrorist attacks have been seen on a large scale. Suicide attack kills civilians as well as creates an atmosphere of fear and terror inside the people.

The main objective of terrorists is to spread terror, make false promises and create chaos to achieve their objective by taking the lives of as many innocent people as possible. Terrorists generally choose crowded areas so that they can kill or injure as many people as possible. Due to this many people who became witnesses of this incident of terrorism. They face many types of anxiety and stress after these incidents. As a result of global terrorism, the number of injured as well as the death rate has increased tremendously.

When an incident of global terrorism occurs, it not only affects that country, but it also affects the economic balance of the neighboring country and the rise in inflation rates around the world. Terrorism is a very big problem today and it is also a topic of discussion. Most of the youth today are being negatively influenced by other people to spread terrorism against their people. Although terrorism can have many different causes, their effects are always dangerous, such as death and bloodshed.

Terrorism and cruelty do not bring any benefit, rather it creates confusion, fear, increase in the number of deaths and disorder etc. among the people around the world, that is why we should do our best to stop it.

More and more youth are getting affected by such activities today that’s why the government should take appropriate action as soon as possible. More aggression and less patience are seen in today’s youth. If any of their wishes are not fulfilled, they take the path of violence and terrorism and start creating imbalance at the local and international level.

Efficient military interventions have helped reduce the impact of terrorism in some countries. In some countries, the number of terror-induced incidents has increased as a result of the effects of ever-increasing aggressive and violent activities.

By taking appropriate action and spreading awareness, the government and other organizations working in the human interest together can make a special contribution to the prevention of terrorism and can help to reduce the anger of the distracted youth and stop terrorism.

Tougher border defense measures and use of global understanding and cooperation are essential to prevent crimes and anti-social elements. Although terrorist acts committed by individuals are irregular and unpredictable, they still follow some familiar statistical methods. This can help the government to identify terrorist groups and their modus operandi, strategy, tactics and impact of counter-terrorist operations.

Although this topic is debatable and now I want to end my speech with the hope that everyone has listened to me, especially the youth, who are fighting terrorism and creating harmony among people all over the world. You can make an important contribution in spreading awareness.

Speech – 3

American author Bell Hook writes, “There is no life in violence, every step associated with violence brings us closer to death, whether it is simple violence involving us, such as toxic eating or child violence and Civil war, poverty, drug or regional terrorism etc.” It is true that, the fear of violence and death is depriving people from living their present lives, making them think about it.

Principal, all the teachers and my dear friends Good morning to all of you!

I _______, friends, today I am going to talk about such a topic of global terrorism in front of you all. For which no important occasion is needed. This is the problem that has been plaguing countries around the world for a long time. Daily news reports like bomb blasts, terrorist attacks and innocent deaths etc really make our heart beat more.

The word “enemy” or “other” often refers to terrorists as one of the people who break the law and the peace. Terrorism is still prevalent, often taking the form of violence and dispute, rather than simply replacing the political, economic and social conflict arising between two or more countries. For the self interest of the people of different countries, the greed for more power and the desire to be at the top, they promote the primary reasons for the spread of terrorism in the world.

Deadly acts of relentless retaliation by countries make it more difficult to eliminate global terrorism. In order to reach the top of the list, each country tries to bring down the other country by all possible means. Weapons and advanced technology are used for attack. At present, violent ideology like an eye for an eye is being adopted all over the world. Due to which hundreds of people around the world have to lose their lives. The lack of humanity, morality and conscience among the people in the 21st century is considered to be the root cause of global terrorism.

My thoughts on this come from Malala Yousafzai’s famous quote, “Terrorism will spread everywhere if you don’t raise your voice.” So this is our opportunity to speak out against terrorism. We need to solve this issue, spread more and more awareness and try to maintain peace among nations and countries in conflicts, because only signing of peace treaties cannot hope for a solution. That is why we and you have to do our part to end global terrorism.

To solve this problem, we need to change the mindset of the people and bring good thoughts within them, so that everyone’s safety can be ensured. Many words like enemy etc need to be removed from our mind. I hope that all of you will definitely consider this serious issue and contribute towards ending global terrorism to secure the life and future of the coming generations.

That’s all I had to say to all of you.

Speech – 4

Respected Principal, respected teachers and my dear students – I heartily congratulate all of you for being here!

As you all know, we are gathered here to discuss our plan for the upcoming debate competition to be played at the state level. From our school, we have selected students who have helped us win many quizzes and debates in inter-school competitions.

Well, out of all the topics that we can debate or discuss, I have chosen global terrorism which is one of the most important issues and which we are going to discuss today.

We can also define global terrorism as the fact of deliberate use of violence to create terror and fear among the common people. The main purpose of terrorism is to gain political, financial, ideological or religious advantage. Terrorism of any kind is an unjust and punishable offense with any intent or condition.

Global terrorism is a serious problem that undermines the security of cities, nations and markets globally. A sense of horror and anxiety arises as a result of unintentional attacks on ordinary people and networks in relation to common civilization and mankind. The record level of global terrorism in the last two years has not only created an atmosphere of fear among the public but has also weakened the global economy.

Terrorism creates a state of fear and panic among the general public, it also creates a sense of uncertainty and insecurity in the global market, thereby generating apprehensions among investors and causing many unforeseen economic problems including inflation.

Over the years, several anti-social groups have been getting involved in acts of terrorism in the name of religion. These people select crowded places and areas and use bombs and other dangerous grenades, missiles, etc., so that they can kill as many people as possible and make them helpless and weak.

The sad part is that many youths are also getting affected by the negative influence of anti-social people and elements and they are also getting involved in the acts of killing innocent people. Through this speech, I would like to appeal to all especially young boys and girls, that terrorism is an anti-national element which exploits the youth to fulfill their personal objectives.

Global terrorism has a very adverse effect on the world economy, resulting in an unexpected fall in the market and many innocent people lose their lives. I firmly believe that when the youth come to know about the short term and long term impact of global terrorism, they will stop themselves from indulging in such activities.

Sudden price increases and price volatility reflect the short-term effects of terrorism, although better rules, regulations and protections have been put in place to reduce the risk produced by terrorist acts, but are still helping traders and investors to invest money in new markets. Very scared.

Some countries are affected by terrorism in general, some countries like Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria etc. have been kept in the economically restricted category by the US due to their indulging in serious terrorist activities. Through economic sanctions, the US government condemns countries that engage in terrorist activities.

We all know that any act of terror, big or small in any country creates a sense of fear, instability and economic uncertainty. Therefore, we should appeal to the government and NGOs to organize speeches and seminars, through which people can become aware of the negative consequences of terrorism and they contribute fully to discourage such acts.

I want to end my speech now with the hope that my audience here will never deviate from their goal and will make their full contribution in ending terrorism.

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Speech on Global Terrorism

Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violence for creating a general atmosphere of threat and fear across amongst the people and thus to fulfill a specific political purpose. Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global terrorism speech can help students take ideas to prepare their speech in their own language.

Long and Short Speeches on Global Terrorism

At school level, our short speech on global terrorism can help you deliver an impactful speech and at college or organization level, try our long speech on global terrorism for impressing your audience. The language used in the speeches is very simple and yet effective, which is certainly going to create a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Speech on Global Terrorism 1

A very good afternoon to the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends!

As we all know that today we have gathered in this hall to spread awareness among the future generations regarding terrorism which is one of the major problems faced by the entire world.

Terrorism is the illegitimate act done by the group of people to create terror among common people. I cannot explain terrorism in words because it has very deep roots spread all over the world. This has become a matter of utmost concern which is aggregating day by day all across the globe. It is one of the ways that are being used by the politicians, business industries and numerous social organizations for achieving and accomplishing objectives including social, religious, personal and political.

Terrorism has a huge influence on our country’s youth. It’s not only about our country but the entire world is facing terrorist attacks. Major causes behind this hike in the terrorism level are the different religions and ideologies of people living in this world.

Today people are living under the fear of terrorist attacks in the whole world because this epidemic has spread from groups to countries. To exemplify, Iraq and Iran are the countries which are fully under the trap of terrorism. People from Islam community especially, are getting trapped in this mess of violence.

Terrorist usually deploys machine guns and bombs in their attacks and areas like railway stations, airports or concert halls are there main targets of attack. To epitomize, we can have a look at countless incidents like an attack in Belgium or other attacks on the Western European locations where many civilians were killed. If we talk about India, on 7th, March 2018 Bhopal- Ujjain passenger train was attacked with bombs by the terrorists where 10 innocent passengers got injured. Such incidents are being spotted all over the world and thousands of innocent civilians are killed every year.

There are numerous ways to fight terrorism. The foremost thing is, to have an international team always on call to respond to such kinds of threats so that there is minimal loss of human life and property. Apart from this, gun control is another possible solution to global terrorism. This will eventually limit the weapons retrieved by the terrorists. Recognition of the terrorist organizations can also help in avoiding any kind of future terrorist attacks.

It is high time that we all should realize that every person has its own perspective, mindset, beliefs and religion. As long as we have differences in our own world, terrorism will persist. We need to equal out these differences first, which will eventually level the rate of terrorism in the world. By compendium, I would say that it’s not a problem that only one country can solve, but we all need to join our hands to solve this burning global issue.

Speech on Global Terrorism 2

Honorable Chief Guest, Respected President of the College, Respected Professors and Dear Friends – I, on behalf of the entire college would like to thank you all for taking your time out and being a part of this important discussion. Like every year, this year too we have selected the topic, i.e. Global Terrorism, which is a matter of great concern not only to our nation but for the whole world at large.

Global terrorism is described as the activities involving violence and crime with the intention to promote religious or political ideologies across the world. Global terrorism mainly consists of violence, threats and intimidation for pressurizing the government, International group or community in general.

Global terrorism may occur in various forms such as attacks on foreign land, suicide bombings, etc. The act of global terrorism accomplished in 2001, popularly known as 9/11 best defines the act of horror and dreadfulness. The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by the members of some international terrorist groups which took away many lives as a result. Though such act of terrorism on such a large scale is less commonly seen, suicide bombers is highly common act of global terrorism that kill many civilians and creating an atmosphere of fear and  panic.

The main purpose of the terrorists is to spread terror and achieve their objective by creating disharmony and chaos and by killing more and more innocent people. The terrorists would normally select crowded areas so that maximum people get hurt and killed. Global terrorism results in a large number of deaths along with numerous people getting injured. Many people suffer the post-traumatic anxiety and stress especially if they have been the eye witness to such act of terrorism.

When global terrorism occurs, it not only affects the country where it might have occurred, it also affects the neighboring country along with creating economic imbalance and increase in inflation rate worldwide. While terrorism is the burning issue today, it is also a matter of discussion as most of the youths today are getting negatively influenced by the people who spread terrorism for their own benefit. Though the reasons of terrorism may vary, the effect is always hazardous such as deaths and bloodshed.

Such act of terrorism and brutality should be avoided also because it doesn’t benefit anyone in anyway; instead it only creates confusion, death toll and disorder worldwide.

Government must take appropriate actions as more and more youths are getting influenced towards such activities. More aggression and less patience are been observed in today’s youth. They adopt the path of violence and terrorism and create imbalance and disharmony locally and on national and international level, if they are not heard or if their wishes do not get fulfilled.

While efficient military interventions have helped in reducing the effect of terrorism in some countries; the ever-growing intensity and impact of violent activities in certain countries have resulted in an increased number of terror induced fatalities.

By taking proper actions and by spreading awareness, the government collectively with organizations that work for humanity causes, etc can help minimize the anger of disoriented youths and stop terrorism.

Stricter defense measures at the border and global understanding and cooperation are required for preventing the anti-social elements succeeding in their crimes. Though terrorist acts accomplished by individual are irregular and unpredictable, they follow certain familiar statistical patterns. This can help the government in recognizing the commonalities between terrorist groups, their modus operandi, tactics, pattern and the impact of counter-terrorism operations.

While this topic is debatable, I would like to rest my speech with the hope that everyone listening to me, especially the youths would join hands in fighting terrorism and creating harmony across the world.

Speech on Global Terrorism 3

American author Bell Hooks writes, “There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it’s the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.” This is true, as the fear of violence and death that people are constantly gripped with can completely ruin their current lives. The terror in people all over the earth is the worst.

A pleasant good morning to the Principal, Teachers and my Dear Friends!

I am _______ and I stand here in front of you all to talk about something that does not and should not need any occasion. Friends, I am talking about global terrorism that no one has been able to escape. It is a problem that has been pestering the countries all over the globe for a long time now and the daily news reports of bombings, terrorists breaking in, and taking innocent lives are truly heart wrenching.

The “enemy” or “other” often suggesting to the terrorists are the violators of law and peace. Terrorism is still prevalent because the political, economic and social conflicts that arise between two or more countries go beyond the mere rifts and often lead to violence. The self- interests of the people from different countries to stand better as a country, the greed for the maximum power and the desire to be at the top are some of the primary reasons for the prevalence of terrorism in the world. The constant action-reaction deadly game played among countries will make it difficult for the global terrorism to end. In order to top the list, every country tries to pull other down by all possible means. Weapons and advance technology is used for causing destruction. A bomb-for-bomb idea works in the present times and losing hundreds of lives has begun to be accepted by the world. The cost of a human life has come to nothing. Global terrorism is eventually the root cause for the lack of humanity, morality and conscience in people in the 21 st century.

My thoughts resonate with Malala Yousafzai’s famous quote, “Terrorism will spill over if you don’t speak up” as it is our chance to speak up against terrorism. We need to address the issue, spread more awareness and try to make peace among the nations and countries in conflict. You and I have to take the responsibility to work towards the end of global terrorism. There is a lot to be done and solutions cannot be seen by simply signing the peace treaties.

There has to come a change in the mindset of people and implementation of fresh and healthy ideas that ensure everyone’s safety. The very words “enemy” and “other” have to be eliminated from the dictionary of our minds. I hope you all will ponder over this grave issue and work towards ending the global terrorism in order to secure lives and future of the coming generations.

This is all I have to say, thank you!

Speech on Global Terrorism 4

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Afternoon and a warm welcome to all of you!

As you all know, we have gathered here to discuss our plan for the upcoming debate competition that is to be played at State level. From our school, we have selected those students who have helped us win many quizzes and debates in inter-school competitions.

Well, out of all the topics we anticipate to be discussed at the debate; global terrorism is one of the most critical issues that we will be discussing today.

Global Terrorism can be defined as the use of purposely random violence for creating terror and horror amongst the common people. The main purpose of terrorism is to gain a political, financial, ideological or religious gain. Any kind of terrorism and with any intention in any situation is unjustifiable and is a criminal act along with being a punishable offence.

Global terrorism is a highly intricate geopolitical problem that weakens the safety of cities, nations and the marketplace globally. Random attacks on common people and network result in a sense of horror and anxiety in regards to the entire civilization and the mankind. The past two years records of global terrorism have not only created uneasiness amongst the mass, these have also weakened the global economy.

While terrorism creates fear and a state of panic amongst the common people, it also creates huge uncertainty and insecurity in the global market, leading to apprehensions amongst the investors as well as many unpredicted economic consequences including inflation.

In the past few years, many anti-social groups are getting involved in the act of terrorism in the name of religion. These people plant bombs, suicide bombs and other hazardous grenades, missiles, etc. in the crowded places which take lives of mass leaving people helpless and vulnerable.

The sad part is that several youths are also getting negatively influenced by the anti-social people and elements and they are also getting indulged into acts of killing innocent people. Through this speech, I would also like to appeal to everyone especially the young boys and girls that terrorists are anti-national elements who exploit youngsters for fulfilling their personal motives.

Global terrorism has all the more adverse effect on the world economy resulting in market unpredictability and along with killing numerous innocent people. I strongly believe that when the youngsters know about the short term and long term impact of global terrorism, they would refrain themselves from indulging in such activities.

Sudden price rise and price instability are the short term affect, while improved regulations, laws and protection are been implemented in order to lessen and alleviate risk produced by the terrorist acts. As a result, the traders and investors become highly apprehensive and fearful in investing money in new markets.

While some countries are moderate as far as terrorism is concerned, some countries such as Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria are considered sanctioned economically on the US list. Through economic sanctions, US Government exerts their condemnation and disapproval over the countries which are highly and frequently indulged in terrorism activities.

We all are aware that any act of terror, either big or small through any mean, in any country creates a great level of horror, aghast and economic uncertainty. Therefore, we must appeal to the government and NGOs for organizing more debates and seminars through which people get aware of the negative consequences of terrorism and they take actions from their end to discourage such acts.

I would like to rest my speech now with the hope that my audience here would never get deviated from their goal.

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Speech on Global Terrorism

Speech on global terrorism in simple and easy words.

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Global Terrorism can be described as the methodical use of crime and violence for creating a general atmosphere of threat and fear across amongst the people and thus to fulfill a specific political purpose. Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global terrorism speech can help students take ideas to prepare their speech in their own language.

Long and Short Speeches on Global Terrorism

At school level, our short speech on global terrorism can help you deliver an impactful speech and at college or organization level, try our long speech on global terrorism for impressing your audience. The language used in the speeches is very simple and yet effective, which is certainly going to create a long-lasting impact on your audience.

Speech on Global Terrorism 1

A very good afternoon to the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends!

As we all know that today we have gathered in this hall to spread awareness among the future generations regarding terrorism which is one of the major problems faced by the entire world.

Terrorism is the illegitimate act done by the group of people to create terror among common people. I cannot explain terrorism in words because it has very deep roots spread all over the world. This has become a matter of utmost concern which is aggregating day by day all across the globe. It is one of the ways that are being used by the politicians, business industries and numerous social organizations for achieving and accomplishing objectives including social, religious, personal and political.

Terrorism has a huge influence on our country’s youth. It’s not only about our country but the entire world is facing terrorist attacks. Major causes behind this hike in the terrorism level are the different religions and ideologies of people living in this world.

Today people are living under the fear of terrorist attacks in the whole world because this epidemic has spread from groups to countries. To exemplify, Iraq and Iran are the countries which are fully under the trap of terrorism. People from Islam community especially, are getting trapped in this mess of violence.

Terrorist usually deploys machine guns and bombs in their attacks and areas like railway stations, airports or concert halls are there main targets of attack. To epitomize, we can have a look at countless incidents like an attack in Belgium or other attacks on the Western European locations where many civilians were killed. If we talk about India, on 7th, March 2018 Bhopal- Ujjain passenger train was attacked with bombs by the terrorists where 10 innocent passengers got injured. Such incidents are being spotted all over the world and thousands of innocent civilians are killed every year.

There are numerous ways to fight terrorism. The foremost thing is, to have an international team always on call to respond to such kinds of threats so that there is minimal loss of human life and property. Apart from this, gun control is another possible solution to global terrorism. This will eventually limit the weapons retrieved by the terrorists. Recognition of the terrorist organizations can also help in avoiding any kind of future terrorist attacks.

It is high time that we all should realize that every person has its own perspective, mindset, beliefs and religion. As long as we have differences in our own world, terrorism will persist. We need to equal out these differences first, which will eventually level the rate of terrorism in the world. By compendium, I would say that it’s not a problem that only one country can solve, but we all need to join our hands to solve this burning global issue.

Speech on Global Terrorism 2

Honorable Chief Guest, Respected President of the College, Respected Professors and Dear Friends – I, on behalf of the entire college would like to thank you all for taking your time out and being a part of this important discussion. Like every year, this year too we have selected the topic, i.e. Global Terrorism, which is a matter of great concern not only to our nation but for the whole world at large.

Global terrorism is described as the activities involving violence and crime with the intention to promote religious or political ideologies across the world. Global terrorism mainly consists of violence, threats and intimidation for pressurizing the government, International group or community in general.

Global terrorism may occur in various forms such as attacks on foreign land, suicide bombings, etc. The act of global terrorism accomplished in 2001, popularly known as 9/11 best defines the act of horror and dreadfulness. The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by the members of some international terrorist groups which took away many lives as a result. Though such act of terrorism on such a large scale is less commonly seen, suicide bombers is highly common act of global terrorism that kill many civilians and creating an atmosphere of fear and  panic.

The main purpose of the terrorists is to spread terror and achieve their objective by creating disharmony and chaos and by killing more and more innocent people. The terrorists would normally select crowded areas so that maximum people get hurt and killed. Global terrorism results in a large number of deaths along with numerous people getting injured. Many people suffer the post-traumatic anxiety and stress especially if they have been the eye witness to such act of terrorism.

When global terrorism occurs, it not only affects the country where it might have occurred, it also affects the neighboring country along with creating economic imbalance and increase in inflation rate worldwide. While terrorism is the burning issue today, it is also a matter of discussion as most of the youths today are getting negatively influenced by the people who spread terrorism for their own benefit. Though the reasons of terrorism may vary, the effect is always hazardous such as deaths and bloodshed.

Such act of terrorism and brutality should be avoided also because it doesn’t benefit anyone in anyway; instead it only creates confusion, death toll and disorder worldwide.

Government must take appropriate actions as more and more youths are getting influenced towards such activities. More aggression and less patience are been observed in today’s youth. They adopt the path of violence and terrorism and create imbalance and disharmony locally and on national and international level, if they are not heard or if their wishes do not get fulfilled.

While efficient military interventions have helped in reducing the effect of terrorism in some countries; the ever-growing intensity and impact of violent activities in certain countries have resulted in an increased number of terror induced fatalities.

By taking proper actions and by spreading awareness, the government collectively with organizations that work for humanity causes, etc can help minimize the anger of disoriented youths and stop terrorism.

Stricter defense measures at the border and global understanding and cooperation are required for preventing the anti-social elements succeeding in their crimes. Though terrorist acts accomplished by individual are irregular and unpredictable, they follow certain familiar statistical patterns. This can help the government in recognizing the commonalities between terrorist groups, their modus operandi, tactics, pattern and the impact of counter-terrorism operations.

While this topic is debatable, I would like to rest my speech with the hope that everyone listening to me, especially the youths would join hands in fighting terrorism and creating harmony across the world.

Speech on Global Terrorism 3

American author Bell Hooks writes, “There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it’s the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.” This is true, as the fear of violence and death that people are constantly gripped with can completely ruin their current lives. The terror in people all over the earth is the worst.

A pleasant good morning to the Principal, Teachers and my Dear Friends!

I am _______ and I stand here in front of you all to talk about something that does not and should not need any occasion. Friends, I am talking about global terrorism that no one has been able to escape. It is a problem that has been pestering the countries all over the globe for a long time now and the daily news reports of bombings, terrorists breaking in, and taking innocent lives are truly heart wrenching.

The “enemy” or “other” often suggesting to the terrorists are the violators of law and peace. Terrorism is still prevalent because the political, economic and social conflicts that arise between two or more countries go beyond the mere rifts and often lead to violence. The self- interests of the people from different countries to stand better as a country, the greed for the maximum power and the desire to be at the top are some of the primary reasons for the prevalence of terrorism in the world. The constant action-reaction deadly game played among countries will make it difficult for the global terrorism to end. In order to top the list, every country tries to pull other down by all possible means. Weapons and advance technology is used for causing destruction. A bomb-for-bomb idea works in the present times and losing hundreds of lives has begun to be accepted by the world. The cost of a human life has come to nothing. Global terrorism is eventually the root cause for the lack of humanity, morality and conscience in people in the 21 st  century.

My thoughts resonate with Malala Yousafzai’s famous quote, “Terrorism will spill over if you don’t speak up” as it is our chance to speak up against terrorism. We need to address the issue, spread more awareness and try to make peace among the nations and countries in conflict. You and I have to take the responsibility to work towards the end of global terrorism. There is a lot to be done and solutions cannot be seen by simply signing the peace treaties.

There has to come a change in the mindset of people and implementation of fresh and healthy ideas that ensure everyone’s safety. The very words “enemy” and “other” have to be eliminated from the dictionary of our minds. I hope you all will ponder over this grave issue and work towards ending the global terrorism in order to secure lives and future of the coming generations.

This is all I have to say, thank you!

Speech on Global Terrorism 4

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Afternoon and a warm welcome to all of you!

As you all know, we have gathered here to discuss our plan for the upcoming debate competition that is to be played at State level. From our school, we have selected those students who have helped us win many quizzes and debates in inter-school competitions.

Well, out of all the topics we anticipate to be discussed at the debate; global terrorism is one of the most critical issues that we will be discussing today.

Global Terrorism can be defined as the use of purposely random violence for creating terror and horror amongst the common people. The main purpose of terrorism is to gain a political, financial, ideological or religious gain. Any kind of terrorism and with any intention in any situation is unjustifiable and is a criminal act along with being a punishable offence.

Global terrorism is a highly intricate geopolitical problem that weakens the safety of cities, nations and the marketplace globally. Random attacks on common people and network result in a sense of horror and anxiety in regards to the entire civilization and the mankind. The past two years records of global terrorism have not only created uneasiness amongst the mass, these have also weakened the global economy.

While terrorism creates fear and a state of panic amongst the common people, it also creates huge uncertainty and insecurity in the global market, leading to apprehensions amongst the investors as well as many unpredicted economic consequences including inflation.

In the past few years, many anti-social groups are getting involved in the act of terrorism in the name of religion. These people plant bombs, suicide bombs and other hazardous grenades, missiles, etc. in the crowded places which take lives of mass leaving people helpless and vulnerable.

The sad part is that several youths are also getting negatively influenced by the anti-social people and elements and they are also getting indulged into acts of killing innocent people. Through this speech, I would also like to appeal to everyone especially the young boys and girls that terrorists are anti-national elements who exploit youngsters for fulfilling their personal motives.

Global terrorism has all the more adverse effect on the world economy resulting in market unpredictability and along with killing numerous innocent people. I strongly believe that when the youngsters know about the short term and long term impact of global terrorism, they would refrain themselves from indulging in such activities.

Sudden price rise and price instability are the short term affect, while improved regulations, laws and protection are been implemented in order to lessen and alleviate risk produced by the terrorist acts. As a result, the traders and investors become highly apprehensive and fearful in investing money in new markets.

While some countries are moderate as far as terrorism is concerned, some countries such as Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria are considered sanctioned economically on the US list. Through economic sanctions, US Government exerts their condemnation and disapproval over the countries which are highly and frequently indulged in terrorism activities.

We all are aware that any act of terror, either big or small through any mean, in any country creates a great level of horror, aghast and economic uncertainty. Therefore, we must appeal to the government and NGOs for organizing more debates and seminars through which people get aware of the negative consequences of terrorism and they take actions from their end to discourage such acts.

I would like to rest my speech now with the hope that my audience here would never get deviated from their goal.

Related Information: Essay on Terrorism

Essay on Terrorism in India

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    10 Lines On Global Terrorism Speech In English. Terrorism is generated because of extremism, patriotism, regionalism as well as racism. The main aim of terrorists is to destroy the fundamental rights of the citizens. The global death toll due to terrorism over the past decade ranged between 8000 to 44000 between the years 2010 and 2014.

  17. Essay on Global Terrorism for Students and Children

    Terrorism is a major problem all over the world at the moment. It affects a country's economy. Terrorists were made in the name of religion. Religion never teaches terrorism or tell followers to take the lives of other people. But the wrong leaders teach wrong things and innocent people fall prey to this. Global Terrorism

  18. Director GCHQ's speech on global security amid war in Ukraine

    Director GCHQ Sir Jeremy Fleming's full speech from the Australian National University (Thursday 31st March 2022) Good morning and thank you Rory for the introduction. And thanks to the National Security College for hosting this event in this fabulous building. I can't tell you how good it is to be back in Australia and especially, to see ...

  19. Full text: Donald Trump's speech on fighting terrorism

    Perhaps no speech was more misguided than President Obama's speech to the Muslim World delivered in Cairo, Egypt, in 2009. ... or the financing of global terrorism, President Obama tried to draw ...

  20. Pakistan's Internet Disruptions Stoke Fears of Government Surveillance

    Military officials have introduced the term "digital terrorism" in speeches and news releases since May, vowing to defeat so-called operatives who they say aim to sow discord in the country.

  21. Speech On Terrorism

    Speech on Terrorism. Terrorism is a form of political violence that is intended to intimidate, spread fear, or influence the behavior of individuals, groups, or governments. It often involves the use of violent acts, such as bombing, assassination, or hijacking, against civilians or military targets. The primary goal of terrorism is to create ...

  22. Terrorism Speech in English for Students

    5 Min Speech on Terrorism. Today, I am here to deliver a speech on terrorism. After the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001, terrorism has taken on new meaning for most people. Terrorists killed ten times more people in three daring airliner attacks (plus a ...

  23. Speech on Terrorism in English For Students

    Speech on Terrorism. Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism has caused a lot of destruction around the world. According to a report, terrorism has killed around 8000 to 12000 people in a decade. Terrorism cause havoc in the life of common people.

  24. Speech on Global Terrorism in simple and easy words

    Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global ...

  25. DNC 2024 highlights: Kamala Harris gives acceptance speech at

    Harris' speech closes out a convention that has featured speakers such as Biden, ... (The U.S. for decades has designated Tehran one of the leading state sponsors of global terrorism.)

  26. Global Terrorism Speech

    Global terrorism can take various forms such as attacks on foreign lands, suicide bombings etc. 2001 ended the act of global terrorism, also known as 9/11, which defines an act of horror and horror. The World Trade Center in New York was attacked by members of some international terrorist groups, resulting in the death of several people.

  27. Speech on Global Terrorism in simple and easy words

    Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global ...

  28. No surprise guest

    Follow POLITICO's live coverage and latest updates from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

  29. Speech on global terrorism in English

    Speech on global terrorism in English | global terrorism speech in englishDownload our Mobile App from Google Play Store - Gyankaksh Educational Institute.We...

  30. Speech on Global Terrorism

    Our speech on global terrorism can help an individual deliver an effective and influential speech in any seminar, debate, discussion, etc. Now-a-days, schools and colleges organize different types of knowledge-filled programs in which students are invited to deliver speeches on various topics. Terrorism is a burning issue today and our global ...