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How to not be nervous for a presentation — 13 tips that work (really!)

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Why do I get nervous before presenting?

How not to be nervous when presenting, 5 techniques to control your nerves, quotes for inspiration, speak with confidence.

If you feel nervous or scared about talking to someone new, giving a speech, or being on stage, rest assured: you’re not alone. 

Experiencing symptoms of performance anxiety like an increased heart rate, trembling hands, or excessive sweating is perfectly normal. In fact, people often fear public speaking . But the more you’re immersed in these types of situations, the more comfortable you’ll become . 

We’ll explore how to not be nervous for a presentation and offer inspirational quotes to help you step out of your comfort zone.

Man Speaking Through A Microphone In Dark Conference Hall-1

Based on data from the National Social Anxiety Center, fear of public speaking is the most common phobia . The official term for this fear is glossophobia, colloquially termed stage fright.

Stage fright typically arises from the perception that when you're in front of a group of people, they'll judge you. The brain’s frontal lobe aids in memory, and when we’re stressed, increased stress hormones temporarily shut that region down . This is what causes us to freeze up and stop talking. 

There’s nothing wrong with being nervous. We all have different social comfort zones, communication styles, and presentation skills. But we can expand and improve our skills if we’re cognitively flexible .

Cognitive flexibility plays a big role in our behavior and attitudes and impacts our performance. You can use your fears as a catalyst for growth and learning — including giving a great presentation.

The following techniques will help you shift your thinking from reactive to proactive to combat nerves throughout the presentation experience:

Before the presentation:

Student girl preparing for presentation writing notes in her computer at home-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

1. Know your topic

Don’t wing it when it comes to presenting any topic. The better you understand your subject matter, the more confident you’ll feel. You can answer questions right away and won’t have to rely on your notes.

If there are a few points or any information you think might arise during the presentation or Q&A, research it and become comfortable speaking to the subject.

Here are a few ways to study: 

  • Break down concepts onto notecards
  • Practice answering questions  (especially the hard ones you hope no one asks)
  • Explain complex information to peers and colleagues

2. Be organized

Take time to thoroughly plan each aspect of the presentation. Often, that means designing PowerPoint slides or other visual aids like videos. Clarify with the organizer what format and technology you’ll be using.

If it’ll be virtual, get your background and room organized, too. This ensures the presentation will go smoothly, in turn reducing stress.  Consider the following preparations:

  • Invite your support network to the event
  • Arrive early to set up tech and get comfortable in the space
  • Practice timing your presentation with the time tracker you’ll use day-of
  • Bring a water bottle and a snack
  • Contact your manager or venue staff to discuss any accessibility or tech concerns

3. Practice, practice, practice

Whether you’re rehearsing in front of a mirror, family member, or pet, you can never practice enough. Ask for feedback about your body language , eye contact , and how loudly you project your voice.

If you’ll be giving the presentation on a video conference, record it on the platform to see how you look and sound.

4. Visualize your success

Thinking through possible outcomes is a great way to prepare — but it can also backfire on you. If you obsess over negative what-ifs, this failing mentality might become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

The more often you fill your mind with positive thoughts and visualize your success, the more automatic they’ll be. Positive self-talk can make a big difference to your confidence. Run through the presentation — successfully — in your head.

During the presentation:

Businesswoman speaking from a podium to an audience in a conference-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

5. Focus on your material, not the audience

Your audience is there for your presentation — not to assess you. They’ll be looking at your colorful slides and listening to what you’re saying. Don’t let your mind fill with insecurities . 

6 . Don't fear silence

If your mind suddenly goes blank, that’s okay. It may seem like an eternity to you as you try to figure out what to say next, but it’s only a few seconds at most. 

Pausing isn’t a bad thing, anyway. You can use dramatic breaks advantageously to draw attention before the most important bits. 

7 . Speak slowly

Presentation anxiety often causes nervous energy, so we speak faster than normal. This might make you fumble your words or forget important details.

Slow down. Audience members will be thankful since they can understand you , and drawing out your speech will give you time to calm down, ground yourself , and stay organized.

8 . Take deep breaths and drink water

Breathing delivers oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly. Drinking water ups your energy, and also gives you a moment to pause. 

Smiling is a simple yet effective way to soothe your nerves. Doing so releases endorphins, helping you physically feel more confident. And a friendly face will make the audience more open to what you’re saying. 

10 . Remember the three "audience truths"

These include: 1) for the duration of the presentation, the audience believes you’re the expert, 2) they’re on your side, and 3) they don’t know when you make a mistake. 

After the presentation:

Businessman giving a talk to a group at a convention center lunch-how-to-not-be-nervous-for-a-presentation

11. Recognize your success

Giving a presentation is something worth being proud of — celebrate it! In addition to family, friends, and coworkers, you deserve a high five from yourself, too.

1 2. Collect feedback

Feedback is a wonderful gift if you use it as a tool to help you do even better next time. Ask some of your audience members what they liked and what they didn’t. Remember, you can learn a lot from your mistakes . 

1 3. Don't beat yourself up

You did the best you could, and that’s all anyone — including you — can ask for. 

Nervousness is perfectly normal, but sometimes our symptoms hold us back from doing — and enjoying — scarier tasks. Here are five tips for overcoming nerves:

1. Practice impression management

Impression management requires projecting an image that contradicts how you actually feel. It’s essentially a “fake it ‘til you make it” strategy.  Let’s say you’re about to make a corporate-wide presentation and feel worried you’ll forget important information. You’ll counteract this worry by imagining yourself remembering every detail and delivering it entertainingly.

Learn from this practice by noting the information chosen in your hypothetical and how you expressed it effectively. 

2. Talk to someone

Emotions are contagious. We absorb others’ positive vibes . Chatting with people who are excited about and confident in our presentation abilities rubs off on us. 

Before a presentation, call a cheerleader in your life — someone who’s on your side and understands your nerves. Be specific, discussing which parts of presenting are nerve-wracking and what you need from them.

3. Do breathing exercises

Mindful breathing is when you pay attention to the sensation of inhaling and exhaling while controlling and deepening breath length. Breathwork has several health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety and improving memory, attention, and focus. 

Before the presentation, find a quiet and solitary space. Breathe deeply for at least a minute, focusing on sensation and depth. This practice brings you into your body and out of your mind (away from nerve-wracking thoughts).

4. Practice reframing 

Reframing is a technique used in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) to improve negative automatic thought patterns over time. One such pattern is viewing certain emotions as bad, and others as good. Nervousness feels the same in the body as excitement. Instead of panicking even more when realizing you’re nervous, reframe your impression of nerves as excitement for what you’re about to do.

This excitement will propel you forward with confidence and pride for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something scary.

Here are seven inspirational quotes to help you feel confident and excited when doing something you’re nervous about:

“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” John Ford
“ When speaking in public, your message — no matter how important — will not be effective or memorable if you don't have a clear structure. ” Patricia Fripp
“The most precious things in speech are the pauses.”  Sir Ralph Richardson
“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” Lady Bird Johnson
“It’s what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.” Tony Robbins
“The worst speech you’ll ever give will be far better than the one you never give.” Fred Miller

Like any other skill, learning how to not be nervous for a presentation takes time and practice. Acknowledging this hurdle is the first step to making a change in the right direction.  Facing your fears will empower you to take on scarier — and more fulfilling — goals and enjoy the experience along the way. You don’t have to start with a TED Talk. Tackle small challenges like presenting an idea to your manager or practicing a short speech with a friend.  We won’t sugarcoat it — it’s hard to change our minds and habits. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll be rewarded with increased confidence and new experiences.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

30 presentation feedback examples

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Art of Presentations

Why Do Presentations Make You Nervous? [17 TIPS to Overcome it!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Why Do Presentations Make You Nervous? [17 TIPS to Overcome it!]

Have you ever felt nervous about giving a presentation? Then, you are not alone. Many people experience anxiety before or during presentations, and it can be difficult to overcome the nerves. Some people get those feelings every once in a while, and for a few others, it is a regular occurrence.

If this sounds like you, then read on to understand why presentations can make people nervous and get some helpful tips to overcome your nerves!

Why Do Presentations Make People Nervous?

A person giving a presentation

In today’s work culture, people are expected to give a presentation every now and then. It is quite a common practice even for students, but more so when you join an office.

But a seemingly simple task of giving a presentation usually makes people quite nervous!

It is interesting to note that nerves can be a natural reaction to feeling the pressure of speaking in front of people. This is because we are often trying to make an impression on others, and that can cause stress.

There are many reasons why presentations might make you nervous:

  • You worry about making mistakes or saying something embarrassing.
  • You worry that you won’t have time to cover everything.
  • You worry about how people will react, or if they’ll think what you’re saying is interesting and engaging enough.
  • You might be nervous because this would not be the first speech of its kind in front of a group of people – it just feels like an extension of the other presentations you’ve given.

It doesn’t really matter what makes you nervous when giving a presentation, what is important is what you do to overcome that fear.

But, before I move on to some tips, I would like to point out a few things that you should remember about presentations . These are as follows –

  • Presentations usually last between five minutes – twenty minutes maximum with a few exceptions. So, holding your nerves for about 20 minutes should not be that hard.
  • Presentations usually have a well-defined structure – introduction, body, and conclusion. So while it might seem intimidating to speak for so long in front of people who are judging you, the presentation is broken up into segments which make things easier
  • You don’t have to worry about forgetting what points you want to make. If you have a well-written outline and notes, you will be able to remember your points

So, if we are able to remind ourselves that giving a presentation is not going to be the end of this world even if the presentation doesn’t go as per our plan or if we fail the presentation, we will be able to deliver it without getting nervous.

Let us also look at some tips that will help you overcome your nerves and deliver the presentation successfully.

Tips on How to Overcome Your Nerves When Giving a Presentation

It is important to remember that not all tips mentioned below will be applicable to you. Furthermore, you may not able to implement all of them either (even if they were applicable to you). But, try to implement as many as you can, and it will surely calm your nerves before a presentation.

I also want to highlight that the tips that I have shared below are mostly based on what worked for me. I’ve personally used most of these techniques from time to time and found them useful.

With that in mind, let’s get started with the tips!

Tip 1 – Create a Robust Presentation Structure

The first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you create a good strong presentation.

You don’t want there to be any sort of gaps in the content as that will make people lose interest during your talk. Having a good presentation will also give you the confidence in delivering the presentation as you know exactly what point you want to drive home!

You can follow the story arc for your talk. The story arc can be the chronological order of events that led to your conclusion, or it could be a thematic analysis of what you want to say in your presentation.

If there is a specific point that you are trying to get across and make stick with the audience, then try using repetition as this will reinforce whatever it was that you were trying to say.

The more time and effort that you put into your presentation, the better it will go for you. You want people to walk away feeling like they got value out of what was said in the talk!

Tip 2 – Identify the Most Important Parts of your Presentation

This is one of those things that people often are not aware of or simply ignore.

Once you are done creating the presentation based on the structure that you worked on, it is important to identify the key points to include in your presentation. These would be points that you want people in your audience to remember as key takeaways.

Pro Tip! When identifying the key points of your presentation, make sure they form a part of the puzzle and lead to the conclusion of your presentation!

Identifying such key moments in your presentation can help you plan out what to say in your presentation. It will also help you remember when to pause, use hand gestures, or even use voice intonation to drive home a point.

One thing that can help you in identifying the key points is that all these points, when looked at independently, should ideally lead to the conclusion of your presentation.

Another way of identifying key points is whenever there is a use of any form of data. When data is used, usually the analysis of that would result in a conclusion that forms the part of the puzzle.

Tip 3 – Think of How to Open your Presentation

Now that you have created your presentation, and identified the points that you want to stress upon, it is time to start thinking about how you will deliver the presentation.

The first step in this process is to start your presentation on a strong footing! Think of how you want to open it. Some good ideas are with a story, or by using an interesting quote or statistic that will immediately grab your audience’s attention.

Another way is to start with a cultural reference. Perhaps think of a movie or a character from a famous TV show, and talk about something interesting about him or her that relates to your presentation!

There are many ways of how you can start your presentation, but think of the one that will stick with your audience the most and give the audience a good idea about what they will be hearing from that point onwards.

The next step to getting started with the opening of your presentation is figuring out what you want to say next and linking the opening of your presentation to your first slide. You don’t want to get stuck immediately after the introduction of your presentation!

Tip 4 – Practice Out Aloud to an Empty Room

Once you have figured out how to start the presentation, and know the key points to talk about, you are all set to put them to practice!

One of the best ways to practice is to speak out loud to an empty room! Doing so allows you to hear your voice in an empty space and see if you are speaking too fast or too slow, among other things.

Just imagine yourself standing on the stage in front of a large audience, and start with your presentation just as you would when you get on stage.

This also gives you an opportunity to find your rhythm. Speak for a few minutes to an empty room, and then take note of how many words you said per minute.

If you notice that you are speaking too fast, you will want to slow it down just a little bit as people may not be able to understand what you are saying if you speak too quickly or frantically!

Practicing in an empty room is great since you don’t have to worry about being judged. Plus, you get a chance to go through your presentation from start to end at least a few times!

Tip 5 – Practice your Presentation in Front of a Mirror or with a Friend

Some people find that practicing out loud alone in a room is not the right solution for them as it doesn’t reflect the right situation they will face when on the stage.

Furthermore, it also doesn’t really provide them with feedback on their body language and how other people perceive them when they are giving the presentation.

If this sounds like you, and practicing out loud doesn’t work for you, try practicing on your own in front of a mirror. I find this to be an excellent way to practice, as you are able to see your facial expressions and other things that may not show up when you speak only out loud alone in a room.

Another way is to practice with a friend or a family member. Go with someone you trust as they will not only encourage you but most importantly provide you with relevant feedback to improve your presentation.

A more personal way of practicing is by recording yourself on video when speaking about your presentation. You can also do this with a friend and have them give you feedback on what they hear, what they see from the camera’s angle, etc.

Tip 6 – Create a Mental List of Things that Make you Feel Calm and Confident

Once you are done with practice, you should now feel more confident and look forward to the presentation (instead of feeling nervous!).

However, sometimes you can still get nervous no matter how well prepared you are for the presentation.

A great way to overcome this issue is to make a mental list of things that make you feel calm and confident.

This could be anything from listening to music, taking deep breaths before the presentation starts, or even repeating your favorite mantra before the presentation.

I personally like to take deep breaths as it is highly effective for me. Deep breathing can help calm nerves in situations of high stress or anxiety (i.e., public speaking). This is because it slows down your heart rate while also increasing oxygen to the brain.

No matter what you use as a method to relax, the important thing is that it works for you!

Make sure NOT to use any coping mechanisms that involve avoidance (e.g. not attending the presentation at all), as this will only worsen your anxiety in future presentations.

Tip 7 – Wear Comfortable Clothing

While there is no specific “uniform” that you have to wear when giving a presentation, what I recommend is wearing comfortable clothing!

You want to be wearing something that you can move around in and not feel restricted or uncomfortable during the presentation. If you are wearing tight-fitting clothes, it can be hard to breathe and move – not a great feeling during an already nerve-wracking experience!

Furthermore, if you are showing slides, you want to make sure that clothing doesn’t match the slide colors and act as a distraction.

Depending on the nature of the presentation, you may want to choose whether to go with casual or formal clothing. That said, I usually go with a nice pair of formal clothes as you can not go wrong with them! A clean white shirt with black or brown trousers should do the trick.

Just make sure that they are loose enough for you to feel comfortable in it. It is always better to wear a comfortable outfit than an uncomfortable one!

Tip 8 – Find a Place Where you can be Alone

On the day of the presentation, you need to keep your focus on the presentation. Don’t start worrying, but make sure that you don’t get distracted either.

It can sometimes help to find a place where you can be alone for some time. This could be a restroom, a terrace, a garden, or even an empty corridor.

If you are giving a presentation online from your house using Zoom or an alternative application, then identify a section of your house that will provide you with some personal space.

If you start feeling nervous, you can utilize this space to calm down and go through your relaxation routine (that I mentioned in the previous tip).

Take a deep breath or even go through your presentation once to remind you that you are well prepared, and you CAN do this!

Tip 9 – Brush Up on your Talking Points Before the Presentation

This may seem like a trivial tip but even if you think you know your material well, sometimes you may forget the flow before the presentation.

Even though you may have prepared well for the presentation, it is always helpful to go through your talking points once before the presentation. Just reading through it once can be enough for you to feel more confident about giving the presentation.

Furthermore, remember that it’s not just the talking points, you also want to refresh your memory with the key points of your presentation for emphasis purpose!

In my personal experience, I’ve seen that reading through the material can be enough for us to feel more confident about giving a presentation. It often helps me vanish the jitters before the presentation.

Tip 10 – Try to Remain Calm and Take Deep Breaths Before Stepping on the Stage

Before you get on the stage, you want to make sure that you are feeling calm. If you are nervous, there is a high likelihood of making a mistake or even forgetting the introduction section of your presentation. This can lead to a disastrous presentation for the audience.

In order to feel calm, you want to take deep breaths before getting on stage and even while presenting! If you have any other things that help you relax, you probably want to exercise those options. Remember tip number 6 mentioned above? Now is the time to implement it!

Another thing that has often worked for me is to remember just the start of the presentation. In the past, I’ve noticed that as long as I am able to start the presentation the way I had intended to, it acts as a trigger for the rest of the presentation and I tend to continue in a seamless flow (as long as I have practiced it enough).

Tip 11 – Carry Some Water With You on the Stage

This is a ninja tip! Something that people almost always forget or remember when they are already on the stage!

When you are feeling a little nervous, you will notice that your mouth tends to dry up much faster! Thus, you want to make sure that you carry some water with you on the stage.

Not drinking enough water before a presentation especially when you are nervous can lead to a presenter not being able to speak on stage. This can not only be embarrassing but can also act as a distraction. As a result, you end up losing the chain of thought, and suddenly your presentation just nosedives!

So, make sure that you drink water before and during the presentation because it helps keep your voice fresh without getting dry and cracking up during the talk!

Pro Tip! Carry an 8 oz bottle as it is compact enough to carry around comfortably and provides just about enough water so that you feel the urge of using the washroom in the middle of the presentation!

Sometimes, you may get a bottle of water on stage. However, most of the time, that may not be the case. Thus, it is always better to carry your own bottle.

Remember to not drink too much water before or during the presentation as this will result in running to the washroom more often! (not a comfortable situation to be in when giving a presentation on the stage)

Tip 12 – Stand Up Straight and Speak with a Confident Tone of Voice

nervous when giving presentations

When you get on the stage, make sure that you stand up straight. This will help you in two ways: first, it will help you establish a powerful stance. Second, when your body is in an upright position, the diaphragm has more space to expand which results in better vocal projection!

As for your voice tone – speak with confidence and clearly enunciate every word that comes out of your mouth. You don’t want your voice to shake or waver, so make sure that your tone is always clear.

One thing that has worked for me is to speak slightly louder than you normally would. This again helps in two ways: it helps to overcome the shaky or wavering voice due to nervousness. Second, it somehow makes you feel more confident!

Tip 13 – Smile When You Are on the Stage!

If you are nervous on the stage, you may not notice it but people will be able to see it on your face!

One way to circumvent this is to smile at your audience members when you are on the stage!

As humans, it is our natural reaction to smile back when we see someone smile at us! Think of it this way – when a baby smiles at you, what do you do? You smile back, right?

Smiling at your audience when you are standing on the stage (even when you perhaps are not able to see them sometimes), can make your audience more forgiving and can break the ice with them!

Besides, smiling at others will make you feel better about yourself, even if it is just a fake smile at first!

Tip 14 – Maintain Eye Contact with your Audience

When giving the presentation, you want to make sure that you maintain eye contact with your audience members.

You do not want to look down or around at the ground, as this will make it seem like you are unsure of what you’re talking about! That said, you also don’t want to stare into one person’s eyes too closely and for a long time.

While it might be nerve-wracking to maintain eye contact with people, you don’t want to end up being rude by making one person feel uncomfortable and chewing off all of their attention.

Depending on the auditorium in which you are giving a presentation, sometimes, you will not be able to see your audience. However, it is important to remember that your audience is unaware that you are not able to see them (as they will be able to see you)

In such a scenario, it is important that you pretend to be making eye contact with the audience members. However, don’t forget to take breaks and look at the screen and the slides from time to time.

Tip 15 – Use Gestures and Intonation to Emphasize Important Points

nervous when giving presentations

It is important to use hand gestures while giving a presentation. Hand gestures signify that you are going to speak and also give emphasis to important points.

The way in which you use your hand gestures can make a huge difference on the mood of the presentation! Furthermore, using hand gestures makes the presentation feel more natural.

Just imagine if you were standing straight in one place giving the presentation. It would feel so boring, right? (It would feel as if you are a robot!)

Thus, movement of hands can break the monotony of the static slides and make the presentation slightly more engaging.

In similar terms, voice intonation can also make a difference in a presentation. By using different intonations, you can make the message more impactful and also show what points are most important to your story.

It is worth noting that body language makes up about 55% of communication! This includes your expressions, voice patterns, body movement, hand gestures, etc.

Thus, it is very important for you to use your hands when giving presentations along with modulations in your voice.

Tip 16 – Don’t Be Afraid to Pause during the Presentation

There will be times during the presentation that you perhaps either forget what to say or you will need some time to think about what you say next.

It is okay to take a small pause at such a moment. Don’t be afraid.

Taking a pause during a presentation may seem like it will make you look nervous, but the opposite is true. People are more likely to see that you are taking a moment as a chance to collect yourself and give them time for their thoughts to be shared.

Just make sure that you keep the pause to no longer than about 5 seconds! Obviously, you don’t need to time yourself for that.

Furthermore, you might think that 5 seconds is just a small amount of time, but in reality, when you are on stage, 5 seconds can feel like an eternity!

So, if you feel like you have taken too long of a pause, don’t worry, you probably haven’t!

Tip 17 – Don’t Move Around Too Much on the Stage

If you are like me and feel nervous when giving a presentation, you probably also have a hard time standing at one spot! You can move around when giving a presentation, but keep it smooth! Be mindful of your movements on stage.

Pro Tip! If you move around on the stage while giving the presentation, make sure that you stop walking when you want to emphasize a certain point! This has a greater impact on your audience.

When presenting, it is okay to move around the stage but try not to walk too fast or in an abrupt pattern that can distract and make you feel more nervous!

Also, you don’t want to be moving around on the stage too much. This can also equally easily distract your audience members!

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Credit to Matthew Osborn for the featured image of this article



Coping with Presentation Nerves

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It is entirely natural to feel nervous before making a presentation.

Many seasoned teachers, lecturers and other presenters feel nervous beforehand despite having given hundreds of presentations. The same is true of actors and actresses, celebrities, politicians, preachers and other people working in the media or in the public eye.

Being nervous is not a problem or a weakness, you just need to channel your nervous energy wisely. On the other hand, being over-confident and not nervous could be a weakness!

The symptoms of nerves (or stage fright) can include "butterflies" or a queasy feeling in your stomach, sweaty palms, a dry throat and the panic that your mind has gone blank about your opening lines.

Fortunately, there are some tried and tested strategies and techniques to manage your nerves so that you can concentrate on delivering an effective and engaging presentation.

These techniques will not get rid of your nerves; instead they will help you to use your nervous energy to your advantage. When you are in a heightened state from the adrenaline that is being pumped around your body, you can use that energy to communicate enthusiastically, convincingly, and passionately. The key is to decrease your level of nervousness so you can focus your energy on these positive activities, not on trying to control your nerves.

Managing Presentation Nerves

Leading up to the presentation.

It is essential to always be well prepared and well-rehearsed in order to feel confident.

Do not fixate on the presentation delivery at the expense of good preparation. 

Spend time preparing, good preparation, knowing your subject well, and knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it, will boost your confidence and help reduce your nerves. 

Think of a presentation like an iceberg: what your audience sees - the delivery - is a small percentage of the whole.  What goes on out of sight, the planning and preparation, should make up the bulk of the work.

Read our Presentation Skills pages for tips and advice on how to best prepare for your presentation, starting with: What is a Presentation?

Practice your presentation; rehearse to family, friends or just in front of a mirror. Listen to any feedback. Check your timings, speak slowly and think about the types of questions that your audience may have.

If possible visit the presentation venue before the event to see the room layout and check what facilities are available. This will help ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day and help you visualise giving your presentation, which can help reduce feelings of nervousness.

Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

Nervousness can be heightened if you're not feeling 100%.

Avoid alcohol the night before and on the day of your presentation. Reduce or avoid your caffeine intake from coffee, tea and other sources.

Try to engage in some exercise the day before your presentation. This will not only release endorphins, which make you feel better, but exercise will also make it more likely that you'll sleep well and feel more refreshed on the day of your presentation.

See our pages The Importance of Exercise and The Importance of Sleep for more information.

Eat healthy. If you're feeling nervous then you may not feel like eating. However eating something healthy, fruit and vegetables are always good choices, will make you feel better and give you the energy you need to get through presentation day.

Immediately before the presentation

When you feel nervous immediately before a presentation, the following strategies and exercises should help you:

Practice Deep Breathing

Adrenalin causes your breathing to shallow. By deliberately breathing deeply, your brain will get the oxygen it needs and the slower pace will trick your body into believing you are calmer. This also helps with voice quivers, which can occur when your breathing is shallow and irregular.

Drink Water

Adrenalin can cause a dry mouth, which in turn leads to getting tongue-tied. Have a glass or bottle of water handy and take sips before you start your presentation and occasionally during your presentation, especially when you wish to pause or emphasize a point. Take care not to take large gulps of water.

Chewing gum before a presentation may help you to feel more relaxed. Research has shown that the act of chewing can increase your alertness and help to reduce anxiety. It is usually best to get rid of the gum when you start your presentation.

Use Visualization Techniques

Imagine that you are delivering your presentation to an audience that is interested, enthused, smiling, and reacting positively. Cement this positive image in your mind and recall it just before you are ready to start.


Press and massage your forehead to energize the front of the brain and speech centre.

Relaxation Exercises

Although you may not feel relaxed before you give your presentation relaxation, exercises can help.  Try the following relaxation exercises, but do not continue with them if they cause any pain or discomfort although remember that you may use some muscles you have not exercised for a while and so feel a little stiff afterwards.

Quick Relaxation Exercises

  • Stand in an easy position with your feet one pace apart, knees 'unlocked' and not rigidly pushed back, spine straight, shoulders not tense, and head balanced.  Try to keep your face muscles relaxed by not clenching your jaw or clamping your teeth together.
  • Now stretch SLOWLY upwards, aim to touch the ceiling but keep your feet flat on the floor.  Then flop forward from the waist bending your knees slightly as you go.  You are now hanging forward like a rag doll - your arms and head totally unsupported and relaxed.
  • Straighten up SLOWLY, almost vertebra by vertebra, as if you were puppet and a giant puppet master was pulling you up by the strings keeping your head until last, when you are standing in your original easy position.

Repeat this exercise three times.

Alternatively you can relax in a chair:

  • Sit comfortably with your lower spine pressed into the back of the chair.
  • Raise your arms above your head and stretch as high as possible.
  • Release your arms to your sides and bend forwards with your legs stretched out and stretch your arms out far as possible.
  • Return to your starting position.

See our section: Relaxation Techniques for more information and ideas of how you can learn to relax effectively.

During the presentation

Many people find that once they are actually giving their presentation or speech they feel a lot better and more relaxed. But it's important to remember to:

Just before you start talking, pause, make eye contact, and smile. This last moment of peace is very relaxing and gives you time to adjust to being the centre of attention.

Smiling is a natural relaxant that sends positive chemical messages through your body. Smiling and maintaining eye contact also help you build rapport with your audience.

Speak more slowly than you would in a conversation, and leave longer pauses between sentences. This slower pace will calm you down, and it will also make you easier to hear, especially at the back of a large room.

Move Around

Move around a little during your presentation as this will expend some of your nervous energy. However, try not to pace backwards and forwards, or rock on your heels, as these activities can be distracting or irritating to your audience.

Stop Thinking About Yourself

Remember that the audience is there to get some information and that it is your job to put that information across to them. Try to put your nerves aside and think about communicating your message as effectively as possible.

After the event

It's important to focus on the positives of your presentation once you've finished. Experience is the single most effective way of overcoming presentation nerves and delivering better presentations in the future.

Get feedback

When possible, ask members of your audience for constructive feedback on your presentation. Listen to what they say and focus on areas that need improvement. Try to see any negative points not as a measure of failure but as learning opportunities for future presentations. Our page on Giving and Receiving Feedback may help here.

Use reflective practice

Reflective practice is a useful technique to help you think about and analyse your experiences and can be used for many aspects of life. The use of reflective practice for a presentation can be particularly useful for helping to minimise feelings of nervousness for future presentations. See our page of Reflective Practice for more help and information.

Don't beat yourself up

Like most things in life, presentations are unlikely to be perfect and there are always ways you can improve. When you get feedback from others and reflect on your own performance, it is important that you understand this and give yourself a break. Think about the positives and what went well, and learn from any mistakes or elements that you feel unhappy with.

Treat yourself

Treat yourself to something that you'll enjoy. Perhaps a glass of wine, or a nice cake or just a relaxing soak in the bath. Something to make you feel a bit special and recognise your achievement.

Continue to: Dealing with Presentation Questions Stress and Stress Management

See also: Preparing for a Presentation | Organising the Material The Newbie Blueprint for Virtual Presentation Success


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How to Manage Public Speaking Anxiety

Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

Speech Anxiety and SAD

How to prepare for a speech.

Public speaking anxiety, also known as glossophobia , is one of the most commonly reported social fears.

While some people may feel nervous about giving a speech or presentation if you have social anxiety disorder (SAD) , public speaking anxiety may take over your life.

Public speaking anxiety may also be called speech anxiety or performance anxiety and is a type of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Social anxiety disorder, also sometimes referred to as social phobia, is one of the most common types of mental health conditions.

Public Speaking Anxiety Symptoms

Symptoms of public speaking anxiety are the same as those that occur for social anxiety disorder, but they only happen in the context of speaking in public.

If you live with public speaking anxiety, you may worry weeks or months in advance of a speech or presentation, and you probably have severe physical symptoms of anxiety during a speech, such as:

  • Pounding heart
  • Quivering voice
  • Shortness of breath
  • Upset stomach

Causes of Public Speaking Anxiety

These symptoms are a result of the fight or flight response —a rush of adrenaline that prepares you for danger. When there is no real physical threat, it can feel as though you have lost control of your body. This makes it very hard to do well during public speaking and may cause you to avoid situations in which you may have to speak in public.

How Is Public Speaking Anxiety Is Diagnosed

Public speaking anxiety may be diagnosed as SAD if it significantly interferes with your life. This fear of public speaking anxiety can cause problems such as:

  • Changing courses at college to avoid a required oral presentation
  • Changing jobs or careers
  • Turning down promotions because of public speaking obligations
  • Failing to give a speech when it would be appropriate (e.g., best man at a wedding)

If you have intense anxiety symptoms while speaking in public and your ability to live your life the way that you would like is affected by it, you may have SAD.

Public Speaking Anxiety Treatment

Fortunately, effective treatments for public speaking anxiety are avaible. Such treatment may involve medication, therapy, or a combination of the two.

Short-term therapy such as systematic desensitization and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be helpful to learn how to manage anxiety symptoms and anxious thoughts that trigger them.

Ask your doctor for a referral to a therapist who can offer this type of therapy; in particular, it will be helpful if the therapist has experience in treating social anxiety and/or public speaking anxiety.

Research has also found that virtual reality (VR) therapy can also be an effective way to treat public speaking anxiety. One analysis found that students treated with VR therapy were able to experience positive benefits in as little as a week with between one and 12 sessions of VR therapy. The research also found that VR sessions were effective while being less invasive than in-person treatment sessions.

Get Help Now

We've tried, tested, and written unbiased reviews of the best online therapy programs including Talkspace, BetterHelp, and ReGain. Find out which option is the best for you.

If you live with public speaking anxiety that is causing you significant distress, ask your doctor about medication that can help. Short-term medications known as beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol) can be taken prior to a speech or presentation to block the symptoms of anxiety.

Other medications may also be prescribed for longer-term treatment of SAD, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). When used in conjunction with therapy, you may find the medication helps to reduce your phobia of public speaking.

In addition to traditional treatment, there are several strategies that you can use to cope with speech anxiety and become better at public speaking in general . Public speaking is like any activity—better preparation equals better performance. Being better prepared will boost your confidence and make it easier to concentrate on delivering your message.

Even if you have SAD, with proper treatment and time invested in preparation, you can deliver a successful speech or presentation.

Pre-Performance Planning

Taking some steps to plan before you give a speech can help you better control feelings of anxiety. Before you give a speech or public performance:

  • Choose a topic that interests you . If you are able, choose a topic that you are excited about. If you are not able to choose the topic, try using an approach to the topic that you find interesting. For example, you could tell a personal story that relates to the topic as a way to introduce your speech. This will ensure that you are engaged in your topic and motivated to research and prepare. When you present, others will feel your enthusiasm and be interested in what you have to say.
  • Become familiar with the venue . Ideally, visit the conference room, classroom, auditorium, or banquet hall where you will be presenting before you give your speech. If possible, try practicing at least once in the environment that you will be speaking in. Being familiar with the venue and knowing where needed audio-visual components are ahead of time will mean one less thing to worry about at the time of your speech.
  • Ask for accommodations . Accommodations are changes to your work environment that help you to manage your anxiety. This might mean asking for a podium, having a pitcher of ice water handy, bringing in audiovisual equipment, or even choosing to stay seated if appropriate. If you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), you may be eligible for these through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Don’t script it . Have you ever sat through a speech where someone read from a prepared script word for word? You probably don’t recall much of what was said. Instead, prepare a list of key points on paper or notecards that you can refer to.
  • Develop a routine . Put together a routine for managing anxiety on the day of a speech or presentation. This routine should help to put you in the proper frame of mind and allow you to maintain a relaxed state. An example might be exercising or practicing meditation on the morning of a speech.

Practice and Visualization

Even people who are comfortable speaking in public rehearse their speeches many times to get them right. Practicing your speech 10, 20, or even 30 times will give you confidence in your ability to deliver.

If your talk has a time limit, time yourself during practice runs and adjust your content as needed to fit within the time that you have. Lots of practice will help boost your self-confidence .

  • Prepare for difficult questions . Before your presentation, try to anticipate hard questions and critical comments that might arise, and prepare responses ahead of time. Deal with a difficult audience member by paying them a compliment or finding something that you can agree on. Say something like, “Thanks for that important question” or “I really appreciate your comment.” Convey that you are open-minded and relaxed. If you don’t know how to answer the question, say you will look into it.
  • Get some perspective . During a practice run, speak in front of a mirror or record yourself on a smartphone. Make note of how you appear and identify any nervous habits to avoid. This step is best done after you have received therapy or medication to manage your anxiety.
  • Imagine yourself succeeding . Did you know your brain can’t tell the difference between an imagined activity and a real one? That is why elite athletes use visualization to improve athletic performance. As you practice your speech (remember 10, 20, or even 30 times!), imagine yourself wowing the audience with your amazing oratorical skills. Over time, what you imagine will be translated into what you are capable of.
  • Learn to accept some anxiety . Even professional performers experience a bit of nervous excitement before a performance—in fact, most believe that a little anxiety actually makes you a better speaker. Learn to accept that you will always be a little anxious about giving a speech, but that it is normal and common to feel this way.

Setting Goals

Instead of trying to just scrape by, make it a personal goal to become an excellent public speaker. With proper treatment and lots of practice, you can become good at speaking in public. You might even end up enjoying it!

Put things into perspective. If you find that public speaking isn’t one of your strengths, remember that it is only one aspect of your life. We all have strengths in different areas. Instead, make it a goal simply to be more comfortable in front of an audience, so that public speaking anxiety doesn’t prevent you from achieving other goals in life.

A Word From Verywell

In the end, preparing well for a speech or presentation gives you confidence that you have done everything possible to succeed. Give yourself the tools and the ability to succeed, and be sure to include strategies for managing anxiety. These public-speaking tips should be used to complement traditional treatment methods for SAD, such as therapy and medication.

Crome E, Baillie A. Mild to severe social fears: Ranking types of feared social situations using item response theory . J Anxiety Disord . 2014;28(5):471-479. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2014.05.002

Pull CB. Current status of knowledge on public-speaking anxiety . Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2012;25(1):32-8. doi:10.1097/YCO.0b013e32834e06dc

Goldstein DS. Adrenal responses to stress . Cell Mol Neurobiol. 2010;30(8):1433-40. doi:10.1007/s10571-010-9606-9

Anderson PL, Zimand E, Hodges LF, Rothbaum BO. Cognitive behavioral therapy for public-speaking anxiety using virtual reality for exposure . Depress Anxiety. 2005;22(3):156-8. doi:10.1002/da.20090

Hinojo-Lucena FJ, Aznar-Díaz I, Cáceres-Reche MP, Trujillo-Torres JM, Romero-Rodríguez JM. Virtual reality treatment for public speaking anxiety in students. advancements and results in personalized medicine .  J Pers Med . 2020;10(1):14. doi:10.3390/jpm10010014

Steenen SA, van Wijk AJ, van der Heijden GJ, van Westrhenen R, de Lange J, de Jongh A. Propranolol for the treatment of anxiety disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis . J Psychopharmacol (Oxford). 2016;30(2):128-39. doi:10.1177/0269881115612236

By Arlin Cuncic, MA Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.

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How to Give a Good Presentation—Without Anxiety or Being Nervous

Julia Melymbrose

Palms sweating, forehead burning, lightheadedness, room spinning, choking on air. And you haven’t even hit the stage yet to give your presentation. Worse than that: you’re probably a week out from the date of your upcoming presentation.

Gasp ! How will you ever be able to give a good presentation like this?

good presentation in progress

If that sounds like your current worst-nightmare scenario, you’re experiencing presentation anxiety. Which sucks, I know.

The good news? There are ways to fix it! In this article I'll give you 14 ways to give a good presentation without suffering from anxiety.

But first let’s establish some ground rules:

What Is a Good Presentation?

At its most basic level, a good presentation is one in which the presenter doesn’t throw up on stage, and the audience doesn't fall asleep. Okay, that’s a very basic level.

On a higher level a good presentation checks off these three boxes:

  • Informative . A good presentation contains all the necessary information and only the necessary information to make a point. Showering your audience with extraneous facts and figures, no matter how accurate or valid they may be, will only send them into snooze-land. 
  • Impressive . Impressive doesn’t mean that you've got to set off fireworks or arrange for Hollywood-style explosions to take place during your presentation. But it does mean that your presentation needs to include visual content to help impress your words onto your audience’s mind. Visual content can be images, graphs, video, or even something as simple as expressive body language and meaningful gestures. 
  • Storytelling . The human mind loves stories. Both oral information and visual expression can quickly bore an audience if they've got no meaning, no structure, or greater purpose. But tie the two things together in an interesting series of events that take the audience on a journey, and you’ve got them hooked by the nose!

If you’re looking for tips and ideas on how to give a presentation that inspires your audience to action, make sure you check out the following guide:

nervous when giving presentations

Or download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations .  It's available for FREE with the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Learn how to write, design, and deliver the perfect presentation. 

How to Make a Great Presentation Free eBook

But you can't easily tell a great story and connect the informative points to your audience, if you let nerves get in the way of your presentation. 

Today, we’ll be taking things a step further and looking into how you can deliver an awesome presentation without letting anxiety or nervousness hold you back.

Worst-Case Scenario Management

The thought of giving a presentation can shoot your anxiety level off the charts because the act of speaking before an audience plays on some of our biggest fears as humans, which are: the fear of failure and the fear of rejection .

Now add to that mix the possibility that our failure may take the form of public humiliation on stage, and our rejection being delivered live from a booing audience, and you can easily see why presentations can cause paralysis by anxiety.

The best way to combat your presentation anxiety, though it may sound counterintuitive at first, is to think about the worst-case scenario. What’s the worst thing that can happen?

You shouldn’t think about this so you can wallow in your misery, but so you can take preventative measures against it and dispel your anxiety knowing that you’re fully prepared.

In fact, worst-case scenario thinking is a concept that’s often used in risk management to strategically plan how to tackle a big problem or major event. And in the case of how to give a good presentation your worst-case scenario planning looks like this:

14 Ways to Eliminate Your Presentation Anxiety

1. think about the audience, not yourself.

No, I don’t mean that you should imagine the audience in their underwear—or even naked! I don’t know who came up with that idea, but in all honesty, it never helps me when preparing for a presentation. It just makes me feel awkward and embarrassed. 

What I do mean is that you should shift your focus from yourself to your audience. The reason you’re so anxious you can’t breathe right now is because you’re thinking about yourself: 

  • How will I appear on stage?
  • What will the audience think of me?
  • What if I mess us up?
  • What if they hate me?

Well, no wonder you’re biting your nails down to the cuticles! 

Instead of thinking about all the ways you can mess up, turn the spotlight on your audience and think about all the ways you can help them by giving a good presentation: 

  • What will your audience learn from you in this presentation?
  • In what ways will your presentation benefit your audience?
  • How will your message or knowledge help improve people’s lives?

Once you start focusing on the purpose of your presentation and the importance of that purpose for your audience, you’ll realize that no one wants you to fail! Far from being there to judge you and see if you’re any good, your audience wants you to give a good presentation. They want to learn something from you.

How can you best serve your audience? What should you tell them? Focus on them instead of yourself, and you’ll feel your anxiety melt away.

2. Use Building Blocks

Presenters often worry that they’ll forget their words during the presentation.

Well, so what if you do? I don’t mean that you should freeze on stage and stand there saying nothing, but your presentation is about the core message you want to deliver, not about the specific words you use to deliver that message. 

Whether your presentation will run for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, or even more, you can stay focused on your topic and keep your rhythm going by breaking down your presentation into 10-minute building blocks. Each building block should focus on just one point you want to make.

You can also visually structure your presentation around these blocks, by using section title slides that stand out visually. Notice below in the  Agio PowerPoint template slides  how different slides stand out to indicate a new section with a bold heading. This simple technique breaks up the visual rhythm of your regular slides and allows you to quickly pinpoint where your blocks are.

Agio PowerPoint Template - Bold headings indicate new sections

Not only does this make it easier for you to remember your presentation than if you tried to memorize the whole thing off as one piece, but it also gives you a lifeline in case you “mess up.” Forgot one point and skipped ahead to the next one? No problem, just backtrack to your previous building block and pick it right up again.

Knowing that all you've got to do is present three building blocks, for example, makes the task a lot less daunting than thinking about having to deliver a 30-minute presentation. And when you hit the stage you’ll be much more relaxed, calm, and engaging.

3. Plan to Pause

Another benefit of breaking down your presentation into 10-minute building blocks is that you can plan your pauses.

Hitting your pauses is just as important for giving a good presentation as hitting your main points is. Rushing through your presentation will not only leave you exhausted and breathless, but it'll also leave your audience feeling overwhelmed and lost. 

Don’t rush through your points, and don’t rush your audience. Pause to give them time to consider what you said and to give yourself time to gather your thoughts and tackle your next point.

4. Prepare Your PowerPoint Early

Whether you’re presenting before an audience at a conference, or before a prospective client, you’re likely to use visual aids such as a PowerPoint during your presentation. 

And the worst thing you can do to yourself is to leave your visual presentation planning to the last minute. Even if you don’t think about it consciously, knowing that you still have to prepare your PowerPoint can add unnecessary stress to the days leading up to your preparation. 

As soon as you finalize your speech, get to work on your PowerPoint presentation and have it ready well in advance so you can relax and focus on perfecting your delivery. 

If you’re looking for cool and powerful presentation templates to complement your presentation, check out some of the best, trending presentation templates on Envato Elements. The  X Note PowerPoint template  is a great choice and one of the most popular for sale on our marketplace: 

X Note PowerPoint Template

And if you need more guidance about the features and advantages of recommended templates, browse through our Ultimate Guide to the Best Microsoft PowerPoint Templates , or have a look at the curated articles below:

nervous when giving presentations

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Ever heard stand-up comedians talk about how they prepare for routines ? Even though when you’re watching them on stage it may seem like they’re just improvising or coming up with jokes on the fly, the truth is that everything they do and say comes as a result of relentless practice and repetition—even their pauses. 

And you’d be wise to follow the same advice when preparing your presentation to minimize performance anxiety. 

Practice, practice, practice. 

And practice not just your words, but also your visual presentation. Practice what you’ll say, what you’ll show, what you'll do, and how the two will come together. 

Practice not until your presentation sounds rehearsed and memorized, but until you’ve so internalized your points that your presentation sounds natural. 

6. Record and Review

Body language can sometimes speak louder than words. Do you appear confident when you present your proposal to prospective clients? Do you appear knowledgeable or doubtful about your topic of expertise? Do you come off as friendly and approachable or stuck up and conceited? 

You don’t have to wonder about those things or worse worry about them. Take action and clear your doubts. Record yourself on your phone or camera and see how you look giving your presentation. Go over your recording and make notes for improvement.

If possible, ask some friends or colleagues over to act as your audience. Or practice in an open conference room with a group of your peers. Not only will it be better for you to practice before a live audience, but you’ll also have their feedback on ways to improve your stage presence.

7. Get There Early 

Ever got stuck in traffic and arrived late at the office for a regular day’s work? Stressful, wasn’t it? What about running late for a meeting? More stressful, right? Knowing that others were expecting you and that you’d show up late making a bad impression. 

Now imagine showing up late to your presentation. Yikes! How’s that for a worst-case-scenario that can keep you up at night!

Instead of taking that risk or letting the anxiety of that possibility destroy your nerves, simply take the opposite route and plan to arrive early. As early as possible. 

practising speech

Arriving early gives you a chance to familiarize yourself with your surroundings so you can feel more at ease during your presentation. If your presentation will take place at a large event or a conference, you’ll have the time to meet and greet the organizers, other presenters, or even some of the audience members before you go on stage. 

Even if you can’t get into the place of your presentation early (like, for example, you’re presenting a project proposal to a prospective client), you can still take a walk near the building where you’re presenting, relax, clear your mind, and prepare for your presentation without worrying about time, the traffic, or anything else extraneous.

8. Test the Technology

Another benefit of arriving early is that you can ask to test the technology to make sure everything will run smoothly during your presentation. 

Depending on the type and size of the event at which you’re presenting, you’ll have different levels of control and access to the technology beforehand. But asking to run a technology test before your presentation is always the smart thing to do. 

And don’t show up with just one version of your visual presentation on one device and hope, pray, and cross your fingers it'll work. That'll only kick your anxiety into overdrive just minutes before your presentation. 

Always have your presentation saved on a variety of media (such as a USB, your laptop, and web-based storage space) that you can access in a variety of ways should anything go wrong. Have a cable that links your laptop to a projector? Take it along with you. You never know if you may need it. 

Technology can sometimes fail us, but there’s no reason to let that cause you anxiety. Simply prepare beforehand so you can remain calm during any mishaps.

9. Breathe Deeply

Not just metaphorically. Literally. 

Deep breaths have been scientifically proven to help us relax, reduce our stress levels, and improve our outlook on the situation at hand.

Right before going on stage or entering the presentation room take 5-10 deep breaths slowly inhaling as much air as you can and slowly exhaling it back out. The practice will help you relax, focus, and dispel any minor anxiety that may still linger after your thorough preparation.

Feeling calm, centered, and confident, go up there and crush it! 

10. Mingle With Your Audience

Knowing that you've got to get on the stage and speak in front of a room full of strangers is enough to make anyone nervous, even the most experienced speakers. Consider chatting with your audience members before the presentation.

By doing so, you'll not only present yourself as more approachable, but you'll also feel less like you’re talking to complete strangers, not to mention you might even find extra points to add to your presentation.

Another benefit of getting to know your audience before the presentation is that they'll feel more engaged with you, which increases the chances of them paying attention throughout the presentation.

11. Remember to Hydrate

Dry mouth isn't uncommon when you’re dealing with anxiety and it only gets worse when you've got to talk for a long period of time. A serious case of cottonmouth will only make your anxiety worse and leave you dealing with a Catch 22.

That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated throughout your presentation. Prevent cotton mouth by drinking plenty of water before your presentation, but do remember to hit the bathroom right before you start.

You should also have a glass or a bottle of water handy to take a drink during your presentation in case your mouth gets dry.

It’s a well-known fact that a smile is the most recognizable facial expression . Some studies even suggest that people can recognize a smile from 300 feet away, not to mention a simple smile can instantly boost your mood.

The key takeaway: smile during your presentation. This will make you seem more approachable not to mention you'll put a smile on your audience’s faces as well. It'll also make you appear more confident.

13. Exercise

Getting regular exercise is a great way to combat anxiety in general as physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety-related symptoms. Hitting the gym the morning of your big presentation will ensure you get endorphins running high while keeping your anxiety levels low.

If exercise isn't a part of your routine, consider going for a short, brisk walk before your presentation. Some studies suggest that a 10-minute walk can have the same benefits as a 45-minute work so do make sure to get your blood pumping.

14. Avoid Caffeine

While caffeine can help you remain alert, it can also raise your anxiety levels so cut back on coffee and any caffeinated beverages the day before and the day of your presentation.

Try replacing your coffee with a caffeine-free herbal tea, stay hydrated, and remember to eat a balanced diet with proteins to reduce your hunger.

Learn More About Making a Good Presentation (With PowerPoint)

Once you’ve calmed your anxiety and feel confident about the presentation, don’t forget to spend some time optimizing your PowerPoint slide deck. Making sure that your presentation design is top notch will also help you feel more confident.

Designing a good presentation with PowerPoint might seem daunting, but the good news is that there are tons of tutorials and resources to help you out. Here are a few recommended articles to get you started:

nervous when giving presentations

Download Our Free PDF eBook on Making Great Presentations

We've got the perfect complement to this tutorial, that'll help you take your presentation knowhow further. Learn how to write, design, and deliver great presentations. 

Download  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations  for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience. 

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Presenting Without Anxiety

How do you prepare for your presentations before a large or small audience? 

Which part causes you the most anxiety and which of these tips are you going to try? 

Do you have any other ways for combating presentation anxiety before going up on stage?

Don’t forget to check out Envato Elements if you need a PowerPoint template for your presentation.

Editorial Note : This post was originally published in October of 2016. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special assistance from Brenda Barron .

Julia Melymbrose

nervous when giving presentations

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How To Calm Presentation Anxiety

Public Speaking: How to calm presentation anxiety

Fear of public speaking is one of the world’s most common phobias: An estimated 73 percent of people are affected by presentation anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

So if your mind races and your stomach ties itself into knots every time you have to present information in front of others, you’re not alone.

a man giving a presentation in front of a large crowd.

It’s totally natural and it means you care. That said, there are time-tested, effective ways to learn how to calm those nerves before a presentation—and make them work to your benefit.

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1. Practice, practice, and then practice some more.

Most of us are not natural-born orators, which is why it’s so important to practice. Whether you’re giving a speech in person or presenting over a video call , knowing your material backward and forward is essential. Rehearsing in front of a mirror is good, but recording a trial run on your phone or computer is more helpful. Do you move your arms too much when you speak, bite your lip when you’re tense, or have a tendency to stare into space when grasping for the right word? Watching a recording of yourself, cringeworthy though it may feel in the moment, is the best way to assess your strengths and weaknesses and identify areas of growth. Run the recording through a transcription service and you’ll likely notice distracting speech tics like saying “um” and “like” excessively. Asking friends and family to listen to your pitch and offer constructive criticism is another way to beat the butterflies.

2. Write it out.

Worried you’ll flub your closing argument or forget an important statistic? It’s better to reference bulleted notes to keep yourself on track than to read off a teleprompter or quote your own slides. Fortunately, the simple act of writing out key talking points aids with memorization. The more you do it, the deeper your familiarity with the content will grow—and that will help you project confidence and ease when it’s showtime.

3. Put those nerves to work.

If you can’t banish nervous energy, channel it in a positive direction. Exercising a few hours before a big talk causes a rush of endorphins, which in turn makes you feel happier and more secure. To pump yourself up, blast upbeat music, dance with a partner (or pet!), jog in place or make a quick loop around the block, or grin like a maniacal clown until your face cracks a genuine smile. Audiences respond to enthusiastic presenters, so the trick is learning to be your own hype man/woman.

4. Avoid stimulants.

It may seem like a good idea to chug caffeine before a speech, but coffee, tea, soda, and neon-hued sports drinks can actually hinder your performance. Instead of looking bright-eyed and alert, you’ll titter and buzz like a chainsaw. Your hands will shake, your heart will pound, and you’ll feel extra jumpy. Alcohol, on the other hand, may take off the edge but also dulls it. Better to drink plenty of water, which will also help remedy dry throat and mouth, a common side effect of the adrenaline rush that comes before a presentation.

5. Arrive early.

The only thing worse than battling anxiety before a big presentation is running late. Whether you’re presenting in person or on a video call , showing up early gives you a chance to get your bearings. You can test your lighting and sound, chat with colleagues, perform breathing exercises, and, if time permits, do a dry run of your presentation. A quiet room or hallway is best, but a car or bathroom stall works in a pinch. (We’ve all been there.)

6. Just breeeeeathe.

Sometimes the easiest advice is the best. Breathing exercises can work wonders to soothe jangly nerves or help you regain composure if something throws you off-course. Apps like Headspace and Calm walk users through basic breathing exercises, or you can steel your nerves on your own by closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. On the count of three, inhale deeply through your nose for five seconds, filling your lungs with air. Hold for two or three beats, imagining every cell in your body ballooning with oxygen, and then release, exhaling slowly through your mouth. Repeat this five to ten times or until your heart rate drops back to earth and you’re feeling Zen-ish.

7. Picture brilliance.

The power of positive thinking—or positive visualization, as motivational speakers like to call it—is real. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts, the idea being that if you picture something going your way, chances are it will. Next time you feel a crippling bout of stage fright coming on, imagine yourself on the podium or in the speaker box straight-up killing it.

Now that you’re feeling self-assured and eloquent, like a star TED talker, you’re ready for your next speech. This can end only one way, of course—with a standing ovation. Now, go out there and rock it for real.

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How to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

nervous when giving presentations

Your audience doesn’t have to know you’re shaking on the inside.

It’s not easy getting ready for a big presentation. The stakes can feel high, and in our desire for things to go well, the anticipation builds. Fear, anxiety, or even paralysis can kick in. What can you do to calm your nerves when this happens?

nervous when giving presentations

  • AS Amy Jen Su is a co-founder and managing partner of Paravis Partners , a premier executive coaching and leadership development firm. For the past two decades, she has coached CEOs, executives, and rising stars in organizations. She is the author of the HBR Press book The Leader You Want to Be: Five Essential Principles for Bringing Out Your Best Self—Every Day,   and co-author of Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence  with Muriel Maignan Wilkins.

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Eight great ways to calm nerves before a presentation.


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Selling your ideas and your vision is what you do as an entrepreneur. You need to convince investors that what you see in your head for your company can be a reality. To do this, you'll probably find yourself going to a lot of pitch meetings to get your ideas funded. Giving presentations or delivering speeches at these pitch meetings is your best method of marketing your business to investors.

However, public speaking tends to scare even the best of us. To help entrepreneurs get out in front of an audience and wow with their business ideas, eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council offer their best advice on how to relax before giving a presentation.

Forbes Young Entrepreneur Council members offer strategies on managing nerves.

1. Know Your Product Inside And Out

The best way to deal with high-pressure situations or pitches is to simply know everything there is to know about your project and pitch. When you are confident that you have a solid grasp of your idea, it will show naturally. To prepare, put yourself in the other party's shoes and create a list of anticipatory questions. For example, venture capitalists will often try to poke as many holes in your business model as possible. Most, if not all, questions can be anticipated and mitigated through preparation. You can even practice your pitch with friends and peers to get that additional experience under your belt. The more pitches you do, the easier it will get and the more confidence you will have. - Jared Polites , LaunchTeam

2. Think Of Your Pitch As A Play

The best practice is to think of your pitch as a play. Your pitch is a script that you are performing for an audience (potential investors), and you are an actor on stage. To practice, film yourself at least three times before practicing in front of an audience. You will be able to quickly adjust your body language and stage performance from watching your recordings. Practicing in front of an audience will help your word choice and timing. Breathe deeply before your performance and focus on making Ms and Ws with your eyes during your pitch. At each point of the letter, connect with the audience member you see and focus your performance entirely on them for a moment. Refocus your thoughts on the activities you have to complete rather than the outcome. - Darby Cox , Smoke Cartel Inc

3. Picture One Person

Picture that one person in the audience who needs to hear what you have to say. There are way more people who will benefit from your message, but when you picture the one, you feel calmer and ready to go. When you speak to that one person really well, it has a ripple effect on many. They say that your ideal client is like a bullseye. When you shoot for that bullseye, you are more likely to hit the target instead of just throwing the dart into the air with no planned direction. Aim to speak to that one person and motivate yourself by picturing him or her right in front of you when you get on the stage. - Diego Orjuela , Cables & Sensors

4. Learn The Art Of State Shifting

Fixing nervousness before a big pitch or meeting requires a state shift. This is a switch in your mind and emotions. When you're worried about what others will think of your pitch, you're probably in your head and in a people-pleasing mode. Instead of hoping they like you and your presentation, focus on them, on the value you're bringing and how it'll improve their lives. This shifts focus from you and how well you speak to your audience, which is the point anyway! Doing a bit of quick meditation or breath work (perhaps combined with visualization) can help shift your state quickly. Find a private place prior to your talk, then center yourself. Focus on your audience and the value of the content you're delivering. It'll change the game for you. - Adam Guild , Placepull

5. Trust The Content

I speak to hundreds of corporations a year, either at conferences or at private meetings, and I have one trick for being calm every time I have the mic: put the energy into the content, not the nerves. It's easy for people to get caught up in their emotions when they are in the spotlight. By focusing on making the content tactical, informative, inspiring and refreshing, there is less focus on myself as a presenter and more focus on the material the audience receives. - Klyn Elsbury , MK Foundation

6. Meditate Briefly

Public speaking is a common fear and one that I have felt many times. One way I calm my nerves is through brief meditation. Specifically, the first step I take is to find a quiet place— even if it means a toilet stall. I close my eyes to block out all distractions and focus on my breathing, especially noticing how my breath nourishes my body and brings oxygen to each of my cells. I focus on an object, usually a simple, colored shape. If other thoughts arise in my mind, I acknowledge them and then let them gently go on their way while I keep a persistent focus on the object. Lastly, I let my breathing become slower and deeper. This simple exercise allows me to focus my attention and calm my breathing, both of which ease my nervousness. - Shu Saito , Godai

7. Exercise And Take Deep Breaths

Get some strenuous exercise in the morning before your presentation. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you get your heart rate up for 20-30 minutes. You can go for a jog, a swim, a surf session or hit the gym. The exercise helps get your blood pumping and endorphins flowing, which can help jog your memory. Right before you pitch or present, it can be extremely helpful to take a few deep breaths. Just close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a minute or so. Oxygen is essential for optimal brain function, and you will literally think better when your brain gets what it needs. Combine exercise and mindful breathing with a healthy diet and sleep regimen and you'll be ready to perform at your best. You will perform at your full potential if you set yourself up for success. - Jeff Pitta , Medicare Plan Finder

8. Listen To Your Favorite Music

When it comes to being nervous before a big pitch or presentation, nothing quite beats listening to some good music. I have a few different albums that I listen to before a big pitch. It's usually something that I've been listening to for a long time and always something that gets my toes tapping. It doesn't make the pitch or meeting any less stressful, but it's a fantastic way to really calm the nerves. If I can walk into a meeting with one of my favorite songs running through my head, I'm in a good place to really deliver the goods when pitching and presenting. - Yaniv Masjedi , Nextiva

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15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

Banish public speaking nerves and present with confidence..

15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

I've been doing a lot of presenting recently, and I have no problem admitting that it's tough. For those not born with natural eloquence, public speaking can be remarkably nerve-racking.

We can't all deliver the next Gettysburg Address, but there are several small things you can do prior to your next big presentation that will help calm your nerves and set you up for optimal oration.

1. Practice. Naturally, you'll want to rehearse your presentation multiple times. While it can be difficult for those with packed schedules to spare time to practice, it's essential if you want to deliver a rousing presentation. If you really want to sound great, write out your speech rather than taking chances winging it.

Try to practice where you'll be delivering your talk. Some acting strategists suggest rehearsing lines in various positions-standing up, sitting down, with arms open wide, on one leg, while sitting on the toilet, etc. (OK, that last one may be optional.) The more you mix up your position and setting, the more comfortable you'll feel with your speech. Also try recording your presentation and playing it back to evaluate which areas need work. Listening to recordings of your past talks can clue you in to bad habits you may be unaware of, as well as inspiring the age-old question: "Is that what I really sound like?"

2. Transform Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm. It may sound strange, but I'll often down an energy drink and blast hip-hop music in my earphones before presenting. Why? It pumps me up and helps me turn jitters into focused enthusiasm. Studies have shown that an enthusiastic speech can win out over an eloquent one, and since I'm not exactly the Winston Churchill of presenters, I make sure that I'm as enthusiastic and energetic as possible before going on stage. Of course, individuals respond differently to caffeine overload, so know your own body before guzzling those monster energy drinks.

3. Attend Other Speeches. If you're giving a talk as part of a larger series, try to attend some of the earlier talks by other presenters. This shows respect for your fellow presenters while also giving you a chance to feel out the audience. What's the mood of the crowd? Are folks in the mood to laugh or are they a bit more stiff? Are the presentations more strategic or tactical in nature? Another speaker may also say something that you can play off of later in your own presentation.

4. Arrive Early. It's always best to allow yourself plenty of time to settle in before your talk. Extra time ensures you won't be late (even if Google Maps shuts down) and gives you plenty of time to get adapted to your presentation space.

5. Adjust to Your Surroundings. The more adjusted to your environment you are, the more comfortable you'll feel. Make sure to spend some in the room where you will be delivering your presentation. If possible, practice with the microphone and lighting, make sure you understand the seating, and be aware of any distractions potentially posed by the venue (e.g., a noisy road outside).

6. Meet and Greet. Do your best to chat with people before your presentation . Talking with audiences makes you seem more likeable and approachable. Ask event attendees questions and take in their responses. They may even give you some inspiration to weave into your talk.

7. Use Positive Visualization. Whether or not you consider yourself a master of Zen, know that plenty of studies have proven the effectiveness of positive visualization . When we imagine a positive outcome to a scenario in our mind, it's more likely to play out the way we envision.

Instead of thinking "I'm going to be terrible out there" and visualizing yourself throwing up mid-presentation, imagine yourself getting tons of laughs while presenting with the enthusiasm of Jimmy Fallon and the poise of Audrey Hepburn (the charm of George Clooney wouldn't hurt either). Positive thoughts can be incredibly effective-give them a shot.

8. Take Deep Breaths. The go-to advice for jitters has truth to it. When we're nervous, our muscles tighten-you may even catch yourself holding your breath. Instead, go ahead and take those deep breaths to get oxygen to your brain and relax your body.

9. Smile. Smiling increases endorphins, replacing anxiety with calm and making you feel good about your presentation. Smiling also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd. Just don't overdue it-no one enjoys the maniacal clown look.

10. Exercise . Exercise earlier in the day prior to your presentation to boost endorphins, which will help alleviate anxiety. Better pre-register for that Zumba class!

11. Work on Your Pauses. When you're nervous, it's easy to speed up your speech and end up talking too fast, which in turn causes you to run out of breath, get more nervous, and panic! Ahh!

Don't be afraid to slow down and use pauses in your speech. Pausing can be used to emphasize certain points and to help your talk feel more conversational. If you feel yourself losing control of your pacing, just take a nice pause and keep cool.

12. Use a Power Stance. Practicing confident body language is another way to boost your pre-presentation jitters. When your body is physically demonstrating confidence, your mind will follow suit. While you don't want to be jutting out your chest in an alpha gorilla pose all afternoon (somebody enjoyed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes a bit too much), studies have shown that using power stances a few minutes before giving a talk (or heading to a nerve-racking interview) creates a lasting sense of confidence and assurance. Whatever you do, don't sit-sitting is passive. Standing or walking a bit will help you harness those stomach bats (isn't that more appropriate than butterflies?). Before you go on stage, strike your best Power Ranger stance and hold your head high!

13. Drink Water. Dry mouth is a common result of anxiety. Prevent cottonmouth blues by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water before your talk (just don't forget to hit the bathroom before starting). Keep a bottle of water at arm's reach while presenting in case you get dry mouth while chatting up a storm. It also provides a solid object to hurl at potential hecklers. (That'll show 'em.)

14. Join Toastmasters. Toastmaster clubs are groups across the country (and the world) dedicated to helping members improve their public speaking skills . Groups get together during lunch or after work to take turns delivering short talks on a chosen topic. The more you present, the better you'll be, so consider joining a Toastmaster club to become a top-notch orator. Just don't forget, it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Bread).

15. Don't Fight the Fear. Accept your fear rather than trying to fight it. Getting yourself worked up by wondering if people will notice your nervousness will only intensify your anxiety. Remember, those jitters aren't all bad-harness that nervous energy and transform it into positive enthusiasm and you'll be golden. We salute you, O Captain! My Captain!

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David Burkus

How to Deal with Nerves Before a Presentation

Stop telling yourself to calm down..

Posted February 26, 2019

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There are a lot of situations that produce anxiety , but giving a presentation is quite possibly the most nerve-wracking of the professional workplace. it could be a presentation in a small meeting, or a pitch to the board, or an address to the whole company or a keynote speech at a conference. Whatever it is, standing in front of others and hoping you don’t forget your lines…or say them wrong…is a recipe for a high level of anxiety.

I get asked about nerves often because, well, most of my job is giving speeches . So, inevitably while I’m waiting backstage someone will ask, “Are you nervous? Do you still get nervous?” Or some variation of that question. And I reply the exact same thing every time.

I say no: I’m excited.

It’s not boastful; it’s actually me trying to hack my own psychology. Sure I get butterflies in my stomach, but I learned how to reframe them. A recent study by Alison Woods Burns of the Harvard Business School that looked at anxiety-producing situations and the best strategies to deal with them. Burns divided study participants into two groups and then exposed them to an anxiety-producing situation. She used a range of different situations, from singing karaoke to giving a presentation.

To the first group, she asked them to repeat the affirmation “I am calm” to try and soothe the participants' anxiety. She gave an affirmation to the second group, but it was very different: I am excited.

When she checked in after the fact, the “I am excited” group dramatically outperformed the “I am calm” group. They appeared to have a better experience. They actually felt like some of their anxiety lifted. And they gave a better presentation or sung better karaoke.

The theory behind why this works is that when you’re nervous, you feel a certain way. There are butterflies in your stomach. There’s a little shake to your hands. And if you try and calm yourself or lie to yourself and say you are calm, it's obvious that the affirmation doesn’t match your feelings. But nervousness and excitement feel very similar: Same butterflies. Same shake. Just a different way of understanding what your body is feeling. So you can re-frame the same sensation not as anxiety but as excitement. Excitement to get your message out into the world.

To push it even further, let’s be frank: If you knew you were going to give a terrible presentation then you wouldn’t be feeling nervousness, anyway. You’d be feeling dread. So the fact that you’re feeling nervousness means that there is a potential positive outcome. And that positive outcome is what you should focus on.

You’re not nervous that you won’t get that positive outcome, you’re excited because you can.

David Burkus

David Burkus is an assistant professor of management at the College of Business at Oral Roberts University.

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Frantically Speaking

10 Reasons Why You Get Nervous During Presentations

Hrideep barot.

  • Body Language & Delivery , Presentation , Public Speaking

nervous when giving presentations

Why do I get so nervous during presentations? This question comes to the mind of every person who is about to deliver a speech or presentation. Anxiety frequently takes the form of a fear of public speaking. From mild trepidation to paralysing fear and terror, it can fluctuate in intensity. Many persons who have this phobia either completely avoid public speaking situations or endure them while trembling and speaking shakily. But you can get over your fear if you prepare and persevere.

Public speaking is one of many circumstances where feeling nervous or anxious is normal. Other manifestations of what is known as performance anxiety include stage fright, test anxiety, and writer’s block. However, a social anxiety disorder may be present in people with severe performance anxiety that includes significant worry in other social situations (also called social phobia). Cognitive behavioural therapy, medicines, or a combination of the two may be necessary to treat social anxiety disorder.

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10 reasons for getting nervous during presentations 

The information you need to get started on the path to greater confidence and enjoyment in public speaking is provided here. These are the ten main causes of your fear, along with the advice on how to get over it and, in essence, reclaim your life!

1. Discomfort in front of large crowds.

This is the justification for performance anxiety that is most usually given. “I’m alright speaking to small groups, but when there’s a big crowd, I get tremendously nervous” , is a common statement made to speech instructors. Two tactics will be useful: 

  • Remember that the individuals you speak with one-on-one are also those in a large audience. 
  • Focus on merely chatting to them rather than “presenting” to them. You will be at your peak.

2. Fear of coming out as tense. 

Do you worry that you’ll appear frightened? A lot of speakers do. So it’s simple to suppose that if the audience notices your anxiety, they’ll assume you don’t know your subject. However, the two are obviously unrelated. Don’t you feel sorry for the speaker when you see them shaking rather than passing judgement on their professionalism? If anything, your audience will sympathise with you rather than reject you.

3. Fear that you are being judged by others. 

The hard-love message in this situation is that nobody genuinely cares about you. They are there to learn something from your speech, presentation, or lecture. They want to make the most of their time. Everyone feels embarrassed when they witness a speaker stumble. Therefore, the crowd is actually rooting for you!

fear of being judged by others

4. Previous failures 

Fear of public speaking is frequently an acquired tendency. In other words, you failed in the past, and that’s when the seed of self-doubt was planted. However, if you are knowledgeable and ready this time, there is no need for things to go wrong the way they did in the distant past. Not unless you firmly think it will happen. Instead, make a success plan.

5. Inadequate or poor preparation 

There is no reason you should succeed if you haven’t done your research, which includes understanding your target. You are the only one to blame. Being unprepared has a negative impact on public speaking confidence. However, nothing inspires confidence like knowing you’re prepared. Your decision.

6. Narcissism. 

The toughest love message that can be provided to clients who are stage nervous is this. Speaking while exhibiting severe self-consciousness is narcissistic. If you are completely preoccupied with yourself, how can you possibly impact others? Not at all. Therefore, “illuminate” your audience by turning that strong spotlight around. You are irrelevant. It’s true.

7. Unhappiness with your performance.

Okay, I admit that this is a valid worry. But among the Top 10 reasons, it’s also one of the simplest to fix. If your speaking abilities are lacking, you should be unhappy. But frustration may be a great motivator. Get the speech therapy you’ve been considering. You can feel a tonne more confident just by knowing you are a top-notch worker. You will probably become considerably more eager to communicate as a result.

8. Feeling uncomfortable in your own body. 

Why are we all at ease physically with friends but awkward and self-conscious in front of a crowd? If it describes you, read the advice about engaging listeners in the conversation above. You should be able to unwind by doing that. When you’re in a cosy setting, take attention to how you stand, sit, gesture, and move as well. Recreate that organic movement in front of bigger crowds.

9. Poor breathing techniques 

You likely have no idea how to breathe for speech unless you’ve studied acting or singing. More air is needed for public speaking than “vegetative breathing.” In order to maintain sound through the conclusion of your concept, you must also manage your exhalation. The method for doing all of this is diaphragmatic breathing. Additionally, it does wonder for slowing your racing heart.

10. Evaluating yourself against others.

Never do it! Never try to be a “great” public speaker. Your topic or area of interest should be engaging when you talk about it. That is it. The really wonderful news is that you are the only person in the universe who can tell us about it as well as you can. Indeed, you are the speaker we wanted to hear.

Ways of controlling your nerves while presenting 

The dread of speaking in front of a large audience often results from the belief that others will evaluate you when you’re in front of them. Memory is aided by the frontal lobe of the brain, which is temporarily shut down when we are agitated due to an increase in stress hormones. We freeze up and stop talking because of this.

There’s nothing wrong with being anxious; the key is learning to control and go through those feelings.

The following advice will assist you in managing your anxiety before, during, and after a presentation.

Prior to the presentation

1. know your subject.

You’ll feel more assured as you get more knowledge about your subject. You won’t need to refer to your notes in order to respond to queries.

2. Keep order

Spend some time carefully planning every part of your presentation. Creating PowerPoint slides or other visual materials like films is a common example of this. Tell the organiser in detail what format and technology you will use. Prepare your background and space if it will be virtual. This guarantees a smooth presentation and lowers your tension.

3. Practice

You can never practise enough, whether you’re practising in front of a mirror, a family member, or a pet. Request comments regarding your voice volume, eye contact, and body language. If you plan to deliver the presentation through video conference, record it there so you can check your appearance and voice quality.

why do i get so nervous during presentations - practice

4. Think about your success

Positive thinking will become more instinctive the more frequently you do it. Your confidence can significantly increase if you use positive self-talk. Successfully practise the presentation in your brain.

During the presentation

1. concentrate on your content, not the audience.

Your audience isn’t there to judge you; they are there to hear your presentation. They’ll be watching your vivid slides while also paying attention to what you have to say. Put enjoyment of the presentation to one side and deliver it as you practised.

2. Don’t be afraid of silence

It’s acceptable if your mind wanders for a moment. Although the time you spend trying to decide what to say next may seem like an eternity to you, it really only lasts a few seconds at most.

3. Talk slowly

Slow down. You might speak more quickly than you intended if you’re experiencing presentation anxiety. The fact that the audience can understand you will make them grateful, and if you speak slowly, it will allow you time to collect yourself.

4. Breathe deeply and sip water

Your brain receives oxygen through breathing, improving your ability to think clearly. Drinking water provides you with more energy and a chance to take a break.

The simplest yet most powerful approach to calm your anxiety is to smile. Endorphins are released when you do this, which makes you feel more self-assured. A smile will also help the audience be more receptive to what you have to offer.

6. Always keep in mind the “three truths of the audience”

There are three of these: 

  • The audience believes you are the expert throughout the presentation 
  • They support you 
  • They are oblivious to your errors 

After the presentation

1. celebrate your achievements.

Celebrate giving a presentation because it is an accomplishment to be proud of. In addition to your loved ones, friends, and coworkers, you should give yourself a high five.

why do i get so nervous during presentations

2. Take reflections

If you utilize feedback as a tool to help you perform even better the following time, it’s a beautiful gift. Find out what certain individuals of your audience loved and disliked. Remember that mistakes can teach you a lot.

3. Do not criticize yourself

The only thing anyone — including you — can ask for is that you tried your best.

Read this article for more useful insights: 17 tips and tricks to stop shaking and ease your anxiety during a speech

Final words 

It’s totally normal to experience performance anxiety feelings occasionally. In actuality, many people shy away from public speaking. But the more you encounter these kinds of circumstances, the more at ease you’ll feel.

Concentrating on your sentiments will only make matters worse if you become apprehensive when giving a presentation. To combat your nerves, consider your talk as an act of kindness: You’re giving something valuable to other people. Research has shown that being kind and generous lowers our stress levels. 

When you are putting together the presentation, use this frame. Start with some reflection rather than with your topic. Who will be in the room, you could ask? What are they expecting of me? Create a presentation that specifically answers those demands. 

Take slow, deep breaths and keep in mind that you are there to assist your audience when you are feeling particularly anxious on the day of your talk. Make eye contact with your audience during the presentation, even if you’d rather be doing something else. Imagine yourself conducting a succession of one-on-one interactions with various people, giving them all the information they require. This attitude of generosity can transform a traumatic event into a giving one.

Hrideep Barot

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How to Manage Your Anxiety When Presenting

Do you get nervous speaking in public? Learn how to mitigate your fear.

January 29, 2016

nervous when giving presentations

Tricia Seibold

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March 02, 2015 Matt Abrahams: Tips and Techniques for More Confident and Compelling Presentations A Stanford lecturer explains key ways you can better plan, practice, and present your next talk.

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    And a friendly face will make the audience more open to what you're saying. 10. Remember the three "audience truths". These include: 1) for the duration of the presentation, the audience believes you're the expert, 2) they're on your side, and 3) they don't know when you make a mistake.

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    Exercise before the presentation. Exercising before making your presentation is a great way to alleviate nervous tension and get your blood flowing. Exercise will allow you to work through the stress and anxiousness so you arrive at your presentation refreshed and calmer. 18. Practice confident body language.

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  6. How to overcome presentation anxiety: 15 mindful techniques

    5. Adopt a positive mindset. Actively work to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, past successes, and the value of the information you're sharing. A positive mindset can improve your self-esteem and reduce the impact of presentation anxiety. 6.

  7. Nervous During Presentations? Reframe How You Think of Them

    Reframe How You Think of Them. When you get anxious during a presentation, focusing on your feelings will only make things worse. Research shows that being kind and generous reduces our stress ...

  8. Coping with Presentation Nerves

    When you feel nervous immediately before a presentation, the following strategies and exercises should help you: ... Many people find that once they are actually giving their presentation or speech they feel a lot better and more relaxed. But it's important to remember to: Pause. Just before you start talking, pause, make eye contact, and smile

  9. Managing Presentation Nerves

    Six Steps to Conquering Your Presentation Nerves. 1. Know Your Audience. Consult your audience before your presentation. The more confident you are that you're presenting them with useful and interesting material, the less nervous you'll be overall. You really don't want your presentation to be a surprise.

  10. How to Deal with Nerves Before a Presentation

    Stop telling yourself to calm down. There are a lot of situations that produce anxiety, but giving a presentation is quite possibly the most nerve-wracking of the professional workplace. it could ...

  11. Speech Anxiety: Public Speaking With Social Anxiety

    Public speaking anxiety, also known as glossophobia, is one of the most commonly reported social fears. While some people may feel nervous about giving a speech or presentation if you have social anxiety disorder (SAD), public speaking anxiety may take over your life. The Best Online Therapy for Anxiety of 2024, Tried and Tested.

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    If you feel incredibly nervous before a presentation, try to convert your nervousness into enthusiasm. Stay focused on giving the presentation and tell yourself that the anxiousness you feel is a positive energy that your body is generating while you share information with others. 6. Arrive early at the venue.

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    13. Exercise. Getting regular exercise is a great way to combat anxiety in general as physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety-related symptoms. Hitting the gym the morning of your big presentation will ensure you get endorphins running high while keeping your anxiety levels low.

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    Teaches Being a Band. Teaches the Power of Storytelling. Teaches Drumming & Creative Collaboration. Teach Creative Collaboration and Fashion. Critical Leadership Training. Small Habits that Make a Big Impact on Your Life. Rewriting the Rules of Business and Life. Using Humor to Make Your Mark. Think Like a Boss, Live Like a Legend.

  15. How To Calm Presentation Anxiety

    1. Practice, practice, and then practice some more. Most of us are not natural-born orators, which is why it's so important to practice. Whether you're giving a speech in person or presenting over a video call, knowing your material backward and forward is essential.Rehearsing in front of a mirror is good, but recording a trial run on your phone or computer is more helpful.

  16. How to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

    Buy Copies. It's not easy getting ready for a big presentation. The stakes can feel high, and in our desire for things to go well, the anticipation builds. Fear, anxiety, or even paralysis can ...

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    Giving presentations or delivering speeches at these pitch meetings is your best method of marketing your business to investors. However, public speaking tends to scare even the best of us.

  18. 15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation

    Positive thoughts can be incredibly effective-give them a shot. 8. Take Deep Breaths. The go-to advice for jitters has truth to it. When we're nervous, our muscles tighten-you may even catch ...

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    And they gave a better presentation or sung better karaoke. The theory behind why this works is that when you're nervous, you feel a certain way. There are butterflies in your stomach. There's ...

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    Don't let stress overcome you during a presentation. Feeling anxiety or getting nervous when speaking in public is normal. Many people feel nervous when spea...

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    Recreate that organic movement in front of bigger crowds. 9. Poor breathing techniques. You likely have no idea how to breathe for speech unless you've studied acting or singing. More air is needed for public speaking than "vegetative breathing.".

  23. How to Manage Your Anxiety When Presenting

    How to Manage Your Anxiety When Presenting. Do you get nervous speaking in public? Learn how to mitigate your fear. January 29, 2016. | by Matt Abrahams. Text Equivalent View Larger. Tricia Seibold.