Best Architecture Presentation Board Ideas 

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Posted by: Cinthya Soto

If you’re an architect, you know that one of the most impactful methods for expressing your ideas is creating architecture presentation boards. These boards serve as more than just showcasing your project; they effectively portray your concepts and narrate the story of your design. 

However, creating your architecture presentation board can prove challenging. It’s crucial to establish a well-designed layout that maintains a cohesive and engaging narrative. This will enable you to effectively communicate your ideas and elevate the impact of your architecture proposal .  

In this blog, we’ll explore ten architecture presentation board concepts, encompassing vital elements necessary for crafting a polished and visually captivating presentation. These ideas include various aspects such as layout, structure, visual hierarchy, color, and more, all contributing to the creation of a professional and visually engaging presentation. 

By the end of this blog, you’ll possess the knowledge and confidence necessary to produce a creative and impactful architecture presentation board. This will allow you to showcase your architecture projects accurately and secure new projects.

What Is an Architecture Presentation Board? 

Applying all of this information to your architecture presentation board may seem challenging, but with the help of a well-designed layout, you can effortlessly tackle this task. 

An architecture presentation board is a visually appealing graphic that effectively summarizes all the ideas of your project. It provides a condensed and clear representation of your design. Architects use architecture presentation boards to showcase their projects and work. 

The purpose of a presentation board is to construct a narrative that effectively conveys the essential information of your project in a self-explanatory manner. This enables readers to comprehend each of the proposed solutions with ease. 

An architecture presentation board fulfills multiple objectives, including:

  • Serving as a tool for presenting designs to clients, superiors, or colleagues 
  • Assisting in attracting clients and securing commissions 
  • Contributing to the advancement of your career and elevating your architectural projects to new heights 

Architecture presentation boards serve various purposes, being used by both students and professionals. During your time as a student, these presentations are crafted for juries and submissions, allowing you to present your work to professors and peers. In your professional life as an architect, these boards are used to present designs to clients, committees, shareholders, and exhibitions. 

In many ways, an architecture presentation board resembles a sales pitch, as you are essentially promoting your design, ideas, and concept to win clients over.

10 Architecture Presentation Board Ideas 

While the architecture presentation board may not be the only aspect of the project itself, it certainly has an impact on the audience. Additionally, it can showcase your artistic abilities and design skills. 

The structure of an architecture presentation board serves as the platform for combining the key ideas of your project, presenting only the essential elements required for a clear understanding of the proposed concept. Remember, there is no need to incorporate every single detail into the presentation board. It is equally important to be careful with the amount of text used and to maintain focus on the central idea of the project. 

To help you get started, let’s take a look at some of the essential concepts (with examples) that must be considered when creating your architecture presentation board. This will help you create a flawless presentation board for clients.

1. Size and Orientation 

When designing your architecture presentation board, you will have to determine whether you will be presenting them in landscape or portrait orientation. You can explore different formats to enhance the presentation of your proposal. 

However, it’s not certain you’ll get to choose the size or orientation of your presentation boards. You’ll most likely encounter limitations that restrict you to a particular board size and a specific number of boards. Sometimes you will have the opportunity to choose the size and orientation of your presentation boards. However, more often than not, these decisions will be decided by your director, client, or professor. It’s important to ensure that you are aware of the parameters beforehand to avoid any inconsistencies. 

If you’re a student, it is common for professors to impose restrictions regarding board sizes and the number of boards. In such cases, you should verify whether your boards should be presented in landscape or portrait orientation. 

However, if you have been allowed to decide for yourself, take some time to think about it. Consider which orientation will make your graphics stand out the most and which one will best tell the story of your project. 

Apart from deciding whether your board will be in the landscape or portrait orientation, you will have to decide which way you will present your board. Some options include: 

  • Side by side as a single large board 
  • As one equivalent-sized poster
  • As separate boards arranged in a sequence 

Keep in mind, the orientation and size of your boards can also have an impact on the structure and layout of your presentation.

architecture presentation board example

2. Layout 

When arranging your architecture presentation board, think about the main ideas you want to express. Then, decide on the images and graphics that will best showcase those concepts. Collect all the required information and take note of the graphics and text that will best convey your concepts effectively. 

Before starting the actual layout of your boards, take time to sketch out different versions to identify the most suitable arrangement. Create small-scale sketches to capture the basic flow of each board, enabling you to experiment with different element placements before finalizing your design on the boards themselves. This process allows for flexibility and adjustments to ensure you achieve a complete overview of your ideal layout. 

Once you have decided on the layout you want, think about how much space each element will require on the page. Make sure each graphic is big enough to make an impact and consider the amount of space you want to leave between each graphic. Leave enough space so that it doesn’t look crowded or messy, but, avoid leaving too much space as well, as it may give the wrong impression. 

architecture presentation board planning

3. Structure 

Using a grid structure is the most common layout method used among architects because it simplifies the organization of visual elements in your presentation. Several compositions can be used when using a grid structure, such as square or rectangular grids, mixing texts, and images, or even adopting an organic structure. 

The grid serves as the fundamental framework for diagramming. Diagramming an architectural presentation board involves the organization and arrangement of graphic and textual elements that deliver comprehensive information about your project. This process ensures a well-structured and cohesive representation of your proposal, providing viewers with an accurate representation of your architectural vision. 

Keep in mind, you are essentially narrating a story, therefore you must carefully consider the flow of the narrative as you organize your presentation board. To help you get started, follow these steps: 

  • Consider the perspective of the individual observing your presentation 
  • Prioritize what you want them to see first 
  • Strategize the most effective approach to displaying your project’s story to them 
  • Evaluate if your structure and layout successfully achieve this objective 

Remember, normally, we read presentations from left to right and from top to bottom, so consider the story of your project and how it will be read. 

You should also consider how each board in your presentation relates to each other. Assess whether there is a logical progression from one board to the next, ensuring that the sequence flows seamlessly. In case you will not display all the boards simultaneously, consider numbering them to guide your viewers and ensure they follow the correct sequence. 

architecture presentation board guide

4. Background 

The background of your architecture presentation board should not be complex or cause difficulty. We want the viewer to easily see all the elements without any distractions from a busy background. It’s important to avoid anything that may draw attention away from the crucial details of the board. Let your graphics and text take center stage, refraining from using bold colors or textures that may take away the focus from them. 

With that being said, be very careful when choosing a black background. It may diminish the readability of text and potentially reduce the impact of your graphics. Moreover, background images, if chosen, can often be distracting. A black background could also set a cold and boring tone. Therefore, if you opt for this approach, make sure that all the information remains easily comprehensible. 

On the other hand, going for a white or light gray background will enhance the visibility of your graphics and text, allowing them to stand out effectively. This choice gives your presentation a professional appearance without overwhelming the viewer. While you can incorporate other colors that align with your central concept, ensure that the background remains plain enough for the viewer’s attention to be primarily directed towards the design rather than the background itself. 

Regardless of the color you select for your background, use it strategically to your benefit. Embrace the concept of negative space and leverage its power. Include only essential information in your presentation, resisting the temptation to fill empty spaces with irrelevant details. The skillful use of negative space enhances the impact of your design, creating a clean and professional feel. 

negative space in architecture presentation board

5. Colors 

While we discussed the use of the typical black, white, and gray colors in an architecture presentation board, don’t hesitate to include some colors. ​​However, be mindful of your color choices to strike the right balance, ensuring that your board doesn’t appear dull or overwhelming. Introducing hints of color can bring life to your presentation boards and draw attention to the elements you want to highlight. This will help guide your viewers’ focus to the key aspects of your presentation board.

How you can use colors to make your design more lively? One example is you can add a contrasting color like green for landscaping to a mostly single-color presentation. You can also use a different color to represent specific building materials, such as brick, glass, or wood. These color choices bring visual appeal and improve the overall look of your design. 

You can also consider opting for a bold and attention-grabbing color, such as pink or red, to serve as a prominent feature in your diagrams. If you aren’t feeling inspired, there are many pre-made color palettes available online for you to work with. 

The choice is yours and whichever color you decide to continue with, make sure to always ensure consistency by using the same color across all of your boards. This approach will help maintain a cohesive and seamless flow throughout your presentation.

pesaro music port architecture presentation board

6. Visual Hierarchy 

When creating your architecture presentation board, leverage visual hierarchy to highlight specific images on your presentation boards. This means you should select which image deserves the most visual attention within the hierarchy. Identify your project’s strongest point that you want to highlight, and make it the main focus that catches the viewer’s eye from far away. You should also incorporate other images that reveal their details when viewed up close. 

So, how can you do this effectively? There are various techniques to draw attention to a specific drawing, such as playing with color or size. Don’t be afraid to use up the space you need to display the images that are crucial for your vision. For example, you can make the image you wish to highlight the largest, ensuring it can be viewed clearly from a distance of 6ft. This effectively communicates the visual hierarchy and emphasizes the importance of the highlighted image. 

Another method is to use color to direct the viewer’s attention to a specific graphic. By using color in a targeted manner, you can effectively guide the viewer’s eye toward the main idea on the board. 

You also have the option to center the image you want to highlight and arrange the surrounding content to complement it. This technique is particularly effective when the image contains elements that serve as the background of the architecture presentation board, such as a large sky or landscape. 

For the best outcome, focus on keeping the overall vision of your project in mind and selecting images that directly display and strongly support that idea.

the art fund pavilion architecture presentation board

7. Image Selection 

Choosing the right images is an important aspect of creating your architecture presentation board. The graphics you select can either make or break your entire presentation board. Throughout the architectural design process, you will generate various sketches, models, renderings, and drawings. Make sure to carefully select the images that effectively communicate the important details of your project. 

Keep in mind, using an excessive number of images in your presentation can lead to a cluttered and confusing visual experience for the viewer. However, using enough images may give the impression that you needed to invest more effort into your presentation. Strive for a balanced representation that showcases your project effectively. 

visually balanced architecture presentation board

8. Content 

Not only should your architecture presentation board be easy to understand but it should also demonstrate your full commitment and dedication to your project. 

When it comes to planning out the content for your presentation board, consider the following elements to ensure a clear understanding:

  • Internal and external images 
  • Isometric views and exploded views 
  • Perspective cut 
  • Diagrams 
  • Volumetry studies 
  • Descriptive memorial 
  • Technical drawings (plans, cuts, and details) 

It’s important to note that not all the mentioned items need to be included in every project, as this depends on the specific requirements and nature of each project. However, these elements are valuable resources that can enhance the understanding of your architecture proposal whenever applicable. 

architecture presentation board elements

9. Text 

It’s important to keep text at a minimum on your architecture presentation board. You should write a concise and focused concept statement, avoiding wasting time on lengthy descriptive text that is unlikely to be read. Shoot for a clear and short message that effectively communicates your concept. 

Some questions to consider when organizing the text sections in your architecture presentation board include: 

  • What is easier to read? 
  • What flows best? 
  • What is pleasing to the eye?

Moreover, when creating the text for your architecture presentation board, consider the alignment of your text within its designated text box. Think about which alignment is easier to read and pay attention to text spacing and hyphenation to ensure they appear visually pleasing on your presentation board. Don’t forget that the size and alignment of your text boxes should complement your graphics. They are important elements of the visual hierarchy in your presentation. 

Some tips to consider when creating the text for your architecture presentation board: 

  • Do not use all capitals in your text, unless it’s for the title 
  • Follow the standard rules of capitalization for a professional and easy-to-read presentation board 
  • When possible, replace text with simple illustrative sketches and figures

Remember, your presentation serves as your sales pitch. Therefore, avoid lengthy explanations that would cause you to lose your audience’s attention and keep your message concise and engaging to effectively capture and maintain their interest.

urban green structure architecture presentation board example

10. Font 

Select an appropriate font for your title and text, using only one font type per project whenever possible. However, you can create variations by adjusting the font size for the title, concept statement, and labeling. Consider using Sans Serif fonts such as Futura or Helvetica, as their sleek and minimalistic style complements modern high-tech designs. 

When choosing a font for your architecture presentation board, consider the following: 

  • Avoid script or handwriting fonts to achieve a clean and professional look 
  • Keep the color of your font dark (ex. black or dark gray) to provide contrast to a light background 
  • Choose a font and size that will be easy to read 
  • Make sure the title font and placement are consistent from board to board 
  • Use font sizes to create a hierarchy (e.g. a large font for titles, a slightly smaller font for subtitles, and a standard size for the rest of the content.) 

The font you choose for your architecture presentation board can significantly impact its success or failure and greatly influence its level of engagement, which is why it’s important to make sure you find the best architecture font . 

dique museo architecture presentation board

Choosing the Right Elements 

Unless specific instructions are provided to you when creating your architecture presentation board, the choice of elements to include will be up to you. When making these important and creative decisions, consider what elements will effectively express and explain your design most compellingly. Remember to prioritize clarity and coherence to create a successful architectural presentation. 

Next Steps 

We hope this guide on the best architecture presentation board ideas was helpful. As you begin creating your architecture presentation board, remember that there are several solutions out there to help you make better presentation boards and win more business. When it comes to asset management for AEC and real estate professionals, OpenAsset provides a high-quality software solution. 

At OpenAsset, the only Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution designed specifically for firms in the built world, we make it easy to find the digital assets you need. With OpenAsset, you can easily find assets by project or person using keywords or file type. Our secure platform also helps you protect your digital assets by keeping them safe from unauthorized access and accidental deletion. You can also easily share files with team members, clients, and partners using controlled access to files. 

To ensure consistency and manage your ever-growing number of digital assets, request a demo with us and learn how OpenAsset can help you manage your digital assets today.

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How to create stunning interior design presentation boards

In the dynamic world of interior design, the ability to present a cohesive and visually appealing concept is essential. A well-crafted interior design presentation board can do just that. 

An interior design presentation board (including elements like design schematics and mood boards) is more than just a collection of ideas — it’s a vital tool that effectively communicates your vision to your clients. 

Want some ideas for creating more effective interior design boards?

In this 7-minute read, you’ll get professional tips for creating presentation boards that not only captivate but also clearly articulate your design intentions. From design schematics to mood boards to board layouts, you’ll get the insights you need to take your presentations to the next level. 

Let’s start with a quick look at the basics.

What is a Design Schematic / Presentation Board?

Interior design presentation board example

An interior design schematic is a visual representation that outlines the key elements and overall concept of a design project. It serves as a roadmap to guide both the designer and the client through the project’s aesthetic, functional, and spatial decisions. 

You might be wondering… What’s the difference between an interior design presentation board, a mood board, and a design schematic? 

The Answer: It depends on the project and the designer. 

  • Similarities: They all feature similar elements (color schemes, material and furnishing suggestions, etc.) and in many cases, designers use the terms interchangeably. All three take place during the Schematic Design phase of the project.
  • Mood boards tend to be more conceptual than design schematics and presentation boards. On large projects, you use mood boards earlier on in the Schematic Design phase. But for small and simple projects, a mood board could also serve as the final design schematic/presentation board.  
  • For larger projects, you will likely present multiple mood boards before deciding on a final design style. Then, you present design boards/design schematics which include to-scale floor plans and 3D renderings of the space along with your final recommendations for color palettes, material choices, and furnishings. 

Important: In this article, we’ll refer mostly to interior design presentation boards or design schematics. However, the tips also apply when preparing simple mood boards.

Why You Need a Design Schematic

A design schematic or interior design presentation board is a fundamental tool in interior design that outlines the aesthetic and functional vision of a project. It ensures all stakeholders have a clear, unified understanding of the project’s direction. This enables you and your clients to have effective communication and easier decision-making throughout the design process.

Key reasons to use a design schematic:

  • Clear Vision Communication: It bridges the gap between abstract ideas and tangible realities and helps to convey your vision to clients, contractors, and collaborators.
  • Efficient Planning: By outlining the project’s scope from the outset, a design schematic allows for efficient allocation of time, materials, and labor.
  • Issue Identification: Early visualization helps identify potential design or functionality issues. This lets you make adjustments before implementation and saves you time and money.
  • Cohesive Design: Ensures every element, from color schemes to furniture placement, works harmoniously towards the intended aesthetic.
  • Client Alignment: Facilitates approval from clients by minimizing misunderstandings and revisions thanks to a detailed preview of the proposed design.

Want some tips for creating a stunning presentation board? Check out the next section.

How to Create an Interior Design Presentation Board

Check out these 5 steps to creating a board that conveys your vision and plan to your client.

1. Choose Digital Board vs Hard Board

In the digital age, the choice between a digital board and a hard board is pivotal. Each medium has its unique advantages and can significantly influence the presentation’s impact.

Digital Boards are versatile and easy to share. This makes them ideal for remote presentations or when working with clients across different locations. 

They allow for quick edits and updates, ensuring that the presentation can evolve in real time based on client feedback. 

Digital boards also let you include interactive elements, such as links to specific products or immersive 3D renderings .

Hard Boards , on the other hand, provide a tactile experience that digital boards cannot replicate. 

They’re particularly effective in showcasing textures, colors, and materials since they let clients physically interact with the elements of the design. 

Hard boards excel in face-to-face meetings, where the physical presence of the materials makes a stronger impact on the client and fosters an emotional connection with the design.

So which is better?

It depends on the nature of the project, the preferences of your client, and the context of the presentation. Many designers find value in combining both approaches — using digital boards for their flexibility and convenience, and hard boards for their tangible, persuasive power.

2. Choose Your Inspiration

Selecting the right inspiration is an important step in crafting an interior design presentation board that resonates with your vision and appeals to your client. 

Here’s how to approach this critical step:

  • Explore Broadly: Begin with a wide-ranging exploration. Look at design magazines, online portfolios, and social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. This broad approach helps you uncover diverse styles, trends, and innovative ideas.
  • Condense Your Ideas: After gathering a broad array of inspirations, start narrowing down your options. Focus on themes, colors, and elements that align with your client’s preferences and the project’s requirements.
  • Create a Mood Board: A mood board is an excellent tool for refining your inspiration. It allows you to compile your ideas into a cohesive visual narrative. This can include textures, colors, furniture styles, and architectural elements.
  • Client Collaboration: Involve your client in the inspiration process. This collaboration ensures the final board reflects their taste and expectations while fostering a stronger buy-in for the proposed design.

3. Lay Out the Room

layout - interior design presentation

The layout of the room is a critical component since it shows how space will be utilized and how different elements will interact within it. 

Here are some tips for creating the layout:

  • Start with Measurements: Accurate dimensions are key. Ensure you have a detailed measurement of the space, including doorways, windows, and any structural elements that might influence the design.
  • Sketch Multiple Options : Don’t settle on the first layout you design. Sketch multiple configurations to explore various ways the space can be organized. This could include different furniture arrangements, traffic flow, and focal points. 
  • Use Design Software : There are many design software options available that can help you visualize the room layout in 3D . This can be especially helpful for presenting your ideas to clients, as it gives them a more tangible understanding of the space.

PRO TIP! – Go with a powerful, yet easy-to-use design program like Cedreo . It makes it easy for you to create multiple layouts in a matter of minutes. Plus, even with no previous 3D design experience, you can create 3D floor plans and photorealistic 3D renderings that help take your design boards to the next level!

Incorporate Key Elements

  • Furniture Placement: Show how furniture will be arranged for both aesthetic appeal and functionality.
  • Lighting: Indicate sources of both natural and artificial light, and how they influence the ambiance of the room.
  • Flow: Ensure there’s a logical flow between different areas of the room (and between different rooms).

By carefully choosing your inspiration and thoughtfully laying out the room, you create a solid foundation for your interior design presentation board. Now it’s time to add the design elements.

4. Highlight Fabrics, Colors, and Materials

Choosing the right fabrics, colors, and materials is important for conveying the look and feel of your design. 

Here’s how to highlight these elements effectively:

  • Fabric Swatches: Include samples of the fabrics you plan to use. This could be for upholstery, curtains or cushions. Real swatches attached to a hard board or high-quality images on a digital board let clients touch and feel the textures.
  • Color Palette: Use color swatches to visually communicate the color palette that aligns with the design’s mood and style. 
  • Materials Board: Similar to fabric swatches, include samples or images of key materials like wood, metal, stone, tile or glass. This helps clients understand the quality and finish of the surfaces in their space.

Considerations for Selection:

  • Durability: Choose materials that not only look good but are also suited to the space’s function.
  • Sustainability: Whenever possible, opt for eco-friendly materials to improve sustainability.
  • Harmony: Ensure that all selected fabrics, colors, and materials complement each other to create a cohesive look.

5. Add Furniture & Decor

modern living room

Furniture and decor play a significant role in bringing your design board to life. 

Some tips for adding these elements to your presentation board:

  • Furniture Selection: Carefully select furniture pieces that align with the room’s layout, style, and function. Include images or drawings of these pieces on your board to showcase how they contribute to the overall design.
  • Decorative Elements: Incorporate decor items such as art, rugs, and accessories. These elements add personality by making it feel curated and lived-in.
  • Annotation: Use brief annotations or labels to describe the significance of each piece. Include details about the material or its intended impact on the space.

PRO TIP! – Design programs like Cedreo make it easy to decorate a space . Cedreo even offers a 1-click decorating option. You select the style and Cedreo saves you loads of time by automatically adding decorations.

Considerations for Furniture and Decor:

  • Scale and Proportion: Ensure that furniture and decor are scaled appropriately for the space so they maintain balance and proportion.
  • Functionality: Choose pieces that not only look beautiful but also serve the functional needs of the space.
  • Personal Touch: Include items that reflect the client’s personality or have a special meaning to them. This makes the space uniquely theirs and creates a stronger emotional connection.

Your board is created… Now it’s time to present it. Keep going to the next section for tips on how to do that.

How to Present Your Design Board to Your Interior Design Clients

Presenting your design board effectively is as crucial as the board’s creation itself. It’s the moment where you communicate your ideas with the goal of getting the client on board with your design. 

Here are some key strategies for a successful presentation:

  • Set the Scene: Begin with a brief overview of the project objectives and how your design meets these goals. This sets the context for the presentation and primes the client for what they are about to see.
  • Walk Through Methodically: Guide your client through the board in a logical order. Start with the layout and then move to the color scheme, materials, furniture, and finally…the decor. This step-by-step approach helps clients understand the rationale behind each decision.
  • Be Open to Feedback: Encourage questions and feedback. Remember, your presentation is a two-way conversation. Your openness to their input can lead to a final design that truly resonates with the client.
  • Visual and Verbal Narration: Use both visual elements on the board and your verbal explanation to tell the story of the design. Emphasize how each element contributes to the overall vision and functionality of the space.

Get Designing with Cedreo Today!

With the right tools, an interior design project becomes an exciting journey of creativity and innovation. Cedreo is here to support you every step of the way. 

Cedreo is engineered to meet the needs of remodelers, architects, interior designers, and builders with features like:

  • Effortless 3D Modeling: Create stunning 3D models of your designs quickly and easily.
  • High-Quality Renderings: Bring your designs to life with high-resolution renderings that are perfect for presentation boards.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Cedreo streamizes your design process, from initial concept to final presentation.

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Architecture Presentation Board Ideas

Architecture Presentation Board Ideas

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Being an architect, you understand that showcasing your project effectively to the stakeholders is very essential. The architecture presentation board examples helps make that right impact in the first go. These architecture presentation board drawings ensure that your idea is beautifully expressed and is conceived the same way as you have thought.

But creating and designing the architectural presentation is a challenging task as a slight mismatch or mistake can completely ruin your architectural project. It’s very important to design the presentation board in such a way that it can communicate your ideas cohesively and engagingly.

Best Architecture Presentation Board Ideas

Let’s have a look at 8 critical elements of architectural presentation boards design that’ll help you craft a polished and visually captivating presentation. Just go through these tips and enhance your ability to showcase your architecture projects impactfully and impressively.

What do you mean by an architecture presentation board? How it is helpful?

An architecture presentation board is a visual summary of a project, used by architects to showcase their designs to clients, superiors, or colleagues. It serves as a tool for presenting ideas, attracting clients, and advancing careers. The purpose of an architectural presentation model is to convey essential project information in a self-explanatory manner.

Key elements of an effective architecture presentation board layout include:

  • A well-designed layout that organizes and presents information in a logical and visually appealing way.
  • Clear and concise text that explains the project’s concept, goals, and solutions.
  • High-quality visuals, such as drawings, renderings, and photographs, that illustrate the project’s design and features.
  • A consistent visual style that creates a unified and professional look.

Architecture presentation drawings are used by both students and professionals. Students use them to present their work to professors and peers, while professionals use them to present designs to clients, committees, shareholders, and exhibitions.

Top 8 Architecture Presentation Board Tips and Techniques

To help you get started, Renderspoint has exclusively curated some of the best architectural presentation board techniques and tips that must be considered when creating your architecture presentation board. So, let’s get started in our journey to create flawless architecture presentation board tips for clients.

1. Size and Orientation of the Architecture Presentation Board

Architecture Presentation Board Layout

When creating an architecture presentation model, consider the size and orientation that will best showcase your project. You may have limited options due to restrictions imposed by your director, client, or professor. If you have the freedom to choose, think about which orientation will make your graphics stand out and tell the story of your project most effectively.

Presentation Options:

  • Single Large Board : Present your boards side by side as a single large board. You may choose horizontal or vertical architectural presentation boards depending on the requirements of the project.
  • Equivalent-Sized Poster : Present your boards as one poster of equal size.
  • Separate Boards : Arrange your boards in a sequence, with each board presenting a different aspect of your project.

The orientation and size of your architecture presentation board can influence the structure and layout of your presentation. Choose the option that best suits your project and allows you to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively.

2. Choosing the Right Layout for your Architectural Presentation Board Drawings

Best Architectural Presentation Boards Image

It all starts with brainstorming for the right layout. Brainstorm and jot down the main ideas you want to express. Also, work on the images and graphics that will best showcase those concepts. Now start creating small-scale sketches to capture the basic flow of each architecture presentation board. Before finalizing your design, keep experimenting with different element placements until you get the perfect one. You may explore some architectural presentation board layout examples online for some cool and best ideas.

Be very diligent regarding the space allocation. Determine how much space each element will require on the page. Ensure each graphic is impactful and consider the amount of space between elements. Avoid overcrowding or excessive space. By carefully planning the layout of your architecture presentation board, you can ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

Also, work on the size of images. Too small an image will fail to make that impact. Try to go for big and visually appealing images/graphics. You can even approach a 3D architectural rendering firm as 3D renders give a more photorealistic option to impress the stakeholders. Remember, the goal is to create a visually appealing and informative presentation that effectively conveys your project’s message.

3. Structure and Flow for a cohesive Architecture Presentation Board Style

Architecture Presentation Board Ideas

The structure and flow of your architecture presentation board are crucial for effectively communicating your project’s vision. Using a grid structure can simplify the organization of visual elements, while diagramming helps deliver comprehensive information. Consider the narrative flow of your project, ensuring a logical progression from one architecture presentation board to the next. Number your boards if they won’t be displayed simultaneously.

Remember, viewers typically read presentations from left to right and top to bottom. Use visual cues to guide their eyes through your architectural presentation models. Maintain consistency in font, colour, and style throughout your architectural presentation boards. Leave sufficient white space to avoid overcrowding. Finally, proofread your text carefully for errors. By carefully following these professional architectural presentation board techniques, you can create a visually appealing and informative presentation that effectively conveys your architectural vision to your audience.

4. Visual Hierarchy of Architecture Presentation Board: Guiding the Viewer’s Eye

Architectural Presentation Boards Layout

In architecture presentation board, visual hierarchy plays a crucial role in directing the viewer’s attention to specific images. This involves identifying the strongest point of your project and making it the primary focus that catches the eye from a distance. Other images should reveal their details upon closer examination.

Techniques to Create Visual Hierarchy:

  • Size : Make the image you want to highlight the largest, ensuring it can be viewed clearly from a distance.
  • Colour : Use colour strategically to guide the viewer’s eye toward the main idea on the board.
  • Placement : Centre the image you want to highlight and arrange the surrounding content to complement it.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep the overall vision of your project in mind when selecting images.
  • Choose images that directly display and strongly support your project’s idea.
  • Avoid using too many images that will make the board look cluttered and messy.
  • Maintain consistency in the style and tone of your images.

By carefully considering visual hierarchy, you can create conversion-ready architectural presentation drawings that effectively communicate your architectural vision and guide the viewer’s eye to the most important elements of your project.

5. Choosing Perfect Colours: Bringing Life and Focus to Your Architecture Presentation Board

Architectural Presentation Boards Examples

This is one of the most critical architectural presentation board techniques that you need to decide very wisely. While black, white, and grey are commonly used in architecture presentation boards, don’t shy away from incorporating colours. However, be mindful of your choices to strike the right balance and avoid overwhelming the viewer. Here’s how you can make strategic use of the colours in your presentation architecture style.

  • Introduce hints of colour to bring life to your architecture presentation board.
  • Use colour contrast as it helps to draw attention to elements you need to focus on.
  • Represent different building materials with unique colours.
  • Consider bold colours for diagrams to create a focal point.

Maintain consistency by using the same colour across all architectural presentation boards. This approach ensures a cohesive and seamless flow throughout your presentation. Also, you may explore pre-made colour palettes online for inspiration. Experiment with different colour combinations to find the best fit for your project.

6. Selecting Background Colour: Enhancing Clarity and Focus

Architecture Presentation Board Designs

The background of your architecture presentation board should be a supporting element, not a distraction. Avoid complex or busy backgrounds that may draw attention away from your graphics and text. Bold colours and textures should be used sparingly, if at all. Here are three key things that you need to keep in mind while selecting a background colour for your architectural presentation board.

  • Black Background: Use with Caution

Black backgrounds can be challenging to work with. They can diminish text readability and reduce the impact of graphics. Additionally, black backgrounds can create a cold and boring tone. If you choose to use a black background, ensure that all information remains easily comprehensible.

  • White or Light Gray: A Professional Choice

White or light grey backgrounds are typically the best choice for an architecture presentation board. They enhance the visibility of graphics and text, creating a professional and clean appearance. Other colours can be incorporated to align with your central concept but ensure that the background remains plain enough to direct the viewer’s attention to the design.

  • Embrace Negative Space

Negative space is your friend. Resist the temptation to fill every space with information. The strategic use of negative space enhances the impact of your design, creating a clean and professional feel.

7. Image Selection: Striking the Right Balance

Architecture Presentation Board Tips

Choosing the right images is crucial for creating an effective architecture presentation board. Your graphics can either enhance or detract from your overall presentation.  Always go for high-quality images/CGI and ensure that they are relevant, engaging, and catchy.

As already stated just use enough images to effectively communicate your project. Avoid overcrowding your architecture presentation board with too many images. strive for a balanced representation that showcases your project’s key aspects.

You may include a variety of images, such as sketches, models, renderings, and drawings. This approach provides a comprehensive overview of your project.

8. Content, Text, and Font: The Impression Makers

Architecture Presentation Board Techniques

An effective architecture presentation board should convey a clear understanding of the project and demonstrate the designer’s commitment and dedication. Key elements to include are internal and external images, isometric and exploded views, perspective cuts, diagrams, volumetry studies, descriptive memorials, and technical drawings. The specific elements used may vary depending on the project’s requirements and nature.

Make sure the text that you place on the architecture presentation board should complement the layout and try to keep it minimum. A crisp, concise, and focused concept statement will make your architecture presentation board more impressive and attention-grabbing.

Additional tips that will enhance your communication power using texts on the architecture presentation board.

  • Consider readability, flow, and visual appeal.
  • Align text within text boxes for easy reading.
  • Complement graphics/images/CGI with text box size and alignment.
  • Avoid all capitals except for titles and follow standard capitalization rules.
  • Use simple sketches and figures instead of text when possible.

Select a single font type that complements your project’s style. Sans Serif fonts like Futura or Helvetica are popular choices for their clean and modern look. Avoid script or handwriting fonts for a professional appearance. Use dark hues for your font to ensure contrast against a light background. Choose a font and size that is easy to read and create a hierarchy using different font sizes for titles, subtitles, and body text.

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A mood board maker that inspires

Start researching for your creative project with a mood board maker. Gather inspiration, collect ideas and start visualizing your project’s look and feel all in one tool.

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Over 70M+ users love Miro.

Edit and make it yours

Miro’s mood board creator allows you to edit every aspect of the board, including colors, fonts, images, frames, and files. Quickly access the many editing tools on the left toolbar and create a mood board that fits your needs.

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Present with confidence

Ditch uninspired slide decks. With Miro's mood board maker, you'll inspire and spark creativity in everyone in the room. Drive connection and keep momentum with great visual storytelling.

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Collaboration that works for you

Create a space where teams get creative. Miro’s mood board maker is up to the task, offering everyone the tools they need for blue-sky thinking, no matter where they are. Collaborate in real time or async, allowing everyone to be included.

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Why Miro is the perfect mood board maker

Uncover possibilities.

Miro’s infinite canvas allows you to turn your mood board into your playing field. Use the board to add any files or artifacts, including images, photos, and videos. Unleash your ideas and see how creative solutions come to life with the mood board maker.

Master ideation

Let ideas come to you when working on your mood board. Add sticky notes to your board and easily collect materials that fit into your visual story. Brainstorm with others with built-in tools and templates, and get even more inspired when crafting your digital mood board.

Expand your concepts

Create a mood board that inspires, drives creativity, and tells your story. With Miro, you can easily explore the infinite canvas adding photos, images, videos, files, and everything you need to craft the perfect digital mood board.

Circulate your ideas

Share your mood board with stakeholders or export at high fidelity. Invite colleagues to see your work, and easily transform your mood board into a content hub that people can refer to.

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How to create a mood board with Miro

presentation board inspo

Add content

Check what you already have from previous research, other boards, and any content that helps you create your mood board.

Expand and add more

Start adding your new research.

Exercise your inner designer

Start shaping and organizing your mood board to suit your needs. Adjust frame sizes, add notes, and highlight connections that make sense for your work.

Send the board link to others or download your mood board as an image or PDF file.

Mood board maker FAQs

Where can i create a mood board.

You can choose from many options; you just need to pick one according to your needs. Miro’s mood board generator is flexible and easy to use, allowing you to add as many artifacts as you need in one infinite canvas. Try it for yourself, and see if that works for you.

What makes a good mood board?

A mood board is a way to present your creative thinking. Many professionals create mood boards to inspire and direct their creative work, so adding things shaping and driving your project to your mood board is essential. Ask yourself some questions: who is going to see this mood board? How important are colors, textures, and patterns? Is this mood board collecting all sorts of items? What’s your mood board theme? A good mood board contains all the necessary materials for you to craft a visual story, run a creative project, or use as a creative hub to bring your project to life.

How do you present a mood board to a client?

With Miro’s mood board creator, it's easy to share and present your mood board to clients and stakeholders. Use Presentation mode to show your mood board frames as slides, or invite people to follow you on your board and guide them through your mood board. If you want to run a more collaborative session, ask them to leave their feedback in the form of a comment or sticky notes.

Can I share my mood board with others?

Yes, you can share your mood board by downloading it as an image or PDF file or by sharing your board link with others.

What is a mood board and how to make one

Online mood boards – find inspiration and grab your template

Vision board vs mood board

When design meets business – basics of the design thinking process

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Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

  • by Elif Ayse Fidanci
  • 7 June 2022

Presentations are visual tools that represent your projects and works in architecture for you. Architectural presentations are designed both for juries and submissions during student years and for customers in professional life. Architects present their projects of different scales as architectural presentation boards. In this article, while we talk about the importance of architectural presentation sheets, we will show you the best examples among presentation boards.

How to Develop Presentation Boards

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

If you want to prepare your architectural presentation boards in a better version and improve yourself, there are a few steps you need to follow. First of all, no matter the scale of your project, from urban design to presentations of interior design projects, your reference generally comes from the concept. The architectural concept is involved at every stage of the design. Your concept also affects the presentation board’s layouts, color choices, font preferences and design language of your diagrams.

Preparing a successful architectural presentation sheet means standing out both for the competition sheets and for the judges at school. In order for the architectural presentations to be appreciated by the juries, your layouts must have clear and understandable designs.

To be successful in this regard, we recommend that you prepare boards with simple and understandable layouts. Also important is the color tones you use to relate to your concept. The colors you choose should be compatible with your projects and should not affect the presentation.

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

Posters with a simple and understandable layout are not dense in content. The content of the posters may vary according to the layout topics. These topics are analysis sheet, concept sheet, technical drawing sheet or sheets prepared for the presentation of architectural projects to customers in professional life under the headings we have listed below.

In architectural presentation sheets, it is very important to prepare the contents of the posters according to their subjects. We do not want the jury reviewing your presentation to encounter analyzes while reading your project on the concept. In order to present your project in the most effective way with all its phases, you can choose well-designed layouts and sheets separated by simple design language.

Types of Architectural Presentation Boards

It is one of the most effective presentation methods to separate the architectural presentation sheets you have designed to present your projects according to their subjects. Below, let’s look at the types of architectural presentation boards and how to present your project in different phases:

Conceptual Board

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

Concept sheets consist of posters where you present your approach to the project. It includes what concept an architectural project starts with and how mass decisions are made. Concept boards should be submitted before your architectural drawings and render images. While creating concept boards, you must prepare conceptual collages. From your analysis, you can present all the elements that inspire you while developing the concept with a collage. In addition, it is important that you represent your idea in the simplest and most understandable way with conceptual diagrams. As we mentioned in our previous articles, conceptual diagrams can be created through the 3D modeling software you work with or Adobe Photoshop/ Illustrator. Conceptual diagrams are necessary for you to explain the phases of your project to the jury in the simplest way possible.

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

Technical Drawin g Board

Architectural technical drawings are important for the construction of your project and the representation of its structural elements. Especially in application projects and student projects, you should present your technical drawings completely on technical drawing boards. Technical drawing boards should start with a 1/5000 or 1/1000 scale master plan, include 1/500 scale site plans and floor plans and sections, then 1/200 scale plans and cuts. In addition, detail drawings are required for technical drawing boards. You must add the system sections and detail drawings in 1/20, 1/10, 1/5 scale in these boards.

Analysis Board

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

Architects make detailed analyzes before starting the project and as a result, they determine the needs, conditions and deficiencies. Even developing a concept begins as a result of the analysis. Site analysis, urban scale (e.g. Lynch) analysis, sociocultural analysis, analysis of physical conditions (e.g. climate, geography etc.), environmental analysis, these can form the content of analysis boards. Most of the time, where the concept comes from depends on the research at the analysis stage. To reinforce the concepts, we recommend doing lots of analysis and designing analysis boards to present those analysis. It is certain that the analyzes presented together with the architectural drawings are not legible by the members of the jury.

Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

Professional Boards

Student projects and competition projects are examined and evaluated by the members of the jury within a certain period of time. But in professional life, customers are your jury members!

Instead of preparing architectural presentation boards as you do for school and competition projects, you should make presentations that will attract the attention of customers. The most important criterion for a client will be the well-designed living space. Therefore, instead of filling professional drawing boards with technical drawings, you can usually include render images and plain plan drawings. The color harmony of the posters, the atmosphere in the renders and how ready you are verbally for your presentation are very important for these boars to be appreciated.

  • architectural presentation
  • Architectural Presentation Boards
  • creative presentation
  • design communication
  • design techniques
  • Designing Presentation Sheets
  • Effective Presentation Techniques
  • Engaging Project Presentations
  • How to Design Presentation Boards
  • Presentation Board Template
  • presentation boards
  • Successful Presetation Boards

presentation board inspo

Elif Ayse Fidanci

architect, writer


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Uncategorized How to Create an Inspo Board

How to create an inspo board before starting your next design project.

Ready to dive into your next design project? Here's where to start.

presentation board inspo

Before you move into your new home or apartment, you imagine your space in different versions. What color scheme are you going with? Should you go with a large canvas or create a photo gallery? Are you a maximalist or a minimalist? You’re probably checking Pinterest for home decor inspiration and your phone is filled with screenshots of home decor pieces and ideas that you want to implement into your new abode. Let’s not forget your notes app; it’s tired. Essentially, you’re creating a mediocre mood board to keep up with your list of ideas.

Instead of your thoughts being spread out on different platforms, consider putting them all in one place. Creating a mood or inspo board for your design projects is a necessity when it comes to taking your ideas from paper to reality. It gives you a glimpse of the finished product and allows you to stay consistent with your newfound aesthetic. Additionally, you’re able to see all how different pieces complement each other.

presentation board inspo

What is a mood board and why do you need one?

A mood board is a visual tool that allows you to communicate your concepts and thoughts. It’s a collection of images, color palettes, materials, text, and more. All of each is arranged in a way that evokes emotion and a certain look or style.

Before actually starting the design process of your next project, you need a way to think out loud. A place to store your ideas to see if it’s really what you’d like to pursue. That’s where mood boards come in. They are the perfect way to help refine a specific style for your design projects before diving in and getting started. With a mood board, you can bring your project to life!

What should you include in your board?

Keep in mind, every single thing you may want to include in each room of your house, add it to your board. From rugs, sofas, and lighting fixtures to paint swatches, flooring, and artwork. The more elements you include, the clearer your vision will be, and a better understanding of the vibe you’ll have. Take your time and have fun.

How to Create an Inspo Board using Canva

Creating an inspo board isn’t as complex as it may seem. Sure, compiling your ideas may be time-consuming, but the steps to take to create the board are super easy. Using Canva, a popular online graphic design tool, we’re going to give you a step-by-step guide to curating your next design project. Here’s how.

Step 1: Gather your inspiration.

The first thing you want to do is gather your inspiration. Search for photos, color swatches, and more that represent and reflect the personal style and aesthetic you’re hoping to achieve. You can use Pinterest to organize your inspiration with a board. Another option is to go to the site you want to purchase said inspiration from. Screenshot the item and save it to your photos. Repeat the process until you’ve collected all of your elements.

Step 2: Navigate to Canva and open up a new template.

Now, go to and open up a new template. Search for “photo collage” in the search bar and select which mood board template is your favorite. You can also start on a blank template if you want to get creative and start from scratch.

Step 3: Add, rearrange, and adjust your photos.

Once you have an open template, find your way to the “uploads” tab on the left menu. This is where you’ll upload the images you saved early on from Pinterest or from your screenshots. Remove the background from each photo for more space on your template.  After they’re all added, rearrange them in a way that makes sense to you. If you need to, take a step back to see how every element flows together. Not satisfied? Swap pieces out. You may want your color swatches at the bottom, while your furniture pieces are separated into one corner. Also, don’t feel pressured to add everything to one template.

You can design more than one mood board by clicking the “add page” option at the bottom of each template. Create separate templates for your bedroom, bathroom, living room, or any other space in your home. This will allow you to stay organized by room and see each element on each page.

Step 4: Save and download.

After adding and rearranging your photos to your liking, add your links. Links will allow you to go directly to the site where you can find your items when you’re ready to purchase. Then, if you’d like, save your mood board and download it.


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Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor Architecture. Eames Side Chair

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Called “Addictive” by ELLE DÉCOR and awarded “Best Apps” for interior design, home decor and interior architecture, Board is the dream mood board software. Perfect with iPad, iPhone, Mac, and Apple Pencil, Board combines your ideal inspiration, decor or furniture library with powerful interior design, mood board, and collage tools to design or present anywhere. Whether you’re creating a kitchen, home office, bathroom, nursery, living room, color scheme, furniture, concept, fashion or inspiration mood board, Morpholio Board is everything you need to be a pro interior designer or creative moodboarder in one amazing app.

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Morpholio Board: Easy to Use Mood Board Tools

Easy to Use Mood Board Tools

Simplicity matters! When you’re working with multiple interior design images in a board enjoy the easy-to-use layout tools, layers, grids, smart text, and collage features to effortlessly achieve mood board perfection. Whether, you want to create contemporary bedroom ideas, a farmhouse interior, or a Scandinavian living room these interior design super tools will make your design boards beautiful and a pleasure to create.

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Connect to Pinterest

Want to connect directly to your Pinterest pins, boards and favorites? We know Pinterest is a cherished tool and essential resource for interior design, home décor and creative mood board makers. It’s where interior designers find and share inspiration and where décor lovers start to curate their favorite products into design ideas. Now, all of those carefully collected Pinterest images–from minimalist kitchens to bedroom decor ideas to Japandi interior design–can be just a tap away in your own “Pinterest Portal" while you are moodboarding in Morpholio Board.

Morpholio Board: Connect to Pinterest

Web Clipper to Source Anywhere

Interior Design inspiration can come from anywhere but one of the easiest places to get inspired is online. With the web clipper, you can effortlessly add images from any website and once they’re added to your board, they will automatically save the link back to the product website. Explore sourcing ideas for mid-century modern interior design or collect technical data on eco-friendly furniture and never lose a link again!

Get Automated Sourcing Lists

What if furniture lists, shopping lists, spreadsheets and cut sheets could be made for you instantly while you create your design mood boards? Meet “Ava," your new best friend who will automatically generate product sourcing lists and cut sheets–including live web links–from any mood board you make. Whether you’re a pro interior designer creating a rustic hotel or a home décor enthusiast designing a luxury kitchen, your life just got a whole lot easier. Imagine all the ways Board can support your specification and project management software needs for home projects, Interior Design and Architecture.

Morpholio Board: Connect to Pinterest

Explore Color in Swatch Maker

Color swatches add a level of beauty, polish and professionalism to any interior design or creative mood board. Color expression shows that interior designers are not only proposing an idea, but a path toward making that idea come to life! With Swatch Maker, interior designers, home décor enthusiasts, stylists, event planners, fashion designers, room planners or anyone with an eye for beauty can explore a world of color swatches, pull color from any source, and get real Hex, RGB or CMYK color codes. Make color scheme mood boards, style inspiration mood boards, material sample boards, interior finishes mood boards, event mood boards, seasonal or holiday mood boards, and so much more.

Morpholio Board: Web Clipper to Source Anywhere

Build Your Personal Library

Wouldn’t you love to have all your favorite products in ONE place? With Board you can build your own custom library using the Web Clipper, Pinterest, Board’s product gallery or your own favorite images, photos, sources, and inspiration. Organize your personal library by project, furniture type, clients or interior categories like modern home décor, minimalist design, art deco interior design, and so many more.

Morpholio Board: Build Your Personal Library

Magic Wand Background Remover

Want to see how a new chair looks in your living room, a crib feels in your nursery or if you’d like a new light in your kitchen? With Morpholio Board, interior designers, home décor lovers, decorators, stylists, or any creative mood board maker can magically place furniture, fixtures, lights or products over any image or mood board collage to see how it feels. Simply select the Magic Wand icon to effortlessly remove or add back any white background or discover Board’s many other amazing background removal tools.

Morpholio Board: Web Clipper to Source Anywhere

Explore Hot Interior Design Brands

Curious what’s new and next? Want to catch interior design trends, explore home décor tips, and discover interior design inspiration? The Board interior design product and furniture gallery is constantly curated with the best from industry design leaders like Knoll, Herman Miller, Design Within Reach, Kravet, Restoration Hardware, and Blu Dot. High-end lighting from Tom Dixon, Rejuvenation, Dyson and Moooi. Minimalist design fixtures from Porcelanosa, Kohler and Duravit. And… bespoke furniture from design sophisticate Donghia, celeb fav Modern Matter Hardware and stylish Moroccan tile creator Popham! Explore a world of beautiful designs and brilliant brands across every category.

Morpholio Board: Explore Hot Interior Design Brands

Cut Out, Modify & Edit Images

Want tailored background removal controls? Board’s Cut Out tool combines a Magic Knife, a customizable Super Eraser, and the Magic Wand tool for pro image editing, making it easy to clip furniture from photos, catalogs, Pinterest, Instagram or anywhere you find your visual inspo! Cut a chair out of a Scandinavian living room, a vanity out of a modern bathroom, a desk out of an industrial studio and more. Cut Out is a perfect way to elevate your interior design mood boards, furniture boards and material sample mood boards to create interior design magic.

Morpholio Board: Cut Out, Modify & Edit Images

Shareable PDF Design Packages

Want to share an entire interior design package in one tap? With Board, you can effortlessly export your interior design or home decor mood board along with a furniture list, sourcing list and product cut sheets all in one beautiful design package for yourself, your team or your client. And YES…your saved product links will be included. Or, if you need additional options for sharing your design work you can export Excel, PSD or Image files instantly. With Board, presenting your industrial studio design, minimalist kitchen renovation, traditional living room makeover or new modern home office is just one easy tap away.

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Morpholio Board: Sharable PDF Design Packages

Custom Boards and Grids

Work like a pro interior designer and customize your mood board canvas. Board’s "Custom Size" feature makes it easy to create everything from a Pro “A1” size client presentation to social media posts for Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook. Make 16:9 PowerPoint Slides, an 11x17 “Tabloid” design book or any other layout. Whether you’re an interior designer, home decor lover, stylist, space planner, fashion designer or a creative mood board maker you can take advantage of intelligent grids, easy-to-use alignment tools, vivid mood board colors, textured backgrounds, infinite sizes and more.

Experience Furniture in AR

Ready to experience furniture in your space to scale? Morpholio joined forces with Theia Interactive, one of the world’s top AR visualization companies, to collaborate with Knoll as well as many of the world’s best furniture companies to bring furniture masterpieces into AR and viewable inside Morpholio Board. Experience why Moprholio Board is the best software for interior design and be prepared for AR furniture so real, you might just trip over it.

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Morpholio Board: Experience Furniture in AR

Board for iPhone

If you love interior design for iPad, you will be amazed with the mobility and ease of interior design for iPhone. Not only is Morpholio Board the best interior design iPad app for Mood Boards and home décor but now all the incredible interior design tools, products and features for iPad are also available on iPhone. It’s like having a pro interior design software, room planner and mood board maker in your pocket.

Board on Mac

Have you ever thought…“I wish they would make a design software specifically for interior designers?” An interior design app and mood board software that understands the tools interior designers, stylists, decorators and home décor enthusiasts actually need. With Morpholio Board for Mac you will discover interior design software for your desktop like never before. Now complement interior design for iPad and interior design for iPhone with a mood board maker at your desk.

Morpholio Board: Board on Mac

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Interior Design Game Changers

Go behind the scenes with four dynamic influencers to discuss inspiration, process, and the tools they've use to build practices that are shaping Interior Design today. Featuring: Anishka Clarke & Niya Bascom, Co-Founders of Ishka Designs, Shanan Campanaro, Founder of Eskayel, Fawn Galli of Fawn Galli Interior Design, Bill Hilgendorf, Co-Founder of Uhuru, and Morpholio Board Pro with Ava.

“Morpholio Board is a Must Have.”

“My favorite tool in Morpholio Board is without a doubt the Pinterest Portal. I love it!”

Lauren Makk

“The Mood Board App You Need!”

Secrets from Pro Color Experts

Morpholio asked eleven top designers and artists from around the globe to share their color inspo, secrets, and favorite schemes. Take a look at how these brilliant designers use color to shape their designs and the world around them. Photo: Jaime Derringer by Jenny-Siegwar

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Designers We Love

Morpholio Board annually polls our worldwide community to find out more about their VERY favorite designers and sources of inspiration. These are the folks that give us the knowledge and designs to inspire better, richer, more beautiful spaces every day. We hope their thoughtful contributions to the global interior design ecosystem will help shape your process, projects, and home in the years to come! Photo: Nudo Console by Kelly Wearstler and Photo by Harper Smith

Meet Designers

Take a Mood Board Masterclass

Are you curious about how interior designers make all the magic happen? We know that mood boards and design boards are so critical to the interiors process, so we‘ve pulled back the curtain on some exceptional talents who have mastered the art of mood board making. In their exclusive videos, you will gain full access to their mood board tips, tricks and insights on how to nail an inspired interior design process.

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Become an Interior Design Influencer

If you ever dreamed of being the next big “Interior Design Influencer,” this is your chance. The world wants to see the inspiring design boards you can make with Morpholio Board and your interior design for iPad. The best videos will be featured in an email to our entire interior design and mood board community as well as broadcast on our YouTube and other social channels. Photo: Lauren Makk, HGTV and TLC Trading Spaces Design Star

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Global Sourcing

At Morpholio, we strive to connect creatives with the most incredible interior design sources to inspire their projects. We’ve scoured the internet and the globe to discover several new and noteworthy interior design brands that we think you’ll want to know. By bringing these collections into Board, we’re placing the most current, exciting, and important sources at your fingertips while designing.

Discover New Brands

5 Drawing Tips for Interior Design

Discover some surprising tips along with the best drawing app for interior design where you can sketch design concepts, furniture plans, scaled floor plans, interior elevations, sections, diagrams, interior perspectives, construction drawing markups and so much more. Transform your interior design process with these “easy to master” drawing tools inside Morpholio Trace, Board’s sister app. iPad Drawing by Susan Knof

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3 Easy Ways to Get Started

Ready to make mastering Morpholio Board fun, fast and easy? Whether you’re a pro interior designer, home décor enthusiast, interior decorator, home stylist, interior architect, landscape architect, fashion designer, DIY Pro, room planner, space planner or a creative moodboarder, here are some exciting and simple ways to get started and discover all the incredible things you can do.

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Mood Board Tools Made Just for You

What is the best interior design app for home décor lovers, interior decorators, home stylists, fashion designers, interior architects, and moodboarders?

Interior designers across the globe have spoken, and the verdict is in. Morpholio is beyond honored to be featured as a top iPad app and iPhone app for interior designers as well as best interior design software and best mood board app across the world’s leading design journals including Interior Design Magazine, Elle Décor, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, Design Milk, Dwell, Metropolis, ArchDaily, designboom, Architect Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Architizer, Dexigner, Inhabitat and Bobby Berk.

best creative mood board app for iPad_moodboard maker_moodboards_mood board maker_01_inspiration mood board_Time to Shine

Board for Creative Moodboarders

Meet the best app for mood board making where you can collage beautiful layouts, explore color, collect your inspiration images, remove backgrounds and create stunning mood boards. Create vision mood boards, fashion mood boards, garden mood boards, event planning mood boards, wedding mood boards, color mood boards, seasonal mood boards, food photography mood boards and so much more. Transform your moodboarding exploration with “easy to master” and powerful mood board tools.

Board for Home Décor

Introducing the best app for home decor where you can collage decor inspiration, explore color, build your library, make sourcing lists, and design home décor concepts. Create kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, home office or nursery mood boards and so much more. Discover home décor, home styling, and home staging in an entirely new light.

best home decor app for iPad moodboard maker_moodboards_mood board maker_01_Bedroom mood board

Board for Pro Interior Design

Welcome to the best app for pro interior design where you can layout design boards, build your interior design library, make furniture sourcing lists and present design schemes to your clients. Create material boards, furniture boards, fixture boards, color boards, vision boards, sample boards, scheme boards, lighting boards, and so much more. Take your pro interior design practice to the next level.

Board For Interior Architecture

Created by architects, for architects, meet the best app for interior architecture where you can create design boards, build your product library, make product sourcing lists, get color data and present design options to your teams or clients. Create concept boards, client presentation boards, detail boards, design precedent boards, space planning boards, material boards, product and fixture boards, color palette boards, sample boards, lighting boards, and so much more. Take your architectural workflow to new heights.

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What are the Best Interior Design Brands?

Interior design thrives on collaboration and connection with all design disciplines. A great interior space is defined by not only the finishes, but its proportions, use of light, relation to adjacent rooms or programmatic synergies and, of course, the thoughtful and inspiring interior brands that are strategically positioned throughout every good interior design. Interior furniture, lighting, and product brands are essential to any good interior design process and Morpholio Board is proud to include the very best interior design brands inside powerful interior design software. This includes the world’s best interior design brands like, Knoll, Herman Miller, Design within Reach, Restoration Hardware, Vitra, Tom Dixon, Hay, Hansgrohe, Artek, Donghia, Ligne Roset, Poliform, Roche Bobois, Rejuvenation, Dyson, Aimee Wilder, Thatcher, Eskayel, Boffi, Lacava, Porcelanosa, Waterworks, Marset, Moooi and more.

Discover what’s hot now with our interiors brands “Products of the Year” celebrated yearly.

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2024_Nostalgic Chic moodboard

The selection of “Peach Fuzz” as Pantone’s Color of the Year confirmed that we have officially reached PEAK 80’s nostalgia. Between the year of Barbie, metallics, florals, high-def marble and super saturation, everything old is new again.

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2023_Designed by Designers moodboard

For 2023, the Morpholio team chose to shift our focus toward products that are “Designed by Designers.” Highlighting fixtures and prints created by interior designers themselves, these favorites fit right in alongside selections from Board’s own curated product gallery.

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2022_New and Noteworthy moodboard

Morpholio editors went searching for the “New and Noteworthy,” endeavoring to highlight the relentless creativity that has persevered, and perhaps flourished, through a very uncertain year! We were thrilled to find designers across the globe both experimenting and thriving, churning out designs with a dreamy optimism for the future.

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2021_In this Together moodboard

Of the many challenges faced in the last year, not insignificant was the call to designers to meet unforeseen demands, find innovative solutions and keep their businesses and craft relevant. We watched as companies large and small, across the globe, made great pivots to ensure that their products offered something of use and value to the mind, body or soul. Today we salute those efforts and all the makers behind them!

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2020_Weaving Innovation with Nostalgia moodboard

Morpholio reached out to trend forecaster and brilliant design eye, Kristine Go of Pattern Curator to discuss emerging styles for 2020. As she summarized, “A macro trend we are seeing for 2020 is the convergence of nostalgia and innovation. Our future forward thinking is leaning towards history as reference more so than ever.”

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2019_less IS better moodboard

A little restraint propels these minimalist products to Interiors greatness. One of iconic designer Dieter Rams’ most famous quotes is “Less but better,” a tenet that has inspired many to find and create beauty through minimalism. This thinking has never been more resonant especially as environmental consciousness must remain at the forefront of any design. Furthermore, our amped up cultural moment leaves many of us craving “Less, but better” in every way.

Morpholio Board: Best Interior Design Brands_Furniture Mood Board_ Best Furniture Brands_2018_Stand Up and Stand Out

In recognition of the universal courage, resilience and hope that will propel us into 2018, Morpholio has selected a group of outstanding products that resonate for their transparency, truth in detail, unapologetic feminism, and lightness. Seeking radical optimism for the year to come, we are inspired and uplifted by the clever, innovative and beautiful designs that have emerged from the passion of creatives around the globe.

Nostalgic Chic Interior Design Products of the Year 2024

Designed by designers interior design products of the year 2023, new and noteworthy interior design products of the year 2022, in this together interior design products of the year 2021, weaving innovation with nostalgia interior design products of the year 2020, less is better interior design products of the year 2019, stand up and stand out interior design products of the year 2018, board's "interior elite".

Morpholio Board is proud to feature the following "Interior Elite" and we thank them for their amazing design, innovation and support of a creative world.

15 West Studio 5mm. Abnormals Anonymous Aimee Wilder Alice Tacheny Design Another Country Aquatica Arborite Artek Artistic Tile ARTLESS Asa Pingree Atipico AXOR Bensen Bernhardt Design Bert Frank Biggs and Quail Blu Bathworks Blu Dot Boffi Bower Brunschwig & Fils Bujnie Bulo Caesarstone Campaign Carl Hansen & Son Carnegie Case Ceramics of Italy Coalesse Coco-mat Community A Jasper Group Brand Contardi USA Copeland Furniture Council Cumberland Furniture Curated Kravet Daltile Davis Furniture De Padova NY Design Within Reach Designtex Desiron Droog Dune Dyson B2B Inc. Earthed by William Clark Egg Collective Eskayel Ethnicraft fferrone FilzFelt Flock Frama Galanter & Jones GAN gentner Gessi graypants Gus* Modern Design Hagit Pincovici hansgrohe HBF Furniture HBF Textiles Herman Miller Hive Modern Humanscale inoow design Interface J.Adams & Co Jaime Derringer Janus et Cie JSI a Jasper Group Brand Juju Papers Kasthall Keilhauer KGBL Knoll KnollTextiles Kohler Koncept Kravet LACAVA Laetitia de Allegri Laetitia de Allegri & Matteo Fogale Lanzavecchia + Wai Designers Lee Jofa LEFF amsterdam Ligne Roset Lutron Madheke Maharam Marset Martin Forster Studio Mater Mats Inc. Matter MenuDesignShop Merkled Studio Mobilia modularArts Moleskine Moooi Mullan Lighting NANIMARQUINA NEO/CRAFT Niermann Weeks OFS Brands Oliver Gal Pedro Paulo Venzon PELLE Perez Ochando Peter Danko Designs Phase Design Pickett Furniture Piet Boon Pintark Plank Road Woodworks Poliform Poppin PORCELANOSA Procario Designs Rejuvenation Restoration Hardware Roche Bobois ROOM Room & Board Rubbermaid Commercial Products Sauder Woodworking SENTIENT SHIMNA Sifas Skagerak Skram Furniture Company SONNEMAN Sony's Life Space UX Spinneybeck Stefano Cavazzana Stephen Kenn Stickbulb SUTLA Design Taamaa Tandus Centiva TOKEN Tom Dixon TRNK Trueing Two Parts Uhuru Design Vitra VOLK Wallshoppe Waterworks WETSTYLE Wilkhahn WOHAbeing WORKSTEAD

What Types of Mood Boards do Interior Designers Make?

Interior designers, decorators, interior architects, home stylists, room designers, DIY’ers, home stagers, space planners and home décor enthusiasts create a stunning array of immersive mood boards to visualize and communicate interior design concepts, ideas, and schemes in thoughtful ways. Whether it’s a conceptual mood board, color palette mood board, material mood board, texture mood board, furniture and fixture mood board, client presentation mood board, seasonal or holiday mood board, room mood board or style mood board interior designers will express themselves aesthetically and powerfully through visual collage. Mood boards have long been an essential tool for interior designers to explore ideas, present concepts, make critical design decisions, and passionately communicate a design vision to teams, clients, contractors, and collaborators throughout the entire interior design process. To get you started moodboarding like a pro, enjoy this library of the most inspiring mood boards made in Morpholio Board.

Living Room Mood Boards

Explore inspiration in living room interior design through traditional living room mood boards, small living room mood boards, Scandinavian living room mood boards, farmhouse living room mood boards and a world of home interior décor ideas.

See Mood Boards

Bedroom Mood Boards

Discover ideas in bedroom interior design through mid-century modern bedroom mood boards, coastal bedroom mood boards, farmhouse bedroom mood boards, contemporary bedroom mood boards, and a world of modern home décor trends.

Dining Room Mood Boards

Get Inspired with dining room interior design through transitional dining room mood boards, eclectic dining room mood boards, bohemian dining room mood boards, traditional dining room mood boards, and a world of ideas for home interior décor and decorating.

Kitchen Mood Boards

Discover trends in kitchen interior design through minimalist kitchen mood boards, luxury kitchen mood boards, farmhouse kitchen mood boards, modern kitchen mood boards, and a world of contemporary home interior design.

Bathroom Mood Boards

Explore ideas in bathroom interior design through costal bathroom mood boards, spa-inspired bathroom mood boards, vintage bathroom mood boards, modern minimalist bathroom mood boards, and a world of interior design fixtures, finishes, colors and more.

Color Scheme Mood Boards

Discover inspiration in interior design color schemes through color vision mood boards, color concept mood boards, color palette mood boards, paint swatch mood boards, color finishes mood boards, and a world of color inspired Interior design ideas.

Home Office Mood Boards

Get Inspired with home office interior design through mid-century modern home office mood boards, Scandinavian home office mood boards, industrial home office mood boards, modern home office mood boards, and a world of contemporary interior design inspiration.

Nursery Mood Boards

Visit a world of nursery interior design through soft color nursery mood boards, nursery furniture mood boards, woodland nursery mood boards, vintage nursery mood boards, and a world of modern or traditional nursery furniture, lighting, and wallpaper ideas.

Moody Mood Boards

Explore ideas in aesthetic, concept, vision, and expression moodboaring through emotional exploration mood boards, feeling mood boards, color mood boards, seasonal mood boards, event planning mood boards, wedding mood boards, and a world of atmospheric images, textures, colors, themes, lighting, and materials.

Home Décor Mood Boards

Discover inspiration in home décor and interior design through material mood boards, furniture mood boards, home décor DIY mood boards, design theme mood boards, and a world of interior design styles including mid-century modern interiors, farmhouse interiors, rustic interiors, bohemian interiors, Scandinavian interiors, industrial interiors, traditional interiors, art deco interiors, transitional interiors and so much more.

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Board technologies.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AR Color Capture Technology.

AR Color Capture

A new tool that lets anyone virtually sample, experience and record colors from the world around them. Not only is this a new way of experiencing color, but also a new way of allowing color to influence décor, design and sourcing.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AVA Technology.

Meet Ava: the new best friend to designers of all types who want to think and work with images, while allowing precise, as well as beautiful, deliverables to be generated for them. Short for Automated Visual Assembly, Ava is the patent-pending future of interiors added into the new Board Pro. It was invented to package images and information more intelligently - optimizing beauty, clarity, and ease - and allowing designers to navigate seamlessly from process to presentation.

Morpholio Board: Best iPad App For Mood Board, Interior Design, Decor architecture. AR Product Library Technology.

AR Product Library

Morpholio and Theia Interactive have teamed up to bring Morpholio Board products up to the highest level of Augmented Reality using Apple’s USDZ models and ARKit. Learn more about Theia and their amazing process on Theia website .

Interior Design Software Ecosystem

Why Morpholio Apps for Architects and Interior Designers?

Morpholio Apps are not only the best apps for architects, interior designers, decorators, and landscape designers, they also now work as a perfect complement to, and seamlessly with, all of your favorite architectural and interior design software. This includes Autodesk AutoCad, Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, Pinterest, Adobe Photoshop, Excel, Nemetschek Vectorworks, Zoom, Veras AI and many more. In addition, your Apple iPad, iPhone and Apple Pencil will never be more exciting to use as Morpholio’s suite of drawing, design and mood board apps become even more essential in your design process.

Morpholio Board Online

Use Morpholio Board online to manage your account, update your profile, link your mymorpholio images, change your password, control email settings and more.

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Tsymbals Design

Interior Design Presentation Boards

Interior Design Presentation Boards ?

I nterior design presentation boards are often used by interior designers to present clients with their ideas for either each room they have been hired to design or the entire home. These are also commonly referred to as mood board for interior design and will include numerous items. If an interior designer is working on more than one room, the presentation boards will show the floor plan. There is also a color scheme displayed; the colors used are mainly depended on what kind of mood the client requires that each room has or at least its intended purpose.

Great interior design presentation boards will also have varying ideas for furniture as well as various lighting ideas and instances of flooring.

Presentation Board Content

The interior design presentation boards or its digital counterpart called interior design digital presentation boards will include everything ranging from the floor to the ceiling all of which is encompassed in the design in the collage rendering. Though there are some pros and cons of interior design using this method. The walls are also considered when in the process of planning an interior design.

The first step to learn how to make interior design presentation boards is to know what it should have. Most presentation boards for interior design will include the:

  • Creating 3d floor plans .
  • Color Schemes.

Consistency in Presentation Boards

Many times interior designers are required to present many interior design presentation boards which detail just about every aspect of their proposed design. There are after all the pros and cons of interior design. They may, for instance, have to present boards with color schemes, materials, technical specs, computer renderings, and 3D drawings, etc. Now in addition to providing all the necessary content, they also need to be consistent in appearance so that they appear to be part of the same project. That consistency can be achieved by doing the following with the interior design sample boards:

  • All  3d visualisation interior design presentation boards should be of the same size and orientation
  • They should have a common color scheme for the interior design materials presentation boards
  • The layout and grid pattern should be the same
  • They should use the same labels, titles, color and size fonts as the sample interior design presentation boards
  • The interior designer’s insignia or logo should be on every sample interior design presentation boards digital
  • The style and sizes of these images on the interior design finish presentation boards should be consistent even across interior design digital presentation boards

What is a design schematic?

The schematic design or design schematic as it is called is the initial step of the interior design phase which uses interior design sample boards. During this step, the interior designer will discuss with the client to outline the goals of the project which then leads to it being featured on interior design boards for presentations. That leads to the interior designer illustrating the basic concepts of this design. The schematic on the interior design brief presentation boards will include spatial relationships in addition to forms and basic scale. Plus, interior designers will do some basic research in regards to the local building regulations to ensure that their design meets existing codes.

Based on the initial design, cost estimations are also made so that clients know what to expect in the interior design brief presentation boards or presentation boards for interior design ideas. The drawings will include rough sketches of the floor plans, site plan, intended design outline, etc. However, many interior designers are now incorporating 3D computer renderings to give their clients a better idea of how the completed project will appear.

Why a design schematic?

Even though to most people schematics sound more like details or instructions but in the world of interior design sample boards it means something different. It is the starting point where the idea for design is put on paper. Drawings are often used as a way to estimate and illustrate what the interior design intends to do in terms of finishes, fixtures, etc. These aren’t the finished or finalized selections, and so things can change.

A design schematic defines the scope of the project which is formatted so that the contractor can understand the documents and then put together an initial estimate. These documents provide enough detail which conveys an overall image of the solution via the presentation boards interior design ideas. The next step is to submit the drawings and other information to the client for review after which they may sign off on the project. At this point, the client will approve of the concept. So, the goal here is to convey everything in a manner which is understood by the client as well as the contractor.

How to Present A Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

How interior design boards for presentations are laid out plays a major role in ensuring that clients can understand your design ideas, but there are pros and cons of interior design boards. There are a couple of elements of the board that you’ll need to work on to ensure ease of comprehension. We run through a few important features of the design board you should follow on when presenting it to clients.

Presentation Board Titles & Labels

The titles and labels should ideally be uniformly in the same fonts for the interior design boards for presentations. That something interior design student presentation boards are first taught. For instance, all titles of the board can be in 15-point Times New Roman, while all labels are in 12-point Calibri light font which makes it easy to understand how the board is laid out. The other thing you’ll want to make sure that each label and title is descriptive of what is being presented on the interior design idea boards digital presentation.

Grid Layout in Presentation Boards

If you examine examples of interior design presentation boards, it isn’t hard to see that they make use of a grid layout. The grid makes it easy to organize various facets of the board like images, drawings, text and diagrams, collage rendering, etc. The grids can range from being neat and straightforward to even complex.

You will want to decide on the right page size for your collage rendering based on examples of interior design presentation boards by designers. Now you’ll want to for instance make sure that the title bar with your name and other information is in the same location of each section. That sort of consistency can be made possible by the use of grids. Plus using a grid ensures that each feature on the interior design student presentation boards is presented uniformly making it easier to understand.

Reading A Presentation Board

There are many ways of reading a presentation board. We will cover a few commonly used methods below.

Left to Right or Center Outward reading order in Presentation Boards

Either orientation of reading the interior design presentation boards layout is fine. Interior design student presentation boards should not play around with it. However, an interior designer will want to choose a format which is best suited to their content. Best perhaps is the center outward type layout where the design is based on a central theme. Though you should be clear about the approach being taken. The left to right reading will imply a composition which is left justified where the content is chronologically ordered which is similar to the center-outward reading.

Down reading order in Presentation Boards

This is by far the default reading pattern of interior design presentation boards layout that said there could be some reading in the upward and the downward pattern with some powerful patterns or drawings in the center. For instance, a set of house plans can be placed in the center. It is profoundly ill-advised to not follow a top-down reading in interior design presentation boards.

Presentation Board Weighting

Overall the weight of the sample boards for interior design will be slightly below its mid-height which happens to be the most aesthetic as opposed to other weights. Using a footer will also help to make many types of presentation boards for interior design stand out. The footer will include some minimal data like your name, business name, website, etc. It can be a darker color compared to the rest of the board and should weigh down your presentation which prevents the eyes of a viewer from moving away.

Framing Images In A Presentation Board

You don’t want to stick images or drawings directly to the interior design presentation boards. You will want to instead mount it using various color cards, or even a sheet which frames them on the interior design landscape orientation presentation boards. Another way to frame the images on a physical interior design presentation board is to lift the image slightly from the board is by adding a foam base to it. Make sure to cut the foam the exact same size as the image. If anything, it helps to give that image or images particular importance.

Stand Back from The Presentation Board

To make sure that your sample boards for interior design or thesis presentation boards for interior design looks good, stand back from it. Viewing it from a distance will give you a sense of its range and if it is reasonably good from all positions. Make note of if the drawings are clear and if the texts can easily be read. How does the whole presentation look in its entirety? You can then make the required changes accordingly.

Sample boards for interior design are often used by interior designers to present their ideas, and concepts to clients, contractors, bosses, and co-workers. However, they are also used by graphic designers, architects, and artists for the same purpose.

Purpose of the Board

The purpose of the interior design idea board is to present an idea or interior design concept primarily to a client or the boss. It consists of a collection of ideas and concepts after all a picture is worth a thousand words if not more. That’s why a board is so important in showcasing translations of the idea into a design which can otherwise be hard to describe in words. If anything, it helps bridge the communication gap between clients and interior designers.

Computerized versus Collage

When most interior designers are still in school a part of their final presentation is moodboard for interior design, which shows all of their ideas for a conceptual design. These are usually added to a foam board in the senior thesis presentation boards interior design. However, while most will build a physical board, others will go the digital route, i.e. creating a board on their computer. Doing this helps them save time and a lot of energy trying to find samples and often paying for it.


Some websites may allow designers of 20x 30 presentation boards interior design to easily download patterns, and designs in digital format can then be utilized in the interior design presentation boards or moodboard for interior design. Interior design digital presentation boards can also be emailed which saves time for everyone since a scheduled meeting time is not required. Overall digital interior design presentation boards cost much less than its physical counterpart.

Now many times designers have to figure out what will move out of their client’s rooms before they can consider what will move in on the interior design idea board. Will they have to move a wall or remove it altogether. At times people may decide that they require bigger closets or a bathroom that stretches further. They may have to meet up with a contractor and discuss which walls can be moved and then decide what to do with the load-bearing walls. Only once this is resolved that interior designers can present updated floor plans to clients. So, this newly proposed floor plan is placed on the interior design presentation boards.

Floor Plan Presentation Board

3d interiors design mood board

3d room model Cielo Boca

Final 3D Floor Plan rendering based on the mood board

Color Schemes

Once the floor plan is finalized the next step is creating a color scheme. The color scheme will be for kitchens and other rooms to either warm them up or make them livelier. People prefer more peaceful colors for places like the bedroom which are often reflected in the use of colors like blue, green and purple. When neutral colors are utilized they add darker and lighter shades depending on what the client wants, that’s why it is a valid and important addition on the interior design presentation boards.

3d visualization of the room: lucky penny

After the floor plan and the relative color scheme has been decided and placed on the interior design architecture presentation boards the next step for interior designers is to decide on the type of flooring they need to be displayed on the interior design presentation boards layout. Most bathrooms have tiles on the floor. Also, wood flooring is popular, though others may choose to carpet a couple of rooms like the bedroom and living room. That’s why adding this to the interior design presentation boards helps by providing a complete picture.

hardwood floor guide becki owens

Gather Ideas

Gathering ideas

The interior design presentation board or the interior design presentation boards online will include ideas about things like the color scheme, theme, interior style, etc. The goal of the content is to showcase the ideas in the best possible light so that the client understands what they can expect from the final result.

Presenting different ideas also helps the client to decide which one they like better. It is also a great way to whittle down all the different ideas into a finalized plan which the client may end up approving.

5 ways to be effective in interior presentation ?

Creating effective interior design presentation boards requires that you make sure that certain imperative elements are considered. While these elements may not be directly associated with the design or concept itself, it does lend itself to making the presentation more effective. We cover five of the most important features of an effective interior design idea board below.

Tip 1. Set a time limit

The first thing you should always do is to have a time limit for the brainstorming session for the interior design presentation boards online. If you don’t set a time limit it can take forever to come up with the perfect idea but in reality, we don’t have unlimited time, and nothing is perfect. Setting a time limit adds that much-needed urgency helping your brain work overtime and improving your chances of coming up with a brilliant idea.

Tip 2. Start general, end specific

You will want the visual presentation boards for interior design to start broad and then slowly become tighter or more specific. Let’s say for instance a client wants a room with an ocean theme, so what you may come up with is sand, sun, blue water, waves, etc. The next step is to get more specific like with the interior design presentation boards Richardson’s dining room. What shade of blue does the client actually like? Will the room have an overall teal color scheme or something that’s more neutral? The objective is to use a deductive method to narrow things down a lot like how a detective would investigate something.

Tip 3. Visualize everything

The other important thing to keep in mind is that visuals for visual presentation boards for interior design are big especially for interior design presentation boards online. So, you’ll want to add your ideas as a sketch or have a word associated with if possible interior design presentation boards with hand lettering. A mind map can also help by pulling in all the ideas and showing it on a piece of paper. The more visual things are, the easier it is to understand what is going on both for you and the client.

Tip 4. Take a break and let it sink in

Step back and take a few minutes away from working on the interior design presentation boards. Sometimes when you’re stuck, the best thing is to temporarily give up and do something else. Things often become easier when you return with a fresh head especially when brainstorming an idea.

Tip 5. Bookmark ideas for inspiration

You will want to have a couple of visual presentation boards for interior design for inspiration. Here you will gather all the design and products that you like. In this case, you’ll want to use professional tools meant for interior designers and often also used by architects. These help you to collect images of the products, put together pricing, and dimensions, etc. Plus, you may also be able to create various location folders and projects, then figure out the cost for the addition of each product.

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How to create Presentation Boards  using Adobe InDesign

  • December 28, 2021
  • Presentation

This video explains how to produce architectural presentation boards using Adobe InDesign. In all walks of life as an architect you have to present your ideas effectively.

Whether that’s to a tutor or client, your ability to present both visually and verbally can make or break a project. This lesson gives you some ideas on how to improve this skill set!

Courses by ArchAdemia to help you create perfect visuals and presentations

We have two courses you may be interested in.

  • Photoshop | The Complete Guide: This course is essential for any designer! It contains 15 in-depth Photoshop tutorials that will turn any level of user to an absolute master, understanding every necessary tool for architects and visualisers alike and how to get the most from them. We use Photoshop everyday for diagrams, reports, photo editing, drawings, CGIs and so much more! Learn Adobe Photoshop here.
  • InDesign | The Complete Guide: You’d be amazed how often we use InDesign in practice. Company portfolios, presentations, planning reports and specifications are but a few examples of why it’s needed so often. You’ll learn all you require to master an essential programme for architects, interior designers + CG artists. Learn Adobe InDesign here.

The importance of strong & clear architectural presentation boards in practice

Architectural presentation boards are powerful tools that convey design concepts, ideas, and visions visually. Whether you are a student presenting a project at university, a professional pitching to a client, or proposing a new project to a local planning authority, the importance of clear architectural presentation boards cannot be understated. In this article, we will explore how these boards play a pivotal role in effectively communicating architectural projects and why they are crucial in achieving success in various scenarios.

Enhancing Visual Communication

Clear architectural presentation boards are a gateway to effective visual communication. Through well-crafted images, diagrams, and renderings, complex ideas can be simplified and conveyed to the audience effortlessly. By presenting visual information, architects can better connect with their audience, ensuring their designs are understood and appreciated, regardless of technical background.

Telling a Compelling Story

A well-structured presentation board tells a captivating story about the design concept, inspiration, and thought process behind the project. It is essential to guide the viewers through a narrative that highlights the project’s objectives, context, and unique features. A story-driven approach helps create an emotional connection with the audience, leaving a lasting impression.

Demonstrating Design Intent

Architectural presentation boards act as a window into the architect’s mind, revealing their design intent. Clear boards showcase the architect’s creativity, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail. This transparency builds trust with clients, university professors, and planning authorities, assuring them that the project is well thought out and addresses the intended purpose.

Professionalism and Credibility

For university students, professional presentation boards demonstrate a high level of commitment to their projects. This professionalism elevates the overall perception of the work and enhances the student’s credibility within the academic environment. Similarly, in the professional world, clear presentation boards elevate an architect’s reputation and instill confidence in clients and planning authorities.

Concise Information Delivery

An effective presentation board consolidates information into a visually digestible format. By presenting the essential elements of a project concisely, architects can prevent overwhelming their audience with unnecessary details. This approach ensures that the key aspects of the project remain the focus and prevents critical information from being lost in the clutter.

Addressing Different Audiences

One of the key challenges in architectural presentations is addressing diverse audiences with varying levels of expertise. Clear presentation boards cater to these differences by providing a balance between technical information and accessible visuals. Whether it’s a highly technical university panel or a community-oriented planning authority, well-crafted boards can bridge the gap and convey the project’s essence effectively.

Facilitating Feedback and Collaboration

In both educational and professional settings, clear architectural presentation boards facilitate constructive feedback and collaboration. They act as a starting point for discussions, allowing stakeholders to provide valuable input and engage in meaningful conversations. This iterative process enriches the project, ensuring it aligns with the expectations and requirements of all involved parties.

Compliance with Regulations and Guidelines

When proposing a new project to a local planning authority, adherence to regulations and guidelines is of utmost importance. Clear presentation boards can help demonstrate how the project complies with zoning laws, environmental considerations, and community needs. This visual representation aids planning authorities in assessing the project’s viability and making informed decisions.

Clear architectural presentation boards are indispensable tools in various settings, from university project presentations to professional client pitches and engagements with planning authorities. They serve as conduits of visual communication, helping architects convey their ideas effectively, while also fostering collaboration and facilitating constructive feedback. Emphasizing the importance of clear presentation boards is essential for every aspiring architect, as it can significantly impact the success and reception of their projects in academia and professional practice alike. By mastering the art of visual storytelling through presentation boards, architects can create a lasting impact on their audience and leave a positive impression of their designs.

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Mastering D5 Render: Guide to Creating Stunning Architectural Scenes

In this video, you’ll learn the fundamentals of setting up realistic exteriors using D5 Render. We also roll out the new scatter tool, which is

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Integrating Daylight in Architecture: A Curriculum Focus

In the compelling world of architectural education, the integration of daylight has emerged as a pivotal topic in the design and functionality of buildings. Architecture

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Integrating Contextual Dynamics Into the Architecture Curriculum

In the realm of architecture education, you cannot undervalue the importance of contextual dynamics; an area weaving together the tapestry of design, research, and history.

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MAKS 2007 Moscow Air Show

Sep 27, 2014

720 likes | 927 Views

MAKS 2007 Moscow Air Show. Photos: Ofer Zidon [email protected]. MIG FIGHTERS. MIG 29 CHANNEL 1 RUSSIA. MIG 29 OVT. MIG 29 OVT. MIG 29 OVT. MIG 29 OVT. MIG 29K (NAVY). MIG 29K (NAVY). MIG 29K (NAVY). MIG 29K (NAVY). MIG 35. MIG 35. MIG 35.

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Presentation Transcript

MAKS 2007Moscow Air Show Photos: Ofer Zidon [email protected]







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Russian KnightsRussian Air ForceAerobatic Team

Ukrainian FalconsUkraine Air ForceAerobatic Team

Patrouille De FranceFrench Air ForceAerobatic Team

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M.C.A.S. 2007 Show

M.C.A.S. 2007 Show

M.C.A.S. 2007 Show. By: Ian McGill. Chalenge Award Results. Y.A.T.F.S. ……………………… 91 G.A.A.S. ……………………… 66 G.L.C.S. ……………………… 51 M.C.A.S. ………………………. 44 S.C.A.L.E.S. ………………………. 22 O.C.A. .……………………… 21 G.P.A.S.I. ……………………….. 9

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Prevention of Child Abuse in Foster Care and Adoption. Helen Jones Moscow December 2007. Key issues in child abuse prevention for children in care and adoption. Prevention of paedophiles and other abusers using institutions, foster care or adoption to gain access to vulnerable children

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Moscow February 13 , 2007

Energy Industry: Retarding or Driving Force for Economic Advancement ?. Anatoly Chubais Chairman of the Management Board RAO UES of Russia . Moscow February 13 , 2007. Economy. Demand. Energy Industry. Energy Industry: Retarding or Driving Force for Economic Advancement?.

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OKB SAPR. OKB SAPR S pecial D esign B ureau for CAD S ystem D esign [email protected]. Accord. Safety in an un saf e world. Moscow, 2007. Why does this happen —. you are using various information security products,. ?. yet the information still leak s out.

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OKB SAPR. OKB SAPR S pecial D esign B ureau for Computer-Aided D esign [email protected]. Information Security Policy that Accords Protection. Moscow, 2007. A personal computer. is only an instrument. Are you sure that YOUR PC. is only YOUR instrument?.

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Nellis AFB Air Show. Sat, 11 Nov 06. Meet @ 0645, back parking lot of Dixie High School; DEPARTURE 0700 SHARP!. Col Whicker’s cell: 862-0132. BRING:. Eat breakfast at home Money for lunch & dinner WATER BOTTLE! Sunscreen. WEAR:. Jeans Walking shoes USAF PT T-shirt JROTC baseball cap

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PARIS AIR SHOW 2007 A.C.S. International Aeronautical Consulting Services International. We support you …. ACSI is using its International key decision makers network to Open you new strategic contacts and be placed on new programs. Developing new business opportunities

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(Maks Products) bietet hochwertige Produkte und mit diesen Produkten schaffen sie die Auu00dfenbereiche Ihrer Tru00e4ume. Alle unsere Produkte zeichnen sich durch erstklassige Qualitu00e4t, auu00dfergewu00f6hnliche Langlebigkeit und hervorragende Bestu00e4ndigkeit aus.

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15 Vladislav Doronin And Naomi Campbell Attend Presentation Of Oko Skyscraper In Moscow Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

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  1. Kasey M. Tang Board 4 of 4, Capstone Project, BFA Interior Design SCAD

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  6. Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

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  1. Composition in Presentation Boards for Architecture using Indesign

  2. How to create a presentation board in InDesign Main Image Style

  3. 3 Architecture Presentation Boards Layouts + FREE Templates

  4. How To: Interior Design Presentation Boards

  5. Productivity Tutorial

  6. A Complete Guide to using InDesign for your Architecture Presentation Boards


  1. Best Architecture Presentation Board Ideas

    An architecture presentation board fulfills multiple objectives, including: Serving as a tool for presenting designs to clients, superiors, or colleagues. Assisting in attracting clients and securing commissions. Contributing to the advancement of your career and elevating your architectural projects to new heights.

  2. Presentation Board Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    Architecture Degree FYP (Presentation board) Wenjuin Heah. 22 817. Save. The Osing Museum and Festival Center. Asifa Ulima Kafin. 136 4.7k. Save. Centro de Salud. Yuly Gutiérrez. 53 2.2k. Save. K1 PROJECT : Urban Park Pavilion. Vuong Anh Tran Huu. 69 700. Save. A1 Presentation Grid System for InDesign | Portrait. Stephen Kelman. Pro.

  3. How to create stunning interior design presentation boards

    Check out these 5 steps to creating a board that conveys your vision and plan to your client. 1. Choose Digital Board vs Hard Board. In the digital age, the choice between a digital board and a hard board is pivotal. Each medium has its unique advantages and can significantly influence the presentation's impact.

  4. 550 Presentation Board Inspiration ideas in 2024

    Jul 30, 2024 - Explore Show it Better's board "Presentation Board Inspiration", followed by 44,789 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about presentation board, presentation, architecture presentation.

  5. 12 Ways to Make That Inspiration Board Truly Inspiring

    8. Use molding to "frame" a wall-size pin board. Have molding cut to your specifications and use it to frame cork (available in rolls, sheets and tiles) for a massive bulletin board. A large board is perfect for displaying tons of kids' artwork or curating inspiration on a blank wall in the home office. Owl Design. 9.

  6. Architecture Presentation Board Tips: Techniques, Layout, Drawing

    Key elements of an effective architecture presentation board layout include: A well-designed layout that organizes and presents information in a logical and visually appealing way. Clear and concise text that explains the project's concept, goals, and solutions. High-quality visuals, such as drawings, renderings, and photographs, that ...

  7. Free Mood Board Maker

    Create an online mood board that inspires and stands out. Use Miro's mood board maker and find inspiration to bring projects to life with images, colors, and more. ... Use Presentation mode to show your mood board frames as slides, or invite people to follow you on your board and guide them through your mood board. If you want to run a more ...

  8. Successful Architectural Presentation Boards

    Successful Architectural Presentation Boards. by Elif Ayse Fidanci. 7 June 2022. Presentations are visual tools that represent your projects and works in architecture for you. Architectural presentations are designed both for juries and submissions during student years and for customers in professional life. Architects present their projects of ...

  9. Here's a Step by Step Guide to Creating an Inspo Board

    Step 2: Navigate to Canva and open up a new template. Now, go to and open up a new template. Search for "photo collage" in the search bar and select which mood board template is your favorite. You can also start on a blank template if you want to get creative and start from scratch.

  10. Morpholio Board

    Morpholio Board is the ALL-IN-ONE Interior design, decor & mood board app. Perfect for any interior designer, interior decorator or stylist, Board merges your ideal inspiration, decor or furniture library with powerful moodboard and collage tools to design or present anywhere. Awarded 'Best Apps' for interior design, staging and decor, see for yourself why Board is the dream mood board ...

  11. Interior Design Presentation Boards • Tsymbals Design

    Interior design presentation boards are often used by interior designers to present clients with their ideas for either each room they have been hired to design or the entire home. These are also commonly referred to as mood board for interior design and will include numerous items. If an interior designer is working on more than one room, the ...

  12. Top 10 Most Important Architecture Presentation Board Tips

    Architecture presentation boards usually include floor plans, elevations, and sections along with some sort of perspective views, 3d drawings or renders. There may be a focus on some of the key features of your design, perhaps with brief sentences explaining your scheme. Hand drawings and development work can be good to include if relevant ...

  13. Architecture Presentation Board Projects

    Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative architecture presentation board work

  14. Tutorial

    using Adobe InDesign. Topics Covered. This video explains how to produce architectural presentation boards using Adobe InDesign. In all walks of life as an architect you have to present your ideas effectively. Whether that's to a tutor or client, your ability to present both visually and verbally can make or break a project.


    Mar 3, 2021 - Explore Maddie Matthews's board "PRESENTATION INSPO", followed by 177 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about portfolio design, layout design, editorial design.

  16. 280 Architecture presentation boards ideas

    Oct 17, 2023 - Explore First In Architecture's board "Architecture presentation boards", followed by 83,104 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about architecture presentation board, architecture presentation, layout architecture.

  17. a1 presentation board inspo

    a1 presentation board inspo. The Best 71 Podcasts for Architects - ArchitectureQuote - Find Architects. Connect Architects to New Projects. Jun 9, 2024 - Explore laffy.ette's board "a1 presentation board inspo" on Pinterest. See more ideas about presentation board, architecture drawing, architecture drawing art.

  18. Presentation Board designs, themes, templates and ...

    Presentation Board Inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world's best designers. Want more inspiration? Browse our search results... Shot Link. View A businesswoman giving a presentation in an office. A businesswoman giving a presentation in an office Like. Vika Verder. Like. 6 ...

  19. 9 Interior Design Accounts To Follow For Seriously Dreamy Home Inspo

    Can't help but double tap these elite interiors. The post 9 Interior Design Accounts To Follow For Seriously Dreamy Home Inspo appeared first on marie claire.

  20. PPT

    Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. St. Peterburg. Moscow. Doing Business in Russia. Entering New Markets. Maria Kalmykova. Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. Lecture Outline Strategies Models of New Markets Entrance 4P modification Russian Regional Aspects.

  21. Outdoor Advertising

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  23. Vladislav Doronin And Naomi Campbell Attend Presentation Of Oko

    Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Vladislav Doronin And Naomi Campbell Attend Presentation Of Oko Skyscraper In Moscow stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Vladislav Doronin And Naomi Campbell Attend Presentation Of Oko Skyscraper In Moscow stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.