
60+  Major Project Ideas For CSE Final Year Students In 2023

Major Project Ideas For CSE Final Year

In the world of computer science and engineering (CSE), a Final Year Project is a crucial milestone. It’s where students put their knowledge to the test and showcase their skills. But choosing the right project can be daunting. In major project ideas for CSE final year, we will explore what these final year projects are all about and the factors you should consider when selecting one.

Our blog is your ultimate guide to navigating the world of CSE final year projects in 2023. We’ve compiled 60+ exciting project ideas in various domains such as Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Mobile Development, Data Science, Internet of Things (IoT), and Cybersecurity.

Discover the importance of these projects in your CSE journey and gather tips for successfully completing them. We’ll also address common challenges faced during major projects and offer solutions. Stay tuned with us to know more about major project ideas for CSE final year. Your CSE journey is about to get a whole lot more exciting!

What Is A Final Year Project?

Table of Contents

A Final Year Project is a special project that students usually complete in their last year of college or university. It’s like a big school assignment that allows students to use what they’ve learned throughout their studies.

In this project, students pick a topic they’re interested in and work on it independently or in small groups. They research, make plans, and often create something like a report, a piece of software, or even a physical prototype. It’s a chance for students to show what they’ve learned and demonstrate their skills before they graduate. Final Year Projects help prepare students for their future careers and show what they’re capable of in their chosen field.

Factors Are Consider While Choosing A Major Project Ideas For CSE Final Year

Here are some factors are consider while choosing a major project ideas for CSE final year  

1. Personal Interests

Consider what topics in computer science you’re passionate about. Choosing a project aligned with your interests can keep you motivated and make the work more enjoyable. Whether it’s software development, data analysis, or cybersecurity, pick something that excites you.

2. Academic Strengths

Think about the courses you’ve excelled in during your studies. A major project related to your strong subjects can leverage your existing knowledge and skills, giving you a head start. It’s often easier to succeed when you build on what you already understand.

3. Industry Relevance

Explore current trends and job market demands in the field of computer science. A project that aligns with industry needs and emerging technologies can enhance your resume and increase your chances of landing a job after graduation.

4. Available Resources

Consider the resources available to you, such as access to equipment, software, and faculty support. Ensure that your chosen project idea is feasible given your available resources. This can prevent unnecessary challenges and setbacks.

5. Complexity and Scope

Assess the complexity and scope of the project. It’s essential to choose a project that is challenging but manageable within your final year timeline. Too ambitious a project can lead to stress and incomplete work, while too simple a project may not demonstrate your capabilities effectively. Balance is key.

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60+  Major Project Ideas For CSE Final Year In 2023

In this section, we discuss 60+  major project ideas for CSE final year in 2023  

Web Development

1. e-commerce website.

Develop a fully functional online store with product listings, shopping cart, payment processing, user accounts, and an intuitive interface. This project will help you master the fundamentals of web-based retail and e-commerce systems.

Skills Required

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript for front-end development.
  • PHP for server-side scripting and e-commerce logic.
  • MySQL for database management.

2. Content Management System (CMS)

Create a customizable and user-friendly CMS to simplify website content management. Building a CMS involves designing a user-friendly interface, establishing secure content storage, and streamlining updates.

  • PHP for server-side scripting.
  • MySQL for content storage and retrieval.
  • Web design principles for user interface development.

3. Social Media Platform

Build a social media platform where users can create profiles, post content, interact with others, and establish networks. This project will involve implementing user authentication, content sharing, and social interaction features

  • MySQL for user data storage.
  • Social network APIs for integration with other platforms.

4. Online Learning Management System (LMS)

Design a robust LMS that empowers educators to manage courses and enables students to access learning materials, quizzes, and assessments. Creating an LMS involves user management, course creation, and interactive learning modules.

  • PHP for user authentication and course management.
  • MySQL for student records and course materials.
  • eLearning technologies for interactive learning components.

5. Booking and Reservation System

Develop a versatile booking and reservation system that allows users to schedule accommodations, tickets, or appointments. You will need to implement intuitive date and availability selection, payment gateways, and booking confirmations.

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for user-friendly interfaces.
  • Backend algorithms for booking and availability.
  • Integration with payment gateways for financial transactions.

6. Blog Platform

Build a feature-rich blogging platform with user accounts, content creation, commenting, and content categorization. A blog platform project involves designing an interactive blogging interface with user management and content categorization.

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end user interaction.
  • PHP for backend logic and user management.
  • Database management for storing posts and user information.

7. Weather Forecasting Website

Create a website that offers real-time weather updates and forecasts. This project includes API integration, dynamic data visualization, and user-friendly display of weather information. You may also like to read Top 50 World Environment Day Project Ideas .

  • API integration to access weather data.
  • JavaScript for real-time data updates and visualization.
  • Data visualization libraries or tools for displaying weather information.

8. Portfolio Website

Design a personal or professional portfolio site to showcase your work, skills, and accomplishments. A portfolio website involves creating an appealing and interactive design that reflects your personal or professional brand.

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for user interface design.
  • Web design principles for creating an aesthetically pleasing portfolio.
  • Responsive design for accessibility on various devices.

9. News Aggregator

Develop a News Aggregator platform that aggregates news articles from various sources and presents them in an organized manner. This project involves web scraping, API integration, and content categorization.

  • Web scraping techniques to gather news articles.
  • API integration to access news sources.
  • Data structuring and categorization for an organized presentation.

10. Real Estate Listing Website

Create a platform for listing and searching real estate properties with features like property details, photos, location, and contact information. Building a real estate listing website includes implementing search functionalities and property management.

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for property listings and search.
  • Integration with real estate data sources.
  • Database management for property information and user accounts.

Artificial Intelligence

11. sentiment analysis tool.

Create a sentiment analysis tool that can analyze text data and determine the sentiment, such as positive, negative, or neutral. This project involves natural language processing and machine learning.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Machine Learning
  • Python programming

12. Chatbot for Customer Support

Develop a chatbot that can provide automated customer support, answer common questions, and interact with users in a conversational manner. This project involves chatbot design and integration with customer support systems.

  • Chatbot development frameworks
  • Integration with APIs

13. Image Recognition System

Build an image recognition system capable of identifying objects or patterns in images. This project involves deep learning and neural networks.

  • Deep Learning
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Image processing

14. Recommendation System

Make a system that offers movies, products, or content based on what users like and how they act. Collaborative filtering and recommendation systems are used in this project.

  • Recommendation algorithms
  • Data analysis

15. AI-Powered Game

Develop a game that incorporates AI for character behavior, decision-making, and adaptation to player actions. This project involves AI game programming and game design.

  • Game development
  • AI algorithms
  • Unity or Unreal Engine

16. Virtual Assistant

Design a virtual assistant that can perform tasks like setting reminders, sending messages, and answering questions. This project involves natural language understanding and speech recognition.

  • Speech recognition
  • Natural language understanding
  • Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant

17. Healthcare Diagnostic AI

Create an AI system that can diagnose medical conditions based on patient symptoms and data. This project involves medical data analysis and machine learning.

  • Medical data analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Healthcare domain knowledge

18. Emotion Recognition in Videos

Build a system that can recognize and analyze emotions in video content, such as movies or video clips. This project involves video processing and emotion detection.

  • Video processing
  • Emotion detection algorithms

19. AI for Autonomous Vehicles

Develop AI algorithms for autonomous vehicles to enable them to navigate, detect obstacles, and make driving decisions. This project involves computer vision and robotics.

  • Computer vision
  • Autonomous vehicle technology

20. Predictive Maintenance System

Create an AI-based predictive maintenance system for machinery and equipment. This project involves data analysis, sensor integration, and predictive modeling.

  • Sensor integration
  • Predictive modeling

III. Mobile Development

21. location-based social network.

Build a location-based social network that allows users to connect with people nearby and share location-specific content. This project involves mobile app development and location services.

  • Mobile app development (iOS/Android)
  • Location services
  • Social networking features

22. E-commerce Mobile App

Make an e-commerce mobile app that lets people look at goods and buy them from their phones. This job includes making a mobile app and adding e-commerce features.

  • Payment integration
  • User interface design

23. Fitness Tracking App

Create a fitness tracking app that monitors users’ activities, records workouts, and provides health-related data. This project involves integrating sensors and data analysis.

24. Augmented Reality (AR) Game

Build an AR game that combines the real world with virtual elements. This project involves AR development and game design.

  • AR development frameworks (e.g., ARKit, ARCore)
  • 3D modeling and animation

25. Expense Tracking App

Develop a mobile app that helps users track and manage their expenses, create budgets, and view financial reports. This project involves financial data management and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Financial data management

26. Language Learning App

Make an app that helps people learn languages that has lessons, quizzes, and practice. This project includes making material, recognizing languages, and keeping track of users’ progress.

  • Language recognition
  • Content creation

27. Recipe and Meal Planner App

Build an app that provides recipes, meal planning, and shopping lists based on dietary preferences. This project involves recipe databases and meal planning algorithms.

  • Recipe database management
  • Algorithm design

28. Ridesharing App

Develop a ridesharing app that connects drivers with passengers for shared transportation. This project involves real-time location tracking and payment processing.

  • GPS and mapping services

29. Event Planning App

Create an app for event planning and organization, allowing users to create, manage, and share events. This project involves event management and social features.

  • Event management features
  • Social sharing capabilities

30. Travel Guide App

Design a travel guide app that provides information on destinations, attractions, and local recommendations. This project involves location-based content and user reviews.

  • Location-based services
  • User-generated content integration

IV. Data Science

31. predictive analytics for stock market.

Develop a predictive model for stock market trends and price movements based on historical data and market indicators. This project involves data analysis and machine learning.

  • Financial market knowledge

32. Recommendation System for Content

Create a recommendation system that suggests movies, music, or books to users based on their preferences and behavior. This project involves collaborative filtering and recommendation algorithms.

33. Customer Churn Prediction

Build a model to predict business customer churn by analyzing historical customer data. This project involves data preprocessing and predictive modeling.

  • Data preprocessing
  • Customer retention knowledge

34. Natural Language Processing for Text Analysis

Develop NLP models for sentiment analysis, text summarization, or language translation. This project involves NLP techniques and language processing.

Skills Required 

35. time series forecasting.

Create time series forecasting models for applications like weather prediction, demand forecasting, or stock price prediction. This project involves time series analysis and forecasting algorithms.

  • Time series analysis
  • Forecasting algorithms

36. Big Data Analysis

Use tools like Hadoop and Spark to handle and analyze very large datasets for “big data” projects. For this job, you need to know about analytics and big data technologies.

  • Big data analytics

37. Social Network Analysis

Analyze social network data to understand user behavior, influence, and network dynamics. This project involves graph theory and network analysis.

  • Network analysis
  • Graph theory
  • Data visualization

38. Anomaly Detection System

Create a system that can identify anomalies in various types of data, such as fraud detection or network security. This project involves anomaly detection algorithms and data preprocessing.

  • Anomaly detection algorithms
  • Cybersecurity knowledge

39. Healthcare Data Analytics

Analyze healthcare data to derive insights, trends, and predictions related to patient health and treatment outcomes. This project involves healthcare data analysis and predictive modeling.

  • Healthcare data analysis

40. Data Visualization Dashboard

Design interactive data visualization dashboards that allow users to explore and understand complex datasets. This project involves data visualization tools and design principles.

  • Data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)
  • Design principles
  • Data storytelling

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Internet of Things (IoT)

41. home automation system.

Build an IoT-based home automation system that allows users to control lights, appliances, and security systems remotely. This project involves sensor integration and IoT protocols.

  • IoT protocols (e.g., MQTT)
  • Mobile app development

42. Smart Agriculture System

Create an IoT solution for monitoring and managing agricultural processes, including soil moisture, temperature, and crop health. This project involves sensor networks and data analytics.

  • Sensor networks
  • Data analytics
  • Agriculture domain knowledge

43. Smart City Infrastructure Monitoring

Develop an IoT system to monitor urban infrastructure, such as traffic, waste management, and energy usage. This project involves sensor deployment and data visualization.

  • Sensor deployment
  • Urban planning knowledge

44. Health Monitoring Wearable

Design a wearable device that monitors health parameters like heart rate, temperature, and activity levels. This project involves sensor integration and data analysis.

  • Wearable technology
  • Health data analysis

45. Environmental Monitoring System

Create an IoT system for monitoring environmental conditions, including air quality, water quality, and weather. This project involves sensor networks and environmental data analysis.

  • Environmental data analysis
  • Environmental science knowledge

46. Asset Tracking System

Build an IoT-based system for tracking and managing assets, such as vehicles, equipment, or inventory. This project involves GPS tracking and real-time monitoring.

  • GPS tracking
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Asset management knowledge

47. Smart Retail System

Develop an IoT system for retail stores that tracks inventory, monitors foot traffic, and optimizes store operations. This project involves sensor deployment and retail analytics.

  • Retail analytics
  • Retail management knowledge

48. Water Quality Monitoring

Create an IoT solution for monitoring the quality of water in lakes, rivers, or reservoirs. This project involves water sensors and data analysis.

  • Water sensors
  • Water quality analysis

49. Energy Consumption Monitoring

Design an IoT system that monitors and optimizes energy consumption in homes or commercial buildings. This project involves energy sensors and data analytics.

  • Energy sensors
  • Energy consumption analysis
  • Building automation knowledge

50. IoT-Based Smart Transportation

Build an IoT system for improving transportation efficiency, including real-time traffic monitoring and public transportation tracking. This project involves GPS tracking and transportation system knowledge.

  • Transportation system knowledge


51. network intrusion detection system.

Create a network intrusion detection system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activities and alerts administrators. This project involves network security and machine learning.

  • Network security

52. Vulnerability Assessment Tool

Develop a tool that scans systems and applications for vulnerabilities and provides reports to improve security. This project involves vulnerability scanning and security assessment.

  • Vulnerability scanning tools
  • Security assessment
  • Penetration testing

53. Secure Messaging App

Build a secure messaging app that encrypts user communication to protect against eavesdropping. This project involves encryption algorithms and mobile app development.

  • Encryption algorithms
  • Security protocols

54. Blockchain-Based Voting System

Create a secure blockchain-based voting system to ensure the integrity of elections. This project involves blockchain technology and voting system design.

  • Blockchain development
  • Voting system knowledge
  • Cryptography

55. Cybersecurity Training Platform

Develop an interactive platform for cybersecurity training and education, including challenges, simulations, and quizzes. This project involves cybersecurity content creation and e-learning design.

  • E-learning design
  • Gamification

56. Biometric Authentication System

Design a biometric authentication system that uses fingerprint, facial recognition, or other biometric data for access control. This project involves biometric sensor integration and security protocols.

  • Biometric sensor integration
  • Biometric technology knowledge

57. Password Manager App

Create a secure password manager app that stores and manages passwords with strong encryption. This project involves encryption algorithms and mobile app development.

  • Password security

58. IoT Security Framework

Develop a security framework for IoT devices and systems to protect against cyber threats. This project involves IoT security research and framework design.

  • IoT security knowledge
  • Security framework design
  • Cybersecurity tools

59. Digital Forensics Tool

Build a digital forensics tool for analyzing and recovering data from digital devices in forensic investigations. This project involves digital forensics techniques and tool development.

  • Digital forensics techniques
  • Tool development
  • Legal and investigative knowledge

60 Incident Response Plan

Create an incident response plan for organizations to effectively respond to cybersecurity incidents. This project involves incident response strategy and policy development.

  • Incident response strategy
  • Policy development
  • Risk assessment

61. Secure File Sharing Platform

Develop a secure file sharing platform that allows users to share files with end-to-end encryption and access controls. This project involves encryption, access control mechanisms, and secure file storage.

  • Encryption techniques
  • Access control mechanisms
  • Secure file storage and transfer protocols

Importance Of The Final Year Project In Computer Science And Engineering (CSE) 

Here are some importance of the final year project in CSE students  

1. Skill Development

The final year project in Computer Science and Engineering is crucial because it helps students develop practical skills. It’s a hands-on opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in classes, making them better prepared for real-world challenges.

2. Problem-Solving Practice

Engaging in a project allows students to tackle complex problems. They learn how to break down issues, think critically, and find solutions – essential skills for a CSE career. This practical experience sharpens their problem-solving abilities.

3. Resume Enhancement

A successful final year project can significantly boost a student’s resume. It showcases their expertise in a specific area and can be a strong selling point when applying for jobs or internships in the tech industry.

4. Collaboration and Communication

Many CSE projects involve teamwork, which is vital in the professional world. Students learn to collaborate, share ideas, and communicate effectively, skills that are highly valued in the workplace.

5. Research and Innovation

The final year project often involves research and innovation. It encourages students to explore new ideas and technologies, contributing to the advancement of the field. It’s a chance to make a meaningful impact in the world of Computer Science and Engineering.

Tips For Successfully Completing Your Final Year Project For CSE Students

Here are some tips for successfully completing your final year project for cse students  

Tip 1  Choose a Clear Project Topic

Begin by selecting a project topic that genuinely interests you. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Discuss your ideas with your supervisor and ensure your project is feasible.

Tip 2  Create a Detailed Plan

Make a project plan that lists all the jobs and when they need to be done. Divide the work into steps that you can handle. Keep this plan with you as you work on the job to help you stay organized and on track.

Tip 3  Regularly Communicate with Your Supervisor

Maintain regular communication with your project supervisor. Share your progress, ask for guidance, and address any issues promptly. Their input and feedback are valuable for your project’s success.

Tip 4  Test and Review Your Work

Test and look over your idea often as you work on it. This helps find problems early on and fix them, which makes sure the end result is good.

Tip 5  Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is crucial. Stick to your project schedule, allocate sufficient time for research and development, and avoid procrastination. By managing your time effectively, you’ll be well on your way to a successful final year project.

Common Challenges Face During Major Projects And How To Overcome Them

Undertaking major projects can be demanding, and students or professionals often encounter various challenges along the way. To successfully navigate these obstacles, here are seven common issues and strategies to overcome them 

  • Time Management: Create a detailed project schedule and stick to it. Prioritize tasks and set milestones to ensure steady progress.
  • Scope Creep:  Define the project’s scope clearly and resist the urge to continually expand it. Stick to the original plan to avoid added complexity.
  • Resource Constraints:  Identify the resources you’ll need upfront, including equipment, materials, and team members. Secure these resources well in advance.
  • Technical Issues:  Be prepared for technical glitches by conducting thorough research and seeking expert advice when needed. Test your solutions rigorously.
  • Communication Problems:  Keep the lines of conversation open and regular with stakeholders and team members. To avoid confusion, make roles and duties very clear.
  • Motivation and Burnout:  Stay motivated by setting short-term goals and taking breaks when necessary. Prevent burnout by managing stress and maintaining a work-life balance.
  • Quality Assurance:  Implement a robust quality control process. Regularly review and test your work to ensure it meets the project’s standards and objectives.

Final year project is a pivotal milestone in the journey of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) students. It’s a hands-on opportunity to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies. When choosing major project ideas, they should consider personal interests, academic strengths, industry relevance, available resources, and the project’s complexity. In 2023, students have many options, including Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Mobile Development, Data Science, IoT, and Cybersecurity.

The final year project holds immense importance, enhancing practical skills, problem-solving abilities, and industry readiness. To succeed, students must manage their time wisely and communicate effectively with their supervisors. They should also remain vigilant against common challenges like scope creep, resource constraints, and technical issues, using proactive strategies to overcome them. With dedication and these guidelines, CSE students can ensure a successful and impactful final year project.

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55+ Interesting IEEE Projects For CSE Students

ieee projects for cse

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial. Here, we curate a diverse range of IEEE projects that delve into cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, cybersecurity, and more. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or industry professional, our blog aims to be a valuable resource, offering insights, inspiration, and detailed information on these projects. 

Join us on a journey of discovery as we navigate the exciting realm of IEEE projects for CSE, providing a gateway to hands-on learning and technological innovation.

Understanding IEEE

Table of Contents

IEEE, or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is a globally recognized organization at the forefront of technological advancement. Established as a professional association, IEEE plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of various disciplines, especially in Computer Science and Engineering. Renowned for its standards-setting initiatives and publications, IEEE fosters collaboration, innovation, and knowledge exchange within the scientific and engineering communities. Understanding IEEE is key to navigating the latest advancements, industry best practices, and cutting-edge research, making it an indispensable resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

How to Choose the Right IEEE Project For CSE Students?

The IEEE project in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) requires a thoughtful approach. Here are key steps to guide your project selection and development:

  • Identify Interests: Begin by pinpointing your specific interests within the broad field of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).
  • Explore Latest Trends: Stay updated on current trends and emerging technologies in CSE through journals, conferences, and reputable online sources.
  • Consider Skill Level: Assess your skill level and choose a project that aligns with your current abilities while also challenging you to grow.
  • Resource Availability: Ensure access to necessary resources, tools, and technologies required for the chosen IEEE project.
  • Collaborate and Seek Guidance: Engage with peers, mentors, or experts to gain insights, feedback, and valuable guidance throughout your project.
  • Evaluate Impact: Assess the potential real-world impact and applications of the chosen project within the CSE domain.
  • Plan and Manage: Develop a realistic project plan, setting milestones and deadlines to effectively manage your time and resources.

List of IEEE Projects For CSE Students

Embarking on innovative IEEE projects opens doors to technological advancements that shape our future. These projects not only offer hands-on learning experiences but also contribute to solving real-world challenges. Here’s a continuation of compelling IEEE projects for CSE:

1. Autonomous Drone Navigation System

Develop a system that enables drones to navigate autonomously through dynamic environments using computer vision and machine learning. This project involves designing algorithms for obstacle detection, path planning, and real-time decision-making, contributing to advancements in autonomous aerial systems for surveillance, delivery, and exploration.

2. Health Monitoring Wearable

Create a wearable device that continuously monitors vital health parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. Integrate the device with a mobile app for real-time data analysis and alerts. This project addresses the growing need for personalized healthcare solutions, offering individuals a convenient and proactive approach to monitor and manage their well-being.

3. Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Transparency

Implement a blockchain solution to enhance transparency and traceability in supply chain management. This project focuses on developing smart contracts and a decentralized ledger to ensure secure and immutable records, mitigating issues like fraud and counterfeiting while improving overall efficiency in supply chain operations.

4. Intelligent Traffic Management System

Design an intelligent traffic management system that leverages IoT devices and machine learning algorithms to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance road safety. This project aims to address urban mobility challenges, providing a scalable solution for smart cities to improve transportation efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

5. Augmented Reality for Education

Develop an augmented reality (AR) application for educational purposes, enhancing traditional learning methods. This project involves creating interactive 3D models, simulations, and educational games to engage students and make complex concepts more accessible, revolutionizing the way information is delivered and absorbed in the classroom.

6. Voice-Activated Smart Home System

Build a voice-activated home automation system that enables users to control various devices and appliances using natural language processing. Integrating virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, this project explores the seamless integration of voice commands into everyday tasks, contributing to the evolution of smart home technology.

7. Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment

Implement a predictive maintenance system for industrial machinery using sensor data and machine learning algorithms. This project aims to reduce downtime and maintenance costs by predicting equipment failures before they occur, optimizing maintenance schedules and prolonging the lifespan of critical machinery in industries like manufacturing and energy.

8. Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Develop a sentiment analysis tool for social media platforms, utilizing natural language processing to assess public opinions and emotions. This project involves analyzing large volumes of text data to determine sentiment trends, providing valuable insights for businesses, marketers, and policymakers to understand public perception and sentiment towards specific topics or brands.

9. Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction

Create a gesture recognition system that allows users to interact with computers or devices through hand movements and gestures. This project explores computer vision techniques to interpret and respond to user gestures, offering a more intuitive and hands-free approach to human-computer interaction, with applications in gaming, virtual reality, and accessibility.

10. Energy-Efficient Smart Building System

Design an energy-efficient smart building system that optimizes lighting, heating, and cooling based on occupancy and environmental conditions. This project involves integrating IoT sensors and machine learning algorithms to dynamically adjust energy consumption, contributing to sustainability efforts by reducing the ecological footprint of commercial and residential buildings.

11. Personalized E-Learning Platform

Develop an intelligent e-learning platform that utilizes machine learning algorithms to tailor educational content based on individual learning styles and progress. This project aims to enhance the effectiveness of online education by providing personalized learning experiences, adapting to each learner’s strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately improving knowledge retention and engagement.

12. Automated Crop Disease Detection

Create a system for automated detection of crop diseases using image processing and machine learning. By analyzing images of plant leaves, this project assists farmers in identifying and addressing crop diseases early, thereby improving agricultural yield and contributing to food security.

13. Emotion Recognition in Video Content

Implement a system for emotion recognition in video content, employing facial recognition and deep learning techniques. This project explores the applications of emotion analysis in media and entertainment, allowing content creators to gauge audience reactions and tailor their productions accordingly.

14. Intelligent Parking Management System

Design an intelligent parking management system that employs sensors and machine learning algorithms to optimize parking space utilization. This project addresses urban congestion by providing real-time information on available parking spaces, reducing traffic congestion and emissions associated with searching for parking.

15. Automated Language Translation

Develop an advanced language translation system that utilizes neural machine translation for improved accuracy and fluency. This project aims to break down language barriers, facilitating seamless communication across different languages and cultures, with applications in international business, diplomacy, and cross-cultural collaboration.

16. Elderly Fall Detection and Alert System

Build a fall detection and alert system for the elderly using wearable sensors and machine learning algorithms. This project contributes to healthcare technology by providing a timely response to falls, ensuring the safety of elderly individuals, and offering peace of mind to caregivers and family members.

17. Smart Waste Management System

Implement a smart waste management system that utilizes IoT sensors to monitor waste levels in bins and optimize waste collection routes. This project contributes to efficient waste disposal, reducing environmental impact and operational costs associated with traditional waste management practices.

18. Facial Recognition Attendance System

Create a facial recognition-based attendance system for educational institutions or workplaces. This project automates the attendance tracking process, offering a more efficient and secure alternative to traditional methods, while also exploring the ethical considerations and privacy aspects associated with facial recognition technology.

19. Biometric Security for IoT Devices

Develop a biometric security system for Internet of Things (IoT) devices, incorporating features like fingerprint or voice recognition. This project aims to enhance the security of IoT ecosystems, safeguarding personal and sensitive data in smart homes, healthcare, and other connected environments.

20. Virtual Reality Therapy for Mental Health

Design a virtual reality (VR) therapy application for mental health treatment. This project explores the potential of VR technology to create immersive and therapeutic environments for individuals dealing with anxiety, phobias, or PTSD, providing a novel and effective approach to mental health care.

Other IEEE Projects For CSE Students

  • Machine Learning-Based Fraud Detection System
  • Intelligent Fire Detection and Alert System
  • Predictive Analytics for Traffic Congestion
  • Blockchain-Based Voting System
  • Personal Health Assistant App
  • Renewable Energy Forecasting System
  • Social Distancing Monitoring System
  • Smart Irrigation Control System
  • Real-Time Language Translation App
  • Cyber-Physical Systems Security
  • AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis for Customer Feedback
  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Ocean Exploration
  • Gesture-Controlled Prosthetic Limb
  • Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)
  • Remote Patient Monitoring System
  • Smart Agriculture Drone for Crop Monitoring
  • Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
  • Virtual Reality Simulation for Occupational Training
  • Intelligent Energy-Efficient Street Lighting
  • AI-Based Wildlife Conservation Monitoring
  • Voice-Activated Smart Mirror
  • Blockchain-Based Academic Credential Verification
  • Precision Agriculture using IoT and AI
  • AI-Powered Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Equipment
  • Augmented Reality Navigation for Visually Impaired
  • Smart Helmet for Construction Workers’ Safety
  • Indoor Positioning System using Bluetooth Beacons
  • AI-Based Cybersecurity Threat Detection
  • Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
  • Autonomous Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
  • Intelligent Inventory Management System
  • AI-Enhanced Personal Finance Assistant
  • Social Robot for Elderly Companionship
  • Smart Mirror with Health Metrics Display
  • Virtual Reality Journalism for Immersive News Experience
  • AI-Generated Music Composition
  • Smart Clothing for Athlete Performance Monitoring
  • Drone-Based Search and Rescue System
  • AI-Powered Stock Market Prediction
  • Blockchain-Based Food Traceability System

Common Challenges Faced during IEEE Project

Navigating the complexities of IEEE projects entails overcoming common challenges. Here are key hurdles and strategies to address them:

1. Complexity of Implementation

Managing the intricate details of implementing IEEE projects, especially those involving advanced technologies, can pose a significant challenge.

2. Resource Constraints

Limited access to specialized hardware, software, or datasets may hinder project progress and require creative solutions.

3. Unforeseen Technical Issues

Unexpected technical hurdles, such as compatibility issues or software bugs, can impede the smooth execution of the project.

4. Time Management

Balancing project timelines with other academic or professional commitments is a common challenge, requiring effective time management.

5. Scope Creep

Ensuring the project stays within the defined scope can be challenging, with the temptation to expand features or address additional problems beyond the original plan.

Tips and Strategies to Overcome Challenges

  • Develop a detailed project plan outlining tasks and milestones to enhance overall clarity and organization.
  • Stay updated on relevant technologies and methodologies, fostering adaptability to unforeseen challenges.
  • Foster a collaborative environment, seeking advice and input from peers, mentors, or online communities.
  • Provide frequent progress updates to stakeholders, facilitating early identification and resolution of issues.
  • Prioritize tasks, allocate time wisely, and set realistic deadlines to manage project timelines effectively.
  • Explore creative solutions to overcome resource constraints, such as utilizing open-source alternatives or cloud services.
  • Maintain a clear project scope, regularly reassessing and adjusting as needed to prevent scope creep.
  • Cultivate a proactive and solution-oriented mindset to address challenges with resilience and creativity.

In conclusion, the diverse array of IEEE projects showcased here highlights the dynamic and transformative nature of Computer Science and Engineering. These projects not only represent technological innovation but also address real-world challenges across various domains. From healthcare and agriculture to cybersecurity and sustainability, the possibilities are vast. Embarking on any of these projects offers not just an academic endeavor but an opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of technology. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of CSE, these projects serve as gateways to exploration, learning, and, ultimately, the shaping of a more connected and intelligent future.

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IEEE Projects for CSE

Top 10 IEEE Projects for Computer Science (CSE)

  • Posted on March 22, 2023
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What are IEEE Projects?

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) projects are projects that adhere to IEEE standards and guidelines in the field of electrical and electronics engineering, computer science, and related fields. These projects cover a wide range of topics and technologies and are aimed at solving real-world problems and developing new technologies. IEEE projects can be developed by undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and industry professionals, either as individual or group projects. These projects provide an opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to real-world problems, develop new technologies, and gain practical experience in the field of study. Project ideas can be found in various sources such as academic journals, conference proceedings, online communities, and research papers.

Why IEEE projects for CSE (Computer science) students?

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) CSE (Computer Science Engineering) projects are computer science and engineering projects that adhere to IEEE standards and guidelines. These projects cover a wide range of topics and technologies in computer science and engineering, including software development, database systems, networking, artificial intelligence, and more.

Here are some latest IEEE project domains for final-year computer science and engineering(CSE)

1) Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in various fields such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, etc.

2) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for developing intelligent systems that can learn and make decisions on their own.

3) Cybersecurity and network security for developing secure systems that can prevent cyber attacks and protect sensitive information.

4) Blockchain technology for developing secure and transparent systems for transactions, identity management, and more.

5) Cloud computing for developing scalable and cost-effective systems that can handle large amounts of data and computing power.

6) Big Data analytics for processing and analyzing large amounts of data to gain insights and make informed decisions.

7) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) for developing systems that are user-friendly and accessible to all.

8) Computer Vision for developing systems that can analyze and understand visual information, such as images and videos.

9) Natural Language Processing (NLP) for developing systems that can understand and process human language.

10) Edge Computing for developing systems that can perform data processing and analysis at the edge of the network, reducing latency and improving performance.

These are just a few examples of the latest IEEE project domains for CSE students. Students can choose a project domain based on their interests, skills, and the resources available to them.

How project academy support to solve CSE IEEE projects for computer science and engineering students.

Project Academy can support students in solving CSE IEEE projects in several ways:

1) Project Ideas:

Project Academy can provide students with a wide range of project ideas in various domains, including the latest IEEE project domains. This can help students choose a project that aligns with their interests and skills.

2) Project Guidance:

Project Academy can provide students with guidance on how to approach the project, break it down into manageable tasks, and develop a project plan. They can also guide students on how to research the project, gather data, and analyze it.

3) Technical Support:

Project Academy can provide technical support to students in various areas, such as software development, hardware design, and data analysis. They can help students solve technical issues, provide feedback on their work, and suggest improvements.

4) Training and Workshops:

Project Academy can conduct training sessions and workshops on various topics related to project development, such as software development, database management, and data analysis. These sessions can help students build the necessary skills to complete their projects successfully.

5) Project Review and Evaluation:

Project Academy can review and evaluate students’ projects, providing feedback on the project’s strengths and weaknesses. They can also suggest improvements and provide guidance on how to present the project effectively.

IEEE projects for CSE with source code and IEEE base paper.

Project Academy can support CSE IEEE project development by providing project ideas, guidance, technical support, training and workshops, and project review and evaluation. This can help students complete their projects successfully and develop the necessary skills to excel in their field of study

TOP 100+ project ideas covers in most of the emerging technologies: you can download the IEEE project list and with abstract and base paper.

1) ieee projects for cse on machine learning(ML)

2) ieee projects for cse in java(Full stack development)

3) ieee projects for cse final year students

4) ieee projects for cse in android

5) ieee projects for cse in big data

6) Ieee projects for CSE in Artificial Intelligence(AI)

7) Ieee projects for CSE in Python

8) Ieee projects for CSE in Matlab Image processing

9) Ieee projects for CSE in Python image processing.

10) ieee projects based on cloud computing

Top trending IEEE CSE projects in 2023:

Here are some project ideas for students of engineering or any tech students interested in IEEE CSE projects :

1) Image Processing-Based Object Detection : Develop an application that detects objects in an image using image processing techniques.

2) Automated Attendance System using Facial Recognition: Develop a system that uses facial recognition technology to take attendance in classrooms or workplaces automatically.

3) Chatbot for Customer Service: Create a chatbot that can answer customer queries and complaints for a business.

4) Intelligent Traffic Light System: Design a system that uses artificial intelligence to optimize the timing of traffic lights for efficient traffic flow.

5) Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Machines: Develop a system that uses machine learning algorithms to predict when industrial machines will need maintenance.

6) Online Voting System: Develop an online voting system that ensures secure and reliable voting for elections.

7) Smart Home Automation System : Develop an application that can control home appliances, lights, and other devices remotely using a mobile phone.

8) Medical Diagnosis System: Develop a system that uses machine learning to diagnose medical conditions based on symptoms and medical history.

9) Secure File Transfer Protocol: Create a secure file transfer protocol that uses encryption algorithms to ensure data privacy and security.

10) Augmented Reality-based Education: Develop an application that uses augmented reality to enhance the learning experience in education.

These are just a few examples of IEEE CSE projects. Students can choose a project based on their interests, skills, and the resources available to them for more project ideas or list please visit projectcademy website or call/whatapp – 9845348544

1) What are CSE or computer engineering IEEE projects?

CSE IEEE projects are projects in the field of Computer Science and Engineering that adhere to IEEE standards and guidelines.

2) What are some latest IEEE project domains for CSE students?

Some latest IEEE project domains for CSE students include IoT, AI and ML, cybersecurity, blockchain, cloud computing, big data analytics, HCI, computer vision, NLP, and edge computing.

3) How can Project Academy support CSE IEEE projects?

Project Academy can support CSE IEEE projects by providing project ideas, guidance, technical support, training and workshops, and project review and evaluation.

4) How can I choose a suitable IEEE project domain?

You can choose a suitable IEEE project domain based on your interests, skills, and the availability of resources. Project Academy can also provide you with guidance and suggest suitable project domains based on your profile.

5) What are the benefits of working on IEEE projects?

Working on IEEE projects can help you develop your technical and problem-solving skills, gain practical experience in your field of study, and make valuable contributions to the research and development of new technologies.

6) How can I ensure the success of my IEEE project?

You can ensure the success of your IEEE project by setting clear goals, breaking down the project into manageable tasks, developing a project plan, seeking guidance and feedback from experts, and working diligently to complete the project on time. Project Academy can also help you with these steps.

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  • Project Process
  • CSR Activity
  • Embedded applications
  • Deep Learning
  • Industrial Automation
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Mechatronics

Image Processing


  • Raspberry pi
  • Jetson Nano
  • Embedded with Matlab
  • Artificial Neural Network
  • Image Segmentation
  • Image Enhancement
  • Image Denoising
  • Stegnography
  • Fusion and Saliency
  • Image Retrieval
  • Communications
  • 5G networks
  • Modulation Techniques
  • MIMO Transmissions
  • Device-to-Device Communications

Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Routing Concepts

Signal Processing

  • Patch Antenna

Front End Domains

  • Communications and Crypto Core
  • Design for Testability
  • Nano Technology
  • Arithmetic Core

Back End Domains

  • Low Power VLSI
  • Transistor Logic
  • Core Memories
  • Xilinx Vivado
  • Cadence EDA
  • Matlab Interfacing
  • Power Systems
  • Solar Power Generation
  • Wind Power Generation
  • Power Quality
  • Hybrid Systems
  • Distribution Systems
  • Power Electronics
  • DC - AC Converters
  • AC-DC Converters
  • AC-AC Converters
  • DC - DC Converters
  • Multilevel Converters
  • Electrical Drives
  • Electrical Vehicles
  • Control Systems
  • Data Mining
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Science
  • Mobile Computing
  • Service Computing
  • Secure Computing
  • CyberSecurity
  • Software Engineering
  • Parallel and Distributed System
  • Intrusion Detection System
  • Wireless Communication

Gaming Projects

  • Image Detection
  • Image Compression
  • Security Applications
  • Finite State Machines
  • Arduino+Python
  • Graphical User Interface(GUI)


  • Web Applications
  • Android Application

Full Stack Projects

  • Spring Boot + HTML
  • Node.js + React
  • Node.js + HTML
  • Node.js + Angular
  • Python + Angular
  • Spring Boot + Angular
  • Spring Boot + React
  • Python + React
  • Transportation
  • Electronics Developments
  • Electricity
  • Security & Surveillance
  • Current issues
  • Smart communication
  • Waste management
  • Robotics & drones
  • Smart vehicle
  • Renewable Energy
  • Agriculture & rural developments
  • Health care & biomedical
  • Food Technology
  • Clean Water
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • PhD Services
  • International Assignments
  • Internships

research papers for final year project cse

IEEE Projects for CSE

Takeoff Edu Group

We are South India’s largest edu-tech company and the creator of a unique and innovative live project making platform for students, engineers and researchers.

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This article briefs you about what are IEEE projects and about CSE, why doing  IEEE projects for CSE   are so important, some of the top IEEE project topics for Computer Science done by Takeoff Projects along with the Top IEEE projects for CSE.

What are IEEE Projects ?

IEEE stands for (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). IEEE is an organization made up of engineers, scientists, and students. It is widely known for developing guidelines for the computer and electronics sectors. IEEE Projects are the bulk of projects developed with IEEE standards. Students are currently encouraged to finish IEEE projects. On IEEE standards, PhD researchers frequently base their research.

What is Computer Science Engineering (CSE)?

The field of engineering known as computer science engineering (CSE) focuses on the integration of electronics and computer science principles in the design of computer systems and other pieces of technological apparatus. Computer engineers are educated experts who build software and integrate it with a system's hardware components. Additionally, CSE contributes to robotics technology, which calls for digital systems to examine electrical components like sensors and motors.

In 1971, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland offered the first-ever computer science engineering course in history. This course is currently one of the most popular courses available worldwide.

Why to do IEEE Projects in CSE?

IEEE is a very high standard among publications as well as other works. IEEE has a large number of members from many different industries. Publications, customs, norms, and technology all serve as inspiration for communities. Each paper that is published in an IEEE journal advances a particular technology. Each year, a large number of articles describing cutting-edge innovation strategies are released.

CSE projects are certainly the best possible way to enhance the practical knowledge of CSE students. Graduates who are aspiring to get a good job in an IT organisation with good pay scale must possess good knowledge in CSE and also have skills additional to them. Hence, it is very important for the final year students to do a good IEEE CSE project. Doing  IEEE projects for CSE   helps to gain experience in all fields of computer science engineering like coding, basic principles, algorithms and designing, etc. Moreover, doing IEEE mini projects for CSE provide hands-on experience for the final year students which can strengthen their theoretical, practical, coding and software skills.

Also read :  B Tech Major Projects for CSE

Few IEEE Project Topics for Computer Science

This section gives the IEEE project ideas for final year students based on the brief descriptions and explanations about the few IEEE Project Topics for Computer Science done by the Takeoff Projects.

Free Parking Space Prediction and Reliability Analysis Based on Big Data Analysis

In this study, the distribution of FPSs is investigated, the number of FPSs is predicted, and a parking guidance model with a solution technique is suggested. First, big data study of the number of FPSs from various parking lots revealed that the hourly number of FPSs follow comparable trends on various weekdays. Then, a solution procedure based on the dependability barrier was suggested. Finally, simulation was used to confirm the model's and algorithm's efficacy.

Derepo: A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Repository with Decentralized Access Control for Smart Health

In order to solve these problems, the work suggested a brand-new data repository called Derepo that secures the storage with a decentralised access control mechanism and protects privacy using a homomorphic encryption approach. In order to give the access control mechanism dependable qualities like Byzantine fault tolerance, we use distributed ledger technology. Additionally, we use a completely homomorphic encryption technique to safeguard data privacy while maintaining computability.

A Study On ABE Public Key On Cryptographic Technique project

A public key encryption technique called attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables users to encrypt and decode communication depending on user properties. The construction of a cypher text-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) system in a situation where the attributes distributor is also the owner of messages that are to be encrypted and disseminated is the challenge that the authors of this work explore. Our suggested CP-ABE design is based on the SIFF (Sibling Intractable Function Family) approach.

Classification of Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signals Using Modified Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Two-Step Machine Learning Approach

With the use of OpenCV and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) from deep learning, the study article detects signals using hand motions. Here, the dataset is trained using CNN, while the hand motions are recorded using OpenCV. The major focus of this suggested approach is on the identification of hand gestures for numerical signs.

Click here for the detailed information of project.

A Novel Ensemble Learning Paradigm for Medical Diagnosis With Imbalanced Data

In this paper, a unique ensemble learning methodology with three phases—data pre-processing, base classifier training, and final ensemble—is proposed for medical diagnosis using unbalanced data. The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) was developed in the first data pre-processing phase by integrating it with the cross validated committees filter (CVCF) technique, which can both synthesise the minority sample and thus balance the input instances and filter the noisy examples in order to perform well during the classification process.

Also read :  Mini Project Ideas for CSE

Top IEEE Projects for CSE

The top IEEE projects for CSE are provided in this section. CSE projects can be done in numerous areas such as python, java, etc. Hence some of the top IEEE CSE projects done in these areas are listed below.

COVID-19 Monitor

Traffic Congestion and Accident Prevention Analysis for Connectivity in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

Emotion Recognition using Speech Processing

Energy-Optimal and Delay-Bounded Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing with Heterogeneous Clouds

Noise Suppressed Image Enhancing Environment

Research on Wireless Interference Co-location Method Based on Virtual Nodes

Construction of Machine-Labelled Data for Improving Named Entity Recognition by Transfer Learning

Multi-Source Medical Data Integration and Mining for Healthcare Services

Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Under Adverse Scenario of Attack

Image Reconstruction: From Sparsity to Data-Adaptive Methods and Machine Learning

PRMN Predictive Location Based Routing For Mobile Nodes In Wireless Sensor Network

A Comparative Approach to Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning for Fraud Detection of Realtime Financial Data

A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching Over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud

Energy-Aware Clustering Algorithms Used in Wireless Sensor Networks

CLEMENT: Machine Learning Methods for Malware Recognition Based on Semantic Behaviours

Comments on “Provable Multi copy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems"

Dynamic Connectivity Establishment and Cooperative Scheduling for QoS-Aware Wireless Body Area Networks

An Experimental Study for Software Quality Prediction with Machine Learning Methods

Dual Access control for Cloud Based Data Storage and Sharing

Cluster Head Selection based on Neural Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks

Hazard Identification and Detection using Machine Learning Approach

A Computational and Analytical Approach for Cloud Computing Security with User Data Management

CFTM: A Centralized Fault Tolerant Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks

Predicting Flight Delays with Error Calculation using Machine Learned Classifiers

An Analysis of a Large-Scale Wireless Image Distribution System Deployment

Machine Learning based Rainfall Prediction

A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage

An Anonymous Routing Scheme for Free Service Location in Wireless Sensor Networks

Deep Learning Based Fusion Approach for Hate Speech Detection

On Modelling Shortest Path Length Distribution in Scale-Free Network Topologies

Analysis of Facial Sentiments: A Deep-learning Way

Flying Ad Hoc Network: A Newest Research Area for Ad Hoc Networks

Check for more IEEE Projects here .

Check for more Java Projects with Source Code here .

Check for more Python Projects with Source Code here .

This blog article gives you about some basic meaning of the IEEE projects and ECE. Then the reason behind their significance is also stressed in “ Why to do  IEEE Projects for CSE ” . Then it gives brief explanations about the top IEEE Project Topics for Computer Science . Then top ideas for the IEEE CSE Projects done by Takeoff Projects are provided at the end.

Why Takeoff Projects? How can it help with the IEEE Project Papers for ECE ?

Computer science is a specialty and professional area of expertise at Takeoff Projects. Takeoff Projects has helped a lot of students accomplish their projects in a range of sectors. We can effectively complete your IEEE projects for CSE in the allowed time. We also offer suggestions on how to increase the chance that your current IEEE mini projects for CSE will be approved. You can choose from our list of IEEE projects for CSE final year or come up with your own IEEE project topics papers for computer science .

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Disclaimer - Takeoff Edu Group Projects, are not associated or affiliated with IEEE, in any way. The IEEE Projects mentioned here are mentioned in the context of student projects, whose ideas are derived from IEEE publications, and not projects of or by IEEE.

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  • SIGCSE Top 10 Paper Awards

Top Ten Computer Science Education Research Papers of the Last 50 Years Recognized

At 50th anniversary sigcse symposium, leading computer science education group highlights research that has shaped the field.

New York, NY, March 2, 2019 – As a capstone to its 50th annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium , leaders of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) are celebrating the ideas that have shaped the field by recognizing a select group of publications with a “Top Ten Symposium Papers of All Time Award.” The top ten papers were chosen from among the best papers that were presented at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium over the last 49 years.

As part of the Top Ten announcement today in Minneapolis, the coauthors of each top paper will receive a plaque, free conference registration for one co-author to accept the award and up to a total of $2,000 that can be used toward travel for all authors of the top ranked paper.

“In 1969, the year of our first SIGCSE symposium, computing education was a niche specialty” explains SIGCSE Board Chair Amber Settle of DePaul University, of Chicago, USA. “Today, it is an essential skill students need to prepare for the workforce. Computing has become one of the most popular majors in higher education, and more and more students are being introduced to computing in K-12 settings. The Top Ten Symposium Papers of All Time Award will emphasize the outstanding research that underpins and informs how students of all ages learn computing. We also believe that highlighting excellent research will inspire others to enter the computing education field and make their own contributions.”

The Top Ten Symposium Papers are:

1. “ Identifying student misconceptions of programming ” (2010) Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Elizabeth R. Petrick, University of California, San Diego; Philip East, University of Northern Iowa; Geoffrey L. Herman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computing educators are often baffled by the misconceptions that their CS1 students hold. We need to understand these misconceptions more clearly in order to help students form correct conceptions. This paper describes one stage in the development of a concept inventory for Computing Fundamentals: investigation of student misconceptions in a series of core CS1 topics previously identified as both important and difficult. Formal interviews with students revealed four distinct themes, each containing many interesting misconceptions.

2. “ Improving the CS1 experience with pair programming ” (2003) Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie Williams, Miriam Ferzli, Eric Wiebe, Kai Yang, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik, North Carolina State University Pair programming is a practice in which two programmers work collaboratively at one computer, on the same design, algorithm, or code. Prior research indicates that pair programmers produce higher quality code in essentially half the time taken by solo programmers. The authors organized an experiment to assess the efficacy of pair programming in an introductory Computer Science course. Their results indicate that pair programming creates a laboratory environment conducive to more advanced, active learning than traditional labs; students and lab instructors report labs to be more productive and less frustrating.

3. “ Undergraduate women in computer science: experience, motivation and culture ” (1997) Allan Fisher, Jane Margolis, Faye Miller, Carnegie Mellon University During a year-long study, the authors examined the experiences of undergraduate women studying computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, with a specific eye toward understanding the influences and processes whereby they attach themselves to or detach themselves from the field. This report, midway through the two-year project, recaps the goals and methods of the study, reports on their progress and preliminary conclusions, and sketches their plans for the final year and the future beyond this particular project.

4. “ A Multi-institutional Study of Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing ” (2016) Leo Porter, Beth Simon, University of California, San Diego; Dennis Bouvier, Southern Illinois University; Quintin Cutts, University of Glasgow; Scott Grissom, Grand Valley State University; Cynthia Lee, Stanford University; Robert McCartney, University of Connecticut; Daniel Zingaro, University of Toronto Peer Instruction (PI) is a student-centric pedagogy in which students move from the role of passive listeners to active participants in the classroom. This paper adds to this body of knowledge by examining outcomes from seven introductory programming instructors: three novices to PI and four with a range of PI experience. Through common measurements of student perceptions, the authors provide evidence that introductory computing instructors can successfully implement PI in their classrooms.

5. " The introductory programming course in computer science: ten principles " (1978) G. Michael Schneider, University of Minnesota Schneider describes the crucial goals of any introductory programming course while leaving to the reader the design of a specific course to meet these goals. This paper presents ten essential objectives of an initial programming course in Computer Science, regardless of who is teaching or where it is being taught. Schneider attempts to provide an in-depth, philosophical framework for the course called CS1—Computer Programming 1—as described by the ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Science.

6. “ Constructivism in computer science education ” (1998) Mordechai Ben-Ari, Weizmann Institute of Science Constructivism is a theory of learning which claims that students construct knowledge rather than merely receive and store knowledge transmitted by the teacher. Constructivism has been extremely influential in science and mathematics education, but not in computer science education (CSE). This paper surveys constructivism in the context of CSE, and shows how the theory can supply a theoretical basis for debating issues and evaluating proposals.

7. “ Using software testing to move students from trial-and-error to reflection-in-action ” (2004) Stephen H. Edwards, Virginia Tech Introductory computer science students have relied on a trial and error approach to fixing errors and debugging for too long. Moving to a reflection in action strategy can help students become more successful. Traditional programming assignments are usually assessed in a way that ignores the skills needed for reflection in action, but software testing promotes the hypothesis-forming and experimental validation that are central to this mode of learning. By changing the way assignments are assessed--where students are responsible for demonstrating correctness through testing, and then assessed on how well they achieve this goal--it is possible to reinforce desired skills. Automated feedback can also play a valuable role in encouraging students while also showing them where they can improve.

8. “ What should we teach in an introductory programming course ” (1974) David Gries, Cornell University Gries argues that an introductory course (and its successor) in programming should be concerned with three aspects of programming: 1. How to solve problems, 2. How to describe an algorithmic solution to a problem, and 3. How to verify that an algorithm is correct. In this paper he discusses mainly the first two aspects. He notes that the third is just as important, but if the first two are carried out in a systematic fashion, the third is much easier than commonly supposed.

9. “ Contributing to success in an introductory computer science course: a study of twelve factors ” (2001) Brenda Cantwell Wilson, Murray State University; Sharon Shrock, Southern Illinois University This study was conducted to determine factors that promote success in an introductory college computer science course. The model included twelve possible predictive factors including math background, attribution for success/failure (luck, effort, difficulty of task, and ability), domain specific self-efficacy, encouragement, comfort level in the course, work style preference, previous programming experience, previous non-programming computer experience, and gender. Subjects included 105 students enrolled in a CS1 introductory computer science course at a midwestern university. The study revealed three predictive factors in the following order of importance: comfort level, math, and attribution to luck for success/failure.

10. “ Teaching objects-first in introductory computer science ” (2003) Stephen Cooper, Saint Joseph's University; Wanda Dann, Ithaca College; Randy Pausch Carnegie Mellon University An objects-first strategy for teaching introductory computer science courses is receiving increased attention from CS educators. In this paper, the authors discuss the challenge of the objects-first strategy and present a new approach that attempts to meet this challenge. The approach is centered on the visualization of objects and their behaviors using a 3D animation environment. Statistical data as well as informal observations are summarized to show evidence of student performance as a result of this approach. A comparison is made of the pedagogical aspects of this new approach with that of other relevant work.

Annual Best Paper Award Announced Today SIGCSE officers also announced the inauguration of an annual SIGCSE Test of Time Award. The first award will be presented at the 2020 SIGCSE Symposium and recognize research publications that have had wide-ranging impact on the field.


The Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGCSE) is a community of approximately 2,600 people who, in addition to their specialization within computing, have a strong interest in the quality of computing education. SIGCSE provides a forum for educators to discuss the problems concerned with the development, implementation, and/or evaluation of computing programs, curricula, and courses, as well as syllabi, laboratories, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy.

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery , is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

Contact: Adrienne Decker 585-475-4653 [email protected]

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IEEE Python Projects 2024 – 2025 Python Project Titles

Ieee python projects 2024 2025 machine learning projects, deep learning projects, artificial intelligence titles, data science project ideas for final year 2024 2025.

Python Projects 2023 Machine Learning Projects, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning Projects title, Data Science project ideas for Final Year IEEE Projects 2023 – 2024 Ieee machine learning Projects Ieee machine learning Projects 

IXP2401 Blockchain A Decentralized Voting system using Blockchain
IXP2402 Machine Learning UPI Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning
IXP2403 Machine Learning DeepFake Face Detection using Machine Learning
IXP2404 Machine Learning AI-based Learning Assistant Using Machine Learning
IXP2405 Deep Learning Student Engagement Prediction in online Classes using Image Processing
IXP2406 Machine Learning Cyberbullying Prediction Using Machine Learning
IXP2407 Blockchain Student Certificate Validation Using Blockchain
IXP2408 Machine Learning Secure Cyber Fraud App Detection Using Machine Learning
IXP2408 Machine Learning Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction Using Machine Learning
IXP2409 Deep Learning Oral Cancer Detection using Deep Learning
IXP2410 Blockchain Secure Banking Transactions Using Blockchain Technology
IXP2411 Machine Learning AI-based Multi Disease Detection using Machine Learning
IXP2412 Machine Learning Blood Group Detection using Image Processing and Fingerprint
IXP2413 Machine Learning Audio DeepFake Detection Using Machine Learning
IXP2414 Deep Learning  AI Car with Real-time detection of Damaged Road and Lane Detection
IXP2415 Blockchain A Blockchain-Based Credible and Secure Education Data Management
IXP2416 Machine Learning Innovative Flood and Landslide Prediction using Machine Learning
IXP2417 Deep Learning Heart Attack Risk Prediction using Retinal Eye Images
IXP2418 Machine Learning Realtime Face Speech Emotion Recognition in Worker Stress Analysis
IXP2419 Machine Learning Mental Health Detection Machine Learning
IXP2420 Machine Learning Vitamin Deficiency Detection using Image Processing
IXP2421 Deep Learning Intelligent Traffic System for Urban Conditions using Real-time Vehicle Tracking
IXP2422 Machine Learning Medicine Overdose Prediction Using Machine Learning
IXP2423 Machine Learning Election Results Prediction Using Machine Learning and Twitter
IXP2424 Blockchain Patient Electronic Health Records using Block chain Security Framework
IXP2425 Machine Learning Respiratory Disease Classification Using Lung Sounds with CNN-LSTM
IXP2426 Deep Learning Breast Cancer Detection using Deep Learning Ultrasound Images
IXP2427 Blockchain Secure Organ Donation using Blockchain Technology
IXP2428 Blockchain Student Teacher Performance Prediction Using Machine Learning
IXP2429 Machine Learning Predicting Poverty Level from Satellite Imagery
IXP2430 Machine Learning Subjective Answer Evaluation using Machine Learning
IXP2431 Machine Learning PHISHSIM:  Phishing Website Detection
With a Feature-Free Tool
IXP2432 Machine Learning Train Delay Prediction using ML
IXP2433 Blockchain Secure Supply chain Management using Blockchain
IXP2434 Deep Learning Human Authentication using Walking Style
IXP2435 Machine Learning Food Recognition and Calorie Measurement using Artificial Intelligence
IXP2436 Machine Learning Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Spiral Images (Hand Drawings)
IXP2437 Deep Learning
IXP2438 Blockchain Secure Land Registry System using Blockchain
IXP2439 Machine Learning Medicinal Plant Classification using Machine Learning
IXP2440 Machine Learning Drug Recommendation System based on Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews using ML
IXP2441 Machine Learning Stress Detection In IT Professionals by Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
IXP2442 Machine Learning Employee Attrition Prediction Using RNN

Accordingly, In predictive analytics, companies, businesses, and healthcare professionals apply artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining to look at quiet records so as to decide conceivable patient results, for example, the chance of an exacerbating or Specifically improving well-being condition, or odds of acquiring an ailment in a person’s and group of the patient. In summary Artificial Intelligence much a useful solution to Improve overall computational processes. Similarly to Artificial Intelligence Data Science is Also an Emerging topic in recent Days.

IXP2214 Deep Learning Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Machine Learning
IXP2215 Machine Learning Employee Layoff Prediction using Recurrent Neural Network
IXP2216 Machine Learning Fake Job Post Detection using Machine Learning
IXP2217 Machine Learning Car Price Prediction using Machine Learning
IXP2109 Machine Learning Potato Disease Detection using Machine Learning
IXP2110 Deep Learning Vehicle Speed Detection Using Deep Learning Approach
IXP2111 Machine Learning Credit card Fraud Detection using Machine learning
IXP2112 Machine Learning Stress Detection In IT Professional by Image Processing and Machine Learning
IXP2113 Machine Learning Chronic Kidney Disease prediction using Machine Learning
IXP2114 Deep Learning A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Robust Traffic Sign Detection Under Challenging Weather Condition
IXP2115 Deep Learning Brain Tumor Classifications using Deep learning
IXP2116 Deep Learning Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-Ray Images Using Wavelets-Based Depthwise Convolution Network

In short Machine learning is an emerging field in computer science as it has given a new dimension to the concept of learning. Particularly By learning from past data, it emulates human intelligence in the system. In this case, Due to its self-adaptive capability and mathematical basis, machine learning has huge applications in healthcare, sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, natural language processing, information retrieval, gameplay, market analysis, text recognition, and computer vision. For this reason, Machine learning research was the most demanding research domain Accordingly.

IXP2118 Machine Learning Cyberbullying Detection on Social Networks Using Machine Learning
IXP2119 Machine Learning A Road Accident Prediction Model Using Data Mining Techniques
IXP2120 Machine Learning A Systematic Review of Predicting Elections Based on Social Media Data Research Challenges and Futures
IXP2121 Machine Learning A Neural Based Approach for Detecting the Situational Information From Twitter During Disaster
IXP2122 Machine Learning WELFake Word Embedding Over Linguistic Features for Fake News Detection
IXP2123 Machine Learning Detecting Fake Reviews Using Multidimensional Representations With Fine Grained Aspects Plan
IXP2124 Deep Learning Data Fusion based Two-stage Cascade Framework for Multi-Modality Face Anti-Spoofing
IXP2125 Machine Learning Fake Profile Detection for Matrimonial Sites
IXP2126 Machine Learning Heart Disease Prediction System using CNN
IXP2127 Machine Learning Multiplex Regulation System With Personalised Recommendation Using ML
IXP2128 Deep Learning Multi Crop Convolutional Neural Networks for Fast Lung Nodule Segmentation
IXP2129 Deep Learning Chest Xray Pulmonary Tuberculosis Detection using Deep learning

To begin with, Deep Learning (DL) a type of ML solves the problems that were unsolvable with machine learning. In short Deep learning uses neural networks to increase computational work and provide accurate results. Some of the incredible applications of deep learning are NLP, speech recognition, and face recognition. For this reason, DL in collaboration with IoT, is witnessing revolutionary innovations.

IXP2131 Machine Learning Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning
IXP2132 Machine Learning Fraud App Detection Using Machine Learning
IXP2134 Blockchain EHRChain: A Blockchain Based EHR System Using Attribute-Based and Homomorphic Cryptosystem
IXP2135 Machine Learning House Price Prediction using Machine Learning
IXP2136 Deep Learning Blockchain based solution to improve the Supply Chain Management in Indian agriculture
IXP2137 Deep Learning Drowsiness detection system based on Eye State Analysis
IXP2138 Deep Learning DRL-FAS: A Novel Framework Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
IXP2139 Machine Learning Agricultural Crop Recommendations based on Productivity and Season
More Titles will be updated Regularly

As a matter of fact, Data Science (DS) has matured as a field of basic and applied research in computer science in general and e-commerce in particular. Although,  some of the recent approaches and architectures where data mining has been applied in the fields of e-commerce and e-business. Comparatively the dominant goal of DM  is the generation of non-obvious yet useful information for decision-makers from very large databases. The various mechanisms of this generation include abstractions, aggregations, summarizations, and characterizations of data as proposed by the Authors. Correspondingly these forms, in turn, are the result of applying modeling techniques from the diverse fields of statistics, artificial intelligence, database management, and computer graphics.

IEEE machine learning Projects 2022 2023 ieee python projects

IEEE python projects machine learning 2021 2023 Final Year  Python projects 2023 2023 IEEE machine learning Projects 

Python Projects source code 2023 2023

Ieee papers on python machine learning final year projects ieee machine learning projects for final year with source code in python ieee projects for cse 2023 2024, what is machine learning.

Basically, An ML model is defined as a computer-intensive mechanism and applies resampling and iterative methodologies for classification approaches. E specially  ML approaches are considered with optimal subset selection and eliminate the issues of classical classifiers like over-fitting as well as distributional demands of parameters. F ollowing ML technologies that have emerged in computer science with logic and basic mathematics, statistics, as ML approaches do not estimate the group, features rather it is initialized with an arbitrary group separator and tunes frequently till satisfying the classification groups. S ignificantly ML examines the tuning variables and individual ML functions that became unstable, B alanced against which makes a suitable process. F urthermore, As the non-statistical nature is embedded, overall these approaches can apply the data in various formats like nominal data that generates maximum classification accuracies.

Project on Machine Learning 

In this Section S pecifically, we have discussed about some of the projects on Machine Learning with current trends.

Predicting Poverty Level from Satellite Imagery

Determining the poverty levels of various regions throughout the world is still crucial in identifying interventions for poverty reduction initiatives and directing resources fairly. G enerally , reliable data on global economic livelihoods is hard to come by, especially for areas in the developing world, hampering efforts to both deploy services and monitor/evaluate progress. H owever, t he current challenge in this domain is that agencies across the world that predict income levels take a huge amount of time to do the same.

I nstead of a Manual Human Taking process, This project proposes to use satellite images to detect economic activity and, as a result, estimate poverty in a location. lastly, A   Recurrent neural network   is trained to learn various developmental parameters like   rooftop type, source of lighting, proximity to water sources, Agriculture Areas, Road Structure, and Industrial Areas . L ikewise, it will estimate the poverty level of each Area using Satellite Images. particularly it will cost you less amount as well comparatively less time as well.

Phishing Website Monitoring Using ML

In this project, we propose a feature-free method for detecting phishing websites correspondingly based on a similarity measure that computes the similarity of two websites by compressing them, thus eliminating the need to perform any feature extraction. A dditionally, It also removes any dependence on a specific set of website features. A ltogether t his method examines the HTML of webpages and computes their similarity with known phishing websites during testing phases , in order to classify them.

F urthermore, We use the Furthest Point First algorithm to perform phishing prototype extractions, in order to select instances that are representative of a cluster of phishing web pages. I dentically We also introduce the use of an incremental learning algorithm as a framework for continuous and adaptive detection without extracting new features when concept drift occurs. L astly, On a large dataset, our proposed method significantly outperforms previous methods in detecting phishing websites, with an AUC score of 98.68%, a high true positive rate (TPR) of around 90%, while maintaining a low false positive rate (FPR) of 0.58%. P articularly Our approach uses prototypes, eliminating the need to retain long-term data in the future, and simultaneously is feasible to deploy in real systems with a processing time of roughly 0.3 seconds.

Food Recognition and Calorie Measurement using Machine Learning

Presently This is one of the projects particularly to discuss the relationship between nutritional ingredients identification in food and inspecting Calories through Machine Learning models to perform the data analysis, S ignificantly   the experiments on real-life datasets show that our method improves the performance with efficient accuracy . S pecifically , Our system will recommend food for some Different Age groups. S ubsequently, Our work is able to identify the Nutrition that we may get affected by lacking certain nutritional ingredients in our body and recommends the food that can benefit the rehabilitation of those Age Groups. T hereafter To achieve high accuracy and low time complexity, the proposed system was implemented using CNN Machine Learning models. L astly, The model, when trained convolutionally, generates the natural image samples which give a better broad statistical structure of the natural images as compared with comparatively existing parametric generative methods.

Train Delay Prediction using Machine Learning

Eventually Delay prediction is a process of estimating delay probability based on formerly known data at a given checkpoint and is typically measured via arrival (departure) delay. Furthermore the key to making delay predictions based on actual operational data involves establishing the relationship between train delays and various characteristics of a railway system. Henceforth this provides a basis for the operator’s scheduling decision Train delay is a significant problem that negatively impacts the railway industry and costs billions of dollars each year. Simultaneously In this project we have used Train delay dataset from IRTC to predict Train delays. Specifically  We have used Faster RCNN algorithm to predict flight departure delay and thereupon our model can identify which features were more important when predicting Train delays.

Blood Grouping Detection Using Image Processing

Basically, there is worldwide demand for an affordable Blood Group measurement solution, although this is a particularly urgent need in developing countries. Altogether Image Processing, which is the most penetrated device in both rich and resource-constrained areas, would be a suitable choice to build this solution. Comparatively This Project proposes a noninvasive Blood Group measurement process.  Also, it compared the variation in data collection sites, biosignal processing techniques, theoretical foundations, photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal and features extraction process, Image Processing algorithms, and Detection models to calculate Blood Groups. Especially This analysis was then used to recommend realistic approaches to build an Image Processing-based point-of-care tool for Blood Group measurement in a non-invasive manner. Certainly, This project proposes approaches for blood Group measurement with the aim of recommending data collection techniques, signal extraction processes, feature calculation processes, and Image Processing algorithms for developing a noninvasive Blood Group estimation using an Image.

Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Spiral Images

Correspondingly Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder emphatically, which is characterized by  Various symptoms. F urthermore, the progressive neurodegenerative disorder affects the nervous system in the elderly, which is characterized by motor symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, slowness of movement, and problems with gait. Obviously, In this work, an attempt has been made to classify the spiral images of healthy control and Parkinson’s disease subjects using deep-learning neural networks. P articularly The Vision-based Convolutional Neural Network architecture is used to refine the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorder disease.

Nevertheless, This project proposes a Vision-Based novel deep learning architecture for neuro-generative disorder screening. obviously, this project, analysis of Spiral images for discrimination of healthy control and NDD (Neurodegenerative disorder) subjects is attempted using the CNN model. The proposed FAST-RCNN exploits Feature Extraction to tackle multi-view data from the Spiral Image data. significantly training, the proposed model employs a data enhancement technology called SCI-KIT’s Image Data Generator API on multi-view data.

Drug Recommendation System based on Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews using Machine Learning

Since the coronavirus has shown up, the inaccessibility of legitimate clinical resources is at its peak, previously like the shortage of specialists and healthcare workers, secondly lack of proper equipment and medicines, etc. Specifically, The entire medical fraternity is in distress, which results in numerous individuals’ demise. unlike Due to unavailability, individuals started taking medication independently without appropriate consultation, making their health condition worse than usual. Identically As of late, machine learning has been valuable in numerous applications, and there is an increase in innovative work for automation.

Meanwhile, This project intends to present a drug recommender system that can drastically reduce specialists’ heap. Regardless In this research, we build a medicine recommendation system that uses patient reviews to predict the sentiment using various vectorization processes like Bow, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and Manual Feature Analysis, which can help recommend the top drug for a given disease by different classification algorithms. specifically, The predicted sentiments were evaluated by precision, recall, F1 score, accuracy, and AUC score. whereas The results show that classifier DNN using TF-IDF vectorization outperforms all other models with 98% accuracy.

Stress Detection In IT Professionals by Image Processing and Machine Learning

Significantly The main motive of our project is to detect stress in IT professionals using vivid Machine learning and Image processing techniques. obviously, Our system is an upgraded version of the old stress detection systems which excluded live detection and personal counseling but this system comprises of live detection and periodic analysis of employees and detects physical as well as mental stress levels in his/her by providing them with proper remedies for managing stress by providing survey form periodically. Moreover, Our system mainly focuses on managing stress and making the working environment healthy and spontaneous for the employees and furthermore it getting the best out of them during working hours.

Henceforth The proposed System Machine Learning algorithms like KNN classifiers are applied to classify stress. Following Image Processing is used at the initial stage for detection, the employee‟s image is given by the browser which serves as input. further, In order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it image processing is used by converting image into digital form and performing some operations on it. Generally By taking input as an image and output may be image or characteristics associated with that images. The emotion are displayed on the rounder box. The stress level indicated by Angry, Disgusted, Fearful, Sad.

Human Authentication using Gait Recognition (Walking Style)

Evidently, Biometric identification like fingerprints, retina, palm, and voice recognition needs the subject’s permission and physical attention. Correspondingly Human Gait recognition works on the gait of walking subjects to identify people without them knowing or without their permission. Basically, The purpose of this Project is to detect humans based on their Waling styles. We first extract the gait features from image sequences using the Feature Module. Features are then trained based on the frequencies of these feature trajectories, from which recognition is performed.

Gait recognition is the process where the features of human motion are automatically obtained/extracted and later these features enable us to authenticate the identity of the person in motion. Besides As with other pattern recognition techniques, the gait recognition technique also involves 2 stages: F irstly Information is derived from human locomotion in the first stage i.e. feature extraction stage. F ormerly In the next stage, i.e. the recognition stage, a standard similarity computation technique (Incremental Component Analysis) is used to obtain results for being a match or a mismatch.

Decentralized Voting system using Blockchain

Certainly, Electronic voting or e-voting has been used in varying forms since the 1970s with fundamental benefits over paper-based systems such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, there remain challenges to achieving widespread adoption of such systems, especially with respect to improving their resilience against potential faults. Generally, Blockchain is a disruptive technology of the current era and promises to improve the overall resilience of e-voting systems. Likewise, This project presents an effort to leverage the benefits of blockchain such as cryptographic foundations and transparency to achieve an effective scheme for e-voting.

Moreover, The proposed scheme conforms to the fundamental requirements for e-voting schemes and achieves end-to-end verifiability. The paper presents details of the proposed e-voting scheme along with its implementation using the Multichain platform. Obviously, The project presents an in-depth evaluation of the scheme which successfully demonstrates its effectiveness to achieve particularly an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme. Ieee machine learning Projects

Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Machine Learning

Diabetic Retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among people particularly diabetes and the leading cause of vision impairment and blindness among working-age adults. S econdly, By using a certain algorithm the retinal image from the user is fed into the system. significantly The blood vessels are extracted from the image then it is pre-processed by filtering and segmentation process. Rather It is followed by fractional edge reduction which is used for the feature extraction and by using a Faster retinal convolutional neural network algorithm to automate the diagnosis process. It improves the resultant accuracy and by this classification technique,overall we can achieve high accuracy. Ieee machine learning Projects

Machine Learning projects for Final Year

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Top 8 Innovative Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students [Complete Guide]

The final year project in CSE allows you to gain practical knowledge from your theoretical base. The real-life projects that solve problems give you hands-on experience in the field of computer science. But, this requires a specific skill set and training. You will have to sharpen your skills with the latest trends in technology to grow further in the field.

Final year project is considered the most important part of any student’s academic life. It gives students the opportunity to showcase what they have learned and how they can use their intellectual abilities and practical skills to solve real-life problems. A lot of students do not know but the final year projects can also impact their careers and because of this, it is important that you choose the final year projects very wisely. When you apply for a job in any company after your studies then the first thing they look at is your project.

While carrying out the final year project, students will learn a lot about their field and gain valuable technical knowledge and experience. It will boost their self-confidence and strengthen their core skills. The university project will give them a competitive advantage and improve their communication skills.

Final year projects for computer science  students provide an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic studies to a real-world problem or challenge. These projects often involve substantial research and development and can take the form of a software application, hardware design, or theoretical research study.

The article will help you get ideas on  final-year projects for CSE .

Table of Contents

How to Choose the CSE Final Year Project Definition?

How to accomplish a final year project?

To complete a final year project successfully is not easy and there is a lot of hard work and skills required. Now, to identify the perfect final year project and effectively complete it there are some things that you must keep in mind.

1. Choose a Problem-Solving Topic

Topic for final-year CSE project

Choosing a problem-solving topic for your final year project is a great way to demonstrate your ability to apply your technical skills to real-world issues. You can start by identifying a problem or challenge in your field of interest, then research and analyze different solutions to the problem.

It’s essential to consider the feasibility of the project, as well as its potential impact on society or industry. This type of Project will help you demonstrate your skills and knowledge more practically and effectively than a traditional theoretical project. Enroll in the final year project training if you want to close the gap between college education and industry requirements.

2. Think About Project Feasibility as per your Skill Set

Students must select the project based on their skill set because eventually a successful final-year project will require a lot of effort and you should have the skill set to finish the project that you have taken. Deciding the university project topic based on their skill set will allow students to narrow down topics and effectively decide the project that will suit their abilities. If you are working with a team then first discuss and identify the skill set of everyone and then decide on the college project. Along with the skillset, students must also keep in mind about their knowledge and capabilities.

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3. Discuss the Project with the Mentor in Detail

Final year project discussion with mentor

A right mentor plays a very important role in the successful completion of any final-year project. Proper guidance is extremely necessary and without that it is difficult to finish the project on time. So, as a student, you must identify a mentor with whom you are comfortable. You should be freely able to discuss your idea about the project with your mentors. Students should make sure that the mentor they choose should have good knowledge about the topic on which they are doing the project.

You can have more than one mentor for your college project. Having more than one mentor is very beneficial as you can learn a lot more and easily use that knowledge and information in your final year project. Before starting the project discuss your whole idea thoroughly with your mentor.

4. Identify System Requirements

Having the facilities and the resources that will be used in the project is equally important as having a good topic. Students need to first identify all the things or resources that will be used in their project and make sure that all the resources and equipment are available around you. There are also various other parameters that students must consider like budget and time. Make sure your project gets completed in the given budget and before the submission date. Identifying the system requirements before start of the project can be very helpful and you can easily execute the project efficiently.

5. Research on the Future Scope of the Project

Final year project future scope

Students should not select a project that is based on outdated technologies and has no future scope because it won’t be very helpful for their career. Make sure that the final year project includes the latest technologies and has good scope for future advancements. Final year projects with a future scope can be useful in getting a job and you can also use this project as research for further studies.

These are some of the points that you must keep in mind if you want to accomplish a successful college project. Project selection is tough and requires a lot of detailed attention. Hence, before selecting a topic for the final year project analyze all the different criteria as mentioned above.

When you start working on your final year project for CSE, focus your attention on giving the resultant utility. This gives you an outlook on your project. And it also gives your project an edge over others. The following are some final-year project ideas for CSE students.

8 Best Final Year Projects For CSE

1. gym workout progress tracker.

The growing number of fitness enthusiasts has attracted the demand for workout trackers. This is an interesting final-year project idea for CSE students. The gym workout progress tracker is designed to track the workout activity of the individual automatically. It calculates the number of reps and calories burned during the workout.

Gym Workout Progress Tracker:

One of the Final year project ideas allows users to track and record their workout progress and results.


  • Workout schedule planner
  • Progress tracking and monitoring
  • Nutrition plan suggestions

Technology Required to Learn

  •  Java or Python
  • Web development frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS

Basic Skills Required 

  • In -database and web development

Skills to Gain for this Project

  • Project management 
  • Software development and database management.

2. Field Service Management Software and App:  

Field Service Management Project for Final Year

This Project is a major project for CSE’s final year, which aims to improve field service management by streamlining work processes, reducing administrative tasks, and optimizing communication among field service engineers and customers.


  • Dispatching
  • Inventory management

Technology Required to Learn 

  • Android or iOS Mobile development platforms 

The Basic Skills Required 

  • Knowledge of database and software development.

Skills to Gain for this Project 

  • Project management and technical skills such as software development and database management.

3. Space Shooter Combat Game Python

An interesting and fun final-year project for computer science students is a space shooter combat game. The shooting arcade game is built using python. The dynamic and interactive interface can be an interesting yet fun process to build. The game may have different levels, power-ups, and combat obstacles. Students can have a hands-on experience of python and pygame during the project.

  • These mini project topics for CSE will have a 2D space shooter game where the player controls a spaceship and combats enemy ships.
  • The player must navigate through different levels and defeat a boss at the end of each level.
  • Different types of enemies and power-ups that the player can collect
  • Scoring system and high score leaderboard
  • Visual effects 
  • Sound effects

Technology Required to Learn:

  • Python programming language
  • Pygame library for game development
  • Basic understanding of game development principles
  • Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts

Basics Skills Required:

  • Knowledge of basic programming concepts such as variables, functions, loops, and control structures
  • Familiarity with Python syntax and data types
  • Basic understanding of computer graphics and game development principles

Skills to Gain for this Project:

Technical Skills:

  • Advanced Python programming skills
  • Knowledge of the Pygame library
  • Game development and game engine principles
  • Understanding of 2D graphics and game physics

Soft Skills:

  • Project management skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Understanding of user experience and game design principles
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills

4. Crime Rate Predictions

When you have to shift to a new place, the very first thing you prioritize is your and your loved one’s safety. Imagine if you could predict the crime rate in an area. This idea is a potential final-year project for CSE. The crime rate prediction system will be able to analyze and predict the crime rate in a particular area. The system uses a K-mining data algorithm to analyze and predict. The system will present data around patterns of crimes, people committing them, and crime groups popular in the location.

  • This  Project for final year  will have Real-time Crime rate predictions
  • Predict crime rates for different regions and crime types
  • Visualizations and interactive dashboards
  • Influencing factors for crime rates, such as weather, population density, and socioeconomic factors
  • Python or R for programming
  • Scikit-learn or TensorFlow
  • Data visualization and dashboard-building tools such as Plotly or Tableau
  • Data cleaning, exploration, and modeling techniques
  • Variables, functions, loops, and control structures
  • Data visualization, probability, and statistics
  • Machine learning and data science concepts
  • Data collection, management, and cleaning
  • Knowledge of libraries and toolkits such as Plotly, Tableau, sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow
  • Understanding of data modeling and model deployment
  • Understanding of ethical considerations

Interpersonal and communication skills,

5. Android Battery Saver

Everyone carries a smartphone these days. The swift battery draining of smartphones is an issue faced by every Android phone owner. An Android battery saver can assist in analysing the apps that are draining the battery. The battery saver makes a consolidated list of apps running, battery percentage, and active time of the phone. It can also have an alarm to close the apps that are consuming too much battery life.

  • Optimizes battery usage by closing background apps and disabling unnecessary features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Real-time information about battery usage
  • Schedule automatic optimization at specific times of the day
  • Automatic “Power saving mode.” 
  • Java or Kotlin
  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK and libraries
  • Android’s battery management system
  • Android app development and its architecture
  • How batteries and energy management work.

d. Skills to Gain for this Project:

  • Advanced Android app development
  • Energy management and optimization algorithms
  • Project management
  • Problem-solving
  • Understanding of user experience and design principles

6. Library Management System

Management of data is a problem faced in almost every sector. Smooth data management ensures smooth working in the sector. Hence, when there is data there has to be a management system. A potential final-year project for CSE could be building a library management system.

The library management system can store and manage the data regarding issues and returns of books, serialization, deserialization, genres, and availability of books, magazines, etc.

  • Cataloging and searching for books
  • Managing circulation, including check-out and check-in
  • Maintaining user accounts and tracking borrowing history
  • Generating reports and statistics on library usage
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Java or C#)
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Understanding of database design and management
  • Basic programming skills
  • Familiarity with web development technologies
  • Experience with database management and programming
  • Understanding of library management systems
  • Development of web development skills
  • Improved problem-solving and project management skills.

7. Resume Builder Web Applications

For a person actively looking for a job, resumes are the primary mode of communication with an employer. Employers and companies use resumes to shortlist the ideal candidates for further rounds during the selection process. But, here is an issue. The basic resume with all the relevant information does not go through the ATS. Hence, we need a resume builder to make resumes in easy steps that go through ATS. A web-based resume builder with cutting-edge technology is the idea for the project for the final year. Through the project, you can polish your JS skills.

  • Creating and editing resumes
  • Adding and managing multiple versions of a resume
  • Templates and formatting options
  • Sharing and downloading of resumes
  • Web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks (such as React or Angular)
  • MongoDB or MySQL
  • Backend programming languages (such as Node.js or Ruby on Rails)
  • Web development technologies
  • Basic knowledge of database management
  • Familiarity with programming languages
  • Web development frameworks, concepts, and technologies 
  • Understanding of how to create and manage a resume
  • Development of problem-solving and project-management skills
  • Improved skills in communication and teamwork.

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8. Fingerprint Voting System

A Fingerprint voting system will be used to analyze the fingerprint patterns for unique identity. It is used in voting systems for the authentic election process. The system allows voters to vote through the fingerprint recording of their unique identity. It will ensure one-time voting and a systematic database of voters. The fingerprint sensor will record the identity to prevent any tampering during the election procedure.

  • Fingerprint identification and verification
  • Secure data storage and encryption
  • Voter authentication
  • Real-time voting results
  • Fingerprint recognition and authentication technologies
  • MySQL or MongoDB
  • Java, C++, or Python
  • Networking and communication protocols
  • Understanding of databases and data security
  • Familiarity with networking and communication protocols
  • Experience with fingerprint recognition and authentication technologies
  • Understanding of voting systems and how they work
  • Improved skills in problem-solving and Project management
  • Development of skills in security and data encryption

final year project traninig for cse students

Students should choose the perfect institute that can give an opportunity to learn and it also helps them at every step for their final year project. The training institute should provide better opportunities in the market and it should not be limited to projects because career opportunities are also very important. The project training institute that students are choosing for their final year project should have good mentors that have detailed knowledge about the subjects and technology. The project training institute works on enhancing the knowledge and skill of the students.

The training institute can bridge the gap between education and career for students. Along with the project, students can learn new skills and these institutes also provide placement assistance. So mainly students should look for well-equipped labs, expert mentors, and live project experience for enhancing their skill before selecting the project training institute.

Students can also do various certified courses that are generally required in industries. With certified courses students can gain valuable knowledge and build the skill set that is required in industries. Hence, a project training institute like LogicRays Academy can play a huge role in the career of a student and it is important for students to choose the right institute for them. Contact us to know more about IT training courses.

FAQs about the Final Year project

Real-world-problem solving projects are considered the best for CSE students as they offer hands-on experience in solving real-world problems using Technology. Many students choose to work on projects related to emerging technologies such as PHP, python, node, java, reactjs, machine learning, blockchain and IoT.

Innovative project ideas for computer science students can be found by researching industry trends, looking at current societal problems, or consulting with industry professionals. Some common topics for final-year projects in computer science include artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, cybersecurity, computer networks, and software engineering.

Final-year project topics for computer engineering are essential as it allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their studies to a real-world problem, and it also serves as an opportunity to showcase their abilities to potential employers.

  • Final Year Tips

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Final Year Projects For Computer Engineering

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NevonProjects Compiles and brings you the widest list of computer engineering projects for students researchers and engineers. From Android Apps to Dotnet, Pp and Python Web Applications NevonProjects brings you the most creative computer engineering project ideas.

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Complete CSE Software Projects List For Cse

  • AI Healthcare Bot System using Python
  • ShareBook App Android Book Sharing Application
  • Travel Together – A Travel Buddy Finder System
  • Travel and Tourism Website using Python
  • Android Grocery Management App
  • Android Local Geofence System
  • Digital Scrabble Word Dictionary Game Python
  • Automatic Pronunciation Mistake Detector
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prediction System
  • College Placement System Using Python
  • Medical Report Management & Distribution System on Blockchain
  • Biometric Student Attendance System App
  • Music and Shows Finder Flutter App
  • Timer Based Phone Silencer App
  • Face Recognition Attendance System for Employees using Python
  • Liver Cirrhosis Prediction System using Random Forest
  • Android Carpool Ride Sharing App
  • Staff Scheduling Android App
  • Android Smart Bus Pass App
  • Wheelchair Guidance & Assistance App
  • Multiple Disease Prediction System using Machine Learning
  • Online Auction System using Python
  • Online Voting System Project Python
  • Secure Persona Prediction and Data Leakage Prevention System using Python
  • Stroke Prediction System using Linear Regression
  • Toxic Comment Classification System using Deep Learning
  • Flutter Based Digital Classroom App for Android & iOS
  • Extracurricular Event Tracking System App
  • Flutter Based Blood Donation App
  • Organic Food Traceability System using Blockchain
  • Pharma Supply Chain System using Smart Contracts
  • School Security System using RFID
  • Contact Recognition App Using Fingerprint Sensor
  • Android Based Image Steganography
  • Android Voting System Using Face Recognition
  • Android TTS OCR Converter System for People with Visual Disability
  • Shared Office Finder System Using Flutter
  • Memory Card Game Flutter App
  • Flutter Based Bill Reminder App
  • Three-Level Password System Using Python
  • Skin Disease Detection System Using CNN
  • Signature Verification System Using CNN
  • Online Election System Using Python
  • Library Management System Using Python
  • Heart Failure Prediction System
  • Python Doctor Appointment Booking System
  • Yoga Poses Detection using OpenPose
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection System Python
  • Evidence Protection System Using Blockchain Technology
  • Blockchain Shipment Management Tracking System
  • Learning Disability Detector and Classifier System
  • Online Stock Photo Ecommerce Website
  • AI Mental Health Therapist Chatbot
  • Ecommerce Fake Product Reviews Monitor and Deletion System
  • File Transfer System using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • Smart Campus Surveillance and Guidance System
  • Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction
  • Distributed Dealership Network Analyzer and Sales Monitor
  • E Healthcare – Online Consultation And Medical Subscription
  • Automated College Timetable Generator
  • Intelligent Mobile Travel Guide Flutter App
  • Indoor Navigation System App using Flutter
  • Smart Time Table Generation Flutter App Using Genetic Algorithm
  • Identifying Fake Products Through A Barcode-Based Blockchain System
  • Recipe Recommendation from the Ingredients Flutter App
  • Flutter Virtual Watch Party App
  • Ambulance Booking System using Python
  • Chatbot Assistant System using Python
  • Child Vaccination Management System using Python
  • Dental Caries Detection System using Python
  • Movie Success Prediction System using Python
  • Online Complaint Registration & Management System using Python
  • Organ Donation System using Python
  • Speech Emotion Detection System using Python
  • Student Feedback Review System using Python
  • Use of Pose Estimation in Elderly People using Python
  • Real Estate Booking System using Smart Contracts
  • Trusted Crowdfunding Platform Using a Smart Contract
  • Android Job Portal System App
  • AI Chatbot App using Dialog Flow in Flutter
  • Body Pose Detection App using Google ML-Kit Flutter
  • Flutter Based Calories Tracker App
  • Flutter Based House Bidding Application
  • Flutter Medicine Tracker and Notification App
  • Flutter Payment Reminder App
  • Restaurant Employees Tip Calculator System App Flutter
  • Time series Anomaly Detector App using Azure Cognitive Services
  • YouTube Giveaway Manager App Using Flutter
  • Vehicle Number Plate Detection and Recognition Python
  • Green Screen Background Remover using OpenCV Python
  • Intelligent Video Surveillance Using Deep Learning System
  • Leaf Detection System using OpenCV Python
  • Music Genres Classification using KNN System
  • Traffic Sign Recognition System using CNN
  • Auto capture Selfie by Detecting Smile Python
  • Blockchain based Loan Management System with Smart Contracts
  • Blockchain Rental Property System with Smart Contracts
  • Personal Goal Tracking App using Flutter
  • Stay Safe Security App With Scream Alert
  • Android Hostel Management System App
  • Android Investment Tracker App
  • Anti-Money Laundering System using Blockchain
  • Blockchain-based Transaction and Settlement System
  • Blockchain based Cloud File Sharing System
  • Blockchain based Cross Border Payment System
  • Blockchain based Merchant Payment System
  • Organization Finance Tracking System using Blockchain
  • Blockchain based Personal Identity Security System
  • Face Recognition Attendance System using Python
  • Human Detector and Counter using Python
  • Pneumonia Detection using Chest X-Ray
  • Music Recommendation System by Facial Emotion
  • Parkinson’s Detector System using Python
  • Website Vulnerability Scanning System
  • Lost Item Tracker App
  • Periodic Bell & Timetable Reminder App
  • Flutter based SMS Scheduler App
  • Teacher Tracking System Flutter
  • Train Food Ordering App
  • Vehicle Maintenance and Mileage Tracker App
  • Event Registration System with QR Code
  • Flutter based Music Player App
  • Flutter based Online Auction App
  • Flutter Based Online Helpdesk System
  • Bone Fracture Detection using Python
  • Cryptocurrency price prediction using Machine Learning Python
  • Depression Detection System using Python
  • Car Lane Detection Using NumPy OpenCV Python
  • Sign Language Recognition Using Python
  • Signature verification System using Python
  • Blockchain Tender/Contract Management System in Python
  • Flutter based Interview Preparation App
  • Digital Fare Meter App for Drivers Based on Flutter
  • Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Python
  • Flutter Based Barter Trading System App
  • Money Management App for Expense Planning Flutter
  • Predicting House Price Using Decision Tree
  • Blockchain based Disk Space Rental System
  • Blockchain Based Crowdfunding Platform
  • Blockchain Based Antiques Verification System
  • Elevator Saga: Fun Game Flutter App
  • Detecting Brain Tumors and Alzheimer’s Using Python
  • Hangman Game: Vocabulary Building Flutter App
  • Secure File Access System Android App
  • Electronics Ecommerce Website Python
  • Brain Tumor and Alzheimer’s Detection Flutter App
  • Android Phone Hardware Tester App
  • Text Translation App Using Google API
  • AI-Based Picture Translation App
  • Android File Finder and Sorting App
  • EV Charging Station Finder and Slot Booking Flutter
  • Mental Health Check app using NLP Flutter
  • Spy Camera Android App
  • Python Image Forgery Detection using MD5 OpenCV
  • Bank Beacon Android App
  • Android Heart Disease Prediction App
  • Android Geofencing App for COVID Quarantine
  • Online Nursery Plant Shopping Website Python
  • Knee Osteoarthritis Detection & Severity Prediction
  • Space Shooter Combat Game Python
  • Online PDF to Text Converter & Language Translator Python
  • Herb & Grocery Shopping Android App
  • Dementia Virtual Memory App
  • Android Messenger App
  • Barbershop Service Booking App
  • Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation
  • Three Level Image Password Authentication
  • Students Grievance Redressal Cell Python
  • Emergency Ambulance Booking App
  • Waste Food Management & Donation App
  • Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat App
  • Veterinary Appointment Scheduling App Flutter
  • Online Fuel Delivery Flutter App
  • Real Time Global Weather Monitoring App Flutter
  • Property Registration Management System using Blockchain
  • Patient Data Management System using Blockchain
  • Electronic Voting System using Blockchain
  • Loyalty Points Exchange System using Blockchain
  • NGO Management System using Blockchain
  • Online Fashion Stylist Website
  • Android Blood Donation & Blood Bank Finder
  • Online Driver Hiring Android App
  • Retail Store Inventory & POS Checkout App
  • Gym Trainer & Progress Tracker App
  • Accident Detection & Alert Android App
  • Android Personal Safety App
  • Android College Connect Chat App
  • Tour Recommender App Using Collaborative Filtering
  • Android Task Monitoring
  • Online Mobile Recharge Portal Project
  • Detecting E Banking Phishing Websites Using Associative Classification
  • Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking
  • Sentiment Analysis for Product Rating
  • Fingerprint Based ATM System
  • Image Encryption Using AES Algorithm
  • Image Encryption Using Triple DES
  • Extended AES with Custom Configurable Encryption
  • E Commerce Product Rating Based On Customer Review Mining
  • Image Steganography With 3 Way Encryption
  • Canteen Automation System
  • Engineering College Automation and Scheduling System
  • Fingerprint Voting System Project
  • Employee Hourly Attendance By Barcode Scan
  • Weather Forecasting Using Data Mining
  • User Web Access Records Mining For Business Intelligence
  • Railway Tracking and Arrival Time Prediction
  • Android Local Train Ticketing Project
  • Android Patient Tracker
  • Opinion Mining For Restaurant Reviews
  • Website Evaluation Using Opinion Mining
  • Opinion Mining For Comment Sentiment Analysis
  • Movie Success Prediction Using Data Mining
  • Android Customer Relationship Management System
  • Android Employee Tracker
  • Monitoring Suspicious Discussions On Online Forums Using Data Mining
  • Android – PC Chatting & Image Sharing System
  • Fake Product Review Monitoring And Removal For Genuine Online Product Reviews Using Opinion Mining
  • Web Data Mining To Detect Online Spread Of Terrorism
  • Opinion Mining For Social Networking Site
  • Biomedical Data Mining For Web Page Relevance Checking
  • Data Mining For Automated Personality Classification
  • Real Estate Search Based On Data Mining
  • Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture
  • Unique User Identification Across Multiple Social Networks
  • College Enquiry Chat Bot
  • Bikers Portal
  • Secure Electronic Fund Transfer Over Internet Using DES
  • Sentiment Based Movie Rating System
  • Advanced Reliable Real Estate Portal
  • Diagnostic Centre Client Coordination System
  • Improved Data Leakage Detection
  • Online Herbs Shopping Project
  • Sending a secure message over a network to a remote site
  • Online Diagnostic Lab Reporting System
  • Online Loan Application & Verification System
  • Multi Website Advertisement Handling System
  • Secure Data Transfer Over Internet Using Image Steganography
  • Airport Network Flight Scheduler
  • Image Encryption For Secure Internet Transfer
  • Public Photography Contest With Live Voting
  • Intelligent PC Location Tracking System
  • Secure Remote Communication Using DES Algorithm
  • Remote Java 2 Dotnet Communication Application
  • Internet Based Live Courier Tracking And Delivery System
  • Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection over Internet
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection
  • Remote User Recognition And Access Provision
  • AI Multi Agent Shopping System
  • Wireless Indoor Positioning System
  • Web Content Trust Rating Prediction Using Evidence Theory
  • Topic Detection Using Keyword Clustering
  • An Adaptive Social Media Recommendation System
  • Tab Based Library Book Availability & Location Finder On Wifi
  • Web Mining For Suspicious Keyword Prominence
  • Web Agent For Learning Content Updating
  • PC Configuration Retrieval System on Online Server
  • Web Server Log Analysis System
  • Customer Behaviour Prediction Using Web Usage Mining
  • Web Server to Client communication for web usage data analysis
  • Network Based Stock Price System
  • Matrimonial Portal Project
  • On Demand Remote PC Monitoring system Through Internet
  • Online AI Shopping With M-Wallet System
  • Military Access Using Card Scanning With OTP
  • Secure ATM Using Card Scanning Plus OTP
  • Secure Lab Access Using Card Scanner Plus Face Recognition
  • Webpage Ranking Search Engine With Seo Suggester
  • Detect Irregular moving objects and tracking based on color and shape in real-time
  • Camera Motion Sensing Project
  • Collective Face Detection Project
  • College automation project
  • Online Election System Project
  • Automated Attendance System
  • Mobile Attendance System Project
  • WiFi Shopping Guide Project
  • Cursor Movement By Hand Gesture Project
  • Mobile Quiz Through WiFi Project
  • The Cibil System Project

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Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

Top 10 Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

The technology era is always developing, and businesses seek employees who can solve problems and come up with creative ideas in their area of interest. Companies must stay up with technology developments in today's startup era since they have a fierce rivalry.

With the mainstreaming of a wide variety of technologies such as data processing, web architecture, algorithm design, mobile development, etc., it is getting tough to learn for recent college grads. Most occupations now need hands-on industry experience.

Learning these skills is essential for today's and tomorrow's workforces since it offers new and exciting career opportunities. So, if you're new to computer science, the best thing you can do is come up and work on some real-world project ideas. When pursuing a career in software engineering, it is critical for aspiring software engineers to work on their own projects.

In this blog, we'll look at some of the most inventive computer science engineering final year projects perfect for students looking to grow their knowledge in software development. The more computer science project ideas you try, the more you'll learn and get familiar with new tools and technologies. We've made things easier by offering a summary of each project because they're all different.

So, if you're seeking some intriguing Computer Science project ideas to start working on, this article is perfect for you!

Let us broaden our horizons. get down to business and look for fresh projects to put your ideas into action.

1. Bookmarks Keeper

research papers for final year project cse

A bookmark is a tool of a browser that enables you to save the URL address of a webpage for subsequent reference. With a bookmark, you won't have to input the address; instead, you'll be able to click a readily accessible link in your browser's toolbar. When you bookmark a website, you're essentially generating a shortcut to that website.

Managing bookmarks is a time-consuming chore if you use many web browsers for various purposes. You frequently forget which bookmarks exist in which browser, resulting in a jumbled mess. Even if you recall a term from a URL you bookmarked, you'll need to go through every bookmark on every browser to find it. This may result in the waste of your valuable time and, in certain cases, the loss of useful information.

What if you could access all of your bookmarks from all major browsers in one place? This will address the problem of bookmark finding and updating.

This is just what you will achieve in this project, saving time for your coworkers and learning useful skills in the process.

Skills to gain from this project

In this project, you'll create a Bash script that collects bookmarks from all major browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Brave Browser, and saves them in a markdown file. It will also be able to extract a specific term from the list of bookmarks. You will learn the following concepts while working on this engaging project:

  • Linux commands : The Linux command is a program that runs under the Linux OS. Commands may be used to complete all simple and sophisticated operations.
  • Conditional Statements: Used to make judgments depending on a set of circumstances. Under no condition, statements are executed sequentially but If you add a condition to a block of statements, the execution flow may alter depending on the condition's result.
  • Positional Parameters: Commonly known as command-line arguments are dynamically sent to the script. The numerical positional parameters are referred to with a preceding '$': $1, $2, $3, and so forth.
  • SQLite : In-process library that creates a transactional SQL database engine that is self-contained, serverless, and requires no setup.

Shell scripting is commonly used to automate time-consuming developer processes as well as to move sophisticated systems to the cloud. This may be used to automate a wide range of tasks. It will dramatically improve your understanding of how simple commands work together to do complicated tasks and break down challenges into smaller parts.

Who should try this project


Basic knowledge of the Linux operating system, SQL, and Linux commands is advantageous, but not required, since you may learn these skills and get hands-on experience on bash while working on this project.

Time required

This project is expected to take no more than 10 hours to complete.

Difficulty level

This project is aimed at beginners who want to learn how to construct a helpful utility utilizing technology while also gaining confidence and improving their technical skills. Professional developers who want to improve Linux commands and automate tasks using shell scripts would appreciate creating this utility.

2. Learn to create apps on Kubernetes

research papers for final year project cse

As more businesses embark on the cloud-native DevOps path, it's critical to understand how solutions like Docker and Kubernetes help them achieve digital transformation.

Running your applications on distributed systems with automated scaling has a lot of advantages. Apps built using Kubernetes may use a variety of technologies to improve their resiliency. Your deployment will be highly resilient due to the ability to swap environments with little to no code change and the comprehensive monitoring tools provided.

Docker and Kubernetes, when used collectively, are digital transformation drivers and innovative cloud architectural technologies. For quick application deployments and releases, using both has become the new mainstream. This project will teach you how to build up your environment so that you can immediately compose apps for Kubernetes .

Here you will learn how to build up your environment so that you can immediately begin writing apps for Kubernetes . Steps will be offered to assist you to develop a mental image of how things work and what the best practices are for a quick and straightforward setup. Tools that you will get hands-on experience with are:

  • Docker: Docker container offers its own OS libraries, hence makes it easy to execute code in a similar environment without any dependencies or OS difficulties.
  • Kubernetes: Open source container orchestration technology that is in charge of the main container management tasks, such as container deployment, scaling, healing, and load balancing.
  • Git H ub Actions : This allows you to easily automate all of your development tasks. You can develop, test, and release code directly from GitHub. Make the process of code reviews, branch management, and problem triaging as painless as feasible.

research papers for final year project cse

You'll be able to develop apps and execute them on Kubernetes nearly instantly after completing this project. With the aid of Kubernetes expertise, you'll be better positioned to navigate the sea of cloud-native technologies.

Previous experience with app deployment can help you understand the jargon more quickly, but it is not required. It will not require you to write any code or logic; instead, it will familiarise you with cloud application development and the move from monolithic programs to distributed systems.

Check out 50+ simple to advanced projects to build your experience in app deployment.

This project should require no more than 35 hours to implement.

This project is ideal for anybody interested in learning more about app deployment or pursuing a career in DevOps. Everyone will benefit from the new tools and technologies, from beginners to professionals.

3. Two truths and a lie game slack bot

research papers for final year project cse

The majority of the IT team has been working remotely throughout this crisis, and they are not all in the same time zone. As a remote team, developers utilize Slack for a lot of our communication. It's challenging to reintroduce workplace fun while also relieving zoom fatigue.

You can reintroduce joy to your workplace by being tech-savvy. Are you unsure how to go about it? By creating simple gaming projects using the Slack bot API, you may engage with workspace members and learn more about them.

In this project, you will create a bot for your Slack workplace named " Two Truths and a Lie ." This bot will aid you in playing this intriguing game in order to increase communication within your organization, allowing your co-workers to work smarter and more productively.

In this project, we'll create a Slack Bot that alerts other users when a new person joins a channel and commences the game. During this exciting journey, you will gain the following important skills:

  • Slack API: Used to create integrations that transfer data between Slack and your other cloud-based apps.
  • Glitch: An advanced and powerful collaborative platform for developing, remixing, and hosting applications.

After finishing the development and deployment of this bot in your workplace, you will develop a sense of trust working with the Slack API and will be ready to turn sluggish, recurring, manual operations like induction or feedback collection into rapid and automated apps and workflows.

Familiarity with Slack is a major benefit because you won't be bothered by its naming practices. Previous experience creating automation scripts may be advantageous if you want to understand how these bots function, but it is quite acceptable to skip that step. All the technologies and APIs that are used can be learned while implementing your bot.

research papers for final year project cse

Implementing this project should take no more than 20 hours.

This project will be a wonderful learning experience for developers who want to create some entertaining projects that will help them automate their job or use technology to have some fun at work. Developers who are just starting out should first create a beginner-friendly project that will explain how such automated processes function under the hood.

4. Chatbot Song Recommender System

research papers for final year project cse

Chatbots are designed to assist and scale company teams in their interactions with consumers. Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence improve operational efficiency and reduce costs for businesses while providing convenience for customers. Businesses may decrease the requirement for human interaction by automating FAQs.

Chatbots extract relevant elements by evaluating and recognizing the purpose of the user's request, which is the most essential duty of a chatbot. Following the completion of the analysis, the appropriate answer is provided to the user.

Do you want to witness the power of AI without actually conducting any statistical experiments? If you answered yes, you will undoubtedly enjoy this project.

You will be integrating several services and open-source technologies in this project to create a Chatbot that recommends music based on the tone of the user's discussion with the chatbot.

You will gain hands-on experience with numerous cognitive services and fantastic tools, which you will combine and wrap in Python to create this wonderful music suggesting chatbot . By the completion of the project, you will have learned not only how to implement clean modular code using various Python libraries, but also several important skills and tools such as:

  • Python: Object-oriented programming language that is interpreted and used interactively. Popular in scientific computing, web development, and automation as it's good for prototyping and ad-hoc jobs.
  • API : Collection of specifications and protocols for creating and integrating application software that allows two software to communicate with one another.
  • Chatbot: Computer software that mimics and processes human speech in order to allow humans to connect with digital devices. Chatbots use AI, automated rules, natural-language processing (NLP), and machine learning to process data and reply to a range of inquiries (ML).

Every organization, whether it is a consumer products provider, a banking service provider, or a food service provider, is looking for developers who are well-versed in the development of such chatbots. Chatbots are used to resolve common customer issues and dynamically build FAQs and gather valuable feedback. This is a project that will wow recruiters when they see it in your portfolio!

You'll need a basic grasp of Python fundamentals as well as experience with third-party APIs to execute this project. All other relevant skills can be learned throughout the implementation phase of the project.

This project is supposed to be completed in a maximum of 50 hours.

It's designed for Python intermediate developers, particularly those with an interest in Data Science and AI. Beginners should start with entry-level projects to gain hands-on experience with Python before moving on to this project. This project will serve as a good refresher for experienced developers and ML/AI experts.

5. Companion App

research papers for final year project cse

Taking care of one's mental health might help one's capacity to appreciate life. To do so, you must strike a balance between your daily activities, obligations, and attempts to improve your psychological resilience. Many people who suffer from mental health issues are unaware that their problems are caused by untreated illnesses.

Working from home, temporary unemployment, homeschooling children, and a lack of physical activities are all new realities that take time to adjust to. Adjusting to lifestyle adjustments like these, are difficult for all of us.

This project is the first step toward finding a solution that works for everyone. In this project, you will create a user-friendly mental health tracker that will assist users in solving issues in a fun way. You'll aim to acquire a sense of your user's mental state (in the least invasive way possible), determine if they're suffering, and then offer methods for them to get out of their current situation.

The goal of the project is to create a mental health tracker . A user answers certain questions, and you propose tasks to them based on their responses, as well as keep track of their mental condition for display on a dashboard. In this interesting journey you will master the following skills:

  • UI/UX: Enhances the user experience and customer interaction time, which aids business and revenue growth. The UI and UX design aids in gaining the attention of customers and encourages them to utilize your app to solve problems for which the app is designed.
  • Flutter: Open-source platform for coding and developing native Android and iOS apps. Developers may create a complete user interface by just merging several widgets.
  • Cloud Firestore: Firebase's managed serverless cloud-native NoSQL document database that makes data synchronization, storage, and querying smooth. It supports both live and offline synchronization.
  • Authentication : The process of establishing that a fact or an identity is genuine by supplying credentials, which are agreed-upon pieces of data shared between the user and the system.

You'll create a beautiful and responsive app that's entertaining to use while also accomplishing your goal by the conclusion of this project. With little study and tweaks, this software may be turned into a full-fledged healthcare app. You will be able to construct commercial and helpful applications in the future with the abilities you learned while developing this app. This will be a terrific utility software that will stand out in your portfolio since recruiters will be able to connect to it given the present employment crisis.

To complete this project, you'll need a basic understanding of Dart and, preferably, Flutter. Your understanding of new technologies will be accelerated if you have prior experience working in mobile app development. All extra competencies can be acquired throughout the development of this project.

This project should take no longer than 65 hours to complete.

Intermediate developers will get valuable experience while developing the app by exploring and learning new things about widgets, design techniques, and fine-tuning the app for the target audience. Professionals may find this project to be a good addition to their portfolio, and important principles will be quickly revised. This project will be difficult for beginners with Flutter to finish.

6. Library Management System

research papers for final year project cse

Management systems are used by institutions in every area, including banking, IT, healthcare, and travel. Everyone uses it in various forms for their own purposes, whether digital (software) or analog (record books/ledgers). Data is considerably more powerful than we realize, and it has the potential to drive today's economy. However, data must be well-managed for clean and correct data to exist at all times.

Library Management System is one such system, which is used to keep track of the volumes in a library. This system has information on books, and we can use it to do all of the activities that are necessary for a real system.

In this project, you'll build a Library Management System that includes all CRUD activities, as well as sophisticated search, book issuance, Serialization, and Deserialization to save the information (in an encrypted manner) within files.

research papers for final year project cse

This project will equip you with the skills necessary to create management applications, which are quite popular and in demand in work-from-home environments these days. Following skills are some of the takeaways from this project apart from best coding practices that you will learn:

  • Java Collections API: Set of classes and interfaces that enable dealing with collections of objects like lists, maps, and stacks considerably easier for Java developers.
  • Serialization: Technique for saving/persisting an object's state by converting it to a byte stream.
  • Deserialization: Process of recreating the actual Java object in memory using the byte stream. This technique is employed to keep an object viable.

These abilities will come in handy in the future if you pursue fields such as app-web development, system design, or project management tools like Jira and confluence. When you cooperate with a different tech stack to develop strong apps that contain ideas like serialization and may also utilize your understanding of classes and object usage that you can enhance from this project, learning these will be extra support and a star point.

This project will require a basic understanding of Java and OOPS principles . The development will be a breeze if you've been exposed to low-level design in the past. These capabilities must be mastered prior to implementing this project, and more tools will very certainly be learned as the project progresses.

This project should be finished in no more than 40 hours.

It's ideal for Java developers with a basic understanding of the language's syntax and semantics since it allows users to write code in Java while also learning how to create native Java apps that can be used straight from the command line! This project will not be an appropriate starting point for Java beginners, but it will be an excellent refresher for Java pros.

7. Contact App Android

research papers for final year project cse

The Android contact app keeps your contact list accessible at all times and from any location. With this app, users can conveniently add important contacts, with more detailed fields to fill in to know more about their loved ones.

What if you could make your own contact app with all of the features you want, such as sophisticated filtering and birthday reminders? However, you'll have to work with the source code, which you don't have access to.

Not anymore, Here In this project, you'll build a contact app from scratc h. The main goal is to build a simple Phonebook/contact Application that allows users to initiate phone calls, keep contact numbers in their local storage, and simply remove them.

This project will help you get a better knowledge of the stages of Android app development as well as enhance your expertise in building apps that heavily rely on databases. Apart from learning to develop production-ready code utilizing your coding and design abilities by the conclusion of the project, you will also gain knowledge of the most often used tools, such as:

  • Java : A powerful, user-friendly, object-oriented coding language with cross-platform features.
  • SQLite : SQLiteDatabase provides ways for creating, deleting, executing SQL commands, and carrying out other typical database administration activities.
  • Recyclerview in Android : Versatile view that provides a narrow window into a huge data collection. It adds an extra layer of abstraction to detect data set changes in batches during layout calculations hence improves speed by performing all view bindings at the same time and avoiding superfluous binds.

These critical abilities can help you get into the booming app development sector and offer you an advantage over other applicants. This project will demonstrate your ability to work with a variety of tech stacks to create robust apps that integrate SQL databases and Android, as well as strengthen your understanding of OOPS principles . After you've supported fundamental processes, you may add further features and upgrades.

This project requires a basic grasp of Java syntax and semantics, as well as familiarity with OOPS principles . SQL database knowledge will be highly useful. These abilities, on the other hand, can be rekindled while working on this project.

This project is slated to take a maximum of 15 hours to complete.

This is a great project for Java newbies who want to get started with Android since it teaches you how to write Java code while simultaneously teaching you how to make beautiful Android apps. This project will be beneficial for intermediate developers who wish to review and improve their coding and design best practices, as well as Java specialists who need a refresher.

8. Instagram Clone

research papers for final year project cse

Developing Clones of renowned social media giants built in the framework of your preference is the smart way to jumpstart your app development path and impress recruiters -- whether you're seeking to launch your own social network business or trying to enter the software industry.

The fast popularity of photo-sharing applications like Instagram has prompted a slew of entrepreneurs and companies to create their own social media platforms, allowing employees to openly post photos and videos about company culture and promote the brand.

You will learn how to use Kotlin and Firebase to create a simple functioning clone of Instagram in this project.

research papers for final year project cse

You will learn and appreciate the engineering brilliance that allows millions of individuals to connect with their loved ones and share pleasant moments with their network in this project. To build a small functioning Instagram clone , you'll use Kotlin and Firebase. The skills and topics listed below will be strengthened after implementing this project:

  • Kotlin Advanced : Type inference in a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language.
  • Firebase: Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), is your server, API , and datastore, all designed in a way that allows you to customize it to fit your specific needs.
  • Push Notifications : Method of alerting consumers to information from apps and services that they have opted in to. Notifications cover almost every imaginable use case and type of service, including various forms of communication.

This project will show you how to deal with scaling concerns while maintaining uptime. Knowing how to utilize Instagram and incorporating it into your portfolio would help you stand out because it is such a popular site. This will ensure that you have been exposed to difficult scenarios, design difficulties, and critical decisions, as well as that you have addressed engineering challenges after discovering the right fit.

You must have prior experience developing mobile apps as well as a working knowledge of Kotlin. If you're coming from another language, spend some time learning Kotlin syntax and you'll be good to go. It's a benefit if you've worked with cloud databases like Firebase before.

This project can be completed in around 85 hours.

For beginners, this is not a suitable place to start, but for intermediate developers seeking a tough project to work on, it may be a fantastic learning experience. This is a worthwhile project for experienced Kotlin developers who wish to learn low-level design and improve their coding skills.

9. Resume Builder Web Application

research papers for final year project cse

Resumes assist recruiters in filtering and selecting the best candidates for the position they are seeking. If you can show off your work in your resume and meet the minimum qualifications, your chances of getting a call are good. Many developers struggle to create a strong CV and waste a significant amount of time doing so.

This project addresses this issue and guides you through the process of setting up a web-based résumé builder that uses cutting-edge technologies. It will help you to enhance your JS skills and get your hands dirty with popular JS frameworks like ReactJs and ExpressJs for the frontend and backend, respectively. Along the way, you will encounter a range of challenges, and it is through these experiences that you will grow.

research papers for final year project cse

With the aid of a template of your choice, you will strive to simplify the resume creation procedure and automate the difficult editing process in this project. This will develop into a full-stack application that will provide you with the skills and tools listed below:

  • ReactJs: Developers may use React to construct huge web apps that can modify data without refreshing the page. The primary goal is to be quick, scalable, and simple. It only works on the application's user interfaces. This is equivalent to the view in the MVC template.
  • NodeJs: Used to create event-driven, i/o intensive blocking applications, including command-line apps, web applications, real-time chat applications, REST API servers, and so on. The whole server-side program is built with JavaScript.
  • ExpressJS: Lightweight web application framework that aids in the server-side organization of your web application into an MVC architecture . For your templating language, you have a range of options.
  • Material UI: Material-UI components are self-contained. They are self-sufficient and will only inject styles that they require. They don't use any global stylesheets at all.
  • React BootStrap: Library for creating front-end stylesheets which comprise two libraries: react.js and bootstrap. Many Bootstrap packages have been created by the community with the goal of rebuilding Bootstrap components as React components.

Full-stack developers, especially those that specialize in the MERN stack, are in high demand, and having projects to demonstrate your talents gives you an advantage and allows you to stand out from the crowd. Because you are knowledgeable with a variety of technologies, you can assist other team members when they get stuck. In most cases, a full stack developer may perform updates independently, cutting down on project communication time.

This project will require a basic grasp of JavaScript and experience working with the frontend framework React. Working with Node.js will be easier if you have working experience with backend development. All other supporting libraries can be grabbed as the need arises.

This project will take a total of 15 hours to complete.

It's a wonderful project for Javascript beginners who want to get started with full-stack development. This will give you a fair idea of the total software stack needed to create a real-world application. This project will act as a refresher on basic JS principles for mid-senior level engineers.

10. Multiplayer Game - Connect4

research papers for final year project cse

I'm sure you and your friends go online every now and then to play a multiplayer game. During this Pandemic crisis, the majority of young people have spent a lot of time playing multiplayer games like FreeFire, Clash of Clans, and other similar games. Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of that game and how it all works?

By creating a multiplayer Connect4 game for you and your friends, you will learn about multiplayer game programming in this project. Along the way, you'll learn about object-oriented programming and gain a better understanding of how real-life objects collaborate to build such complex applications.

You'll build a multiplayer Connect4 game in Python from scratch using PyGame library, Socket concept, and game development principles. You will work with the gaming engine and graphics to enhance the user experience and get to know how challenging it is to develop games that you love playing. You will be able to grasp the libraries and ideas listed below:

  • PyGame: You can manage the logic and visuals of your games with the pygame module without having to worry about the backend complexity of working with video and audio.
  • Game Networking: Rules established by games to deal with the netcode include transmitting information between clients and the server, dealing with synchronization, updating every client at a reasonable pace, and all other aspects of game networking.
  • Socket Programming: Demonstrates how to create communication linkages between distant and local processes using socket APIs. Socket programming is the primary API for developing Internet-based distributed applications.
  • Game engine: Software development environment designed primarily for the development of video games. 2D or 3D graphics rendering, physics engine, animation, artificial intelligence, sound, and streaming are some of the most common features of game engines.

Game programming will teach you the value of optimization and the ability to handle several concurrent connections without sacrificing the game experience. Games demand a different approach than regular web apps, and they provide unique challenges. Working on a multiplayer game will offer you an advantage over the competition, and who knows, you may find yourself creating games for your favorite gaming company.

The multi-user application knowledge gained in this project may be used to create more complex systems and games that support a larger variety of features and even concurrency.

This project is appropriate for individuals who have working experience with Python and are comfortable with computer networking fundamentals. The computer network as a topic can be revised easily if you have studied it before. Bonus points if you're interested in the inner workings of your favorite multiplayer games this will be a dream project for you. As the project advances, other libraries will be used, and new terminology will be learned.

The time it will take to complete this project is estimated to be between 20 and 25 hours.

This project will be difficult for you to finish if you are new to python and have a difficult time understanding basic networking principles, and it is not a good place to start.

This is an excellent project for honing your web development and design abilities for people who have previously worked with Python.

Here's the list of 10 projects you can get started with right away. All projects are fully explained and can be completed on your own.

Top 10 final year projects for 2022

  • Bookmarks Keeper
  • Learn to create apps on Kubernetes
  • Two truths and a lie game slack bot
  • Chatbot Song Recommender System
  • Companion App
  • Library Management System
  • Contact App Android
  • Instagram Clone
  • Resume Builder Web Application
  • Multiplayer Game - Connect4

Additional Resources

Resume writing tips with a free resume template

Actionable framework to impress interviewers with structured answers

Gain exclusive insights on developer job opportunities, popular tech stacks in the industry, and more - Download Now!

research papers for final year project cse

Written by Samyak Jain

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IEEE Computer Science Projects we guide academic students .

  • IEEE computer science projects focused to created for college students
  • Computer science is a learning of computing, programming and computation with computer systems
  • Computer science projects depends on the factors of computer, software, human interaction and coding knowledge
  • Computer Science projects dealt with computation, data processing, advanced algorithmic properties, system control and artificial intelligence.

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Computer Science Project Topics:

  • Data Warehousing and Data mining
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  • Fuzzy keyword search in cloud computing
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Algorithms Used in Computer Science Projects:

  • Mining Algorithms
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  • Workflow Scheduling Algorithms
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  • Recommendation Algorithms
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IEEE 2024-2025 : Data Science Projects


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A data mining based model for detection of fraudulent behaviour in water consumption.

Abstract:  Fraudulent behavior in drinking water consumption is a significant problem facing water supplying companies and agencies. This behavior results in a massive loss of income and forms the highest percentage of non-technical loss. Finding efficient measurements for detecting fraudulent activities has been an active research area in recent years. Intelligent data mining techniques can help water supplying companies to detect these fraudulent activities to reduce such losses. This research explores the use of two classification techniques (SVM and KNN) to detect suspicious fraud water customers. The main motivation of this research is to assist Yarmouk Water Company (YWC) in Irbid city of Jordan to overcome its profit loss. The SVM based approach uses customer load profile attributes to expose abnormal behavior that is known to be correlated with non-technical loss activities. The data has been collected from the historical data of the company billing system. The accuracy of the generated model hit a rate of over 74% which is better than the current manual prediction procedures taken by the YWC. To deploy the model, a decision tool has been built using the generated model. The system will help the company to predict suspicious water customers to be inspected on site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Correlated Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Implicit Feedback

Abstract:  As a typical latent factor model, Matrix Factorization (MF) has demonstrated its great effectiveness in recommender systems. Users and items are represented in a shared low-dimensional space so that the user preference can be modeled by linearly combining the item factor vector V using the user-specific coefficients U. From a generative model perspective, U and V are drawn from two independent Gaussian distributions, which is not so faithful to the reality. Items are produced to maximally meet users’ requirements, which makes U and V strongly correlated. Meanwhile, the linear combination between U and V forces a bisection (one-to-one mapping), which thereby neglects the mutual correlation between the latent factors. In this paper, we address the upper drawbacks, and propose a new model, named Correlated Matrix Factorization (CMF). Technically, we apply Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to map U and V into a new semantic space. Besides achieving the optimal fitting on the rating matrix, one component in each vector (U or V) is also tightly correlated with every single component in the other. We derive efficient inference and learning algorithms based on variational EM methods. The effectiveness of our proposed model is comprehensively verified on four public data sets. Experimental results show that our approach achieves competitive performance on both prediction accuracy and efficiency compared with the current state of the art.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding for Recommendation

Abstract:  Due to the flexibility in modelling data heterogeneity, heterogeneous information network (HIN) has been adopted to characterize complex and heterogeneous auxiliary data in recommended systems, called HIN based recommendation. It is challenging to develop effective methods for HIN based recommendation in both extraction and exploitation of the information from HINs. Most of HIN based recommendation methods rely on path based similarity, which cannot fully mine latent structure features of users and items. In this paper, we propose a novel heterogeneous network embedding based approach for HIN based recommendation, called HERec. To embed HINs, we design a meta-path based random walk strategy to generate meaningful node sequences for network embedding. The learned node embeddings are first transformed by a set of fusion functions, and subsequently integrated into an extended matrix factorization (MF) model. The extended MF model together with fusion functions are jointly optimized for the rating prediction task. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the HERec model. Moreover, we show the capability of the HERec model for the cold-start problem, and reveal that the transformed embedding information from HINs can improve the recommendation performance.                                                         

NetSpam: A Network-Based Spam Detection Framework for Reviews in Online Social Media

Abstract:  Nowadays, a big part of people rely on available content in social media in their decisions (e.g., reviews and feedback on a topic or product). The possibility that anybody can leave a review provides a golden opportunity for spammers to write spam reviews about products and services for different interests. Identifying these spammers and the spam content is a hot topic of research, and although a considerable number of studies have been done recently toward this end, but so far the methodologies put forth still barely detect spam reviews, and none of them show the importance of each extracted feature type. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, named NetSpam, which utilizes spam features for modeling review data sets as heterogeneous information networks to map spam detection procedure into a classification problem in such networks. Using the importance of spam features helps us to obtain better results in terms of different metrics experimented on real-world review data sets from Yelp and Amazon Web sites. The results show that NetSpam outperforms the existing methods and among four categories of features, including review-behavioral, user-behavioral, review-linguistic, and user-linguistic, the first type of features performs better than the other categories.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Comparative Study to Identify the Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Abstract: Nowadays, heart disease is a common and frequently present disease in the human body and it’s also hunted lots of humans from this world. Especially in the USA, every year mass people are affected by this disease after that in India also. Doctor and clinical research said that heart disease is not a suddenly happen disease it’s the cause of continuing irregular lifestyle and different body’s activity for a long period after then it’s appeared in sudden with symptoms. After appearing those symptoms people seek for a treat in hospital for taken different test and therapy but these are a little expensive. So awareness before getting appeared in this disease people can get an idea about the patient condition from this research result. This research collected data from different sources and split that data into two parts like 80% for the training dataset and the rest 20% for the test dataset. Using different classifier algorithms tried to get better accuracy and then summarize that accuracy. These algorithms are namely Random Forest Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Support Vector Machine, k-nearest neighbor, Logistic Regression, and Naive Bayes. SVM, Logistic Regression, and KNN gave the same and better accuracy as other algorithms. This paper proposes a development that which factor is vulnerable to heart disease given basic prefix like sex, glucose, Blood pressure, Heart rate, etc. The future direction of this paper is using different devices and clinical trials for the real-life experiment.

A machine learning approach for opinion mining online customer reviews

Abstract :This study was conducted to apply supervised machine learning methods in opinion mining online customer reviews. First, the study automatically collected 39,976 traveler reviews on hotels in Vietnam on website, then conducted the training with machine learning models to find out which model is most compatible with the training dataset and apply this model to forecast opinions for the collected dataset. The results showed that Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Neural Network (NN) methods have the best performance in opinion mining in Vietnamese language. This study is valuable as a reference for applications of opinion mining in the field of business.

Hybrid Machine Learning Classification Technique for Improve Accuracy of Heart Disease

Abstract: The area of medical science has attracted great attention from researchers. Several causes for human early mortality have been identified by a decent number of investigators. The related literature has confirmed that diseases are caused by different reasons and one such cause is heart-based sicknesses. Many researchers proposed idiosyncratic methods to preserve human life and help health care experts to recognize, prevent and manage heart disease. Some of the convenient methodologies facilitate the expert’s decision but every successful scheme has its own restrictions. The proposed approach robustly analyze an act of Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Decision Tree J48 along with the two different feature selection methods such as Correlation Based Feature Selection (CFS) and Gain Ratio. The Gain Ratio accompanies the Ranker method over a different group of statistics. After analyzing the procedure the intended method smartly builds Naive Bayes processing that utilizes the operation of two most appropriate processes with suitable layered design. Initially, the intention is to select the most appropriate method and analyzing the act of available schemes executed with different features for examining the statistics.

Novel Supervised Machine Learning Classification Technique for Improve Accuracy of Multi-Valued Datasets in Agriculture

Abstract: In the modern era, many reasons for agricultural plant disease due to unfavorable weather conditions. Many reasons that influence disease in agricultural plants include variety/hybrid genetics, the lifetime of plants at the time of infection, environment(soil, climate), weather (temperature, wind, rain, hail, etc), single versus mixed infections, and genetics of the pathogen populations. Due to these factors, diagnosis of plant diseases at the early stages can be a difficult task. Machine Learning (ML) classification techniques such as Naïve Bayes (NB) and Neural Network (NN) techniques were compared to develop a novel technique to improve the level of accuracy

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Brain Disease Diagnosis: Principles and Recent Advances

Abstract: Brain is the controlling center of our body. With the advent of time, newer and newer brain diseases are being discovered. Thus, because of the variability of brain diseases, existing diagnosis or detection systems are becoming challenging and are still an open problem for research. Detection of brain diseases at an early stage can make a huge difference in attempting to cure them. In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is surging through all spheres of science, and no doubt, it is revolutionizing the field of neurology. Application of AI in medical science has made brain disease prediction and detection more accurate and precise. In this study, we present a review on recent machine learning and deep learning approaches in detecting four brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), brain tumor, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease. 147 recent articles on four brain diseases are reviewed considering diverse machine learning and deep learning approaches, modalities, datasets etc. Twenty-two datasets are discussed which are used most frequently in the reviewed articles as a primary source of brain disease data. Moreover, a brief overview of different feature extraction techniques that are used in diagnosing brain diseases is provided. Finally, key findings from the reviewed articles are summarized and a number of major issues related to machine learning/deep learning-based brain disease diagnostic approaches are discussed. Through this study, we aim at finding the most accurate technique for detecting different brain diseases which can be employed for future betterment.

Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease - A Machine Learning Perspective

Abstract: Chronic Kidney Disease is one of the most critical illness nowadays and proper diagnosis is required as soon as possible. Machine learning technique has become reliable for medical treatment. With the help of a machine learning classifier algorithms, the doctor can detect the disease on time. For this perspective, Chronic Kidney Disease prediction has been discussed in this article. Chronic Kidney Disease dataset has been taken from the UCI repository. Seven classifier algorithms have been applied in this research such as artificial neural network, C5.0, Chi-square Automatic interaction detector, logistic regression, linear support vector machine with penalty L1 & with penalty L2 and random tree. The important feature selection technique was also applied to the dataset. For each classifier, the results have been computed based on (i) full features, (ii) correlation-based feature selection, (iii) Wrapper method feature selection, (iv) Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression, (v) synthetic minority over-sampling technique with least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression selected features, (vi) synthetic minority over-sampling technique with full features. From the results, it is marked that LSVM with penalty L2 is giving the highest accuracy of 98.86% in synthetic minority over-sampling technique with full features. Along with accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, area under the curve and GINI coefficient have been computed and compared results of various algorithms have been shown in the graph. Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression selected features with synthetic minority over-sampling technique gave the best after synthetic minority over-sampling technique with full features. In the synthetic minority over-sampling technique with least absolute shrinkage and selection operator selected features, again linear support vector machine gave the highest accuracy of 98.46%. Along with machine learning models one deep neural network has been applied on the same dataset and it has been noted that deep neural network achieved the highest accuracy of 99.6%

Potato Disease Detection Using Machine Learning

Abstract: In Bangladesh potato is one of the major crops. Potato cultivation has been very popular in Bangladesh for the last few decades. But potato production is being hampered due to some diseases which are increasing the cost of farmers in potato production. However, some potato diseases are hampering potato production that is increasing the cost of farmers. Which is disrupting the life of the farmer. An automated and rapid disease detection process to increase potato production and digitize the system. Our main goal is to diagnose potato disease using leaf pictures that we are going to do through advanced machine learning technology. This paper offers a picture that is processing and machine learning based automated systems potato leaf diseases will be identified and classified. Image processing is the best solution for detecting and analyzing these diseases. In this analysis, picture division is done more than 2034 pictures of unhealthy potato and potato’s leaf, which is taken from openly accessible plant town information base and a few pre-prepared models are utilized for acknowledgment and characterization of sick and sound leaves. Among them, the program predicts with an accuracy of 99.23% in testing with 25% test data and 75% train data. Our output has shown that machine learning exceeds all existing tasks in potato disease detection.

A Comparative Evaluation of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classification Techniques for Sentiment Analysis

Abstract :With the technological advancement in the field of digital transformation, the use of the internet and social media has increased immensely. Many people use these platforms to share their views, opinions and experiences. Analyzing such information is significant for any organization as it apprises the organization to understand the need of their customers. Sentiment analysis is an intelligible way to interpret the emotions from the textual information and it helps to determine whether that emotion is positive or negative. This paper outlines the data cleaning and data preparation process for sentiment analysis and presents experimental findings that demonstrates the comparative performance analysis of various classification algorithms. In this context, we have analyzed various machine learning techniques (Support Vector Machine, and Multinomial Naive Bayes) and deep learning techniques (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, and Long Short-Term Memory) for sentiment analysis

A Comprehensive Review on Email Spam Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms

Abstract: Email is the most used source of official communication method for business purposes. The usage of the email continuously increases despite of other methods of communications. Automated management of emails is important in the today’s context as the volume of emails grows day by day. Out of the total emails, more than 55 percent is identified as spam. This shows that these spams consume email user time and resources generating no useful output. The spammers use developed and creative methods in order to fulfil their criminal activities using spam emails, Therefore, it is vital to understand different spam email classification techniques and their mechanism. This paper mainly focuses on the spam classification approached using machine learning algorithms. Furthermore, this study provides a comprehensive analysis and review of research done on different machine learning techniques and email features used in different Machine Learning approaches. Also provides future research directions and the challenges in the spam classification field that can be useful for future researchers.

Heart Disease Prediction using Hybrid machine Learning Model

Abstract: Heart disease causes a significant mortality rate around the world, and it has become a health threat for many people. Early prediction of heart disease may save many lives; detecting cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks, coronary artery diseases etc., is a critical challenge by the regular clinical data analysis. Machine learning (ML) can bring an effective solution for decision making and accurate predictions. The medical industry is showing enormous development in using machine learning techniques. In the proposed work, a novel machine learning approach is proposed to predict heart disease. The proposed study used the Cleveland heart disease dataset, and data mining techniques such as regression and classification are used. Machine learning techniques Random Forest and Decision Tree are applied. The novel technique of the machine learning model is designed. In implementation, 3 machine learning algorithms are used, they are 1. Random Forest, 2. Decision Tree and 3. Hybrid model (Hybrid of random forest and decision tree). Experimental results show an accuracy level of 88.7% through the heart disease prediction model with the hybrid model. The interface is designed to get the user’s input parameter to predict the heart disease, for which we used a hybrid model of Decision Tree and Random Forest

Heart Failure Prediction by Feature Ranking Analysis in Machine Learning

Abstract: Heart disease is one of the major cause of mortality in the world today. Prediction of cardiovascular disease is a critical challenge in the field of clinical data analysis. With the advanced development in machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and data science has been shown to be effective in assisting in decision making and predictions from the large quantity of data produced by the healthcare industry. ML approaches has brought lot of improvements and broadens the study in medical field which recognizes patterns in the human body by using various algorithms and correlation techniques. One such reality is coronary heart disease, various studies gives impression into predicting heart disease with ML techniques. Initially ML was used to find degree of heart failure, but also used to identify significant features that affects the heart disease by using correlation techniques. There are many features/factors that lead to heart disease like age, blood pressure, sodium creatinine, ejection fraction etc. In this paper we propose a method to finding important features by applying machine learning techniques. The work is to design and develop prediction of heart disease by feature ranking machine learning. Hence ML has huge impact in saving lives and helping the doctors, widening the scope of research in actionable insights, drive complex decisions and to create innovative products for businesses to achieve key goals.

Design of face detection and recognition system to monitor students during online examinations using Machine Learning algorithms

Abstract: Today’s pandemic situation has transformed the way of educating a student. Education is undertaken remotely through online platforms. In addition to the way the online course contents and online teaching, it has also changed the way of assessments. In online education, monitoring the attendance of the students is very important as the presence of students is part of a good assessment for teaching and learning. Educational institutions have adopting online examination portals for the assessments of the students. These portals make use of face recognition techniques to monitor the activities of the students and identify the malpractice done by them. This is done by capturing the students’ activities through a web camera and analyzing their gestures and postures. Image processing algorithms are widely used in the literature to perform face recognition. Despite the progress made to improve the performance of face detection systems, there are issues such as variations in human facial appearance like varying lighting condition, noise in face images, scale, pose etc., that blocks the progress to reach human level accuracy. The aim of this study is to increase the accuracy of the existing face recognition systems by making use of SVM and Eigenface algorithms. In this project, an approach similar to Eigenface is used for extracting facial features through facial vectors and the datasets are trained using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to perform face classification and detection. This ensures that the face recognition can be faster and be used for online exam monitoring.


1. IEEE : Deep Air Learning: Interpolation, Prediction, and Feature Analysis of Fine-grained Air Quality
2. IEEE : Classification Of A Bank Data Set On Various  Data Mining Platforms  Bir Banka Müşteri Verilerinin Farklı Veri  Madenciliği Platformlarında Sınıflandırılması
3. IEEE : A Data Mining based Model for Detection of  Fraudulent Behaviour in Water Consumption
4. IEEE : Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Rating Difference and User Interest
5. IEEE : A Framework for Real-Time Spam Detection in Twitter
6. IEEE : Serendipitous Recommendation in E-Commerce Using Innovator-Based Collaborative Filtering
7. IEEE : Review Spam Detection using Machine  Learning
8. IEEE : NetSpam: a Network-based Spam Detection Framework for Reviews in Online Social Media
9. IEEE : SociRank: Identifying and Ranking Prevalent News Topics Using Social Media Factors

DHS Informatics believes in students’ stratification, we first brief the students about the technologies and type of Data Science projects and other domain projects. After complete concept explanation of the IEEE Data Science projects, students are allowed to choose more than one IEEE Data Science projects for functionality details. Even students can pick one project topic from Data Science and another two from other domains like Data Science,Data mining, image process, information forensic, big data, Data Mining, block chain etc. DHS Informatics is a pioneer institute in Bangalore / Bengaluru; we are supporting project works for other institute all over India. We are the leading final year project centre in Bangalore / Bengaluru and having office in five different main locations Jayanagar, Yelahanka, Vijayanagar, RT Nagar & Indiranagar.

We allow the ECE, CSE, ISE final year students to use the lab and assist them in project development work; even we encourage students to get their own idea to develop their final year projects for their college submission.

DHS Informatics first train students on project related topics then students are entering into practical sessions. We have well equipped lab set-up, experienced faculties those who are working in our client projects and friendly student coordinator to assist the students in their college project works.

We appreciated by students for our Latest IEEE projects & concepts on final year Data Mining projects for ECE, CSE, and ISE departments.

Latest IEEE 2024-2025 projects on Data Mining with real time concepts which are implemented using Java, MATLAB, and NS2 with innovative ideas. Final year students of computer Data Mining, computer science, information science, electronics and communication can contact our corporate office located at Jayanagar, Bangalore for Data Science project details.


Data Science is mining knowledge from data, Involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems. Its the powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. We have the best in class infrastructure, lab set up , Training facilities, And experienced research and development team for both educational and corporate sectors.

Data Science is the process of searching huge amount of data from different aspects and summarize it to useful information. Data Science is logical than physical subset. Our concerns usually implicate mining and text based classification on Data Science projects for Students.

The usages of variety of tools associated to data analysis for identifying relationships in data are the process for Data Science. Our concern support data mining projects for IT and CSE students to carry out their academic research projects.

Data Science is the process of searching huge amount of data from different aspects and summarize it to useful information. Data Science is logical than physical subset. Our concerns usually implicate mining and text based classification on data Science projects for Students. The usages of variety of tools associated to data analysis for identifying relationships in data are the process for data Science. Our concern support data Science projects for IT and CSE students to carry out their academic research projects.

Relational Statics

The popularity of the term “data science” has exploded in business environments and academia, as indicated by a jump in job openings. However, many critical academics and journalists see no distinction between data science and statistics. Writing in Forbes, Gil Press argues that data science is a buzzword without a clear definition and has simply replaced “business analytics” in contexts such as graduate degree programs.In the question-and-answer section of his keynote address at the Joint Statistical Meetings of American Statistical Association, noted applied statistician Nate Silver said, “I think data-scientist is a sexed up term for a statistician….Statistics is a branch of science. Data scientist is slightly redundant in some way and people shouldn’t berate the term statistician.”Similarly, in business sector, multiple researchers and analysts state that data scientists alone are far from being sufficient in granting companies a real competitive advantage and consider data scientists as only one of the four greater job families companies require to leverage big data effectively, namely: data analysts, data scientists, big data developers and big data engineers.

On the other hand, responses to criticism are as numerous. In a 2014 Wall Street Journal article, Irving Wladawsky-Berger compares the data science enthusiasm with the dawn of computer science. He argues data science, like any other interdisciplinary field, employs methodologies and practices from across the academia and industry, but then it will morph them into a new discipline. He brings to attention the sharp criticisms computer science, now a well respected academic discipline, had to once face.Likewise, NYU Stern’s Vasant Dhar, as do many other academic proponents of data science,argues more specifically in December 2013 that data science is different from the existing practice of data analysis across all disciplines, which focuses only on explaining data sets. Data science seeks actionable and consistent pattern for predictive uses.This practical engineering goal takes data science beyond traditional analytics. Now the data in those disciplines and applied fields that lacked solid theories, like health science and social science, could be sought and utilized to generate powerful predictive models.

Java Final year CSE projects in Bangalore

  • Java Information Forensic / Block Chain B.E Projects
  • Java  Cloud Computing B.E Projects
  • Java  Big Data with Hadoop B.E Projects
  • Java  Networking & Network Security B.E Pr ojects
  • Java  Data Mining / Web Mining / Cyber Secu rity B.E Projects
  • Java DataScience / Machine Learning  B.E Projects
  •  Java Artificaial Inteligence B.E Projects
  • Java  Wireless Sensor Network B.E Projects
  • Java  Distributed & Parallel Networking B.E Projects
  • Java Mobile Computing B.E Projects

Android Final year CSE projects in Bangalore

  • Android  GPS, GSM, Bluetooth & GPRS B.E Projects
  • Android  Embedded System Application Projetcs for B.E
  • Android  Database Applications Projects for B.E Students
  • Android  Cloud Computing Projects for Final Year B.E Students
  • Android  Surveillance Applications B.E Projects
  • Android  Medical Applications Projects for B.E

Embedded  Final year CSE projects in Bangalore

  • Embedded  Robotics Projects for Final Year Students
  • Embedded  IEEE Internet of Things Projects for B.E Students
  • Embedded   Raspberry PI Projects for B.E Final Year Students
  • Embedded  Automotive Projects for Final Year B.E Students
  • Embedded  Biomedical Projects for B.E Final Year Students
  • Embedded  Biometric Projects for B.E Final Year Students
  • Embedded  Security Projects for B.E Final Year

MatLab  Final year CSE projects in Bangalore

  • Matlab  Image Processing Projects for B.E Students
  • MatLab  Wireless Communication B.E Projects
  • MatLab  Communication Systems B.E Projects
  • MatLab  Power Electronics Projects for B.E Students
  • MatLab  Signal Processing Projects for B.E
  • MatLab  Geo Science & Remote Sensors B.E Projects
  • MatLab  Biomedical Projects for B.E Students


  1. 50+ IEEE Projects For CSE [Updated 2024]

    50+ IEEE Projects For CSE [Updated 2024] General / By Akshay / 22nd January 2024. In the dynamic realm of Computer Science Engineering (CSE), staying updated about the latest developments is essential for students to thrive in their academic and professional journeys. One key avenue for this exploration is engaging in IEEE (Institute of ...

  2. 60+ Major Project Ideas For CSE Final Year Students In 2023

    Our blog is your ultimate guide to navigating the world of CSE final year projects in 2023. We've compiled 60+ exciting project ideas in various domains such as Artificial Intelligence, Web Development, Mobile Development, Data Science, Internet of Things (IoT), and Cybersecurity. Discover the importance of these projects in your CSE journey ...

  3. IEEE

    IEEE membership provides you with the resources and opportunities you need to keep on top of changes in technology; get involved in standards development; network with other professionals in your local area or within a specific technical interest; mentor the next generation of engineers and technologists, and so much more.

  4. Best Final Year Projects for CSE (Computer Science)

    Let us know all the important domains in CSE that can help us build a strong career. You can choose any of the following domains to build the final year project in CSE: Data Science. Machine Learning. Internet of Things (IoT) Artificial Intelligence. Web Development. Ethical Hacking. Cloud Computing and DevOps.

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  6. CSE Final Year Projects

    CSE Final Year Projects is a review of computers, components and applications. We develop cse projects mainly with java (or) .Net framework. We possess various domains for computer engineering final year students. Our main aim to develop cse final year projects is to understand and to provide practical, theoretical knowledge about the domain ...

  7. final-year-project · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the final-year-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  8. 55+ Interesting IEEE Projects For CSE Students

    Embarking on innovative IEEE projects opens doors to technological advancements that shape our future. These projects not only offer hands-on learning experiences but also contribute to solving real-world challenges. Here's a continuation of compelling IEEE projects for CSE: 1. Autonomous Drone Navigation System.

  9. Top 10 IEEE Projects For Computer Science (CSE)

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  10. 52+ Major Projects for CSE Final Year Students

    Thus, Major Projects for CSE has many important project genres like Python, Android, PHP, Java, Cloud Computing, Machine learning, deep learning, etc. In this piece of write-up, we will discuss possible project titles under the aforesaid project genres. Few Python Based Project Titles for CSE Students. Over 50+ Python-basedMajor Projects for ...

  11. 30+ Top IEEE Projects for CSE Department

    CSE projects can be done in numerous areas such as python, java, etc. Hence some of the top IEEE CSE projects done in these areas are listed below. COVID-19 Monitor. Traffic Congestion and Accident Prevention Analysis for Connectivity in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network. Emotion Recognition using Speech Processing.


    Final year project for CSE denote the computer science students academic project division. Almost all universities ask the students to do projects in academic final semester. Professors know it will improve the skills. We involved our self for final year project for CSE in past 9 years. Earlier we support 3 programming languages like DOTNET ...

  13. Top Ten Computer Science Education Research Papers of the Last 50 Years

    We also believe that highlighting excellent research will inspire others to enter the computing education field and make their own contributions.". The Top Ten Symposium Papers are: 1. " Identifying student misconceptions of programming " (2010) Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Elizabeth R. Petrick, University of California, San Diego; Philip East ...

  14. IEEE Python Projects 2024

    C orrespondingly t hese forms, in turn, are the result of applying modeling techniques from the diverse fields of statistics, artificial intelligence, database management, and computer graphics. IEEE python projects machine learning 2021 2023 Final Year Python projects 2023 2023 IEEE machine learning Projects. Python Projects source code 2023 ...

  15. Top 8 Innovative Final Year Projects for Computer Science Students

    Skills to Gain for this Project. Project management and technical skills such as software development and database management. 3. Space Shooter Combat Game Python. An interesting and fun final-year project for computer science students is a space shooter combat game. The shooting arcade game is built using python.

  16. Final Year Projects For Computer Engineering Cse

    Complete CSE Software Projects List For Cse. AI Healthcare Bot System using Python. ShareBook App Android Book Sharing Application. Travel Together - A Travel Buddy Finder System. Travel and Tourism Website using Python. Android Grocery Management App. Android Local Geofence System. Digital Scrabble Word Dictionary Game Python.

  17. Top 10 Final Year Projects for CSE Students

    10. Multiplayer Game - Connect4. I'm sure you and your friends go online every now and then to play a multiplayer game. During this Pandemic crisis, the majority of young people have spent a lot of time playing multiplayer games like FreeFire, Clash of Clans, and other similar games.

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    To associate your repository with the computer-science-project topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  19. Running research-oriented final year projects for CS and IS students

    Abstract and Figures. In this paper we discuss the difficulties of designing and running a final year project course for computer science and information systems students. In particular, we ...

  20. Latest IEEE Base Papers

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  21. IEEE Computer Science Projects

    IEEE Computer Science Projects we guide academic students . IEEE computer science projects focused to created for college students. Computer science is a learning of computing, programming and computation with computer systems. Computer science projects depends on the factors of computer, software, human interaction and coding knowledge.

  22. IEEE Data Science projects

    For details, Call: 9886692401/9845166723. DHS Informatics providing latest 2024-2025 IEEE projects on Data science for the final year engineering students. DHS Informatics trains all students to develop their project with good idea what they need to submit in college to get good marks. DHS Informatics offers placement training in Bangalore and ...

  23. Topic Selection of Final Year Project for Computer Science Programme

    Download Citation | On Mar 28, 2018, Peng-bo BO and others published Topic Selection of Final Year Project for Computer Science Programme | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

  24. 28 Best Software Development Project Ideas & Topics for ...

    Once the information is saved in the system, it will be stored for the perusal of doctors in their future cases. So, if a patient comes for a follow-up routine, doctors can immediately check up on their medical history and provide the necessary medical treatments. This is one of the popular projects for final-year project ideas for IT students.